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Ordet af den Buddha - 3 Majjhima Nikaya -1【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Denne anden bog af D?gha Nik?ya, Samlingen af Buddhas lange diskurser, samler 17 suttaer, der i dette tilf?lde ikke svarer til Buddhas ord, men er senere kompositioner, der endte med at blive indarbejdet som en kanonisk kollektion. Den vigtigste diskurs i denne bog er Mahasatipatthana, den store diskurs om praksiss grundl?ggende. Suttaerne DN 18, DN 19, DN 20, DN 21, DN 23 er falske suttaer. De er markeret med en dobbelt stjerne (**). De tilbagevendende temaer i de falske suttaer med begrundelsen for kvindehad, som f.eks. forklarer, at man skal give afkald p? kvindelighed for at blive genf?dt som mand: Et andet tilbagevendende tema er mytomanien, hvor de fors?ger at passe Buddhaen ved at udgive ham som en prins... i en republik. Eller at han havde den store mands 32 mark, der ville g?re ham til en cirkusfreak. Og der mangler ikke en opremsning af gode ting og d?rlige ting, der ligner en liste over bud, der slutter med en slags beskyttelsesformular. Som de foreg?ende, og p? grund af deres l?ngde, er disse ikke diskurser leveret af Buddha. I dette tilf?lde er de lange suttaer, der er udt?nkt til at st?tte bhikkhus ´ernes missionsarbejde blandt et publikum, der er fremmed for l?ren. Bortset fra disse to suttaer skiller DN 24: Om P??ikaputta sig ud, en morsom fort?lling om h?n om et fjols. DN 28: Inspiring Confidence, er en opremsning af, hvor godt Buddha forklarer undervisningen og dens overlegenhed i forhold til andre. Alene Mahasatipatthana og de sidste to suttaer g?r denne bog umagen v?rd.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

S?owo Buddy - 3 Majjhima Nikaya - 1【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Majjhima Nik?ya (w skr?cie MN) lub Zbi?r Po?rednich Dyskurs?w Buddy to zbi?r 152 dyskurs?w w kanonie P?li. S?owo po?redni odnosi si? do d?ugo?ci ka?dego pojedynczego dyskursu. Zawiera szerok? gam? nauk przedstawionych jako narracje pomi?dzy Buddh? a szerokim gronem jego wsp??czesnych. Zbi?r ten jest paralelny do Madhyam?gamy (MA) szko?y Sarv?stiv?da, kt?ra przetrwa?a jako t?umaczenie w kanonie chi?skim. Zbi?r Po?rednich Dyskurs?w Buddy jest najbardziej znanym zbiorem spo?r?d czterech Nik?yas zawieraj?cych oryginalne sutty. Popularno?? ta mo?e wynika? z faktu, ?e miesza on anegdoty biograficzne z bardzo powierzchown? tre?ci? doktrynaln? w przeciwie?stwie do Sa?yutta Nik?ya. Ten Po?redni Zbi?r zawiera rozproszone i nieukrywane apokryficzne sutty o drobnej intencji, wprowadzone bardzo p??no, co umniejsza jego blask i wiarygodno??. Interesuj?ca jest jednak warto?? odniesie? biograficznych ze wzgl?du na kontekstualizacj? Buddy w ?wiecie, w kt?rym ?y?. Ten pierwszy podzbi?r, nazwany The First Fifty, zawiera pi??dziesi?t sutt i jest podzielony na pi?? rozdzia??w: Rozdzia? o Korzeniu Wszystkich Rzeczy, Rozdzia? o Ryczeniu Lwa, Rozdzia? o Symylach, Rozdzia? o Parach i Pomniejszy Rozdzia? o Parach. Mo?emy wyr??ni? w tym podzbiorze sutty, MN 4 Fear and Awe, MN 26 The Noble Quest i MN 36 Great Discourse with Saccaka, kt?re odnosz? si? do sposobu, w jaki Budda sta? si? o?wiecony, a tak?e autobiograficznych wskaz?wek dotycz?cych jego pochodzenia, tego kim by? i powod?w, dla kt?rych zabroni? by? nazywanym po imieniu. Istotne s? r?wnie? MN 10 Cztery instrukcje praktyki, MN 16 Przeszkody mentalne i MN 17 G?sto?? d?ungli. Po stronie z?udnej, MN 20 Jak przesta? my?le?, kt?ra demaskuje fa?szyw? technik?, a tak?e zwraca uwag? na sutty MN43 i MN 44, kt?re s? anachronicznymi katechizmami, kt?re wydaj? si? by? stworzone w celu wyja?nienia doktryny w formie pyta? i odpowiedzi.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

A Palavra do Buda - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 4【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Esta segunda subcolec??o, chamada The Middle Fifty, cont?m cinquenta suttas e est? dividida em cinco cap?tulos: o Cap?tulo sobre Chefes de Fam?lia, o Cap?tulo sobre Bhikkhus, o Cap?tulo sobre Ascetas, o Cap?tulo sobre Reis e o Cap?tulo sobre Br?manes. Continuando a completar a autobiografia inicial est?o os suttas MN 85 Com o Pr?ncipe Bodhi e MN 100 Com Sa?g?rava. Ao todo s?o cinco suttas que centram e d?o contexto hist?rico ao Buda. A repeti??o insistente indica a sua import?ncia. No lado esp?rio, destacam-se os suttas MN 91 e MN 92, nos quais o Buda parece determinado a mostrar o seu p?nis com fimose e a sua l?ngua muito comprida com a qual poderia limpar os seus ouvidos. Tudo para afirmar que ele supostamente tinha as lend?rias 32 marcas do grande homem, um mito que aparentemente remonta a Gilgamesh. O MN 95 insiste novamente nisso. Tamb?m surpreendente no MN 84 Conversa em Madhur? e MN 94 com Gho?amukha, a insist?ncia em tomar como Mestre um Buda extinto num par de suttas extempor?neas estrelado por estranhos onde a trama acontece num momento indeterminado ap?s o Buda parinibb?na.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

La Parole du Bouddha - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 2【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Cette deuxi?me sous-collection, appel?e The Middle Fifty, contient cinquante suttas et est divis?e en cinq chapitres : le chapitre sur les chefs de famille, le chapitre sur les bhikkhus, le chapitre sur les asc?tes, le chapitre sur les rois et le chapitre sur les brahmanes. Les suttas MN 85 avec le prince Bodhi et MN 100 avec Sa?g?rava continuent de compl?ter l ´autobiographie ancienne. En tout, il y a cinq suttas qui centrent et donnent un contexte historique au Bouddha. La r?p?tition insistante indique leur importance. Du c?t? fallacieux, se d?tachent les suttas MN 91 et MN 92, dans lesquels le Bouddha appara?t d?termin? ? montrer son p?nis avec phimosis et sa tr?s longue langue avec laquelle il pourrait nettoyer ses oreilles. Le tout dans le but d ´affirmer qu ´il poss?dait soi-disant les l?gendaires 32 marques du grand homme, un mythe qui remonte apparemment ? Gilgamesh. MN 95 y insiste ? nouveau. Aussi surprenante dans MN 84 Conversation at Madhur? et MN 94 avec Gho?amukha, l ´insistance ? prendre comme Ma?tre un Bouddha ?teint dans une paire de suttas improvis?s mettant en vedette des ?trangers o? l ´intrigue se d?roule ? un moment ind?termin? apr?s le parinibb?na du Bouddha</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Buddhas Ord p? Norsk - 3 Majjhima Nikaya - 1【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Majjhima Nik?ya (forkortet MN) eller Samlingen av Buddhas mellomliggende diskurser er en samling av 152 diskurser i P?li-kanonen. Ordet mellomliggende refererer til lengden p? hver enkelt diskurs. Den inneholder et bredt utvalg av l?resetninger presentert som fortellinger mellom Buddha og et bredt spekter av hans samtidige. Samlingen er en parallell til Madhyam?gama (MA) fra Sarv?stiv?da-skolen, som overlever som en oversettelse i den kinesiske kanon. Samlingen av Buddhas mellomliggende diskurser er den mest kjente samlingen blant de fire Nik?yaene som inneholder originale suttaer. Denne populariteten kan skyldes at den blander biografiske anekdoter med sv?rt overfladisk doktrin?rt innhold i motsetning til Sa?yutta Nik?ya. Denne mellomliggende samlingen inneholder spredte og utilsl?rte apokryfe suttaer av sm?lig intensjonalitet, introdusert veldig sent, noe som forringer dens glans og troverdighet. Det er imidlertid interessant ? merke seg verdien av de biografiske referansene for ? kontekstualisere Buddha i den verden han levde i. Denne f?rste delsamlingen, kalt De f?rste femti, inneholder femti suttaer og er delt inn i fem kapitler: Kapittelet om alle tings rot, Kapittelet om l?vens br?l, Kapittelet om liknelser, Kapittelet om par og det mindre kapittelet om par. I denne undersamlingen kan vi fremheve suttaene, MN 4 Frykt og ?refrykt, MN 26 Den edle s?ken og MN 36 Den store diskusjonen med Saccaka, som refererer til m?ten Buddha ble opplyst p?, samt selvbiografiske indikasjoner om hans opprinnelse, hvem han var og ?rsakene til at han forb?d ? bli kalt ved sitt navn. Ogs? relevante er MN 10 De fire instruksjoner for praksis, MN 16 Mentale hindringer og MN 17 Tykkelsen av jungelen. P? den falske siden, MN 20 Hvordan slutte ? tenke, som avsl?rer en falsk teknikk og ogs? fremhever suttas MN43 og MN 44 som er anakronistiske katekismer som ser ut til ? v?re laget for ? forklare l?ren i form av sp?rsm?l og svar.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Buddhas Ord p? Norsk - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Denne tredje delsamlingen, kalt De femti endene, inneholder ikke femti suttaer, men femtito. Den er ogs? delt inn i fem kapitler: Kapittelet som begynner med Devadha, Kapittelet som begynner med en etter en, Kapittelet som begynner med opph?r, Kapittelet om analyse og Kapittelet om de seks sansene. Utest?ende i denne undersamlingen er suttaene MN 117 De f?rti store, som er et sammendrag av Den edle ?ttedelte vei, MN 118 Instruksjoner for pustepraksis og MN 121 Kort diskurs om opph?r, som forklarer niv?ene av mystisk praksis. Disse suttaene inneholder det mest doktrin?re innholdet i Samlingen av mellomliggende diskurser. P? den falske siden, suttaene MN 123 som inkorporerer med barokke fargetoner den veldig sene legenden om Buddhas virkelige opprinnelse sammen med MN 142 som i tillegg tjener til ? gi et forfalsket doktrinalt dekke for ? donere til bhikkhus under alle omstendigheter, selv om de er onde individer i forkledning.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

A Palavra do Buda - 3 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>O Majjhima Nik?ya (abreviado MN) ou Colec??o dos Discursos Intermedi?rios do Buda ? uma colec??o de 152 discursos no c?none P?li. A palavra interm?dio refere-se ? dura??o de cada discurso individual. Cont?m uma grande variedade de ensinamentos apresentados como narrativas entre o Buda e uma vasta gama dos seus contempor?neos. A colec??o ? paralela ? Madhyam?gama (MA) da escola Sarv?stiv?da, que sobrevive como tradu??o no c?none chin?s. A colec??o dos Discursos Intermedi?rios de Buda ? a colec??o mais conhecida entre os quatro Nik?yas contendo suttas originais. Esta popularidade pode dever-se ao facto de misturar anedotas biogr?ficas com conte?dos doutrin?rios muito superficiais, em oposi??o ao Sa?yutta Nik?ya. Esta Colec??o Intermedi?ria cont?m suttas ap?crifas dispersas e n?o dissimuladas de pequena intencionalidade, introduzidas muito tardiamente, o que diminui o seu brilho e credibilidade. No entanto, ? interessante notar o valor das refer?ncias biogr?ficas para a contextualiza??o do Buda no mundo em que ele viveu. Esta primeira subcolec??o, chamada Os Primeiros Cinquenta, cont?m cinquenta suttas e est? dividida em cinco cap?tulos: o Cap?tulo sobre a Raiz de Todas as Coisas, o Cap?tulo sobre o Rugido do Le?o, o Cap?tulo sobre o Similes, o Cap?tulo sobre Pares e o Cap?tulo Menor sobre Pares. Podemos destacar nesta subcolec??o os suttas, MN 4 Fear and Awe, MN 26 The Noble Quest e MN 36 Great Discourse with Saccaka, que se referem ? forma como o Buda se tornou iluminado, bem como indica??es autobiogr?ficas sobre a sua origem, quem ele era e as raz?es pelas quais proibiu ser chamado pelo seu nome. Tamb?m relevantes s?o MN 10 As Quatro Instru??es de Pr?tica, MN 16 Obstru??es Mentais e MN 17 A Espessura da Selva. Do lado esp?rio, MN 20 How to Stop Thinking, que exp?e uma t?cnica falsa e tamb?m destaca as suttas MN43 e MN 44 que s?o catecismos anacr?nicos que parecem ser feitos para explicar a doutrina sob a forma de perguntas e respostas.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

The Word of the Buddha - 3 Majjhima Nikaya - 1【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>The Majjhima Nik?ya (abbreviated MN) or Collection of the Buddha ´s Intermediate Discourses is a collection of 152 discourses in the P?li canon. The word intermediate refers to the length of each individual discourse. It contains a wide variety of teachings presented as narratives between the Buddha and a wide range of his contemporaries. The collection parallels the Madhyam?gama (MA) of the Sarv?stiv?da school, which survives as a translation in the Chinese canon. The Collection of the Buddha ´s Intermediate Discourses is the best known collection among the four Nik?yas containing original suttas. This popularity may be due to the fact that it mixes biographical anecdotes with very superficial doctrinal content as opposed to the Sa?yutta Nik?ya. This Intermediate Collection contains scattered and undisguised apocryphal suttas of petty intentionality, introduced very late, which detracts from its luster and credibility. However, it is interesting to note the value of the biographical references for the sake of contextualizing the Buddha in the world in which he lived. This first sub-collection, called The First Fifty, contains fifty suttas and is divided into five chapters: the Chapter on the Root of All Things, the Chapter on the Roar of the Lion, the Chapter on Similes, the Chapter on Pairs and the Minor Chapter on Pairs. We can highlight in this subcollection the suttas, MN 4 Fear and Awe, MN 26 The Noble Quest and MN 36 Great Discourse with Saccaka, which refer to the way in which the Buddha became enlightened, as well as autobiographical indications about his origin, who he was and the reasons why he forbade being called by his name. Also relevant are MN 10 The Four Instructions of Practice, MN 16 Mental Obstructions and MN 17 The Thickness of the Jungle.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Buddhas Ord p? Norsk - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 2【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Denne andre delsamlingen, kalt The Middle Fifty, inneholder femti suttaer og er delt inn i fem kapitler: kapittelet om familieoverhoder, kapittelet om bhikkhus, kapittelet om asketer, kapittelet om konger og kapittelet om brahmaner. Suttaene MN 85 Med prins Bodhi og MN 100 Med Sa?g?rava fortsetter ? fullf?re den tidlige selvbiografien. I alt er det fem suttaer som sentrerer og gir historisk kontekst til Buddha. Den insisterende gjentakelsen indikerer deres betydning. P? den falske siden skiller suttaene MN 91 og MN 92 seg ut, der Buddha ser ut til ? v?re fast bestemt p? ? vise sin penis med forhudsforsn?vring og sin veldig lange tunge som han kunne rense ?rene med. Alt for ? bekrefte at han visstnok hadde de legendariske 32 merkene til den store mannen, en myte som tilsynelatende g?r tilbake til Gilgamesh. MN 95 insisterer p? det igjen. Ogs? overraskende i MN 84 Samtale i Madhur? og MN 94 med Gho?amukha, er insisteringen p? ? ta en utd?dd Buddha som mester i et par improviserte suttaer med fremmede i hovedrollene der handlingen skjer p? et ubestemt tidspunkt etter Buddhas parinibb?na.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Het woord van de Boeddha - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 2【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Deze tweede deelverzameling, De middelste vijftig genoemd, bevat vijftig sutta ´s en is verdeeld in vijf hoofdstukken: het hoofdstuk over familiehoofden, het hoofdstuk over Bhikkhus, het hoofdstuk over asceten, het hoofdstuk over koningen en het hoofdstuk over brahmanen. De vroege autobiografie wordt gecompleteerd door de sutta ´s MN 85 Met Prins Bodhi en MN 100 Met Sa?g?rava. In totaal zijn er vijf sutta ´s die de Boeddha centraal stellen en historische context geven. De aanhoudende herhaling geeft hun belang aan. Aan de valse kant vallen de sutta ´s MN 91 en MN 92 op, waarin de Boeddha vastbesloten lijkt zijn penis met phimosis te tonen en zijn zeer lange tong waarmee hij zijn oren kon schoonmaken. Dit alles om te bevestigen dat hij zogenaamd de legendarische 32 tekens van de grote man had, een mythe die blijkbaar teruggaat tot Gilgamesh. MN 95 hamert er opnieuw op. Ook verrassend in MN 84 Gesprek in Madhur? en MN 94 met Gho?amukha, is de aandrang om een uitgestorven Boeddha als Meester te nemen in een paar extemporane sutta ´s met vreemden in de hoofdrol, waar de plot zich afspeelt op een onbepaalde tijd na de parinibb?na van de Boeddha.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Het woord van de Boeddha - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Deze derde deelverzameling, genaamd De Vijftig Eindes, bevat geen vijftig sutta ´s, maar twee?nvijftig. Het is ook verdeeld in vijf hoofdstukken: het hoofdstuk Beginnen met Devadha, het hoofdstuk Beginnen met ??n voor ??n, het hoofdstuk Beginnen met be?indiging, het hoofdstuk over analyse, en het hoofdstuk over de zes zintuigen. Opvallend in deze deelverzameling zijn de sutta ´s MN 117 De Veertig Groten, dat een samenvatting is van het Edele Achtvoudige Pad, MN 118 De Instructies voor Ademhalingsbeoefening en MN 121 Korte Verhandeling over Be?indiging, waarin de niveaus van mystieke beoefening worden uitgelegd. Deze sutta ´s bevatten de meeste leerstellige inhoud van de verzameling tussenliggende verhandelingen. Aan de valse kant staan de sutta ´s MN 123 die met barokke tinten de zeer late legende van de werkelijke oorsprong van de Boeddha bevat, samen met MN 142 die bovendien dient om een vervalste leerstellige dekmantel te geven om de bhikkhus in alle omstandigheden te schenken, zelfs als het om vermomde kwaadaardige individuen gaat.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

A Palavra do Buda - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Esta terceira subcolec??o, chamada The Fifty Ends, cont?m n?o cinquenta suttas, mas cinquenta e duas. Est? tamb?m dividida em cinco cap?tulos: o Cap?tulo Come?a com Devadha, o Cap?tulo Come?a em Um por Um, o Cap?tulo Come?a por Cessa??o, o Cap?tulo sobre An?lise, e o Cap?tulo sobre os Seis Sentidos. Destacam-se nesta subcolec??o os suttas MN 117 The Forty Great Ones, que ? um resumo do Nobre Caminho Oitavo, MN 118 The Instructions for Breathing Practice e MN 121 Brief Discourse on Cessation, que explica os n?veis da pr?tica m?stica. Estes suttas cont?m o conte?do mais doutrin?rio da Colec??o de Discursos Intermedi?rios. No lado esp?rio, o suttas MN 123 que incorpora com matizes barrocos a lenda muito tardia da verdadeira origem do Buda juntamente com o MN 142 que, al?m disso, serve para dar uma cobertura doutrin?ria falsificada para doar aos bhikkhus em qualquer circunst?ncia, mesmo que sejam indiv?duos mal?ficos disfar?ados.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

The Word of the Buddha - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>This third sub-collection, called The Fifty Ends, contains not fifty suttas, but fifty-two. It is also divided into five chapters: the Chapter Beginning with Devadha, the Chapter Beginning in One by One, the Chapter Beginning by Cessation, the Chapter on Analysis, and the Chapter on the Six Senses. Outstanding in this subcollection are the suttas MN 117 The Forty Great Ones, which is a summary of the Noble Eightfold Path, MN 118 The Instructions for Breathing Practice and MN 121 Brief Discourse on Cessation, which explains the levels of mystical practice. These suttas contain the most doctrinal content of the Collection of Intermediate Discourses. On the spurious side, the suttas MN 123 which incorporates with baroque tints the very late legend of the real origin of the Buddha together with MN 142 which, in addition, serves to give a falsified doctrinal cover to donate to the bhikkhus in any circumstance even if they are evil individuals in disguise.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

S?owo Buddy - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Ten trzeci podzbi?r, zwany Pi??dziesi?cioma Ko?cami, zawiera nie pi??dziesi?t sutt, lecz pi??dziesi?t dwie. Jest on r?wnie? podzielony na pi?? rozdzia??w: Rozdzia? Rozpoczynaj?cy si? od Devadha, Rozdzia? Rozpoczynaj?cy si? w Jeden po Drugim, Rozdzia? Rozpoczynaj?cy si? od Ustania, Rozdzia? o Analizie, oraz Rozdzia? o Sze?ciu Zmys?ach. Wyr??niaj?cymi si? w tym podzbiorze s? sutty MN 117 Czterdziestu Wielkich, kt?ra jest podsumowaniem Szlachetnej O?miokrotnej ?cie?ki, MN 118 Instrukcje dotycz?ce praktyki oddychania oraz MN 121 Kr?tki dyskurs o ustaniu, kt?ry wyja?nia poziomy praktyki mistycznej. Sutty te zawieraj? najwi?cej tre?ci doktrynalnych ze Zbioru Dyskurs?w Po?rednich. Po stronie fa?szu znajduj? si? sutty MN 123, kt?re zawieraj? z barokowym zabarwieniem bardzo p??n? legend? o prawdziwym pochodzeniu Buddy wraz z MN 142, kt?ra w dodatku s?u?y do nadania sfa?szowanej doktrynalnej os?ony, aby ofiarowa? bhikkhusom w ka?dych okoliczno?ciach, nawet je?li s? to z?e jednostki w przebraniu.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Das Wort des Buddha - 3 Majjhima Nikaya - 1【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Die Majjhima Nik?ya (abgek?rzt MN) oder Sammlung der Zwischenreden des Buddha ist eine Sammlung von 152 Lehrreden im P?li-Kanon. Das Wort ?mittel“ bezieht sich auf die L?nge jedes einzelnen Diskurses. Es enth?lt eine Vielzahl von Lehren, die als Erz?hlungen zwischen dem Buddha und einer Vielzahl seiner Zeitgenossen pr?sentiert werden. Die Sammlung entspricht dem Madhyam?gama (MA) der Sarv?stiv?da-Schule, das als ?bersetzung im chinesischen Kanon ?berlebt. Die Sammlung der Zwischenreden des Buddha ist die bekannteste Sammlung unter den vier Nik?yas, die originale Sutten enth?lt. Diese Popularit?t mag darauf zur?ckzuf?hren sein, dass es im Gegensatz zum Sa?yutta Nik?ya biografische Anekdoten mit sehr oberfl?chlichen Lehrinhalten vermischt. Diese Intermediate Collection enth?lt verstreute und unverh?llte apokryphe Sutten von kleinlicher Absicht, die sehr sp?t eingef?hrt wurden, was ihren Glanz und ihre Glaubw?rdigkeit beeintr?chtigt. Es ist jedoch interessant, den Wert der biografischen Referenzen f?r die Kontextualisierung des Buddha in der Welt, in der er lebte, festzuhalten. Diese erste Untersammlung mit dem Namen Die ersten F?nfzig enth?lt f?nfzig Suttas und ist in f?nf Kapitel unterteilt: das Kapitel ?ber die Wurzel aller Dinge, das Kapitel ?ber das Br?llen des L?wen, das Kapitel ?ber Gleichnisse, das Kapitel ?ber Paare und die Kleineres Kapitel ?ber Paare. Wir k?nnen in dieser Untersammlung die Suttas MN 4 Angst und Ehrfurcht, MN 26 Die edle Suche und MN 36 Gro?es Gespr?ch mit Saccaka hervorheben, die sich auf die Art und Weise beziehen, wie der Buddha erleuchtet wurde, sowie autobiografische Angaben zu seiner Herkunft, wer er war und die Gr?nde, warum er verbot, bei seinem Namen genannt zu werden. Ebenfalls relevant sind MN 10 Die Vier Anleitungen der Praxis, MN 16 Geistige Blockaden und MN 17 Die Dicke des Dschungels.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

La Parola del Buddha - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Questa terza sotto-raccolta, chiamata I cinquanta fini, non contiene cinquanta sutte, ma cinquantadue. ? inoltre divisa in cinque capitoli: il capitolo che inizia con Devadha, il capitolo che inizia con Uno per Uno, il capitolo che inizia con la Cessazione, il capitolo sull ´Analisi e il capitolo sui Sei Sensi. In questa sottocollection spiccano le sutte MN 117 I quaranta grandi, che ? un riassunto del Nobile Ottuplice Sentiero, MN 118 Le istruzioni per la pratica del respiro e MN 121 Breve discorso sulla cessazione, che spiega i livelli della pratica mistica. Queste sutte contengono il maggior numero di contenuti dottrinali della Raccolta dei discorsi intermedi. Sul versante spurio, le sutte MN 123 che incorpora con tinte barocche la leggenda molto tarda della vera origine del Buddha insieme a MN 142 che, inoltre, serve a dare una copertura dottrinale falsificata da donare ai bhikkhus in qualsiasi circostanza anche se sono individui malvagi sotto mentite spoglie.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

Das Wort des Buddha - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 2【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Diese zweite Untersammlung, The Middle Fifty genannt, enth?lt f?nfzig Sutten und ist in f?nf Kapitel unterteilt: das Kapitel ?ber Familienoberh?upter, das Kapitel ?ber Bhikkhus, das Kapitel ?ber Asketen, das Kapitel ?ber K?nige und das Kapitel ?ber Brahmanen. Die Sutten MN 85 Mit Prinz Bodhi und MN 100 Mit Sa?g?rava vervollst?ndigen weiterhin die fr?he Autobiographie. Insgesamt gibt es f?nf Sutten, die den Buddha in den Mittelpunkt stellen und ihm einen historischen Kontext geben. Die eindringliche Wiederholung weist auf ihre Wichtigkeit hin. Auf der falschen Seite stechen die Suttas MN 91 und MN 92 hervor, in denen der Buddha entschlossen erscheint, seinen Penis mit Phimose und seine sehr lange Zunge zu zeigen, mit der er seine Ohren reinigen konnte. Alles nur, um zu behaupten, dass er angeblich die legend?ren 32 Mark des gro?en Mannes hatte, ein Mythos, der offenbar auf Gilgamesch zur?ckgeht. MN 95 besteht erneut darauf. Ebenfalls ?berraschend in MN 84 Conversation at Madhur? und MN 94 with Gho?amukha, das Beharren darauf, einen ausgestorbenen Buddha als Meister zu nehmen, in zwei spontanen Sutten mit Fremden, in denen die Handlung zu einem unbestimmten Zeitpunkt nach dem Parinibb?na des Buddha stattfindet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

La Parole du Bouddha - 5 Majjhima Nikaya - 3【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Cette troisi?me sous-collection, appel?e The Fifty Ends, ne contient pas cinquante suttas, mais cinquante-deux. Il est ?galement divis? en cinq chapitres : le chapitre commen?ant par Devadha, le chapitre commen?ant un par un, le chapitre commen?ant par la cessation, le chapitre sur l ´analyse et le chapitre sur les six sens. Les suttas MN 117 The Forty Great Ones, qui est un r?sum? du Noble Octuple Sentier, MN 118 The Instructions for Breathing Practice et MN 121 Brief Discourse on Cessation, qui explique les niveaux de pratique mystique, sont remarquables dans cette sous collection. Ces suttas contiennent le contenu le plus doctrinal de la Collection de discours interm?diaires. Du c?t? faux, les suttas MN 123 qui incorporent avec des teintes baroques la l?gende tr?s tardive de l ´origine r?elle du Bouddha ainsi que MN 142 qui, en plus, sert ? donner une couverture doctrinale falsifi?e ? donner aux bhikkhus en toute circonstance m?me s ´il s ´agit d ´individus malveillants d?guis?s.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

La Parola del Buddha - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 2【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>Questa seconda sotto-raccolta, chiamata I cinquanta di mezzo, contiene cinquanta sutte ed ? divisa in cinque capitoli: il capitolo sui capifamiglia, il capitolo sui bhikkhus, il capitolo sugli asceti, il capitolo sui re e il capitolo sui bramini. Completano l ´autobiografia iniziale le sutte MN 85 Con il principe Bodhi e MN 100 Con Sa?g?rava. In tutto sono cinque sutte che centrano e danno un contesto storico al Buddha. La ripetizione insistente indica la loro importanza. Sul versante spurio, spiccano le sutte MN 91 e MN 92, in cui il Buddha sembra deciso a mostrare il suo pene con fimosi e la sua lunghissima lingua con cui poteva pulirsi le orecchie. Il tutto per affermare che egli avrebbe avuto i leggendari 32 segni del grande uomo, un mito che sembra risalire a Gilgamesh. MN 95 insiste ancora su questo punto. Sorprende anche in MN 84 Conversazione con Madhur? e MN 94 con Gho?amukha, l ´insistenza nel prendere come Maestro un Buddha estinto in un paio di sutte estemporanee con protagonisti degli sconosciuti in cui la trama si svolge in un tempo indeterminato dopo il parinibb?na del Buddha.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

The Word of the Buddha - 4 Majjhima Nikaya - 2【電子書籍】[ Tom?s Morales y Dur?n ]

<p>This second sub-collection, called The Middle Fifty, contains fifty suttas and is divided into five chapters: the Chapter on Family Heads, the Chapter on Bhikkhus, the Chapter on Ascetics, the Chapter on Kings and the Chapter on Brahmins. Continuing to complete the early autobiography are the suttas MN 85 With Prince Bodhi and MN 100 With Sa?g?rava. In all there are five suttas that center and give historical context to the Buddha. The insistent repetition indicates their importance. On the spurious side, the suttas MN 91 and MN 92 stand out, in which the Buddha appears determined to show his penis with phimosis and his very long tongue with which he could clean his ears. All in order to affirm that he supposedly had the legendary 32 marks of the great man, a myth that apparently goes back to Gilgamesh. MN 95 insists on it again. Also surprising in MN 84 Conversation at Madhur? and MN 94 with Gho?amukha, the insistence on taking as Master an extinct Buddha in a pair of extemporaneous suttas starring strangers where the plot happens at an indeterminate time after the Buddha ´s parinibb?na.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 651円

?? ????【電子書籍】[ Dipti Ajmire Manikpure ]

<p>??-???? ????? ??????-????, ?????, ?????? ???-???????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ????, ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????????? ??? ????????????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ???. ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ????. ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ????.??-???? ????? ??????-????, ?????, ?????? ???-???????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ????, ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????????? ??? ????????????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ???. ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ????. ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ????.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 133円

The Smartest Woman I Know【電子書籍】[ Ilene Beckerman ]

<p>Ilene Beckerman’s first book “illuminates the experience of an entire generation of women,” wrote the <em>New York Times Book Review</em> in a full page of praise for <em>Love, Loss, and What I Wore</em>. It became a bestseller and inspired the hit Off-Broadway play by the same name. Now, Gingy returns with her fifth illustrated treasure, <em>The Smartest Woman I Know</em>ーa tribute to the insightful woman who raised her.</p> <p>It’s been said there’s nobody as smart as an old woman. That’s Gingy’s grandmother, Ettie, though she had no more than a third-grade education. She dispensed unforgettable wisdom to Gingy and her sister, Tootsie, as well as to the customers at her and (her husband) Mr. Goldberg’s stationery and magazine store, where customers ranged from Irish nannies to Sara Delano Roosevelt to Marlene Dietrich. Clever about life and love, food and men, Ettie had advice for everyone, and it didn’t hurt that she got some of her best ideas from talking things over with God, out loud.</p> <p>Known for bringing wit and emotion to issues that concern women, depth and poignancy to subjects as seemingly trivial as clothes, beauty, and bridesmaids, Gingy now magically brings the irrepressible Ettie Goldberg to life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,175円

Money Legacies MONEY LEGACIES (Little Books on Faith and Money) [ Donald V. Romanik ]

MONEY LEGACIES Little Books on Faith and Money Donald V. Romanik CHURCH PUB INC2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781640654570 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 2,798円

My Elephant Is Blue MY ELEPHANT IS BLUE [ Melinda Szymanik ]

MY ELEPHANT IS BLUE Melinda Szymanik Vasanti Unka FLYAWAY BOOKS2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781947888418 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 3,009円

Anthi Rose Learns to Skateboard【電子書籍】[ Debra Manikas Male ]

<p>Young Anthi Rose dreams of getting a skateboard as a present for her birthday. She wants to play outside with her neighborhood friends and the “cool kids,” as she sees them whizzing around the sidewalk outside her window every day. Once she gets her skateboard, Anthi Rose finds that skateboarding is NOT as easy as it looks. So, she puts the skateboard and helmet in the closet, thinking that she will never learn to skateboard. Her Grandmama has always encouraged her to pursue whatever Anthi Rose wants to try, but this time Anthi Rose is not encouraged by her grandmother. So clever Grandmama finds another way to “show” Anthi Rose how she can overcome her fears and learn to master the skateboard. Grandmama guides Anthi Rose to observe a brown field mouse’s behavior in order to encourage her to get back on that skateboard again. See what lesson the field mouse teaches Anthi Rose. Readers will also be able to search for eight hidden letters embedded in the illustrations, which will give them the key as to how to succeed at anything they choose to try. This book is targeted for the young reader, grade levels 1-4, but is also a read-aloud to younger children. Robin Boyer’s illustrations are colorful, delightful and “spot-on” when it comes to the telling the story. The brown field mouse is adorable and children will anxiously want to read to find out how the mouse helps Anthi Rose get back on the skateboard!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

A Woman I Know Female Spies, Double Identities, and a New Story of the Kennedy Assassination【電子書籍】[ Mary Haverstick ]

<p><strong>The “fascinating” (<em>The New York Times</em>) true story of a filmmaker whose investigation of her film’s subject opened a new window onto the world of Cold War espionage, CIA secrets, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.</strong></p> <p><strong>“A compelling real-life thriller.”ー<em>The Telegraph</em> (UK)</strong></p> <p>Independent filmmaker Mary Haverstick thought she’d stumbled onto the project of a lifetimeーa biopic of aviation pioneer Jerrie Cobb, the key figure in a group of extraordinary women who in 1960 passed the same tests as the legendary male astronauts of the Mercury 7 but never went to space. Just as casting was set to begin, Haverstick received a mysterious warning from a government agent; soon she began to suspect that there was more to Jerrie’s story than what met the eye. As she dug deeper, she discovered that Jerrie’s life shadowed that of a mysterious CIA agent named June Cobb, whose espionage career traced an arc of intrigue from the jungles of South America to Fidel Castro’s Cuba, to the communist literary circles in Mexico Cityーand ultimately into the dark heart of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas.</p> <p>Haverstick’s attempt to learn the truth directly from Jerrie would plunge her into a cat-and-mouse game that stretched across a decade, deep into a thicket of coded CIA files. As she uncovered a remarkable set of mostly unknown women whose high-stakes intelligence work left its only traces in redacted files, she also found shocking new clues about what really happened at Dealey Plaza in 1963. Offering fresh insight into the Kennedy assassination and a vivid picture of women in midcentury intelligence, <em>A Woman I Know</em> brings to life the astonishing duplicities of the Cold War intelligence game, a world where code names and hidden identities were the lifeblood of spies bent on seeking advantage by any means necessary.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,747円

Martin McGuinness: The Man I Knew【電子書籍】[ Jude Collins ]

<p>In <em>Martin McGuinness, The Man I Knew</em>, Jude Collins offers the reader a range of perspectives on a man who helped shape Ireland's recent history. Those who knew Martin McGuinness during his life talk frankly about him, what he did and said, what sort of man he was. Eileen Paisley speaks of the influence she believes her husband, Ian, had on him; former Assistant Chief Constable Peter Sheridan recounts how the Derry IRA targeted him as a Catholic RUC policeman; peace talks chairman Senator George Mitchell comments on the role he played in talks that led to the Good Friday Agreement; and Sinn F?in President Gerry Adams remembers the man who for so many years was his closest colleague. Other contributors include; Ulster Unionist MLA Michael McGimpsey, prominent Irish-American Niall O'Dowd, peace talks chairman Senator George Mitchell, 54th Comptroller of the State of New York Thomas P. Di Napoli and Presbyterian minister David Lattimer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 880円

Wandering Along the Himalayan Foothills & Beyond A Veterans Travelogue【電子書籍】[ Col Mani K Gahatraj (Retd) ]

<p>This book presents a traveler’s very personal experiences as he walks along the marked or unmarked trails of the Himalayan foothills crossing hills and valleys, quenching thirst from a fresh water mountain stream, watching in silence the ripples of a placid lake or a waterfall splintering into millions of particles over rocks, enjoying the feel of mountain breeze, smiling at strangers, clicking children on way to school or stroking the neck of a village dog that follows him. In other words the author shares the thoughts that cross the inner recess of his mind as he walks along, takes turns, rests, befriends strangers, drinks a hot mug of tea along the trail and just celebrates fresh dew drops dangling from a pink rose petal in a village garden. The author in his travelogues takes the reader along the trail and helps her or him to experience every bend and scent of the trail while the writer himself takes a back seat to the places and people, which is a great quality for a travelogue writer. In addition to his adventure travelogues in Himalayas, the author has also covered his experiences in Kabul as also his impressions on the town of Kalimpong as it exited in the 50s and 60s.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,130円

Product Diversification in Plantation Crops【電子書籍】[ M.R. Manikantan ]

<p>The success of a seaport is dependent on many players and close partnerships. For example, it takes a community-wide effort involving, among others, airport management, county and city officials, organized labour, hotel associations, convention and visitor s bureau, private enterprise and chambers of commerce to come together with a vision of what is needed and to carry the plan through. The importance of location is indisputable, but is not the sole determining factor for a successful base-port operation. Support facilities and infrastructure, such as airlift and lodging capacity, efficient ground transportation and telecommunications, experienced manpower, properly staffed and trained regulatory agencies and security bodies, as well as the enthusiastic backing of the general public are equally important. The content of the book conform to the specified syllabi of several universities and colleges. The book is carefully edited and structured as such that the presentation of the subject. CONTENTS: Waste Management and Recycling Programs: Planning Land use in Port Areas; Steps to Effective Equipment Maintenance; Measuring and Evaluating Port Performance; Operations Planning in Ports; Marketing Promotion Tools for Ports.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,545円

Bakom masken : Mitt liv som Catman i Kiss【電子書籍】[ Peter Criss ]

<p>L?der och nitar, eldsprutande instrument och ansikten dolda bakom fantasifullt smink. Med bombastiska scenshower skrev Kiss om h?rdrockens historia, och ?r fortfarande ett av v?rldens mest popul?ra band. Bakom masken ?r trummisen Peter Criss osminkade ber?ttelse om livet som The Catman.</p> <p>Peter Criss var en av de fyra originalmedlemmarna som var med fr?n starten 1973 och under ?ren av osannolika framg?ngar i slutet av 70-talet, n?r album som Hotter Than Hell och Destroyer tog v?rlden med storm. I boken f?r man f?lja Peter Criss fr?n ungdomens g?ngbr?k till New Yorks heta inneklubbar.</p> <p>Han ber?ttar ?ppet om alla galenskaper under tiden i bandet, avhoppen och inhoppen, sitt missbruk, tv? kraschade ?ktenskap, k?rleken till sin dotter och kampen mot cancer. Anekdoterna om bandkollegorna Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley och Ace Frehley ?r ocensurerade och l?saren kommer bandet n?rmare ?n n?gonsin tidigare.</p> <p>Kiss har s?lt mer ?n 100 miljoner album och har satt outpl?nliga sp?r i musikv?rlden. Gruppen har gjort 24 spelningar i Sverige och ?r ?ter aktuell i juni 2013, d? bandet spelar p? Friends Arena och avslutar Sweden Rock Festival.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 937円