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The Power of Fastercise Using the New Science of Signaling Exercise to Get Surprisingly Fit in Just a Few Minutes a Day【電子書籍】[ Doctor Denis Wilson, MD ]
<p><strong>A revolutionary program of short burst, high-intensity exercise that uses your body's signals to curb hunger as it burns fat and builds muscle</strong></p> <p>Over the last 26 years, thyroid pioneer Denis Wilson, MD, has trained thousands of physicians on the crucial relationships between the thyroid system, metabolism, and body temperature. He’s heard patients recount their inability to get fit using conventional approaches, and he’s understood their frustration. Based on the latest medical research, Dr. Wilson has created fastercise, a revolutionary practice that uses brief, strategically timed bursts of exercise to cancel hunger pangs, allowing people to more easily stick to a healthy eating plan and shift their bodies toward becoming leaner, faster, smarter, stronger, and healthier. Fastercise holds the promise of vindicating and liberating many of those who have struggled to improve their fitness, enabling them to transform their lives and reach their full potential.</p> <p>By combining simple analogies and clear explanations of the physiology of the body’s energy pathways and response to food and exercise, Dr. Wilson reveals how conventional approaches to dieting and weight management can actually fight against the body’s priorities and lead to frustration and poor results. Fastercise is a time-efficient, convenient, and natural approach powerfully signals the body to burn fat and build muscle synergistically, leading to surprisingly beneficial and quick results.</p> <p><em>The Power of Fastercise</em> explains how fastercise can help you:</p> <p>? Burn fat without going hungry<br /> ? Build your mitochondria to burn more fat and provide greater energy<br /> ? Stimulate muscle growth in just a few minutes a day<br /> ? Shift your body composition to less fat and more muscle<br /> ? Boost your body temperature and metabolic rate<br /> ? Look and feel younger<br /> ? Increase mental focus, learning, and productivity<br /> ? Decrease insulin resistance<br /> ? Decrease inflammation and improve immune function<br /> ? Improve respiratory fitness and athletic performance<br /> ? Get great results with any healthy diet, including low-carb and high-carb</p> <p>In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Wilson lays out simple, practical strategies for combining fastercise with smart eating choices. Fastercise can provide excellent results for a wide range of people: seasoned athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and even those who dislike exercising or have physical limitations. Whatever your fitness goals are, fastercise can help you achieve them.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Surviving Failure (and a few Successes) The crushing experience of epic failure, followed by epic success, followed by...【電子書籍】[ Merle Good ]
<p><em>Surviving Failure (and a few Successes)</em> is a bracingly honest book about the struggles of failure and of wild success. It is also a story of hard-won hope and endurance. Here, too, for the first time is the inside story of the off-the-charts publishing sensation, <em>Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook</em>. Good acknowledges the searing questions he faced in the dark times and in the moments of out-of-control success. Who can I trustーand who will trust me? When the false gossip is overwhelming, do I ignore it, or do my best to counter it? The author offers transferable survival tips, weaving in advice from well-known figures who experienced failure yet went on to live productively and positively.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
How to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing: The Secret to Making Thousands as an Affiliate Marketing Expert in Just a Few Months!【電子書籍】[ Harman Smith ]
<p>Affiliate marketing is one way to make money online. It is an easy and quick way to make money online. You don't need any technical skills and you can make hundreds, even thousands of dollars if you connect with the right markets and choose the right products.</p> <p>Let's move on for a second. Let's start with what affiliate marketing is. It works. What makes it more profitable than other internet-based money-making strategies?</p> <p>Affiliate marketing is selling products that are not yours in exchange for a commission. Then, you can make money on each sale. All you have to do is connect the product with people who will enjoy it.</p> <p>Selling eBooks as an affiliate product will allow you to keep either 70% or more of the profits. If you choose the right product, you can make as much as someone who created it.</p> <p>This book will teach you how to quickly and efficiently get started in affiliate marketing to start making money. This book could change your life. It requires smart product selection, a well-informed audience, and a bit of luck.</p> <p>This book is for affiliate marketers who are already selling products. It will provide the skills and tips that you need to take your business to new heights. These tools are used by top brands to sell huge ticket items such as MBA courses or powerful laptops worth $5,000+.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
ジェックス GEX AQUARIUM グラステリア フィット 150CUBE plus フレームレス水槽 ガラスフタ付
ジェックス GEX AQUARIUM グラステリア フィット 150CUBE plus フレームレス水槽 ガラスフタ付フィットガラス製法でフタもぴったりフィット。フタ受けリフト・シリコンスペーサー付。用途に合わせて開口部を4段階調整できるから、本格的なアクアリウムやコケを使ったこだわりテラリウムに最適。【使用方法】開口部0mm:ぴったり密閉コケリウム。密閉性が高いので保湿でき、水やりの手間がかからない。開口部2mm(シリコンスペーサー使用):通気性のあるテラリウム。隙間があるので空気が循環し、結露やカビの発生を抑える。開口部5mm(フタ受けリフト使用):コードを通してベタ飼育。細いコードが通るので、フタをしながら器具が使える。開口部7mm(フタ受けリフト・シリコンスペーサー使用):しっかり本格アクアリウム。エアーチューブやヒーター等色々使えるから本格飼育。【ご使用方法】生体の種類や組み合わせによって、飼育方法や飼育できる匹数、セット内容以外に必要な飼育器具が異なります。くわしくは、生体をお求めになられた専門店などにご相談ください。本製品にはクッションマットは付属しておりません。シリコンスペーサーの接着面は非常に強力なため、一度貼り付けると剥がすことができません。【水槽サイズ】約 幅15.0×奥行き15.0×高さ15.0cm 水容量約2.5L【ガラス厚】4mm
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A Lay Preacher but God's Work? (A Collection of Illustrations, Modern Parables, Life Changing Experiences and a Few Poems from 1993 to 2013)【電子書籍】[ A. Sinner ]
<p>In A Sinners second book he again states he has to keep to his pen name and again changes all names of churches, friends and family because of, as he puts it, historical freedoms long ago fought and died for in my country, but now lost to dangerous forces, that are not only unchallenged but appeased and encouraged. He gives a chapter on his own English roots and background where he says his Saviour showed him the first signs of sin of which he needed to take to His cross. He mentions first hand experience of Jesuit and Christian Brother school teachers, who not surprisingly, he is no fan of. Yet his criticisms again are not left to Roman Catholicism alone. As in his first book, often humorous, often tragic words, but now not just in sermon notes but observations, experiences, speaking notes, modern parables, one or two poems and also in his own mostly pen and ink illustrations. He gives a little more detail than in his first book of his working for his Saviour in missionary organisations such as Prison Fellowship, SASRA and local church work. Through it all, he leaves the same message for all: look to the Bible for inspiration but especially to unbelievers for salvation only in the Bibles Author ,The Holy Spirit and the Word of God Jesus Christ! John Then they asked Him, What must we do to do the works God requires? Jesus answered The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent! John 6;28&29.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Love After 50, or Not: A Few Brave Women Share the Truth of Their Internet Dating Experiences【電子書籍】[ Julie Paulson ]
<p>When we're young, it's relatively easy to meet potential romantic partners through family, friends, or school. When we become widowed or divorced, however, we discover that the dating environment has changed beyond all recognition. Now it seems like the best way to find somebody new is to go online. But dating sites are kind of scary . . . aren't they?</p> <p><em>Love After 50, or Not</em> tells the true stories of women who have explored the brave new world of Internet dating -- with varying degrees of success. You'll meet:</p> <ul> <li>Patricia, whose fairytale romance is almost thwarted by technical difficulties</li> <li>Sherry, whose online paramour is perfect in every way but one -- he doesn't want to meet her</li> <li>Cara, who learns that even a twice-broken heart can be healed by laughter and love</li> </ul> <p>While the Internet introduces new pitfalls to the already hazardous terrain of romance, the women of <em>Love After50, or Not</em> learn that love feels the same regardless of whether it blossoms on or off line. Their stories encourage us to risk heartbreak, dare to be vulnerable, and take a chance on second chances.</p> <p><strong>About the Author</strong></p> <p><strong>Claudia Fleming</strong> is a retired securities dealer and has held licenses for all types of insurance. Within that industry she worked (tirelessly) in public relations, marketing, sales, and public speaking. Writing has always been Claudia's passion, mainly poetry. After retiring, she worked as a columnist for a local newspaper in Northern California and wrote stories about the gold country's earliest colorful settlers and present-day famous residents. Claudia continues to expand her craft through both poetry and prose. She is semi-retired and currently lives in Arizona.</p> <p><strong>Linda O'Connor</strong> has worked for the state of Ohio in various workforce development capacities for over twenty years. She is now an assistant director for career technical education. She received her master's degree in education from Ohio State University and her bachelor's degree in business from the Ohio Dominican University.</p> <p>Linda has worked in workforce development, business, and industry/manufacturing, six-sigma, economic development, curriculum development, and post-secondary education. She has served as president for the National Association of Industry-Specific Training Directors, is a member of the National Consortium for Health Science Education, and serves as president of the non-profit Compassionate Communication Center of Ohio.</p> <p><strong>Patricia Kleiven</strong> was seventy-five years old when she wrote her story in this book. She is a registered nurse, retired with a psychiatric specialty. She did floor nursing with some emergency room and intensive care background. Kleiven also taught five years as a nursing assistant/health education instructor for high school students. She has written human interest stories for community newspapers for over forty years and also writes eulogies, biographies, and wedding ceremony announcements. She is currently volunteering a monthly story for her local church.</p> <p><strong>Mara Petrie</strong> has spent her whole life mastering her craft: multi-disciplinary design and art direction. Inspired and encouraged as a child by winning local art contests, Mara went on to pursue her formal training in graphic design and fine art (BA, MFA). Her expansive professional career began in 1976 as <em>Decorating Ideas</em> magazine designer and associate art director for Meredith Publishing. In the twenty-five years that followed, she evolved into creative director and president of m.p. imago.</p> <p>Following the world tragedies of 9/11, Mara took a sabbatical and devoted herself to a not-for-profit venture for opening a Ronald McDonald House in Westchester. Following its successful completion, Mara moved to Tucson, Arizona in 2006 to manage family obligations and related business responsibilities. In September 2013, she founded 6th Taste Saucier, a national firm based in Tucson.</p> <p><strong>Julie Paulson</strong> loved writing creatively from an early age, although her adult years took her down the path of business writing. For fun, she wrote poetry. It was not until she was almost taken in by a conman on an internet dating site that she found her voice and returned to creative writing. Julie's degrees are from Wellesley and Wharton.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
GEXジェックス うさピカ消臭剤 虫よけプラス 無香料 12種類のボタニカル成分配合 天然成分
GEXジェックス うさピカ消臭剤 虫よけプラス 無香料 12種類のボタニカル成分配合 天然成分天然ヤシ油抽出成分で気になるニオイを消臭+除菌(すべての菌を除菌するわけではありません。第三者機関調べ)、天然成分だからなめても安心な消臭剤。ダニが嫌がる*12種類のボタニカル成分配合。化学合成殺虫成分は使用していません。*屋内塵性ダニ類の忌避効果を確認しています(第三者機関調べ)。無香料なので優れた嗅覚を持つデリケートなうさぎ・小動物にも安心です。トイレにお使いのトイレ砂、トイレシーツに直接スプレーするだけで消臭力がアップします(自社調べ)。内容量:380mL
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ソニー ワイヤレスヘッドホン WH-CH510 / bluetooth / AAC対応 / 最大35時間連続再生 2019年モデル / マイク付き /ブルー WH-CH510 L最大35時間再生可能 高音質設計のbluetooth対応ワイヤレスヘッドホンコンパクト軽量な30mmドライバーでも高精細な音楽再生を実現持ち運びしやすく、コンパクトになるスイーベル機構を採用耳元のボタンでスマートフォンなどのプレーヤーをかんたん操作ワイヤレスでも高音質なAACに対応で音質劣化の少ないリスニングを実現わずか約132gの軽量設計で快適な装着感を実現曲送り/曲戻し、再生/一時停止、音量の調節、電話の受話や終話の操作が可能。有効周波数帯域:50~8000Hz
PB(ピービー) 十字ドライバー 190-2-100-6
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BELIZE TRAVEL GUIDE FOR KIDS Discover Hidden Caves, Rainforest Mysteries, Wildlife Wonders and Lively Markets in 2024 - A Travel Companion for Young Explorers【電子書籍】[ Kelvin L. Madison ]
<p><strong>EMBARK</strong> <strong>ON</strong> <strong>AN</strong> <strong>EXCITING</strong> <strong>ADVENTURE</strong> <strong>WITH</strong> <strong>THE</strong> "<strong>BELIZE</strong> <strong>TRAVEL</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>KIDS</strong>"!</p> <p>Unlock the wonders of Belize like never before with our "<strong>Belize</strong> <strong>Travel</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Kids</strong>: Discover Hidden Caves, Rainforest Mysteries, Wildlife Wonders and Lively Markets in 2024 - A Travel Companion for Young Explorers." This engaging guide is the ultimate companion for young adventurers eager to explore the vibrant landscapes, rich wildlife, and bustling markets of Belize.</p> <p>? Uncover the Secrets of Hidden Caves:</p> <p>Step into a world of mystery and excitement as you explore Belize's hidden caves. Our guide highlights the most captivating cave systems, offering young explorers the chance to discover ancient Mayan artifacts, underground rivers, and stunning rock formations. Get ready for a thrilling journey into the heart of the earth!</p> <p>? Explore the Enchanting Rainforest Mysteries:</p> <p>Venture into the lush, green depths of Belize’s rainforests. Our detailed maps and fun facts will guide kids through the best trails, canopy tours, and wildlife encounters. Marvel at the diverse plant and animal life, including colorful birds, playful monkeys, and vibrant flowers, in this magical ecosystem.</p> <p>? Experience Wildlife Wonders:</p> <p>Belize is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts. Our guide provides the best spots and times for viewing jaguars, toucans, sea turtles, and more. Learn how to observe these magnificent creatures safely and respectfully, ensuring an unforgettable wildlife experience.</p> <p>? Discover Lively Markets and Local Culture:</p> <p>Navigate the bustling markets and vibrant culture of Belize with ease. Our guide highlights the best spots for finding unique souvenirs, tasting local delicacies, and experiencing traditional music and dance. Dive into the lively atmosphere of Belize’s markets and immerse yourself in the local culture.</p> <p>? Thrilling Adventures and Fun Activities:</p> <p>From snorkeling in crystal-clear waters to exploring ancient Mayan ruins, our guide covers the top activities for young adventurers. Whether you're into hiking, swimming, or learning about history, Belize offers endless opportunities for fun and discovery.</p> <p>? Hidden Gems and Off-the-Beaten-Path Treasures:</p> <p>Discover Belize’s hidden treasures with our insider tips on lesser-known spots and secret trails. Escape the crowds and immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of secluded beaches, quiet rainforests, and hidden caves.</p> <p>? What’s Inside:</p> <p>? Comprehensive Maps and Itineraries:<br /> Plan and navigate your adventure with ease.</p> <p>? Captivating Photographs:<br /> Visual inspiration to ignite your sense of adventure.</p> <p>? Fun Facts and Trivia:<br /> Learn interesting tidbits about Belize’s history, wildlife, and culture.</p> <p>? Practical Travel Tips:<br /> Expertrt advice on staying safe, packing essentials, and making the most of your trip.</p> <p>Embark on the Adventure of a Lifetime with the "Belize Travel Guide for Kids"</p> <p>Prepare for an unforgettable adventure in one of the world’s most exciting destinations. Whether you're planning a trip for 2024 or beyond, this guide is your key to unlocking the wonders of Belize. Don’t just visitーexperience Belize in all its vibrant glory.</p> <p>Order your copy today and start planning the adventure of a lifetime!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Good Influence Motivate yourself to get fit, find purpose & improve your life with the next bestselling fitness, diet & nutrition personal training expert for fans of James Smith & Ant Middleton【電子書籍】[ Zac Perna ]
<p><strong>Find the motivation to live your best life and get into your best shape with social media influencer Zac Perna</strong></p> <p>Consider this your personal (and hilarious) road map to becoming a lean and happy good influence in your own life. Let's begin.</p> <p>People worldwide know fitness guru Zac Perna for his informative, motivating, curious and very funny social media content. In this book Zac goes deeper, wider and more intimate than ever before. With lots of information about diet, nutrition, exercise and fitness, Zac also reflects on pivotal lessons he's learned about confidence, resilience and what it takes to create something tangible out of your dreams.</p> <p>Zac has done the hard work so you don't have to struggle through the same journey. Drawing on his experience establishing a mega social media brand, a hugely successful fitness-coaching business and the Slouch Potato pyjama brand, and on his extensive health knowledge, Zac offers life lessons through intimately personal and at times unbelievable anecdotes that will make you laugh, reflect on your own life, then laugh some more.</p> <p>If you want a new start, need a bit of encouragement or just want to be inspired, <em>Good Influence</em> is here to help you create healthy habits and become the very best version of yourself.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Swedish Art of Aging Exuberantly: Life Wisdom from Someone Who Will (Probably) Die Before You SWEDISH ART OF AGING EXUBERANT (The Swedish Art of Living & Dying) [ Margareta Magnusson ]
SWEDISH ART OF AGING EXUBERANT The Swedish Art of Living & Dying Margareta Magnusson SCRIBNER BOOKS CO2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781982196622 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp
THE GAME OF LIFE WORKBOOK Florence Scovel Shinn's Prosperity Classic -Newly Expanded with Life changing Exercises and Tools【電子書籍】[ Kate Large ]
<p>In her classic book, THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT, Florence Scovel Shinn established herself as the leading prosperity writer of her time whose down-to-earth, practical, and helpful suggestions appealed to millions of readers and seekers from all walks of life. Although her original work was composed in a different era, her lessons, stories, and insight continue to engage readers despite the dated language and examples. At the core of her teachings is a timeless message for those who yearn to connect on a deeper level with these soul stirring concepts. Never before has there been a step-by-step map to the prosperous life that s just waiting to be discovered. Shinn s beloved writings have now been updated with contemporary references that empower the human spirit and allow everyone to easily relate to the essence of her genuine words and thoughts. This NEW interactive workbook includes the original text from THE GAME OF LIFE PLUS: WORKBOOK SESSIONS that explain the terms and define the concepts as they relate to the world of today, "INSIDE ASSIGNMENTS" with exercises, SQUARE OF LIFE charts to help you identify the motivating forces that steer your life, PERSONAL JOURNAL pages to record your thoughts and track your progress.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Game of Life Workbook Florence Scovel Shinn's Prosperity Classic -Newly Expanded with Life changing Exercises and Tools【電子書籍】[ Kate Large ]
<p><strong>Your Prosperity Manual</strong></p> <p>In her classic book, <strong>THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY I</strong>T, Florence Scovel Shinn established herself as the leading prosperity writer of her time whose down-to-earth, practical, and helpful suggestions appealed to millions of readers and seekers from all walks of life. Although her original work was composed in a different era, her lessons, stories, and insight continue to engage readers despite the dated language and examples. At the core of her teachings is a timeless message for those who yearn to connect on a deeper level with these soul stirring concepts.<br /> Never before has there been a step-by-step map to the prosperous life that s just waiting to be discovered. Shinn s beloved writings have now been updated with contemporary references that empower the human spirit and allow everyone to easily relate to the essence of her genuine words and thoughts.<br /> This NEW interactive workbook includes the original text from THE GAME OF LIFE <strong>PLUS:</strong><br /> WORKBOOK SESSIONS that explain the terms and define the concepts as they relate to the world of today.<br /> <strong>"INSIDE ASSIGNMENTS"</strong> with exercises.<br /> <strong>SQUARE OF LIFE</strong> charts to help you identify the motivating forces that steer your life.<br /> <strong>PERSONAL JOURNAL</strong> pages to record your thoughts and track your progress.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Hotwife Hotel Cheating Exposed A Wife Watching Hot Wife Romance Novel【電子書籍】[ Karly Violet ]
<p>The breaking news story grabs everyone’s attention.</p> <p>Plastered across all of the media outlets was news of a famed celebrity cheating on his wife with another woman .</p> <p>This ‘other woman’ looks all too familiar to Owen. Too much like his beautiful wife for his liking.</p> <p>The media explodes into a frenzy as it transpires the ‘other woman’ is also cheating on her husband.</p> <p>As if getting your cheating wife’s photo plastered across social media and newspapers wasn’t humiliating enough…….</p> <p>…...Owen started to get morbidly curious as his marriage started to enter rocky roads in full view of the public’s eyes.</p> <p>Curiosity led to an unexpected interest in seeing his wife with another man, and this started to lead to an obsession……..</p> <p>…...an obsession in the world seeing his wife cheating on him!</p> <p>This 20,000 word scorching hot novel features a naive and faithful husband learning of his wife cheating on him in a leading story in the news!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Hotwife Hotel Cheating Exposed - A Wife Watching Hot Wife Romance Novel【電子書籍】[ Karly Violet ]
<p><em><strong>Imagine learning of your wife cheating with a celebrity in the tabloids!</strong></em></p> <p>The breaking news story grabs everyone's attention.</p> <p>Plastered across all of the media outlets was news of a famed celebrity cheating on his wife with another woman .</p> <p>This 'other woman' looks all too familiar to Owen. Too much like his beautiful wife for his liking.</p> <p>The media explodes into a frenzy as it transpires the 'other woman' is also cheating on her husband.</p> <p>As if getting your cheating wife's photo plastered across social media and newspapers wasn't humiliating enough…….</p> <p>…...Owen started to get morbidly curious as his marriage started to enter rocky roads in full view of the public's eyes.</p> <p>Curiosity led to an unexpected interest in seeing his wife with another man, and this started to lead to an obsession……..</p> <p><strong>…...an obsession in the world seeing his wife cheating on him!</strong></p> <p><em>This 20,000 word scorching hot novel features a naive and faithful husband learning of his wife cheating on him in a leading story in the news!</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Normalizing Extreme Imprisonment The Case of Life Without Parole in California【電子書籍】[ Marion Vannier ]
<p>A critical, theoretical, and empirical examination of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (LWOP) is long overdue. This book presents a unique case study of the 'normalization' of LWOP. More specifically, it explores the ties between LWOP's normalization and death penalty abolitionism, using California as a case study. Drawing on rich empirical research, it brings together relevant literature in criminology, the sociology of punishment, social policy, and sentencing to provide insights into the nature of American penal politics, the role of progressive pressure groups, and the relationship between life imprisonment and capital punishment. This study investigates the extent to which members of civil society who challenge capital punishment (lawyers, non-profit organizations, and lobbyists) have helped normalize LWOP by fostering the belief that it is humane and merciful. The monograph focuses on three domains where anti-death penalty activists have lobbied, campaigned, pled for, and agreed to LWOP; Congress, the political sphere, and courtrooms. For each domain, the book teases out the motivations of the main actors and agencies involved. It analyses the constraints under which they considered themselves to be operating, and the relationship between these motivations and the broad social, legal, and political environment in which they unfolded. Particular attention is paid to actors' understandings of the concepts of 'life' and 'death' in punishment. This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read on the Oxford Academic platform and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
How to Have a Sound Sex Life with a Beautiful Breastfeeding Experience【電子書籍】[ Anderson Victoria ]
<p><strong>Breastfeeding is NOT and shouldn't be a curse in disguise.</strong><br /> Breastfeeding is the hallmark of motherhood because as you breastfeed your baby, you do not only provide him with nutrition but a very strong bond is also created between you and that baby in the process.</p> <p>With that, I am sure you are no longer surprised why it is said that most kids tend to be more attached to their mom than to their dad.<br /> BUT wait for a second!</p> <p>Has your breastfeeding experience been to you a "curse in disguise"?<br /> How has your sex life been since your baby arrived?<br /> A lot of women have unconsciously, destroyed their sex life and the connection that once existed between them and their men since the day they became nursing mothers. What a shame!<br /> Even though I perfectly understand that there is a natural drop in the sex drive of a nursing mother, I still strongly believe that breastfeeding and sound sex life can go hand in hand, simultaneously.<br /> And if your sex life and the connection between you and your man have suffered as a result of your baby's arrival, worry no more!<br /> <strong>I've got good news for you…</strong><br /> Contained in this book, are effective tips that will enlighten you on how you can:<br /> <strong>Maintain a Great Sex Life with Your Partner After Having a Baby.</strong><br /> <strong>Avoid Unwanted Pregnancy As a Nursing Mother.</strong><br /> <strong>Increased Breast Milk Supply to Your Baby with Herbal Supplements.</strong><br /> <strong>Restore and Build a Strong Connection with Your Partner as a Nursing Mother.</strong><br /> AND LOTS MORE…<br /> Get this book right now, and create that balanced and happy home that you've always dreamt of.<br /> Cheers…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Creating Wisdom and Magic in Life and Love Life Within Self-Expression, Our True Love, Evoking Expansion and Our Abilities for This, Our Gift to the World【電子書籍】[ Angela Kirby ]
<p>This book begins briefly with my story from my adoption as a baby into a family who were wanting another child, a daughter, and the many blessings that came from being in this family. To the unrest I felt throughout my life that led me to search for answers but wasn’t conscious of this in my early days and sets the stage for the rest of the book. I began the artistic journey as a teenager in my bedroom where I would write and then felt compelled to create and was instinctively healing myself through this creative process. I give to those who are willing to walk with me on their healing journey these 12-creative processes as a tool in unfolding from within what’s ready for transformation. I have drawn hundreds of mandalas and this is a series that I began to work with and channel in 2007 and that I believe is a gift to those who feel ready to utilize their power. They are a healing tool for you to divine one as your daily oracle. The 12-mandala process is a journey to be used with reverence and respect as are the 54 mandalas.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Surpassing Expectations: My Life Without Sight【電子書籍】[ Lawrence Scadden ]
<p>In high school, despite my passion for and acumen in math and science, I was counseled to avoid higher education in these fields because there would not be employment opportunities for a blind man in these disciplines. Surpassing Expectations: My Life without Sight is a memoir which describes the activities that brought me international acclaim as a scientist, policymaker, and advocate. Dozens of vignettes are included that portray my joyous and successful life despite having been blind since the age of five. The book was written to be informative, entertaining, and, hopefully for some, inspirational. Many people have a disability or at least a functional limitation, and too many of them feel lost, not knowing whether life will ever be fulfilling for them. Often they are helped by learning about someone else with a disability who had the motivation, persistence, and tools that allowed him or her to overcome their difficulties and to attain a higher quality of life. My book is intended to serve this purpose. Dispersed throughout the autobiographical material, I answer questions that people regularly pose to me: What emotional crises did I face when adapting to blindness as a child? What barriers did I encounter during my education and when seeking competitive employment? What techniques do I use to ensure safe independent travel especially in foreign countries? What adaptations did I need to make as a husband and father? What type of technological tools do I use to reduce the effects of blindness? What imagery do blind people experience in their thoughts and dreams? The memoir describes legislation that I drafted, which enhanced computer usability for people with disabilities. I also recount incidents that occurred during my numerous foreign travels, invitations to speak and advise in venues such as the White House and Universal Television studios, and my interactions with famous people from Swedish Queen Silvia to Geraldo Rivera. The book concludes with my thoughts on how I succeeded in my education and arduous career while enjoying an active life. I offer suggestions on how my formula for success and happiness can be emulated by others, especially young people who also have a disability.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Transformative Learning through Creative Life Writing Exploring the self in the learning process【電子書籍】[ Celia Hunt ]
<p>Arising from a research project conducted over two years, <em>Transformative Learning</em> <em>through</em> <em>Creative Life Writing</em> examines the effects of fictional autobiography on adult learners’ sense of self. Starting from a teaching and learning perspective, Hunt draws together ideas from psychodynamic psychotherapy, literary and learning theory, and work in the cognitive and neurosciences of the self and consciousness, to argue that creative life writing undertaken in a supportive learning environment, alongside opportunities for critical reflection, has the power to transform the way people think and learn. It does this by opening them up to a more embodied self-experience, which increases their awareness of the source of their thinking in bodily feeling and enables them to develop a more reflexive approach to learning.</p> <p>Hunt locates this work within recent developments in the influential field of transformative learning. She also identifies it as a form of therapeutic education arguing, contrary to those who say that this approach leads to a diminished sense of self, that it can help people to develop a stronger sense of agency, whether for writing or learning or relations with others. Topics covered include:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Creative writing as a tool for personal and professional development</p> <p>The transformative benefits and challenges of creative writing as a therapeutic activity</p> <p>The relationships between literary structures and the processes of thinking and feeling</p> <p>The role of cognitive-emotional learning in adult education</p> <p>Collaborative learning and the role of the group</p> </li> </ul> <p>This book will interest teachers in adult, further and higher education who wish to use creative life writing as a tool for learning, as well as health care professionals seeking art-based techniques for use in their practice. It will also prove useful to academics interested in the relationship between education and psychotherapy, and in the theory and practice of transformative learning. Additionally, it will appeal to writers seeking a deeper understanding of the creative process.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。