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できる人の人を動かす方法 The Rules of People【電子書籍】[ リチャード・テンプラー ]
<p>50ヶ国以上で読まれている世界的ベストセラー<br /> 英語版170万部突破。日本語版30万部突破。<br /> 現在、世界50言語で翻訳されている“Rules”シリーズの最新刊。<br /> 人を味方につけ、難しい人とうまくやる「世界基準の行動原則100」。<br /> 1章 人間を理解する31のルール<br /> ・相手の事情を理解する<br /> ・みんなが同じである必要なはい……etc.</p> <p>2章 人を助ける30のルール<br /> ・ただ話を聞けばいい<br /> ・自分の限界を知る……etc.</p> <p>3章 人を味方につける30のルール<br /> ・忠誠心は一方通行ではない<br /> ・からっぽのお世辞を言わない……etc.</p> <p>4章 難しい人と付き合う21のルール<br /> ・不安は不信感につながる<br /> ・人は利益のある話を聞く</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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著者竹下雄真(著)出版社ダイヤモンド社発売日2016年05月ISBN9784478067468ページ数221Pキーワードビジネス書 がいしけいえりーとがすでにはじめているよが ガイシケイエリートガスデニハジメテイルヨガ たけした ゆうま タケシタ ユウマ9784478067468内容紹介驚くほど最高の人生がやってくる!「女性がやるものでしょ?」「体がカタいからムリ!」という人のためのいちばんわかりやすいヨガ入門。「姿勢+呼吸+瞑想」で体と脳に革命を。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次Introduction なぜヨガがビジネスマンの「最強の武器」なのか?/1 あなたは「ヨガ」を誤解している/2 15分でざっくり理解する「ヨガ」の基本/3 人生を180度変える最強エクササイズ/4 ヨガがビジネスパーソンに有効なこれだけの理由/5 姿勢を正して深呼吸するだけで幸せになれる/6 毎朝1分のヨガで1日が劇的に輝き始める/Conclusion 生き方をシンプルにして、日常を輝かせよ
The People and Culture of Japan 英文版:日本人と日本文化 (JAPAN LIBRARY) [ ドナルド・キーン ]
英文版:日本人と日本文化 JAPAN LIBRARY ドナルド・キーン 司馬遼太郎 出版文化産業振興財団ザ ピープル アンド カルチャー オブ ジャパン キーン,ドナルド シバ,リョウタロウ 発行年月:2018年07月 予約締切日:2018年08月11日 ページ数:172p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784866580487 本文:英文 1 The Birth of Japanese Culture/2 Kukai,Ikkyu,and the Universality of Religion/3 The World of Gold,the World of Silver:The Aesthetics of Troubled Times/4 The Japanese View of War/5 Confucianism and Japanese Morals/6 Westerners in Japan/7 Japanese Morals,Revisited/8 The Culture of Edo 本 人文・思想・社会 歴史 日本史
愈少人認識我們愈好:一個關於背叛、家庭祕辛與身分盜竊的未解之謎 The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets, and Stolen Identity【電子書籍】
<p>從十一?起,便有人操控著我的身分──我的社會安全號碼、信用評分,甚至是我的名字。</p> <p>在?一個真實生活層面上,我都被那名隱形的犯人擺布。</p> <p>多年後,我才知道,「那個人」不只改變了我判斷的視角、我的日常生活,還包括我整個人。</p> <p>犯人形塑了我的?在……</p> <p>當被害妄想成了義務,?默便成了對家庭破碎的責任。</p> <p>?矢志要?出父母口中的「身分盜竊犯」,人生更因此出現180度的轉變!</p> <p>★2020年愛倫坡獎「犯罪實?」得主。★</p> <p>★真人真事改編,作者親自追?,在最難解的親子糾結之外,一?最離奇的家族懸疑緝凶案。★</p> <p>【各界齊聲推薦】</p> <p>王浩威(精神科醫師?作家)、冬陽(推理評論人?央廣《名偵探科普男》主持人)、周慕姿(諮商心理師)、楊添圍(精神科醫師)、楊聰財(身心診所院長?醫學博士?臨床教授)、喬齊安(犯罪評論家/百萬部落客)、謝文宜(實踐大學家庭研究與兒童發展學系教授)◎(按姓氏筆畫序排列)</p> <p>一位身分盜竊專家,</p> <p>一場生命中最難以面對的背叛與創痛,</p> <p>一個無論身體或心靈都孤立無援,卻奮力求生、不放棄追?真相的女孩。</p> <p>?人生中輝煌亮眼的成就是因此而起,</p> <p>與此交換的,是一場耗時半生、遊走在道徳與倫理間的犯罪。</p> <p>從孩提時代到長大成人,?始終走在一段驚弓之鳥般的逃亡旅途上,</p> <p>而這幾乎摧毀了?。</p> <p>???</p> <p>當家中郵件接連不翼而飛,取而代之的是法院和銀行通知,甚至是無預警斷電,</p> <p>年幼的艾克斯頓腦海裡就時常迴盪著父親的叮嚀:</p> <p>「如果有人進到院子裡,?要想?法保衛家園。」</p> <p>母親則對艾克斯頓耳提面命:</p> <p>「愈少人認識我們愈好。犯人很可能就是我們周圍的某人。」</p> <p>◇◇◇</p> <p>十一?時,艾克斯頓的身分首度被?。</p> <p>十四?時,為了把身分盜竊犯繩之以法,?不惜持刀追出家門。</p> <p>十六?時,厭食症?開始找上艾克斯頓,接著是恐慌症。</p> <p>十九?時,?首次收到銀行專寄給?的報告,發現自己已信用破?。</p> <p>二十二?時,艾克斯頓申請上研究所,決定以「兒童身分盜竊」作為論文主題。</p> <p>?心想,或許,只要以此為志業,?終能找出這個毀了?全家的罪犯……</p> <p>光天化日之下,一個家庭的帳單不翼而飛,接著是個人身分遭到冒用。在網路普及前的六、七○年代美國,這並非新鮮事,卻會造成極為嚴重的後果。?走帳單的人輕易就能假冒當事者?理信用?或詐領財物,但這類案件卻因地界廣大、州法管轄差異而難以?緝。十一?那年,艾克斯頓家裡的郵件開始失蹤,?與家人的身分被盜、信用破?,無論在何處都無法貸款,還有從天而降的追債人緊跟在後。艾克斯頓一家因而成了警局和銀行眼中永遠的詐欺犯。他們為此難以安居,白天若遇見熟人,便竭盡全力假裝一切毫無異?;到了夜間,則用厚重的窗簾將世界隔?在外,家中終年昏暗,甚至在庭院周圍加上木欄與掛鎖,只怕有外人潛入。但身分竊賊彷彿知道他們的行蹤,無論如何防範,竊賊總會再利用他們的個資犯案。最終,艾克斯頓一家完全切斷外界聯?,而艾克斯頓的成長過程也因背負了太多無法為外人道的?曲祕密,而形塑了?與?不同的性格,甚至因此度陷入強烈的憂鬱與厭食。多年後,艾克斯頓成了身分盜竊的專家,矢志要抓到使家庭分崩離析的兇手......</p> <p>【各界讚譽】</p> <p>「讀來就像一個陰森的民間傳?……親密而引人入勝。」──《紐約時報》</p> <p>「空氣中瀰漫了顯而易見的威脅感……一個令人深深信服的故事,講述了一個家庭裡的犯罪。」──《NPR》</p> <p>「驚悚片的緊張感……以及令人瞠目結舌的?露。本書令人震驚和不安,這本喚起人們巨大情感共鳴的傳記非常適合真正的犯罪分子。」──《出版者周刊》(星級評論)</p> <p>「這部回憶?充滿了驚悚片該具備的所有懸念和曲折情節;即使讀者開始猜到真相,但?曉時仍然令人震驚不解……強烈推薦。」──《書單》</p> <p>「艾克斯頓在這個有關家庭,?言和身分的故事中巧妙地融合了真實的犯罪元素和回憶?手法……對?痛苦的過去進行了勇敢,坦率的考察,以及對身分盜用進行了深刻而有趣的探索。」──《圖書館雜誌》</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
【中古】パリピ-party☆people- / アンソロジー
ネットオフ 送料がお得店
パリピ−party☆people− 変型版 の詳細 出版社: フロンティアワークス レーベル: ダリアコミックスアンソロジー 作者: アンソロジー カナ: パリピパーティーピープル / アンソロジー サイズ: 変型版 ISBN: 9784861349072 発売日: 2016/09/20 関連商品リンク : アンソロジー フロンティアワークス ダリアコミックスアンソロジー
The Latter-Day Prophet History of Joseph Smith Written for Young People【電子書籍】[ George Q. Cannon ]
<p>In "The Latter-Day Prophet," George Q. Cannon presents a compelling exploration of the life and mission of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter-day Saint movement. This work integrates historical narrative with theological reflection, employing a clear and evocative prose style that draws readers into the complexities of early Mormonism. Cannon's meticulous attention to detail and contextual analysis situates Smith's experiences within the broader socio-religious landscape of 19th-century America, providing insights into the challenges and triumphs faced by the prophet and his followers. George Q. Cannon, a prominent leader in the LDS Church and an influential figure in 19th-century American society, brings a unique perspective to this work. Having served as an editor of various church publications and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Cannon's deep connection to Mormon theology and heritage profoundly informs his examination of Smith's contributions. His personal experiences and leadership within the faith community lend authenticity to his portrayal of Smith's character and vision. "The Latter-Day Prophet" is highly recommended for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the origins of Mormonism and the pivotal role played by Joseph Smith. Scholars, students, and enthusiasts of religious history will find Cannon's analysis enriching and enlightening, offering valuable insights into the lived experiences of a prophet during a time of profound religious upheaval.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
【中古】 JAPANESE For BUSY PEOPLE The Workbook Revised Edition(I) ワークブック 改訂版 コミュニケーションのための日本語/国際日本語普及協会(著者)
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【中古】 ものづくり道 what is really necessary in creating something that can make people happy?/西堀栄三郎(著者)
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【中古】 パリピ party☆people ダリアCアンソロジー/アンソロジー(著者)
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Normal People One million copies sold【電子書籍】[ Sally Rooney ]
<p><strong>'The literary phenomenon of the decade.' <em>Guardian</em></strong><br /> <strong>'The book that defined a generation.' <em>Stylist</em></strong><br /> <strong>** Read the modern classic behind the BAFTA-winning series. **</strong><br /> Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in the west of Ireland, but the similarities end there. In school, Connell is popular and well-liked, while Marianne is a loner. But when the two strike up a conversation - awkward but electrifying - something life-changing begins.<br /> <em>Normal People</em> is a story of mutual fascination, friendship and love. It takes us from that first conversation to the years beyond, in the company of two people who try to stay apart but find they can't.<br /> <strong>'Tender and devastating.' <em>Guardian</em></strong><br /> <strong>'A book to cancel plans for.' <em>Grazia</em></strong><br /> <strong>'A classic coming-of-age love story.' <em>Vogue</em></strong><br /> Sally Rooney's book 'Normal People' was a #1 Sunday Times bestseller w/c 2018-12-24</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
【中古】 パリピ party☆people / 赤星 ジェイク, 松基 羊, 渦井, 五月女 えむ, 小道 明奈, 蜂巣, 彩枚 サトル, もけ, いさ / [コミック]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】
もったいない本舗 楽天市場店
著者:赤星 ジェイク, 松基 羊, 渦井, 五月女 えむ, 小道 明奈, 蜂巣, 彩枚 サトル, もけ, いさか 十五郎, カシオ, かたしな, みちのく アタミ出版社:フロンティアワークスサイズ:コミックISBN-10:4861349079ISBN-13:9784861349072■こちらの商品もオススメです ● Brother 2 / 扇 ゆずは / 海王社 [コミック] ● 溺れる獣の恋人。 / 藤崎 こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ● 気が合うということは / 麻生 海 / 芳文社 [コミック] ● DARLING 4 / 扇ゆずは / フロンティアワークス [コミック] ● 囚われた甘い獣たち / 藤崎こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ● 飢えた相方 / 藤崎こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ● パパは先生と×××シたい。 / 松基 羊 / フロンティアワークス [コミック] ● Brother 1 / 扇 ゆずは / 海王社 [コミック] ● さよなら、偽り恋ごころ / いさか 十五郎 / ソフトライン 東京漫画社 [コミック] ● 甘えた獣のしつけ方 / 藤崎こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ● メンズ・ラヴ / 藤崎 こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ● 獣は愛で、癒される。 / 藤崎 こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ● 東京・心中 / 扇 ゆずは / 角川書店 [コミック] ● DARLING 2 / 扇ゆずは / フロンティアワークス [コミック] ● エロティックにこじ開けて / 藤崎こう / 芳文社 [コミック] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※最短翌日配達ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い: 使用されてはいますが、 非常にきれいな状態です。 書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い: 比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。 ページやカバーに欠品はありません。 文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可: 文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。 マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。 商品の痛みがある場合があります。
On People's War Sison Reader Series, #7【電子書籍】[ Jos? Maria Sison ]
<p>About the Book:</p> <p>This book focuses on the people's war being waged by the New People's Army (NPA) led by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). It presents the reader with the NPA basic founding documents and my writings that reflect the NPA's growth in strength and advance from decade to decade since its founding on March 29, 1969.</p> <p>Waging people's war is not a purely military process. It involves the NPA taking ideological and political guidance from the CPP, integrating the armed struggle with agrarian revolution as the main content of the democratic revolution, mass base building and developing the united front mainly for armed struggle.</p> <p>It is a great victory for the NPA to have grown from a small and weak force of only nine automatic rifles and 26 inferior firearms shared by some 60 Red fighters in the second district of Tarlac province to thousands of Red fighters armed with high-powered rifles in more than 110 guerrilla fronts in more than 90 percent of Philippine provinces.</p> <p>About the Author:</p> <p>Jose Maria Sison led the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines in 1968 as well as the founding of the New People's Army in 1969 and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in 1973. He is now among the world's most outstanding theoreticians in Marxism-Lenininism-Maoism. He continues to do research and write on Philippine and global issues as a public intellectual.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Japanese for Busy People Book 1: The Workbook Revised 4th Edition【電子書籍】[ AJALT ]
<p><strong>4th Revised Edition of JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE, the most popular Japanese language textbook series in the world.</strong></p> <p>Since it was first published in 1984, the focus of the <em>Japanese for Busy People</em> series has always been to teach Japanese for effective communication.</p> <p><em>Japanese for Busy People I</em>: <em>The Workbook for the Revised 4th Edition</em> is for all learners who wish to improve their speaking and listening skills. It can be used in tandem with <em>Japanese for Busy People I</em>: <em>Revised 4th Edition</em>, both <em>Kana Edition</em> and <em>Romanized Edition,</em> or as independent study material.</p> <p>The workbook provides ample speaking and listening practice in the form of illustrated exercises that call on learners to construct dialogues and role-play in Japanese. Illustrations combined with conversations, which proceed at a natural pace in the audio recordings, help learners to feel as if they are actually experiencing each situation.</p> <p>Through repeated oral and listening practice, learners will come to acquire the rhythm of real-life Japanese conversation.</p> <p>Audio recordings can be downloaded for free from kodansha.us.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It【電子書籍】[ David Niven PhD ]
<p>What are the keys to success? Scientists have studied the traits, beliefs, and practices of successful people in all walks of life. But the answers they find wind up in stuffy academic journals aimed at other scientists.</p> <p><em>The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People</em> takes the best and most important research results from over a thousand studies and spells out the key findings in ways we can all understand. Each entry contains advice based on those findings, a real life example of what to do or not to do, and a telling statistic based on scientific research.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Court Life in China: The Capital, Its Officials and People【電子書籍】[ Isaac Taylor Headland ]
<p>Isaac Taylor Headland's 'Court Life in China: The Capital, Its Officials and People' offers a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of the Chinese court system. Written in a concise and insightful manner, the book delves into the intricate relationships between the officials and the common people, shedding light on the cultural practices and customs of the time. Headland's detailed descriptions and vivid imagery bring the court to life, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the political and social environment of China during this period. His narrative style is engaging and informative, making this book a valuable resource for students of Chinese history and culture. Isaac Taylor Headland, a renowned missionary and sinologist, drew on his firsthand experiences in China to write this book. His deep understanding of the Chinese society and his passion for bridging cultural gaps are evident throughout the text. Headland's expertise in the subject matter adds credibility to his observations, making 'Court Life in China' a valuable contribution to the study of Chinese history. I recommend 'Court Life in China: The Capital, Its Officials and People' to anyone interested in gaining a deeper insight into the political and social dynamics of imperial China. This book not only provides valuable historical information but also offers a captivating narrative that will captivate readers of all backgrounds.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Fifty Famous People: A Book of Short Stories【電子書籍】[ James Baldwin ]
<p>James Baldwin's 'Fifty Famous People: A Book of Short Stories' is a captivating collection that delves into the lives and experiences of various renowned individuals. His unique literary style combines vivid imagery with profound insights, making each story not only entertaining but also thought-provoking. Set against the backdrop of social and cultural issues, Baldwin's stories offer a glimpse into the complexities of human nature and the struggles faced by famous figures. This collection is a testament to Baldwin's skill in weaving together narratives that resonate with readers across different generations. James Baldwin, a prolific writer and civil rights activist, drew inspiration from his own experiences of racism and discrimination. His deep understanding of social injustices is evident in the themes explored in 'Fifty Famous People', as he sheds light on the interconnectedness of personal struggles and broader societal challenges. Baldwin's ability to infuse his stories with empathy and insight makes this collection a compelling read for those interested in understanding the human condition. I highly recommend 'Fifty Famous People: A Book of Short Stories' to readers seeking engaging narratives that provoke reflection and inspire empathy. James Baldwin's masterful storytelling and profound observations make this collection a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
A Book of Saints and Wonders according to the Old Writings and the Memory of the People of Ireland Tales of Saints, Wonders, and Myths in Ireland【電子書籍】[ Lady Gregory ]
<p>In "A Book of Saints and Wonders according to the Old Writings and the Memory of the People of Ireland," Lady Gregory presents a compelling tapestry of Irish folklore, spirituality, and hagiography. This meticulously curated collection intertwines ancient texts with oral traditions, illuminating the lives of saints and the marvels attributed to them. Gregory's literary style is marked by its lyrical prose and rich descriptions, effectively evoking the mystical ethos of Ireland's past. Rooted in the Irish literary revival of the early 20th century, the book serves as both a historical document and a celebration of Irish cultural identity, reflecting the growing importance of folklore in the face of modernity. Lady Gregory was a key figure in the Irish Literary Renaissance and a co-founder of the Abbey Theatre, whose deep connection to Ireland's cultural and literary heritage fueled her desire to document and preserve its traditions. Her extensive study of folklore and her involvement in the revival helped shape her perspective, as did her collaboration with esteemed contemporaries like W.B. Yeats. Gregory'??s passion for her homeland and its stories is evident in her work, as she sought to share the spiritual legacy of Ireland with both locals and an international audience. This enchanting book is highly recommended for anyone interested in Celtic mythology, spirituality, and the art of storytelling. Gregory'??s insightful examination of saints and their legends not only enriches the reader's understanding of Irish heritage but also offers a timeless portrayal of faith, wonder, and the enduring power of narratives in shaping cultural identity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
A People's History of the United States【電子書籍】[ Howard Zinn ]
<p><strong>THE CLASSIC NATIONAL BESTSELLER</strong></p> <p><strong>"A wonderful, splendid bookーa book that should be read by every American, student or otherwise, who wants to understand his country, its true history, and its hope for the future." ?Howard Fast</strong></p> <p><strong>Historian Howard Zinn’s <em>A People’s History of the United States</em> chronicles American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official narrative taught in schoolsーwith its emphasis on great men in high placesーto focus on the street, the home, and the workplace.</strong></p> <p>Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research*,* itis the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view ofーand in the words ofーAmerica's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As Zinn shows, many of our country's greatest battlesーthe fights for a fair wage, an eight-hour workday, child-labor laws, health and safety standards, universal suffrage, women's rights, racial equalityーwere carried out at the grassroots level, against bloody resistance.</p> <p>Covering Christopher Columbus's arrival through President Clinton's first term, <em>A People's History of the United States</em> features insightful analysis of the most important events in our history. This edition also includes an introduction by Anthony Arnove, who wrote, directed, and produced <em>The People Speak</em> with Zinn and who coauthored, with Zinn, <em>Voices of a People’s History of the United States</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Rich People Problems The outrageously funny romance from the author of Crazy Rich Asians【電子書籍】[ Kevin Kwan ]
<p>**THE <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER</p> <p>PRE-ORDER THE NEWEST NOVEL BY KEVIN KWAN, LIES AND WEDDINGS: www.amazon.co.uk/Lies-Weddings-Kevin-Kwan/dp/1529152844**</p> <p><strong>'Flashy, funny ... Delicious ... A memorable, laugh-out-loud Asian glitz fest that's a pure pleasure to read' <em>USA Today</em></strong></p> <p>Nicholas Young's grandmother Su Yi is on her deathbed. While he rushes to be by her bedside, he's not the only one. The entire Shang-Young clan has convened from all corners of the globe to stake claim on their matriarch's massive fortune. With all parties vying to inherit a trophy estate in the heart of Singapore, Nicholas's childhood home turns into a hotbed of sabotage and scandal.</p> <p>Taking us from the elegantly appointed mansions of Manila to the secluded private islands in the Sulu Sea, Kevin Kwan's final installment in this irresistible trilogy reveals the long-buried secrets of Asia's most privileged families and their rich people problems.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
International Relations as Politics among People Hermeneutic Encounters and Global Governance【電子書籍】[ Hannes Hansen-Magnusson ]
<p>Pioneering a hermeneutic methodology for analyses of global governance, this is the first monograph that makes Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Paul Ric?ur’s hermeneutic philosophy relevant for global politics research. Drawing on the concept of "horizon" as the element that captures the dynamics of understanding in social interaction in order to analyse processes of international politics, this book shows that what is required is the embeddedness of meanings and ideas in human action and reflection. By advancing theory-building with regard to particular questions of global governance, it reconceptualises international relations as "politics among people". Providing a contextualised constructivist approach that highlights the importance of processes to which people are central, it challenges the use of collective concepts such as "state" and "nation" as units of analysis which continue to dominate international relations but which cloud the details of interaction processes.</p> <p>The two case studies of UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and Germany in NATO’s mission "Operation Allied Force" in Kosovo in 1999 are structured around this contextualised constructivist approach developed in the monograph. The studies reveal how interaction processes can be made accountable, leading to new vantage points of our understanding of governance problems.</p> <p>This book will be of interest to scholars interested in global governance, the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ric?eur and hermeneutic philosophy, the UN, humanitarian interventions, and foreign policy analysts.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
【中古】 Camera People Photographs by 100 People/monogram【著】
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A Cure for Concussions Conquering the Culture of Fear & Empowering People to Full Recovery【電子書籍】[ Luke Cruickshank ]
<p>Making healthcare decisions is one of the most important things that we do in our lives, and our brain is the last place that we want to make a mistake. Choosing poorly can lead to consequences that can last a lifetime. In recent years we've become aware of the extreme dangers that concussions pose to our brains, but what if we've been misled?</p> <p>Concussions aren't as scary as they've been made out to be, but most people have been deceived by the myths, misconceptions and sensationalism that have created a culture of fear around concussions. These fears and anxieties have hijacked our brains, making rational decision making nearly impossible.</p> <p>This is a journey designed to help you deal more rationally with concussions. With the help of the latest neuroscience, you'll be empowered by the idea that you can improve your brain and the brains of your loved ones, no matter what your circumstances. You'll acquire the calmness and clarity necessary to discover that not only are these injuries treatable, but that there is indeed a cure for concussions.</p> <p>Everyone is invited on this journey, but the people most likely to benefit from this content are parents with kids in sports, people who want to know how to cure their own concussion symptoms, practitioners who treat concussion patients, and people who are looking for practical ways to improve their own brain health.</p> <p>So let's begin, and together, we can search out the truth about concussions, conquer our fears and learn how to take the actions necessary to build a badass brain.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Let Them Theory A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can't Stop Talking About【電子書籍】[ Mel Robbins ]
<p>**<em>New York Times</em> Bestselling Author. Millions of books sold worldwide!</p> <p><em>A Life-Changing Tool Millions of People Can’t Stop Talking About</em>**</p> <p>What if the key to happiness, success, and love was as simple as two words?</p> <p>If you've ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated with where you are, the problem isn't you. The problem is the power you give to other people. Two simple wordsー<em>Let Them</em>ーwill set you free. Free from the opinions, drama, and judgments of others. Free from the exhausting cycle of trying to manage everything and everyone around you. <em>The Let Them Theory</em> puts the power to create a life you love back in your handsーand this book will show you exactly how to do it.</p> <p>In her latest groundbreaking book, <em>The Let Them Theory,</em> Mel Robbinsー<em>New York Times</em> Bestselling Author and one of the world's most respected experts on motivation, confidence, and mindsetーteaches you how to stop wasting energy on what you can't control and start focusing on what truly matters: YOU. Your happiness. Your goals. Your life.</p> <p>Using the same no-nonsense, science-backed approach that's made <em>The Mel Robbins Podcast</em> a global sensation, Robbins explains why <em>The Let Them Theory</em> is already loved by millions and how you can apply it in eight key areas of your life to make the biggest impact. Within a few pages, you'll realize how much energy and time you've been wasting trying to control the wrong thingsーat work, in relationships, and in pursuing your goalsーand how this is keeping you from the happiness and success you deserve.</p> <p>Written as an easy-to-understand guide, Robbins shares relatable stories from her own life, highlights key takeaways, relevant research and introduces you to world-renowned experts in psychology, neuroscience, relationships, happiness, and ancient wisdom who champion <em>The Let Them Theory</em> every step of the way.</p> <p>Learn how to:</p> <ul> <li>Stop wasting energy on things you can't control</li> <li>Stop comparing yourself to other people</li> <li>Break free from fear and self-doubt</li> <li>Release the grip of people's expectations</li> <li>Build the best friendships of your life</li> <li>Create the love you deserve</li> <li>Pursue what truly matters to you with confidence</li> <li>Build resilience against everyday stressors and distractions</li> <li>Define your own path to success, joy, and fulfillment</li> </ul> <p>...and so much more.</p> <p><em>The Let Them Theory</em> will forever change the way you think about relationships, control, and personal power. Whether you want to advance your career, motivate others to change, take creative risks, find deeper connections, build better habits, start a new chapter, or simply create more happiness in your life and relationships, this book gives you the mindset and tools to unlock your full potential.</p> <p>Order your copy of <em>The Let Them Theory</em> now and discover how much power you truly have. It all begins with two simple words.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
暮らしのおへそ The stories of various people and their everyday routines. Vol.35 習慣には、明日を変える力がある【3000円以上送料無料】
bookfan 1号店 楽天市場店
出版社主婦と生活社発売日2023年01月ISBN9784391644197ページ数87Pキーワードくらしのおへそ35 クラシノオヘソ359784391644197内容紹介この本では、日々の習慣を「おへそ」と呼んでいます。作家、デザイナー、経営者、主婦……様々な人の「暮らしのおへそ(=習慣)をご紹介します。習慣からそれぞれの暮らしの哲学が見えてきます。巻頭インタビュー作家 小川 糸さんの森のなかでひとりで暮らすおへそ1章 引き出しのおへそ「サーカス」代表 鈴木善雄さん 引田 舞さん/「ものとかぞく」主宰 水谷妙子さん/デザイナー 葉田いづみさん/たった引き出しひとつでも、「どうしてここにしまったのかな?」と点検し、「これ、いらなかったな」と間引きをし、引き出しの中身全部に、「ここにある理由」を見つけられたら、暮らしがガラリと変わるかもしれません。2章 おしゃれのおへそインスタグラマー Keikoさん/「トラム」店主 水上真由美さん/主婦 藁谷恭子さん/「オベデ」店主 横井さちよさん/目指すのは、「あの人、いい感じだね」と言ってもらえる、ほんのささやかなその人らしさなのかも。とは言っても、私たちは怠け者だからすぐに、おしゃれに手を抜きたくなります。ちょっとそこまで行くにも髪の毛を整え、靴とピアスの色を合わせる……。おしゃれとは、小さな心配りから始まりそうです3章 ひとりのおへそ「桃花源」主宰 伊藤千桃さん/著述家、プロデューサー 湯山玲子さん/「夏葉社」代表 島田潤一郎さん/幼い頃から、わたしたちは人と人の間で生きてきて、「ひとり」は寂しい……と思いがち。でも、寂しいから、見上げた空に慰められ足元に咲く花に元気をもらいます。だったら、「ひとり」をもっと前向きに味わい、楽しんでみるのもいいのかも。「ひとりでいること」をぎゅっと抱きしめてみれば隣にいる人の温もりが、より優しく感じられます。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。
The Sea Fairies, Sky Island, The Surprising Adventures Of The Magical Monarch Of Mo And His People【電子書籍】[ L. Frank Baum ]
<p>Collection of 3 Classic Books: The Sea Fairies by L. Frank Baum. Sky Island by L. Frank Baum. The Surprising Adventures Of The Magical Monarch Of Mo And His People by L. Frank Baum.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Empowered Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products【電子書籍】[ Marty Cagan ]
<p><strong>What is it about the top tech product companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Netflix and Tesla that enables their record of consistent innovation?</strong></p> <p>Most people think it’s because these companies are somehow able to find and attract a level of talent that makes this innovation possible. But the real advantage these companies have is not so much <em>who</em> they hire, but rather <em>how</em> they enable their people to work together to solve hard problems and create extraordinary products.</p> <p>As legendary Silicon Valley coach--and coach to the founders of several of today’s leading tech companies--Bill Campbell said, “Leadership is about recognizing that there's a greatness in everyone, and your job is to create an environment where that greatness can emerge.”</p> <p>The goal of <em>EMPOWERED</em> is to provide you, as a leader of product management, product design, or engineering, with everything you’ll need to create just such an environment.</p> <p>As partners at The Silicon Valley Product Group, Marty Cagan and Chris Jones have long worked to reveal the best practices of the most consistently innovative companies in the world. A natural companion to the bestseller <em>INSPIRED, EMPOWERED</em> tackles head-on the reason why most companies fail to truly leverage the potential of their people to innovate: product leadership.</p> <p>The book covers:</p> <ul> <li>what it means to be an empowered product team, and how this is different from the “feature teams” used by most companies to build technology products</li> <li>recruiting and coaching the members of product teams, first to competence, and then to reach their potential</li> <li>creating an inspiring product vision along with an insights-driven product strategy</li> <li>translating that strategy into action by empowering teams with specific objectivesーproblems to solveーrather than features to build</li> <li>redefining the relationship of the product teams to the rest of the company</li> <li>detailing the changes necessary to effectively and successfully transform your organization to truly empowered product teams</li> </ul> <p><em>EMPOWERED</em> puts decades of lessons learned from the best leaders of the top technology companies in your hand as a guide. It shows you how to become the leader your team and company needs to not only survive but thrive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do【電子書籍】[ Kathryn Heling ]
<p><strong>A playful introduction to careers in a community, that’s also a rhyming picture book guessing game! Perfect for kids interested in different professions around town.</strong></p> <p>Who wears what to work? The clues in each kid-friendly rhyme can be spotted hanging from the clotheslineーfrom a mail carrier’s uniform to a firefighter’s pants and heavy coat. Then turn the page to learn which professionals wear and use the special gear in the jobs they do. Clever illustrations show the workers helping one another, and in the end, everyone comes together for a celebration that is out of this world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
American Beliefs What Keeps a Big Country and a Diverse People United【電子書籍】[ John Harmon McElroy ]
<p>Why do so many different people with widely dissimilar ideas and customs get along as Americans? In <em>American Beliefs</em>, John McElroy identifies and explains those essential ideas that promote the unity of a vast nation and a diversified peopleーbecause they have been shared and acted upon by generations of Americans. Tracing these beliefs historically from their origins in the earliest experiences of the American colonists, Mr. McElroy shows how they became continuing convictions that together form a pattern distinct from those of other peoples. Work, he argues, shaped the primary beliefs of Americans, for the task of the early settlers was first of all to survive in a new wilderness. He then goes on to discuss beliefs that grew from the experiences of immigrants, from life on the frontier, and from the ideas that Americans developed about religion and morality, politics, human nature, and the workings of society. It is not birthplace or skin color that makes a person an American, Mr. McElroy observes, but a common behavior based upon principles of freedom and equality, individuality and responsibility, improvement and practicality. <em>American Beliefs</em> is a book greatly needed, a powerful antidote to decades of historical and political writings that have concentrated on the differences among Americans.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
乘法領導:從一對一的加法到多對多的乘法,將領導力和影響力無限放大 The Ultimate Guide to Developing Leaders: Invest in People Like Your Future Depends on It【電子書籍】[ 約翰.麥斯威爾 John C. Maxwell ]
<p>**從1+1=2到2×2>4<br /> 乘法領導能放大?的領導力,<br /> 當?個領導者都能栽培出?一個新領導者,<br /> ?的組織將比?獨自努力更有影響力、達到更高成就!</p> <p>★領導界傳奇領袖麥斯威爾全新領導力著作<br /> ★企業家5星盛讚:「這本書充滿許多我自己和團隊都受用的寶貴見解。」**</p> <p>無論是中小企業、大公司、非營利組織或政府機關,任何組織要想實現目標,以及成就更好的未來,關鍵就在領導者。想要組織勝出,就一定要學會乘法領導,擴大?的領導團隊。</p> <p><strong>什麼是乘法領導?</strong><br /> 乘法領導帶?逐?進化?的領導力,從自己做到教其他人做(加法),再到?個人都有能力栽培?一個人(乘法),?的組織將永遠不缺領導人才,當其他組織還在思考下一?時,?的組織已經開發新局面。</p> <p><strong>如何用乘法放大?的領導力?</strong><br /> 麥斯威爾用13堂課教會?乘法領導,將?自己與團隊人才的領導潛能發揮到極致。?將學會發掘 × 栽培 × 傳授領導力,拓展團隊的無限可能:</p> <p><strong>● 發掘潛力領導人才</strong><br /> 多觀察?的團隊成員,並量身設定達成目標,從中找出潛力領導人才。<br /> →行動1:評價自己的長處、經驗,可以為他人帶來?些?助。<br /> →行動2:練習傾聽、問問題,取得?位成員的觀點。<br /> →行動3:多花時間與成員相處,制定他們必須使盡全力才可實現的目標。<br /> →行動4:為成員依態度、特質、能力、生?力、進?幅度打分數。<br /> <strong>● 栽培新手領導者</strong><br /> 開發潛力人才的領導力,給他們權力讓他們發揮能力,更進一?樂在工作、習慣領導管理。<br /> →行動1:邀請潛力領導人才加入主管會議,觀察他們的學習、成長、參與度。<br /> →行動2:發揮人才的3G領導力:Grounded(踏實)、Gifted(天賦)、Growing(成長)。<br /> →行動3:運用10ー80ー10法則賦權潛力領導者,評估他們的表現。<br /> →行動4:找出潛力領導者前進的主要?在動力,?助他們養成積極的工作習慣。<br /> →行動5:妥善調配工作位置,培養領導團隊合作的能力,提高團隊績效。<br /> <strong>● 傳授領導者培育新領導者</strong><br /> 訓練?的領導人才跟?一樣能栽培新的領導者,加法變乘法,?便擁有強大的領導團隊。<br /> →行動1:找出前20%的領導人才,由?親自指導他們。<br /> →行動2:安排與領導人才一對一會面,談論雙方的期望與問題。<br /> →行動3:運用6個C創造複製領導力的環境:Character品格、Clarity清晰、Communication溝通、Contribution貢獻、Consistency持之以恆、Celebration慶祝。</p> <p>所有領導者最重要的下一?思考,就是打造自己的領導團隊!?陣中的領導人才越多,無論是個人生活或事業,都能享有更好的未來。</p> <p><strong>─本書特色─</strong><br /> <strong>1.麥斯威爾累積半世紀的領導力體悟:</strong><br /> 從個人努力投資自己開始,到訓練其他領導者,進而影響全球領袖,麥斯威爾將五十年培訓領導者的體悟寫進這本書,拓展了領導者的思維。<br /> <strong>2.專屬於領導者的自我成長書:</strong><br /> 不只是教?成為好領袖,更教?如何教出優秀的領導人才,發揮領導力的乘法效應,培養屬於?的領導團隊,讓組織在競爭中迅速勝出。<br /> <strong>3.具體的行動?驟,提高成效:</strong><br /> ?章結尾列出四大行動?驟,條理清晰,可立即實行,助?高效提升團隊能力。</p> <p><strong>─強力推薦─</strong></p> <p><strong>愛瑞克(《?在成就》系列作者、TMBA共同創?人)</strong>:「《乘法領導》是領導學中的上乘之作,也唯有約翰.麥斯威爾長達五十年培訓領導者的經驗累積,才寫得出這一本富含智慧與實戰力的作品。」</p> <p><strong>劉奕酉(ハクテツ行銷顧問策略長)</strong>:「這不僅僅是一本領導力指南,更是一本關於如何建立高效團隊、打造卓越組織的實用手冊。」</p> <p>**─作者簡介─</p> <p>約翰.麥斯威爾(John C. Maxwell)**<br /> 國際知名領導學專家、演?家,以及《紐約時報》(New York Times)、《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)暢銷書作家。他的著作暢銷五十國,在全球銷售超過三千萬冊。</p> <p>2014年時,他榮獲美國管理協會(AMA)評選為第一名企業領袖,並由《商業?幕》(Business Insider)與《Inc.》雜誌選為全球最具影響力的領導力專家。創?約翰麥斯威爾公司(The John Maxwell Company)、約翰麥斯威爾團隊(The John Maxwell Team)、美國事工裝備(EQUIP),與約翰麥斯威爾領導力基金會(the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation),這些機構已在全球培訓超過五百萬名的領導者。2015年,他們達成一項里程碑──訓練來自世界各國的領袖。<br /> 麥斯威爾博士更榮獲立功領導網絡(Luminary Leadership Network)頒發的徳蕾莎修女獎之全球和平與領導獎項。目前,他?年會對《財星》(Fortune)前五百大企業、國家領袖,以及許多全球頂尖企業領導人演?。</p> <p>暢銷著作《與人同贏》《與人連結》《精準成長》《與成功連結》《找對夢想》《與逆境同行》,其中《領導力21法則》(The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership)和《開發?心中的領導者》(Developing the Leader Within You)均銷售超過百萬冊。</p> <p>欲知更多資訊,請見JohnMaxwell.com。</p> <p>相關著作:《與逆境同行 [全球暢銷經典]:領導學大師的16堂失敗訓練課,讓?翻轉慣性思維、突破困局》《找對夢想 [全球暢銷經典]:世界領導學大師的10大關鍵問題,教?設定目標,再實現夢想》《與成功連結 [全球暢銷經典]:用思考打造勝利人生!世界領導大師的11種高效思考練習》《精準成長[全球暢銷經典]:打造高價?的?!發揮潛能、事業及領導力的高效成長法則》《與人連結[全球暢銷經典]:成功不是單人表演!世界頂尖領導大師與人同贏的溝通關鍵》</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Parish Priests and Their People in the Middle Ages in England【電子書籍】[ Edward Lewes Cutts ]
<p>Edward Lewes Cutts' 'Parish Priests and Their People in the Middle Ages in England' is a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between parish priests and their congregations during the medieval period. Cutts delves into the social, political, and religious dynamics that shaped this bond, providing a detailed account of the duties, challenges, and privileges of parish priests. Through a combination of historical research and literary analysis, Cutts paints a vivid picture of the daily lives and interactions within the parish community, offering valuable insights into the wider context of medieval England. Edward Lewes Cutts, a prominent Victorian theologian and historian, drew upon his deep knowledge of ecclesiastical history to write this seminal work. His firsthand experience as a Church of England clergyman undoubtedly influenced his meticulous study of parish life in the Middle Ages, allowing him to provide a nuanced and authentic portrayal of this important period in English history. For readers interested in the intricate workings of medieval society and the role of the church in shaping communal relationships, 'Parish Priests and Their People in the Middle Ages in England' is a must-read. Cutts' scholarly approach and engaging narrative style make this book an essential resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the medieval religious landscape.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。