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31件中 1件 - 30件  1 2

遊戯王 GFP2-EN152 クリボーを呼ぶ笛 The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh (英語版 1st Edition ウルトラレア) Ghosts From the Past:The 2nd Haunting

REALiZE トレカ&ホビー楽天市場店
宅配便や、お手軽なメール便など様々な配送方法をご用意しております。 BOX販売・デッキ販売などの記載がない場合、ボックス封入シングルカード、デッキ封入スリーブ、デッキケースなどの単品販売です。 また、商品名に【プレイ用】表記がある場合は、プレイに支障はありませんが、傷・擦れ・折れ・色ハゲ・傷みなど 若干の問題がある状態でございます。コナミ 50円

【遊戯王 英語版】Chaos Summoning Beast(SR)(1st)(混沌の召喚神)◇スーパーレア

カードマックス秋葉原 楽天市場店
ジャンル(MP21)2021TINレアリティスーパーレアカード種類効果モンスター品番MP21-EN250 180円

英語版 PHNI 茶 Phantasmal Summoning Beast(N)(1st)(幻魔の召喚神)

HOBBY SHOP ファミコンくん
遊戯王ゼアルカテゴリ英語版ジャンルファントム・ナイトメア(PHNI)(初期、枠キズございます。)コメントPHNI-EN014 20円

北米版Blu-ray!【ポケモン/ポケットモンスター】 Pokemon Indigo League Season 1 [Blu-ray]!<英語音声>

【こちらの商品はお取り寄せ商品となります。入荷の目安:1~3週間】 ※万が一、メーカーに在庫が無い場合はキャンセルとさせて頂く場合がございます。その際はご了承くださいませ。 Pokemon Indigo League Season 1 [Blu-ray] [ US / VIZ / Blu-ray ] 新品! ※こちらの商品はブルーレイデッキの国コードが日本に固定されているデッキではご覧いただけない可能性がございます。 ・設定が変更できる場合は国コードをアメリカ(日本以外)にしてご覧ください。 ・商品ご購入の前にお持ちのデッキが国コードをアメリカ等に変更できるかどうかご確認ください。 ※PS3でご覧頂く場合は問題ございません。 ※アメリカ盤につき日本語音声/字幕はございません。 アメリカ放映版『ポケモン Indigo League』のシーズン1(全52話)を収録した北米版ブルーレイ!! 【仕様】 ■音声:英語 ■字幕:英語 ■ディスク枚数:6枚 ■収録時間:本編1200分 【Special Features】 ・Complete Pokerap ・"Who's That Pokemon?" Gallery  10,390円

英語版 MP21 茶 Chaos Summoning Beast(SR)(1st)(混沌の召喚神)

HOBBY SHOP ファミコンくん
遊戯王ゼアルカテゴリ英語版ジャンル2021TIN(MP21)コメントMP21-EN250裏擦れ、少しございます。 200円

英語版 OP05 緑 Chain Summoning(N)(サモンチェーン)

HOBBY SHOP ファミコンくん
遊戯王ゼアルカテゴリ英語版ジャンルOTS TOURNAMENT PACK5(OP5)コメントOP05-EN025裏・表、擦れキズ、ございます。 150円

Justification By Faith: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (5 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>Justification By Faith is the fifth message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. The text for this sermon is Romans 4:5;‘People are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.’<br /> <br /> While the message of this sermon is similar to Sermon 1: Salvation By Faith, Wesley here approaches the subject from the angle of the Biblical word 'Justification', discussing the question from a different perspective, whilst always pointing his hearers back to the inability of humanity to ever be 'good enough', and the therefore central role of faith in receiving the grace of God.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament. </p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken. </p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

Awake Thou Who Sleepest! Charles Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (3 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>Awake Thou Who Sleepest! is the third message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. It was originally preached not by John, but by Charles Wesley, on Sunday April 4, 1742, before the University of Oxford. The text for this sermon is Ephesians 5:14;"Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."<br /> <br /> In this sermon, Charles Wesley discusses the identity of the 'sleepers' referred to in scripture, challenges his hearers to wake up to Christ, and explains the great reward of those to whom Christ gives light.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament. </p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken. </p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

Llyfr Mormon A Dual Language edition of the Book of Mormon in English and Welsh【電子書籍】[ Joseph Smith ]

画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 160円

The First-Fruits Of The Spirit: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (8 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>The First-Fruits Of The Spirit is the eighth message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. The text for this sermon is Romans 8:1-2; ‘So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.’</p> <p>In this sermon, Wesley contrasts following the Spirit with following the sinful nature, and discusses how those who follow the Spirit are no longer condemned by anything - including past sins, their own hearts, being young in the faith, having a sinful nature, accidental sins, 'sins of surprise' and sins as a result of illness.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament.</p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken.</p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

English Interrogative Sentences: Common Interrogative Patterns English Daily Use, #2【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This Book Covers The Following Topics:</p> <p>What are "Interrogative Sentences"?<br /> Structure (1) -- Wh-Question Word + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1A). What + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1B). When + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1C). Where + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1D). Which + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1E). Who + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1F). Whom + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1G). Whose + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1H). Why + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1I). How + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> Structure (2) -- Wh-Question Word + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2A). What + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2B). When + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2C). Where + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2D). Which + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2E). Who + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2F). Whom + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2G). Whose + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2H). Why + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2I). How + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> Structure (3) -- Wh-Question Word + Main Verb (Present or Past)<br /> Structure (4) ? Interrogatives Sentences ? Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (4A). Interrogatives Starting From ? Am, Is, Are, Was, Were<br /> (4B). Interrogatives Starting From ? Do, Does, Did<br /> (4C). Interrogatives Starting From ? Have, Has, Had<br /> (4D). Interrogatives Starting From ? Modal Verbs<br /> Structure (5) -- Question Tags<br /> Structure (6) -- What if<br /> Structure (7) ? How Long/How Much/How Many<br /> Structure (8) -- Wh-Question Word + To + Verb Word<br /> Structure (9) ? "What About" and "How About"<br /> Structure (10) ? Alternative Questions<br /> Structure (11) ? Indirect Questions<br /> Formation of Interrogatives from Affirmatives<br /> Exercises</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>What are "Interrogative Sentences"?</p> <p>Interrogative sentences are used to ask questions. An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark.<br /> The most common interrogative words are as follows:<br /> What, When, Where, Which, Who, Whom, Whose, Why, How</p> <p>Interrogative words and what they refer:<br /> What ? refers to 'specific information' or confirmation/repetition<br /> When ? refers to 'at what time' or 'on what occasion'<br /> Where ? refers to 'in what place, position or situation'<br /> Which ? refers to 'choice or alternative'<br /> Who ? refers to 'identity' of a subject (person/people)<br /> Whom ? refers to 'identity' of an object (person/people)<br /> Whose ? refers to 'who something belongs to'<br /> Why ? refers to 'reason, explanation or purpose'<br /> How ? refers to 'way or manner', 'condition or quality'</p> <p>These words are called 'Wh-question words' because all these words contain the letter 'w' and 'h'. All these words (except 'how') even start from 'Wh'.</p> <p>NOTE: The following words are also used to ask questions:<br /> Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, Whoever<br /> These forms show 'surprise, confusion, or emphasis.</p> <p>Besides 'Wh-question words', Auxiliary Verbs 'Be', 'Do', 'Have', and 'Modal Verbs' are also used to form interrogative sentences. Following is the list of auxiliary and modal verbs:<br /> Auxiliary Verb-- Be-- Am, Is, Are, Was, Were<br /> Auxiliary Verb-- Do-- Do, Does, Did<br /> Auxiliary Verb-- Have-- Have, Has, Had<br /> Modal Verbs-- May, Might, Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, Need, Used (To), Ought (To), Dare<br /> You can begin sentences with these verbs to form Yes/No interrogative sentences.</p> <p>(1A). What + Be/Do/Have/Modal</p> <p>What is a good pet to give a five-year-old child?<br /> What is a long way away?<br /> What is a reasonable grocery budget?<br /> What is age got to do with it?<br /> What is all that?<br /> What is Australia's national food?<br /> What is behind the nation's food shortages?<br /> What is better for your company: happy staff or short-term profits?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 150円

The Way To The Kingdom: John Wesley's Sermon in Today's English (7 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>The Way To The Kingdom is the seventh message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. The text for this sermon is Mark 1:15;"The time promised by God has come at last!" he announced. "The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!"</p> <p>In this sermon, Wesley makes an evangelistic appeal to his listeners, detailing what the Kingdom of God is, explaining how to become a part of it, and challenging them to do so.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament.</p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken.</p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

The Almost Christian: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (2 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>The Almost Christian is the second message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. It was originally preached at St Mary’s, Oxford, on July 25th, 1741. The text for this sermon is Acts 26:28; ‘Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”’<br /> <br /> In this sermon, Wesley discusses the implications for those who are 'Almost Christian', who are not yet fully committed in their faith, and then paints a picture of what it means to be 'Fully Christian', emphasizing the importance of radical, zealous devotion to, and love for God.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament. </p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken. </p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

Salvation By Faith: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (1 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>Salvation By Faith is the first message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. It was originally preached at St Mary’s, Oxford, on June 11th, 1738. The text for this sermon is Ephesians 2:8-9; ‘It is by grace you have been saved, through faith ? and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God ? not by works, so that no-one can boast.’</p> <p>In this sermon, Wesley argues that the only way to be saved is through faith in Christ. He discusses the type of faith required, what it means to be saved, and then responds to what he terms 'the usual objections' to his doctrine.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament.</p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken.</p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

Un Verano Como Ninguno / A Summer Like No Other (Bilingual book: Spanish - English)【電子書籍】[ Duo Bilingue ]

<p><strong>Are you learning English or Spanish? ?Est?s aprendiendo ingl?s o espa?ol?</strong> <em>This book can help you: you will find the story told in Spanish on one side and in English on the other ...Este libro puede ayudarte con eso: Encontrar?s el cuento narrado en espa?ol en una p?gina y en la otra en ingl?s.</em></p> <p><strong>Ella es la hermana menor de su mejor amigo. ?l es el donju?n m?s seductor de todos. No deber?an estar juntos.Sin embargo, este verano es demasiado tentador.</strong></p> <p><strong>She's his best friend's little sister. He's the biggest player of them all. They shouldn't be together. But this summer's just too tempting.</strong></p> <p>Sixteen-year-old Emilia Moretti's goal for the summer is simple: forget her brother's best friendーNick Grawskiーever existed. It should be easy: He's spending his summer in the Hamptons, adding girls in tiny bikinis to his list of broken hearts. She'll need flawless ballet movements to have a shot at next year's showcase, and she's finally ready to search for her birth parents. But when Nick decides to stay in the city, Emilia's resolve disappears in a pirouette. Maybe it's the spin they needed to be together. As long as she doesn't get stuck believing in happily ever after…</p> <p>Nick is tired of pretending to be the happy, let's-have-fun guy. His father wants him to change his career from professional dancer to…lawyer. He needs to put all of his focus on dancing to prove to Daddy Dearest he's good enough to make it big. And he may have a case of the bluest balls in history courtesy of Emilia. She's off-limits: The bro code with Roberto even forbids the dirty thoughts he has about her. Besides, he's not boyfriend material. He only has time for flings, for girls who don't expect much, for girls he doesn't want to kiss goodnight. He knows he should resist her, but he's not sure he wants to…</p> <p><strong>At least for this summer.</strong></p> <p>El objetivo de Emilia Moretti, de diecis?is a?os, es simple: olvidar que el mejor amigo de su hermano ーNick Grawskiー alguna vez existi?. Deber?a ser f?cil porque ?l pasar? el verano en los Hamptons, agregando chicas en diminutos bikinis a su lista de corazones rotos. Tendr? que lograr movimientos fluidos de ballet para tener la oportunidad de participar en el espect?culo del a?o entrante…y finalmente est? lista para buscar a sus padres biol?gicos. Pero cuando Nick decide quedarse en la ciudad, los planes de Emilia desaparecen en una pirueta. Quiz?s sea el vuelco que necesitaban para estar juntos, siempre y cuando no crean que vivir?n felices por siempre…</p> <p>Nick est? cansado de fingir que es un tipo que es pura diversi?n todo el tiempo. Su padre quiere que olvide su carrera de bailar?n profesional para convertirse en…abogado. Necesita concentrarse en demostrarle a su querido pap? que es lo suficientemente talentoso como para triunfar. Pero, por cortes?a de Emilia, tiene un enorme desaf?o por delante. Ella est? fuera de su alcance. El c?digo fraterno que tiene con Roberto incluso le proh?be tener pensamientos atrevidos sobre ella. Adem?s, no cumple con el perfil de novio. Solo tiene aventuras con chicas que no esperan demasiado y a las que no quiere darles el beso de buenas noches. Sabe que deber?a resistirse, pero no est? seguro de querer hacerlo…</p> <p><strong>Al menos, durante este verano.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 850円

The Spirit Of Bondage And Of Adoption: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (9 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>The Spirit Of Bondage And Of Adoption is the ninth message in Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. The text for this sermon is Romans 8:15; 'You have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba Father.”<br /> <br /> In this sermon, Wesley describes three states in which humanity can be; the state of 'Natural Man', which is state of false peace due to blindness to the things of God, the state of being 'Under Law', in which the fear of God is learned, and the final state of being 'Under Grace', in which love for God is learned. He also examines the role which sincerity or insincerity can play in these conditions.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament. </p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken. </p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

Scriptural Christianity: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (4 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>Scriptural Christianity is the fourth message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. It was originally preached at St. Mary’s, Oxford, on August 24, 1744. The texts for this sermon are Ezekiel 33:4; ‘If anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head’ & Acts 4:31; ‘They were all filled with the Holy Spirit’.<br /> <br /> In this sermon, Wesley traces the history of evangelism and the spread of Christianity as it passed from person to person, and eventually across the world. He also looks to the future, and 'The Fully Christian World To Come'. <br /> <br /> Apparently somewhat controversial when it was preached, this sermon is longer than others in the collection, and was originally published as a separate pamphlet, accompanied by the following note: “It was not my design, when I wrote, ever to print the latter part of the following sermon, but the false and slanderous versions of it that have been published all over the nation leave me no choice but to publish it in full, exactly as it was preached, so that thoughtful people can make up their own minds about it."</p> <p><span>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament. </span></p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken. <br /> <br /> The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.<br /> <br /> Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

The Righteousness Of Faith: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (6 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>The Righteousness Of Faith is the sixth message from Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. The text for this sermon is Romans 10:5-8; ‘Moses writes that the law’s way of making a person right with God requires obedience to all of its commands. But faith’s way of getting right with God says, “Don’t say in your heart, ‘Who will go up to heaven?’ (to bring Christ down to earth). And don’t say, ‘Who will go down to the place of the dead?’ (to bring Christ back to life again).” In fact, it says, “The message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart.” And that message is the very message about faith that we preach.’</p> <p>In this sermon, Wesley contrasts the path to righteousness which was offered in the Old Testament, that is, through the Mosaic Law, with the righteousness which is made available in the New Testament, which is through faith. After detailing the origins and purpose of both dispensations, he then contrasts Law with Faith to show that righteousness through faith is far better.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament.</p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken.</p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

The Witness Of The Spirit, Discourse One: John Wesley's Sermon In Today's English (10 of 44)【電子書籍】[ James Hargreaves ]

<p>The Witness Of The Spirit, Discourse One is the tenth message in Wesley's 'Forty-Four Sermons'. The text for this sermon is ‘The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God’ (Rom 8:16). <br /> <br /> In this sermon, Wesley discusses the witness of the Holy Spirit and the witness of our own spirits, and how these can be distinguished from natural human thoughts, or the witness of the devil. Throughout the message he repeatedly challenges his hearers to embrace radical, total holiness in thought, word and deed, describing such a state as the only one in which the true witness of the Holy Spirit can be discerned.</p> <p>John Wesley led one of the greatest Christian revivals in the history of England, and his open air preaching saw many thousands of conversions all across Great Britain. The ‘Forty-Four Sermons’ which he compiled for use by Methodist Local Preachers remains a timeless classic, and a definitive collection of core Wesleyan doctrine, along with his Notes on the New Testament. </p> <p>Forty-Four Sermons was first published in 1759, over 250 years ago, and since then the English language has changed and evolved to the point that his works can no longer be easily read and understood in their original dialect. Therefore to preserve Wesley’s message and to allow it to come to life for a new generation, this project has been undertaken. </p> <p>The sermons are translated sentence by sentence, carefully and prayerfully. The aim has been to communicate both word-for-word and thought-for-thought, choosing clarity of communication in simple English over archaic sentence structure where necessary, and preferring the original word order when there is no difference.</p> <p>Wesley used the King James Bible in his original sermons, whereas to remain consistent with the word-for-word and thought-for-thought method used in these translations, the New International Version and New Living Translation have been used instead. The complete original sermon is also included. Each sermon will be translated and published in order, from 1 to 44, and when the series is completed, they will be published as one volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 187円

Help Your Students to Speak English Like a Pro【電子書籍】[ Alex Simonini ]

<p>Whether you’re just having a conversation session with a student or it’s time for speaking practice during a group lesson, involving ESL students in engaging discussions can be a real challenge. So how do you get them to open up and start speaking?<br /> This practice book contains over 300 questions on a variety of topics. Each set of 15 questions is designed to elicit and review specific grammar points as well as boost and consolidate vocabulary.<br /> There are also 30 pictures covering 15 more topics, with follow up questions.<br /> Help your students to Speak English like a Pro is the book for you if:</p> <p>? you have students who want to improve their spoken English, but are hesitant, quiet or lack the confidence<br /> ? your students need to learn or improve grammar through speaking practice<br /> ? you are in short of fresh teaching materials to spark conversation<br /> ? you need a source of example sentences to support grammar explanations<br /> ? you want your student to boost their vocabulary and fluency<br /> ? your students are preparing for an oral exam<br /> ? you are a student and need a self-study book to practice speaking</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 586円

遊戯王 LEDE-EN059 盃満ちる燦幻荘 Sangen Summoning (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) Legacy of Destruction

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遊戯王 SS02-ENA10 ドラゴンを呼ぶ笛 The Flute of Summoning Dragon (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow

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遊戯王 PHNI-EN014 幻魔の召喚神 Phantasmal Summoning Beast (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) PHANTOM NIGHTMARE

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遊戯王 PHNI-EN014 幻魔の召喚神 Phantasmal Summoning Beast (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) PHANTOM NIGHTMARE

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遊戯王 SGX3-ENG04 暗黒の召喚神 Dark Summoning Beast (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) Speed Duel GX:Duelists of Shadows

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遊戯王 SDSA-EN005 暗黒の召喚神 Dark Summoning Beast (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) Sacred Beasts Structure

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英語版 DUSA 茶 Dark Summoning Beast(U)(1st)(暗黒の召喚神)

HOBBY SHOP ファミコンくん
遊戯王ゼアルカテゴリ英語版ジャンルデュエリストサーガ(DUSA)コメントDUSA-EN030擦れ、少しございます。 380円

ボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム WarLock Dungeon Tiles: Summoning Circles | WizKids 4Dボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム

商品情報 商品名ボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム WarLock Dungeon Tiles: Summoning Circles | WizKids 4Dボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム 商品名(英語)WarLock Dungeon Tiles: Summoning Circles | WizKids 4D 型番16507 ブランドWizKids 関連キーワードボードゲーム,英語,アメリカ,海外ゲームこのようなギフトシーンにオススメです。プレゼント お誕生日 クリスマスプレゼント バレンタインデー ホワイトデー 贈り物 19,720円

英語版 LCKC 緑 The Flute of Summoning Drago(S)(1st)(ドラゴンを呼ぶ笛)

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英語版 LEDE 緑 Sangen Summoning(N)(1st)(盃満ちる燦幻荘)

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遊戯王ゼアルカテゴリ英語版ジャンルレガシー・オブ・デストラクション(LEDE)(初期、枠寄り、枠キズございます。)コメントLEDE-EN059 20円