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665件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

Understanding Feedback A critical exploration for teacher educators【電子書籍】[ Caroline Elbra-Ramsay ]

<p><strong>A critical text on feedback and assessment for all teacher educators.</strong></p> <p>Feedback can be key to learning, but its potential value is not always fulfilled in practice. Developing a more nuanced understanding of feedback is particularly crucial in the ITE sector where ITE students receive feedback as learners but also give feedback to their pupils, and teacher educators need to provide feedback to their students and also guide them to give effective feedback to their pupils.</p> <p>This book explores what feedback means in the ITE sector and more broadly within education. It discusses the relational, pedagogical and moral dimensions of feedback conceptualized by student teachers, drawing on research data and supporting teacher educators considering the implications for their own practice. It includes discussion of placement and academic assessment / feedback practice as well as referencing the Teachers’ Standards, the Core Framework for ITT and recommendations from the Carter Review.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,085円

How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students【電子書籍】[ Susan M. Brookhart ]

<p>Properly crafted and individually tailored feedback on student work boosts student achievement across subjects and grades. In this updated and expanded second edition of her best-selling book, Susan M. Brookhart offers enhanced guidance and three lenses for considering the effectiveness of feedback: (1) does it conform to the research, (2) does it offer an episode of learning for the student and teacher, and (3) does the student use the feedback to extend learning? In this comprehensive guide for teachers at all levels, you will find information on every aspect of feedback, including</p> <ul> <li>Strategies to uplift and encourage students to persevere in their work.</li> <li>How to formulate and deliver feedback that both assesses learning and extends instruction.</li> <li>When and how to use oral, written, and visual as well as individual, group, or whole-class feedback.</li> <li>A concise and updated overview of the research findings on feedback and how they apply to today's classrooms.</li> </ul> <p>In addition, the book is replete with examples of good and bad feedback as well as rubrics that you can use to construct feedback tailored to different learners, including successful students, struggling students, and English language learners.</p> <p>The vast majority of students will respond positively to feedback that shows you care about them and their learning. Whether you teach young students or teens, this book is an invaluable resource for guaranteeing that the feedback you give students is engaging, informative, and, above all, effective.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,990円

Feedback That Works: How to Build and Deliver Your Message, First Edition (Japanese)【電子書籍】[ Sloan R. Weitzel ]

<p>Providing feedback to others about their performance is a key developmental experience. But not all feedback is effective in making the best use of that experience. This guidebook demonstrates how to make the feedback you give more effective so that others can benefit from your message.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,704円

我想和?聊一聊:哈佛商業評論高人氣作者告訴?受用一生的6個溝通策略,成長心態?勇於談判?被質疑的勇氣一次到位 Let’s Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower【電子書籍】

<p><strong>為什麼有些人給意見,對方就是願意聽、變得更上進?</strong></p> <p><strong>??話這麼客氣了,他卻還是聽不進去,甚至經常被句點、被拒?,</strong></p> <p><strong>就連表現優異的員工,也會因為?的一句話變得不想上班</strong>**?**</p> <p><strong>微軟、亞馬遜等高績效團隊溝通教練,累積30多年實務經驗,</strong></p> <p><strong>結合數十個經典行為心理實驗,告訴?6個萬能對話策略。</strong></p> <p>★想要培養具有成長心態的團隊、孩子或自己?這本書都可以?助?!</p> <p>★企業主管、人資、老師、家長、醫師、顧問、業務、房仲、理專、客服、面試必讀</p> <p>如何用簡單句子,就點出重點、達到效果?</p> <p>如何讓批評指教,也能像是在讚美?</p> <p>如何補視角缺陷,從細節看出一個人的情緒?</p> <p>本書提供最實用案例,?助?最高難度對話這樣聊。</p> <p><strong>給讚美、提意見、下評語,是主管與部屬之間很重要的相處方式。</strong></p> <p><strong>回饋技巧用得好,不只?別人,也是?自己,但要是回饋無效,等於在燒公司的錢!</strong></p> <p>有許多人雖然升上主管,卻非常畏懼被高層質疑、給部屬意見,也有許多人,?天都需要發揮影響力,卻沒有一套有效溝通的方法?</p> <p>不只教導企業人士,也是大學教授、政府官員指定溝通教練的休斯頓,在這本書中,提出一套包含6個溝通策略的聰明回饋法,?助?建立一生受用的三觀?成長心智、勇於談判、被質疑的勇氣,不必嚴レイ、不必萬事通、不必口若懸河,只要掌握6個萬能對話策略,再也沒有難談的事。</p> <p><strong>只是多?幾句,對方就聽出?的善意;</strong></p> <p><strong>只是多問幾句,對方就願意聽從建議</strong>**!**</p> <p>?肯定優點,對團隊貢獻更需公開表揚?觀察對方最?望被認可的事。</p> <p>?多問少?,引導對方想出解決方案?傾聽的人才是握有話語權的人。</p> <p>?用SCARF模型,降低威脅?人人都需地位感、確定性、自主性、好關係、公平。</p> <p>?承認?有偏見,用超強激勵來彌補?「我對?要求比較高,因為我知道?做得到」</p> <p>?溝通要及時,意外負評最傷?先讚美,再批評,但壞消息不要留到最後?。</p> <p>?觀察的事實與?心的小劇場要區分?主角不是?,而是對方。</p> <p><strong>?想?的話,如何成為他能收下的話</strong>**?**</p> <p><strong>10<strong><strong>大對話避雷指南,不可不知</strong></strong>!</strong></p> <p>?要如何告訴某人,他沒有達成?對他的期待,或是他的簡報亂七八糟、花太多時間在錯的目標上,講完之後,卻又不至於讓他心情沮喪?一句話能毀了一切,也能改變一個人的命運。如何避免開口就?錯話?</p> <p>?職場好難?因為員工更多時候看到的是黒暗面,認為主管對他們的惡意多於善意。</p> <p>?直奔主題或開門見山?出?的建議,通常只會製造新問題。</p> <p>?批判型傾聽有助?晉升主管,但要成為高績效主管,須學會關係型傾聽。</p> <p>?不要問「為什麼要那樣做」,會引發警戒,要問「?有什麼看法」,建立心理安全感。</p> <p>?不要?「?太敏感了」,要?「我也有同感」,否定對方感受,等於否定他本人。</p> <p>?不要隨便?「我了解」,一旦對方發現?心不在焉,??再多都無效。</p> <p>?不要在指導後告知壞消息,會讓人感覺遭背叛,後悔不該跟?交心?真話。</p> <p>?不要只做個傳遞壞消息的信使,要成為他人生命中的天使。</p> <p>?超過80%的主管表示經常讚賞員工,但只有20%不到的員工表示經常得到主管的讚賞。</p> <p>??個人都想被肯定,當結果很糟,不要假讚美,要真心感謝他付出的努力。</p> <p>讀完這本書,?將有機會成為不一樣的人,甚至改變別人的命運。</p> <p><strong>名人推薦</strong></p> <p><strong>李君?</strong>專案管理顧問、<strong>李森斌</strong>王品副董事長、<strong>姚詩豪</strong>大人學共同創?人</p> <p><strong>洪雪珍</strong>斜槓教練、<strong>洪仲清</strong>臨床心理師、<strong>陳煥庭</strong>企業教練、<strong>楊宗熙</strong>人資主管UP學站長</p> <p><strong>盧世安</strong>人資小週末創?人、<strong>謝文憲</strong>企業講師/作家/主持人、<strong>謝瑞珊</strong>職場顧問江湖人稱S?</p> <p>「我甚至認為不只在職場,就算用在親子關係、家庭與朋友關係等,讀者都可以從中找到適合自己的溝通方法。」ー專案管理與目標績效管理專職講師?顧問李君?</p> <p>「為什麼有人就算?了好話,卻讓人不舒服,而有人就算對部屬很直接指出?裡不好,卻讓被批評的人心悦誠服?作者用簡單的原則,搭配實例,告訴我們其中訣竅。」ー王品副董事長李森斌</p> <p>「特別推薦給人資工作者,以及所有需要執行員工績效面談的主管們。這本書對於回饋對話的心態建立與實作指引,不僅可以為?解壓,還可以讓?贏得同仁的信任與承諾。」ー人資小週末社群創?人盧世安</p> <p>「這是一本關於溝通與回饋很到位的工具書。」ー職場顧問江湖人稱S?謝瑞珊</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,333円

How Feedback Works A Playbook【電子書籍】[ John T. Almarode ]

<p><em><strong>Feedback keeps learning moving forward.</strong></em></p> <p>You have the power to improve <em>everything</em> about teaching and learningーthrough excellent feedback. Make it precise. Timely. Actionable. Feedback is absolutely necessary for learning, and is the one ingredient that, if missing, will hinder the learning process. In this Playbook, you will not only learn how to give effective feedbackーbut have abundant opportunities to practice this skill (and get feedback) as you learn.</p> <p>Bestselling authors John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey brilliantly organize this resource into 16 modules on the 4 C’s of Feedback:</p> <p><strong>Care ー</strong> create a culture in which teachers, students and leaders embrace feedback as a continuous loop of giving, receiving, and integrating suggestions</p> <p><strong>Credibility ー</strong> know how to stoke relatability, dynamism, and trustーand avoid the three most common barriers to students’ acting on feedback</p> <p><strong>Clarity ー</strong> align your learning goals, success criteria, and strategies so you gain the most useful evidence during learning from which to generate feedback.</p> <p><strong>Communication ー</strong> give feedback with intention, by speaking to the task; or to the learner’s process, or to the learner’s ability to monitor their own progress.</p> <p>Feedback is futile unless it motivates students to change their approach the next time, and still love learning. With the <em>How Feedback Works: A Playbook</em> you have the essential guide to ensuring students go-get their highest potential.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,406円

Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback【電子書籍】[ Alastair Irons ]

<p>Assessment is a critical aspect of higher education because it has a range of powerful impacts on what staff and students do and how universities operate. Underpinned by relevant theory and practical advice this fully updated new edition takes into account the changing expectation of students in the context of an increasingly complex and shifting higher education environment to promote the role of formative assessment and formative feedback and its impact on shaping the student learning experience.</p> <p>Presented through the lens of contemporary perspectives, empirical evidence, and case studies across a broad range of subject disciplines, this new edition aims to encourage teaching and support staff to focus on the promotion of student learning through designing and embedding high-impact formative assessment processes and activities. Key content covers:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>the theoretical and philosophical aspects of formative assessment and formative feedback;</li> <li></li> <li>the learning environment in which students undertake their learning activities, helping teachers develop appropriate formative assessment and provide effective formative feedback;</li> <li></li> <li>the impact of formative assessment and formative feedback activities have on learning, teaching, and assessment design, as well as on the academic workload of tutors;</li> <li></li> <li>the contemporary issues and challenges currently driving research into formative assessment;</li> <li></li> <li>the use of technology in formative assessment and how different tools and technologies allow for the provision of effective and efficient formative feedback;</li> <li></li> <li>the benefits of understanding how students respond to formative assessment and formative feedback as an opportunity to review the effectiveness of the teaching and learning methods and techniques;</li> <li></li> <li>the integral role of formative assessment and formative feedback plays in postgraduate research settings; and</li> <li></li> <li>how innovations in formative assessment and feedback inform key developments in large-scale assessment change.</li> </ul> <p>Aimed at both experienced and early career practitioners in higher education, this text is ideal reading for educators who wish to see a movement away from a higher education system driven by summative assessment to one where a more holistic approach to education positions learning standards rather than measurement and grades as central to effective assessment and, crucially, to return to a focus on student learners.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,934円

Feedback Economics Economic Modeling with System Dynamics【電子書籍】

<p>This book approaches economic problems from a systems thinking and feedback perspective. By introducing system dynamics methods (including qualitative and quantitative techniques) and computer simulation models, the respective contributions apply feedback analysis and dynamic simulation modeling to important local, national, and global economics issues and concerns. Topics covered include: an introduction to macro modeling using a system dynamics framework; a system dynamics translation of the Phillips machine; a re-examination of classical economic theories from a feedback perspective; analyses of important social, ecological, and resource issues; the development of a biophysical economics module for global modelling; contributions to monetary and financial economics; analyses of macroeconomic growth, income distribution and alternative theories of well-being; and a re-examination of scenario macro modeling.</p> <p>The contributions also examine the philosophical differences between the economics and system dynamics communities in an effort to bridge existing gaps and compare methods. Many models and other supporting information are provided as online supplementary files. Consequently, the book appeals to students and scholars in economics, as well as to practitioners and policy analysts interested in using systems thinking and system dynamics modeling to understand and improve economic systems around the world.</p> <p>"Clearly, there is much space for more collaboration between the advocates of post-Keynesian economics and system dynamics! More generally, I would like to recommend this book to all scholars and practitioners interested in exploring the interface and synergies between economics, system dynamics, and feedback thinking."</p> <p>Comments in the Foreword by Marc Lavoie, Emeritus Professor, University of Ottawa and University of Sorbonne Paris Nord</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 19,447円

Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback: A Behavioral Perspective on Multiple Goals A Multiple Goals Perspective【電子書籍】[ Pino G. Audia ]

<p>This Element synthesizes the current state of research on organizational learning from performance feedback and develops a new perspective that deals with the influence of multiple goals. In keeping with the centrality of motives in Cyert & March's influential model, this new perspective rests on a foundation of individual level behaviors that are responsive to mechanisms at the organizational and environmental level of analysis. A key aim is to lay out an agenda for a new wave of empirical research on the interconnections of decision-makers, organizations, and the environment that influence organizational responses to performance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,351円

Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics A feedback systems approach【電子書籍】[ John D. W. Morecroft ]

<p><strong>Insightful modelling of dynamic systems for better business strategy</strong></p> <p>The business environment is constantly changing and organisations need the ability to rehearse alternative futures. By mimicking the interlocking operations of firms and industries, modelling serves as a ‘dry run’ for testing ideas, anticipating consequences, avoiding strategic pitfalls and improving future performance.</p> <p><em>Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics</em> is an essential guide to credible models; helping you to understand modelling as a creative process for distilling and communicating those factors that drive business success and sustainability. Written by an internationally regarded authority, the book covers all stages of model building, from conceptual to analytical. The book demonstrates a range of in-depth practical examples that vividly illustrate important or puzzling dynamics in firm operations, strategy, public policy, and everyday life.</p> <p>This updated new edition also offers a rich Learners' website with models, articles and videos, as well as a separate Instructors' website resource, with lecture slides and other course materials (see Related Websites/Extra section below). Together the book and websites deliver a powerful package of blended learning materials that:</p> <ul> <li>Introduce the system dynamics approach of modelling strategic problems in business and society</li> <li>Include industry examples and public sector applications with interactive simulators and contemporary visual modelling software</li> <li>Provide the latest state-of-the-art thinking, concepts and techniques for systems modelling</li> </ul> <p>The comprehensive Learners' website features models, microworlds, journal articles and videos. Easy-to-use simulators enable readers to experience dynamic complexity in business and society. Like would-be CEOs, readers can re-design operations and then re-simulate in the quest for well-coordinated strategy and better performance. The simulators include a baffling hotel shower, a start-up low-cost airline, an international radio broadcaster, a diversifying tyre maker, commercial fisheries and the global oil industry.</p> <p>"Much more than an introduction, John Morecroft’s <em>Strategic</em> <em>Modelling</em> <em>and</em> <em>Business</em> <em>Dynamics</em> uses interactive ‘mini-simulators and microworlds’ to create an engaging and effective learning environment in which readers, whatever their background, can develop their intuition about complex dynamic systems."</p> <p><strong>John</strong> <strong>Sterman,</strong> <strong>Jay</strong> <strong>W.</strong> <strong>Forrester</strong> <strong>Professor</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Management,</strong> <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>Sloan</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Management</strong></p> <p>"Illustrated by examples from everyday life, business and policy, John Morecroft expertly demonstrates how systems thinking aided by system dynamics can improve our understanding of the world around us."</p> <p><strong>Stewart Robinson,</strong> <strong>Associate Dean Research, President of the Operational Research Society, Professor of Management Science, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,046円

Visible Learning: Feedback【電子書籍】[ John Hattie ]

<p>Feedback is arguably the most critical and powerful aspect of teaching and learning. Yet, there remains a paradox: why is feedback so powerful and why is it so variable? It is this paradox which <em>Visible Learning: Feedback</em> aims to unravel and resolve.</p> <p>Combining research excellence, theory and vast teaching expertise, this book covers the principles and practicalities of feedback, including:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>the variability of feedback,</li> <li>the importance of surface, deep and transfer contexts,</li> <li>student to teacher feedback,</li> <li>peer to peer feedback,</li> <li>the power of within lesson feedback and manageable post-lesson feedback.</li> </ul> <p>With numerous case-studies, examples and engaging anecdotes woven throughout, the authors also shed light on what creates an effective feedback culture and provide the teaching and learning structures which give the best possible framework for feedback.</p> <p>Visible Learning: Feedback brings together two internationally known educators and merges Hattie’s world-famous research expertise with Clarke’s vast experience of classroom practice and application, making this book an essential resource for teachers in any setting, phase or country.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,667円

Thanks for the Feedback The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well【電子書籍】[ Douglas Stone ]

<p><strong>The bestselling authors of the classic <em>Difficult Conversations</em> teach us how to turn evaluations, advice, criticisms, and coaching into productive listening and learning</strong></p> <p>We swim in an ocean of feedback. Bosses, colleagues, customersーbut also family, friends, and in-lawsーthey all have “suggestions” for our performance, parenting, or appearance. We know that feedback is essential for healthy relationships and professional developmentーbut we dread it and often dismiss it.</p> <p>That’s because receiving feedback sits at the junction of two conflicting human desires. We do want to learn and grow. And we also want to be accepted just as we are right now. <em>Thanks for the Feedback</em> is the first book to address this tension head on. It explains why getting feedback is so crucial yet so challenging, and offers a powerful framework to help us take on life’s blizzard of off-hand comments, annual evaluations, and unsolicited advice with curiosity and grace.</p> <p>The business world spends billions of dollars and millions of hours each year teaching people how to give feedback more effectively. Stone and Heen argue that we’ve got it backwards and show us why the smart money is on educating <em>receiversー</em> in the workplace and in personal relationships as well.</p> <p>Coauthors of the international bestseller <em>Difficult Conversations</em>, Stone and Heen have spent the last ten years working with businesses, nonprofits, governments, and families to determine what helps us learn and what gets in our way. With humor and clarity, they blend the latest insights from neuroscience and psychology with practical, hard-headed advice. The book is destined to become a classic in the world of leadership, organizational behavior, and education.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,747円

Designing Effective Feedback Processes in Higher Education A Learning-Focused Approach【電子書籍】[ Naomi Winstone ]

<p>Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on student achievement, yet it is difficult to implement productively within the constraints of a mass higher education system. <em>Designing Effective Feedback Processes in Higher Education: A Learning-Focused Approach</em> addresses the challenges of developing effective feedback processes in higher education, combining theory and practice to equip and empower educators. It places less emphasis on what teachers do in terms of providing commentary, and more emphasis on how students generate, make sense of, and use feedback for ongoing improvement.</p> <p>Including discussions on promoting student engagement with feedback, technology-enabled feedback, and effective peer feedback, this book:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>Contributes to the theory and practice of feedback in higher education by showcasing new paradigm feedback thinking focused on dialogue and student uptake</li> <li></li> <li>Synthesises the evidence for effective feedback practice</li> <li></li> <li>Provides contextualised examples of successful innovative feedback designs analysed in relation to relevant literature</li> <li></li> <li>Highlights the importance of staff and student feedback literacy in developing productive feedback partnerships</li> <li></li> <li>Supports higher education teachers in further developing their feedback practice.</li> </ul> <p>Designing Effective Feedback Processes in Higher Education: A Learning-Focused Approach contributes to the theory and practice of higher education pedagogy by re-evaluating how feedback processes are designed and managed. It is a must-read for educators, researchers, and academic developers in higher education who will benefit from a guide to feedback research and practice that addresses well recognised challenges in relation to assessment and feedback.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,269円

謝謝?的指教:哈佛溝通專家教?轉化負面意見,成就更好的自己 Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well【電子書籍】[ 道格拉斯.史東(Douglas Stone) ]

<p>哈佛大學溝通專家25年經典代表作<br /> 美國亞馬遜書店長銷書,重量級大師推崇必學的基本功</p> <p>讀者★★★★★熱烈迴響:「這本書可能會改變?的人生!」</p> <p><strong>在這個人人都想給?指教的時代──</strong><br /> 各界回饋都要聽?接受批評指教難如登天?<br /> 轉化棘手對話的獨門心法,<br /> 把錯誤、不公平與讓人感覺很差的建言,都變成?學習與成長的能量!</p> <p><strong>EQ大師丹尼爾.高爾曼、《第五項修練》管理大師彼得.聖吉、</strong><br /> <strong>《給予》華頓商學院教授亞當.葛蘭特、哈佛商學院教授艾美.艾徳蒙森、</strong><br /> <strong>可口可樂公司前學習長、時代華納董事── 一致推崇</strong></p> <p><strong>接受「批評指教」,是一件?得投入心力練習的事!</strong></p> <p>?一年,全球共有825萬小時(=9.4萬年)用於準備與進行年度績效考核。<br /> 數千萬的學生要以學測成績去面對各大學或褒或貶的判決。<br /> ?一天,?在網路上發表的任何文字、照片、影片,隨時要面臨各種好評或負評……</p> <p><strong>我們活在一個隨時都在接受「批評指教」的世界,而?能?選擇的是:</strong><br /> <strong>□ 被批評指教惹惱,淹沒在各種情緒裡</strong><br /> <strong>■ 刻意花心思練習接受指教,從中?掘可據為己用的成長金鑰</strong></p> <p>上司、同事、客?,或者家人、朋友、伴侶,都會對我們提供「建議」。這些指教、回饋對於建立健康的人際關係或職涯發展,都是不可或缺的。然而,面對「批評指教」,我們常常是害怕、抗拒、反彈、?避,原因有時是難堪,有時是指教的人令?厭惡(典型的「對人不對事」),還有些時候是我們感覺被否定了。</p> <p>本書兩位作者在哈佛大學教授談判與高難度溝通超過20年,從白宮到許多高衝突場域都仰頼他們的專業建議。執教多年來,兩人深深體會到,「接受批評指教」的方法,是最?得投入心力去刻意練習、最能?助?個人自我提升的實用技巧。書中以豐富案例與清晰指引,帶?面對直白的批評、殘酷的年度績效考核,或是不請自來的建議,甚至能學會為自己設下界線,重新主導人生。</p> <p><strong>本書將?助?──</strong></p> <p><strong>◆理解為何接受回饋是如此重要,卻又充滿挑戰性?【破解?曲回饋的三大機制】</strong><br /> <strong>◆學會真正理解給予建議的人看見了什麼?【願聞其詳的力量】</strong><br /> <strong>◆如何針對他人的批評指教進行高難度對話,找出自己成長學習的路徑?【從定型自我轉化成學習型自我】</strong></p> <p><strong>◎好評迴響</strong></p> <p>※我必須承認,《謝謝?的指教》讓我讀得很不自在,但這也是我如此喜歡本書的理由之一。史東與西恩透過犀利的見解與各種實用的重點,?露接受回饋的難處──以及進?的方法。假如?喜歡在職場上接受批評,更愛在個人生活中受人批判,那?應該是全世界唯一能安心跳過這本書的人。──丹尼爾.品克,《未來在等待的人才》作者</p> <p>※《謝謝?的指教》是本有機會改變人生的書,它能?助人正視生命中最困難卻又最重要的部分之一:接受回饋。它是一張地圖,帶領讀者遠離防衛心態,朝自覺、更深入學習與更完滿的人際關係邁進。──亞當.格蘭特,華頓商學院教授、《給予:華頓商學院最?發人心的一堂課》作者</p> <p>※想成為學習型組織的領袖,首要工作就是提升回饋的品質,而本書是不可或缺的指引。──艾美.艾徳蒙森,哈佛商學院諾華領導力與管理講座教授</p> <p>※愛上這本書的,不會只有教育與人資工作者。只要是會接受績效考核的人,任何希望進?的人,都該?讀本書。──B.亞倫.埃騰坎,時代華納公司全球組織與領導發展部門執行董事</p> <p>※想像一個人人善於接受回饋的組織:在這裡,?人的焦慮程度很低,且能持續學習與成長。這是不可能的??有了這本獨一無二、直?人心的書,空想也可能化為現實。──茱蒂.羅森布倫,可口可樂前學習長、杜克大學企業教育學院創?人</p> <p>※在工作場合,接受回饋十分重要,但在家庭中,這是關鍵技能。這本簡單又簡練的書,能教我們接受回饋的方法。──布魯斯.法勒,《紐約時報》專欄作家與《意想不到的幸福家庭秘訣》作者</p> <p>※本書讓讀者坐上駕駛座,?轉了學習主導權的典範。──華格納.丹努佐,IBM前管理發展長、保徳信金融集團未來工作力研究部長</p> <p>※接受回饋是一種技能,它和大多數其他技能一樣,需要投入心力與練習,才能?助人改變與持續進?……在學習此技能這方面,本書是最有效的指南。──《紐約時報》</p> <p>※生活中處處是回饋,我們或許無法完全控制他人對我們的想法,但?對能改變自己面對與處理回饋的方式。──《金融時報》</p> <p>※本書極為實用,任何有志管理組織、領導團隊、建立合?關係或處理人際問題的人,都能活用書中種種技巧……兩位作者出色地教導個人與組織如何善用「回饋」的?大價?,充分使用這項對人類學習而言最強而有力的工具。──《戰略與經營》雜誌</p> <p>※本書並非教人逆來順受的宣言,而是傳授讀者理解回饋並將批評轉為堅毅篤定學習的技藝。聖人就不必讀了。──《週日標準?報》</p> <p>※這本獨特的書教我們如何優雅地接受回饋,無論是上司的批評、孩子對?餐的評價,或婆婆對於教養風格的指責,?都能大方接受……兩位作者在充分調?後提出自己的見解、建議與小??,推出了卓越的好書。──《親職雜誌》</p> <p>※本書呈現出與?不同的面向,兩位作者不是來教導如何有效提出回饋,而是告訴讀者怎麼在接受回饋的同時建立自覺,並且訂立改善與進?的計畫……他們以極富意義的方式,陳述關於回饋的真貌。作者接續先前的暢銷著作《再也沒有難談的事》,再度提供有效的成長架構,?助人接受以各種方式傳達的各種回饋,將它轉為己用。──《T+D》雜誌</p> <p>※所有人都必須増進接受回饋的能力,雖不必?次接納對方的想法,但在面對不公允的回饋時,我們仍該捨棄大聲抗議的直覺反應,嘗試探詢雙方觀點分?的原因……本書還提出一個?得記下的問題:就?對我的觀察,我的?一種行為妨礙了自己?──《衛報》</p> <p>※驚人的是,竟然極少有人注重有效聽取回饋這門學問。現在,兩位作者寫出一部完整探究「接受回饋的科學與藝術」的著作……他們深入討論有效應用回饋的方法,同時探索「回饋」的新定義。在益發注重個人與自我的社會文化中,這本教人有建設性地接受並使用他人意見的書,?得大?一讀。──《科克斯書評》</p> <p>※我和管理團隊一起?讀《謝謝?的指教》,還花好幾個鐘頭討論書中?容,彷彿這是教人怎麼一輩子獲得免費??與甜甜圈的?明書!現在,我們有?法為建設性回饋設立有意義的標準,而且更重要的是,我們還能和無法順利接受回饋的警員合力發展出合理的解決方法。作者的觀念融合了我們加州警政機構對服務與專業的要求,可?是完美的結合,我們準備在提供給全警局的訓練當中,加入本書的教導。──小J.愛徳華茲,少校與警校教官</p> <p>※《謝謝?的指教》的重點不是如何給予回饋,它比那重要得多,是接受回饋的技巧……在我們心目中,自己是想法開明、情緒上能接受批評的人,然而實際上,我們就是各不相同的人類。這本書承認人人反應各異的事實,也提出面對回饋、處理回饋與隨之成長的方法。──丹.科特雷爾,《國際橄欖球教練》雜誌</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>哈佛法學院溝通專家</strong><br /> <strong>道格拉斯.史東</strong>(Douglas Stone)<strong>、席拉.西恩</strong>(Sheila Heen)</p> <p>道格拉斯.史東與席拉.西恩是三合管理顧問集團(Triad Consulting Group)共同創?人,服務的客?包括白宮、花旗集團、豐田汽車、嬌生公司、時代華納公司、聯合利華、波士頓地區性侵害危機中心等機構。他們曾合著紐約時報暢銷書《再也沒有難談的事:哈佛法學院教?如何開口,解決切身的大小事》。</p> <p>史東長期在哈佛大學法學院教授談判學,曾任該校「哈佛談判專案中心」副主任。西恩過去二十五年來,也在哈佛法學院談判專案中心鑽研談判理論與操作,尤其針對高情緒張力、緊張關係這個領域。此外,?也擔任聯邦儲備銀行、新加坡最高法院的諮詢專家,最著名的談判案例為調解當代神學家對於「神是否為真」的紛雜意見。</p> <p>史東現居劍橋,西恩則和丈夫與三個孩子住在劍橋北方一間農舍。</p> <p><strong>譯者簡介</strong><br /> <s画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,366円

Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK [ Douglas Stone ]

THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK Douglas Stone Sheila Heen PENGUIN GROUP2015 Paperback English ISBN:9780143127130 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp 3,009円

Flash Feedback [Grades 6-12] Responding to Student Writing Better and Faster ? Without Burning Out【電子書籍】[ Matthew Johnson ]

<p><em><strong>Beat burnout with time-saving best practices for feedback</strong></em></p> <p>For ELA teachers, the danger of burnout is all too real. Inundated with seemingly insurmountable piles of papers to read, respond to, and grade, many teachers often find themselves struggling to balance differentiated, individualized feedback with the one resource they are already overextended onーtime.</p> <p>Matthew Johnson offers classroom-tested solutions that not only alleviate the feedback-burnout cycle, but also lead to significant growth for students. These time-saving strategies built on best practices for feedback help to improve relationships, ignite motivation, and increase student ownership of learning.</p> <p><em>Flash Feedback</em> also takes teachers to the next level of strategic feedback by sharing:</p> <ul> <li> <p>How to craft effective, efficient, and more memorable feedback</p> </li> <li> <p>Strategies for scaffolding students through the meta-cognitive work necessary for real revision</p> </li> <li> <p>A plan for how to create a culture of feedback, including lessons for how to train students in meaningful peer response</p> </li> <li> <p>Downloadable online tools for teacher and student use</p> </li> </ul> <p>Moving beyond the theory of working smarter, not harder, <em>Flash Feedback</em> works deeper by developing practices for teacher efficiency that also boost effectiveness by increasing students’ self-efficacy, improving the clarity of our messages, and ultimately creating a classroom centered around meaningful feedback.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,519円

Questioning for Formative Feedback Meaningful Dialogue to Improve Learning【電子書籍】[ Jackie Acree Walsh ]

<p><strong>When used effectively, quality questions and student dialogue result in self-regulated learners and formative feedback that reveals progress toward learning goals.</strong></p> <p>Learning knows no boundaries. The potential for learning exists whenever and wherever we interact with our environment. So how can we infuse school learning with the authenticity and excitement associated with real-life experiences?</p> <p>In <em>Questioning for Formative Feedback,</em> Jackie Acree Walsh explores the relationship between questioning and feedback in K?12 classrooms and how dialogue serves as the bridge connecting the two.</p> <p>Quality questioning, productive dialogue, and authentic use of feedback are a powerful trifecta for addressing the needs of a new generation of learners. In fact, the skillful use of these three processes can fuel and accelerate the academic, social, and emotional learning of all students.</p> <p>In this book, Walsh provides a manual of practice for educators who want to engage students as partners in these processes. To that end, she offers the following features to help create a classroom in which everyone learns through intentional practice:</p> <p>* <strong>Blueprints</strong> for coherent models of key processes and products.<br /> * <strong>Tools and strategies</strong> to help you achieve identified outcomes.<br /> * <strong>Protocols</strong> with step-by-step directions to complete an activity.<br /> * <strong>Classroom artifacts</strong> of authentic classroom use, including links to 21 original videos produced exclusively for this book!</p> <p>Working together, questioning, dialogue, and feedback can transform learning for all. This book supports you in embracing and bringing that vision to fruition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,311円

Inflection 05: Feedback Journal of the Melbourne School of Design【電子書籍】[ Jack Self ]

<p>The term 'big data' is virtually ubiquitous in both cultural and technical contexts. The fifth volume of Inflection is an open-ended investigation into how designers are interpreting and countering the prevailing narrative that pushes for greater efficiency and automation using sophisticated data analytics. Feedback gathers a wide range of responses, united by their collective advocacy for a sophisticated understanding of processes, frameworks and ethics. Inflection is a student-run design journal based at the Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne. Born from a desire to stimulate debate and generate ideas, it advocates the discursive voice of students, academics and practitioners. Founded in 2013, Inflection is a home for provocative writingーa place to share ideas and engage with contemporary discourse.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,400円

Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series) GIVING EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK (HBR (20-Minute Manager) [ Harvard Business Review ]

GIVING EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK (HBR 20ーMinute Manager Harvard Business Review HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PR2014 Paperback English ISBN:9781625275424 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 2,059円

Konstruktives Feedback ? Positiv Kritik ?ben, motivieren & Kooperation f?rdern KI-optimiertes Experten-Wissen zu Feedbackkultur & Mitarbeitermotivation【電子書籍】[ Simone Janson ]

<p>In der neuen Executive Edition, herausgegeben von einem preisgekr?nten Verlag, vereinen renommierte Experten (?bersicht in der Buchvorschau) ihr Wissen mit einer interaktiven KI. Diese einzigartige Kombination aus jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und modernster Technik erm?glicht es Ihnen, Herausforderungen auf einer ganz neuen Ebene zu meistern. Dank der innovativen Informationsvermittlung, erg?nzt durch pers?nlichen Erfolgserlebnisse, k?nnen Sie Ihre Ziele verwirklichen und Ihr volles Potenzial aussch?pfen.<br /> Denn konstruktives Feedback, motivierende Ansprache und die F?rderung von Kooperation sind zentrale Elemente erfolgreicher F?hrung. "Konstruktiv Feedback geben, motivieren & Kooperation f?rdern" bietet F?hrungskr?ften praxisnahe Strategien, um effektives Feedback zu geben und eine positive Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen. Das Buch zeigt, wie motivierende Kommunikation dazu beitr?gt, das Engagement der Mitarbeiter zu steigern und die Zusammenarbeit im Team zu st?rken. Eine unverzichtbare Ressource f?r F?hrungskr?fte, die eine positive Feedback-Kultur etablieren und langfristige Erfolge f?rdern m?chten.<br /> F?hrungskr?fte m?ssen heute hohe Anforderungen erf?llen. Dem tragen wir mit unserer Executive Edition Rechnung, die Inhalte fr?herer Erfolgs-Titel von Best of HR - aufgreift, aber sie im Licht neuer Strategien f?r F?hrungserfolg und des Wandels in Organisationen neu interpretiert.<br /> F?r sein Konzept ?Infos nach Wunsch“ wurde der Verlag mit dem Global Business Award als Publisher of the Year ausgezeichnet und staatlich gef?rdert. Er ist au?erdem Partner des Bundesbildungsministeriums. Das Ziel, Ihnen die bestm?glichen Inhalte zu Themen wie Karriere, Finanzen, Management, Recruiting oder Psychologie zu bieten, geht dabei weit ?ber die statische Natur traditioneller B?cher hinaus:<br /> Die interaktiven AI Extended Books vermitteln Ihnen nicht nur KI-optimierte Inhalte in mehreren Sprachen, basierend auf Datenanalyse, sondern erm?glichen es auch, individuelle Fragen zu stellen und sich zu Ihren pers?nlichen Interessen beraten zu lassen. Dazu finden Sie in jedem Buch ausf?hrliche Erl?uterungen und Anwendungsbeispiele, die Ihnen das erfolgreiche Benutzen der KI erleichtern. Sie k?nnen so quasi kostenlos KI-Software nutzen, eKurse herunterladen, mit Workbooks arbeiten oder sich mit einer aktiven Community austauschen. So erhalten Sie wertvolle Ressourcen, die Ihr Wissen steigern, die Kreativit?t anregen, Ihre pers?nlichen wie beruflichen Ziele erreichbar und Erfolge erlebbar machen.<br /> Dabei gehen Fachwissen und technische Innovation Hand in Hand, denn wir nehmen die Verantwortung, fundierte und gut recherchierte Inhalte zu liefern sowie das Vertrauen, das Sie in uns setzen, sehr ernst. Aufgrund der einzigartigen Kombination aus menschlicher Expertise und Innovation k?nnen wir Werke publizieren, die Ihren Anforderungen in jeder Hinsicht gerecht werden.<br /> Und mehr noch: Wir m?chten Ihnen die Gelegenheit bieten, Ihre Reise zu pers?nlichem Wachstum und Erfolg noch unvergesslicher zu machen. Denn wir wissen, dass wahre Ver?nderung nicht nur im Kopf stattfindet, sondern vor allem durch pers?nliches Erleben und Anwenden. Deshalb haben wir passend zu jedem Buch f?r Sie besondere Erfolgs-Reise-Erlebnisse konzeptioniert. Lassen Sie sich also inspirieren, um Ihre Leben auf ein v?llig neues Level zu heben.<br /> Mit dem Kauf der B?cher k?nnen Sie auch Gutes tun: Der Verlag engagiert sich mit etwa 5 Prozent der Einnahmen aus dem Buchverkauf in gesellschaftlich relevanten sozialen oder nachhaltigen Projekten. So stiften wir Stipendien oder unterst?tzen innovative Ideen sowie Klimaschutzinitiativen. Verlegerin Simone Janson ist zudem Bestseller-Autorin sowie eine der 10 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen laut Blogger-Relevanz-Index, au?erdem war sie Kolumnistin und Autorin renommierter Medien wie WELT, Wirtschaftswoche oder ZEIT - mehr zu ihr u.a. in Wikipedia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,008円

洋書 Paperback, Feedback (and Other Dirty Words): Why We Fear It, How to Fix It

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F?rstehj?lp til feedback Giv andre noget at vokse af【電子書籍】[ Anders Stahlschmidt ]

<p>Vi har alle brug for feedback, for det giver os energi, selvtillid og motivation at blive anerkendt. Samtidig har vi brug for, at nogen korrigerer os, s? vi ikke gentager fejl, d?rlige vaner og ubet?nksom opf?rsel. G?r din feedback mere kvalificeret ? b?de p? arbejde og derhjemme.</p> <p><strong>L?r at give feedback</strong></p> <p><em>F?rstehj?lp til feedback</em> er en bog med baggrund, ?velser og v?rkt?jer, s? du kan blive bedre til at give feedback. B?de den daglige og den formaliserede.</p> <p>N?r du giver feedback, skal du v?re bevidst om:</p> <p><strong>- Sproget</strong><br /> Bl.a. G?r du efter manden eller bolden? Sprogets magi. Karakterforbandelser. Skrift over for samtale. Vi h?rer det, vi forst?r.</p> <p><strong>- Formen</strong><br /> Bl.a. Hvordan formulerer man sp?rgsm?l? Hvad koster en skideballe? Hvordan h?ver du dig over snot- og t?regr?nsen? Hvad er der galt med p?dagogsandwichen?</p> <p><strong>- Hensigten og resultatet</strong><br /> Bl.a. N?r feedback er som hvidt sukker. Hvor dybt vil du ramme? Ligev?rd. “Du er jo et kvaj til feedback”. At mene noget med sin feedback. Timing.</p> <p>Bogens budskab er: Giv hinanden noget at vokse af!</p> <p>L?s fagbladet <a href="">Journalistens anmeldelse</a>.</p> <p>H?r <a href="">interview med Anderst Stahlschmidt hos JP Radio</a>.</p> <p>Anders Stahlschmidt er journalist og kommunikationsr?dgiver. Han er partner i Lumholt & Stahlschmidt Kommunikation og arbejder med storytelling og med at tr?ne og udvikle personlige kompetencer inden for kommunikation. Tidligere tv-v?rt p? DR og TV2 og underholdningschef p? Nordisk Film.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,185円

Better Feedback for Better Teaching A Practical Guide to Improving Classroom Observations【電子書籍】[ Jeff Archer ]

<p><strong>A practical, research-based guide for ensuring trustworthy classroom observations that provide teachers with meaningful feedback</strong></p> <p><em>Better Feedback for Better Teaching</em> is an essential resource for school, district, and state, leaders committed to high-quality classroom observations. This practical guide outlines the knowledge and skills classroom observers need to identify and help develop effective teaching, and explains how leaders can best facilitate the development of classroom observers.</p> <p>The best way to ensure high quality instruction in every classroom is to provide teachers with accurate, constructive feedback on practices proven to enhance student learning. Skilled classroom observers help teachers do their best work, so that they can guide students to their greatest potential. <em>Better Feedback for Better Teaching</em> provides helpful, reliable strategies from leading experts and practitioners involved in the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project, which carried out one of the largest, most influential studies of classroom observations to date.</p> <p>Among the many topics covered, <em>Better Feedback for Better Teaching</em> describes how to:</p> <ul> <li>Build a shared vision of effective teacher feedback among observers</li> <li>Ensure a common understanding of a classroom observation tool</li> <li>Train observers to collect objective evidence from a lesson, efficiently and free of bias</li> <li>Leverage data to improve how observers are trained and supported</li> </ul> <p>This comprehensive resource includes helpful starting points, as well as tips to refine techniques and address new challenges. Each section combines clear explanations of key ideas with concrete, adaptable examples and strategies.</p> <p>Self-assessments are included to help you quickly rank current needs and find the most relevant solutions. Filled with valuable, practical tools, <em>Better Feedback for Better Teaching</em> helps educators cultivate high-quality classroom observations that improve teaching and learning.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,550円

Schaum’s Outline of Feedback and Control Systems, 2nd Edition【電子書籍】[ Joseph J. Distefano ]

<h4>Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?</h4> <p><strong>Fortunately for you, there’s Schaum's. This all-in-one-package includes more than 700 fully solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to 20 detailed videos featuring instructors who explain the most commonly tested problems--it's just like having your own virtual tutor! You'll find everything you need to build confidence, skills, and knowledge for the highest score possible.</strong></p> <p>More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.</p> <p><strong>This Schaum's Outline gives you</strong></p> <ul> <li>700 fully solved problems</li> <li>Extra practice on topics such as differential equations and linear systems, transfer functions, block diagram algebra, and more</li> <li>Support for all major textbooks for feedback and control systems courses</li> </ul> <p><em>Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum’s to shorten your study time--and get your best test scores!</em></p> <p><strong>Schaum's Outlines--Problem Solved.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,038円

ピア・フィードバック ICTも活用した生徒主体の学び方 / 原タイトル:PEER FEEDBACK IN THE CLASSROOM[本/雑誌] / スター・サックシュタイン/〔著〕 田中理紗/訳 山本佐江/訳 吉田新一郎/訳

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ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>教師に尋ねる前に3人のクラスメイトに質問を。アメリカ発の最新手法で主体的な学びを実現。<収録内容>1 フィードバックの力(ピア・フィードバックを生徒に教えるための理論的根拠生徒同士がサポートしあうクラスをつくる有意義なフィードバックとはどのようなものか)2 フィードバックを生徒に紹介する(フィードバックの受け取り方と活用法を教える生徒がフィードバックのプロセスを理解できるようにする)3 ピア・フィードバックの基本(エキスパート・グループの育成と維持ピア・フィードバックを支えるICTの使用)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2663554Star Sack Shutai N / [Cho] Tanaka Risa / Yaku Yamamoto Tasuku E / Yaku YOSHIDA SHINICHIRO / Yaku / Peer Feedback ICT Mo Katsuyo Shita Seito Shutai No Manabi Kata / Original Title: PEER FEEDBACK in the CLASSROOMメディア:本/雑誌重量:287g発売日:2021/10JAN:9784794811936ピア・フィードバック ICTも活用した生徒主体の学び方 / 原タイトル:PEER FEEDBACK IN THE CLASSROOM[本/雑誌] / スター・サックシュタイン/〔著〕 田中理紗/訳 山本佐江/訳 吉田新一郎/訳2021/10発売 2,200円

Advanced Techniques and Technology of Computer-Aided Feedback Control【電子書籍】[ Jean Mbihi ]

<p>This book covers various modern theoretical, technical, practical and technological aspects of computerized numerical control and control systems of deterministic and stochastic dynamical processes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 20,114円

Feedback Loops - Simple Steps to Win, Insights and Opportunities for Maxing Out Success【電子書籍】[ Gerard Blokdijk ]

<p>Starting out with Feedback Loops means being unsure about what to do, how to start and how to get the most out of it; preparing for success, and avoiding failure.</p> <p>There is enormous satisfaction in seeing the change succeed, overcoming the obstacles in the way to reap the rewards and benefits that using Feedback Loops brings.</p> <p>Don't embark on the change unprepared or it will be doomed to fail. But it's my guess that since you're reading this, the forces of change have already been set in motion, and there is no going back.</p> <p>What you need is the resources, knowledge, and confidence required to overcome uncertainty and face Feedback Loops changes.</p> <p>The job can be accomplished by having a roadmap and experiences from previous Feedback Loops changes.</p> <p>This is where this book is your guide and roadmap. You will be able to relate to the experiences laid out in its resources covering all aspects of any Feedback Loops initiative.</p> <p>Use it, and its INCLUDED resources, to get a strong foundation. It will provide aid, advice, blueprints, road maps en templates when you need it most. The book reflects the reality that the fastest way to learn about Feedback Loops is from experiences, knowing about the ins and outs of employment and career developments, trends and popularity, relevant knowledge and patents AND the INCLUDED downloadable resources on Feedback Loops Blueprints, Templates and Presentations.</p> <p>Whatever makes you decide to take on the change: growing business initiatives or career development plans, you are ready for a Feedback Loops Change. The book and accompanying toolkit is your gateway and will fully support your commitment in moving forward and energize yourself and others.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,524円

Seeing Autism through Parents' Feedback, Sketchnotes, Technology, and Evidence-based Practices SEEING AUTISM THROUGH PARENTS [ Demetria Ennis-Cole ]

SEEING AUTISM THROUGH PARENTS Demetria EnnisーCole Lin Lin Xue Yang SPRINGER NATURE2019 Paperback English ISBN:9783030153762 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education 20,451円

Instructional Feedback: The Power, the Promise, the Practice INSTRUCTIONAL FEEDBACK [ Jeffrey K. Smith ]

INSTRUCTIONAL FEEDBACK Jeffrey K. Smith Anastasiya A. Lipnevich Thomas R. Guskey CORWIN PR INC2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781544385211 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education 8,923円

Mixer: Feedback Serial Book Three Feedback Dystopia, #3【電子書籍】[ Shane Hall ]

<p><strong>A Dystopian Future Where Singing Is A Felony And Music Is Banned</strong></p> <p><strong>The Safest Place is Not What It Seems</strong></p> <p>Eric had dreams for himself and the world, but the Nexus and Leonardo forced him into hiding. After a final surface mission, Eric is safe with his family in the Marley, but at a very high cost.</p> <p>The surface world grows distant, and people begin to heal and accept new roles.</p> <p>The underwater vessel known as <em><strong>The Marley</strong></em> is a piece to a puzzle, however, and someone is coming to put the pieces together.</p> <p>Eric's friends and family will face life and death once again. The Nexus will reveal its mysterious leader. And Leonardo's legacy will take form as people react to his disappearance.</p> <p>Something terrible awaits at the bottom of the ocean.</p> <p><strong>Reverb is the third of four novella-length episodes in season one</strong> of a multi-season, dystopian thriller of politics, hatred, love, bitterness, and warped minds.</p> <p><strong>If dystopian futures fascinate you, scroll up and grab a copy</strong></p> <p><strong>Feedback's Most Relevant Categories</strong></p> <p>* Dystopian New Adult Science Fiction</p> <p>* Science Fiction Mystery Serial</p> <p>* Augmented Reality Science Fiction</p> <p>* Dystopian Futures</p> <p>* Posthuman Science Fiction</p> <p>* Post-Nuclear Apocalypse</p> <p>* YA Dystopian Science Fiction</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 363円

Introduction to Rubrics An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback, and Promote Student Learning【電子書籍】[ Dannelle D. Stevens ]

<p>This new edition retains the appeal, clarity and practicality that made the first so successful, and continues to provide a fundamental introduction to the principles and purposes of rubrics, with guidance on how to construct them, use them to align course content to learning outcomes, and apply them in a wide variety of courses, and to all forms of assignment. Reflecting developments since publication of the first edition, the authors have extended coverage to include:* Expanded discussion on use of rubrics for grading* Grading on-line with rubrics* Wider coverage of rubric types (e.g., holistic, rating scales)* Rubric construction in student affairs* Pros and cons of working with "ready-made" rubrics* Using rubrics to improve your teaching, and for SoTL* Use of rubrics in program assessment (case study)* Application of rubrics in the arts, for study abroad, service learning and students’ independent learning * Up-dated literature review</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,934円