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Master Apache JMeter - From Load Testing to DevOps Master performance testing with JMeter【電子書籍】[ Antonio Gomes Rodrigues ]

<p><strong>Learn how to get the most out of JMeter, improve the productivity of your apps, and integrate JMeter with your Agile and DevOps processes.</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Gain insights into preparing test environments and selecting the correct use cases to load test</li> <li>Learn to analyze a load test with Backend Listener, HTML Report Dashboard, and View Results Tree</li> <li>Explore how to integrate JMeter in the software factory</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Load tests help identify the maximum number of requests a software system can handle. One popular open source tool for load testing is JMeter. By leveraging the features and capabilities of JMeter, you can perform extensive load testing and fix issues in your application before they become problematic.</p> <p>This book is written by JMeter developers and begins by discussing the whole process, including recording a script, setting it up, and launching it, enabling you to almost immediately start load testing. You'll learn the best practices that you must follow while designing test cases. You'll also explore the different protocols offered by JMeter through various real-world examples. Finally, you'll see how to integrate JMeter into the DevOps approach and create professional reports. You'll discover ways to use the eco-system of JMeter to integrate new protocols, enrich its monitoring, and leverage its power through the use of the cloud.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you'll know all that's needed to perform comprehensive load testing on your applications by using all the best practices and features of JMeter.</p> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Explore various JMeter concepts, including Timers scope and Assertions scope</li> <li>Discover the types of test protocols and load tests that JMeter supports</li> <li>Design a realistic test scenario using various tips and best practices</li> <li>Prepare your test environment with injectors and the system under test</li> <li>Learn and apply good practices when recording a script</li> <li>Integrate JMeter with Jenkins using Maven</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>This book contains all the valuable information you need in one place and is a must for everybody who is seriously working with JMeter. It might be a little condensed for absolute beginners, but this book is the best you can find if you already have some performance testing experience and want to get further. In particular, it would be invaluable to developers who want to expand their JMeter knowledge into advanced topics or switch to JMeter from other load testing tools.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,017円

Web Development with Julia and Genie A hands-on guide to high-performance server-side web development with the Julia programming language【電子書籍】[ Ivo Balbaert ]

<p><strong>Get a practical overview of web development in Julia and learn how to build MVC applications with a REST API, and an interactive data dashboard using the Genie web framework</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>A tutorial on web development from Julia expert, Ivo Balbaert and the creator of the Genie framework, Adrian Salceanu</li> <li>A step-by-step approach to building a complete web app with the Genie framework</li> <li>Develop secure and fast web apps using server-side development on Julia</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Julia's high-performance and scalability characteristics and its extensive number of packages for visualizing data make it an excellent fit for developing web apps, web services, and web dashboards. The two parts of this book provide complete coverage to build your skills in web development.</p> <p>First, you'll refresh your knowledge of the main concepts in Julia that will further be used in web development. Then, you'll use Julia's standard web packages and examine how the building blocks of the web such as TCP-IP, web sockets, HTTP protocol, and so on are implemented in Julia's standard library. Each topic is discussed and developed into code that you can apply in new projects, from static websites to dashboards. You'll also understand how to choose the right Julia framework for a project. The second part of the book talks about the Genie framework. You'll learn how to build a traditional to do app following the MVC design pattern. Next, you'll add a REST API to this project, including testing and documentation. Later, you'll explore the various ways of deploying an app in production, including authentication functionality. Finally, you'll work on an interactive data dashboard, making various chart types and filters.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you'll be able to build interactive web solutions on a large scale with a Julia-based web framework.</p> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Understand how to make a web server with HTTP.jl and work with JSON data over the web</li> <li>Discover how to build a static website with the Franklin framework</li> <li>Explore Julia web development frameworks and work with them</li> <li>Uncover the Julia infrastructure for development, testing, package management, and deployment</li> <li>Develop an MVC web app with the Genie framework</li> <li>Understand how to add a REST API to a web app</li> <li>Create an interactive data dashboard with charts and filters</li> <li>Test, document, and deploy maintainable web applications using Julia</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>This book is for beginner to intermediate-level Julia programmers who want to enhance their skills in designing and developing large-scale web applications. The book helps you adopt Genie without any prior experience with the framework. Julia programming experience and a beginner-level understanding of web development concepts are required.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,590円

CORSAIR iCUE SP120 RGB ELITE Performance 120mm PWM Triple Fan Kit with iCUE Lighting Node CORE ホワィト PCケースファン 12cm CO-9050137-WW

CORSAIR iCUE SP120 RGB ELITE Performance 120mm PWM Triple Fan Kit with iCUE Lighting Node CORE ホワィト PCケースファン 12cm CO-9050137-WWCORSAIR AirGuideテクノロジーはアンチボルテックス羽根を使って強力なエアフローと集中的な冷却を行っており、吸入、排気として使用する場合でも、水冷ラジエーターまたはヒートシンクへの取り付ける場合でも冷却を改善します。8個のアドレサブルRGB LEDが各ファンハブに並び、魅惑的なRGBライティングを作り出します。付属のコンパクトなiCUE Lighting Node COREでCORSAIR iCUEソフトウェアを経由して最大で6基のCORSAIR RGBファンのライティングを制御し、シンプルなUSB 2.0とSATA接続でケーブルの乱雑さを軽減します。半透明の低ノイズ120mmファンブレードが18dBAで静かに回転し、RGBライティングの点灯中も大量のエアフローが供給されます。550~1,500RPMでPWM制御された強力なファンが静圧1.46mm-H2Oで最大47.7CFMの風量を送り出し、お使いのシステムを低温に保ちます。 7,269円

Carburetor サイクルプロハイパフォーマンスCVキャブレタージェット付き40mm#30100ハーレーデビッドソン Cycle Pro High-Performance CV Carburetor with Jets 40mm #30100 Harley Davidson

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Cycle Pro High-Performance CV Carburetor with Jets 40mm #30100 Harley DavidsonカテゴリCarburetor状態新品メーカー車種発送詳細全国一律 送料無料 (※北海道、沖縄、離島は省く)商品詳細輸入商品の為、英語表記となります。Condition: NewBrand: Cycle ProManufacturer Part Number: 30100《ご注文前にご確認ください》■海外輸入品の為、NC・NRでお願い致します。■取り付け説明書は基本的に付属しておりません。お取付に関しましては専門の業者様とご相談お願いいたします。■通常2〜4週間でのお届けを予定をしておりますが、天候、通関、国際事情により輸送便の遅延が発生する可能性や、仕入・輸送費高騰や通関診査追加等による価格のご相談の可能性もございますことご了承いただいております。■海外メーカーの注文状況次第では在庫切れの場合もございます。その場合は弊社都合にてキャンセルとなります。■配送遅延、商品違い等によってお客様に追加料金が発生した場合や取付け時に必要な加工費や追加部品等の、商品代金以外の弊社へのご請求には一切応じかねます。■弊社は海外パーツの輸入販売業のため、製品のお取り付けや加工についてのサポートは行っておりません。専門店様と解決をお願いしております。■大型商品に関しましては、配送会社の規定により個人宅への配送が困難な場合がございます。その場合は、会社や倉庫、最寄りの営業所での受け取りをお願いする場合がございます。■輸入消費税が追加課税される場合もございます。その場合はお客様側で輸入業者へ輸入消費税のお支払いのご負担をお願いする場合がございます。■商品説明文中に英語にて”保証”関する記載があっても適応はされませんのでご了承ください。■海外倉庫から到着した製品を、再度国内で検品を行い、日本郵便または佐川急便にて発送となります。■初期不良の場合は商品到着後7日以内にご連絡下さいませ。■輸入商品のためイメージ違いやご注文間違い当のお客様都合ご返品はお断りをさせていただいておりますが、弊社条件を満たしている場合はご購入金額の30%の手数料を頂いた場合に限りご返品をお受けできる場合もございます。(ご注文と同時に商品のお取り寄せが開始するため)(30%の内訳は、海外返送費用・関税・消費全負担分となります)■USパーツの輸入代行も行っておりますので、ショップに掲載されていない商品でもお探しする事が可能です。お気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ。[輸入お取り寄せ品においてのご返品制度・保証制度等、弊社販売条件ページに詳細の記載がございますのでご覧くださいませ]  102,080円

Cycle Pro 高性能 CV キャブレター ジェット付き 40mm #30100 ハーレーダビッドソン Cycle Pro High-Performance CV Carburetor with Jets 40mm #30100 Harley Davidson

カスタムパーツ WORLD倉庫
Cycle Pro High-Performance CV Carburetor with Jets 40mm #30100 Harley DavidsonCycle Pro 高性能 CV キャブレター ジェット付き 40mm #30100 ハーレーダビッドソンカテゴリmotorcyclepartsgiant状態新品(海外輸入品)発送詳細全国一律 送料無料商品詳細輸入商品の為、英語表記となります。Condition New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read moreabout the conditionBrand Cycle ProManufacturer Part Number 30100状態 新品: 元のパッケージに入った新品、未使用、未開封、損傷のない商品 (パッケージが破損している場合)。状態についてブランドサイクルプロメーカー品番 30100[納期について]■通常2〜4週間でのお届けを予定をしておりますが、天候、通関、国際事情により輸送便の遅延が発生する可能性や、仕入・輸送費高騰や通関診査追加等による価格のご相談の可能性もございますことご了承いただいております。■弊社は製造元ではないので、納期の遅れに関しては一切責任を負いかねます。[取り付けについて]■取り付け説明書は基本的に付属しておりません。お取付に関しましては専門の業者様とご相談お願いいたします。■フィッテングや車検対応の有無については、基本的に画像と説明文よりお客様の方にてご判断をお願いしております。■USパーツは国内の純正パーツを取り外した後、接続コネクタが必ずしも一致するとは限らず、加工が必要な場合もございます。■弊社は海外パーツの輸入販売業のため、製品のお取り付けや加工についてのサポートは行っておりません。専門店様と解決をお願いしております。[配送について]■海外倉庫から到着した製品を、再度国内で検品を行い、日本郵便または佐川急便にて発送となります。■大型商品に関しましては、配送会社の規定により個人宅への配送が困難な場合がございます。その場合は、会社や倉庫、最寄りの営業所での受け取りをお願いする場合がございます。[キャンセル、返品について]■輸入商品のためイメージ違いやご注文間違い、納期が遅い等のお客様都合ご返品はお断りをさせていただいておりますが、弊社条件を満たしている場合はご購入金額の30%の手数料を頂いた場合に限りご返品をお受けできる場合もございます。(ご注文と同時に商品のお取り寄せが開始するため)(30%の内訳は、海外返送費用・関税・消費全負担分となります)■初期不良の場合は商品到着後7日以内にご連絡下さいませ。[そのほか]■配送遅延、商品違い等によってお客様に追加料金が発生した場合や取付け時に必要な加工費や追加部品等の、商品代金以外の弊社へのご請求には一切応じかねます。■輸入消費税が追加課税される場合もございます。その場合はお客様側で輸入業者へ輸入消費税のお支払いのご負担をお願いする場合がございます。■商品説明文中に英語にて”保証”関する記載があっても適応はされませんのでご了承ください。■輸入品につき、商品に小傷やスレなどがある場合がございます。商品の発送前に念入りな検品を行っておりますが、運送状況による破損等がある場合がございますので、商品到着後は速やかに商品の確認をお願いいたします。■商品の破損により再度お取り寄せとなった場合、同様のお時間をいただくことになりますのでご了承お願いいたします。■弊社の責任は、販売行為までとなり、本商品の使用における怪我、事故、盗難等に関する一切責任は負いかねます。■他にもUSパーツを多数出品させて頂いておりますので、ご覧頂けたらと思います。■USパーツの輸入代行も行っておりますので、ショップに掲載されていない商品でもお探しする事が可能です!!また業販や複数ご購入の場合、割引の対応可能でございます。お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。【お問い合わせ用アドレス】 usdm.77777@gmail.com[輸入お取り寄せ品においてのご返品制度・保証制度等、弊社販売条件ページに詳細の記載がございますのでご覧くださいませ] 100,100円

ジョグ、ミナレッリ、ヤマハ、モーター付きスクーター用 50cc パフォーマンス バリエーター セット 50cc PERFORMANCE VARIATOR SET FOR SCOOTERS WITH JOG, MINARELLI, YAMAHA, MOTORS

カスタムパーツ WORLD倉庫
50cc PERFORMANCE VARIATOR SET FOR SCOOTERS WITH JOG, MINARELLI, YAMAHA, MOTORSジョグ、ミナレッリ、ヤマハ、モーター付きスクーター用 50cc パフォーマンス バリエーター セットカテゴリgy6store状態新品(海外輸入品)発送詳細全国一律 送料無料商品詳細輸入商品の為、英語表記となります。Condition New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read moreabout the conditionBrand GY6 STOREOther Part Number FW133, 20429-NWarranty NoManufacturer Part Number 20429-N / FW133UPC Does not apply状態 新品: 元のパッケージに入った新品、未使用、未開封、損傷のない商品 (パッケージが破損している場合)。状態についてブランド GY6ストアその他の部品番号 FW133、20429-N保証番号なしメーカー品番 20429-N / FW133UPC は適用されません[納期について]■通常2〜4週間でのお届けを予定をしておりますが、天候、通関、国際事情により輸送便の遅延が発生する可能性や、仕入・輸送費高騰や通関診査追加等による価格のご相談の可能性もございますことご了承いただいております。■弊社は製造元ではないので、納期の遅れに関しては一切責任を負いかねます。[取り付けについて]■取り付け説明書は基本的に付属しておりません。お取付に関しましては専門の業者様とご相談お願いいたします。■フィッテングや車検対応の有無については、基本的に画像と説明文よりお客様の方にてご判断をお願いしております。■USパーツは国内の純正パーツを取り外した後、接続コネクタが必ずしも一致するとは限らず、加工が必要な場合もございます。■弊社は海外パーツの輸入販売業のため、製品のお取り付けや加工についてのサポートは行っておりません。専門店様と解決をお願いしております。[配送について]■海外倉庫から到着した製品を、再度国内で検品を行い、日本郵便または佐川急便にて発送となります。■大型商品に関しましては、配送会社の規定により個人宅への配送が困難な場合がございます。その場合は、会社や倉庫、最寄りの営業所での受け取りをお願いする場合がございます。[キャンセル、返品について]■輸入商品のためイメージ違いやご注文間違い、納期が遅い等のお客様都合ご返品はお断りをさせていただいておりますが、弊社条件を満たしている場合はご購入金額の30%の手数料を頂いた場合に限りご返品をお受けできる場合もございます。(ご注文と同時に商品のお取り寄せが開始するため)(30%の内訳は、海外返送費用・関税・消費全負担分となります)■初期不良の場合は商品到着後7日以内にご連絡下さいませ。[そのほか]■配送遅延、商品違い等によってお客様に追加料金が発生した場合や取付け時に必要な加工費や追加部品等の、商品代金以外の弊社へのご請求には一切応じかねます。■輸入消費税が追加課税される場合もございます。その場合はお客様側で輸入業者へ輸入消費税のお支払いのご負担をお願いする場合がございます。■商品説明文中に英語にて”保証”関する記載があっても適応はされませんのでご了承ください。■輸入品につき、商品に小傷やスレなどがある場合がございます。商品の発送前に念入りな検品を行っておりますが、運送状況による破損等がある場合がございますので、商品到着後は速やかに商品の確認をお願いいたします。■商品の破損により再度お取り寄せとなった場合、同様のお時間をいただくことになりますのでご了承お願いいたします。■弊社の責任は、販売行為までとなり、本商品の使用における怪我、事故、盗難等に関する一切責任は負いかねます。■他にもUSパーツを多数出品させて頂いておりますので、ご覧頂けたらと思います。■USパーツの輸入代行も行っておりますので、ショップに掲載されていない商品でもお探しする事が可能です!!また業販や複数ご購入の場合、割引の対応可能でございます。お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。【お問い合わせ用アドレス】 usdm.77777@gmail.com[輸入お取り寄せ品においてのご返品制度・保証制度等、弊社販売条件ページに詳細の記載がございますのでご覧くださいませ] 52,800円

Performance Testing with JMeter - Second Edition【電子書籍】[ Bayo Erinle ]

<p>COM060090</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,165円

Integrating Building Performance with Design An Architecture Student’s Guidebook【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth J. Grant ]

<p><em>Integrating Building Performance with Design</em> shows you the importance of designing for building performance early in your architectural design process. The book offers you simple tools and exercises, along with examples of built professional work and successful student projects illustrated by more than 100 full color images to help you with your work. Topics include site, solar orientation, thermal comfort, building enclosure, daylighting, passive heating and cooling, active heating and cooling, indoor air quality, stormwater, and rainwater harvesting.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,961円

High Performance with Java Discover strategies and best practices to develop high performance Java applications【電子書籍】[ Dr. Edward Lavieri Jr. ]

<p><b>Take your Java programming skills to the next level and learn to overcome real-world challenges to optimize application performance</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Leverage key features of the Java Virtual Machine to maximize runtime performance</li><li>Unlock optimization strategies to effectively manage objects and memory use</li><li>Apply your knowledge to utilize frameworks and libraries ripe for increasing program performance</li><li>Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Building high performance into your applications is key to creating an optimal user experience, although it is not the only consideration for the performant nature of your apps. High performance applications can lead to cost-effective resource utilization, especially when scalability and cloud computing are involved. They can also provide highly reliable systems that are easier to maintain. High Performance with Java begins by helping you explore the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and understand how to push it to its limits to further optimize your programs. You’ll take a hands-on approach to go through memory optimization strategies, input/output operations, concurrency, networking, as well as frameworks and libraries focused on performance. You’ll also learn key strategies and best practices by using industry-relevant examples to architect scalable and resource-efficient applications. The concluding chapters provide valuable insights on optimizing your Java code when interacting with databases and show you how to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) for high performance Java applications. By the end of this book, you’ll grasp the importance of developing high performance Java applications and gain practical experience in implementing key strategies to help ensure your Java applications perform optimally.<h2>What you will learn</h2><ul><li>Explore optimization strategies for garbage collection and the JIT compiler</li><li>Discover best practices when using data structures for high performance</li><li>Test and compare various approaches to using loops</li><li>Understand how and when to use object pooling</li><li>Discern the difference between low-performance and high-performance algorithms</li><li>Uncover strategies for object creation and immutability to improve performance</li><li>Gain hands-on experience in avoiding memory leaks</li></ul><h2>Who this book is for</h2><p>This book is for developers, software engineers, and software architects looking to take their Java skills to the next level. Aimed at individuals with a string grasp of Java fundamentals, this book is a practical guide to helping you write high-performing applications.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,616円

Julia High Performance Optimizations, distributed computing, multithreading, and GPU programming with Julia 1.0 and beyond, 2nd Edition【電子書籍】[ Avik Sengupta ]

<p><strong>Design and develop high-performance programs in Julia 1.0</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Learn the characteristics of high-performance Julia code</li> <li>Use the power of the GPU to write efficient numerical code</li> <li>Speed up your computation with the help of newly introduced shared memory multi-threading in Julia 1.0</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing. If you want to understand how to avoid bottlenecks and design your programs for the highest possible performance, then this book is for you.</p> <p>The book starts with how Julia uses type information to achieve its performance goals, and how to use multiple dispatches to help the compiler emit high-performance machine code. After that, you will learn how to analyze Julia programs and identify issues with time and memory consumption. We teach you how to use Julia's typing facilities accurately to write high-performance code and describe how the Julia compiler uses type information to create fast machine code. Moving ahead, you'll master design constraints and learn how to use the power of the GPU in your Julia code and compile Julia code directly to the GPU. Then, you'll learn how tasks and asynchronous IO help you create responsive programs and how to use shared memory multithreading in Julia. Toward the end, you will get a flavor of Julia's distributed computing capabilities and how to run Julia programs on a large distributed cluster.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you will have the ability to build large-scale, high-performance Julia applications, design systems with a focus on speed, and improve the performance of existing programs.</p> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Understand how Julia code is transformed into machine code</li> <li>Measure the time and memory taken by Julia programs</li> <li>Create fast machine code using Julia's type information</li> <li>Define and call functions without compromising Julia's performance</li> <li>Accelerate your code via the GPU</li> <li>Use tasks and asynchronous IO for responsive programs</li> <li>Run Julia programs on large distributed clusters</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>This book is for beginners and intermediate Julia programmers who are interested in high-performance technical programming. A basic knowledge of Julia programming is assumed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,156円

Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9 Boost your application's performance with the new features of Java 9【電子書籍】[ Mayur Ramgir ]

<p>Optimize the powerful techniques of Java 9 to boost your application's performance About This Book ? Tackle all kinds of performance-related issues and streamline your development ? Dive into the new features of Java 9 ? Implement highly efficient and reliable codes with the help of new APIs of Java ? Embedded with assessments that will help you revise the concepts you have learned in this book Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at developers who would like to build reliable and high-performance applications with Java. What You Will Learn ? Familiarize with modular development and its impact on performance ? Learn various string-related performance improvements, including compact string and modify string concatenation ? Explore various underlying compiler improvements, such as tiered attribution and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation ? Learn security manager improvements ? Understand enhancements in graphics rasterizers ? Use of command-line tools to speed up application development ? Learn how to implement multithreading and reactive programming ? Build microservices in Java 9 ? Implement APIs to improve application code In Detail Java 9 which is one of the most popular application development languages. The latest released version Java 9 comes with a host of new features and new APIs with lots of ready to use components to build efficient and scalable applications. Streams, parallel and asynchronous processing, multithreading, JSON support, reactive programming, and microservices comprise the hallmark of modern programming and are now fully integrated into the JDK. This book focuses on providing quick, practical solutions to enhance your application's performance. You will explore the new features, APIs, and various tools added in Java 9 that help to speed up the development process. You will learn about jshell, Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, and the basic threads related topics including sizing and synchronization. You will also explore various strategies for building microservices including container-less, self-contained, and in-container. This book is ideal for developers who would like to build reliable and high-performance applications with Java. This book is embedded with useful assessments that will help you revise the concepts you have learned in this book. Style and approach This book is a fast-paced guide that provides practical solutions to enhance your application's performance. Note: This book is a blend of text and quizzes, all packaged up keeping your journey in mind. It includes content from the following Packt product: ? Java 9 High Performance by Mayur Ramgir and Nick Samoylov</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,165円

Watching Jazz Encounters with Jazz Performance on Screen【電子書籍】

<p><em>Watching Jazz: Encounters with Jazz Performance on Screen</em> is the first systematic study of jazz on screen media. Where earlier studies have focused almost entirely on the role and portrayal of jazz in Hollywood film, the present book engages with a plethora of technologies and media from early film and soundies through television to recent developments in digital technologies and online media. Likewise, the authors discuss jazz in the widest sense, ranging from Duke Ellington and Jimmy Dorsey through the likes of Dizzy Gillespie, Art Blakey, Oscar Peterson, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Charles Mingus to Pat Metheny. Much of this rich and fascinating material has never been studied in depth before, and what emerges most clearly are the manifold connections between the music and the media on which it was and is being recorded. Its long association with film and television has left its trace in jazz, just as online and social media are subtly shaping it now. Vice versa, visual media have always benefited from focusing on music and this significantly affected their development. The book follows these interrelations, showing how jazz was presented and represented on screen and what this tells us about the music, the people who made it and their audiences. The result is a new approach to jazz and the media, which will be required reading for students of both fields.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,877円

Julia High Performance: Optimizations,distributed computing,multithreading,and GPU programming with Julia 1.0 and beyond,2n

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Performance Testing with JMeter 3 - Third Edition A practical guide to help you undertand the ability of Apache jMeter to load and performance test various server types in a more efficient way【電子書籍】[ Bayo Erinle ]

<p><strong>A practical guide to help you undertand the ability of Apache jMeter to load and performance test various server types in a more efficient way.</strong></p> <h2>About This Book</h2> <ul> <li>Use jMeter to create and run tests to improve the performance of your webpages and applications</li> <li>Learn to build a test plan for your websites and analyze the results</li> <li>Unleash the power of various features and changes introduced in Apache jMeter 3.0</li> </ul> <h2>Who This Book Is For</h2> <p>This book is for software professionals who want to understand and improve the performance of their applications with Apache jMeter.</p> <h2>What You Will Learn</h2> <ul> <li>See why performance testing is necessary and learn how to set up JMeter</li> <li>Record and test with JMeter</li> <li>Handle various form inputs in JMeter and parse results during testing</li> <li>Manage user sessions in web applications in the context of a JMeter test</li> <li>Monitor JMeter results in real time</li> <li>Perform distributed testing with JMeter</li> <li>Get acquainted with helpful tips and best practices for working with JMeter</li> </ul> <h2>In Detail</h2> <p>JMeter is a Java application designed to load and test performance for web application. JMeter extends to improve the functioning of various other static and dynamic resources. This book is a great starting point to learn about JMeter. It covers the new features introduced with JMeter 3 and enables you to dive deep into the new techniques needed for measuring your website performance.</p> <p>The book starts with the basics of performance testing and guides you through recording your first test scenario, before diving deeper into JMeter. You will also learn how to configure JMeter and browsers to help record test plans.</p> <p>Moving on, you will learn how to capture form submission in JMeter, dive into managing sessions with JMeter and see how to leverage some of the components provided by JMeter to handle web application HTTP sessions. You will also learn how JMeter can help monitor tests in real-time.</p> <p>Further, you will go in depth into distributed testing and see how to leverage the capabilities of JMeter to accomplish this. You will get acquainted with some tips and best practices with regard to performance testing. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to take full advantage of the real power behind Apache JMeter.</p> <h2>Style and approach</h2> <p>The book is a practical guide starting with introducing the readers to the importance of automated testing. It will then be a beginner's journey from getting introduced to Apache jMeter to an in-detail discussion of more advanced features and possibilities with it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,304円

Hands-On Cloud-Native Applications with Java and Quarkus Build high performance, Kubernetes-native Java serverless applications【電子書籍】[ Francesco Marchioni ]

<p><strong>Build robust and reliable Java applications that works on modern infrastructure, such as containers and cloud, using the new features in Quarkus 1.0</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Build apps with faster boot time and low RSS memory using the latest Quarkus 1.0 features</li> <li>Seamlessly integrate imperative and reactive programming models to build modern Java applications</li> <li>Discover effective solutions for running Java on serverless apps, microservices, containers, FaaS, and the cloud</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Quarkus is a new Kubernetes-native framework that allows Java developers to combine the power of containers, microservices, and cloud-native to build reliable applications. The book is a development guide that will teach you how to build Java-native applications using Quarkus and GraalVM.</p> <p>We start by learning about the basic concepts of a cloud-native application and its advantages over standard enterprise applications. Then we will quickly move on to application development, by installing the tooling required to build our first application on Quarkus. Next, we'll learn how to create a container-native image of our application and execute it in a Platform-as-a-Service environment such as Minishift. Later, we will build a complete real-world application that will use REST and the Contexts and Dependency injection stack with a web frontend. We will also learn how to add database persistence to our application using PostgreSQL. We will learn how to work with various APIs available to Quarkus such as Camel, Eclipse MicroProfile, and Spring DI. Towards the end, we will learn advanced development techniques such as securing applications, application configuration, and working with non-blocking programming models using Vert.x.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you will be proficient with all the components of Quarkus and develop-blazing fast applications leveraging modern technology infrastructure.</p> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Build a native application using Quarkus and GraalVM</li> <li>Secure your applications using Elytron and the MicroProfile JWT extension</li> <li>Manage data persistence with Quarkus using PostgreSQL</li> <li>Use a non-blocking programming model with Quarkus</li> <li>Learn how to get Camel and Infinispan working in native mode</li> <li>Deploy an application in a Kubernetes-native environment using Minishift</li> <li>Discover Reactive Programming with Vert.x</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>The book is for Java developers and software architects who are interested in learning a promising microservice architecture for building reliable and robust applications. Knowledge of Java, Spring Framework, and REST APIs is assumed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,730円

HBR’s 10 Must Reads on High Performance (with bonus article "The Right Way to Form New Habits” An interview with James Clear)【電子書籍】[ Harvard Business Review ]

<p>A curated collection of 10 HBR magazine articles on performing at your highest level and achieving remarkable results.</p> <ul> <li>We've read everything HBR has ever published on high performance so you don't have to.</li> <li>Curates the best and most influential HBR articles on high performance.</li> <li>Covers topics such as improving weaknesses, productivity, improving habits, personal growth, motivation, confidence, and resilience.</li> <li>Includes pieces from recognizable names and trusted experts.</li> </ul> <p>Audience: All individualsーleaders, manager, and individual contributorsーwho want to achieve their highest performance at work and in life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,376円

Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9【電子書籍】[ Bayo Erinle ]

<p>Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9 is a standard tutorial that will help you polish your fundamentals, guide you through various advanced topics, and along the process help you learn new tools and skills.This book is for developers, quality assurance engineers, testers, and test managers new to Apache JMeter, or those who are looking to get a good grounding in how to effectively use and become proficient with it. No prior testing experience is required.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,587円

Text Processing with JavaScript Regular Expressions, Tools, and Techniques for Optimal Performance【電子書籍】[ Faraz K. Kelhini ]

<p>You might think of regular expressions as the holy grail of text processing, but are you sure you aren't just shoehorning them in where standard built-in solutions already exist and would work better? JavaScript itself provides programmers with excellent methods for text manipulation, and knowing how and when to use them will help you write more efficient and performant code. From extracting data from APIs to calculating word counts and everything in between, discover how to pick the right tool for the job and make the absolute most of it every single time.</p> <p>Whether you're a beginner or an advanced programmer, this up-to-date guide will save you a ton of time when dealing with text. With <em>Text Processing with JavaScript</em>, you'll find a collection of tiny programs, each demonstrating a string manipulation approach in JavaScript. You'll also focus squarely on the practical aspects of text processing with JavaScript - that is, what each technique is designed to accomplish and how to use it in your program.</p> <p>Discover how to extract data from APIs and web pages, apply spelling corrections, convert and format currencies, and remove HTML tags from text. Learn to intersect tables, copy text to the clipboard, extract lists from text, and highlight sentences that contain a specific word. Find duplicate words and fix them automatically, modify a copy of an existing regex literal, match the beginning or end of a string, and remove all comments from JavaScript and HTML files with ease. Match non-ASCII words, calculate the word count of an article in any language, and more.</p> <p>Become a JavaScript expert and master chef of text processing with this collection of hands-on and production-ready recipes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,074円

洋書 Paperback, Performance Testing with JMeter - Second Edition

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STEP BY STEP Database Programming with JDBC and PostgreSQL A beginner's guide to building high-performance PostgreSQL database solutions【電子書籍】[ Vivian Siahaan ]

<p>PostgreSQL was designed to run on UNIX-like platforms. However, PostgreSQL was then also designed to be<br /> portable so that it could run on various platforms such as Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows. PostgreSQL is free and open source software. Its source code is available under PostgreSQL license, a liberal open source license. You are free to use, modify and distribute PostgreSQL in any form. PostgreSQL requires very minimum maintained efforts because of its stability. Therefore, if you develop applications based on PostgreSQL, the total cost of ownership is low in comparison with other database management systems.</p> <p>In Chapter 2, you will learn querying data from the postgresql using jdbc including establishing a database connection, creating a statement object, executing the query, processing the resultset object, querying data using a statement that returns multiple rows, querying data using a statement that has parameters, inserting data into a table using jdbc, updating data in postgresql database using jdbc, calling postgresql stored function using jdbc, deleting data from a postgresql table using jdbc, and postgresql jdbc transaction.</p> <p>In Chapter 3, you will learn managing table structure and views including postgresql data types, postgresql create table, postgresql select into statement, postgresql create table as, using postgresql serial to create auto-increment column, identity column, alter table, drop table, truncate table, check constraint, not-null constraint, foreign key, primary key, unique constraint, managing postgresql views, creating updatable views, materialized views, creating updatable views using the with check option clause, and recursive view.</p> <p>In Chapter 4, you will learn statements, operators, and clauses including select, order by, select distinct, limit, fetch, in, between, postgresql like, is null, alias, joins, inner join, postgresql left join, self-join, full outer join, cross join, natural join, group by, having, intersect operator, except operator, grouping sets, cube, and rollup.</p> <p>In Chapter 5, you will learn postgresql trigger, aggregate, and string functions including creating the first trigger in postgresql, managing postgresql trigger, aggregate functions, avg function, max function, min function, sum function, postgresql concat function, ascii function, trim function, length function, substring function, regexp_matches function, regexp_replace function, replace function, to_number function, and to_char function.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,604円