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ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ regular BROKEN BOARD M2R 011R KP3822 01 ホワイト 2023SS メンズ 【ラスト1点 サイズXXL】 【off_overten】

サンエー 世界の一流品
メーカー希望小売価格はメーカー商品タグに基づいて掲載しています 商品の採寸方法について >ラッピングのご案内 >安心でお得な3つの理由 > 予算別オススメギフト レディース > メンズ > 類似商品はこちらポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 9,000円ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 7,310円ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 7,230円ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 9,000円ピーエス ポール・スミス PS Paul Sm9,100円ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 9,000円ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 9,000円ポールスミス PAUL SMITH Tシャツ 9,000円ピーエス ポール スミス PS Paul Sm7,800円新着商品はこちら2024/6/1ボッテガ ヴェネタ BOTTEGA VENET99,000円2024/6/1ボッテガ ヴェネタ BOTTEGA VENET89,100円2024/5/30モンクレール MONCLER トレーナー 8G89,100円再販商品はこちら2024/5/29ミッソーニ ネクタイ MISSONI U7055,270円2024/5/21モンクレール MONCLER Tシャツ 8C729,690円2024/5/21モンクレール MONCLER Tシャツ 8C032,210円2024/06/03 更新PAUL SMITHポールスミス−Paul Smith− ポールスミスは、1970年ポール・スミスがイギリスのノッティンガムで創業。当初は「マーガレット・ハウエル」や「ケンゾー」などを扱うセレクトショップだったが、徐々に自らデザインしたオリジナル商品を製作。1976年には、パリで初めてのコレクションを発表。 伝統的なブリティッシュスタイルに、遊び心と着こなしやすさを加えた独自のスタイルで人気を博し、世界的ブランドへと発展を遂げている。2000年、その功績を称えて、ファッション・デザイナーとしては3人目となるナイト爵位「Sir(サー)」の称号をエリザベス女王より授与された。商品管理番号99030332タグID3000041264 3000041265 3000041266 3000041267 3000041268ブランドポールスミス品番regular BROKEN BOARD M2R 011R KP3822 01サイズ【S】 胸囲104 着丈67.5 袖丈22 肩幅44  【M】 胸囲106 着丈69.5 袖丈23 肩幅45  【L】 胸囲112 着丈69.5 袖丈24 肩幅47  【XL】 胸囲118 着丈70 袖丈24.5 肩幅48  【XXL】 胸囲124 着丈70.5 袖丈25 肩幅49 多少の誤差はご了承ください。⇒ サイズガイドはこちら ※商品によって個体差や計測の方法により2〜3cmの誤差が出る場合がございます。形Tシャツ素材100%ORGANIC COTTONカラーホワイト生産国China仕様ラッピングギフトラッピングは基本無料になります。※有料になる場合もあり⇒ 詳しくはこちら商品説明Buyer:アンジェラオーガニックコットンを使用した半袖プリントTシャツ。 グラフィックプリントがインパクトのあるデザイン。 コーディネイトをユニークに演出してくれる1枚です。 8,990円

Let Justice and Mercy Flow【電子書籍】[ Ken Boutwell ]

<p>Ken Boutwell and I became fast friends soon after he sent me a manuscript to publish as his first book in 2016. He was referred to my publishing company by a mutual friend who was his pastor at First Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Florida..</p> <p>He told me at that time that he was also working on a second book which would address racism and bigotry throughout history with an invitation to join him and others in changing these cruel cultures around the world</p> <p>Knowing Ken's kind nature, I don't why I had this thought, but I did: "Another book by an angry and judgmental author who was trying to make a difference with the usual judgmental diatribe against other judgmental and angry bigots and racists.." That thought was totally wrong.</p> <p>When I received the manuscript, I quickly realized that this book approached racism and bigotry with a different paradigm-kindness. Boutwell wrote about this malignancy with kindness and hope. Kindness to well-meaning people who were captured by cruel cultures and hope for a future where the largest gathering of racists and bigots would not be each week in houses of worship around the world.</p> <p>Let Justice and Mercy Flow is a primer for anyone who is seeking to live in the world as a non-racist and non-bigoted person.</p> <p>Ken begins his book clearly aware that he, himself, was from a culture which was cruel and unyielding to anyone who was different than his white church, white family, and white friends. He knew there had to be a better way to live than where white people built and maintained an economy and society where non-white people were routinely oppressed and persecuted. As a result, Ken and his wife committed to live a a life and to teach their children to lead lives where they treated all people with the love, respect and equality that Christ worked so hard to teach us.</p> <p>Boutwell ends his book with a call to a better way to live - a way of hope and love for all, especially for those who are non-white, non-Christian, and non-male.</p> <p>The appeal of <em>Let Justice and Mercy Flow</em> is to join others of all faiths, genders, ethnicities who have committed to Loving And Serving Each Other (LASEO) Toward the end of the book, Boutwell invites his readers to sign a Loving And Serving Each Other Manifesto in order to change a cruel culture of bigotry and prejudice to a just and compassionate one.</p> <p>As Bonhoeffer is quoted on the back cover, "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak, Not to act is to act."</p> <p>If you choose to join the LASEO movement, let us know by sending an email to join@laseonow,com. We'll add your name to our mailing list so you'll know what you and others are doing to unravel cruel cultures and embrace compassionate ones.</p> <p>David Russell Tullock</p> <p>Fall 2023</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,492円

リ・バース 磁気データ消去装置ERAZER ER-TypeT用キャリングケース CT01-100

リ・バース 磁気データ消去装置ERAZER ER-TypeT用キャリングケース CT01-100 12,564円

Ganz Mann Ganz fit - das Beckenboden-Training f?r mehr Potenz und Kontinenz【電子書籍】[ Sonja Soeder ]

<p><strong>Beckenboden-Training f?r M?nner</strong></p> <p>Kennen Sie die Bedeutung Ihres Beckenbodens f?r Ihr allt?gliches Leben? Er ist bei M?nnern einer der Schl?ssel zur Vermeidung von Erektionsst?rungen und Blasenschw?che!</p> <p>Wirksame ?bungen aus dem wissenschaftlich erprobten Training des Deutschen Beckenbodenzentrums Berlin helfen Ihnen dabei, wieder ?ganz Mann“ zu sein und Prostata und Blase stark und leistungsf?hig zu erhalten.</p> <ul> <li>Mit den ?bungen und Trainingseinheiten k?nnen Sie Ihren Beckenboden gezielt festigen und entspannen.</li> <li>Beckenbodenschonende Haltungen im Alltag verbessern Ihre Potenz und Kontinenz ? f?r mehr Freude an Sexualit?t und einen unbeschwerten Alltag.</li> <li>Praktische Tipps weisen den Weg, bewusster mit sich umzugehen und wieder entspannt den Sex zu genie?en.</li> </ul> <p>?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,600円

【中古】 Raconteurs ラカンターズ / Broken Boy Soldiers 【CD】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
状態可状態詳細帯付、ケースすれ中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明(こちらは新品の商品説明となります。参考として下さいませ。中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません。)話題となっていた、ホワイト・ストライプスのジャック・ホワイト、ブレンダン・ベンソン、グリーンホーンズのジャック・ローレンスとパトリック・キーラーという最強のメンバーが集まり結成したバンド、ラカンターズのアルバムが登場!昔から友人関係にあった彼らが作り上げたサウンドは泣きの入った即効性の高いメロディアス・サウンド。ジャック・ホワイト曰く「これは全く新しいバンド。互いのギター、ヴォーカル、ソングライティングがぶつかりあった相互攻撃のようなバンド」とのこと!実力はもちろんのこと話題性もあるので大ヒットすること間違いなし!要チェックです!曲目リストDisc11.ステディ、アズ・シー・ゴーズ/2.ハンズ/3.ブロークン・ボーイ・ソルジャー/4.インティメイト・セクレタリィ/5.トゥゲザー/6.レヴェル/・ボート・ボーンズ/8.イエロー・サン/9.コール・イット・ア・ディ/10.ブルー・ヴェインズ/11.ザ・ベイン・レンディション (日本盤ボーナス・トラック)/12.(エンハンスド)ステディ、アズ・シー・ゴーズ(ヴィデオ) 330円


2nd STREET 楽天市場店
【ブランド】/【ブランドカナ】/【型番】【程度】S【サイズ】その他【メインカラー】ブラック【素材・生地】デニム【キーワード】  2023/10/27セカンドストリート高針原店 【2938】【中古】brockenbow/スキニーパンツ/--ブランド/型番カラーブラック柄無地素材・生地デニム>色・素材についてサイズその他>サイズ表示について実寸【パンツ】 ウエスト幅:29 / ヒップ幅:37 / 股上:22 / 股下:83 【その他】 その他サイズ:/商品は セカンドストリート高針原店の店頭にて販売しております。商品に関するお問合わせは、お電話(TEL:052-709-2705)にて、問合わせ番号:2329383500951をお伝えください。配送方法やお支払い方法に関するお問い合わせは、サポートセンターまでご連絡をお願いします。※お電話の対応は営業時間内のみとなります。お問い合わせフォームでお問い合わせの際はご注文番号をご記入下さいこの商品に関する出品店舗からのコメント使用感が見られない新古品・それに準ずる状態のお品物です。実店舗でも販売しておりますので、商品欠品の場合もございます。また、画像で判別し辛い着用感・汚れなどある場合も御座いますので、ご不明な点が御座いましたらお気軽に下記連絡先までお問合せ下さいませ。 2,530円

【★スーパーSALE★6/11深夜2時迄】マーベル ロゴ スリーブ グラフィック Tシャツ 長袖 【 MARVEL CAPTAIN MY OTHER CAT IS A FLERKEN BOLD LOGO LONG SLEEVE GRAPHIC TEE / 】 メンズファッション トップス カットソー

ブランド名Marvel性別mens (adult)商品名Captain My Other Cat Is A Flerken Bold Logo Long Sleeve Graphic Teeカラー/Black 17,400円

Yoni Ei: Wie Sie die Urkraft Ihrer Weiblichkeit entfalten, die Libido steigern und Ihre Vitalit?t erh?hen - inkl. 10-Wochen-Trainingsplan f?r den Beckenboden und Yoni-Yoga Guide【電子書籍】[ Nina Grapengeter ]

<p>Die wunderbaren Weiten der Weiblichkeit ? Entdecken Sie mit dem Yoni-Ei die Frau in sich (wieder)! Mal ganz ehrlich: Ist die Beziehung zu Ihrem K?rper und Ihrer Feminit?t so richtig gut? K?nnen Sie Lust und Sex unbefangen und frei genie?en ? ob mit Partner oder in sch?nen Stunden allein? Haben Sie das Gef?hl, in Verbindung zu stehen mit der tiefen und m?chtigen Urkraft der Weiblichkeit? Falls nein, sind Sie in gro?er Gesellschaft ? aber hier kommt eine charmante, genussvolle und ganzheitliche L?sung: Das Yoni-Ei! Bitte was? Ganz richtig ? das Yoni-Ei. Ein kleines Edelsteinei, wohlgeh?tetes Geheimnis der kaiserlichen Liebhaberinnen im antiken China und unscheinbare Wunderwaffe im Kampf gegen sexuelle Empfindungslosigkeit, Beckenbodenschw?che und fehlende weibliche Kraft. In der Vagina getragen, entfaltet es eine F?lle an positiven Wirkungen auf den fraulichen Organismus. Ob aus Jade oder Jaspis, klein oder gr??er, gelocht, mit Kette oder unber?hrt: Es gibt f?r jede Frau das perfekte Ei. Dabei handelt es sich um ein mittlerweile ?u?erst beliebtes, die Weiblichkeit feierndes und Sexualit?t bejahendes Tool ? und nebenher ist es auch noch h?bsch anzusehen. Finden Sie in diesem Buch heraus, was es alles anzubieten hat! Mystik und Weisheit fern?stlicher Lehren: Die Yoni-Verehrung im indischen Tantra und das Ei als Schatz antiker chinesischer Liebesk?nstlerinnen. Probleme nach der Schwangerschaft, Inkontinenz, sexuelle Lustlosigkeit: Finden Sie heraus, wie Ihr Beckenboden aufgebaut ist, funktioniert und welch m?chtige Wirkung er auf Ihr sexuelles Empfinden hat. Einfache ?bungen f?r Zuhause Folgen Sie einfachen und pr?zise erkl?rten ?bungen, durch die Sie mithilfe des Eis Ihre Beckenbodenmuskulatur kr?ftigen k?nnen und den Grundstein legen f?r atemberaubend intensive Erfahrungen. Welches Ei ist das richtige f?r mich? Ein Exkurs in die Welt der Heilsteinlehre hilft Ihnen, Ihr ganz pers?nliches perfektes Ei auszuw?hlen. Weit mehr als einfach Organe: Entdecken Sie die gro?en Zusammenh?nge von Spiritualit?t, weiblicher Identit?t, femininer Energie und Sexualit?t und erfahren Sie, wie Sie selbst Ihre ureigensten Kr?fte wecken k?nnen. Yoni-Yoga: Kombinieren Sie das Beste der fern?stlichen Traditionen, um ganzheitliches Wohlbefinden zu erlangen ? k?rperlich und seelisch. Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine ?berw?ltigende und bereichernde Reise zur Quelle Ihres Ursprungs als Frau. Folgen Sie den verst?ndlichen und zugleich spannenden Erl?uterungen und finden Sie Ihren ganz pers?nlichen Zugang zu Ihrer weiblichen Urkraft. Ganz egal, ob Sie nun einfach Ihren Beckenboden trainieren m?chten, sich f?r die spirituelle Seite interessieren oder endlich guten Sex genie?en m?chten ? dieses Buch bringt Sie genau dort hin! Worauf warten Sie noch? Wenn Sie sich als Frau in Ihrem K?rper wieder so richtig wohlf?hlen m?chten, klicken Sie jetzt auf "In den Einkaufswagen" und sichern Sie sich den Zugang zum Geheimnis erf?llter Weiblichkeit und Sexualit?t!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,300円

Lumos Helps with Healing: Battling Broken Bones LUMOS HELPS W/HEALING (Helping Paws Academy) [ Pat McCaw ]

LUMOS HELPS W/HEALING Helping Paws Academy Pat McCaw Beth Hughes MAYO CLINIC PR KIDS2023 Library Binding English ISBN:9781945564963 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 8,236円

(取寄) ボンジッパー カプセル ゴーグルズ VonZipper Capsule Goggles Broken Bone/Wildlife Black-Fire Chrome

■商品詳細■ブランドVonZipperボンジッパー■商品名Capsule Gogglesカプセル ゴーグルズ■商品状態新品未使用・並行輸入品■色Broken Bone/Wildlife Black-Fire Chrome■フレームサーモポリウレタン■レンズ二重円筒形ポリカーボネート■ストラップ調節可能なデュアルストラップ■交換レンズはい、4Play■フェイスサイズ中,大■ケース付き熱成形ハードケース■アクティビティスキー,スノーボード■備考(取寄) ボンジッパー カプセル ゴーグルズ VonZipper Capsule Goggles Broken Bone/Wildlife Black-Fire ChromeVonZipper ゴーグル アクセサリー スポーツ アウトドア ウインタースポーツ スキー スノーボード ブランドbc-VONZ08Q 54,740円

Beckenbodenpower Mit der bew?hrten Franklin-Methode das Becken dynamisch und ganzheitlich trainieren - f?r ein neues K?rperbewusstsein. Erweiterte, ?berarbeitete und farbige Neuausgabe【電子書籍】[ Eric N. Franklin ]

<p>Starker Beckenboden = gutes K?rpergef?hl! Der Beckenboden beeinflusst nicht nur die Haltung und wirkt R?cken-, Knie- und Fu?problemen entgegen, sondern hilft auch bei Inkontinenz und f?rdert sogar die Atmung. Doch es ist gar nicht so einfach, den Beckenboden gezielt anzusteuern. Mit einer Kombination aus anatomisch basierten ?bungen und dynamischer Imagination bietet die Franklin-Methode einen einzigartigen Ansatz, der es erm?glicht, den Beckenboden zu visualisieren und ganzheitlich zu trainieren. Ob Luftballons, Drachen oder Vulkane - eing?ngige Vorstellungsbilder veranschaulichen, wie sich das Becken bewegt und in welcher Verbindung es zum gesamten K?rper steht. Gepaart mit effizienten Kr?ftigungs?bungen lernen Sie, Ihre Wahrnehmung zu schulen und die Muskulatur zu aktivieren. So k?nnen Sie Ihren Beckenboden elastisch und kraftvoll zugleich halten und Ihre gesamte Gesundheit nachhaltig verbessern. Dieses Buch zeigt, - wie Fu?-, Knie- und R?ckenprobleme mit dem Becken zusammenh?ngen. - wie wichtig ein beweglicher Beckenboden f?r Frauen bei der Geburt ist. - wie ein starker Beckenboden die Potenz unterst?tzt und die Befriedigung beim Sex steigert. - wie die Atmung durch Beckenbodentraining verbessert werden kann. - wie sich eine gute K?rperhaltung auf die Kontinenz auswirkt. - wie wichtig gesunde Organe f?r einen gesunden Beckenboden sind.</p> <p>Eric Franklin ist ausgebildeter Sportwissenschaftler, Bewegungsp?dagoge, Diplomsportlehrer, T?nzer und Choreograf. Als Begr?nder der Franklin-Methode gilt er weltweit als Experte in imaginativer Bewegungsp?dagogik und ist unter anderem Gastdozent an der Juilliard School in New York und an der Royal Ballet School London. Zudem ist er Mitglied der International Association of Dance Medicine and Science und Autor mehrerer B?cher zu gesunder Bewegung.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,602円

【中古】 Raconteurs ラカンターズ / Broken Boy Soldiers 【CD】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
状態可コメントJACK WHITE中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら曲目リストDisc11.Steady As She Goes/2.Hands/3.Broken Boy Soldier/4.Intimate Secretary/5.Together/6.Level/7.Store Bought Bones/8.Yellow Sun/9.Call It A Day/10.Blue Veins 550円

【送料無料】 ボンジッパー メンズ サングラス・アイウェア アクセサリー Capsule Goggles Broken Bone/Wildlife Black-Fire Chrome

ReVida 楽天市場店
■ブランド VonZipper (ボンジッパー)■商品名 Capsule Goggles■商品は海外よりお取り寄せの商品となりますので、お届けまで10日-14日前後お時間頂いております。 ■ブランド・商品・デザインによって大きな差異がある場合があります。 ■あくまで平均的なサイズ表ですので「目安」として参考にしてください。 ■お届けの商品は1枚目のお写真となります。色展開がある場合、2枚目以降は参考画像となる場合がございます。 ■只今、一部を除くすべて商品につきまして、期間限定で送料無料となります。 ※沖縄・離島・一部地域は追加送料(3,300円)が掛かります。 40,800円

Raconteurs ラカンターズ / Broken Boy Soldiers (アナログレコード) 【LP】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明2006年5月にリリースされたThe Raconteurs(ザ・ラカンターズ)のデビュー・アルバム『Broken Boy Soldiers』(アナログ盤)2006年5月にリリースされたThe Raconteurs(ザ・ラカンターズ)のデビュー・アルバム『Broken Boy Soldiers』は、「Blue Veins」、「Hands」、そしてこのバンドのアンセム 「Steady, As She Goes」といった数々の名曲を収録。本作は、アナログ・マスター・テープからダイレクトにカッティングされ、180グラムの重量盤にプレス。上品な銅箔が施された豪華なスリーブに収められている。(メーカーインフォメーションより)曲目リストDisc11.Steady, As She Goes/2.Hands/3.Broken Boy Soldier/4.Intimate Secretary/5.Together/6.Level/7.Store Bought Bones/8.Yellow Sun/9.Call It A Day/10.Blue Veins 5,390円

Touching Broken Bones【電子書籍】[ Andrew Davie ]

<p>McGill and Gropper are back for another adventure! McGill never leaves the diner, drinks coffee, and eats pancakes/bacon, while Gropper is in charge of the heavy lifting. Both men wouldn’t have it any other way.</p> <p>As they’ve gotten older, times have changed. While Gropper has led a transient life, moving from place to place to protect the people he cares about, he’s longing to settle down. Meanwhile, McGill must handle the interest of a young South Carolina Law Enforcement Division officer, Lorraine Littlefeather, who would rather see him behind bars.</p> <p>After a big case comes their way, they need to investigate the mysterious deaths of medical workers. And Gropper’s friend Connie, and her daughter Liz, might be next on the list.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

JAPANESE BANTAM CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Japanese Bantam chicken breed is a distinct and distinct chicken breed that originated in Japan. This breed is popular among chicken aficionados because to its small size, beautiful appearance, and friendly behavior. The Japanese Bantam chicken is a smaller variation of the original breed created by crossing giant fowl birds with bantam birds.</p> <p>In Japan, this breed is highly esteemed and has been bred for ages, primarily for decorative purposes. Its precise roots are uncertain, but it is thought to have begun in the 12th century. The Japanese Bantam chicken is also popular in other regions of the world, such as Europe and the United States, where it is treasured for its distinct qualities.</p> <p>One of the reasons for the Japanese Bantam chicken's appeal is its tiny size, which makes it appropriate for urban and backyard chicken-keeping. This breed thrives in tiny areas and is an ideal choice for families with youngsters. Furthermore, the Japanese Bantam chicken is noted for its visually pleasing assortment of colors and patterns.</p> <p>Furthermore, the Japanese Bantam chicken plays an important part in preserving Japan's ancient habits and culture. Because of its particular appearance and history, it is an important component of Japanese cultural heritage. As a result, it is critical to preserve and safeguard this breed for future generations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

KADAKNATH CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Kadaknath chicken is a distinct breed of chicken found in Madhya Pradesh, India. This unusual species of chicken, distinguished by its black feathers, is prized for its rich flavor and therapeutic benefits. Kadaknath chicken, also known as 'Kalamasi' or 'Kali masi' in local dialect, has been raised for centuries by tribal groups in Madhya Pradesh.</p> <p>The Kadaknath breed is believed to have more protein and less fat than other chicken breeds, making it a better option for consumption. Furthermore, it is thought to have medicinal characteristics and is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases. This chicken breed is also noted for its tolerance to various climatic conditions and disease resistance, making it a profitable and sustainable choice for poultry farming.</p> <p>Kadaknath chicken has acquired notoriety and appeal not just in India but also abroad due to its distinct traits and high demand. The demand for this breed has increased in recent years, resulting in increasing production and distribution throughout the country.</p> <p>Aside from its culinary and therapeutic benefits, the preservation of the Kadaknath chicken breed is critical for the cultural and economic viability of Madhya Pradesh's tribal populations. The breed is not only a source of income for these communities, but it is also an important element of their history and culture.</p> <p>Finally, the Kadaknath chicken breed is significant in terms of health, culture, and economic sustainability. Because of its distinct traits and great demand, it is a breed deserving of attention and preservation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

LOHMANN BROWN CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The LOHMANN BROWN CHICKEN is a renowned hybrid layer breed recognized for its outstanding egg-laying skills. This breed originated in Germany and immediately achieved worldwide acclaim because to its efficient production of high-quality eggs.</p> <p>The LOHMANN BROWN CHICKEN breed was developed in the early 1980s by the LOHMANN TIERZUCHT firm through the crossing of numerous genetic strains to create a hybrid bird with great egg-laying skills. As a result, it is one of the top commercial layer breeds in the world, laying roughly 300 brown-shelled eggs every year. This breed is particularly well-known for its placid demeanor, which makes it simple to handle and manage.</p> <p>The LOHMANN BROWN CHICKEN breed is commonly utilized in commercial egg production due to its effectiveness in converting feed into eggs, which makes it economically beneficial for farmers. Furthermore, these birds require little care and have a high survival rate, resulting in higher profitability for poultry farmers.</p> <p>There has been a rising emphasis in recent years on ecological and ethical poultry raising practices. These requirements are met by the LOHMANN BROWN CHICKEN breed, which is easy to manage, has a low feed conversion ratio, and produces brown-shelled eggs, which are in high demand in the market.</p> <p>In conclusion, the LOHMANN BROWN CHICKEN breed is an important actor in the poultry market, serving as a reliable source of high-quality eggs for consumers worldwide. Its high egg production efficiency and adaptability to a variety of agricultural operations make it a valuable breed for poultry growers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

ISA BROWN CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The ISA Brown chicken is a well-known domestic chicken breed for its great egg producing capacity. The Institut de S?lection Animale (ISA) in France developed this breed in the late 1970s, and it immediately acquired popularity among chicken owners due to its excellent traits.</p> <p>The ISA Brown chicken is a cross between White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, and Rhode Island Whites. This cross produced a chicken with a gentle demeanor, a resilient character, and exceptional egg-laying ability. The ISA Brown breed of chickens may lay 300-320 eggs each year, making them one of the most productive breeds in the poultry industry.</p> <p>Aside from their great egg-laying potential, ISA Brown chickens are also docile and amiable, making them a popular choice for backyard chicken owners. They are simple to handle and maintain, making them suited for both small-scale and commercial chicken production.</p> <p>Furthermore, ISA Brown chickens are noted for their tolerance to a variety of climates and living situations. Because these birds can survive in both free-range and confined conditions, they are a valuable breed for poultry farms.</p> <p>The significance of the ISA The importance of the brown chicken breed in the poultry business cannot be emphasized. Their large egg production capability not only makes them a profitable investment for farmers, but it also helps meet the market's strong demand for eggs. Furthermore, their placid demeanor and versatility make them an excellent breed for new poultry caretakers.</p> <p>Overall, the ISA Brown chicken has had a considerable influence in the poultry market and remains a popular choice for both farmers and home chicken keepers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

VORWERK CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>Vorwerk chickens are a rare and distinctive breed that developed in Germany in the early twentieth century. Oskar Vorwerk, a German breeder, created this breed with the goal of creating a dual-purpose bird that could give both meat and eggs. Today, the Vorwerk chicken is well-known for its distinct appearance and high quality, making it a favorite choice among chicken lovers.</p> <p>This breed is distinguished by its stunning black and gold plumage, which distinguishes it from other chicken breeds. They have a little feather crest on their heads and a single comb, which adds to their overall attractiveness. The Vorwerk chicken is a tough and resistant breed that can thrive in a variety of conditions, making it an excellent choice for home farming.</p> <p>In terms of egg production, the Vorwerk chicken is a top layer, with hens laying large, cream-colored eggs. They are extremely docile and quiet, making them suited for both backyard and farm contexts. Furthermore, the breed is well-known for its foraging abilities, requiring little to no extra feed when given enough room to roam and graze.</p> <p>The Vorwerk chicken has become an important breed in the poultry business due to its aesthetic appeal as well as its practicality and versatility. This breed has achieved worldwide fame and popularity because to its great egg-laying ability and high meat production. Its distinct characteristics and qualities make it a great asset to any flock and a breed worth conserving for future generations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

SERAMA CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The SERAMA chicken is a one-of-a-kind and highly sought-after breed that originated in Malaysia's Kelantan state. Despite its small size, the breed has garnered widespread popularity among chicken fans due to its particular traits and appealing appearance.</p> <p>This breed is called after its birthplace, with'serama' meaning 'king' in Malaysian. With its upright stance, fearless disposition, and glossy feathers in a range of hues, it's no surprise that the SERAMA chicken has a regal personality. It is the world's tiniest chicken breed, with males measuring about 500-600 grams and females slightly less.</p> <p>Aside from its attractive appearance, the SERAMA chicken has amazing attributes that make it an excellent addition to any backyard flock. It is a tough and adaptable breed that can survive in a wide range of climates and situations. It is also a very active and attentive bird, making it a great choice for free-roaming situations.</p> <p>SERAMA chickens are also noted for their remarkable egg-laying ability, with hens producing little yet high-quality eggs. Its meat is also highly sought after since it is lean and tasty. Because of these qualities, the SERAMA chicken has been hailed as the ideal breed for small-scale farming and backyard poultry husbandry.</p> <p>Finally, the SERAMA chicken breed is an intriguing and essential species that has grown in popularity due to its size, appearance, and practical abilities. Its distinct traits make it an excellent addition to any poultry enthusiast's collection, and its growing popularity attests to its importance in the poultry world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

SILKIE CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>With its fluffy feathering and lack of visible wattles and comb, the Silkie chicken breed has an unusual appearance, but it is an increasingly popular and important breed in the poultry business. This breed, which originated in ancient China, has been around for generations and has continued to attract chicken owners with its distinctive characteristics.</p> <p>The Silkie chicken's main distinguishing feature is its fluffy plumage, which feels more like fur than feathers. This fluff acts as a good insulator, allowing the species to flourish in both hot and cold climes. Furthermore, their remarkable look and docile character make them popular as pets among chicken fans.</p> <p>Silkie hens, aside from their visual attractiveness and amiable nature, perform an important role in the agricultural business. Because of their brooding ability, these birds are in high demand for hatching and nurturing chicks from other breeds. This hatching ability is critical for maintaining poultry genetic variety, making Silkies an important component in sustaining poultry populations.</p> <p>Silkie meat and eggs are also highly valued for their flavor and nutritional content. Although these birds have small bodies, their meat is delicate and tasty. While their eggs are smaller than those of other breeds, they are high in nutrients and are frequently utilized for medical purposes.</p> <p>To summarize, the Silkie chicken breed is not only a distinct and popular addition to home flocks, but it also plays an important part in the poultry business. From their outstanding brooding abilities to their delicious meat and healthy eggs, these birds have earned a place in our hearts and on our farms.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

SUSSEX CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Sussex chicken breed is a well-known heritage breed that has been bred in southern England's Sussex county since the eighteenth century. It is a dual-purpose breed, which means it is recognized for both egg-laying and meat-producing skills. Its distinct traits and long history have made it a popular and highly sought-after breed among poultry lovers and breeders all over the world.</p> <p>The vivid colour of the Sussex chicken is one of its most distinguishing characteristics. They are available in a range of hues, including white, red, speckled, and light to dark brown tints. Sussex hens are easily identified due to their distinct color pattern, which has been preserved through careful breeding techniques. Aside from their visually appealing look, they are also recognized for being sociable and docile, making them ideal for backyard chicken keepers and families with children.</p> <p>Aside from its appealing characteristics, the Sussex chicken breed has practical advantages in terms of meat and egg production. They are dual-purpose birds that can lay 250-300 eggs each year and mature to a suitable size for food. As a result, they are an invaluable asset for small-scale and sustainable farming.</p> <p>To summarize, the Sussex chicken breed is extremely important in the poultry industry, not only for its appealing characteristics but also for its practical benefits. Its adaptability, kind temperament, and great productivity make it an excellent choice for chicken keepers and a valuable gift to the poultry world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

SUNDHEIMER CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Sundheimer chicken breed originates in Germany and is a gorgeous and distinctive species. This breed, often called as the Black Penedesenca, is well renowned for its beautiful black feathers and upright posture. Sundheimer chickens are fairly large, weighing 6-8 pounds for hens and 7-10 pounds for roosters on average, making them a popular choice for meat production.</p> <p>Aside from its attractive appearance, the Sundheimer chicken breed is extremely important in the poultry industry. These hens are known for their hardiness and flexibility, allowing them to survive in a wide range of temperatures and conditions, making them excellent for both small backyard farms and large commercial operations. Sundheimer chickens are also good foragers, which is critical for long-term and cost-effective poultry husbandry.</p> <p>The Sundheimer chicken breed is culturally significant in Germany, in addition to its practical purposes. They were developed on the Sundheim peninsula in southwestern Germany and have long served as a source of pride for local farmers and poultry aficionados. Breeders and aficionados admire the breed's unusual qualities and resilience, and its popularity has extended to other countries.</p> <p>With rising demand for sustainable and locally sourced food, the Sundheimer chicken breed has grown in popularity in recent years. Their capacity to flourish in a variety of conditions, combined with outstanding meat and egg output, makes them an invaluable asset to any poultry farmer. The Sundheimer chicken breed will likely play an important role in the future of poultry production as interest in it grows.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

SWEDISH FLOWER HEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Swedish Flower Hen is a rare and desirable chicken breed that originated in Sweden's sterl?v region. It is also known as the Sknsk Blommeh?na, or "Scanian Flower Chicken." Because of its magnificent plumage and kind demeanor, this unique and elegant breed is a popular choice among backyard chicken enthusiasts and hobby farmers.</p> <p>The Swedish Flower Hen is a dual-purpose breed, which means it can produce eggs as well as meat. Its greatest draw, though, is its spectacular beauty. These birds come in a number of bright colors, including black, white, and brown with red or gold accents. Each bird has a distinct and eye-catching color combination, making them a joy to watch in the backyard.</p> <p>Aside from their beauty, Swedish Flower Hens are known for their peaceful and gentle disposition, making them perfect pets for families with children. They are also superb foragers, allowing them to be self-sufficient and thrive in free-range habitats.</p> <p>The Swedish Flower Hen breed is significant because of its contribution to biodiversity and conservation efforts. The Livestock Conservancy has classified it as a "threatened" breed due to its falling population and the risk of genetic erosion. We can assist maintain genetic diversity in the poultry business and secure the breed's survival for future generations by growing and keeping this species.</p> <p>Finally, the Swedish Flower Hen is a distinct and valuable breed that provides both aesthetic and practical benefits. Its preservation is critical for the poultry industry's long-term viability and is a monument to Sweden's rich cultural heritage.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

WYANDOTTE CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Wyandotte chicken breed is a well-known and popular poultry breed. This breed was called after the Wyandotte Native American tribe and originated in the United States in the 1870s. The American Poultry Association originally acknowledged them in 1883, and they have since been a favorite among chicken owners.</p> <p>Wyandotte chickens are available in several hues, including silver-laced, golden-laced, black, and white. They have a large, strong physique with a rose comb and are a medium-sized breed. Their silky and fluffy feathers make them a visually appealing addition to any flock.</p> <p>Wyandotte hens are noted for their egg-laying skills in addition to their aesthetic appeal. They are well-known for regularly laying huge, brown eggs all year. This makes them a viable option for people wishing to raise hens for both meat and eggs.</p> <p>Furthermore, Wyandotte hens are noted for being kind and peaceful. They are easy to train and make excellent pets for families with children. Because of their remarkable beauty and easygoing temperament, they are popular display chickens.</p> <p>Wyandotte chickens are important in conserving genetic variation among poultry, in addition to being an attractive and productive breed. Many indigenous breeds have been driven to extinction as a result of the rise of commercial and industrial chicken production. By raising and breeding Wyandotte chickens, we are helping to preserve a precious and unique breed.</p> <p>To summarize, the Wyandotte chicken breed is not only a delightful and useful addition to any flock, but it also plays an important role in preserving poultry diversity. It is a significant breed in the poultry world due to its appealing appearance, calm personality, and productive nature.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

SEBRIGHT CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>Sebright chickens are a distinct and rare breed that has captivated poultry aficionados for generations. The Sebright chicken is a breed that has lasted the test of time, thanks to its gorgeous beauty and fiery disposition. This breed emerged in the nineteenth century in England and was called for its founder, Sir John Sebright.</p> <p>The Sebright chicken is distinguished by its remarkable plumage, which features a laced and spangled pattern in gold, silver, and black. Its small size and upright carriage enhance to its allure, making it a favorite among garden lovers. Sebright chickens were originally produced as attractive birds and are not noted for their egg or meat output. Their modest stature and gentle demeanor, on the other hand, make them a great complement to any flock.</p> <p>The significance of the Sebright chicken breed extends beyond its aesthetic value. This breed is seen as a status symbol and has been favored by nobles and royalty, including Queen Victoria. Because of its popularity, several laced and spangled chicken breeds such as the Wyandotte and the Nankin have been developed.</p> <p>The Sebright chicken is still highly prized by breeders and enthusiasts today for its distinct appearance and mild demeanor. Its preservation is critical because it symbolizes a piece of poultry history and adds variation to an increasingly homogeneous chicken breed population. The commitment of breeders and organizations to maintaining the Sebright chicken breed is critical to guaranteeing its survival for future generations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

AMERAUCANA CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<ol> <li>"Have you ever seen a blue-egg chicken?" The Ameraucana chicken may sound like something out of a fairy tale, but it's the genuine deal."</li> </ol> <p>"While most chickens come in shades of white, brown, or black, the Ameraucana stands out with its array of vibrant and unique feather colors."</p> <ol start="3"> <li>"Known for its laid-back demeanor and striking appearance, the Ameraucana chicken has captured the hearts of chicken enthusiasts around the world."</li> </ol> <p>"From its ancestral roots in South America to its current popularity among backyard chicken keepers, the Ameraucana has a fascinating history that is well worth exploring."</p> <ol start="5"> <li>"Are you looking for a chicken breed that not only produces delicious eggs but also adds a splash of color to your flock?" Take a look at the Ameraucana."</li> </ol> <p>The Ameraucana chicken, a relatively new breed in the poultry world, has swiftly garnered popularity due to its unusual appearance and friendly disposition. It originated in South America and has now spread to backyard coops and farms across the United States. Its blue eggs, which are the product of a genetic mutation, are its distinguishing feature. This distinguishing feature has made the Ameraucana a popular breed among egg farmers and backyard chicken owners alike.</p> <p>Aside from its vibrant eggs, the Ameraucana has a variety of plumage possibilities, including black, white, and the distinctive blue. Its muffs and beard contribute to its charm and make it instantly identifiable. The Ameraucana, on the other hand, is recognized for its placid demeanor, making it an excellent addition to any backyard flock.</p> <p>We shall delve deeper into the history, traits, and care of the Ameraucana chicken in this book. There is much to learn about this unique and fascinating breed, from its South American origins to its current popularity. So, let's take a look inside the Ameraucana chicken's shell and learn more about it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

BIELEFELDER KENNHUHN CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>The Bielefelder Kennhuhn chicken breed, which developed in Germany in the early 1970s, is becoming increasingly popular as a dual-purpose breed. A hybrid of the Amrock, Wyandotte, and New Hampshire chicken breeds resulted in this very productive and hardy chicken species.</p> <p>The Bielefelder Kennhuhn breed is distinguished by its majestic red-gold and black plumage and mild attitude. In addition, these birds are greater in size than other chicken breeds, with hens weighing around 7-8 lbs and roosters weighing up to 10-12 lbs. Because of their huge size and abundant feathering, they are superb cold weather birds, able to tolerate tough winters.</p> <p>Aside from their morphological characteristics, Bielefelder Kennhuhn chickens are valued for their dual-purpose qualities. Their chickens are noted for laying 230-250 huge brown eggs per year and are known for their steady and high egg output. Meanwhile, their roosters make outstanding meat birds, with soft and tasty flesh that many chicken fans desire.</p> <p>The value of this breed stems from its adaptability to many temperatures and situations. Their resilience makes them perfect for small-scale and backyard farming, but their productivity makes them an asset to bigger commercial farms. Furthermore, their kind and sociable character makes them popular with families, particularly those with children.</p> <p>To summarize, the Bielefelder Kennhuhn chicken breed is not only visually appealing, but also extremely useful and versatile. Its ability to produce an abundance of meat and eggs, combined with its mild disposition, makes it a significant asset to the poultry business and a popular breed among chicken fans worldwide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

DOMINIQUE CHICKEN Raising Chickens For Beginners Chicken Book For First Time Owners: The Complete Guide To Breeding, Feeding, Housing, Care And Health Issues, Facilities And Lot More【電子書籍】[ Yahya Wesson ]

<p>Dominique chickens are a lovely and distinct breed of poultry with a long history in American agriculture. This breed, also known as the "Dominique fowl" or "Dominiker," has been around since the early 1700s and is considered one of the oldest chicken breeds in the United States. It was first recorded in historical documents in 1770 and is thought to have originated in the New England colonies, specifically in the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts.</p> <p>The Dominique chicken is distinguished by its black and white barred plumage, which distinguishes it from other chicken breeds. This pattern is supposed to have given the birds with natural camouflage, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators. This breed, on the other hand, is noted not only for its attractive appearance but also for its hardiness and adaptability. It can live in a variety of temperatures and is noted for being a busy and efficient forager, making it an excellent addition to backyard flocks.</p> <p>Furthermore, the Dominique chicken has played an important role in American agriculture, particularly during the nineteenth century, when farmers frequently bred it for its dual-purpose abilities. It was regarded for producing meat and eggs, making it a useful and desirable breed for homesteaders. However, with the rise of more specialized chicken breeds in the twentieth century, the Dominique chicken's popularity declined. Efforts are currently being undertaken to preserve and promote this historic species, with many breeders and enthusiasts recognizing its significance in American agricultural legacy.</p> <p>To summarize, the Dominique chicken breed is not only a visually pleasing and hardy bird, but it is also an essential part of American history. Its adaptability and versatility make it an excellent addition to any backyard flock, and its preservation and promotion are critical to ensuring the survival of this one-of-a-kind breed for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円