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【中古】 キャリー 改版 / スティーヴン キング, Stephen King, 永井 淳 / 新潮社 [文庫]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】
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著者:スティーヴン キング, Stephen King, 永井 淳出版社:新潮社サイズ:文庫ISBN-10:4102193049ISBN-13:9784102193044■こちらの商品もオススメです ● 夏の庭 The friends 20刷改版 / 湯本 香樹実 / 新潮社 [文庫] ● その女アレックス / ピエール ルメートル, 橘 明美 / 文藝春秋 [文庫] ● ペスト 改版 / カミュ, 宮崎 嶺雄 / 新潮社 [ペーパーバック] ● 赤い指 / 東野 圭吾 / 講談社 [文庫] ● 愚行録 / 貫井 徳郎 / 東京創元社 [文庫] ● スタンド・バイ・ミー 恐怖の四季秋冬編 改版 / スティーヴン・キング, 山田 順子, Stephen King / 新潮社 [文庫] ● 遺留品 / パトリシア・コーンウェル, 相原 真理子 / 講談社 [文庫] ● 悪の教典 上 / 貴志 祐介 / 文藝春秋 [ペーパーバック] ● すいかの匂い / 江國 香織 / 新潮社 [文庫] ● 春琴抄 改版 / 谷崎 潤一郎 / 新潮社 [文庫] ● 仮面舞踏会 改版 / 横溝 正史 / KADOKAWA [文庫] ● 海と毒薬 改版 / 遠藤 周作 / 新潮社 [文庫] ● こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 57 / 秋本 治 / 集英社 [コミック] ● マクベス 改版 / シェイクスピア, 福田 恒存 / 新潮社 [文庫] ● ジュラシック・パーク 下 / マイクル クライトン, 酒井 昭伸 / 早川書房 [文庫] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※最短翌日配達ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い: 使用されてはいますが、 非常にきれいな状態です。 書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い: 比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。 ページやカバーに欠品はありません。 文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可: 文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。 マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。 商品の痛みがある場合があります。
【中古】 キャリー 新潮文庫/スティーヴン・キング(著者)
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【中古】キャリー / スティーヴン・キング
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キャリー 文庫 の詳細 出版社: 新潮社 レーベル: 新潮文庫 作者: スティーヴン・キング カナ: キャリー / スティーヴンキング サイズ: 文庫 ISBN: 4102193049 発売日: 1985/01/25 関連商品リンク : スティーヴン・キング 新潮社 新潮文庫
Summary of Joshua Medcalf's Chop Wood Carry Water【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
<p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 When John was eighteen, he bought a one-way ticket to Japan to become a samurai archer. When he arrived, he was greeted by a friendly old sensei named Akira. He helped John unload his bags and get settled. But the next morning, Akira gathered the newly arrived apprentices and informed them of their first task: for the rest of the morning, they would chop wood and carry water.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Carry On, Jeeves CARRY ON JEEVES (Dover Thrift Editions: Short Stories) [ P. G. Wodehouse ]
CARRY ON JEEVES Dover Thrift Editions: Short Stories P. G. Wodehouse DOVER PUBN INC2022 Paperback English ISBN:9780486848952 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction
我們身上有光:照亮不確定的時刻 The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times【電子書籍】[ 蜜雪兒.歐巴馬 ]
<p><strong>★繼廣受好評回憶?《成為這樣的我》,</strong></p> <p><strong>蜜雪兒?歐巴馬又一鼓舞人心之作,</strong></p> <p><strong>這次,?要帶?位讀者「成為自己」★</strong></p> <p><strong>黒暗中,我們可以成為自己和別人的光ーー</strong></p> <p><strong>蜜雪兒獻給當今動盪時代之書,</strong></p> <p><strong>找到生活中?一?安定的力量。</strong></p> <p>這三年來,大家過得都不容易ーー疫情來襲重創經濟、政爭戰禍打亂生活、族群偏執撕裂社會ーー「變動」和「不確定」成為人人的心頭重擔和憂慮。</p> <p>不只是平凡的?我遭遇挑戰,前第一夫人蜜雪兒?歐巴馬亦是如此。一樣想?法在疫情的挑戰中前行,一樣得應付動盪不安,一樣在擔心不確定的未來,也天天問「什麼時候才會到頭?」,一切努力都顯得十分渺小……</p> <p>然而,生活中的重大挑戰可能沒有簡單解方或簡潔答案,蜜雪兒轉而開始思索,如何在挑戰和變動中保持屹立ーー蜜雪兒相信,我們都可以點亮一道光,依靠一套工具,助我們更能駕馭變化,並在變局中保持穩定。</p> <p>在《我們身上有光》中,?坦誠吐露,與讀者一起思考許多人都努力解決的問題:我們如何建立持久和誠實的關係;如何在彼此的差異中找到力量和社會支持;要用什麼工具來解決自我懷疑或無助感;當一切開始難以承受時,又該怎麼?……</p> <p>在本書的第一部,蜜雪兒訴?如何?掘?心的力量與光,第二部則思索我們與其他人的關係以及我們對家的觀念,第三部旨在開?討論,談談如何更好地擁有、保護、増強身上的光,尤其在艱難的時代。以身為母親、女兒、配偶、朋友和第一夫人的親身經?,提供讀者一系列關於變革、挑戰和權力的深刻反省。</p> <p>蜜雪兒分享了?的習慣和原則,能適應變化和克服種種障礙;從自己做起、到找好隊友,再到應對整個社群,這些方法,?我也都做得到:</p> <p><strong>【爭取一次小小的勝利】</strong></p> <p>小小的行動有助於守護幸福感,讓我們免於被各種巨大目標和無力感?噬。一件簡單的事,也許是出門散散?、一場大汗淋漓的健身、整理床鋪……很多時候,一次開懷大笑就能重新調整心情。</p> <p><strong>【解碼恐懼】</strong></p> <p>害怕出?、害怕被拒?、害怕事情出錯……我們需要仔細判斷我們的憂慮並學會消化恐懼的原因。具備與危險共存的能力,在危險面前依然能?維持平衡和清晰思考。</p> <p><strong>【摯友是?的??隊】</strong></p> <p>孤單的人的大腦會對各種社會威脅過度敏感,導致其更加孤立。當身邊有相互照應的摯友,能使彼此的人生道路更平順一些。摯友之間互遞的訊息始終是「我了解。我會陪在?身邊」。</p> <p><strong>【找到彼此尊重的?一半】</strong></p> <p>找?一半應是找一位與?一同奮鬥的人……如果某人只想要扮演一種角色,並且宣稱「我負責賺錢,所以別期望我為小孩換尿布」,那麼我建議?快逃?。</p> <p><strong>【當不焦慮的母親】</strong></p> <p>即使?慎重地規畫子女的人生,身為獨立個體的他們,仍將用自己的方式去學習人生課題……?能給予孩子的實際上是被聽見和被看見的機會、他們所需的依據深刻的價?做出理性決策的練習,以及一貫地對他們陪在?身旁感到喜悦。</p> <p><strong>【當別人低劣攻?,我們要高尚回應】</strong></p> <p>看到別人低劣攻?、失去誠信時,要引以為戒、保有誠信。「高尚」描述的是我們做選擇的方式,始終更努力一點、更想遠一些……?在別人面前的付出ーー無論是希望還是仇恨ーー終究只會帶來更多相同的結果。</p> <p>蜜雪兒相信,黒暗中,我們可以點亮一道光,映照出周圍世界的多姿多彩和無限潛力,發現更深層的真相和成長的新路徑。?寫道:「我相信我們?個人的?心都有一束光,那是全然獨特而個人化、?得保護的一簇火?。當我們能認出自己的光,就擁有了使用它的力量。」蜜雪兒憑藉特有的幽默、坦率和同情心,鼓勵讀者克服恐懼,在社群中找到力量,而且勇敢前行。</p> <p><strong>ー本書特色ー</strong></p> <p><strong>1.動盪不安的現在最需要的一本書,蜜雪兒最有愛、最有力量的禮物</strong></p> <p>過去幾年,?個人都被捲進劇烈變化的世局,也免不了深深的無力感……蜜雪兒坦率分享和?我一樣的糾結與脆弱,也一樣想?法找出路。和?一樣,**我們身上都有光:那是一?發揮自我、改變周遭、改善整個社群的力量。**蜜雪兒要和?一起找到、運用自己的光,在挑戰和變動中站穩?跟。</p> <p><strong>2. 延續《成為這樣的我》的?暖風格,和蜜雪兒一起「成為自己」</strong></p> <p>《成為這樣的我》毫不保留地吐露蜜雪兒光鮮亮麗的一面,也分享了脆弱艱辛的?一面ーー梳理?個部分的自己,清楚自己是誰,是邁向人生下一?的力量之源。這次,蜜雪兒除了一貫的?暖與坦誠,更貼近?個讀者的此時此刻的心境,在混沌的環境中,?助?認清自己、建立自信,進而帶來平靜和洞テツ之心,看清?能企及的目標,萌生走向目標的力量。</p> <p><strong>3.打開蜜雪兒的個人工具箱,讓讀者一探究竟</strong></p> <p>在高度不確定的世界裡,如何懷抱希望、活出平衡?蜜雪兒打開?的個人工具箱讓?一探究竟,?在工作和生活中使用?些工具保持平衡,就算陷入高度焦慮和緊張仍能繼續前進。帶讀者看到:「?不是孤單一個人!?個人都有力量、有工具、有社群,可以帶來改變。」充滿務實可行建議,伴讀者找到支?自己的工具。</p> <p><strong>ー各界推薦ー</strong></p> <p>歐普拉.?芙蕾Oprah Winfrey(媒體天后)/?美玉(?老師備課Party創始人)</p> <p>洪仲清(臨床心理師)/周品均(唯品風尚集團執行長)</p> <p>郭奕伶(商周集團執行長)/蘇絢慧(諮商心理師/璞成健康心理學堂創?人)</p> <p>トウ惠文(精神科醫師)/張瀞仁Jill(國際暢銷作家)</p> <p>鄭俊徳(?讀人社群主編)</p> <p><strong>ー校園推薦ー</strong></p> <p>鍾定先(基隆高中校長)/陳明印(基隆女中校長)</p> <p>莊智鈞(建國中學校長)/王淑麗(師大附中校長)</p> <p>張云?(中山女中校長)/周寤竹(景美女中校長)</p> <p>頼春錦(板橋高中校長)/徐宗盛(桃園高中校長)</p> <p>林煥周(武陵高中校長)/林桂鳳(新竹女中校長)</p> <p>洪幼齡(台中女中校長)/劉美嘉(曉明女中校長)</p> <p>王延煌(彰化高中校長)/陳香?(彰化女中校長)</p> <p>蔡枳松(嘉義女中校長)/廖財固(台南一中校長)</p> <p>洪慶在(台南女中校長)/林晏旭(台南二中校長)</p> <p>陳韻如(家齊女中校長)/鄭文儀(高雄女中校長)</p> <p>王垠 (台東女中校長)</p> <p>「蜜雪兒又變得不一樣了。?穿起五顏六色、質料不再硬挺的衣服,紮起辮子頭或把頭髮?成一個大包包;用音樂譬?的話,現在的?有點像?哈、藍調和搖滾的綜合體。把這樣不同階段、不同元素的自己完整寫在書中,?不再是鋒芒外露的第一夫人,?現在努力成為別人的光。」</p> <p>ーー張瀞仁Jill(國際暢銷作家)</p> <p>「《我們身上有光》提醒我們,悦納?心真實的自我,擁抱負面情緒,我們就能思考:為自己或他人做些什麼?於是,黒暗中,我們可以成為自己和別人的光。」</p> <p>ーー?美玉(?老師備課Party創始人)</p> <p>「聖經中有段文字?:『?們都是光明之子和白晝之子。我們不是屬黒夜的,也不是屬黒暗的。』只要?心有愛,就能有光,因此我們可以照亮身旁的人,當能力越大光芒就能照耀更遠,就能引領更多需要的人,就如同這本書的光,正引領?的心,走在正確的道路上。」</p> <p>ーー鄭俊徳(?讀人社群主編)</p> <p><strong>ー作者簡介ー</strong></p> <p><strong>蜜雪兒?歐巴馬Michelle Obama</strong></p> <p>2009至2017年間為美國第一夫人,畢業於普林斯頓大學及哈佛法學院。歐巴馬夫人的事業生涯始於在芝加哥盛徳法律事務所(Sidley & Austin)擔任律師,?也在那裡遇見了日後的夫婿巴拉克?歐巴馬。其後,?陸續任職於芝加哥市長?公室、芝加哥大學及芝加哥大學醫學中心,並創立公?聯盟(Public Allies)芝加哥分會,專門培育年輕人投入公共服務事業。</p> <p>?是全球冠軍暢銷書 《成為這樣的我》 和全美冠軍暢銷書 《American Grown》的作者。</p> <p>歐巴馬伉儷目前住在華盛頓特區,育有兩位千金瑪莉亞與莎夏。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
楽譜 【取寄時、納期10日〜3週間】金管六重奏 Carry Me Back To Old Virginny/懐かしきヴァージニア【メール便を選択の場合送料無料】
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The Light We Carry Overcoming in Uncertain Times【電子書籍】[ Michelle Obama ]
<p><strong>#1 <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> AND <em>USA TODAY</em> BESTSELLER ? In an inspiring follow-up to her acclaimed memoir <em>Becoming,</em> former First Lady Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today’s highly uncertain world.</strong></p> <p>There may be no tidy solutions or pithy answers to life’s big challenges, but Michelle Obama believes that we can all locate and lean on a set of tools to help us better navigate change and remain steady within flux. In <em>The Light We Carry,</em> she opens a frank and honest dialogue with readers, considering the questions many of us wrestle with: How do we build enduring and honest relationships? How can we discover strength and community inside our differences? What tools do we use to address feelings of self-doubt or helplessness? What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much?</p> <p>Michelle Obama offers readers a series of fresh stories and insightful reflections on change, challenge, and power, including her belief that when we light up for others, we can illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us, discovering deeper truths and new pathways for progress. Drawing from her experiences as a mother, daughter, spouse, friend, and First Lady, she shares the habits and principles she has developed to successfully adapt to change and overcome various obstaclesーthe earned wisdom that helps her continue to “become.” She details her most valuable practices, like “starting kind,” “going high,” and assembling a “kitchen table” of trusted friends and mentors. With trademark humor, candor, and compassion, she also explores issues connected to race, gender, and visibility, encouraging readers to work through fear, find strength in community, and live with boldness.</p> <p>“When we are able to recognize our own light, we become empowered to use it,” writes Michelle Obama. A rewarding blend of powerful stories and profound advice that will ignite conversation, <em>The Light We Carry</em> inspires readers to examine their own lives, identify their sources of gladness, and connect meaningfully in a turbulent world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times LIGHT WE CARRY [ Michelle Obama ]
LIGHT WE CARRY Michelle Obama CROWN PUB INC2024 Paperback English ISBN:9780593237489 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch CARRY ON MR BOWDITCH [ Jean Lee Latham ]
CARRY ON MR BOWDITCH Jean Lee Latham Mary R. Walsh HOUGHTON MIFFLIN2003 Paperback English ISBN:9780618250745 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)
The Rainbow Rowell Collection Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Landline, and Carry On【電子書籍】[ Rainbow Rowell ]
<p><strong>#1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Rainbow Rowell has captured the hearts of readers all over the world. Now, for the first time ever, four of her critically acclaimed novels are together at last in one e-bundle. Discovering your new favorite author has never been easier!</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Eleanor & Park</strong></em><br /> Set over the course of one school year in 1986, this is the story of two star-crossed misfits-smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try. When Eleanor meets Park, you'll remember your own first love-and just how hard it pulled you under.</p> <p><em><strong>Fangirl</strong></em><br /> Cath and Wren are not only identical twins, they are also the two biggest Simon Snow fans ever. Or at least, they used to be. Now that they are starting their freshman year of college, Wren is moving on to new things and leaving Cath behind. But Cath isn't quite ready to let go.</p> <p><em><strong>Carry On</strong></em><br /> <em>Carry On - The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow</em> is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story - but far, far more monsters.</p> <p><em><strong>Landline</strong></em><br /> If you got a second chance at love, would you make the same call? When Georgie McCool discovers a telephone that allows her to call into the past, that's exactly the question she must ask herself. <em>Landline</em> is a heart-wrenching - and hilarious - take on fate, time, television and true love.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Piano & Keyboard Chords: Easy-To-Use, Easy-To-Carry, One Chord on Every Page PIANO & KEYBOARD CHORDS REV/E (Easy-To-Use) [ Jake Jackson ]
PIANO & KEYBOARD CHORDS REV/E EasyーToーUse Jake Jackson FLAME TREE PUB2011 Spiral Revised English ISBN:9780857752642 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Music
General Purpose Computing On Graphics Processing Units Utilizing the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to carry out calculations that are normally performed by the CPU【電子書籍】[ Fouad Sabry ]
<p><strong>What Is General Purpose Computing On Graphics Processing Units</strong></p> <p>The term "general-purpose computing on graphics processing units" (also known as "general-purpose computing on GPUs") refers to the practice of employing a graphics processing unit (GPU), which ordinarily performs computation only for the purpose of computer graphics, to carry out computation in programs that are typically performed by the central processing unit (CPU). The already parallel nature of graphics processing may be further parallelized by using numerous video cards in a single computer or a large number of graphics processors.</p> <p><strong>How You Will Benefit</strong></p> <p>(I) Insights, and validations about the following topics:</p> <p>Chapter 1: General-purpose computing on graphics processing units</p> <p>Chapter 2: Supercomputer</p> <p>Chapter 3: Flynn's taxonomy</p> <p>Chapter 4: Graphics processing unit</p> <p>Chapter 5: Physics processing unit</p> <p>Chapter 6: Hardware acceleration</p> <p>Chapter 7: Stream processing</p> <p>Chapter 8: BrookGPU</p> <p>Chapter 9: CUDA</p> <p>Chapter 10: Close to Metal</p> <p>Chapter 11: Larrabee (microarchitecture)</p> <p>Chapter 12: AMD FireStream</p> <p>Chapter 13: OpenCL</p> <p>Chapter 14: OptiX</p> <p>Chapter 15: Fermi (microarchitecture)</p> <p>Chapter 16: Pascal (microarchitecture)</p> <p>Chapter 17: Single instruction, multiple threads</p> <p>Chapter 18: Multidimensional DSP with GPU Acceleration</p> <p>Chapter 19: Compute kernel</p> <p>Chapter 20: AI accelerator</p> <p>Chapter 21: ROCm</p> <p>(II) Answering the public top questions about general purpose computing on graphics processing units.</p> <p>(III) Real world examples for the usage of general purpose computing on graphics processing units in many fields.</p> <p>(IV) 17 appendices to explain, briefly, 266 emerging technologies in each industry to have 360-degree full understanding of general purpose computing on graphics processing units' technologies.</p> <p><strong>Who This Book Is For</strong></p> <p>Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of general purpose computing on graphics processing units.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times LIGHT WE CARRY [ Michelle Obama ]
LIGHT WE CARRY Michelle Obama CROWN PUB INC2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9780593237465 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Biography & Autobiography
Carry On, Jeeves【電子書籍】[ P. G. Wodehouse ]
<p>Ten classic short stories by author and humorist P. G. Wodehouse tell the amusing antics and occasional mishaps of young gentleman Bertie Wooster, who regularly relies on the infinite wisdom of his consummate valet, Jeeves, for help. Lighthearted and delightful to read, these stories include some of the most popular from the Jeeves canon: “Jeeves Takes Charge,” in which Bertie and Jeeves first meet, and “Bertie Changes His Mind,” the only story told from Jeeves’s point of view.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Carry On, Jeeves (Illustrated)【電子書籍】[ P.G. Wodehouse ]
<p>This <strong>Top Five Classics</strong> edition of <em><strong>Carry On, Jeeves</strong></em> by P.G. Wodehouse includes:</p> <p>? All 10 short stories from the 1925 edition of <em>Carry On, Jeeves</em><br /> ? 38 illustrations as they were originally published in the <em>Strand</em><br /> ? An informative introduction and detailed author bio</p> <p>The Jeeves & Wooster stories by P.G. Wodehouse, which comprise 35 short stories and 11 novels written from 1915 to 1974, have become iconic and represent the finest work of one of the greatest humorists in the English language. This edition of <em>Carry On, Jeeves</em>, which includes the first meeting between Bertie and Jeeves (“Jeeves Takes Charge”) and the only story in the canon narrated by Jeeves (“Bertie Changes His Mind”), is a great place to start for anyone wanting to explore the hilarious world of the affable but dim-witted Bertie Wooster and his gentleman’s gentleman, the infinitely resourceful and utterly unflappable Jeeves.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Carry On! A Story of the Fight for Bagdad【電子書籍】[ George Herbert Ely ]
<p>Carry On! is a compelling anthology that intertwines the enduring spirit of resilience with literary mastery, showcasing the breadth of human experience amid adversity. The collection spans an impressive range of literary styles, from poignant prose to evocative poetry, each piece resonating with the overarching themes of courage and perseverance. In a rich tapestry of narratives, standout pieces illuminate the enduring human capacity to carry on despite formidable obstacles, reflecting a diversity of voices that converge in this profound literary context. Authors George Herbert Ely and Charles James L'Estrange curate a chorus of distinct voices, each contributing to the anthology's robust exploration of human tenacity. The contributors represent a wide array of historical and cultural backgrounds, offering insight into various perspectives shaped by different epochs and environments. This mosaic of voices not only aligns with significant literary movements but also bridges them, creating a dialogue that enriches the reader's engagement with the theme. Together, these authors form a collective narrative that speaks to the universal human condition. For readers seeking an enlightening literary journey, Carry On! offers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a multiplicity of perspectives and themes. Through its diverse compositions, the anthology stands as both an educational treasure and a source of inspiration, prompting reflection on the resilience inherent in human experience. The dialogues between the collection's varied contributions provide an invaluable chance for readers to explore how individuals from disparate backgrounds interpret the act of perseverance, making Carry On! an essential addition to any literary collection.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Our Guardian Angels: St. Joseph Carry-Me-Along Board Book OUR GUARDIAN ANGELS (St. Joseph Board Books) [ George Brundage ]
OUR GUARDIAN ANGELS St. Joseph Board Books George Brundage CATHOLIC BOOK PUB CORP1995 Library Binding English ISBN:9780899428451 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion
Chop Wood Carry Water: How to Fall In Love With the Process of Becoming Great【電子書籍】[ Joshua Medcalf ]
<p>Guided by “Akira-sensei,” John comes to realize the greatest adversity on his journey will be the challenge of defeating the man in the mirror. This powerful story of one boy’s journey to achieve his life long goal of becoming a samurai warrior, brings the Train to be CLUTCH curriculum to life in a powerful and memorable way. Some things you will learn… ーNo matter how it feels, you are always building your own house. ーHow and why you must surrender to the outcome in order to be at your best. ーWhy you never want to have your identity wrapped up in what you do. ーWhy your strength lies in faithfulness to the little things. ーHow to develop a heart posture of gratitude. ーHow to use the biggest challenges as a training ground for greatness. ーWhy the process is more important than the goal. ーWhy comparison is the thief of all joy. ーHow to develop a growth mindset. ーWhy talent is more of a curse than a blessing. “So many valuable stories and lessons!” ーNick Ahmed, Arizona Diamondbacks</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
CCW RECOIL Magazine's Guide to Concealed Carry Training, Skills and Drills【電子書籍】[ Recoil Editors ]
<p><strong>Expert advice for living an informed and prepared concealed carry lifestyle</strong></p> <p>Concealed carry is about a lot more than gear, handgun and ammo choices. It's a lifestyle requiring confidence in your abilities, from the fighting mindset and verbal commands needed to de-escalate and control a situation, to threat-avoidance tactics and hand-to-hand combat alternatives. This title covers training and drills that are practical and achievable no matter what your level of experience.</p> <p>Compiled by the editors of <em>RECOIL Magazine</em>, <em>CCW</em> can help you go better prepared in a world full of uncertainty. Inside you'll find:</p> <ul> <li>Threat assessment and avoidance</li> <li>Practical handgun drills for the range</li> <li>Knife and edged-weapon tactics</li> <li>Dry-fire practice to master your handgun</li> <li>Using cover to get the upper hand</li> <li>Field trauma wound care methods</li> <li>Improvising with makeshift tools</li> <li>And more advanced topics!</li> </ul> <p>This information draws from the vast amount of information published during the past decade in <em>RECOIL Magazine</em>, as well as its targeted <em>CCW</em> publication, <em>CONCEALMENT</em>. You can rely on this vast compendium to help you improve your self-defense skills and keep you and your loved ones safe.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
I Carry Your Heart with Me I CARRY YOUR HEART W/ME [ E. E. Cummings ]
I CARRY YOUR HEART W/ME E. E. Cummings Mati McDonough CAMERON KIDS2017 Board Books English ISBN:9781944903206 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
Voices Carry Behind Bars and Backstage during China's Revolution and Reform【電子書籍】[ Ying Ruocheng ]
<p><em>Voices Carry</em> is the moving autobiography of the late Ying Ruocheng, beloved Chinese stage and screen actor, theatre director, translator, and high-ranking politician as vice minister of culture from 1986?1990. One of twentieth-century China's most prominent citizens, Ying was imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution and devised unique strategies for survival, including playing pranks on guards and keeping a clandestine notebook. Ying's memoir opens with his prison years, and then flashes back to his boyhood growing up in a prince's palace as a member of a progressive Manchu Catholic intellectual family. He also details his experiences as a university student during the heady days when the People's Republic was being founded, followed by his subsequent experiences on stage, in film, and in politics.</p> <p>A founding member of the Beijing People's Art Theatre, Ying Ruocheng helped open its doors to Sino-American exchange when he brought Arthur Miller to China to stage <em>Death of a Salesman</em> in 1983, playing the role of Willy Loman in his own translation of the play. Simultaneously a "spy" for his own government and a cultural ambassador for countless foreigners and fellow countrymen, Ying lived out his life as a bridge between China and the West, gaining a singular perspective on matters related to culture and politics.</p> <p>While suffering from cirrhosis of the liver during the final decade of his life, Ying Ruocheng reflected on his experiences, collaborating with coauthor Claire Conceison to tell his story. Together, they take the reader on an exhilarating journey from Manchu wrestling matches to missionary schools, from behind prison bars to behind the scenes at ground-breaking stage performances, and from public moments of international recognition to private moments of intimacy and despair.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Call Us What We Carry: Poems CALL US WHAT WE CARRY [ Amanda Gorman ]
CALL US WHAT WE CARRY Amanda Gorman VIKING2024 Paperback English ISBN:9780593465080 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Poetry
Carry On【電子書籍】[ Rainbow Rowell ]
<p>**Based on the characters Simon and Baz who featured in Rainbow Rowell's bestselling <em>Fangirl</em>, <em>Carry On</em> is a ghost story, a love story, a mystery and a melodrama.</p> <p>It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story ? but far, far more monsters.**</p> <p>Simon Snow just wants to relax and savour his last year at the Watford School of Magicks, but no one will let him. His girlfriend broke up with him, his best friend is a pest and his mentor keeps trying to hide him away in the mountains where maybe he'll be safe.</p> <p>Simon can't even enjoy the fact that his room-mate and longtime nemesis is missing, because he can't stop worrying about the evil git. Plus there are ghosts. And vampires. And actual evil things trying to shut Simon down. When you're the most powerful magician the world has ever known, you never get to relax and savour anything.</p> <p><strong>'Come for the make-outs and stay for the magic' - <em>The Atlantic</em></strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
基本動詞の最大公約数 2-Carry/倉田誠/C.スミス【3000円以上送料無料】
bookfan 1号店 楽天市場店
著者倉田誠(著) C.スミス(著)出版社松柏社発売日2004年04月ISBN9784881985502キーワードきほんどうしのさいだいこうやくすう2きやりー キホンドウシノサイダイコウヤクスウ2キヤリー くらた まこと すみす くれ− クラタ マコト スミス クレ−9784881985502
Little Ways to Keep Calm and Carry on: Twenty Lessons for Managing Worry, Anxiety, and Fear LITTLE WAYS TO KEEP CALM & CAR [ Mark Reinecke ]
LITTLE WAYS TO KEEP CALM & CAR Mark Reinecke NEW HARBINGER PUBN2010 Paperback English ISBN:9781572248816 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp
心に、光を。 不確実な時代を生き抜く / 原タイトル:The Light We Carry[本/雑誌] / ミシェル・オバマ/著 山田文/訳
ネオウィング 楽天市場店
ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>元米国ファーストレディが語る、不安の多い世界との向きあい方。どんな世界に暮らしたい?いっしょに考えよう。話しあおう。自分らしくいるために。<収録内容>第1部(小さなことには力がある不安を読み解くやさしくはじめるわたしは見えている?)第2部(わたしのキッチン・テーブルパートナーとうまくやっていく母のこと)第3部(まるまるすべての自分身にまとう鎧気高く生きる)<アーティスト/キャスト>ミシェル・オバマ(演奏者)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2903944Mishieru Oba Ma / Cho Yamada Aya / Yaku / Kokoro Ni Hikari Wo. Fukakujitsuna Jidai Wo / Original Title: the Light We Carryメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2023/09JAN:9784041137208心に、光を。 不確実な時代を生き抜く / 原タイトル:The Light We Carry[本/雑誌] / ミシェル・オバマ/著 山田文/訳2023/09発売
Tour Du Mont Blanc: 2022 Updated Version: Real Ign Maps 1:25,000 - No Need to Carry Separate Maps TOUR DU MONT BLANC 2022 UPDATE (The Great Treks of the Alps) [ Andrew McCluggage ]
TOUR DU MONT BLANC 2022 UPDATE The Great Treks of the Alps Andrew McCluggage KNIFE EDGE OUTDOOR2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781912933013 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Sports & Recreation
How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed: A Journal for Grief HT CARRY WHAT CANT BE FIXED [ Megan Devine ]
HT CARRY WHAT CANT BE FIXED Megan Devine SOUNDS TRUE INC2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781683643708 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp
【中古】 Happy!(17) Carry that weight ビッグC/浦沢直樹(著者)
ブックオフ 楽天市場店