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Production orale DELF B2【電子書籍】[ St?phane Wattier ]

<p>Enfin un guide pour une pr?paration compl?te, avec ou sans professeur.<br /> Le livre entra?ne aux techniques essentielles pour r?ussir l'?preuve orale du DELF B2. Comment pr?parer un expos? efficace ? Comment r?agir aux questions des examinateurs ? La r?ussite ? l’examen est d’abord une question de techniques.</p> <p>Le livre est sp?cialement con?u pour d?velopper l’autonomie du candidat, en proposant :<br /> - Un sujet de production guid?e en 3 ?tapes<br /> - 12 sujets d’entra?nement avec leurs corrig?s<br /> - Des activit?s pour enrichir son vocabulaire<br /> - Des strat?gies pour l'autocorrection<br /> - Des id?es d’activit?s pour travailler par 2<br /> - Des documents audio au format mp3<br /> - Un chapitre consacr? au d?bat</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,434円

DELF B1 - Production Orale - 2800 mots pour r?ussir【電子書籍】[ Jean K. MATHIEU ]

<p>Gr?ce ? cette liste essentielle de mots pour le <strong>DELF B1</strong> class?s par th?me, vous pourrez mettre toutes les chances de votre c?t? pour r?ussir. Ce vocabulaire vous sera tr?s utile pour comprendre l'actualit? (compr?hension ?crite et orale). Pour le DELF B1, il est indispensable de savoir structurer sa pens?e et c'est pour cela que j'ai inclus une liste de connecteurs logiques ? utiliser lors de la <strong>production orale et de la production ?crite.</strong></p> <ul> <li>vocabulaire ? conna?tre</li> <li>grammaire ? conna?tre</li> <li><strong>structures</strong> pour convaincre et donner son opinion</li> <li><strong>2800 mots</strong> pour r?ussir par th?me</li> <li>astuces pour apprendre plus de <strong>vocabulaire</strong></li> </ul> <p>Savoir utiliser un vocabulaire adapt? est essentiel pour d'une part comprendre les documents de l'examen (compr?hension orale et ?crite), et d'autre part pour s'exprimer de mani?re pr?cise (production orale et ?crite). Comme vous le savez, pour le niveau B1, il s'agit de pouvoir g?rer les situations quotidiennes les plus courantes. Cette liste vous permettra sans aucun doute de passer cet examen avec confiance et de participer ? votre r?ussite!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,050円

DELF B2 Production Orale - M?thode compl?te pour r?ussir【電子書籍】[ Jean K. MATHIEU ]

<p>R?ussir le DELF B2 n'est pas seulement une affaire de comp?tences langagi?res. En tant que professeurs nous voulons que nos ?tudiants r?ussissent, mais savoir parler fran?ais n'est pas suffisant pour passer le DELF B2. Les examinateurs attendent de vous que vous ayez des pens?es organis?es et structur?es. C'est pourquoi ce manuel se concentre sur la m?thodologie et la strat?gie.</p> <ul> <li>Processus ?tape par ?tape</li> <li>Structures ? utiliser pour chaque partie</li> <li>Conseils et gestion du stress ? l'oral</li> <li><strong>Exemples</strong> de production</li> <li><strong>+ 40 exercices d'entra?nement</strong></li> <li><strong>+ 40 sujets de production orale</strong></li> </ul> <p>Je suis convaincu que cela va vous aider ? gagner du temps et ?conomiser votre ?nergie. Mon objectif est que vous puissiez passer cet examen avec confiance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,050円

DELF B1 Production Orale - 150 sujets pour r?ussir【電子書籍】[ Jean K. MATHIEU ]

<p>Gr?ce ? ces 150 sujets types de l'examen oral du DELF B1, vous mettrez toutes les chances de votre c?t? pour r?ussir. En effet, la pratique et l'entra?nement en situation sont essentiels. R?ussir le DELF B1 n'est pas seulement une affaire de comp?tences langagi?res. En tant que professeurs nous voulons que nos ?tudiants r?ussissent mais savoir parler fran?ais n'est pas suffisant pour passer le DELF B1. Les examinateurs attendent de vous que vous ayez des pens?es organis?es et que vous r?pondiez aux questions de mani?re logique en utilisant les comp?tences demand?es.</p> <ul> <li>150 sujets pour s'entra?ner</li> <li>comp?tences n?cessaires pour le DELF B1</li> <li>grammaire ? conna?tre</li> <li>vocabulaire ? conna?tre</li> <li>structures ? utiliser pour l'oral</li> </ul> <p>Le but de ce manuel est de vous offrir l'opportunit? d'am?liorer votre score ? l'?preuve de production orale du DELF B1. Je suis convaincu que cela va vous aider ? gagner du temps et ?conomiser votre ?nergie. Mon objectif est que vous puissiez passer cet examen avec confiance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,050円

Production Orale DELF B2 - 99 SUJETS POUR R?USSIR【電子書籍】[ Jean K. MATHIEU ]

<p>R?ussir le DELF B2 n'est pas seulement une affaire de comp?tences langagi?res. En tant que professeurs nous voulons que nos ?tudiants r?ussissent, mais savoir parler fran?ais n'est pas suffisant pour passer le DELF B2. Les examinateurs attendent de vous que vous ayez des pens?es organis?es et structur?es. C'est pourquoi ce manuel se concentre sur la m?thodologie et la strat?gie.</p> <ul> <li>Processus ?tape par ?tape</li> <li><strong>Structures</strong> ? utiliser pour chaque partie</li> <li>Conseils et gestion du stress ? l'oral</li> <li><strong>Exemples</strong> de production</li> <li><strong>+ exercices d'entra?nement</strong></li> <li><strong>+ sujets de production orale</strong></li> </ul> <p>Le but de ce manuel est de vous offrir l'opportunit? d'am?liorer votre score ? l'?preuve de production orale du DELF B2. Je suis convaincu que cela va vous aider ? gagner du temps et ?conomiser votre ?nergie. Mon objectif est que vous puissiez passer cet examen avec confiance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,450円

DELF B2 Production Orale - 500 mots des m?dias【電子書籍】[ Jean K. MATHIEU ]

<p>Le niveau du DELF B2 n?cessite de conna?tre les expressions qui sont utilis?es dans les m?dias. <strong>Le fran?ais des m?dias</strong> contient beaucoup de vocabulaire ≪ passif ≫, c'est-?-dire qui n'est pas utilis? par les fran?ais dans la vie quotidienne, mais les fran?ais comprennent tout ce vocabulaire.</p> <ul> <li>pr?s de <strong>50 textes</strong> du niveau B2</li> <li><strong>+ de 500 mots des m?dias</strong> avec d?finitions et exemples</li> <li><strong>liste de 500 mots</strong> g?n?raux ? conna?tre pour le DELF B2</li> </ul> <p>C'est ce m?me vocabulaire que vous aurez ? comprendre ? la <strong>production orale de l'examen du DELF B2</strong>. Comme vous le savez, savoir parler fran?ais n'est pas suffisant pour r?ussir le DELF B2, il faut aussi pouvoir comprendre un lexique vari? et pr?cis, mais aussi avoir une compr?hension plus globale de la langue et de la culture fran?aise ? travers des mots ou des <strong>expressions sp?cifiques aux m?dias</strong>. Utiliser du vocabulaire recherch? et des expressions idiomatiques vous rapproche certainement d'un fran?ais natif. En d?finitive, cela vous permettra d'<strong>augmenter vos chances de r?ussir ? l'examen.</strong></p> <p>C'est pourquoi j'ai d?cid? de rassembler dans ce livre le vocabulaire essentiel ? conna?tre pour le DELF B2. Cela va ?videmment vous aider ? gagner du temps et ?conomiser votre ?nergie. <strong>Mon objectif et ma satisfaction est que vous puissiez passer cet examen avec confiance !</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,450円

Production orale DALF C1【電子書籍】[ St?phane Wattier ]

<p>Enfin un guide pour une pr?paration compl?te, avec ou sans professeur.<br /> Le livre suit une m?thode explicite qui s’adresse aux candidats peu habitu?s ? ce type d’oral ou qui souhaiteraient am?liorer leur technique. Le lecteur commence par observer un mod?le qui explique la m?thodologie de l’expos? argumentatif. Puis, en suivant le guide ?tape par ?tape, il apprend ? pr?parer et ? pr?senter un expos?. Enfin, il peut s’entra?ner sur 8 sujets complets. "Production orale DALF C1" est con?u comme un v?ritable guide pratique qui accompagne le candidat vers l’autonomie gr?ce ? un contenu riche et vari? :<br /> ? Une pr?sentation d?taill?e de l’?preuve et des comp?tences attendues<br /> ? Une explication simple et concr?te des crit?res d’?valuation<br /> ? Une m?thode pour contr?ler ses erreurs ? l’oral<br /> ? Les corrig?s d?taill?s des activit?s et des sujets d’entra?nement<br /> ? Des activit?s pour enrichir son vocabulaire<br /> ? Des conseils strat?giques pour une pr?paration encore plus efficace<br /> ? Des listes d?taill?es des contenus linguistiques ? conna?tre<br /> ? Un chapitre sp?cialement consacr? ? l’entretien<br /> ? Des documents audio ? t?l?charger<br /> ? Une liste de liens Internet pour trouver des ressources suppl?mentaires</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,434円

Good Ethics and Bad Choices The Relevance of Behavioral Economics for Medical Ethics【電子書籍】[ Jennifer S. Blumenthal-Barby ]

<p><strong>An analysis of how findings in behavioral economics challenge fundamental assumptions of medical ethics, integrating the latest research in both fields.</strong></p> <p>Bioethicists have long argued for rational persuasion to help patients with medical decisions. But the findings of behavioral economicsーpopularized in Thaler and Sunstein’s Nudge and other booksーshow that arguments depending on rational thinking are unlikely to be successful and even that the idea of purely rational persuasion may be a fiction. In <em>Good Ethics and Bad Choices</em>, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby examines how behavioral economics challenges some of the most fundamental tenets of medical ethics. She not only integrates the latest research from both fields but also provides examples of how physicians apply concepts of behavioral economics in practice.<br /> Blumenthal-Barby analyzes ethical issues raised by “nudging” patient decision making and argues that the practice can improve patient decisions, prevent harm, and perhaps enhance autonomy. She then offers a more detailed ethical analysis of further questions that arise, including whether nudging amounts to manipulation, to what extent and at what point these techniques should be used, when and how their use would be wrong, and whether transparency about their use is required. She provides a snapshot of nudging “in the weeds,” reporting on practices she observed in clinical settings including psychiatry, pediatric critical care, and oncology. Warning that there is no “single, simple account of the ethics of nudging,” Blumenthal-Barby offers a qualified defense, arguing that a nudge can be justified in part by the extent to which it makes patients better off.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,806円

Principles of Behavioral Economics Bringing Together Old, New and Evolutionary Approaches【電子書籍】[ Peter E. Earl ]

<p>This book is unique among modern contributions to behavioral economics in presenting a grand synthesis between the kind of behavioral economics popularized by Richard Thaler, earlier approaches such as those of the 1978 Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon, evolutionary psychology, and evolutionary economics from Veblen and Marshall through to neo-Schumpeterian thinking. The synthesis employs a complex adaptive systems approach to how people think, the lifestyles they build, and how new production technologies and products are gradually adopted and produce changes. Using a huge range of examples, it takes behavioral economics from its recent focus on 'nudging' consumers, to the behavior of firms and other organizations, the challenges of achieving structural change and transitioning to environmentally sustainable lifestyles, and instability of the financial system. This book will be of great interest to academics and graduate students who seek a broader view of what behavioral economics is and what it might become.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,272円

Collection F - Interactions, dialogues, conversation (ebook) L'oral en FLE【電子書籍】[ Elisa Ravazzolo ]

<p>D’une conception simple de l’oral, l?gu?e par la tradition didactique, situ?e entre production et r?ception, on est pass? aujourd’hui ? une vision infiniment plus, et mieux, diff?renci?e. L’oral est appr?hend? dans la diversit? et la complexit? des situations d’interaction comme dans des formes plus particuli?res (prise de parole publique, d?bat en contexte plus formel, audition de cours universitaires, etc.). L’ouvrage, sur la base d’analyses issues notamment des analyses conversationnelles, propose des activit?s appropri?es ? l’acquisition d’une comp?tence d’oral effective.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,057円

Behavioral Economics and Public Health【電子書籍】

<p>Behavioral economics has potential to offer novel solutions to some of today's most pressing public health problems: How do we persuade people to eat healthy and lose weight? How can health professionals communicate health risks in a way that is heeded? How can food labeling be modified to inform healthy food choices? <em>Behavioral Economics and Public Health</em> is the first book to apply the groundbreaking insights of behavioral economics to the persisting problems of health behaviors and behavior change. In addition to providing a primer on the behavioral economics principles that are most relevant to public health, this book offers details on how these principles can be employed to mitigating the world's greatest health threats, including obesity, smoking, risky sexual behavior, and excessive drinking. With contributions from an international team of scholars from psychology, economics, marketing, public health, and medicine, this book is a trailblazing new approach to the most difficult and important problems of our time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,916円

In The Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples Strategies that Made Us 18,000% in the Stock Market【電子書籍】[ Gil Morales ]

<p><em>Praise for</em> In the Trading Cockpit . . .</p> <p>"Morales and Kacher want you to see an alternative to popular and traditional dead end strategies (i.e., buy and hope). Absorb the insights of <em>In the Trading Cockpit</em> <em>with the O'Neil Disciples</em> and put yourself in position to think differently-and profit."<br /> <strong>- Michael W. Covel, Bestselling author of <em>Trend Following</em> and <em>The Complete TurtleTrader</em>; President, Trend Following</strong></p> <p><strong>Your hands-on guide to mastering powerful trading methods inspired by stock market legend William O'Neil</strong></p> <p>Written by two former William O'Neil + Co. employees who have spent years building upon the lessons they learned working alongside the master, this book delivers powerful trading techniques based on the O'Neil model that you can put to work in your own portfolio, right away.</p> <p>The follow-up to their bestselling <em>Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple,</em> <em>In the Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples</em> goes beyond the descriptive narrative of the former book to provide you with step-by-step guidance and all the practice you need to quickly master those tried-and-true methods and make them an integral part of your trading system.</p> <p>You'll find:</p> <ul> <li>Clear, step-by-step explanations of powerful new trading strategies, including techniques for buying pocket pivots and gap-ups</li> <li>Hundreds of annotated examples-with charts-of real-life trades from the authors' own experiences with detailed analysis of what worked, what didn't, and why</li> <li>Set ups with buy, add, and sell points for both winning and losing scenarios</li> <li>Dozens of skill-building exercises that help you quickly master the techniques described</li> <li>Tried-and-true stock shorting techniques based on William O'Neil's methods</li> </ul> <p>Written by established experts Gil Morales and Dr. Chris Kacher, <em>In the Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples</em> is an indispensable guide to mastering proven strategies for trading stocks for record profits in every market environment.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,374円

不當行為:行為經濟學之父教?更聰明的思考 Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics【電子書籍】[ 理??塞勒 ]

<p><strong>過去30年間,經濟學界最重大的一場革命!<br /> 行為經濟學之父、呼聲最高的諾貝爾經濟學獎候選人,重量級代表作!</strong></p> <p><strong>「當代最懶惰也最不凡的經濟學奇才!」──《快思慢想》作者 丹尼爾?康納曼</strong></p> <p><strong>「如果我必須跟一位當代天才困在電梯裡,我會選擇塞勒。」──《異數》作者 麥爾坎.葛拉威爾</strong></p> <p>「塞勒博士研究人類行為四十餘年,在過去五年?,操盤績效?敗99%同類基金,不景氣中逆勢増長至37億美元!」──彭博新聞社</p> <p>★美國亞馬遜、《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜冠軍<br /> ★《經濟學人》年度選書<br /> ★《金融時報》、麥肯錫年度最具影響力6本書之一<br /> ★諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 丹尼爾?康納曼、羅伯?席勒 共同推薦<br /> ★台大經濟系副教授馮勃翰 審定</p> <p><strong>人類會做出不符經濟學預測的行為?<br /> 當我們談到經濟時,真該把自己擺進算式裡!</strong></p> <p>行為經濟學無所不在,諸如國家政策、企業管理,以及?超商要不要買「第二件半價」等思考模式,皆與這門學科有密不可分的關係。英美各國政府、世界頂尖大學、金融界已將行為經濟學應用在政策執行與規畫管理上。</p> <p>傳統經濟學假設經濟人是理性的,以追求最大利益為前提,但是行為經濟學之父塞勒博士指出,人類並非完全理性,我們不如愛因斯坦聰明,也沒有苦行僧的自制力,而是有熱情有偏見有衝動的人類。我們會在發薪日去大血?,還會因為股市短期獲利而影響判斷,所做的決定反而與經濟學家假設的標準性模型相去甚遠,更有甚者,這種不合理行為會造成嚴重的後果。因此,經濟的核心是人──可預測卻易犯錯的個人,我們需要的是以真實人類為主體的經濟模型,才能?助個人、企業,以及政府做出更好的決定。 </p> <p>本書行文幽默風趣,塞勒博士的研究貼合現實,能?引導讀者在日趨複雜難?的世界中做出更聰明的決定,並且將行為經濟學應用在生活各個層面中,包括理財、購物、投資等,將會徹底改變讀者對經濟學、自己,以及整個世界的看法。</p> <p><strong>我們?一天都在應用行為經濟學:</strong></p> <p>?300元購入的紅酒現増?為3,000元,收藏家不願賣出,只偶爾開一瓶來喝,也不想花3,000元買酒。為何他寧願喝現?3,000元的酒,卻不想花同樣金額買酒或賣掉原先的收藏?<br /> → 這就是「機會成本」。無論喝掉藏酒或買新酒,機會成本是一樣的,可是一般人很難在機會成本和掏出現金之間畫上等號。放棄賣出賺錢的機會,感覺不像從皮夾裡拿出錢來那麼難受,相較於親手奉上實實在在的現金,機會成本既模糊又抽象。</p> <p>?黎?雅願意開十分鐘的車去買原為500元,折價後少100元的鬧鐘,卻不願意為了定價5萬元的電視機,開十分鐘的車買折價100元的同樣商品。<br /> →儘管這十分鐘都價?100元,但是我們較願意為了定價500元的鬧鐘多?一?,正是因為電視機省下的錢算不上是「最小可覺差異」。一般人對於獲得和損失皆呈現敏感度遞減,面對獲得,我們抱持著風險規避態度,面對損失,卻抱持風險偏好態度。</p> <p>?文斯付了3萬元的室?網球場會員費,他罹患網球肘後依然忍痛繼續打了三個月,只因不想浪費已?的會員費,直到疼痛變得完全無法忍受才決定放棄。<br /> →繼續打球對財務有助益??或只是覺得「浪費錢」而有罪惡感?傳統經濟學家認為應該忽略?沒成本,偏偏人們無法忘懷。如果花錢買了卻沒用,感覺很像實際損失那些錢。我們應該要知道忽略?沒成本是完全符合理性,甚至是必要的。</p> <p>?學校在數學大考前五天傳簡訊通知家長,此作法提升數學測驗成績的程度相當於額外多上一個月的課。家長與學生們都?他們希望該作法能持續下去,顯然他們挺樂意被輕輕推一把。<br /> →「推力」是吸引我們注意力和影響行為環境的某些小功能。人會犯下可預測的錯誤,如果我們能?預期這些錯誤,就能先想?法以減少錯誤發生,或提醒人們可能會忽略的事情,發簡訊就是方法之一。</p> <p><strong>【各界熱烈推薦】</strong></p> <p>塞勒不僅是開創行為經濟學的創意天才,也是很有趣的?故事高手,他的所有天分都在這本書中發揮得淋漓盡致。<br /> <strong>──諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、《快思慢想》作者 丹尼爾? 康納曼</strong></p> <p>過去30年間,經濟學界發生一場最重大的革命,塞勒正是這場革命的中心人物。在這本迷人的傑作中,他舉出行為經濟學的例證,解釋學界抗拒的原因。拿起來品讀就對了!本書是這門新興刺激經濟學的最佳指南。<br /> <strong>──諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、《金融與美好社會》作者 羅伯?席勒</strong></p> <p>本書必然成為經典!塞勒如今已是經濟思想史上的一號人物,可謂前無古人......確實顛覆出新局......種種?利觀察激發出最遠大的真知灼見,簡直該獲頒奧運金牌。<br /> <strong>──《新漫遊者評論》,哈佛大學法學院教授,與本書作者合著《推力》 凱斯.桑思汀</strong></p> <p>本書精采道出塞勒如何把對判斷與行為的觀察跟經濟學鎔鑄於一爐,並呈現這些研究方法的箇中價?。<br /> <strong>──《自然》雜誌</strong></p> <p>對行為經濟學?來發展的慧黠探討,稍帶顛覆意味……引人入勝,相當發人深省。<br /> <strong>──《紐約時報》,哥倫比亞大學商學院財務經濟學兼任教授 強納森.肯尼</strong></p> <p>讀來非常享受......精采例子俯拾皆是......在理論與實務預測方面,早該把思維從「經濟」改為「人」。<br /> <strong>──《華爾街日報》,社會心理學家 ?蘿.塔芙瑞斯</strong></p> <p>塞勒在本書以冷冷的幽默感闡述他所掀起的經濟學革命,簡單?明箇中關鍵概念,時而挑戰既有看法。<br /> <strong>──《芝加哥論壇報》</strong></p> <p>奇特而有趣。奇特之處在於,多數教授寫不出這樣好玩而切身的好書;有趣之處在於,書中?容不只道出塞勒的職涯?程,也呈現行為經濟學的思維理路──這門學科是探討活生生的真人,不像傳統經濟學理論是預設人會理性的謀求最大利益。<br /> <strong>──《魔球》《大賣空》作者 麥可.路易士</strong></p> <p>社會科學領域的大膽聰明之作,妥善呈現這個重要的思維變革,一般讀者也能讀得興味?然......一本處理重要主題的傑作。<br /> <strong>──《泰晤士報》,丹尼爾.芬克斯坦</strong></p> <p>先前並無書籍闡述此一主題的發展?程,塞勒教授堪稱先驅,憑本書補足現有缺口。<br /> <strong>──《獨立報》</strong></p> <p>令人不忍釋卷......小?般的發展紀實,充斥英雄與惡徒、勝利與災難、衝突與友誼......塞勒才華洋溢,抱持無盡的求知欲,講究實證精神,關注公?福祉。<br /> <strong>──《衛報》</strong></p> <p>我希望所有商界人士都購買本書,這本書實在太好了!<br /> <strong>──英國奧美集團副總裁 羅里?塞瑟蘭</strong></p> <p>本書道出現代經濟學裡幾個最重要洞見的背後故事。如果我必須跟一位當代天才困在電梯裡,我會選擇塞勒。<br /> <strong>──《異數》作者 麥爾坎.葛拉威爾</strong></p> <p>塞勒不只是行為經濟學的奠基者,還是擅長觀察的?書人,下筆幽默而風趣。找個位子,倒杯好酒,且聽塞勒??道出他是如何讓經濟學界不得不承認人腦的影響。<br /> <strong>──史丹佛大學商學院組織行為學教授?《讓創意更有黏性》作者 奇普.希思</strong></p> <p>把行為經濟學闡述得精采生動,寫得極好。<br /> <strong>──普立茲獎得主 大衛.魏瑟</strong></p> <p>饒富趣味......精采道出傳統經濟學與金融理論的缺點。<br /> <strong>──CFA特許財務分析師協會 羅納徳.莫伊</strong></p> <p>本書跟刻板老調大相逕庭。塞勒與同仁的研究發現無法整理為一條討喜公式,原因是這些發現關乎混亂的真人,但是本書讓人不得不同意,當談到經濟學的時候,我們真該把自己也擺進算式裡。<br /> <strong>──《君子》雜誌</strong></p> <p>塞勒寫下了行為經濟學的聖經。本書引人入勝,?容廣泛全面,描述他如何投身論戰並大舉獲致成功,最終讓經濟學界不得不承認人類會做出不符合經濟學預測的行為。<br /> <strong>──《展望》雜誌</strong></p> <p>結合個人自傳與學門?史,講述塞勒如何從博士班即著迷一個現象:經濟學模型的預測是一回事,一般人的行為卻是?一回事。<br /> <strong>──《今日管理》雜誌</strong></p> <p><strong>【作者簡介】</strong></p> <p><strong>理??塞勒 Richard H. Thaler</strong></p> <p>羅徹斯特大學画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,268円

New Perspectives on Industrial Organization With Contributions from Behavioral Economics and Game Theory【電子書籍】[ Victor J. Tremblay ]

<p>This book covers the main topics that students need to learn in a course on Industrial Organization. It reviews the classic models and important empirical evidence related to the field. However, it will differ from prior textbooks in two ways. First, this book incorporates contributions from behavioral economics and neuroeconomics, providing the reader with a richer understanding of consumer preferences and the motivation for many of the business practices we see today. The book discusses how firms exploit consumers who are prone to making mistakes and who suffer from cognitive dissonance, attention lapses, and bounded rationality, for example and will help explain why firms invest in persuasive advertising, offer 30-day free trials, offer money-back guarantees, and engage in other observed phenomena that cannot be explained by the traditional approaches to industrial organization.</p> <p>A second difference is that this book achieves a balance between textbooks that emphasize formal modeling and those that emphasize the history of the field, empirical evidence, case studies, and policy analysis. This text puts more emphasis on the micro-foundations (i.e., consumer and producer theory), classic game theoretic models, and recent contributions from behavioral economics that are pertinent to industrial organization. Each topic will begin with a discussion of relevant theory and models and will also include a discussion of concrete examples, empirical evidence, and evidence from case studies. This will provide students with a deeper understanding of firm and consumer behavior, of the factors that influence market structure and economic performance, and of policy issues involving imperfectly competitive markets. The book is intended to be a textbook for graduate students, MBAs and upper-level undergraduates and will use examples, graphical analysis, algebra, and simple calculus to explain important ideas and theories in industrialorganization.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,900円

An Essay on Man; Moral Essays and Satires【電子書籍】[ Alexander Pope ]

<p>Alexander Pope's 'An Essay on Man; Moral Essays and Satires' is a masterful composition that delves into the complexities of human nature, morality, and the divine order of the universe. Written in heroic couplets, Pope's literary style is characterized by its wit, depth, and philosophical insight. The work is a quintessential example of 18th-century English literature, where reason, nature, and ethics were central themes in the Enlightenment era. Through a series of poetic epistles, Pope intricately examines the relationship between man and his place in the world, offering profound reflections on the human condition and the pursuit of happiness. Each line is laden with wisdom and thought-provoking ideas that continue to resonate with readers today. Alexander Pope was a celebrated poet of the Augustan Age, known for his satirical wit and keen observations of society. Pope's own struggles with physical disability and personal challenges influenced his writing, providing a unique perspective on the human experience. His reputation as a moral philosopher and literary genius is evident in this work, as he tackles timeless questions of virtue, fate, and the nature of man. 'An Essay on Man' serves as a testament to Pope's poetic legacy and his enduring influence on English literature. I highly recommend 'An Essay on Man; Moral Essays and Satires' to readers seeking profound philosophical insights and poetic beauty. Pope's timeless reflections on humanity and the universe are as relevant today as they were in the 18th century, making this work a must-read for anyone interested in Enlightenment thought and the enduring questions of existence.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Empowering Our Military Conscience Transforming Just War Theory and Military Moral Education【電子書籍】

<p>Responding to increasing global anxiety over the ethics education of military personnel, this volume illustrates the depth, rigour and critical acuity of Professional Military Ethics Education (PMEE) with contributions by distinguished ethical theorists. It refreshes our thinking about the axioms of just war orthodoxy, the intellectual and political history of just war theorizing, and the justice of recent military doctrines and ventures. The volume also explores a neglected moral dimension of warfare, jus ante bellum (the ethics of pre-war practices) - particularly jus in disciplina bellica (the ethics of educating for warfare). Using metaphor to exemplify the professionalization of the military, the book exposes ambivalences within military professionals' concepts of their professional responsibilities, analyzes issues of self-respect posed by service in an unjust cause, and surveys the deep conflicts inherent in PMEE. While primarily focused on US military academies, the volume will resonate with those responsible for education in military academies across the globe.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,343円

The Field of Blood The Battle for Aleppo and the Remaking of the Medieval Middle East【電子書籍】[ Nicholas Morton ]

<p><strong>A history of the 1119 Battle of the Field of Blood, which decisively halted the momentum gained during the First Crusade and decided the fate of the Crusader states</strong></p> <p>During the First Crusade, Frankish armies swept across the Middle East, capturing major cities and setting up the Crusader States in the Levant. A sustained Western conquest of the region appeared utterly inevitable. Why, then, did the crusades ultimately fail?</p> <p>To answer this question, historian Nicholas Morton focuses on a period of bitter conflict between the Franks and their Turkish enemies, when both factions were locked in a struggle for supremacy over the city of Aleppo. For the Franks, Aleppo was key to securing dominance over the entire region. For the Turks, this was nothing less than a battle for survival -- without Aleppo they would have little hope of ever repelling the European invaders. This conflict came to a head at the Battle of the Field of Blood in 1199, and the face of the Middle East was forever changed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,923円

Edexcel Psychology for A Level Book 1【電子書籍】[ Christine Brain ]

<p><strong>Exam Board: Edexcel</strong><br /> <strong>Level: AS/A-level</strong><br /> <strong>Subject: Psychology</strong><br /> <strong>First Teaching: September 2015</strong><br /> <strong>First Exam: June 2016</strong></p> <p><strong>Endorsed for Edexcel</strong></p> <p><strong>Develop your students' knowledge of the foundations of modern psychological understanding with this detailed textbook for Edexcel AS and A level Psychology, with targeted activities and clear explanations to build practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills</strong></p> <p>Written by experienced author and examiner Christine Brain, this AS and year one A level textbook is fully mapped to the new Edexcel specification.</p> <p>- Helps students build their confidence in practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills through well-presented explanations and activities<br /> - Develops understanding and helps each student reach their potential with the essential information covered in a clear, logical format, supported by illustrations, questions and extension tasks<br /> - Supports you and your students through the new specification, with accessible coverage of all the key areas of Psychology for AS and year one of A level<br /> - Encourages your students to develop their interest in Psychology and its applications, with extension tasks and relevant content</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,699円

Behavioral Ecology of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander 50 Years of Research【電子書籍】[ Robert G. Jaeger ]

<p>The small, terrestrial eastern red-backed salamander is abundant on many forest floors of northeastern North America. Dr. Robert Jaeger and many of his graduate students spent over 50 years studying this species in New York and Virginia, using ecological techniques in forests and behavioral experiments in laboratory chambers in an attempt to understand how this species interacts with other species in the forest and the components of its intra- and intersexual social behaviors. The competitive and social behaviors of this species are unusually complex for an amphibian. This species is highly aggressive towards other similar-size species where they cohabit in forests, often leading to very little geographic overlap between the species. The authors examine the fascinating behavioral traits of this species including social monogamy, mutual mate guarding, sexual coercion, inter-species communication, and conflict resolution.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,916円

The Formation of Scholars Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century【電子書籍】[ George E. Walker ]

<p>This groundbreaking book explores the current state of doctoral education in the United States and offers a plan for increasing the effectiveness of doctoral education. Programs must grapple with questions of purpose. The authors examine practices and elements of doctoral programs and show how they can be made more powerful by relying on principles of progressive development, integration, and collaboration. They challenge the traditional apprenticeship model and offer an alternative in which students learn while apprenticing <em>with</em> several faculty members. The authors persuasively argue that creating intellectual community is essential for high-quality graduate education in every department. Knowledge-centered, multigenerational communities foster the development of new ideas and encourage intellectual risk taking.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,212円

Helicopter Pilot Oral Exam Guide When used with the corresponding Oral Exam Guide, this book prepares you for the oral portion of the Private, Instrument, Commercial, Flight Instructor, or ATP Helicopter Checkride【電子書籍】[ Ryan Dale ]

<p>ASA’s Oral Exam Guide Series is an excellent study tool for students and instructors alike. Arranged in a question-and-answer format, this comprehensive guide lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners and provides succinct, ready responses. Use when you’re gearing up for the Practical Exam, as well as for a general refresher. FAA references are provided throughout for further study.</p> <p>This second edition of the <em>Helicopter Pilot Oral Exam Guide</em> by Ryan Dale has been updated to reflect the latest regulations and procedures. This invaluable resource serves as a supplement to ASA’s Oral Exam Guide Series. When used with the corresponding oral exam guide, this book prepares students for the oral portion of their private, instrument, commercial, flight instructor, or ATP helicopter checkride.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,597円

Aurora Leigh With linked Table of Contents【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Barrett Browning ]

<p>'Aurora Leigh' is an eponymous epic novel/poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The poem is written in blank verse and encompasses nine books. Through Book 5, Aurora narrates her past, from her childhood to the age of about 27; in Books 6-9, the narrative has caught up with her, and she reports events in diary form. Elizabeth Barrett Browning styled the poem "a novel in verse", and referred to it as "the most mature of my works, and the one into which my highest convictions upon Life and Art have entered."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 240円

Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide Comprehensive preparation for the FAA checkride【電子書籍】[ Michael D. Hayes ]

<p>ASA’s Oral Exam Guide Series is an excellent study tool for students and instructors alike. Arranged in a question-and-answer format, this comprehensive guide lists the questions most likely to be asked by evaluators during the practical exam and provides succinct, ready responses. FAA references are provided throughout for further study.</p> <p>This thirteenth edition of the <em>Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide</em> has been updated to further align with the Airman Certification Standards (ACS), with new information added or expanded on these subjects: weather services, regulations, airport operations, airspace, and flight planning. This book is the complete resource to prepare applicants for the Private Pilot Airplane checkride and is valuable as a general refresher.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,132円

From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of Evo Morales【電子書籍】[ Jeffery R. Webber ]

<p>Evo Morales rode to power on a wave of popular mobilizations against the neoliberal policies enforced by his predecessors. Yet many of his economic policies bare striking resemblance to the status quo he was meant to displace. Based in part on dozens of interviews with leading Bolivian activists, Jeff Webber examines the contradictions of Morales' first term in office.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,028円

The Power of People Skills How to Eliminate 90% of Your HR Problems and Dramatically Increase Team and Company Morale and Performance【電子書籍】[ Trevor Throness ]

<p><strong>"<em>The Power of People Skills</em> is the eye-opening, invaluable, definitive guide to achieving success in your organization. Excellent!" ーMarshall Goldsmith</strong></p> <p>People are the problem. They're always the problem. If a business person goes home frustrated, if they talk with their significant other about it, if they lay awake at night stewing about it, inevitably the problem is some person at workーa colleague, subordinate, or boss.</p> <p>Handling people issues is every leader's major headache. It's what takes up the majority of their time andーmore importantーthe bulk of their head space. Every leader can and must develop this most important of all management skills.</p> <p><em>The Power of People Skills</em> will teach you that there's one primary difference between a great culture and a poor one: a great culture insists on having star players in every key seat, and a poor culture tolerates under performers. In this powerful book, you will learn how to:</p> <ul> <li>Make the people decisions that can double your results, relieve your stress, and cause team morale to soar.</li> <li>Attract and retain the very best talent.</li> <li>Deal with difficult people problems in an objective and kind way.</li> <li>Overcome the reluctance we all share to confront under performers.</li> <li>Permanently solve the problems causing most of your stress.</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,878円

Designing for Behavior Change Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics【電子書籍】[ Stephen Wendel ]

<p>Designers and managers hope their products become essential for usersーintegrated into their lives like Instagram, Lyft, and others have become. Such deep integration isn’t accidental: it’s a process of careful design and iterative learning, especially for technology companies. This guide shows you how to apply behavioral scienceーresearch that supports many productsーto help your users achieve their goals using your product.</p> <p>In this updated edition, Stephen Wendel, head of behavioral science at Morningstar, takes you step-by-step through the process of incorporating behavioral science into product design and development. Product managers, UX and interaction designers, and data analysts will learn a simple and effective approach for identifying target users and behaviors, building the product, and gauging its effectiveness.</p> <ul> <li>Learn the three main strategies to help people change behavior</li> <li>Identify behaviors your target audience seeks to changeーand obstacles that stand in their way</li> <li>Develop effective designs that are enjoyable to use</li> <li>Measure your product’s impact and learn ways to improve it</li> <li>Combine behavioral science with data science to pinpoint problems and test potential solutions</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,080円

World of Reading: This is Miles Morales【電子書籍】[ Marvel Press Book Group ]

<p>The Marvel World of Reading line of early readers is designed to offer reluctant readers books that they will want to read by featuring characters they love. The series is broken into three levels that invoke the rigorous training courses their favorite Marvel heroes must engage in to perfect their super powers. Discover how Miles Morales, a regular kid from Brooklyn, becomes the new Spider-Man!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 567円

Riconciliazione sacramentale. Morale e prassi pastorale【電子書籍】[ Alfonso V. Amarante ]

<p>Oggi il sacramento della riconciliazione ? in crisi e la poca affezione al confessionale vale sia per il confessore che per il penitente. Una crisi da rintracciare in molteplici fattori: la parola peccato che a molte persone non dice pi? nulla, l'aver caricato di significato negativo la celebrazione di questo sacramento, il rischio che il sacerdote si impadronisca del sacramento impedendo che Dio agisca nei cuori. Ecco un testo in cui si riflette soprattutto sulla prassi di questo sacramento. Infatti, a partire da un quadro d'insieme biblico, storico e dommatico, e guidati dalle indicazione dall'esortazione apostolica "Veritatis Gadium", gli autori riflettono su possibili vie pastorali, per la chiesa in uscita, atte a rispondere alle difficolt? che il sacramento della riconciliazione incontra nel nostro contesto e come questo sacramento pu? essere vissuto nella prassi pastorale in prospettiva pasquale e come diaconia sacerdotale alla formazione delle coscienze dei fedeli per una loro piena maturit? in Cristo.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,200円

Por amor al emperador Hablan las mujeres que quisieron a Carlos V【電子書籍】[ Almudena de Arteaga ]

<p>En esta novela hablan por primera vez y en primera persona algunas de las mujeres que amaron al emperador Carlos V: su madre Juana de Castilla; sus t?as Margarita de Austria y Catalina de Arag?n; sus hermanas Leonor, Isabel, Mar?a y Catalina; su mujer Isabel de Portugal; sus amantes Germana de Foix, B?rbara Blomberg y Johanna van der Gheynst; sus hijas Mar?a y Juana; su bastarda Margarita de Parma y sus sobrinas Cristina y Dorotea.</p> <p>El monarca m?s poderoso del mundo tambi?n gobern? la vida de estas mujeres que se entregaron en cuerpo y alma a su servicio, al de la casa de Austria y al del imperio. Carlos las am?, las respet? e incluso deleg? en ellas el gobierno de sus vastas tierras, pero la historia ha guardado escaso recuerdo de sus vidas y de sus logros… Hasta ahora, en que Almudena de Arteaga, con su maestr?a y originalidad habituales, les da voz para que ellas mismas desvelen c?mo fueron sus vidas, sus ?ntimos pensamientos, sus pasiones y su relaci?n con el hombre que rigi? sus destinos.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,076円

Aurora Leigh【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Barrett Browning ]

<p>Elizabeth Barrett Browning's 'Aurora Leigh' is a groundbreaking novel-in-verse that tackles complex themes such as female independence, the artistic process, and social reform. Browning's unique blend of poetry and prose sets this work apart and establishes it as a feminist classic. Written in the mid-19th century, 'Aurora Leigh' explores the challenges faced by women pursuing a career in the arts, offering a compelling and insightful commentary on the limitations imposed by society. Browning's rich language and intricate narrative structure make this work a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers today. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, a prominent Victorian poet, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations to create 'Aurora Leigh.' As a woman in a male-dominated literary world, Browning's personal struggles and triumphs inform the powerful voice of her protagonist, Aurora. Browning's passion for social justice and her advocacy for women's rights are evident throughout the novel, highlighting her role as a trailblazer for feminist literature. I highly recommend 'Aurora Leigh' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of poetry and prose, as well as those intrigued by feminist literature and social commentary. Browning's innovative approach and compelling storytelling make this work a must-read for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and enriching literary experience.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円