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Ancient Wisdom: The Republic by Plato, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, And Seneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and Clemency A Trilogy of Philosophers, Stoics, and Sages (illustrated)【電子書籍】[ Plato (Aristocles) ]

<p><strong>This Trilogy of Ancient Wisdom brings together some of the greatest minds of ancient Time.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Republic</strong></p> <p>The Republic is a Socratic dialogue, authored by Plato around 375 BC, concerning justice, the order and character of the just city-state, and the just man. It is Plato's best-known work, and has proven to be one of the world's most influential works of philosophy and political theory, both intellectually and historically.In the dialogue, Socrates talks with various Athenians and foreigners about the meaning of justice and whether the just man is happier than the unjust man. They consider the natures of existing regimes and then propose a series of different, hypothetical cities in comparison, culminating in Kallipolis, a utopian city-state ruled by a philosopher king. They also discuss the theory of forms, the immortality of the soul, and the role of the philosopher and of poetry in society. The dialogue's setting seems to be during the Peloponnesian War.</p> <p><strong>Meditations</strong></p> <p>Meditations is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy.Marcus Aurelius wrote the 12 books of the Meditations in Koine Greek as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. It is possible that large portions of the work were written at Sirmium, where he spent much time planning military campaigns from 170 to 180. Some of it was written while he was positioned at Aquincum on campaign in Pannonia, because internal notes tell us that the first book was written when he was campaigning against the Quadi on the river Granova (modern-day Hron) and the second book was written at Carnuntum.It is unlikely that Marcus Aurelius ever intended the writings to be published and the work has no official title, so "Meditations" is one of several titles commonly assigned to the collection. These writings take the form of quotations varying in length from one sentence to long paragraphs.”</p> <p><strong>Seneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and Clemency</strong></p> <p>Seneca the Younger (c. 4 BC ? AD 65), fully Lucius Annaeus Seneca and also known simply as Seneca,was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, andーin one workーsatirist of the Silver Age of Latin literature.As a writer Seneca is known for his philosophical works, and forhis plays, which are alltragedies. His prose works include a dozen essays andone hundred twenty-four lettersdealing with moral issues. These writings constitute one of the most importantbodies of primary material for ancientStoicism. As a tragedian, he is best known for plays such as his Medea, Thyestes, and Phaedra. Seneca's influence on later generations is immenseーduring the Renaissance he was "a sage admired andvenerated as an oracle of moral, even of Christian edification; a master of literary style and a model for dramatic art.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 106円

忿恨的囚徒:憤怒、敵意與暴力從何而來? Prisoners of Hate: The Cognitive Basis of Anger, Hostility, and Violence【電子書籍】[ 亞倫?T?貝克 ]

<p><strong>「認知療法之父」亞倫.貝克教授經典之作</strong></p> <p><strong>探究最具破壞性的人性陰暗面,看見重新點燃善意的可能</strong></p> <p><strong>暢銷超過20年,授權7大語言版本</strong></p> <p>  ★婚前幽默風趣,婚後輕浮花心?從佳偶到怨偶的心理轉變,如何發生?</p> <p>  ★為什麼政治光譜愈是極端的人,就愈是認為自己是正義的?</p> <p>  ★納粹徳國、紅色高棉與其他種族/政治迫害暴行,都從「貼標籤」開始?</p> <p>  家暴問題、政治分化,國族戰爭</p> <p>  透過認知心理學的視角,看清所有暴力衝突背後的本質</p> <p>  解開「自動化思考」的枷鎖,不做失控的「烏合之?」!</p> <p>**  ?施暴的同時還自以為正義,當心「認知?曲」的陷?**</p> <p>  「認知療法之父」亞倫.貝克教授以其對「認知(行為)療法」的研究享譽全球。在本書中,貝克教授運用該療法的原理原則,進一?剖析人性陰暗面中憤怒與敵意是如何湧現,又是如何為我們的日常生活帶來破壞性的後果。</p> <p>  透過深入淺出的案例,?會發現:原來從夫妻爭執到家暴事件,到種族滅?和國際戰爭等,所有人類社會中會出現的暴力行為,其基本構成都與我們日常生活中的挫折反應,有著相同的認知運作模式。</p> <p>**  ?族群矛盾激化的當代,追尋和平進?願景的必讀之作**</p> <p>  </p> <p>  除了日常生活中難免的人際衝突,隨著網路操作而愈發激化的政治與社會議題,種種仇恨現象在社群網站或新聞媒體上?見不鮮。烏俄戰爭與新納粹問題,美國的BLM運動與各類種族?視爭議,在在顯示這世界並不如我們所想的和平。</p> <p>  </p> <p>  本書運用認知心理學,剖析仇恨、敵意與暴力背後的真實動機,出版至今超過二十年,但從來不曾過時。</p> <p>  《忿恨的囚徒》將徹底改變我們對各種形式的暴力的看法,並為解決這些關鍵問題提供一個堅實的框架!</p> <p> ** 【重新梳理認知,讓大腦不再被憤怒、敵意與仇恨?架!】**</p> <p>  ?別人的亮眼表現,總是容易讓?感到難堪?小心大腦「敵對框架」的陷?!(見第一章)</p> <p>  </p> <p>  ?面對打針的皮肉之苦,幼兒會?打哭鬧,大人則稍感焦慮,差別在於對事件意義的解讀。(見第三章)</p> <p>  ?伴侶詢問購物選擇或請求協助,芝麻小事卻讓我們一秒暴怒?因為我們懷抱錯誤信念而不自知。(見第五章)</p> <p>  ?儘管有個體差異,暴力行為不盡相同,但施暴者們往往都覺得自己才是受害者。(見第八章)</p> <p>  ?檢討性侵受害者的衣著為什麼不對?因為這種「文化迷思」只是為施暴者提供合理自身行為的藉口。(見第八章)</p> <p>  ?最慘烈的「藍緑惡鬥」或許發生在西元六世紀的君士坦丁堡,支持藍緑兩隊賽車手的群?在競技場激烈鬥毆,上萬人傷亡,城市大片區域焚毀。(見第九章)</p> <p>  ?與施暴者認為自己是受害者相同,國家間的戰爭為了師出有名,領導者容易對國民宣傳自己的國家如何受害、敵國如何強大與邪惡。(見第十一章)</p> <p>  ?要想讓世界更加和平,宣揚道徳有時會有反效果,波士尼亞大屠殺中,行凶者在錯誤信念影響下反而認為自己在伸張正義。我們更需要的其實是同理心。(見第十二章)</p> <p>  ?運用認知心理學的策略,仔細識別事件的意義,思考?一種解釋,修正自己的信念,?可以不用愈想愈氣!(見第十三章)</p> <p><strong>本書特色</strong></p> <p>  ★「認知療法之父」將認知療法拓展到社會問題的經典鉅作</p> <p>  ★出版二十餘年,在族群分化益發激烈的當代依然切中時弊</p> <p>  ★深入淺出,援引臨床與?史案例,感同身受更能身體力行</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,543円

All of Me Stories of Love, Anger, and the Female Body【電子書籍】[ Laurie Penny ]

<p>With women's anger, empowerment, and the critical importance of intersectional feminism taking centre stage in much of the dialogue happening in feminist spaces right now, an anthology like this has never been more important. The voices in this collection of essays and interviews offer perspectives and experiences that help women find common ground, unity, and allyship. Through personal essays and interviews about what it is like to live as a woman (cis + trans) in this modern world - with all of our love, anger, complexities, and desires for justice - All of Me: Stories of Love, Anger, and the Female Body includes vulnerable, painful truths and bold inspiration. This anthology is for seasoned feminists and young feminists alike - anyone looking to find inspiration in radical activism, creativity, healing, and more. This book covers topics of social and economic justice, creativity, racism, transgender perspectives, sexuality, sex work, addiction and recovery, reproductive rights, assault, relationship dynamics, families, fitting and not fitting in, radical self-care, witchcraft, and more. If love and anger are two sides of the same coin, for women there are worlds to be explored with every flip of that coin. Readers will find a glimpse into those worlds in the pages of All of Me.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 765円

Seneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and Clemency【電子書籍】[ Lucius Annaeus Seneca ]

<p>Lucius Annaeus Seneca's 'Seneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and Clemency' is a collection of essays that delve deeply into the philosophical topics of leading a fulfilling life, understanding the benefits of virtue, managing anger, and embodying clemency. Seneca's writing is characterized by its eloquence, wisdom, and practicality, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Written during the Stoic period, Seneca provides timeless insights that are still relevant today, encouraging readers to prioritize self-improvement and cultivate inner peace. His blend of moral advice and practical guidance offers a comprehensive approach to tackling life's challenges. As one of the most influential stoic philosophers of his time, Seneca's work continues to resonate with readers seeking to improve themselves and lead a more meaningful life. I highly recommend 'Seneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and Clemency' to anyone interested in exploring the depths of Stoic philosophy and learning valuable life lessons from a masterful thinker.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Anger Management: Tame The Lion Inside of You for Good - Discover How to Improve Your Emotional Self-Control, Make Your Relationships Thrive, and Completely Take Back Your Life【電子書籍】[ Frank Steven ]

<p><strong>Do you often find yourself filled with all-consuming rage? Do you frequently regret impulsive actions made in the heat of an angry moment? Then you need to keep reading…</strong></p> <p>We can all expect moments of anger in our lives, but for many of us, these moments drive our reality. In a recent study conducted on the effects of residual anger, researchers found that test subjects were more likely to react harshly to certain situations after viewing an anger-inducing video. Anger can sway us against our better judgment, and if left unchecked, it can negatively impact our entire lives.</p> <p>In <em>Anger Management: Tame the Lion Inside of You for Good</em>, you'll discover:</p> <ul> <li><strong>How to determine the real reason for your anger problems. (Trace your negative emotions to their original source and start moving on from the past NOW!)</strong></li> <li></li> <li>Tried-and-true steps for remaining calm even during times of intense challenge.</li> <li></li> <li>How to use your anger to ignite positive and constructive change, instead of pain.</li> <li></li> <li>Fourteen vital facts about anger you never knew before.</li> <li></li> <li>Highly effective response strategies to create more fruitful interactions.</li> <li></li> <li>Must-know tips for surviving a partner, family member or child with anger issues.</li> <li></li> <li><strong>Essential hacks to INSTANTLY reduce feelings of stress in a stressful life. (Cultivate strong self-management and power through ANY life situation with total dignity!)</strong></li> </ul> <p><em>And much, much more…</em></p> <p>As a BONUS, you'll also receive a chapter from <em>The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion</em> because we believe that self-care is a major driving force behind the success of anger management.</p> <p>Even if you're constantly exploding with rage, and every attempt to tame your temper has failed, the extensive research behind this guide can ensure you'll develop total mastery over your most intense emotions and create thriving relationships, unharmed by your moments of tempting impulse.</p> <p>By relying on the expert research in this guide, you'll discover the real reason you continue to lash out, and identify the most effective solution for achieving a lasting sense of inner peace.</p> <p><strong>If you want to access these tools only known to leaders in the anger management field, and finally reclaim your life from destructive emotions, then you should read this book!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 350円

【送料無料】 スリードベア レディース 上下セット 水着 Threadbare scoop neck swimsuit with low back and skirt set in orange retro print - part of a set orange

ReVida 楽天市場店
■水着サイズ サイズ|Bバスト|Wウエスト 6(XS)|約78cm |約60cm 8(S) |約82cm |約64cm 10(S)|約86cm |約68cm 12(M)|約92cm |約74cm 14(M)|約96cm |約78cm 16(L)|約101cm|約83cm 18(L)|約108cm|約90cm ■ブランド Threadbare (スリードベア)■商品名 Threadbare scoop neck swimsuit with low back and skirt set in orange retro print - part of a set■商品は海外よりお取り寄せの商品となりますので、お届けまで10日-14日前後お時間頂いております。 ■ブランド・商品・デザインによって大きな差異がある場合があります。 ■あくまで平均的なサイズ表ですので「目安」として参考にしてください。 ■お届けの商品は1枚目のお写真となります。色展開がある場合、2枚目以降は参考画像となる場合がございます。 ■只今、一部を除くすべて商品につきまして、期間限定で送料無料となります。 ※沖縄・離島・一部地域は追加送料(3,300円)が掛かります。 6,980円

The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict Between the US and Xi Jinping's China AVOIDABLE WAR [ Kevin Rudd ]

AVOIDABLE WAR Kevin Rudd PUBLICAFFAIRS2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781541701298 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Political Science 5,068円

Purity and Danger An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo【電子書籍】[ Professor Mary Douglas ]

<p>In <em>Purity and Danger</em> Mary Douglas identifies the concern for purity as a key theme at the heart of every society. In lively and lucid prose she explains its relevance for every reader by revealing its wide-ranging impact on our attitudes to society, values, cosmology and knowledge. The book has been hugely influential in many areas of debate - from religion to social theory. But perhaps its most important role is to offer each reader a new explanation of why people behave in the way they do. With a specially commissioned introduction by the author which assesses the continuing significance of the work thirty-five years on, this <em>Routledge Classics</em> edition will ensure that <em>Purity and Danger</em> continues to challenge and question well into the new millennium.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,984円

No One Avoided Danger NAS Kaneohe Bay and the Japanese Attack of 7 December 1941【電子書籍】[ John F Di Virgilio ]

<p><em>“No One Avoided Danger”</em> is a detailed combat narrative of the 7 December 1941 Japanese attacks on NAS Kaneohe Bay, one of two naval air stations on the island of O‘ahu. Partly because of Kaneohe’s locationー15 air miles over a mountain range from the main site of that day’s infamous attack on Pearl Harborーmilitary historians have largely ignored the station’s story. Moreover, there is an understandable tendency to focus on the massive destruction sustained by the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The attacks on NAS Kaneohe Bay, however, were equally destructive and no less disastrous, notwithstanding the station’s considerable distance from the harbor. The work focuses on descriptions of actions in the air and on the ground at the deepest practical, personal, and tactical level, from both the American and Japanese perspectives. Such a synthesis is possible only by pursuing every conceivable source of American documents, reminiscences, interviews, and photographs. Similarly, the authors sought out Japanese accounts and photography from the attacks, many appearing in print for the first time. Information from the Japanese air group and aircraft carrier action reports has never before been used. On the American side, the authors also have researched the Official Military Personnel Files at the National Personnel Records Center and National Archives in St. Louis, Missouri, extracting service photographs and details of the military careers of American officers and men. The authors are among the first historians to be allowed access to previously unused service records. The authors likewise delved into the background and personalities of key Japanese participants, and have translated and incorporated the Japanese aircrew rosters from the attack. This accumulation of data and information makes possible an intricate and highly integrated story that is unparalleled. The interwoven narratives of both sides provide a deeper understanding of the events near Kane'ohe Bay than any previous history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,947円

日本映画/ 恋愛奇譚集(DVD) 台湾盤 Strange Tales of Love And Strangers 戀愛奇譚集

戀愛奇譚集 出演者: 姚愛寗(ヤオ・アイニン)、和田聰宏、内田慈、福田麻由子、柳俊太郎 ほか 構成: DVD 収録時間: 約121分 リージョンコード: 3 (日本製プレイヤーで再生不可) 音声: 日本語 字幕: 中国語(繁体字) 発売国: TAIWAN 発売日: 2017年12月1日 ※台湾盤の為、日本語字幕は収録されておりません。 [商品案内] 日本でもモデルとして雑誌やCMなどで活躍する台湾の女優ヤオ・アイニンが日本映画に初主演し、台湾から福島県にやってきた留学生を演じる恋愛群像劇。「感情は一瞬で変わるから、恋愛することはバカバカしい」と考える台湾からの留学生ユーウェンは、異国の地で言葉が思うように伝わらないもどかしさを感じながらも、ホームステイ先やクラスの仲間たちと日々を送っていた。ある日、赤いコートを着た少女ユリと出会い、ユーウェンは心の内を話せる友だちができたと喜ぶが、ユリはユーウェンにしか見えない幽霊だった。ユリの心残りに気づいたユーウェンは、ユリとともにある秘密の作戦を決行する。  3,400円

Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers SANDWORM [ Andy Greenberg ]

SANDWORM Andy Greenberg ANCHOR2020 Paperback English ISBN:9780525564638 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) True Crime 3,168円

The Complete Novels of Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abby, Persuasion, The Watsons, Sanditon, Lady Susan【電子書籍】[ Jane Austen ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Novels of Jane Austen" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Sense and Sensibility (1811) Pride and Prejudice (1813) Mansfield Park (1814) Emma (1815) Northanger Abby (1817) Persuasion (1818) The Watsons (1803-1805) Sanditon (1817) Lady Susan (1794, 1805)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

斜門歪道:近代哲學的驚世起源 Heretics! The Wondrous and Dangerous Beginnings of Modern Philosophy【電子書籍】[ 史蒂芬?納徳勒 Steven Nadler、班?納徳勒 Ben Nadler ]

<p>一群哲學家憑藉理性和熱情,戰勝宗教、王室、傳統的故事。<br /> 一本手法獨特、聰明,可愛又幽默的哲學圖畫書!</p> <p>《斜門歪道!近代哲學的驚世起源》是本?樂生活、?發智慧的圖畫書,講述十七世紀的思想家如何挑戰權威,有些不惜冒上驅逐、監禁和死刑的危險,為現代哲學奠定基礎,帶領人類走進新的世界。書裡的故事精彩,圖畫繽紛,透過漫畫介紹現代思潮誕生,手法獨特、聰明,亦不失可愛幽默。</p> <p>這些備受爭議的哲學家──從伽利略與笛?兒,到史賓諾沙、洛克、?布尼茲、牛頓,從根本改變我們看待世界、社會、自我的方式,推翻地心?與君權神授等觀念。這些思想家追求理性的熱忱多於信仰,挺身而出捍衛自然、宗教、政治、知識與人類心靈種種嶄新卻惡名昭彰的論點。</p> <p>《邪門歪道!近代哲學的驚世起源》生動描繪這些哲學家的想法、生平與時代。隨著這些哲學家在歐洲各地流亡、旅行,?故事的人描述他們相會與鬥智的經過,他們又是如何衝撞宗教與王室的勢力。本書點出現代哲學史上重要的時刻,包括布魯諾散播邪?而被燒死,伽利略堅持哥白尼學?而被軟禁,笛?兒宣告「我思故我在」,霍布斯「危險又暴力」的自然?態,還有史賓諾沙驚人的《神學政治論》。</p> <p>這是一群哲學家的故事,他們生活在哲學史上最精彩的時代之一。這也是他們憑藉理性,戰勝宗教、王室、傳統的故事。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 979円

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A Dream of Death and Magic Chaos of Esta Anderson, #1【電子書籍】[ Sarina Langer ]

<p>'<em>If only we could choose who we fall in love with. I might have known better then. But he smiles at me again, our eyes meet, and I think that I'm dumb enough to have chosen him anyway.</em>'</p> <p><strong>Esta Anderson's life is missing something.</strong></p> <p>She feels there should be… <em>more</em> to, well, everything, and her ambitions of being a photographer aren't exactly going as planned, either. But she's determined to change at least the latter this summer. She just isn't sure howーinspiration has been a bit of a bitch lately.</p> <p>She's also a lucid dreamer who knows her dreamscape better than her actual neighbourhood. So, when one day she finds a strange obsidian void lake in her dreams, she can't just pretend it isn't there. <em>Something</em> has to happen if she jumps in… right? It wouldn't make her feel so seen and strangely whole if it were nothing.</p> <p>Except, that's exactly what happens: nothing. At least at first. But then…</p> <p>Who knew the world was so full of fairies and vampires and werewolves and demons andー <em>Magic</em>? Well, obviously <em>they</em> did, but Esta feels like she's finally seeing the world as it really is. And with that new insight comes all the photography inspiration she's been waiting for.</p> <p>Except the Veiled are hiding for a reason. They've seen war before, and if Esta isn't careful, her enthusiasm and curiosity could start a new one. Some of the Veiled are ancient, they remember the last battle against humanity…</p> <p>And they know just how to turn Esta's lucid dreams into her worst nightmares.</p> <p><em>A Dream of Death and Magic is the first book in a planned ten-book series.</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 200円

DIRTY JOBS: Careers of Danger and Daring (Illustrated Edition) How did they do it 100 years ago【電子書籍】[ Cleveland Moffett ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "Dirty Jobs ? Careers of Danger and Daring (Illustrated Edition)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. If you are curious and excited about the ways in which our brave men did the commonest of jobs with the most basic technologies and negligible safety gears then, this is the book for you! Learn about the lives and daring jobs of firemen, sea-divers, bridge builders, circus trainers and more with this handy book. Contents: The Steeple-Climber The Deep-Sea Diver The Balloonist The Pilot The Bridge-Builder The Fireman The A?rial Acrobat The Wild-Beast Tamer The Dynamite Worker The Locomotive Engineer</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The History of Prostitution: Its Extent, Causes, and Effects throughout the World【電子書籍】[ William W. Sanger ]

<p>In 'The History of Prostitution: Its Extent, Causes, and Effects throughout the World' by William W. Sanger, the reader is taken on a comprehensive journey through the historical, social, and cultural aspects of prostitution across different civilizations. Sanger's writing style is analytical and objective, providing an in-depth look at the reasons behind the existence of prostitution and its impact on societies. The book is a valuable resource for scholars and researchers interested in the study of social issues and the evolution of moral norms regarding sex work. Sanger's meticulous research and clear presentation make this book a seminal work in the field of social history and anthropology. The author's insights shed light on the complex nature of prostitution and invite readers to critically examine preconceived notions about this controversial topic.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Sandworm A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers【電子書籍】[ Andy Greenberg ]

<p>**"With the nuance of a reporter and the pace of a thriller writer, Andy Greenberg gives us a glimpse of the cyberwars of the future while at the same time placing his story in the long arc of Russian and Ukrainian history." ーAnne Applebaum, bestselling author of <em>Twilight of Democracy</em></p> <p>The true story of the most devastating act of cyberwarfare in history and the desperate hunt to identify and track the elite Russian agents behind it: "[A] chilling account of a Kremlin-led cyberattack, a new front in global conflict" (<em>Financial Times</em>).**</p> <p>In 2014, the world witnessed the start of a mysterious series of cyberattacks. Targeting American utility companies, NATO, and electric grids in Eastern Europe, the strikes grew ever more brazen. They culminated in the summer of 2017, when the malware known as NotPetya was unleashed, penetrating, disrupting, and paralyzing some of the world's largest businessesーfrom drug manufacturers to software developers to shipping companies. At the attack's epicenter in Ukraine, ATMs froze. The railway and postal systems shut down. Hospitals went dark. NotPetya spread around the world, inflicting an unprecedented ten billion dollars in damageーthe largest, most destructive cyberattack the world had ever seen.</p> <p>The hackers behind these attacks are quickly gaining a reputation as the most dangerous team of cyberwarriors in history: a group known as Sandworm. Working in the service of Russia's military intelligence agency, they represent a persistent, highly skilled force, one whose talents are matched by their willingness to launch broad, unrestrained attacks on the most critical infrastructure of their adversaries. They target government and private sector, military and civilians alike.</p> <p>A chilling, globe-spanning detective story, <em>Sandworm</em> considers the danger this force poses to our national security and stability. As the Kremlin's role in foreign government manipulation comes into greater focus, <em>Sandworm</em> exposes the realities not just of Russia's global digital offensive, but of an era where warfare ceases to be waged on the battlefield. It reveals how the lines between digital and physical conflict, between wartime and peacetime, have begun to blurーwith world-shaking implications.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,747円

The Complete Works of Jane Austen: Novels & Non-Fiction (All 12 Books in One Edition) Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abby, Persuasion【電子書籍】[ Jane Austen ]

<p>Jane Austen's The Complete Works of Jane Austen: Novels & Non-Fiction (All 12 Books in One Edition) is a masterful collection of her timeless works, including famous novels like 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Sense and Sensibility', and 'Emma'. Known for her keen observation of social norms and witty portrayal of human relationships, Austen's writing style is characterized by sharp and insightful commentary on the intricacies of society in the 19th century. Her novels are filled with vivid characters, intricate plots, and clever dialogue, making them essential reads for anyone interested in English literature. The inclusion of her lesser-known non-fiction works sheds light on Austen's perspectives beyond fiction, showcasing her versatility as a writer. Jane Austen's enduring influence on literature and society is evident in the enduring popularity of her works, making this collection a valuable addition to any reader's library. Fans of classic literature, romance, and social commentary will find Jane Austen's Complete Works a delightful and enriching read.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Counterclockwise Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility【電子書籍】[ Ellen J. Langer ]

<p>If we could turn back the clock psychologically, could we also turn it back physically? For more than thirty years, award-winning social psychologist Ellen Langer has studied this provocative question, and now, in Counterclockwise, she presents the answer: Opening our minds to what’s possible, instead of presuming impossibility, can lead to better health?at any age.</p> <p>Drawing on landmark work in the field and her own body of colorful and highly original experiments?including the first detailed discussion of her “counterclockwise” study, in which elderly men lived for a week as though it was 1959 and showed dramatic improvements in their hearing, memory, dexterity, appetite, and general well-being?Langer shows that the magic of rejuvenation and ongoing good health lies in being aware of the ways we mindlessly react to social and cultural cues. Examining the hidden decisions and vocabulary that shape the medical world (“chronic” versus “acute,” “cure” versus “remission”), the powerful physical effects of placebos, and the intricate but often defeatist ways we define our physical health, Langer challenges the idea that the limits we assume and impose on ourselves are real. With only subtle shifts in our thinking, in our language, and in our expectations, she tells us, we can begin to change the ingrained behaviors that sap health, optimism, and vitality from our lives. Improved vision, younger appearance, weight loss, and increased longevity are just four of the results that Langer has demonstrated.</p> <p>Immensely readable and riveting, <strong>Counterclockwise</strong> offers a transformative and bold new paradigm: the psychology of possibility. A hopeful and groundbreaking book by an author who has changed how people all over the world think and feel, <strong>Counterclockwise</strong> is sure to join <em>Mindfulness</em> as a standard source on new-century science and healing.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,623円

The Avoidable War The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China【電子書籍】[ Kevin Rudd ]

<p><strong>A war between China and the US would be catastrophic, deadly, and destructive. Unfortunately, it is no longer unthinkable.</strong></p> <p>The relationship between the US and China, the world’s two superpowers, is peculiarly volatile. It rests on a seismic faultーof cultural misunderstanding, historical grievance, and ideological incompatibility. No other nations are so quick to offend and be offended. Their militaries play a dangerous game of chicken, corporations steal intellectual property, intelligence satellites peer, and AI technicians plot. The capacity for either country to cross a fatal line grows daily.</p> <p>Kevin Rudd, a former Australian prime minister who has studied, lived in, and worked with China for more than forty years, is one of the very few people who can offer real insight into the mindsets of the leadership whose judgment will determine if a war will be fought. <em>The Avoidable War</em> demystifies the actions of both sides, explaining and translating them for the benefit of the other. Geopolitical disaster is still avoidable, but only if these two giants can find a way to coexist without betraying their core interests through what Rudd calls “managed strategic competition.” Should they fail, down that path lies the possibility of a war that could rewrite the future of both countries, and the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,351円

?不需治療,只需?出口:心理師和那群拯救我的人 Group: How One Therapist and a Circle of Strangers Saved My Life【電子書籍】[ 克莉絲蒂・塔特(Christie Tate) ]

<p>?出心中的話,可以讓人轉化,甚至拯救生命。<br /> 這是一本關於如何愛人與讓自己被愛,以及享受美好生命的精采之作!</p> <p>★《也許?該找人聊聊》作者蘿蕊・葛利布大讚推薦!<br /> ★「瑞絲・薇絲朋讀書會」選書<br /> ★ 2020年美國亞馬遜年度最佳好書<br /> ★ 2020年10月CNN最佳圖書<br /> ★《紐約時報》熱門暢銷書</p> <p><strong>■ 方格正、王意中、有隻兔子、周志建、洪仲清、胡展誥、陳志恆、留佩萱、?天豪、劉仲彬、蘇益賢──合力推薦</strong></p> <p><strong>■ 隨書超?好禮大放送:精采導讀、讀書會討論議題、作者訪談</strong></p> <p><strong>改善飲食失調,只需打通電話給朋友報告自己吃了什麼?</strong><br /> <strong>要減輕恐懼,就在大家面前彈奏吉他?</strong><br /> <strong>對付失眠,只要睡前向周遭的人尋求肯定?</strong><br /> <strong>想要親密的關係,可以先學習?一次架?</strong></p> <p><strong>原來,想要擺?各種心理障礙或改變惡習,</strong><br /> <strong>不需藥物、不需治療,只需有人見證。</strong></p> <p>法學院優等生克莉絲蒂・塔特儘管擁有了一切成就,卻覺得自己被深?的悲哀與孤獨所纏繞,更不用?從小開始的神經性暴食、不斷干擾?的失眠問題,以及老是以失敗收場的親密關係,與在一旁伺機而動的死亡陰影。</p> <p>因?巧合下,?遇見了古怪的羅森醫師,戰戰兢兢地踏上令人畏懼又讓人重生的團體治療之旅。唯一的條件就是:必須在6名陌生人前完全坦白?一樣事情,不容許有祕密。</p> <p>面對這樣的挑戰,還有羅森醫師看似荒謬的各種要求,?開始赤裸裸地剖析自己的心理和情緒,?露自身靈魂的一切。聚會成員一次次?助?放下防線,而?也一??面對自己的恐懼、感受,並體驗到建立親密關係時必須付出的代價。自此,?明白了「聯?」的真義,走上通往幸福的道路。</p> <p>這是一場充滿恐懼、羞愧、憤怒、氣餒、不安、悲傷,到最終重獲與人、與自己連結的旅程。為了接受人類情感關係中的混亂現實,?我需要的不是解藥,而是見證者。</p> <p>【好評推薦】</p> <p>● 留佩萱,美國諮商教育博士<br /> 在?讀這本書時,我對於作者寫「要成為一個真實的人」非常有感觸。我們活在一個強調快樂的世界,社群網站的興盛更讓人與人之間的連結不再真實,而是充滿了比較和展示。要成為一位真實的人,就要好好面對自己ー去面對和感受自己的所有情緒,情緒不需要被?走,只需要一個被見證、被傾聽的空間。我非常感激作者如此真摯地分享?生命中經?的議題,以及?如何在團體治療中,慢慢讓自己成為一個真實的人。希望這本書可以?助?一個人開始看見自己,以及開始分享真實的自己。</p> <p>● ?天豪,新田/初色心理治療所首席顧問臨床心理師<br /> 有些故事使人愛不釋手,便想一口氣讀完;有些故事讓人?繞心頭,更願一次次回味ー我認為這本書兩者皆是!?讀本書,我們將隨著一同見證與重新發現:祕密對生命的?害、勇氣是改變的因也是果、敞開是親密的必要條件(但脆弱不安總伴隨而來)、而允許受傷才能依附相伴??身為心理師,跟著體驗團體治療與生命的?程,縱有部分驚訝,但更多的是感動!我已推薦本書給許多案主,而我相信任何一個重視關係的人,都能從這本書得到共鳴!</p> <p>● 方格正,臨床心理師<br /> 雖然早知道心理治療從來就不只有一種方式,讀完這本書仍讓我大開眼界ー原來團體治療有如此多的可能、原來治療者與個案的關係可以如此真誠。我們時常知道,卻又不?相信的是,親近的關係終將帶來療癒,能拯救彼此的,也就只有彼此。</p> <p>● 王意中,王意中心理治療所所長、臨床心理師<br /> 在團體治療中,精神科醫師或心理師的角色,總是耐人尋味。在團體動力的舞臺上,帶領者如同手持一面神奇的魔鏡,反映著團體參與者的生命,讓他們看見自己如同編、導、演,改寫著自己的人生?本。時而扮演主角,時而轉為配角,時而化身觀?,一次、一次又一次,整合了自己的過去、現在與放眼未來。擺好姿勢,舞動自己的人生。</p> <p>● 陳志恆,諮商心理師、暢銷作家<br /> 很多人都知道心理治療是一對一、個別性的,卻不知道還有所謂的「團體心理治療」。這本書讓?一窺團體治療的究竟,如何運作、如何發揮療效。不只是治療師,坐在?身旁一同接受治療的陌生人,都可能是使?人生蛻變的貴人。</p> <p>● 蘇益賢、臨床心理師<br /> 雖然書裡羅森醫師使用的治療策略,有些?得商?之處。但做為一個故事,本書劇情一邊發展的同時,也讓許多團體治療的療效因子慢慢浮現。我們得以看見團體治療如何慢慢地轉化參與者的生命,一次一次地、一點一點地。</p> <p>● 瑞絲.薇斯朋,演員、好?塢超級?讀推手<br /> 這本令人難以置信的書,讓我在?讀?一頁時都在想:「真希望我二十五?時能讀過這本書。這對我有很大?助!」不管日子是好是壞,我們都需要彼此。請與?所珍惜的一群朋友一起?讀這本書。</p> <p>● 蘿蕊.葛利布,《也許?該找人聊聊》作者<br /> 在諮商師面前展現自己的靈魂需要勇氣,但加上六個陌生人時,這便成為一種信仰行為。在本書中,作者帶領我們踏上令人心碎又令人驚訝的救贖之旅,並在最後證明了這種聯?的力量。最勇敢的舉動,也許就是作者與我們分享了?的故事,以及我們多幸運能見證?所做的一切。</p> <p>● 麗莎.塔迪奧,紐約時報暢銷書《三個女人》作者<br /> 普希金使我想要搬到俄羅斯、《小婦人》使我想要有姐妹,而這本書則讓我想倒退十年,與許多陌生人和一名薩滿醫師坐在一起,赤裸裸地活著。這本不受控的回憶?是我讀過最令人震驚的書籍之一。它將使?想要變得更好。</p> <p>● 莎拉.海波拉,紐約時報暢銷書《關機:回想我藉酒遺忘的事》作者<br /> 這本書深深地吸引了我。真正的轉變並不適合膽小的人,在書中,作者捕捉了?在所有痛苦和歡喜中的演變,以及隨著我們成長而互相見證的美麗。這本書提醒我們:我們受到他人的傷害,但我們也可以被他人治癒。該死!我現在就想加入聚會。</p> <p>● 莉迪亞.約克娜薇キ,《格格不入的人生宣言》作者<br /> 在令人嘆為觀止的美麗和脆弱中,這本書從?到外講述一個身體的故事。痛苦和快樂之間有一段距離,而作者的身體就是這個詞。這本書將提醒?,即使?想放棄,也要回到自己身邊,去做讓?笑、讓?哭,?助?呼吸的事情。這本書將挽救許多生命。</p> <p>● 艾達??胡恩,《什麼我們無法入睡》作者<br /> ?望對我們有什麼實質上的?助?在這本深具治療性的精采作品中,作者講述自己如何克服創傷並找到愛情的故事。對那些遭受失落、孤獨或冒牌者症候群的女性而言,這本書正是一個福音。?辛苦得來的致勝策略,就跟??的一樣?來容易做來難:持續參與就對了。</p> <p>● 莎拉.蓋爾曼,亞馬遜編輯,年度好書評語<br /> 本書展現了從人生低谷攀向正常時,所展現的誠實、心碎和歡樂樣貌。?「這本書讓?又哭又笑」聽來很老套,但我保證??對會在?讀時進入這樣的?態,並進一?檢?自己的生活和幸福??即使?不想。</p> <p>● 《紐約時報》<br /> 作者克莉絲蒂.塔特來之不易的愛與被愛意願,最終塑造了一個直達混亂世界中心的故事,暗示著我們自己的局限和最深切的?望,無論這場旅途將帶我們走向何方。</p> <p>● 《時人雜誌》<br /> 這條坦率的康復之路既有趣,最終也非常令人感動。</p> <p>● 美國國家公共電臺<br /> 作者克莉絲蒂.塔特的寫作,使讀者成為?的見證者,在?為自己的心理健康奮鬥的過程一邊看著、歡呼著???不以成功治療者的身影出現,而是聚會的固定班底,並為此自豪,更有幸?敗一些非凡的惡魔。這本書中有著始終如一的堅定和感激,以及對這群聚會成員的深厚情感。</p> <p>● 《早安美國》<br /> 有趣、充滿情感和見地。這本表現出色的書使讀者深入了解集體療法,肯定會引起轟動。</p> <p>● 《時代雜誌》<br /> 無所畏懼的坦率和脆弱性。</p> <p>● 《波士頓環球報》<br /> 狂野的旅程??完全是人生的真實寫照。</p> <p>● 《出版者週刊》(「星」級推薦)<br /> 令人眼花撩亂的回憶???讀者將被作者尋求真實而持久愛情的熱情和機智所吸引。</p> <p>● 《書目雜誌》(「星」級推薦)<br /> 這本作品展現了清晰、簡單、閃閃發光和智慧的奇妙組合。裡頭充滿引人入勝的敘事,使讀者能更了解自己的生活。</p> <p>● CNN<br /> 這本書使讀者踏上改變人生的復興之路,從而找到希望、人脈和新的生活画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,156円

Most Dangerous Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War (National Book Award Finalist)【電子書籍】[ Steve Sheinkin ]

<p><strong><em>Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War</em> is <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Steve Sheinkin's award-winning nonfiction account of an ordinary man who wielded the most dangerous weapon: the truth.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Easily the best study of the Vietnam War available for teen readers.”ー<em>Kirkus Reviews</em> (starred review)</strong></p> <p><strong>A YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction Award winner</strong><br /> <strong>A National Book Award finalist</strong><br /> <strong>A <em>Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books</em> Blue Ribbon book<br /> A <em>Los Angeles Times</em> Book Prize for Young Adult Literature finalist</strong><br /> <strong>Selected for the Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People List</strong></p> <p>In 1964, Daniel Ellsberg was a U.S. government analyst, helping to plan a war in Vietnam. It was the height of the Cold War, and the government would do anything to stop the spread of communismーwith or without the consent of the American people.</p> <p>As the fighting in Vietnam escalated, Ellsberg turned against the war. He had access a top-secret government report known as the Pentagon Papers, and he knew it could blow the lid off of years of government lies. But did he have the right to expose decades of presidential secrets? And what would happen to him if he did it?</p> <p>A lively book that interrogates the meanings of patriotism, freedom, and integrity, the National Book Award finalist <em>Most Dangerous</em> further establishes Steve Sheinkinーauthor of Newbery Honor book <em>Bomb</em> as a leader in children's nonfiction.</p> <p>This thoroughly-researched and documented book can be worked into multiple aspects of the common core curriculum.</p> <p>“Gripping.”ー<em>New York Times Book Review</em></p> <p>“A master of fast-paced histories...[this] is Sheinkin’s most compelling one yet. ”ー<em>Washington Post</em></p> <p><strong>Also by Steve Sheinkin:</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Bomb: The Race to Buildーand Stealーthe World's Most Dangerous Weapon</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>Undefeated: Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>The Port Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>Which Way to the Wild West?: Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn't Tell You About Westward Expansion</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>King George: What Was His Problem?: Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn't Tell You About the American Revolution</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>Two Miserable Presidents: Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn't Tell You About the Civil War</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>Born to Fly: The First Women's Air Race Across America</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,362円

Code Name Blue Wren The True Story of America's Most Dangerous Female Spyーand the Sister She Betrayed【電子書籍】[ Jim Popkin ]

<p>***An Amazon Best Book of 2023*<br /> *An Apple Book of the Month for January*</p> <p>The incredible true story of Ana Montes, the most damaging female spy in US history, drawing upon never-before-seen material and to be published upon her release from prison, for readers of <em>Agent Sonya</em> and <em>A Woman of No Importance</em>.**</p> <p>Just days after the 9-11 attacks, a senior Pentagon analyst eased her red Toyota Echo into traffic and headed to work. She never saw the undercover cars tracking her every turn. As she settled into her cubicle on the 6th floor of the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington, FBI Agents and twitchy DIA officers were hiding in nearby offices. For this was the day that Ana Montes--the US Intelligence Community superstar who had just won a prestigious fellowship at the CIA--was to be arrested and publicly exposed as a secret agent for Cuba.</p> <p>Like spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen before her, Ana Montes blindsided her colleagues with brazen acts of treason. For nearly 17 years, Montes succeeded in two high-stress jobs. By day, she was one of the government’s top Cuba experts, a buttoned-down GS-14 with shockingly easy access to classified documents. By night, she was on the clock for Fidel Castro, listening to coded messages over shortwave radio, passing US secrets to handlers in local restaurants, and slipping into Havana wearing a wig.</p> <p>Montes didn’t just deceive her country. Her betrayal was intensely personal. Her mercurial father was a former US Army Colonel. Her brother and sister-in-law were FBI Special Agents. And her only sister, Lucy, also worked her entire career for the Bureau. The highlight of her distinguished 31 years as a Miami-based language specialist: Helping the FBI flush Cuban spies out of the United States. Little did Lucy or her family know that the greatest Cuban spy of all was sitting right next to them at Thanksgivings, baptisms, and weddings.</p> <p>In <em>Code Name Blue Wren</em>, investigative journalist Jim Popkin weaves the tale of two sisters who chose two very different paths, plus the unsung heroes who had to fight to bring Ana to justice. With exclusive access to a “Secret” CIA behavioral profile of Ana, family memoirs, and Ana’s incriminating letters from prison, Popkin reveals the making of a traitorーa woman labelled “one of the most damaging spies in U.S. history” by America’s top counter-intelligence official.</p> <p>After more than two decades in federal prison, Montes will be freed in January 2023. <em>Code Name Blue Wren</em> is a thrilling detective tale, an insider’s look at the clandestine world of espionage, and an intimate exploration of the dark side of betrayal.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,684円

可避免的戰爭:美國與習近平治理下的中國 THE AVOIDABLE WAR:The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China【電子書籍】[ 陸克文 ]

<p><strong>俄烏戰爭煙硝未息,中美角力持續升?</strong></p> <p><strong>「終須一戰」快成主流論點</strong></p> <p><strong>再觸即發的戰事,是否有轉圜餘地?</strong></p> <p><strong>澳洲前總理?世界知名中國問題專家陸克文</strong></p> <p><strong>總結自身豐富的區域政治、?外實務經驗</strong></p> <p><strong>對中美兩強爭鋒情勢提出的權威「解套白皮書」</strong></p> <p><strong>ー探索全球最重要也最混亂的國際關係ー</strong></p> <p><strong>ー認識中美競爭最淺顯易?的入門讀物ー</strong></p> <p><strong>第十二、十三任中華民國總統 馬英九 專文推薦</strong></p> <p>中美間的戰爭將是災難性的、致命的和破壞性的。</p> <p>不幸的是,這不再是無可想像的。</p> <p>作為全球兩大超級強國,中美之間的關係是特別不穩定的。</p> <p>它建立在一個文化誤解、?史怨恨及意識形態不相容的地震斷層上。</p> <p>沒有其他國家能和中美一樣,如此迅速地冒犯和被冒犯;</p> <p>他們的軍隊進行著危險的膽小鬼賽局(the game of chicken),</p> <p>企業竊取智慧財?權、政府透過情報衛星窺視……</p> <p>兩者逐日増長自身越過致命界限的能力。</p> <p>澳洲前總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd)研究中國的政治、經濟與社會生活逾四十年,</p> <p>他是能?真正洞察領導層心態的極少數人之一,他們的判斷將決定戰鼓是否會被敲響。</p> <p>《可避免的戰爭》一書?開中美雙方行動的神秘面紗,並對其進行了翻譯與解釋,</p> <p>提供包括雙方在?的全球各國兩強相爭的解套方案。</p> <p>陸克文於本書中指出,地?政治災難仍可避免,</p> <p>但前提是這兩位巨人能?通過所謂「有管理的戰略競爭」(managed strategic competition),</p> <p>找到一種不背叛其核心利益的共存方式。</p> <p>如果他們失敗了,在這條道路上就有可能發生戰爭,從而改寫兩國與世界的未來。</p> <p><strong>【專業人士佳評如潮】</strong></p> <p>作為終身研究中國的學生,陸克文已成為當今對中國發展最富思想的分析家之一。</p> <p>本書聚焦於中國的發展對美國和世界秩序構成的重大挑戰。</p> <p>中美能否避免夢遊般地陷入衝突?陸克文為這兩個大國提供了穩定其關係的建設性?驟。</p> <p><strong>ーー前美國國務卿 季辛吉(Henry A. Kissinger)</strong></p> <p>陸克文已成為中國和西方關係方面最具影響力的西方評論家之一。</p> <p>他以正確的方式、嚴肅看待中美之間的戰爭可能性,並提出一項避免災難的計畫。</p> <p><strong>ーー《金融時報》首席外交事務專家 吉迪恩?拉赫曼(Gideon Rachman)</strong></p> <p>一位老練政治家的明智建議,他認清災難性戰爭的真正風險,</p> <p>並闡明中美兩國可採取以避免戰爭的希望之道。</p> <p><strong>ーー哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院道格拉斯.狄龍(Douglas Dillon)政治學教授、</strong></p> <p><strong>《注定一戰?》作者 格雷厄姆・艾利森(Graham Allison)</strong></p> <p>這是一部非凡的作品,分析了二十一世紀最重要的地?政治關係。</p> <p>它就像但丁的《地獄》,被組織成同心圓,精彩地描述了未來的挑戰和避免災難的及時處方。</p> <p>讓我們真心希望,我們確實能?避免一場如黒暗之塔般籠罩著我們的戰爭,威脅我們已取得的所有進展。</p> <p><strong>ーー第十六任歐洲盟軍最高司令 セン姆斯?史塔伏瑞迪斯(Adm James George Stavridis)</strong></p> <p>基於一生對中美兩國的觀察和經驗,陸克文撰寫了一本罕見的智慧之書,</p> <p>為兩國如何管理其戰略競爭和避免災難性戰爭提供了詳細的路線圖。</p> <p><strong>ーー前哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院院長 約瑟夫.奈伊(Joseph S. Nye)</strong></p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>陸克文 Kevin Rudd</strong></p> <p>陸克文先生於2007年至2010年出任澳大利亞第26屆總理,</p> <p>於2010至2012年獲任外交部長,並於2013年重返總理一職。</p> <p>陸克文先生是亞洲協會全球會長兼CEO。也是亞洲協會政策研究院創始院長,</p> <p>中國分析中心創始主席,致力於政策研究及二軌外交,</p> <p>?助政府和企業應對亞洲?部及亞洲、美國和西方國家之間的政策與外交挑戰。</p> <p>陸克文同時擔任哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院高級研究員、美國國際戰略研究中心(華盛頓)傑出政治家、</p> <p>英國皇家戰略研究所(倫敦)榮譽成員、保爾森基金會(芝加哥)榮譽成員、</p> <p>世界和平機構董事會主席,以及全面禁止核子試驗條約組織籌備委員會知名人士小組成員。</p> <p>陸克文先生研習中文及漢學30餘年,曾在國立台灣師範大學學習。</p> <p>也在牛津大學獲得博士學位,專門研究習近平的世界觀。</p> <p><strong>譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>江威儀</strong></p> <p>國立台灣大學政治系學士、哲學系碩士。</p> <p>在探尋學問的過程中,發現語言轉譯之間所?生的樂趣,故成立亞?山卓翻譯工作室。</p> <p>譯有2016年費正清獎獲獎作品《從人到鬼,從鬼到人:日本戰犯與中國的審判》</p> <p>(Men to Devils, Devils to Men: Japanese War Crimes and Chinese Justice)</p> <p><strong>?富キ</strong></p> <p>國立臺灣大學工商管理學系畢,現任兼職譯者。</p> <p><strong>審定者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>高希均</strong></p> <p>威斯康辛大學經濟系榮譽教授</p> <p><strong>?奎博</strong></p> <p>國立政治大學國際事務學院外交政策研究中心主任、外交學系副教授</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,907円

Confront and Conceal Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power【電子書籍】[ David E. Sanger ]

<p><strong>FROM INSIDE OBAMA’S SITUATION ROOM . . . THE CRITICAL MOMENTS IN THE COVERT WAR AGAINST IRAN, THE STRUGGLES TO DEAL WITH A RECALCITRANT PAKISTAN AND ITS FAST-GROWING NUCLEAR ARSENAL, THE TENSIONS WITH THE AMERICAN MILITARY OVER AFGHANISTAN AND WITH ALLIES SWEPT UP IN THE CHAOS OF THE ARAB SPRING</strong></p> <p>Three and a half years ago, David Sanger’s book <em>The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power</em> described how a new American president came to office with the world on fire. Now, just as the 2012 presidential election battle begins, Sanger follows up with an eye-opening, news-packed account of how Obama has dealt with those challenges, relying on innovative weapons and reconfigured tools of American power to try to manage a series of new threats. Sanger describes how Obama’s early idealism about fighting “a war of necessity” in Afghanistan quickly turned to fatigue and frustration, how the early hopes that the Arab Spring would bring about a democratic awakening slipped away, and how an effort to re-establish American power in the Pacific set the stage for a new era of tensions with the world’s great rising power, China.</p> <p>As the world seeks to understand the contours of the Obama Doctrine, <em>Confront and Conceal</em> is a fascinating, unflinching account of these complex years, in which the president and his administration have found themselves struggling to stay ahead in a world where power is diffuse and America’s ability to exert control grows ever more elusive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 998円

Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War (National Book Award Final MOST DANGEROUS [ Steve Sheinkin ]

MOST DANGEROUS Steve Sheinkin SQUARE FISH2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781250180834 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他) 2,376円

The Art Thief A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession【電子書籍】[ Michael Finkel ]

<p>**<em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BEST SELLER ? One of the most remarkable true-crime narratives of the twenty-first century: the story of the world’s most prolific art thief, St?phane Breitwieser. ? “<em>The Art Thief</em>, like its title character, has confidence, ?lan, and a great sense of timing."ー<em>The New Yorker</em></p> <p>A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: <em>The Washington Post, The New Yorker, Lit Hub</em></p> <p>"Enthralling." ー<em>The Wall Street Journal</em>**</p> <p>In this spellbinding portrait of obsession and flawed genius, the best-selling author of <em>The Stranger in the Woods</em> brings us into Breitwieser’s strange worldーunlike most thieves, he never stole for money, keeping all his treasures in a single room where he could admire them.</p> <p>For centuries, works of art have been stolen in countless ways from all over the world, but no one has been quite as successful at it as the master thief St?phane Breitwieser. Carrying out more than two hundred heists over nearly eight yearsーin museums and cathedrals all over EuropeーBreitwieser, along with his girlfriend who worked as his lookout, stole more than three hundred objects, until it all fell apart in spectacular fashion.</p> <p>In <em>The Art Thief,</em> Michael Finkel brings us into Breitwieser’s strange and fascinating world. Unlike most thieves, Breitwieser never stole for money. Instead, he displayed all his treasures in a pair of secret rooms where he could admire them to his heart’s content. Possessed of a remarkable athleticism and an innate ability to circumvent practically any security system, Breitwieser managed to pull off a breathtaking number of audacious thefts. Yet these strange talents bred a growing disregard for risk and an addict’s need to score, leading Breitwieser to ignore his girlfriend’s pleas to stopーuntil one final act of hubris brought everything crashing down.</p> <p>This is a riveting story of art, crime, love, and an insatiable hunger to possess beauty at any cost.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,872円

Cherry Cheesecake Murder (Hannah Swensen Mysteries, Book 8) A deliciously dangerous mystery of celebrity and murder【電子書籍】[ Joanne Fluke ]

<p><strong>Tensions simmer as the cameras roll, but no one expects the action to turn deadly - until it's too late...</strong></p> <p><strong>In Joanne Fluke's <em>Cherry Cheesecake Murder</em>, Hannah Swensen is faced with another tricky murder case in her Minnesota hometown. Packed full of delicious recipes and</strong> <strong>perfect for fans of M. C. Beaton and H. Y. Hanna.</strong></p> <p>'A tasty treat' - <em>Kirkus Reviews</em></p> <p>Hollywood comes to Lake Eden, Minnesota, just as local baking sensation Hannah Swensen receives not one but two marriage proposals. Suddenly, she finds herself serving up treats for cast and crew, whilst being the centre of all the town gossip.</p> <p>Everything seems to be right on schedule until Dean Lawrence, the ever demanding director with a hankering for cherry cheesecake, demonstrates a suicide scene with a prop gun that turns out to be lethal. Now there's a real body on the set, and a growing cast of suspects. As the filming continues, Hannah sifts through the clues, hoping against hope that the killer is half baked enough to have made a mistake...</p> <p><strong>What readers are saying about the Hannah Swensen mysteries:</strong></p> <p>'<strong>What more could you want</strong> <strong>from a cosy crime novel?</strong>'</p> <p>'<strong>Delicious</strong> recipes, good plotlines, <strong>believable characters</strong>.A <strong>pleasurable, easy</strong> read'</p> <p>'A <strong>homely</strong> series that harks back to the novels of <strong>Agatha Christie</strong>'</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 452円

The Complete Works of Jane Austen: Timeless Tales of Romance, Society, and Wit Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Lady ... Sandition, and the Complete Juvenilia【電子書籍】[ Jane Austen ]

<p>Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Jane Austen with The Complete Works, a comprehensive collection of her beloved novels, including "Pride and Prejudice," "Emma," "Sense and Sensibility," and more. Austen's captivating prose and keen insights into human nature have made her one of the most cherished authors in English literature. Explore the intricacies of love, family, and social dynamics in 19th-century England through the eyes of her unforgettable characters. This beautifully compiled volume is a must-have for any literature enthusiast seeking to experience the wit, romance, and enduring charm of Jane Austen's timeless stories. Among the writers who have approached nearest to the manner of the great master, we have no hesitation in placing Jane Austen. ーThomas Macaulay 'Pride and Prejudice' is the best novel in the language. ーAnthony Trollope I used to think that men did everything better than women, but that was before I read Jane Austen. I don't think any man ever wrote better than Jane Austen. ーRex Stout Elizabeth Bennet has but to speak, and I am at her knees. ーRobert Louis Stevenson Read again, and for the third time at least, Miss Austen's very finely written novel of 'Pride and Prejudice.' That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. ーSir Walter Scott</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 200円