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Python Network Programming Conquer all your networking challenges with the powerful Python language【電子書籍】[ Abhishek Ratan ]

<p><strong>Power up your network applications with Python programming</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Master Python skills to develop powerful network applications</li> <li>Grasp the fundamentals and functionalities of SDN</li> <li>Design multi-threaded, event-driven architectures for echo and chat servers</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>This Learning Path highlights major aspects of Python network programming such as writing simple networking clients, creating and deploying SDN and NFV systems, and extending your network with Mininet. You’ll also learn how to automate legacy and the latest network devices. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll use Python for DevOps and open source tools to test, secure, and analyze your network. Toward the end, you'll develop client-side applications, such as web API clients, email clients, SSH, and FTP, using socket programming.</p> <p>By the end of this Learning Path, you will have learned how to analyze a network's security vulnerabilities using advanced network packet capture and analysis techniques.</p> <p>This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:</p> <ul> <li>Practical Network Automation by Abhishek Ratan</li> <li>Mastering Python Networking by Eric Chou</li> <li>Python Network Programming Cookbook, Second Edition by Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker</li> </ul> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Create socket-based networks with asynchronous models</li> <li>Develop client apps for web APIs, including S3 Amazon and Twitter</li> <li>Talk to email and remote network servers with different protocols</li> <li>Integrate Python with Cisco, Juniper, and Arista eAPI for automation</li> <li>Use Telnet and SSH connections for remote system monitoring</li> <li>Interact with websites via XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST APIs</li> <li>Build networks with Ryu, OpenDaylight, Floodlight, ONOS, and POX</li> <li>Configure virtual networks in different deployment environments</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>If you are a Python developer or a system administrator who wants to start network programming, this Learning Path gets you a step closer to your goal. IT professionals and DevOps engineers who are new to managing network devices or those with minimal experience looking to expand their knowledge and skills in Python will also find this Learning Path useful. Although prior knowledge of networking is not required, some experience in Python programming will be helpful for a better understanding of the concepts in the Learning Path.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,972円

正向專注力:180秒實踐高績效人生,奧運金牌運動員、頂尖業務、世界大賽冠軍隊都在用的心智鍛?法 Relentless Solution Focus: Train Your Mind to Conquer Stress, Pressure, and Underperformance【電子書籍】

<p><strong>高績效者能持續表現的秘訣,就在他們專注於「解決方法」!</strong></p> <p>**  ?天3分鐘,打造「防彈心態」,不斷聚焦在需要完成的任務,**</p> <p>**  利用「改善」的雪球效應,達成?峰表現。**</p> <p>  業績壓力破表、工作和家庭讓?心煩、跟人?架心情不佳,</p> <p>  人生總有?法在?不順心時,又再重重補上一?……</p> <p>  問題?噬了想法,我們很容易迷失在負面思考的陷?中。</p> <p>  人類天生特別在意負面消息,我們總是擔心出錯,焦慮不安。</p> <p>  專注於問題,宛如喝毒藥。</p> <p>  重新鍛?大腦,才能發揮潛能,更健康、快樂,也更成功。</p> <p> ** ◎轉換思維:我可以做些什麼來有效應對?**</p> <p>  多數人花很多時間抱怨問題,但成功快樂人的共同特質是在逆境時聚焦解決方案的強?心智,知道如何導引自己的想法,創造正向情緒與有生?力的行動,?怕是一點點改善也好,而不是執著自己做不好、?不到的事情上。當?聚焦於表現良好之處,就會有更多好的表現,這就是卓越領導者都善於利用的雪球效應。</p> <p>  <strong>◎各領域的頂尖人才都在用的重塑大腦思考模式</strong></p> <p>  本書作者擔任聖路易紅雀隊心智訓練總教練期間發揮重要影響力,讓紅雀隊?違20年後拿下世界大賽總冠軍,2011年又再度封王。</p> <p>  他獨家開發的RSF鍛?法,?助運動員贏得世界大賽、超級盃、奧運金牌,協助財富全球 500 大的企業和高階主管提昇30%的生?力。</p> <p>  <strong>◎?天3分鐘,是?對自己的最好投資</strong></p> <p>  RSF鍛?法可供讀者在面對壓力和負面思考時,有進攻和演練的工具可運用,將讀者和團隊帶向更高的績效表現與更卓越的成就。</p> <p>  ** 心智黒板:想像大腦有塊心智黒板,分隔成「問題」與「解方」兩區塊,練習在60秒?立刻轉換心態。</p> <p>  ** 成功日誌:建立明確策略,優先處理?天個人與工作上最重要的任務,一次只專注改善一件事,一次改善一點點就好。</p> <p>  ** 心智訓練:5?驟訓練有助於提升心理?性、專注力、信心,讓思維獲得正向改造,促進健康和高績效表現。</p> <p><strong>名人推薦</strong></p> <p>  王永福 |頂尖企業簡報與教學教練</p> <p>  何則文|人才培訓教練、職涯實驗室創?人</p> <p>  林靜如|律師娘、作家</p> <p>  陳志恆|諮商心理師、作家</p> <p>  陳?博|極地超級馬拉松運動員</p> <p>  張瀞仁|國際非營利組織Give2Asia慈善顧問</p> <p>  曾?ギョク|中華民國運動員生涯規劃發展協會理事長</p> <p>  雷浩斯|價?投資者、財經作家</p> <p>  (排名依照姓氏筆劃排列)</p> <p><strong>好評推薦</strong></p> <p>  遇到事情時,我總是要求自己能聚焦在正面解決方案,想?法找出正面的解決方案。這樣的作法,就如同本書提到的核心觀念「解方導向專注力」……這本讓心理變得更強?的書,能??助大家找出許多實際可用的方法,在接下來的?一天,讓我們成為更好的自己!──王永福 (上台的技術、教學的技術等書作者、頂尖企業簡報與教學教練)</p> <p>  ?可能會想著:「疫情造成公司營運不穩,我可能減薪或被裁員,家庭會不會陷入困境?」我們要把他轉化為正向積極且開放的思維,所以取代這個想法的新思考應該是:「我如何才能以加強自己專業能力,創造多元收入,讓自己在疫情時代不害怕受到衝??」……本書提供我們很好的解答,作者提出的「解方導向專注力」,就是我們面對恐懼跟焦慮時最好的實證解方。──何則文(人才培訓教練、職涯實驗室創?人)</p> <p>  作者塞爾克博士平常面對的客?或許是全世界壓力最大的一群人,財富500大公司的管理階層、跨國公司高階經理、頂尖運動員。這些人面對的事情不是嘆兩聲氣就可以結束的,怎麼??作者的方法很簡單:從正面著眼,專注在好的地方。他的三點具體提醒,對我來?特別有?助:1. 一定會有解決方案的,一定! 2. 就算真的很難,也要專注於自己真真切切擁有的事情上,而不是?沒有的,這一點很重要。3. 特別難熬時,?一定要抵抗那種欲望,不要滿腦子想著什麼事進行的不順利,?要時刻不懈地想想自己什麼地方做得好。──張瀞仁(美國非營業組織Give2Asia家族慈善主任)</p> <p>  RSF鍛?法就像是對抗負面?態,強化心理?性的有效工具,看到本書真是讓人覺得振奮……運動員的身體要持續鍛?才能長出肌肉,心智也是,誠摯推薦給想長出強?心智肌肉的?,就從這本書開始做起?!──曾?ギョク(中華民國運動員生涯規劃發展協會理事長)</p> <p>  我長期研究投資和優秀的企業家,會發現他們都專注在自己的強項,讓自己的輸出功率提高……具備心智?性的思考方式,能?讓?的輸出功率提高,提高自己的潛力……我們雖然不是企業執行長,但我們的人生必定遇到起起落落,而心智?性將成為輔助,協助我們在起落之間,走往心中正確的方向。──雷浩斯(價?投資者/財經作家)</p> <p>  雖然?沒有?法一夜之間就改變目的地,但?可以先調整?的方向。作者獨創的RSF鍛?法可以提供?所需要的一切工具,讓?帶著百分之百的信心,開始朝著這個方向前進!──奧運自由式滑雪銀牌得主 夏儂?巴爾克?哈皮(Shannon Bahrke Happe)</p> <p>  鍛?法改變了我的事業。利用這個方法,我得以克服障礙,破壞食古不化的?業,打造創新。如果?想有所突破,釋放成功的話,那麼用RSF鍛?法就對了!──TBH?務有限公司創?人 藍道?S?波爾(Randall S. Boll)</p> <p>  不要讓問題?噬了我們的思維,此事從來沒有像現在那麼重要過。這是一本全世界的人都需要讀的書,讀完才能用最好的方式向前方邁進。──克拉克- 福斯家族基金會執行長 麥克辛?克拉克(Maxine Clark)</p> <p>  RSF鍛?法讓我們可以應付?天發生,卻無法預期的各種問題。──西北互惠人壽保險公司合夥管理人 丹?里維斯(Dan Rivers)</p> <p>  我向來都是結果導向的領導者,一直以來,我試圖改善情況的方式,就是把出錯的地方指出來,別人可能認為那是負面意見,即使我並無此意也一樣。RSF鍛?法?助我用不同的方式思考,我可以用更清楚、簡明,也更正向的方式,讓別人聽?我要傳達的訊息。──斯坦恩伯格集團董事長 麥可?斯坦恩伯格(Michael Staenberg)</p> <p>  作者?的千真萬確:具備正確的思維架構,會為?開?坐收許多人生正面成果的大門。練習RSF鍛?法是對?自己的投資。他還?對了?一件事:??得擁有這一切。──財富500大企業恒達理財合夥管理人 潘??潘寧頓(Penny Pennington)</p> <p>  如果?需要能??突破現?,升級績效表現的工具,這本就是?接下來要讀的書。作者?我們解釋我們把焦點放在問題上的生理傾向,?明專注於?程目標(?天要做的事),而不是成果目標(事情的完成),會如何升級?的表現。我把這些方法,應用在自己個人和專業生活上,體會到持續不斷而且有加成效果的改善。理解自己有能力不斷創造成功,而且感受到自己掌控一切,真的讓人太有自信了!──亞馬遜讀者Crowley</p> <p>  Covid-19考驗了人類的精神,此時此刻,要我們發揮毅力,勇敢向前,感覺猶如登天。作者在書裡巧妙地把發揮毅力勇敢向前的?驟,清楚?明,讓我覺得自己有能力可以?助那些受害最深的人,走出焦慮與憂鬱。而對於原本就會鍛?毅力與解方導向心態的那些人來?,這本書,強化了一個一個的?驟,讓他們更加成功。──亞馬遜讀者Porter</p> <p>  我一直都在找談心理與思維的好書。在討論這類主題的書裡,這本書大概是我讀到最好的一本了。謝天謝地,這不是一本寫滿了故事和小經?的書。它跟別的書不一樣,有許多可以執行且實際的小技巧,??建立更以解決方法為導向的思維。我強力推薦這本書!──亞馬遜讀者Vikram</p> <p>  對我們這些想要表現超前,透過工作發揮影響力的人來?,這真的是一本真實具體又實用的工具書。如同兩位作者所?,關鍵就在於要持之以恆!這本書把這一點?得非常清楚,讓?有堅持執行計畫的動機。──亞馬遜讀者Warner</p> <p>  如果?想要改變自己對工作和或個人生活的整體看法與觀點,我會非常建議?看這本書。即使?的看法本來就已經很正面,這本書還是會??再升級。這是一本很容易讀的書,也是一本精簡的書。我超愛的!──亞馬遜讀者 Kelly</p> <p>  我們之所以達不到自己的目標或是發揮不了自己的潛能,就是因為我們天生就把焦點放在問題上,而不是尋找可能画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,189円

Crave To Conquer【電子書籍】[ Zoey Ellis ]

<p><strong>He conquered an empire, and she’s next.</strong></p> <p>Despite conquering a powerful throne, Emperor Drocco wants an omega.</p> <p>Tales of their beauty and submissiveness convince him that he must have his own, but omegas disappeared over 100 years ago.</p> <p>When he enlists a beautiful, willful historian to help him, their attraction is instant. Yet she agitates him in a way no other has. He aches to dominate her, to force her to respect him. But he can’t jeopardize his goal.</p> <p><em>So, he harbors his dark desire and waits.</em></p> <p>As an omega spy, Cailyn’s mission seemed simple: pretend to be an innocent historian, protect omega secrets, and under no circumstances draw his attention. She never expected to meet the ruthless emperor himself.</p> <p>Savage and dominant, with rugged good looks, he is the most intolerable male she’s ever encountered.</p> <p>He rarely leaves her side, inflicting his bold arrogance, heated gaze, and alpha dominance in a way that infuriates her.</p> <p><em>Yet his intense attraction captivates her she cannot resist.</em></p> <p>Cailyn tries to withstand his growing obsession, but everything changes one night when her cover is ripped away.</p> <p>And everything turns to sinful desolation.</p> <p><em>Buy now and jump straight into this sinful, angsty journey. For fans of faithful alpha anti-heroes and captive romances. Cliffhanger included however this series is complete. Includes dark romance situations. See author website for full warnings.</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 877円

Everything Isn't Terrible Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety, and Finally Calm Down【電子書籍】[ Kathleen Smith ]

<p><strong>In the spirit of <em>You Are a Badass</em> and <em>The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck</em>, a helpful and humorous guide to shedding our anxious habits and building a more solid sense of self in an increasingly anxiety-inducing world.</strong></p> <p>Licensed therapist and mental health writer Dr. Kathleen Smith offers a smart, practical antidote to our anxiety-ridden times. <em>Everything Isn't Terrible</em> is an informative and practical guide -- featuring a healthy dose of humorーfor people who want to become beacons of calmness in their families, at work, and in our anxious world. <em>Everything Isn't Terrible</em> will inspire you to confront your anxious self, take charge of your anxiety, and increase your own capacity to choose how you respond to it. Comprised of short chapters containing anecdotal examples from Smith's work with her clients, in addition to engaging, actionable exercises for readers, <em>Everything Isn't Terrible</em> will give anyone suffering from anxiety all the tools they need to finally...calm...down.</p> <p>Ultimately, living a calmer, less anxious lifeーone that <em>isn't</em> terribleーis possible, and with this book you'll learn how to do it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,283円

Prosperity - How to Attract It (Unabridged) Living a Life of Financial Freedom, Conquer Debt, Increase Income and Maximize Wealth - How to Bring Out the Man You Can Be【電子書籍】[ Orison Swett Marden ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "Prosperity - How to Attract It (Unabridged)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. In this book the author spills the secret of achieving prosperity, luck and wealth by doing simple and easy changes in life. Spread over twenty-three chapters and a conversational way of writing, this book would surely interest those who are looking to achieve self-confidence, power and success. Contents: How We Limit Our Supply The Law of Attraction Driving Away Prosperity Establishing the Creative Consciousness Where Prosperity Begins If You Can Finance Yourself How to Increase Your Ability Look Like a Success How to Make Your Dreams Come True How to Cure Discouragement Make Your Subconscious Mind Work For You Thinking Health and Prosperity Into Your Cells How to Make Yourself Lucky Self Faith and Prosperity How to Get Rid of Fear and Worry Good Cheer and Prosperity The Master Key to Be Great, Concentrate Time is Money, and Much More The Positive Versus The Negative Man Thrift and Prosperity "As A Man Expecteth So Is He" Yes, You CAN Afford It How to Bring Out the Man You Can Be Dr. Orison Swett Marden (1848-1924) was an American inspirational author who wrote about achieving success in life and founded SUCCESS magazine in 1897. He is often considered as the father of the modern-day inspirational talks and writings and his words make sense even to this day. In his books he discussed the common-sense principles and virtues that make for a well-rounded, successful life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

How to Conquer Your Emotions: Tips to Develop Self-esteem and Become More Emotionally Independent【電子書籍】[ Phoenix Rising ]

<p><strong>HOW TO CONQUER YOUR EMOTIONS</strong> is a self-help guide designed to help everyone battling with the scourge of negative emotions. Living with negative emotions can be so frustrating and killing. There are lots of people whose lives and health are being hindered by their emotions, which they lack control over. Negative emotions have been discovered to be the cause of many health-related issues, aside from the negative impacts it has on a person's social interaction with other people. You are created to live life happily and enjoy it to the fullest. However, untamed emotions can go wild and become a negative tool that will hinder your life from enjoying what it ought to enjoy to the fullest. In order not to fall prey to the hindering ability of negative emotions, then you must seek an answer.</p> <p>In this short guide, you will achieve the following:</p> <ul> <li>Know what your emotions really are</li> <li>Know how your emotions are formed</li> <li>Learn about the triggers that often activate your emotions</li> <li>Learn about stress and its negative impact on your life</li> <li>Learn about the symptoms of negativity and stress in your life</li> <li>Learn the practical steps you can take to deal with your stress and negative emotions</li> <li>Learn the protective strategy you can adopt to shield your emotions from any possible negative impact on them</li> </ul> <p>You can live life without stress; and if that is really your dream, you have the right answer in your hands. You just need to open the first page of this book and begin on the journey to freedom from negative emotions!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 150円

Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You Retrain Your Brain to Conquer Fear and Build Resilience【電子書籍】[ Marc Schoen ]

<p>Thanks to technology, we live in a world that’s much more comfortable than ever before. But here’s the paradox: our tolerance for discomfort is at an all-time low. And as we wrestle with a sinking “discomfort threshold,” we increasingly find ourselves at the mercy of our primitive instincts and reactions that can perpetuate disease, dysfunction, and impair performance and decision making.</p> <p>Designed to keep us out of danger, our limbic brain’s Survival Instinct controls what we intuitively do to avert injury or death, such as running out of a burning building. Rarely are we required to recruit this instinct today because seldom do we find ourselves in situations that are truly life-threatening. However, this part of our brain is programmed to naturally and automatically react to even the most benign forms of discomfort and stress as serious threats to our survival.</p> <p>In this seminal book we learn how the Survival Instinct is the culprit that triggers a person to overeat, prevents the insomniac from sleeping, causes the executive to unravel under pressure, leads travelers to avoid planes or freeways, inflames pain, and due to past heartache, closes down an individual to love. In all of these cases, their overly-sensitive Survival Instinct is being called into action at the slightest hint of discomfort. In short, their Survival Instinct is stuck in the “ON” position…with grave consequences.</p> <p><em>Your Survival Is Killing You</em> can transform the way you live. Provocative, eye-opening, and surprisingly practical with its gallery of strategies and ideas, this book will show you how to build up your “instinctual muscles” for successfully managing discomfort while taming your overly reactive Survival Instinct. You will learn that the management of discomfort is the single most important skill for the twenty-first century. This book is, at its heart, a modern guide to survival.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,123円

The Vaccine Inside the Race to Conquer the COVID-19 Pandemic【電子書籍】[ Joe Miller ]

<p><strong>Winners of the Paul Ehrlich Prize</strong></p> <p><strong>The dramatic story of the married scientists who founded BioNTech and developed the first vaccine against COVID-19.</strong></p> <p>Nobody thought it was possible. In mid-January 2020, Ugur Sahin told ?zlem T?reci, his wife and decades-long research partner, that a vaccine against what would soon be known as COVID-19 could be developed and safely injected into the arms of millions before the end of the year. His confidence was built upon almost thirty years of research. While working to revolutionize the way that cancerous tumors are treated, the couple had explored a volatile and overlooked molecule called messenger RNA; they believed it could be harnessed to redirect the immune system's forces against any number of diseases. As the founders of BioNTech, they faced widespread skepticism from the scientific community at first; but by the time Sars-Cov-2 was discovered in Wuhan, China, BioNTech was prepared to deploy cutting edge technology and create the world’s first clinically approved inoculation for the coronavirus.</p> <p><em>The Vaccine</em> draws back the curtain on one of the most important medical breakthroughs of our age; it will reveal how Doctors Sahin and T?reci were able to develop twenty vaccine candidates within weeks, convince Big Pharma to support their ambitious project, navigate political interference from the Trump administration and the European Union, and provide more than three billion doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to countries around the world in record time.</p> <p>Written by Joe Millerーthe <em>Financial Times’</em> Frankfurt correspondent who covered BioNTech’s COVID-19 project in real timeーwith contributions from Sahin and T?reci, as well as interviews with more than sixty scientists, politicians, public health officials, and BioNTech staff, the book covers key events throughout the extraordinary year, as well as exploring the scientific, economic, and personal background of each medical innovation. Crafted to be both completely accessible to the average reader and filled with details that will fascinate seasoned microbiologists, <em>The Vaccine</em> explains the science behind the breakthrough, at a time when public confidence in vaccine safety and efficacy is crucial to bringing an end to this pandemic.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,167円

留白工作法:為自己創造白色空間,擺?瞎忙,做真正重要的事 A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work【電子書籍】[ 茱麗葉.方特 ]

<p>????不需要更多時間,而是需要更多空間。???</p> <p>比爾.蓋茲等企業領袖都在親身實踐──<br /> 利用策略性停頓,減去一天中的瞎忙,<br /> ?出空間給有意義的工作。</p> <p>當?在生活與工作中感到窒息,<br /> 就為自己保留白色空間,<br /> 替過度忙碌的人生注入?氣。</p> <p>?我們急切地點燃自己,卻沒有足?的?氣燃燒。?</p> <p>?生過火??在生火時,木柴之間需要空隙,若沒有空間,就沒有足?的?氣,也就無法點燃火花;但我們在人生?一個領域,卻忘了這項自然法則。</p> <p>身處過勞時代,我們永遠忙個不停,終日疲於奔命。諷刺的是,我們忙到沒時間想?法降低忙碌程度,卻在凌晨三點焦慮到失眠,獲得一天之中唯一沒安排行程的思考時間。</p> <p>我們的行事?密密麻麻,腦中的事多到滿出來;我們劃了一根又一根的火柴,急切地想要點燃自己;我們帶著自己獨特的火苗去工作,卻沒有足?的?氣能??養火苗。</p> <p>我們真正需要的其實是一丁點的喘息空間。?個人都需要一分鐘的時間思考、呼吸,以點燃洞見與創造力。幸好,我們仍能主動為自己創造白色空間,在喘不過氣的工作與生活中,策略性地停下??,給自己白色空間。</p> <p>?「白色空間」是什麼?<br /> 人們整天像陀螺一樣轉個不停,但只要嘗試策略性停頓,便能進入「白色空間」;<br /> 作法是在一天之中?出一段時間,好好思考、反省、休息與發揮創意。</p> <p>?跨國企業知名領袖都在用的「留白工作法」──<br /> .比爾.蓋茲?年前往與世隔?的森林小木屋,度過他著名的「思考週」。<br /> .奇異公司前執行長傑克.威爾許?天會安排一小時「看著窗外的時間」。<br /> .Nike創?人菲爾.奈特在自家客廳裡,會指定一張專門用來做白日夢的椅子。<br /> .LinkedIn執行長傑夫.韋納刻意安排「沒事」的時間,他認為行事?上的這件事是?對必要的。</p> <p>?「白色空間」能為窒息的?補充?氣──<br /> .多項研究證實,暫停有利於表現、創意與耐力。<br /> .許多成功的領袖認為,「思考時間」是他們能成功的要素。<br /> .策略性停頓可以恢復精神、做減法、反思或増加建設性。<br /> .在任務與活動之間插進白色空間,能有效保持鎮定,想好了再做。</p> <p>?如何創造「白色空間」?<br /> .見縫插針:在兩個活動之間插進白色空間,便能爭取到一瞬間的思考與計畫時間。<br /> .?出時間小?:幹勁、卓越、資訊與行動力是四大時間小?,?必須從自動回應變成想好再做。<br /> .簡化大哉問:利用四個問題去蕪存菁,便能??情緒束縛,奪回時間與專注力。<br /> .校準緊急程度:在「?名單」暫存待?事項,以控制衝動,大幅減少不必要的通訊。<br /> .決策沙漏:沙漏能?和但堅定地帶?走過決策流程,明白何時要拒?、何時可以答應。</p> <p>無論?是想建立有意義且人性化的工作流程,或是想要創建高效率的團隊,又或是要為組織打造深思熟慮的企業文化,本書都能引導?運用留白工作法,經由白色空間走到終點。</p> <p>??一輩子只會活這麼一次,?個今天也只有一次,記得把握真正重要的事。?</p> <p>齊聲推薦</p> <p>Esor/《防彈筆記法》作者、電腦玩物站長<br /> 丁菱娟/影響力品牌學院創?人<br /> 瓦基/「?讀前哨站」站長<br /> ?若權/作家、廣播主持、企管顧問<br /> 林怡辰/國小教師<br /> 洪仲清/臨床心理師<br /> 劉宥?/新創與職涯專家、永齡基金會執行長<br /> (以上依姓名筆劃順序排列)</p> <p>國際讚譽</p> <p>「?一定會想把這本書借給朋友和同事,但在?這樣做之前,請先花點時間自己?讀。方特在創造空間這方面的智慧是無價之寶。」 ──賽斯.高汀,《重點不是創意》作者</p> <p>「茱麗葉.方特提供了一個令人信服的理由,證明了一種至關重要、卻又經常令人痛苦地忽視的策略:策略性停頓。如果?時常對工作感到不知所措,請讀這本書!」──?爾.紐波特(Cal Newport),《紐約時報》暢銷書《沒有Email的世界》和《深度工作力》作者</p> <p>「我非常喜歡這本書。關於該如何解決過度忙碌,這是我讀過最引人入勝、最切題的方法。在接下來十年的混合工作模式中,我們會?望暫停,也想變得更有效率、更富創造力,而茱麗葉充滿活力的風格和實用的洞察力將發揮關鍵作用。」──安吉拉.阿倫茨(Angela Ahrendts),Apple零售部前任資深副總裁、Burberry執行長</p> <p>「很少有作家能寫出如此直接切題、至關重要的事,這平衡了我的生活和日常工作實踐。?讀本書是一項投資,能?最大化地利用我們最寶貴的商品──時間。太棒了。」──尼可拉斯.徳雷克(Nicholas Drake),Google全球行銷部副總裁</p> <p>「這本聰明有趣的商業書充滿了實際可行的工具。這必定會讓任何團隊變得更強大。」──派屈克.蘭奇歐尼(Patrick Lencioni),The Table Group總裁、《紐約時報》暢銷書《克服團隊領導的5大障礙》作者</p> <p>「本書不僅是一流指南,有助於?完成更多、更好的工作;對於忙碌的?假誘惑和暫停的持久力量來?,這也是十分強大的冥想。本書是瘋狂時代的必備讀物。」──丹尼爾.品克(Daniel H. Pink),《未來在等待的人才》、《什麼時候是好時候》、《未來在等待的銷售人才》作者</p> <p>「根據我在生?力領域數十年的經驗,我會?,?不需要更多的時間──?需要更多的空間。?需要有創意、有策略性的空間,以及當?在做任何事時,都能騰出來的空間。茱麗葉帶來了明確且易於遵循的指南,?明我們要如何到達那裡。太棒了。」 ──大衛.艾倫(David Allen),國際暢銷書《?定!》作者</p> <p>「像許多人一樣,我一生中的大部分時間都堅信忙碌等於有效率,這就是我多年來?養自尊的方式。但讀了這本書之後,我終於完全理解亞里斯多徳所?的:『生活的品質取決於其活動。』」──布?徳利.普雷伯(Bradley J. Preber),正大聯合會計師事務所(Grant Thornton LLP)執行長</p> <p>「許多人都被消耗、埋沒,我們忙碌且不知所措。本書將使我們自由,進而把?天的工作做得更好。對現代職場文化來?,本書是必要且深入的進階工具。 」──羅利.魏登(Rory Vaden),《贏在?延術》作者、爆紅TEDx演講「如何加乘時間」(How to Multiply Time)的創作者</p> <p>「茱麗葉.方特是時間管理大師,?認識到有必要以報復的方式應對忙碌。我很高興?能探索?關於這個主題的書,這樣?就可以重新評估?的思考方式、工作方式和行為方式,以專注於最重要的事情,只有?能做。」──克雷格.葛洛契爾(Craig Groeschel),《紐約時報》暢銷作家、Life.Church的牧師</p> <p>「真希望寫出這本書的人是我。」──約翰.克里斯(John Cleese),喜劇傳奇人物</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,245円

Always Delicious Over 175 Satisfying Recipes to Conquer Cravings, Retrain Your Fat Cells, and Keep the Weight Off Permanently【電子書籍】[ Dawn Ludwig ]

<p><strong>The delectable cookbook companion to the #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling <em>Always Hungry?,</em> with over 175 delicious recipes!</strong></p> <p>In <em>Always Hungry?</em> renowned endocrinologist Dr. David Ludwig showed us why traditional diets don't work, and how to lose weight without hunger, improve your health, and feel great. The reception to the book has been strong and his online community is active and growing rapidly.</p> <p>Now, in <em>Always Delicious</em>, Dr. Ludwig and Dawn Ludwig have created over 150 easy-to-make and tasty recipes that ignore calories and target fat cells directly. With recipes like Spinach Feta Quiche, Citrus Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry, Thai Coconut Fish Soup, and Pear Cranberry Pie, which are full of luscious high fat ingredients, savory proteins, and natural carbohydrates, this indispensable cookbook is a liberating new way to tame hunger and lose weight . . . for good.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,388円

DAY TRADING FOR BEGINNERS An Easy Guide to Learn Day Trading Strategies, Tools, Charts, Money Psychology & Risk Management to Maximize Profit & Build Passive Income for A Living. Conquer the Markets!【電子書籍】[ Mark Denham ]

<p><strong>?I know that in these times when life has gotten tough for everyone and work makes you feel more caged than ever, you too, like many other people, are looking for a way to gain financial freedom.</strong></p> <p><strong>If you read these lines, you probably already know that trading is certainly one of the most powerful and fastest (but riskiest) means to obtain it.</strong></p> <p>Do you want to know how to become a successful trader? Well, I have great news for you! This book will teach you the proper techniques to become part of that 10% of traders who manage to be successful!?</p> <p>Mark (the author) will teach you the trading techniques he personally uses to profit from the market!〓〓〓</p> <p>Don't trust fake "gurus" and quick guides written by incompetent authors. Mark Denham has been a professional trader for over ten years, making a lot of money. The results speak for themselves.</p> <p>With his guidance, you will learn how to generate cash flow in 10 days by taking advantage of short-term opportunities.</p> <p>You are in the right place!</p> <p>Online day trading is an activity that offers the possibility of earning a lot of money, but not without risk. For this reason, it is good to train first and find out what you intend to do and, above all, the risks you run.</p> <p>It is not required that you are a math genius or a gambler to become a successful day trader. Mark Denham will take you by the hand and, through the strategies, tips, and tricks contained in his book, will guide you to make the right choices, so you can be successful while minimizing the risks.</p> <p><strong>Here is a taste of what you will find in the book:</strong></p> <p>?How day trading really works?</p> <p>The things you really need to know to start day trading</p> <p>?How to set your goals, plan your plans, and exploit your risk tolerance in a way that is beneficial for you?</p> <p>Opening and management of a demo account</p> <p>?Technical Analysis, Candlesticks, and Day Trading Strategies?</p> <p>Investor psychology and mentality</p> <p>?Mistakes people make when trading and how to avoid them?</p> <p>How to choose your daily trading actions</p> <p>?Day trading strategies that professionals don't want you to know?</p> <p>...and so much more!</p> <p>After finishing the manual study, you should be able to start your day trading sessions immediately, taking advantage of the opportunity that day trading can offer to those who know where to look for a valuable source of profit.</p> <p><strong>? Constant practice will be the keystone, leading you to mature the experience that can, later on, guarantee you an even greater positive return year after year, taking up only 45 minutes of your time in a day.</strong></p> <p><strong>So, what are you waiting for?</strong></p> <p><strong>Stop procrastinating 〓... The winners take action; for everyone else, there are excuses.</strong></p> <p><strong>?Build your TRUE financial freedom now and get your life back ... the life we all deserve! Scroll to the top of the page and click "BUY NOW."?</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,345円

事情沒有那麼糟:給不小心就想太多的?的情緒療癒指南 Everything Isn't Terrible: Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety, and Finally Calm Down【電子書籍】[ 凱瑟琳.史密斯博士m Kathleen Smith ]

<p>Amazon書店讀者★★★★☆一致盛讚</p> <p><strong>男友不讀不回訊息,徹底人間蒸發……</strong></p> <p>焦慮的?→奪命連環call,我一定要找到他為止!</p> <p>冷靜的?→我應該要少看手機,轉移自己的注意力。</p> <p><strong>老?寫信給?,感覺語氣有點不高興……</strong></p> <p>焦慮的?→完了!他可能打算要炒我?魚了!</p> <p>冷靜的?→就算老?心情不好,也不一定跟我有關係。</p> <p><strong>母親總是對?的感情對象、薪水抱怨個不停……</strong></p> <p>焦慮的?→到底要怎樣才能讓?不要再一直碎碎唸?</p> <p>冷靜的?→我應該跟媽媽好好溝通,尋求?的理解。</p> <p>不管是工作、家庭,還是感情,?當遇到挫折與壓力時,我們常會不由自主地陷入焦慮中,問題就出在我們大腦的「反射動作」。人類在遭遇危險時,大腦會本能地做出保護反應,引發不安和恐懼,但其實?感受到的所有負面情緒,往往都不是真的!</p> <p>資深諮商心理師凱瑟琳.史密斯博士認為,焦慮無法避免,但卻可以「控制」,只要藉由仔細觀察、審慎評估,就能及時阻斷焦慮,關閉不當的「自動反應」,拿回情緒的主控權。本書便從練習分辨自己的情緒開始,一??教?如何處理父母、家人、伴侶、朋友等「焦慮關係」,進而延伸到職場乃至手機、社交媒體和政治、宗教問題的對應之道。</p> <p>焦慮是人之常情,想要克服焦慮,失敗了也沒關係,下次再多觀察一點、多練習一點,自然就會進?。我們要做的,只是照顧好自己、對自己負責就?了!</p> <p><strong>名家推薦:</strong></p> <p>【諮商心理師、作家】<strong>王雅涵</strong>、【諮商心理師】<strong>林萃芬</strong>、【臨床心理師】<strong>洪仲清</strong>、【臨床心理師、作家】<strong>劉仲彬</strong>、【臨床心理師】<strong>蘇益賢</strong>、【諮商心理師】<strong>蘇絢慧</strong>權威推薦!</p> <p>作者簡介:</p> <p><strong>凱瑟琳</strong>**.**<strong>史密斯博士</strong></p> <p>專業諮商心理師和知名心理健康作家,定居在華盛頓。</p> <p>?目前是「包?家庭研究中心」副教授,並擔任哥倫比亞特區大學的「家庭事務」電視節目主持人,文章散見於《板岩》、《沙龍》、《紐約雜誌》、《生活駭客》、《Bustle》及《今日諮商》等多家雜誌及網站。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,129円

Conquering Infertility Dr. Alice Domar's Mind/Body Guide to Enhancing Fertility and Coping with Infertility【電子書籍】[ Alice D. Domar ]

<p><strong>A groundbreaking guide to overcoming infertility that offers support, hope, and practical strategies for couples to improve their chances of becoming pregnant.</strong></p> <p>Infertility is a heartbreaking condition that affects millions of American couples each year. It causes tremendous stress, can trigger debilitating sadness and depression, and can tear a marriage to shreds.</p> <p>Harvard psychologist Dr. Alice Domarーwhom <em>Vogue</em> calls the “Fertility Goddess”ーuses innovative mind/body techniques she has perfected at her clinic to help infertile couples not only regain control over their lives, but also boost their chances of conceiving. This exceptional guide also explores options like IVF, adoption, and surrogacy, helping couples navigate their unique fertility journey, as well as providing strategies for managing the stress to a relationship that infertility issues can cause.</p> <p>With compassionate advice and evidence-based insights, <em>Conquering Infertility</em> provides an essential resource for coping with infertility with a positive mindset and helps carve a path toward a rich, full, happy life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,498円

A Journey of the Fated Conqueror Part 1 Mortal Realm Chapter 200-210【電子書籍】[ Souryourer Fate ]

<p>There is a person who is all powerful but no one know this person yet everyone says her name every time and every day<br /> do you know her?<br /> this person is called "fate" who is most kind and cruel with many different personalities and many names like lady fate, lady luck, fortuna, maha maya,...etc.there is one sentence to describe this person's power<br /> "no matter if you are THE GOD or THE DEVIL, one can never cross fate unless she gave you the way".<br /> what if a person propose his love to fate?<br /> "oh! you love me, so what, what qualification do you have, but since you have the guts to propose to me then prove me your worth".<br /> "conquer all the worlds under me and find all the pieces of me in the world and conquer them from level zero without your current power to finally reach this fate realm then we can see your worth".<br /> this started the journey of the conqueror to conquer the world and fate where there are many adventures in many realms, forming a huge harem, refining pills, weapons crafting, charm making, formation building, monster taming, and many and unknown things with a marvelous game system that shake's the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 340円

The Conqueror from a Dying Kingdom: Volume 1【電子書籍】[ Fudeorca ]

<p>As a self-professed no-lifer, Yuri idles his days away in front of a computer. This all changes the moment his life in Japan comes to an abrupt end and he finds himself reborn in the strange new world of the Shiyalta Kingdom. His new life includes everything he once lacked: loving parents, a comfortable home, and a promising future breeding and raising birds on his dad’s ranch.</p> <p>For centuries, the kingdom he now calls home has enjoyed peace and prosperity, shielded by friendly nations that, like Shiyalta itself, were established with the collapse of a once-great empire. War is a distant problem, relevant only to Shiyalta’s ruling families whose warriors periodically set out to join the fighting upon massive birds trained by Yuri’s dad and others. But this peaceful existence can’t last forever. Something rotten lies at the heart of the kingdom, and it doesn’t take someone with Yuri’s exceptional intelligence to realize that those distant battles will only remain irrelevant for so long.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

The Effortless Experience Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty【電子書籍】[ Matthew Dixon ]

<p><strong>Everyone knows that the best way to create customer loyalty is with service so good, so over the top, that it surprises and delights. <em>But what if everyone is wrong?</em></strong></p> <p>In their acclaimed bestseller <em>The Challenger Sale</em>, Matthew Dixon and his colleagues at CEB busted many longstanding myths about sales. Now they’ve turned their research and analysis to a new vital business subjectーcustomer loyaltyーwith a new book that turns the conventional wisdom on its head.</p> <p>The idea that companies must delight customers by exceeding service expectations is so entrenched that managers rarely even question it. They devote untold time, energy, and resources to trying to dazzle people and inspire their undying loyalty. Yet CEB’s careful research over five years and tens of thousands of respondents proves that the “dazzle factor” is wildly overratedーit simply doesn’t predict repeat sales, share of wallet, or positive wordof-mouth. The reality:</p> <p><em>Loyalty is driven by how well a company delivers on its basic promises and solves day-to-day problems, not on how spectacular its service experience might be. <strong>Most customers don’t want to be “wowed”; they want an effortless experience.</strong> And they are far more likely to punish you for bad service than to reward you for good service.</em></p> <p>If you put on your customer hat rather than your manager or marketer hat, this makes a lot of sense. What do you really want from your cable company, a free month of HBO when it screws up or a fast, painless restoration of your connection? What about your bankーdo you want free cookies and a cheerful smile, even a personal relationship with your teller? Or just a quick in-and-out transaction and an easy way to get a refund when it accidentally overcharges on fees?</p> <p><em>The Effortless Experience</em> takes readers on a fascinating journey deep inside the customer experience to reveal what really makes customers loyalーand disloyal. The authors lay out the four key pillars of a low-effort customer experience, along the way delivering robust data, shocking insights and profiles of companies that are already using the principles revealed by CEB’s research, with great results. And they include many tools and templates you can start applying right away to improve service, reduce costs, decrease customer churn, and ultimately generate the elusive loyalty that the “dazzle factor” fails to deliver.</p> <p>The rewards are there for the taking, and the pathway to achieving them is now clearly marked.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,747円

Lodestone Book Five: The Conquered Shore【電子書籍】[ Mark Whiteway ]

<p>Following a momentous journey across space, two groups of Helvenans are locked in a struggle for survival on the strange, virgin planet they have named Kelanni.</p> <p>Their long journey over, the exiles from the planet Helvena must now carve out a new existence. But the stain of war still blights the two factions - the hubbers with their strict caste system, now enforced by the new, fearsome keltar in their flying cloaks, and the free community of rimmers. On an alien world beset by unknown dangers and complex life forms they must find a way to come together...or be destroyed.</p> <p>"This is the fifth book in Mark Whiteway's beautifully crafted Lodestone series".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 599円

The Quants How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It【電子書籍】[ Scott Patterson ]

<p><strong>With the immediacy of today’s NASDAQ close and the timeless power of a Greek tragedy, <em>The Quants</em> is at once a masterpiece of explanatory journalism, a gripping tale of ambition and hubris, and an ominous warning about Wall Street’s future.</strong></p> <p>In March of 2006, four of the world’s richest men sipped champagne in an opulent New York hotel. They were preparing to compete in a poker tournament with million-dollar stakes, but those numbers meant nothing to them. They were accustomed to risking <em>billions.</em></p> <p>On that night, these four men and their cohorts were the new kings of Wall Street. Muller, Griffin, Asness, and Weinstein were among the best and brightest of a new breed, the <em>quants</em>. Over the prior twenty years, this species of math whiz--technocrats who make billions not with gut calls or fundamental analysis but with formulas and high-speed computers--had usurped the testosterone-fueled, kill-or-be-killed risk-takers who’d long been the alpha males the world’s largest casino. The quants helped create a digitized money-trading machine that could shift billions around the globe with the click of a mouse. Few realized, though, that in creating this unprecedented machine, men like Muller, Griffin, Asness and Weinstein had sowed the seeds for history’s greatest financial disaster.</p> <p>Drawing on unprecedented access to these four number-crunching titans, <em>The Quants</em> tells the inside story of what they thought and felt in the days and weeks when they helplessly watched much of their net worth vaporize--and wondered just how their mind-bending formulas and genius-level IQ’s had led them so wrong, so fast.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,498円

Hoshin Engi, Vol. 12 Conquering Chokomei, Part 3【電子書籍】[ Ryu Fujisaki ]

<p>The battle of the magic tower comes to a head as Taikobo takes on Chokomei, the most powerful enemy he has ever faced. After Chokomei's onslaught, Taikobo appears to be completely defeated. Is this the end of the revolution and the Hoshin Project?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 748円

William the Conqueror【電子書籍】[ Edward A. Freeman ]

<p>In 'William the Conqueror' by Edward A. Freeman, the author delves into the life and reign of one of the most iconic figures in English history. Freeman's scholarly approach provides a detailed exploration of William's conquest of England, his impact on the political landscape, and the legacy he left behind. Written in a clear and concise style, the book offers valuable insights into the medieval period, making it a must-read for anyone interested in British history. Freeman's attention to historical accuracy and depth of research truly sets this work apart. The narrative is engaging and accessible, making it suitable for both academics and casual readers alike. Edward A. Freeman, a renowned historian and author, brings his expertise to bear in 'William the Conqueror'. His passion for the subject matter is evident throughout the book, as he skillfully weaves together historical facts and analysis to paint a vivid picture of William's life and times. Freeman's rigorous approach to research and his distinguished literary style make this biography a standout in the field. I highly recommend 'William the Conqueror' to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of medieval history or who simply enjoys a well-written and informative biography. Freeman's expertise and engaging narrative make this book a valuable addition to any history enthusiast's library.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

McGraw-Hill Education Conquering GRE Math, Fourth Edition【電子書籍】[ Robert E. Moyer ]

<p><strong>A comprehensive tool to help boost your score on the GRE math section</strong></p> <p>If you’re one of the more than half a million people who take the GRE every year and want to boost your math score, than this is the ideal study resource for you!</p> <p><em>McGraw-Hill Education’s Conquering GRE Math, Fourth Edition</em> is unique in that the problems increase in difficulty as you progress through the book. This will help you develop problem-solving skills as you prepare for the exam. Exercises show how each math concept is tested on the GRE. Full-length GRE math sections provide practice with questions just like those on the real test.The author is a math teacher who specializes in helping students enhance their GRE related math skills.</p> <p>Score raising features include:</p> <p>? 3 full-length GRE tests provide practice with questions just like those on the real test<br /> ? Updated information on how and when to use your calculator on the exam<br /> ? Complete review of GRE math topics including: number properties, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word problems<br /> ? Strategies for answering every GRE math question type: quantitative comparison, multiple choice, numeric entry, and data analysis<br /> ? Intensive drills and practice exercises, and more</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,731円

Kleptopia: How Dirty Money is Conquering the World【電子書籍】[ Tom Burgis ]

<p><strong>SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER</strong> ‘If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked hard enough … This terrifying book follows a global current of dirty money, and the murders and kidnappings required to sustain it’ GEORGE MONBIOT, <em>GUARDIAN</em> AN <em>ECONOMIST</em> AND <em>WASHINGTON POST</em> BOOK OF THE YEAR 2020</p> <p>‘When you pick this book up, you won’t be able to put it down’ <strong>MISHA GLENNY, author of <em>MCMAFIA</em></strong></p> <p>‘Gripping, disturbing and deeply reported’ <strong>BEN RHODES, bestselling author of <em>THE WORLD AS IT IS</em></strong></p> <p><strong>In this real-life thriller packed with jaw-dropping revelations, award-winning investigative journalist Tom Burgis reveals a terrifying global web of kleptocracy and corruption.</strong></p> <p><em>Kleptopia</em> follows the dirty money that is flooding the global economy, emboldening dictators, enriching oligarchs and poisoning democracies. From the Kremlin to Beijing, Harare to Riyadh, London to the Trump White House, it shows how the thieves are uniting ? and the terrible human cost.</p> <p>A body in a burned-out Audi. Workers riddled with bullets in the Kazakh desert. A rigged election in Zimbabwe. A British banker silenced and humiliated for trying <strong>to expose the truth about the City of London ? the world’s piggy bank for blood money</strong>.</p> <p>Riveting, horrifying and written like fiction, this book shows that while we are looking the other way, all that we hold most dear is being stolen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,248円

撼動華爾街的數學鬼才:瘋狂又高智商的淘金客,如何運用量化交易鯨?市場、掀起海嘯 The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It【電子書籍】

<p>?露量化交易大師暴賺千億美元背後的原理與秘辛,</p> <p>一夕之間,理智的投資數學模型可能變成投機豪賭!</p> <p>★《黒天鵝效應》作者塔雷伯力薦,《暗池》作者又一大作!</p> <p>★《紐約時報》暢銷書,《彭博社》、《商業週刊》、《金融時報》媒體好評</p> <p>★《亞馬遜網站》讀者4.5星強力推薦</p> <p>?他們都是市場中的食人魚,嗅到價格偏差的套利機會便一擁而上</p> <p>吉姆?西蒙斯:量化交易之父,旗下大獎章基金平均年化報酬率高達66.1%。</p> <p>愛徳華.索普:稱霸賭城和華爾街的傳奇數學家,執掌PNP基金時從未虧損。</p> <p>彼得.穆勒:摩根史坦利神秘的PDT基金前經理,五年帶來十億美元淨收入。</p> <p>克里夫.艾斯尼斯:量化領域知名AQR基金創立人,長期維持雙位數報酬率。</p> <p>這些數學鬼才是如何賺到超越巴菲特的報酬?</p> <p>而他們管理的億萬資?,又為何在投機下一夕化為泡沫?</p> <p>?但巴菲特?:「當心?得運用公式的那些人!」</p> <p>這些量化交易大師又被稱為寛客,與索羅斯這樣靠直覺買賣的傳統交易員大為不同,</p> <p>幾乎人人擁有數理高學?,是學界象牙塔出身的一?智力天才。</p> <p>他們以電腦做為武裝,以公式模型打造賺錢機器,財富滾滾而進。</p> <p>但,當市場遭受突發事件衝?,失去了理性,公式模型便可能瞬間失效!</p> <p>舉凡1987年黒色星期一、1998年LTCM基金巨大虧損、2008年金融海嘯,</p> <p>這些嚴重股災、市場崩潰,背後都有著這?數學鬼才的推波助瀾。</p> <p>?程式交易是投資界的未來,抑或下一次崩潰的推手?</p> <p>隨著科技進?,程式交易已成為散?也能?足的領域,成長方興未艾。</p> <p>與此同時,我們更需洞悉市場本質,探知公式模型隱含的風險!</p> <p>透過本書作者對這些量化交易大師的興衰起伏進行深入研究與描述,</p> <p>讀者將能理解這項新興策略的光榮與陰影,以投資界的?史為鑑,</p> <p>了解現今股市樣貌與運作?情,做出更正確的投資決策。</p> <p>【好評推薦】</p> <p>「史考特.派特森擁有看到?我所看不到的事情的魔力。他對本書的付出令人欽佩,他?穿了黒箱交易者的祕密,而且敘事方式引人入勝。」──納希姆.塔雷伯(Nassim Nicholas Taleb),《黒天鵝效應》、《隨機騙局》作者</p> <p>「如果?想了解為何全球經濟系統崩潰的原因,在於那套系統所奠基的現代經濟理論存在根本性問題,卻有一批死忠門徒戮力奉行,那麼?該來看這本書。派特森有能力用極為吸引人又充滿洞見的故事,妥善地解釋我們經濟系統?的複雜理念。」──馬克.贊迪(Mark Zandi),穆迪分析公司首席經濟學家</p> <p>「派特森編織一本性格飽滿的故事,詳細描述了一群奇葩天才如何先是在賭?上取勝,隨後又躍入世界最大的賭場──華爾街。從二十一點牌戲到黒天鵝叢生,本書告訴?我們謂何會走到這個地?。」威廉.?士東(William Poundstone),《紐約時報》傑出財經新聞獎得主</p> <p>「頗具?發又有?樂性……派特森出色地細述這些數學大師與科技大師是如何忽略了人性本質。如果?真心想要理解金融崩潰的成因,?一定要?讀本書。」大衛.維斯(David Vise),普立茲釋義性報導獎得主</p> <p>「?是否想過,那些主宰華爾街的寛客們,是從何處而來,又做了那些大事??派特森為?準備了極佳的答案。」──賈斯汀.福克斯(Justin Fox),《哈佛商業評論》前編輯總監</p> <p>「本書?露的資訊,會讓坐在高?椅子上的避險基金經理緊張不安,也讓其他讀者驚詫於那些經理的貪婪程度以及他們對經濟層面的廣泛影響。」──保羅.威爾莫特(Paul Wilmott),前避險基金經理人</p> <p>「有趣且令人不安的一本書……派特森賦予寛客大師們面貌與人格,使他們的傳奇故事易讀又有趣……他的巨作讓人不禁想了解更多。」──《紐約時報》</p> <p>「本書深具價?,讓寛客大師的祕密世界為人所知,其中祕辛充斥著傲慢、高風險和昂貴的玩具。」──《彭博社》</p> <p>「引人入勝……在史考特.派特森這本著作中,描述了許多令人激動、戲劇化的時刻,也不缺幸災樂禍的趣味。」──《金融時報》</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,333円

RAY CUMMINGS Boxed Set Beyond the Vanishing Point, Girl in the Golden Atom, Brigands of the Moon, Tarrano the Conqueror【電子書籍】[ Ray Cummings ]

<p>Ray Cummings was an American author of science fiction literature and comic books. Cummings is identified as one of the "founding fathers" of the science fiction genre. His most highly regarded fictional work was the novel The Girl in the Golden Atom, which was a consolidation of a short story by the same name. For this novel Cummings combined the idea of Fitz James O'Brien's The Diamond Lens with H. G. Wells's The Time Machine. During the 1940s, Cummings anonymously scripted comic book stories for Timely Comics, the predecessor to Marvel Comics. He recycled the plot of The Girl in the Golden Atom</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Conquering Incontinence A new and physical approach to a freer lifestyle【電子書籍】[ Peter Dornan ]

<p>Urinary incontinence has been described as the most widespread yet least known and understood affliction in society today. This problem can seriously impact on your lifestyle, professional career, emotional wellbeing, exercise activity and your sex life. In <em>Conquering Incontinence</em> Peter Dornan gets behind the stigma and misunderstandings to help you to overcome or further improve your problem.</p> <p>There are a range of different treatment options currently available. Standard pelvic floor exercises are usually prescribed but Peter Dornan has added to that and developed, through first-hand experience and research, an innovative and physical program that helped him conquer his own urinary incontinence. <em>Conquering Incontinence</em> describes a new and physical technique that promotes increased circulation, enhances neuromuscular reflex activity of the urinary system and improves muscular control of the abdominal and pelvic regions to help you actively combat urinary incontinence. Follow the program of simple physical exercises and build up to a more vigorous routine as your strength increases.</p> <p>If you or someone you know suffers from urinary incontinence, <em>Conquering Incontinence</em>, written by an experienced physiotherapist who has been there, done that', will be an invaluable resource. Primarily a self-help guide for men and women suffering from urinary incontinence, professionals working in the field will also find this book useful.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,137円

Dragon Ball, Vol. 13 Piccolo Conquers the World【電子書籍】[ Akira Toriyama ]

<p>With a wish on the Dragon Balls, Piccolo restores his youth, becoming more powerful than ever! Flying to the palace of the King of the World, he announces that he is the new King, and broadcasts his reign of terror on international TV!Only Tenshinhan and Goku have a chance to stop Piccolo: Tenshinhan by mastering a martial arts move that can kill the one who uses it, and Goku by drinking a magic potion that might make him stronger--or kill him too! Two heroes risk death to save the planet--and meanwhile, Yajirobe eats too much and gets sick!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 748円

The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras His Sone Who Conquerede Rome【電子書籍】[ Various ]

<p>The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras His Sone Who Conquerede Rome is a medieval chivalric romance that follows the adventures of the Saracen emperor and his son as they navigate conflicts, battles, and quests. The book is written in Middle English, employing elaborate language and fantastical elements typical of medieval romances. The narrative is filled with intricate details, showcasing the societal values and beliefs of the time. This text is a significant example of medieval literature, offering insights into the cultural and literary traditions of the period. Readers will delight in the vivid imagery and captivating storytelling found within its pages. Various, the author of The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras His Sone Who Conquerede Rome, drew inspiration from the rich tradition of medieval romances prevalent during the Middle Ages. Various likely sought to entertain readers with tales of heroism, chivalry, and fantastical adventures. The author's use of intricate language and elaborate storytelling techniques reflects the literary tastes and practices of the time, making this work a valuable contribution to medieval literature. I highly recommend The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras His Sone Who Conquerede Rome to readers interested in medieval literature, chivalric romances, and historical fiction. This book offers a captivating glimpse into the imaginative world of medieval storytelling while providing valuable insights into the cultural and societal norms of the era.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

PROSPERITY & HOW TO ATTRACT IT On Living a Life of Financial Freedom, Conquering Debt, Increasing Income and Maximizing Wealth【電子書籍】[ Orison Swett Marden ]

<p>In 'Prosperity & How to Attract It' by Orison Swett Marden, the author delves into the concept of prosperity and provides readers with insights on how to manifest abundance in their lives. Written in a clear and practical style, Marden explores the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction as tools for achieving success and prosperity. This book not only serves as a guide for personal development but also reflects the optimism and self-help movement of the early 20th century. Marden's uplifting and motivating words resonate with readers, urging them to take control of their destinies and create a life of abundance. Orison Swett Marden, a pioneer in the self-help genre, draws upon his own experiences and observations to offer timeless wisdom in 'Prosperity & How to Attract It'. As a successful author and founder of SUCCESS magazine, Marden's dedication to empowering individuals shines through in this influential work. His genuine desire to help others unlock their full potential is evident in every page, making this book a valuable resource for those seeking personal growth and prosperity. I highly recommend 'Prosperity & How to Attract It' to readers interested in harnessing the power of positive thinking and attracting abundance into their lives. Marden's timeless advice and inspirational teachings provide practical strategies for achieving success and fulfillment, making this book a must-read for those on a journey towards prosperity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

More Than Conquerors【電子書籍】[ Warriors for Christ International ]

<p>Within each one of us is the potential and power to change the future of the world. Many a time this power is lost because of the trials and the tribulations that life throws at us. But there is hope in JESUS. And this book will take you on a journey to establish a relationship with God the same God that fashioned you in his own image and to build you up in His most holy faith all accomplished through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.<br /> Join us in this journey to discover the life that God has planned for you. Every page leads you on a path that will draw you closer to God, a path that will help you overcome real enemy that each one of us face each and every day, and a path that will strengthen you and encourage you to seek a life that brings peace, joy and comfort to your life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 660円

Haben The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law【電子書籍】[ Haben Girma ]

<p><strong>The incredible life story of Haben Girma, the first Deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School, and her amazing journey from isolation to the world stage.</strong></p> <p>Haben grew up spending summers with her family in the enchanting Eritrean city of Asmara. There, she discovered courage as she faced off against a bull she couldn't see, and found in herself an abiding strength as she absorbed her parents' harrowing experiences during Eritrea's thirty-year war with Ethiopia. Their refugee story inspired her to embark on a quest for knowledge, traveling the world in search of the secret to belonging. She explored numerous fascinating places, including Mali, where she helped build a school under the scorching Saharan sun. Her many adventures over the years range from the hair-raising to the hilarious.</p> <p>Haben defines disability as an opportunity for innovation. She learned non-visual techniques for everything from dancing salsa to handling an electric saw. She developed a text-to-braille communication system that created an exciting new way to connect with people. Haben pioneered her way through obstacles, graduated from Harvard Law, and now uses her talents to advocate for people with disabilities.</p> <p><em>Haben</em> takes readers through a thrilling game of blind hide-and-seek in Louisiana, a treacherous climb up an iceberg in Alaska, and a magical moment with President Obama at The White House. Warm, funny, thoughtful, and uplifting, this captivating memoir is a testament to one woman's determination to find the keys to connection.</p> <p><strong>"This autobiography by a millennial Helen Keller teems with grace and grit." -- <em>O Magazine</em></strong></p> <p>**<em>"<em>A profoundly important memoir." -- <em>The Times</em></em></em></p> <p><strong>** As featured in <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>, <em>People</em>, and on The TODAY Show ** A <em>New York Times</em> "New & Noteworthy" Pick ** An <em>O Magazine</em> "Book of the Month" Pick ** A <em>Publishers Weekly</em> Bestseller **</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,283円