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ペリレングリーン (Perylene Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Perylene Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600194 Pigment: PBk 31 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating If you want to add atmospheric or emotional punch to your work, then squeeze some transparent Perylene Green onto your palette. It exhibits an almost black mass tone that spreads to a beautiful blue/green wash without producing mud - a color perfect for delineating shadows or creating moody landscapes, ominous horizons and stormy seas. A medium-staining pigment with intensity and softness, Perylene Green is highly soluble and easy to use. It glazes under or over other colors ~a very cool color~ allowed one of our more demanding artist/testers.
パーマネントグリーンライト (Permanent Green Light) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Permanent Green Light 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600067 Pigment: PY 3, PG 7 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating This organic pigment, with high-staining properties, yields a very clean, vibrant mixture. The Phthalo Green Blue Shade and Hansa Yellow Light used in this formulation gives it excellent lightfastness. Juxtapose Permanent Green Light with Quinacridone Violet for intense visual complements, or mix for an interesting neutral gray.
パーマネントグリーン (Permanent Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Permanent Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600070 Pigment: PY 3, PG 7 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Permanent Green, an organic, transparent pigment with high-staining properties yields very clean, vibrant mixtures. The Phthalo Green Blue Shade and Hansa Yellow Light used in its formulation gives it excellent lightfastness. Juxtapose Permanent Green with Cobalt Violet for intense visual complements, or mix for an interesting neutral gray.
フタロブルーグリーンシェード (Phthalo Blue GS) ハーフパン 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Phthalo Blue GS Half Pan - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284650077 Pigment: PB 15:3 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 4-High Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating For cool, clean staining shadows and reflected light on windows, super staining, super transparent Phthalo Blue is a popular pure chroma organic pigment. Mix with Hansa Yellow for luminous greens.
グリーンゴールド (Green Gold) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Green Gold 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610139 Pigment: PY 150, PY 3, PG 36 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Green Gold's bright yellow undertones shine in thin applications allowing for golden highlights with just a hint of green. Use in concentrated applications for wonderfully rich and transparent olive-green tones.
スプリンググリーン (Spring Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Spring Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600208 Pigment: PY 53, PG 36, PY 151 | Series: 3 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating A lovely clear, bright green. Combining two yellow pigments and one green pigment, it is semi-tranparent and reveals a very slight granulation in washes. Enjoy its fresh, punchy quality straight from the tube or mix it with Pyrrol Orange or another bright orange to create a wide variety of landscape-friendly, natural greens and rusty oranges.
プルシャングリーン (Prussian Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Prussian Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600128 Pigment: PB 27, PY 97 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Granulating A dark, slightly turquoise blue-green, this innovative color is deep and concentrated, making it an ideal choice when maximum color strength is required. Rich forest shadows benefit from its depth of color and complex granulation. Mix with Yellow Ochre to produce a natural looking green for stalks, reeds and leaves.
グリーンアパタイトジェニュイン (Green Apatite Genuine) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Green Apatite Genuine 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH PrimaTek Watercolor SKU: 284610197 Pigment: N/A | Series: 3 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Granulating PrimaTek Green Apatite Genuine Watercolor lets you create a beautiful range of greens - fresh yellow-green to deep olive - with a single tube. This sedimentary color is a dark, almost brown, olive green in mass tone. In washes, the brown settles out of a vivid natural green, creating memorable texture and contrast.
フタログリーンブルーシェード (Phthalo Green BS) ハーフパン 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Phthalo Green BS Half Pan - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284650078 Pigment: PG 7 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 4-High Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Phthalo Green Blue Shade is a black-green. Concentrated to diluted states, it is a transparent and super staining green. Organic and absolutely lightfast, most artists find this color indispensable. The slightly bluish shade can be readily modified with yellows and reds. Creates luminous, effective darks or clean glazes.
レアグリーンアース (Rare Green Earth) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Rare Green Earth 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600181 Pigment: Natural Iron Oxides | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating A medium gray-green in mass tone and in washes, with the slightest hint of blue, it suggests the hue of distant evergreens. It's good for atmospheric shadows too. Try mixing Rare Green Earth with Rhodonite Genuine to make luscious, reticulating soft purples.
サップグリーン (Sap Green) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Sap Green 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610102 Pigment: PO 48, PY 150, PG 7 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Granulating DANIEL SMITH's Sap Green is wonderful - the hue we love with the permanency we need. This non-fugitive formulation creates deep forest shadow-green mixed with French Ultramarine and mossy golden-greens and green-browns when mixed with Burnt Sienna or Quinacridone Sienna or Burnt Orange. Sap Green mixes well with most pigments and leaves a stained residue when lifted. In the French Ultramarine or Quinacridone mixtures mentioned above, squeegee or knife areas to reveal the Sap Green stain and to create blades of spring-shiny grasses within deeper or mossy passages.
サップグリーン (Sap Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Sap Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600102 Pigment: PO 48, PY 150, PG 7 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Granulating DANIEL SMITH's Sap Green is wonderful - the hue we love with the permanency we need. This non-fugitive formulation creates deep forest shadow-green mixed with French Ultramarine and mossy golden-greens and green-browns when mixed with Burnt Sienna or Quinacridone Sienna or Burnt Orange. Sap Green mixes well with most pigments and leaves a stained residue when lifted. In the French Ultramarine or Quinacridone mixtures mentioned above, squeegee or knife areas to reveal the Sap Green stain and to create blades of spring-shiny grasses within deeper or mossy passages.
リッチグリーンゴールド (Rich Green Gold) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Rich Green Gold 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610099 Pigment: PY 129 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Amazingly compatible with earth pigments and Quinacridones alike, this is a warm mossy green. It is richer and warmer than the original brighter Green Gold, and has an inviting glow. Explore fruits and vegetables, leaves and landscapes, substituting Rich Green Gold for other greens in familiar mixtures. Low-staining and lightfast, Rich Green Gold lifts with ease from either a concentrated or dilute wash and from either damp or dry work. Try it as a glaze for a real treat.
フッカーズグリーン (Hooker's Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Hooker's Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600042 Pigment: PG 36, PY 3, PY 150, PO 48 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Low to medium-staining, Hooker's Green is a warm, natural green. Useful in formulating greens of all sorts, this Irish shamrock green combined with French Ultramarine can resemble frothy waves or, in a more concentrated mixture, range from reflected forest light to deep, dusty evergreen blues. Artist John Blockley adds India ink to his Hooker's mix!
フッカーズグリーン (Hooker's Green) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Hooker's Green 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610042 Pigment: PG 36, PY 3, PO 48, PY 150 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Low to medium-staining, Hooker's Green is a warm, natural green. Useful in formulating greens of all sorts, this Irish shamrock green combined with French Ultramarine can resemble frothy waves or, in a more concentrated mixture, range from reflected forest light to deep, dusty evergreen blues. Artist John Blockley adds India ink to his Hooker's mix!
クロミウムグリーンオキサイド (Chromium Green Oxide) 37mlチューブ 油絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Chromium Green Oxide 37ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Original Oil Color SKU: 284300024 Pigment: PG 17 | Series: 3 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Opaque Chromium Green Oxide is a warm, opaque green perfect for the soft greens of mid-summer landscapes.
パーマネントグリーンライト (Permanent Green Light) 15mlチューブ ガッシュ ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Permanent Green Light 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Gouache SKU: 284860013 Pigment: PY 3, PG 7 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Opaque Staining: 2-Low Staining This organic pigment with high-staining properties yields a very clean, vibrant mixture. The Phthalo Green Blue Shade and Hansa Yellow Light used in this formulation give it excellent lightfastness. GOUACHE swatches are painted in three sections across black and white surfaces. The top is mass tone straight from the tube; middle is 1:1 paint and water; bottom is 1:1:1 paint, water and Titanium White.
ディープサップグリーン (Deep Sap Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Deep Sap Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600175 Pigment: PB 27, PY 3, PO 48 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Deserves a place on every palette. A gorgeous forest green that is almost black in mass tone, it has great transparency, makes smooth, clean washes and lifts surprisingly well for a staining color. Made with a blend of three pigments, it joins our DANIEL SMITH family of impressively strong dark greens such as Jadeite Genuine and Perylene Green. Mix it with Pyrrol Orange to make a stellar redwood brown and Rhodonite Genuine for an interesting neutral blend.
フタロイエローグリーン (Phthalo Yellow Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Phthalo Yellow Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600124 Pigment: PG 36, PY 3 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating A bright, beautiful lime green with power and tinting strength characteristic of all phthalo pigments. Made from Phthalocyanine Green (yellow shade) and Arylide Yellow.
パーマネントグリーンライト (Permanent Green Light) 37mlチューブ 油絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Permanent Green Light 37ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Original Oil Color SKU: 284300056 Pigment: PY 3, PG 7 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Semi-Transparent Semi-transparent Permanent Green Light, is a lighter version of Permanent Green has the same high-staining properties, and yields a very clean, vibrant mixture. The Phthalo Green Blue Shade and Hansa Yellow Light used in this formulation gives it excellent lightfastness.
グリーンゴールド (Green Gold) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Green Gold 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600139 Pigment: PY 150, PY 3, PG 36 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Green Gold's bright yellow undertones shine in thin applications allowing for golden highlights with just a hint of green. Use in concentrated applications for wonderfully rich and transparent olive-green tones.
ペリレングリーン (Perylene Green) ハーフパン 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Perylene Green Half Pan - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284650194 Pigment: PBk 31 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating If you want to add atmospheric or emotional punch to your work, then squeeze some transparent Perylene Green onto your palette. It exhibits an almost black mass tone that spreads to a beautiful blue/green wash without producing mud - a color perfect for delineating shadows or creating moody landscapes, ominous horizons and stormy seas. A medium-staining pigment with intensity and softness, Perylene Green is highly soluble and easy to use. It glazes under or over other colors ~a very cool color~ allowed one of our more demanding artist/testers.
キングマングリーンターコイズジェニュイン (Kingman Green Turquoise Genuine) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Kingman Green Turquoise Genuine 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600155 Pigment: Genuine Kingman Green Turquoise | Series: 5 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Natural Kingman Green Turquoise Genuine captures the magic and mystery of the ancient Southwest in a subtle greenish turquoise. It is mined near Kingman, Arizona, which lies along a Native American trade route.
フタログリーンイエローシェード (Phthalo Green YS) 37mlチューブ 油絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Phthalo Green YS 37ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Original Oil Color SKU: 284300060 Pigment: PG 36 | Series: 4 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade) is dark in mass tone, very transparent with strong tinting power for mixing clear colors. Slightly warmer than Phthalo Green (Blue Shade).
スプリンググリーン (Spring Green) 15mlチューブ ガッシュ ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Spring Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Gouache SKU: 284860020 Pigment: PPY 53, PG 36, PY 151 | Series: 3 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Opaque Staining: 2-Low Staining A lovely clear, bright green that combines two yellow pigments and one green pigment. Enjoy its fresh, punchy quality straight from the tube or mix it with Pyrrol Orange to create a wide variety of landscape-friendly natural greens and rusty oranges. GOUACHE swatches are painted in three sections across black and white surfaces. The top is mass tone straight from the tube; middle is 1:1 paint and water; bottom is 1:1:1 paint, water and Titanium White.
ディープサップグリーン (Deep Sap Green) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Deep Sap Green 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610175 Pigment: PO 48, PY 3, PB 27 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: II - Very Good Transparency: Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Deserves a place on every palette. A gorgeous forest green that is almost black in mass tone, it has great transparency, makes smooth, clean washes and lifts surprisingly well for a staining color. Made with a blend of three pigments, it joins our DANIEL SMITH family of impressively strong dark greens such as Jadeite Genuine and Perylene Green. Mix it with Pyrrol Orange to make a stellar redwood brown and Rhodonite Genuine for an interesting neutral blend.
カスケードグリーン (Cascade Green) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Cascade Green 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600142 Pigment: PBr 7, PB 15 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Granulating The craggy peaks of the Cascade Mountains that divide lush, western Washington from the dry, high plains of the east, inspired this unique green. From damp evergreen forests, and alpine meadows to the drier, sunnier open forests, our Cascade Green showcases a million shades of green found in those environments becoming a versatile addition to our artist-preferred greens. As you brush it on, subtle variation from dark to light adds the illusion of depth. Straight from the tube, this rich, mid-range green is cool, dark and mossy. In washes, it has a stunning clarity. In any application, it has excellent lightfastness.
アンダーシーグリーン (Undersea Green) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Undersea Green 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610109 Pigment: PB 29, PO 48, PY 150 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Granulating An artist's favorite, this exciting medium to high staining green blends French Ultramarine with Quinacridone Gold. The inorganic, sedimentary French Ultramarine settles and granulates while the organic, transparent Quinacridone Gold floats into a golden halo. Concentrated, this will remind you of warm sea kelp. Apply with Moonglow, Ultramarines and Quinacridone mixtures to color-coordinate and lend atmosphere to various passages. Undersea Green is beautiful touched damp or drybrushed with Interference Gold. Use Undersea green into autumn leaf paintings.
ペリレングリーン (Perylene Green) 5mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Perylene Green 5ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284610194 Pigment: PBk 31 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 3-Medium Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating If you want to add atmospheric or emotional punch to your work, then squeeze some transparent Perylene Green onto your palette. It exhibits an almost black mass tone that spreads to a beautiful blue/green wash without producing mud - a color perfect for delineating shadows or creating moody landscapes, ominous horizons and stormy seas. A medium-staining pigment with intensity and softness, Perylene Green is highly soluble and easy to use. It glazes under or over other colors ~a very cool color~ allowed one of our more demanding artist/testers.
リッチグリーンゴールド (Rich Green Gold) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス
Rich Green Gold 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600099 Pigment: PY 129 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Non-Granulating Amazingly compatible with earth pigments and Quinacridones alike, this is a warm mossy green. It is richer and warmer than the original brighter Green Gold, and has an inviting glow. Explore fruits and vegetables, leaves and landscapes, substituting Rich Green Gold for other greens in familiar mixtures. Low-staining and lightfast, Rich Green Gold lifts with ease from either a concentrated or dilute wash and from either damp or dry work. Try it as a glaze for a real treat.