Tantric in

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156件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

Tantric Ritual Tibetan香 / チベット香 お香 インセンス チベットのお香 ネパール インド アジア エスニック

■Tantric Ritual Tibetan香の詳細 素材 天然香料、天然糊材 お香の長さ 17cm程度 1パックの重量 約40g程度(約40本入ってます) 備考 輸入時に箱が潰れてしまいました。お送りする商品にも多少の潰れ、折れがございます 大ロットでのご購入について飲食店様、雑貨店様など、業務用の数の多いご注文も大歓迎です。在庫がある分は即納できます。配送についてあす楽についてクーポンプレゼントキャンペーンについてこちらの商品は「商品レビューで200円OFFクーポン プレゼント」キャンペーンの対象商品です。以下の画像をクリックで、キャンペーンの詳細ページをチェック! ティラキタではインド香、サシェ、アロマオイルなど、様々な香りを取り扱っていますが、今回はその中でもひときわ特別なお香であるチベット香を紹介してみたいと思います。 チベット香は薬草をふんだんに使用しているお香です。 火を点ける前から自然素材の香りがしますし、火を付けると飾らないナチュラルな香りでお部屋が満たされます。 チベット香の特別なポイントを挙げてみましょう。 1.薬草をふんだんに使用している。  チベット香は主に薬草と、自然の素材で作られています。 2.僧院で作られ、継承してきた  チベット文化の中心である僧院で研究、製造され、ずっと昔から継承されてきたお香です。 3.とても自然な香りがする  自然由来の素材を使っているので、とても自然な香りがして素敵です。 今回は、そんな素敵なチベット香の製造過程を見ていくことにしたいと思います。 ■チベット香の原料はヒマラヤの山から チベット香に使われる薬草たちは、標高4000メートルから5000メートルの高地に住む植物です。ティラキタ買い付け班、2018年に実際に行ってみて薬草を見てきました。 車でヒマラヤの坂道をどんどん登っていきました。 とにかく延々と上りが続きます。ガタガタいう砂利道を通り、 まさに数日前にがけ崩れがあった場所を通過し、 山をどんどん登っていきます。 半日ほどぐねぐね道を登り続けて、やっとこ標高4175mのセラ峠に到着!!! いやーー、長かった!! 標高が高すぎて、頭いたーい!!!! 峠にはチベット仏教が印刷され、幸運を呼ぶとされるタルチョーがこれでもかと張られていました。家に残してきた家族の安全を祈りながら、訪れた人たちが一枚、また一枚と張っていったものです。 ここは木々が生えることのできる森林限界にだいぶ近いところでした。 草木が一本も生えていない岩山も見えます。 チベット仏教の故郷である、中国のチベット高原はどこまで行ってもこんな風景だと聞きます。 足元には草木が細々と生えていました。 同行したドライバーが足元の植物はお香になるんだよと教えてくれました。 枯れた草の中に生えている茶色っぽい植物。 この草がチベット香の原料の一つなのだそうです。 高地に適応したシャクナゲ科の一種だとのことでした。 ■チベット香はお寺で乾燥させて作ります インド、アルナーチャル・プラデーシュ州のチベット仏教寺院に行ったときのことです。 世界的な有名なタワン僧院を超えて、山の中腹にあるチベット寺院に向かいました。 30分ほど車に揺られて到着したのは、とても質素な僧院。 入り口には回すことで功徳を得られるマニ車がありました。 テクテクと中に入っていくと、葉っぱやお豆などが中庭で干されていました。 よく見てみると、そこには先程の標高4000mの湖のほとりで見かけたシャクナゲ科の植物があるではありませんか! チベット香に使われるもう一つ主要な成分の一つが、ヒマラヤの高地に生息する松の木です。 こちらは松の葉っぱを、そのまま大きめの香炉に入れているところ。 原料を私達が使うお香にするにはいくつかの工程があります。 まず、香料になる植物を地面で乾燥させて、粉末状にします。 出来上がったお香パウダーに多少の糊材を入れ、ミックスしてペースト状にします。 ペーストをお香の形に整形し、乾燥させてパッケージに入れると完成です。 チベット僧院の中にはダライラマ法王の写真が飾られ、ティラキタでも取り扱っている密教用品ガンターとバジュラが当然のように置かれていました。毎日のお祈りで使っているのでしょうね。 僧院で生活する子供に出会いました。子供はどこの世界でもかわいいですね。 ■伝統的なレシピで作られているチベット香 チベット香の中には、ダライ・ラマ13世によって約100年前に設立されたMen-Tsee-Khang(メン・ツィー・カン)という施設で研究し、製造されているものもあります。 Men-Tsee-Khang(メン・ツィー・カン)はチベット医学及び暦法(占星術)の研究機関で、チベット医学や暦法の研究以外にもカーストや人種などに関わらず医療を提供したりしている機関です。 Men-Tsee-Khang(メン・ツィー・カン)は亡命チベット人たちとダライラマ法王がお住いになられるインド北部のダラムサラにあります。こちらの写真はダライラマ法王の法王庁です。 研究機関を作るだけでなく、チベット香の伝統的なレシピを後世に伝え、守るために薬草図も描かれています。チベット医学四部医典薬草図と呼ばれるものです。チベット医学四部医典薬草図にはチベット医学で使われる102種類のハーブが描かれています。 工場で作られた人工の香りがあふれる現代において、伝統のレシピで自然のハーブを使用して作られるチベット香の存在はとっても貴重だと思います。 実際にチベット香に火を灯してみると、自然香料ならではの優しい香りがお部屋を包み、なぜかホッとするのです。 ぜひ一度、伝統的なチベット香、お試しくださいませ。35全体の写真です。ネパールで昔ながらの製法で作られました。 箱の中身はこんな感じです。 お香はちょっと太めですが、付属のお香立てを使用できるので安心です。 ■ネパールの伝統的なお香です 伝統的な製法に基づいて作られているナチュラル香。ジュニパー、ジャッタマシ(Jattamasi=ネパール・チベットで使われているハーブ)、サンダルウッドなどがブレンドされています。香りは、かなりワイルド。いかにも植物由来、といった感じのスパイシーな香りです。ネパールやチベットの密教寺院に行くと、そこらじゅうでこの香りがするそうです。一本で約45分燃焼します。シンプルなお香立てが一個ついています。 680円

Hot Erotic Short Stories 3 in 1Naughty Adult Collection Taboo Sex Stories, Tantric Sex Guide, and Kama Sutra for Beginners. Immerse Yourself Into Forbidden Fantasies, Domination, and Role Play.【電子書籍】[ Eva Harmon ]

<p><strong>Hot Erotic Short Stories 3 in 1: A Sinfully Seductive Audio Collection</strong></p> <p>Prepare to be irresistibly drawn into the sultry world of "Hot Erotic Short Stories 3 in 1: A Sinfully Seductive Collection."</p> <p>This book is your ticket to an unforgettable journey through desire, passion, and unadulterated pleasure. Featuring three captivating segments, it will captivate your senses and leave you yearning for more.</p> <p>- Taboo Temptations: Forbidden Desires Unleashed<br /> Experience the allure of forbidden fantasies as they push the boundaries of what's considered off-limits. These gripping tales will awaken your deepest desires, setting your senses ablaze with a lustful intensity that's impossible to resist.</p> <p>- Tantric Bliss: Ignite Your Intimate Flames<br /> Discover the ancient art of Tantra, unlocking the secrets to profound connection and heightened sensuality. This sensual guide will lead you on a journey of prolonged ecstasy and intense pleasure, transforming your intimate moments into passionate, soul-stirring encounters.</p> <p>- Kama Sutra Unveiled: Sensual Exploration at Its Finest<br /> Uncover the timeless wisdom of the Kama Sutra as it guides you through the art of seduction, sexual positions, and the pursuit of ultimate pleasure. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned lover, this audiobook offers a tantalizing experience.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

チベタンインセンス(Tantric Ritual Tibetan Incenseタントリックリチュアルチベタンインセンス)/オールナチュラル&オールハンドメイドインセンス/ネパール香/チベット香/アジアン雑貨

よく一緒に購入されている商品お香 チベット仏教寺院タシチョリンモナストリの429円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ594円お香 アンチタバコ香 スティック /SAC A132円 オールナチュラル&オールハンドメイドで 作られているチベタンインセンスです。 ケミカル成分は一切使用しておりませんので 優しいお香です。 チベットのお香チベタンインセンスはチベットの 伝統的な配合レシピでネパールにて作られて おります。 ※芯が無い分本来のお香の純粋な香りがお楽しみ  頂けます。 ヒマラヤの薬草やジュニパー、ジャッタマシ、 サンダル等を伝統的製法でミックスした、 ケミカル臭さの一切無いナチュラルな香りです。 カレーの様なスパイシーで甘さのある癖になる香り。 生産国:ネパール 数量:約30本 【ミニ木製香たて付き】 お香サイズ:縦16.5cm/太さ3mm 輸入時や配送時に折れる場合があります。 現地では折って使用する事も多く不良品では ございませんので、ご了承下さい。 こちらのお香はポスト投函配送ではお送りできません。 ポスト投函配送をご指定の場合はこちらで宅急便に変更させて頂きますのでご了承ください。類似商品はこちらチベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ594円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ594円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ935円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ528円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ935円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ935円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ935円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ935円チベタンインセンス/オールナチュラル&オールハ935円新着商品はこちら2024/6/13タイ陶磁器ベンジャロン焼き香炉1点物 その2 1,848円~2024/6/13タイ陶磁器ベンジャロン焼き香炉1点物 その1 1,848円~2024/6/13タイ陶磁器ベンジャロン焼き香炉1点物 大き目 3,718円~再販商品はこちら2024/6/14お香 ナグチャンパ&フランキンセンス香スティッ165円2024/6/14お香 インド香オウロシカ マーブルパッケージ!198円2024/6/14お香 オーガニックガーデンホワイトセージ香 ス220円2024/06/14 更新 594円

Tantra Song: Tantric Painting from Rajasthan TANTRA SONG [ Franck Andre Jamme ]

TANTRA SONG Franck Andre Jamme Lawrence Rinder Franck Andre Jamme SIGLIO PR2011 Hardcover English ISBN:9780979956270 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 6,336円

The Tantric Dakini Oracle TANTRIC DAKINI ORACLE [ Nik Douglas ]

TANTRIC DAKINI ORACLE Nik Douglas Penny Slinger DESTINY BOOKS2003 Other New Boxed Set o English ISBN:9780892811373 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 5,544円

Dirty Explicit Sex Short Stories Box Set The Best Taboo Erotica Stories for Naughty Adults, Domination and Submission, Cuckold. Learn About Tantric Sex, Kama Sutra and Femdom【電子書籍】[ Eva Harmon ]

<p><strong>Embark on a thrilling exploration of pleasure and intimacy with 'Dirty Explicit Sex Short Stories Box Set.' This captivating collection is not just eroticaーit's an enlightening journey for those who seek to understand and embrace the art of passionate connection.</strong></p> <p>Dive into a world where desire knows no bounds as you navigate through taboo erotica stories meticulously crafted to stimulate both mind and body. Delve into the intricacies of Domination and Submission, explore the dyxnamics of Cuckold relationships, and unlock the secrets of Tantric Sex, Kama Sutra, and Femdom.</p> <p>More than just titillating tales, each story serves as a guide to the sensual, offering insights into the diverse facets of human desire. 'Dirty Explicit Sex Short Stories Box Set' is a bridge between fantasy and reality, a tool for those eager to enhance their understanding of pleasure, connection, and self-discovery.</p> <p>Prepare to be captivated by narratives that not only ignite passion but also foster a deeper appreciation for the art of love. This box set is a sophisticated and educational foray into the world of sensuality, curated for those who yearn to enrich their intimate experiences.</p> <p><em><strong>Ready to embark on a journey of discovery? Open these pages and let the exploration of desire, connection, and sexual enlightenment unfold.</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 458円

Songs of Flesh, Songs of Spirit: Nearly Tantric Poems of God, Sex, and Anything Else【電子書籍】[ Mark Shepard ]

<p>****************RATED R FOR LANGUAGE****************</p> <p>In this selection of poetry and short prose, Mark Shepard shares with you his twin obsessions with God and sex -- often in the same piece. Perhaps not since Solomon's Song of Songs have the lofty and the worldly been so entwined, like two lovers struggling toward communion. Humor, insight, reverence, sensuality, a penchant for austerity, and a gift of delight -- you'll find them all in "Songs of Flesh, Songs of Spirit."</p> <p>/</p> <p>Mark Shepard's poetry has appeared in such illustrious journals as Pegasus, Fountainhead, and The New Potato Caboose.</p> <p>/</p> <p>"Beautiful sparks in all kind of directions. Not the stylistic consistency that one sees in book-a-year poets, but more honesty, and a fine intensity." -- Rod Willmot, poetry editor, Black Moss Press</p> <p>/</p> <p>CONTENTS</p> <p>In a world . . .<br /> Crystal<br /> Poem for Lew<br /> Tell me something . . .<br /> You scream for my ****, but . . .<br /> We are destroyed . . .<br /> Disciple<br /> As the click of a boot heel . . .<br /> I Am a Searcher Among Stones<br /> Wet Dream<br /> Beth<br /> Sure, I love you . . .<br /> Bed-Hopping<br /> "Look!" she cried . . .<br /> Brian<br /> Lotus<br /> Circle Dance<br /> Gopi<br /> Soulmate</p> <p>/</p> <p>GOPI</p> <p>[Note: A gopi is one of the cowmaid lovers of Krishna. -- Mark]</p> <p>Last night my Lord came to me.<br /> I had lain many nights waiting,<br /> hoping His favor would find me,<br /> there in the dark.<br /> When He came, He came in silence --<br /> I did not hear Him enter,<br /> did not see Him till He stood by my bed.<br /> I gave a small cry,<br /> but He reached out His hand to quiet me,<br /> to soothe me.<br /> Then He slid beneath the covers,<br /> and my arms received Him.</p> <p>I have not been known as a passive lover,<br /> yet, feeling the weight of this man upon me,<br /> I wished only to lie and receive His strength.<br /> His hands were gentle,<br /> his fingers sensitive,<br /> and His touch, wherever it fell,<br /> made me feel my skin had come alive.<br /> His mouth pressed my mouth,<br /> and when I felt it on my neck and breasts,<br /> my body trembled in reply.<br /> When He entered in, I begged for roughness--<br /> but He would have none of it.<br /> Slowly He moved, and smoothly.<br /> To my delight, I felt the fire building--<br /> to my surprise,<br /> I found the mild more forceful than the strong.<br /> I felt Him build within my swelling joy,<br /> and when He came,<br /> I felt as if a light had flooded me.<br /> "Lord," I cried, "my Lord."<br /> But I did not come with Him.<br /> Lord help me, I could not.<br /> Even then, something held back.</p> <p>When I had received His all,<br /> he did not forget me,<br /> but gently stroked me<br /> and whispered pleasure in my ear.<br /> And when I cried,<br /> he comforted me,<br /> and told me not to mind,<br /> and promised He would come again.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

洋書 Love Letters from Golok: A Tantric Couple in Modern Tibet

*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個人輸入」としての取り扱いになり、すべてニュージャージからお客様のもとへ直送されます。 ・ご注文後、30営業日以内(通常2~3週間)に配送手続きをいたします。配送作業完了後、2週間程度でのお届けとなります。 ・まれに商品入荷状況や国際情勢、運送、通関事情により、お届けが2ヶ月までかかる場合がありますのでお急ぎの場合は注文をお控えください。 ・個人輸入される商品は、すべてご注文者自身の「個人使用・個人消費」が前提となりますので、ご注文された商品を第三者へ譲渡・転売することは法律で禁止されております。 ・関税・消費税が課税される場合があります。詳細はこちらをご確認下さい。PC販売説明文 7,422円

Tantric Temples Eros and Magic in Java【電子書籍】[ Peter Levenda ]

<p>Tantra is one of the most misunderstood of the esoteric disciplines. In order to get a clear idea as to the nature of Tantric ritual and belief it is necessary to go where Tantra is still practiced and from where important Tantric teachings originated a thousand years ago: the island of Java in present-day Indonesia.</p> <p>This book illustrates the history of Tantrism in Java with more than a hundred photographs of temples, statues and iconography dedicated to the system -- some rarely seen before, including the recently-excavated "white temple" of Yogyakarta -- and accounts of contemporary practices in the shrines, cemeteries and secret schools of Java</p> <p>It is this Tantra -- the Tantra of Java -- that has influenced secret societies, mystics, alchemists, Kabbalists and magicians for hundreds if not thousands of years. This book tells the story of how human sexuality became a metaphor and a template for both spiritual transformation and the manipulation of reality/ of how various sexual acts and psycho-biological states became the basis for a comprehensive cosmology that incorporates every aspect of human experience.</p> <p>Sometimes the secrets are buried where you least expect to find them. Sometimes they are hidden in plain sight. Sometimes... they are both. In the largest Muslim country in the world we will discover a path of Tantra so unique, yet so vibrant and alive, that we will be astonished that no one had heard of it until now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,066円

Conjuring the Buddha Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism【電子書籍】[ Jacob P. Dalton ]

<p>Ritual manuals are among the most common and most personal forms of Buddhist literature. Since at least the late fifth century, individual practitionersーincluding monks, nuns, teachers, disciples, and laypeopleーhave kept texts describing how to perform the daily rites. These manuals represent an intimate counterpart to the canonical sutras and the tantras, speaking to the lived experience of Buddhist practice.</p> <p><em>Conjuring the Buddha</em> offers a history of early tantric Buddhist ritual through the lens of the Tibetan manuscripts discovered near Dunhuang on the ancient Silk Road. Jacob P. Dalton argues that the spread of ritual manuals offered Buddhists an extracanonical literary form through which to engage with their tradition in new and locally specific ways. He suggests that ritual manuals were the literary precursors to the tantras, crucial to the emergence of esoteric Buddhism. Examining a series of ninth- and tenth-century tantric manuals from Dunhuang, Dalton uncovers lost moments in the development of rituals such as consecration, possession, sexual yoga, the Great Perfection, and the subtle body practices of the winds and channels. He also traces the use of poetic language in ritual manuals, showing how at pivotal moments, metaphor, simile, rhythm, and rhyme were deployed to evoke carefully sculpted affective experiences. Offering an unprecedented glimpse into the personal practice of early tantric Buddhists, <em>Conjuring the Buddha</em> provides new insight into the origins and development of the tantric tradition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,972円

Conjuring the Buddha Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism【電子書籍】[ Jacob P. Dalton ]

<p>Ritual manuals are among the most common and most personal forms of Buddhist literature. Since at least the late fifth century, individual practitionersーincluding monks, nuns, teachers, disciples, and laypeopleーhave kept texts describing how to perform the daily rites. These manuals represent an intimate counterpart to the canonical sutras and the tantras, speaking to the lived experience of Buddhist practice.</p> <p><em>Conjuring the Buddha</em> offers a history of early tantric Buddhist ritual through the lens of the Tibetan manuscripts discovered near Dunhuang on the ancient Silk Road. Jacob P. Dalton argues that the spread of ritual manuals offered Buddhists an extracanonical literary form through which to engage with their tradition in new and locally specific ways. He suggests that ritual manuals were the literary precursors to the tantras, crucial to the emergence of esoteric Buddhism. Examining a series of ninth- and tenth-century tantric manuals from Dunhuang, Dalton uncovers lost moments in the development of rituals such as consecration, possession, sexual yoga, the Great Perfection, and the subtle body practices of the winds and channels. He also traces the use of poetic language in ritual manuals, showing how at pivotal moments, metaphor, simile, rhythm, and rhyme were deployed to evoke carefully sculpted affective experiences. Offering an unprecedented glimpse into the personal practice of early tantric Buddhists, <em>Conjuring the Buddha</em> provides new insight into the origins and development of the tantric tradition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,738円

Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions【電子書籍】[ Christian Wedemeyer ]

<p><em>Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism</em> fundamentally rethinks the nature of the transgressive theories and practices of the Buddhist Tantric traditions, challenging the notion that the Tantras were "marginal" or primitive and situating them insteadーboth ideologically and institutionallyーwithin larger trends in mainstream Buddhist and Indian culture.</p> <p>Critically surveying prior scholarship, Wedemeyer exposes the fallacies of attributing Tantric transgression to either the passions of lusty monks, primitive tribal rites, or slavish imitation of Saiva traditions. Through comparative analysis of modern historical narrativesーthat depict Tantrism as a degenerate form of Buddhism, a primal religious undercurrent, or medieval ritualismーhe likewise demonstrates these to be stock patterns in the European historical imagination.</p> <p>Through close analysis of primary sources, Wedemeyer reveals the lived world of Tantric Buddhism as largely continuous with the Indian religious mainstream and deploys contemporary methods of semiotic and structural analysis to make sense of its seemingly repellent and immoral injunctions. Innovative, semiological readings of the influential <em>Guhyasamaja Tantra</em> underscore the text's overriding concern with purity, pollution, and transcendent insightーissues shared by all Indic religionsーand a large-scale, quantitative study of Tantric literature shows its radical antinomianism to be a highly managed ritual observance restricted to a sacerdotal elite. These insights into Tantric scripture and ritual clarify the continuities between South Asian Tantrism and broader currents in Indian religion, illustrating how thoroughly these "radical" communities were integrated into the intellectual, institutional, and social structures of South Asian Buddhism.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,631円

What Was in Buddha's Left Hand? Tantric Teachings To Transform Neurosis Into Sanity【電子書籍】[ Ira Rechtshaffer ]

<p>Einstein famously stated that there are only two ways to live: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is. When we're undefended, psychologically naked with nothing standing between us and our immediate experience, then everyday miracles are within reach. Opening to the moment unfolding right before our eyes, exactly as it is, becomes a doorway into a magical landscape.</p> <p>What Was in Buddha's Left Hand? inspires us to experience the world with refreshing openness and appreciation, where we might discover enlightenment where we least expect to find it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 960円

Goddess Traditions in Tantric Hinduism History, Practice and Doctrine【電子書籍】

<p>Hinduism cannot be understood without the Great Goddess and the goddess-orientated ??kta traditions. The Goddess pervades Hinduism at all levels, from aniconic village deities to high-caste pan-Hindu goddesses to esoteric, tantric goddesses. Nevertheless, the highly influential tantric forms of South Asian goddess worship have only recently begun to draw scholarly attention. This book addresses the increasing interest in the Great Goddess and the tantric traditions of India by exploring the history, doctrine and practices of the ??kta tantric traditions.</p> <p>The highly influential tantric forms of South Asian goddess worship form a major part of what is known as ‘??ktism’, and is often considered one of the major branches of Hinduism next to ?aivism, Vai??avism and Sm?rtism. ??ktism is, however, less clearly defined than the other major branches, and the book looks at the texts of the ??kta traditions that constitute the primary sources for gaining insights into the ??kta religious imaginative, ritual practices and history. It provides an historical exploration of distinctive Indian ways of imagining God as Goddess, and surveys the important origins and developments within ??kta history, practice and doctrine in its diversity.</p> <p>Bringing together contributions from some of the foremost scholars in the field of tantric studies, the book provides a platform for the continued research into Hindu goddesses, yoga, and tantra for those interested in understanding the religion and culture in South Asia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,945円

Orgasm in the whole body through tantric sex【電子書籍】[ Ananda Sheela ]

<p>You're about to learn about the most wonderful book on Tantra. It's going to be your secret weapon to experience whole body orgasm. Enjoy reading this book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,455円

Passionate Enlightenment Women in Tantric Buddhism【電子書籍】[ Miranda Shaw ]

<p>The crowning cultural achievement of medieval India, Tantric Buddhism is known in the West primarily for the sexual practices of its adherents, who strive to transform erotic passion into spiritual ecstasy. Historians of religion have long held that the enlightenment thus attempted was for men only, and that women in the movement were at best marginal and subordinated and at worst degraded and exploited. Miranda Shaw argues to the contrary, presenting extensive new evidence of the outspoken and independent female founders of the Tantric movement and their creative role in shaping its distinctive vision of gender relations and sacred sexuality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,268円

Tantric State A Buddhist Approach to Democracy and Development in Bhutan【電子書籍】[ William J. Long ]

<p>Today, the majority of sovereign states can be described as "democracies" because they possess elected political leadership and some measure of commitment to the protection and promotion of individual rights and equality under law. In the economic realm, most democracies are market-based and are integrated into wider regional and global markets. Virtually all are organized around Western liberal principles and values. For some, these philosophical commitments are indigenous and longstanding, and for others they were imported later, often through colonization. This book asks how democratic governance and economic development differ when founded on Eastern, Buddhist principles, rather than Western, liberal, and Enlightenment values and beliefs. The small, remote country of Bhutan is the only democratic, market-based state that is rooted constitutionally and culturally in Mahayana Buddhist principles and ethics. In this book, William J. Long provides an authentic basis for theoretical and empirical comparison between two distinct models of democracy and development that differ on important, first-order principles. Bhutanese Buddhist and Western liberal concepts of the individual "self," "human nature" and "the pursuit of happiness"-the building blocks of democratic and market-based economic theory-differ profoundly. Because the two approaches-liberal and Buddhist-are based on distinctive philosophical traditions, this comparison elucidates new questions, frames of inquiry, and alternative understandings of democracy and development. The book describes how democratic political institutions and markets emerged and how they function in Bhutan, demonstrating how, in real-world terms, Bhutan organizes and operates a political and economic system consistent with its Buddhist worldview. It considers the nature of Bhutan's unique political institutions and its economic touchstone, the pursuit of "Gross National Happiness (GNH)," rather than Gross National Product, as its ordering principle for policy. Ultimately, <em>Tantric State</em> reflects on whether Bhutan's unique model can withstand the forces of globalization and what insights Bhutan might have to share with the rest of us about dilemmas facing Western democracies and the need to pursue development in a more holistic and sustainable way.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 12,484円

Tantric Buddhist Practice in India Vil?savajra’s commentary on the Ma?ju?r?-n?masa?g?ti【電子書籍】[ Anthony Tribe ]

<p>Using a commentary on the influential text, the Ma?ju?r?-n?masa?g?ti, ‘The Chanting of the Names of Ma?ju?r?’, this book deals with Buddhist tantric meditation practice and its doctrinal context in early-medieval India. The commentary was written by the 8th-9th century Indian tantric scholar Vil?savajra, and the book contains a translation of the first five chapters. The translation is extensively annotated, and accompanied by introductions as well as a critical edition of the Sanskrit text based on eight Sanskrit manuscripts and two blockprint editions of the commentary’s Tibetan translation.</p> <p>The commentary interprets its root text within an elaborate framework of tantric visualisation and meditation that is based on an expanded form of the Buddhist Yoga Tantra mandala, the Vajradh?tu-ma??ala. At its heart is the figure of Ma?ju?r?, no longer the familiar bodhisattva of wisdom, but now the embodiment of the awakened non-dual gnosis that underlies all Buddhas as well their activity in the cosmos.</p> <p>The book contributes to our understanding of the history of Indian tantric Buddhism in a period of significant change and innovation. With its extensively annotated translation and lengthy introductions the book is designed to appeal not only to professional scholars and research students but also to contemporary Buddhists.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,338円

洋書 Paperback, An Introduction to Tantric Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Tantric Traditions)

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The Goddess in Hindu-Tantric Traditions Devi as Corpse【電子書籍】[ Anway Mukhopadhyay ]

<p>The Great Goddess, in her various puranic and tantric forms, is often figured as sitting on a corpse which is identified as Shiva-as-shava (God Shiva, the consort of the Devi and an iconic representation of the Absolute without attributes, the Nirguna Brahman). Hence, most of the existing critical works and ethnographic studies on Shaktism and the tantras have focused on the theological and symbolic paraphernalia of the corpses which operate as the asanas (seats) of the Devi in her various iconographies.</p> <p>This book explores the figurations of the Goddess as corpse in several Hindu puranic and Shakta-tantric texts, popular practices, folk belief systems, legends and various other cultural phenomena based on this motif. It deals with a more intricate and fundamental issue than existing works on the subject: how and why is the Devi ? herself - figured as a corpse in the Shakta texts, belief systems and folk practices associated with the tantras? The issues which have been raised in this book include: how does death become a complement to life within this religious epistemology? How does one learn to live with death, thereby lending new definitions and new epistemic and existential dimensions to life and death? And what is the relation between death and gender within this kind of figuration of the Goddess as death and dead body? Analysing multiple mythic narratives, hymns and scriptural texts where the Devi herself is said to take the form of the Shava (the corpse) as well as the Shakti who animates dead matter, this book focuses not only on the concept of the theological equivalence of the Shava (Shiva as corpse) and the Shakti (Energy) in tantras but also on the status of the Divine Mother as the Great Bridge between the apparently irreconcilable opposites, the mediatrix between Spirit and Matter, death and life, existence-in-stasis and existence-in-kinesis.</p> <p>This book makes an important contribution to the fields of Hindu Studies, Goddess Spirituality, South Asian Religions, Women and Religion, India, Studies in Shaktism and Tantra, Cross-cultural Religious Studies, Gender Studies, Postcolonial Spirituality and Ecofeminism.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,338円

Early Tantric Medicine Snakebite, Mantras, and Healing in the Garuda Tantras【電子書籍】[ Michael Slouber ]

<p>Snakebite may sound like a rare and exotic phenomenon, but in India it is a problem that affects 1.4 million people every year and results in over 45,000 deaths. A traditional medical system that flourished over 1,000 years ago, the Garuda Tantras had a powerful influence on medicine for snakebite, and some of their practices remain popular to this day. In <em>Early Tantric Medicine</em>,Michael Slouber offers a close examination of the Garuda Tantras, which were deemed lost until the author discovered numerous ancient titles surviving in Sanskrit manuscripts written on fragile palm-leaves. The volume brings to life this rich tradition in which knowledge and faith are harnessed in complex visualizations accompanied by secret mantras to an array of gods and goddesses; this religious system is combined with herbal medicine and a fascinating mix of lore on snakes, astrology, and healing. The book's appendices include an accurate yet readable translation of ten chapters of the most significant Tantric medical text to be recovered: the Kriyakalagunottara. Also included is a critical edition based on the surviving Nepalese manuscripts. Tying in to interest in holistic medicine, meditation, and Tantra, this volume sheds light on a nearly forgotten piece of history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 20,997円

Love Letters from Golok A Tantric Couple in Modern Tibet【電子書籍】[ Holly Gayley ]

<p><em>Love Letters from Golok</em> chronicles the courtship between two Buddhist tantric masters, T?re Lhamo (1938?2002) and Namtrul Rinpoche (1944?2011), and their passion for reinvigorating Buddhism in eastern Tibet during the post-Mao era. In fifty-six letters exchanged from 1978 to 1980, T?re Lhamo and Namtrul Rinpoche envisioned a shared destiny to "heal the damage" done to Buddhism during the years leading up to and including the Cultural Revolution. Holly Gayley retrieves the personal and prophetic dimensions of their courtship and its consummation in a twenty-year religious career that informs issues of gender and agency in Buddhism, cultural preservation among Tibetan communities, and alternative histories for minorities in China.</p> <p>The correspondence between Tare Lhamo and Namtrul Rinpoche is the first collection of "love letters" to come to light in Tibetan literature. Blending tantric imagery with poetic and folk song styles, their letters have a fresh vernacular tone comparable to the love songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama, but with an eastern Tibetan flavor. Gayley reads these letters against hagiographic writings about the couple, supplemented by field research, to illuminate representational strategies that serve to narrate cultural trauma in a redemptive key, quite unlike Chinese scar literature or the testimonials of exile Tibetans. With special attention to Tare Lhamo's role as a tantric heroine and her hagiographic fusion with Namtrul Rinpoche, Gayley vividly shows how Buddhist masters have adapted Tibetan literary genres to share private intimacies and address contemporary social concerns.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,631円

Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism PASSIONATE ENLIGHTENMENT (Princeton Classics) [ Miranda Shaw ]

PASSIONATE ENLIGHTENMENT Princeton Classics Miranda Shaw PRINCETON UNIV PR2022 Paperback English ISBN:9780691235592 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 3,643円

Kiss of the Yogini "Tantric Sex" in its South Asian Contexts【電子書籍】[ David Gordon White ]

<p>For those who wonder what relation actual Tantric practices bear to the "Tantric sex" currently being marketed so successfully in the West, David Gordon White has a simple answer: there is none. Sweeping away centuries of misunderstandings and misrepresentations, White returns to original texts, images, and ritual practices to reconstruct the history of South Asian Tantra from the medieval period to the present day.</p> <p><em>Kiss of the Yogini</em> focuses on what White identifies as the sole truly distinctive feature of South Asian Tantra: sexualized ritual practices, especially as expressed in the medieval Kaula rites. Such practices centered on the exchange of powerful, transformative sexual fluids between male practitioners and wild female bird and animal spirits known as Yoginis. It was only by "drinking" the sexual fluids of the Yoginis that men could enter the family of the supreme godhead and thereby obtain supernatural powers and transform themselves into gods. By focusing on sexual rituals, White resituates South Asian Tantra, in its precolonial form, at the center of religious, social, and political life, arguing that Tantra was the mainstream, and that in many ways it continues to influence contemporary Hinduism, even if reformist misunderstandings relegate it to a marginal position.</p> <p><em>Kiss of the Yogini</em> contains White's own translations from over a dozen Tantras that have never before been translated into any European language. It will prove to be the definitive work for persons seeking to understand Tantra and the crucial role it has played in South Asian history, society, culture, and religion.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,960円

The Tantric Mastery Collection: The Complete Tantric Mastery Series 3-in1 Compilation【電子書籍】[ Catherine Auman ]

<p>Create the Sex, Love and Romance of Your Dreams</p> <p>Imagine yourself in a perfect soulmate relationship full of sex, love and romance. Open yourself to love and awareness. This 3-Books-in-One compilation of these beautiful, bestselling books teaches you how.</p> <p>Catherine Auman's Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process was named one of the Best Dating Books of All Time by BookAuthority. Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance follows up this success by teaching you what to do next after attracting your perfect love to maintain the magic. In Tantric Relating: Relationship Advice to Find and Keep Sex, Love and Romance, you'll learn how to speak your truth and keep the love fires burning.</p> <p>In Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process you will discover</p> <p>the true definition of tantra and how it is more about love than sex<br /> how by dating in the conventional way you may be getting further and further away from the love you crave<br /> how you can develop yourself into a person who feels love and thus attracts love<br /> how your dating life and your spiritual life can align and be one and the same</p> <p>In Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance you will learn</p> <p>how to be in partnership and create your perfect soulmate relationship<br /> how soulmate relationships are created<br /> how conventional advice has steered you wrong<br /> what kind of work to do on yourself</p> <p>In Tantric Relating: Relationship Advice to Find and Keep Sex, Love and Romance you will</p> <p>complete your knowledge by learning to speak your truth<br /> learn to set and keep agreements that support your togetherness<br /> find out the secrets of verbal and nonverbal communication</p> <p>Get Started Immediately</p> <p>Buy Now and take the first step on your journey to creating your perfect soulmate relationship by using tantric secrets. Scroll to the top of the page and hit the Buy button.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 778円

Courtesans and Tantric Consorts Sexualities in Buddhist Narrative, Iconography, and Ritual【電子書籍】[ Serinity Young ]

<p>The wisest teachings of Buddhism say that, like all oppositions, one must move beyond gender. But as Serinity Young shows in this enlightening work, the rhetoric of Buddhist texts, the symbolism of its iconography, and the performative import of its rituals, tell different, and often contradictory, stories. In <em>Courtesans and Tantric Consorts</em>, Serinity Young takes the reader on a journey through more than 2000 years of biographical writings, iconographic depictions, and ritual practices revealing Buddhism's deep struggles with gender.<br /> Juxtaposing empowering images of women with their textual repudiation, beginning with the Buddha himself who abandoned his wife; tantric courtesans who are considered necessary to male enlightenment with fertility rituals designed to ensure male offspring; tales of gender-bending gods and goddesses with all male heavens; Serinity Young draws on a vast range of sources to reveal the colourful, and often troubling, mosaic of beliefs that inform Buddhist views about gender and sexuality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,942円

How to Really Love a Woman In Four Tantric Trysts【電子書籍】[ Sasha Lessin ]

<p>FOUR TANTRIC TRYSTS guides you as Giver as you adore and nurture a female lover--your Receiver. You show her she can trust you as her healer. You help her heal herself and adopt strategies to love wisely and expand her sexual ecstacy. When youve trysted tantrically, you love each other more and better. In Tantra Tryst 1, Activate Your Chakras, you open your energy vortexes (chakras) to each other. You share your diverse inner-voices. Learn, in this tryst, what hurts and scares your Inner Kids. See how you grew subselves to block pain and fear. You discern when to lower your subself shields, share vulnerability and connect with each other. You synergize your inner selves dance within and between you. In Tryst 2, Reprogram Her Parental Imprints, you help your Receiver escape the automatic limits her rearers and culture inculcated. Then she reacts to you as you, not as a stand-in for a parent. Tryst 3, Refine How You Relate, you guide her through exercises to refine how you and she relate. You establish the trust you need to nurture, adore, delight and worship her so she can safely express everything to you. Tryst 4, Heal Her Heart, Encourage Her Ejaculation, you touch her vagina inside and trigger repressed, suppressed and under-expressed pain she expresses as you touch, pain that blocks her full sexual sensuality and inhibits ejaculatory orgasms. You help her express pain and release her blocks so she can, when she chooses, ejaculate. You stroke her inner clitoris and urethral sponge till she ejaculates and rises to new delight heights.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,144円

Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation【電子書籍】

<p>Tantric traditions in both Buddhism and Hinduism are thriving throughout Asia and in Asian diasporic communities around the world, yet they have been largely ignored by Western scholars until now. This collection of original essays fills this gap by examining the ways in which Tantric Buddhist traditions have changed over time and distance as they have spread across cultural boundaries in Asia. The book is divided into three sections dedicated to South Asia, Central Asia, and East Asia. The essays cover such topics as the changing ideal of masculinity in Buddhist literature, the controversy triggered by the transmission of the Indian Buddhist deity Heruka to Tibet in the 10th century, and the evolution of a Chinese Buddhist Tantric tradition in the form of the True Buddha School. The book as a whole addresses complex and contested categories in the field of religious studies, including the concept of syncretism and the various ways that the change and transformation of religious traditions can be described and articulated. The authors, leading scholars in Tantric studies, draw on a wide array of methodologies from the fields of history, anthropology, art history, and sociology. <em>Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation</em> is groundbreaking in its attempt to look past religious, linguistic, and cultural boundaries.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,221円

スケッチャーズ メンズ スニーカー シューズ Men's Tantric - Fritz Flip-Flop Thong Sandals from Finish Line Brown

■靴サイズ 単位(cm) USサイズ|長さ(cm) 5 |23cm 6 |24cm 7 |25cm 8 |26cm 9|27cm 10|28cm 11|29cm 12|30cm ■ブランド Skechers (スケッチャーズ)■商品名 Men's Tantric - Fritz Flip-Flop Thong Sandals from Finish Line■こちらの商品は米国・ヨーロッパからお取り寄せ商品となりますので、 お届けまで10日〜2週間前後お時間頂いております。 ■各ブランド・商品・デザインによって大きな差異がある場合がございます。 ■あくまで平均的なサイズ表ですので、「参考」としてご利用ください。 ■店内全品【送料無料】です!(※沖縄・離島は別途送料3,300円がかかります) 11,480円

Passionate Enlightenment Women in Tantric Buddhism【電子書籍】[ Miranda Shaw ]

<p><strong>The now-classic exploration of the role of women and the feminine in Buddhist Tantra</strong></p> <p>The crowning cultural achievement of medieval India, Tantric Buddhism is known in the West primarily for the sexual practices of its adherents, who strive to transform erotic passion into spiritual bliss. Historians of religion have long held that this attempted enlightenment was for men only, and that women in the movement were at best marginal and subordinated and at worst degraded and exploited. In <em>Passionate Enlightenment</em>, Miranda Shaw argues to the contrary and presents extensive evidence of the outspoken and independent female founders of the Tantric movement and their creative role in shaping its distinctive vision of gender relations and sacred sexuality. Including a new preface by the author, this Princeton Classics edition makes an essential work available for new audiences.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,452円