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1470件中 451件 - 480件  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Get Used to Different A Student Guide to The Chosen【電子書籍】[ Amanda Jenkins ]

<p><em><strong>Get Used to Different</strong></em> <strong>is a nine-week devotional Bible study for students who long to know more about who they are in Christ, how to follow Him in light of that knowledge, and how to let Jesus lead them in their interactions with those around them.</strong></p> <p>Every new generation asks the same fundamental questions… Who am I? Where do I fit in? How do I find meaning, belonging, and acceptance? Jesus answered all these questions in a radically simple way: “Follow me.”</p> <p>In this nine-week study, students will dive into Scripture alongside <em>The Chosen</em> series to:</p> <ul> <li>Discover who Jesus says they really are</li> <li>Understand what it means to follow Him</li> <li>Learn how to surrender in both good and bad times</li> <li>Find what their hearts are truly longing for</li> </ul> <p>With reflection questions and discussion guides, along with QR codes that link directly to clips from the show, students will begin to understand the freedom that comes from knowing none of us have life totally figured outーbut Jesus does. Through Scripture, the show, and this book, students will learn how to get used to different.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,565円

Rail Road Rebels: Women Who Refused To Settle【電子書籍】[ Sara L. Weston ]

<p>Exploring a part of history that remained largely untold, 'Rail Road Rebels' delves into the shadows and onto the sunny patches of the lives led astray from the mainstream by choice or by necessity. The rails called out to those whose hearts yearned for freedom beyond the white picket fences, beyond the confines of a society that dictated the path one ought to walkー or rather, the path one could walk if they conformed to their assigned roles.These women, these rebels on railways, tell a story of courage.</p> <p>'Rail Road Rebels' reflects not only on the past but also considers how these pioneering women have shaped narratives of feminism and freedom that echo in contemporary times. They remain, albeit esoteric, an essential part of the dialogue surrounding the evolution of gender roles and autonomy.</p> <p>As the reader traverses through these chapters and into the lives of women who made the railways their domain, they will come to recognize a shared human desireーthe unquenchable thirst for liberation, for writing one's script in the face of adversity, and for living a life that's truly one's own.This book is an ode to their unbound spirit, an acknowledgment of the trails blazed and the trains jumped, of the bonds formed amidst the roar of engines, and the choice to ride into the unknown. In essence, it captures the essence of what it meantーand still meansーto be a rebel on railways.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,100円

【期間限定ポイント10倍】【マニア・コレクター】訳有 パタゴニア ウォーン ウェア キャンペーン ステッカー 2023 海外 Ver Patagonia WORN WEAR USED TO BE COOL シール 非売品 修理 FIX

正規品 ■サイズ(最長部)■ 約8.8CM×約6.3CM コンディション:新品未使用、べたつき、折れ、汚れ、傷等のある訳有品です。またワケアリ箇所が異なる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。ネコポスで発送いたします。(追跡番号あり、3000円まで保証有、ポスト投函(ポストに入らない場合は持ち戻ります)、重さ1Kg以内、厚さが2.5cmまでの為、基本的には緩衝材等を使えない点、日時指定、代金引換は不可な点、予めご了承下さい) ■コメント■ パタゴニアの入手困難な非売品のキャンペーンステッカー「ウォーンウェア」 の2023年モデル、Used to be cool、海外バージョンです。裏面が白の国内ではほとんど出回っていない非常に入手困難なステッカーです。ステッカーカスタムに、コレクションにいかがでしょうか?その他にもパタゴニアのステッカーの種類、在庫がございます。複数お求めのお客様は事前にお問い合わせをお願いいたします。パタゴニアステッカー patagoniaステッカー アウトドア キャンプ ギア カスタム 1,870円

【送料無料】[枚数限定][限定]THE PLACE WE USED TO MEET【アナログ盤】【輸入盤】▼/スカウティング・フォー・ガールズ[ETC]【返品種別A】

Joshin web CD/DVD楽天市場店
品 番:1965881800-1発売日:2023年10月13日発売出荷目安:約1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□※数量限定につき、お一人様1枚(組)限り品 番:1965881800-1発売日:2023年10月13日発売出荷目安:約1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□LPロック発売元:輸入盤◆国内入荷予定が遅れる場合もございます◆※海外メーカー都合により、商品内容が急遽変更となる場合がございます。※発売日は現地の発売日です。※日本語ブックレット等は付属しておりません。※輸入盤のため、ケースやジャケットに若干の傷や汚れがある場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。※数量限定につき、お一人様1枚(組)限りUKのインディー・ポップバンド=Scouting For Girls(スカウティング・フォー・ガールズ)4年振りのオリジナル・アルバム『The Place We Used to Meet』こちらはアナログ盤です。今回リリースされる4年振り7作目のスタジオ・アルバム『The Place We Used to Meet』 について、「これまでの作品を振り返り、音楽を作ることとバンドである理由を再発見したんだ。ソング・ライティングとレコーディングのプロセスは素晴らしいものになり、これまでには無かった個人的かつ感情的な楽曲も収録した、過去最大の自信作となりました。皆に聴いてもらえるのがとても楽しみです!」とメンバーは語る。完全生産限定盤収録情報A1. GlowA2. The Missing PartA3. The Luckiest Boy In the WorldA4. Song I Can't ForgetA5. Reckless LoveA6. The Place We Used to MeetB1. The Place We Used to Meet - RepriseB2. Running to YouB3. Alright Right NowB4. Raise a GlassB5. Too Cool to CallB6. Marnie's Lullaby 3,906円

What Is The Cat Video Phenomenon, What Caused The Cat Video Phenomenon, How Cat Videos Changed People’s Lives, And How To Earn Revenue As A Producer Of Cat Videos【電子書籍】[ Dr. Harrison Sachs ]

<p>This essay sheds light on what is the cat video phenomenon, demystifies what caused the cat video phenomenon, reveals how cat videos changed people’s lives, and explicates how to earn revenue as a producer of cat videos. The cat video phenomenon is a phenomenon that has been brought to fruition amid the 21st century. The cat video phenomenon is a phenomenon that has emerged during the advent of social media platforms. The content recommendation algorithms on social media platforms have profusely recommended cat videos to viewers on social media platforms which has had significant bearing on helping cat videos to build traction and become viral videos on social media platforms. The cat video phenomenon is a phenomenon that is characterized by the massive popularity of cat videos on social media platforms. The cat video phenomenon is a phenomenon that is also characterized by the ubiquity of cat videos on social media platforms. “More than 2,000,000 cat videos were posted on YouTube in 2014 alone which accounted for more than 26,000,000,000 video views” on YouTube. In 2015, it was estimated that “cats drove almost 15% percent of all web traffic”. In 2015, it was also estimated that there were “about 30,000,000 searches per month for the search term ‘cat’ ”. “In 2022, more than 18,000,000 videos related to cats were uploaded to YouTube”. By producing an exorbitant amount of enthralling, viral worthy, share worthy, like worthy, engagement worthy, algorithm recommendation videos on a daily basis that are apt to build traction and yield high engagement rates, high watch times, high viewership rates, and a high audience retention rate, a content creator can render himself at a higher probability of becoming profoundly successful on social media platforms. Content creators are acutely aware of the appeal of cat videos on social media platforms and are keen on churning them out for the prospect of becoming profoundly successful on social media platforms. As of January of 2024, cat videos have a higher probability of building traction and becoming viral videos on social media platforms relative to certain other types of videos on social media platforms. Becoming a content creator of cat videos is all the more of a seamless process than becoming a content creator of other types of videos on social media platforms, such as gameplay videos and animation videos. This is because a person does not need to own a stellar computer nor video editing software programs to become a content creator of cat videos. A person can become a content creator of cat videos with relative ease by adopting a cat and utilizing his smartphone to record cat videos which he can upload to social media platforms from his smartphone if it has access to a 4G connection or WiFi connection. The costs of becoming a content creator of cat video content are low relative to the costs of becoming a content creator of other types of videos on social media platforms, such as gameplay videos, toy videos, travel videos, smartphone review videos, restaurant review videos, and animation videos. A person does not need a substantial amount of capital to able to produce cat videos. The occurrence of the cat video phenomenon has tacitly encouraged more content creators to produce cat videos. The stupendously sizeable amount of video views that cat videos as an aggregate have accrued during the incipience of social media platforms has given more content creators the impetus to produce cat videos than they would otherwise have had if cat videos as an aggregate elicited low video views amid the genesis of social media platforms. The cat video phenomenon is a phenomenon that multiple parties have eminently benefited from the occurrence of and is a phenomenon that would not exist if social media platforms were not easily accessible to content creators of cat video content and viewers of cat video content alike. Social media companies, content creators of cat video content, and viewers of cat video content on social media platforms have benefited from the occurrence of the cat video phenomenon. The occurrence of the cat video phenomenon has had bearing on enticing more people to visit social media platforms more frequently and remain on social media platforms for a longer period of time during their internet sessions than they aptly would otherwise have remained on them if social media platforms were devoid of cat videos.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,531円

Don't You Know Who I Used to Be? From Manolos to motherhood【電子書籍】[ Julia Morris ]

<p>Julia Morris is the first to admit she does not know much, but these are some of the things she knows for sure:<br /> - Writing a Logie speech when you are aged eight is not normal;<br /> - Cathy Freeman is the only woman in the world who looks good in white lycra;<br /> - $22,000 Aussie dollars converts to about 23 pounds Sterling;<br /> - 'Overnight romance' sounds better than 'one-night stand';<br /> - Tom Jones is not the only dark-haired Welsh man with sex appeal;<br /> - A blue cross on a white stick WILL change your life.</p> <p>DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I USED TO BE? is a delightful memoir from one of Australia's best-loved comedians about moving to the UK, frocking up, dating, getting married, giving birth to her first child and coming home...and not always wearing Manolos.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,565円

We Used to Live Here The chilling psychological horror that will leave you sleeping with the lights on【電子書籍】[ Marcus Kliewer ]

<p><strong><em>House of Leaves</em> meets <em>Parasite</em> in this gripping and eerily haunting debut psychological horror, soon to be a Netflix film starring Blake Lively. Perfect for fans of Stephen King and <em>Leave the World Behind</em>.</strong></p> <p><strong>? Winner of Reddit NoSleep Scariest Story of the Year Award ?<br /> ? A Goodreads 'Best Horror Novel of the Last 5 Years' ?<br /> ? A Goodreads 'Favourite Horror Novel of 2024' Finalist ?</strong></p> <p>'Inventive and <strong>genuinely scary</strong>' Alma Katsu, Bram Stoker Award-nominated author of T<em>he Hunger</em></p> <p>‘Full of <strong>unease</strong> and stomach-churning dread...<strong>Read it with every single light on’</strong> Erin A. Craig, <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author of <em>House of Salt and Sorrows</em></p> <p>'[Will] <strong>haunt you</strong> even after you have finished it. This is what I call a <strong>great book'</strong> Agustina Bazterrica, bestselling author of <em>Tender is the Flesh</em></p> <p><strong>You let them back in. You shouldn't have...</strong></p> <p>Young couple Charlie and Eve can’t believe the killer deal they got on an old house deep in the mountains.</p> <p>One day, a man knocks on the door. He says he lived there years before and asks if he can show his family around.</p> <p>But, as soon as they enter, strange things start to happen. Eve is desperate for them to leave and never come back. But they can’t ? or won’t ? take the hint that they are no longer welcome.</p> <p>Then, Charlie vanishes, and Eve begins to lose her grip on reality.</p> <p><strong>She’s convinced there’s something terribly wrong with the house and its past inhabitants . . . or is it all in her head?</strong></p> <p><strong>Readers are terrified by <em>We Used to Live Here</em>:</strong></p> <p>'A <strong>spine-tingling rollercoaster</strong>… had me equal parts terrified and intrigued!' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'This was <strong>WILD</strong>. A terrifying, horrific and <strong>deeply unsettling</strong> yet addictive story.' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'<strong>I didn't see that plot twist coming</strong>. At all.' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'This is my kind of <strong>creepy</strong>!' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'I will think about this book <strong>every time</strong> someone knocks on my door!' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'Wow this book. My mind is blown. This is <strong>one scary read</strong>. ' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'I couldn’t put this book down, <strong>I was captivated from start to finish</strong>.' ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p><strong>We Used to Live Here won Reddit NoSleep Scariest Short Story of the Year 2021</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,033円

Somebody I Used to Love The most emotional, unforgettable love story【電子書籍】[ Eve Ainsworth ]

<h2>Lost memories. Lost loves. Can they find their way back to each other?</h2> <p>When <strong>Will</strong> wakes up after a car accident, he’s lost three years of memory. All he wants is his girlfriend and childhood sweetheart, <strong>Gem</strong>, beside him. Instead, nothing is as he remembers.</p> <p>Gem has finally moved on from hers and Will’s break-up. With a new life and boyfriend, the last thing she expects is a call to say Will needs her ? the man who nearly destroyed her.</p> <p>As Will recovers, he is determined to prove to Gem that he is the man he once was. But by unlocking the secrets of his past, will he be able to piece together what caused him to change so dramatically? And, faced with the choice, will Gem continue with the safe new life she has built for herself, or will she go back to the man she used to love?</p> <p><strong>A heartbreaking and twisty will-they-won't-they-<em>should</em>-they novel, perfect for fans of Dani Atkins, Jojo Moyes and Colleen Hoover.</strong></p> <h3>Praise for <em>Somebody I Used to Love</em></h3> <p>‘<strong>A wonderful story of love, loss and learning to trust again</strong>. I was completely drawn into the story from the beginning. Absolutely loved it, <strong>a total triumph</strong>!’ Clare Swatman</p> <p>‘<em>Somebody I Used To Love</em> <strong>took me on a romantic rollercoaster ride</strong>. I was willing soulmates Gem and Will on throughout all of its twists and turns. <strong>Eve Ainsworth creates vivid, realistic characters you really care about</strong>’ Victoria Scott</p> <p>‘A cracking read ? <strong>part swoony, second-chance romance, part amnesia-related mystery</strong>. A highly relatable page-turner with added feels’ CJ Connolly</p> <p>‘<strong>I thoroughly enjoyed <em>Somebody I Used to Love</em></strong>. The characters are real and very likeable. It's a very clever story and <strong>I found myself pacing through the pages</strong>’ Sasha Morgan</p> <p>‘<strong>A raw, heartfelt tearjerker that stays with you long after you've finished</strong>. The characters are flawed and feel so real. Have a box of tissues nearby!’ Lisa Brace</p> <p>‘Gem and Will’s bitter-sweet story <strong>bursts with heart</strong>. It’s hooky and tense, full of joy as well as loss. <strong>Fabulous</strong>’ Laura Wilkinson</p> <p>‘<strong>An emotional read</strong>’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘Wow, what a great book! It was so engaging and <strong>kept me turning pages until the very end</strong>!’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>I was absolutely hooked on this book. Literally couldn’t put it down</strong>. I loved the characters Will and Gem… they’re destined to be together!’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>A poignant tale of lost memories and rediscovered love</strong>… the emotional depth and relatable characters make this a compelling read’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>I read this one in a day. Simply could not put down</strong>. I fell in love with the two main characters. A feel good novel that is <strong>great for a summer read on the beach</strong>’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘A fast, engaging read and <strong>a great little love story</strong>’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘I really enjoyed this book. <strong>If you love a sweet love story that will tear at your heartstrings then this book is for you</strong>!’ ????? Reader review</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 799円

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A strengthening & cleansing toner The special “Biome Blend” contains 5 kinds of mineral-rich probiotics & prebiotics Lactobacillus Lisate improves skin’s natural biome, increasing Vitamin C to improve blemishes & brighten skin complexion Lactococcus Ferment Lysate helps smooth complexion & skin tone, while providing moisture to give vitality Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate provides nutrients & revitalizes skin, giving it a renewed radiance Bifida Ferment Filtrate helps remove waste from skin Bifida Ferment Lysate increases the absorption of Vitamin The plant-derived soothing duo provides moisture without irritation, while the “nourishing bubbles” helps to improve skin’s water-oil balance Strengths skin barrier & nourishes the microbiome of skin Provides comforting care for skin’s natural state Suitable for dry & sensitive skin which react to small changes in the environment 内容量200ml /6.76oz 広告文責The Fresh Group Limited 03-6674-7335 メーカー(製造)・輸入者名AXIS-Y AXIS-Y ・個人輸入 区分Made in USA アメリカ製・化粧品 ※製造国は仕入れ状況によって変更となる場合がございます。 ご案内・当店でご購入された商品は、「個人輸入」としての取り扱いになります。 ・個人輸入される商品は、すべてご注文者自身の「個人使用・個人消費」が前提となりますので、ご注文された商品を第三者へ 譲渡・転売することは法律で禁止されております。 ・関税・消費税が課税される場合があります。詳細はこちら。 2,038円

Advances in Research Methods for Information Systems Research: Data Mining, Data Envelopment Analysis, Value Focused Thinki

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The Eagle that refused to dance with Chickens【電子書籍】[ Elijah Ngugi ]

<p>The Eagle That Refused to Dance with Chickens is a metaphor that is traditionally narrated in two African languages,Kiswahili and Kikuyu. It is an Oral literature genre that communicates strength of self-determination in spite of gross failures. This story in particular, although has been modified to a great extent, is popular among the Kikuyu people who live in central part of Kenya where it is believed to have originated. The author has worked painstakingly to allow the same descriptive words and phrases in Kikuyu to be translated in English as verbatim as possible to fit in the story. Such endeavor is an attempt to bring the authentic texture of the story as much as possible to the Western world mind-set. Both the content and style of narration are aimed at addressing issues of late childhood and teen years, thus eight to fourteen years of age. It seems to fit such application because this is the time that children are intensely obsessed in searching self-independence and identity. Nevertheless, the story has been used as an allegory and adjusted to be applicable to all ages, depending on the purpose and circumstances. Quite often it is also presented as a drama or acted by children as one of the activities that would bring the meaning into the real life of the children.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 572円

We Used to Dream of Freedom A Memoir of Family, the Holocaust, and the Stories We Don't Tell【電子書籍】[ Sam Chaiton ]

<p>**“Chaiton's fearless and moving memoir is a precious gift to anyone who yearns for a better understanding of intergenerational trauma and the path to true liberation.” ー JEANNE BEKER, author, fashion editor, and television personality</p> <p>A child of Holocaust survivors grapples with his parents’ untold stories and their profound effect on the course of his extraordinary life.**</p> <p>Growing up in Toronto, Sam Chaiton and his brothers knew their parents had been prisoners in Bergen-Belsen. But what their parents wouldn’t share about their history ー including the fact they had also been in Auschwitz ー ended up shaping their children’s lives.</p> <p><em>We Used to Dream of Freedom</em> explores what a family is or could be; the psychology of survivors and the impact of survivor silence on their family; and the responsibility of second generations from traumatized communities to share knowledge from their own histories to help alleviate the suffering of others. Irreverent, moving, and tragic, often all at once, at its heart it is a story of a man who disappeared on his family, his quest to understand why he had to leave, and the long-overdue discovery about his parents that brought him back.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 974円

Connecting Equity, Literacy, and Language Pathways Toward Advocacy-Focused Teaching【電子書籍】[ Althier M. Lazar ]

<p>This book shows literacy professionals how to develop the dispositions and actions associated with advocacy-focused teaching. While portraits of culturally conscious literacy teachers are now readily available, becoming such a teacher continues to be a challenge. Drawing from 60+ years of experience working with teacher candidates and teachers in the city of Philadelphia, the authors argue that becoming an advocacy-focused literacy teacher requires making moral commitments to students and developing professional competencies that fuse literacy, language, and equity studies. Recognizing that educators can be overwhelmed trying to match the realities they face daily with the theory behind good practice, <em>Connecting Equity, Literacy, and Language</em> packs a lot of big ideas into one readable, concise book that is perfect for use in literacy methods courses. The text includes definitions and examples of equity concepts, relatable teacher vignettes, and “Pause and Reflect” boxes to encourage reflection and classroom conversation.</p> <p>Book Features:</p> <ul> <li>Examines the central problems of students’ disconnection with school, spirit murdering, and the teacher education gap.</li> <li>Looks at inequities that have become normalized in classrooms and schools through standardized testing, literacy teaching routines and structures, and deficit-laced language about students and families.</li> <li>Discusses literacies and languages as cultural practices and the need to be vigilant about the linguistic violence that occurs when students’ languages are delegitimized.</li> <li>Describes critically and culturally centered teaching frameworks.</li> <li>Provides vivid examples of advocacy-focused teaching.</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,016円

Help for High-Conflict Couples: Using Emotionally Focused Therapy and the Science of Attachment to B HELP FOR HIGH-CONFLICT COUPLES [ Jennine Estes Powell ]

HELP FOR HIGHーCONFLICT COUPLES Jennine Estes Powell Jacqueline Wielick Susan M. Johnson NEW HARBINGER PUBN2024 Paperback English ISBN:9781648481932 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Family & Relationships 3,168円

Killing Detroit The City That Refused To Die【電子書籍】[ Christopher Hood ]

<p><strong>Dealing CIA Cocaine... And A City Dies!</strong></p> <p>Killing Detroit pulls the sheets off a well-planned government scheme that left broken neighborhoods, fractured families, and dead bodies in its wake. Over fifty years later, Detroit is still reeling from this scheme of murder and financial destruction. For the first time since before the Civil War, Detroit is no longer among the nation's 20 most populous cities. Detroit's population was 677,116 last summer, a loss of 3,107 residents from the previous year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That loss was enough to drop the city to the 21st largest city in the nation, surpassed by Seattle, Denver, and, of all places, El Paso, Texas. At one time, Detroit was the richest and fourth largest city in America, behind New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Killing Detroit exposes the critical events behind the rapid decline of this once-great city.</p> <p><strong>About Killing Detroit</strong></p> <p>Killing Detroit is the true story of a black activist searching for justice. Carl, a lifelong resident of Detroit, notices rampant drug dealing on the streets of the city's black neighborhoods. Drug houses and street dealers have the protection of the Detroit Police Department. Carl is outraged and forms a group to expose the corruption inside the FBI and Detroit Police Department. His tireless efforts resulted in a series of unexpected and violent attacks by the federal government. Killing Detroit reveals in detail for the first time the plot to destroy a city and its citizens and the voices of dissent. Learn what transformed this once-thriving city into the nation's most notorious drug den almost overnight. The award-winning screenplay is now in book form order today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,433円

How to Catch a Pig Lots of Cool Stuff Guys Used to Know but Forgot About the Great Outdoors【電子書籍】[ Denis Boyles ]

<p>Way back before man abandoned the woods for the citiesーand traded his hunting rifle for a BlackBerryーhe had to know how to do certain things to survive. He had to trap and build and grow things, using his calloused hands and valuable knowledge passed down through the generations. For most men today, these once-cherished skills are as dead as the dodo.</p> <p><em>But take heart!</em> Now guys can reconnect with those less-complicated times, rediscover how to embrace adventure, and appreciate the outdoor life. Denis Boyles, principal author of <em>A Man's Life</em>, has culled a wealth of essential, nearly lost manly endeavors from U.S. government pamphlets, century-old publications, and ancient scouting manuals to help reeducate us in the fine macho arts of:</p> <ul> <li>Tracking a bobcat</li> <li>Splicing a rope</li> <li>Rescuing someone from drowning</li> <li>Sending a smoke signal</li> <li>Building a log cabin</li> </ul> <p>And much, much, much moreーincluding, of course, how to catch a pig!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,936円

A Corporate Psychopath Tactics Used to Destroy Good Workers【電子書籍】[ Teresa A. Deygoo ]

<p>Is your boss characterized by traits such as self-centeredness, ambition, and an unwavering pursuit of power? These attributes might have played a role in their ascent to a position of authority. Despite appearing caring and empathetic to others, your boss has effectively honed the skill of manipulating those around them. If you can identify with this scenario, it is conceivable that you are working under the influence of a corporate psychopath.</p> <p>A Corporate Psychopath is based on the four and a half years that author Teresa A. Deygoo worked under a corporate psychopath.</p> <p>Written from a theocentric viewpoint, this memoir examines the nature of criminal and corporate psychopathsーtheir origins and behaviours, and ultimately their impact on those around them. The author offers valuable insights into the motives and behaviours of workplace psychopaths.</p> <p>A Corporate Psychopath is an awakeningーfor companies, workers, and society. Prior to working with the corporate psychopath, the author did not recognize any indicators of a corporate psychopath until it was too late, but after reading this book, you will.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 884円

Value-Focused Thinking A Path to Creative Decisionmaking【電子書籍】[ Ralph L. Keeney ]

<p>The standard way of thinking about decisions is backwards, says Ralph Keeney: people focus first on identifying alternatives rather than on articulating values. A problem arises and people react, placing the emphasis on mechanics and fixed choices instead of on the objectives that give decisionmaking its meaning. In this book, Keeney shows how recognizing and articulating fundamental values can lead to the identification of decision opportunities and the creation of better alternatives. The intent is to be proactive and to select more attractive decisions to ponder before attempting any solutions.</p> <p>Keeney describes specific procedures for articulating values by identifying and structuring objectives qualitatively, and he shows how to apply these procedures in various cases. He then explains how to quantify objectives using simple models of values. Such value analysis, Keeney demonstrates, can yield a full range of alternatives, thus converting decision problems into opportunities. This approach can be used to uncover hidden objectives, to direct the collection of information, to improve communication, to facilitate collective decisionmaking, and to guide strategic thinking. To illustrate these uses, Keeney shows how value-focused thinking works in many business contexts, such as designing an integrated circuit tester and managing a multibillion-dollar utility company; in government contexts, such as planning future NASA space missions and deciding how to transport nuclear waste to storage sites; and in personal contexts, such as choosing career moves and making wise health and safety decisions.</p> <p>An incisive, applicable contribution to the art and science of decisionmaking, <em>Value-Focused Thinking</em> will be extremely useful to anyone from consultants and managers to systems analysts and students.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,896円

The Collected Works of H. Emilie Cady Spiritual Guidance Books & New Thought Classics: Lessons In Truth - Practical Christianity Course + How I Used Truth & God + A Present Help【電子書籍】[ H. Emilie Cady ]

<p>The Collected Works of H. Emilie Cady is a compilation of inspiring and insightful essays on spiritual principles and personal growth. Cady's writing style is characterized by its clarity, simplicity, and profound wisdom, making her work accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Drawing from Christian Science teachings, Cady explores the power of positive thinking, visualization, and prayer in transforming one's life. Her emphasis on the importance of aligning one's thoughts with divine principles resonates with readers seeking spiritual enlightenment and personal development. Cady's timeless messages continue to inspire and uplift individuals on their spiritual journeys, making her work a valuable addition to anyone's library. The Collected Works of H. Emilie Cady is a must-read for those interested in exploring the intersection of spirituality and personal growth, offering practical guidance and profound insights that are as relevant today as when they were first penned.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Essential H. Emilie Cady: Lessons in Truth, How I Used Truth & God, A Present Help Spiritual Guidance Books & New Thought Classics: Practical Christianity Course【電子書籍】[ H. Emilie Cady ]

<p>In 'The Essential H. Emilie Cady: Lessons in Truth, How I Used Truth & God, A Present Help,' Cady explores spiritual principles and the power of positive thinking. Written in a clear and accessible style, the book delves into the metaphysical aspects of Christianity and offers insightful lessons on personal growth and transformation. Cady's literary context is rooted in the New Thought movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, making her work a valuable contribution to the spiritual literature of the era. The book's emphasis on the alignment of thoughts with divine truth and the manifestation of one's desires through faith sets it apart as a timeless guide for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. H. Emilie Cady, a prominent figure in the New Thought movement, drew from her own experiences and spiritual insights to write this influential book. As a holistic healer and spiritual teacher, Cady's understanding of the power of the mind and its connection to the divine inspired her to share her wisdom with others through her writing. I highly recommend 'The Essential H. Emilie Cady' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of spirituality and personal development. Cady's profound teachings offer practical guidance for living a more fulfilling and prosperous life through the power of thought and faith.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Help for High-Conflict Couples Using Emotionally Focused Therapy and the Science of Attachment to Build Lasting Connection【電子書籍】[ Jennine Estes Powell, LMFT ]

<p><strong>Are you ready to stop the conflict and start connecting with your partner? Based in the science of emotionally focused therapy and attachment theory, this is your go-to guide.</strong></p> <p>Do you and your partner fight <em>all</em> the time? Do you love each other, but simply drive one another other up a wall? Do you worry that you’ll eventually burn out from all the conflict, arguments, and hurt feelings, and that your relationship will deteriorate? If you’re seeking ways to increase love and intimacy and <em>decrease</em> reactionary behaviors like criticism, blaming, withdrawing, and defending, this book can guide you toward a place of harmony and understanding.</p> <p>Based in the revolutionary science of attachment theory and evidence-based emotionally focused therapy (EFT), this is an effective, research-based road map for helping high-conflict couples break free from painful and destructive habits. With this book, you’ll uncover the root cause of your conflictsーboth as individuals and as a couple. You’ll also find simple strategies for creating an emotionally secure environment, as well as tips for managing triggers, de-escalating arguments, and cultivating a real and lasting connection.</p> <p>Feeling emotionally safe and secure in our relationships is a primal need, and it is integral for our health and well-being. If you’re ready to transform conflict and chaos into unshakable closeness, this book will guide you, every step of the way.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,101円

THE PLACE WE USED TO MEET【輸入盤】▼/スカウティング・フォー・ガールズ[CD]【返品種別A】

Joshin web CD/DVD楽天市場店
品 番:1965881800-2発売日:2023年10月13日発売出荷目安:約1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□品 番:1965881800-2発売日:2023年10月13日発売出荷目安:約1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□CDアルバムロック発売元:輸入盤◆国内入荷予定が遅れる場合もございます◆※海外メーカー都合により、商品内容が急遽変更となる場合がございます。※発売日は現地の発売日です。※日本語ブックレット等は付属しておりません。※輸入盤のため、ケースやジャケットに若干の傷や汚れがある場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。UKのインディー・ポップバンド=Scouting For Girls(スカウティング・フォー・ガールズ)4年振りのオリジナル・アルバム『The Place We Used to Meet』今回リリースされる4年振り7作目のスタジオ・アルバム『The Place We Used to Meet』 について、「これまでの作品を振り返り、音楽を作ることとバンドである理由を再発見したんだ。ソング・ライティングとレコーディングのプロセスは素晴らしいものになり、これまでには無かった個人的かつ感情的な楽曲も収録した、過去最大の自信作となりました。皆に聴いてもらえるのがとても楽しみです!」とメンバーは語る。収録情報1. Glow2. The Missing Part3. The Luckiest Boy In the World4. Song I Can't Forget5. Reckless Love6. The Place We Used to Meet7. The Place We Used to Meet - Reprise8. Running to You9. Alright Right Now10. Raise a Glass11. Too Cool to Call12. Marnie's Lullaby 2,257円

【送料無料】THE PLACE WE USED TO MEET (DELUXE)[2CD]【輸入盤】▼/スカウティング・フォー・ガールズ[CD]【返品種別A】

Joshin web CD/DVD楽天市場店
品 番:1965881945-2発売日:2023年10月13日発売出荷目安:約1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□品 番:1965881945-2発売日:2023年10月13日発売出荷目安:約1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□CDアルバムロック発売元:輸入盤◆国内入荷予定が遅れる場合もございます◆※海外メーカー都合により、商品内容が急遽変更となる場合がございます。※発売日は現地の発売日です。※日本語ブックレット等は付属しておりません。※輸入盤のため、ケースやジャケットに若干の傷や汚れがある場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。UKのインディー・ポップバンド=Scouting For Girls(スカウティング・フォー・ガールズ)4年振りのオリジナル・アルバム『The Place We Used to Meet』こちらはデラックス盤です。今回リリースされる4年振り7作目のスタジオ・アルバム『The Place We Used to Meet』 について、「これまでの作品を振り返り、音楽を作ることとバンドである理由を再発見したんだ。ソング・ライティングとレコーディングのプロセスは素晴らしいものになり、これまでには無かった個人的かつ感情的な楽曲も収録した、過去最大の自信作となりました。皆に聴いてもらえるのがとても楽しみです!」とメンバーは語る。2枚組デラックス盤のディスク2には、ボーナストラック他、デモ音源、ライヴ音源等を収録。収録情報《CD 1》1. Glow2. The Missing Part3. The Luckiest Boy In the World4. Song I Can't Forget5. Reckless Love6. The Place We Used to Meet7. The Place We Used to Meet - Reprise8. Running to You9. Alright Right Now10. Raise a Glass11. Too Cool to Call12. Marnie's Lullaby《CD 2》1. Too Long Away2. Never Walk Away From This3. A New Hope4. When The Stars Fell Out The Sky5. Glow - Band Version Demo6. Song I Can't Forget - Band Version Demo7. The Place We Used To Meet - First Ever Voice Recording8. Missing Part - Acoustic9. Song I Can't Forget - Live on 15th anniversary Tour10. Butterflies - Live on 15th Anniversary Tour11. Love How it Hurts - Live on 15th Anniversary Tour12. Christmas in the Air (Tonight) - Live on 15th Anniversary Tour 3,234円

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【おまけCL付】フ-・ユ-スト・トゥ・ダンス(Who Used To Dance) / Abbey Lincoln(アビー・リンカーン) (CD-R) VODJ-60241-LOD

ヨコレコ 楽天市場店
◆ 商品説明 LABEL ON DEMANDとは 現在、CDやレコードなどパッケージではなかなか入手困難なシングルやアルバムを、 1枚のご注文からオンデマンドで製造、ジャケットはデジタル印刷でお届けするサービスです。 お客様のご注文によりオンデマンドで製造し、お届けいたします。 音源は LABEL ON DEMAND 専用CD-Rに記録します。音質は市販されているCDと同等です。 ジャケット・歌詞等の印刷物は印刷会社によるデジタル印刷で作製いたします。 レコードメーカーやJASRACなど権利者の許諾の元、発売をしていますので、安心してご利用いただけます。 (※仕様などは、オリジナルとは異なります。) <仕様>CD-R■発売日:2020.10.28品番:VODJ-60241 JAN:4988002820030 発売元:JVCケンウッド・ビクターエンタテインメント <収録曲>1.Love Has Gone Away 2.Who Used To Dance 3.Love Lament 4.Mr. Tambourine Man 5.When Autumn Sings 6.Love What You Doin' 7.Street Of Dream 8.I Sing A Song 9.The Riverステレオ 登録日:2021-08-24< 注 意 事 項 > ◆おまけカレンダーに関する問合せ、クレーム等は一切受付けておりません。 絵柄はランダムとなります。絵柄の指定は出来かねます。 予めご了承ください。 2,420円

Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War【電子書籍】[ Tom Wheeler ]

<p><strong>This “intriguing” look at the sixteenth president’s telegraph usage during the Civil War “revisits a familiar hero, but does so from an utterly new perspective” (Ken Burns).</strong></p> <p>The Civil War was the first “modern war.” Because of rapid changes in American society, Abraham Lincoln became president of a divided United States during a period of technological and social revolution. Among the many modern marvels that gave the North an advantage was the telegraph, which Lincoln used to stay connected to the forces in the field in almost real time.</p> <p>No leader in history had ever possessed such a powerful tool to gain control over a fractious situation. An eager student of technology, Lincoln (the only president to hold a patent) had to learn to use the power of electronic messages. Without precedent to guide him, Lincoln began by reading the telegraph traffic among his generals. Then he used the telegraph to supplement his preferred form of communicationーmeetings and letters. He did not replace those face-to-face interactions. Through this experience, Lincoln crafted the best way to guide, reprimand, praise, reward, and encourage his commanders in the field.</p> <p>Written by a former FCC chairman, <em>Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails</em> tells a big story within a small compassーboth an elegant work of history and a timeless lesson in leadership. By paying close attention to Lincoln’s “lightning messages,” we see a great leader adapt to a new medium. No reader of this work of history will be able to miss the contemporary parallels. Watching Lincoln carefully word his messagesーand follow up on those words with the right actionsーoffers a striking example for those who spend their days tapping out notes on their various devices.</p> <p>“<em>Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails</em> shines. . . . an accessible jaunt through this formative American event.” ー<em>USA Today</em></p> <p>“Wheeler shows a Lincoln groping for a best-use of new technology and learning the limitations of the ‘killer app.’”ー<em>Booklist</em></p> <p>“Altogether captivating.” ーHarold Holzer, author of <em>Brought Forth on This Continent: Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,584円

The Way I Used to Be Collection (Boxed Set): The Way I Used to Be; The Way I Am Now WAY I USED TO BE COLL (BOXED S (The Way I Used to Be) [ Amber Smith ]

WAY I USED TO BE COLL (BOXED S The Way I Used to Be Amber Smith MARGARET K MCELDERRY BOOKS2023 Hardcover Boxed Set English ISBN:9781665950244 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他) 6,652円


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