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324件中 241件 - 270件  4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Dansk Cebuana Bibel II Dansk 1931 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>Denne udgivelse indeholder Dansk Bibel (1931) (Det Gamle Testamente og Det Nye Testamente) og Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (Det Gamle Testamente og Det Nye Testamente) parallel overs?ttelse. Den har 173,772 referencer og viser 2 formater af Biblen. Den indeholder Dansk Bibel 1931 og Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 formateret i <strong>l?se og navigations venlig</strong> format, eller Navi-format (forkortet). Her vil du finde hvert vers, printet parallelt i dan-ceb r?kkef?lge. Den indeholder fuld, separat og ikke i parallel, kopi af Dansk Bibel 1931 og Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (Det Gamle Testamente og Det Nye Testamente), bygget for tekst-til-tale (tts), s? din enhed kan l?se Biblen h?jt op for dig.</p> <p><strong>Hvordan fungerer den generelle Bibel-navigation:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Testamentet har et indeks af alle dens b?ger.</li> <li>TTS formatet viser b?ger og kapitler if?lge indekset.</li> <li>Testamenter krydsrefererer til hinanden i indekset.</li> <li>Hver bog har en reference til det Testament, den h?rer til.</li> <li>Hver bog har en reference til den n?ste og foreg?ende bog.</li> <li>Hver bog har et indeks af dens kapitler.</li> <li>Hver kapitel referer til bogen, den tilh?rer.</li> <li>Hver kapitel refererer til den n?ste og den foreg?ende kapitel.</li> <li>Hver kapitel har et indeks af alle dets vers.</li> <li>Hver kapitel i TTS refererer til det samme kapitel i Navi-formatet.</li> <li>Hver vers har et nummer og har reference til det tilh?rende kapitel.</li> <li>Hver vers starter p? en ny linje for en bedre l?seoplevelse.</li> <li>Versenes numre er ikke synlige i TTS formatet.</li> <li>Hvilken som helst reference i indekset vil f?re dig til lokationen.</li> <li>Det indbyggede indholdsfortegnelse har reference til alle b?ger i alle formater.</li> </ul> <p>Vi mener, at vi har bygget en af de bedste, hvis ikke allerbedste navigationer, der findes til en e-bog som denne! Den giver dig hvilken som helst vers lige under fingerspidser og er perfekt til hurtige opslag. Og kombinationen af Dansk Bibel 1931 og Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 og navigering g?r denne e-bog unik.</p> <p>Bem?rk, at Tekst til Tale (TTS) underst?ttelse varierer fra enhed til enhed. Nogle enheder kan ikke underst?tte det. Andre underst?tter kun et sprog og andre underst?tter flere sprog. Sproget, brugt til TTS i denne e-bog, er Dansk.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,092円

English Danish Cebuano Bible - The Gospels VIII - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John New Heart 2010 - Dansk 1871 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the New Heart English Bible (2010) and Dansk Bibel (1871 and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,138 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Danish - Cebuano (nheb-da2-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of New Heart English Bible and Dansk Bibel 1871 and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 377円

English Cebuano Bible No.5 American Standard 1901 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains American Standard Bible (1901) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) translation. It has 173,776 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible. It includes American Standard Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (The Old Testament and The New Testament) formatted in a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the asv-ceb order. It includes a full, separate and not in parallel, copy of the American Standard Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (The Old Testament and The New Testament), built for text-to-speech (tts) so your device can read The Bible out loud to you.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index.</li> <li>The Testaments reference each other in the book index.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of American Standard Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p> <p>Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,001円

Santa Biblia Con Ilustraciones (Reina-Valera Version, Rv 1909) (Spanish Edition): Holy Bible La Biblia: Antiguo Testamento Y Nuevo Testamento (The Old Testament And The New Testament) (Mobi Spiritual)【電子書籍】[ MobileReference ]

<p>Antiguo TestamentoNuevo Testamento Lista de las IlustracionesAntiguo TestamentoEl Pentateuco: Genesis Exodo Levitico Numeros DeuteronomioLibros historicos: Josue Jueces Rut Libro Primero de Samuel Libro Segundo de Samuel Libro Primero de los Reyes Libro Segundo de los Reyes Libro Primero de las Cronicas Libro Segundo de las Cronicas Esdras Nehemias Ester Libros poeticos y sapienciales: Job Salmos Proverbios Eclesiastes Cantar de los CantaresLibros profeticos: Isaias Jeremias Lamentaciones Ezequiel Daniel Oseas Joel Amos Abdias Jonas Miqueas Nahum Habacuc Sofonias Hageo Zacarias Malaquias Nuevo TestamentoEvangelios: Evangelio segun San Mateo Evangelio segun San Marcos Evangelio segun San Lucas Evangelio segun San Juan Hechos de los ApostolesEpistolas: Epistola a los Romanos Primera Epistola a los Corintios Segunda Epistola a los Corintios Epistola a los Galatas Epistola a los Efesios Epistola a los Filipenses Epistola a los Colosenses Primera Epistola a los Tesalonicenses Segunda Epistola a los Tesalonicenses Primera Epistola a Timoteo Segunda Epistola a Timoteo Epistola a Tito Epistola a Filemon Epistola a los Hebreos Epistola de Santiago Primera Epistola de San Pedro Segunda Epistola de San Pedro Primera Epistola de San Juan Segunda Epistola de San Juan Tercera Epistola de San Juan Epistola de San JudasProfecia: Apocalipsis</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 774円

In un bicchiere di Vodka A Vasco Rossi che mi ha tenuta in vita - Nuova versione【電子書籍】[ Eleonora Barbaro ]

<p>L'autrice, in modo artistico e poetico, affronta temi molto delicati, come la depressione, in un modo coraggioso e originale. Essere giovani e fragili, in un mondo di squali, pu? compromettere l' autostima, facendoti sentire senza un posto nel mondo. L'autrice si ? aggrappata all'arte di Vasco Rossi per riemergere dal suo inferno interiore e tornare a vivere, con grinta e determinazione, arrivando a trovare il coraggio di sbranarsi ancora la vita. Un grido di ribellione di chi non accetta un destino gi? scritto da una societ? che, se non hai soldi, ti schiaccia. Un percorso interiore che insegna come si possano vincere i propri demoni interiori, imparando a domarli, e come si possa diventare forti e continuare a sognare, nonostante ci si senta soli contro il mondo. Un libro scritto con l'anima, che arriva all'anima. Un ringraziamento, urlato forte, a Vasco, che con la sua purezza e poesia ha dato la forza di andare avanti a tante persone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 293円

Hj?rnstark. Den korta versionen【電子書籍】[ Anders Hansen ]

<p>Detta ?r en sammanfattad version av Anders Hansens oerh?rt framg?ngsrika bok ”Hj?rnstark”. Vill du bli mer stresst?lig, m? b?ttre, f?rb?ttra ditt minne och bli mer kreativ och intelligent? Se d? till att r?ra p? dig! Regelbunden tr?ning har n?mligen visat sig vara den b?sta hj?rngympan som finns, b?ttre ?n sudoku, korsord och alla t?nkbara kosttillskott tillsammans. I ”Hj?rnstark” visar Ander Hansen vilka fantastiska effekter motion och tr?ning har p? din hj?rna och vad de beror p?. Vissa av dem kommer att m?rkas direkt, redan efter att du har promenerat eller sprungit en enstaka g?ng, medan andra kr?ver regelbunden tr?ning i minst ett ?r. Han ber?ttar hur du rent konkret ska g?ra f?r att f? alla effekter och mentala f?rdelar som forskningen visar att fysisk aktivitet kan ge ? f?rdelar som inte ?r n?got mindre ?n en mental uppgradering.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,126円

La versione di Pazienza Il racconto inedito dell’ex agente del Sismi protagonista di tanti misteri italiani【電子書籍】[ Francesco Pazienza ]

<p><strong>“Non ho bisogno di discolparmi,</strong><br /> <strong>per? alcune cose voglio raccontarvele.</strong><br /> <strong>Soprattutto una: il Banco Ambrosiano non fall?,</strong><br /> <strong>fu fagocitato da diversi parassiti.</strong><br /> <strong>? giunta l’ora di ristabilire la verit?.”</strong></p> <p><strong>Il fuoriscena del potere raccontato</strong><br /> <strong>da un protagonista in prima linea,</strong><br /> <strong>l’uomo dei servizi segreti</strong><br /> <strong>coinvolto in alcuni dei pi? oscuri</strong><br /> <strong>misteri della Prima repubblica</strong></p> <p>Faccendiere, agente segreto, massone, depistatore, protagonista di tanti misteri italiani, dalla strage alla stazione di Bologna (2 agosto 1980) alla morte del banchiere di Dio Roberto Calvi (17 giugno 1982) e al crac dell’Ambrosiano, ogni volta che si evoca il suo nome si materializza quel fuoriscena del potere che ha governato l’Italia nell’ombra seminando morte e terrore. Ma chi ? davvero Francesco Pazienza? Riprendendo il racconto fatto oltre vent’anni fa nel suo libro Il disubbidiente e con il supporto di nuovi documenti, in queste pagine ? lui a raccontare la sua versione dei fatti. Una versione certamente di parte, ma indispensabile per diradare la nebbia che ancora avvolge un pezzo importante della storia del nostro paese.<br /> Pazienza non ci sta ad accollarsi tutta la responsabilit? per il crac dell’Ambrosiano, n? a passare da depistatore per la strage di Bologna, cos? ritorna agli ultimi giorni di Roberto Calvi, che lui ha vissuto in prima linea, e racconta i momenti salienti di quella che definisce “la grande abbuffata” dell’Ambrosiano. Era tutt’altro che una banca fallita. Calvi sarebbe stato vittima di un attacco perpetrato da quelli che Pazienza definisce “gli sciacalli”. Denuncia inoltre le manovre che hanno portato alla sua condanna come depistatore per l’attentato di Bologna, contestando carte alla mano la documentazione che ha consentito la sua estradizione dagli Stati Uniti e la detenzione brutale al 41bis per oltre otto mesi.<br /> La versione di Pazienza mette in scena senza filtri l’Italia della Prima repubblica.<br /> Il potere visibile della politica e dell’economia, da Andreotti a Cuccia, e quello meno visibile dei servizi segreti o del famigerato Ufficio Affari Riservati del ministero dell’Interno, da Giuseppe Santovito a Federico Umberto D’Amato, passando ovviamente per Licio Gelli e il suo sodale Umberto Ortolani. Sono gli anni pi? violenti e<br /> bui della nostra storia recente, raccontati da un protagonista che certamente ha occupato un posto di primissimo piano nelle stanze del potere. Un uomo che, diversamente da molti altri, non ha goduto della pi? totale impunit?, avendo scontato fino in fondo la sua pena in varie carceri italiane.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,500円

English Cebuano Bible Young´s Literal 1898 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Young's Literal Bible (1898) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) translation. It has 173,779 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible. It includes Young's Literal Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (The Old Testament and The New Testament) formatted in a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the ylt-ceb order. It includes a full, separate and not in parallel, copy of the Young's Literal Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (The Old Testament and The New Testament), built for text-to-speech (tts) so your device can read The Bible out loud to you.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index.</li> <li>The Testaments reference each other in the book index.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Young's Literal Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p> <p>Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,034円

AMALIA VERSION JEUNESSE【電子書籍】[ sigride lucas ]

<p>Je m’appelle Amalia, je suis n?e le 14 aout 1920. Pourtant 96 ans apr?s ma naissance, je parais toujours avoir 30 ans.<br /> Je vis dans un monde qui n’est certes pas parfait. Mais il est compos? d’humains. Enfin c’est ce que je pensais ? l’?poque.</p> <p>Lorsque je suis partie en voyage de noce en Roumanie en ao?t 1950, ma vie ?tait banale. Un travail de secr?taire, un homme que j’aimais, une petite maison ? Arras.</p> <p>C’?tait sans compter sur ma rencontre avec Yvan. Il a bouscul? et emport? ma vie.<br /> M’engloutissant corps et ?me dans son monde. Une vie passionnante et passionn?e. Une histoire d’amour fusionnelle avec cet homme d’une beaut? rare.<br /> Mais la vie est faite de rebondissements et la femme charmante et gentille que je suis se verra oblig?e de devenir une arme afin d’assouvir sa vengeance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 323円

English Hungarian Cebuano Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John King James 1611 - K?roli 1589 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge Version) and K?roli (1589) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,138 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Hungarian - Cebuano (kjb-kar-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of King James Bible and K?roli 1589 and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 377円

English Czech Cebuano Bible - The Gospels III - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Geneva 1560 - Bible Kralick? 1613 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Geneva Bible (1560) and Bible kralick? (1613) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,132 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Czech - Cebuano (gen-cze-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Geneva Bible and Bible kralick? 1613 and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 365円

English Cebuano Bible II Webster´s 1833 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Webster's Bible (1833) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) translation. It has 173,751 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible. It includes Webster's Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (The Old Testament and The New Testament) formatted in a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the wbt-ceb order. It includes a full, separate and not in parallel, copy of the Webster's Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (The Old Testament and The New Testament), built for text-to-speech (tts) so your device can read The Bible out loud to you.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index.</li> <li>The Testaments reference each other in the book index.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Webster's Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p> <p>Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,034円

La versione di Albert Perch? Einstein ? un genio【電子書籍】[ Vincenzo Palermo ]

<p>A sessant'anni dalla sua morte Einstein ? per la scienza quello che Maradona ? per il calcio, Marilyn Monroe per il cinema e i Beatles per la musica. Mentre per? tutti sanno che Einstein era un genio, ben poche persone sanno spiegare perch?. Lo scopo di questo libro ? narrare, in maniera allegra e divertente, le pi? importanti scoperte di Einstein, non solo la ben nota Teoria della Relativit? ma anche la sua dimostrazione dell'esistenza degli atomi o della natura quantistica della luce. Contrariamente a quello che si pensa, capire le idee di Einstein non richiede profonde conoscenze di fisica ma solo di avere la sua stessa fantasia nell'immaginare esperimenti con treni, orologi e raggi di luce e il suo stesso coraggio nello sfidare le idee convenzionali dello spazio e del tempo.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,700円

English Greek Cebuano Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John King James 1611 - Νεοελληνικ? Αγ?α Γραφ? 1904 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge Version) and Νεοελληνικ? Αγ?α Γραφ? (1904) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,138 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Greek - Cebuano (kjb-grk-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of King James Bible and Νεοελληνικ? Αγ?α Γραφ? and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 377円

English Polish Cebuano Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Basic English 1949 - Biblia Jakuba Wujka 1599 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Bible in Basic English (1949) and Biblia Jakuba Wujka (1599) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,138 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Polish - Cebuano (bbe-bjw-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Bible in Basic English and Biblia Jakuba Wujka 1599 and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 365円

English Cebuano Bible - The Gospels IV - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Basic English 1949 - Youngs Literal 1898 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Bible in Basic English (1949) and Young's Literal Bible (1898) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,139 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - English - Cebuano (bbe-ylt-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Bible in Basic English and Young's Literal Bible and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 364円

The Burial at Thebes A Version of Sophocles' Antigone【電子書籍】[ Sophocles ]

<p>Sophocles' play, first staged in the fifth century B.C., stands as a timely exploration of the conflict between those who affirm the individual's human rights and those who must protect the state's security. During the War of the Seven Against Thebes, Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, learns that her brothers have killed each other, having been forced onto opposing sides of the battle. When Creon, king of Thebes, grants burial of one but not the "treacherous" other, Antigone defies his order, believing it her duty to bury all of her close kin. Enraged, Creon condemns her to death, and his soldiers wall her up in a tomb. While Creon eventually agrees to Antigone's release, it is too late: She takes her own life, initiating a tragic repetition of events in her family's history.</p> <p>In this outstanding new translation, commissioned by Ireland's renowned Abbey Theatre to commemorate its centenary, Seamus Heaney exposes the darkness and the humanity in Sophocles' masterpiece, and inks it with his own modern and masterly touch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,448円

Il Vangelo di Giuda Versione in italiano con note e approfondimenti【電子書籍】[ Giuseppe Guarino ]

<p>Il “vangelo di Giuda” ? forse l’apocrifo pi? conosciuto al grande pubblico.<br /> Per qualche tempo ha spinto i pi? fantasiosi a immaginare chiss? quale verit? nascosta per secoli dalla Chiesa e riportata alla luce da questo scritto. In quegli anni era anche uscito un romanzo prima e il film dopo di Dan Brown, “Il Codice Da Vinci” che si ispirava ad un altro famoso apocrifo, il “vangelo di Tommaso”.<br /> Oggi quell’onda si ? finalmente placata e gli apocrifi sono tornati ad essere patrimonio degli studiosi della storia della Chiesa antica, rivestendo il giusto ruolo e valore storico che gli compete.<br /> Questo libro offre una versione in italiano di questo scritto, insieme a delle testimonianze dall’antichit? di Eusebio di Cesarea, storico ecclesiastico del IV secolo e Ireneo, vescovo di Lione nel II secolo.</p> <p>Giuseppe Guarino ? autore di diversi libri e studi. I suoi principali interessi sono le lingue originali della Bibbia, in particolare il greco, l’apologetica e lo studio della Bibbia in generale. Per consultare i suoi studi visitate il suo sito ufficiale www.giuseppeguarino.com</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,614円

Infinite Dendrogram (Manga Version) Volume 4【電子書籍】[ Sakon Kaidou ]

<p>While walking the streets of Gideon, Ray encounters a band of hoodlums harassing a young woman. During the conflict he meets a flamboyant new ally named Hugo, and the two decide to co-operate in order to take down a nefarious criminal group known as the Gouz-Maise gang. But little did Ray know that this seemingly simple rescue mission would cement just how gruesome a reality the world of Infinite Dendrogram could become.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,452円

A Version of the Truth【電子書籍】[ B P Walter ]

<p><strong>We all see what we want to see…</strong></p> <p><strong>2019</strong>: Julianne is preparing a family dinner when her son comes to her and says he’s found something on his iPad. Something so terrible, it will turn Julianne’s world into a nightmare and make her question everything about her marriage and what type of man her husband is or is pretending to be.</p> <p><strong>1990</strong>: Holly is a fresher student at Oxford University. Out of her depth and nervous about her surroundings, she falls into an uneasy friendship with a group of older students from the upper echelons of society and begins to develop feelings for one in particular. He’s confident, quiet, attractive and seems to like her too. But as the year progresses, her friends’ behaviour grows steadily more disconcerting and Holly begins to realise she might just be a disposable pawn in a very sinister game.</p> <p><strong>A devastating secret has simmered beneath the surface for over twenty-five years. Now it’s time to discover the truth. But what if you’re afraid of what you might find?</strong></p> <p><strong>Readers love B P Walter:</strong></p> <p>‘Character driven, tense and skilfully woven over two timelines, this is a brilliant read.’ <strong>Amazon Reviewer</strong></p> <p>‘The writing is tense and atmospheric.’ <strong>Amazon Reviewer</strong></p> <p>‘A cleverly plotted, tense and addictive read; once you pick it up you won’t be able to put the book down.’ <strong>Amazon Reviewer</strong></p> <p>‘I loved this book. You will not be disappointed.’ <strong>Amazon Reviewer</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 997円

Il pallone racconta VERSIONE EPUB【電子書籍】[ Stefano Bedeschi ]

<p>Ogni capitolo ? un pezzo di storia del calcio raccontata attraverso il "dietro le quinte", quello che - al pari delle notizie di calciomercato - appassiona maggiormente i tifosi. Emozioni, successi, tragedie umane e calcistiche che si incrociano tra di loro, le une attaccate alle altre, a formare il DNA di questo meraviglioso sport.<br /> Perch? dietro ad un calciatore c’? un uomo, con le sue forze e le sue debolezze. A monte di una squadra vincente, in molte occasioni, c’? un’alchimia tra molteplici fattori difficile da spiegare. Vicende che uno sportivo gi? conosce (anche se alcune, al sottoscritto, sono risultate "nuove") ma che vengono raccontate da un’angolatura "diversa" rispetto a quella a cui siamo stati abituati.<br /> Spesso si dice che il calcio ha perso la poesia che ? intrinseca a questo sport. In parte ? vero, ma ha ragione da vendere chi sostiene che ha perso anche molti "poeti" in grado di raccontarlo nella giusta maniera.<br /> Juventus, tanta. Ma non solo. Da Riva a Rivera, dalla Lazio Campione d’Italia del 1974 alla "fatal Verona", dalla clamorosa sconfitta della nazionale italiana contro la Corea del Nord del 1966 (con il goal segnato da Pak Doo Ik) al mondiale vinto in Spagna nel 1982.<br /> L’inizio? Le origini, per poi passare attraverso il "metodo" ed il "sistema" sino ad arrivare alle evoluzioni tecnico/tattiche che ne hanno accompagnato la storia sino ai giorni nostri.<br /> Il tutto raccontato (anche) attraverso l’utilizzo delle testimonianze dirette dei protagonisti e di quei giornalisti che - con le loro macchine da scrivere - hanno scolpito nella memoria dei tifosi le imprese di pi? epoche. Un libro che incuriosisce prima, per appassionare in un secondo momento. Racconti ed immagini in bianco e nero, come i colori dell’amata "Vecchia Signora".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,174円

English Danish Cebuano Bible - The Gospels V - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Geneva 1560 - Dansk 1931 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Geneva Bible (1560) and Dansk Bibel (1931) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,132 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Danish - Cebuano (gen-dan-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Geneva Bible and Dansk Bibel 1931 and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 376円

English Armenian Cebuano Bible - The Gospels III - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Geneva 1560 - ???????????? 1910 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Geneva Bible (1560) and ???????????? (1910) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,127 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Armenian - Cebuano (gen-ara-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Geneva Bible and ???????????? and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 365円

Kinh Th?nh Ti?ng Vi?t v? ti?ng Cebu Ti?ng Vi?t n?m 1934 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>B?n nghi?n c?u ?? xu?t b?n n?y c? ch?a Kinh Th?nh Vi?t n?m (1934) (C?u ??c v? T?n ??c) v? Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (C?u ??c v? T?n ??c) ph?n d?ch thu?t song ng?. N? c? 173,772 tham chi?u v? ch? ra 2 ??nh d?ng c?a Kinh th?nh. N? bao g?m Kinh Th?nh Vi?t n?m v? Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (C?u ??c v? T?n ??c) ???c ??nh d?ng ? <strong>th?n thi?n</strong> ??nh d?ng, ho?c l? ??nh d?ng Navi cho ?o?n ng?n. ? trong v?n b?n n?y b?n s? t?m th?y t?ng c?u ???c in song song theo th? t? vie-ceb. N? bao g?m to?n b? , ???c t?ch bi?t v? kh?ng d?ch song song, b?n sao c?a Kinh Th?nh Vi?t n?m v? Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 (C?u ??c v? T?n ??c), ???c x?y d?ng cho lo?i v?n b?n ???c ph?t thanh (tts) v? th? thi?t b? c?a b?n c? th? ph?t to Kinh Th?nh cho b?n nghe.</p> <p><strong>?i?u h??ng trong kinh th?nh ho?t ??ng nh? th? n?o:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Trong cu?n C?u ??c c? m?c l?c v? n?i dung trong s?ch.</li> <li>??nh d?ng TTS li?t k? c?c cu?n s?ch v? c?c ch??ng c?a n? sau ph?n m?c l?c</li> <li>Trong C??u ??c, ng??i ??c c? th? tham kh?o c?c ch??ng l?n nhau trong m?c l?c.</li> <li>M?i cu?n s?ch ??u c? tham chi?u ??n C?u ??c m? n? thu?c v?.</li> <li>M?i cu?n s?ch c? m?t tham chi?u ??n cu?n s?ch tr??c v? k? ti?p.</li> <li>M?i cu?n s?ch c? m?t ch? m?c c?a c?c ch??ng c?a n?.</li> <li>M?i ch??ng c? m?t tham chi?u ??n cu?n s?ch n? thu?c v?.</li> <li>M?i ch??ng ??u ?? c?p cho ng??i ??c tham kh?o ch??ng tr??c v? k? ti?p.</li> <li>M?i ch??ng c? m?t ch? m?c c?c c?u c?a n?.</li> <li>M?i ch??ng trong ??nh d?ng TTS ?? c?p ??n m?t ch??ng t??ng t? trong ??nh d?ng Navi.</li> <li>M?i c?u ??u ???c ??nh s? v? c? th? tham kh?o th?m trong ch??ng m? n? thu?c v?.</li> <li>M?i c?u b?t ??u tr?n m?t d?ng m?i ?? c? th? d? ??c h?n.</li> <li>Trong ??nh d?ng TTS, s? c?u kh?ng ???c hi?n th?.</li> <li>B?t k? tham chi?u n?o trong m?c l?c s? ??a b?n ??n v? tr? c?n t?m</li> <li>B?ng n?i dung t?ch h?p tham chi?u ??n t?t c? c?c s?ch ??u chung m?t ??nh d?ng.</li> </ul> <p>Ch?ng t?i tin r?ng ch?ng t?i ?? x?y d?ng m?t trong nh?ng cu?n ebook c? ??nh d?ng t?t nh?t cho ??n th?i ?i?m hi?n t?i. T?t c? c?u ch? ??u n?m trong t?m tay c?a c?a b?n v? n? th?c s? ho?n h?o cho vi?c tra c?u nhanh. S? k?t h?p c?a Kinh Th?nh Vi?t n?m v? Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 v? ??nh d?ng c?a n? l?m cho cu?n s?ch ?i?n t? n?y tr? n?n ??c bi?t.</p> <p>Xin l?u ? r?ng h? tr? Text-To-Speech (TTS) c? th? thay ??i t? thi?t b? n?y sang thi?t b? kh?c. M?t s? thi?t b? kh?ng ???c h? tr?. M?t s? thi?t b? ch? h? tr? m?t ng?n ng? v? m?t s? h? tr? nhi?u ng?n ng?. Ng?n ng? s? d?ng cho TTS trong ebook n?y l? Ti?ng Vi?t.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,023円

Alimentary Tracts Appetites, Aversions, and the Postcolonial【電子書籍】[ Parama Roy ]

<p>In <em>Alimentary Tracts</em> Parama Roy argues that who eats and with whom, who starves, and what is rejected as food are questions fundamental to empire, decolonization, and globalization. In crucial ways, she suggests, colonialism reconfigured the sensorium of colonizer and colonized, generating novel experiences of desire, taste, and appetite as well as new technologies of the embodied self. For colonizers, Indian nationalists, diasporic persons, and others in the colonial and postcolonial world orders, the alimentary tract functioned as an important corporeal, psychoaffective, and ethicopolitical contact zone, in which questions of identification, desire, difference, and responsibility were staged.</p> <p>Interpreting texts that have addressed cooking, dining, taste, hungers, excesses, and aversions in South Asia and its diaspora since the mid-nineteenth century, Roy relates historical events and literary figures to tropes of disgust, abstention, dearth, and appetite. She analyzes the fears of pollution and deprivation conveyed in British accounts of the so-called Mutiny of 1857, complicates understandings of Mohandas K. Gandhi’s vegetarianism, examines the “famine fictions” of the novelist-actor Mahasweta Devi, and reflects on the diasporic cookbooks and screen performances of Madhur Jaffrey. This account of richly visceral global modernity furnishes readers with a new idiom for understanding historical action and cultural transformation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,612円

English Danish Cebuano Bible - The Gospels VI - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Geneva 1560 - Dansk 1871 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Geneva Bible (1560) and Dansk Bibel (1871 and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,132 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Danish - Cebuano (gen-da2-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Geneva Bible and Dansk Bibel 1871 and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 366円

English Italian Cebuano Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Basic English 1949 - Giovanni Diodati 1603 - Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917【電子書籍】[ TruthBeTold Ministry ]

<p>This publication contains Matthew, Mark, Luke & John of the Bible in Basic English (1949) and Giovanni Diodati Bibbia (1603) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) in a parallel translation. And it holds a total of 23,138 references linking up all the books, chapters and verses. It includes a <strong>read and navigation friendly</strong> format of the texts. Here you will find each verse printed in parallel in the English - Italian - Cebuano (bbe-igd-ceb) order.</p> <p><strong>How the general Bible-navigation works:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A Testament has an index of its books.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.</li> <li>Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.</li> <li>Each book has an index of its chapters.</li> <li>Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.</li> <li>Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.</li> <li>Each chapter has an index of its verses.</li> <li>Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.</li> <li>Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.</li> <li>Any reference in an index brings you to the location.</li> <li>The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.</li> </ul> <p>We believe we have built one of the best if not the best navigation there is to be found in an ebook such as this! It puts any verse at your fingertips and is perfect for the quick lookup. And the combination of Bible in Basic English and Giovanni Diodati Bibbia and Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version 1917 and its navigation makes this ebook unique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 363円

Metaversions Many men, many minds【電子書籍】[ Kyr Poskonoff ]

<p>Metaversions is a book about the metaverse released by experts in the industry. It is the result of interviews with global companies such as Coca-Cola, Paramount Pictures, HP, Stanford and Munich Universities, and more.</p> <p>The central theme of the book is the metaverse, but it also provides answers to questions about extended reality, NFT, Web3 and more. It answers questions such as: What is the metaverse? What will it become? And when will it launch?</p> <p>This book is interesting for both newcomers to immersive technologies and experts who have been in the field for years.</p> <p>We thought hard about the title and concluded that there are as many opinions as there are people, so we decided to call it Metaversions - a combination of "metaverse" and "versions".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,455円

Dark Moors, YA Version (The Two Vampires, Book 4)【電子書籍】[ M.D. Bowden ]

<p>A Dark Tale of Blood, Power and Magic.</p> <p>Romantic, compelling and brimming with sexual tension, 'Dark Moors, YA Version (The Two Vampires, Book 4)' will imprint on your mind and leave you with a thirst for more.</p> <p>"She gave into his kiss, letting her body melt into his, becoming putty in his hands. She was his and he could do with her anything he willed. She kissed him deeply, passionately, fervently. It felt like their boundaries were fading, like they were no longer two people, two vampires, but one entity swirling with energy and power, connecting in lightness and darkness and desire." M.D. BOWDEN, 'Dark Moors, YA Version (The Two Vampires, Book 4).'</p> <p>Praise for books in 'The Two Vampires' series:</p> <p>"This has been an amazing read so far ... The author does an excellent job at drawing you in and making you really feel what the characters are feeling ... This series is definitely worth spending your money on." Pianogirl05</p> <p>"Excellent! ... I am in love with Daniel, Sarah is so lucky!" Mary Hooker</p> <p>"I couldn't put this book down ... I have read a lot of books and never one this exciting." nikkya</p> <p>'The Two Vampires' series:<br /> Dark Wine, YA Version (Book 1)<br /> Dark Blood, YA Version (Book 2)<br /> Dark Love, YA Version (Book 3)<br /> Dark Moors, YA Version (Book 4)</p> <p>Contains romantic scenes, passion, and moderate violence; aimed at readers of 14+ years.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 308円

Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga Version) Volume 2【電子書籍】[ Yuri Kitayama ]

<p>The time has come for the otherworldly orphan to embark on a journey of self-discovery!<br /> Rio was always alone at the Royal Academy of Beltrum - save for his friendship with Professor Celia Claire. But after five years of class rivalry in and out of the lecture hall, his hard work is about to pay off. With graduation just around the corner, Rio participates in his final field drill - only for a meticulously planned trap to potentially destroy everything.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,452円