Dickel 電子書籍

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25件中 1件 - 25件  1

Manny Shwab and the George Dickel Company Whisky, Power and Politics During Nashville's Gilded Age【電子書籍】[ Clay Shwab ]

<p>There was once a Tennessee whiskey that dwarfed Jack Daniel's, and a powerful man was behind it: V.E. "Manny" Shwab. Until now, virtually nothing has been written about either. Their story is one of a Jewish Alsatian immigrant's dream of finding community and prosperity in the New world; of smuggling during the Civil War; of the raging, sometimes fatal, battle against Prohibition; and of the wild side of rapidly growing Nashville during the 19th and early 20th centuries.</p> <p>"Manny" Shwab was a Tennessean known as the "owner" of Tennessee politics, and--because of his George Dickel company, saloons, and Cascade Whisky--the "debaucherer of more young men than anyone else in the state." He was also one of Tennesee's richest and most powerful men for four decades. This is the first full-length biography of V. E. Shwab, written by his great-grandson, and also the first complete history of the George Dickel company.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,776円

Kategorien und Kriterien des Konzeptes der geistesgeschichtlichen Literaturwissenschaft bei Wilhelm Dilthey【電子書籍】[ Matthias Dickel ]

<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, FernUniversit?t Hagen (Institut f?r neuere deutsche und europ?ische Literatur), Veranstaltung: Positivistische und geistesgeschichtliche Literaturwissenschaft, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit soll es nun sein, einerseits die geistesgeschichtliche Auseinandersetzung mit den literarischen Werken in ihrer Methode und ihren Grundpositionen darzustellen und andererseits zu zeigen, in welchen Punkten sich diese Vorgehensweise vom positivistischen Denken unterscheidet. Aus diesem Grunde sollen im zweiten Kapitel die grundlegenden Pr?missen der geistesgeschichtlichen Methode dargelegt werden. Im dritten Teil werden die Denkkategorien aufgezeigt, welche auf diesen Pr?missen aufbauen, durch die sich die geistesgeschichtliche Interpretation von ihrem Konkurrenzmodell unterscheidet. Diese beiden Kapitel stellen das R?stwerkzeug f?r dieses Modell dar. Das vierte Kapitel dringt nun in die speziellere Problematik der Dichtungstheorie ein. In diesem Abschnitt sollen die Kategorien dichterischen Schaffens betrachtet werden. Die Auseinanderset-zung mit dem dichterischen Seelenleben verschafft dem Interpreten das Verst?ndnis f?r die k?nstlerischen Werke und der Weltsicht des Dichters. Im f?nften Kapitel soll anhand der Erz?hlung 'Die Verwandlung' von Franz Kafka die geistesgeschichtliche Herangehensweise skizziert werden. Eine Leistung der Geistesgeschichte war die Schaffung von ?berzeitlichen Ordnungsprinzipien. Die Epocheneinteilung findet heute noch Anwendung. Es soll in diesem Beispiel diskutiert werden, in wie weit diese Erz?hlung dem Expressionismus zugeordnet werden kann.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 914円

Embodying Difference Critical Phenomenology and Narratives of Disability, Race, and Sexuality【電子書籍】[ Simon Dickel ]

<p>This book explores how phenomenological ideas about embodiment, perception, and lived experience are discussed within disability studies, critical race theory, and queer studies. Building on these disciplines, it offers readings of memoirs and novels that address the consequences of stigmatization and the bodily dimensions of social differences. The texts include Robert F. Murphy’s <em>The Body Silent</em>, Simi Linton’s <em>My Body Politic</em>, Rod Michalko’s <em>The Two-in-One: Walking with Smokie, Walking with Blindness</em>, three memoirs by Stephen Kuusisto, Vincent O. Carter’s <em>The Bern Book</em>, as well as two novels, Matthew Griffin’s <em>Hide</em> and Armistead Maupin’s <em>Maybe the Moon</em>. All of the texts discussed in this book negotiate the significance of bodily and perceptual habits, the influence of language and culture on embodiment, the importance of relationality and community, the severe effects of misrecognition, and the possibilities of emancipation and socialrecognition. Hence, they are read as pioneering contributions to the emerging field of critical phenomenology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 13,369円

Jenseits der territorialen Differenzierung - Perspektiven der systemtheoretischen Gesellschaftstheorie auf den Zustand des internationalen Systems【電子書籍】[ Sascha Dickel ]

<p>Rezension / Literaturbericht aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Allgemeines und Theorien, Note: 1.0, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt am Main (Institut f?r vergleichendePolitikwissenschaft und Internationale Beziehungen), Veranstaltung: Proseminar: Geschichte und Theorie der internationalen Beziehungen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Globalisierung und Weltgesellschaft, diese Begriffe geistern nun schon seit geraumer Zeit durch die sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatten, doch bleiben sie oft vage und entziehen sich mit Beharrlichkeit einer konsensf?higen Definition. Insbesondere die Disziplin der Internationalen Beziehungen, die als konstitutiv Zust?ndig f?r 'grenz?berschreitende und globale Prozesse' gilt, tut sich scheinbar schwer damit diese Begriffe theoretisch einzubetten. Doch inwieweit ist die traditionell staatszentrierte theoretische Brille des Fachs - ein Erbe des Realismus - daf?r verantwortlich? Die Habilitationsschrift von Mathias Albert soll nach eigenem Verst?ndnis die 'interdisziplin?re Globalisierungsforschung in einen ?bergreifenden und f?r ihre Ergebnisse anschlussf?higen Theoriekontext' stellen. Dabei dient die moderne Systemtheorie von Niklas Luhmann als gesellschaftstheoretischer Rahmen. Albert stellt fest, 'dass sich die [...] konkurrierenden (Gro?-) Theorien des internationalen Systems als weitgehend untauglich erwiesen haben, mit der Qualit?t und M?chtigkeit von Prozessen umzugehen, die die strukturierende Wirkung nationalstaatlicher Grenzen in Frage stellen' . Die Untersuchung des Autors kn?pft dabei insofern an sein Vorwerk 'Fallen der (Welt-) Ordnung' an, als sie versucht die Grenzen der dominanten Gro?theorien der Disziplin der Internationalen Beziehungen aufzuzeigen, und sie um neue Perspektiven zu bereichern. Dazu konzentriert er sich vor allem auf zwei Themen, welche gegenw?rtige weltgesellschaftliche Prozesse aufzeigen, die sich jenseits des Primats der 'territorialen Differenzierung' der Nationalstaaten abspielen, n?mlich die Herausbildung transnationaler Migrationsgemeinschaften, und die Ausdifferenzierung des Rechtssystems auf internationaler Ebene am Beispiel der lex mercantoria. Doch Albert stellt im Rahmen seiner Arbeit nicht nur exemplarisch dar dass sich das traditionelle Konzept von Territorialit?t wandelt, sondern beschreibt auch (mithilfe systemtheoretischer Konzepte) wie sich diese Wandlung vollzieht, und auf welche Weise globale Steuerung trotz des schwindenden Einflusses der Nationalstaaten auf weltweite gesellschaftliche Prozesse m?glich ist. Der Schl?ssel daf?r sind f?r ihn die verschiedenen Formen von internationalen Institutionen. Damit ?ffnet die Untersuchung von Mathias Albert auch neue Perspektiven auf die ins Stocken geratene Debatte um Global Governance. [...]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 133円

Dicke Lilli - gutes Kind Autobiografischer Roman【電子書籍】[ Lilli Palmer ]

<p>≫Dicke Lilli - gutes Kind≪ - so lautete die Antwort, wenn man die dreij?hrige Lilli Palmer, die bereits damals entschlossen war, als Schauspielerin die Welt zu erobern, nach ihrem Namen fragte. In ihrem autobiografischen Roman erz?hlt Lilli Palmer mit Charme, Weitblick, Humor und entwaffnender Ehrlichkeit von ihrem Lebensweg - ?ber Berlin nach Paris, ?ber London nach Hollywood bis nach New York und schlie?lich zur?ck nach Deutschland. Die Reise gleicht einer Achterbahnfahrt, die Lilli Palmer erst alleine, dann mit ihrem ersten Mann Rex Harrison und sp?ter an der Seite ihres zweiten Mannes Carlos Thompson bestritt. Ihrem ≫Stehverm?gen≪ hat Lilli Palmer es zu verdanken, dass sie sich immer wieder aufrappelte, wenn ihr Leben drohte, aus den Bahnen zu geraten.</p> <p>Lilli Palmer (1914-1986) z?hlt zu den bekanntesten deutschen Schauspielerinnen. Ihre steile Karriere f?hrte sie 1945 nach Hollywood, wo sie sich schnell durchsetzen konnte. 1954 kehrte sie nach Deutschland zur?ck und wurde mit Angeboten und Auszeichnungen (u.a. zwei Bundesfilmpreise) ?berh?uft. 1974 erschienen ihre Memoiren ≫Dicke Lilli - gutes Kind≪, die zu einem internationalen Bestseller wurden. Damit begann Lilli Palmers zweite Karriere als Autorin. Ihre B?cher, Romane wie Sachb?cher, wurden allesamt Bestseller. In ihrer Freizeit widmete sie sich mit Erfolg der Malerei. Lilli Palmer starb im Januar 1986.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 801円

Dicke Luft - Konfliktmanagement in Gesundheitsberufen【電子書籍】[ Lore Wehner ]

<p>Angeh?rige von Gesundheitsberufen sind durch st?ndige Ver?nderungsprozesse, Personalmangel, komplexe Dokumentationspflichten sowie den hohen Qualit?tsma?st?ben und Haftungsrisiken einem steigenden Erwartungsdruck ausgesetzt. So sind vermehrt Konflikte durch ?berforderung, Leistungsdruck, gesetzlichen und innerbetrieblichen Vorgaben zu beobachten. Die Konfliktebenen sind vielf?ltig und reichen von der F?hrung, ?ber das Team und andere Berufsgruppen bis hin zum Patienten, Kunden und den Angeh?rigen. Besonders im Berufsalltag wirken sich ungel?ste Konflikte und schwelende Konfliktpotenziale nicht nur auf das Wohlbefinden des Einzelnen aus, sondern werden rasch zum Kostenfaktor f?r das gesamte Unternehmen. H?ufige Krankenst?nde, verminderte Leistungsf?higkeit, Mobbing, Burnout, hohe Personalfluktuation und Imageverlust sind nur einige Folgeerscheinungen.</p> <p>Die erfahrene Autorin stellt in diesem Buch speziell auf den Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegebereich abgestimmte Methoden zur Konfliktbearbeitung und -pr?vention vor. Fallbeispiele und Erfahrungsberichte geben Einblick in die Praxis. Der Leser erf?hrt M?glichkeiten, Chancen und Grenzen gewaltfreier, nonverbaler und interkultureller Kommunikation und Konfliktl?sungsstrategien. Verschiedene L?sungsans?tze wie z.B. Einzelgespr?ch, Teamgespr?ch und Mediation werden vorgestellt und die Vor- und Nachteile erl?utert. Das neuartige Konfliktlotsenmodell gibt einen Ausblick wie zuk?nftig Konflikte kreativ bew?ltigt werden k?nnen.</p> <p>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,817円

Can't Remember Dick Elemental Mythicals, #1【電子書籍】[ Candice Gilmer ]

<p><em><strong>The future. The past. It's all relevant.</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>At least, when you can remember it.</strong></em></p> <p>I, unfortunately, can't remember anything about my life before three years ago.</p> <p>Especially not these big men, like this guy Richard, who seems to know me very well. (And ho-boy does he make my motor run).</p> <p>I might have stayed away and avoided him. At least, until me and my sister needed help.</p> <p>Now the past I can't remember may be the only way I have to save her.</p> <p>Because if what they're saying is true, then I'm a time traveler, and I may have to figure it out if I'm going to save my sister.</p> <p><em>While a standalone, it does take place in the Mythical Knights/Vampire Mythicals world.</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 750円

Which Way is West A Place or a State of Mind? One Man's Journey to Find Out【電子書籍】[ Dick Elder ]

<p>This is the story of a man who gives up a comfortable life to follow his dream. The timeframe for this tale is during a turbulent decadeーthe 1960’s. It was late in the evening during the fall of 1958 when Dick Elder placed a call to two friends…Jim Dodson and George Horton. He asked them to come over to the Northeast Ohio Equine Institute and give him and Dr. Vasko a hand getting a horse on which they had just operated into the recovery stall. Later that evening at the Horton home, Dick and his friends talked about leaving Ohio, quitting their jobs and comfortable lifestyle to go out west and buy a dude ranch. Dick had been to a dude ranch several times and concluded that being a dude ranch owner would be the perfect lifestyle. His failing marriage, the resulting infidelity, his lack of enthusiasm for his job and his passion for training and showing horses led him to believe that he could never be truly happy unless his life took a completely new direction with horses playing a major part. That evening the boys stood around a table studying a map of the western United States. Where would be a great place for a dude ranch? Jim put a finger on the map and said, “How about here where these four states come together?” Elder asked, “What’s the name of that town you have your finger on?” Jim removed his finger and said, “Durango. Durango, Colorado.” None of them had ever heard of it. During the year that followed, the idea of starting a new life blossomed into something more….much more! Ignoring good advice and without a commitment for a loan or investment from others with which to finance the enterprise, the trio purchased five-hundred acres of land near Durango, Colorado for $35,000 and set about to build a dude ranch from scratch. They were, as Dick’s dad put it, “Nuts!” Regardless of the reality and unmindful that what they wanted to do was virtually impossible without proper financing, The Elder’s sold their lovely country home, said goodbye to friends and family and along with the Dodson family moved to the only building on the land they had purchased…an old log cabin that lacked even the barest amenities. Of course, they operated on the hope that they would be able to get a loan before all the funds they had invested were gone. But no bank or individual was willing to pour money into what most thought was an ill-conceived project that had virtually no chance for success. They hired a local contractor and began construction of a 5,600 square foot building (The Lodge) which would hold the dining room, kitchen, sleeping quarters and utility and storage areas. Before the Lodge was completed and still unable to secure a loan or additional investors, all of their personal funds were gone and work had to stop. Jim and his family had no choice but to return to Ohio and find work while Dick and his family remained in Durango. Down to his last ten dollar bill, Dick finally finds work as a disc jockey and time salesman at a local radio station which allows his family to survive, but his meager salary means that the good life they once enjoyed is gone. Life becomes nothing more than a hard grind. Dick’s wife and children go to California to live with her parents. Dick takes up residence in one room in a Durango motel. Dick continues his search for investors without success. Banks aren’t interested but one banker suggests he try the SBA (Small Business Administration). Eventually he gets the SBA loan and construction is finally completed. In 1963 after fighting for the life of his ranch, Dick opens for business but there are few guests during the summer and the business shows a loss. About this time another enterprise was under construction north of Durango…The Purgatory Ski Area planned to be completed and ready for skiers that winter. Dick is initially hired to supervise the construction of the Day Lodge and later Ray Duncan, the owner hires him to run the food and bar operations. Dick spends the following five winter at Purgatory. During a road trip, the purpose of which is to sell ranch vacations, Dick meets Maryann in Phoenix and over some months the two fall in love. When Maryann learns that Dick is married, she tells him to never see or call her again. Dick is devastated but after his divorce is final, he tries a clever scheme to see Maryann. In the end and with the help of friends, Maryann agrees to the meeting which ultimately results in the two marrying. Unfortunately, up until 1970 the ranch loses money every year and the SBA is ready to foreclose when Dick and Maryann have a heart to heart talk with the regional head of the SBA who reverses the foreclosure decision, reduces the annual payments thus allowing the ranch to work through their problems and become profitable. Every succeeding year brings an increase in the number of guests and a renewed vitality amongst his stockholders and those persons who ask to buy in. During the years until he retires in 1997 Dick, through innovation and out of the box thinking, leads his Colorado Trails Ranch into a preeminent position amongst dude ranches in the west. While the synopsis you’ve just read may portray the story as sterile, lacking in excitement and high adventure, nothing about Which Way is West is slow paced or without humor, romance, pathos or boring. The characters you’ll meet throughout this story are brought to life in recreated scenes that leap from the page with fiery dialog, humor and realism. Readers of this book, originally published in 2002, have written: “Whether or not you are interested in dude ranches per se, Elder’s book cuts across subject matter to the heart of the American experience.” Another reader writes: “This book gives you a concise picture of his struggle to build what eventually became one of America’s great dude ranches. His tenacity to overcome a myriad of obstacles to achieve his goal and his willingness to reveal his personal and private experiences, make for a terrific story.” Here’s another review: “I couldn’t put it down. I was riveted to the story and then I wished for more. It’s a remarkable adventure of grit, grinding labor, persistence of hope against odds and faith despite adversity. The author didn’t recognize that by any rational standard what he was trying to do was impossible. Thanks to his comfortable writing style, this impressive yarn has a smooth flow. The punch of the story is in the details and the unusual cast of characters.” The reader will re-live with the author, those moments of joy and elation, the romantic interludes, the finding and blossoming of true love, the frustration and depression, the wild range of characters that were all part of the struggle and eventual jubilation in his search for that pot of gold at the end of a long and often arduous trip across a rainbow. Find out for yourself in Which way is west.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 667円

Danny Don't Let His Baby Face Fool You【電子書籍】[ Dick Elder ]

<p>The story opens at Chandler High School. The year is 1943 and World War II is raging. Danny Walters is a good looking kid, with bright blue eyes and blond hair. He’s tall and slim but his baby face belies his age. His rosy cheeks rarely need to be shaved. Danny hates his look and he hates the fact that while most of his classmates come from affluent families, his is a working class family living in a working class neighborhood that is part of the Chandler school district. Most of Danny’s classmates wear expensive clothes and have plenty of spending money. Danny resents their opulence and their lack of compassion for him and his situation. To compensate, Danny makes up ridiculous stories. He is all bluster and bravado trying to gain acceptance from his peers. As a result, Danny has few friends. His classmates won’t include him in their fraternities or social events. Most of the girls refuse to date him. Danny is only 18 years old but using a fake a ID, he goes to a club where he meets an older married woman whose husband is in the Army. The woman seduces Danny and over a period of time, teaches him the subtleties of satisfying women. Their secret affair, which the woman demands never must be revealed, goes on until he leaves for the service. Danny remains true to his promise. That act of fidelity was the most decent thing Danny ever did during his entire life. Danny graduates in January, 1944 and joins the Navy. After the war, he borrows money from his dad and takes flying lessons and in due course gains a pilot’s license. Later, he gets a job as a steward for a major airline while continuing lessons to gain a multi-engine license hoping to become an airline pilot. While attending steward (flight attendant) classes, he and a female student have an affair that reveals the dark side of Danny’s true nature. Danny gets a job as an airline pilot. After returning from a trip and still wearing his uniform, he stops at a high end bar in San Francisco. There he meets a beautiful girl who is taken in by the uniform. Danny is on his best behavior and after learning that the girls’ parents are fabulously rich, he sets his cap to marry her. The girl becomes pregnant; her father insists they marry which is the outcome Danny hoped for. As a wedding present, his new father-in-law gives him a twin engine Beechcraft airplane. Using his airplane, he pursues some risky and illegal activities that will make him rich. He gets involved in the drug trade. That leads to his connecting with a major New York crime family and he’s hooked. They own him. During the Vietnam War while looking for a way to distance himself from the Mafia, Danny is hired by Air America, the CIA’s secret air force. While flying for the CIA, Danny is offered an opportunity for huge profits buying and selling drugs by a group of corrupt Vietnamese army officers and government officials. They make it possible for Danny to make millions of dollars. After the war, Danny wants to retire, he has all the money he needs but unfortunately, his mafia bosses have other plans for him. He then aligns himself with other Mafia families in the west and becomes a major player. He doesn’t need the money but he’s hooked by the lure of it and, not so incidentally, by the need to stay on the right side of his Mafia bosses. In 1977 a fifty year old Danny sees an opportunity to retire. His New York crime boss, Charley Longo has been killed by members of the family who believe he and Danny pulled a scam by holding back money from a very large drug deal. Danny finally believes he’s free. He finds a nice woman he would like to marry, he buys a beautiful ranch in Colorado on which he hopes to spend the rest of his life in comfort and peace and yet, it just doesn’t work out that way. In the end, he learns the validity of the proverb, “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 399円

Johnny Sinclair - Dicke Luft in der Gruft Band 2【電子書籍】[ Sabine St?ding ]

<p>Liebe Geister, nehmt euch in Acht - Geisterj?ger Johnny Sinclair ist zur?ck! Kaum sind die Visitenkarten f?r Johnnys Geisterj?geragentur gedruckt, flattert auch schon der erste Auftrag herein: Mitsch?lerin Millie hat sich ein r?tselhaftes Spukfieber eingefangen! Ob die geheimnisvollen Schatten etwas damit zu tun haben, die neulich hinter ihr her waren? Gemeinsam mit seinem besten Freund Russell, dem vorwitzigen Sch?del Erasmus von Rothenburg und einer Extraportion Anti-Spuk-Salz im Gep?ck macht sich Johnny an die L?sung des Falls. Die Spur f?hrt die Freunde ausgerechnet auf den Friedhof von Blacktooth ...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,700円

Moby-Dick eller Hvalen【電子書籍】[ Herman Melville ]

<p>Den dramatiske fort?lling om drengen Ismael og den hvide dr?berhval ’Moby Dick’ er en af verdenslitteraturens helt store klassikere. Ismael dr?mmer om at blive hvalfanger og f?r arbejde p? kaptajn Akabs skib The Pequod. Akab har mistet sit ene ben i kamp med den hvide hval og er nu besat af tanken om h?vn. Hans vanvittige jagt p? det farlige dyr bliver en kamp p? liv og d?d, der bringer hele bes?tningen i fare. Herman Melville (1819-1891) var en amerikansk forfatter, hvis b?ger bygger p? hans egne erfaringer som s?mand. I dag er Herman Melville verdensber?mt for sin roman "Moby Dick", men i sin samtid blev romanen d?rligt modtaget og hurtigt glemt igen. F?rst mange ?r efter Herman Melvilles d?d blev "Moby Dick" genopdaget og regnes i dag i blandt de allerst?rste klassikere i den amerikanske litteratur.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,063円

Cop Stories The Few, the Proud, the UglyーTwenty-Five Years on the Baltimore Police Department【電子書籍】[ Dick Ellwood ]

<p>Television dramas, reality shows, and police procedural mystery novels may try to replicate the truth of a cops life, but sometimes the real story is strangerand more entertaining. In more than thirty engaging anecdotes, <em>Cop Stories</em> gives a no-holds-barred inside look at the experiences of Dick Ellwood, police officer for the Baltimore Police Department from 1965 through his retirement in 1990. He vividly depicts the teeming street life of one of the most dangerous cities in the nation. From walking a beat in his boyhood neighborhood and his adrenaline-fueled work in vice to his ascent to detective and eventually supervisor in the homicide unit, Ellwood doesnt miss a chance to get down and dirty with the gritty details you wont find on primetime TV. In addition to investigating murders, arresting prostitutes, and fighting corruption, Ellwood had his lighter moments. He arrested his childhood hero, Mickey Mantle, for public drunkenness, and was propositioned in a gay night club. He also participated in history by working the race riots of 1968 and learned more than he wanted to know about arson. Spanning the turbulent times of the sixties through the decadence of the eighties, <em>Cop Stories</em> reveals what it truly means to protect, serve, and live the life of a tough, dedicated cop.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,144円

Charm City’S Blue Justice【電子書籍】[ Dick Ellwood ]

<p>Nick Giango and his best friend, Frank Favasi, first met in 1960 when they enlisted in the Marines together as two seventeen-year-olds who wanted to make their Baltimore neighborhood proud. Four years and two honorable discharges later, they return home and spontaneously decide to join the police force. A short time later, as both men wait at City Hall to be sworn in, Nick cannot help but wonder if they have made the right decision.</p> <p>Baltimore has its share of bad guys, and it is not long before Nick and Frank are thrown into the thick of a notoriously tough neighborhood. Frank, both street and book smart, is promoted to sergeant first. Driven by the all-consuming responsibility of being a homicide supervisor, Frank embarks on a mission to ensure the bad guys in Charm City are punished his wayvia street justice. But after his bizarre behavior puts his career in jeopardy, things go from bad to worse for Frankand for Nick, who just happens to get in the way.</p> <p>In this action-packed, suspenseful thriller, a friendship is on the line as two police officers become embroiled in a murder investigation that could change their lives forever.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 854円

Moby Dick el manga【電子書籍】[ Herman Melville ]

<p>El encarnizado enfrentamiento entre el capit?n Ahab y Moby Dick se ha convertido con el paso de los a?os en un lugar com?n de la literatura universal. La obra magna de Herman Melville narra el modo en el que una ballena blanca, s?mbolo de la obsesi?n autodestructiva, arrastra con hilos invisibles a la tripulaci?n del Pequod hasta enfrentarla cara a cara con su destino. Sin embargo, del mismo modo en el que la inmensidad del oc?ano oculta bajo la superficie todo un mundo submarino, la prosa del autor estadounidense sumerge sus redes en aguas profundas con intenci?n de capturar la compleja esencia del ser humano. "La ballena blanca me oprime. ?Me aplasta! ?Pero es lo que se esconde tras la m?scara lo que yo persigo, el ente maligno que ha enterrado al hombre desde el principio de los tiempos!"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

Dicke Lederhose Das Prinzip Bayern - Ein Erkl?rungsversuch【電子書籍】[ Thomas Kernert ]

<p>Mia san mia ? so klingt das Selbstbewusstsein der Bayern. Nicht wenigen geht der ?bersteigerte Gr??enwahn des Freistaats ganz sch?n auf die Nerven. Doch im Grunde ist diese ?berheblichkeit auf einen symbolisch aufgeladenen Mythos zur?ckzuf?hren, dem man leicht jedwede Grundlage entziehen kann. Denn mit Bier, Tracht und Fr?mmigkeit ist es nicht weit her. Doch was bleibt ohne das Kost?m des Klischees? Thomas Kernert entdeckt ein verirrtes Selbstbild, dem die Bayern m?hevoll hinterherhinken. Kritisch, wissend und mit einer unterhaltsamen Leichtf??igkeit entlarvt er das bayrische Marketingkonzept und erkl?rt das Prinzip dahinter.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,928円

Dicke Luft【電子書籍】[ Saskia Hula ]

<p>Eigentlich ist Daniel ja nur irrt?mlich auf dem Abenteuercamp f?r ?bergewichtige gelandet. Und am liebsten w?rde er auch sofort wieder abreisen. In Wirklichkeit hat er n?mlich ganz andere Sorgen: sein einziger Freund Rico ist stinksauer auf ihn, und m?glicherweise ist Daniel sogar schuld daran, dass dieses dicke M?dchen aus seiner Schule verschwunden ist ... Kann man so etwas wirklich l?sen, w?hrend man sich in der schwedischen Wildnis mit Muskelkater, Stromschnellen und Giftschlangen herumschlagen muss?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,800円

Lucky Numbers【電子書籍】[ Dick Elder ]

<p>Theres nothing unusual about Edward Noble; his wife, Sandy; or their twin daughters, Patricia and Beverly. Theyre a typical, middle-income family living in the Knolls, a subdivision of new cookie-cutter stucco homes in Peoria, Arizona. The Nobles are a happy, well-adjusted familythat is, until six numbers change everything.</p> <p>Ed wins $88 million after taxes in a lottery. The family decides theyll use the money sensibly and not blow it all as so many winners have; in fact, they set up a committee of experts to assist them in managing the money wisely. But in spite of their best efforts to avoid the pitfalls that bedeviled so many winners in the past, things start getting out of hand.</p> <p>They buy a home in Malibu, fancy cars, and a sailboat. With too much time on her hands, Sandy begins playing tennis and drinking with a handsome neighbor. Beverly takes a trip to Mexico with her boyfriend with disastrous results while her twin sister faces problems of her own. The family struggles to regain the values, the serenity, and the love they once enjoyed. The question is, will they be able to do it?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 468円

Lovers & Liars Without Her, Doctor Is Out!【電子書籍】[ Dick Elder ]

<p>Alex, an international model, grows weary of glitz and glamour and looks to her husband, Ron Gerard, a nice, stable doctor, to provide some normalcy in her life.</p> <p>She soon discovers, however, that the good doctor is a swinger who prefers sex with other women. At first, Alex enjoys the parties, excitement, and uninhibited sex, but she soon realizes that the only reason Ron values her is because her alluring body and exotic looks open up doors to the swinging scene that her husband could never walk through on his own.</p> <p>Alex wants more, and she finds it in the arms of Jack 33Grant, a married man. As the affair blossoms, Alex becomes depressed and irrational. Her only hope for happiness, she believes, is to leave her husband and convince Jack to leave his wife.</p> <p>Jack is torn between continuing the incredible sex with Alex and leaving his wife who he still loves. When he ends the affair, Alex becomes even more unstable, and events spiral to a conclusion that no one could have ever foreseen. Explore a world of swingers, faithless love, and betrayal in Lovers & Liars.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 774円

Moby Dick eller Den vita valen【電子書籍】[ Herman Melville ]

<p>≫Kalla mig Ismael! F?r n?gra ?r sedan, det kan g?ra detsamma hur m?nga, d? jag hade mycket f? slantar i min b?rs och ingenting s?rskilt som intresserade mig i land, kom jag ?ter p? tanken att ge mig till sj?ss och se litet n?rmare p? havssidan av v?rlden.≪</p> <p>Herman Melville (1819?1891) gick som tjugo?ring till sj?ss och de upplevelser och intryck han d? samlade p? sig l?g till grund f?r flertalet av hans ber?ttelser. Melvilles framg?ngar och rykte skiftade och vid sin d?d var han n?stintill bortgl?md men idag ?r hans position som en av den amerikanska litteraturens stora sj?lvklar.</p> <p>Moby Dick eller Den vita valen (1851) ?r den st?rsta och mest sp?nnande sj?roman som n?gonsin skrivits. Den skildrar valskonaren Pequods jakt p? Moby Dick, med den besatte kaptenen Ahab i spetsen, som efter ett m?te med valen f?tt ena benen avslitet och sedan dess i denne ser den personifierade ondskan och f?rf?ljer honom i vilt hat.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 937円

The Way Out The Road, the Sky, the Love, the Journey【電子書籍】[ Dick Elder ]

<p>Life has been a great adventure for Rick Elkins. A former US Navy fighter pilot during World War II, an airline pilot, and a consummate biker, he has never been afraid of taking risks. But though his mind is still sharp, his eighty-three-year-old body is not. Unless he proceeds with a risky surgery, heart failure awaits him.</p> <p>Rick decides against the surgery, wanting his remaining time on Earth free of doctors and hospitals. But nearing the end triggers a time of sober reflection, and in his mind he travels back to the end of World War II, when he started his career as a pilot. It was then that he developed a love for motorcyclesand for Angie Mertz, a beautiful stewardess who later becomes his wife.</p> <p>Tragedy struck after only a year of marriage, however, when an auto accident claimed Angies life. Rick, distraught, took an extended leave from his job and took his Harley-Davison motorcycle on a long road trip to California, where he met Annette, a fellow biker. Their on-and-off affairand the events that followedwould alter Ricks world in a way he never expected.</p> <p>Now that Rick is old, alone, and unable to do the things he loves, hes ready to bow out gracefully. But then someone comes into his life that just might change his way of thinking about the way out.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 468円

It Sure Beats Working Here's Proof in Stories and Poems【電子書籍】[ Dick Elder ]

<p>Since Dick Elder published Which Way is West in 2002, people have encouraged him to write a sequel about Colorado Trails Ranch, the dude ranch he built and ran for close to forty years. Elder used to entertain with stories and anecdotes about people who came to or worked at Colorado Trails. He kept writing poetry, which often elicited comments such as, “You know, you should put your poems in a book.” Elder worked on a number of movies. All kinds of interesting and amusing things happened while he was on location and people said, “You know, you should tell some of those movie stories in a book.” Bottom line, he resisted every one of those suggestions, until recently and with a unique personal twist ? It Sure Beats Working. During nearly forty years at Colorado Trails, Elder met some incredible people. The personalities of the guests and staff ran the entire array of social and physiological behavior. The short stories in Part 1 illustrate and expose the humor and diversity that filled his life for forty years. Part 2 is comprised of stories about some of the more “off the wall” funny, strange and interesting things that happened while he was working on movie sets. After the first movie in 1971, in which he trained one of the lead actors to ride, he worked as the Humane Officer for the American Humane Association. The American Humane Association (AHA) established the Film Unit in 1940. It is the leading authority on the safe use of animals in film. As a small child Elder’s dad recited poetryーsome from well-known authors and some of his own invention. His remarkable older brother, who enjoyed writing poems and learning the soliloquies of Shakespearian characters, insisted he too become a devotee of this art form and thus he was pushed to memorize and recite the Hamlet soliloquies. Later on when he was working cattle in the high country of southwest Colorado, he’d tie his reins around the saddle horn, open a book and work at memorizing the poems and soliloquies he hadn’t mastered as a child. He’s been writing poems since his high school days, frequently for birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, holidays and for Cowboy Poetry gatherings. You can skip the poems in Part 3 if you like or skip the stories and just read the poems. It’s up to you but maybe, just maybe, you’ll enjoy reading it all.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 667円

Anne Bonny's Wake【電子書籍】[ Dick Elam ]

<p>**This 1980s Carolina coast thriller “**<strong>channels all the danger, intrigue, and thrills of a pirate’s life at sea for a twentieth-century criminal mystery” (<em>Forward Reviews</em>).</strong></p> <p>On an old sailboat named for his departed wifeーas well as a legendary pirateーcriminal justice professor Hershel Barstow is saying his final goodbye with a trip through the North Carolina Intercoastal Waterway. He expects his solo trip aboard the Anne Bonny to be a quiet one. Then the mysterious and seductive Maggie Adelaide Moore appears in the water and climbs aboard. His reluctant offer to help the distressed woman soon brings trouble, entangling Hershel with a dangerous drug cartel.</p> <p>Now Hershel needs to call on old friends from his CIA days to stay safe and riddle out Maggie's mysterious past. In the weathered Anne Bonny, enemies could be lurking behind every river bend. Now Hershel must navigate his way through deadly waters on a quest for truth, safety, and justice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,320円

Moby Dick eller den vita valen【電子書籍】[ Herman Melville ]

<p>Sj?mannen Ishmael f?r jobb p? valf?ngstfartyget Pequod, lett av den excentriske och enbente kaptenen Ahab.F?r l?nge sedan n?r Ahab var ute till havs m?tte han f?r f?rsta g?ngen den vita j?ttevalen Moby Dick. I en kamp mot valen f?rlorade Ahab ett ben och har sedan den dagen dr?mt om h?mnd. Driven av galenskap ger han sig nu ut p? jakt efter havsodjuret och f?r med Ishmael och resten av Pequads bes?ttning p? ?ventyret. Ahabs besatthet s?tter inte bara hans eget liv p? spel utan ?ven alla andras ombord p? fartyget. Kaptenen har f?rklarat krig mot ett av havets m?ktigaste odjur och ?r beredd att offra allt f?r att f? sin h?mnd.N?r "Moby Dick eller den vita valen" publicerades f?rsta g?ngen 1851 blev den d?ligt mottagen och snabbt bortgl?md. Inte f?rr?n m?nga ?r efter Herman Melvilles d?d ?teruppt?cktes romanen och betraktas idag som en av de st?rsta klassikerna i amerikansk litteraturhistoria.-</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,200円

Dicke Luft in der K?che Schottland-Krimi mit Rezepten【電子書籍】[ Frank Winter ]

<p>Angus Thinnson MacDonald soll endlich einige Pfunde purzeln lassen: Karen Miller, seine ?rztin und Dame des Herzens in Personalunion, l?sst nicht locker! In dieser Angelegenheit ein wenig ratlos, konzentriert er sich gerne auf seinen neuesten Fall. Eine junge Frau und ihre kleine Tochter sind verschwunden. Die Spur f?hrt zu einer Sekte, die ihren Mitgliedern unmenschliche Opfer abverlangt. Furchtlos ermittelt MacDonald und mimt sogar mehrfach den Duke of Edinburgh, besser bekannt als Prinz Philip. Doch was bitte hat der Fall mit der Kulinarik zu tun?, fragt er sich. Eine ganze Menge, stellt sich langsam, aber umso sicherer heraus. Mit von der Partie ist wieder Alberto Vitiello, italienischer Guest House-Besitzer und im Duo der Dottore Watson. St?ndig im Clinch mit seinen G?sten, verd?chtigt er sogar einige von ihnen. Feinschmecker MacDonald bleibt allerdings skeptisch. Als die beiden nicht mehr weiterkommen, bucht er einen teuren Kurs bei den Aerophiten, so nennt sich die Sekte, und wagt sich in ihr Zentrum. Dass seine Tarnung allzu schnell auffliegt, f?hrt zu gro?en Problemen. Verglichen mit dem, was ihn zu Hause erwartet, ist das aber noch gar nichts …</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

Dicke Luft: Zwischen Ru? und Revolte Die unabh?ngige Umweltbewegung in der DDR【電子書籍】[ Michael Beleites ]

<p>Dicke Luft in Bitterfeld, Schaum auf der Elbe, Tagebaukrater in der Lausitz, radioaktive Wismut-Halden: weite Teile Sachsens waren einst in der DDR ?kologisches Krisengebiet. Junge Menschen begannen deshalb ?ber Zukunftsfragen ?ffentlich zu diskutieren und B?ume zu pflanzen. Das war Ende der siebziger Jahre. Es entstand eine alternative Szene, die spektakul?re Aktionen erdachte, Untergrundschriften druckte und erste Demonstrationen organisierte. Die Machthaber betrachteten diese Aktivit?ten immer als Angriff und Bedrohung. Viele Mitstreiter wurden deshalb von der Stasi verfolgt und dadurch politisiert. Die unabh?ngige Umweltbewegung entwickelte sich so zu einem wichtigen Teil der Opposition und zu einer S?ule der Demokratiebewegung im Herbst '89. Auch nach 1989 brachten sich viele in den Erneuerungsprozess ein. Sie bewegen die Gesellschaft bis heute. Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Entstehung und Entwicklung der alternativen Umweltszene der DDR und ihre grenz?berschreitenden Impulse. Michael Beleites, einst selbst engagierter Umweltaktivist, stellt plastisch Aktionen & Akteure vor. Dazu hat er seltene Dokumente und Fotos seiner damaligen Mitstreiter zusammengetragen. Ein historisches und doch sehr aktuelles Buch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,500円