Harpsichord 輸入盤

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261件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Gustav Leonhardt / Harpsichord Music By Bach Bull Byrd Gibbons Hassle 【K2016/9/30発売】

発売日: 2016/9/30輸入盤USレーベル: Alpha収録曲: 1.1 Canzon1.2 Fantasia1.3 Corranto1.4 Queens Alman1.5 Ground1.6 Bull's Goodnight1.7 Fantasia1.8 Fantasia1.9 Praeludium1.10 Toccata in G1.11 Allemanda in Discessum Caroli XI Regis Sueciae1.12 Fantasia, BWV11211.13 Aria Variata, BWV9891.14 Partite Sopra 'O Gott, Du Frommer Gott', BWV767コメント: 1,990円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Bach: Complete Sonatas for Violin and Obbligato Harpsichord / Pinnock, Podger/J.S.Bach(アーティスト)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
J.S.Bach(アーティスト)販売会社/発売会社:ChannelClassicsNl発売年月日:2001/01/09JAN:0723385147985 1,331円

【中古】 【輸入盤】C.P.E. Bach: Harpsichord Concertos/Musicaamphion(アーティスト),PieterJanBelder(アーティスト)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
Musicaamphion(アーティスト),PieterJanBelder(アーティスト)販売会社/発売会社:BrilliantClassics発売年月日:2014/03/25JAN:5028421948492 605円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Art of Fugue/J.S.バッハ,S?bastienGuillot(Harpsichord)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
J.S.バッハ,S?bastienGuillot(Harpsichord)販売会社/発売会社:Naxos発売年月日:2006/05/16JAN:0747313279623 605円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】J.S. Bach/Musica Amphion/Belder / Harpsichord Concertos (2PK)【K2022/6/24発売】

発売日: 2022/6/24輸入盤USレーベル: Brilliant Classics収録曲:コメント:Piano concertos from Beethoven to Brahms to Busoni and beyond are all indebted to the example of Bach in his Fifth Brandenburg Concerto, and it's liberation of the harpsichord from continuo support to virtuoso soloist, in both the spectacular first-movement cadenza and the one-against-many dramatic narrative which marks a revolutionary break with the concerto-grosso model of collegiate co-operation. Bach wrote the six Brandenburgs in his early 30s, while the majority of the works here were either written or compiled once he had moved to Leipzig in 1723. Taking charge of the music at a popular cafe, he adapted cantata movements and earlier concertos for other instruments, producing seven intricately worked pieces which traverse an expressive range from the high drama of the D minor BWV1052, to the equable dialogue of the D major BWV1054 (a reworking of the E major Violin Concerto) to the tightly wound pathos of the F minor BWV1056. As both a harpsichordist and music director, Pieter-Jan Belder has been recording Bach's music for more than two decades with Brilliant Classics and the period-instrument Musica Amphion ensemble which he founded in the tradition of distinguished Dutch early-music groups such as Frans Bruggen's Orchestra of the 18th Century. He and his colleagues play together with a tightly knit sympathy borne of long familiarity and a comprehensive grasp of Bach's output across every field of his music. Filling out the album to well over two and a half hours of music is the A minor Concerto BWV1044 scored for the same combination of flute, violin and keyboard soloists as the Fifth Brandenburg, and in which the keyboard also takes the starring role, though with certain features which suggest it was either put together late in Bach's life or possibly by one of his pupils or sons.Piano concertos from Beethoven to Brahms to Busoni and beyond are all indebted to the example of Bach in his Fifth Brandenburg Concerto, and it's liberation of the harpsichord from continuo support to virtuoso soloist, in both the spectacular first-movement cadenza and the one-against-many dramatic narrative which marks a revolutionary break with the concerto-grosso model of collegiate co-operation. Bach wrote the six Brandenburgs in his early 30s, while the majority of the works here were either written or compiled once he had moved to Leipzig in 1723. Taking charge of the music at a popular cafe, he adapted cantata movements and earlier concertos for other instruments, producing seven intricately worked pieces which traverse an expressive range from the high drama of the D minor BWV1052, to the equable dialogue of the D major BWV1054 (a reworking of the E major Violin Concerto) to the tightly wound pathos of the F minor BWV1056. As both a harpsichordist and music director, Pieter-Jan Belder has been recording Bach's music for more than two decades with Brilliant Classics and the period-instrument Musica Amphion ensemble which he founded in the tradition of distinguished Dutch early-music groups such as Frans Bruggen's Orchestra of the 18th Century. He and his colleagues play together with a tightly knit sympathy borne of long familiarity and a comprehensive grasp of Bach's output across every field of his music. Filling out the album to well over two and a half hours of music is the A minor Concerto BWV1044 scored for the same combination of flute, violin and keyboard soloists as the Fifth Brandenburg, and in which the keyboard also takes the starring role, though with certain features which suggest it was either put together late in Bach's life or possibly by one of his pupils or sons. 2,990円


ブックオフ 楽天市場店
グレン・グールド販売会社/発売会社:Sony Music Entertainment発売年月日:1993/08/01JAN:5099705259023 605円


ぐるぐる王国 楽天市場店
CAMPIONI : 6 HARPSICHORD SONATASCD発売日2021/4/9詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認くださいジャンルクラシックその他 アーティストシモーネ・ステッラSIMONE STELLA収録時間組枚数商品説明SIMONE STELLA / CAMPIONI : 6 HARPSICHORD SONATASシモーネ・ステッラ / カンピオーニ:6つのハープシコードソナタ収録内容収録曲ソナタ第1番〜第6番演奏シモーネ・ステッラ(ハープシコード)ヴァレリオ・ロジト(ヴァイオリン)関連キーワードシモーネ・ステッラ SIMONE STELLA 商品スペック 種別 CD 【輸入盤】 JAN 5028421959979登録日2021/06/11 1,557円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Bach: Sonatas for Violin & Harpsichord/グレン・グールド

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
グレン・グールド販売会社/発売会社:SonyClassics発売年月日:1994/09/19JAN:5099705261521 871円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sweelinck/Boccaccio / Complete Harpsichord & Organ (Box)【K2020/5/1発売】

こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2020/5/1 発売輸入盤レーベル:BRILLIANT CLASSICS収録曲: 3,790円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Pinnock:Complete Harpsichord Concertos/Pinnock(アーティスト),EnglishConcert(アーティスト)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
Pinnock(アーティスト),EnglishConcert(アーティスト)販売会社/発売会社:ArchivProduktion発売年月日:2002/09/10JAN:0028947175421 1,089円

【中古】 Bach, Johann Sebastian バッハ / Harpsichord Works: Ross 輸入盤 / J.S. Bach / Warner Apex [CD]【宅配便出荷】

もったいない本舗 おまとめ店
EANコード:0685738922420■こちらの商品もオススメです ● TOEIC test 900点突破対策と問題 / 石井 辰哉 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● これで話せる英会話の基本文型87 / 上野 理絵 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● 英語の構文150New Edition / 岡田 伸夫, Edward M.Quackenbush / 美誠社 [ペーパーバック] ● 前置詞が使えるルールブック / 石津 ジュディス, 石津 奈々 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● 小学生のまんが慣用句辞典 オールカラー / 金田一秀穂 / 学研プラス [単行本] ● バッハ:トッカータとフーガ リヒター / リヒター / インディペンデントレーベル [CD] ● 語源で増やす英単語 最も効果のある英単語増強法 / 恒石 昌志 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● イギリス英語total book / カール・R. トゥーヒグ, Karl R. Twohig / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● 外資系の英語ビジネスミーティング / 柴山 かつの / 明日香出版社 [単行本(ソフトカバー)] ● TOEICテスト文法特訓プログラム 20日間完成 CD付 / 白野 伊津夫 / アルク [単行本] ● 小学生のまんがことわざ辞典 オールカラー / 金田一 春彦 / 学習研究社 [単行本] ● チェルノブイリから学んだお母さんのための放射能対策BOOK / 野呂 美加 / 学陽書房 [単行本] ● ドラえもん入門ABC英語辞典 / 五島 正一郎, グレン ファリア, むぎわら しんたろう / 小学館 [単行本] ● バッハ:平均律クラヴィーア曲集 グレン・グールド / グレン・グールド(P) / CBS Sony [CD] ● TOEIC TESTスーパーボキャブラリービルディング 990点レベル / 植田 一三 / ベレ出版 [単行本(ソフトカバー)] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで72時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。■宅配便(送料398円)にて出荷致します。合計3980円以上は送料無料。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■送料無料の「もったいない本舗本店」もご利用ください。メール便送料無料です。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■「非常に良い」コンディションの商品につきましては、新品ケースに交換済みです。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済はクレジットカード等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  非常に良い状態です。再生には問題がありません。・良い:  使用されてはいますが、再生に問題はありません。・可:  再生には問題ありませんが、ケース、ジャケット、  歌詞カードなどに痛みがあります。 1,118円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Selection From Notenbuchlein/Hans-MartinLinde(Baritone),JohannSebastianBach(作曲),GustavLeonhardt(Harpsichord),Ru

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
Hans−MartinLinde(Baritone),JohannSebastianBach(作曲),GustavLeonhardt(Harpsichord),RudolfEwerhart(Organ),EllyAmeling(Soprano),T?lzBoys’Choir(Vocals)販売会社/発売会社:DeutscheHarmMundi発売年月日:1992/05/05JAN:0035627715020 1,089円

【中古】 Bach, Johann Sebastian バッハ / Harpsichord Works: Ross 輸入盤 / J.S. Bach / Warner Apex [CD]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】

もったいない本舗 楽天市場店
EANコード:0685738922420■こちらの商品もオススメです ● TOEIC test 900点突破対策と問題 / 石井 辰哉 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● これで話せる英会話の基本文型87 / 上野 理絵 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● 英語の構文150New Edition / 岡田 伸夫, Edward M.Quackenbush / 美誠社 [ペーパーバック] ● 前置詞が使えるルールブック / 石津 ジュディス, 石津 奈々 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● 小学生のまんが慣用句辞典 オールカラー / 金田一秀穂 / 学研プラス [単行本] ● バッハ:トッカータとフーガ リヒター / リヒター / インディペンデントレーベル [CD] ● 語源で増やす英単語 最も効果のある英単語増強法 / 恒石 昌志 / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● イギリス英語total book / カール・R. トゥーヒグ, Karl R. Twohig / ベレ出版 [単行本] ● 外資系の英語ビジネスミーティング / 柴山 かつの / 明日香出版社 [単行本(ソフトカバー)] ● TOEICテスト文法特訓プログラム 20日間完成 CD付 / 白野 伊津夫 / アルク [単行本] ● 小学生のまんがことわざ辞典 オールカラー / 金田一 春彦 / 学習研究社 [単行本] ● チェルノブイリから学んだお母さんのための放射能対策BOOK / 野呂 美加 / 学陽書房 [単行本] ● ドラえもん入門ABC英語辞典 / 五島 正一郎, グレン ファリア, むぎわら しんたろう / 小学館 [単行本] ● バッハ:平均律クラヴィーア曲集 グレン・グールド / グレン・グールド(P) / CBS Sony [CD] ● TOEIC TESTスーパーボキャブラリービルディング 990点レベル / 植田 一三 / ベレ出版 [単行本(ソフトカバー)] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。■メール便は、1点から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※最短翌日配達ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■「非常に良い」コンディションの商品につきましては、新品ケースに交換済みです。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  非常に良い状態です。再生には問題がありません。・良い:  使用されてはいますが、再生に問題はありません。・可:  再生には問題ありませんが、ケース、ジャケット、  歌詞カードなどに痛みがあります。 1,168円

【中古】 【輸入盤】J.Rameau:Complete Harpsichord Works/J.Rameau(アーティスト)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
J.Rameau(アーティスト)販売会社/発売会社:BrilliantClassics発売年月日:2009/11/09JAN:5028421939032 1,089円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Grazioli/Minali / 12 Harpsichord Sonatas (2PK)【K2020/8/28発売】
発売日: 2020/8/28輸入盤USレーベル: Brilliant Classics収録曲:コメント:These sonatas were published in 1780 in Venice, where Giovanni Battista Grazioli (1746-1828) had become an organist at St Mark's Basilica two years earlier; and in 1785 he would be appointed principal organist, on the death of Baldassare Galuppi. He was known in his own time as an especially accomplished performer whose compositions concentrated on work for the church, though these collections of keyboard works were evidently designed for domestic consumption. Nearly all the 12 sonatas are structured in a conventional quick-slow-quick three-movement form, most of them in major keys, and notable for their elegant melodies and wealth of invention. The recording's coda represents Grazioli's work at St Mark's with a Pastorale for organ composed for use over the Christmas season. This is probably the first-ever complete recording of Grazioli's harpsichord sonatas (not to be confused with the organ sonatas by his son Alessandro). It marks the third appearance on Brilliant by the Veronese early-music specialist Chiara Minali. Her previous albums of Marcello (95277) and Ignaz Spergher (95834) have won glowing reviews for the technical finesse and expressive refinement of her playing. "Chiara Minali is a superb organist and harpsichordist." La Pagina dell'Organo (Marcello).These sonatas were published in 1780 in Venice, where Giovanni Battista Grazioli (1746-1828) had become an organist at St Mark's Basilica two years earlier; and in 1785 he would be appointed principal organist, on the death of Baldassare Galuppi. He was known in his own time as an especially accomplished performer whose compositions concentrated on work for the church, though these collections of keyboard works were evidently designed for domestic consumption. Nearly all the 12 sonatas are structured in a conventional quick-slow-quick three-movement form, most of them in major keys, and notable for their elegant melodies and wealth of invention. The recording's coda represents Grazioli's work at St Mark's with a Pastorale for organ composed for use over the Christmas season. This is probably the first-ever complete recording of Grazioli's harpsichord sonatas (not to be confused with the organ sonatas by his son Alessandro). It marks the third appearance on Brilliant by the Veronese early-music specialist Chiara Minali. Her previous albums of Marcello (95277) and Ignaz Spergher (95834) have won glowing reviews for the technical finesse and expressive refinement of her playing. "Chiara Minali is a superb organist and harpsichordist." La Pagina dell'Organo (Marcello). 2,990円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Byrd/Leonhardt / Harpsichord Music【K2018/8/24発売】
発売日: 2018/8/24輸入盤USレーベル: Alpha収録曲:コメント:Byrd's heyday precisely coincided with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. She came to the throne on the death of Mary Tudor, in 1558; Byrd was then not yet twenty. And her long reign ended forty-five years later, in 1603. Byrd was thus the Elizabethan composer par excellence, occupying the same role as his younger contemporary Shakespeare played in the theatre. Though he spent his whole life in the service of the Anglican Church, Byrd was born and remained a Roman Catholic. His prestige must have been considerable, for the Queen continued to protect him and he was never harassed during the religious disputes that shook the country. When he became organist of Lincoln Cathedral in 1563, barely into his twenties, his professional qualities were recognized by a salary considerably higher than was customary. Byrd very quickly established himself as an outstanding personality, thanks to his performing skill on keyboard instruments, his burgeoning reputation as a composer and his charisma with both colleagues and pupils. Many of these pieces are derived from dance steps. Among them are the pavans, followed by their galliards, a genre that flourished throughout the Renaissance.Byrd's heyday precisely coincided with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. She came to the throne on the death of Mary Tudor, in 1558; Byrd was then not yet twenty. And her long reign ended forty-five years later, in 1603. Byrd was thus the Elizabethan composer par excellence, occupying the same role as his younger contemporary Shakespeare played in the theatre. Though he spent his whole life in the service of the Anglican Church, Byrd was born and remained a Roman Catholic. His prestige must have been considerable, for the Queen continued to protect him and he was never harassed during the religious disputes that shook the country. When he became organist of Lincoln Cathedral in 1563, barely into his twenties, his professional qualities were recognized by a salary considerably higher than was customary. Byrd very quickly established himself as an outstanding personality, thanks to his performing skill on keyboard instruments, his burgeoning reputation as a composer and his charisma with both colleagues and pupils. Many of these pieces are derived from dance steps. Among them are the pavans, followed by their galliards, a genre that flourished throughout the Renaissance. 1,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Boccherini/Rigano/Guarino / Music For Archlute Guitar & Harpsichord【K2022/8/5発売】

2022/8/5 発売輸入盤レーベル: TACTUS RECORDS収録曲:Among the motivations of this disc, the most important one is the wish to present the various styles and periods in a clear, simple way, endeavoring to avoid superabundance and the accumulation of crossover deposits that are often heard where it seems that the music of the past cannot be self-sufficient and needs an extra chromatic and rhythmic shove in order to catch the listeners' attention, inducing them to compare it with the commercial, repetitive entertainment repertoire. In this musical journey between Italy and Spain of the Baroque era, Paolo Rigano on the archlute and baroque guitar and Cinzia Guarino on the harpsichord are interpreting a singular anthology of pieces enriching the playing through the practice of the basso continuo that marked the entire musical period from the Renaissance to the late Baroque. 3,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sammartini/Heger / Harpsichord Sonatas【2019/6/14発売】

2019/6/14 発売輸入盤レーベル:DYNAMIC収録曲: 3,590円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Papandopulo/Kofler/Halubek / Flute Concerto/Harpsichord Concerto 【K2019/1/4発売】
2019/1/4 発売輸入盤レーベル:CPO RECORDS収録曲: 3,290円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】J.S. Bach/Wright / Harpsichord Music Of J.S. Bach 【K2017/7/7発売】(
発売日: 2017/7/7輸入盤USレーベル: Centaur収録曲:コメント: 3,290円


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J.S.BACH : HARPSICHORD WORKS10CD発売日2014/6/1詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認くださいジャンルクラシックその他 アーティストハンス・ピシュナーHANS PISCHNER収録時間組枚数商品説明HANS PISCHNER / J.S.BACH : HARPSICHORD WORKSハンス・ピシュナー / バッハ:ハープシコードのための作品集収録内容収録曲2声のインヴェンションと3声のシンフォニア平均律クラヴィーア曲集全曲イタリア協奏曲BWV.971半音階的幻想曲とフーガBWV.903フランス風序曲BWV.831ゴールドベルク変奏曲BWV.9882つのヴァイオリンと通奏低音のためのソナタBWV.1037チェンバロ協奏曲第1番ニ短調BWV.1052、第5番ヘ短調BWV.1056、第2番ホ長調BWV.10532台のチェンバロのための協奏曲第2番ハ長調BWV.1061、第3番ハ短調BWV.1062、第1番ハ短調BWV.10603台のチェンバロのための協奏曲第1番ニ短調BWV.1063、第3番ハ長調BWV.10644台のチェンバロのための協奏曲BWV.1065フルートとヴァイオリンとチェンバロのための協奏曲BWV.1044演奏ハンス・ピシュナー(ハープシコード)ダヴィッド・オイストラフ(ヴァイオリン)イーゴリ・オイストラフ(ヴァイオリン)クルト・ザンデルリング指揮、ベルリン交響楽団クルト・レーデル指揮、シュターツカペレ・ドレスデン、他関連キーワードハンス・ピシュナー HANS PISCHNER 商品スペック 種別 10CD 【輸入盤】 JAN 0885470005706登録日2021/11/09 3,277円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Storace/Viccardi / Complete Harpsichord & Organ【K2021/3/26発売】
発売日: 2021/3/26輸入盤USレーベル: Brilliant Classics収録曲:コメント:All that is known of Bernardo Storace's life derives from the title-page of his sole collection of music: in 1664 he was vice-maestro di cappella to the senate of Messina, Sicily. It is not known whether he was an antecedent of the Storace family of singers and musicians active in England at the end of the 18th century. His surviving music is all contained in his Selva di varie compositioni d'intavolatura per cimbalo ed organo, published in Venice in 1664. While the work of Frescobaldi was surely not unknown to Storace, the later composer's voice is individual and original. Taken in the round, the collection presents a 'state of the art' of keyboard music of the time. There are pieces such as passamezzi and ground-bass variations that adhere to a particular tradition and others that are more modern, with deliberate departures from established modes that embrace both a new tonal handling of harmony and echoes of a more antique and modal approach. Among the collection's most novel features is it's final piece, a long Pastorale with the flavour of a hornpipe, and the most ingeniously contrived repeated patterns and variations in texture and mood, all over a D pedal. To convey the varied colors and textures of Storace's music for this new recording, Enrico Viccardi has chosen to play four different instruments: a harpsichord built as a copy of a Grimaldi, a spinet modeled on the Venetian instruments of the second half of the 17th century, a Neapolitan positive organ by F. Cimino with all original pipes (first half of the 18th century) and the historically significant organ at the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Neve at Gualtieri (RE).All that is known of Bernardo Storace's life derives from the title-page of his sole collection of music: in 1664 he was vice-maestro di cappella to the senate of Messina, Sicily. It is not known whether he was an antecedent of the Storace family of singers and musicians active in England at the end of the 18th century. His surviving music is all contained in his Selva di varie compositioni d'intavolatura per cimbalo ed organo, published in Venice in 1664. While the work of Frescobaldi was surely not unknown to Storace, the later composer's voice is individual and original. Taken in the round, the collection presents a 'state of the art' of keyboard music of the time. There are pieces such as passamezzi and ground-bass variations that adhere to a particular tradition and others that are more modern, with deliberate departures from established modes that embrace both a new tonal handling of harmony and echoes of a more antique and modal approach. Among the collection's most novel features is it's final piece, a long Pastorale with the flavour of a hornpipe, and the most ingeniously contrived repeated patterns and variations in texture and mood, all over a D pedal. To convey the varied colors and textures of Storace's music for this new recording, Enrico Viccardi has chosen to play four different instruments: a harpsichord built as a copy of a Grimaldi, a spinet modeled on the Venetian instruments of the second half of the 17th century, a Neapolitan positive organ by F. Cimino with all original pipes (first half of the 18th century) and the historically significant organ at the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Neve at Gualtieri (RE). 2,990円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Gloria in G Major Organ Concerto Etc/FrancisPoulenc(作曲),SeijiOzawa(指揮),TrevorPinnock(Harpsichord),BostonSymphon

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
FrancisPoulenc(作曲),SeijiOzawa(指揮),TrevorPinnock(Harpsichord),BostonSymphonyOrchestra(オーケストラ),SimonPreston(Organ),KathleenBattle(Soprano),TanglewoodFestivalChorus(Vocals)販売会社/発売会社:DgImports発売年月日:2008/09/02JAN:0028944556728 605円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Rhythm of the Ancients/AntonioVivaldi(作曲),MichelineMitrani(Harpsichord)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
AntonioVivaldi(作曲),MichelineMitrani(Harpsichord)販売会社/発売会社:NewWorldMusic発売年月日:2003/01/21JAN:0767715052624 762円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Bertrand Cuiller / Couperin: Complete Works For Harpsichord 1【K2018/8/31発売】
2018/8/31 発売フランス盤レーベル:HARMONIA MUNDI FR.収録曲: 3,940円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Durey/Christopher D. Lewis / 20Th Century Harpsichord Music
2015/10/9 発売輸入盤レーベル: NAXOS収録曲: 2,490円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Handel/Rowland / Suites For Harpsichord 1
2011/8/9 発売輸入盤収録曲: 5,190円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】J.S. Bach/Francesco Corti/Laporte / Harpsichord Concertos 3【K2022/7/8発売】
2022/7/8 発売輸入盤レーベル: PENTATONE収録曲: 2,990円

【中古】 【輸入盤】Magic of the Harpsichord/Veyron-Lacroix(アーティスト),Bach(アーティスト),Cimarosa(アーティスト)

ブックオフ 楽天市場店
Veyron−Lacroix(アーティスト),Bach(アーティスト),Cimarosa(アーティスト)販売会社/発売会社:Elektra/Wea発売年月日:1993/07/06JAN:0745099213527 605円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Couperin/Skowroneck / Harpsichord Works【K2021/11/5発売】
2021/11/5 発売輸入盤レーベル: TYXART収録曲: 3,590円