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248件中 181件 - 210件  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Perforating Pierre Jane Delaney Mysteries, #3【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p><strong>Celebrity chef Pierre Dewatre has everything going for him: swoon-worthy looks, a successful restaurant, and a budding TV career, not to mention that drop-dead-sexy French accent.</strong> Unfortunately for Pierre, the drop-dead part becomes all too real when Death Diva Jane and her furry little sidekick Sexy Beast discover him marinating in his own juices. So to speak. And okay, so the famous chef has been accused of cooking and serving endangered species, but that couldn't possibly have anything to do with his death. Could it?</p> <p>The inept detective in charge of the case has homed in on a single suspect: Jane's ex, who's only the Nicest Guy in the World. She's never gotten over him, even with a certain bad-boy bartender invading her personal space at every opportunity. Throw the victim's hot Parisian brother into the mix and it's little wonder Jane is having trouble concentrating on whodunit.</p> <p>You'd think having a high-strung, seven-pound poodle on your team would be the key to quickly solving a complicated murder. Turns out that's not necessarily the case. Who knew?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

Preserving Peaches Jane Delaney Mysteries, #5【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p><strong>Just when it looks like Death Diva Jane Delaney's dormant love life is finally poised to take off, the romantic moment is interrupted by notoriously caustic advice columnist Gertrude "Peaches" Gillespeyーor more accurately, by the discovery of Peaches's mummified corpse.</strong></p> <p>The victim made plenty of enemies with her lacerating wit, so there's no shortage of suspects. And when her shocking secrets come to light, the question becomes: Who <em>didn't</em> want Peaches dead?</p> <p>As if that's not enough, Jane must cope with a second suspicious death, a vexing love triangle, a dirty mayoral election, and the victim's missing collection of peach-shaped knickknacks. Not to mention a hair-raising online date with a possible homicidal maniac. Thank goodness for Jane's loyal sidekick, Sexy Beast. There's nothing like a high-strung, seven-pound poodle to help you solve your mummy issues.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

【中古】End of Fashion [CD] End of Fashion、 Justin Burford; Dennis Herring「1000円ポッキリ」「送料無料」「買い回り」


吃出健康高智能的大腦 The Healthy Brain【電子書籍】[ 艾琳.波爾福徳?梅森 博士 (Aileen Burford-Mason, PhD) ]

<p>在二十一世紀,醫學面臨一個兩難。雖然飲食不良會造成肥胖症、糖尿病和心血管疾病,但醫學訓練還是不重視營養這一塊。許多醫生即使從醫學院畢業了,他們的營養學知識,也不見得比高中生多。這段期間,營養學這個領域擴張的很快。新的研究成果大量湧出,若是平常沒跟上這個領域發展的話,幾乎沒?法跨過這個知識的巨大鴻溝。</p> <p>我們都知道要維持身體的健康,但?知道?的大腦健康??</p> <p><strong>洪蘭</strong>教授大力推薦這本由細胞分子營養學家艾琳.波爾福徳梅森 博士(Aileen Burford-Mason, PhD)所撰寫的<em>The Healthy Brain</em>並親自翻譯,他認為此書?示了營養學的新發現 :</p> <p><strong>1.</strong> <strong>呈現大腦與營養如何交互作用</strong></p> <p>市面上的營養書籍較強調營養素與身體的交互作用,較忽略大腦的營養需求比任何其他器官<strong>高十倍</strong>。</p> <p><strong>2.</strong> <strong>以深入淺出的文字闡述大腦需要的營養</strong></p> <p>讓讀者學會不管年齡如何,都要好好地?食大腦。</p> <p>**大腦的?個部位都緊密連結且和諧工作,以控制?的情緒、專注力和注意力。**它們全都參與記憶的登?、儲存和提取。同樣的,**身體無時無刻都需要所有重要的營養,這些營養必須達到屬於?自己最理想的數量及最適當的平衡。**這個世界上沒有魔術營養丸。</p> <p>本書會一?一?教讀者如何改變飲食,並選擇適當的營養補充品。採用這個策略立即得到的回報,讓大腦的活力明顯増加了ーー情緒、專注力、創意與職場表現,都會變得比較好。</p> <p>現代人要擺?焦慮感、憂鬱症和阿茲海默症,便要留意是否讓大腦挨餓了。</p> <p>作者建議維持記憶力的好方法 : 要有足?的睡眠、要適度的運動、採取對大腦友善的飲食、要吃很多有顏色的蔬菜和水果、固定服用補充品、同時也要進行對維他命D和維他命B12的測試、調整?的攝取量,更要學會放鬆。運用書中的種種建議,讀者便能從中受益,提生大腦的可塑性和増加認知的功能。</p> <p>長期來?,作者列出的飲食方式,可?助讀者避開阿茲海默症和其他失智症的攻?。</p> <p>成大醫學院神經學教授?成大老年學研究所所長<strong>白明奇醫師</strong>推薦此書,他? : 「細讀本書,讀者可以了解天然食物或補充營養品與大腦心智的關係,以及專家建議的數量與方法。」</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,408円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ Mサイズ / オールブラス #B11 BF-06 M

特殊:B07B2ZCNM2コード:4573350728208ブランド:ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford)規格:BF-06商品カラー: オールブラスサイズ情報:M商品サイズ: 高さ18、幅6.3、奥行き6.3商品重量:570この商品について素材 ボディ:真鍮 グローブ:ガラス寸法 180(240)xΦ63mm ()内はハンドル含む寸法重量 570gオイルタンク容量 約30cc(約5時間)製造国 イギリス(ウェールズ)対象シーズン:通年› もっと見る材質その他^真鍮^ガラスブランドジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford)色オールブラス商品の重量0.57 キログラム燃料タイプオイル発送サイズ: 高さ21.8、幅7.8、奥行き7.8発送重量:670伝統製法によるハンドメイド品マイナーズランプ ~鉱夫のランプ~マイナーズランプ(セーフティーランプ)の歴史石炭鉱業の歴史上でマイナーズランプは画期的な発明だったといえるでしょう。ハンフリー デイヴィー氏が1815年にマイナーズランプを開発するまで、鉱夫はロウソクを利用していました。むき出しになったロウソクの火が炭鉱のガスに引火して爆発するといった事故により死者が出てしまうこともしばしばあり、イギリスでは1814年だけでも死者160人に達しました。 元祖オイル ランプ『デイビー ランプ』は、上部が白い金網、底部分がガラスで囲まれた構造になっていました。上部の金網部分から炎に必要な空気を供給し、同時に引火性ガスもランプの中で燃焼させると、ランプの外のガスには引火 爆発等を起こさないことを発見したのでした。但し、これは金網が熱くなり過ぎたり、強い風などが吹いて火が外にむき出しになったりしてしまったときに危険だったために、後のランプには風などを防ぐカバーがつくようになりました。 こうして、マイナーズランプは本品のような外観になっていきます。マイナーズランプのもうひとつの機能はガスの検出です。炎の大小でそれが判断でき、ガスが濃いほど炎が青くなります。マイナーズランプは石炭採掘のための地底作業をより安全なものにしましたが、逆に、それまでに行けなかったような、ガスが充満した危険な場所にまで行かせようとする指揮官がいたことから、デイビーを恨む人も中にはいました。しかしながら彼を称賛する声もあり、彼はこのように言っていました。「北に住んでいた頃、どれだけの鉱夫やその家族の、命や生活を救ったかという感謝の手紙を受けることほど感慨深いものはなかった」デイビーいわく、「私は人の命を少しでも救いたかっただけ」と言い、とてつもない価値があったであろうマイナーズランプの特許取得を辞退しました。今ではランプの外観は大きく変わりましたがその主な構造は今も変わりありません。使い方1. ランプの底(ベース)を反時計回りに回して取り外します。2. 芯を口金ごと外すと、タンクの注ぎ口になります。3. 燃料タンクに最大20mlのパラフィンオイルを入れてください。(タンク最大容量は30mlですが、満タン付近まで入れると芯を戻した時に燃料があふれることがあります。)4. 芯は口金から2mmまでの突出に抑えてください。5. 芯を口金ごとタンクに戻します。6. 点火したら、ベースをランプ部分に戻します。消し方1. ランプ後ろにある通気口から吹いてください。(ランプはとても熱くなりますので十分注意してください)注意事項1. パラフィンオイル以外をランプで使用するととても危険です。如何なる理由の場合も専用のオイル以外は絶対に使用しないでください。 2. このランプは明かりを灯すため以外には使用しないでください。3. 本品は炭鉱で使えるほど頑丈ではありますが、実際に引火性ガスが充満する炭鉱で使うための内部構造は不要なため省略し、おもとめやすい価格と軽量化を実現しています。ガスが充満しているなど引火の危険性があるような環境では危険ですので絶対に使用しないでください。 4.お手入れには金属研磨剤をおすすめします。5. マイナーズランプの交換用アクセサリー(別売り)もございます。 ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ ウィック (口金付き替え芯) ブラス BF-10 ASIN B07B35K3DR ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ ウィック (口金付き替え芯) ニッケル BF-11 ASIN B07B369MZR ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプグローブ(風防ガラス) Mサイズ BF-12 M ASIN B07B2ZCNZ9 ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプグローブ(風防ガラス)Lサイズ BF-13 L ASIN B07B2YT37G 19,337円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ Lサイズ / オールニッケル #N60 BF-04 L

素材 ・ボディ:ニッケル ・グローブ:ガラス寸法 ・225(300)xΦ88mm ()内はハンドル含む寸法重量 ・780gオイルタンク容量 ・約30cc(約5時間)製造国 ・イギリス(ウェールズ) 21,892円

Wren’s Burford Masons Unsung Heroes of 17th and Early 18th Century English Architecture【電子書籍】[ Melody Mobus ]

<p>This book shows, for the first time, the indispensable role of the Burford Masons, a group of master masons from the historic quarries around Burford, Oxfordshire, in creating some of the foremost buildings of the 17th and early 18th centuries.</p> <p>The Burford Masons were involved in the construction of such outstanding buildings as St Paul's Cathedral, City churches, and Blenheim Palace, among many others. Whilst credit for many of these buildings generally rests with named architects, Sir Christopher Wren in particular, this book shows how reliant these designers were on their master craftsmen, sometimes involving them in the design process as their ideas evolved. The book further shows how the Burford Masons responded to the challenge of late payments, often of many years, becoming financiers in the process. It reveals how, as risk-taking businessmen, they effectively underpinned both public and private development financially, and how extraordinary success transformed their lives.</p> <p>The reader will learn about the vital part played in the early modern period by master craftsmen of the calibre of the Burford Masons, despite the emergence of the architect as lead designer, whose fame has hitherto overshadowed them. As a result, this book will be a compelling read for anyone interested in architectural, construction or social history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,343円

My Ecstatic Rebirth: The 10 Keys To Unleash Your Power, Pleasure & Purpose【電子書籍】[ Stephen James Burford ]

<p>Are You Ready To Embody Your Divine Nature? Yes?</p> <p>Unleash Your Path Into Your True Power, Unlimited Pleasure & Divine Plan Aligned Purpose!</p> <p>Discover The 10 Keys To An Ecstatic, Fulfilling Life. Overcome The Overwhelm Of Following Your Inner Path For such a long time, you’ve had this intuitive pull that there’s so much more out there (and in there) for you.</p> <p>You are a truth-seeking soul, committed to the path of unveiling your sacred nature. But sometimes there’s too much going around you, too many distractions that keep you from finding your inner guidance.</p> <p>You can feel your own dormant power vibrating inside you, but it can be disorienting to dive into the inner work without guidance, or someone holding the space for you.</p> <p>A simple, clear voice to spark and catalyze the change inside you is what you yearn for. You can focus on your path to leave aside the paralyzing overwhelm of having too many options demanding your energy at the same time.</p> <p>Written by Stephen James Burford, My Ecstatic Rebirth: The 10 Keys To Unleash Your Power, Pleasure and Purpose was created to give you the space to get in touch with your divinity.</p> <p>This book exists to make clarity more accessible to jumpstart your transformational journey. In this light, easy-to-listen audiobook, Stephen will lovingly allow your soul to have the breathing room to explore higher expressions of consciousness.</p> <p>This carefully crafted content takes you by the hand on a discovery path to your unconscious mind, body and soul. By following the 10 Keys to Unleash your Power, Pleasure and Purpose you will be opening the door to a fulfilling, expansive life where you are in integrity and alignment with your Divine Plan.</p> <p>Discover how to deprogram yourself from the conditioning that keeps you trapped in fear, shame and guilt about your sexuality, power and pleasure. Allow your limitations fall off from you to reveal the true radiance of your Soul. You are the One you are seeking!</p> <p>If you are seeking the audiobook version, please visit www.ULS.online/store</p> <p>“Stephen is a man on a mission - a superhero in a new generation of pioneers, seeking to bring the necessary information and tools to a wide audience, to resolve conflict and bring peace between men and women. A noble and hugely important endeavour ? may the world receive the wisdom in this book!”</p> <p>Ruby May, Feminine Empowerment Leader</p> <p>“This book needs to be by your bedside long after you've read it from front to back. Stephen breaks down the illusions of love, sex and dating for each of us once and for all. It is a cutting edge expansion on both the modern and ancient practices around love and sexuality.”</p> <p>Vanessa Petronelli, Transformational Guide For Men & Women.</p> <p>“Stephen James Burford has looked deeply within himself to reclaim his personal power and the potential wisdom inherent in our love relationships. I invite you to join him on this journey of discovery that can take us to the heart of what it means to love another.”</p> <p>David Bruce Leonard, author of How To Worship the Goddess and Keep Your Balls.</p> <p>“I watched Stephen as he wrote this book. He put passion, love and focus in this book like nothing I have ever seen. He channelled the love of the universe into this book. This is the most important book you will read this year, and possibly the most important book you have ever read. After reading it you will have the tools to go and use in your life. It’s now time to be all that we came here to be! Deep blessings on your journey, dear one.”</p> <p>Shondra ~ Rose of Light. Multi-dimensional coach.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 777円

One Eager Bride to Go The Wedding Ring Series, #3【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p>"Pamela Burford just keeps getting better and better!" ー The Romance Reader</p> <p>?</p> <p><strong>When four high school friends promise to find husbands for one another if any of them are still single at age thirty, they have no idea how complicated the pact will make their lives twelve years later! Book 3 of the Wedding Ring matchmaker series is <em>One Eager Bride to Go</em>.</strong></p> <p>?</p> <p><strong>The Prospective Bride:</strong> Sunny Bleecker, who's been waiting tables at Wafflemania for twelve years… and waiting just as long for her knight in shining armor to come rescue her. She can't wait for her matchmaking friends to find him!</p> <p><strong>The Prospective Groom:</strong> Kirk Larsen, who's a college professor, a widowed single dad, and Sunny's high school sweetheart. Between teaching and raising a toddler, Kirk isn't looking for romance, but his unexpected reunion with Sunny feels so perfect.</p> <p><strong>The Hitch:</strong> Sunny is dubious when her blind date turns out to be her old boyfriend, but her doubts quickly evaporate. Soon she's walking on air, dreaming of a white picket fence and a passel of kids... until a devastating secret threatens their second chance at happiness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

Burford Through Time【電子書籍】[ Raymond Moody ]

<p>Burford has been here for more than thirteen centuries and was chartered as a market town over nine hundred years ago. Its market flourished on trade in wool and leather and later it became a racing and coaching resort. But the railways passed Burford by and the agricultural depression in Victoria's reign trapped the town in poverty. While red brick change spread across the land, Burford dreamed on, its honeyed stone largely unaltered. Then with the twentieth century, the motor car brought the world back to Burford and once again the streets are busy and the pavements crowded. There are more than enough pictures here to feed your imagination with the thoughts of time gone by and to see for yourself how this cherished gateway to the Cotswold Hills and its green valley have changed and yet remained themselves.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,634円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ Lサイズ / オールニッケル #N60 BF-04 L

Urban Oasis Goods
素材 ・ボディ:ニッケル ・グローブ:ガラス寸法 ・225(300)xΦ88mm ()内はハンドル含む寸法重量 ・780gオイルタンク容量 ・約30cc(約5時間)製造国 ・イギリス(ウェールズ) 21,892円

Say Yes to Yourself 50+ Uplifting Lessons in Self-Empowerment, Self-Confidence, and Self-Worth【電子書籍】[ Molly Burford ]

<p><strong>Stand tall, believe in yourself, and stop apologizing for who you are with these simple, impactful lessons and exercises to empower yourself and become a stronger, more confident you!</strong></p> <p>Feeling empowered to grow, be strong, and live your authentic lifeーone where you’re respected but also respect yourselfーis a goal we would all like to achieve. But you don’t have to be a superhero to do it! Self-empowerment comes through practicing small exercises every day.</p> <p>In <em>Say Yes to Yourself</em> you’ll learn to replace words, actions, and interior thoughts that leave you feeling weak and frustrated with positive substitutes to build strength, confidence, and purpose. You’ll soon be on your way to a more empowered, positive, confident youーat home, at work, and in your relationshipsーgetting what you want and need with respect and admiration.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,584円

Liquidating Larry Jane Delaney Mysteries, #7【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p><strong>Not only is former TV star Larry Kool the town's most famous celebrity, he's also warmhearted, outgoing, and an all-around nice guy. Everyone adores Larry.</strong></p> <p>Well, maybe not everyone. Even nice guys make enemies, and Larry has a few. When he suddenly drops dead during the annual chili cook-off, it's initially assumed he died of natural causes. The more digging Death Diva Jane Delaney does, however, the more she begins to suspect there was nothing natural about Larry's demise.</p> <p>If Jane gets too close to the truth, she's in danger of meeting a similar end. Fortunately, she has a certain bad-boy bartender on her side, as well as a high-strung canine sidekick by the name of Sexy Beast, so it's all good!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

Prince Charlie - The Original Classic Edition【電子書籍】[ Burford Delannoy ]

<p>Finally available, a high quality book of the original classic edition of Prince Charlie. It was previously published by other bona fide publishers, and is now, after many years, back in print.</p> <p>This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work by Burford Delannoy, which is now, at last, again available to you.</p> <p>Get the PDF and EPUB NOW as well. Included in your purchase you have Prince Charlie in EPUB AND PDF format to read on any tablet, eReader, desktop, laptop or smartphone simultaneous - Get it NOW.</p> <p>Enjoy this classic work today. These selected paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside Prince Charlie:</p> <p>Look inside the book:</p> <p>If, as I hearーfrom lips the truth of which it would be absurd to doubtーthat this is considered your seat,' his smile was not an unpleasing one, 'I should never forgive myself if trespass of mine interfered with the owner's use of it.' ...He did not succeed in my case, though (not because of you, my darling Mab, because I had not heard of your engagement to him then) but I do not like a man who makes love to every woman he meets; whom you run across in odd parts of the boat engrossed in conversation with some pretty girl, generally a different one each time. ... Of course, there's no real harm in what he doesーdon't think I want to insinuate that, it is the last thing I meanーas the girls must know he is only flirting; perhaps his heart is with you all the time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,388円

Visions of England Poems Selected by the Earl of Burford【電子書籍】[ Nicholas Hagger ]

<p>In 1999, while working as his Literary Secretary, the Earl of Burford, a descendant of the 3rd Earl of Southampton (Shakespeare’s patron) and of the 17th Earl of Oxford and heir to the Dukedom of St Albans, made a selection of Nicholas Hagger’s poems that celebrates places in England, conveys his mystical awareness of the unity of the universe and places him in the visionary tradition of William Blake, the poet of ‘Jerusalem’ and “England’s green and pleasant land”. Soon after Visions of England was completed the Earl of Burford came to international attention when he leapt onto the Woolsack of the House of Lords in a principled protest against the Blair Government’s plan to abolish hereditary peers’ voting rights, which led to 92 remaining in the Lords. A few months later he left Nicholas Hagger’s employ and the selection was buried under papers for nearly 20 years. In 2018 Nicholas Hagger came across Visions of England while preparing papers to send to his archive. It now seemed as if the selection had been made with Brexit in mind. The places are full of English history and culture, and the poems are prophetic in their anticipation of England’s new spirit of independence. These poems convey Englishness with a freshness and vividness that startle. The Earl of Burford is a prominent lecturer and biographer, and his selection is noteworthy for the metaphysical perspective he brings out in Nicholas Hagger’s profound poems whose traditional qualities constantly surprise and delight.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 854円

Tramline Trading A practical guide to swing trading with tramlines, Elliott Waves and Fibonacci levels【電子書籍】[ John Burford ]

<p>A straightforward, winning trading method There are certain universal chart patterns that are traced out time and time again by markets - these patterns have stood the test of time and can be instantly recognised by a skilled trader. When you learn how to spot these patterns and use them to forecast market action you have the basis of a winning trading method. Tramline Trading is a complete practical guide that shows you precisely how to do this. The Tramline Trading Method described here is a simple and complete system which combines Fibonacci levels, basic Elliott Wave Theory and John Burford's original tramline concepts. It is based on a small number of highly reliable patterns and can be put to use in any market. Every detail of how to put the method into practice is revealed, including how to spot developing patterns for high-probability, low-risk trades, where to place entry orders and stop losses, and the five best setups to look out for. Full colour chart illustrations are used throughout. As well as describing the method in full detail, John Burford also provides day-by-day trading diaries for four-month trading campaigns in gold and the Dow. These invaluable diaries show the mind of the trader as he surveys real-time market action and provide vital insight into how the trading method is used in real trading. If you are looking for a proven trading method that is reliable and easy to execute then Tramline Trading will put you on the right track. It is the essential new guide to a winning trading approach.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,164円

Bus Stop A Memoir【電子書籍】[ Ruby Fay Burford ]

<p>In <em>Bus Stop</em>, <strong>Ruby Fay Burford</strong>, a Black domestic worker employed in the homes of wealthy white Texas families, shares her amazing life story. She vividly recounts her early family life as an African American woman growing up in rural East Texas, one of the more staunchly segregated areas of the US. She begins her story with the accidental meeting at a bus stop of the man she would marry, Frank Burford. She knew from that day that he was going to be her husbandher life partner in everything.</p> <p>They soon fell in love and were married five months later in Dallas, where he had moved for his work. Ruby tells the story of their joy-filled lives together, of their lives as domestic workers in the homes of some of Dallass most wealthy families beginning in the 1940s. Throughout the entire story, their love shines throughfor their two sons, for their families, and for their friends. Ruby also recounts the struggles, agonies, joys, and everyday miracles that tested and ultimately enriched her.</p> <p>With her positive outlook, strong work ethic, and the warmth of her beloved husband, Ruby Fay Burford was able to live the life she had dreamed of, with a home and loving friends.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 468円

Snowed In Spite of Ourselves【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p><strong>Snowed in with a billionaire! A fun contemporary romance novel brimming with secrets, witty banter, and surprising twists.</strong></p> <p>The last thing wealthy photographer James Bradburn expects when he turns in after his surprise birthday party is to find a beautiful woman asleep in his bed. The last thing Leah Harmony expects after succumbing to exhaustion during the party is to find herself stranded with the yummy birthday boy at his isolated Gold Coast mansion. A record blizzard has trapped them together for days on end.</p> <p>Leah guards a stunning secret as she struggles to resist their mutual attraction. Of all the men in the world, James is the last one she should even think of that way! Little does she suspect he harbors a secret of his own.</p> <p>This book is part of the four-book <em>In Spite of Ourselves</em> series of stand-alone romance novels, which can be read in any order.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

In the Dark In Spite of Ourselves【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p>"Pamela Burford just keeps getting better and better… <em>In the Dark</em> is one of the funniest, most delightful novels I've read in a month of Sundays… a whirlwind of fun, sensuality, poignancy and page-turning appeal." ー The Romance Reader (4 stars)</p> <p>"A captivating tale readers will love! FANTASTIC! FIVE BELLS!!!" ー Bell, Book and Candle (5 bells)</p> <p>?</p> <p><strong>A New York City blackout complicates Cat's baby-making date in this feel-good romantic comedy!</strong></p> <p>"Please let me get pregnant!" Cat Seabright's biological clock is hollering at her to get on with it already. She has a profound desire for a baby, and a limited window of opportunity in which to make one. What she <em>doesn't</em> have is a significant other. That's where her pal's cousin comes in. Agreeable guy that he is, he promises to fly to New York from Alaska, do the deed, then promptly fly back out of her life.</p> <p>All goes according to plan... except for the part about the agreeable guy from Alaska. Oh, there's a man in her bed, all right, a sexy, virile man who's more than up to the task. The thing is, a full-fledged New York City blackout has plunged their baby-making date into darkness, obscuring her view of the energetic stud. The next day Cat finds out Mr. Alaska never made it to New York!</p> <p><em>So who the heck did she have sex with?</em></p> <p>When she discovers the man's identity, and that she has to work closely with this particular bad boy for the next several weeks, all she can think is, "Please let me not be pregnant!"</p> <p>This book is part of the four-book <em>In Spite of Ourselves</em> series of stand-alone romance novels, which can be read in any order.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

Kelly Moran A Hell of a Life【電子書籍】[ Brian Burford ]

<p><strong>This is the book that speedway fans the world over have been waiting for: the inside story of the Californian hell-raiser,</strong> <em><strong>Kelly Moran</strong></em> <strong>.</strong></p> <p>The charismatic American was one of the most spectacular and naturally talented riders to race speedway and very few share that incredible ability which ensured that he performed at the highest level for most of his career.</p> <p>A three-times World Finalist, double World Team Champion and US National Champion, Kelly's talent as a racer took him around the world, while his exploits off the track have become legendary ? making him one of the most popular riders ever.</p> <p>From leading the USA to world glory, via a near-death hotel accident, to joy-riding in a president's bus, Brian Burford's new book mixes the legendary tales of excess off the track with the success and popularity on the race circuit.</p> <p>With contributions from his family, friends and rivals, and written by one his closest friends, this book finally brings you the real story of <em>Kelly Moran</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,520円

【最大P5倍!6/17迄】JD Burford ジェイディーバーフォード JD Burford JD バーフォード マイナーズランプ Lサイズ / CREAM / 29380_CREAM

伝統製法によるハンドメイド品マイナーズランプ 〜鉱夫のランプ〜「マイナーズ」とは鉱夫の意味。古い話になりますが、かれこれ200年前。危険でタフな鉱山専用ランプとして使われていたこのランプ、今でもイギリスのウェールズで製造されていますこの度、Bush Craft Inc.が日本の総代理店としてリーズナブルな価格で取り扱いを開始。あのマイナーズランプが、新品で、交換部品ありで、日本語説明書もついてこの価格。ブッシュクラフトキャンプのお供には、最適な演出となることでしょう。▼ カラーCRM▼ サイズL▼ 重さ約730g▼ 大きさ225(300)xΦ88mm※()内はハンドル含む寸法▼ 素材・ボディ:ニッケル/ホーロー・グローブ:ガラス▼ 使い方1. ランプの底(ベース)を反時計回りに回して取り外します2. 芯を口金ごと外すと、タンクの注ぎ口になります3. 燃料タンクに最大20mlのパラフィンオイルを入れてください4. 芯は口金から2mmまでの突出に抑えてください5. 芯を口金ごとタンクに戻します6. 点火したら、ベースをランプ部分に戻しします消し方1. ランプ後ろにある通気口から吹いてください(ランプはとても熱くなりますので十分注意してください)注意事項1. パラフィンオイル以外をランプで使用するととても危険です。如何なる理由の場合も専用のオイル以外は絶対に使用しないでください。2. このランプは明かりを灯すため以外には使用しないでください。3. 本品は炭鉱で使えるほど頑丈ではありますが、実際に引火性ガスが充満する炭鉱で使うための内部構造は不要なため省略し、おもとめやすい価格と軽量化を実現しています。ガスが充満しているなど引火の危険性があるような環境では危険ですので絶対に使用しないでください。お手入れには金属研磨剤をおすすめします。※塗装面には研磨剤をご使用にならないでください。▼ 仕様■オイルタンク容量・約30cc(5時間)■製造国・イギリス(ウェールズ)▼ ご注意・燃料には必ずパラフィン系のオイルランプ用オイルをご使用ください。灯油やガソリンは使用しないでください・着火後はボディが非常に熱くなります。火傷に十分ご注意ください。・ボディが熱くなっている状態で、フック先端のゴムがボディに触れるとゴムが変形したり溶けたりすることがあります。・芯は口金より2mm以下でご使用ください。2mm以上で使用すると本体の変色・変形の原因になります。・芯繊維の開き具合により2mmでも煤が発生することがあります。煤が出る場合は芯の突出量を下げてください。好日山荘 スポーツ SPORTS スポーツ用品 アウトドア outdoor トレッキング 春 夏 秋 冬 メンズ レディース 男性 女性 人気 かっこいい レジャー 色 柄 おしゃれ 機能 インスタ キャンプ プレゼント ギフト 在庫 カラバリ 外 部屋 ストリート 大きめ 品質 実用性 満足 軽 普段使い 家族 ペア シェア お揃い ファミリー ブランド バリエーション アパレル サマー ウィンター フィットネス 楽しい 用途 豊富 トレンド アイテム 富士山 登山 防災 災害 18,920円

Bodies Beautiful【電子書籍】[ Steve Burford ]

<p>“Y’know, time was when the serial killers went after helpless young women. Now they’re taking out bodybuilders.”</p> <p>When promising young bodybuilder Paul Best is found gruesomely murdered, DI Claire Summerskill and DS Dave Lyon find themselves deep in the unfamiliar territory of hard core gyms and weights, supplements and steroids. But when the one thing linking the growing list of murder victims is that they are the last men you’d expect to be victims, Summerskill and Lyon are faced with their toughest case yet.</p> <p>“Bodies Beautiful” is the second in the Summerskill and Lyon series of police procedural novels.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 800円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ Mサイズ / カッパー&ブラス #C6 BF-09 M

Urban Oasis Goods
素材 ・ボディ:真鍮、銅メッキ 銅色の部分は一度でも点灯させると変色しますが不具合ではございませんので予めご了承ください。 ・グローブ:ガラス寸法 ・180(240)xΦ63mm ()内はハンドル含む寸法重量 ・625gオイルタンク容量 ・約30cc(約5時間)製造国 ・イギリス(ウェールズ) 16,900円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ Mサイズ / ニッケル&ブラス #N58 BF-05 M

おつまみと駄菓子の店 families-c
素材 ・ボディ:ニッケル/真鍮 ・グローブ:ガラス寸法 ・180(240)xΦ63mm ()内はハンドル含む寸法重量 ・500gオイルタンク容量 ・約30cc(約5時間)製造国 ・イギリス(ウェールズ) 17,654円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ伝統製法によるハンドメイド品 14,740円

Mahalia Jackson and the Black Gospel Field【電子書籍】[ Mark Burford ]

<p>Nearly a half century after her death in 1972, Mahalia Jackson remains the most esteemed figure in black gospel music history. Born in the backstreets of New Orleans in 1911, Jackson during the Great Depression joined the Great Migration to Chicago, where she became an highly regarded church singer and, by the mid-fifties, a coveted recording artist for Apollo and Columbia Records, lauded as the "World's Greatest Gospel Singer." This "Louisiana Cinderella" narrative of Jackson's career during the decade following World War II carried important meanings for African Americans, though it remains a story half told. Jackson was gospel's first multi-mediated artist, with a nationally broadcast radio program, a Chicago-based television show, and early recordings that introduced straight-out-of-the-church black gospel to American and European audiences while also tapping the vogue for religious pop in the early Cold War. In some ways, Jackson's successes made her an exceptional case, though she is perhaps best understood as part of broader developments in the black gospel field. Built upon foundations laid by pioneering Chicago organizers in the 1930s, black gospel singing, with Jackson as its most visible representative, began to circulate in novel ways as a form of popular culture in the 1940s and 1950s, its practitioners accruing prestige not only through devout integrity but also from their charismatic artistry, public recognition, and pop-cultural cachet. These years also saw shifting strategies in the black freedom struggle that gave new cultural-political significance to African American vernacular culture. The first book on Jackson in 25 years, <em>Mahalia Jackson and the Black Gospel Field</em> draws on a trove of previously unexamined archival sources that illuminate Jackson's childhood in New Orleans and her negotiation of parallel careers as a singing Baptist evangelist and a mass media entertainer, documenting the unfolding material and symbolic influence of Jackson and black gospel music in postwar American society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,518円

Crossed Lines【電子書籍】[ Steve Burford ]

<p>"Victor really was a very good man."</p> <p>Why then did someone brutally murder Victor Whyte, an elderly man chiefly known for his dedication to helping the gay community?</p> <p>Inspector Claire Summerskill and Sergeant Dave Lyon investigate and are drawn into the world of the Hereford and Worcester Lesbian and Gay Switchboard, a telephone helpline for LGBQT+ people. Operatives and callers help piece together a picture of the murdered man, and gradually a surprising picture of Victor emerges with the possibility of a murderer in the very last place Summerskill and Lyon would have thought of.</p> <p>Even as they deal with this latest case, the two officers are forced to deal with turning points in their personal lives. Can Claire balance the demands of her position as an inspector with those of her husband and children? Is Dave ready to settle into a relationship with earnest young police officer Joe Jones or will he opt instead for the excitement of an almost certainly shorter fling with charismatic MP Sean Cullen? And what exactly is Sean's real motivation?</p> <p><em>Crossing Lines</em> is the fourth in the series of Summerskill and Lyon police procedural novels.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 680円

Apples of North America A Celebration of Exceptional Varieties【電子書籍】[ Tom Burford ]

<p><strong>“For all of us who cherish the apple, its utility, its flavors, and its powers of revelation and connection.” ーAdrian Higgins, garden columnist, <em>The Washington Post</em></strong></p> <p>The apple is one of the most iconic fruits, traditionally picked on cool fall days and used in pies, crisps, ciders, and more. And there is a vast world of varieties that goes well beyond the common grocery store offerings. With names like American Beauty, Carter’s Blue, and Fallawater, and flavors ranging from sweet to tart, this treasure trove of unique apples is ripe for discovery.</p> <p>There is no better guide through this tasty world than Tom Burford, whose family has grown apples in the Blue Ridge Mountains since 1715. His celebratory book <em>Apples of North America</em> is brimming with beautiful portraits of heirloom and modern apples of merit, each accompanied by distinguishing characteristics and common uses. You will also find information on growing apples at homeーwith specifics on planting, pruning, grafting, and moreーand instructions on how to preserve apples through pressing, fermenting, cooking, and drying.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,283円

Storming Meg Wild Ones【電子書籍】[ Pamela Burford ]

<p>"Let's hear it for Jack Wolf… A bad boy with gentleman instincts, this sexy W.I.S.H. hero warms our hearts and fires our fantasies with his winning ways… Blending just the right amount of sizzle, warmth and strong plotting, Pamela Burford dishes up a superior recipe for a delectable reading treat." ー RT Book Reviews (4 stars, W.I.S.H Hero)</p> <p>?</p> <p><strong>A witty romantic suspense novel about second chances.</strong></p> <p>A violent nor'easter leaves Meg Wolf stranded on her uncle's private island with a handful of quirky relatives, her three children, her brand-new fianc?... and her ex-husband, Jack! Meg has moved on from her bad-boy ex, really she has. After all, her fianc? is a well-to-do, buttoned-up lawyer, just the kind of stable stepdad her kids needーand the kind of second husband she needs after an impoverished upbringing that left her longing for financial security above all. He's certainly an improvement over Jack, who owns a brew pub and has no use for the nine-to-five life or a regular paycheck. It's why they divorced.</p> <p>And if her fianc? doesn't turn her on the way Jack always has, well, you can't have everything, right? Once the storm hits and the lights go out, Meg is determined to resist her sexalicious ex and do whatever she has to, to get through the most strained Thanksgiving family reunion in history.</p> <p>An awkward love triangle is one thing. A murder mystery is another. And that's what it looks like when one of the wacky relatives turns up dead. Suddenly fingers are pointing and everyone is under suspicion, and Meg discovers what really makes a man.</p> <p>Winner of the RT Book Reviews W.I.S.H. Hero Award, thanks to yummy bad-boy hero Jack! Originally published as <em>Jacks Are Wild</em>. This book is part of the three-book Wild Ones series of stand-alone romantic suspense novels, which can be read in any order.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

ジェイディーバーフォード(JD Burford) マイナーズランプ Mサイズ / カッパー&ブラス #C6 BF-09 M

素材 ・ボディ:真鍮、銅メッキ 銅色の部分は一度でも点灯させると変色しますが不具合ではございませんので予めご了承ください。 ・グローブ:ガラス寸法 ・180(240)xΦ63mm ()内はハンドル含む寸法重量 ・625gオイルタンク容量 ・約30cc(約5時間)製造国 ・イギリス(ウェールズ) 16,900円