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ARNOLD LOBEL HARPER TROPHY (USA)【絵本】英語絵本 英語教材 知育 アーノルド・ローベル 1979 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780064440219 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 897円


ARNOLD LOBEL HARPER TROPHY (USA)【絵本】英語絵本 英語教材 知育 アーノルド・ローベル 1984 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780064440592 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,003円


ARNOLD LOBEL HARPER TROPHY (USA)【絵本】英語絵本 英語教材 知育 アーノルド・ローベル 2004 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780064440585 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,003円


ARNOLD LOBEL HARPER TROPHY (USA)【絵本】英語絵本 英語教材 知育 アーノルド・ローベル 2003 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780064440202 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,003円


RUSSELL HOBAN HARPER TROPHY (USA)2008 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780060838003 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,003円


ー HARPERCOLLINS USA2012 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780061170843 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 792円


SYD HOFF HARPERCOLLINS USA2008 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780064440028 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 897円

【中古】 Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty 2003. Corr. 2nd / Muhammad Yunus / PublicAffairs [ペーパーバック]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】

もったいない本舗 楽天市場店
著者:Muhammad Yunus出版社:PublicAffairsサイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:1586481983ISBN-13:9781586481988■こちらの商品もオススメです ● CREATING A WORLD WITHOUT POVERTY(B) / Muhammad Yunus / PublicAffairs [ペーパーバック] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※あす楽ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  使用されてはいますが、  非常にきれいな状態です。  書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い:  比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。  ページやカバーに欠品はありません。  文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可:  文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。  マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。  商品の痛みがある場合があります。 577円

The Classic Rider Waite Smith Tarot Book & Card Deck: Includes 78 Cards and 128 Page Book [With Book CLASSIC RIDER WAITE SMITH TARO (Sirius Oracle Kits) [ A. E. Waite ]

CLASSIC RIDER WAITE SMITH TARO Sirius Oracle Kits A. E. Waite Tania Ahsan Alice Ekrek SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT2024 Other English BOOK(S) ISBN:9781398835658 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 3,960円

Princess Peppa and the Royal Ball (Peppa Pig: Scholastic Reader, Level 1) PRINCESS PEPPA & THE ROYAL BAL (Scholastic Reader: Level 1) [ Courtney Carbone ]

PRINCESS PEPPA & THE ROYAL BAL Scholastic Reader: Level 1 Courtney Carbone SCHOLASTIC2017 Paperback English ISBN:9781338182583 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 897円

The New York Times Mini Crossword Page-A-Day Calendar 2024: For Crossword Beginners and Puzzle Pros NYT MINI CROSSWORD PAGE-A-DAY [ Workman Calendars ]

NYT MINI CROSSWORD PAGEーAーDAY Workman Calendars Joel Fagliano WORKMAN PR2023 Mini English ISBN:9781523518876 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Games 2,692円

【MC001】【国内未発売】MundiCromo トリノ "Grande Torino and Granata Heroes" リミテッドカードセット【トレーディングカード/サッカー/セリエA/TORINO/MC】

■商品説明 スペインのムンディクロモ社からイタリア名門「トリノ」のカードセットが発売! クラブ歴史本とカードのセットでジャージカード,直筆サインカードが当たりカードとして出現! 限定版ならではのハイクオリティカードです。 メモラビリアカードにはユニフォームはもちろん、スパイク、ボール、ピンズ、チケット、ペナントなどトリノの歴史が詰め込んだカードになります。 ■商品仕様 1箱 1906セット限定生産 ・クラブ冊子 サイズ未確認 / 48ページ ・ベースカード 50枚 ・パラレルカード 4枚(ベースカード50枚のうちランダム) ・メモラビリアカード1枚 ・直筆サインカード1枚(20ボックスに1ボックスの割合) ※1セットでベースカードは揃います。 ■必ずご確認ください 予約商品とご一緒のご発送はできません。 画像は実際の商品と多少異なる場合ございます。 19,580円

MCP教科書 Microsoft Security、 Compliance、 and Identity Fundamentals(試験番号:SC-900) (EXAMPRESS) [ 甲田 章子 ]

EXAMPRESS 甲田 章子 田島 静 翔泳社エムシーピーキョウカショ マイクロソフト セキュリティ コンプライアンス アンド アイデンティティ ファンダメンタルズ シケンバンゴウエスシーキュウヒャク コウダ アキコ タジマ シズカ 発行年月:2024年01月16日 予約締切日:2023年11月15日 ページ数:336p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784798182421 甲田章子(コウダアキコ) マイクロソフト認定トレーナー(MCT)として、数多くの研修コースの開発や実施、書籍の執筆を担当。特にMicrosoft 365においては、そのサービス開始時から、マイクロソフト社の依頼で、パートナー向けトレーニングの作成と実施に従事してきた第一人者である。そのわかりやすさと深い知識、丁寧な対応に定評があり、研修の依頼が後を絶たない人気講師である。認定・受賞 MCT(Microsoft Certified Trainer)、Microsoft 365 認定 Enterprise Administrator Expert、Microsoft Top Partner Engineer Award「Modern Work」受賞(2023年)等 田島静(タジマシズカ) マイクロソフト認定トレーナー(MCT)として、Azure、Microsoft 365、Dynamics 365など、数多くの研修コースの開発や実施、書籍の執筆を担当。外資系企業でサーバー構築、運用管理に従事した経験を持ち、豊富な経験に裏打ちされた実践的なインストラクションは、常に顧客から高い評価を得ている。認定 MCT(Microsoft Certified Trainer)、Microsoft認定Azure Solution Architect Expert、Microsoft認定Azure Security Engineer Associate(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第1章 セキュリティ、コンプライアンス、アイデンティティの概念を説明する/第2章 Microsoft Entra ID(Azure Active Directory)の機能について説明する/第3章 Microsoft 365のセキュリティソリューションの機能を説明する/第4章 Microsoft Azureのセキュリティソリューションの機能を説明する/第5章 Microsoft 365のコンプライアンスソリューションの機能を説明する/第6章 Microsoft Azureのコンプライアンスソリューションの機能を説明する 本書は、Microsoft認定試験「Microsoft Security,Compliance,and Identity Fundamentals」(試験番号:SCー900)の本邦初の対策書です。最新版の試験に対応しています。実績ある講師陣による丁寧かつわかりやすい解説に加え、各章末には豊富な練習問題(試験約2回分相当)を収録。「模擬問題」も試験2回分(巻末1回分とダウンロード1回分)ついており、この1冊だけで合格する力が身につきます。 本 パソコン・システム開発 MOUS・MOT パソコン・システム開発 その他 資格・検定 パソコン関係資格 MOUS・MOT 3,300円

The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival GRT DEMOGRAPHIC REVERSAL 2020/ [ Charles Goodhart ]

GRT DEMOGRAPHIC REVERSAL 2020/ Charles Goodhart Manoj Pradhan PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD2020 Hardcover 2020 English ISBN:9783030426569 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 4,900円

Azure Data Factory Cookbook Build and manage ETL and ELT pipelines with Microsoft Azure's serverless data integration service【電子書籍】[ Dmitry Anoshin ]

<p><strong>Solve real-world data problems and create data-driven workflows for easy data movement and processing at scale with Azure Data Factory</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Learn how to load and transform data from various sources, both on-premises and on cloud</li> <li>Use Azure Data Factory's visual environment to build and manage hybrid ETL pipelines</li> <li>Discover how to prepare, transform, process, and enrich data to generate key insights</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a modern data integration tool available on Microsoft Azure. This Azure Data Factory Cookbook helps you get up and running by showing you how to create and execute your first job in ADF. You'll learn how to branch and chain activities, create custom activities, and schedule pipelines. This book will help you to discover the benefits of cloud data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage, which are frequently used for big data analytics. With practical recipes, you'll learn how to actively engage with analytical tools from Azure Data Services and leverage your on-premise infrastructure with cloud-native tools to get relevant business insights. As you advance, you'll be able to integrate the most commonly used Azure Services into ADF and understand how Azure services can be useful in designing ETL pipelines. The book will take you through the common errors that you may encounter while working with ADF and show you how to use the Azure portal to monitor pipelines. You'll also understand error messages and resolve problems in connectors and data flows with the debugging capabilities of ADF.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you'll be able to use ADF as the main ETL and orchestration tool for your data warehouse or data platform projects.</p> <h4>What you will learn</h4> <ul> <li>Create an orchestration and transformation job in ADF</li> <li>Develop, execute, and monitor data flows using Azure Synapse</li> <li>Create big data pipelines using Azure Data Lake and ADF</li> <li>Build a machine learning app with Apache Spark and ADF</li> <li>Migrate on-premises SSIS jobs to ADF</li> <li>Integrate ADF with commonly used Azure services such as Azure ML, Azure Logic Apps, and Azure Functions</li> <li>Run big data compute jobs within HDInsight and Azure Databricks</li> <li>Copy data from AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage to Azure Storage using ADF's built-in connectors</li> </ul> <h4>Who this book is for</h4> <p>This book is for ETL developers, data warehouse and ETL architects, software professionals, and anyone who wants to learn about the common and not-so-common challenges faced while developing traditional and hybrid ETL solutions using Microsoft's Azure Data Factory. You'll also find this book useful if you are looking for recipes to improve or enhance your existing ETL pipelines. Basic knowledge of data warehousing is expected.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,858円

Managing and Visualizing Your BIM Data Understand the fundamentals of computer science for data visualization using Autodesk Dynamo, Revit, and Microsoft Power BI【電子書籍】[ Ernesto Pellegrino ]

<p>Learn how to make optimum use of your BIM data using Dynamo to make better design decisions and create feature-rich dashboards using Power BI to track your model's data Key Features ? A go-to guide for AEC professionals to analyze and manage their data ? Explore popular use cases and best practices from experts around the world ? Create efficient dashboards using Dynamo and Power BI Book Description Business intelligence software has rapidly spread its roots in the AEC industry during the last few years. This has happened due to the presence of rich digital data in BIM models whose datasets can be gathered, organized, and visualized through software such as Autodesk Dynamo BIM and Power BI. Managing and Visualizing Your BIM Data helps you understand and implement computer science fundamentals to better absorb the process of creating Dynamo scripts and visualizing the collected data on powerful dashboards. This book provides a hands-on approach and associated methodologies that will have you productive and up and running in no time. After understanding the theoretical aspects of computer science and related topics, you will focus on Autodesk Dynamo to develop scripts to manage data. Later, the book demonstrates four case studies from AEC experts across the world. In this section, you'll learn how to get started with Autodesk Dynamo to gather data from a Revit model and create a simple C# plugin for Revit to stream data on Power BI directly. As you progress, you'll explore how to create dynamic Power BI dashboards using Revit floor plans and make a Power BI dashboard to track model issues. By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to develop a script to gather a model's data and visualize datasets in Power BI easily. What you will learn ? Understand why businesses across the world are moving toward data-driven models ? Build a data bridge between BIM models and web-based dashboards ? Get to grips with Autodesk Dynamo with the help of multiple step-by-step exercises ? Focus on data gathering workflows with Dynamo ? Connect Power BI to different datasets ? Get hands-on experience in data management, analysis, and visualization techniques with guidance from experts across the world Who this book is for This book is for BIM managers, BIM coordinators, design technology managers, and all AEC professionals who want to learn Autodesk Dynamo to analyze, manage, and visualize their BIM data as well as understand some associated computer science topics. You need to have a background in BIM and knowledge of what a BIM model is to make the most of this book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,312円

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure AZ-204 Exam Guide Discover the essentials for success when developing and maintaining cloud-based solutions on Azure【電子書籍】[ Paul Ivey ]

<p>Build a thorough understanding of the technology, concepts, and development patterns used in building applications in Azure, through detailed explanations, hands-on exercises, and downloadable code samples Key Features ? Written by two Microsoft technical trainers to help you explore the exam topics in a structured way ? Understand the “why”, and not just “how” behind design and solution decisions ? Follow along examples with downloadable code samples to help cement each topic's learning objective Book Description With the prevalence of cloud technologies and DevOps ways of working, the industry demands developers who can build cloud solutions and monitor them throughout their life cycle. Becoming a Microsoft-certified Azure developer can differentiate developers from the competition, but with such a plethora of information available, it can be difficult to structure learning in an effective way to obtain certification. Through easy-to-understand explanations and exercises, this book will provide a more palatable learning experience than what you may expect from an exam preparation book. You'll start off with a recap of some important cloud concepts, such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. From there, you'll learn about each relevant solution area, with use cases. The chapters also cover different implementation methodologies, both manual and programmatic ? ranging from compute resources such as App Service and serverless applications to storage, database, security, monitoring solutions, and connecting to third-party services. By the end of this book, you'll have learned everything you need to pass the AZ-204 certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job reference guide. What you will learn ? Develop Azure compute solutions ? Discover tips and tricks from Azure experts for interactive learning ? Use Cosmos DB storage and blob storage for developing solutions ? Develop secure cloud solutions for Azure ? Use optimization, monitoring, and troubleshooting for Azure solutions ? Develop Azure solutions connected to third-party services Who this book is for This book is for Azure developers looking to improve their Azure development knowledge to pass the AZ-204 exam. This book assumes at least one year of professional development experience with Azure, with the ability to program in at least one language supported by Azure. Existing Azure CLI and PowerShell skills will also be useful.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,765円

Fiber Fueled The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome【電子書籍】[ Will Bulsiewicz MD ]

<p>**The instant <em>New York Times, USA Today,</em> and <em>Publisher's Weekly</em> bestseller</p> <p>A bold new plant-based plan that challenges popular keto and paleo diets, from an award-winning gastroenterologist.**</p> <p>The benefits of restrictive diets like paleo and keto have been touted for more than a decade, but as renowned gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, or "Dr. B," illuminates in this groundbreaking book, the explosion of studies on the microbiome makes it abundantly clear that elimination diets are in fact hazardous to our health. What studies clearly now show--and what Dr. B preaches with his patients--is that gut health is the key to boosting our metabolism, balancing our hormones, and taming the inflammation that causes a host of diseases. And the scientifically proven way to fuel our guts is with dietary fiber from an abundant variety of colorful plants.</p> <p>Forget about the fiber your grandmother used to take--the cutting-edge science on fiber is incredibly exciting. As Dr. B explains, fiber energizes our gut microbes to create powerhouse postbiotics called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are essential to our health. SCFAs are scientifically proven to promote weight loss, repair leaky gut, strengthen the microbiome, optimize the immune system, reduce food sensitivities, lower cholesterol, reverse type 2 diabetes, improve brain function, and even prevent cancer. Restrictive fad diets starve the gut of the critical fiber we need, weaken the microbes, and make our system vulnerable.</p> <p>As a former junk-food junkie, Dr. B knows firsthand the power of fiber to dramatically transform our health. The good news is that our guts can be trained. Fiber-rich, real foods--with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes--start working quickly and maintain your long-term health, promote weight loss, and allow you to thrive and feel great from the inside out.</p> <p>With a 28-day jumpstart program with menus and more than 65 recipes, along with essential advice on food sensitivities, <em>Fiber Fueled</em> offers the blueprint to start turbocharging your gut for lifelong health today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,247円

Hands-on Azure DevOps: CICD Implementation for Mobile, Hybrid, and Web Applications Using Azure DevOps and Microsoft Azure【電子書籍】[ Mitesh Soni ]

<p>A step-by-step guide to implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for Mobile, Hybrid, and Web applications</p> <p>This book will cover an approach that includes the understanding of DevOps, Assessment of AS-IS state, DevOps Practices Implementation and measurement of success. The main objective is to demonstrate Continuous Practices of DevOps Culture using Microsoft Azure DevOps and Microsoft Azure Cloud across different types of applications such as Mobile apps, Hybrid Mobile App, and Web applications. The main idea is to have a uniform approach across different types of applications such as Mobile apps, Hybrid Mobile App, and Web applications. It is important to have a uniform approach of DevOps Practices implementation in an application written in different programming languages such as Java, Android, iOS, Node.js, Angular, Ionic Cordova, Xamarin, Python, and PHP.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,250円

The Complete Guide on Anemia: Learn Anemia Symptoms, Anemia Causes, and Anemia Treatments. Anemia types covered in full details: Iron-deficiency, Microcytic, Autoimmune Hemolytic, Sideroblastic, and Normocytic Anemia【電子書籍】[ Alec Meselson ]

<p>Everything you need to know about Anemia. This guide adresses anemia symptoms/signs of anemia, anemia causes, anemia treatments, types of anemia, and covers in full details :</p> <p>- Iron-deficiency anemia (iron deficiency anemia symptoms,iron deficiency anemia causes, iron deficiency anemia treatment, iron deficiency anemia diet).</p> <p>- Microcytic anemia (microcytic anemia symptoms, microcytic anemia causes, microcytic anemia treatment).</p> <p>- Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (autoimmune hemolytic anemia symptoms, autoimmune hemolytic anemia causes, autoimmune hemolytic anemia treatment).</p> <p>- Normocytic anemia (normocytic anemia symptoms, normocytic anemia causes, normocytic anemia treatment).</p> <p>- Sideroblastic anemia (sideroblastic anemia symptoms,sideroblastic anemia causes, sideroblastic anemia treatment).</p> <p>The book is written in an easy to read and understandable style, and is full of sound advice and answers to your questions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 527円

世界と日本経済大予測2024-25 Economic risk to business and investment/渡邉哲也【1000円以上送料無料】

bookfan 2号店 楽天市場店
著者渡邉哲也(著)出版社PHP研究所発売日2023年11月ISBN9784569855981ページ数207Pキーワードせかいとにほんけいざいだいよそくにせんにじゆうよん セカイトニホンケイザイダイヨソクニセンニジユウヨン わたなべ てつや ワタナベ テツヤ9784569855981内容紹介的中率90%以上! 人気経済評論ユーチューバーが分析・解説する世界情勢&日本経済のゆくえ。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次はじめに—いざ、夢の「株価4万円」時代へ/第1章 日本の未来が絶対に明るい理由—世界を見通す8つのキーワード/第2章 収益構造の変化と世界に広がる規制の網—グローバルビジネスの栄枯盛衰/第3章 「詰んだ」中国の地位を奪うインド—日米がつき合うべき相手はどちらか?/第4章 日本経済に追い風が吹いている—半導体、インバウンド、DX化/第5章 敵は国内にあり?喫緊で解決すべき「8つの課題」—2024‐25日本経済再始動/おわりに—人生の後半戦を迎えるビジネスパーソンへ 1,485円

Credit Data and Scoring The First Triumph of Big Data and Big Algorithms【電子書籍】[ Eric Rosenblatt ]

<p><em>Credit Data and Scoring: The First Triumph of Big Data and Big Algorithms</em> illuminates the often-hidden practice of predicting an individual’s economic responsibility. Written by a leading practitioner, it examines the international implications of US leadership in credit scoring and what other countries have learned from it in building their own systems. Through its comprehensive contemporary perspective, the book also explores how algorithms and big data are driving the future of credit scoring. By revealing a new big picture and data comparisons, it delivers useful insights into legal, regulatory and data manipulation.</p> <ul> <li>Provides insights into credit scoring goals and methods</li> <li>Examines U.S leadership in developing credit data and algorithms and how other countries depart from it</li> <li>Analyzes the growing influence of algorithms in data scoring</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,882円

The Great American Burger Book (Expanded and Updated Edition) How to Make Authentic Regional Hamburgers at Home【電子書籍】[ George Motz ]

<p><strong>The definitive guide to creating the most mouthwatering burgers by the “foremost authority on hamburgers” (<em>New York Times</em>), Emmy Award?winning filmmaker, YouTube’s Burger Scholar, and author George Motzーexpanded and updated with new and improved recipes</strong></p> <p><em>The Great American Burger Book</em> was the first book to showcase a wide range of regional burger styles and cooking methods. In this expanded and updated edition, George Motz covers traditional grilling techniques as well as how to smoke, steam, poach, smash, and deep-fry burgers based on signature recipes from around the country. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific regional burger and includes the history of the method and details on how to create your own piece of American food history right at home.</p> <p>Motz’s cookbook takes readers on a regional tour of America’s best burgers, with recipes from California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsinーas well as such international locations as Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Malaysia, and Turkey.</p> <p><em>The Great American Burger Book</em> is for anyone who loves a great burger, unique or classic. And who doesn’t love a great burger? These mouthwatering recipes include Connecticut’s Steamed Cheeseburger, The Tortilla Burger of New Mexico, Iowa’s Loosemeat Sandwich, Houston’s Smoked Burger, Pennsylvania’s The Fluff Screamer, Sheboygan’s Brat Burger, and many more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,492円

Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth and Profit, Second Edition【電子書籍】[ Alvin C Croft ]

<p>The one-of-a-kind how-to book that puts effective agency management strategies at your fingertips</p> <p>The classic text that describes in detail how to successfully manage and market a public relations firm, has been completely updated with three new chapters and is now more than 50% longer. This one-of-a-kind new edition is bursting with creative tips, instructions, philosophies, theories, and guidance, all to help you steer your firm to success. It demonstrates how to market, promote, and sell a firm to attract, win, and hold the right clientele. You will learn how to manage a new or existing firm so that it is productive and profitable and has a long-range future.</p> <p>Information in Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth and Profit, Second Edition is based on author A. C. Croft’s extensive experience in the fieldalmost twenty years as a consultant to PR firm principals and more than 25 years as an employee or principal of three medium-sized successful PR agencies. Croft begins each chapter with a brief profile of a seasoned and successful PR firm principal from a mid-sized firm. These professionals tell of their successes and also relate early mistakes that you would do well to avoid. The text includes tables and figures to make data easily understood.</p> <p>The extensively revised Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth and Profit, Second Edition discusses pertinent topics such as:</p> <ul> <li> <p>keys to new business success</p> </li> <li> <p>developing a marketing plan</p> </li> <li> <p>serving clients</p> </li> <li> <p>communication to prospects</p> </li> <li> <p>management strategies for success</p> </li> <li> <p>installing efficient systems and procedures</p> </li> <li> <p>managing staff productivity</p> </li> <li> <p>forecasting income</p> </li> <li> <p>management systems and procedures</p> </li> <li> <p>managing profitability</p> </li> <li> <p>client and agency budgeting</p> </li> <li> <p>recruiting, training, and retaining staff</p> </li> <li> <p>crisis planning</p> </li> <li> <p>planning the future of your firm</p> </li> </ul> <p>Covering everything from billing practices and self-promotion to the use of computers and student interns, Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth and Profit, Second Edition is one guide you are sure to refer to again and again for practical advice. It is must reading for owners of small- and medium-sized PR firms; senior managers of small, medium, and national firms who wish to expand their management knowledge and ability or who are considering starting their own firm; lower-level staff members who want to increase their knowledge of agency management; and university public relations professors who would like to include a primer on PR firm management in their classes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,901円

How To Read And Critique A Scientific Research Article: Notes To Guide Students Reading Primary Literature (With Teaching Tips For Faculty Members)【電子書籍】[ Foong May Yeong ]

<p>Given the explosion of information and knowledge in the field of Life Sciences, adapting primary literature as materials in course work as part of active learning seems to be more effective in improving scientific literacy among science undergraduates than the pure transmission of content knowledge using traditional textbooks. In addition, students also read research articles as part of undertaking laboratory research projects useful for preparing them for graduate school. As such, a good grasp of reading and analytical skills is needed for students to understand how their research project contributes to the field that they are working in. Such skills are being taught at UK and USA universities. In Asia, this approach in teaching has not yet been as widespread, although similar ideas are beginning to be used in education. Written as a quick guide for undergraduate students and faculty members dealing with scientific research articles as part of a module or research project, this book will be useful, especially in Asia, for students and faculty members as the universities look to incorporating the use of scientific research articles in their undergraduate teaching.For Life Science students, the first time they encounter a primary literature can be rather daunting, though with proper guidance, they can overcome the initial difficulties and become confident in dealing with scientific articles.This guidebook provides a structured approach to reading a research article, guiding the reader step-by-step through each section, with tips on how to look out for key points and how to evaluate each section.Overall, by helping undergraduate students to overcome their anxieties in reading scientific literature, the book will enable the students to appreciate better the process of scientific investigations and how knowledge is derived in science.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,497円

Cosmography in the Age of Discovery and the Scientific Revolution【電子書籍】[ David Barrado Navascu?s ]

<p>This book tells the comprehensive history of cosmography from the 15th Century Age of Discovery onward. During this time, cosmographyーa science that combined geography and astronomy to inform us about our place in the universeーwas deeply tied to ongoing developments in politics, exploration, culture, and technology.</p> <p>The book offers in-depth historical context over nearly four centuries, focusing in particular on the often neglected role that Portugal and Spain played in the development of cosmography. It details the great activity emerging from the Iberian and Italic peninsulas, including numerous voyagers of exploration, a clear commercial intention, and advancements in map-making techniques. In doing so, it provides a unique perspective on the “Longitude problem” not available in most other literature on the topic.</p> <p>Rigorously researched and sweeping in scope, this book will serve as an invaluable source for historians and readers interested in the history of science, of astronomy, and of exploration from a southern European perspective.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 19,447円

Hit Refresh The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone【電子書籍】[ Satya Nadella ]

<p><strong>“At the core, <em>Hit Refresh,</em> is about us humans and the unique quality we call empathy, which will become ever more valuable in a world where the torrent of technology will disrupt the status quo like never before.” ? Satya Nadella from <em>Hit Refresh</em></strong></p> <p><strong>“Satya has charted a course for making the most of the opportunities created by technology while also facing up to the hard questions.” ? Bill Gates from the Foreword of <em>Hit Refresh</em></strong></p> <p>The <em>New York Times</em> bestseller <em>Hit Refresh</em> is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact all of our livesーthe arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. It’s about how people, organizations, and societies can and must transform and “hit refresh” in their persistent quest for new energy, new ideas, and continued relevance and renewal.</p> <p>Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the U.S. and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as a sitting CEOーone who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soulーtransforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. As much a humanist as engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering call to action for world leaders.</p> <p>“Ideas excite me,” Nadella explains. “Empathy grounds and centers me.” <em>Hit Refresh</em> is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvementーfor himself, for a storied company, and for society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,764円

Excalibur: An Arthurian Drama A Poetic Retelling of Legendary Heroes and the Eternal Struggle of Good and Evil【電子書籍】[ Ralph Adams Cram ]

<p>In 'Excalibur: An Arthurian Drama' by Ralph Adams Cram, readers are treated to a poetic and compelling retelling of the classic Arthurian legend. Cram's literary style is rich in symbolism and lyrical language, evoking the medieval world of knights, chivalry, and magic. The play explores themes of honor, love, betrayal, and the eternal struggle between good and evil, making it a timeless piece of literature that continues to captivate audiences today. Set in the literary context of the Arthurian legends, Cram's work stands out for its vivid imagery and deep exploration of human nature. Ralph Adams Cram, a renowned architect and writer, was deeply fascinated by medieval art and literature, which is evident in 'Excalibur'. His interest in Gothic architecture and symbolism influenced his writing, leading him to create a gripping drama that delves into the myth and mystery of King Arthur and his legendary sword. Cram's expertise in art and architecture adds a unique perspective to his interpretation of the Arthurian legend. For readers who enjoy delving into the world of Arthurian legend and appreciate poetic dramas rich in symbolism and imagery, 'Excalibur: An Arthurian Drama' by Ralph Adams Cram is a must-read. Cram's unique perspective and lyrical writing style make this play a standout piece of literature that continues to resonate with audiences interested in medieval tales and themes of heroism and honor.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

The Warfare of Science The Clash of Reason and Faith: Unveiling the Scientific Revolution【電子書籍】[ Andrew Dickson White ]

<p>In Andrew Dickson White's 'The Warfare of Science', the author explores the historical conflict between religion and science, focusing on the period of the Scientific Revolution. White delves into how advancements in scientific thought challenged the prevailing beliefs of the time, leading to a clash between reason and faith. White's writing style is scholarly and meticulously researched, providing a comprehensive analysis of the key figures and events that shaped this intellectual struggle. His work sheds light on the broader implications of this clash, highlighting its impact on society and the way we view the world. Andrew Dickson White, a historian and co-founder of Cornell University, was uniquely positioned to write this book due to his deep knowledge of both science and history. His background in academia and extensive research in the field make him a reliable and authoritative voice on the subject. 'The Warfare of Science' is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of religion and science, offering valuable insights into a pivotal period in intellectual history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Introduction to Zen Training A Physical Approach to Meditation and Mind-Body Training (The Classic Rinzai Zen Manual)【電子書籍】[ Omori Sogen ]

<p><strong><em>Introduction to Zen Training</em> is a translation of the <em>Sanzen Nyumon</em>, a foundational text for beginning meditation students by Omori Sogen--one of the foremost Zen teachers of the twentieth century.</strong></p> <p>This book addresses many of the questions which arise when someone first embarks on a journey of Zen meditation--ranging from how long to sit at one time to how to remain mindful when not sitting--and it concludes with commentaries on two other fundamental Zen texts, <em>Zazen Wasen</em> (The Song of Meditation) and the <em>Ox-Herding Pictures</em>.</p> <p>Written to provide a solid grounding in the physical nature of Zen meditation training, this text delves into topics such as:</p> <ul> <li>Breathing</li> <li>Pain</li> <li>Posture</li> <li>Physiology</li> <li>Drowsiness</li> <li>How to find the right teacher</li> <li>The differences between the two main Japanese schools of Zen: Soto and Rinzai Zen</li> </ul> <p>As a master swordsman, Omori Sogen's approach to Zen is direct, physical, and informed by the rigorous tradition of Zen and the martial arts that flourished during Japan's samurai era. For him, the real aim of Zen is nothing short of Enlightenment--and <em>Introduction to Zen Training</em> is a roadmap in which he deals as adeptly with hundreds of years of Zen scholarship as he does with the mundane practicalities of meditation.</p> <p>Sogen prescribes a level of rigor and intensity in spiritual training that goes far beyond wellness and relaxation, and that is rarely encountered. His is a kind of spiritual warriorship he felt was direly needed in the middle of the twentieth century and that is no less necessary today.</p> <p>With a new foreword from Daihonzan Chozen-ji, the headquarters Zen temple established by Omori Sogen in Hawaii, this book is an essential text for every student of Zen meditation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,602円