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【中古】The Old Dog and Duck: The Secret Meanings of Pub Names

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A Crab Named Jasmine【電子書籍】[ Michael Cota-Robles ]

<p>Would you like to read with your children a story that fosters the emotional bond between parents and children, adjusted self-esteem, quality time, sincerity, guidelines to achieve their dreams until they come true, and the value of friendship? Then you must read the story of Jasmine. Jasmine met a very special and very popular friend, who taught her that if she went very fast in life, she would have to walk alone with no one else, but if she wanted to go far and achieve her dreams, actually, she had to be accompanied by people with the same vision and approach that she wanted to show, making real teams. This friend was named Edwardo. Throughout her life, Jasmine met many friends with whom to talk, play, and go for a walk. But it was the mentoring of her mother and the support of Edwardo that Jasmine made her dreams come true, living happily in the Pacific Ocean with her beloved mother and with her great friends, the friends of the sea.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,134円

Green Men & White Swans The Folklore of British Pub Names【電子書籍】[ Jacqueline Simpson ]

<p>Why do British pubs have such curious names? What tales lie behind the Moonrakers, the Hooden Horse, the Derby Tup? And why does the Green Man come in different shapes and sizes?</p> <p>In <em>Green Men & White Swans</em>, leading folklorist Jacqueline Simpson explores the fascinating stories behind pub names, uncovering the myths and legends, euphemisms and wordplays, heroes and even ghosts that have inspired pub landlords over the centuries. Spanning beloved locals from the Three Witches to the Three Nuns, from the Ashen Faggot to the Twa Corbies, this book is both an intriguing insight into the history of the British pub and a captivating journey through the country's dramatic past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,043円

Origins of English Pub Names A fascinating and informative look into their origins and meanings【電子書籍】[ Anthony Poulton-Smith ]

<p>Have you ever wondered how England's pubs got their names? How did some of the more weird and wonderful ones come into being? What is the history behind such names as Blink Bonny, Bucket of Blood, Lamorna Wink and My Father's Moustache?England's pubs have always been at the heart of the community they serve and their names are instantly recognisable, even when taken out of context. Coming almost from a language of their own, these names all have an origin and a meaning, with such diverse beginnings as heraldic imagery, religion, advertising, location, wildlife, humour and persons of note.Origins of English Pub Names features some of the most obscure names, alongside one or two well-known favourites such as the Red Lion and the Dukes Head, and is a must-have for all those interested in learning a little of the history behind their local.This fascinating book will appeal to historians and etymologists everywhere and, indeed, anyone who has enjoyed a lazy afternoon in a pub and, perhaps, contemplated the origin of its name.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 640円

Pub Name History【電子書籍】[ Albert Jack ]

<p><strong>From the Author of the Internationally Bestselling Red Herrings & White Elephants, Pop Goes the Weasel, What Caesar did for My Salad, Shaggy Dogs, They Laughed at Galileo:</strong></p> <p>The pub was once described by seventeenth-century diarist Samuel Pepys as the 'heart of England while the church is its soul'. These days I would say he is only half right. There remain over 56,000 pubs in Great Britain, half of which are filled with youngsters who play loud music on a jukebox that sounds like somebody is hitting his lawnmower with a hammer, while the next-door neighbour shouts at him over the fence. The other half, however, are the perfect place to while away an afternoon with a pint and fine conversation while quietly contemplating what to do next. Well, that's what I do.</p> <p>The pub histories told in this collection are some of my favourite pubs and are extracts from my popular book The Old Dog and Duck (There are many more histories in there.) So take a seat in your favourite armchair by the fireside and join me on a pub crawl along memory lane and around history corner. We may be some time.</p> <p>Contents</p> <p>1 ? The Blind Beggar</p> <p>2 ? The Bucket of Blood</p> <p>3 ? The Case is Altered</p> <p>4 ? The Crooked Billet</p> <p>5 ? The Eagle and Child</p> <p>6 ? The Elephant and Castle</p> <p>7 - The Flying Dutchman</p> <p>8 ? The French House</p> <p>9 ? The Garibaldi</p> <p>10 ? The George and Dragon</p> <p>11 - The Green Man</p> <p>12 ? Harry's Bar</p> <p>13 ? The Hero of Inkerman</p> <p>14 ? The Horse and Hounds</p> <p>15 ? Jack Straw's Castle</p> <p>16 ? The John Snow</p> <p>17 ? The Marquis of Granby</p> <p>18 ? Molly Maguires</p> <p>19 ? Molly Malone's</p> <p>20 ? The Oddfellows Arms</p> <p>21 - Pickled Parson</p> <p>22 ? The Red Lion</p> <p>23 ? The Royal Oak</p> <p>24 - The Seven Sisters</p> <p>25 ? The Star and Garter</p> <p>26 ? The Volunteer</p> <p>27 ? JD Wetherspoon</p> <p>28 ? The White Hart</p> <p>29 ? The White Lion</p> <p>30 ? The Widow's Son</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 250円

Ein Lausbub namens Peter Sophienlust 254 ? Familienroman【電子書籍】[ Anne Alexander ]

<p>Die Idee der sympathischen, lebensklugen Denise von Schoenecker sucht ihresgleichen. Sophienlust wurde gegr?ndet, das Kinderheim der gl?cklichen Waisenkinder. Denise formt mit gl?cklicher Hand aus Sophienlust einen fast paradiesischen Ort der Idylle, aber immer wieder wird diese Heimat schenkende Einrichtung auf eine Zerrei?probe gestellt. Diese beliebte Romanserie der gro?artigen Schriftstellerin Patricia Vandenberg ?berzeugt durch ihr klares Konzept und seine beiden Identifikationsfiguren. ≫So gut wie in Sophienlust hat es mir noch nirgends gefallen≪, sagte die achtj?hrige Maren Keller nachdenklich. Sie sa? zwischen P?nktchen und Dominik von Wellentin-Schoenecker am Ufer des kleinen Waldsees. In der N?he grasten die beiden Pferde und das Pony, mit denen die Kinder gekommen waren. Eigentlich hatten P?nktchen und Nick allein einen Reitausflug unternehmen wollen, aber Maren hatte so lange gebettelt, bis sie mitgenommen worden war. Maren nahm eine Handvoll Steine auf und warf sie weit ins Wasser hinein. ≫K?nnt ihr auch so weit werfen?≪, fragte sie und schaute dabei P?nktchen an. ≫Ich wei? nicht …≪ Die Dreizehnj?hrige ergriff einen Stein und schleuderte ihn in hohem Bogen in den See. ≫Weiter als ich≪, stellte Maren ohne Neid fest. ≫Und du, Nick?≪ ≫Mal sehen!≪ Nick w?hlte lange, bis er einen passenden Kiesel gefunden hatte. Er stand auf und schleuderte ihn ins Wasser. Der Stein landete kurz hinter der Stelle, die P?nktchen getroffen hatte. ≫Du bist Sieger, Nick≪, sagte P?nktchen. Ihre Augen strahlten den schlaksigen Jungen an. Maren sprang auf und lief zu den Pferden. Z?rtlich vergrub sie ihr Gesicht am Hals des Shetlandponys. ≫Ich habe dich gern, Liesel≪, gestand sie fl?sternd. ≫Du bist das liebste Pony auf der ganzen Welt.≪ ≫Wei?t du noch, wie traurig Maren an ihrem ersten Tag in Sophienlust war?≪, fragte P?nktchen den sechzehnj?hrigen Nick. ≫Und jetzt m?chte sie am liebsten f?r immer hierbleiben.≪ ≫Aber nur, wenn ihre Eltern auch hier wohnen w?rden≪, schr?nkte Nick ein. ≫Das ist ein Traum, der nicht in Erf?llung gehen kann. Marens Eltern k?nnen nicht alles aufgeben, nur um hierher</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 330円

Pub Name History: Thirty Popular Pub Name Origins【電子書籍】[ Albert Jack ]

<p>The pub was once described by seventeenth-century diarist Samuel Pepys as the ‘heart of England while the church is its soul’. These days I would say he is only half right. There remain over 56,000 pubs in Great Britain, half of which are filled with youngsters who play loud music on a jukebox that sounds like somebody is hitting his lawnmower with a hammer, while the next-door neighbour shouts at him over the fence. The other half, however, are the perfect place to while away an afternoon with a pint and fine conversation while quietly contemplating what to do next. Well, that’s what I do.</p> <p>The pub histories told in this collection are some of my favourite pubs and are extracts from my popular book The Old Dog and Duck (There are many more histories in there.) So take a seat in your favourite armchair by the fireside and join me on a pub crawl along memory lane and around history corner. We may be some time.</p> <p>Contents</p> <p>1 ? The Blind Beggar<br /> 2 ? The Bucket of Blood<br /> 3 ? The Case is Altered<br /> 4 ? The Crooked Billet<br /> 5 ? The Eagle and Child<br /> 6 ? The Elephant and Castle<br /> 7 - The Flying Dutchman<br /> 8 ? The French House<br /> 9 ? The Garibaldi<br /> 10 ? The George and Dragon<br /> 11 - The Green Man<br /> 12 ? Harry’s Bar<br /> 13 ? The Hero of Inkerman<br /> 14 ? The Horse and Hounds<br /> 15 ? Jack Straw’s Castle<br /> 16 ? The John Snow<br /> 17 ? The Marquis of Granby<br /> 18 ? Molly Maguires<br /> 19 ? Molly Malone’s<br /> 20 ? The Oddfellows Arms<br /> 21 - Pickled Parson<br /> 22 ? The Red Lion<br /> 23 ? The Royal Oak<br /> 24 - The Seven Sisters<br /> 25 ? The Star and Garter<br /> 26 ? The Volunteer<br /> 27 ? JD Wetherspoon<br /> 28 ? The White Hart<br /> 29 ? The White Lion<br /> 30 ? The Widow’s Son</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 213円

The Old Dog and Duck The Secret Meanings of Pub Names【電子書籍】[ Albert Jack ]

<p>This is a book for everyone who has ever wondered why pubs should be called <strong>The Cross Keys</strong>, <strong>The Dew Drop Inn</strong> or <strong>The Hope and Anchor</strong>. You'll be glad to know that there are very good - strange and memorable - reasons behind them all.</p> <p>After much research about (and in) pubs, Albert Jack brings together the stories behind pub names to reveal how they offer fascinating and subversive insights on our history, customs, attitudes and jokes in just the same way that nursery rhymes do. <strong>The Royal Oak</strong>, for instance, commemorates the tree that hid Charles II from Cromwell's forces after his defeat at Worcester; <strong>The Bag of Nails</strong> is a corruption of the Bacchanals, the crazed followers of Bacchus, the god of wine and drunkenness; <strong>The Cat and the Fiddle</strong> a mangling of Catherine La Fidele and a guarded gesture of support for Henry VIII's first, Catholic, wife Catherine of Aragon; plus many, many more.</p> <p>Here too are even more facts about everything from ghosts to drinking songs to the rules of cribbage and shove hapenny, showing that, ultimately, the story of pub history is really the story of our own popular history</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,021円

The Sporting Road Travels Across America in an Airstream Trailer--with Fly Rod, Shotgun, and a Yellow Lab Named Sweetzer【電子書籍】[ Jim Fergus ]

<p><strong>More than just a "man and his dog" hunting adventure, <em>The Sporting Road</em> is a book about the land and man's place in it.</strong></p> <p>It is also, in many ways, a book about relationships; with nature, animals, and the people with who live around us. As Rick Bass says in his introduction, Jim Fergus is a man for whom "The common denominator is not geographical, but internal; here is a man who belongs intensely to the living. And slowly, gradually --essay by essay--you become aware of the unsaid: the fact that he fits a diminishing time, a diminishing space, and a diminishing code of manners. That he always puts others before him; that he considers and respects his friends, his prey, his dogs, and the landscapes that engage these things."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,089円