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553件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

Arras Hanging The Textile That Determined Early Modern Literature and Drama【電子書籍】[ Rebecca Olson ]

<p>Textiles have long provided metaphors for storytelling: a compelling novel “weaves a tapestry” and we enjoy hearing someone “spin” a tale. To what extent, however, should we take these metaphors seriously? Arras Hanging: The Textile That Determined Early Modern Literature and Drama reveals that in the early modern period, when cloth-making was ubiquitous and high-quality tapestries called arras hangings were the most valuable objects in England, such metaphors were literal. The arras in particular provided a narrative model for writers such as Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare, who exploited their audience’s familiarity with weaving to engage them in highly idiosyncratic and “hands on” ways. Specifically, undescribed or “blank” tapestries in the period’s fiction presented audiences with opportunities to “see” whatever they desired, and thus weave themselves into the story. Far more than background objects, literary and dramatic arras hangings have much to teach us about the intersections between texts and textiles at the dawn of print, and, more broadly, about the status of visual art in post-Reformation England.</p> <p>Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,342円

The Molecule of More How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity--and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race【電子書籍】[ Daniel Z. Lieberman ]

<p><em>Why are we obsessed with the things we want only to be bored when we get them?</em></p> <p><em>Why is addiction perfectly logical to an addict?</em></p> <p><em>Why does love change so quickly from passion to indifference?</em></p> <p><em>Why are some people die-hard liberals and others hardcore conservatives?</em></p> <p><em>Why are we always hopeful for solutions even in the darkest timesーand so good at figuring them out?</em></p> <p>The answer is found in a single chemical in your brain: <em>dopamine</em>. Dopamine ensured the survival of early man. Thousands of years later, it is the source of our most basic behaviors and cultural ideasーand progress itself.</p> <p>Dopamine is the chemical of desire that always asks for moreーmore stuff, more stimulation, and more surprises. In pursuit of these things, it is undeterred by emotion, fear, or morality. Dopamine is the source of our every urge, that little bit of biology that makes an ambitious business professional sacrifice everything in pursuit of success, or that drives a satisfied spouse to risk it all for the thrill of someone new. Simply put, it is why we seek and succeed; it is why we discover and prosper. Yet, at the same time, it's why we gamble and squander.</p> <p>From dopamine's point of view, it's not the <em>having</em> that matters. It's getting somethingーanythingーthat's new. From this understandingーthe difference between possessing something versus anticipating itーwe can understand <em>in a revolutionary new way</em> why we behave as we do in love, business, addiction, politics, religionーand we can even predict those behaviors in ourselves and others.</p> <p>In <em>The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativityーand will Determine the Fate of the Human Race</em>, George Washington University professor and psychiatrist Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD, and Georgetown University lecturer Michael E. Long present a potentially life-changing proposal: Much of human life has an unconsidered component that explains an array of behaviors previously thought to be unrelated, including why winners cheat, why geniuses often suffer with mental illness, why nearly all diets fail, and why the brains of liberals and conservatives really <em>are</em> different.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,132円

Determined A Science of Life without Free Will【電子書籍】[ Robert M. Sapolsky ]

<p>**The instant <em>New York Times</em> bestseller</p> <p>“Excellent…Outstanding for its breadth of research, the liveliness of the writing, and the depth of humanity it conveys.” ? <em>Wall Street Journal</em></p> <p>One of our great behavioral scientists, the bestselling author of <em>Behave</em>, plumbs the depths of the science and philosophy of decision-making to mount a devastating case against free will, an argument with profound consequences**</p> <p>Robert Sapolsky’s <em>Behave</em>, his now classic account of why humans do good and why they do bad, pointed toward an unsettling conclusion: We may not grasp the precise marriage of nature and nurture that creates the physics and chemistry at the base of human behavior, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Now, in <em>Determined</em>, Sapolsky takes his argument all the way, mounting a brilliant (and in his inimitable way, delightful) full-frontal assault on the pleasant fantasy that there is some separate self telling our biology what to do.</p> <p><em>Determined</em> offers a marvelous synthesis of what we know about how consciousness worksーthe tight weave between reason and emotion and between stimulus and response in the moment and over a life. One by one, Sapolsky tackles all the major arguments for free will and takes them out, cutting a path through the thickets of chaos and complexity science and quantum physics, as well as touching ground on some of the wilder shores of philosophy. He shows us that the history of medicine is in no small part the history of learning that fewer and fewer things are somebody’s “fault”; for example, for centuries we thought seizures were a sign of demonic possession.</p> <p>Yet, as he acknowledges, it’s very hard, and at times impossible, to uncouple from our zeal to judge others and to judge ourselves. Sapolsky applies the new understanding of life beyond free will to some of our most essential questions around punishment, morality, and living well together. By the end, Sapolsky argues that while living our daily lives recognizing that we have no free will is going to be monumentally difficult, doing so is not going to result in anarchy, pointlessness, and existential malaise. Instead, it will make for a much more humane world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,372円

How Big Things Get Done The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and Everything In Between【電子書籍】[ Bent Flyvbjerg ]

<p><strong>“Why do big projects go wrong so often, and are there any lessons you can use when renovating your kitchen? Bent Flyvbjerg is the ‘megaproject’ expert and Dan Gardner brings the storytelling skills to <em>How Big Things Get Done</em>, with examples ranging from a Jimi Hendrix studio to the Sydney Opera House.”ー<em>Financial Times</em></strong></p> <p><strong>“Entertaining . . . There are lessons here for managers of all stripes.”ー<em>The Economist</em></strong></p> <p><strong>A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: <em>Economist, Financial Times, CEO Magazine, Morningstar</em><br /> Finalist for the Porchlight Business Book Award, the <em>Financial Times</em> and Schroders Business Book of the Year Award, and the <em>Inc.</em> Non-Obvious Book Award</strong></p> <p>Nothing is more inspiring than a big vision that becomes a triumphant, new reality. Think of how the Empire State Building went from a sketch to the jewel of New York’s skyline in twenty-one months, or how Apple’s iPod went from a project with a single employee to a product launch in eleven months.</p> <p>These are wonderful stories. But most of the time big visions turn into nightmares. Remember Boston’s “Big Dig”? Almost every sizeable city in the world has such a fiasco in its backyard. In fact, no less than 92% of megaprojects come in over budget or over schedule, or both. The cost of California’s high-speed rail project soared from $33 billion to $100 billonーand won’t even go where promised. More modest endeavors, whether launching a small business, organizing a conference, or just finishing a work project on time, also commonly fail. Why?</p> <p>Understanding what distinguishes the triumphs from the failures has been the life’s work of Oxford professor Bent Flyvbjerg, dubbed “the world’s leading megaproject expert.” In <em>How Big Things Get Done</em>, he identifies the errors in judgment and decision-making that lead projects, both big and small, to fail, and the research-based principles that will make you succeed with yours. For example:</p> <p><strong>? Understand your odds.</strong> If you don’t know them, you won’t win.<br /> <strong>? Plan slow, act fast.</strong> Getting to the action quick feels right. But it’s wrong.<br /> <strong>? Think right to left</strong>*.* Start with your goal, then identify the steps to get there.<br /> <strong>? Find your Lego.</strong> Big is best built from small.<br /> <strong>? Be a team maker.</strong> You won’t succeed without an “us.”<br /> <strong>? Master the unknown unknowns.</strong> Most think they can’t, so they fail. Flyvbjerg shows how you can.<br /> <strong>? Know that your biggest risk is you.</strong></p> <p>Full of vivid examples ranging from the building of the Sydney Opera House, to the making of the latest Pixar blockbusters, to a home renovation in Brooklyn gone awry, <em>How Big Things Get Done</em> reveals how to get any ambitious project doneーon time and on budget.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,747円

The Long game Guardare lontano in un mondo a breve termine【電子書籍】[ Dorie Clark ]

<p>I nostri obiettivi professionali e personali hanno bisogno di giocare una partita lunga. “Come sempre, Dorie Clark coglie nel segno. Raccontandoci le storie di una nutrita serie di leader e professionisti di successo, ci mostra l’importanza della pazienza strategica e il potere duraturo di curiosit? e resilienza. Preparatevi a prendere appunti!” Daniel H. Pink, autore di Drive Confrontandoci con colleghi e altri professionisti, ci sentiamo tutti perennemente in affanno su ci? che ? in corso o imminente. Eppure continuiamo a testa bassa, concentrati sulla prossima urgenza. Proprio come per i ceo che, troppo presi dai bilanci trimestrali, non riescono ad attuare gli investimenti strategici necessari per una crescita a lungo termine, lo stesso vale per la nostra vita personale e professionale. Effettuiamo la maggior parte delle nostre scelte in base a ci? che ? pi? semplice o garantito. Come possiamo uscire da questo circolo vizioso del pensiero a breve termine e impostare il tipo di vita pi? sana, interessante e significativa a cui tutti aspiriamo? Dobbiamo iniziare a giocare una “partita lunga”, riorientando le nostre prospettive per visualizzare il quadro completo, cos? da poter attingere al potere di piccoli ma coerenti passi in avanti che, compiuti oggi con perseveranza, avranno un enorme impatto sul nostro successo futuro. Dorie Clark condivide con noi preziose strategie rivelatesi vincenti nel percorso di molti imprenditori e manager che ha aiutato a: ? concedersi delle tregue ? dire di no (anche a proposte interessanti) ? dedicare 20% del tempo all’esplorazione ? selezionare i propri obiettivi ? fare networking con le persone giuste ? rendere produttivi i propri fallimenti ? allenare la pazienza strategica ? fermarsi a raccogliere i propri risultati</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,184円

Napoleon and the Art of Diplomacy How War and Hubris Determined the Rise and Fall of the French Empire【電子書籍】[ William Nester ]

<p>A small library could be stocked with books written about Napoleon Bonaparte the general, whose battles and campaigns have been studied extensively. Warriors, however, are not generally known for their diplomatic skills and Napoleon is no exception. After all, conquerors are accustomed to imposing rather than negotiating terms. For Napoleon, however, the arts of war and diplomacy meshed. Napoleon was often as brilliant and successful at diplomacy as he was at war, although at times he could also be as disastrous at the diplomatic table as he was on his final battlefield. William R. Nester’s Napoleon and the Art of Diplomacy is the first comprehensive exploration of Napoleon the diplomat and how his abilities in that arena shaped his military campaigns and the rise and fall of the French empire.</p> <p>Napoleon’s official diplomatic career lasted nearly two decades and involved relations with scores of kings, queens, ministers, diplomats, and secret agents across Europe and beyond. All those involved asserted their respective state (and often their private) interests across the entire span of international relations in which conflicts over trade and marriage were often inseparable from war and peace. For Napoleon, war and diplomacy were indivisible and complementary for victory. Much of Napoleon’s military success was built upon a foundation of alliances and treaties.</p> <p>Although not always at war, Napoleon incessantly practiced diplomacy on a steady stream of international issues. Some of his noteworthy achievements in this arena included his 1797 Treaty of Campo Formio with the Austrians after he defeated them in the Italian campaign; the 1807 Treaty of Tilsit, when he incorporated Tsar Alexander of Russia as his junior partner while France was still at war with Britain; and, the 1812 conference of Dresden, where the crowned heads of Europe allied with France as Napoleon opened his massive (and disastrous) invasion of Russia.</p> <p>Nester’s masterfully researched and written Napoleon and the Art of Diplomacy fills a gaping hole in Napoleonic literature by providing a vital and heretofore neglected dimension that allows readers to fully understand one of history’s most intriguing, complex, and powerful leaders.</p> <p>About the Author: Dr. William Nester is a professor in the Department of Government and Politics at St. John’s University in New York and the author of more than a score of books on a wide variety of international relations topics including The First Global War: Britain, France, and the Fate of North America, 1756-1775 and Haughty Conquerors: Amherst and the Great Indian Uprising of 1763. He has spent nearly a dozen years living overseas doing research and traveling in more than eighty countries.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,100円

The Complete Guide to the Tarot Determine Your Destiny! Predict Your Own Future!【電子書籍】[ Eden Gray ]

<p><strong>For centuries, the strange and beautiful Tarot cards have been an endless source of fascination. Now one of the foremost authorities in the field reveals the intricacies of this ancient art.</strong></p> <p>With detailed reproductions and explanations, Eden Gray offers explicit advice about the three different methods of reading the cards and using the Tarot for divination and meditation. Both beginning students and advanced devotees will find in this book insights into the ancient lore of the Tarot.</p> <p>“The Tarot is a symbolic record of human experience. Through deeply rooted mystic powers, the cards accomplish miracles of psychological insight, wise counsel and accurate divination.”ーfrom <em>A Complete Guide to the Tarot</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

The Human Network How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviors【電子書籍】[ Matthew O. Jackson ]

<p><strong>Here is a fresh, intriguing, and, above all, authoritative book about how our sometimes hidden positions in various social structuresーour human networksーshape how we think and behave, and inform our very outlook on life.</strong></p> <p>Inequality, social immobility, and political polarization are only a few crucial phenomena driven by the inevitability of social structures. Social structures determine who has power and influence, account for why people fail to assimilate basic facts, and enlarge our understanding of patterns of contagionーfrom the spread of disease to financial crises. Despite their primary role in shaping our lives, human networks are often overlooked when we try to account for our most important political and economic practices. Matthew O. Jackson brilliantly illuminates the complexity of the social networks in which we areーoften unwittinglyーpositioned and aims to facilitate a deeper appreciation of why we are who we are.</p> <p>Ranging across disciplinesーpsychology, behavioral economics, sociology, and businessーand rich with historical analogies and anecdotes, <em>The Human Network</em> provides a galvanizing account of what can drive success or failure in life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,247円

The Origins of Victory How Disruptive Military Innovation Determines the Fates of Great Powers【電子書籍】[ Andrew F. Krepinevich ]

<p><strong>How the character of war is changing and how militaries can successfully adapt to meet the challenge</strong></p> <p>This book by military strategist Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr., is the definitive take on the race for military dominance in the twenty-first century. It shows how militaries that successfully pursue disruptive innovation can gain a major advantage over their rivals, while those that fail to do so risk exposing their countries to great danger.</p> <p>The Precision Warfare Revolution introduced by the U.S. military in the First Gulf War found the United States enjoying a near monopoly in this form of warfare for several decades. But now other powers have these capabilities. The U.S. military also confronts an emerging military revolution driven by advances across a wide range of technologiesーfrom artificial intelligence and synthetic biology to quantum computing and additive manufacturing.</p> <p>To stay competitive, the U.S. military must pursue disruptive innovation in a race with other militaries to exploit war’s changing character. Clues exist as to the winner’s identity. They are revealed by militaries that went beyond the bounds of mere innovation to overturn the existing forms of warfare, changing the course of history and the fate of nations. Through exploring their experiences, Krepinevich shows how the U.S. military can win the race to identify and exploit the “next big thing” in warfare.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,274円

The Complete Guide to the Tarot: Determine Your Destiny! Predict Your Own Future! COMP GT THE TAROT REV/E [ Eden Gray ]

COMP GT THE TAROT REV/E Eden Gray BANTAM TRADE1982 Mass Market Paperbound Revised English ISBN:9780553277524 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 1,425円

The Brandon Roy Story How a Determined SEattle Kid became an NBA Superstar and Basketball Rolemodel【電子書籍】[ Dan Raley ]

<p> The Brandon Roy Story tells how a determined Seattle kid became an NBA superstar, rallying the city of Portland around him, commanding one of the league’s biggest contracts and establishing himself as a Northwest legend. Along the way, he worked on the docks of his hometown, fought knee injuries every step of the way and didn’t stray from a straight-laced approach.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 872円

認識?的收納人格:從個性出發,輕鬆打造好整理、不復亂、更具個人風格的理想空間 The Clutter Connection: How Your Personality Type Determines Why You Organize the Way You Do【電子書籍】[ ?桑徳拉?阿爾森 ]

<p><strong>?不是不會整理,只是還不?了解自己。</strong></p> <p><strong>最有效的收納,是照自己的個性做!</strong></p> <p>**  #?是不是煩惱於:**  </p> <p>  ?自己為何總做不好井然有序的收納?</p> <p>  ?試過許多收納術,但總是過沒多久又亂了?</p> <p>  ?懷疑被自己弄得一團糟的不只是空間,還有人生?</p> <p>  <strong>#真相是:</strong></p> <p>  ?其實並不亂,只是?個人的整理方式都不同。</p> <p>  比起一味模?、套用別人的方法,?需要的是更了解自己── </p> <p>  <strong>認識自己的個性,就沒有整理不來的空間!</strong></p> <p>**  世上沒有單一一種收納術適用於所有人,**</p> <p>**  ?需要最無痛、最做自己的生活整理提案!**</p> <p>**  無論?喜歡什麼視覺風格、擅不擅長分類,**</p> <p>**  都能在本書中找到適合自己的收納好感覺,**</p> <p>**  輕鬆擁抱有條理的生活,同時呈現個人美感,**</p> <p>**  和人愉快共享空間,從此自信掌握人生!**</p> <p>  <strong>◆第一本「從個性著手」的整理指南大公開!</strong></p> <p>  ?分析四種收納人格,了解自己的整理特色與常見的收納挑戰</p> <p>  ?提供具體解方與有效工具,教?運用優點,輕鬆打造最有效的整理方式</p> <p>  ?介紹不同人格的互動妙方,學會與各種人一起生活、工作及整理的魔法</p> <p>**  ◆本書收?「昆蟲收納人格測驗」,??快速掌握自己的整理類型!**</p> <p>  蝴蝶人:用得到的、喜愛的物件都要在眼前一覽無遺,?才會感到安心。</p> <p>  蜜蜂人:?偏好讓所有事物在眼前自成秩序,並深信它們都能物盡其用。</p> <p>  瓢蟲人:喜歡乾淨清爽的居家環境,沒有一件雜物能逃過?的藏物魔手。</p> <p>  蟋蟀人:俐落、有序、講究細節是?的信仰,?只用「正確方式」做事。</p> <p>  <strong>◆本書適合</strong></p> <p>  ?為?積雜亂所苦的?</p> <p>  ?為完美主義?延症所苦的?</p> <p>  ?為永遠模?不了別人的收納術所苦的?</p> <p>  ?為找尋自己最適用的收納工具所苦的?</p> <p>  ?為整理居家環境而與家人爭?所苦的? </p> <p>  ?為懷疑自我與人生所苦的?</p> <p>  作者?桑徳拉曾以為自己是天底下最懶的人,</p> <p>  患有注意力不足過動症的?,家裡沒有一絲多餘的空間讓人行走,</p> <p>  ?永遠找不到東西,總是把生活過得一?糊塗,</p> <p>  老是遲到、老是沒錢、老是有被淹沒的感覺,完全是個魯蛇!</p> <p>  當全世界的收納方法對?都?生不了作用,?差點自我放棄,</p> <p>  直到──?停止模?其他「正常人」,不再複製所謂「收納達人」的做法,</p> <p>  開始認真檢視自己的人格特質,並歸納出四大「昆蟲收納人格」系統!</p> <p>  </p> <p>  整理出「昆蟲收納人格」的?桑徳拉,不但整理了自己的居家與人生,</p> <p>  也成為專業整理師,?助全球無數人們在整理的過程中重新認識自己與家人。</p> <p>  這套系統成功的關鍵,在於我們如何發展出符合自己個性和整理類型的自我意識。</p> <p>  透過本書,期望?能更了解自己,得到必要的自信,</p> <p>  像個老?一樣,經營?的家庭、?公室和人生。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,189円

MY OWN STORY (Illustrated) The Inspiring & Powerful Autobiography of the Determined Woman Who Founded the Militant WPSU "Suffragette" Movement and Fought to Win the Equal Voting Rights for All Women【電子書籍】[ Emmeline Pankhurst ]

<p>"Women are very slow to rouse, but once they are aroused, once they are determined, nothing on earth and nothing in heaven will make women give way; it is impossible." Emmeline Pankhurst, born in 1858, was a British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement who helped women win the right to vote. Pankhurst's militant tactics made her many admirers and foes alike. Tired of weak and non-violent demands for women enfranchisement, Pankhurst decided to attract attention of authorities by adopting arson as a method. Pankhurst founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), an all-women suffrage advocacy organization dedicated to "deeds, not words". Pankhurst, her daughters, and other WSPU activists received repeated prison sentences, where they staged hunger strikes to secure better conditions. Emmeline fought till the end, sacrificed comfort lifestyle and her family, risked her own life number of time. She dedicated herself to the cause completely and did everything for her ideals and beliefs in a just and equal society. Emmeline Pankhurst died in 1928, shortly before women were given full voting rights. This edition brings to you the powerful autobiography of this courageous woman in celebration of the undying spirit of freedom, equality and woman power. In 1999 Time named Pankhurst as one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century, stating "she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back". She was widely criticized for her militant tactics, and historians disagree about their effectiveness, but her work is recognized as a crucial element in achieving women's suffrage in Britain.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

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The Beast or the Lamb Discerning the Nature That Determines Your Destiny【電子書籍】[ Derek Prince ]

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超級專案管理:牛津大學教授?示計畫成敗的法則,教?順利完成任何專案 How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and 【電子書籍】

<p><strong>為何計畫總是出錯?為何專案不是超支就是超時?</strong><br /> <strong>讓牛津大學商學院教授傅以斌,</strong><br /> <strong>帶領?避開計畫中的各種地雷與陷?。</strong></p> <p><strong>★亞馬遜書店、《紐約時報》暢銷榜</strong><br /> <strong>★《經濟學人》、《金融時報》、《CEO》雜誌、《晨星》2023最佳圖書</strong><br /> <strong>★《金融時報》與施羅徳商業書獎2023年度最佳商業書決選入圍</strong><br /> <strong>★2023年廊燈商業書獎(Porchlight Business Book Award)決選入圍</strong><br /> <strong>★洞見趨勢圖書獎(Non-Obvious Book Awards)年度非?構類作品決選入圍</strong></p> <p>想想執行專案時那些讓?灰心的經驗,有時賠上的代價遠遠超過想像。然而,就算一再反省檢討,挫敗經?仍舊會接踵而來,到底為什麼?</p> <p>根據研究,超過99.5%的大型專案,不是預算超支,就是進度延遲,或者兼而有之。雪梨歌劇院的興建成本,比預估高了14倍;美國加州高鐵的預算,從330億美元飆升到1000億美元,仍然無法完成。類似問題一再發生,不只國家級的大型工程計畫,我們的日常生活與工作也是如此。看似簡單的小事,似乎遠比我們想像的困難。</p> <p>全球頂尖專案管理專家傅以斌,曾為超過百件耗資十億元以上的專案擔任顧問,並於牛津大學領導專業團隊,花費數十年,蒐集世界各地上萬件專案數據,彙聚成?大資料庫。在《超級專案管理》中,他分析各種失敗案例的共同問題,以科學方法,?示那些極少數專案得以順利完成的關鍵,並提煉出人人能?應用的勝利心法,教?把願景變成可行的計畫,將專案推向成功!</p> <p><strong>? 問始問「為什麼?」</strong><br /> 協助?專注於重要的事,以及最終的目的與結果。</p> <p><strong>? 慢思快行</strong><br /> 良好規劃、有效執行,縮短可能發生風險的時間段,盡速?定一切。</p> <p><strong>? 採取外部觀點</strong><br /> ?的專案?非獨一無二,記得多參考他人的經驗。</p> <p><strong>? 知道最大的風險是?自己</strong><br /> 留意認知與行為的偏誤,別把注意力全放在眼前的事。</p> <p><strong>專業推薦(依姓氏筆畫排列)</strong><br /> Ada|筆記女王<br /> 丁菱娟|影響力品牌學院創?人<br /> 瓦基|「?讀前哨站」站長<br /> 李君?|資深企業顧問、講師<br /> 洪震宇|《精準提問》作者<br /> 洪瀞|暢銷書《自己的力學》作者、成大教授、雙寶?<br /> ?旭烈|企業知名策略顧問<br /> 曾?ギョク|作家、運動員生涯規劃發展協會理事長<br /> 愛瑞克|《?在原力》系列作者、TMBA共同創?人<br /> 劉奕酉|ハクテツ行銷顧問策略長<br /> 蘇書平|先行智庫執行長</p> <p><strong>國?外齊聲推薦</strong><br /> 例子淺顯易?,讓我知道怎麼改進我的專案了!<br /> ── Ada(筆記女王)</p> <p>專案管理幾乎是?個職場工作者都必須要學的一項硬實力。<br /> ──丁菱娟(影響力品牌學院創?人)</p> <p>對於所有負責專案的職場人而言,這本書將帶給?遠超出想像的收穫。<br /> ──瓦基(「?讀前哨站」站長)</p> <p>幾乎所有的專案都不會100%照著原本的計畫順利前進,越有實務經驗越覺得這本書的建議很真實。<br /> ──李君?(資深企業顧問、講師)</p> <p>這本書用有趣的故事與具體?驟,帶我們從「問題是什麼?」的上游,一直到下游的執行過程,思考?個環節的盲點。<br /> ──洪震宇(《精準提問》作者)</p> <p>這本書將使?深刻理解「精心擬定計畫」的重要性與實踐方法,?對?得收藏。──洪瀞(暢銷書《自己的力學》作者、成大教授、雙寶?)</p> <p>本書透過11種捷思法和豐富案例,讓?的專案?動後再也不走冤枉路。<br /> ──曾?ギョク(作家、運動員生涯規劃發展協會理事長)</p> <p>此書令我大開眼界、拍案叫?,專案管理者們?快來看!<br /> ──愛瑞克(《?在原力》系列作者、TMBA共同創?人)</p> <p>用科學化的做法,??提高計畫達標的勝算。<br /> ──劉奕酉(ハクテツ行銷顧問策略長 )</p> <p>「趣味性十足……傅以斌與嘉徳納兩位作者以令人信服的論點,點出為什麼大大小小的專案一般會出錯……各行各業的管理者都能獲益匪淺。」<br /> ──《經濟學人》(The Economist)</p> <p>「從雪梨歌劇院,一直到舊事不斷重演的奧運,各種燒很多錢的大紕漏,除了令人直搖頭,也是令人想一探究竟的故事。傅以斌與嘉徳納兩位作者從中整理出寶貴的心得,一一細數如何能規劃、預測與執行各種規模的專案。不論是裝修廚房或蓋高鐵,全都能應用。」<br /> ──《金融時報》(Financial Times)二〇二三年夏季最佳商業書</p> <p>「錯過這本書是?的損失。」<br /> ──彼得.柯伊(Peter Coy),《紐約時報》(The New York Times)</p> <p>「?一位立法委員、市議員、企業高階主管的必讀。」<br /> ──《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)</p> <p>「我研究過規劃誤區的特性,我能?針對這個主題的研究,傅以斌的深度與廣度勝過所有人。他的關注範圍很廣,從奧運到裝??家的狗窩無所不包。」<br /> ──納西姆.尼可拉斯.塔雷伯(Nassim Nicholas Taleb),紐約大學坦登工學院(NYU Tandon School of Engineering)特聘教授、不確定系列書籍(Incerto Series)作者</p> <p>「充滿智慧,敘事生動,令人難忘,將數十年的實務研究與經驗,融入故事之中……平日和大型專案打交道的人士,已經迫不及待讀起這本書。我們其他人同樣也能開心學到東西。」<br /> ──提姆.哈?特(Tim Harford),《數據偵探》(The Data Detective)作者</p> <p>「本書替規劃大型專案,篩選出最理想的科學建議,可?是讀一本勝十本。」<br /> ──菲利普.E.泰特洛克(Philip E. Tetlock),《超級預測》(Superforecasting)共同作者</p> <p>「本書……點出令人意外的明確模式,解釋為什麼幾乎是所有的人類大型計畫,結果都不盡理想。幸運讀到書中提供的路線圖後,就不會掉進陷?。」<br /> ──奧拉.羅斯林(Ola Rosling),蓋普曼徳基金會(Gapminder)執行長與共同創始人、《真確》(Factfulness)共同作者</p> <p>「人類如果要在未來的數十年存活,就得打造很多東西……而且是以便宜快速的方法。這是一本極度實用的手冊!」<br /> ──比爾.麥可斌(Bill McKibben),《國旗、十字與旅行車》(The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon)作者</p> <p>「傅以斌研究全球的大型建築計畫後,得出巨型專案的鐵律就是一次次超過預算、超時、效益不彰。他深知為什麼大型專案會失敗──也知道為什麼偶爾會成功,整個?讀體驗令人感到興味?然。」<br /> ──捷爾徳.蓋格瑞澤(Gerd Gigerenzer),《直覺思維》(Gut Feelings)作者</p> <p>「在這個資源日益稀缺的時刻,本書作者指出開發專案的明路。我們有?法以對社會來講更公平、更有利的方式,運用我們的環境、人力與財務資源。」<br /> ──法蘭克.蓋瑞(Frank Gehry)</p> <p><strong>?作者/譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>作者:傅以斌(Bent Flyvbjerg)</strong><br /> 牛津大學賽徳商學院榮譽教授,被會計集團KPMG譽為「全球最頂尖的巨型專案專家」,為麥肯錫外部顧問,英美等地大型企業顧問,此外還擔任丹麥哥本哈根資訊科技大學的拉斯謬森講座教授。《巨型專案與風險》(Megaprojects and Risk)的主要作者與《牛津巨型專案管理手冊》(The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management)的主編。輔導過一百多項造價十億美元以上的專案。</p> <p><strong>作者:丹.嘉徳納(Dan Gardner)</strong><br /> 新聞工作者,著有紐約時報排行榜暢銷書《風險》(Risk)與《七嘴八舌的未來》(Future Babble),與菲利普.泰特洛克(Philip E. Tetlock)合著《超級預測》(Superforecasting)。</p> <p><strong>譯者:許恬寧</strong><br /> 自由譯者,師大翻譯所畢,譯有《高成長思維》、《走出貧窮》、《如何改變一個人》等。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,245円


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Die Witwe und der letzte Termin Erotische Geschichte und einvernehmlicher Sex, wild, unzensiert, verboten, hart, explizit, von weiblicher Perversion, explizitem bdsm, Lesben, Bisexualit?t, einvernehmlicher Unterwerfung, erotischer Fanta【電子書籍】

<p><strong>Die Witwe und der letzte Termin</strong><br /> Eine verwitwete MILF m?chte wieder ein Leben beginnen, wurde aber von all ihren bisherigen Dates mit M?nnern entt?uscht.<br /> Die Witwe fragt sich dann, wie es wohl mit einer anderen Frau sein muss und beginnt so eine Beziehung mit ihrer besten Freundin.<br /> Erotische Geschichte und einvernehmlicher Sex, wild, unzensiert, verboten, hart, explizit, von weiblicher Perversion, explizitem bdsm, Lesben, Bisexualit?t, einvernehmlicher Unterwerfung, erotischer Fantasie, erotischen Spielen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 672円

Five Words to Determine Your Destiny【電子書籍】[ Dan Klender ]

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<p>Driggety the dragon is all hot and bothered. Why can' t he breathe fire like other dragons? He tries and tries ? and along the way discovers something incredible about himself. Jump right into Driggety' s story to find out what that is. Gripping story Builds vocabulary Develops reasoning skills Stunning illustrations Ideal for gifting</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 360円

A Hunger to Kill A Serial Killer, a Determined Detective, and the Quest for a Confession That Changed a Small Town Forever【電子書籍】[ Kim Mager ]

<p><em><em>In this fascinating & profoundly chilling account, Detective Kim Mager</em>,</em> a real-life version of Clarice Starling, reveals how she closed in onーand brokeーone of Ohio’s most infamous serial killers.**</p> <p>On September 13, 2016, in the small town of Ashland, Ohio, emergency dispatchers received a 911 call from a terrified woman who claimed to be kidnapped. The man holding her hostage was Shawn Grate, a serial killer whom the press later dubbed “The Ladykiller.” A key to his conviction and death sentence were Grate’s extensive recorded confessionsーall extracted by one woman: Detective Kim Mager.</p> <p>As an experienced specialist in sex offenses, Detective Mager was one of the officers assigned to Grate’s case upon his arrest. Grate immediately latched onto her, repeatedly demanding to speak to her and presumably convinced that he could somehow exercise his power over her in much the same way that he’d overpowered and controlled his female victims.</p> <p>He was wrong.</p> <p>Over a period of eight days, Mager conducted one interview after another, risking her life by sitting alone in the interview room with a malevolent predator. Using brilliant psychological strategy in a lethal game of wits, Mager successfully elicited his damning confessions to five murders, kidnapping, and multiple sexual assaults of women across Ohio.</p> <p>Deeply personal and shocking, <em>A Hunger to Kill</em> takes readers behind the scenes of one of the most appalling criminal cases in American history from the woman who stopped his murderous rampage in collaboration with <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Lisa Pulitzer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,243円

Start with Values How Your Values Determine Your Success (or Failure) in Life【電子書籍】[ Bradley Hook ]

<p><strong>Embark on a journey of self-discoveryーand lead a life of purposeーwith practical tools and thought-experiments that reveal how collective and personal values shape our lives.</strong></p> <p>In this powerfully insightful book, author Brad Hook, founder of the Values Institute, brings his years of experience as an executive coach, mentor, and researcher to unpack the extraordinary impact of values in our lives and helps set you on a journey to live with authenticity, courage and passion.</p> <p>Three distinct sections guide you toward understanding your core values and their impact on your decision-making, purpose and daily habits:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Discovering Your Values:</strong> Tools, lists and thought-experiments to help you find your core values and comprehend how they drive their actions and shape their purpose</li> <li><strong>Living Your Values:</strong> Delves into how well-being can cultivate resilience, supporting values-aligned action even under stress</li> <li><strong>Sharing Your Values:</strong> Emphasizes the communal aspect of values, fosters you to connect and use your values within a community</li> </ul> <p>With its blend of theory and practice, the book equips readers with the understanding and tools they need to live a more fulfilling, values-aligned life. It is not just a book but a companion for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being, resilience, and relationships by <em>starting with values.</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円