Hersant Ensemble Aedes

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  CD・DVD (2) (Hersant Ensemble Aedes)
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2件中 1件 - 2件  1
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Hersant/Menet/Ensemble Vocal Aedes / Mnaomai【K2020/10/16発売】
2020/10/16 発売輸入盤レーベル:STRADIVARIUS収録曲: 2,990円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Hersant/Ensemble Vocal Aedes/Romano / Clairvaux: Instants Limites
発売日: 2013/10/29輸入盤レーベル: Aeon収録曲: 1.1 Wanderung1.2 Desert1.3 Nostalgia1.4 Niggun1.5 I1.6 II1.7 III1.8 IV1.9 V1.10 VI1.11 VII1.12 VIII1.13 IX1.14 X1.15 XI1.16 XII1.17 XIIIコメント:Once again, the inmates of Clairvaux are given a chance to express themselves, this time in a work specially composed by Philippe Hersant whose talent is put to the service of texts written by the prisoners in the framework of writing workshops. The booklet contains photographs of prisoners taken by the inmates.Once again, the inmates of Clairvaux are given a chance to express themselves, this time in a work specially composed by Philippe Hersant whose talent is put to the service of texts written by the prisoners in the framework of writing workshops. The booklet contains photographs of prisoners taken by the inmates. 3,290円