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Le d?fi moderne des femmes Conjuguer ambition et maternit?【電子書籍】[ Isabelle Pag? ]
<p>Ce livre s'adresse aux femmes, ? toutes les femmes. Celles qui ont des enfants, celles qui en veulent, celles qui n'en veulent pas. Egalement ? celles qui ne savent pas encore si elles en voudront un jour. Ce livre est ? propos d'une femme qui ne voulait pas d'enfants jusqu'? ce qu'elle d?cide d'en avoir un ? l'?ge de trente-deux ans et qui, dix ans plus tard, se retrouve m?re de quatre beaux enfants. Comme quoi on ne sait jamais ce que la vie a en r?serve! L'arriv?e de chacun d'eux a provoqu? son lot de questionnements, de choix et de compromis, souvent difficiles ? faire. Cette dualit? fait partie du quotidien de nombreuses femmes. Ce livre est un beau pr?texte pour partager l'exp?rience et le cheminement de l'auteure, et susciter une r?flexion de la part de tous les lecteurs quant aux choix d?chirants auxquels font face les femmes lorsqu'elles deviennent m?res. Elle a voulu ouvrir la discussion sur ce d?fi des femmes qu'est la conjugaison de leurs passions, de leurs r?ves, de leurs ambitions et de la place que prennent les enfants dans cette ?quation. En tant que femmes et m?res, faut-il chercher des certitudes? Comment savoir que les bons choix ont ?t? faits? Est-il possible de tout avoir, mari, carri?re, enfants, et de s'attendre ? ce que tout soit parfait dans le meilleur des mondes? A quoi doit-on renoncer? A quel prix? Le but de cette lecture est de faire un pas de plus vers une affirmation f?minine de la libert? de choix. Une libert? sans culpabilit? ni jugement social, en lien avec ce que dicte le coeur des femmes et des m?res. Un grand rassemblement autour d'un d?nominateur commun et d'une passion commune: les enfants.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
A Man and His Money Ambition, Greed, and Moral Decay: A Gilded Age Saga of Wealth and Power【電子書籍】[ Frederic Stewart Isham ]
<p>Frederic Stewart Isham's "A Man and His Money" intricately weaves a tale of ambition, morality, and the consequences of financial desires in early 20th-century America. Isham employs a realist literary style, rich in psychological depth and social commentary, to explore the complexities of wealth and its influence on character. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of an evolving industrial society, highlighting the tensions between personal ethics and the pursuit of fiscal success, all while remaining accessible through its engaging dialogue and vivid imagery. Isham, a trained journalist and playwright, possessed an acute awareness of the societal shifts of his time, likely informed by the rampant commercialization and evolving class structures characteristic of early 1900s America. His diverse writing career imbued him with a unique perspective on the human condition and the interplay of economic forces, making him particularly attuned to the formative experiences of his characters. This background contributes to the authentic portrayal of the interplay between the American Dream and the human psyche in his work. Readers seeking a thought-provoking contemplation on the nature of wealth and its implications will find "A Man and His Money" an invaluable addition to their literary repertoire. Isham's exploration not only entertains but also invites critical reflection on our own financial motivations and ethical dilemmas, making it a timeless read for those grappling with the moral landscapes of modern society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
L'Ambition et le remords Les socialistes fran?ais et le pouvoir (1905-2005)【電子書籍】[ Alain Bergounioux ]
<p>Le Parti socialiste fran?ais a dirig? pour la premi?re fois un gouvernement il y a pr?s de soixante-dix ans. Il a exerc? le pouvoir sous trois r?publiques et il est devenu, plus encore sous le r?gime actuel que sous le pr?c?dent, un parti du syst?me, parvenant enfin, pendant trois l?gislatures, ? diriger ce ≪ gouvernement parfaitement normal de la nation tout enti?re ≫ que Gaston Defferre appelait jadis de ses voeux. C'est sous ces couleurs que Fran?ois Mitterrand a conquis la pr?sidence de la R?publique et il est l'un des deux seuls partis fran?ais ? pouvoir esp?rer raisonnablement gagner ? nouveau cette ?lection dans un avenir pr?visible. Pourtant, paradoxalement, ce parti n'a jamais assum? ais?ment son action gouvernementale. Il s'est g?n?ralement senti soulag? quand il est retourn? dans l'opposition, s'accusant lui-m?me, ou ceux qui avaient gouvern? en son nom, d'avoir trahi ses objectifs et son projet, bref, de n'avoir pas conduit une v?ritable politique de gauche. Apr?s chaque d?faite, envahi par le doute, il a recherch? dans son identit? originelle les ressources n?cessaires ? l'?laboration d'un projet authentiquement socialiste. Sa vocation gouvernementale, qui para?t ?tablie, ne lui appara?t pas ? l'?vidence comme le r?sultat et la preuve de ses succ?s. Au contraire, elle suscite chez lui m?fiance et suspicion. L'exercice du pouvoir ne le satisfait pas, ne lui suffit pas. II veut autre chose. Comme le remarquait L?on Blum, il veut accomplir des r?formes qui laissent ≪ une trace ?blouissante ≫. D'o? ses d?ceptions r?p?t?es et son intention, r?it?r?e r?guli?rement, de mener, la fois suivante, une action enfin r?solument transformatrice.</p> <p>Chaque cycle de pouvoir d?bute ainsi par la r?affirmation de la doctrine, puis, une fois au pouvoir, par un malaise croissant d?bouchant sur une critique de l'action gouvernementale, des d?sillusions et l'appel ? un retour aux sources avec la r?affirmation d'une volont? de ≪ rupture ≫.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
【3980円以上送料無料】Ambition English Communication 1 Workbook/
開隆堂出版 英語/文法 87P 26cm アンビシヨン イングリツシユ コミユニケ−シヨン イチ ワ−クブツク AMBITION ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 1 WORKBOOK
The Price of Power The Deadly Consequences of Ambition and Betrayal【電子書籍】[ Finnegan Jones ]
<p>"The Price of Power" is a thrilling tale of ambition, betrayal, and the high stakes of leadership. Follow Kael, a young and ambitious leader who rises to power with ruthless determination, only to discover that the cost of power is much greater than he ever could have imagined.</p> <p>As Kael navigates the complex and dangerous political landscape of his kingdom, he must make difficult choices and confront his own flaws and weaknesses. From the temptation of power and the corrupting influence of wealth, to the consequences of broken promises and the weight of guilt, Kael faces challenges that test his leadership and his humanity.</p> <p>As the story unfolds, Kael learns hard lessons about loyalty and trust, and the devastating cost of betrayal. He discovers the limits of his own power and the importance of finding a balance between personal ambition and the needs of his people.</p> <p>As Kael faces the ultimate reckoning, he must confront the consequences of his own actions and the dark forces that threaten to tear his kingdom apart. Will he be able to rise to the challenge and find redemption, or will the cost of power prove too great to bear?</p> <p>"The Price of Power" is a gripping tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. With complex characters, intricate plot twists, and a richly detailed world, this novel is a must-read for fans of political thrillers and epic fantasies alike.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Plus intelligent que la m?thode de Napol?on Hill : remettre en question les id?es de r?ussite du livre "Plus intelligent que le diable" ? Volume 03 L'?quilibre entre ambition et bonheur : critique de la vision du succ?s de Napol【電子書籍】
<p>La recherche du succ?s est une constante dans la vie humaine. On nous apprend d?s le plus jeune ?ge ? poursuivre des objectifs, ? les atteindre et ? atteindre le sommet de notre carri?re. Cependant, cette recherche incessante peut avoir un prix ?lev? : notre bonheur. Dans cet ebook, nous explorerons la vision du succ?s comme accomplissement incessant, pr?sente dans l'ouvrage ≪ Plus intelligent que le diable ≫ de Napol?on Hill, et d?fendrons l'importance de trouver un ?quilibre entre ambition et bonheur. Nous montrerons comment l'obsession du succ?s peut conduire au malheur, ? l'?puisement professionnel et ? la perte de qualit? de vie, et nous pr?senterons un mod?le de r?ussite alternatif qui valorise le bien-?tre mental et ?motionnel, le temps libre, les relations interpersonnelles et l'?panouissement personnel. La vision du succ?s de Napol?on Hill Dans ≪ Plus intelligent que le diable ≫, Napol?on Hill d?finit le succ?s comme ≪ la r?alisation d'un d?sir pr?d?termin? ≫. Il soutient que pour r?ussir, vous devez avoir une ≪ obsession br?lante ≫ pour vos objectifs et ?tre pr?t ? consacrer tout votre temps et votre ?nergie ? les atteindre. Hill propose 13 principes de r?ussite, notamment : ?D?sir ?Foi ?Confiance en soi ?Persistance ?Enthousiasme ?Initiative ?Imagination ?Planification ?D?cision ?Volont? ?Habitude ?Connaissance M?me si les principes de Hill sont motivants et peuvent ?tre utiles pour atteindre certains objectifs, sa vision du succ?s est probl?matique pour plusieurs raisons : En savoir beaucoup plus...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Charles Taylor and Liberia Ambition and Atrocity in Africa's Lone Star State【電子書籍】[ Colin M. Waugh ]
<p>Campaigner, insurgent, fugitive, rebel commander, commodity kingpin, elected president, exile and finally prisoner, Charles Taylor sought to lead his country to change but instead ignited a conflict which destroyed Liberia in over a decade of violence, greed and personal ambition. Taylor's takeover threw much of the neigbouring region into turmoil, until he was finally brought to face justice in The Hague for his role in Sierra Leone's civil war.</p> <p>In this remarkable and eye-opening book, Colin Waugh draws on a variety of sources, testimonies and original interviews - including with Taylor himself - to recount the story of what really happened during these turbulent years. In doing so, he examines both the life of Charles Taylor, as well as the often self-interested efforts of the international community to first save Liberia from disaster, then, having failed to do so, to bring to justice the man it deems most to blame for its disintegration.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Pelham ー Complete Exploring love, ambition, and society in 19th century England【電子書籍】[ Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton ]
<p>In 'Pelham '?? Complete', Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton masterfully constructs a novel that marries social commentary with biting satire. Set against the backdrop of early 19th-century England, the narrative follows the life of its eponymous protagonist, Pelham, as he navigates the complexities of society, love, and personal ambition. Lytton's exuberant prose intertwines wit with a keen observation of contemporary manners, presenting a tapestry of characters that reflect both the follies and virtues of the time. The novel's intricate narrative style employs epistolary elements and direct addresses, inviting readers to engage intimately with Pelham'??s philosophical musings and moral dilemmas, effectively situating the work within the burgeoning genre of the English novel, which started to emphasize character development and social dynamics during this era. Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton, a prominent figure in Victorian literature, was a statesman, playwright, and novelist, whose works often sought to illuminate the intricacies of human nature and societal structures. His personal experiences and political inclinations informed his writing, enabling Lytton to explore themes of ambition, identity, and social critique, as exemplified in 'Pelham'. Additionally, Lytton'??s background in theatre and his socially influential family contributed to his rich narrative voice, ensuring that his works resonated deeply with readers of his time. 'Pelham '?? Complete' is a captivating read for those interested in the evolution of the social novel and the exploration of character as a reflection of society. Lytton's engaging style and insightful commentary not only entertain but also provoke critical thought about societal norms and individual aspirations. This novel remains a significant contribution to the Victorian literary canon, making it a must-read for students and enthusiasts of English literature.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
[CIII 704] Ambition English Communication III [令和6年度改訂] 高校用 文部科学省検定済教科書 開隆堂出版
Une femme d'argent Ambition et richesse dans la soci?t? du XIXe si?cle fran?ais【電子書籍】[ Hector Malot ]
<p>Dans son roman 'Une femme d'argent', Hector Malot explore les th?mes de l'ambition, de la richesse et de la morale ? travers l'histoire captivante d'une jeune femme d?termin?e ? gravir les ?chelons sociaux malgr? les obstacles qui se dressent sur son chemin. L'?criture de Malot est ? la fois ?l?gante et poignante, capturant les nuances psychologiques de ses personnages de mani?re subtile et profonde. Le roman est ancr? dans le contexte du XIXe si?cle fran?ais, offrant un aper?u fascinant de la soci?t? et de la politique de l'?poque. Hector Malot, en tant qu'?crivain renomm? de l'?poque, ?tait connu pour son talent ? d?peindre les dilemmes moraux et les aspirations humaines dans ses Suvres. Sa propre exp?rience de la vie et de la soci?t? fran?aises a sans doute influenc? son ?criture et enrichi le contenu de 'Une femme d'argent'. Malot nous offre une r?flexion profonde sur les notions de r?ussite, de sacrifice et de v?ritable bonheur ? travers son roman incontournable. Je recommande vivement 'Une femme d'argent' aux lecteurs en qu?te d'une lecture engageante, ?clairante et ?mouvante. Ce roman intemporel de Malot saura captiver et inspirer un large public ? la recherche d'une exploration profonde des forces et des faiblesses de l'?me humaine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Ambition Essays by members of The Chrysostom Society【電子書籍】
<p>What role should ambition play in our lives? Our culture generally buys the American Dream that yes, we can fulfill all our aspirations. But to seek personal power and fame in the competitive world of Western culture has a dark side. Ambition can be subtle and enticing, leading to great unhappiness. Questions about ambition are more urgent now than they have ever been. What is ambition, exactly, and is it okay to be ambitious? What part does self-esteem play in personal growth and productivity? Can the ego's drive to get ahead and make a name for oneself lead to obsession or a growing narcissism? Does the desire to do one's best constitute ambition, or faithfulness to one's calling? Can personal character and integrity be eroded by too much celebrity and success? The writers in this book address these complex questions about ambition in a variety of ways and in wonderfully different voices. The pieces range from personal musings to thought experiments and more formal reflections. With elegance and wisdom, the writers raise and reflect on the question that lies at our most intimate core of being and at the very center of our culture.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Queen The Epic Ambition of Hillary and the Coming of a Second "Clinton Era"【電子書籍】[ Hugh Hewitt ]
<p><strong>National broadcast journalist Hugh Hewitt warns how a Clinton "reign" would damage the fundamental, foundational traditions upon which America is built.</strong><br /> In THE QUEEN, Hugh Hewitt's in-depth examination of the career and accomplishments -epic failures, really- of the real Hillary Clinton will show you why-after her decades of working so hard, after surviving Bill and his antics, after losing to an upstart in 2008, submerging her boiling anger and wounded pride, and after enduring the real predations of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" that has been dogging her throughout-Hillary is on the brink of achieving it all as the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee.<br /> Not since the publication of <em>The Prince</em> by Niccolo Machiavelli 500 years ago has a member of the political opposition written so candidly about the strengths and weaknesses of the strongest member of his opposing political party.<br /> Brilliant and insightful, THE QUEEN is simply unique among political books of our era.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Modeste Mignon Exploring Love, Ambition, and Society in 19th Century France【電子書籍】[ Honor? de Balzac ]
<p>In "Modeste Mignon," Honor√? de Balzac intricately weaves a narrative exploring themes of love, ambition, and societal constraints within 19th-century France. Through the lens of Modeste, a na√?ve yet talented young woman, Balzac delves into the complexities of artistic endeavor and the often harsh realities of social expectation. His prose combines the realism for which he is renowned with a psychological depth that captures the character's internal conflicts, ultimately reflecting the intricate societal tapestry of his time. The novel is positioned within Balzac's broader work, "La Com√?die Humaine," serving as a microcosm of the diverse human experiences he sought to portray. Born in 1799, Balzac had firsthand experience with the struggles of artistic creation and the impact of social class on individuals'?? destinies. His upbringing and multiple career endeavors before becoming a successful writer infused him with a profound understanding of ambition and societal pressure. This personal insight is poignantly projected onto Modeste, allowing readers to empathize deeply with her quest for autonomy amidst prevailing norms. "Modeste Mignon" is a must-read for those who appreciate the rich intricacies of character-driven narrative and social critique. Balzac's keen observations and masterful storytelling invite readers to both reflect on and engage with the enduring themes of love and ambition, making this novel a timeless exploration of the human condition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
40 ans pour b?tir sa carri?re Une vie d'ambition et de passion【電子書籍】[ Eric Codron ]
<p>Ce livre a pour but de r?sumer ma carri?re au sein d'un groupe international o? j'ai pass? 40 ann?es d'?volution avec des hauts et des bats mais aussi une partie de ma vie familiale durant ce parcours. Le but ?tait d'?voluer et d'arriver ? une direction g?n?rale o? j'y suis arriv? en travaillant sans compter et surtout m'instruire et conna?tre l'?volution de la culture d'une grosse entreprise.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Making Money A Captivating Tale of Ambition, Ethics, and Wealth in Wall Street【電子書籍】[ Owen Johnson ]
<p>Owen Johnson'??s "Making Money" offers a captivating exploration of the complexities of wealth acquisition and the moral dilemmas surrounding the pursuit of fortune. Set against a backdrop of early 20th-century America, Johnson employs a blend of sharp wit and incisive social commentary, crafting a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. The literary style reflects the influences of realism and modernism, as the author intricately weaves together the lives of ambitious characters navigating the treacherous waters of finance and desire in a rapidly changing society. Owen Johnson, an acclaimed novelist and journalist of his time, drew from his personal experiences in the dynamic world of business and publishing. His keen insight into the human condition, paired with an acute awareness of societal shifts during the Gilded Age, informed his narratives. Johnson's background in literature and economics allowed him to delve deep into the ethical implications of capitalism, making his works resonate with a sense of urgency and relevance. "Making Money" is highly recommended for readers interested in literature that reflects the nuances of moral choice within the capitalist framework. Johnson'??s profound insights provide a lens through which contemporary readers can examine their own relationships with wealth and ethics, making this work both a historical and a modern commentary on the pursuit of success.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Les cl?s de la r?ussite : d?velopper la r?silience, l'ambition et les autres traits pour atteindre ses objectifs【電子書籍】[ YVES SITBON ]
<p>Ce livre aborde les diff?rents aspects de la r?ussite, en se concentrant sur la r?silience, l'ambition, la passion, la pers?v?rance, la visualisation positive, la d?termination, le d?veloppement personnel, l'entourage, et la prise de risques. L'objectif est de fournir une compr?hension de la d?finition de la r?silience et de son importance pour la r?ussite, ainsi que des conseils sur la fa?on de la d?velopper. De m?me, l'importance de l'ambition, de la passion, de la pers?v?rance, de la visualisation positive, de la d?termination, et du d?veloppement personnel pour la r?ussite est examin?e, ainsi que les moyens de les cultiver. Le livre examine ?galement comment l'entourage peut affecter la r?ussite et comment construire un cercle d'influence positif. Enfin, il aborde la prise de risques et l'importance de la g?rer pour atteindre ses objectifs. La conclusion r?sume les diff?rents aspects de la r?ussite et comment les mettre en pratique dans sa propre vie.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
ボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム Rio Grande Games Roll for The Galaxy Board Game: Ambition Expansionボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム
商品情報 商品名ボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム Rio Grande Games Roll for The Galaxy Board Game: Ambition Expansionボードゲーム 英語 アメリカ 海外ゲーム 商品名(英語)Rio Grande Games Roll for The Galaxy Board Game: Ambition Expansion 型番RIO520 ブランドRio Grande Games 関連キーワードボードゲーム,英語,アメリカ,海外ゲームこのようなギフトシーンにオススメです。プレゼント お誕生日 クリスマスプレゼント バレンタインデー ホワイトデー 贈り物
Ziele richtig setzen & erreichen incl. Bonus ? Smart Alles verwirklichen verfolgen umsetzen, planen mit Strategie Kommunikation Rhetorik, dranbleiben zum Erfolg, mit Ambition & Fokus gewinnen【電子書籍】[ Simone Janson ]
<p>Auch in der 6. ?berarbeiteten und verbesserten Auflage, herausgegeben von einem staatlich gef?rderten und an EU-Programmen beteiligten Verlag, Partner des Bundesbildungsministeriums, erhalten Sie das geballte Fachwissen renommierter Experten (?bersicht in der Buchvorschau) sowie zus?tzlich ma?geschneiderte Premium-Inhalte und Zugang zu Reise-Deals mit bis zu 75% Rabatt. Gleichzeitig tun Sie Gutes und unterst?tzen nachhaltige Projekte.</p> <p>Denn es gibt keinen Zweifel: Ziele sind das, was uns dazu treibt, ?berhaupt produktiv zu sein. Und sie bringen uns dazu, bei Misserfolgen aufzustehen und weiterzumachen. Wichtig ist es jedoch, Ziele richtig zu setzen. Sie sollten nicht zu gro? und unerreichbar scheinen, aber gro? genug, dass sie eine Herausforderung darstellen und Entwicklungsm?glichkeiten bieten. Gute Ziele sind smart und Machbarkeit ist hier ein wichtiges Stichwort. Viele bekannte Unternehmer und Prominente eint genau dieser Punkt: Die F?higkeit, gro?e Visionen zu entwickeln, diese unbeirrt zu verfolgen und auch zu erreichen. Doch zu ungeduldig darf man beim Verfolgen seiner Pl?ne auch nicht sein, es geh?ren rhetorisches Geschick und strategische F?higkeiten dazu, andere Menschen zu ?berzeugen. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie man die richtigen Ziele entwickelt und trotz aller Widrigkeiten umsetzt.</p> <p>Mit seinem Konzept ?Infos nach Wunsch“ war der Verlag nicht nur an einem EU-gef?rderten Programm beteiligt, sondern wurde auch mit dem Global Business Award als Publisher of the Year ausgezeichnet. Daher tun Sie mit dem Kauf des Buches auch Gutes: Der Verlag engagiert sich finanziell und mit pers?nlichem Einsatz in gesellschaftlich relevanten Projekten wie Baumpflanz-Aktionen, der Stiftung von Stipendien, nachhaltige Wohnformen und vielen weiteren innovativen Ideen.</p> <p>Das Ziel, Ihnen die bestm?glichen Inhalte zu Themen wie Karriere, Finanzen, Management, Recruiting oder Psychologie zu bieten, geht dabei weit ?ber die statische Natur traditioneller B?cher hinaus: Das interaktive Buch vermittelt Ihnen nicht nur Fachwissen, sondern erm?glichen es auch, individuelle Fragen zu stellen und sich pers?nlich beraten zu lassen.</p> <p>Dabei gehen Fachwissen und technische Innovation Hand in Hand, denn wir nehmen die Verantwortung, fundierte und gut recherchierte Inhalte zu liefern sowie das Vertrauen, das Sie in uns setzen, sehr ernst. Alle Texte stammen von Experten Ihres Fachs. lediglich zur besseren Auffindbarkeit von Informationen auf greifen wir auf KI-gest?tzte Datenanalyse zur?ck, die Sie bei Ihrer Suche nach Wissen unterst?tzt.</p> <p>Sie erhalten auch umfangreiche Premium-Leistungen: So finden Sie in jedem Buch ausf?hrliche Erl?uterungen und Beispiele, die Ihnen das erfolgreiche Benutzen der f?r Buchk?ufer kostenlosen Beratung erleichtern. Sie k?nnen dar?ber hinaus eKurse herunterladen, mit Workbooks arbeiten oder sich mit einer aktiven Community austauschen. So erhalten Sie wertvolle Ressourcen, die Ihr Wissen steigern, die Kreativit?t anregen, Ihre pers?nlichen wie beruflichen Ziele erreichbar und Erfolge erlebbar machen.</p> <p>Genau deshalb haben Sie als Teil der Leser-Community die einmalige Gelegenheit, Ihre Reise zu pers?nlichem Erfolg noch unvergesslicher zu machen mit Reise-Deals von bis zu 75% Rabatt. Denn wir wissen, dass wahre Erfolgs-Erlebnisse keine reine Kopfsache sind, sondern vor allem durch pers?nliche Eindr?cke und Erfahrungen entstehen.</p> <p>Verlegerin und Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist zudem Bestseller-Autorin sowie eine der 10 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen laut Blogger-Relevanz-Index, au?erdem war sie Kolumnistin und Autorin renommierter Medien wie WELT, Wirtschaftswoche oder ZEIT - mehr zu ihr u.a. in Wikipedia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Currency Statecraft Monetary Rivalry and Geopolitical Ambition【電子書籍】[ Benjamin J. Cohen ]
<p>At any given time, a limited number of national currencies are used as instruments of international commerce, to settle foreign trade transactions or store value for investors and central banks. How countries whose currencies gain international appeal choose to use this status forms their strategy of currency statecraft. In different circumstances, issuing governments may welcome and promote the internationalization of their currency, tolerate it, or actively oppose it. Benjamin J. Cohen offers a provocative explanation of the strategic policy choices at play.</p> <p>In a comprehensive review that ranges from World War II to the present, Cohen convincingly argues that one goal stands out as the primary motivation for currency statecraft: the extent of a country’s geopolitical ambition, or how driven it is to build or sustain a prominent place in the international community. When a currency becomes internationalized, it generally increases the power of the nation that produces it. In the persistent contestation that characterizes global politics, that extra edge can matter greatly, making monetary rivalry an integral component of geopolitics. Today, the major example of monetary rivalry is the emerging confrontation between the US dollar and the Chinese renminbi. Cohen describes how China has vigorously promoted the international standing of its currency in recent years, even at the risk of exacerbating relations with the United States, and explains how the outcome could play a major role in shaping the broader geopolitical engagement between the two superpowers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
洋書 The Cardinal's Hat: Money, Ambition, and Everyday Life in the Court of a Borgia Prince
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Set Goals the Right Way & Achieve them incl. Bonus ? Pursuit realize implement everything, plan & decide with strategy communication rhetoric, stay on track to success, win by ambition & focus【電子書籍】[ Simone Janson ]
<p>Also in the 6th revised and improved edition, published by a government-funded publisher involved in EU programs and a partner of the Federal Ministry of Education, you receive the concentrated expertise of renowned experts (overview in the book preview), as well as tailored premium content and access to travel deals with discounts of up to 75%. At the same time, you do good and support sustainable projects.</p> <p>Because there is no doubt: goals are what drives us to be productive in the first place. And they make us stand up and continue when we fail. But it is important to set goals correctly. They should not seem too big and unattainable, but big enough that they present a challenge and offer opportunities for development. Good goals are smart and feasibility is an important keyword here. Many well-known entrepreneurs and celebrities are united by exactly this point: The ability to develop great visions, to pursue them unwaveringly and to achieve them. But you can't be too impatient in pursuing your plans either</p> <p>With its "Info on Demand" concept, the publisher not only participated in an EU-funded program but was also awarded the Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year. Therefore, by purchasing this book, you are also doing good: The publisher is financially and personally involved in socially relevant projects such as tree planting campaigns, the establishment of scholarships, sustainable living arrangements, and many other innovative ideas.</p> <p>The goal of providing you with the best possible content on topics such as career, finance, management, recruiting, or psychology goes far beyond the static nature of traditional books: The interactive book not only imparts expert knowledge but also allows you to ask individual questions and receive personal advice.</p> <p>In doing so, expertise and technical innovation go hand in hand, as we take the responsibility of delivering well-researched and reliable content, as well as the trust you place in us, very seriously. Therefore, all texts are written by experts in their field. Only for better accessibility of information do we rely on AI-supported data analysis, which assists you in your search for knowledge.</p> <p>You also gain extensive premium services: Each book includes detailed explanations and examples, making it easier for you to successfully use the consultation services, freeky available only to book buyers. Additionally, you can download e-courses, work with workbooks, or engage with an active community. This way, you gain valuable resources that enhance your knowledge, stimulate creativity, and make your personal and professional goals achievable and successes tangible.</p> <p>That's why, as part of the reader community, you have the unique opportunity to make your journey to personal success even more unforgettable with travel deals of up to 75% off. Because we know that true success is not just a matter of the mind, but is primarily the result of personal impressions and experiences.</p> <p>Publisher and editor Simone Janson is also a bestselling author and one of the 10 most important German bloggers according to the Blogger Relevance Index. Additionally, she has been a columnist and author for renowned media such as WELT, Wirtschaftswoche, and ZEIT - you can learn more about her on Wikipedia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus Exploring Ambition, Creation, and Consequences in a Gothic Science Fiction Classic【電子書籍】[ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ]
<p>In "Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus," Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley intricately weaves a narrative that explores the profound consequences of unbridled ambition and the quest for knowledge. Set against the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution and burgeoning scientific inquiry, the novel employs a Gothic literary style characterized by eerie settings, complex characters, and moral ambiguity. Shelley's use of multiple narrators elevates the text, allowing readers to ponder the essence of humanity through the dual perspectives of creator and creature, ultimately questioning the ethics of scientific experimentation and the ramifications of isolation. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the daughter of the feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, was profoundly influenced by the intellectual climate of her time, including the tumult of the French Revolution and the early stirrings of feminist thought. Her personal experiences, such as the loss of her mother and the tumultuous relationship with poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, inform the novel'??s exploration of creation, responsibility, and the consequences of abandonment. Shelley's unique vantage point as a woman in a male-dominated literary world enables her to address themes of empathy and alienation with a poignancy that resonates deeply. "Frankenstein" is not only a key text in the Gothic genre but also a significant critique of the Enlightenment'??s ideal of reason. It remains remarkably relevant today, inviting readers to reflect on the ethical dilemmas posed by scientific progress and the need for compassion in an increasingly fragmented world. This novel is essential reading for those interested in the intersections of science, ethics, and literature.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Ambition English Communication 1 Workbook
ぐるぐる王国FS 楽天市場店
本詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください出版社名開隆堂出版出版年月2022年サイズ87P 26cmISBNコード9784304052125高校学参 英語 高校英語その他Ambition English Communication 1 Workbookアンビシヨン イングリツシユ コミユニケ-シヨン イチ ワ-クブツク AMBITION ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 1 WORKBOOK※ページ内の情報は告知なく変更になることがあります。あらかじめご了承ください登録日2023/03/03
Vergesst!! Eure Ziele incl. Bonus ? Selbstliebe & Achtsamkeit finden, Loslassen lernen, Grenzen setzen statt mit Ambition harte Ziele verfolgen & dann doch smart alles erreichen & verwirklichen【電子書籍】[ Simone Janson ]
<p>Auch in der 6. ?berarbeiteten und verbesserten Auflage, herausgegeben von einem staatlich gef?rderten und an EU-Programmen beteiligten Verlag, Partner des Bundesbildungsministeriums, erhalten Sie das geballte Fachwissen renommierter Experten (?bersicht in der Buchvorschau) sowie zus?tzlich ma?geschneiderte Premium-Inhalte und Zugang zu Reise-Deals mit bis zu 75% Rabatt. Gleichzeitig tun Sie Gutes und unterst?tzen nachhaltige Projekte.</p> <p>Denn Pl?ne zu schmieden, sich Ziele zu setzen und zu verfolgen gilt in unserer Berufswelt als erstrebenswert. Doch oft f?hrt das verbissene Abarbeiten von To-Do-Listen nur zu Scheitern und Misserfolg. Daher hilft es, mit Achtsamkeit und Selbstliebe Vorg?nge zuzulassen und in kleinen Schritten fast spielerisch zum Erfolg zu gelangen, statt mit starrer Willenskraft Ergebnisse erzwingen zu wollen.</p> <p>Mit seinem Konzept ?Infos nach Wunsch“ war der Verlag nicht nur an einem EU-gef?rderten Programm beteiligt, sondern wurde auch mit dem Global Business Award als Publisher of the Year ausgezeichnet. Daher tun Sie mit dem Kauf des Buches auch Gutes: Der Verlag engagiert sich finanziell und mit pers?nlichem Einsatz in gesellschaftlich relevanten Projekten wie Baumpflanz-Aktionen, der Stiftung von Stipendien, nachhaltige Wohnformen und vielen weiteren innovativen Ideen.</p> <p>Das Ziel, Ihnen die bestm?glichen Inhalte zu Themen wie Karriere, Finanzen, Management, Recruiting oder Psychologie zu bieten, geht dabei weit ?ber die statische Natur traditioneller B?cher hinaus: Das interaktive Buch vermittelt Ihnen nicht nur Fachwissen, sondern erm?glichen es auch, individuelle Fragen zu stellen und sich pers?nlich beraten zu lassen.</p> <p>Dabei gehen Fachwissen und technische Innovation Hand in Hand, denn wir nehmen die Verantwortung, fundierte und gut recherchierte Inhalte zu liefern sowie das Vertrauen, das Sie in uns setzen, sehr ernst. Alle Texte stammen von Experten Ihres Fachs. lediglich zur besseren Auffindbarkeit von Informationen auf greifen wir auf KI-gest?tzte Datenanalyse zur?ck, die Sie bei Ihrer Suche nach Wissen unterst?tzt.</p> <p>Sie erhalten auch umfangreiche Premium-Leistungen: So finden Sie in jedem Buch ausf?hrliche Erl?uterungen und Beispiele, die Ihnen das erfolgreiche Benutzen der f?r Buchk?ufer kostenlosen Beratung erleichtern. Sie k?nnen dar?ber hinaus eKurse herunterladen, mit Workbooks arbeiten oder sich mit einer aktiven Community austauschen. So erhalten Sie wertvolle Ressourcen, die Ihr Wissen steigern, die Kreativit?t anregen, Ihre pers?nlichen wie beruflichen Ziele erreichbar und Erfolge erlebbar machen.</p> <p>Genau deshalb haben Sie als Teil der Leser-Community die einmalige Gelegenheit, Ihre Reise zu pers?nlichem Erfolg noch unvergesslicher zu machen mit Reise-Deals von bis zu 75% Rabatt. Denn wir wissen, dass wahre Erfolgs-Erlebnisse keine reine Kopfsache sind, sondern vor allem durch pers?nliche Eindr?cke und Erfahrungen entstehen.</p> <p>Verlegerin und Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist zudem Bestseller-Autorin sowie eine der 10 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen laut Blogger-Relevanz-Index, au?erdem war sie Kolumnistin und Autorin renommierter Medien wie WELT, Wirtschaftswoche oder ZEIT - mehr zu ihr u.a. in Wikipedia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Ambition's Woman【電子書籍】[ Jeanne Jones ]
<p>At thirty-three, Lady Andrea Harrington is the most glamorous and powerful figure in the American food establishment, star of an award-winning gourmet television show and owner of the catering firm most in demand among the very chic and very rich. Then suddenly, at the height of her career, a miscalculation threatens to destroy everything. And once again she must fight to protect the position her ambition has driven her to reach. Getting there once has guaranteed her nothing.</p> <p>Born Andrea Nilsson in Cleveland, she is the only daughter of doting, middle-class parents who, in giving her all they could, simply taught her how much more there was. She becomes a Broadway star at twenty, and a has-been at twenty-two. She is offered a real-life role wife to an English baronet nearly twice her age, only to become the heroine of a real-life tragedy.</p> <p>Moving from brilliant Broadway openings to backstage despair, from English garden parties to lavish Los Angeles mansions, from the kitchens of the world’s greatest restaurants to the bedrooms of the very rich, we follow Lady Andrea on her climb to the top.</p> <p>A gripping saga about a woman force to choose between love and career set in the heady world of international cuisine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Alabaster Obelisk A Chronicle of Poisoned Ambition【電子書籍】[ Tristan Calhoun ]
<p>Beneath the monolithic Alabaster Obelisk, a perpetual twilight cloaks Eldridge University, a sanctuary of knowledge and a breeding ground for ambition. Within its aged walls, whispers of forgotten rituals and forbidden knowledge echo, drawing in the unsuspecting like moths to a flame. Calliope Nevers, a bright-eyed freshman, arrives at Eldridge with a thirst for discovery, only to find herself entangled in a web of arcane secrets.</p> <p>Drawn into the mesmerizing orbit of Dr. Octavian Mercier, a renowned scholar of ancient alchemy, Calliope joins his exclusive seminar. The enigmatic Mercier promises to unlock the cipher that holds the key to eternal life, a seductive proposition that ignites the ambitions of his chosen students. Among them are Theo Greaves, a brilliant physicist whose pragmatism clashes with the seminar’s esoteric focus, and Emily Strong, a driven historian haunted by a past inextricably linked to Eldridge's hidden history.</p> <p>As they delve deeper into the cipher's cryptic symbols, a creeping dread begins to permeate the seminar room. Unexplained illnesses, hallucinatory episodes, and escalating paranoia grip the group, turning their intellectual pursuit into a nightmarish descent. Theo, increasingly suspicious of Mercier’s methods, launches his own investigation, uncovering a series of unexplained deaths tied to the cipher and the looming obelisk. Each discovery points to a terrifying truth: Mercier's seminar is not a scholarly pursuit, but a macabre experiment in human transmutation.</p> <p>Meanwhile, Emily's carefully constructed facade crumbles, revealing a family legacy intertwined with Eldridge’s darkest secrets and the obelisk’s sinister power. Her struggle becomes a chilling reflection of the corrupting influence of unchecked ambition and the weight of unspoken truths.</p> <p>Calliope, caught in the crosshairs of Mercier's dangerous obsession, faces an agonizing choice. Will she succumb to the allure of forbidden knowledge or expose a truth that could unravel the very fabric of reality? The answer lies not within the ancient cipher, but within the depths of her own moral compass. As the obelisk’s shadow stretches across the campus, a climactic confrontation looms, where the true cost of ambition will be paid in full. Enter the hallowed halls of Eldridge, if you dare, and uncover the chilling secrets of the Alabaster Obelisk.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Sociological Ambition Elementary Forms of Social and Moral Life【電子書籍】[ Chris Shilling ]
<p><strong>`The Sociological Ambition</strong> is a superb book... It is beautifully written, expertly edited and renders complex and original ideas entirely accessible... This is a modern classic′ - Journal of Contemporary Religion</p> <p>`For all social scientists who are fed up with corporate-style textbooks, which appeal to the lowest common denominator The Sociological Ambition must come as a relief. Shilling and Mellor have written an account of their discipline but they have done so with a multi-purpose task in mind′ - <em><strong>Irish Journal of Sociology</strong></em></p> <p>In a comprehensive reassessment of the field, Chris Shilling and Philip A Mellor examine the various attempts that have been made to reconstruct sociology over the last century, arguing that classical and contemporary social theories must be studied in relation to the ambition that first shaped and established the discipline.</p> <p>The authors begin by situating sociology in its historical, philosophical and theological contexts; examining how the founders of the discipline developed competing analyses of the processes elementary to social and moral life through their unique contributions.</p> <p>The result is a landmark work in recent sociological study. Accomplished and erudite, this book will be required reading for students of sociology, social theory, religious studies and cultural studies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
【中古】アクセサリー(非金属)(男性) ONE OK ROCK ラバーバンド(レッド) 「ONE OK ROCK 2018 AMBITIONS JAPAN DOME TOUR」
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【中古】ONE OK ROCK 2018 AMBITIONS JAPAN DOME TOUR ワンオクロック M レディース(メンズ?) Tシャツ プリント 音楽 公式グッズ 半袖 綿×ポリ 黒 商品データ ブランド ONE OK ROCK 2018 AMBITIONS JAPAN DOME TOUR ( ワンオクロック ) 商品タイトル ONE OK ROCK 2018 AMBITIONS JAPAN DOME TOUR ワンオクロック M レディース(メンズ?) Tシャツ プリント 音楽 公式グッズ 半袖 綿×ポリ 黒 カラー 黒 サイズ表記 M 実寸サイズ (タグ表記:M)・肩幅44cm・着丈67cm・身幅47cm・袖丈18cm 素材 綿×ポリ 状態 【 A 】 USED品ですがほとんど使用感もなく美品です。 商品状態・ディテールなど (※実測寸法など、多少の誤差はご容赦下さい。)(※商品は全て畳んで保管しております。保管による畳み皺などはございます。その点ご了承下さい。)●気になったダメージの場所と種類: ・所々:- ・全体:- ・肩:- ・襟:- ・胸:- ・腹部:- ・裾:- ・右袖:- ・左袖:- ・袖口:- ・背中(上):- ・背中(下):- ・内側:-●その他ディテール:-●付属品など:-●その他:- 管理番号 TS04660 お取引について まとめ買い・送料サービス ・複数点ご購入の場合は同梱発送も可能です。・その他、合計ご購入金額が3,980円(税込)以上の場合は送料無料(当店負担。沖縄、離島は無料ではなく送料300円で、税込み9,800円以上ご購入の場合はその他地域と同様送料無料)のサービスも実施していますので、是非ご検討ください(※送料サービス適用時の配達方法は梱包完了時に当店で改めて決定させていただくこととなります)。・メール便(クロネコゆうパケットまたは飛脚ゆうパケット便)での発送が可能な商品を含む複数点をご購入の場合、メール便での同梱発送は不可です。そのため、同梱発送はメール便以外の配達方法となります。 送料 ・ショッピングカート画面内のお届け方法変更画面にて各配送方法の送料が確認可能です。 楽天市場のシステム仕様により全商品につき、お客様側で明示的にお届け方法を変更しない限り最安送料が自動適用されております(※複数ご購入の場合も同様)。 メール便の最安送料は佐川急便の飛脚ゆうパケット便のためメール便での発送が可能な商品は飛脚ゆうパケット便が自動適用されますが、同様のサービスのメール便としてヤマト運輸のクロネコゆうパケットもご選択可能です。「飛脚ゆうパケット便」「クロネコゆうパケット」は、集荷会社は異なりますがお届けはどちらも日本郵便となる関係上、到着目安は発送完了後3〜7日程となっており、料金は異なりますが同じサービスです。応援したい配送会社のサービスをお選びください。 当店ではご注文完了後に発送方法について改めてご提案することはなくご注文内容通りの配送方法での発送となりますので、ご注文の際は念のためお届け方法変更画面にてご希望の配送方法をお探しいただき概ね想定通りの到着となるようご注文いただくのがお勧めです。 尚、3,980円以上(沖縄宛は9,800円以上)のお買い物で送料無料となりますので、宜しければ複数ご注文もご検討ください。 商品の梱包と発送 ・商品の梱包は原則的にビニール袋等に封入のうえ、封筒または紙袋での梱包となります。 靴の場合、箱付きは段ボールでの梱包となりますが、箱無しは原則的にビニール袋+封筒または紙袋での梱包となります。 メガネ類の場合は緩衝材で保護のうえ段ボールでの梱包となります。 ギフト包装、その他梱包方法のご指定は不可でございますのでご了承ください。 ・発送はご入金確認後、1〜2営業日以内となります。(※ご入金が当店の定休日前日、および当日の場合は定休日明けの発送となります。その他状況によりすぐに発送できない場合は「ご登録のメールアドレス宛」等へご連絡をさせていただきます。配達日のご指定が必要な場合はお日にちの余裕がある際のご購入がお勧めです。※メール便(クロネコゆうパケットまたは飛脚ゆうパケット便)は日時指定不可。) ・佐川急便の飛脚ゆうパケット便をご選択の場合、諸般の状況により予告無くヤマト運輸のクロネコゆうパケットでの発送に切り替えさせていただく場合がありますが、その際の差額費用は当店負担となりますのでその点ご安心ください。 その他 ・他のECモールと同時出品しています。在庫連動に5分程時間が掛かりますので、万一同時に他のお客様からもご注文をお受けすることとなりました場合はご注文時間が早いお客様への販売となります。誠に恐れ入りますがその点ご了承ください。ご返金時のご案内は「ご登録のメールアドレス宛」となります。・当店からの連絡は原則「ご登録のメールアドレス宛」となります。然るべきタイミングで当店からのメールが届かない場合は迷惑メールフォルダなどに振り分けられていないか、「ご登録のメールアドレス」に誤りがないかなどご確認ください。・お届けの商品に万一問題がございました際は、お手数ではございますがその旨、および詳細な状況をご連絡ください。・お客様から当店へのご連絡方法はお電話以外とさせていただいております(※状況の整理、把握、認識齟齬回避、及び取引記録保存の必要性の観点からお電話でのご連絡はお受けしていないものとなります。誠に恐れ入りますがご了承ください)。