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三栄ムック 佐野真彩写真集 AL MANANA【電子書籍】[ 佐藤健太郎 ]

<p>■見どころ:<br /> レジェンドRQが魅せる10年の集大成</p> <p>■目次:<br /> 佐野 真彩 インタビュー<br /> 奥付</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,210円

スケーラブルデータサイエンス データエンジニアのための実践Google Cloud Platform【電子書籍】[ Valliappa Lakshmanan ]

<p>身近な例からデータサイエンスの深淵を体感し<br /> スケールさせるノウハウを学ぶ</p> <p>【本書の内容】<br /> 「膨大なデータを分析して傾向を探り意思決定に援用する」とはよく耳にするフレーズですが、「膨大なデータ」から「援用する」までの間に、どのようなことがなされているのでしょうか。その各段階における必要な知識や技能やツールやインフラにはなにがあるのでしょうか。<br /> 本書はそういった疑問を、身近な例(フライトスケジュールからミーティングの参加・不参加確定)から説き起こします。とはいえ、それは単に米国運輸省のデータをダウンロードし、フライトの傾向を時間軸に合わせて分析し、スケジュールとして提示する、という“シンプル”なストーリーではありません。<br /> 「データ分析を実行してビジネスで成果を出す」ことができる人を「データエンジニア」と呼ぶ、Googleならではの文化が色濃く出た1冊です。すなわち、クエリの構築やレポート、グラフ化が最終目標ではなく、それらをひっくるめたスケーラブルで反復可能なシステムを構築できる人材への足がかりとなる1冊であり、肩書としての「データサイエンティスト」から、真に求められているデータサイエンティストへと、自身をスケールしていくための手引書です。</p> <p>本書は、<br /> Valliappa Lakshmanan,<br /> "Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform: Implementing End-to-End Real-Time Data Pipelines: From Ingest to Machine Learning", O'Reilly Media, January 12, 2018.<br /> の邦訳版です。</p> <p>【本書のポイント】<br /> ・Google Cloud Platformの具体的な活用方法<br /> ・データ分析からサービス構築まで、必要な知識<br /> ・データサイエンスをスケールするという考え方</p> <p>【読者が得られること】<br /> ・データサイエンスに必要な知識を段階を追って習得できる<br /> ・データ収集からサービス構築までの一連の流れを理解できる<br /> ・各ステージにおける勘所や肝となる考え方を学べる<br /> ・Google Cloud Platformにある一群のツールを使えるようになる<br /> ・統計学や機械学習を理解していれば、モデルをコード化できるようになる</p> <p>【対象読者】<br /> ・データエンジニア、データサイエンティスト<br /> ・データアナリスト、データベース管理者<br /> ・システムプログラマ</p> <p>※本電子書籍は同名出版物を底本として作成しました。記載内容は印刷出版当時のものです。<br /> ※印刷出版再現のため電子書籍としては不要な情報を含んでいる場合があります。<br /> ※印刷出版とは異なる表記・表現の場合があります。予めご了承ください。<br /> ※プレビューにてお手持ちの電子端末での表示状態をご確認の上、商品をお買い求めください。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,180円

The French Revolution and Napoleon Including Key Works of the Enlightenment that Inspired the Revolution: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, The Social Contract, The State of Society in France & The Spirit of the Laws【電子書籍】

<p>The French Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, catalyzed violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon who brought many of its principles to areas he conquered in Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies. Contents: The Old Regime in Europe The Old Regime in France Beginnings of the Revolution The Making of the Constitution The Legislative Assembly The Convention The Directory The Consulate The Early Years of the Empire The Empire at Its Height The Decline and Fall of Napoleon Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen The Social Contract The Spirit of the Laws The State of Society in France Before the Revolution</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Android Malware Handbook Detection and Analysis by Human and Machine【電子書籍】[ Qian Han ]

<p><strong>Written by machine-learning researchers and members of the Android Security team, this all-star guide tackles the analysis and detection of malware that targets the Android operating system.</strong></p> <p>This groundbreaking guide to Android malware distills years of research by machine learning experts in academia and members of Meta and Google’s Android Security teams into a comprehensive introduction to detecting common threats facing the Android eco-system today.</p> <p>Explore the history of Android malware in the wild since the operating system first launched and then practice static and dynamic approaches to analyzing real malware specimens. Next, examine machine learning techniques that can be used to detect malicious apps, the types of classification models that defenders can implement to achieve these detections, and the various malware features that can be used as input to these models. Adapt these machine learning strategies to the identifica-tion of malware categories like banking trojans, ransomware, and SMS fraud.</p> <p>You’ll:</p> <ul> <li>Dive deep into the source code of real malware</li> <li>Explore the static, dynamic, and complex features you can extract from malware for analysis</li> <li>Master the machine learning algorithms useful for malware detection</li> <li>Survey the efficacy of machine learning techniques at detecting common Android malware categories</li> </ul> <p><em>The Android Malware Handbook</em>’s team of expert authors will guide you through the Android threat landscape and prepare you for the next wave of malware to come.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,272円

Tourism, Heritage and Commodification of Non-human Animals A Posthumanist Reflection【電子書籍】[ Tomas Arias ]

<p>Heritage is a social construction rooted in modern and contemporary societies. It is commonly a positive assessment of many elements of the physical and human environment (e.g. ecosystems and landscapes, monuments, customs, gender norms, religious practices, gastronomy, and livelihoods). Heritage and tourism are strongly related to each other in that heritage gives rise to tourist attractions and activities, and tourism enhances the designation of heritage sites. Non-human animals (hereafter 'animals') are present as implicit or explicit heritage elements through multiple tourist environments: animals may be themselves the heritage focus of tourist interest (visual arts, gastronomy, as charismatic and distinguished beings, as part of festivities or rituals), or it may be that animals are agents involved in heritage tourist environments such as working animals or in recreational activities. A post-humanist perspective the moral valuation of equality between humans and other animals demands that both are sentient beings and self-aware of their pain and pleasure. Thus, the involvement of animals as heritage elements by themselves or as an element of tourist consumption in heritage sites implies their commodification and lack of agency. As such, these practices are usually unethical, since they threaten the animals' primary interests: not to suffer, not to feel pain and to be able to live their freedom. This book contains chapters that reveal both the unethical interactions between humans and animals within heritage tourism, and those that show experiences in which efforts are made to minimize damage within the commercialization of animals involved as heritage themselves. It will be of interest to postgraduate students, academics, NGOs and tourism planners.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 13,347円

The Hangman and His Wife The Life and Death of Reinhard Heydrich【電子書籍】[ Nancy Dougherty ]

<p><strong>An astonishing journey into the heart of Nazi evil: a portrait of one of the darkest figures of Hitler’s Nazi eliteーReinhard Heydrich, the designer and executor of the Holocaust, chief of the Reich Main Security, including the Gestapoーinterwoven with commentary by his wife, Lina, from the author's in-depth interviews.</strong></p> <p>He was called the Hangman of the Gestapo, the "butcher of Prague," with a reputation as a ruthlessly efficient killer. He was the head of the SS, and the Gestapo, second in command to Heinrich Himmler. His orders set in motion the Kristallnacht pogrom of 1938 and, as the lead planner of Hitler's Final Solution, he chaired the Wannsee Conference, at which details of the murder of millions of Jews across Nazi-occupied Europe were toasted with cognac.</p> <p>In <em>The Hangman and His Wife,</em> Nancy Dougherty, and, following her death, Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, masterfully explore who Heydrich was and how he came to be, and how he came to do what he did. We see Heydrich from his rarefied musical family origins and his ugly-duckling childhood and adolescence, to his sudden flameout as a promising Naval officer (he was forced to resign his Naval commission after dishonoring the office corps by having sex with the unmarried daughter of a shipyard director and refusing to marry her).</p> <p>Dougherty writes of his seemingly hopeless job prospects as an untrained civilian during Germany’s hyperinflation and unemployment, and his joining the Nazi party through the attraction to Nazism of his fianc?e, Lina von Osten, and her father, along with the rumor shadowing him of a strain of Jewishness inherited from his father’s side. And we follow Heydrich’s meteoric rise through the Nazi high commandーfrom SS major, to colonel to brigadier general, before he was thirty, deputy to Heinrich Himmler, expanding the SS, the Gestapo, and developing the Reich's plans for "the Jewish solution."</p> <p>And throughout, we hear the voice of Lina Heydrich, who was by his side until his death at the age of thirty-eight, living inside the Nazi inner circles as she waltzed with Rudolf Hess, feuded with Hermann G?ring, and drank vintage wine with Albert Speer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,373円

The Origin of Man and of His Superstitions Unraveling the Threads of Human Superstitions【電子書籍】[ Carveth Read ]

<p>In Carveth Read's groundbreaking work, 'The Origin of Man and of His Superstitions', the author delves into the complex relationship between humanity's evolution and the development of superstitions. Read examines the origins of man from a scientific and anthropological perspective, providing a meticulous study of how ancient beliefs and superstitions have shaped human societies throughout history. The book is written in a clear and informative style, making it accessible to both academic readers and general audiences interested in the history of human cognition and belief systems. Drawing on a wealth of research and evidence, Read presents a thought-provoking exploration of the cultural significance of superstitions in relation to human evolution. His analysis sheds light on the ways in which ancient beliefs continue to influence contemporary thought and behavior, making a compelling case for the relevance of studying our evolutionary past. Carveth Read, a respected scholar and anthropologist, brings his expertise to bear in 'The Origin of Man and of His Superstitions', offering readers a comprehensive and insightful examination of the origins of human behavior and belief systems. This engaging and thought-provoking book is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and cultural history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

A Street Cat Named Bob How one man and his cat found hope on the streets【電子書籍】[ James Bowen ]

<h3><strong>From the author of <em>A Christmas Gift from Bob</em>, the original bestseller and heartwarming story of the life-saving friendship between a man and his streetwise cat</strong></h3> <p><strong>'[Bob] has entranced London like no feline since the days of Dick Whittington.'</strong> (<em>Evening Standard</em>)</p> <p><strong>'A heartwarming tale with a message of hope'</strong> (<em>Daily Mail</em>)</p> <p><strong>'Reminded me how amazing having a cat can be'</strong> (<em>Glamour</em>)</p> <p><strong>* * * * * * * *</strong></p> <p><strong>The uplifting true story of an unlikely friendship between a man on the streets of Covent Garden and the ginger cat who adopts him and helps him heal his life.</strong> <strong>Now a major motion picture starring Luke Treadaway.</strong></p> <p>When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet.</p> <p>Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas.</p> <p>Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts.</p> <p><em>A Street Cat Named Bob</em> is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.</p> <p><strong>IF you love <em>A Street Cat Named Bob</em>, don't miss <em>The Little Book of Bob</em>, the new book from James and Bob.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,494円

Meniere Man And The Butterfly. The Meniere Effect: How To Manage The Life Changing Effects Of Meniere's. Meniere Man, #6【電子書籍】[ Meniere Man ]

<p><strong>" HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE RIPPLE ON EFFECT OF MENIERE'S DISEASE. AND BE A MENIERE SURVIVOR."</strong></p> <p>The Author's personal 'solo-recovery' (without surgery) is a groundbreaking success story. But along with recovery, another catastrophe happened. He fought Meniere's and recovered his physical health, but lost the fight to save his material world; the family home, future assets and his business career.</p> <p>This is the book HE wishes someone had written for him!</p> <p>Meniere's disease can affect not only your general sense of well being but your income, savings, future plans, friends, business partnerships and at the heart of it all, your closest personal relationships.</p> <p>How to avoid the serious negative affects that can happen from a long-term chronic condition like Meniere's.</p> <p>This self-help book will help keep chaos out of your personal and social life. When you do this, the negative effect of suffering from a long-term condition will shift to a positive one.</p> <p>A book every Meniere sufferer, their family, friends and partners should read to understand how a long-term chronic condition, like Meniere's disease, will affect their lives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,400円

The Moonstone (Mystery Thriller Classic) Detective story from the prolific English writer, best known for The Woman in White, No Name, Armadale, The Law and The Lady, The Dead Secret, Man and Wife, Poor Miss Finch, The Black Robe and mor【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "The Moonstone (Mystery Thriller Classic)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Moonstone is an epistolary novel, generally considered the first detective novel in the English language. Besides creating many of the ground rules of the detective novel, The Moonstone also reflected Collins' enlightened social attitudes in his treatment of the servants in the novel. Rachel Verinder, a young English woman, inherits a large Indian diamond on her eighteenth birthday. It is a legacy from her uncle, a corrupt British army officer who served in India. The diamond is of great religious significance as well as being extremely valuable, and three Hindu priests have dedicated their lives to recovering it. The story incorporates elements of the legendary origins of the Hope Diamond (or perhaps the Orloff Diamond). Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) was an English novelist, playwright, and author of short stories. His best-known works are The Woman in White, No Name, Armadale, and The Moonstone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Basics of Human Anatomy for Students of Medical & Allied Health Sciences General Anatomy and General Histology - Vol.1【電子書籍】[ Dr. Najma Mobin ]

<p>SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK:</p> <ol> <li>It contains all the general topics including histology.</li> <li>It is structured for all courses: medical; dental; nursing; physiotherapy and all other allied health sciences.</li> <li>Each chapter is explained in simple English language, so that even non-professional courses like BSc students can understand.</li> <li>It is a complete guide for the basic foundation of general anatomy and general histology.</li> <li>At beginning of each chapter the objectives of the topic is explained.</li> <li>It contains microscopic pictures of the H&E STAINED SLIDES, using high resolution camera.</li> <li>It also contains hand-drawn histological diagrams, which the students are supposed to draw in their respective records.</li> <li>Every chapter is concluded by MCQ’S and list of questions that are usually asked in the question papers.</li> <li>Each chapter has its surgical/applied aspects in the end.</li> <li>It is very useful for students preparing for postgraduate examinations.</li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 106円

えらべる!できる! ぼうけん図鑑 沖縄【電子書籍】[ mananico ]

<p>海で小さな「忍者」に出会い、モコモコの森を探検し、イグアナ岩やレアフルーツを見つけて、最後は伝説の妖怪スポットへ!? 子供が思わず「ナンダコレ!」と目を輝かせる30のぼうけんを収録した、子供のための新しい沖縄本。無料アプリを利用すると、ひとめでわかる地図や、ぼうけんの予習動画も視聴できます。</p> <p>※この商品は固定レイアウトで作成されており、タブレットなど大きなディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字列のハイライトや検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。<br /> ※電子版では、紙のガイドブックと内容が一部異なります。掲載されない写真や図版、収録されないページがある場合があります。あらかじめご了承下さい。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,650円

All About Dinosaurs Uncovering the World of Prehistoric Giants【電子書籍】[ Roy Chapman Andrews ]

<p>Roy Chapman Andrews' book 'All About Dinosaurs' is a comprehensive and informative guide to the world of dinosaurs, exploring their history, anatomy, behavior, and extinction. Written in a clear and engaging style, the book serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and experts in paleontology. Andrews combines scientific accuracy with a storyteller's flair, making the ancient world of dinosaurs come alive for readers of all ages. The book is a classic in the field of paleontology, providing a solid foundation for understanding these fascinating prehistoric creatures. Roy Chapman Andrews, a renowned paleontologist and explorer, draws on his extensive experience in the field to present a well-researched and insightful account of dinosaurs. His passion for discovery and commitment to education shine through in 'All About Dinosaurs,' showcasing his dedication to sharing knowledge and fostering a love for science in his readers. Andrews' background as an adventurer and scientist uniquely qualifies him to offer a comprehensive and authoritative perspective on dinosaurs. I highly recommend 'All About Dinosaurs' to anyone interested in paleontology, natural history, or simply those curious about the world of dinosaurs. Andrews' expertise, combined with his engaging writing style, makes this book a must-read for enthusiasts of all ages.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

The Better Blitzkrieg: A Comparison of Tactical Airpower Use by Guderian and Patton, Luftwaffe, Panzer Campaign, Close Cooperation at the Meuse, German and Army Air Forces Airpower Doctrine【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This important report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. Historians have debated for decades the reasons for the spectacular failure of the Luftwaffe during the last three years of World War II. As the Luftwaffe went down in flames, the United States Army Air Forces arose to conquer the airspace on the Western Front of Europe. Before its downfall, Luftwaffe tactical airpower was key to Gen Heinz Guderian's surprise attack through the Ardennes to the English Channel in 1940. Similarly, in 1944, as Gen George S. Patton broke out of the Normandy beachhead by unleashing Operation Cobra, tactical airpower proved vital to his ability to march to the German border in only six weeks. This paper analyzes a host of primary sources authored by the main players in those campaigns (Guderian, Patton, and Weyland) and focuses on the key differences between the Luftwaffe support to Guderian and XIX Tactical Air Command support to Patton during their historic campaigns on the Western Front of Europe in World War II.<br /> Few military forces in history have seen such a remarkable turnaround in fortunes as the Luftwaffe experienced in World War II. From its early successes in the Spanish civil war, where the Luftwaffe cut its teeth and gained valuable combat experience, to Stukas firing the first shots of World War II in Poland, the might of the Luftwaffe, like all of Nazi Germany, seemed invincible. Never was the Luftwaffe a more capable fighting force than during General Guderian's rout of the French army as he charged through the Ardennes to the English Channel. But during Guderian's race across France and the Low Countries, problems in coordination and cooperation between the Luftwaffe and the German army arose. These deep-seated problems, the result of the Luftwaffe's strategic vision of its role in the Wehrmacht, meant that even the vaunted Luftwaffe remained essentially an interdiction only air force, devoid of the ability to perform close support to German armies. In the end, overwhelming force led to the eventual defeat of the Luftwaffe at the hands of both the US Army Air Force (USAAF) and the Soviet Air Force. Yet the lessons the Luftwaffe learned during Guderian's drive across Europe are applicable not only for the 1940s USAAF but to today's Air Force as well.<br /> As the Luftwaffe declined under the sheer weight of the Allied offensives in the west and east, the USAAF arose as the world's finest air combat force. From early missteps in Africa and Italy, the USAAF fighter-bombers mastered close support and interdiction, and, in the process, they became a stanchion of the breakout from the Normandy beachhead and the race to Germany. Indeed, never had the world seen such a fierce and efficient AirLand Battle team. Working in close concert with ground forces, USAAF fighter-bombers waged incessant interdiction and close-support operations against the Wehrmacht, paving the way for Patton's Third Army and others to march to Germany faster than even the most liberal estimates. Both Guderian's drive through France in 1940 and Patton's drive to Germany in 1944 embody the prevailing attitudes and strategy towards the use of tactical airpower by the Luftwaffe and the USAAF. But, while the USAAF overcame doctrinal limitations and capitalized on tactical airpower in the nascent AirLand Battle team, the Luftwaffe remained mired in old strategy, relegating the Wehrmacht airpower to an interdiction only force.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 643円

An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals【電子書籍】[ Albert Leffingwell ]

<p>In 'An Ethical Problem' by Albert Leffingwell, the author delves into the intricacies of moral dilemmas and ethical decision-making. Written in a thought-provoking and introspective style, Leffingwell's work challenges readers to question their own beliefs and values while navigating the complex landscapes of right and wrong. Set against the backdrop of philosophical theories and ethical principles, the book offers a deep exploration of human behavior and the consequences of our choices. With compelling narratives and engaging anecdotes, Leffingwell invites readers to ponder the implications of their actions and consider the ethical implications of various scenarios. Albert Leffingwell, a renowned philosopher and ethicist, brings his years of expertise and insight to 'An Ethical Problem'. His academic background and deep understanding of ethical philosophy shine through in this work, providing readers with a nuanced and sophisticated perspective on moral decision-making. Leffingwell's passion for ethical discourse and his commitment to ethical reasoning make 'An Ethical Problem' a compelling and enlightening read for anyone interested in ethics and philosophy. I highly recommend this book to readers seeking a profound exploration of ethical dilemmas and a deeper understanding of the complexities of moral decision-making.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

The Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo A Child, an Elder, and the Light from an Ancient Sky【電子書籍】[ Kent Nerburn ]

<p>A haunting dream that will not relent pulls author Kent Nerburn back into the hidden world of Native America, where dreams have meaning, animals are teachers, and the “old ones” still have powers beyond our understanding. In this moving narrative, we travel through the lands of the Lakota and the Ojibwe, where we encounter a strange little girl with an unnerving connection to the past, a forgotten asylum that history has tried to hide, and the complex, unforgettable characters we have come to know from Neither Wolf nor Dog and The Wolf at Twilight. Part history, part mystery, part spiritual journey and teaching story, The Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo is filled with the profound insight into humanity and Native American culture we have come to expect from Nerburn’s journeys. As the American Indian College Fund has stated, once you have encountered Nerburn’s stirring evocations of America’s high plains and incisive insights into the human heart, “you can never look at the world, or at people, the same way again.”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,602円

Die sch?ne Tochter: Jenseits der Gro?en Mauer 1: Historischer Roman Anno 1644【電子書籍】[ Alfred Bekker ]

<p>Die sch?ne Tochter Jenseits der Gro?en Mauer 1 Historischer Roman Anno 1644 von Wilfried A. Hary & Alfred Bekker nach einem Expos? von Alfred Bekker Die Ming-Dynastie geht ihrem Ende entgegen. Im Jahr 1644 gehen Rebellen und Mandschuren gegen den Kaiser und seine Truppen vor, aber noch wird Peking gehalten. Mitten in diesen Wirren ist ein Liebespaar, die sch?ne junge Chen und der holl?ndische H?ndler John van Aarden, auf der Flucht. Als John gefangen genommen wird, muss er den Rebellen helfen, um sein Leben zu retten.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 242円

e-Pedia: Donald Trump Donald John Trump ( born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman and politician who is the President-elect of the United States【電子書籍】[ Wikipedia contributors ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. President of the United States Incumbent This book has been derived from Wikipedia: it contains the entire text of the title Wikipedia article + the entire text of all the 1892 related (linked) Wikipedia articles to the title article. This book does not contain illustrations. e-Pedia (an imprint of e-artnow) charges for the convenience service of formatting these e-books for your eReader. We donate a part of our net income after taxes to the Wikimedia Foundation from the sales of all books based on Wikipedia content.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 50円

ALLAN PINKERTON Ultimate Collection: True Crime Stories & Detective Stories The Expressman and the Detective, The Somnambulist and the Detective, The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, The Spiritualists and the Detectives, Mississippi Outl【電子書籍】

<p>This meticulously edited Allan Pinkerton collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: The Expressman and the Detective The Somnambulist and the Detective The Murderer and the Fortune Teller The Spiritualists and the Detectives Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives Don Pedro and the Detectives Poisoner and the Detectives Bucholz and the Detectives The Burglar's Fate and the Detectives The Spy of the Rebellion</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

TRUE CRIME COLLECTION: The Greatest Cases of Pinkerton National Detective Agency The Expressman and the Detective, The Somnambulist and the Detective, The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, Poisoner and the Detectives, Bucholz and the Dete【電子書籍】

<p>Pinkerton National Detective Agency is a private security guard and detective agency established in the United States by Scotsman Allan Pinkerton in 1850. This meticulously edited collection of Pinkerton Agency's cases is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: The Expressman and the Detective The Somnambulist and the Detective The Murderer and the Fortune Teller The Spiritualists and the Detectives Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives Don Pedro and the Detectives Poisoner and the Detectives Bucholz and the Detectives The Burglar's Fate and the Detectives</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Complete Works of Ernest Hemingway. Illustrated Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and others【電子書籍】[ Ernest Hemingway ]

<p>Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, journalist, and sportsman. His economical and understated styleーwhich he termed the iceberg theoryーhad a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and his public image brought him admiration from later generations.<br /> Hemingway's writing includes themes of love, war, travel, wilderness, and loss. Hemingway often wrote about Americans abroad.<br /> He was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize in Literature for "his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style.<br /> THE NOVELS<br /> THE TORRENTS OF SPRING<br /> THE SUN ALSO RISES<br /> A FAREWELL TO ARMS<br /> TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT<br /> FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS<br /> ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES<br /> THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA</p> <p>THE SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS<br /> THREE STORIES AND TEN POEMS<br /> IN OUR TIME<br /> MEN WITHOUT WOMEN<br /> WINNER TAKE NOTHING<br /> THE FIFTH COLUMN AND THE FIRST FORTY-NINE STORIES<br /> THE FIFTH COLUMN AND FOUR STORIES OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR<br /> MISCELLANEOUS SHORT STORIES</p> <p>THE PLAY<br /> THE FIFTH COLUMN</p> <p>THE NON-FICTION<br /> DEATH IN THE AFTERNOON<br /> GREEN HILLS OF AFRICA</p> <p>NEWSPAPER ARTICLES</p> <p>THE AUTOBIOGRAPHIES<br /> HEMINGWAY, THE WILD YEARS<br /> A MOVEABLE FEAST</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 350円

Little Badman and the Time-travelling Teacher of Doom【電子書籍】[ Humza Arshad ]

<p>Praise for <em>Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties,</em> one of The Guardian's 100 best holiday books for 2019</p> <p><strong>'Wildly over the top and satisfying'</strong> <em>The Observer New Review</em> <em>Children's Book of the Month</em></p> <p><strong>'This book is bonkers but proper funny- it's Drake meets James Bond'</strong> <em>Match of the Day Magazine</em></p> <p><strong>'Microwaved pants and killer bees feature in this rib-aching comic caper, heightened with moments of real tenderness and heart.'</strong> <em>The Guardian</em></p> <p><strong>"A perfect read for Tom Gates fans: prepare for big belly laughs and great advice on how to be yourself."</strong> <em>BookTrust</em></p> <p><em>________</em></p> <p><em>'You've probably heard of me, right? Little Badman. No? Oh. Well . . . doesn't Matter. You will do one day. I'm gonna be big.'</em></p> <p>They've faced deadly alien slugs, killer aunties and double maths.</p> <p>Now, Humza Kahn (and his friend Umer, I guess) face something even scarier - Humza's dad! And he's fed up with the boys acting up all the time. So he's sending them away to school.</p> <p>But this is not ordinary school. This is a special summer school in Pakistan, and the two friends are about to learn that something very weird indeed is going on - <strong>someone has been messing with time!</strong></p> <p>The world may just need saving again . . .</p> <p><strong>The second book in side-splitting adventure series from Humza Khan and Henry White.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 893円

Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action【電子書籍】[ George P. Marsh ]

<p>George P. Marsh's 'Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action' is a seminal work in the field of environmental literature, exploring the intricate relationship between human activity and the natural world. Written in a compelling and insightful style, the book delves into the ways in which human intervention has shaped landscapes, ecosystems, and climate patterns. Marsh's thoughtful analysis sheds light on the profound impact that human actions have had on the Earth's physical geography, making a persuasive case for the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainability. This classic work remains relevant today, serving as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of man and nature. George P. Marsh, a prominent American diplomat and scholar, was a pioneer in the field of environmental conservation. His deep understanding of the natural world and his passion for environmental issues inspired him to write 'Man and Nature,' a groundbreaking work that laid the groundwork for modern environmentalism. Marsh's unique perspective and keen insights continue to influence environmental thinkers and policymakers around the world. I highly recommend 'Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action' to readers interested in environmental studies, geography, and the history of environmental thought. Marsh's timeless wisdom and profound observations make this book essential reading for anyone concerned about the future of our planet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

ネッター解剖学アトラス 電子書籍付 / 原タイトル:Atlas of Human Anatomy 原著第7版の翻訳[本/雑誌] / FrankH.Netter/著 相磯貞和/訳 今西宣晶/訳

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ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2700538FrankH. Netter / Cho Aiso Sadakazu / Yaku Imanishi Sen Akira / Yaku / Ne Tta Kaibo Gaku Atlas Denshi Shoseki Zuke / Original Title: Atlas of Human Anatomy Gencho Dai7 Han No Honyakuメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2022/01JAN:9784524230082ネッター解剖学アトラス 電子書籍付 / 原タイトル:Atlas of Human Anatomy 原著第7版の翻訳[本/雑誌] / FrankH.Netter/著 相磯貞和/訳 今西宣晶/訳2022/01発売 11,000円

Heart of Asia Journey through Uncharted Central Asia: An Adventurous Exploration of Ancient Civilizations and Nomadic Tribes【電子書籍】[ Roy Chapman Andrews ]

<p>In 'Heart of Asia' by Roy Chapman Andrews, readers are taken on an enthralling journey through the uncharted lands of Central Asia, filled with exotic landscapes, mysterious cultures, and thrilling adventures. As one of the first western explorers to venture into the heart of Mongolia, Andrews brings a fresh perspective to the literary world with a seamless blend of travel writing, scientific observations, and thrilling narratives. Inspired by his own expeditions and discoveries, Andrews expertly weaves together tales of ancient civilizations, rare fossils, and encounters with nomadic tribes, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of the region's rich history and natural beauty. Roy Chapman Andrews, a renowned American explorer and paleontologist, draws upon his extensive knowledge and experiences in 'Heart of Asia.' His groundbreaking discoveries in the Gobi Desert and passion for exploration shine through in his vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling. Andrews' unique perspective and pioneering spirit make 'Heart of Asia' a standout work in the genre of travel literature. For readers who crave adventure, exploration, and a deeper understanding of the world beyond familiar borders, 'Heart of Asia' is a must-read. Andrews' captivating narrative and profound insights into the region's culture and history make this book a compelling and enlightening exploration of an often overlooked part of the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Whale Hunting with Gun and Camera: A Naturalist’s Account of the Modern Shore-whaling Industry of Whales, Their Habits and of Hunting Experiences in Various Parts of the World【電子書籍】[ Roy Chapman Andrews ]

<p>Although the commercial products of whales have contributed largely to the comfort and welfare of the civilized world for over a thousand years, never have the animals been of greater economic importance than they are today. It is true that the magnificent fleet of ships which had its birth in the New England States has passed away, and that the smoke of cotton-mills now drifts over the famous old city of New Bedford where once the harbor was filled with the towering masts of scores of whaling vessels. But as one chapter of whaling history closed another opened and the scene shifted to Norway where T?nsberg, a little city in Christiania Bay, has become the Alpha and Omega of the modern whaling alphabet. It was there, in 1864, that Svend Foyn invented the harpoon-gun and brought into existence the sturdy little steamships which were destined to take the place of New England’s fleet, destroyed by the Confederate raiders during the Civil War. Although despised by the “deep-water” whalers of New Bedford, nevertheless shore whaling has rapidly grown into a world industry which today, in the height of its prosperity, yields a revenue of nearly 70,000,000 a year. In the old days only three species, the sperm, bowhead and right whale, were hunted and until Svend Foyn invented the harpoon-gun the fin whales, of less commercial value, were seldom captured. Their yield of oil was so small, and the whalebone so short and coarse, that if these products alone were utilized they were not worth the trouble of killing. Moreover, the great speed of the animals in the water and their tendency to sink when dead made them unacceptable to the men who hunted in a small boat with a hand harpoon and lance. With the development of steam whalers the situation was changed, for they made possible the capture of “finners” in sufficient numbers to warrant the erection of stations at certain points on the shore, near the feeding grounds of the animals, where the huge carcasses could be brought in and converted into commercial products. The perfection of the harpoon-gun and steam whale ships came only after long discouragement and persistent effort upon the part of Svend Foyn. Foyn was born in T?nsberg in 1809, and died there in 1894. He went to sea at fourteen in the merchant service and later entered the sealing fleet where he eventually made considerable money. It was while sealing that he conceived the idea of capturing the fin whales with a bomb harpoon, and 360,000 kronen were spent in experimenting before he succeeded in building a suitable gun and vessel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 640円

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens【電子書籍】[ Georg Jellinek ]

<p>Georg Jellinek argues in his essay The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen for a universal theory of rights, as opposed to the culturally and nationally specific arguments then in vogue. Jellinek indicates that the French Revolution, which was the focal point of 19th-century political theory, should not be thought of as arising from a purely French tradition (namely the tradition stemming from Jean-Jacques Rousseau) but as a close analogue of revolutionary movements and ideas in England and the United States.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Chestnut Man A Novel【電子書籍】[ Soren Sveistrup ]

<p><strong>NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES</strong></p> <p><em><strong>If you find one, he's already found you ....</strong></em></p> <p><strong>From the creator of <em>The Killing</em>, “a full-throttle thriller in the tradition of classic Stieg Larsson” (A.J. Finn, <em>author of The Woman in the Window</em>).</strong></p> <p>Winner of the Barry Award for Best First Mystery/Crime Novel * A <em>New York Times Book Review</em> Best Book of the Year</p> <p>A psychopath is terrorizing Copenhagen.</p> <p>His calling card is a “chestnut man”ーa handmade doll made of matchsticks and two chestnutsーwhich he leaves at each bloody crime scene.</p> <p>Examining the dolls, forensics makes a shocking discoveryーa fingerprint belonging to a young girl, a government minister’s daughter who had been kidnapped and murdered a year ago.</p> <p>A tragic coincidenceーor something more twisted?</p> <p>To save innocent lives, a pair of detectives must put aside their differences to piece together the Chestnut Man’s gruesome clues.</p> <p>Because it’s clear that the madman is on a mission that is far from over.</p> <p>And no one is safe.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,325円

Herbert Hoover: The Man and His Work A Detailed Analysis of America's Great Depression Leader【電子書籍】[ Vernon L. Kellogg ]

<p>In 'Herbert Hoover: The Man and His Work', Vernon L. Kellogg provides a comprehensive analysis of the life and career of one of the most influential figures in American history. Kellogg's writing style is both informative and engaging, offering readers a detailed look at Hoover's work as a humanitarian, businessman, and statesman. The book delves into Hoover's leadership during the Great Depression and World War I, shedding light on his policies and the impact they had on the nation. Kellogg's scholarly approach brings to life the complexities of Hoover's character and the challenges he faced during his time in office. Vernon L. Kellogg, a prominent biologist and writer, brings a unique perspective to his examination of Herbert Hoover. His background in science and academia allows him to offer a well-researched and insightful portrayal of Hoover's achievements and failures. Kellogg's expertise in both history and natural sciences adds depth to his analysis of Hoover's legacy. I highly recommend 'Herbert Hoover: The Man and His Work' to readers interested in American history, politics, and leadership. Kellogg's thorough research and thoughtful commentary make this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the life and impact of Herbert Hoover.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 460円

Verdi: Man and Musician His Biography with Especial Reference to His English Experiences【電子書籍】[ Frederick James Crowest ]

<p>In 'Verdi: Man and Musician' by Frederick James Crowest, the author delves into the life and work of legendary Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi. Crowest provides a detailed examination of Verdi's musical compositions, exploring the themes, styles, and innovations that define his contributions to the world of opera. Additionally, the book offers insight into the cultural and historical context in which Verdi lived and worked, shedding light on the influences that shaped his music. Crowest's analytical and scholarly approach to Verdi's oeuvre makes this book a valuable resource for music lovers and scholars alike. Frederick James Crowest, a renowned music historian, brings his expertise to bear in 'Verdi: Man and Musician'. With a deep understanding of classical music and a passion for the subject, Crowest offers readers a thorough and engaging exploration of one of the most celebrated composers in history. His meticulous research and insightful commentary make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the life and music of Giuseppe Verdi. For those seeking a comprehensive and insightful analysis of Giuseppe Verdi's life and music, 'Verdi: Man and Musician' by Frederick James Crowest is highly recommended. Whether you are a scholar, student, or music enthusiast, this book offers a compelling look at the genius of Verdi and his enduring legacy in the world of opera.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円