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Latest Cisco Certified DevNet Associate DEVASC Exam 200-901 Questions and Answers【電子書籍】[ IT Pass ]

<p>- The exam 200-901 dump contains 123 Questions and Answers.<br /> - You can rely to this guide to pass the exam 200-901 with a good mark.<br /> - The pass of the exam 200-901 is guarantee.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,670円

When The Time Comes【電子書籍】[ Devashish ]

<p>For thousands of years, the ancient discipline known as yoga has provided a scientific and easily accessible method of spiritual development. It has been practiced, in one form or another, by most of the world's great saints. In these conversations, a modern Indian saint discusses the common difficulties and dilemmas that spiritual seekers face in their quest for realization. With the infallible good sense of a true adept, Acharya Chandranath tells us how to avoid the obstacles and pitfalls of the path and gives us the practical advice we need to achieve success in our spiritual life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

毛澤東的大饑荒:中國浩劫史1958-1962(當代中國史學家馮客三部曲) Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 19581962【電子書籍】[ 馮客(Frank Dikotter) ]

<p><strong>★★★馮客經典作品全新中文譯本★★★</strong><br /> <strong>★英國塞繆爾.約翰遜獎(Samuel Johnson Prize)得獎作品★</strong><br /> <strong>改寫中國近代史的權威鉅著,了解20世紀中國史必讀之書</strong></p> <p><strong>一場奪去至少4500萬人性命的大饑荒,是天災還是人禍?</strong><br /> <strong>一部傑出的?史調?,?示了世界?史上最惡劣的罪行之一</strong></p> <p><strong>「這本書比?讀過的任何一本書都要可怕,那些毫無人性的人,特別是被意識形態主宰的人,令?一頁都不忍卒睹……震懾人心……馮客為?史做出了貢獻,也為中國人ーー等他們有朝一日能?讀到這本書時ーー做出了貢獻。」<br /> ーー《彭博商業週刊》(Bloomberg)</strong></p> <p><strong>中國近代史上最瘋狂、黒暗、悲慘的一頁</strong><br /> <strong>二十世紀最大人禍真相的解密與重構</strong></p> <p>1958至1962年,中國變成了人間地獄。毛澤東將全國推向大躍進的狂潮,企圖以這種方式在十五年??上並超過英國。這場試驗最終導致了中國?史上前所未有的大災難,奪去了數千萬人的生命。</p> <p>馮客用精彩的文筆和豐富的細節,為我們呈現了一段被人們廣為猜測卻從未得知全貌的?史。他??大量中國共?黨的?案ーー不只中央?案,還有各省省級?案館,與不同地區的市級和縣級?案館所藏資料,其中包括公安局的機密報告、黨?高層會議的詳細紀?、未經修改的重要領導人的原始講話、農村工作的情況調?、集體殺戮案件的調?、祕密的民意調?與普通老百姓的檢舉信等等。這些?案長久以來一直對外界保密,只有少數最受黨信任的?史學者才能??,但在?案法頒布之後,數千?中央及地方的?案一度對外開放,徹底改變了人們研究毛澤東時代的方法。也是透過這些?案,馮客得以?湊出那段中國官方亟欲遺忘、不欲人知的過往。</p> <p>本書的英文版出版後,立刻引起國際間的重視與討論,更贏得英國最具代表性的非小?類書獎ーー塞繆爾.約翰遜獎(Samuel Johnson Prize,後改稱巴美列.捷福獎 Baillie Gifford Prize)。評審團給予此書高度讚譽,有位評審稱「本書不僅在當下顯得重要,隨著中國在世界變得越來越有影響力、更為人所重視,它在某種程度上也會變得更為重要。」?一位評審則稱,馮客之作完全改變了他對於二十世紀的認識。過去西方世界談論二十世紀獨裁政權帶來的災難,多半聚焦希特勒與史達林,《毛澤東的大饑荒》一書則讓許多西方讀者警覺,當代中國也曾發生過這麼一段悲劇般的?史。</p> <p>當年的毛澤東想透過大躍進把中國提升為超級大國,並藉此向世人證明共?主義的力量,但終究痴人?夢,事與願違。然而在馮客之前,從未有人如此明確地證明這一點。大躍進運動最終發展成「人類?史上最大規模的群體性殺戮之一」ーー至少四、五千萬人因過度勞累、飢餓或遭毒打而死;不僅如此,它還造成人類?史上對建築物最大規模的崩毀、對自然環境帶來災難性的破壞。馮客透過?雜?案研究及?部人士採訪,以生動的敘述,把決策層的?幕與百姓的日常生活聯?在一起,為死者和弱者發聲,這種寫法在同類題材的研究中?無僅有,深刻?掘出最貼近史實的闃黒面貌,令人?目驚心、更令人掩卷嘆息。</p> <p>《毛澤東的大饑荒》是想要認識二十世紀中國?史的必讀之作。本次推出的新譯本,全面改正了原譯本的錯誤與疏漏,也讓馮客的經典作品以更為貼近原作的模樣,忠實呈現於中文世界的讀者面前。幾十年過去了,但往事並未如煙,當年那段時代的黒暗、政治的瘋狂,以及許許多多消逝在?史中的無辜生命,都將因馮客的書寫而被世人所記憶。</p> <p><strong>?強力推薦</strong><br /> 余敏玲〈中研院近史所研究員〉<br /> 李志徳〈鏡文學副總編輯、資深媒體工作者〉<br /> 汪浩〈作家、牛津大學國際關係博士〉<br /> 陳耀煌〈中研院近史所副研究員〉<br /> ?克武〈中研院近史所特聘研究員〉<br /> 顏擇雅〈出版人、作家〉</p> <p><strong>?國際讚譽</strong><br /> 一部傑出的?史調?,?示了世界?史上最惡劣的罪行之一。<br /> 本書?示了(大饑荒)的恐怖程度,對於任何想了解二十世紀?史的人,都是不可多得的必讀的佳作。<br /> ーー《新政治家》(New Statesman)</p> <p>勇氣和才華兼備。<br /> 這本書的成就無與倫比,它向世人證明毛澤東導致了那場大饑荒……正因為有本書這樣如此傑出的研究,數百萬逝者的後人才得以了解發生在他們先輩身上的悲劇。<br /> 馮客重構了中國大躍進運動導致的悲劇,證明毛澤東是?史上最大的惡魔之一……馮客的筆調冷靜節制,他讓書中的人物為自己發聲。<br /> 馮客這項出色的研究,告訴我們大饑荒如何將1950年代的大躍進和1960年代席捲中國的文化大革命聯?在一起。透過他的研究,中國人民終於知道了那些?史罪人的名字,儘管對大多數人來?,如今追究他們的責任已經為時過?了。<br /> ーー《星期日泰晤士報》(Sunday Times)</p> <p>本書是對?史上規模最大、最致命的一次饑荒所做的最具權威性、最全面的研究。<br /> ーー張戎,《鴻》、《毛澤東》、《慈禧》暢銷傳記作家</p> <p>引人入勝……透過對?案的細緻分析,馮客的研究證明毛澤東政權造成了世界?史上最大規模「人為的饑荒」。<br /> ーー《?日快報》(Daily Express)</p> <p>一項勇敢的研究……?示了災難的全部含義。<br /> ーー《經濟學人》(Economist)</p> <p>《毛澤東的大饑荒》用前所未有的細節?示了一個可怕的故事。<br /> ーー《獨立報》(Independent)</p> <p>講述了一個令人痛心的故事。<br /> ーー《星期日標準報》(Evening Standard)</p> <p>一流的研究。<br /> 人們會記住,身為統治者的毛澤東發動和主導了人類?史上破壞性最大的一次人為災難。毛在中國?史上的形象從此明確無疑了。在很大程度上,正是馮客的這本書?助人們認清了毛的真面目。<br /> ーー《紐約書評》(New York Review of Books)</p> <p>這本書讓毛聲譽掃地,淪為希特勒和史達林一類的惡魔……對於毛的種種恐怖罪行,本書做了最好、最新的呈現。無論是從事中國研究的學者,還是想了解真實中國的一般讀者,都會從馮客的研究中獲益。遲早有一天,中國人也會稱讚他。<br /> ーー《文學評論》(Literary Review)</p> <p>一個國家透過全民動員,企圖迅速實現工業和農業的現代化,以創造一個共?主義的烏托邦,最終卻因官員的腐敗和無能而失敗,並導致四千五百萬人喪生。本書用生動的細節和求真的勇氣講述了這個故事。<br /> ーー《泰晤士報》(The Times)</p> <p>馮客流暢的敘事使這本書讀來令人著迷。<br /> ーー《都市日報》(Metro)</p> <p>本書是一本傑作。馮客教授做了細緻的研究,通過鑽研中文?案,他?示了許多驚人的細節,同時提出了深刻的洞見。這本書讓人們對大饑荒有了許多新的認識,但最重要的是提醒我們,二十世紀的?史需要加以重新審視。<br /> ーー賈斯柏.貝克(Jasper Backer),《旁觀者》(Spectator)</p> <p>馮客用冷峻的筆墨,對毛的個性和心理進行了深刻描繪,證明毛確實是一個性情殘酷卻又懦弱卑怯、冷酷無情而又報復心極強的人……描寫得非常坦率。<br /> ーー《紐約客》(New Yorker)</p> <p>本書基於最新的研究,用高超的敘事技巧,講述了一場造成四千五百萬人死亡的人為的大饑荒。作者對毛的宮廷政治描述得引人入勝,刻畫了從獨裁者及其黨羽到普通村夫的?多人物。<br /> ーー西蒙.蒙蒂菲奧里(Simon Sebag Montefiore),《史達林:紅沙皇宮》(Stalin: the Court of the Red Tsar)作者</p> <p>本書基於新近開放的?案資料,對中國的大躍進運動秉筆直書……讀來令人耳目一新,毛骨悚然。中國?史上如此黒暗的一頁,亟待人們更進一?的研究。<br /> ーー《科克斯書評》(Kirkus Reviews)</p> <p>本書呈現了大量關於苦難的敘述,其中既有統計資料,也有殘酷的事例,還有對災難負有責任的領導人的自我辯解。<br /> ーー《出版者週刊》(Publishers Weekly)</p> <p>這本書比?讀過的任何一本書都要可怕,那些毫無人性的人,特別是被意識形態主宰的人,令?一頁都不忍卒睹……震懾人心……馮客為?史做出了貢獻,也為中國人ーー等他們有朝一日能?讀到這本書時ーー做出了貢獻。<br /> ーー《彭博商業週刊》(Bloomberg)</p> <p>一本傑作,定義了學術的新標竿。<br /> ーー《台北時報》(Taipei Times)</p> <p>令人震驚。<br /> ーー邁克爾.博利格(Michael Burleigh),《?日電訊報》(The Daily Telegraph)</p> <p>聞所未聞,令人痛心。<br /> ーー《倫敦旗幟?報》(画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,376円

A Terra Devastada Retirantes - Epis?dio 1【電子書籍】[ Daniel Pedrosa ]

<p>Em um futuro onde seres misteriosos habitam a terra, a luta por sobreviv?ncia ? uma miss?o ?rdua e muitas vezes imposs?vel. Depois que a morte e escassez atingem mais de 90% da popula??o mundial, Joaquim e sua fam?lia saem de sua terra natal a procura de um lugar onde possam reconstruir suas vidas. Mas, o caminho ? recheado de perigos e poucos, ou talvez nenhum deles chegue ao fim desta jornada. "A Terra Devastada" ? o primeiro epis?dio de Retirantes, uma hist?ria de fic??o sombria que carrega em suas linhas muito mais do que fantasia, carrega o retrato do medo e desespero pelo qual passam muitos daqueles que enfrentam o desconhecido em busca de um futuro melhor.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 590円

Mao's Great Famine The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62【電子書籍】[ Frank Dik?tter ]

<p><strong>WINNER OF THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE</strong></p> <p><strong>'A gripping and masterful portrait of the brutal court of Mao, based on new research but also written with great narrative verve'</strong> Simon Sebag Montefiore</p> <p><strong>'Harrowing and brilliant'</strong> Ben Macintyre</p> <p><strong>'A critical contribution to Chinese history'</strong> <em>Wall Street Journal</em></p> <p>Between 1958 and 1962, 45 million Chinese people were worked, starved or beaten to death.<br /> Mao Zedong threw his country into a frenzy with the Great Leap Forward, an attempt to catch up with and overtake the West in less than fifteen years. It led to one of the greatest catastrophes the world has ever known.</p> <p>Dikotter's extraordinary research within Chinese archives brings together for the first time what happened in the corridors of power with the everyday experiences of ordinary people, giving voice to the dead and disenfranchised. This groundbreaking account definitively recasts the history of the People's Republic of China.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,709円

My Sweet Orange Tree【電子書籍】[ Jos? Mauro de Vasconcelos ]

<p><strong>A worldwide classic of children's literature - a moving, life-affirming childhood story, finally available in English again</strong></p> <p>Meet Zeze? - Brazil's naughtiest and most loveable boy, his talent for mischief matched only by his great kindness. When he grows up he wants to be a 'poet with a bow-tie' but for now he entertains himself playing pranks on the residents of his family's poor Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood and inventing friends to play with. That is, until he meets a real friend, and his life begins to change...</p> <p><em>My Sweet Orange Tree</em> is a worldwide classic of children's literature ? never out of print in Brazil since it was first published in 1968, it has also been translated into an astonishing number of languages and won the hearts of millions of young readers from Korea to turkey, Poland to Thailand and in many other countries too.</p> <p><strong>Jos? Mauro de Vasconcelos</strong> (1920-84) was a Brazilian writer who worked as a sparring partner for boxers, a labourer on a banana farm, and a fisherman before he started writing at the age of 22. He is most famous for his autobiographical novel <em>My Sweet Orange Tree</em>, which tells the story of his own childhood in Rio de Janeiro.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 880円

Devas, Demons and Buddhist Cosmology in Sri Lanka Apotheosis and the Spiritual Progression of H?niyam【電子書籍】[ Achala Gunasekara-Rockwell ]

<p>This book examines the worship of devas and demons in Sri Lanka, illustrating how diverse influences interacted to create the Sinhala Buddhist cosmology.</p> <p>The work explains the processes by which apotheosis plays an important role in revitalizing that cosmology. The author offers an examination of holy sites associated with the worship of H?niyam. These sacred spaces each have a unique background historically, and the ritualists associated with these sites have divergent understandings concerning H?niyam. Building upon the examination of the temples, the book delves into the iconography of H?niyam, illustrating his transformation from demon to deity in the manner that he is depicted in imagery associated with his worship. The book moves to a discussion of Arit? ? Kiven?u Perum?l, a South Indian adventurer, demonstrating the likelihood that he is the historical figure later apotheosized as H?niyam. Sri Lankan society felt his impact so strongly that in death he became a demon in the Sinhala Buddhist cosmology. Finally, the book demonstrates that the same apotheosis processes are at work today.</p> <p>This book will be of interest to researchers and students engaged in the study of religion, anthropology, folklore, and history, specifically in the South Asian context.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,343円

Devas Unveiling the Diving Beings of Hinduism【電子書籍】[ Dr . Bibhash Auttri ]

<p>Are you ready to transcend the boundaries of the physical realm and explore the realms of the divine? If so, let us embark on this extraordinary journey together. Let us unveil the Devas and uncover the profound secrets that lie hidden within their celestial abode. Welcome to "Devas: Unveiling the Divine Beings of Hinduism," where the ancient and eternal harmoniously unite in a symphony of knowledge and transcendence.<br /> I ask for your forgiveness while you take this journey with me as I tend to overexplain or go down a different track as we discuss the complexities of Sanatan Dharma.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 267円

Raaj Devas and the Witch of Zenzia (Book 1)【電子書籍】[ KrishnHans Rau ]

<p>An ordinary man discovers another dimension of life through meditation. As he journeys through mind and matter, the shadow of danger lurks unseen. The question the witnesses of the universe ask is ? “Will he be able to defeat the enemy that has taken his life thrice?"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 131円

Urban Governance Voice and Poverty in the Developing World【電子書籍】[ Nick Devas ]

<p>Poverty and governance are both issues high on the agenda of international agencies and governments in the South. With urban areas accounting for a steadily growing share of the world's poor people, an international team of researchers focused their attention on the hitherto little-studied relationship between urban governance and urban poverty. In their timely and in-depth examination of ten cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America, they demonstrate that in many countries the global trends towards decentralization and democratization offer new opportunities for the poor to have an influence on the decisions that affect them. They also show how that influence depends on the nature of those democratic arrangements and decision-making processes at the local level, as well as on the ability of the poor to organize. The study involved interviews with key actors within and outside city governments, discussions with poverty groups, community organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as analyses of data on poverty, services and finance. This book presents insights, conclusions and practical examples that are of relevance for other cities. It outlines policy implications for national and local governments, NGOs and donor agencies, and highlights ways in which poor people can use their voice to influence the various institutions of city governance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,497円

Devas Are Real What They Are... What They Do... How To Interact With Them【電子書籍】[ Lawrence Schumacher ]

<p>It has become evident that we (meaning humanity) have reached a point in our evolution where we are about to take a giant step into greater consciousness. This won’t be a one-day event, but rather it will happen over a period of time. We are already in this raising of consciousness process. We are feeling the changes in our bodies, in our emotions, and even in our DNA according to scientists who watch these things. This means there is a lot of transformation going on. The object of this book is to introduce people to this parallel world of devas with whom we interact daily but almost never realize it. In this book I concentrate on one area, the devic kingdom... I restrict myself to just talking about who and what they are and how to interact with the devic kingdom. There are trillions of members of the devic kingdom and knowing how to interact with them can be very beneficial to us.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,200円

Geheimnis Wald! - Im Reich der Naturgeister Mit dem F?rster, Seher und Mystiker Sam Hess auf den Spuren der Feen, Elfen und Devas【電子書籍】[ Johann Nepomuk Maier ]

<p>Den Stimmen des Waldes lauschen Sam Hess ist als ehemaliger F?rster mit Natur und Naturwesen eng verbunden und hat eine besondere Einsicht in andere, spirituelle Welten. Johann Nepomuk Maier hat das Leben dieses Weisen des Waldes in Buch und DVD auf faszinierende Weise eingefangen. Der Wald wird mit seinen mystischen Wesen lebendig, und der zeitlose und unbekannte Lebensraum gewinnt Gestalt: in den Naturgeistern, den Tieren und Tierseelen, den B?umen in ihrer Verbundenheit und vielem mehr. Maier zeigt, wie wir unser Ich ?ffnen k?nnen f?r verborgene Wesen und Kr?fte und so die Energien der B?ume selbst ersp?ren und unseren eigenen Lebensbaum kennenlernen. Meditationen und Rituale bringen uns in eine tiefe Verbindung mit der Erde, den Elementen und uns selbst.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,600円

Municipalities and Finance A Sourcebook for Capacity Building【電子書籍】[ Nick Devas ]

<p>Finance is a critical issue for municipal governments around the world, and a major constraint on the delivery of pro-poor services at the local level. In many countries, decentralisation has brought the issue of municipal finance to the fore. This sourcebook provides a framework for analysing municipal finance capacity and ways of addressing financial constraints. The ideas come from real-life innovative practice in four countries - India, Brazil, Kenya and Uganda - with additional examples from elsewhere. Emphasis is given to how those innovations and improvements were developed and sustained. The book identifies a strategic framework for diagnosing municipal finance capacity and focusing financial goals. It applies the analysis to a number of critical areas of municipal finance including local taxes, charges for services, budgeting, cost control, accounting reforms and investment finance. This is the third in a series of capacity-building sourcebooks that includes Focusing Partnerships: A Sourcebook for Municipal Capacity Building in Public-Private Partnerships and Municipalities and Community Participation: A Sourcebook for Capacity Building.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 12,291円

Dancing Devas【電子書籍】[ Sophie Lizeray ]

<p>When Vida chases her cheeky grasshopper friend Zazu out of her yard into the forest, they find themselves transported to the humid jungles of Southeast Asia. They stumble upon mysterious ruins when suddenly... SWISH! SHOVE! THUD! All around them, stone ruins and carvings start coming to life!</p> <p>Will Vida and Zazu escape the fierce Giants and dodge the hissing mythical Serpents? How will they gatecrash the Apsara Fairy Queen's rambunctious dance party?</p> <p>32 pages / 14 full color spreads</p> <p><em><strong>Dancing Devas</strong></em> is a lively and whimsical adventure book, inspired by Southeast Asian myths, art and architecture. It tells the story of an intrepid young child who discovers the mythical Giants, Nagas and Apsaras from Southeast Asia's legends and folklore.</p> <p><em>Dancing Devas</em> also includes an informational section with photographs, to get to know the different mythical characters encountered in the story.</p> <p><em><strong>Dancing Devas</strong></em> is Sophie Lizeray's third book and second picture book.</p> <p>32 pages / 14 full color spreads</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

As confiss?es de frei Ab?bora【電子書籍】[ Jos? Mauro de Vasconcelos ]

<p>Em <em>As confiss?es de frei Ab?bora</em>, Jos? Mauro de Vasconcelos resgata epis?dios de sua vida adulta. Ele recupera personagens e fatos referidos em <em>Doid?o</em>, ao mesmo tempo que interpola reminisc?ncias infantis e juvenis, posteriormente retomadas e desenvolvidas em <em>O meu p? de laranja lima</em> e <em>Vamos aquecer o sol</em>.</p> <p>Numa narrativa n?o linear, o plano da a??o e o da mem?ria v?o se superpondo, para compor o fio narrativo e a cronologia dos acontecimentos. Por meio de uma hist?ria dram?tica, o romance tem um discurso filos?fico, religioso e pol?tico que transcende o mero factual. Frei Ab?bora, homem despojado de ambi??es materiais que se devota ? causa dos ?ndios, passa a vida entre a cidade e o sert?o.</p> <p>Na vis?o de mundo do protagonista ー um ser em permanente conflito existencial ー, as criaturas ligadas ? natureza, desprovidas de maldade e mal?cia, fazem retornar a inoc?ncia perdida ? alma do homem, corrompida pelo caos de uma civiliza??o eminentemente urbana.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,500円

Asteroides Amenaza de impacto devastador【電子書籍】[ J. C. Cersosimo ]

<p>A lo largo de la historia la Tierra y la Luna han sido bombardeados por asteroides, los impactos dejaron dram?ticas evidencias en forma de cr?teres. Cada d?a m?s de 100 toneladas de meteoros bombardean la Tierra. Aunque la gran mayor?a de estos objetos se desintegran antes de llegar a la superficie del planeta, los objetos mayores a 100 metros pueden sobrevivir al descenso, golpear el suelo, y causar destrucci?n dentro y alrededor del lugar del impacto. Los objetos m?s peque?os que entran en la atm?sfera de la Tierra se desintegran antes de llegar a la superficie, aun as? pueden causar da?os importantes. El 15 de febrero de 2013 un meteoro de 18 metros explot? a 14,5 millas sobre la ciudad de Chelyabinsk, Rusia, con la fuerza de 30 bombas at?micas, rompi? ventanas, destruy? edificios e hiri? a m?s de mil personas regando fragmentos a lo largo de su trayectoria. Investigaciones recientes sugieren que los eventos del tipo de Chelyabinsk ocurren cada 30 a 40 a?os con una mayor probabilidad de impacto en el oc?ano que en ?reas pobladas. La probabilidad de que un meteoro de 1 kil?metro o m?s golpe? la Tierra es extremadamente remota, si sucediera las consecuencias de tal impacto ser?an graves. El 31 de mayo de 2013, un asteroide masivo de 2,7 kil?metros de di?metro pas? a 5,8 millones de kil?metros de la Tierra, aproximadamente 15 veces la distancia de la Tierra a la Luna. Si un objeto de este tama?o hubiera golpeado la Tierra, los escombros resultantes probablemente habr?an contaminado la atm?sfera terrestre, causando una obstrucci?n parcial de la luz solar, lluvia ?cida y tormentas de fuego. Sospechan los cient?ficos que un meteorito de 10 kil?metros de ancho golpe? la pen?nsula de Yucat?n en M?xico hace unos 66 millones de a?os, quiz?s contribuy? a la extinci?n de los dinosaurios. Este libro de f?cil lectura esta escrito para todo p?blico. El autor lo recomienda para estudiantes del secundario por la simplicidad del lenguaje y tambi?n para estudiantes universitarios debido a la informaci?n actualizada que contiene respecto a los adelantos espaciales. Es ideal como complemento para los cursos de ciencia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 730円

Semco in de polder durf jij de vaste structuur los te laten en anders te gaan werken? Het kan eenvoudig!【電子書籍】[ Allard Droste ]

<p>Is jouw werkomgeving weinig inspirerend? Viert bureaucratie hoogtij? Is vergaderen van alledag en worden beslissingen maar moeilijk genomen? Werkt ieder voor zich en is het niet duidelijk waar het bedrijf naartoe wil? Is controle belangrijker dan ondernemen? Het kan anders! In dit boek lees je hoe ondernemer Allard Droste op geheel eigenwijze de onorthodoxe managementstijl van de Braziliaanse Semco een Hollands tintje geeft. Anders werken begint met een gedeelde droom, die het team beleeft alsof hij al is gerealiseerd. Weg met afdelingen, functieprofielen, beoordelingsgesprekken, werktijden of autorisatieschema's. Wat blijft is een open cultuur waarbinnen ieder op zijn eigen wijze tot zijn recht kan komen. Het resultaat: meer werkplezier, extreem laag ziekteverzuim, geweldige teamspirit en fantastische langetermijnresultaten. Voor iedereen die het lef heeft om de vaste structuren op het werk los te laten en een vernieuwende en praktische aanpak te introduceren. Stichting Make-A-Wish - een boek - een droom - een wens. Met elk boek dat je koopt, doneer je automatisch ? 2,50 aan de Stichting Make-A-Wish Nederland. Alles start met een droom. En door te doen alsof je er al bent, gebeuren er magische dingen. Wat is mooier dan mijn manier van dromen te verbinden aan de dromen, wensen, van kinderen met een levensbedreigende ziekte voor wie het invullen van hun wens echt een verschil maakt?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,957円

Forgotten Voices of the Somme The Most Devastating Battle of the Great War in the Words of Those Who Survived【電子書籍】[ Joshua Levine ]

<ol start="1916"> <li>The Somme. With over a million casualties, it was the most brutal battle of World War I.</li> </ol> <p>It is a clash that even now, over 90 years later, remains seared into the national consciousness, conjuring up images of muddy trenches and young lives tragically wasted. Its first day, July 1st 1916 - on which the British suffered 57,470 casualties, including 19,240 dead - is the bloodiest day in the history of the British armed forces to date. On the German side, an officer famously described it as 'the muddy grave of the German field army'. By the end of the battle, the British had learned many lessons in modern warfare while the Germans had suffered irreplaceable losses, ultimately laying the foundations for the Allies' final victory on the Western Front.</p> <p>Drawing on a wealth of material from the vast Imperial War Museum Sound Archive, <em>Forgotten Voices of the Somme</em> presents an intimate, poignant, sometimes even bleakly funny insight into life on the front line: from the day-to-day struggle of extraordinary circumstances to the white heat of battle and the constant threat of injury or death. Featuring contributions from soldiers of both sides and of differing backgrounds, ranks and roles, many of them previously unpublished, this is the definitive oral history of this unique and terrible conflict.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,788円

A Hundred to One 100 convictions. 1 Million Euro. The devastating true story of a compulsive gambler【電子書籍】[ Pat Sheedy ]

<p>Was it worth it? Probably not. At the age of twelve, Pat Sheedy placed his first 10p bet and concocted his first scam. This marked the beginning of his descent into a compulsive gambling addiction that would lead to close to one hundred criminal convictions, over a million euro squandered on bets and time served in some of Ireland's most unforgiving prisons. Now, almost four decades later, Pat Sheedy has, against all odds, got his life back on track and taken control of his addiction. This is the unvarnished account of the author's relentless pursuit of the elusive 'big win', a pursuit that left a trail of devastation in its wake. Pat's story chronicles his protracted battle with addiction and the extreme lengths he went to in order to fund it. It is also a beacon of hope, demonstrating that recovery is possible, even from the depths of addiction.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,240円

Hug a Transformer: Small Habits that Destroy - Unravelling the Devastating Impact of Everyday Action【電子書籍】[ MICHELLE BROWN ]

<p>Our lives unfold through a series of routine brush-strokes, each stroke contributing to the canvas of our daily experiences. "Hug A Transformer: Small Habits that Destroy" explores the subtle nuances of these daily brush-strokes, drawing attention to the seemingly trivial habits that, when unchecked, hold the potential to dismantle the stability of our well-being.</p> <p>This book is not a conventional self-help guide; rather, it is an exploration of the overlooked dimensions of our daily routines. It delves into the intricate mechanics of habit formation, dissecting the neurological pathways and psychological triggers that shape our actions. The overarching premise is clear: the small, seemingly inconsequential habits we engage in daily are not to be dismissed. Instead, they are the undercurrents that govern the overall quality and direction of our lives.</p> <p>"Hug A Transformer" challenges the prevailing notion that monumental events are the sole architects of transformative change. Instead, it directs attention to the quieter, everyday moments that often slip beneath our radar. From the way we greet the morning to how we navigate our workday, our habits are silent architects that construct the framework of our lives. This book navigates through the unnoticed routines, shedding light on habits that, if left unexamined, have the potential to sabotage our personal growth, relationships, and overall life satisfaction.</p> <p>The title, "Hug A Transformer," encapsulates the essence of the book. It suggests a paradoxical act ー hugging, an expression of warmth and connection, coupled with the term "Transformer," which implies change, often disruptive. This title serves as an invitation to explore the dual nature of habits: the comfort they provide and the potential destruction they harbour. By extending a metaphorical embrace to our habits, the book encourages readers to delve into the intricacies of their routines, and to recognize the patterns that may be silently shaping their lives.</p> <p>The strength of "Hug A Transformer" lies in its accessibility. It avoids the complexity often associated with discussions on habits and psychology, opting instead for a conversational tone that resonates with a broad audience. The book combined scientific insights with relatable anecdotes, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the forces at play in habit formation. The goal is not to overwhelm but to empower, offering practical tools for individuals from all walks of life to navigate the terrain of habit transformation.</p> <p>"Hug A Transformer" is not a rigid set of rules but a flexible framework. It acknowledges the diversity of human experiences and encourages readers to adapt the strategies presented to their unique circumstances. The interconnected nature of habits is a recurring theme, emphasizing that changes in one area of life often set off a chain reaction across various aspects. By fostering an awareness of these interconnected patterns, the book provides approach to habit transformation.</p> <p>"Hug A Transformer" also acknowledges the dynamic nature of habit formation. It is not a linear process but rather an ongoing, repetitive journey.</p> <p>But this book isn't just about identifying bad habits. We also offer practical strategies for cultivating positive habits and transforming our lives. From developing a growth mindset to cultivating healthy relationships, and building productive work habits to creating positive change in our communities, we explore the many ways in which small habits can have a big impact.</p> <p>Whether you're looking to improve your health, advance your career, or simply become a better version of yourself, "Hug a Transformer" offers actionable steps to help you achieve your goals.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,500円

Uma proposta de reforma administrativa para a reestrutura??o dos cargos em comiss?o na Prefeitura Municipal de Ferraz de Vasconcelos sob a ?tica da gest?o por compet?ncias【電子書籍】[ Jos? Augusto Brandt Bueno Braga ]

<p>A administra??o p?blica moderna caminha pelas boas pr?ticas e efici?ncia, tratando o cidad?o como cliente que merece receber os melhores servi?os. Assim, a escolha do dirigente p?blico deve se dar tamb?m pela aferi??o de suas compet?ncias. Essa foi nossa proposta ao Munic?pio de Ferraz de Vasconcelos, em S?o Paulo.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,800円

Angry Kids, Angry Parents Understanding and Working With Anger in Your Family【電子書籍】[ Anne Hilde Vassb? Hagen ]

<p><strong>Psychologists Anne Hilde Vassb? Hagen and Joanne Dolhanty explain everything you need to know about your child’s anger and how to manage it.</strong></p> <p>Anger can be normal and healthy when it enables us to stand up for ourselves and defend against injustice. However, it can also lead to aggressionーeven violenceーwhile also hiding other, more vulnerable emotions. For instance, an angry child may be hiding embarrassment, shame, disappointment, sadness, loneliness, or fear. As a parent, it is your job to help your child understand their anger, express it in an appropriate way, and address the underlying need.</p> <p>In <em>Angry Kids, Angry Parents</em> you will learn how to respond to your child’s anger in a sensitive and productive way that validates their feelings, addresses their needs, and teaches them to manage their own anger. It can be nerve-wracking to watch your child explode in rage. This book will teach you how to stay calm and protect your boundaries.</p> <p>Supported by years of psychological research and therapeutic practice, the strategies in this practical, compassionate book will help any parent who struggles with their child’s anger.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,122円

A Heart in Pieces A Return from Devastation【電子書籍】[ M.E. Masterson ]

<p>As a young girl, I always dreamed of a fairy-tale life. One day, my prince would ride up on a white horse and carry me off to his castle with a white picket fence. But reality was quite the opposite. From the time I was a small child, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse were running rampant in my life. I was raised in a strict religious and family environment. Many people manipulated me for their own gain. I was a pawn of an arranged marriage that produced two beautiful children of which I was determined to raise in love. Offering them a life I was unable to enjoy. A bitter divorce brought about a whole new life that I had never experienced. Rejected, homeless with no family, I had to find my way in a world from which I had been protected. Struggling to figure out this new way of life brought its challenges and many mistakes. But nothing prepared me for the heartache of all heartaches that I was to experience at the tender age of twenty-six! Be prepared to cry, shake your head, and rejoice while reading my book. God helped me write this to bring hope to one's heart!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,134円

Infraestrutura verde aplicada ao planejamento da ocupa??o urbana【電子書籍】[ Andr?a Araujo de Vasconcellos ]

<p>Tida como o estado da arte do planejamento ecol?gico da paisagem, a infraestrutura verde ? abordada neste livro como um instrumento ao planejamento urbano sustent?vel. A teoria da infraestrutura verde defende o argumento de que a conserva??o, restaura??o e manuten??o do funcionamento dos sistemas naturais n?o apenas protegem os valores e as fun??es ecol?gicas, mas tamb?m promovem diversos benef?cios econ?micos, sociais e culturais. Neste sentido, o livro traz solu??es atuais para a concilia??o do desenvolvimento urbano com o meio ambiente, de modo a minimizar tanto os impactos da urbaniza??o sobre a natureza quanto os problemas ambientais que atingem as cidades. Primeiramente, analisa a evolu??o do pensamento ambiental e a forma como ele foi sendo incorporado ao planejamento da paisagem, at? chegar ? infraestrutura verde. Em seguida, aborda o tema da infraestrutura verde, expondo seus princ?pios, fun??es, benef?cios e aplica??es. Por fim, aplica seus conceitos e m?todos na elabora??o de um Plano B?sico de Ocupa??o para uma ?rea espec?fica do munic?pio de Nova Friburgo - RJ: a Bacia Ambiental do C?rrego D'Antas, cuja escolha teve por motiva??o as tr?gicas consequ?ncias decorrentes das intensas chuvas de janeiro de 2011 na Regi?o Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que representaram um exemplo importante de como desastres naturais tomam propor??es maiores devido ? falta de planejamento e aos erros das ocupa??es humanas, muitas vezes situadas em ?reas indevidas e suscet?veis a riscos.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 750円

Fault Line: Devastation Threatens Manhattan as Illegal Deep Earth Drilling Goes Unchecked【電子書籍】[ J.T. Twerell ]

<p>A geological faultline runs down the east coast of America through Manhattan at 125th street. Illegal drilling for gas takes place along this faultline and sets off events man cannot stop. In this sequel to Dragon's Orb, winner of BEST MYSTERY 2014 - BEACH BOOK FESTIVAL, PARIS BOOK FESTIVAL and FEATHERED QUILL BOOK AWARDS, Detective Gerald Denton joins his close friend Laura Fuller in an attempt to prevent this tragedy only to run into life threatening powers who will stop at nothing to continue to drill.</p> <p>Dr. James T, Twerell is a practicing psychotherapist. Out of his years of personal experience in psychology and spiritual growth, he has developed award-winning books filled with adventure and challenge.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 653円

When the War Came Home The Ottomans' Great War and the Devastation of an Empire【電子書籍】[ Yi?it Ak?n ]

<p>The Ottoman Empire was unprepared for the massive conflict of World War I. Lacking the infrastructure and resources necessary to wage a modern war, the empire's statesmen reached beyond the battlefield to sustain their war effort. They placed unprecedented hardships onto the shoulders of the Ottoman people: mass conscription, a state-controlled economy, widespread food shortages, and ethnic cleansing. By war's end, few aspects of Ottoman daily life remained untouched.</p> <p><em>When the War Came Home</em> reveals the catastrophic impact of this global conflict on ordinary Ottomans. Drawing on a wide range of sourcesーfrom petitions, diaries, and newspapers to folk songs and religious textsーYi?it Ak?n examines how Ottoman men and women experienced war on the home front as government authorities intervened ever more ruthlessly in their lives. The horrors of war brought home, paired with the empire's growing demands on its people, fundamentally reshaped interactions between Ottoman civilians, the military, and the state writ broadly. Ultimately, Ak?n argues that even as the empire lost the war on the battlefield, it was the destructiveness of the Ottoman state's wartime policies on the home front that led to the empire's disintegration.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,205円

Memoire a l'Assemblee nationale, pour demontrer aux aux droits de Citoyens【電子書籍】[ Cornelie Wouters de Vasse ]

<p>EXTRAIT:</p> <p>Quoique je sois femme, j’ose me m?ler ? ceux qui ont parl? en faveur des Juifs. Quand il s’agit de plaider la cause de la justice, il n’y a plus de distinction de rang ni de sexes ; tout le monde peut ?galement se pr?senter au Tribunal, et je me pr?sente ? celui de la Nation la plus ?clair?e de la terre.</p> <p>C’est donc ? vous, Fran?ois, et ? vous sages L?gislateurs, que j’adresse mes v?ux, et que je r?clame pour un peuple qui ne vous est point ?tranger, les droits que vous venez de rendre ? tous les Membres de la Soci?t?. Vous avez d?cr?t? que tous les hommes sont ?gaux en droits ; et ce d?cret seul vous rend immortels.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 267円

Between the Stillness and the Grove【電子書籍】[ Erika de Vasconcelos ]

<p>The triumphs of love and friendship after tragedy are at the heart of this compelling and poignant novel of two complex and unforgettable women. A story of loss set in the aftermath of the 1915ー1918 genocide of the Armenian people by the Turkish government, the novel moves through layers of time to show the far-reaching effects of war and displacement. Evolving partly in the mountainous landscape of Armenia and partly in the clear light and healing waters of Portugal, Erika de Vasconcelos’s magnificent and heartrending second novel explores the redemptive qualities of friendship and reminds us of the power of art and love.</p> <p>In the late 1980s, during the last years of Communism in Soviet-controlled Armenia, Dzovig meets her lover Tomas at a nationalist march. Tomas is a patriot, obsessed with the ruined churches that testify to the country’s glorious past before the horrors of the twentieth century. When he later takes his own life with a gun, his reasons are a mystery to his parents and his lover. Numbed and fearless, Dzovig uses sex to buy her way out of the country she hates. She lives first in Moscow, then finds refuge in Portugal. Working for a kind restaurant owner in Lisbon, she learns Portuguese and meets Tito, a wealthy young man with a muscle-wasting disease. Through Tito she discovers the poet Fernando Pessoa and his celebration of the human ability to fashion multiple lives. Tito leads Dzovig part of the way out of her pain, yet wherever she goes, she cannot leave Armenia behind.</p> <p>A tragic past, one that goes back to her own childhood, also haunts Vecihe, Tomas’s warm and caring mother. While Dzovig tries to flee her past, Vecihe has so far managed to keep the memories at bay through silence. She searches for Dzovig, yearning to connect, all the while struggling with her son’s death, the estrangement within her marriage, and her unspoken thoughts and knowledge. Agonizing truths keep seeping through, however, and her recollections become progressively deeper and darker until she is at last forced to confront the devastating memory of her mother’s account of the death march to Syria. Finally, changed and starting anew, Vecihe finds a haven in Canada. When she offers sanctuary to Dzovig, she reminds the young woman whom she thinks of as a daughter that “our worst pain comes out of silence.”</p> <p>Told with the beautiful language and a striking sensitivity, <em>Between the Stillness and the Grove</em> is a major work of fiction that proves Erika de Vasconcelos an exceptionally talented and original writer. Whereas her first novel, <em>My Darling Dead Ones</em>, drew on personal experience and family history, here the author explores new territory. To research the book she spent ten days in Armenia and read transcripts of conversations with Armenians who survived the 1915 massacre, as well as accounts by Holocaust survivors. Many of the elderly Armenians she interviewed had never before spoken about their experience, about the anger and fear that had remained hidden inside them throughout their adult lives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,132円

?eker Portakal?【電子書籍】[ Jos? Mauro de Vasconcelos ]

<p>?eker Portakal?, Brezilyal? yazar Jos? Mauro De Vasconcelos'un 1968 tarihli roman?. Brezilya'n?n Minas Gerais b?lgesinde ya?ayan fakir bir ailenin be? ya??ndaki o?lu olan hayal g?c? ?ok geli?mi? Zeze adl? ?ocu?un ba??ndan ge?enleri konu edinir.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 400円

Devastating in a Kilt【電子書籍】[ Anna Durand ]

<p><em><strong>"Ex" marks the hottest spot.</strong></em></p> <p>Having a fling with my ex-husband is a huge mistake. I might have walked out two years ago, but <em>he</em> divorced <em>me</em>. A meddling friend has set us up on a blind date, and though I should know better, I still can't resist Jack MacTaggart's hot body and his sensual skills. After one steamy afternoon in a Scottish hotel room, it's overーagain.</p> <p>But we forgot something on that day when we gave in to our mutual lust.</p> <p>Autumn Flowerday left me without explaining why. Now she's backーwith a revelation that changes everything. We're having a baby. All we've ever done is argue and shag, but that's not enough. Aye, the sex is bloody fantastic. But with a child on the way, we need to settle our differences. Maybe we have a chance…</p> <p>Until the entire MacTaggart clan decides to help us out. Bloody hell.</p> <p><strong><em>Devastating in a Kilt</em> is the ninth book in the award-winning, bestselling Hot Scots series of contemporary romances.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 556円