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The Necessity of Music Variations on a German Theme【電子書籍】[ Celia Applegate ]

<p>In <em>The Necessity of Music</em>, Celia Applegate explores the many ways that Germans thought about and made music from the eighteenth- to twentieth-centuries. Rather than focus on familiar stories of composers and their work Applegate illuminates the myriad ways in which music is integral to German social life. Musical life reflected the polycentric nature of German social and political life, even while it provided many opportunities to experience what was common among Germans. Musical activities also allowed Germans, whether professional musicians, dedicated amateurs, or simply listeners, to participate in European culture. Applegate’s original and fascinating analysis of Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, Wagner, and military music enables the reader to understand music through the experiences of listeners, performers, and institutions. <em>The Necessity of Music</em> demonstrates that playing, experiencing, and interpreting music was a powerful factor that shaped German collective life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,448円

巴別塔學院 Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution【電子書籍】[ 匡靈秀 ]

<p>一封獻給異國語言與文字的情書,</p> <p>也是一?反叛帝國霸權的開戰宣言──</p> <p>美國奇幻文學界華裔新星X重量級獎項榮耀肯定:</p> <p>星雲獎最佳長篇小?</p> <p>軌跡獎最佳奇幻小?</p> <p>英國圖書獎最佳小?</p> <p>語言即魔法的奇幻設定X異國勢力交會的真實?史:</p> <p>反思「中/外」、「東/西」的百年文化衝突</p> <p>美國邦諾書店最佳幻想小?獎得獎作</p> <p>英國水石書店年度好書決選入圍</p> <p>Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳奇幻小?決選入圍</p> <p>上市首月?累印六刷,空降《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜冠軍、英國《週日泰晤士報》暢榜亞軍</p> <p>《紐約時報》、《衛報》、《華盛頓郵報》精選年度最佳科/奇幻小?</p> <p>《時代雜誌》年度百大必讀好書</p> <p>Esc(IG【伊椰史西的?讀書單】版主)、阿法(TAAZE讀冊生活行銷經理)、邱常?(小?家)、陳榮彬(國立臺灣大學文學院翻譯碩士學位學程副教授)、推書手L、セン凱?(獨?文化編輯)</p> <p>──驚?推薦</p> <p>?故事簡介</p> <p>帝國獨霸世界,但支持它發展的魔力是從各地蒐羅的「語言」,</p> <p>以巴別塔為名的翻譯學院,就是帝國的魔法核心。</p> <p>代表各自的母語和母國而來的學生們,</p> <p>有人心悦誠服將自己的語言獻給帝國,</p> <p>也有人暗中等待高塔倒下的那一天……</p> <p>十九世紀的廣東沿海通商口岸,全家人死於瘟疫的十一?孤兒羅賓奄奄一息,被一位自稱勒維教授的英國男子所救,登上了航向倫敦的客船。</p> <p>勒維教授服務於牛津大學?專研翻譯的「巴別塔學院」,但此地進行的研究和教學不僅是關於不同語言間的轉換──擁有多語能力又受過特殊培訓的「譯者」,將兩種語言的兩個相對應詞彙銘刻於銀條之上時,能同時鎖入翻譯過程中漏失的細微誤差概念,並藉由銀條施展這組詞彙概念代表的魔法。英國藉此壯大科技與軍事實力,向外征服更多語言不同的殖民地之後,又吸收了更多「譯者」來到學院、創造出更多不同的魔法來應用,由此生生不息。</p> <p>被帶往英國的羅賓成為巴別塔學院的譯者學生,他醉心於翻譯魔法的奧妙,卻也困擾於英國本地同學對他的輕蔑與敵意。意外捲入一?銀條竊案之後,他發現學院?年來不斷有學生神祕失蹤或突然身故,他們曾加入的地下組織「赫密士會」,如今也透過一名與他容貌酷似的陌生青年對他遞出邀請。「赫密士會」意欲打破英國政府對翻譯魔法的壟斷,將之普及於所有階級、所有國家,但他們的理想會讓學院付出什麼樣的代價?不斷往返於東西方之間運籌帷幄的勒維教授,又將如何再次介入羅賓的命運?</p> <p>隨著中英兩國的衝突在羅賓的故?釀成戰火,一場撼動巴別塔的叛亂也一觸即發。羅賓與巴別塔學院的譯者師生會在戰爭中繼續扮演帝國的精?武器,或是改寫?史的軌跡……?</p> <p>?佳評讚譽</p> <p>「和羅賓一起置身在牛津大學,仰望瑰麗的巴別塔魔法學院的時候,我以為要開始哈利波特了,卻轉身撞上失落的?史公平正義。</p> <p>從中英混血大學生的角度,看待這段工業革命和殖民?史,是很新奇的體驗。也許作者施展了效果是『好看』的銀條魔法,讓人像是搭上了失速列車,一路衝向?讀旅途的終點。下車?到月台的瞬間,列車化為銀條掉到?邊,上面是不認識的語言,但是感受到效果是『同理和包容』。」ーーEsc</p> <p>「利用不同語種的字詞間,在翻譯時無法完全對應的空隙,透過白銀具象,造就神秘反應,進而影響世界的呈現。這樣的奇幻設定,對於外語學習者或語言工作者來?格外有感。</p> <p>?當進入到?一個語境,穿上不同的文法和語氣,人似乎下意識地,會造就一個新版本的自己。相信語言的力量,相信人們透過話語和文字傳遞神奇的能量,接觸仍未知的世界,是所有故事建立的根基,甚至可?是一切文化的根源。語言能力可以拓展視野,而那個『拓展』,也許比我們以為的範圍更加遼闊,抵達有形與無形的境界。而我十分確信,那其中的確有魔法存在。」ーー阿法</p> <p>「一本兼具學術及?樂性的動人佳作。</p> <p>匡靈秀巧妙地將嚴肅的語言、文化和自我認同議題與奇幻魔法元素結合,放進了這部文字優美的暗黒學院小?中。?以自身的華裔身分將當代美國社會的價?觀點投射於書中的故事發展與角色刻畫,令人難以分辨究竟是在讀著一本真實故事改編的?史小?又或者是完全?構的奇幻文學,讓人深深陷入其中!」ーー推書手L</p> <p>「這部作品的核心以迷人的方式檢視了翻譯在不同的語言和文化間搭起橋梁的同時,如何不可避免地「背叛」了雙方。一則精采豐富、引人入勝的寓言,並且尖?犀利。」ーー《衛報》</p> <p>「《巴別塔學院》獲得的壓倒性讚譽?對名不?傳……創意十足、引人入勝、熱情洋溢、描寫精確,匡靈秀的文筆即便是在打鬧嬉戲及嘗試實驗性之時,仍然不失紀律……就像?據故事中心的銀條,還有帝國及學術機構,《巴別塔學院》的魅力來源,便是來自支?一種矛盾的敘述,試著在?腦中同時維持?對那些迷人事物的愛恨,而這些事物正是透過將??噬,來維持自身的存在。」ーー《紐約時報書評》</p> <p>「匡靈秀在?取知識及?取資源之間,做出了敏?的類比,並檢視了建立在不平等之上的各種系統所擁有的可怕力量,以及身在這類系統中的邊?族群,無論是由於種族或是性別身分所經?的不適經驗……同時也批評了個體是如何被迫與系統和解,進而求生,或是選擇起而對抗,卻必須面對後果。」ーー《柯克斯書評》</p> <p>「雖然故事截然不同,《巴別塔學院》仍是帶給我強烈的《英倫魔法師》氛圍,從各式迷人的?註,到飽滿的文筆,以及那種毛骨悚然的感受,知道比起表象,?面下其實有更多事情在蠢蠢欲動。」ーー美國國家公共廣播電台(NPR)</p> <p>「《巴別塔學院》耀眼、狡黠、敏?、猶如史詩又貼近人心;是一封情書,也是一?開戰宣言。完美之作。」ーー亞莉克絲?E?哈洛(《一月的一萬道門》作者)</p> <p>「一群語言宅從翻譯工作中獲得魔法力量,利用兩種語言之間字詞的細微差異,來改變世界……匡靈秀還更進一?,運用高超的寫作技巧,將其轉化成對於帝國主義的猛烈批判,並如實檢視了要顛覆一個帝國,究竟需要付出什麼代價。」ーー《群鳥飛舞的世界末日》作者,?莉?珍?安徳斯</p> <p>「《巴別塔學院》是一部傑作,魅力迷人、才華洋溢,探討了身分、歸屬、帝國和革命的代價、語言真正的力量,匡靈秀寫出了世界一直在等待的小?。」ーー《製圖師》(The Cartographers,暫譯)暢銷作者,彭?雪波徳(Peng Shepherd)</p> <p>「一?劇力萬鈞又動人的旅程,描寫扣人心弦。」ーー《時間之子》(The Children of Time,暫譯) 獲獎作者,艾徳里安?柴可夫斯基(Adrian Tchaikovsky)</p> <p>「迷人地批判了十九世紀的帝國主義,就和書名一樣多采多姿,匡靈秀已用?的出道系列作《罌粟戰爭》,證明了?揉合?史和魔法的本事,而?在這本融合?史奇幻和黒暗學院、一舉?獲讀者的小?中,又再次達成了……要是真如《巴別塔學院》所描述,語言真的含有魔法,那麼匡靈秀就是寫出了一部如咒語般令人魂牽夢?的作品。」ーー「?日歐普拉」(Oprah Daily)網站</p> <p>「一本引人入勝的奇幻小?,有關語言之中擁有的魔法。這部飽滿生動的獨立作品,是關於一個存在於架空世界、日益擴張、由魔法銀條驅動的帝國,並深入探討了語言學、?史、政治、維多利亞時代英國的社會風俗。」ーー《書單》雜誌(星號書評)</p> <p>「匡靈秀以馬歇爾學者的身分,在牛津大學和劍橋大學度過的時光,讓?能?創造出一個寫實且原汁原味的牛津,即便批評了牛津大學在大英帝國殖民史上扮演的角色,本書仍是一部氛圍到位、敘述精細、角色使人信服的作品。」ーー《圖書館期刊》</p> <p>「《巴別塔學院》也許是設定在?攝政時代及維多利亞時代初期,但並不是古裝劇,也不是在陽光明媚的山丘上玩弄拙劣的懷舊光影,匡靈秀以如此令人無從反駁起的博學,俐落拆解了殘忍、偽善、種族主義的結構,此外還提供了代入感十足的角色,使得?蒙也幾乎無可避免,終會到來。」ーー《芝加哥書評》</p> <p>「匡靈秀的小?真正的魔力,在於能?同時既治學嚴謹,又可以持續對讀者敞開,不會拒人於千里之外……感覺就像是在銀工魔法的協助下達到的效果一樣迷人又強大。」ーー《牛津大學書評》</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,781円

Meaning and Necessity - A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic【電子書籍】[ Rudolf Carnap ]

<p>The main purpose of this book is the development of a new method for the semantical analysis of meaning, that is, a new method for analyzing and describing the meanings of linguistic expressions. This method, called the method of extension and intension, is developed by modifying and extending certain customary concepts, especially those of class and property. The method will be contrasted with various other semantical methods used in traditional philosophy or by contemporary authors. These other methods have one characteristic in common. They all regard an expression in a language as a name of a concrete or abstract entity. In contradistinction, the method here proposed takes an expression, not as naming anything, but as possessing an intension and an extension. Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,122円

The Necessity of Atheism【電子書籍】[ Percy Bysshe Shelley ]

<p>"The Necessity of Atheism" is a treatise on atheism by the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, printed in 1811 by C. and W. Phillips in Worthing while Shelley was a student at University College, Oxford. A copy of the first version was sent as a short tract signed enigmatically to all heads of Oxford colleges at the University. At that time the content was so shocking to the authorities that he was "rusticated" (expelled from the University) for refusing to deny authorship, together with his friend and fellow student, Thomas Jefferson Hogg. A revised and expanded version was printed in 1813.</p> <p>Shelley's early profession of atheism in this tract not only led to his expulsion from Oxford but also branded him as a radical agitator and thinker, setting an early pattern of marginalisation and ostracism from the intellectual and political circles of his time. Though Shelley's poetry and prose output remained steady throughout his life, most publishers and journals declined to publish his work for fear of being arrested themselves for blasphemy or sedition.</p> <p>Shelley did not live to see success and influence in his time, although these reach down to the present day not only in literature, but in major movements in social and political thought.</p> <p>(Reference: Wikipedia.)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 100円

Japan as an Immigration Nation Demographic Change, Economic Necessity, and the Human Community Concept【電子書籍】[ Hidenori Sakanaka ]

<p>This book proposes a solution to three interrelated problems facing Japan: the rapidly declining population, a decrease in working age adults, and a lack of social and economic vitality. Hidenori Sakanaka, the former director of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, proposes that Japan accept ten million immigrants, including refugees, over the next fifty years, and articulates the benefits of this measure for Japan and its future. The author has spent close to fifty years working in the field of immigration and was one of the first to identify the pending population crisis as early as the mid-1970s. This is the first time his thoughts appear in book-length form in English.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 17,115円

The Necessity of Prayer: Why Christians Ought to Pray【電子書籍】[ E. M. Bounds ]

<p>New, updated and annotated edition.</p> <p>And all things, whatever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. ? Matthew 21:22</p> <p>Persistent prayer is a mighty movement of the soul toward God, and it stirs the deepest forces of the soul toward the throne of heavenly grace. It is the ability to hold on, press on, and wait. Restless desire, restful patience, and strength of grasp are all embraced in it. Prayer is not an incident or a performance but a passion of soul. It is not a want or half-needed desire but a sheer necessity.</p> <p>List of Chapters<br /> Ch. 1: Prayer and Faith<br /> Ch. 2: Prayer and Unwavering Faith<br /> Ch. 3: Prayer and Trust<br /> Ch. 4: Prayer and Desire<br /> Ch. 5: Prayer and Fervency<br /> Ch. 6: Prayer and Persistence<br /> Ch. 7: Prayer and Perseverance<br /> Ch. 8: Prayer and Character<br /> Ch. 9: Prayer and Obedience<br /> Ch. 10: Prayer and Surrender<br /> Ch. 11: Prayer and Vigilance<br /> Ch. 12: Prayer and the Word of God<br /> Ch. 13: Prayer and Preaching<br /> Ch. 14: Prayer and the House of God</p> <p>About the Author<br /> Edward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Missouri, on August 15, 1835, and died on August 24, 1913, in Washington, Georgia. He was admitted to the bar in 1854 at the age of nineteen, but left the profession five years later when he answered the call of God to the ministry. Beginning in 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, he became the chaplain of the Fifth Missouri Regiment of the Confederacy.</p> <p>Bounds married Miss Emmie Barnett of Eufaula, Alabama, in 1876. By this union, he became the father of two daughters, Celeste and Corneille, and a son, Edward, who died at the age of six. His wife Emmie died in 1886, and later Bounds married Miss Hattie Barnett, Emmie’s cousin. Together they had six children: Samuel, Charles, Osborne, Elizabeth, Mary, and Emmie. However, Charles died at the age of one, so in the end, the family consisted of seven children.</p> <p>After serving several important churches in St. Louis and other places to the south, Bounds became editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate for eight years and, later, associate editor of The Nashville Christian Advocate for four years. The trial of his faith came while he was in Nashville, and he quietly retired to his home without even asking for a pension. His principal work in Washington, Georgia (his home), was rising at four o’clock in the morning and praying until seven o’clock. He filled a few engagements as an evangelist during the eighteen years of his life work in Washington, Georgia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 129円

The Big Necessity The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters【電子書籍】[ Rose George ]

<p><strong>"One smart book . . . delving deep into the history and implications of a daily act that dare not speak its name." ー<em>Newsweek</em></strong></p> <p>Acclaimed as "extraordinary" (<em>The New York Times</em>) and "a classic" (<em>Los Angeles Times</em>), <em>The Big Necessity</em> is on its way to removing the taboo on bodily wasteーsomething common to all and as natural as breathing. We prefer not to talk about it, but we shouldーeven those of us who take care of our business in pristine, sanitary conditions. Disease spread by waste kills more people worldwide every year than any other single cause of death. Even in America, nearly two million people have no access to an indoor toilet. Yet the subject remains unmentionable.</p> <p>Moving from the underground sewers of Paris, London, and New York (an infrastructure disaster waiting to happen) to an Indian slum where ten toilets are shared by 60,000 people, <em>The Big Necessity</em> breaks the silence, revealing everything that matters about how people doーand don'tーdeal with their own waste. With razor-sharp wit and crusading urgency, mixing levity with gravity, Rose George has turned the subject we like to avoid into a cause with the most serious of consequences.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,496円

The Necessity of Finance: An Overview of the Science of Management of Wealth for an Individual, a Group, or an Organization【電子書籍】[ Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV ]

<p>The fundamental principles of finance have very simple origins and one can trace their roots to the beginning of human civilization. But as a subject, finance has evolvedーparticularly in the past fifty yearsーinto an extremely complicated and potentially confusing form. The Necessity of Finance: An Overview of the Science of Management of Wealth for an Individual, a Group, or an Organization seeks to provide a comprehensive and concise orientation for those seeking a more understandable presentation of the complex nature of finance. Using everyday terms and readily grasped concepts, Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV, a former financial consultant and current university-level finance professor, sets out to detail the necessity of finance; to clarify the definition, purpose, and goals of both finance and economics; to explore financial concepts in a straightforward manner; and to stimulate interest and understanding that will lead to ongoing investigation.</p> <p>Finance, although highly interrelated with many subjects, is a separate field of study that is often confused with other areas, most notably economics. With world wealth accumulating to its highest point in history, the necessity to understand this subject on its own terms is more crucial than ever. The Necessity of Finance highlights the need to engage with finance as a separate science, clears up the confusion with related subjects, and coins the word "financialists" to identify the scientists in this dynamic field.</p> <p>Starting with a discussion about the need for finance, and moving forward to establish the definition, purpose, goals, and history of both finance and economics, presenting in the process the basic terminology necessary to understand these subjects, The Necessity of Finance will equip the beginner to intermediate level financial student with vital information and a clear approach for continued study. In addition, its unique perspective will be of value to the advanced student and the practitioner. Topics addressed include: What is the difference between money and wealth? What is the difference between investing and saving? What is risk and return? Major financial questions are also analyzed, including: What kinds of investments exist? What are the different techniques for selecting investments? What role does ethics play in finance?</p> <p>Finance is not an easy subject for the average student. While The Necessity of Finance does not replace the need for required college textbooks, it will serve as an indispensible supplemental learning tool that may clarify expectations of future financial journeys, whether it’s learning in a university or actively investing in the marketplace. In this extremely useful overview, Dr. Criniti demonstrates that finance is a very promising science that will benefit those who commit themselves to its study and practice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 120円

Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution【電子書籍】[ R.F. Kuang ]

<p>THE #2 <em>SUNDAY TIMES</em> AND #1 <em>NYT</em> BESTSELLER</p> <p><strong>‘One for Philip Pullman fans’</strong><br /> <strong>THE TIMES</strong></p> <p><strong>‘This one is an automatic buy’</strong><br /> <strong>GLAMOUR</strong></p> <p><strong>‘Ambitious, sweeping and epic’</strong><br /> <strong>EVENING STANDARD</strong></p> <p><strong>‘Razor-sharp’</strong><br /> <strong>DAILY MAIL</strong></p> <p><strong>‘An ingenious fantasy about empire’</strong><br /> <strong>GUARDIAN</strong></p> <p><strong>Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal.</strong></p> <p><strong>Oxford, 1836.</strong></p> <p>The city of dreaming spires.</p> <p>It is the centre of all knowledge and progress in the world.</p> <p>And at its centre is Babel, the Royal Institute of Translation. The tower from which all the power of the Empire flows.</p> <p>Orphaned in Canton and brought to England by a mysterious guardian, Babel seemed like paradise to Robin Swift.</p> <p>Until it became a prison…</p> <p>But can a student stand against an empire?</p> <p><strong>An incendiary new novel from award-winning author R.F. Kuang about the power of language, the violence of colonialism, and the sacrifices of resistance.</strong></p> <p><strong>'A masterpiece that resonates with power and knowledge. BABEL is a stark picture of the cruelty of empire, a distillation of dark academia, and a riveting blend of fantasy and historical fiction ? a monumental achievement’</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Samantha Shannon, author of THE PRIORY OF THE ORANGE TREE</strong></em></p> <p>R.F. Kuang’s book ‘Babel’ was a New York Times bestseller w/c 11-09-2022.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,684円

Babel Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution【電子書籍】[ R. F Kuang ]

<p><strong>Instant #1 <em>New York Times</em> Bestseller from the author of <em>The Poppy War</em></strong></p> <p><strong>“Absolutely phenomenal. One of the most brilliant, razor-sharp books I've had the pleasure of reading that isn't just an alternative fantastical history, but an interrogative one; one that grabs colonial history and the Industrial Revolution, turns it over, and shakes it out.” -- Shannon Chakraborty, bestselling author of <em>The City of Brass</em></strong></p> <p><strong>From award-winning author R. F. Kuang comes <em>Babel</em>, a thematic response to <em>The Secret History</em> and a tonal retort to <em>Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell</em> that grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of language and translation as the dominating tool of the British empire.</strong></p> <p><em>Traduttore, traditore</em>: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal.</p> <ol start="1828"> <li>Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day he’ll enroll in Oxford University’s prestigious Royal Institute of Translationーalso known as Babel.</li> </ol> <p>Babel is the world's center for translation and, more importantly, magic. Silver workingーthe art of manifesting the meaning lost in translation using enchanted silver barsーhas made the British unparalleled in power, as its knowledge serves the Empire’s quest for colonization.</p> <p>For Robin, Oxford is a utopia dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. But knowledge obeys power, and as a Chinese boy raised in Britain, Robin realizes serving Babel means betraying his motherland. As his studies progress, Robin finds himself caught between Babel and the shadowy Hermes Society, an organization dedicated to stopping imperial expansion. When Britain pursues an unjust war with China over silver and opium, Robin must decide…</p> <p><em>Can powerful institutions be changed from within, or does revolution always require violence?</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,604円

A Disquisition on the Evils of Using Tobacco and the Necessity of Immediate and Entire Reformation Urgent Call to Abolish Tobacco for Health and Wellness【電子書籍】[ Orin Fowler ]

<p>Orin Fowler's 'A Disquisition on the Evils of Using Tobacco and the Necessity of Immediate and Entire Reformation' is a compelling piece of anti-tobacco literature that delves into the detrimental effects of tobacco consumption on both individuals and society. Written in a didactic style, Fowler presents a detailed analysis of the physical, mental, and social consequences of using tobacco, urging readers to consider the urgent need for reform. Drawing on scientific research and moral arguments, the book serves as a persuasive call to action in the anti-tobacco movement of the 19th century. Fowler's work is a reflection of the growing public awareness of the harms of tobacco during this period, contributing to the larger discourse on health and morality. His strong moral stance and persuasive rhetoric make this book a significant piece of literature in the history of public health advocacy. I recommend 'A Disquisition on the Evils of Using Tobacco' to readers interested in the history of public health, social reform movements, and persuasive writing in the 19th century.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

The Beautiful Necessity Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture【電子書籍】[ Claude Fayette Bragdon ]

<p>Claude Fayette Bragdon's 'The Beautiful Necessity' is a seminal work that explores the interconnectedness of art and architecture, emphasizing the importance of beauty in everyday life. Written with a poetic and philosophical tone, Bragdon delves into the spiritual significance of design and the underlying principles that govern the visual world. Drawing on his expertise as an architect and artist, he examines how the elements of form, proportion, and geometry converge to create harmonious compositions that evoke a sense of universal order. In the context of the early 20th century Arts and Crafts movement, Bragdon's book serves as a manifesto for the integration of art and utility in the built environment. As a renowned architect, author, and theosophist, Claude Fayette Bragdon brings a multidisciplinary perspective to 'The Beautiful Necessity'. His deep understanding of esoteric principles and metaphysical concepts informs his exploration of aesthetics and symbolism in architecture. Bragdon's unique blend of artistic sensibility and philosophical insight provides readers with a refreshing take on the role of beauty in society. I highly recommend 'The Beautiful Necessity' to anyone interested in the intersections of art, architecture, and spirituality. Bragdon's eloquent prose and profound ideas will inspire readers to appreciate the beauty that surrounds them and consider the deeper meaning behind the designs that shape our world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Military Necessity The Art, Morality and Law of War【電子書籍】[ Nobuo Hayashi ]

<p>What does it mean to say that international humanitarian law (IHL) strikes a realistic and meaningful balance between military necessity and humanity, and that the law therefore 'accounts for' military necessity? To what consequences does the law 'accounting for' military necessity give rise? Through real-life examples and careful analysis, this book challenges received wisdom on the subject by devising a new theory that not only reaffirms Kriegsr?son's fallacy but also explains why IHL has no reason to restrict or prohibit militarily unnecessary conduct on that ground alone. Additionally, the theory hypothesises greater normative significance for humanitarian and chivalrous imperatives when they conflict with IHL rules. By combining international law, jurisprudence, military history, strategic studies, and moral philosophy, this book reveals how rational fighting relates to ethical fighting, how IHL incorporates contrasting values that shape its rules, and how law and theory adapt themselves to war's evolutions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 17,092円

The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies, Demonstrated Together with a Vindication of the Authority of Parliament【電子書籍】[ Anonymous ]

<p>In the anonymously published book titled 'The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies, Demonstrated,' the author provides a thorough analysis of the reasons behind taxing the American colonies. Written in a persuasive and argumentative style, the book delves into the economic and political motivations that led to the imposition of taxes on the colonies. Set within the historical context of the American Revolution, this work sheds light on the tensions between the British government and the American colonists, offering a unique perspective on a pivotal moment in history. The author's strategic use of rhetoric and logic makes this book a compelling read for those interested in colonial American history and political theory. Despite being anonymous, the author's expertise on the subject matter is evident throughout the text, showcasing a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding taxation and colonial relations. 'The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies, Demonstrated' is a must-read for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of the events leading up to the American Revolution.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

The Necessity of Prayer【電子書籍】[ Edward M. Bounds ]

<p>The Necessity of Prayer is a religious treatise focused on the subject of prayer. In author's opinion God's Word is the basis of prayer. God's Word brings hearing, and hearing brings faith. Ultimately, the author points out the fact that love for and obedience to God's Word is the starting point for an active, healthy and meaningful prayer life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Some Notes on Field Theory, Albert's Mind, and the Status Quo: The Necessity of Contextualism in Psychology Includes: Synesthesia / Schizophrenia【電子書籍】[ JZ Murdock ]

<p>A brief history of Psychology and the Sciences as related to field theory. Also include an article on Synesthesia / Schizophrenia.</p> <p>Book Trailer -</p> <p>"Notes on Albert's Mind, Field Theory and Contextualism"</p> <p>Years passed. Man remained ignorant of Man. Psychology was one day, many days, born. Man applied past skills to present whims. Psychology was oriented towards ideas and systems which were additive in nature, these seeming the most secure means of study. Or, was it additive in the sense that cause and effect were just so very apparent, and quite so easy to discuss and observe? Is what is easy always right? It is true that many times the simplest answer is the right answer.</p> <p>However, this very accepted view lead some to feel uneasy and to question the basic concepts as to their dimensionality within the 'context' of their own daily life; and then, came the behavioral mechanisms: it would see that some precepts in the fledgling pseudo-science Psychology, had not held up very well under not even very intense scrutiny.</p> <p>"Synesthesia / Schizophrenia"</p> <p>In past years the study, control, and understanding of schizophrenia has been greatly hampered by lack of infor¬mation, inappropriate tools (like no computers of sufficient complexity for handling of compilation and dissemination of data), obviously a lack of appropriate software for such research and perhaps most simply, the incorrect approach. Since we must always reconsider, re-evaluate and redirect our attempts at helping the schizophrenic individual, this paper is directed toward this effort at seeing the schizophrenic person through the "filter" of a "normal" condition such as, synesthesia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 132円

Invitation to Retreat The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God【電子書籍】[ Ruth Haley Barton ]

<p><strong>Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten List</strong></p> <p><strong>"Come away and rest awhile."</strong></p> <p>Jesus invites us to be with him, offering our full and undivided attention to him. When we choose retreat, we make a generous investment in our friendship with Christ. We are not always generous with ourselves where God is concerned. Many of us have tried to incorporate regular times of solitude and silence into the rhythm of our ordinary lives, which may mean that we give God twenty minutes here and half an hour there. And there's no question we are better for it! But we need more. Indeed, we long for more.</p> <p>In these pages Transforming Center founder and seasoned spiritual director Ruth Haley Barton gently leads us into retreat as a key practice that opens us to God. Based on her own practice and her experience leading hundreds of retreats for others, she will guide you in a very personal exploration of seven specific invitations contained within the general invitation to retreat. You will discover how to say yes to God's winsome invitation to greater freedom and surrender.</p> <p>There has never been a time when the invitation to retreat is so radical and so relevant, so needed and so welcome. It is not a luxury, but a necessity of the spiritual life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,895円

Jesus and the Cross Necessity, Meaning, and Atonement【電子書籍】[ Peter Laughlin ]

<p>According to the Nicene Creed, Christ died for us and for our salvation. But while all Christians agree that Christ's death and resurrection has saving significance, there is little unanimity in how and why that is the case. In fact, Christian history is littered with various accounts of the redemptive value of Christ's death, and new models and motifs are constantly being proposed, many of which now stand in stark contrast to earlier reflections. How then should contemporary articulations of the cross's saving significance be judged? At the heart of this book is the contention that Christian reflection on the atonement is faithful inasmuch as it incorporates the intention that Jesus himself had for his death. In a wide-reaching study, the author draws from both classical scholarship and recent work on the historical Jesus to argue that not only did Jesus imbue his death with redemptive meaning but that such meaning should impact expressions of the cross's saving significance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,632円

The Necessity Of Friction【電子書籍】[ Nordal Akerman ]

<p>Friction is what keeps us from realizing our goals. It is what compromises all of our plans, sometimes making them unrecognizable. It defies our wish for perfection and constantly surprises us with new elements of resistance. It constitutes the divide between dream and reality.But friction is also what gets us moving, a necessary incentive to achieve progress. Nothing can start if it cannot push off something else. By blocking or delaying the easy solution, friction makes for a richer, more varied world. If it stops schemes from being completely fulfilled, it also stops them form going totally awry.To the modernist project, with its one-sided rationalist pretensions, friction is unambiguously bad?and so it is being disposed of at an increasing speed. The currency markets are one example, cyberspace another. This means less and less time to pause and rethink, while the vulnerability of societies is aggravated. In The Necessity of Friction, scholars tackle this topical and important concept. A number of scientific fields are engaged: physics, philosophy, economics, architecture, organizational theory, artificial intelligence, and others. Together, these contributions form the first modern-day attempt at analyzing the intriguing yet elusive subject of friction as metaphor.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,945円

The Necessity of Atheism【電子書籍】[ Dr. David M. Brooks ]

<p>This antiquarian book contains a fascinating treatise on atheism, religion, and science. A thought-provoking and informative exploration of the ostensibly opposed ideas and beliefs of science and popular religion, this volume is highly recommended for those with an interest in the development of religious beliefs and the validity of alternative theories. The chapters of this book include: “The Revolution of Religious Beliefs”, “The Koran and the Old and New Testaments”, “The Prophets Mohammed, Jesus, And Moses ? Charlatans or Victims of Mental and Physical Disease”, “Soundness of a Foundation for A Belief in a Deity”, “The Persistence of Religion”, “Religion and Science”, etcetera. Many antiquarian books such as this are increasingly hard to come by and expensive, and it is with this in mind that we are republishing this book now in an affordable, modern, high quality edition. It comes complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on atheism.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,122円

Meaning and Metaphysical Necessity【電子書籍】[ Tristan Gr?tvedt Haze ]

<p>This book is about the idea that some true statements would have been true no matter how the world had turned out, while others could have been false. It develops and defends a version of the idea that we tell the difference between these two types of truths in part by reflecting on the meanings of words.</p> <p>It has often been thought that modal issuesーissues about possibility and necessityーare related to issues about meaning. In this book, the author defends the view that the analysis of meaning is not just a preliminary to answering modal questions in philosophy; it is not merely that before we can find out whether something is possible, we need to get clear on what we are talking about. Rather, clarity about meaning often brings with it answers to modal questions. In service of this view, the author analyzes the notion of necessity and develops ideas about linguistic meaning, applying them to several puzzles and problems in philosophy of language.</p> <p><em>Meaning and Metaphysical Necessity</em> will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in metaphysics, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,343円

Human History Foretold and Fulfilled The Necessity and Urgency of Knowing and Applying Biblical Prophecy for Successful Living【電子書籍】[ Marc Kamsu ]

<p>Are you uncertain, pessimistic, or optimistic about the future? Considering the events, both the good and the bad ones, which have occurred throughout human history, myriads of people have continually wondered and wished to find out what would happen next. Even recently, we heard both desirable news and undesirable news which have left many people quite uncertain, some pessimistic, and a few others somewhat optimistic about the future. For example, just in the last 2 years, that is, in 2021 and 2022, we witnessed an incredible mix of both positive and negative proceedings: to demonstrate, positive proceedings such as the decline of the worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the United States Supreme Court overturn of Roe v. Wade, and negative proceedings such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, the ongoing rise of terrorism, and global economic inflation. Dear reader, what about you? Are you uncertain, pessimistic, or optimistic about the future? Well, whether you are uncertain, or maybe pessimistic, or even optimistic about the future, this book is right for you. Indeed, as you dive into this book, firstly, you will discover that human history is not just a succession of random and out-of-control events, but rather human history has already been foretold and is simply unfolding accordingly. Secondly, because human history has been predicted in advance, you will not only get to know what the future holds, but also, more importantly, you will encounter the author of this prediction, for it is a person, namely the one who knows everything and has witnessed all of human history. Thirdly, you will realize that this person doesn’t just know what the future holds, but He actually holds the future and, therefore, He is in total control and should be trusted! Henceforth, welcome onboard, as you are joining Marc Kamsu on this transforming and life-changing journey during which you will be exploring past, present, and future human history and their significance, and, in doing so, you will be meticulously equipped along the way with the tools you need to lead a successful life, so that you will no longer be uncertain nor pessimistic about the future, but rather you will be all the more optimistic, hopeful, and filled with a confident and unshakable expectation of good. Again, welcome onboard, buckle up, open your heart and mind, and enjoy the ride!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,484円

Territorialization of Education Trend or Necessity【電子書籍】

<p>This comprehensive scientific work embraces, within the generic theme of "educations, territorialities and territories", the vast majority of different facets of the complex relationships between educations and territories that have developed over time. It sheds an original light on the many - and, for some, new - interactions between territories-territories, on the one hand, and educations, on the other hand, which have recently been identified and analyzed. Beyond this main objective, it contributes to improving the fine and differentiated understanding of the concept of territory in the sciences of education and training and, more importantly, it brings innovative developments to the still embryonic theorization of the complex relations between educations. and territories-territorialities. This book shows, in particular, through its surveys, its analyzes and its results, that within all the multiple influences attributed to the different dimensions of the territories, the very discrete territoriality - falling within the symbolic territory - is perhaps finally the the most important territorial vector in terms of education in certain areas (rural Montagnards, for example), particularly as regards educational and vocational guidance, but not only. Lastly, it is not uninteresting to note that the theme it bears is spreading more and more today beyond scientific circles: the problem of inequalities in education and orientation of territorial origin is fueling - recently - the controversies and the reflections of the French educational policy which is thus sometimes echoed - in declarative terms essentially for the moment! - scientific advances in this area</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 20,001円

From Barbarism to Super Consciousness: A New Consciousness is a Necessity for the Survival of Civilization【電子書籍】[ Dr Sandor A Markus ]

<p>At age 14 Dr. Sandor A Markus he had a mental experience on the Great Hungarian Plain which totally changed his life. His consciousness was raised to a higher level and he looked into the Universal Databank - Akashic Records - that revealed the Earth's past, present and future destiny, as well as parts of the Universal Cosmic Law that we are all subject to. Until today, at the age of 78, he has continued his consciousness development, and is now tuned in beyond all forms of manifestation in the virtual spiritual dimensions. He now believes that only by acquiring a higher quality multi-dimensional quantum consciousness we can solve all individual and societal problems that we face today - no other solutions are viable. The book is part of "The New World Doctrine" and provides answers to all the existential questions that we humans are constantly thinking about. What is the meaning of life? Can we change our destiny? How can we reach happiness and harmony? What can we do to change our world and our situation for the better? Can political or religious means solve individual problems? What is death? Is it just a rebirth to another dimension? What is man really - how does he function as a whole? What exactly is consciousness - what sets it apart from intelligence? What is the Soul - is it the same as the Mind? What prevents human development? What is God and Lucifer - how do they relate to each other? Is there anything in all doomsday prophecies - will the earth perish? We are all the sum of today's world. If we want to change society we must first change ourselves. The book opens the solution for you - and concludes Dr. Sandor A. Markus, alias Saint Germain's multi-millennial mission on this planet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,935円

Rousseau and German Idealism Freedom, Dependence and Necessity【電子書籍】[ David James ]

<p>The claim that Rousseau's writings influenced the development of Kant's critical philosophy, and German idealism, is not a new one. As correct as the claim may be, it does not amount to a systematic account of Rousseau's place within this philosophical tradition. It also suggests a progression whereby Rousseau's achievements are eventually eclipsed by those of Kant, Fichte and Hegel, especially with respect to the idea of freedom. In this book David James shows that Rousseau presents certain challenges that Kant and the idealists Fichte and Hegel could not fully meet, by making dependence and necessity, as well as freedom, his central concerns, and thereby raises the question of whether freedom in all its forms is genuinely possible in a condition of human interdependence marked by material inequality. His study will be valuable for all those studying Kant, German idealism and the history of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ideas.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,486円

Necessity, the Mother of Invention! : Shang Dynasty Inventions | Grade 5 Social Studies | Children's Books on Ancient History【電子書籍】[ Baby Professor ]

<p>The Shang Dynasty is best known for the innovations that came out during this time period. This book will highlight some of the Shang Dynasty’s most significant contributions that have shaped the modern world. In particular, you will be reading about how Ancient Shang used bronze, created silk textiles, and a sophisticated writing system. There sure is a lot to learn from this book!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 567円

The Necessity of God Ontological Claims Revisited【電子書籍】[ R. T. Allen ]

<p>Every person acquires a worldview, a picture of reality. Within that picture, the existence of some things will be taken wholly for granted as the background to, and support of, everything else. Their existence will rarely be questioned. The cosmos or universe, the gods, God, Brahman, Heaven, the Absolute--R. T. Allen claims that all these and other world- views have been held to be that which necessarily exists and upon which all other beings depend in one way or another.European philosophers, since antiquity, have offered arguments to show that their chosen candidates for the role of the necessary being or beings that support the rest of reality do actually exist. The Necessity of God sets the valid core of previous ontological arguments. It does not and cannot prove that God exists, but only that something necessarily exists. In an a priori manner and without inferring anything from what in fact exists, Allen proceeds to show that which necessarily exists is one, transfinite, eternal, and the archetype of personal existence: in short, that it is God as classically conceived. As for everything else that may exist, it must be finite and dependent for its existence upon God as its creator and sustainer.Few things are more erroneous in philosophy and disastrous in practice than artificial constructions produced without constant reference to concrete reality. That which necessarily exists may be the one exception. Before this constructive argument, Allen examines previous examples of ontological arguments in order to show exactly where they go wrong and to extract the valid core obscured within them. This will make clear the difference between them and his new version. The reader who is eager to engage the philosophical sources of belief will find a distinct treasure in The Necessity of God.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,877円

Meaning, Quantification, Necessity Themes in Philosophical Logic【電子書籍】[ Martin Davies ]

<p>Originally published in 1981. This is a book for the final year undergraduate or first year graduate who intends to proceed with serious research in philosophical logic. It will be welcomed by both lecturers and students for its careful consideration of main themes ranging from Gricean accounts of meaning to two dimensional modal logic.</p> <p>The first part of the book is concerned with the nature of the semantic theorist’s project, and particularly with the crucial concepts of meaning, truth, and semantic structure. The second and third parts deal with various constructions that are found in natural languages: names, quantifiers, definite descriptions, and modal operators. Throughout, while assuming some familiarity with philosophical logic and elementary formal logic, the text provides a clear exposition. It brings together related ideas, and in some places refines and improves upon existing accounts.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,003円

Partners of Choice and Necessity: Special Operations Forces and National Security Imperatives of Building Partner Capacity ? Security Force Assistance and Irregular Warfare in Undergoverned Spaces【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This excellent report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. How do US special operations forces maximize their role in the foreign policy of "building partner capacity" (BPC) to support the objectives of national security strategy? Most analytical writing about partner force development focuses on the wartime advise-and-assist experience of both conventional forces (CF) and special operations forces (SOF). Few scholars have written about the nature of warfare in phase 0 or the strategic utility of special operations campaigns to develop capable and competent forces for partner nations. Fewer still have studied the comprehensive integration of SOF and CF to achieve the policy goals associated with building partner capacity. This monograph identifies gaps in the progression of history, theory, and doctrine for partner force advising and for phase 0 operations in general that contribute to differing cultural attitudes towards these mission and environments between SOF and CF. SOF are proven highly effective in building partner capacity with minimal CF integration, but only when certain criteria are present. When environments are suboptimal, there is insufficient evidence to suggest how these forces might campaign together to complement each other's capabilities and build partner capacity more effectively.</p> <p>US national security policy states that countering the global terrorist network which threatens US and allied interests requires support via an indirect approach through and with the military capacity of our partner nations. Threat groups based in weak and failed states uniformly exploit the undergoverned spaces where US partner nations lack the capacity to deny those spaces to the terrorist or insurgent. US security policy ends therefore include both defeating the terrorist network and supporting partner nation stability. The policy of building partner capacity is the way to achieve those ends, through whole-of-government actions to improve the security, development, and governance abilities of the partner nation. All services of the US military are tasked with preparing for and conducting stability operations, including the partner force development aspects of BPC. Special operations forces will find themselves involved in or leading nearly all these efforts, and must integrate with all capable and potential partners to most effectively support US strategic and policy goals.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 743円

Bella - Wisdom Born out of Necessity Bella, #2【電子書籍】[ Barrel Coops ]

<p>In a serene landscape of lush fields and dense woods, a lone wisp of smoke signals turmoil in the once peaceful region. Tom's once thriving farm now lies abandoned, contrasting starkly with the neighbouring farm of Bernard. Here, Bernard, with his granddaughter Bella and her friends, has created a haven of hope and survival.</p> <p>Bernard's farm, bustling with life and a refuge for allies, draws unwanted attention from bandits. Among the group is Alex, a skilled mechanic, longing to reunite with his uncle in Scotland. His presence stirs tension, particularly with Bella's father, Robert, over concerns about Bella's closeness to Alex.</p> <p>As time melds into a continuous loop of day and night, an uneasy tension blankets the area. Mysterious footprints, covert glances from the shadows, and the rumours of bandit threats heighten the sense of impending conflict. Trust becomes a rare commodity, blurring the lines between friends and enemies.</p> <p>In this volatile environment, where every choice matters, and alliances are critical, the land waits with bated breath. As dawn breaks, revealing the first light of a new day, the unfolding story is poised to reveal hidden secrets and test the bonds of those who call this land home.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 350円