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九型人格聖經:認識自己,理解他人,找到轉化的力量 The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life【電子書籍】[ 海倫.?瑪 ]

<p><strong>全球暢銷30****年經典,最完整的九型人格心理分析</strong></p> <p><strong>美國九型人格祖師級權威</strong> <strong>海倫・?瑪,巨擘磅?之作!</strong></p> <p>全球28種語文譯本,Amazon讀者評價4.5顆星</p> <p>史丹佛大學商學院、美國CIA中情局必修識人課程</p> <p>全球500大企業人資部門必備指南</p> <p>我們體?都住著這九種人,</p> <p>只是童年的制約強化了其中一種,便成為現在的?。</p> <p>該如何覺察、改變、鬆?制約,將性格的弱點轉化為前進的優勢?</p> <p><strong>針對九種類型深度分析</strong></p> <p>◎其心理?態、困境、與潛能</p> <p>◎家庭背景</p> <p>◎潛在的強烈情感(?在陰影)</p> <p>◎親密關係模式</p> <p>◎權力關係模式</p> <p>◎職場之道</p> <p>◎成功之道</p> <p>◎子類型的表現(性、社交、自保機制)</p> <p>◎轉化的方向:更高意識的心智特質</p> <p>◎轉化的方向:更高意識的情感特質</p> <p>◎注意事項及提醒</p> <p>**1<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>完美主義型</strong></p> <p>他們曾是非常乖巧的小男孩和小女孩,知道「必須」循規蹈矩,「應該」承擔責任。他們清楚記得因為做錯事而遭懲罰的痛苦,因而自律甚嚴,一板一眼。他們嚴以律己,也嚴以待人。</p> <p>**2<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>給予型</strong></p> <p>他們喜歡與人交際,樂於助人。他們需要知道自己是受歡迎的,?望得到他人的認可和好感。他們付出是為了換取被愛、被需要、被重視,他們想成為他人生命中最重要的部分。</p> <p>**3<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>表現型</strong></p> <p>他們從小成績出色,屋裡堆滿了獎?、獎盃、獎牌。放學回家後,父母只想知道他們在學校表現多麼優異,從來不會關心他們今天過得好?。他們習慣靠自己的表現,?得一切。</p> <p>**4<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>浪漫多感型</strong></p> <p>他們記得小時候被別人?棄的痛楚。雙眼時常閃爍著憂鬱,?心敏感纖細,畢生追尋著一個真正?他的伴侶。他們情感豐沛,過著戲劇般的人生,總在遙不可及的夢想中?扎。</p> <p>**5<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>觀察型</strong></p> <p>他們非常注重個人隱私,喜歡宅在家裡,或把手機關機。他們享受與世隔?,自得其樂,不想被他人的情緒打擾。當別人積極投入情感時,他們卻像旁觀者一樣無動於衷。</p> <p>**6<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>忠誠懷疑型</strong></p> <p>他們從小就失去對權威的信任,深知掌握權力的人有多可怕。他們忘不了自己在強權壓迫下,如何違背了真實心聲。長大後,對別人的動機總是充滿懷疑,卻又?望投靠有力權威。</p> <p>**7<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>享樂主義型</strong></p> <p>他們是長不大的小飛?彼得潘,嚮往無憂無慮、?天派對般的歡樂生活。總是能為周遭的人帶來歡笑與活力。看似樂觀開朗,其實是承受不住悲傷,想把現實中的苦難隔離在外。</p> <p>**8<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>保護型</strong></p> <p>他們的童年充滿殘酷鬥爭,因此學會要壯大自己,先發制人。他們是憤怒的鬥牛,卻願意為弱小的人提供安全庇護。可以為了權力和地位不擇手段,以正義的執行者自居。</p> <p>**9<strong><strong>型人</strong></strong>:**<strong>中立調解型</strong></p> <p>他們從小就是被忽視的孩子,學會了忘記自己、知足常樂。他們是和平的擁護者,也是最害怕衝突的人。可以站在中立的立場傾聽各方意見,卻不敢為自己的觀點發聲。</p> <p><strong>關於九型人格</strong></p> <p>九型人格起源於古老的蘇菲教派,原是一套靈修系統,描述九種不同的人格原型,及彼此之間退化與進化的關係。它能?助我們認識自己的性格,及其形成的原因;同時,了解家人、朋友、同事、戀人的性格,並學著欣賞?個類型的特質與潛能。</p> <p>「九型人格」一詞來自於靈性大師葛吉夫(G. I. Gurdjieff),他認為,正是人格裡的缺陷為我們帶來了不必要的痛苦。?種人格都有一個「主要特質」,我們性格中?妄不實的面向便是圍繞著它發展而來。這些人格特質大多是小時候被強加在我們身上的,而不是出於自由意志的選擇。</p> <p>一九七〇年代,九型人格理論在美國被心理學家發揚光大。之後,迅速被應用於商務及自我成長領域。九型人格理論?含的認知及情緒架構,能??助我們了解自己的人格缺陷,並進而將其轉化,這個系統清楚地指出了人類可能的靈魂進化之路。</p> <p>九型人格理論是非常實用的個人成長工具。本書匯集了數百名個案的口述分享,鉅細靡遺地呈現這九種類型的心路?程,?可以用它達成個人的覺醒,讓它喚醒?在深處的美好品質。</p> <p><strong>各界讚譽</strong></p> <p>「海倫.?瑪寫的這本書是一?天大的禮物,?分享了?對於九型人格的瞭解……?認為九型人格的?一種類型都是建立在某種感知/錯誤感知上,這一點對我們尤其有?助。」</p> <p>ーー?爾斯.塔特(Charles T. Tart),加州大學戴維斯分校心理學教授</p> <p>「海倫.?瑪這本優雅的著作是無價之寶……它是一本實用的指導手冊,能??助我們瞭解自己,同時也對各種人格類型進行了精細的分析。」</p> <p>ーーセン姆士.唐納修(James A. Donahue)</p> <p>「這本書讓我們瞭解,一個更加進化的生命會具備?些美好的品質。」</p> <p>ーー《舊金山紀事報》(<em>San Francisco Chronicle</em>)</p> <p>「?瑪的?史和臨床論述相當有力,論證本身也非常具有洞見。九型人格系統可以?助我們瞭解人們對於自己的看法。」</p> <p>ーー《訓練與發展期刊》(<em>Training and Development Journal</em>)</p> <p>「這本書探索人格的奧秘,並且提出培養卓越能力的方法。」</p> <p>ーー《瑜珈》雜誌(<em>Yoga Journal</em>)</p> <p>「這本書不只為了心理專業人士而作,對於一般人同樣有?助。」</p> <p>ーー《新實相》雜誌(<em>New Realities Magazine</em>)</p> <p>「對於這個獨特的人格類型系統,?瑪把焦點放在它的實用性,這為?的書帶來了特別的力量──轉化的力量。」</p> <p>ーー《美國人本心理學評論》(<em>American Humanistic Psychology Review</em>)</p> <p>(原書名:《海倫?瑪・九型人格聖經:認識自己,理解他人,找到轉化的力量》)</p> <p>作者/譯者簡介</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>海倫.?瑪(Helen Palmer</strong>**)**</p> <p>「國際九型人格協會」共同創始人,專研九型人格逾四十年,曾在哈佛大學、芝加哥羅耀拉大學、加州專業心理學院、加州整合學院,以及伊沙蘭學院擔任客座學者。著有代表作《九型人格聖經》、《九型人格情場與職場聖經》(The Enneagram in Love & Work)等書。</p> <p>一九九四年,曾與大衛・丹尼爾斯博士(Dr. David Daniels)在史丹佛大學,舉?首屆「國際九型人格會議」;其後,?的九型人格研究更被美國公共電視台,拍攝成紀?片《突破重圍:探索九型人格》(Breaking Out of the Box: Discovering the Enneagram)。</p> <p>華髮之年的?,現仍活躍於全球學術圈、商業界及心靈成長機構,並在美國、英國、愛爾蘭、徳國、法國、瑞士、芬蘭、荷蘭、捷克、巴西、澳洲、泰國及中國等地,都開設有九型人格獎學金,其貢獻榮獲諸多國際組織肯定。</p> <p>個人網站:www.enneagram.com</p> <p><strong>譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>張佳?</strong></p> <p>台灣台北人,紐約大學表演研究所博士。譯有《靈性揚升:源場3》、《孩子,我們一起靜心?》、《頭薦骨療法》、《關掉螢幕,孩子大腦重開機》等書。</p> <p>目次</p> <p>前言:對於實相的覺醒 ーー?爾斯.塔特(加州大學戴維斯分校心理學教授)  </p> <p><strong>第一部</strong>** 九型人格理論基礎**</p> <p><strong>第<strong><strong>1</strong></strong>章 人人都在九角星圖之?</strong></p> <p>蘇菲教派的口述傳統/分類的局限/發展?史/?在觀察者/心理緩衝器/後天養成的人格/性格的主要特?/強烈情感(陰影)</p> <p><strong>第<strong><strong>2</strong></strong>章 注意力焦點、直覺及類型</strong></p> <p>不同的注意力/直覺與類型/注意力練習/直覺和本質</p> <p><strong>第<strong><strong>3</strong画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,931円

Understanding the Linux Kernel From I/O Ports to Process Management【電子書籍】[ Daniel P. Bovet ]

<p>In order to thoroughly understand what makes Linux tick and why it works so well on a wide variety of systems, you need to delve deep into the heart of the kernel. The kernel handles all interactions between the CPU and the external world, and determines which programs will share processor time, in what order. It manages limited memory so well that hundreds of processes can share the system efficiently, and expertly organizes data transfers so that the CPU isn't kept waiting any longer than necessary for the relatively slow disks.</p> <p>The third edition of <em>Understanding the Linux Kernel</em> takes you on a guided tour of the most significant data structures, algorithms, and programming tricks used in the kernel. Probing beyond superficial features, the authors offer valuable insights to people who want to know how things really work inside their machine. Important Intel-specific features are discussed. Relevant segments of code are dissected line by line. But the book covers more than just the functioning of the code; it explains the theoretical underpinnings of why Linux does things the way it does.</p> <p>This edition of the book covers Version 2.6, which has seen significant changes to nearly every kernel subsystem, particularly in the areas of memory management and block devices. The book focuses on the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Memory management, including file buffering, process swapping, and Direct memory Access (DMA)</li> <li>The Virtual Filesystem layer and the Second and Third Extended Filesystems</li> <li>Process creation and scheduling</li> <li>Signals, interrupts, and the essential interfaces to device drivers</li> <li>Timing</li> <li>Synchronization within the kernel</li> <li>Interprocess Communication (IPC)</li> <li>Program execution</li> </ul> <p><em>Understanding the Linux Kernel</em> will acquaint you with all the inner workings of Linux, but it's more than just an academic exercise. You'll learn what conditions bring out Linux's best performance, and you'll see how it meets the challenge of providing good system response during process scheduling, file access, and memory management in a wide variety of environments. This book will help you make the most of your Linux system.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,338円

How to Think Like a Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do HT THINK LIKE A HORSE [ Cherry Hill ]

HT THINK LIKE A HORSE Cherry Hill STOREY PUB2006 Paperback English ISBN:9781580178358 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Pets 3,168円

On the Improvement of the Understanding【電子書籍】[ Benedictus de Spinoza ]

<p>"On the Improvement of the Understanding" is a work by the seventeenth-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza, published posthumously in 1677. In the work, the author attempts to formulate a philosophical method that would allow the mind to form the clear and distinct ideas necessary for its developent.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Complete Works of David Hume An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, A Treatise of Human Nature, The History of England, The Natural History of Religion, Essays, Personal Correspondence【電子書籍】[ David Hume ]

<p>e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited David Hume collection, formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents: Biography of David Hume Primary Works: A Kind of History of My Life A Treatise of Human Nature An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals The History of England The Natural History of Religion My Own Life Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion Essays: Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion Of the Liberty of the Press That Politics May Be Reduced to a Science Of the First Principles of Government Of the Origin of Government Of the Independency of Parliament Whether the British Government Inclines More to Absolute Monarchy or to a Republic Of Parties in General Of the Parties of Great Britain Of Superstition and Enthusiasm Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature Of Civil Liberty Of Eloquence Personal Correspondence: Letters From Montesquieu to Hume Letters From the Abb? Le Blanc to Hume Documents Relating to the Poems of Ossian Essay on the Genuineness of the Poems Fragments of a Paper in Hume's Handwriting, Describing the Descent on the Coast of Brittany, in 1746, and the Causes of Its Failure</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF THE TOEIC L&R TEST: TOEIC L&Rテスト基礎徹底トレーニング[本/雑誌] [解答・訳なし] / 小倉雅明/著

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ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>※本書籍は教科書のため、解答・訳は付属しておりません。予めご了承ください<収録内容>Daily Life 品詞Office 代名詞Meeting&Event 前置詞と接続詞1Shopping 前置詞と接続詞2Advertisement&Notice 助動詞Restaurant&Food 進行形と完了形Complaint&Inquiry 受動態Personnel to不定詞Travel 分詞Business 動名詞〔ほか〕<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2719242Ogura Masaki / Cho / TOEIC L & R Test Kiso Tettei Tray Niメディア:本/雑誌重量:306g発売日:2022/01JAN:9784764741553BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF THE TOEIC L&R TEST: TOEIC L&Rテスト基礎徹底トレーニング[本/雑誌] [解答・訳なし] / 小倉雅明/著2022/01発売 2,640円

Understanding Librarians Communication is the Issue【電子書籍】[ Barbara Hull ]

<p>Aimed at professionals and trainee professionals within the library and information service (LIS) fields, this book reminds the reader of the frequently ignored communication-gulf between the professional and the layman, and in particular the lack of true communication between LIS professionals and the user. It focuses especially on ‘non-standard’ users, such as non-native speakers or those with some disability. The author provides accessible examples of good practice, assesses their degree of success and suggests further ways to improve performance in information provision.</p> <ul> <li>Written by a “poacher turned gamekeeper ? an information professional who is also an experienced adult educator</li> <li>Jargon-free and accessible style of delivery</li> <li>Highlights the human aspects of using libraries, even if this is in a virtual environment</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,909円

The Essence of Budo A Practitioner's Guide to Understanding the Japanese Martial Ways【電子書籍】[ Dave Lowry ]

<p><strong>A guide to the practice, history, and etiquette of budo, the study of Japanese martial arts for self-cultivationーwritten by an American martial arts master</strong></p> <p>The study of budo, or the Japanese martial arts for self-cultivation, is a lifelong path toward perfection of character. Here, Dave Lowry, a sword master who has practiced and taught budo for over forty years, addresses the myriad issues, vagaries, and inconsistencies that arise for students of karate-do, judo, kendo, kenjutsu, aikido, and iaido as their training develops. He examines such questions as:</p> <p>? What is the relationship between the student and teacher, and what should one expect from the other?<br /> ? What does rank really mean?<br /> ? How do you correctly and sensitively practice with someone less experienced than you?<br /> ? What does practice look like as one ages?<br /> ? Why do budo arts put such an emphasis on etiquette?<br /> ? And many others</p> <p>Lowry also gives practical advice for beginning and advanced students on improving structural integrity in posture and movement, focusing under stress, stances and preparatory actions before engaging with an opponent, and recognizing a good teacher from a bad one.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,028円

Understanding the Purpose of MEDITATION【電子書籍】[ tyler johnson ]

<p><em><strong>Most of us feel we have a reasonable understanding of the practice of meditation, but many of us can’t really describe the actual purpose..</strong> ---tyler</em></p> <p>Your mind is constantly active. It’s thinking about ten different things every 15 seconds. It’s telling you that you need a drink of water. It’s worrying about your date next Saturday and reminding you that you don’t have enough money in your bank account to pay your cable bill.</p> <p>Sleep isn’t any better. In your dreams, you’re largely acting and behaving the same way you do while awake. You’re still worrying about the same stuff during your dreams. <em><strong>Sleep is great for resting your body, but it’s not as useful for resting your mind.</strong></em></p> <p>In meditation, you create a space where your mind is essentially empty. In many forms of meditation, you focus on one, trivial thing and concentrate...</p> <p>understand meditation</p> <p>how to simply meditate</p> <p>and more..</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,614円

The Book of Minds Understanding Ourselves and Other Beings, From Animals to Aliens【電子書籍】[ Philip Ball ]

<p><strong>Understanding the human mind and how it relates to the world that we experience has challenged philosophers for centuries. How then do we even begin to think about ‘minds’ that are not human?</strong></p> <p>Taking a uniquely broad view of minds and where they might be found ? including in plants, aliens, and God ? prize-winning science writer Philip Ball pulls these multidisciplinary pieces together to explore what sorts of minds we might expect to find in the universe.</p> <p>He offers for the first time a unified way of thinking about what minds are and what they can do, arguing that in order to understand our own minds and imagine those of others, we need to move on from considering the human mind as a standard against which all others should be measured, and to think about the ‘space of possible minds’.</p> <p>Ball sheds new light on a host of fascinating questions. What moral rights should we afford animals, and can we understand their thoughts? Should we worry that AI is going to take over society? If there are intelligent aliens out there, how could we communicate with them? Should we?</p> <p><strong>Ball’s thrillingly ambitious <em>The Book of Minds</em> about the nature and existence of minds is more mind-expanding than we could imagine. In this fascinating panorama of other minds, we come to better know our own.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,825円

The Price of Football Understanding Football Club Finance【電子書籍】[ Mr Kieran Maguire ]

<p>The first edition of <em>The Price of Football</em> quickly established itself as the go-to guide to understanding football club finance for the serious fan. Kieran Maguire, one of the UK’s top football finance analysts, shows how professional clubs operate as businesses and explains, in non-technical language, how to read, understand and interrogate club accounts.</p> <p>As a clear-headed analysis and presentation of the financial imperatives and challenges facing football clubs across the English and Scottish Leagues, it has become a welcome resource not only for students of the industry, but by a wider constituency of supporters looking to understand their club’s latest transfer deal, or season ticket price.</p> <p>This fully revised and updated edition includes analysis of the most recent club accounts, the latest legal rulings on club affairs, as well as the impact of Covid-19 on the game’s finances.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,838円

Understanding Fandom An Introduction to the Study of Media Fan Culture【電子書籍】[ Dr. Mark Duffett ]

<p>Fans used to be seen as an overly obsessed fraction of the audience. In the last few decades, shifts in media technology and production have instead made fandom a central mode of consumption. A range of ideas has emerged to explore different facets of this growing phenomenon. With a foreword by Matt Hills, <em>Understanding Fandom</em> introduces the whole field of fan research by looking at the history of debate, key paradigms and methodological issues. The book discusses insights from scholars working with fans of different texts, genres and media forms, including television and popular music. Mark Duffett shows that fan research is an emergent interdisciplinary field with its own key thinkers: a tradition that is distinct from both textual analysis and reception studies. Drawing on a range of debates from media studies, cultural studies and psychology, Duffett argues that fandom is a particular kind of engagement with the power relations of media culture.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,043円

High School Physics Unlocked Your Key to Understanding and Mastering Complex Physics Concepts【電子書籍】[ The Princeton Review ]

<p><strong>UNLOCK THE SECRETS OF PHYSICS with THE PRINCETON REVIEW.</strong></p> <p><em>High School Physics Unlocked</em> focuses on giving you a wide range of key lessons to help increase your understanding of physics. With this book, you'll move from foundational concepts to complicated, real-world applications, building confidence as your skills improve. End-of-chapter drills will help test your comprehension of each facet of physics, from mechanics to magnetic fields. Don't feel locked out!</p> <p><strong>Everything You Need to Know About Physics</strong>*.*<br /> ? Complex concepts explained in straightforward ways<br /> ? Clear goals and self-assessments to help you pinpoint areas for further review<br /> ? Bonus chapter on modern physics</p> <p><strong>Practice Your Way to Excellence.</strong><br /> ? 340+ hands-on practice questions in the book and online<br /> ? Complete answer explanations to boost understanding, plus extended, step-by-step solutions for all drill questions online<br /> ? Bonus online questions similar to those you'll find on the AP Physics 1, 2, and C Exams and the SAT Physics Subject Test</p> <p><strong><em>High School Physics Unlocked</em> covers:</strong><br /> ? One- and Multi-dimensional Motion<br /> ? Forces and Mechanics<br /> ? Energy and Momentum<br /> ? Gravity and Satellite Motion<br /> ? Thermodynamics<br /> ? Waves and Sound<br /> ? Electric Interactions and Electric Circuits<br /> ? Magnetic Interactions<br /> ? Light and Optics<br /> ... and more!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 998円

Beyond the Veil of Delusions, Understanding Relationships Through Homeopathy【電子書籍】[ Mati H Fuller ]

<p>In the second revised edition of Beyond the Veil of Delusions, both volumes from the first edition have been put into one, easy to read volume. This book describes the psychology of relationships from a homeopathic point of view. Here, you will find answers to questions like why people do the things they do, and feel the way they feel, why communication is so difficult, and why we attract the same type of mate over and over. As you delve deeply into this book, you’ll see that the book is more than just a homeopathy or psychology book; it is also a tool for your own personal expansion since your newfound awareness can help you break your old patterns and transform your life. This book is the key to understanding homeopathy, your relationships, your problems and yourself.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,273円

A Headache in the Pelvis A New Understanding and Treatment for Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes【電子書籍】[ David Wise, PhD ]

<p>This groundbreaking book describes the Wise-Anderson Protocol for muscle-related pelvic pain in men and women. The Wise-Anderson Protocol involves the treatment of muscle-related pelvic pain and dysfunction, variously diagnosed as prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction, among other related diagnoses affecting some twenty million men and women in the United States. Specifically, The 6th edition of <em>A Headache in the Pelvis</em> adds new research recently published in the Journal of Urology done by the Wise-Anderson team describing the relationship of painful trigger points that refer and re-create specific symptoms of pelvic pain, new research done at Stanford on the relationship between early morning anxiety and those with pelvic pain, and firsthand stories from women who have undergone the Wise-Anderson Protocol, along with other new sections.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 983円

Shadow Weave Simply Understanding the Weave Structure 25 Projects to Practice Your Skills【電子書籍】[ Susan Kesler-Simpson ]

<p>Add Shadow Weave to your repertoire with Susan Kesler-Simpson's easy-to-follow instructions.</p> <p>Susan's approach is to first break down the structure of Shadow Weave so that any level weaver can understand how alternating light and dark threads in both warp and weft can present a dominant motif outlined with an identical shadow. She walks you through how the structure builds and weaves, and once you comprehend how the weave structure works, you will be able to weave any of the 25 project patterns in the book. You will also have the knowledge to transform other drafts to Shadow Weave, or to design your own Shadow Weave pattern.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,200円

How To Watch Football 52 Rules for Understanding the Beautiful Game, On and Off the Pitch【電子書籍】[ Tifo - The Athletic ]

<p><strong>'I love Tifo' Ian Wright</strong><br /> <strong>'Tifo are great' Alan Shearer</strong><br /> <strong>'Tifo have changed the game when it comes to football analysis' Elis James</strong></p> <p><strong>RULE #1: DON'T WATCH THE BALL</strong></p> <p>Yes, football is about stars, goals and glory. But it's also about the intense calculations and movements being made by the twenty-one other players on the pitch. It's about the ticking clock, and the bellowing fans, and their impact on player psychology. It's about the coach, the club owner, and the director of football, who are watching, scouting and scheming from the side-lines. It's about money and data, about geopolitics and architecture, and even about climate change.</p> <p>Football is the most popular sport in the world, and Tifo Football is one of the world's most popular football channels. In this short, illustrated guide, its creators share fifty-two simple 'rules' for understanding and enjoying the beautiful game-both on and off the pitch.</p> <p>Covering the key concepts, tactics and philosophies that are shaping the sport today, <em>How to Watch Football</em> reveals surprising new perspectives on familiar elements of gameplay, while highlighting lesser-known aspects of the industry and its history.</p> <p>Whether you're a casual fan or a football obsessive, the fifty-two golden rules in this pocket-size guide will deepen your delight in the world's favourite sport.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,659円

Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs Understanding the Life of Giants【電子書籍】[ Oliver Wings ]

<p>Sauropods, those huge plant-eating dinosaurs, possessed bodies that seem to defy every natural law. What were these creatures like as living animals and how could they reach such uniquely gigantic sizes? A dedicated group of researchers in Germany in disciplines ranging from engineering and materials science to animal nutrition and paleontology went in search of the answers to these questions. Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs reports on the latest results from this seemingly disparate group of research fields and integrates them into a coherent theory regarding sauropod gigantism. Covering nutrition, physiology, growth, and skeletal structure and body plans, this volume presents the most up-to-date knowledge about the biology of these enormous dinosaurs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,134円

Macroeconomic Essentials, fourth edition Understanding Economics in the News【電子書籍】[ Peter E. Kennedy ]

<p><strong>The new edition of a concise and nontechnical but rigorous introductory text that emphasizes fundamental concepts and real-world applications, thoroughly revised and updated.</strong></p> <p>This introductory text offers an alternative to the encyclopedic, technically oriented approach taken by traditional textbooks on macroeconomic principles. Concise and nontechnical but rigorous, its goal is not to teach students to shift curves on diagrams but to help them understand fundamental macroeconomic concepts and their real-world applications. It accomplishes this by providing a clear exposition of introductory macroeconomic theory along with more than 700 one- or two-sentence “news clips,” based on economics media coverage, as illustrations or student exercises. Although the writing is accessible, end-of-chapter questions are challenging, requiring a thorough understanding of related macroeconomic concepts, critical-thinking skills, and an ability to make connections to the real world.</p> <p>This fourth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, with new material on such topics as aggregate supply and demand, supply-side models, recent issues faced by the Federal Reserve, the role of government, and “burst bubbles.” The more challenging end-of-chapter questions are separated out, and news clip questions have been added that refer to recent events. Optional chapter appendixes offer technical material; other appendixes provide answers to sample exam questions and to even-numbered end-of-chapter questions. Text boxes (“curiosities”) offer short expositions of related topics. The book can be used as a text for principles of macroeconomics and applied macroeconomics courses, as a supplementary text for a traditional macro-principles course, or for MBA macroeconomics courses.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,942円

Worry and Anxiety: Understanding How And Why To Overcome The Monster As A Christian【電子書籍】[ Archibong Emmanuel Etim ]

<p>Worry and anxiety, one of the greatest monster in the human world today, jeopardizing the joyful and happy life of the people in different parts of the world on daily basis. Howbeit, it ought not to have its influences in the life of those called 'the believers'. This is because Christ, their mighty captain has declared having victory over all things (both of the physical and those the spiritual) through his resurrection from the dead and then sitting on a throne raised beyond every existing throne under heaven, and has promised and declared giving this victory to who believe on him. Howbeit, it's seems like this victory is an illusive and defruading statement made by the Lord to his believers just to enticed them to come under his faith, because looking at the way and manner by which this monster of the world 'worry and anxiety' is also causing harbour in these believers' life, one can use that as his/her premises for the proposition. However, in his holy book 'the Bible' the Lord made a sounding and firm statement that heaven and Earth shall pass away but his words shall not pass away, trying to show how unillusive and undefruadulent are his spoken words when proceeding out of his mouth.<br /> If then the words of the Lord is true and there is no lie attached to it and he has declared having victory over all power of the enemies in the world, including the power of worry and anxiety, and has also declared giving this power to all those who believe on him, why then does this monster still having preeminence over the believers and how can he be overcome in the believers' life. This is what this book is all about (to exposed you to how and why you should overcome worry and anxiety in your life after surrendering yourself to our Lord Jesus Christ as a Christian.<br /> It's an interesting book I encourage you to get for yourself as a believer if you really want to enjoy the abundant life Christ brought for you from heaven.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 133円

占星學全指引:了解?的星座與星盤,初學與進階必備案頭書 The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart【電子書籍】[ 露易絲.愛丁頓(Louise Edington) ]

<p>美國Amazon 占星類別暢銷榜NO.1,讀者五星好評!</p> <p>占星基礎知識全具備,邁向水瓶世紀,不可或缺的生命航向指南</p> <p>占星之門安格斯/占星師</p> <p>蘇飛雅/占星師</p> <p>好評推薦!</p> <p>沒有任何一個星盤配置是全好或是全壞,</p> <p>我們總是可以找到一個方法,</p> <p>透過各種挑戰或阻礙去成長、進化與調整,</p> <p>探究本命星盤,即可找到轉化與提升的契機!</p> <p>本書架構</p> <p>第一部 占星學積木</p> <p>提供踏入占星領域須知的基本知識,包括占星學的?史與現況、四元素與三態、關於太陽星座、上升與下降星座的意義、各行星、相位與宮位所代表的意涵等。</p> <p>第二部 了解?的本命星盤</p> <p>應用第一部所學的基本知識,放進出生圖中去思考整個星盤。包括架構與解釋出生盤,並且以名人的星盤為解盤範例,讓讀者循著作者的思路,掌握星盤解析的精髓。</p> <p>第三部 太陽星座之工作與愛情</p> <p>此部分針對人們最感興趣的「天職」與「親密關係」做進一?的解析,透過兩個人生大哉問,讓靈魂藍圖一一開展。</p> <p>第四部 關鍵要點</p> <p>總結所有解讀星盤的關鍵?驟與注意事項,並附?專有名詞、行星表、區間表……等實用資料,讓學習占星的路上能?事半功倍。</p> <p>【國外各界好評】</p> <p>我很開心能?提供想掌握占星核心概念的入門者一個新的視角,露易絲提供清晰且有條理的指南,?迪下個世代占星界的??學子。同時,?突破了許多文化上的限制,替占星這門藝術提供嶄新與有利的觀點,讓我們這個時代的占星學變得更平易近人、與自身相關,並且更有力量。</p> <p>ーーJason Holley,占星師?心理學家</p> <p>露易絲旨在讓占星變得更為落地,而??到了!?罕見地把呼吸及深度跟占星做連結,很久沒有這麼嶄新、易?又全面的占星書了。本書很適合放在任何占星學子的書架上。我強力推薦給我的學生!</p> <p>ーーPatricia Walsh,占星師?作者</p> <p>露易絲.艾丁頓對占星文學的獨特貢獻可以從很多方面而論,其中一項就是?排除了性別偏見。?的描述對於占星學的新讀者而言是很重要的引薦,也開拓了較資深的占星師的眼界,讓這些占星師能?很自在地將這門知識介紹給朋友或年輕人們。幹得好,露易絲!</p> <p>ーーErin Sullivan, 當代原型占星師、作家</p> <p>露易絲.艾丁頓是當代其中一位具備占星所需洞見與知識的占星師,將占星帶入更清晰與神聖的境地。很開心?寫了這麼美的一本書,讓我能?推薦給我的學生和客?,使大家能?更全面並進一?地了解自己的出生盤和其他資訊。</p> <p>ーーDavid Yarrow Wood,進化占星學占星師</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,208円

Understanding Esports An Introduction to the Global Phenomenon【電子書籍】[ Jessalyn Coble ]

<p><em>Understanding Esports: An Introduction to the Global Phenomenon</em> places professional Esports, a rapidly growing industry, in both the cultural and athletic landscape. This book explores how the rise of professional gaming has shapedーand been shaped byーmedia trends, interpersonal communication, and what it means to be classified as an athlete. Ryan Rogers has assembled contributors from a variety of backgrounds and experiences in order to provide a broad view of the history, experience, and impact of professional gaming. Scholars of media studies, communication, sports, and cultural studies will find this book especially useful.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,501円

Overshot Simply Understanding the Weave Structure 38 Projects to Practice Your Skills【電子書籍】[ Susan Kesler-Simpson ]

<p>Overshot is perhaps the most iconic weaving technique--think antique coverlets and fancy table runners--yet many weavers are intimidated by its complex-looking structure. But it doesn't have to be difficult! In this book, Susan Kesler-Simpson makes overshot approachable by breaking it down piece by piece so that the weaver understand how it works, and then she puts it all back together so that weavers will have the confidence to make their own overshot patterns or to try any of the 38 overshot projects she has designed for the book.</p> <p>Weavers will learn:</p> <ul> <li>to understand overshot as a derivative of twill</li> <li>to understand the tie-up, placement of tabby in the tie-up, threading, and treadling</li> <li>how to choose threads for overshot</li> <li>how to use borders in your designs</li> <li>how to set up the loom for overshot</li> <li>how to work an overshot gamp</li> </ul> <p>Projects include:</p> <ul> <li>Blankets</li> <li>Shawls</li> <li>Scarves</li> <li>Christmas ornaments</li> <li>Table runners</li> <li>Placemats</li> <li>Napkins</li> <li>Others</li> </ul> <p>"Susan’s explanations are to the point and easy to understand. When you read through the chapters, it’s as if Susan is sitting there with you, telling you in a friendly voice how to weave overshot step by step."--excerpt from the Foreword by Tom Knisely</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,681円

Understanding Media The Extensions of Man【電子書籍】[ Marshall McLuhan ]

<p>When first published, Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media made history with its radical view of the effects of electronic communications upon man and life in the twentieth century. This edition of McLuhan’s best-known book both enhances its accessibility to a general audience and provides the full critical apparatus necessary for scholars. In Terrence Gordon’s own words, McLuhan is in full flight already in the introduction, challenging us to plunge with him into what he calls the creative process of knowing.’” Much to the chagrin of his contemporary critics McLuhan’s preference was for a prose style that explored rather than explained. Probes, or aphorisms, were an indispensable tool with which he sought to prompt and prod the reader into an "understanding of how media operate" and to provoke reflection.</p> <p>In the 1960s McLuhan’s theories aroused both wrath and admiration. It is intriguing to speculate what he might have to say 40 years later on subjects to which he devoted whole chapters such as Television, The Telephone, Weapons, Housing and Money. Today few would dispute that mass media have indeed decentralized modern living and turned the world into a global village.</p> <p>This critical edition features an appendix that makes available for the first time the core of the research project that spawned the book and individual chapter notes are supported by a glossary of terms, indices of subjects, names, and works cited. There is also a complete bibliography of McLuhan’s published works.</p> <p>W. Terrence Gordon is Associate General Editor of the Gingko Press McLuhan publishing program, author of the biography Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding and McLuhan for Beginners.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,670円


Joshin web CD/DVD楽天市場店
品 番:7567-866063発売日:2017年08月25日発売出荷目安:1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□品 番:7567-866063発売日:2017年08月25日発売出荷目安:1週間(品切時2〜3週間)□「返品種別」について詳しくはこちら□CDアルバムロック発売元:輸入盤※海外メーカー都合により、商品内容が急遽変更となる場合がございます。※発売日は現地の発売日です。※日本語ブックレット等は付属しておりません。※輸入盤のため、ケースやジャケットに若干の傷や汚れがある場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。前作『LOST IN THE DREAM』(2014年)にて、名実ともにUSロック/インディーを代表するバンドとしてその知名度を飛躍的に高めた彼らが、名門アトランティック・レコーズに移籍してから初となるスタジオ・アルバムを完成!収録情報01. Up All Night02. Pain03. Holding On04. Strangest Thing05. Knocked Down06. Nothing To Find07. Thinking of a Place08. In Chains09. Clean Living10. You Don’t Have To Go 1,519円

Culture Clash: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding the Relationship Between Humans and Domestic CULTURE CLASH 2/E [ Jean Donaldson ]

CULTURE CLASH 2/E Jean Donaldson DOGWISE2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781617811128 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Pets 3,168円

Ogam: The Celtic Oracle of the Trees: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Druidic A OGAM THE CELTIC ORACLE OF THE [ Paul Rhys Mountfort ]

OGAM THE CELTIC ORACLE OF THE Paul Rhys Mountfort DESTINY2002 Paperback Original English ISBN:9780892819195 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 2,692円

Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Understanding the Role of AI in Surgical Practice【電子書籍】[ Daniel A. Hashimoto ]

<p><strong>Build a solid foundation in surgical AI with this engaging, comprehensive guide for AI novices</strong></p> <p>Machine learning, neural networks, and computer vision in surgical education, practice, and research will soon be <em>de rigueur</em>. Written for surgeons without a background in math or computer science, <em>Artificial Intelligence in Surgery</em> provides everything you need to evaluate new technologies and make the right decisions about bringing AI into your practice.</p> <p>Comprehensive and easy to understand, this first-of-its-kind resource illustrates the use of AI in surgery through real-life examples. It covers the issues most relevant to your practice, including:</p> <ul> <li>Neural Networks and Deep Learning</li> <li>Natural Language Processing</li> <li>Computer Vision</li> <li>Surgical Education and Simulation</li> <li>Preoperative Risk Stratification</li> <li>Intraoperative Video Analysis</li> <li>OR Black Box and Tracking of Intraoperative Events</li> <li>Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Surgery</li> <li>Natural Language Processing for Clinical Documentation</li> <li>Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the EMR</li> <li>Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Surgery</li> <li>Artificial Intelligence and Health Policy</li> <li>Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses of Artificial Intelligence Research</li> </ul> <p>Finally, the appendix includes a detailed glossary of terms and important learning resources and techniquesーall of which helps you interpret claims made by studies or companies using AI.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,330円

Flourish A New Understanding of Happiness and Wellbeing: The practical guide to using positive psychology to make you happier and healthier【電子書籍】[ Martin Seligman ]

<p><strong>'Admirable and exciting' -<em>Sunday Times</em><br /> 'His most personal and boldest book so far' -<em>Nature</em></strong></p> <p>'<em>This book will help you flourish</em>.' With this promise, internationally esteemed psychologist Martin Seligman begins <em>Flourish</em>, the first book to present his dynamic new concept of what well-being really is. Traditionally, the goal of psychology has been to relieve human suffering, but the goal of the Positive Psychology movement, which Dr Seligman has led for 15 years, is different - it's about actually raising the bar for the human condition.</p> <p><em>Flourish</em> builds on Dr Seligman's game-changing work on optimism, motivation and character to show how to get the most out of life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,349円

Parenting from the Inside Out How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive: 10th Anniversary Edition【電子書籍】[ Mary Hartzell ]

<p><strong>An updated editionーwith a new prefaceーof the bestselling parenting classic by the author of "BRAINSTORM: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain"</strong></p> <p>In <em>Parenting from the Inside Out</em>, child psychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and early childhood expert Mary Hartzell, M.Ed., explore the extent to which our childhood experiences shape the way we parent. Drawing on stunning new findings in neurobiology and attachment research, they explain how interpersonal relationships directly impact the development of the brain, and offer parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding of their own life stories, which will help them raise compassionate and resilient children.</p> <p>Born out of a series of parents' workshops that combined Siegel's cutting-edge research on how communication impacts brain development with Hartzell's decades of experience as a child-development specialist and parent educator, this book guides parents through creating the necessary foundations for loving and secure relationships with their children.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,872円