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ホンダ レブル250/500ウィンカー内蔵コンパクトテールライトRB0131 Diabolus by K-SPEED (旧Diablo Custom Works)Set of tail lights + turning signal light Slim For Rebel 300&500 2017~/上級者向け
Item Information 商品説明 Diabolus by K-SPEED (旧Diablo Custom Works)Set of tail lights + turning signal light Slim For Rebel 300&500 2017~ ホンダ レブルウィンカー内蔵コンパクトテールライトです。 LEDテールランプとLEDウインカーが一体となったコンパクトなテールライトです。 注意して頂きたいこと こちらの商品は日本語マニュアルが付属しますが、ご自身で装着する場合は配線がわかる上級者向けです。 難しい場合は業者様に依頼して下さい。 また純正のナンバープレートステーを使用するとテールライトが隠れてしますので、合うステーをご自分で用意頂くか、サイドナンバープレートにする必要があります。 ※取り付けは自己責任でお願いします。 製品仕様 製品番号:RB0131
ELLEN T. CRENSHAW GROSSET & DUNLAP (USA)2022 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780593225165 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction
The Hacker's Toolbox: Mastering the Techniques and Software of Digital Penetration Turning the Tables: Hacking Back Against Cybercrime and Protecting Your Digital Fortress【電子書籍】[ ADARSH C JOSE ]
<p><strong>Dive into the Digital Shadows: Unleash Your Inner Hacker with "The Hacker's Toolbox"</strong></p> <p>Cracking passwords. Exploiting vulnerabilities. Penetrating networks. These aren't the fantasies of Hollywood hackers; they're the realities of the ever-evolving digital landscape. The Hacker's Toolbox is your comprehensive guide to navigating this shadowy world, empowering you to master the techniques and software of ethical penetration testing.</p> <p>No longer just for elite specialists, hacking skills are a vital asset for:</p> <p>Cybersecurity professionals: Hone your offensive skills to stay ahead of malicious actors and safeguard vulnerable systems.<br /> IT specialists: Gain a deeper understanding of cyber threats to fortify your organization's digital defenses.<br /> Security enthusiasts: Embark on a thrilling intellectual journey, pushing the boundaries of your technical prowess.</p> <p>Within these pages, you'll discover:</p> <p>The essential tools and software: From reconnaissance scripts to vulnerability scanners, learn the powerhouses of the hacking arsenal.<br /> Step-by-step walk throughs: Master practical techniques, from network mapping to social engineering, through real-world scenarios.<br /> Ethical hacking principles: Navigate the gray areas of digital security with a strong foundation in responsible practices.<br /> Beyond the basics: Delve into advanced topics like zero-day exploits, web application hacking, and post-exploitation tactics.</p> <p>"The Hacker's Toolbox" is more than just a technical manual; it's a mindset shift. You'll learn to think like a hacker, anticipate vulnerabilities, and wield your newfound skills to strengthen the digital ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned cyber warrior or a curious newcomer, this book is your launchpad into the captivating world of ethical hacking.</p> <p>Are you ready to unlock the digital vault? Dive into "The Hacker's Toolbox" and unleash your inner cyber samurai.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Laws of Success A Spiritual Guide to Turning Your Hopes into Reality【電子書籍】[ Okawa Ryuho ]
<p>The Laws of Success offers 8 spiritual principles that, when put to practice in our day-to-day life, will help us attain lasting success and let us experience the fulfillment of living our purpose and the joy of sharing our happiness with many others. The timeless wisdom and practical steps that Okawa offers will guide us through any difficulties and problems we may face in life, and serve as guiding principles for living a positive, constructive, and meaningful life. With the right mindset, attitudes, and habits, all of our hopes and dreams we wish to achieve can come true. The keys to opening a new future filled with hope, courage and joy are pages away!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Power of Flowers: Turning Pieces of Mother Nature Into Transformative Works of Art POWER OF FLOWERS [ Vicki Rawlins ]
POWER OF FLOWERS Vicki Rawlins ROCK POINT2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781631068706 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies
Winter Turning: A Graphic Novel (Wings of Fire Graphic Novel #7) WINTER TURNING A GRAPHIC NOVEL (Wings of Fire Graphix) [ Tui T. Sutherland ]
WINTER TURNING A GRAPHIC NOVEL Wings of Fire Graphix Tui T. Sutherland Mike Holmes GRAPHIX2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781338730920 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
ブックオフ 楽天市場店
氷室京介販売会社/発売会社:(株)EMIミュージック・ジャパン((株)EMIミュージック・ジャパン)発売年月日:2009/03/18JAN:49880069554481989年1月3、4日に、東京ドームにて行われたライヴの模様を収録。 (C)RS
The Turn of the Screw (movie tie-in "The Turning ")【電子書籍】[ Henry James ]
<p>The Turn of the Screw is a short novel or a novella written by American writer Henry James. Originally published in 1898, it is ostensibly a ghost story that has lent itself well to operatic and film adaptation. Due to its ambiguous content and narrative skill, The Turn of the Screw became a favorite text of New Criticism. The account has lent itself to dozens of different interpretations, often mutually exclusive, including those of a Freudian nature. Many critics have tried to determine what exactly is the nature of evil within the story. The movie "The Turning" which will be released on January 24, 2020 is a modern version of Henry James' short story "The Turn of the Screw". [2020 Movie Tie-In]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Turning Goals into Results (Harvard Business Review Classics) The Power of Catalytic Mechanisms【電子書籍】[ Jim Collins ]
<p>Most executives have a big, hairy, audacious goal. But they install layers of stultifying bureaucracy that prevent them from realizing it. In this article, Jim Collins introduces the <em>catalytic mechanism</em>, a simple yet powerful managerial tool that helps turn lofty aspirations into reality. The crucial link between objectives and results, this tool is a galvanizing, nonbureaucratic way to turn one into the other. But the same catalytic mechanism that works in one organization won’t necessarily work in another. So, to help readers get started, Collins offers some general principles that support the process of building one effectively.</p> <p>Since 1922, <em>Harvard Business Review</em> has been a leading source of breakthrough ideas in management practice. The <em>Harvard Business Review</em> Classics series now offers you the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Twelve Turning Points of the Second World War【電子書籍】[ Philip Bell ]
画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
動盪:國家如何化解危局、成功轉型? Upheaval: Turning Points of Nations in Crisis【電子書籍】[ 賈徳.戴蒙 ]
<p><strong>國家?憂外患的解套之書。</strong></p> <p><strong>「不關心政治,就等著被糟?的人統治。」</strong>ー柏拉圖</p> <p><strong>當代最具權威性作家,</strong></p> <p><strong>套用個人創傷的心理療程,</strong></p> <p><strong>拆解七國如何挺過三大類危局,</strong></p> <p><strong>借鏡?史,在動盪中找到曙光。</strong></p> <p><strong>★《商業周刊》<strong><strong>1673</strong></strong>期書摘報導。</strong></p> <p><strong>★ 比爾.蓋茲指定必讀:「戴蒙擘畫出一條身陷危機時可以選擇的道路。」</strong></p> <p><strong>★《<strong><strong>21</strong></strong>世紀的<strong><strong>21</strong></strong>堂課》作者大推:「本書是化解全球當前危局的希望。」</strong></p> <p><strong>★ 普立茲獎得主、《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》作者全新力作。</strong></p> <p><strong>★《紐約時報》暢銷書。</strong></p> <p><strong></strong> <strong>有如《冰與火之歌》的動盪?史,細?國家何以成為今日面貌。</strong></p> <p>自由民主國家芬蘭,為何對專制政權蘇俄敬畏三分,採行嚴格的言論自我審?機制?</p> <p>原本篤信民主的智利,為何瞬間左傾,對政敵進行破紀?的大規模虐殺?</p> <p>西徳總理布蘭特於波蘭首都猶太區一跪,何以能為外交局勢奠定決定性轉變?</p> <p>賈徳.戴蒙被?為這個世代最具深度思考力、最具權威性的作家,他以個人的獨特洞見,抽絲?繭國家面貌定型的軌跡。輔以 12 個化解危局成敗的關鍵因子,剖析何以有的國家能浴火重生,有的國家卻一蹶不振。</p> <p>書中以七個國家(芬蘭、日本、智利、印尼、徳國、澳洲和美國)遭逢的三大類危局(突發的?憂、外患和漸進型隱憂)為例:小蝦米芬蘭面對大鯨魚蘇聯的入侵、日本遭受美國培里將軍侵門踏?、徳國的新世代如何與犯下納粹暴行的上一代進行和解、智利皮諾契特總統的極權政體……等。對照分析各國的行動策略與結果,並以此檢視當前的世局。</p> <p><strong></strong> <strong>?史的傷口太?痛,卻是指引未來方向的明燈。</strong></p> <p>日本與中、韓的?史傷口未能有效化解,為何比人口老化更?得日本憂心?</p> <p>在美國將中國視為最大潛在敵人之際,何以政治兩極化才是美國真正的頭號隱憂?</p> <p>動盪,是世界的日常:國家的力量興衰、國與國之間的關係改變、甚或全球共同面對的環境議題,都是身為世界一分子的我們無法切割的課題。身處在前景未明的動盪中,借鏡?史,我們可以找到前進的方向。</p> <p>ーー<strong>激賞推薦</strong>ーー</p> <p>趙少康/中國廣播公司董事長</p> <p>謝哲青/作家、知名節目主持人</p> <p>セン宏志/網路家庭董事長</p> <p>陳鳳馨/News98「財經起床號」 節目主持人</p> <p>蕭新煌/總統府資政、台灣亞洲交流基金會董事長</p> <p>王道還/生物人類學者</p> <p>楊士範/The News Lens關鍵評論網媒體集團共同創?人??容長</p> <p>?貞祥/國立清華大學生命科學系助理教授、泛科學專欄作者</p> <p>何榮幸/《報導者》創?人、執行長</p> <p>生命的動盪,是危機,也可以是轉機。面對困厄險阻時所展現的彈性與堅?,讓我們在流離的不安中,找回身而為人的價?與意義。</p> <p>ーー<strong>謝哲青/作家、知名節目主持人</strong></p> <p>這本書一再強調三個關鍵概念,亦即保有?性、力求革新和求助盟友。運用到台灣當下面臨的危機和動盪,也很適用。</p> <p>ーー<strong>蕭新煌/總統府資政、台灣亞洲交流基金會董事長</strong></p> <p>戴蒙講故事的本領尤其餘事ーー讀者輕易便能與時代、地理、文化都不同的社群?生共鳴、同其哀樂。</p> <p>ーー<strong>王道還/生物人類學者</strong></p> <p>光是?讀這幾個國家的危機故事剖析就已經收穫豐富,再經由他的架構來梳理危機處理過程,讀者能對自己國家危機和現況有更具脈絡的理解和討論。</p> <p>ーー<strong>楊士範/<strong><strong>The News Lens</strong></strong>關鍵評論網媒體集團共同創?人??容長</strong></p> <p>危機能否成為人類文明的轉機??端看我們能否正確地認識這些挑戰,並且能有先見之明地防範未然。</p> <p>ーー<strong>?貞祥/國立清華大學生命科學系助理教授、泛科學專欄作者</strong></p> <p>本書提出十二個影響「國家危機」結果的相關因素,同樣適用於台灣的自我提問,而且在此時更加迫切。</p> <p>ーー<strong>何榮幸/《報導者》創?人、執行長</strong></p> <p>本書是一段精彩有趣的旅程,探討國家如何面對危機──是人類因應全球當前危局的希望。</p> <p>ーー<strong>尤瓦爾.諾亞.哈拉瑞(<strong><strong>Yuval Noah Harari</strong></strong>)<strong><strong>/</strong></strong>《人類大?史》、《<strong><strong>21</strong></strong>世紀的<strong><strong>21</strong></strong>堂課》作者</strong></p> <p>在舉世各國都承受壓力,必須學習如何應對重大挑戰的今天,尤其是及時的重量級著作。</p> <p>ーー**保羅.埃力克(<strong><strong>Paul R. Ehrlich</strong></strong>)****/**<strong>史丹佛大學教授、《人類的演化》作者</strong></p> <p>讀者有幸的是,戴蒙學習語言的非凡天賦使他一生能?深入各種文化,在身心兩方面都行遍天涯,親眼目睹許多戲劇性的個人和國家動盪。</p> <p>ーー<strong>黛安.艾克曼(<strong><strong>Diane Ackerman</strong></strong>)<strong><strong>/</strong></strong>《園長夫人》作者</strong></p> <p>在舉世各國都危機重重之際,本書證明了他在分析國家?史危機的先見之明。</p> <p>ーー<strong>麥可.薛默(<strong><strong>Michael Shermer</strong></strong>)<strong><strong>/</strong></strong>《懷疑論者》雜誌發行人、《地球上的天堂》作者</strong></p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>賈徳.戴蒙(<strong><strong>Jared Diamond</strong></strong>)</strong><br /> 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)地理學教授、美國國家科學院院士。<br /> 獲獎無數,包括美國國家科學獎、泰勒環境貢獻獎、日本國際環境和諧獎、麥克阿瑟基金會研究獎助,以及洛克斐勒大學頒贈的路易士.湯瑪斯獎等。<br /> 戴蒙是全球唯一兩度榮獲英國科普書獎殊榮的作家,被譽為「我們這個時代的達爾文」。<br /> 《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》是其成名之作,探討人類社會不平等的起源與地理成因,與《大崩壞》、《昨日世界》合稱「人類大?史三部曲」。</p> <p><strong>譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>莊安祺</strong><br /> 台大外文系畢,美國印地安那大學英美文學碩士。譯作包括《人類時代》、《感官之旅》、《Deep Play心靈深戲》、《艾克曼的花園》、《氣味、記憶與愛欲:艾克曼的大腦詩篇》、《愛之旅》、《我的大象孤兒院》、《美味不設限》、《萬病之王》等。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam HUE 1968 [ Mark Bowden ]
HUE 1968 Mark Bowden GROVE ATLANTIC2018 Paperback English ISBN:9780802127907 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) History
The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us about America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny 4TH TURNING [ William Strauss ]
4TH TURNING William Strauss Neil Howe BROADWAY BOOKS1997 Paperback English ISBN:9780767900461 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Social Science
Winter Turning (Wings of Fire #7)【電子書籍】[ Tui T. Sutherland ]
<p>The <em>New York Times</em> and <em>USA Today</em> bestselling series soars to even greater heights with a new prophecy and five new dragonets ready to claim their destiny!</p> <p>Daring mission... or deadly mistake?Winter has been a disappointment to his royal IceWing family his whole life. When his sister, Icicle, runs away from Jade Mountain Academy, fleeing terrible crimes and possibly planning to commit more, Winter knows that they both need a second chance to make things right -- if only he can find her. Winter's new clawmates, Moon, Qibli, and Kinkajou, won't let him make this dangerous journey alone. They don't seem to understand that IceWings, the most superior of all dragon tribes, can fix their own problems. When their search leads the dragonets straight into Queen Scarlet's vicious talons, Winter is grateful to have some help. But even the bravest dragons can't follow him to the Ice Kingdom, where he'll have to face the greatest threat of all: his own family.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Turning Confusion into Clarity A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism【電子書籍】[ Helen Tworkov ]
<p><strong>Advice and encouragement from a leading spiritual teacher and popular author on how to approach the foundational practices of Tibetan Buddhism</strong></p> <p>For anyone interested in Buddhist practice and philosophy, <em>Turning Confusion into Clarity</em> gives detailed instruction and friendly, inspiring advice for those eager to embark on the Tibetan Buddhist path. By offering guidance on how to approach the process and instruction on specific meditation and contemplation techniques, author and teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche provides gentle yet thorough commentary, companionship, and inspiration for committing to the Vajrayana path.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Disney/Pixar Turning Red: Mei's Little Box of Big Feelings BOXED-DISNEY/PIXAR TURNING RED [ Aimee Murata ]
BOXEDーDISNEY/PIXAR TURNING RED Aimee Murata DISNEY PR2022 Boxed Set English ISBN:9781368077095 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
Turn The Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders【電子書籍】[ L. David Marquet ]
<p><strong>'David Marquet is the kind of leader who comes around only once in a generation . . . his ideas and lessons are invaluable' Simon Sinek, author of <em>Start With Why</em></strong></p> <p>Captain David Marquet was used to giving orders. In the high-stress environment of the USS <em>Santa Fe,</em> a nuclear-powered submarine, it was crucial his men did their job well. But the ship was dogged by poor morale, poor performance and the worst retention in the fleet.</p> <p>One day, Marquet unknowingly gave an impossible order, and his crew tried to follow it anyway. He realized he was leading in a culture of followers, so he upended the traditional leadership model and put control in the hands of his crew. Before long, his team became fully engaged and the <em>Santa Fe</em> skyrocketed from worst to first in the fleet.</p> <p><strong>No matter your business or position, you can apply Marquet's approach to create a workplace where everyone takes responsibility for their actions, people are healthier, happier - and everyone is a leader.</strong><br /> <strong>___________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p> <p><strong>WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT <em>TURN THE SHIP AROUND</em>:</strong></p> <p>'I have bought this book for my entire senior team' Amazon Review</p> <p>**'**<strong>Putting in place the ideas and practices has transformed my work life balance, engaged my teams and improved performance'</strong> <strong>Amazon Review</strong></p> <p>'Love this book. The most practical actionable advice I can remember reading' Amazon Review</p> <p><strong>'As an owner of a small business I found Marquet's book inspirational'</strong> <strong>Amazon Review</strong></p> <p><strong>IN HIS LATEST BOOK, <em>LEADERSHIP IS LANGUAGE</em>, MARQUET BUILDS ON HIS TEACHING, SHOWING US HOW TO LEAD OUR TEAMS TO SUCCESS THROUGH THE LANGUAGE THAT WE USE.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Drinking History Fifteen Turning Points in the Making of American Beverages【電子書籍】[ Andrew Smith ]
<p>A companion to Andrew F. Smith's critically acclaimed and popular <em>Eating History: Thirty Turning Points in the Making of American Cuisine</em>, this volume recounts the individuals, ingredients, corporations, controversies, and myriad events responsible for America's diverse and complex beverage scene. Smith revisits the country's major historical momentsーcolonization, the American Revolution, the Whiskey Rebellion, the temperance movement, Prohibition, and its repealーand he tracks the growth of the American beverage industry throughout the world. The result is an intoxicating encounter with an often overlooked aspect of American culture and global influence.</p> <p>Americans have invented, adopted, modified, and commercialized tens of thousands of beveragesーwhether alcoholic or nonalcoholic, carbonated or caffeinated, warm or frozen, watery or thick, spicy or sweet. These include uncommon cocktails, varieties of coffee and milk, and such iconic creations as Welch's Grape Juice, Coca-Cola, root beer, and Kool-Aid. Involved in their creation and promotion were entrepreneurs and environmentalists, bartenders and bottlers, politicians and lobbyists, organized and unorganized criminals, teetotalers and drunks, German and Italian immigrants, savvy advertisers and gullible consumers, prohibitionists and medical professionals, and everyday Americans in love with their brew.</p> <p>Smith weaves a wild history full of surprising stories and explanations for such classic slogans as "taxation with and without representation;" "the lips that touch wine will never touch mine;" and "rum, Romanism, and rebellion." He reintroduces readers to Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the colorful John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed), and he rediscovers America's vast literary and cultural engagement with beverages and their relationship to politics, identity, and health.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Emancipation Proclamation A Turning Point in American History: The Power of Emancipation【電子書籍】[ Abraham Lincoln ]
<p>The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, stands as a watershed document in American history, marking the formal commencement of freedom for enslaved individuals in the Confederate states. Written in a concise and authoritative style, this proclamation not only signals a moral turning point in the Civil War but also serves as a pivotal constitutional measure to redefine freedom and statehood. Lincoln'??s use of language is both pragmatic and visionary, reflecting a deep understanding of the sociopolitical landscape of his time, as well as an unwavering commitment to justice and liberty that resonates throughout the ages. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was profoundly influenced by his experiences with slavery and his belief in the principles of equality and human rights. His formative years in Illinois, coupled with the moral arguments presented by abolitionists, shaped his steadfast resolve to address the issue of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation can be viewed as the culmination of his political evolution and leadership during one of America'??s most turbulent periods, emphasizing his role not just as a politician but as a moral leader articulated through his powerful prose. This book is essential for readers interested in the intersections of law, politics, and morality. Lincoln's words continue to echo through modern discussions on civil rights, making The Emancipation Proclamation not just a historical document, but a lasting call for justice which invites contemporary readers to reflect on its significance and relevance in today's society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Poison at the Village Show The start of a page-turning cozy murder mystery series from Catherine Coles【電子書籍】[ Catherine Coles ]
<h2>'An utterly charming 1940’s mystery. Definitely a new series addiction!' <em>Debbie Young</em></h2> <p><strong>Westleham Village 1947.</strong></p> <p>It’s the Westleham village show and with the war finally over, everyone is looking forward to a pleasant day.</p> <p>But newcomer, Martha Miller doesn’t share the excitement. Because since her husband Stan left for work one day and never returned, Martha has been treated as somewhat of an outsider in Westleham. The village gossip is that Martha must be to blame….</p> <p>Martha hopes she can win her fellow villagers over with her delicious homemade plum gin. But as glasses of the tangy tipple are quaffed, disaster strikes! Chairwoman of the village show, Alice Warren, slumps to the ground - poisoned!</p> <p>As fingers of suspicion again point Martha’s way, she’s determined to prove her innocence and find the real culprit. And she’s ably helped by the new vicar, Luke Walker.</p> <p>But who would kill Alice and why? And will Luke and Martha discover who is behind the poisoning before it's too late?</p> <p><strong>Find out in a brand new Martha Miller mystery from bestselling author Catherine Coles, perfect for fans of Lee Strauss and Beth Byers!</strong></p> <p><strong>Praise for Catherine Coles:</strong></p> <p>'Poison at the Village Show" is pure mystery buff entertainment and has all the qualities expected of an English mystery' <em>Midwest Book Review</em></p> <p>'Pure mystery buff entertainment' <em>Library Bookwatch</em></p> <p>'A delightful study of small village secrets, lies and misunderstandings' <em>?????????? Reader Review</em></p> <p>'The plot was complex, the characters are memorable and I can’t wait to find out what happens next!' <em>?????????? Reader Review</em></p> <p>'I love to start a brand new cosy mystery series and this one by Catherine Coles is just tickety-boo!' <em>?????????? Reader Review</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Turn of the Screw (movie tie-in "The Turning ")【電子書籍】[ Henry James ]
<p>The Turn of the Screw is a short novel or a novella written by American writer Henry James. Originally published in 1898, it is ostensibly a ghost story that has lent itself well to operatic and film adaptation. Due to its ambiguous content and narrative skill, The Turn of the Screw became a favorite text of New Criticism. The account has lent itself to dozens of different interpretations, often mutually exclusive, including those of a Freudian nature. Many critics have tried to determine what exactly is the nature of evil within the story. The movie "The Turning" which will be released on January 24, 2020 is a modern version of Henry James' short story "The Turn of the Screw". [2020 Movie Tie-In]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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氷室京介が89年1月に東京ドームで行ったライブの模様を収録。「独りファシズム」「STRANGER」「SHADOW BOXER」「LOVE&GAME」「たどりついたらいつも雨ふり」「ALISON」「COME TOGETHER」などの名曲に加え、初回封入特典も収めたファン必携アイテム。 ●1989.01.03,04 東京ドームのライブを収録。他、インタビュー映像等収録。 【収録曲】 OPENING ACT 1. 独りファシズム INTERVIEW ACT 2. STRANGER 3. SHADOW BOXER 4. LOVE & GAME 5. たどりついたらいつも雨ふり 6. ALISON TOKYO DOME SUPER LIVE ACT 7. SEX & CLASH & ROCK'N' ROLL 8. SHADOW BOXER 9. LOVE & GAME 10. STRANGER 11. ALISON 12. COME TOGETHER 13. ROXY 14. IMAGE DOWN 15. TO THE HIGHWAY 16. TASTE OF MONEY 17. ANGEL 18. DEAR ALGERNON SPEC OF "KING OF ROCK SHOW" 19. 独りファシズム 時間: 85 分新品です。 希少商品となりますので、定価よりお値段が高い場合がございます。 販売済みの場合は速やかに在庫の更新を行っておりますが、時間差等にて先に他店舗での販売の可能性もございます。在庫切れの際はご了承下さい。 当店、海外倉庫からのお取り寄せとなる場合もあります。その場合、発送に2〜4週間前後かかる場合があります。 原則といたしまして、お客様のご都合によるキャンセルはお断りさせていただいております。 ただし、金額のケタの読み間違いなども加味し、12時間以内であればキャンセルを受け付けております。 ※万が一、メーカーもしくは店舗などに在庫が無い場合、誠に申し訳ありませんがキャンセルさせて頂きます。何卒、ご理解いただきますようよろしくお願いいたします。 お客様による金額の間違いが多発しております。よくご確認の上、ご注文よろしくお願いいたします。
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The Professor Is in: The Essential Guide to Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job PROFESSOR IS IN [ Karen Kelsky ]
PROFESSOR IS IN Karen Kelsky THREE RIVERS PR2015 Paperback English ISBN:9780553419429 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education
The Turning Point for the Teaching Profession Growing Expertise and Evaluative Thinking【電子書籍】[ Field Rickards ]
<p>A revolution is happening in education, with leaders and teachers now asked to focus on learning, to develop collaborative teams to impact on students, to use and raise professional standards, and to identify and esteem expertise in our profession. With new demands relating to technological advances, changing demographics, internationalism, and the inclusion of ‘twenty-first-century skills,’ there is pressure on schools to deliver greater and deeper success with more students.</p> <p>The Turning Point aims to present the factors needed to affect real change for school systems, in classrooms, and in the teaching profession by:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li> <p>Arguing for the establishment of teaching as a true 'profession' alongside areas such as medicine or law.</p> </li> <li></li> <li> <p>Identifying the expertise fundamental to the meeting demands of schools.</p> </li> <li></li> <li> <p>Elaborating on evaluative thinking and clinical practice as the basis of this new profession.</p> </li> <li></li> <li> <p>Outlining core levers of change to show how teachers can have profound impacts on educational, medical, and social dimensions of students.</p> </li> </ul> <p>This book is essential reading for teachers, school leaders, education policymakers, teacher candidates, and teacher educators. Those working in affiliated professions, such as adolescent psychologists and health workers, will also find aspects of the book relevant to their work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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●日本発送予定日: 2024年04月26日(予定) ※こちらは輸入品のため国内発送日は予定より多少前後する場合がございます。 ※発売後は、取り寄せとなる場合がございます。 ※ポスター、初回特典は予告なく終了となる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 ※商品の特性上、お客様のご都合による返品・交換は承っておりません。 ※輸入品のため汚れ・擦れ・多少の破れなどがある場合がございます。 ※表紙に価格シール等が貼ってある場合がございます。 ※アウトボックスは商品の保護のための衝撃防止用として制作され、スクラッチ等での、 交換/返品はお受けいたしかねます。 ※仕様・内容は予告なく変更になる場合があります。 ※本商品は予約商品のためキャンセル出来ません。ご了承下さい。 ※開封済みの場合におきましても、返品、交換は致しかねます。
Professional Practice: A Guide to Turning Designs into Buildings【電子書籍】[ Paul Segal ]
<p><strong>What you need to know to protect your designs and get them built as you envision them; how to get and keep clients and become their trusted advisor and professionalーevery architect needs the answers in this concise, thorough, and readable guide.</strong></p> <ul> <li>Who are the parties in architecture, engineering, and construction?</li> <li>How do you market architectural services (get the project)?</li> <li>What are the basic project delivery methods?</li> <li>What are the forms of owner/architect and owner/contractor agreements and what services do they cover?</li> <li>How should you charge for your services?</li> <li>How do you set up an office?</li> <li>What insurance, legal, and accounting issues must you consider?</li> <li>What is project management and who should do it?</li> <li>What are zoning and building codes about?</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
100M Offers Made Easy: Create Your Own Irresistible Offers by Turning ChatGPT into Alex Hormozi【電子書籍】[ Ben Preston ]
<p><strong>Unlock the Secrets to Crafting Offers That Skyrocket Your Sales</strong></p> <p>Are you ready to transform your business and skyrocket your sales? Discover the ultimate guide to creating irresistible offers that will take you countless entrepreneurs turn their businesses into unstoppable forces in the market.</p> <p><strong>What You'll Learn</strong></p> <p><strong>The Psychology of Irresistible Offers:</strong> ??Dive deep into the psychology behind offers and discover the key elements that make them irresistible.</p> <p>??<strong>HormoziGPT:</strong> Learn how to turn ChatGPT into Alex Hormozi to supercharge your offer creation.</p> <p>??<strong>Scaling to $100 Million Offers:</strong> Uncover strategies for scaling your offers to reach a massive audience and achieve unparalleled success.</p> <p><strong>??Maximizing Conversion Rates:</strong> Understand the factors that influence conversion rates and implement techniques to boost your numbers.</p> <p>??Building Trust and Credibility: Establish trust with your audience, leverage social proof, and become an authority in your industry.</p> <p><strong>Who Is This Book For?:</strong></p> <p>Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to transform your business, a marketer aiming to create compelling offers, or someone curious about the world of irresistible offers, this book is your go-to resource.</p> <p><strong>Grab your copy now to start crafting offers that command sales!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
★4種選択★ aespa - MINI ACRYLIC TURNING STAND SET 【aespa WEEK : Armageddon The Mystery Circle】 エスパ カリナ ジゼル ウィンター ニンニン SMエンターテインメント 公式グッズ OFFICIAL MD SM STORE kpop 無料配送
★08月23日発売★4種選択★ aespa - MINI ACRYLIC TURNING STAND SET 【aespa WEEK : Armageddon The Mystery Circle】 エスパ カリナ ジゼル ウィンター ニンニン SMエンターテインメント 公式グッズ OFFICIAL MD SM STORE kpop 無料配送 aespa WEEK - Armageddon The Mystery Circle OFFICIAL MD 5