MISHRA Flemish  [CD・DVD]

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19件中 1件 - 19件  1

【輸入盤CD】Gounod/Flemish Radio Choir/Rousset / Faust (w/Book) (3PK)【K2019/8/23発売】

こちらの商品はネコポスでお届け出来ません。2019/8/23 発売輸入盤レーベル:BRU ZANE収録曲:Gounod contemplated a Faust opera as early as his residence in Rome in the 1840s. But almost twenty years were to elapse before one of the most famous works of French Romanticism was premiered at the Theatre-Lyrique (1859). It's debut at the Opera in 1869 propelled the work into theatres all over the world, but numerous modifications were the price of achieving that fame. Between the Faust of 1859 and it's counterpart of 1869, some of the spirit has evaporated: the spontaneity of the spoken dialogue and melodrama, the pawky humour of Dame Marthe, the cynicism of Mephistopheles. We have forgotten the charm of the first tenors who sang 'Salut, demeure chaste et pure' with the timbre typical of the voix mixte of opera-comique. Moreover, a large number of pieces were consigned to oblivion by these modifications. To discover this first Faust is to gain a deeper insight into the French aesthetic of demi-caractere, so specific to Paris in the 1850s. 6,090円

【輸入盤CD】Brahms/Flemish Radio Choir/Niquet / Ein Deutsches Requiem (Digipak)

ブラームス ドイツ・レクイエム2016/3/4 発売輸入盤レーベル:EVIL PENGUIN RECORDS収録曲:On this recording, acclaimed conductor Herve Niquet fuses his Flemish Radio Choir and Brussels Philharmonic in a concentrated and intense performance, bringing out the expressive essence of Brahms' music which is at once grand and intimate. 3,590円
【輸入盤CD】Spontini/Flemish Radio Choir / La Vestale【K2023/5/12発売】
発売日: 2023/5/12輸入盤USレーベル: Bru Zane収録曲:コメント:?Guilty of allowing the sacred fire to go out while declaring her love to the general Licinius, the Vestal Virgin Julia is sentenced to be buried alive. But her execution is averted by a divine intervention, which rekindles the altar flame and absolves the victim. The simple plot of Gaspare Spontini's La Vestale achieved resounding success in 1807 thanks to the highly skilled treatment of the characters' psychology and the transparency of the political allusions - Licinius is an allegory of Napoleon Bonaparte himself. Yet the work is more than a mere piece of propaganda: it represents one of the links between the tragedie lyrique of the Ancien Regime and the future grand opera a la francaise, even anticipating Bellinian bel canto. The opera's focal point is the character of Julia, which requires an exceptional soprano to do it justice. After the creator, Caroline Branchu - whom Berlioz described as 'operatic tragedy incarnate' - and Maria Callas at La Scala in 1954, Marina Rebeka takes on in masterly fashion a role that seems tailor-made for her impressive vocal resources, supported by the energy and precision of the period instruments of Les Talens Lyriques under Christophe Rousset. The result is genuinely revelatory.?Guilty of allowing the sacred fire to go out while declaring her love to the general Licinius, the Vestal Virgin Julia is sentenced to be buried alive. But her execution is averted by a divine intervention, which rekindles the altar flame and absolves the victim. The simple plot of Gaspare Spontini's La Vestale achieved resounding success in 1807 thanks to the highly skilled treatment of the characters' psychology and the transparency of the political allusions - Licinius is an allegory of Napoleon Bonaparte himself. Yet the work is more than a mere piece of propaganda: it represents one of the links between the tragedie lyrique of the Ancien Regime and the future grand opera a la francaise, even anticipating Bellinian bel canto. The opera's focal point is the character of Julia, which requires an exceptional soprano to do it justice. After the creator, Caroline Branchu - whom Berlioz described as 'operatic tragedy incarnate' - and Maria Callas at La Scala in 1954, Marina Rebeka takes on in masterly fashion a role that seems tailor-made for her impressive vocal resources, supported by the energy and precision of the period instruments of Les Talens Lyriques under Christophe Rousset. The result is genuinely revelatory. 6,390円

【中古】 グロスロ、ロベール(1951-) / I Will Come Back: Groslot / Brussels Po H.mas Oliemans Flemish Radio Cho 【CD】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
状態可状態詳細未開封中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明(こちらは新品の商品説明となります。参考として下さいませ。中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません。)文学と音楽の幻想的結合ベルギーの作曲家ロベール・グロスロによる、文学と音楽をつなぐ作品集。『I Will Come Back』はオランダの作家アドリアン・ファン・ディス著の同タイトルの小説「Ik kom terug」を原作とした室内オペラ。台本は作曲者の手によるもの。アイルランドの詩人ウィリアム・バトラー・イェイツの詩を用いた歌をカップリングしています。どの曲も幻想的で美しい響きと、管楽器と打楽器が活躍する手の込んだ伴奏が印象的。(輸入元情報)【収録情報】グロスロ:● 室内オペラ『I Will Come Back』● ウィリアム・バトラー・イェイツの6つの詩 トーマス・オリーマンス(バリトン) エロイーズ・マス(ソプラノ) フラマン放送合唱団 ブリュッセル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団員 ロベール・グロスロ(指揮) 録音時期:2020年、2021年 録音方式:ステレオ(デジタル) 1,430円
【輸入盤CD】Mozart/Flemish Radio Choir/Concert Spirituel / Les Mysteres D'Isis
2015/10/30 発売輸入盤レーベル: GLOSSA収録曲: 4,890円
【輸入盤CD】David/Gens/Flemish Radio Choir/Brussels Phil / Herculanum (w/Book)
2015/9/25 発売輸入盤レーベル:EDICIONES SINGULARES収録曲: 6,090円
【輸入盤CD】Gounod/Flemish Radio Choir/Niquet / Cantates Et Musique Sacree (w/Book) (2PK) 【K2018/1/12発売】
2018/1/12 発売輸入盤レーベル:EDICIONES SINGULARES収録曲: 6,090円

Music For The Prix De Rome: Niquet / Brussels Po Flemish Radio Cho [2CD+Book]

ナクソス ミュージックストア
Alexandre Dratwicki: “The Prix de Rome for music (1803-1968)”Alexandre Dratwicki: “From Daphne to Fredegonde: all roads do not lead to Rome...”Jules Massenet: Letters to Max d’Ollone (1893-1899)Max d’Ollone: “Impressions of Rome”Patrice d’Ollone: “All roads start from Rome...” 4,125円

【輸入盤】Cantatas With Orch: Niquet / Brussels Po Flemish Radio Cho (+book) [ デュカス (1865-1935) ]

デュカス (1865ー1935)IMPORT SPJN4 YPJN4 SPFB4 MRSP4 デュカス 発売日:2015年11月10日 予約締切日:2015年11月06日 JAN:9788460694809 ES1021 Ediciones Singulares CD クラシック 声楽曲 輸入盤 5,975円
【輸入盤CD】Mendelssohn/Flemish Radio Choir/Niquet / Motets & Piano Trio 【K2017/10/27発売】
2017/10/27 発売輸入盤レーベル:EPR-CLASSIC収録曲: 2,990円
【輸入盤CD】Poulenc/Flemish Radio Choir/Saint-Yves / Stabat Mater/Requiem【K2019/10/11発売】
2019/10/11 発売輸入盤レーベル:EVIL PENGUIN RECORDS収録曲: 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】David/Flemish Radio Choir/Roth / Christophe Colomb (w/Book) (3PK)【K2017/9/1発売】

こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2017/9/1 発売輸入盤レーベル:EDICIONES SINGULARES収録曲:* 6,090円

【中古】 モルテルマンス(1868-1952) / Orch.works: Hamar / Flemish Radioo Terby / Brtn Po Stemme(S) 【CD】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
状態可状態詳細未開封コメントシュリンク未開封/ベルギー・PHAEDRA/DDD 92033/フランダーズ・フィールズ第33集/ロードウ゛ェイク・モルテルマンス:管弦楽曲集/歌劇「海の子供たち」より夜明けと日の出/交響詩「朝の気分」/ 交響詩「ヘリオス」、他/ニーナ・ステンメ(S)/ツォルト・ハマル×フランダース放送管/フェルナンド・テルウ゛ィ×BRTNフィルハーモニー管中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら 2,420円
【輸入盤CD】Faure/Flemish Radio Choir/Niquet / Requiem (Digipak)
2014/10/14 発売輸入盤レーベル:EVIL PENGUIN RECORDS収録曲: 3,590円
【輸入盤CD】Holten/Flemish Radio Choir/Reuter / Venus' Wheel
2013/1/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:DACAPO収録曲: 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】Roost/Flemish Radio Choir / Colori Della Gioia 【K2019/1/18発売】

発売日: 2019/2/15輸入盤USレーベル: Aliud Records収録曲:コメント:Jan Van der Roost is a very well-known Flemish composer. He is known most for his wind band music, and for teaching all over the world, particularly in Belgium and Japan. Although he is most known for his instrumental music, he has always loved vocal music as well. This album displays a nice variety of music for voices and contains no less than six world premiere recordings. The Flamisch Radio Choir, Brussels Philharmonic, and the other ensembles that are featured on this album are famous across the globe for their musical flexibility and quality.Jan Van der Roost is a very well-known Flemish composer. He is known most for his wind band music, and for teaching all over the world, particularly in Belgium and Japan. Although he is most known for his instrumental music, he has always loved vocal music as well. This album displays a nice variety of music for voices and contains no less than six world premiere recordings. The Flamisch Radio Choir, Brussels Philharmonic, and the other ensembles that are featured on this album are famous across the globe for their musical flexibility and quality. 2,990円
【輸入盤CD】D'Ollone/Flemish Radio Choir/Niquet / Cantatas Choirs & Symphonic Music (Collector's Edition)
2013/2/12 発売輸入盤レーベル:EDICIONES SINGULARES収録曲: 6,890円

【中古】 Schumann シューマン / Choral Works: Bo Holten / Flemish Radio Choir 【CD】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
状態可状態詳細キズ多コメントシュリンク未開封/ETCETERA/KTC4033/シューマン:合唱曲集/フランダース合唱団中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら 2,200円

Andre Laporte: Symphonic & Vocal Works (Bushkov / Flemish Radio Och & Cho)[4CD]

ナクソス ミュージックストア
Andre LaporteConcerto grosso 2000Das SchlossDe Ekster op de galgDe ProfundisFantasia-Rondino con tema realeJubilusLa vita non e sogno (Salvatore Quasimodo)NachtmusikTestamento de Otono (Pablo Neruda)Transit 1,725円