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365 Days With Self-Discipline 365 Life-Altering Thoughts on Self-Control, Mental Resilience, and Success【電子書籍】[ Martin Meadows ]

<p><strong>How to Build Self-Discipline and Become More Successful (365 Powerful Thoughts From the World’s Brightest Minds)</strong></p> <p>Its lack makes you unable to achieve your goals. Without it, you’ll struggle to lose weight, become fit, wake up early, work productively and save money. Not embracing it in your everyday life means that you’ll never realize your full potential. Ignoring it inevitably leads to regret and feeling sad about how more successful and incredible your life could have been if you had only decided to develop it.</p> <p>What is this powerful thing? <strong>Self-discipline.</strong></p> <p>And if there’s one thing that self-discipline is not, it’s instant. It takes months (if not years) to develop powerful self-control that will protect you from impulsive decisions, laziness, procrastination, and inaction.</p> <p>You need to exhibit self-discipline day in, day out, 365 days in a year. What if you had a companion who would remind you daily to stay disciplined and persevere, even when the going gets tough?</p> <p>365 Days With Self-Discipline is a practical, accessible guidebook for embracing more self-discipline in your everyday life. You’ll learn how to do this through <strong>365 brief, daily insights from the world’s brightest minds</strong>, expanded and commented upon by bestselling personal development author Martin Meadows.</p> <p>This isn’t just an inspirational book; most of the entries deliver practical suggestions that you can immediately apply in your life to become more disciplined. Here are just some of the things you’ll learn:</p> <p>- <strong>why living your life the hard way makes it easy</strong> (and other suggestions from a successful entrepreneur and longevity scientist);</p> <p>- how to <strong>overcome your initial resistance and procrastination</strong> based on the remark made by one of the most renowned Renaissance men;</p> <p>- why, according to an influential neurosurgeon, it’s key to <strong>see problems as hurdles instead of obstacles</strong> (and how to do that);</p> <p>- how to embrace an experimental mindset to <strong>overcome a fear of failure</strong> (a technique recommended by a successful entrepreneur and musician);</p> <p>- <strong>how to quit in a smart way</strong>, according to a world-famous marketing expert;</p> <p>- how to <strong>improve your productivity at work</strong> by implementing the advice from one of the most successful detective fiction writers;</p> <p>- how a trick used by screenwriters can help you <strong>figure out the first step needed to get closer to your goals</strong>;</p> <p>- <strong>how to maintain self-discipline in the long-term</strong> by paying attention to what a bestselling non-fiction author calls necessary to survive and thrive;</p> <p>- <strong>how your most common thoughts can sabotage your efforts</strong> (and other valuable insights from one of the most respected Roman Stoics); and</p> <p>- <strong>how to overcome temporary discouragement</strong> and look at your problems from the proper perspective, as suggested by a well-known public speaker and author.</p> <p>If you’re ready to finally change your life and embrace self-discipline ー not only for the next 365 days, but for the rest of your life ー buy this book now and together, let’s work on your success!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 499円

為什麼我們不想生:生與不生,?一種人生選擇更幸福? Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids【電子書籍】[ 梅根?達姆 ]

<p><strong>生小孩,會是我的願望清單??</strong></p> <p><strong>人生,難道真的只有一套標準流程??</strong></p> <p><strong>16篇最誠實的自我對話</strong></p> <p><strong>獻給處於生與不生的兩難,以及做了決定但仍感焦慮的現代人</strong></p> <p>  對現代人而言,無論生不生小孩,都是必須深思熟慮才得出的選擇。決定生小孩並非易事,越來越多人選擇不生;但如果不生,就得經常面對周圍人們打破砂鍋問到底的情形:</p> <p>  ?為什麼不想生?</p> <p>  ??怎麼這麼自私,長輩的心情?有考慮到??</p> <p>  ?是不是身體有什麼問題?</p> <p>  ?不生好可惜,?不想當個好??、好媽媽??</p> <p>  ?養兒防老,怎麼不為將來打算??</p> <p>**  「?個人都叫我們生,但是,人生該有一套標準流程??」**</p> <p>  ?個人的人生都獨一無二,決定不生,難道就等於只為自己活、比別人更自私?如果年輕時不生,未來就真的會後悔??當?遇到以下情況:</p> <p>  ?如果?還不確定是否想要生</p> <p>  ?如果?現在就處於生或不生的兩難</p> <p>  ?如果?已經做了選擇,但還是感到焦慮</p> <p>  本書將給?打氣勉勵:無論怎麼選擇,背後自然有需要完成的關?,但不能忽略的是:?踏出的?一?都是實實在在、珍貴且意義非凡。</p> <p>**  「給自己一點餘裕、一分一秒的停頓,坦承自己對生育的真實感受。」**</p> <p>  本書編者梅根.達姆點出,我們的社會往往認為自願不生養孩子的人都是自私的享樂主義者。但實際上,選擇不生孩子的人有各種各樣的型態──事實上,他們的煩惱沒有比較少,也有屬於自己的課題。</p> <p>  本書邀請了十六位來自不同世代、種族與文化背景的作家,分享他們對於生育、家庭乃至生命意義的思考。這群作家的共同之處在於,他們都或主動或被動地選擇了不生小孩,但?個人做出此決定的過程、思路、感受都不相同──</p> <p>  <strong>#結婚就是要生小孩??</strong></p> <p>  回首往事,我發現自己其實把大部分時間都用於審視早在?心做出的決定上。我意識到:「我並不是真的想生孩子,我想要的是『想要生孩子』這種欲望。」我?望像別人那樣?望生養,但我必須面對真實的自己……</p> <p>**  #有自己的孩子,家庭生活才算美滿而完整??**</p> <p>  我母親一度以為自己想要孩子,但一旦生了,?又真心不想要了。我的原生家庭於是灌輸給我一種感受:緊閉的家門背後,各種尊重都消失無蹤,不滿、憤怒和其他情緒肆意妄為,家庭?部的戰爭暴虐盛行。即便我已知道不是所有家庭都是這樣,我還是無法信任自己決不會把熟悉的那種家庭複製一遍……</p> <p>**  #「母性本能」真的存在??**</p> <p>  如果生物特性決定了由女性擔任生兒育女的責任,那就該有許多社會性補償來平衡這種不公正。但如今社會給予女性的補償遠遠不?多。為什麼這方面的進?如此緩慢?</p> <p>**  #不生小孩卻養寵物,很自私??**</p> <p>  對於不同的人生選擇,不能簡單用「自私」或「樂於奉獻」去貼標籤;如果奉獻是令人尊敬的人生目標,也許我們的任務就是要選中一條路,去奉獻自我。如果要照顧孩子,我很可能變成不那麼體貼的伴侶、無法隨叫隨到的朋友,而一天只有二十四小時……</p> <p>**  #當了?媽的我還是原來的我??**</p> <p>  雖然我不想當父親有許多冠冕堂皇的理由,諸如我知道自己善變、情緒起伏大,而且我永遠也付不起騎馬課或牙套的費用,更別?大學學費了──但最主要的原因是:我害怕。我怕萬一有了孩子,肯定會愛得很痛苦,那種愛足以將我的靈魂一?兩半,也怕自己一醒來就擔憂孩子有三長兩短,因而不再有無憂無慮的清晨……</p> <p>  本書呈現了雖然屬於社會少數、但?得被尊重和理解的聲音。書中?一位作者都積極地面對膝下無子的生活,以令人欽佩的坦誠相待,細膩反思和生育命題息息相關的「孤獨」、「自我實現」、「生育本能」和「童年創傷」等主題。除了容納不同的生命故事,本書也探討社會對女性的刻板成見,以及避孕方式的進?、精子銀行的出現、收養或代孕等新制度提供的機會與造成的衝?。</p> <p>  十六位作家的聲音,希望賦予?進一?思考的勇氣。如果人生終將是一場單人的旅行,我們如何建立親密關係,如何忠於當下自我的決定,並在日常生活中承擔這一決定帶來的挑戰?無論我們屬於生孩子這方、還是不生孩子這方,本書都將陪伴?一同探索,勇敢地走向生命中最好的決定。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,333円

Summary of Ken Blanchard, Susan Fowler & Laurence Hawkins's Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager Revised Edition【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]

<p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The presentation went very poorly. The bank’s president, Roger, said the campaign was garbage. Steve was shocked, and he didn’t know how to respond. He felt as though he had won the lottery five years before, but now he was certain he would be fired. #2 The meeting with the bank president left Steve feeling humiliated and angry. He realized that the real source of his failure was Rhonda, who had abandoned him. He decided to quit and seek employment elsewhere. #3 Steve told Cayla his sad story. He had developed budgets in the past, but he couldn’t tell the client what was appropriate for them. He was writing his resignation letter. #4 Self leadership is about taking responsibility for your own success. You must stop blaming others and look in the mirror at what you did or didn’t do to succeed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 500円

The Laws of Happiness Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress【電子書籍】[ Ryuho Okawa ]

<p>The Laws of Happiness: Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress is the eighth volume of Ryuho Okawa’s celebrated Laws Series, commencing with 1994’s The Laws of the Sun, and endeavors to answer the question, “What is true happiness?” This milestone text introduces four distinct principles, based on the “Laws of Mind” and sourced from Okawa’s real-world experience, to guide readers towards sustainable happiness. Okawa’s four “Principles of Happiness” present an easy, yet profound framework to ground this rapidly advanced and highly competitive society. In practice, Okawa outlines pragmatic steps to revitalize our ambition to lead a happier and meaningful life.</p> <p>In Chapter One, to counter states of unhappiness, Okawa reveals the two important purposes of life and encourages readers to nurture a mindset that pledges to turn weakness (negative tendencies) into strength (positive tendencies). Once we accept life’s two purposes, we can change the course of life and overcome bouts of unfavorable destiny through our own diligent effort, regardless of circumstance.</p> <p>Chapter Two elucidates the importance of nurturing happiness in the workplace, while kindling professional aspirations. Okawa introduces practical steps to improve work- life balance and navigate stressful activity without sacrificing peace of mind. Okawa underscores the importance of finding a mission at work, and outlines steps to improve our skills, with tips to boost self-planning and time management efficacy.</p> <p>Chapters Three and Four offer an in-depth exploration of Okawa’s Principles of Happiness - Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection, and Progress, with recommendations on how to apply them in daily personal relations.</p> <p>Chapter Five introduces the ideal world that Okawa aspires to create, based on concepts introduced in his landmark text, The Laws of the Sun. According to Okawa, through individual effort to progress in concert with the “Four Principles of Happiness” introduced in this text, we can collectively harmonize to bring forth a new age ? coined by Okawa as The Age of the Sun ? where humanity thrives in peace and prosperity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,708円

真人實證!我靠吸引力法則賺到三千萬 How I Made Over $1 Million Using The Law of Attraction: The Last Law of Attraction, How-To, Or Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need to Read【電子書籍】[ E.K.尚多 (E. K. Santo) ]

<p>吸引力法則菁華總整理!行動實踐筆記!<br /> 從上百本經典論述中,化繁為簡,提取實用技巧,<br /> 讓作者連續11年沒有一週虧損,獲利超過100萬美元! <br /> 想靠吸引力法則讓財務自由、改變人生,?只需要這一本!</p> <p><strong>大部分吸引力法則的書都寫得太難?,讓人沒有意願照著做。</strong><br /> <strong>本書沒有玄妙的文字、沒有艱澀難?的概念,且能讓?一??照做,親身體驗心想事成的美好!</strong></p> <p>作者尚多一直想要變有錢。某一天,他受到?發,決定投入房地?市場,卻沒賺到什麼錢。之後他改行當股票經紀人,可是前六年賺的錢很有限。</p> <p>在做房地?和股票期間,他看了許多正面思考和吸引力法則的書,上了許多課。他發現自己態度有所改變,宇宙也提供了成功所需的人、事、時、地、物,但他依然沒能如願變有錢。所以,他一直尋覓真正能讓他成功的祕密。</p> <p>有一天,他終於發現自己(和那些知道吸引力法則卻沒能成功的人)的問題出在?裡:看了書之後備受鼓舞,然後從裡頭挑一兩個方法來用(或者只是「備受鼓舞」,連做都沒做),卻沒有真正照著書中的方法一?一?執行;這很可能是因為大部分的書都講太多概念、太艱澀了,讓人失去執行的意願。</p> <p>於是,他開始確切執行他從書上學到的東西。自此,他在股票交易上連續十一年沒有一週虧損,而且固定有六位數美元的收入,以及五到六位數美元的紅利。</p> <p>因為領悟到成功運用吸引力法則的關鍵,在於真正按照?驟指示去做,所以他將自己看了那麼多相關書籍的心得,結合親身執行後的體會,寫成這本化繁為簡,不講太多概念,多提供實用技巧的書,希望?助始終看不見成果的人,踏上確實可行的路。</p> <p><strong>★讀者五顆星好評!</strong></p> <p>◎這本書的作者把吸引力法則講得清楚、易?,而且不?唆。他?得很有道理,?其實不必買或讀一堆吸引力法則書;?只需要一本,然後確實照著做。我要把其他的吸引力法則書?掉,只留下這一本,然後真正按照書中的指示執行。</p> <p>◎如果?想要一本講得比較複雜的吸引力法則書,坊間有一大堆;假如?想要的是一本汲取其他書菁華、濃縮成?需要知道的一切,並提供清楚執行方法的,這就是了!</p> <p>◎這是我至今讀到、關於「創造自己的實相」最棒的一本書!我最愛這本書的地方,在於它去蕪存菁。?讀的時候,我從未覺得少了些什麼,也從未覺得?容太?唆、太冗長。</p> <p>◎如果?想賺更多錢,不要錯過這本書!</p> <p>◎這本書將整個吸引力法則以一種簡潔的方式濃縮呈現,寫得很好、很清楚,一點累贅都沒有。</p> <p>◎我喜歡這本書最主要的原因,是我感覺得到作者真正希望讀者成功,而不是想透過這本書賣課程。</p> <p>◎我一開始很懷疑,現在則很高興我買了這本書。作者?得沒錯,這真的是?所需、關於吸引力法則的最後一本書。我真正去執行書中提供的方法,結果在工作、個人投資和人際關係方面都看到成效了!</p> <p><strong>◆各界推薦</strong></p> <p>★周介偉(光中心主持人)、許耀仁(網路創業家與國際認證訓練師)、王莉莉(《祕密》系列譯者) 激賞推薦!</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>E.K.尚多(E.K. Santo)</strong></p> <p>一個四十多?的父親,心智年齡則是二十多?,或者更年輕。對書及?讀一直抱持熱情,因?際會看了許多正面思考和吸引力法則之類的書,然後歸納整理出自己的心得,並實際執行,因而賺了一大筆錢。目前跟美麗的妻子、兩個孩子,以及一家之主拉布拉多犬住在一起。</p> <p><strong>譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>孟紀之</strong></p> <p>師大翻譯所碩士,耕耘中英雙向翻譯多年,廣及財經政商人文心靈等領域。未來將繼續蓄積翻譯能量,分享更多好作品。譯有《瑟多納的靈性召喚:轉化心能量的旅程》《9個實驗,印證祕密的力量》《真人實證!我靠吸引力法則賺到三千萬》等書。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 741円

Improve Your Confidence and Self-Confidence By Working On Your Communication Skills【電子書籍】[ Martha Gilbert ]

<p>Every day we ask ourselves important questions towards the achievement of happiness or serenity: How to manage everyday stress? How to revive couple eros after many years of living together? How to communicate with children? How to build satisfying relationships in the workplace and in your life? How not to be manipulated by others? How to achieve the well-being of the body and mind?</p> <p>They would seem unattainable goals and instead they can be much closer than we can imagine. The message that this volume wants to send is just that. We need to change our attitude towards life and towards ourselves.</p> <p>Our culture has taught us, almost obliged, to associate happiness with fun, possessing goods, having fashionable clothes, the most respected social role or the most appropriate opinion. So let's not be surprised if we feel unhappy, how could it be otherwise? The culture we grow up in has made us dependent on the ideas we conform to and the things we surround ourselves with.</p> <p>We should ask ourselves: How did all this happen? Why are we no longer able to let life blossom, grow and set just like a flower does? Why do we persist in judging with a rationality that does not know how to see the depths?</p> <p>In this volume we will discuss Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), as a kind of treatment or psychotherapy that can help people by allowing them to change specific behavior patterns and thoughts. In essence, CBT allows you to build a skill set that not only eliminates maladjusted thoughts and behavior, but also allows you to be aware of emotions and thoughts. This will allow you to recognize problem situations in advance and work on them to ensure that such negative thoughts are methodically eliminated.</p> <p>We will learn how emotional intelligence can be developed and how it allows us to learn to control our emotions through four main pillars: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Additionally, we will learn about the various effects of emotional intelligence and how it affects mental and physical health. Bis ogna take care of themselves, because this will help to take care of other people. Although empathy is not considered a pillar, it will be extensively discussed, because it is important to understand how essential this is to emotional intelligence .</p> <p>We will learn the tricks of neurolinguistic programming, we will be able to use thoughts and behaviors without the help of a psychotherapist. When you get to know the mind and how it works, you can have full control over our three impulses. Are you tired of seeing things negatively? Who said you can't train yourself to control your mind? All it takes is time, commitment and perseverance.</p> <p>We will ask ourselves why there are people who can fascinate anyone, anywhere , without exerting much effort. No matter what they look like or whether they are wealthy, these people can be the center of attention in any context. It is similar to luck, status, beauty… it is charisma and anyone can improve it. As simple as it may seem, having the self-confidence you want can be quite difficult, especially if you have problems with insecurity and, of course, you can't be charismatic if you don't believe in yourself. You know, accept and love each other despite the flaws, trying to see the positive side of things.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 268円

Positive Affirmations: Positive Thinking to Boost Your Self-Love, Success, Health and Happiness, Free Yourself From Negative Self-Talk and Experience the Rich Life You Deserve【電子書籍】[ JBC Empower Press ]

<p><strong>Over 1,700 positive affirmations to help you receive and achieve <em>all the love, success, health and happiness you deserve!</em></strong></p> <p>Are you looking for fun, inspiring, and effective ways to challenge yourself and grow as an individual? Do you want to start using positive language that will help you uplift your mindset and set you up for success? If you've answered yes to these questions, then this is the book for you!</p> <p>Not only does research show that affirmations challenge negative thoughts, but they also challenge the parts of our brains that encourage us to go out there and make our dreams come true.</p> <p>This is unquestionable proof that positive affirmations are a key to success and happiness!</p> <p>This book is for anyone who wants to know more about affirmations, use them for cultivating gratitude, and become more mindful of themselves and their lives.</p> <p>Inside <em><strong>Positive Affirmations</strong></em>, you'll discover:</p> <ul> <li>What affirmations are and how to effectively use them for positive changes in your everyday life!</li> <li>How to attain the life you deserve. Whether it's career growth, better health, love, or happiness, you can get it all!</li> <li>Effective tips on how to incorporate affirmations into your daily routines without feeling like it's a struggle.</li> <li>Over 1,700 affirmations you can use every day, even on days you can't get out of bed!</li> </ul> <p>But that's not all! You'll also get <strong>24 positive affirmation cards</strong> that you can include in your personal spaces, share with your loved ones, or use to achieve the life of your dreams!</p> <p>You're about to discover how truly amazing you are and use this power to change your life around, no matter what you may be going through! No more self-sabotage, doubtful thoughts, and saying negative statements!</p> <p>Start feeding your brain the positivity you need to succeed. <em>Get this book now!</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Roadmap Second Edition: The Get-It-Together Guide for Figuring Out What To Do with Your Life (Career Change Advice Book, Self Help Job Workbook)【電子書籍】[ Roadmap Nation ]

<p><strong>The <em>New York Times</em> bestseller is back! The career workbook <em>Roadmap</em> is better than ever.</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Roadmap</strong></em> <strong>has been updated and expanded</strong> with tons of brand new contentーincluding chapters on changing directions mid-career and not letting your past define your future.</p> <p><strong>Through inspirational stories and interviews, journal-like prompts, and practical career development information,</strong> this helpful resource will steer students, recent graduates, and career-changers toward an authentic, fulfilling life.</p> <p>? Features fresh perspectives from people like singer-songwriter John Legend, surfing world champion Layne Beachley, and MacArthur fellow and radio host Jad Abumrad<br /> ? Full of advice for people seeking a fulfilling work life that will make them happy and keep them engaged<br /> ? A self-mapped guide to creating a rewarding and satisfying work life</p> <p><strong>Roadtrip Nation, based in Costa Mesa, was founded by Nathan Gebhard, Mike Marriner, and Brian McAllister in 2001, and has grown into a national career exploration movement, educational organization, and PBS series.</strong></p> <p><strong>Since its original publication in 2015, the team at Roadtrip Nation has continued to travel the world and interview accomplished individuals about their path to success.</strong></p> <p>? Great for recent college graduates, interns, or anyone questioning their career path and in need of advice and a fresh perspective<br /> ? Useful as a resource for career advisers, educators, and companies who want to foster an engaged workforce<br /> ? Add it to the collection of books like <em>What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers</em> by Richard N. Bolles, <em>Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life</em> by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, and <em>How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life</em> by Caroline Webb</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,320円

The Inner Consciousness: How to Awaken and Direct It Awakening Your Inner Consciousness: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Enlightenment【電子書籍】[ Swami Prakashananda ]

<p>Swami Prakashananda's 'The Inner Consciousness: How to Awaken and Direct It' is a profound exploration of the inner workings of the human mind and spirit. The book delves into the concept of inner consciousness, guiding readers on how to awaken and harness this powerful force within themselves. Written in a clear and accessible style, Prakashananda combines spiritual teachings with practical exercises, providing readers with tools to deepen their self-awareness and connect with their higher selves. The book is a valuable resource for those interested in personal growth, meditation, and spiritual awakening. Drawing inspiration from both Eastern and Western philosophies, Prakashananda offers a unique perspective on the nature of consciousness and the path to self-realization. His insights are insightful and thought-provoking, challenging readers to expand their understanding of the mind and its potential. Swami Prakashananda's work is recommended for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Self-Compassion Learn to Love Yourself For Who You Are: The Essential Lessons and Guidance you Need in Building self-Compassion, Being Compassionate, Mindfulness, and Self-Worth【電子書籍】[ Kristin Carmichael ]

<p>If you've been feeling deprived of time, energy, and care for <em>yourself</em>, then maybe it's time for a change.</p> <p>Are you constantly worried of what other people might think about you? Always feeling pressured to please everyone else at the expense of your emotions and happiness? Frequently having to give up your time and resources just to get other people's appreciation and approval? Afraid of being on the receiving end of disapproval and rejection? Do you feel guilty whenever you take time for yourself?, Maybe your Struggling with issues of social anxiety, negativity, and feel like you're on the brink of depression?</p> <p>If you answered <em>yes</em> to any of the questions above, then keep reading, you might just find the solution you need right here.</p> <p>More people suffer from a lack of <em>self-compassion</em> than many of us would like to admit. Always putting others above themselves, people who fail to give themselves enough love and value can easily feel emotionally drained, tired, and unhappy. While it might seem like a temporary problem, a lack of self-compassion is a difficult rut to get out of. If you stay in it for too long, it can develop into a variety of other, deeper issues that can eat away at your mental well-being.</p> <p>In this complete guide, we're sharing all the information you NEED to know to help you climb out of that seemingly bottomless pit to achieve a greater sense of self-worth and importance to fuel an eagerness to <em>love yourself more</em>.</p> <ul> <li>The POWER of Your PAST over your sense of self-worth and how to battle your demons to restore your feeling of importance</li> <li>The Science of low self-esteem and <em>how</em> it happens in your brain</li> <li>Surprising reasons you might not realize as to why you lack self-compassion</li> <li>Key strategies towards accepting yourself and putting yourself first</li> <li>Actionable ways to keep the self-love flowing</li> <li>Loving others without losing yourself</li> </ul> <p>And a whole lot more!</p> <p>For many of us, self-love isn't automatic or effortless - it takes time, hard work, and a lot of practice. Fortunately, there are guides like <em>this one</em> which are specifically designed to help make your journey a little easier.</p> <p>So If you think your in need of a little help, Start by putting <em>yourself first by</em> scrolling up and clicking the buy button today <strong>!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 363円

Be Your Own Boss: 4 James Allen Books on Self-Mastery As a Man Thinketh, The Life Triumphant: Mastering the Heart and Mind, The Mastery of Destiny & Man: King of Mind, Body and Circumstance【電子書籍】[ James Allen ]

<p>This meticulously edited James Allen collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: As a Man Thinketh The Life Triumphant: Mastering the Heart and Mind The Mastery of Destiny Man: King of Mind, Body and Circumstance</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

I Had It All the Time When Self-Improvement Gives Way to Ecstasy【電子書籍】[ Alan Cohen ]

<p><strong>Quit Fixing Yourself and Get on with the Life You Came to Live!</strong></p> <p>If you are among the millions of people who have devoted years of time, bundles of money, and buckets of effort to finding the teacher, training, or technique that will fix what’s not working in your life, you will find welcome relief in this dynamic, heartful, and humorous array of illuminating insights.</p> <p>Whether you are a newcomer or veteran on the path of self-improvement, <em><strong>I Had It All the Time</strong></em> will awaken you to a life so magnificent that you will laugh at the notion of improving what love made whole.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 960円

More Instant Self Hypnosis【電子書籍】[ Forbes Robbins Blair ]

<p><em><strong>"Attract Surplus Money", "Become More Attractive", "Easy Weight Release", "Strong, Lean and Powerful Body", "Achieve Your Potential", "Attract A Mate", "Job Interview Confidence", "Stop Worrying".</strong></em></p> <p>These are just a few of the 48 script titles in this powerful sequel to Forbes Robbins Blair's bestselling, <em>Instant Self Hypnsis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open</em>.</p> <p>Included is the Master Induction 2.0, deepening techniques and incredible bonuses to make it easier and faster to transform bad habits.</p> <p>With this revolutionary eyes-open self-hypnosis technique I popularized in 2007, there's nothing to memorize or record. You will read your way into a state of self-hypnosis where habit change becomes easy. Then you read the masterfully crafted self-hypnosis script for your goal before you safely return to everyday consciousness. It's easy and takes about 20 minutes. Within days you will see the improvements you've been "willing" to make for years!</p> <p><strong>Many Hypnosis Scripts to Choose From</strong></p> <p><em>Feel Sexy, Go to the Gym, Good Posture, Love Low Carb Eating, Reduce Hot Flashes, Relieve Chronic Back Pain, Confident Salesperson, Astral Travel Tonight, Become a Leader, Better Golf Score, Brighten Your Aura, Deeper Voice, Emotion Control, Forgiveness, Job Interview Confidence, More Faith in the Divine, Okay to Be Gay, Overcome Alcohol, Overcome Fear of Failure, Reduce Smoking Easily, Stay in the Now, Stop People Pleasing, Stop Worrying . . . and MANY MORE!</em></p> <p><strong>These Are Not Just "ANY" Self-Hypnosis Scripts</strong></p> <p>Lately, a lot of self-hypnosis books have flooded the market with "FREE" script offers. Question is, can you trust their quality? Are the authors actual professional hypnosis therapists with proven track records? Do those authors even write those free scripts? The buyer needs to be aware! You want good results from good scripts.</p> <p>You can trust Forbes Robbins Blair, and you can trust his one-of-a-kind eyes-open self hypnosis scripts. He carefully composes each script to deliver maximum life-changing impact. He has been a clinical hypnotherapist since the 1990s with many thousands of satsified clients, students and readers. These are the scripts you want because they come from an expert!</p> <p><strong>Find Out If Your Goals Are Covered</strong></p> <p>Take a look at the first part of this book, and you'll see how it can help you take control of your body and mind.</p> <p>Put this phenomenal eyes-open self hypnosis method to work right now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,210円

You Are Not a Fraud! Escape Imposter Syndrome For Good - Stop Drowning Your Potential in Self Doubt, Feel Deserving by Embracing Your Self-Worth, and Become a Believer in You!【電子書籍】[ Jane Kennedy ]

<p><strong>Do you ever find yourself constantly doubting your abilities, even if you have achieved great success?</strong></p> <p>It's like a voice in your head whispering that you're a fraud, that one day everyone will discover your true incompetence.</p> <p><strong>You're not alone.</strong></p> <p>You Are Not a Fraud! delves into the depths of IMPOSTER SYNDROME, providing strategies and insights to help you break free from the shackles of self-doubt and embrace your true potential.</p> <p>Picture this: You're sitting in a meeting, surrounded by highly accomplished individuals, and you can't help but feel like a fraud. The fear of being exposed gnaws at you, causing anxiety and self-sabotage. But it doesn't have to be this way. Through relatable stories and practical advice, this book will empower you to challenge those negative thoughts, recognize your true worth, and develop unshakable confidence.</p> <p>In this insightful guide, you will:</p> <ul> <li>Learn about the different types of imposters and the underlying causes of imposter syndrome</li> <li>Discover effective strategies to overcome self-doubt and cultivate a healthy sense of self-worth</li> <li>Gain practical tips for recognizing and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself</li> <li>Develop self-compassion and embrace your unique strengths and accomplishments</li> <li>Unleash your full potential and achieve the success you deserve</li> </ul> <p>Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back from reaching your full potential.</p> <p>Unmask the truth and break free from the cycle of self-doubt. Embrace the strategies and insights in this book, and step into a future where you confidently embrace your true abilities. Your journey to self-acceptance begins now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 150円

HE CAN WHO THINKS HE CAN, AN IRON WILL & PUSHING TO THE FRONT How to Achieve Self-Reliance Which Leads to Vigorous Self-Faith, Personal Growth & Success【電子書籍】[ Orison Swett Marden ]

<p>Orison Swett Marden's groundbreaking works, 'He Can Who Thinks He Can,' 'An Iron Will,' and 'Pushing to the Front,' each delve into the power of positive thinking, perseverance, and self-determination. Marden's literary style is practical and inspirational, offering timeless advice for personal growth and success. Set in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these books provide a historical backdrop to Marden's teachings, which remain relevant today. Marden emphasizes the importance of belief in oneself, unwavering determination, and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to achieve greatness. His words inspire readers to reach their full potential and lead a fulfilling life. Orison Swett Marden, a pioneer of the self-help genre, drew from his own experiences as a successful businessman and educator to write these influential books. Marden's insightful observations and encouragement continue to resonate with readers seeking motivation and guidance in their personal and professional lives. I highly recommend 'He Can Who Thinks He Can,' 'An Iron Will,' and 'Pushing to the Front' to anyone looking to cultivate a positive mindset and achieve their goals.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Mindset: 30+ Amazing Mindset Tricks & 100+ Daily Affirmations! Develop a Successful Mindset and Gain More Self Esteem, Happiness, Wealth and Freedom in Your Life!【電子書籍】[ Kevin Gise ]

<p>Do You Feel Like Success Is Always Just Out of Reach?</p> <p>Learn How to Turn What You Think Into What You'll Become!</p> <p>Success has a different definition depending on who you talk to. A person can find success in many different areas of their lives. Success may also mean different things to you at different points in time. For some a great job and money is having success, while for others it's having a family and loved ones to share their lives with.</p> <p>Whatever you're definition for success it's important that we always remember that becoming successful is not something that is achieved overnight. Instead, it is something we must work our way towards. Having personal goals and the proper mindset to achieve those goals, will make eventually achieving them and finding success a much easier thing to do.</p> <p>Inside You Will Learn:</p> <p>Changing Your Mindset Towards Yourself<br /> Changing Your Mindset Towards Others<br /> How To Become A Better Version Of Yourself<br /> Changing Your Mindset Towards Money<br /> 30 Quick Ways To Improve Your Mindset<br /> The 100+ Daily Affirmation Cheat Sheet<br /> Much, Much More!!</p> <p>There's a lot of amazing ideas and tips in this book that you'll want to learn and incorporate into your life in order to achieve a successful mindset. This book will show you how to achieve a proper mindset and what type of positive impact it can have on your life going forward.</p> <p>Don’t Delay. Download This Book Now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 393円

Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty【電子書籍】[ William George Jordan ]

<p>In 'Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty' by William George Jordan, the author delves into the concept of self-control as the ultimate expression of strength and discipline. Written with eloquence and depth, the book explores the power of the mind over the impulses of the flesh, and the importance of mastering oneself in order to achieve true success and happiness. Jordan's literary style is reflective and philosophical, drawing upon both classical and modern sources to support his arguments. The book serves as a timeless guide to understanding the importance of self-mastery in a world filled with distractions and temptations. As a groundbreaking work in the realm of self-improvement literature, 'Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty' offers valuable insights into the human psyche and the path to personal growth. William George Jordan's background in psychology and philosophy undoubtedly influenced his writing, as he provides readers with practical advice on how to harness their inner strength and achieve a fulfilling life. This book comes highly recommended for anyone seeking to enhance their self-discipline and lead a more purposeful existence.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

輕鬆駕馭意志力(暢銷10年紀念新版):史丹佛大學最受歡迎的心理素質課 The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It【電子書籍】

<p><strong>許下願望後,務必讀這本書!</strong></p> <p><strong>★全球銷售500萬冊!</strong><br /> <strong>★書店科普暢銷榜逾60週!</strong><br /> <strong>★2012博客來年度暢銷Top 50?科普類No.1?博客來上班男性愛讀Top 20</strong><br /> <strong>★《商業周刊》1290期報導!</strong><br /> <strong>★亞馬遜書店讀者讚嘆:「真想給它10顆星!」「這輩子我都會用它!」「對我來?最實用的一本書!」</strong><br /> <strong>★少女凱倫、文森?書、何立安、宋怡慧、林長揚、邱奕霖、洪瀞、海苔熊、陳沛穎、陳?博、楊斯?、劉奕酉──盛讚推薦</strong></p> <p>意志力的差距,<br /> 就是年收入、學業成績、身體?態、婚姻生活、人際關係好壞的差距。<br /> 而且如同肌肉,是可以輕鬆鍛?出來的!</p> <p>開課時,因為人數過多,連換四次教室的史丹佛「意志力科學」課程,<br /> 由健康心理專家凱莉.麥高尼格開講,一位難求。<br /> 本書為其?容精華,引導讀者破除意志力的迷思,<br /> 無痛鍛造高自制力,建立有益身心健康的習慣,<br /> 克服?延的習性,妥善因應壓力,輕鬆贏得?嚮往的未來。</p> <p>提升心理素質,強化?天都用得上的意志力!</p> <p>史丹佛大學的「意志力科學」課程,是該校最受歡迎的課程之一。2008年第一次開課時,為了容納不斷加選的學生,換了四次教室。有學生?星期從舊金山租車?來上課;有人上過課之後,戒掉了30年的甜食?、不再對小孩子發脾氣、開始規律運動。超過八成的學生認為,這門課強化了他們的意志力,改變了他們的人生!</p> <p>本書從心理學、經濟學、腦科學和醫學的觀點,?露人為什麼禁不起誘惑,或一再延宕自己明知該做的事,以及該如何找出抗拒誘惑的力量,並教?像鍛?肌肉一樣強化意志力。</p> <p><strong>想要輕鬆戒?、抵抗誘惑、成功達標,?會學到:</strong></p> <p>●意志力並非美徳,而是一種生理機制,可以透過冥想、運動、營養和睡眠來改善。<br /> ●意志力不是無限的資源,自制過頭反而不利於健康。<br /> ●誘惑和壓力會劫持大腦的自制系統,但大腦可以透過訓練獲得更強的意志力。<br /> ●破戒的挫敗感所引發的?疚和羞恥會讓人再度屈服於誘惑,但自我寛恕和自我疼惜會増強意志力。<br /> ●放棄控制有時是獲得意志力的唯一途徑。<br /> ●意志力會傳染,身旁的人暴飲暴食、吸?,?也會受到影響。</p> <p><strong>不必懸梁刺骨,不用臥薪嘗膽,只要掌握意志力的本質,就可以在該去做的時候積極行動,該拒?的時候堅定?不。</strong></p> <p><strong>正如EQ可以改善,意志力也可靠許多方法増強!</strong></p> <p>◎累了??光是短暫補眠或好好睡上一?,就有助提升意志力。<br /> ◎壓力大時請用真正有效的方式?壓,比如運動、呼吸冥想、聽音樂、與親友相聚,而不是放縱自己吃大餐、喝酒、抽?、看電視。<br /> ◎遇上誘惑,要求自己忍耐十分鐘。十分鐘後,破戒的欲望多半已消失無蹤。<br /> ◎知恥近乎勇?錯!罪惡感和羞恥心容易導致自暴自棄。?得寛恕自己,?才會更有自制的動力。<br /> ◎設法認識「未來的自己」,比如給未來的自己寫封信,這樣當?面對眼前享受,就會提醒自己未來的苦果。<br /> ◎把意志力堅定的人當成榜樣,?可以輕鬆「感染」他們的自制力!</p> <p><strong>關於意志力,?可能不知道:</strong></p> <p>●在排隊買??時打手機簡訊,會讓?不小心點了熱量比較高的摩??昔,而不是預定的黒??。<br /> →分心會削弱意志力,使行為受到衝動的支配。</p> <p>●慣性熬夜不是因為?不累,而是?累到無力抗拒電影台的誘惑。<br /> →疲倦會削弱意志力,使人更容易屈服於誘惑。</p> <p>●一整天沒吸?的?君子,狂吃冰淇淋的機率大増。正在努力節食的人,外遇的機率大増!<br /> →意志力是有限的資源,這邊用掉,那邊就不?用。</p> <p>●光是「考慮」捐錢給慈善機構,就會提高人們上街購物犒賞自己的欲望。<br /> →覺得自己做了件好事,對自己滿意,接下來就會信任自己的衝動而放縱。</p> <p>●求職時愈想讓面試官留下好印象,就愈可能?口?出不得體的話。<br /> →過於壓抑會造成反彈。</p> <p>●托兒所向家長收取?接孩子的罰款,結果?接孩子的情況反而増加。<br /> →家長花錢買了遲到的權利,罪惡感消除,反而更理直氣壯遲到。</p> <p>●要求家?節能省電,最有效的訴求不是「愛地球」,而是「?的鄰居都在這樣做」。<br /> →意志力的高低,會與旁人互相感染,所以交朋友要小心!</p> <p><strong>?好評推薦?</strong></p> <p>少女凱倫,作家<br /> 文森?書,YouTuber<br /> 何立安,怪獸肌力及體能訓練中心創?人/作家<br /> 宋怡慧,丹鳳高中圖書館主任/作家<br /> 林長揚,企業課程培訓師/暢銷書作家<br /> 邱奕霖,圖像思維學院視覺化教練<br /> 洪瀞,《自己的力學》作者/成功大學副教授<br /> 海苔熊,心理學作家<br /> 陳沛穎,臺中獨立書店「引書店」店長<br /> 陳?博,極地超級馬拉松運動員<br /> 楊斯?,年度暢銷書《人生路引》作者/醫師<br /> 劉奕酉,知識自雇者與商業顧問</p> <p><strong>?各界好評推薦?</strong></p> <p>想獲得更多控制意志力的方法,在這本書有完整的解答,除了理論,更有實際案例與實作,不妨翻開書本,一起跟著史丹佛最受歡迎的心理素質課改善自己的人生。──少女凱倫,作家</p> <p>本書是我看過意志力相關著作當中,寫得最精采、也最不消耗意志力的。我相信?個人看完後,都能更了解意志力,並學會控制自己的意志力,必要時隨時進行補充,並能依據自己的意志力剩餘量,更妥善地安排自己的一整天。──文森?書,Youtuber</p> <p>關於意志力的許多觀念,本書都找得到答案。除此之外,這本書的?一個章節還為讀者破除有關自制力常見的錯誤認知。翻開這本書之後,?會理解關於「意志力」的許多實務理論、讀到有趣的案例,並發覺那些讓?躍躍欲試,能引導人省思的方法。──洪瀞,《自己的力學》作者、成大副教授</p> <p>這是一本?助人改變行為的書,作者以心理學理論為基礎,展開實用的?明,以及具體可執行的練習。我認為這本書給讀者一個信心:我們並非天生軟弱,只是需要一直反覆的探索,才能長出具有?性的自己。──陳沛穎,臺中獨立書店「引書店」店長</p> <p>支配意志力,?將帶領?的?體邁進極限,並獲得驚奇的能量。我們的一生,永遠都是和?一個自己挑戰!──陳?博,極地超級馬拉松運動員</p> <p>如何打造強大的意志力?這本《輕鬆駕馭意志力》為我們帶來了解方。透過書中的科學實證、意志力實驗與自我檢視,讓?能更了解自己的弱點,並藉由實際練習強化意志力。快?讀這本好書,一起來鍛??!──林長揚,企業課程培訓師、暢銷作家</p> <p>能控制住自己的人,才能掌握自己的命運。意志力就像肌肉,正確地鍛?就可以強化;而鍛?意志力的有效方式,都在這本書中了。深入淺出的文字?容,?助?完成強化意志力的挑戰。──劉奕酉,知識自雇者與商業顧問</p> <p>好一本解放思想的書!麥高尼格闡明了意志力的科學依據,?穿大多數人誤信的迷思。認清這些?發人心的事實,破解壓抑自我的謬論,現在起,?個人都可以鍛?更強大的意志力!──傑夫.柯文,《我比別人更認真》作者</p> <p>《輕鬆駕馭意志力》是一本別出心裁的勵志書,以科學觀點來解釋自制力的原理與實踐的方法。無論?想稍微調整生活方式,或是來一場徹頭徹尾的自我改造,?不可錯過本書!──Book Page書評網</p> <p>?一章單獨看都精采有益,但若能整本讀完,有可能徹底改變人生!如果?正在努力減重、追求更好的工作績效、戒除壞習慣……?,只要是「人」都一定要讀這本書!──Library Thing 書評網站</p> <p>對?一個想學習如何更有效率達成目標的人,這本書價?非凡。麥高尼格明確解析豐富的科學研究與應用方式,證明了解意志力的極限,正是發揮真正自制力的關鍵!──傑佛瑞.史瓦茲,《大腦想的跟?不一樣》共同作者、暢銷書《大腦的鎖鑰》作者</p> <p>有趣且好讀的研究報告,將意志力的智慧帶出實驗室。──《時代》雜誌</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong> <strong>凱莉.麥高尼格(</strong> <strong>Kelly McGonigal</strong>**)**</p> <p><strong>《富比世》雜誌推薦「由熱情和實用主義驅使的領袖」</strong><br /> <strong>《歐普拉》雜誌讚譽「敢於相信人類潛能」,且有能力「將科學資料轉為智慧的心理學者」画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,096円

Serious Consequences : If you Have No Self Discipline【電子書籍】[ DIGITAL NOMAD ]

<p>Let’s get one thing clear. The word “discipline” is not precisely popular these days. In detail, many people treat it as the Dictionary word. People think the discipline is outdated or simply inapplicable to our modern age.</p> <p>It’s easy to think of discipline as picturesque. Something like a relic from the time of our grandparents.</p> <p>They needed self-discipline, but it is very cool for us to think that we are exempt from it.</p> <p>It is understandable why many general public have this impression because we live in a society that loves comfort. If you don’t believe me, try ordering a pizza. If you live in a major metropolitan area in the US, the average delivery time is 15 minutes.</p> <p>If your local pizzeria cannot deliver the items within that time, your pizza is absolutely free. When you go online, when you buy something on Amazon, you are bombarded with all types of free shipping or 2-day delivery deals.</p> <p>It goes with the region. It seems that the longer we live our lives, the more trained we are to expect instant gratification. We want the good things life has to offer and we want them now. In fact, a lot of people want it yesterday.</p> <p>That’s how impatient we have become. If you still don’t believe me, when was the last time you read something thoroughly on the Internet? My bet would be a long time ago. Chances are, when you see any kind of news on your Facebook timeline, you are probably scrolling down the page.</p> <p>It scrolls, it scrolls, it scrolls and it scrolls some more. When you see some kind of keyword, image, or video that you like, that’s when it stops. Once you have a good idea of what the article is talking about, move on to the next item and then the next.</p> <p>You are hardly alone. The more we use the Internet and interact with people online, our responsiveness (attention) span becomes shorter and shorter. It all comes down to comfort. But here’s the problem. Until you develop self-discipline (self-control) and unless you do, your chances of getting the great things in life are going to decrease.</p> <p>In fact, depending on your situation, it can be next to impossible. Self-discipline is very important. When you are self-disciplined (self-control), you focus on the big picture. Find it in you to do the difficult and necessary things now so that you can reap greater rewards in the future.</p> <p>This is not sexy. Far from there. Many people think that this is some kind of heavy lifting. This is a punishment. This is an unpleasant task that they would rather avoid. And who can really blame them? When you’re working on something essential, the payoff may be so far away that it might as well be invisible.</p> <p>Over the time, you start to think to yourself: “What am I doing? I could be having crazy things with my friends. I could be doing more pleasant things. I can be lazy because well, let’s face it, laziness pays off right away. Hard work pays off in a long time. ”</p> <p>Do you see the disconnect? Do you see why many people prefer not to pick self-discipline?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 111円

I Love Me More: How to Find Happiness and Success Through Self-Love I LOVE ME MORE [ Jenna Banks ]

I LOVE ME MORE Jenna Banks BRAINTRUST INK2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781956072006 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp 3,643円

沒有好條件,也能夢想成真:百萬人氣的人生導師,教?善用好頻率、調整思維、擺?低潮,就能?轉人生! Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness【電子書籍】

<p><strong>英國《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷榜NO.1</strong><br /> <strong>Amazon破兩萬人評價,五星?久不墜!</strong><br />   <br /> <strong>就算?天生或物質的條件再差,也沒關係!</strong><br /> <strong>只要?改變回應困境的方式,學習應對負能量的人,</strong><br /> <strong>就能為自己創造出美好的頻率,</strong><br /> <strong>開始吸引生命中?所?望的一切!</strong></p> <p>  <br /> 作者維克斯?金表示:「我把這本書獻給懷有夢想的?一個人,無論?只是單純地想要糊口飯吃,還是希望能??過黒暗的低潮。」<br />   <br /> <strong>※這不僅是一本勵志書,更是一個年輕人追求自己的夢想,而且已經成功實現它的故事</strong><br />   <br /> 作者維克斯?金從小父親就過世,由母親撫養帶大。成長過程中經常入住庇護之家,也常因其膚色被鄰居霸凌。長大後,面對感情苦惱與大學畢業後的求職壓力,他感到未來一片茫然,整個人憤世嫉俗,只是被迫面對生命所?來的一連串惡意與磨難。最後,他下定決心要?離這種低迷的?態,試圖?轉自己的人生。<br />   <br /> 現在的他,是 Bon Vita 生活風格品牌的擁有者和創始人,也經常在臉書、IG分享正能量金句,因為句句打動年輕世代們的心,在社群媒體間廣為流傳,搖身一變成為百萬人氣的人生導師。<br />   <br /> 在這巨大轉變的經驗過程中,維克斯?金發覺到──「頻率法則」才是真正能?改變人生的祕密:「當?提升自己的頻率振動時,?就能散發美好的能量,並體驗到更多擁有美好能量的人事物。」<br />   <br /> <strong>※心想事成、夢想成真,吸引力法則背後的祕密:頻率法則</strong><br />   <br /> 維克斯?金以音叉為例:從兩個校準到同頻?態的音叉就可以看見,如果?敲?其中一支讓它開始振動,就算沒有?到?一支音叉,它也會隨之共振。<br />   <br /> 也就是?,當?處於高頻?態時,?就能吸引到同樣高頻的人事物到?的身邊。這也是時下流行的「吸引力法則」要能有效執行的關鍵,但大多數人並不知曉。如果只是一直想著?望的好事,或是一直?自己很正向,但自己的思維頻率其實並沒有改變的時候,?是無法吸引到自己所?望的一切的。<br />   <br /> <strong>※將好頻率運用在生活各領域,從裡到外?轉人生的操作指南</strong><br />   <br /> 因此,作者?讀了激勵法與成功學的相關研究,結合親身的實際經驗,在本書提供了提升自身頻率的方法,對一般人在生活中所面臨的各種困難,例如家庭、交友、社群等領域加以剖析,以及針對遇到「負能量」時,我們該如何應對的建議:<br />   <br /> ◎對自己<br /> 要讓自己維持在好的頻率上,首先要知道如何愛自己。然而什麼才叫做「愛自己」?<br /> 所謂的愛自己,是要在「接受如實的自己」,以及「知道自己?得更美好的事物」之間找到平衡!<br />   <br /> ◎對家人<br /> 血?關係最難割捨。面對態度消極負面、總是?我們冷水的家人,到底該如何是好?<br /> 「如果?無法證明自己對於某些事情的認真堅決,?也不能期望他人對這件事持有同樣的態度。」<br /> 當?能?改變自己的看法,並且察覺這些挑戰自己信念的人身上所擁有的優點時,?會開始對?們的關係改觀,特別是當?與挫傷?的人住在同一個屋簷下的時候。<br />   <br /> ◎對朋友<br /> 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友。但?是否真的選擇了適合的朋友?<br /> 如果?感受到朋友圈向?投射忌?、憎恨之心,這意味著身邊的人並非是適合?的人。<br /> 「簡化朋友圈,只留下能為?生命加分的朋友,捨去不好的,減去只會加分,數量少卻意味著更多、更好。」<br />   <br /> ◎對社群<br /> 當我們成天掛在社群媒體上的時候,如何面對攻?和拉低我們頻率的網路酸民?<br /> 了解負能量的人的各種心態很重要:「見不得人好」「?威脅到我了」「誰叫?跟我不一樣」「我痛,?也得痛」,一旦?了解到,別人對?的評價其實也是他們對自己的評價,而且他們送出的在往後也勢必回到自己身上的時候,?就能以安定自如的心態去面對,自身的頻率也不會再受到外界的影響。<br />   <br /> ◎對人生<br /> 人生難免會遭逢大大小小的困境與挑戰,讓?心生挫敗和氣餒。如果現?無法改變,怎麼??<br /> 「當?改變不了時,就改變自己對此的感知。這才是?個人力量的所在:?要不是被掌控,不然就是由?掌握。」<br /> 舉例來?:如果?失業了,?可以選擇想?自己沒錢沒工作,讓?更陷入?望以及低頻?態。或者,?可以專注再尋找?一個薪水更高的工作。後者?對會讓?舒坦許多,也能提升?的頻率振動。<br />  <br /> <strong>※擁有透過好頻率改善自己的前提,有效實現夢想的行動?驟</strong><br />   <br /> 當?的頻率逐漸提高後,?就能?藉由以下?驟,實際達成?所?望的目標:</p> <ol> <li>檢視長期困住?的負面信念,開始培養正面信念</li> <li>將目標具體寫下來、並運用肯定語複述</li> <li>練習使用五官感知的觀想,讓?的夢想在腦海中栩栩如生地呈現</li> <li>準備好踏出一小?,對目標採取行動<br />   <br /> 上述這些方法,全都根植在?已經開始運用好頻率改善自己的前提,所以?可以預見這麼做一定會?生好的效果。<br />   <br /> <strong>※書中?括正能量金句,當??經低潮或困惑時可隨時取用來提振自己</strong><br />   <br /> 本書收?許多作者的正能量金句,能在?感覺自己又受先天條件所限、頻率混亂低迷的時候提點?、鼓舞?,重新恢復?的高頻?態。例如:<br />   </li> <li>面對間言間語<br /> 「戲劇純屬於電視?樂,而非現實生活。不用隨著他人起舞,這些人都以為自己才是主角。」<br />   </li> <li>面對親密伴侶<br /> 「創造一個能?暢談彼此真實的問題,而非只會在社群媒體上交流的關係。社群媒體上的伴侶?態並不會解決彼此的紛爭,?需要的是一段交心的對話。」<br />   </li> <li>面對先天外貌<br /> 「?牛仔?的尺寸無法定義真實的?。膚色不行。體重計上面的數字不行。臉上的?痕不行。他人的期望也不行。他人的評語更不行。」<br />   </li> <li>面對困境挑戰<br /> 「生命在塑造?。生命以各種風雨不停地晃動?,在?跌倒時還補一?,將??在底下。但是,??了過去,以全新、更美好的姿態走了出來,因為?跨越了別人還在試圖克服的挑戰。」<br />   <br /> 只要運用書中作者所分享的?驟及智慧,?就能改變思維,擺?負能量的陰霾,即使面對低潮也能快速跳?,時時維持在平靜與快樂的高頻?態。如此,?就再也不會被先天的條件所限制,無論?夢想什麼,都能輕鬆實現!<br />   <br /> <strong>本書特色</strong><br />   <br /> ◎作者以在IG分享正能量金句竄紅,同時作為音樂家、生活風格企業家等斜槓代表人物,在英國知名度甚高,不僅在年輕世代間掀起一股「好頻率運動」風潮,作為處女作的本書亦在英美亞馬遜暢銷排行榜居高不下。<br />   <br /> ◎融合自身新生代經驗,例如網路霸凌、經營線上事業等議題,有如一個貼心的朋友跟??話。<br />   <br /> ◎以誠懇不藏私、踏實不空談的方式,闡述如何提高自己的頻率振動來創造自己想要的生活,過程並不迴避生活勢必會遇到的困難,而是提供清楚具體的?驟?明因應方式,使我們能?持續處在高頻的?態。<br />   </li> </ol> <p><strong>感動推薦</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>心靈作家|柚子甜</p> <p>諮商心理師/左西人文空間創?人|陳盈君</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,175円

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involve ADULT CHILDREN OF EMOTIONALLY [ Lindsay C. Gibson ]

ADULT CHILDREN OF EMOTIONALLY Lindsay C. Gibson NEW HARBINGER PUBN2015 Paperback English ISBN:9781626251700 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp 3,009円

Messages From Beyond Time: Conversations With The Divine Self【電子書籍】[ Doina Cotfas ]

<p>I read in a book that poverty belongs to those who do not want to exit their comfort zone to discover their passion or their calling, hidden within their soul.<br /> I wrote this book after I lived the experience of a cancer, overcoming the ego that always prevented me from being myself, from fulfilling my mission. I only left God to lead my hand, to be His tool, through which a glimpse of light reaches out to you. This book is yours, it belongs to you. You only get answers to the questions that we have in regards to life, love, forgiveness, lack of money or existence of diseases, directly from the source, sitting at the table and talking to God or, if you prefer the term, the Divine Self. I am the drop that falls on your window, blown by the wind. Human, we are so small and still, so big, enjoy every moment and experience LOVE at its maximum, under all its forms. Every moment is unique and irreversible. Learn to love. Learn to forgive yourself, so that you can forgive the others, afterwards.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 107円

Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Forgive Yourself (A Self-Help How-To Guide for Empowerment and Personal Growth) Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love【電子書籍】[ Shelli Johnson ]

<p><strong>? An empowering how-to guide to help you get from frustration to peace in 30 days. ?</strong></p> <p>Ever find yourself stuck in the past? Trapped by memories of your mistakes & failings? Beating yourself up over what you did or didn't do? How about feeling like you are your own worst enemy? The awesome news is that you can change all of that.</p> <p>This book is an invitation for you to delve deeper into who you are so you can find out what makes you come alive. I'm a big believer in the power of taking small steps to get you anywhere you need or want to go. With that in mind, I invite you inside these pages on a creative self-help adventure. <strong>You'll do daily small-sized activities aimed at:</strong></p> <ol> <li><strong>helping you heal yourself &</strong></li> <li><strong>inspiring you to create a life you love.</strong></li> </ol> <p><strong>My hope is that you'll use these pages to ignite your imagination, discard your limitations, & free your inner creator.</strong></p> <p><em>Please note:</em> This book has the exact same daily steps in it as the adult coloring book of the same name from the <em>Color Your Way To A Life You Love?</em> series. It's simply in ebook form for those people who are not interested in coloring.</p> <p><strong>Other books in this motivation & inspiration series:</strong></p> <p><em>Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Encourage Yourself<br /> Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Heal Your Burned-Out Self<br /> Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Get Out of Your Own Way<br /> Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Overcome Fear<br /> Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Crush Self-Doubt<br /> Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Let Go<br /> Baby Step Your Way to a Life You Love: Become Yourself</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 400円

The Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits Exploring Self-Interest and Societal Progress in the Enlightenment Era【電子書籍】[ Bernard Mandeville ]

<p>Bernard Mandeville's 'The Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits' is a thought-provoking and controversial piece of literature that delves into the interconnectedness of individual selfish pursuits and the overall well-being of society. Originally published in 1714, this philosophical work employs a unique fable-style narrative to explore the idea that private vices can lead to public benefits, challenging traditional moral and ethical beliefs. Mandeville's satirical and engaging writing style encourages readers to question societal norms and values, making it a compelling read for those interested in philosophy and moral theory in the Enlightenment era. The book's complex ideas and themes make it an important piece of literature in understanding the intellectual climate of the time. Bernard Mandeville, a Dutch-born philosopher and political economist, was known for his controversial views on morality and self-interest. His background in medicine and philosophy likely influenced his unconventional perspective on the relationship between individual behavior and societal progress, which is evident in 'The Fable of the Bees'. Mandeville's bold and provocative writing style reflects his willingness to challenge established beliefs and provoke critical thinking among his readers. I highly recommend 'The Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of self-interest and the common good. Mandeville's insightful and thought-provoking examination of human nature and societal dynamics continues to spark debate and discussion, making this book a timeless and relevant read for those looking to delve into the complexities of moral philosophy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation BE YOUR FUTURE SELF NOW [ Benjamin Hardy ]

BE YOUR FUTURE SELF NOW Benjamin Hardy HAY HOUSE2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781401974015 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 2,851円

The Way of Integrity Finding the Path to Your True Self (Oprah's Book Club)【電子書籍】[ Martha Beck ]

<p>**OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK</p> <p>AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER</p> <p>“A roadmap on the journey to truth and authenticity… [<em>The Way of Integrity</em>] is filled with aha moments and practical exercises that can guide us as we seek enlightenment.” ?Oprah Winfrey</p> <p>Bestselling author, life coach, and sociologist Martha Beck explains why “integrity”ーneeded now more than ever in these tumultuous timesーis the key to a meaningful and joyful life</p> <p>AN OPEN FIELD PUBLICATION FROM MARIA SHRIVER**</p> <p>As Martha Beck says in her book, “Integrity is the cure for psychological suffering. Period.”</p> <p>In <em>The Way of Integrity</em>, Beck presents a four-stage process that anyone can use to find integrity, and with it, a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering. Much of what plagues usーpeople pleasing, staying in stale relationships, negative habitsーall point to what happens when we are out of touch with what truly makes us feel whole.</p> <p>Inspired by <em>The Divine Comedy</em>, Beck uses Dante’s classic hero’s journey as a framework to break down the process of attaining personal integrity into small, manageable steps. She shows how to read our internal signals that lead us towards our true path, and to recognize what we actually yearn for versus what our culture sells us.</p> <p>With techniques tested on hundreds of her clients, Beck brings her expertise as a social scientist, life coach and human being to help readers to uncover what integrity looks like in their own lives. She takes us on a spiritual adventure that not only will change the direction of our lives, but also bring us to a place of genuine happiness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,247円

50+ Self-Help Classics Collection Think and Grow Rich, The Richest Man in Babylon, Self-reliance, The Master Key System, The Way to Wealth,The Art of War, As a Man Thinketh, The Meditations and others【電子書籍】[ Napoleon Hill ]

<p>From creative inspiration to financial success to healthy living ー you name it, somebody's shared the secret to understanding it.<br /> With the perfect self-help collection at hand, you can become your own life coach and the master of your own growth.<br /> Contents:<br /> Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1937)<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson One. The Master Mind<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Two. A Definite Chief Aim<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Three. Self-Confidence<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Four. The Habit of Saving<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Five. Initiative and Leadership<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson. Six Imagination<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Seven. Enthusiasm<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Eight .Self-Control<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Nine. Habit of Doing More Than Paid For<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Ten. Pleasing Personality<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Eleven. Accurate Thought<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Twelve. Concentration<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Thirteen. Cooperation<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Fourteen. Failure<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Fifteen. Tolerance<br /> Napoleon Hill. The Law of Success. Lesson Sixteen. The Golden Rule<br /> George Samuel Clason. The Richest Man In Babylon (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1920-1924)<br /> James Allen. As a Man Thinketh<br /> James Allen. Out from the Heart<br /> Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet<br /> Sun Tzu. The Art of War<br /> Lao Tzu. The Tao Te Ching<br /> Confucius. Analects<br /> Benjamin Franklin. The Way to Wealth<br /> Benjamin Franklin. The Autobiography<br /> Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. The Meditations of the Emperor<br /> Russell H. Conwell. Every Man His Own University<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-reliance<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. History<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Compensation<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Spiritual Laws<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Love<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Friendship<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Prudence<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Heroism<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Over-Soul<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Circles<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Intellect<br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson. Art<br /> Florence Scovel Shinn. The Game of Life and How to Play It<br /> Charles F. Haanel. The Master Key System<br /> W. D. Wattles. The Science of Getting Rich<br /> Wallace D. Wattles. How to Get What You Want<br /> Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Being Well<br /> Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Being Great<br /> Orison Swett Marden. An Iron Will<br /> Orison Swett Marden. He Can Who Thinks He Can<br /> Russell H. Conwell. Acres of Diamonds<br /> William Walker Atkinson. Thought Vibration: Or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World<br /> P. T. Barnum. Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money<br /> G.K. Chesterton. Orthodoxy<br /> Leo Tolstoy. A Confession</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 200円

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Cutting Edge Sales Confessions of Success, Influence & Self-Fulfillment from the World's Finest Knife Dealers【電子書籍】[ Jon Berghoff ]

<p><strong>A guide to successful selling from the professionals at Cutco Cutlery: “Everybody needs the practical wisdom contained in <em>Cutting Edge Sales</em>” (Brian Tracy).</strong></p> <p>Since 1949, a growing culture of Cutco Cutlery salespeople has been quietly grooming our nation's youth to be the next generation of CEOs, philanthropists, and entrepreneurial success stories. Here, twelve former and three current Cutco Cutlery sales professionalsーwith over $300 million combined in Cutco Cutlery salesーhave gathered together to collaborate and share their influence, secrets and real world wisdom with sales professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs across the globe.</p> <p>As a true expression of their willingness to give back, each author involved in this project agreed to donate 100% of their royalties to the charity of their choosing. Your purchase of this book will help the authors in their quest to positively transform the worldーand your execution of the Cutting Edge Sales lessons will positively transform you and your business.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,936円