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Non-Judicial Remedies and EU Administration Protection of Rights versus Preservation of Autonomy【電子書籍】[ Paola Chirulli ]

<p>The increasing number of executive tasks assigned to EU institutions and agencies has resulted in a greater demand for justice that can no longer be satisfied by the courts alone. This has led to the development of a wide range of administrative remedies that have become a central part of the EU administrative justice system. This book examines the important theoretical and practical issues raised by this phenomenon.</p> <p>The work focuses on five administrative remedies: internal review; administrative appeals to the Commission against decisions of executive and decentralised agencies; independent administrative review of decisions of decentralised agencies; complaints to the EU Ombudsman; and complaints to the EU Data Protection Supervisor. The research rests on the idea that there is a complex, and at times ambivalent, relationship between administrative remedies and the varying degrees of autonomy of EU institutions and bodies, offices and agencies. The work draws on legislation, internal rules of executive bodies, administrative practices and specific case law, data and statistics. This empirical approach helps to unveil the true dynamics present within these procedures and demonstrates that whilst administrative remedies may improve the relationship between individuals and the EU administration, their interplay with administrative autonomy might lead to a risk of fragmentation and incoherence in the EU administrative justice system.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,285円

Guidelines for Initiating Events and Independent Protection Layers in Layer of Protection Analysis【電子書籍】[ CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) ]

<p>The book is a guide for Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) practitioners. It explains the onion skin model and in particular, how it relates to the use of LOPA and the need for non-safety instrumented independent protection layers. It provides specific guidance on Independent Protection Layers (IPLs) that are not Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). Using the LOPA methodology, companies typically take credit for risk reductions accomplished through non-SIS alternatives; i.e. administrative procedures, equipment design, etc. It addresses issues such as how to ensure the effectiveness and maintain reliability for administrative controls or “inherently safer, passive” concepts.</p> <p>This book will address how the fields of Human Reliability Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Inherent Safety, Audits and Assessments, Maintenance, and Emergency Response relate to LOPA and SIS.</p> <p>The book will separate IPL’s into categories such as the following:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Inherent Safety</p> <ul> <li>eliminates a scenario or fundamentally reduces a hazard</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Preventive/Proactive</p> <ul> <li>prevents initiating event from occurring such as enhanced maintenance</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Preventive/Active</p> <ul> <li>stops chain of events after initiating event occurs but before an incident has occurred such as high level in a tank shutting off the pump.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Mitigation (active or passive)</p> <ul> <li>minimizes impact once an incident has occurred such as closing block valves once LEL is detected in the dike (active) or the dike preventing contamination of groundwater (passive).</li> </ul> </li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 14,706円

The Prayer of Protection Living Fearlessly in Dangerous Times【電子書籍】[ Joseph Prince ]

<p><strong>In these days of danger, trouble, and evil, <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Joseph Prince reveals how God's children can have round-the-clock protection through the power of prayer.</strong></p> <p><em>The Prayer of Protection</em> unveils the Bible's ultimate psalm of protection, Psalm 91, to help you understand more about how God guards His children. Joseph Prince offers simple keys and practical advice to finding and resting in the secret place of the Most High, where no evil can even come near you. You'll begin to live unafraid and with boldness as you allow the certainty of your heavenly Father's love and the sure promises of His Word to guard your heart against every fear. Come under the wings of the Almighty and live life divinely protected, positioned, and free from all fears with our covenant-keeping God!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,351円

The Development of Child Protection Systems in the Post-Soviet States A Twenty Five Years Perspective【電子書籍】

<p>This volume provides an understanding of how systems of child protection evolve in disparate cultural, social and economic contexts. Using the former Soviet Union as a starting point, it examines how 13 countries have developed, defined and evolved their system of protecting children and providing services to families over the last 25 years since independence. The volume runs an uniform approach in each country and then traces the development of unique systems, contributing to the international understanding of child protection and welfare.</p> <p>This volume is a fascinating study for social scientists, social workers, policy makers with particular interest to those focusing on children, youth, and family issues alike as each chapter offers a clear and compelling view of the central changes, competing claims and guiding assumptions that have formed each countries individual approach to child protection and family services.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 14,585円

National Systems of Child Protection Understanding the International Variability and Context for Developing Policy and Practice【電子書籍】

<p>This volume provides a wide spectrum description analysis of the contemporary and well established child protection systems in a range of countries, such as Australia, Canada, Netherlands and Spain. It presents a brief orientation about the public and private systems involved in protecting children in each country. Further the book identifies current key policy and implementation drivers that orient the systems of child protection, such as children’s rights, family preservation, use of evidence and public health orientation. Finally it presents a critical analysis of the strengths and limitations of the systems, as well as, strategies for prospects for improving outcomes for children and their families.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 17,016円

Gray's Complete Pocket Book Series (Books 1-5: Curses, Love, Money, Luck, and Protection) Gray's Pocket Book of Hoodoo【電子書籍】[ Deran Gray ]

<p>The Gray’s Pocket Book Series are simple and easy to grasp instructions of classic Hoodoo spells and recipes.</p> <p>Gray's Complete Pocket Book Series contains the entirety of books 1-5.<br /> Included is:<br /> - Gray's Pocket Book of Hoodoo Love Spells<br /> - Gray's Pocket Book of Hoodoo Curses<br /> - Gray's Pocket Book of Hoodoo Protection Spells<br /> - Gray's Pocket Book of Hoodoo Spells for Luck and Success<br /> - Gray's Pocket Book of Hoodoo Spells for Wealth and Prosperity</p> <p>Gray’s Pocket Books allows you to easily build up your knowledge of rootwork and build your conjure library in an inexpensive manner. And without tackling every subject at once. Take time and pace yourself. Move from one pocket guide to the next without a lot of hassle</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 766円

Psalm 91 Real-Life Stories of God's Shield of Protection And What This Psalm Means for You & Those You Love【電子書籍】[ Peggy Joyce Ruth ]

<p><strong>A Place of Total Protection in Life’s Storms</strong></p> <p>Did you know there is a place in God--a secret place--for those who want to seek refuge? It is a haven of physical safety and security that God tells us about in the 91st Psalm, the one place in the Bible where all of the protection promises of God are brought together.</p> <p>In <em>Psalm 91</em>, Peggy Joyce Ruth, a veteran Bible teacher, guides you through a personal study of this psalm, explaining verse by verse God’s promises of protection.</p> <p>Along the way you will find hope and encouragement in the stories of people from all walks of life who have found refuge in this covenant promise from God.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,531円

Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection【電子書籍】[ Rose Rose ]

<p>This book helps you to take away fear, then fill up with joy. Learn practical healings to energetically de-clutter yourself, everything you own, and improve your relationships -- Post-New-Age techniques designed to work powerfully in this new Age of Awakening.</p> <p>How common it is to suffer from psychic-level problems whose origins aren't terribly personal! Ironically, astral STUFF causes intimately personal discomfort.</p> <p>Discover highly efficient ways to heal yourself, everything you own, even your relationships.</p> <p>How-to's for mind, body, spirit healing bring new perspective.</p> <p>Tested for decades on clients around the world, every technique in this book brings real-life results. Witness the very practical applications for every major healing technique.</p> <p>These techniques include how to heal ghosts, remove psychic coercion, prevent psychic attack - paranormal phenomena that require commonsense healing to improve quality of human life.</p> <p>Serious healing, yet with a sense of humor... This book is especially recommended for New Agers * healers * psychics * body workers * spiritual seekers of all kinds...</p> <p>Plus anyone else with an open mind who would like to just plain feel better!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,349円

In Whose Interest? The Privatisation of Child Protection and Social Work【電子書籍】[ Ray Jones ]

<p>As the government continues to open up child protection and social work in England to a commercial market place, what is the social cost of privatising public services? And what effect has the failure of previous privatisations had on their provision? This book, by best-selling author and expert social worker Ray Jones, is the first to tell the story of how crucial social work services, including those for families and children, are now being out-sourced to private companies. Detailing how the failures of previous privatisations have led to the deterioration of services for the public, it shows how this trend threatens the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and disabled adults.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,861円

Information Rights A Practitioner's Guide to Data Protection, Freedom of Information and other Information Rights【電子書籍】[ Mr Philip Coppel KC ]

<p>Retaining the position it has held since first publication, the fifth edition of this leading practitioner text on information law has been thoroughly re-worked to provide comprehensive coverage of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR.</p> <p><em>Information Rights</em> has been cited by the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and others, and is used by practitioners, judges and all those who practise in the field. The new edition maintains its style of succinct statements of principle, supported by case law, legislative provisions and statutory guidance.</p> <p>Reflecting its enlarged scope and to maintain easy referencing, the work has been arranged into two volumes.</p> <p>The first volume is a 1,250-page commentary, divided into six parts. The first part is an overview and introduction to overarching principles. The second part provides an authoritative treatment of the data protection regime. This covers all four forms of processing (general, applied, law enforcement and security services) under the GDPR and DPA 2018. Each obligation and each right is comprehensively treated, with reference to all known case-law, both domestic and EU, including those dealing with analogous provisions in the previous data protection regime. The third part provides a detailed treatment of the environmental information regime. This recognises the treaty provenance of the regime and its distinct requirements. The fourth part continues to provide the most thorough analysis available of the Freedom of Information Act and its Scottish counterpart. As with earlier editions, every tribunal and court decision has been reviewed and, where required, referenced. The fifth part considers other sources of information rights, including common law rights, local government rights and subject-specific statutory information access regimes (eg health records, court records, audit information etc). The final part deals with practice and procedure, examining appeal and regulatory processes, criminal sanctions and so forth.</p> <p>The second volume comprises extensive annotated statutory material, including the DPA 2018, the GDPR, FOIA, subordinate legislation, international conventions and statutory guidance.</p> <p>The law is stated as at 1st February 2020.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 32,354円

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恐懼,是保護?的天賦:暴力年代完全自救指南 The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence【電子書籍】[ 蓋文.徳.貝克(Gavin de Becker) ]

<p>「相信直覺,超前部署,只有?才能救?自己!」<br /> 在不安定的年代,獻給?一個曾遭遇危險威脅、擔驚受怕的?。</p> <p>「本書敲響了一個時代的焦慮」<br /> 三任美國總統安全顧問傳世之作 911事件後引發現象級討論 <br /> 《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜盤踞長達4個月 《歐普拉秀》為本書製作10周年指定訪談<br /> 18種語言全球熱銷20餘年 危險年代的必備護身寶典</p> <p>──────────────────────────────────────────<br /> 臺灣商務印書館 OPEN系列創始作 1/4世紀經典強勢升級重現 <br /> 收?新版導讀、臺灣版作者序、大量實例及全新篇章</p> <p>真正的恐懼是一?禮物,那是種天生的第六感,教?覺察危險,趨吉避凶;<br /> 無端的擔憂則是一?詛咒,那只是?製造的幻覺,並阻礙任何有建設性的行動。</p> <p>直覺,永遠都是以自己的利益為第一優先考量。<br /> 屏除雜念干擾,學會傾聽、信任並鍛?自己的直覺,讓直覺越來越強大,<br /> 才能在千鈞一髮的時刻掌握求生訊號,有效抵禦暴力與危險!</p> <p>──────────────────────────────────────────<br /> 車廂?有個乘客一直碎碎念,還開始對旁人叫囂,我該不該先?開?<br /> ?次提分手,他就會哭著求我原諒他,甚至威脅要死給我看……<br /> 只不過在網路上發了篇文,酸民就天天留言騷擾,刪都刪不完!<br /> 被解雇的員工心生不滿,宣稱都是主管看他不順眼,害他被?走,還??不會善罷干休……<br /> 上完廁所回來?上多了杯飲料,他?是特別為我點的,不喝就是不給他面子?</p> <p>隨機殺人、約會騷擾、職場霸凌、暗巷尾行、網路恐嚇;<br /> 回想?一個面對危險的關鍵時刻,?,都做對選擇了??</p> <p>殺警嫌犯持槍逃逸、狼師遭爆長期性侵、政治人物街頭暗殺、嗜血八卦?動失智列車……</p> <p>治安崩盤的社會,世界只剩下兩種人:加害者,和被害人。<br /> 暴力和危險,以各種面目在各種角落出現。任何人都不再能保護?。?最後的希望是自己。</p> <p>──────────────────────────────────────────</p> <p>被歐普拉譽為研究暴力行為首席專家、擔任過雷根與布希總統安全顧問的作者蓋文.徳.貝克,將帶領讀者親臨暴力現場,精密分析街頭犯罪、?公室暴力、婚姻中的殺機、癡心糾纏與恐嚇威脅,以及青少年暴力的?在成因和外在特?。他整理大量真實案例,清楚列舉?個前事件指標,更建立一套威脅評估系統,讓?具體知道危險離?有多近,教?解讀身邊迫切的威脅訊息,化恐懼為助力,及時採取有效預防指施,保護?和?的家人。</p> <p>本書集結了蓋文.徳.貝克幾十年來研究暴力的實際成果,一出版後立刻成為暢銷書,話題不斷,在《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜上停留了17個星期,並以18種語言出版。歐普拉在節目中多次介紹該書,2008年甚至做了一個紀念該書出版十周年的特別節目,該書也在頼瑞.金(Larry King)的節目中出現了整整兩小時,連續三周?金時段直播,更占據了《時代》雜誌的兩個中心版面。十多年來,本書已成為英語世界談論社會暴力、虐待行為與安全議題的必讀書籍。蓋文.徳.貝克因此名列亞馬遜前百大自助書作家,本書也被選入50本心理學經典(50 Psychology Classics)。</p> <p>這本書將教?解決以下問題:</p> <p>1.我該如何面對那些拒?放手的人?<br /> 2.應對恐嚇的最佳方式是什麼?<br /> 3.陌生人的舉動會對我造成什麼威脅?<br /> 4.我要如何才能?助我重視的人更加安全?</p> <p>蓋文.徳.貝克運用他的專業知識,打破了大多數暴力行為是隨機且不可預測的神話,並表明它們通常有可供識別的動機,在發生之前有明確的警告訊號。透過他的職涯經?及幾十個引人注目的真實案例,他?示了暴力行為的複雜性,並詳細介紹某人是否對我們構成危險的事件前指標(PINs),讀者將學會如何:</p> <p>1.辨別警告我們的求生訊號<br /> 2.依靠自己的直覺<br /> 3.區分真實及想像中的危險<br /> 4.預測危險行為<br /> 5.評估某人是否會使用暴力<br /> 6.不再逃避危險,讓直覺作主</p> <p>此外,蓋文.徳.貝克還提供了保護自己及所愛之人的具體方法。包括當有陌生人接近時該如何行動、什麼時候?應該害怕身邊的人、如果被跟蹤了該怎麼?、如何發現匿名威脅電話的來源,以及當?面對一位暴力威脅者時,所可能犯的最大錯誤。他為那些飽受家庭虐待、職場暴力與情感?困之苦的人提供深入的解決方案,更為那些死亡威脅、跟蹤狂、虐童犯、隨機殺人者,提供了一套獨特的分析見解。</p> <p>蓋文.徳.貝克深信,在任何威脅或暴力發生之前,暴力行為的受害者通常會有一種恐懼感。但他們可能不相信這股恐懼,並依循這股恐懼感採取對應的求救行動。重點在於,我們必須相信這股與生?來的恐懼第六感,並鍛?直覺,如此才能學會識別潛在攻?者的警告訊號。同時他也強調,必須區分真實的恐懼(fear)與無謂的擔憂(worry),前者才是與生?來的天賦,後者只是無心自擾,甚至會成為判別危險時的干擾雜念,陷自己於險境。</p> <p>──────────────────────────────────────────<br /> ★書中名句摘?</p> <p>「?個人都有一個?在的守護神,他會在危難來到前預先警告?,並在?身陷險境時,領?安然度過。」</p> <p>「真正的恐懼是一?禮物,那是種天生的第六感,教?覺察危險,趨吉避凶;無端的憂慮則是一?詛咒,那只是?製造的幻覺,並阻礙任何有建設性的行動。請學習如何區分。」</p> <p>關於否認危險→<br /> 「逃避問題,就等於簽下一紙分期付款的合約;現在少付,將來就要加倍償還。」</p> <p>「正如同有人老往壞處想事情一樣,也有人在危險出現時,硬是不願意去正視。這類人有一種幻想:只要不去想或不去正視危險的存在,它就不會出現。」</p> <p>「人類是唯一一種在證據確鑿的時候,仍然會否定危險存在的動物。」</p> <p>關於女性安全→<br /> 「我建議各位,請記得『不』這個字,它就是一個完整的句子。」</p> <p>「我奉勸常被迫為自己的憂慮辯護的女性,要知道,?們的求生本能是上天的恩賜,它對?們的安危?得比他們男人多得多;本能是無須他們首肯的。」</p> <p>「可以理解,男性和女性對安全的看法是如此分?,因為他們是生活在兩個不同世界的人:談到安全這回事,追根究柢,男人是害怕被女人嘲笑,女人卻是害怕被男人殺害。」</p> <p>「男性,不分年紀、地域,都要比女性來得暴力。職是之故,本書在提到暴力犯的時候,用的一律是男性化的代名詞:他。女性可以很驕傲地告訴世人,在暴力這件事情上,?們不打算和男性一爭長短。由此可見,政治上正確的事情,不一定在統計學上也正確。」</p> <p>關於死纏爛打→<br /> 「大部分的人?上糾纏者──不管是已分手的前男友、被開除的員工,還是偏執狂──在考慮各種不同的對策時很少會想過,什麼都不做也是一個可能的對策。」</p> <p>「受害者總想去主動做些什麼,好讓那些追求者罷手。但無論怎麼做,?都沒?法控制瘋子的行為。就像一場拳賽,他們當然不願意輸;問題是,他們也受不了贏,因為這意味著拳賽已經結束。只要擂台上一天有人,拳賽就一天不會結束。」</p> <p>「?要改變?能改的,不要試著去改?改不了的。?到糾纏不清的人時,最明智的做法莫過於停看聽,而不是瞎攪和。一旦選擇了攪和進去,那?就不用再想?身了。」</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,973円

Microsoft Information Protection Administrator SC-400 Certification Guide Advance your Microsoft Security & Compliance services knowledge and pass the SC-400 exam with confidence【電子書籍】[ Shabaz Darr ]

<p><strong>Discover how to implement information protection, data loss prevention, and information governance within Microsoft 365</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Design, implement, and administer Microsoft Information Protection</li> <li>Implement data loss prevention to minimize the risk of data exfiltration</li> <li>Use Information Governance capabilities to ensure that data is stored in your environment for as long as necessary</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Cloud technologies have massively increased the amount of data being produced and the places in which this data is stored. Without proper planning and discipline in configuring information protection for your data, you may be compromising information and regulatory compliance.</p> <p>Microsoft Information Protection Administrator SC-400 Certification Guide begins with an overview of the SC-400 exam, and then enables you to envision, implement, and administer the Information Protection suite offered by Microsoft. The book also provides you with hands-on labs, along with the theory of creating policies and rules for content classification, data loss prevention, governance, and protection. Toward the end, you'll be able to take mock tests to help you prepare effectively for the exam.</p> <p>By the end of this Microsoft book, you'll have covered everything needed to pass the SC-400 certification exam, and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.</p> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Understand core exam objectives to pass the SC-400 exam with ease</li> <li>Find out how to create and manage sensitive information types for different types of data</li> <li>Create and manage policies and learn how to apply these to Microsoft 365 SaaS applications</li> <li>Broaden your knowledge of data protection on M365</li> <li>Discover how to configure and manage the protection of your data in M365</li> <li>Monitor activity regarding data access in M365</li> <li>Understand and implement Data Governance in M365</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>If you are a compliance administrator, Microsoft 365 Administrator, or Information Protection Administrator who wants to improve their knowledge of Microsoft Security & Compliance services, then this book is for you. This book is also ideal for anyone looking to achieve the SC-400 Information Protection Associate Administrator certification.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,165円

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■商品説明■ パソコンケース 11.6 12.1 12.5インチ PCケース ノートパソコン バッグ 360°保護 耐衝撃 ラップトップスリーブ レッツノート ケース 軽量 Macbook Air 11 Macbook 12 Ipad Pro 12.9 2021 Surface pro 7 6 12.4' Microsoft Surface Go 2 Surface La...(11.6-1... 360°保護:パソコンケース内側の厚みのあるふわふわしたクッションは衝撃吸収に優れています。ジッパーの周りにも保護パッドあり、傷を防止して大切なノートパソコンをしっかりと保護します。丈夫な生地:撥水生地で見た目以上に水をはじきます。多少の汚れならふき取れば簡単に落とせます。雨や雪による水が染み込まないので貴重なラップトップと周辺機器を水濡れから防ぎます。傷に強い素材と丁寧な縫製のため、このパソコンバッグは耐久性に優れ、長期間ご使用いただけます。収納が充実:外側のポケットにはスマホやペンなどを収納でき、タブレットやアダプタなどを入れるスペースもあります。スマホやUSBメモリ、モバイルバッテリー、メモ帳、書類などもしっかり整理整頓できるPCバッグです。軽量で便利:取っ手が付いているのため、単品として持ち歩けます。トランクにも収納できます。シンプルでベーシックなデザインので、通勤、出張、通学、日常のお出かけなどいろんなシーンで重宝するPCバッグです。多機種対応:外寸:335mm 235mm 35mm;内寸:315mm 230mm 30mm。Chromebook 11/MacBook 12 Air 11.6/Surface Pro 6 5 4 3 /富士通/Dell/A 商品の写真は撮影の際の天気、照明、モニターの環境などの影響で、実物と多少違う場合がありますのでご了承ください。 ラップトップ ケース 11.6-12.5インチ ビジネス 就活通学 優れた縫製技術、防水素材と耐磨耗の生地を採用し、細部を気にして、良質で耐久性を持っております。軽量設計を採用し,デザインも簡潔で男女兼用できます。 衝撃吸収 撥水加工 汚れにくい 型崩れ防止 ふわふわ素材 取っ手付き。 2way 持ち歩けることだけでなく、バックパックに入れることができます。通勤、出張、通学、日常のお出かけなどいろんなシーンで重宝するPCバッグです。。 デザイン。360°優れた保護 ジッパーの周りに保護パッドあり、傷を防止してノートパソコンをしっかり守ります。パソコンケース内側の厚みのあるふわふわしたクッションは衝撃吸収に優れています。 便利 外側のポケットにはスマホやペンなどを収納でき、タブレットやアダプタなどを入れるスペースもあります。取っ手が付いているのため、単品として持ち歩パソコンケース 11.6 12.1 12.5インチ PCケース ノートパソコン バッグ 360°保護 耐衝撃 ラップトップスリーブ レッツノート ケース 軽量 Macbook Air 11 Macbook 12 Ipad Pro 12.9 2021 Surface pro 7 6 12.4' Microsoft Surface Go 2 Surface La...(11.6-12.5インチブラック) 4,198円

パソコンケース 11.6 12.1 12.5インチ PCケース ノートパソコン バッグ 360°保護 耐衝撃 ラップトップスリーブ レッツノート ケース 軽量 Macbook Air 11 Macbook 12 Ipad Pro 12.9 2021 Surface pro 7 6 12.4' Microsoft Surface Go 2 Surface La...(11.6-1...

■商品説明■ パソコンケース 11.6 12.1 12.5インチ PCケース ノートパソコン バッグ 360°保護 耐衝撃 ラップトップスリーブ レッツノート ケース 軽量 Macbook Air 11 Macbook 12 Ipad Pro 12.9 2021 Surface pro 7 6 12.4' Microsoft Surface Go 2 Surface La...(11.6-1... 360°保護:パソコンケース内側の厚みのあるふわふわしたクッションは衝撃吸収に優れています。ジッパーの周りにも保護パッドあり、傷を防止して大切なノートパソコンをしっかりと保護します。丈夫な生地:撥水生地で見た目以上に水をはじきます。多少の汚れならふき取れば簡単に落とせます。雨や雪による水が染み込まないので貴重なラップトップと周辺機器を水濡れから防ぎます。傷に強い素材と丁寧な縫製のため、このパソコンバッグは耐久性に優れ、長期間ご使用いただけます。収納が充実:外側のポケットにはスマホやペンなどを収納でき、タブレットやアダプタなどを入れるスペースもあります。スマホやUSBメモリ、モバイルバッテリー、メモ帳、書類などもしっかり整理整頓できるPCバッグです。軽量で便利:取っ手が付いているのため、単品として持ち歩けます。トランクにも収納できます。シンプルでベーシックなデザインので、通勤、出張、通学、日常のお出かけなどいろんなシーンで重宝するPCバッグです。多機種対応:外寸:335mm 235mm 35mm;内寸:315mm 230mm 30mm。Chromebook 11/MacBook 12 Air 11.6/Surface Pro 6 5 4 3 /富士通/Dell/A 商品の写真は撮影の際の天気、照明、モニターの環境などの影響で、実物と多少違う場合がありますのでご了承ください。 ラップトップ ケース 11.6-12.5インチ ビジネス 就活通学 優れた縫製技術、防水素材と耐磨耗の生地を採用し、細部を気にして、良質で耐久性を持っております。軽量設計を採用し,デザインも簡潔で男女兼用できます。 衝撃吸収 撥水加工 汚れにくい 型崩れ防止 ふわふわ素材 取っ手付き。 2way 持ち歩けることだけでなく、バックパックに入れることができます。通勤、出張、通学、日常のお出かけなどいろんなシーンで重宝するPCバッグです。。 デザイン。360°優れた保護 ジッパーの周りに保護パッドあり、傷を防止してノートパソコンをしっかり守ります。パソコンケース内側の厚みのあるふわふわしたクッションは衝撃吸収に優れています。 便利 外側のポケットにはスマホやペンなどを収納でき、タブレットやアダプタなどを入れるスペースもあります。取っ手が付いているのため、単品として持ち歩けパソコンケース 11.6 12.1 12.5インチ PCケース ノートパソコン バッグ 360°保護 耐衝撃 ラップトップスリーブ レッツノート ケース 軽量 Macbook Air 11 Macbook 12 Ipad Pro 12.9 2021 Surface pro 7 6 12.4' Microsoft Surface Go 2 Surface La...(11.6-12.5インチレッド) 4,198円

kwmobile カバー 対応: Kobo Forma ケース - 電子リーダー PUレザー 電子書籍 保護ケース 紺色

商品情報商品の説明説明 kwmobileはスマートフォン、タブレット、その他のデバイス用にモダンで便利なアクセサリーを手頃な価格で販売。無数に存在するブランドやモデルに合わせて幅広く提供しています。 特徴 ぴったり: 以下のデバイスに対応: Kobo Forma 折り紙式構造: この折りたたみ式保護ケースはとても賢く設計されています。カバーについた折り目に合わせて折ることでさまざまな角度にあなたのブックを調整することが可能。動画視聴やレシピを確認する際にとっても便利! ダブルのホールドはもっといい: このケースであなたのデバイスを本のように開くことができ、常に両面がしっかりと保護されます。 強くて&安定: 頑丈な保護カバーは耐久性に優れ、日常の使用で起こる傷や摩擦をしっかり保護。全てのボタンや接続部分はいつも通り操作いただけます。背面だけでなくフロント部分も守れるので長いご使用を安定的にサポートします。 製品保証: 万が一購入商品に不具合がありましたら、弊社カスタマーサービスまでご連絡ください。お問い合わせ内容に応じて代替品交換または返金が可能です。ご安心して購入ください。 配送内容 1x PUレザー製 ケース 対応: Kobo Forma主な仕様 ぴったり: 以下のデバイスに対応: Kobo Formabr折り紙式構造: この折りたたみ式保護ケースはとても賢く設計されています。カバーについた折り目に合わせて折ることでさまざまな角度にあなたのブックを調整することが可能。動画視聴やレシピを確認する際にとっても便利!brダブルのホールドはもっといい: このケースであなたのデバイスを本のように開くことができ、常に両面がしっかりと保護されます。br強くて&安定: 頑丈な保護カバーは耐久性に優れ、日常の使用で起こる傷や摩擦をしっかり保護。全てのボタンや接続部分はいつも通り操作いただけます。背面だけでなくフロント部分も守れるので長いご使用を安定的にサポートします。br製品保証: 万が一購入商品に不具合がありましたら、弊社カスタマーサービスまでご連絡ください。お問い合わせ内容に応じて代替品交換または返金が可能です。ご安心して購入ください。 2,286円

kwmobile 対応: Kobo Forma ケース - 電子リーダー カバー - PUレザー 電子書籍 保護ケース 紺色

・ぴったり: 以下のデバイスに対応: Kobo Forma・折り紙式構造: この折りたたみ式保護ケースはとても賢く設計されています。カバーについた折り目に合わせて折ることでさまざまな角度にあなたのブックを調整することが可能。動画視聴やレシピを確認する際にとっても便利!・ダブルのホールドはもっといい: このケースであなたのデバイスを本のように開くことができ、常に両面がしっかりと保護されます。強くて&安定: 頑丈な保護カバーは耐久性に優れ、日常の使用で起こる傷や摩擦をしっかり保護。全てのボタンや接続部分はいつも通り操作いただけます。背面だけでなくフロント部分も守れるので長いご使用を安定的にサポートします。※在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。ご了承のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 4,500円

Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks (EnviroRisks 2024) Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental protection and Disaster Risks and 12th Annual CMDR COE Conference on Crisis management and Disaster Response【電子書籍】

<p>This book is a comprehensive collection of extended contributions from the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks and the 12th Annual CMDR COE Conference on Crisis Management and Disaster Response held in the period June 4?6, 2024, in Sofia, Bulgaria, as a hybrid participation event.</p> <p>Environmental protection and disaster risk topics are challenging fields, that scientific world is trying to address. Earthquakes, floods, fires, droughts, blizzards, dust storms, natural releases of toxic gases and liquids, diseases, and other environmental variations affect hundreds of millions of people each year. Many disaster events are triggered by human activities. Dealing with these problems requires a multidisciplinary scientific approach. Actions in these directions are taken more and more in the recent years by political bodies, NGOs, and scientific groups trying to find sustainable solutions for the future generations. Every point of view matters when it comes to our global homeーThe Planet Earth.</p> <p>This book presents recent advances in the topics: disaster management, natural hazards, risk reduction, and building resilience; climate change challenges and security implications; resilience and business continuity management; high-performance computing, modeling and simulations, GIS for environmental monitoring and artificial intelligence.</p> <p>The book is focused on important large-scale applications like environmental and climate modeling, computational optimizations and algorithms for specific hazard situations analyses.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 20,662円

A Brother’s Prayer Guide for the Safety and Wellbeing of his brother in the Army - A 90 Days Power Packed Word of God Based Prayer Points for the Safety and Protection of your brother in the Army【電子書籍】[ Ezekiel Benson ]

<p>As a Brother whose brother is serving in the military, there is always this fear for his wellbeing. The fear and the thought for his safety plagues your heart every day. You are constantly hoping and praying for his safe return. Sometimes when you hear a knock on your door, or hear the phone ring, you are praying that the person knocking on your door or calling you on the phone is not a bearer of bad news: The news that your brother has died in battle or in some military assignment!</p> <p>No Brother would want to have his brother who is in the army return home as a corpse or in a coffin or in a body bag, and that’s the reason why we should pray for the safety of our loved ones who are in the military. The government, military hi-tech and resources cannot protect your brother in the military; <strong>ONLY GOD CAN</strong>, and that is why you must pray for him.</p> <p>Your brother in the military needs your prayers and support to keep alive, well and healthy and to return home safely whenever he is done with his military assignment.</p> <p>To help you pray effectively for your brother in the military, I have written this prayer guide. It contains powerful <strong>WORD of GOD</strong> based prayers for the complete protection and wellbeing of your brother in the army and his safe return home from wherever he is stationed or assigned.</p> <p>This prayer guide was specifically created for any Brother who has his brother in the military either stationed in the country or in a foreign land. The focus of this prayer guide is for God to keep your brother alive and safe in all his military assignments and for him to return to his home country, family and friends alive, sound and healthy in body and mind after his military assignment.</p> <p>Remember, God honors his word. So, all you need to do is pray the scriptures and the prayer points given as they appear. The most important thing to remember is that God answers prayers according to His word, and that’s the reason why we have made the prayer points in this prayer guide <strong>WORD OF GOD BASED.</strong></p> <p>Praying for the protection of your brother in the military is easy once you know what scriptures to pray and where to find them. That is what this prayer guide does for you.</p> <p>The <strong>WORD of GOD</strong> based prayers in this prayer guide would help you rest knowing and being assured that no matter what hardship your brother in the military may face as a soldier, God is his keeper, provider and protector; and by the grace of God, he would be kept safe and sound by the power of God, and if he is stationed outside of home or your home country, he would return to his home land, family and friends safe and sound in the Mighty Name of the LORD Jesus Christ!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 505円

The Needed Change in the Age of Consent: An Appeal For the Better Protection of Our Girls【電子書籍】[ Richard Arthur ]

<p>Good laws, as a great statesman has said, are for the purpose of making it easy to do right and difficult to do wrong. Such laws protect the weak and ignorant who are unable to take care of themselves, and deter the cunning and unscrupulous from injuring their fellows. When the strong prey upon the weak in any community, without the law in any way attempting to prevent it, such apathy points to a low moral sensibility in the community in which it exists. This moral indifference and tolerance of injustice, must be charged against the people of New South Wales. Their representatives in Parliament have so devoted themselves to the strife for office and the incidence of taxation, that the question of protecting by law, the chastity of young girls, has been ignored. And the people have been content to have it so. In New South Wales, at the present time, any girl of fourteen years and a day, may be outraged, and unless it can be proved that actual violence was used, the law will do nothing to the man who has ruined her. In other words, the law of New South Wales gives its sanction to the seduction of every girl above fourteen, if this can be done without the employment of brute force. And experience shows that men are not slow to avail themselves of this license. In Sydney, the Rescue Homes, the Lying-in Hospitals, and the lock wards are filled with girls, some about to become mothers, others suffering from loathsome diseases, all social outcasts, and with a future of woe and tragedy before them. Is not this a foul blot on this colony? Are there no men with chivalrous feeling and pity for the weak, whose blood boils when they hear of these things, are there no women whose hearts go out to these poor, fallen children to save them? And cannot all see that it is infinitely better and easier to try and prevent this fall, than to remedy it after it has happened? For the means of doing this is at hand. It is to raise the age at which a girl can consent to her own seduction. The “Age of Consent” so-called, at present stands at fourteen years. Increase this age to at least eighteen, and thus give the girl protection during the four years of her life in which experience proves that danger threatens her most.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 640円

Flower of Destiny White House Protection Force Short Stories, #3【電子書籍】[ M. L. Buchman ]

<p>-White House Protection Force story #3-</p> <p><strong>Sergeant Nadia Bhatti</strong> and her Secret Service yellow Labrador <strong>Toni</strong> are always looking for troubleーit's their job. But they never expected to find it during a morning exercise run.</p> <p><strong>Director Herman Finegold</strong> of the National Herbarium seeks two things: an eastern wood-pewee bird sighting, and anything else to distract him from the terror of presenting a Memorial Day public lecture.</p> <p>But when the dangers turn very real, can a historic flower save the day?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 399円

International Protection of Adults【電子書籍】

<p>Increasing numbers of people have connections with one country, but live and work in another, frequently owning property or investments in several countries. People with lifelong or subsequently developed impairments of capacity move cross-border or have property or family interests or connections spread across different jurisdictions. This new work fills a gap in a specialist market for a detailed work advising lawyers on all the considerations in these situations. The book provides a clear, comprehensive, and unique overview of all relevant capacity and private international law issues, and the existing solutions in common law and civil law jurisdictions and under Hague Convention XXXV. It sets out the existing law of various important jurisdictions, including detailed chapters on the constituent parts of the UK, Ireland, Jersey, the Isle of Man and the Hague 35 states; and shorter chapters on 26 Non-Hague states and those within federal states, including coverage of the United States, several Australian and Canadian states, and a number of other Commonwealth jurisdictions. Containing a number of helpful case studies and flowcharts, the book draws upon the expertise of the editors in their respective fields, together with detailed contributions from expert practitioners and academics from each relevant jurisdiction. All the editors and many of the contributors and correspondents are members of STEP.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 30,138円

Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF): Concept Viability and Implementation - Carlisle Compendia of Collaborative Research - Fires, Intelligence, Movement, Maneuver, Sustainment, Protection, SOF Integration【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this excellent book by the U.S. Army provides an analysis of the Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) concept.</p> <p>The Army defines Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) as: 1) those units assigned or allocated to combatant commands, and 2) those service-retained, combatant command-aligned forces prepared by the Army for regional missions. They are drawn from the total force, including the Active Army, the Army National Guard, and the Army Reserve.3 RAF consist of organizations and capabilities that are forward stationed, operating in a combatant command area of responsibility, and supporting (or ready to support) combatant commands through reach-back capabilities from outside the area of responsibility. Furthermore, RAF conduct operational missions, bilateral and multilateral military exercises, and theater security cooperation activities.4 In theory, the RAF concept provides a scalable, tailorable capability to meet combatant commanders' steady-state and phase zero shaping requirements. Additionally, the RAF concept improves the Army's ability to provide culturally and regionally aware forces for specific missions. As U.S. bases overseas are reduced, the challenge will be to maintain robust regional engagement. The RAF concept is designed to meet this challenge.</p> <p>Neither the Secretary of Defense nor any combatant commanders have directed the Army to implement RAF. Since 2001, the revised global defense posture and the pursuit of increased cost savings have shifted force basing back to the United States. Increased emphasis on U.S.-based forces could undermine our current global posture. The RAF concept, however, increases the operational tempo of the U.S.-based troops and correspondingly increases annual operating costs. When compared to traditional U.S.-based training activities, RAF is an Army-induced cost that must be addressed when explaining the concept.</p> <p>The Army's mission, and the justification for force structure, remains to fight and win the nation's wars. The Army force generation (ARFORGEN) model directs Army units to prepare for likely military scenarios as prioritized in the defense strategy. ARFORGEN drives the prioritization of training resources. RAF is the supporting concept that drives force alignment for shaping operations within a theater or region. Shaping operations should be aligned with the prioritization of resources in ARFORGEN and the defense strategy. In a resource-constrained environment the supporting nature of the RAF concept should not be confused with the primary mission. In earlier times, combatant commands were assigned troops to perform the supported mission. Assigned forces conducted shaping operations and performed across the spectrum of conflict, to include theater and regional security cooperation activities. The RAF concept provides forces to a combatant commander without the full expense of forward basing. Regionally Aligned Forces, however, cannot easily prepare for ARFORGEN and RAF missions simultaneously. Opportunity costs among conflicting activities, training opportunities, and missions will occur. The strategic narrative must clearly articulate that RAF support combatant commanders' missions to prepare to fight and win the nation's wars. Current confusion about why the Army is implementing the RAF concept makes it appear that the RAF concept is a self-generated mission designed to ensure relevancy of a U.S.-based Army. The RAF concept is not the supported mission of the Army, nor should it appear to be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,311円

Critical Reflections on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Environmental Protection and Safety in the Wake of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident【電子書籍】[ Way Kuo ]

<p><strong>Provides a personal yet scientific comparative study of nuclear energy and a spectrum of other energies from a reliability point of view, as well as outlining guidelines for developing energy policies</strong></p> <p>The Fukushima nuclear accident made people ponder and question nuclear safety again, resulting in national decisions to phase out nuclear power completely. Is this the right decision? Are there better ways to deal with this important issue of the 21st century? <em>Critical Reflections on Nuclear and Renewable Energy</em> examines both the real and unreal potential dangers of nuclear power as well as a range of other energy sources, including coal, oil, gas, and renewable energies like solar, hydro, wind, and wave energy sources.</p> <p>The book analyzes the pros and cons of a spectrum of energies in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011. It maintains that we should look at nuclear energy from a rational point of view instead of being influenced by emotions or politicians’ arguments. The book also examines policies that concern science and technology, energy resources, environmental protection, and occupational safety, emphasizing the need to deepen the general populace’s understanding of the concept of reliability.</p> <p><em>Critical Reflections on Nuclear and Renewable Energy</em> provides both perspective and detail on the relative merits and state of the various energies and the real-life cost of new energies. The analysis considers mining, emissions, sustainability, cost implications, and energy security and safety. Through the discussion of the real cost and impact on environment of individual sources, this book provides a valuable insight into prospects for future energy development.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,118円

One Marshal's Badge: A Memoir of Fugitive Hunting, Witness Protection, and the U.S. Marshals Service【電子書籍】[ Louie McKinney ]

While many people are familiar with the U.S. Marshals Service's reputation from frontier days, when legendary lawmen such as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson enforced the Wild West, the agency's modern exploits are less well known. <i>One Marshal's Badge</i> sheds light on the service's valuable role in current national and international affairs through the intriguing figure of Louie McKinney, the agency's former director. <br /><br />McKinney's life is an inspirational story of personal fortitude and professional achievement. Growing up a sharecropper's son in the segregated South, McKinney rose to become the first career deputy to lead the Marshals Service. Prior to his promotion, McKinney contributed to the agency in many groundbreaking ways, including helping to restore order to the skies after a rash of airline hijackings in the early 1970s; guarding prisoner John Hinckley, the man who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, as a yearlong assignment; transporting criminals to trial and to prison in his own car before the creation of Con Air; enforcing the integration of Southern public schools as a black deputy marshal; and heading an innovative sting operation that netted hundreds of fugitives by enticing them with free football tickets.<br /><br /><i>One Marshal's Badge</i> offers a rare glimpse into the Marshal Service's inner workings, especially its witness protection program and elite SWAT team, and is an eyewitness account of the social turbulence that defined American history in the late twentieth century.<br />画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,031円

International Attention and the Protection of Human Rights Defenders Campaigning for Agents of Change【電子書籍】[ Janika Spannagel ]

<p>This book uses a practice-driven and empirically founded approach to address the question of whether and how international attention can protect and enable domestic human rights activists in authoritarian settings. It examines the untold origin story of the ‘human rights defender’ term and its uptake among international advocacy organizations, which coalesced with the rise of a theory of human rights change centered around the support for local actors.</p> <p>Rich with analyses of original qualitative and quantitative data, the author spells out this theory of change and tests its assumptions in two case studies: the individual casework of the UN special procedures, and the case of Tunisia under Ben Ali.</p> <p>This book is of key interest to scholars and students of human rights, of the United Nations, and more broadly of international relations and politics in general, and to practitioners working with human rights defenders at risk.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,285円

Intumescent Coating and Fire Protection of Steel Structures【電子書籍】[ Guo-Qiang Li ]

<p><em>Intumescent Coating and Fire Protection of Steel Structures</em> establishes the thermo insulation characteristics of intumescent coating under various fire and hydrothermal aging circumstances and shows how to predict the temperature elevation of steel structures protected with intumescent coatings in fires for avoiding structural damage.</p> <p>Introduced are the features and applications of intumescent coatings for protecting steel structures against fire. The constant effective thermal conductivity is defined and employed to simplify the quantification for the thermo-resistance of intumescent coatings. An experimental investigation into the hydrothermal aging effects on insulative properties of intumescent coatings is presented, as well as the influence of topcoat on insulation and aging of intumescent coatings. Also described is a practical method for calculating the temperature of the protected steel structures with intumescent coatings in order to evaluate the fire safety of a structure.</p> <p>The book is aimed at fire and structural engineers, as well as researchers and students concerned with the protection of steel structures.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 20,262円