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3件中 1件 - 3件  1

Video Games: Online Fun For Everyone Your Mini-Guide To The Best Video Game Systems Such As Xbox, Playstation And The Nintendo Wii Plus Tips On Selecting Adventure Games, Puzzle Games And Word Games That Are Age-Appropriate So Everyone I【電子書籍】

<p>Video games are played on video consoles, or in popular layman’s terms, video gaming systems. Video game consoles or video gaming systems are some sort of mini desktop computers. Unlike desktop computers that can do a variety of programs, video gaming systems are highly specialized to run for gaming programs only.</p> <p>Video gaming systems have become a very popular form of entertainment. Most hardcore gamers prefer to have these systems separate from a desktop computer because video consoles are lightweight, less expensive, load faster, simple to operate, can be attached easily to your TV or stereo and allow for many players to interact at one time, all of which the regular desktop PC cannot provide.</p> <p>The top three video gaming systems today are the Playstation, Xbox and the Wii. But in the world of technology, everything just keeps getting better and better. Video game systems are consistently improving along with new technology, so it wouldn’t really be a surprise if a new “Next Big Thing” emerges in the video gaming world anytime soon. Whatever new plaything comes out though, the games keep going, the playing goes on and the fun continues.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 645円

LAST VOYAGE ON THE DANUBE A Tale of Pre-WW II Espionage and Love【電子書籍】[ Gene Coyle ]

<p>By late 1938, Adolf Hitler has already begun Germany’s territorial expansion with the surrender of the Sudetenland territory by Czechoslovakia and is preparing for more aggressive actions in 1939. A traditional German General is appalled by Hitler and wants to get word to the British Government of Hitler’s plans to invade and seize the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 ? but how? By chance, a holiday cruise ship full of international passengers, including twenty-five Indiana University alumni and spouses of the Class of 1924, are sailing down the Danube River in December 1938. Also on the ship is a British spy trying to get the General’s secret letter to London and German Gestapo officers trying to stop that from happening, but which of the sixty passengers is the British spy? By the time the ship reaches the end of the cruise in Budapest, four people are dead, one alum has found love, one couple is getting divorced and a number of passengers are missing their jewelry. For many, it truly will be their last voyage.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,033円

MH-53J/M PAVE LOW III/IV Systems Engineering Case Study: Challenges of Night Rescue and Night Vision; Technical Details and Program History【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is one of a series of systems engineering case studies prepared by the Air Force Center for Systems Engineering. This case study analyzes the Sikorsky HH/MH-53 (iii) PAVE LOW series which has served as a long-range Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) and Special operations helicopters for the United States Air Force. The series consisted of advanced and upgraded models of the HH-53B/C Super Jolly Green Giant, which were derived from the CH-53A Sea Stallion flown by the U.S. Marine Corps. The HH-53B/C was initially developed to supplement the Sikorsky HH-3E Jolly Green Giant in the CSAR role during the Vietnam War. After an extensive modification program to provide night/adverse weather capability, the aircraft was redesignated as the HH-53H PAVE LOW III. Later, after inheriting an additional role as a Special operations platform, it was redesignated the MH-53H. Upgrades in mission and defensive equipment for its expanded role produced the MH-53J PAVE LOW III Enhanced. The last and most advanced variant was the MH-53M PAVE LOW IV. After 29 years of service, the PAVE LOW fleet was retired in September 2008 and was replaced primarily by the Boeing MH-47E Special operations variant of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter flown by the U.S. Army.</p> <p>The study provides a wealth of technical information about the aircraft and its complex history.</p> <p>The Department of Defense is exponentially increasing the acquisition of joint complex systems that deliver needed capabilities demanded by our warfighter. Systems engineering is the technical and technical management process that focuses explicitly on delivering and sustaining robust, high-quality, affordable solutions. The Air Force leadership has collectively stated the need to mature a sound systems engineering process throughout the Air Force. Gaining an understanding of the past and distilling learning principles that are then shared with others through our formal education and practitioner support are critical to achieving continuous improvement.</p> <p>Chapter 1 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES * 1.1 GENERAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROCESS * 1.2 DOD DIRECTIVE 5000 SERIES * 1.3 EVOLVING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROCESS * 1.4 CASE STUDIES * 1.5 FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS * Chapter 2 PAVE LOW SYSTEM DESCRIPTION * 2.1 BACKGROUND * 2.2 AIR FORCE H-53 VARIANTS * 2.3 SPECIFICATIONS: MH-53J PAVE LOW III * Chapter 3 THE PAVE LOW STORY * 3.1 THE CHALLENGE OF NIGHT RESCUE * 3.2 THE RISE OF THE PAVE LOW * 3.3 PAVE LOW II AND III - DEVELOPMENT OF AN IN-HOUSE PROTOTYPE * 3.4 EXPANDING MISSIONS AND CAPABILITIES * 3.4.1 The Importance of Good Configuration Control * 3.5 SUITED TO THE TASK * 3.6 "PAVE LOW LEADS" * 3.7 PAVE LOW IV: THE LAST GENERATION * 3.7.1 MH-53MMission Capable Rate * 3.7.2 AN/AAQ-24(V) Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) * 3.7.3 PLs Undergo Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Enhancements * 3.7.4 Beating Brownout on the PL IV * 3.8 FROM THE BATTLEFIELD TO THE "BONEYARD" * Chapter 4 CONCLUSION * Chapter 5 REFERENCES</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 567円