Awakening of wakening


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2614件中 91件 - 120件  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Kiss of Awakening【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Snyder ]

<p>(New Adult Paranormal Romance - A Succubus Kiss Prequel Novella)</p> <p>With one kiss, everything will change...</p> <p>When a mysterious letter arrives from her estranged mother, twenty-one year old Kenna Blake and her best friend, Bree, are prompted to take a trip to New Orleans at her mother’s expense.</p> <p>Cryptic messages, a hot tour guide, some Halloween fun, and a sudden new ability Kenna can't seem to explain are just the beginning of this weekend-trip and the start of her life being forever altered.</p> <p>Will the new world Kenna’s eyes have unwillingly been opened to in the mystifying Crescent City crumble her reality?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 450円

Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】[ Combat Studies Institute ]

<p>In 'Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan,' readers are presented with a meticulously curated anthology that offers a panoramic view of modern warfare and strategic military operations. This collection showcases a variety of literary styles from analytical essays to detailed military reports, offering a comprehensive insight into the complexities of U.S. Army Special Forces' roles in Afghanistan. The anthology highlights critical operations and tactical maneuvers, underlining the dynamic and adaptive nature of modern warfare within the geopolitical tapestry of the early 21st century. The contributing authors, drawn from the elite echelons of the Combat Studies Institute and the United States Department of Defense, bring an unparalleled depth of practical experience and academic analysis to the collection. Collectively, their backgrounds in military strategy and operations research contribute significantly to our understanding of counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare tactics. This anthology not only aligns with military scholarly pursuits but also serves as a crucial historical document, depicting how theoretical military strategies are executed in real-world scenarios, influencing contemporary military doctrine. 'Weapon of Choice' is an indispensable resource for scholars, military professionals, and enthusiasts of military history. It provides a unique opportunity to engage with the firsthand experiences and strategic analyses of top military thinkers in high-stakes environments. Readers will benefit from the depth of expertise and the broad spectrum of discussions, gaining a richer understanding of both the particularities of U.S. Army Special Forces operations and the broader implications for global military practices. Engaging with this collection promises not just knowledge but a profound appreciation of the intricacies involved in modern combat and strategic deployments.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America DEMOCRACY AWAKENING [ Heather Cox Richardson ]

DEMOCRACY AWAKENING Heather Cox Richardson VIKING2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9780593652961 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) History 4,752円

【中古】 The Awakening of Revolution(初回限定盤B)(CD+DVD)/Blu−BiLLioN

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
Blu−BiLLioN販売会社/発売会社:Resistar Records発売年月日:2017/07/12JAN:4529123343444 110円

ウォーターハウス作 ”アドニスの目覚め” 1900年:キャンバスレプリカ 絵画/ The Awakening of Adonis, 1900: Canvas Replica(輸入品

【ジョン・ウィリアム・ウォーターハウス作 "アドニスの目覚め"、1900年:キャンバスレプリカ絵画/Design Toscano The Awakening of Adonis, 1900: Canvas Replica Painting: Small(輸入品)】 ---------------------------【Design Toscano The Awakening of Adonis, 1900: Canvas Replica Painting: Small】デザイン・トスカノ製 製品サイズ(額枠を含む);タテ 約36cm×ヨコ 約51cm (額フレーム幅 約11.1cm) キャンパス(絵)サイス:タテ 約15.2cm×ヨコ 約30cm 重さ;約2.2kg 型番号; DA3241 本物のストレッチキャンバスレプリカペイント 元の作品の色の濃さと微妙なブラシストロークを手作業で取り込みます 輸入された広葉樹またはデザイナー樹脂フレームは、ご注文のために個別にハンドカットされています 写真1は、絵と額縁の縮尺が異なりますので、ご了解ください。 2〜3枚目の写真が額枠に入った実物になります。 この商品は、米国、NYの店舗ショップからの発送し、弊社東京店にて検品後、国内発送しますので、約18〜26日後のお届けとなります。 類似商品はこちらジョン・ウィリアム・ウォーターハウス作 "ボレ113,300円フリュネ/ ギュスターヴ・ブーランジェ 作 128,700円ハーバート・ジェームズ・ドレイパー 作 "オー130,350円ウィリアム・アドルフ・ブグロー作 "天に運ばれ78,430円クロード・モネ作 "睡蓮の池に架かる太鼓橋” 104,500円ウィリアム・アドルフ・ブグロー作 "ストーリー78,430円マックスフィールド・パリッシュ1929年作:キ102,850円ウォーターハウス作壁掛けタペストリージャカード39,600円額入りキャンバス複製画レプリカ ミディアムサイ162,800円新着商品はこちら2025/3/10ポケモンセンター ぬいぐるみ オーガポン(みど7,150円2025/3/9アナザー・グリーン・ワールド 単行本 194,950円2025/3/9ギョロス大帝の創音機械 イラストレーション・ス4,950円再販商品はこちら2025/3/9トップコレクション製 大平原の馬に乗ったインデ68,200円2025/3/4紳士の選択/クロームメッキ製 ブルー・スフィア25,300円2025/2/24ルルドの聖母像 聖母マリア 祝福された聖母 ル23,100円2025/03/10 更新 ジョン・ウィリアム・ウォーターハウス作 "アドニスの目覚め"、1900年:キャンバスレプリカ ウォーターハウス作 ”アドニスの目覚め” レプリカ 絵画 99,880円

The Awakening of Kundalini【電子書籍】[ Gopi Krishna ]

<p>According to Gopi Krishna, planted in every human being is a powerful reservoir of life-energy which, when roused to activity, can lead to transcendental states of consciousness, genius, and supernormal psychic abilities, including Revelation. This extraordinary but little-known activity follows the awakening of Kundalini, which he termed the psycho-physiological mechanism responsible for human evolution.<br /> In the human reproductive system, this life-energy or prana is normally expressed in an outward direction for procreation. But when Kundalini becomes active, prana is sent to the brain via the spinal cord,<br /> Gopi Krishna, who wrote from his own direct experience of Illumination or Cosmic Consciousness said that we are presently in the midst of a worldwide, though often misunderstood, process of evolution to a higher state of consciousness. In this book, he describes how Kundalini works and how it can be activated through meditation and by living a regulated life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,493円

Weapon of Choice U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】[ Combat Studies Institute ]

<p>"Weapon of Choice" presents a history of the U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America's global war on terrorism. The purpose of the book is not to resolve Army special operations doctrinal issues, to clarify or update military definitions, or to be the "definitive" history of the continuing unconventional war in Afghanistan. The purpose is to demonstrate how the war to drive the Taliban from power, help Afghan people, and assist the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) rebuild the country afterward was successfully accomplished by majors, captains, warrant officers, and sergeants on tactical teams and aircrews at the lowest levels. Contents: Prelude to Terror Awakening the Giant "Subdue Without Fighting" Developing the SOF Campaign Top Draft Choices Committed to Middle East Exercises Civil Affairs to Islamabad, Pakistan Site Coordination With the Uzbeks at Karshi Kanabad Uncorking the Bottled Airlift Toppling the Taliban in Afghanistan, 19 October-7 December 2001 Jumping Into the Dark Showing American Power "Look, We Have to Get the Special Forces Teams Into Afghanistan!" On Horseback With Dostum A "Bump" and Missiles in the Abyss 500 Afghans Can Die, But Not One American Can Be Injured Al-Qaeda UprisingーQala-i-Jangi The Karzai Way to Kandahar The Campaign in Transition, 8 December 2001-28 February 2002 Old Glory Flies Again in Kabul Taking Down al-Qaeda at the Mir Wais Hospital Politics, War, and Rapport End of MissionーAerial Resupply in Afghanistan The New War Entering the Valley D-Day ANACONDA From the Viewpoint of Force Multipliers "Good Morrrrning, Afghannnnistan" Driving the Taliban From Power Transition and Combat Operations</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Womb Wisdom: Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine [With CD (Audio)] WOMB WISDOM [ Padma Aon Prakasha ]

WOMB WISDOM Padma Aon Prakasha Anaiya Aon Prakasha DESTINY BOOKS2011 Paperback English CD (AUDIO) ISBN:9781594773785 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 3,168円

Father Sergius A Tale of Spiritual Awakening and Moral Redemption in 19th Century Russia【電子書籍】[ Leo Tolstoy ]

<p>In "Father Sergius," Leo Tolstoy encapsulates profound themes of faith, betrayal, and the quest for genuine spirituality against the backdrop of 19th-century Russian society. Through the journey of Prince Stepan Kasatsky, who renounces worldly life to become a monk after his fianc√?e's infidelity, Tolstoy employs a concise yet powerful narrative style that reflects his mastery of psychological insight and moral philosophy. This novella exists as a rich exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the often-painful intersection between personal desires and spiritual aspirations, rendered with Tolstoy's characteristic depth and empathy. Leo Tolstoy, a towering figure in world literature, was driven by a relentless quest for truth and moral clarity. His own spiritual awakenings and disillusionments, alongside his critiques of the societal norms of his time, shaped the philosophical undercurrents in "Father Sergius." Tolstoy'??s unique blend of realism and existential inquiry not only reflects his spiritual evolution but also engages with the broader intellectual movements of his time, making this work a poignant reflection of his life'??s experiences and convictions. Readers seeking a thought-provoking exploration of faith versus human frailties will find "Father Sergius" a compelling narrative steeped in Tolstoy's profound observations on life. This novella invites contemplation on the nature of true devotion and the trials that accompany the pursuit of a righteous existence, making it an essential read for those interested in the intersections of spirituality and morality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Mary An Awakening of Terror【電子書籍】[ Nat Cassidy ]

<p><strong>Nat Cassidy’s highly commercial, debut horror novel</strong> <em>Mary: An Awakening of Terror</em>**, blends** <em>Midsommar</em> <strong>with elements of</strong> <em>American Psycho</em> <strong>and a pinch of</strong> <em>I'll Be Gone in the Dark</em>**.**</p> <p>**Best Horror of 2022ー**<em><strong>Esquire, Paste Magazine,</strong></em> <em><strong>CrimeRead</strong></em></p> <p><strong><em>Harper's Bazaar</em> 15 Best Books for Spooky Season</strong><br /> <strong><em>The Lineup</em> Best Debut Horror Novels of 2022</strong><br /> <strong>American Writers MuseumーStaff Recommendation</strong></p> <p>Mary is a quiet, middle-aged woman doing her best to blend into the background. Unremarkable. Invisible. Unknown even to herself.</p> <p>But lately, things have been changing inside Mary. Along with the hot flashes and body aches, she can’t look in a mirror without passing out, and the voices in her head have been urging her to do unspeakable things.</p> <p>Fired from her job in New York, she moves back to her hometown, hoping to reconnect with her past and inner self. Instead, visions of terrifying, mutilated specters overwhelm her with increasing regularity and she begins auto-writing strange thoughts and phrases. Mary discovers that these experiences are echoes of an infamous serial killer.</p> <p>Then the killings begin again.</p> <p>Mary’s definitely going to find herself.</p> <p>At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,079円

ワンピース KING OF ARTIST THE ROB LUCCI Awakening ver. ロブ・ルッチ【中古】ホビー グッズ 少年誌 53HASS17261

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【The Lama's Chant: Songs Of Awakening/Roads Of Blessings】Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe Rykiel

商品情報 商品説明 音楽CD、新品未使用、未開封品【The Lama's Chant: Songs Of Awakening/Roads Of Blessings】Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe Rykiel ヨガ・瞑想・ヒーリング・チベット仏教 ☆収録曲☆1.Hope For Enlightenment(7:14) 2.The Mantra Of Padmasambhava(8:19) 3.The Tsok Offering(7:23) 4.Chenresig(4:12) 5.Sacred Words of Liberation(5:03) 6.The Mantra Of Padmasambhaval(11:57) 7.Calling The Lama From Afar, Pt. 1(9:47) 8.Calling the Lama from Afar, Pt. 2(11:26) 9.Medicine Buddha Mantra(7:26) 10.Offering Chant(6:32) お経にゆったりとした優しいメロディーがついています。聞いてるだけでとても雄大で優しい気持ちになれ、癒してくれる、そんなCDです。祈りと音楽とが見事に融合されたとても聴きやすいアルバムです。目を閉じて聞いていると心地よいリラックス感をもたらしてくれ、 瞑想、深いリラクゼーションと深い内側の意識へと誘われます。 洗練されたリラックスできる時間をお楽しみください。 2 1,480円

The Law Of Attraction & Advanced Manifestation Techniques (2 in 1) 50+ Meditations, Hypnosis, Affirmations & Strategies To Fulfil Your Desires- Money, Love, Abundance, Weight Loss【電子書籍】[ Spiritual Awakening Academy ]

<p>Discover OVER 20 Hours Of Law Of Attraction Teachings, Exercises, Meditations, Hypnosis & Affirmations To Consciously Create The Reality You Desire In ALL Areas Of Your Life!</p> <p>So, what separates this book from the 1000s of other LOA books out there?</p> <p>Practicality & Simplicity.</p> <p>Instead of simply giving you the theory and leaving it there, we give you exact exercises, meditations & teachings you can actually use in your daily life to not only revolutionize your reality but revolutionize yourself so you get lasting results that go far beyond what you are used to.</p> <p>See, while manifesting something here and there is great, true Manifestation goes far beyond that.</p> <p>It is about revolutionizing yourself from the inside, so that the 'outside' simply becomes a reflection not only of that but of your intentions.</p> <p>AND, this means ALL of humanity benefits from your growth, as this consciously created reality will come from a place of love and understanding.</p> <p>Now doesn't that sound like a more holistic & sustainable approach to the Law Of Attraction?</p> <p>Its time to discover the foundations you need to consciously create the reality you desire consistently!</p> <p>Here's a slither of what's inside...</p> <p>How To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude With This 10 Minute Morning Meditation (Remember Being Thankful For What You Have Is Key Number 1!)</p> <p>10+ 'Foundational' Meditations For Attracting Wealth & Abundance, Manifesting True Love & Finding Absolute Happiness In Your Life</p> <p>Exactly What The Law Of Attraction Is And Why It Has The Power To Revolutionize EVERY Aspect Of Your Life (When Applied Properly)</p> <p>5 Foundational Exercises To Reclaiming Your Power As A Manifester (And 3 Ways You're Blocking It Without Knowing)</p> <p>The 1 Thing You MUST Have To Have ANY Kind Of Success On Your LOA Journey</p> <p>And SO Much More!</p> <p>So, if You Want Over 20 Hours Of Teachings, Exercises & Meditations To Supercharge Your Manifesting & Conscious Creation Abilities Then Scroll Up And Click "Buy This Audiobook" Now</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 301円

【中古】 The Awakening of Revolution(初回盤B)/CDシングル(12cm)/RSCD-253 / Blu-BiLLioN / Resistar Records [CD]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】

もったいない本舗 楽天市場店
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觀察自己(二版):第四道靈性大師葛吉夫入門 Self Observation: The Awakening of Conscience [An Owner’s Manual]【電子書籍】[ 雷徳.霍克(Red Hawk) ]

<p><strong>奧修讚譽他是世界上最偉大的師父</strong></p> <p><strong>二十世紀靈性大師葛吉夫最基礎的教學!</strong></p> <p>觀察,讓靈魂從?睡中醒來。</p> <p>我們不再是一部機器,一個自動裝置,一個機器人</p> <p>王季慶口碑推薦、張徳芬專文導讀</p> <p><strong>【大師推薦】</strong></p> <p>葛吉夫是一位開路先鋒,開啓了一個對靈性生活的全新觀念。他受到很大誤解。因為他對傳授知識沒興趣,他不想給?慰籍;也沒興趣給?美麗的理論、洞見、幻相;他對?的眼?、情感、情緒,都沒興趣;他不想讓?崇拜他,他只想要蛻變?。ーーーー奧修(Osho)</p> <p>在上膩了各式各樣的靈修課程、對所謂的靈修大師一再失望之餘,我真真切切的領悟到,回歸自己才是最有效的靈修方法,這時候老天讓我?到了這本書《觀察自己》,非常淺顯易?而又好讀的一本書,但卻是前所未有的實際和有效。ーーーー身心靈作家 張徳芬</p> <p><strong>【二十世紀靈性大師葛吉夫最基礎的教學!】</strong></p> <p>透過觀察自己,徹底覺醒,?除不必要的思考、不恰當的情緒、不必要的身體緊張。</p> <p>如果?真實的去觀察自己,會發現?處在頭腦、感受和身體無休止的爭鬥中,有如群「我」亂舞,也就是二十世紀靈性大師葛吉夫所?的「恐怖的處境」。要?離這種處境,《觀察自己》作者雷徳?霍克根據葛吉夫的教導,提出「觀察自己」的法門,教導我們透過觀察自己學習,讓頭腦沒有不必要的思考、情緒沒有不恰當的感受,身體也不再出現不必要的緊張,從對過去或未來的聯想習慣中徹底覺醒。</p> <p>作者雷徳?霍克修習「觀察自己」三十餘年,他是葛吉夫第四道體系的忠實門徒,因為有感葛吉夫的著作大多深奧難?,於是汲取了他教導中最精華、最重要的部分ーー觀察自己,以簡明扼要的語言,提供最有效的實際操練方法給讀者。全書以流暢的文筆、詼諧的語調,提出觀察自己的實際操練方法,?章後面都有一首貫穿主題的短詩,饒富禪意,令人玩味。</p> <p>我們是擁有人類體驗的靈魂。瞭解自己,是完成這項體驗的一種靈性教導。</p> <p>只有當記得自己時,?才不再是機器人或自行運轉的機器。</p> <p>對於現代人來?,面對葛吉夫的教導,要誠實面對自己,需要極大的勇氣,尤其在這個被智慧型手機、電腦、網路資訊等科技?物?架的年代,人們猶如一具高速運轉的機器,注意力總是被思緒、情緒和外界刺激所分散,也更難去「觀察自己」。</p> <p>因此,我們更需要靜下來瞭解自己,讓自己從喋喋不休的頭腦、缺乏覺察的快速情緒反應,以及從需要越來越多的刺激才能滿足的上?現象,清醒過來。只有通過不帶評判的、最為耐心和誠實的反覆觀察自己,才會獲得看到盲點所需的清明、誠實和力量 。只有看到?在的模式,注意到重複發生的習慣,感覺到這種二手生活的單調和無聊,才會去?望一種真正而實在的生活。唯有記得自己時,?才再只是一台不具靈魂,空洞運轉的機器人。</p> <p><strong>【誰是葛吉夫?何謂第四道?】</strong></p> <p>葛吉夫是一個開路先鋒,他為二十世紀的靈性生活開?了全新觀點。</p> <p>奧修曾?,「只有少數勇敢的人,才能進入葛吉夫這樣一個人的世界。他需要極大勇氣,要有赴死的勇氣,因為唯有如此才有重生。他不是個教父,他是師父。」</p> <p>葛吉夫的教學有古老的淵源,以祕傳基督教的方式呈現,他有二十世紀的達摩之稱,奧修更讚譽他是世界上最偉大的老師。葛吉夫所創立的「第四道」修行體系是一門整合身體、感受和思維的修行法門,他將傳統的修行方式歸納為三條「道路」,包括:著重於駕馭身體的「苦行僧之道」、基於信仰和宗教情感的「僧侶之道」,以及專注於發展頭腦的「瑜伽士之道」。第四道,則同時對這三個部分下工夫,讓人的身體、理智與情感同時運作,維持平衡,方法是嶄新的,是適合?個現代人修道的新工具。</p> <p><strong>【國外各界推薦】</strong></p> <p>自從我60年前加入「葛吉夫中心」,我讀過許多英法語版本的觀察自己、自我覺醒相關書籍,但在《觀察自己》書裡所發現的重要觀點,總讓我讀來異常驚喜,這也是我在其他地方從未見過的,至少沒看過能如此精準表達的一本書。許多靈修書讀來雖然有趣,但卻不太有實際上的?助,也更顯出這本書的珍貴之處。ーー法國靈修上師阿諾?徳雅爾丹(Arnaud Desjardins)</p> <p>觀察自己是第四道工作的關鍵,?得我們付出全部的專注力,而這些都體現在這本淺顯易?的《觀察自己》書中。雷徳?霍克是觀察自己的權威,他的書寫亦然,唯有經過長年的修行與學養才能體現這樣的精神。《觀察自己》提供了引導,也提供了極妙的工作方法。我衷心推薦這本書。ーー靈修導師施密特博士(Robert A. Schmidt, Ph. D.)</p> <p>雷徳?霍克闡述的就是真理,他對靈性覺醒和觀察自己工作過程的書寫,讀來既動人又富有力量,讓我禁不住?望能在工作的最初階段就讀到這本書。在第四道書籍中,沒有比這本書的命題還要更好的著作了,遵守它的指引,?一定會成功!ーー藝術家、作家高徳(E. J. Gold)</p> <p><strong>作者/譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>【作者簡介】<br /> 雷徳</strong>**?<strong><strong>霍克</strong></strong>(Red Hawk)**</p> <p>雷徳?霍克是一位活躍於美國文壇的詩人,已出版多本詩集,獲獎無數。他曾是普林斯頓大學的霍徳研究員,現任教於阿肯色大學。霍克修習「觀察自己」三十餘年,是阿肯色州「葛吉夫協會」(Gurdjieff Society of Arkansas)的成員之一,也曾向靈性導師李?洛佐維克(Lee Lozowick)請益,並和奧修學習靜心之道。本書以流暢的文筆、詼諧的語調,以及一篇篇饒富禪意的詩作,闡述葛吉夫這位二十世紀靈性大師所教導的「第四道」。他有多本著作,《權力的方式》(The Way of Power)、《死亡的藝術》(The Art of Dying),並在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)等雜誌月刊發表文章。</p> <p><strong>【譯者簡介】</strong><br /> <strong>孫霖</strong></p> <p>從1998年開始修習第四道至今,曾經遠赴英國和美國參與第四道的修習,翻譯和組織引進多本與第四道相關的書籍,現從事心理諮詢工作。</p> <p>Blog: <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>目次</strong></p> <p>導讀 讓?不斷前進的道路ーー觀察自己</p> <p>譯者序 與葛吉夫第四道之約的開始</p> <p>前言 教導</p> <p>第一章 觀察自己ーー瞭解自己</p> <p>第二章 哺乳動物機器ーー?在運作機制</p> <p>第三章 怎樣觀察ーー基本原則</p> <p>第四章 專注力</p> <p>第五章 觀察對象</p> <p>第六章 左腦是台二元模式的電腦ーー理智中心</p> <p>第七章 盲點ーー進行捕獲和消耗的系統</p> <p>第八章 第一反應機制ーー預設反應模式</p> <p>第九章 群「我」</p> <p>第十章 否定的力量ーー工作的阻力</p> <p>第十一章 緩衝器</p> <p>第十二章 觀察與感受</p> <p>第十三章 我是個?偽的人</p> <p>第十四章 自願的受苦</p> <p>第十五章 智慧的覺醒ーー跳出舊有的思維模式</p> <p>第十六章 對本質的衝?</p> <p>第十七章 模式的轉換ーー無為</p> <p>第十八章 在茂密草叢中的鹿</p> <p>第十九章 良心的覺醒ーー背負自己的十字架</p> <p>第二十章 高等中心</p> <p>尾聲</p> <p>詞彙註釋及中英文對照表</p> <p>誰是葛吉夫?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,174円

Awakening from Slumber The Story of the Soul's Quest【電子書籍】[ Reza Shirzad ]

<p><strong>In the realm where the tangible meets the intangible, where the mundane dances with the divine, a journey unfolds that transcends time and space. Welcome to a tale of awakening ? a chronicle of the seeker's odyssey through the labyrinth of existence, in pursuit of the enigmatic path of the soul.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the pages that follow, we embark on a profound expedition, delving into the depths of human essence and the ethereal realms that lie beyond our senses. As the author of this narrative, I invite you to join me in an exploration of the unseen, a quest to unveil the mysteries that have beckoned humanity since the dawn of consciousness.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prepare to traverse the landscapes of both heart and mind, as we navigate the intricate tapestry woven by faith, curiosity, and the yearning for a connection that surpasses the confines of the material world. Through the threads of symbolism, allegory, and a touch of the miraculous, we shall embark upon an epic voyage ? one that illuminates the shadows, elucidates the unknown, and ultimately guides us towards the profound truths that reside within.</strong></p> <p><strong>Let these words serve as an invitation, an open door to a world where the boundaries of reality blur, and the whispers of the soul become the guiding stars. As we embark on this literary pilgrimage together, may the wisdom contained within these pages inspire, uplift, and kindle a flame of curiosity that burns eternally.</strong></p> <p><strong>So, with eager anticipation, let us turn the page and embark upon "Awakening from Slumber: The Story of the Soul's Quest."</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,133円

The Awakening (The Resurrection) A Tale of Moral Redemption in 19th Century Russia【電子書籍】[ Leo graf Tolstoy ]

<p>Leo Tolstoy's "The Awakening (The Resurrection)" is a profound exploration of morality, redemption, and personal transformation, intricately woven through the narrative of Prince Nekhlyudov. This novel, characterized by Tolstoy's signature realism and psychological depth, examines the awakening of conscience in a society rife with corruption and injustice. Set against the backdrop of late 19th-century Russia, the story unveils the complexities of human relationships and moral dilemmas, offering a critical lens on social disparities and the redemptive power of love. Tolstoy employs a stark yet evocative literary style, utilizing rich symbolism and introspective character development that invites readers into a meditative state of self-reflection. Tolstoy, a towering figure in literary history, experienced his own spiritual awakening, which profoundly influenced his works, including "The Resurrection." Following a tumultuous period of personal and philosophical crisis, where he questioned the values of wealth, status, and conventional societal norms, Tolstoy sought to explore themes of justice and moral accountability in his writing. His rich life experiences, from serving in the military to the struggles of aristocratic life, imbued him with a deep empathy for the marginalized, which resonates powerfully in this narrative. I highly recommend "The Awakening (The Resurrection)" to readers seeking a thoughtful examination of the human condition. Tolstoy's incisive commentary on morality and the possibility of redemption makes this novel not only a compelling story but also a timeless philosophical treatise. It challenges us to confront our own values and the impact of our actions on others, making it an essential read for anyone interested in the interplay of ethics and literature.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

How to Achieve the Higher State of Mind and Spiritual Awakening With Drugs The Psychology of Hashish【電子書籍】[ Aleister Crowley ]

<p>In "How to Achieve the Higher State of Mind and Spiritual Awakening With Drugs," Aleister Crowley provocatively explores the interconnectedness of altered states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Blending psychological insights with esoteric traditions, Crowley employs a highly personal, often experimental literary style that invites readers to question societal norms surrounding both drugs and spirituality. Situated within the broader context of early 20th-century occultism and psychedelia, this work serves as a controversial manifesto advocating for the transcendent potential of psychoactive substances in the quest for higher awareness. Aleister Crowley, an influential figure in the realms of mysticism and the occult, drew upon his diverse experiencesーfrom his extensive travels to his deep involvement with various spiritual traditionsーto craft this thought-provoking text. Known as the "Great Beast" and a pivotal figure in modern esoteric movements, Crowley's life was marked by an unwavering pursuit of personal and universal truth, often through unconventional means. His exploration of drugs and spirituality reflects both his personal experimentation and his challenge to conventional religious paradigms. This book is essential for those interested in the intersection of spirituality and psychedelics, offering a radical perspective that encourages readers to expand their understanding of consciousness. It's a compelling read for scholars, practitioners, and curious minds alike, inviting an open dialogue on the potential of drugs as catalysts for profound spiritual awakening.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

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Awakening Through A Course In Miracles【電子書籍】[ David Hoffmeister ]

<p>Awakening Through A Course In Miracles clarifies the essential wisdom of A Course In Miracles, focuses on practical application, progresses from the simple to the most advanced teachings and brings true peace and joy. You will discover how to: -Forgive all your relationships, -Experience unshakable inner peace, -Overcome pain, loneliness and death, -Find the strength and love of God, -Awaken now!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,349円

Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health SOMATICS [ Thomas Hanna ]

SOMATICS Thomas Hanna DA CAPO PR INC2004 Paperback English ISBN:9780738209579 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp 3,009円

Awakenings The Story of the Kate Chopin Revival【電子書籍】

<p>One of the most often repeated anecdotes about the direction of literary studies over the past three decades concerns a graduate student who complained of reading Kate Chopin's The Awakening in three classes and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick in none. But Chopin has not always been featured in the literary curriculum. Though she achieved national success in her lifetime (1850--1904) as a writer of Louisiana "local color" fiction, after her death her work fell into obscurity until 1969, when Norwegian literary scholar Per Seyersted published The Complete Works of Kate Chopin and sparked a remarkable American literary revival. Chopin soon became a major presence in the canon, and today every college textbook surveying American literature contains a Chopin short story, her novel The Awakening, or an excerpt from it.<br /> In this unique work, twelve prominent Chopin scholars reflect on their parts in the Kate Chopin revival and its impact on their careers. A generation ago, against powerful odds, many of them staked their reputations on the belief -- now fully validated -- that Chopin is one of America's essential writers. These scholars energetically sponsored Chopin's works in the 1970s and 1980s and encouraged reading, studying, and teaching Chopin. They wrote books and articles about her, gave talks about her, offered interviews to newspapers and magazines, taught her works in their classes, and urged their colleagues to do the same, helping to build a network of teachers, students, editors, journalists, librarians, and others who continue to promote Chopin's work.<br /> Throughout, these essays stress several elements vital to the revival's success. Timing proved critical, as the rise of the women's movement and the emergence of new sexual norms in the 1960s helped set an ideal context for Chopin in the United States and abroad in the 1970s and 1980s. Seyersted's biography of Chopin and his accurate texts of her entire oeuvre allowed scholars to quickly publish their analyses of her work. Popular media -- including Redbook, New York Times, and PBS -- took notice of Chopin and advanced her work outside the scholarly realm. But in the final analysis, as the contributors point out, Kate Chopin's irresistible writing itself made her revival possible.<br /> Highly personal, at times amusing, and always thought provoking, these revealing recollections and new critical insights offer a fascinating firsthand account of a decisive moment in American literary history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,863円

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