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21件中 1件 - 21件  1

Henry Ford's Own Story How a farmer boy rose to the power that goes with many millions, yet never lost touch with humanity【電子書籍】[ Rose Wilder Lane ]

<p>Rose Wilder Lane's book, 'Henry Ford's Own Story,' provides readers with a unique insight into the life and mind of one of the most influential figures in American history. Lane skillfully narrates Ford's rise to success, detailing his innovative ideas, struggles, and triumphs in a compelling and engaging literary style. The book captures Ford's visionary approach to business and his impact on the automotive industry, set against the backdrop of the early 20th century industrial revolution. Lane's meticulous research and vivid storytelling make this biography a captivating read for history enthusiasts and business students alike.Rose Wilder Lane, a renowned journalist and author, brings her expertise to 'Henry Ford's Own Story,' shedding light on the man behind the automotive empire. Lane's deep understanding of American history and her passion for storytelling are evident in this well-crafted biography. Her connection to the subject matter adds a personal touch to the narrative, making it a comprehensive and insightful exploration of Ford's life and legacy.I highly recommend 'Henry Ford's Own Story' to anyone interested in the history of American industry, entrepreneurship, or the life of Henry Ford. Lane's thorough research, engaging writing style, and in-depth analysis make this biography a valuable addition to any library, offering a rich and informative portrait of a true American pioneer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

【中古】NEVER LOST AGAIN グーグルマップ誕生 /TAC/ビル・キルデイ(単行本(ソフトカバー))

◆◆◆非常にきれいな状態です。中古商品のため使用感等ある場合がございますが、品質には十分注意して発送いたします。 【毎日発送】 商品状態 著者名 ビル・キルデイ、大熊希美 出版社名 TAC 発売日 2018年11月20日 ISBN 9784813271604 719円

Google地圖革命(二版):從Google地圖、地球、街景到「精靈寶可夢GO」的科技傳奇?幕 Never Lost Again: The Google Mapping Revolution that Sparked New Industries and Augmented Our Realit【電子書籍】

<p><strong>「我們要的是整個地球的數據</strong>**!」**</p> <p><strong>Google****地圖ーー這個世紀級的奇蹟,徹底顛覆了我們瀏覽世界的方式!</strong></p> <p><strong>它如何在發展20年後一夜成功,成為人們日常不可或缺的應用程式?</strong></p> <p><strong>本書是Google地圖技術演化的真實記?,我們將看到它崛起的精采?幕。</strong></p> <p>Google地圖是有史以來最重要的應用程式之一,它源於一個名不見經傳的團隊,他們的技術顛覆了人們找路的方法。</p> <p>一切的開始,要從Keyhole這個資金短缺的新創地圖公司?起,他們在科技泡沫時期幾乎要破?,不過靠著與美國中央情報局(CIA)合作得以維持基本營運。而讓這個小公司聲名遠播並走出破?邊?的契機,是美國CNN在報導首次美伊戰爭時,採用了他們的地圖技術。之後Google併購了Keyhole,並重新開?Google地圖和Google地球兩項服務。</p> <p>作者比爾.基爾迪是早期Keyhole和Google地圖的行銷總監,他在書中?露Google地圖這個殺手級應用程式的幕後各方視角,以及開發者的真實想法,讓我們看到這場地圖革命的來龍去脈ーー從1999年開始,至今尚未結束,不只改變人類探索世界的方式,還為那些正在繼續改寫?史的無數科技創新?品打下最堅固的基礎,讓人類的夢想在未來繼續無限延伸……</p> <p><strong>Google****地圖出現之前,人們是怎麼找路的?</strong></p> <p><strong>Google****如何展開這場刷新生活模式的寧靜革命?</strong></p> <p>Google創?人頼利.佩奇與謝爾蓋.布林堅持違背典型的商業原則:在使用者的快樂與金錢利益之間,他們選擇使用者的快樂。賺錢不是Google地圖和Google地球的主要驅動力或原因,甚至不是Google的十大任務之一,幾乎可以?這兩項?品是Google送給全世界的禮物,讓人們都能免費使用。</p> <p>Google作為全球頂尖的科技公司,打造出用?超過10億的偉大?品,成為人們不再迷路的人性科技。本書除了有精采的?幕故事,還能探尋Google地圖霸業的脈絡:</p> <p>◆Google營運背後的邏輯:吸引精英,提供不設限的平台資源,收購新創公司。企業格局決定?品格局,Google理念:整合全球資訊供大?使用,使人人受益。</p> <p>◆頼利.佩奇與謝爾蓋.布林兩位創?人從大處切入,利用地圖?品實現Google的策略布局。看創意精英如何跳?傳統的商業規則,實現夢想與開創未來。</p> <p>◆突破技術限制,相繼推出Google地圖、Google地球、Google街景,成為人們遊覽世界?不可或缺的工具。</p> <p>◆Uber、Airbnb、無人駕駛汽車、引爆全球瘋玩的AR手機遊戲「精靈寶可夢GO」等,Google地圖是如何促進這些立基於地理定位的新興企業和科技?品發展?</p> <p><strong>這是一部如史詩般的科技發展故事,全始於一塊?湊起來的地圖數據</strong>……</p> <p>地圖科技演化在過去20年的發展中?經了許多波折,一夜成功後,Google更是致力於成就地圖霸業。這段科技發展的真實?幕,帶領我們認識打造出Google地圖與Google地球的團隊。</p> <p>這不僅僅是對過去的回顧,也能讓我們瞥見未來會發生什麼事,諸如?擬實境、無人駕駛、AI技術研發與應用等,各種以地理定位為基礎的新興科技,將持續改善我們的生活,因為一些人們的遠見、毅力以及一點點運氣,人類的世界觀不再迷路。</p> <p><strong>【好評推薦】</strong></p> <p>對於Google地圖以及各種基於Google地圖地理定位的?業的驚人崛起,作者將讓?身?其境。透過?佳的講述,帶領?一窺這個改變世界技術的?幕,本書的?一頁都精采可期。</p> <p>ー約書亞.貝爾(Joshua Baer),資本工廠(Capital Factory)創始人</p> <p>在這本書中,基爾迪帶我們回到Google地圖革命的起源,從?部人士的角度講述了參與這場革命的公司、創意精英和技術的故事。這是一段瘋狂的旅程,他們也不總是選擇最短最直接的路徑,但最終改變了導航世界的方式。這是一次五星級的?讀之旅!</p> <p>ー大衛.李西特(David Richter),Uber全球業務與企業發展主管</p> <p>作者運用引人入勝的寫作技巧,為我們詳盡描繪出一場地圖革命之中的人和事……對於非科技人來?,?容豐富且有趣。</p> <p>ー《柯克斯評論》(<em>Kirkus Reviews</em>)</p> <p>這本書將吸引那些想看科技公司?幕的人。作者以大幅筆墨講述Google地圖的開發,從CD-ROM到開發「地理編碼」資料集的價格談判。對科技極客和地圖愛好者來?都極具吸引力。</p> <p>ー《書單》(<em>Booklist</em>)</p> <p>?個想創業的人都應該利用地圖技術來節省時間,並?讀本書。這本書如同一部史詩,闡述創造我們時代的一個奇蹟:商場的苦難境地、現金流的嚴苛困境,工程技術的閃耀和堅?不拔的毅力。故事中談到的細節十分迷人,很少有談論初創的書能像它如此的栩栩如生。</p> <p>ー賓.高登(Bing Gordon),前美商藝電創意總監、KPCB(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)風險投資公司合夥人</p> <p>這是一個有趣且鼓舞人心的故事,?容充滿毅力和決心。</p> <p>ー《<em>Inc.</em>》雜誌</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>【作者】</strong></p> <p><strong>比爾.基爾迪</strong>**(BILL KILDAY)**</p> <p>他在科技和遊戲行銷領域的25年職涯中,始終致力於地圖的發展和擴増實境。曾擔任數位製圖初創公司Keyhole行銷總監,並在Google發布Google地圖和Google地球期間擔任Google Geo部門行銷經理。</p> <p>他目前是Niantic Inc.的行銷副總裁,該公司是Google的衍生公司,開發了透過GPS進行的遊戲Ingress、「精靈寶可夢GO」(Pok?mon GO)和「哈利波特:巫師聯盟」。基爾迪是八個孩子中最小的一個,出生於徳州休士頓,現與家人住在徳州奧斯汀。他的方向感很差。</p> <p><strong>目次</strong></p> <p>前言?6年,10億使用者</p> <p><strong>起點:我們的路要怎麼走?</strong></p> <p>第1章 約翰.漢克</p> <p>第2章 明星軟體工程師</p> <p>第3章 Keyhole亮相:那不是我家??</p> <p>第4章 即將窮途末路</p> <p>第5章 命運轉捩點:CNN與美伊戰爭</p> <p>第6章 成功後的路</p> <p>第7章 該選擇誰?</p> <p><strong>超越終點:Google?月</strong></p> <p>第8章 Google 41號樓</p> <p>第9章 把目標定得再大一些</p> <p>第10章 革命性?品</p> <p>第11章 整個地球的數據資料</p> <p>第12章 微軟的競爭</p> <p>第13章 ?好,Google地球</p> <p>第14章 自誇不是Google的風格</p> <p>第15章 藍點</p> <p>第16章 I/O大會</p> <p>第17章 Google街景</p> <p>第18章 賈伯斯的4,000杯拿鐵</p> <p>第19章 Google的新天眼</p> <p>第20章 登月計畫:地面實況</p> <p>第21章 登陸火星</p> <p>尾聲 「精靈寶可夢GO」及AR的未來</p> <p>致謝</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,543円

Love Is Never Lost Standing Strong in Faith While Grieving【電子書籍】[ Tori Parris ]

<p>Grief is an intimate, personal pain that is often hard to discuss, even years after loss. For some of us, grief begins before a loved one passes as we watch their health deteriorate before our eyes.</p> <p>For Tori Parris, grief grew in waves that hit suddenly and hard. It began with a little nagging feeling that something was wrong one evening when her daddy didn’t finish his spaghetti, his favorite meal. His strawberry cheesecake sat untouched. He reassured Tori that he was fine, that he just didn’t have much of an appetite, but over the next few weeks, he hardly ate a thing. Her momma finally demanded that they go to the doctor’s office.</p> <p>After some tests, they heard the dreaded “c” word. Pancreatic cancer. And it had spread to other organs.</p> <p>In <em>Love Is Never Lost: Standing Strong in Faith While Grieving</em>, Tori shares her profound journey of holding on to faith while dealing with loss. “My faith was challenged, deconstructed, and rebuilt stronger,” she says.</p> <p>Tori offers words of comfort to those who are preparing for a loss, experiencing loss, or seeking to better understand the pain a loved one is going through. She provides suggestions for coping with grief as well as prayers that guide one spiritually through the grieving process.</p> <p>“One day, we will all come face to face with the certainty of our mortality,” Tori writes. “It is my sincerest hope that by reading the pages of this book, you receive hope for the journey.”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,815円

Excellence You Never Lost It, You Forgot It【電子書籍】[ Derek O'Neill ]

<p>What is keeping you from reaching your highest potential in life? Are obstacles to excellence rooted in the situations you find yourself in, or are they a reflection of how your mind works? <strong>EXCELLENCE: You Never Lost It, You Forgot It</strong>, part of Derek O’Neill’s GET A GRIP series, takes you on a journey to understand why your subconscious plays a major role in creating your reality and how you can let go of the triggers and patterns that are holding you back.</p> <p>Based on Derek’s ground breaking, dynamic workshop, FINDING YOUR EXCELLENCE, this concise and powerful little book places a rewarding life within the reach of everyone. Excellence is the knowledge and satisfaction that you are living life fully and that every experience adds to the joy and grace of being human.</p> <p>Excellence is not elusive; it is within you, right here and right now. Let EXCELLENCE be your guide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 360円

Missing Never Lost【電子書籍】[ Beca Lewis ]

<p><strong>She lost her memory, but not her fear.</strong></p> <p>Evie Lynn is running from something. She just can’t remember what or why. Terrified, and with only an address to go on, Evie makes her way across the country, assisted by two strangers.</p> <p>Closing in are two men who once claimed to love her. But now they only want what she took from them, no matter the cost to Evie or to them.</p> <p>It’s a race against time. One where the pursued doesn’t even remember her name and the pursuers will stop at nothing.</p> <p>Waiting for Evie is a grandfather she never met, and the gifted people of Doveland. Will they be able to solve the mystery of what her pursuers are looking for and protect Evie, or will they be too late?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

The Marching Chiefs of Florida State University The Band That Never Lost a Halftime Show【電子書籍】[ Bill F. Faucett ]

<p>The history of Florida State University's Marching Chiefs is chronicled, from early efforts to found a band before the program's 1939 establishment at Florida State College for Women, to the Chiefs' attainment of "world renowned" status. The band's leaders, shows, and music are discussed, along with the origins of some of their venerable traditions, game-day rituals, and school songs. This story of the Chiefs takes into account the growth of FSU and its School of Music, the rise of "Big Football" in Tallahassee, and the transformations on campus and in American society that affected them.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,136円

Never Lost Again The Google Mapping Revolution That Sparked New Industries and Augmented Our Reality【電子書籍】[ Bill Kilday ]

<p>As enlightening as <em>The Facebook Effect, Elon Musk,</em> and <em>Chaos Monkeys</em>ーthe compelling, behind-the-scenes story of the creation of one of the most essential applications ever devised, and the rag-tag team that built it and changed how we navigate the world</p> <p><em>Never Lost Again</em> chronicles the evolution of mapping technologyーthe "overnight success twenty years in the making." Bill Kilday takes us behind the scenes of the tech’s development, and introduces to the team that gave us not only Google Maps but Google Earth, and most recently, Pok?mon GO.</p> <p>He takes us back to the beginning to Keyholeーa cash-strapped startup mapping company started by a small-town Texas boy named John Hanke, that nearly folded when the tech bubble burst. While a contract with the CIA kept them afloat, the company’s big break came with the first invasion of Iraq; CNN used their technology to cover the war and made it famous. Then Google came on the scene, buying the company and relaunching the software as Google Maps and Google Earth. Eventually, Hanke’s original company was spun back out of Google, and is now responsible for Pok?mon GO and the upcoming Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.</p> <p>Kilday, the marketing director for Keyhole and Google Maps, was there from the earliest days, and offers a personal look behind the scenes at the tech and the minds developing it. But this book isn’t only a look back at the past; it is also a glimpse of what’s to come. Kilday reveals how emerging map-based technologies including virtual reality and driverless cars are going to upend our lives once again.</p> <p><em>Never Lost Again</em> shows us how our worldview changed dramatically as a result of vision, imagination, and implementation. It’s a crazy story. And it all started with a really good map.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,406円

The Kensington Battalion 'Never Lost a Yard of Trench'【電子書籍】[ G. I. S. Inglis ]

<p>Raised by the Mayor of Kensington, the 22nd Royal Fusiliers (the Kensington Battalion) were a strange mixture of social classes (bankers and stevedores, writers and laborers) with a strong sprinkling of irreverent colonials thrown in. Such a disparate group needed a strong leader and, luckily, in Randle Barratt Barker, they found one, first as their trainer and then as the Commanding Officer.As this superb book reveals The Kensington Battalion had a unique spirit and given their ordeals they needed this. They suffered severely in the battles of 1917 and, starved of reinforcements, were disbanded in 1918. Yet thanks to a strong Old Comrades Association, a special magazine Mufti, welfare work and reunions the Battalions close spirit lived on.The author has successfully drawn on a wealth of first hand material (diaries, letters and official documents) as well as interviews from the 1980s to produce a fitting and atmospheric record of service and sacrifice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,936円

Arpita Love Never Lost【電子書籍】[ Naman Munshi ]

<p>Love! When someone enters in love, it's like a heaven feel. A child girl entering in teenage and a boy of teenage without knowing meaning of love, engaged in that thrilling experience. Do they get success or fails? Does society accepts their love?</p> <p>There is no definition of love if it pure love, and love never lost in world.</p> <p>Main characters of this story are Naimish and Arpita, who are unlucky and lucky both as far as their love is concern. How! Read it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 605円

Tuskegee Airmen and the “Never Lost a Bomber” Myth, The【電子書籍】[ Daniel Haulman ]

<p>During the first sixty years following World War II, a powerful myth grew up claiming that the Tuskegee Airmen, the only black American military pilots in the war, had been the only fighter escort group never to have lost a bomber to enemy aircraft fire. The myth was enshrined in articles, books, museum exhibits, television programs, and films. In actuality, the all-black 332d Fighter Group flew at least seven bomber escort missions, of the 179 it flew for the Fifteenth Air Force between early June 1944 and the end of April 1945, in which one or more of the bombers it escorted was shot down by enemy aircraft. In fact, 27 bombers the 332d Fighter Group was assigned to escort were shot down by enemy aircraft during the war, most during the summer of 1944.<br /> This article explores how the "never lost a bomber" myth originated and grew, and then refutes it conclusively with careful reference to primary source documents located at the Air Force Historical Research Agency. Among those documents are the daily mission reports of the Tuskegee Airmen's 332d Fighter Group (which indicates the bomb groups the Tuskegee Airmen escorted, and where and when), the daily mission reports of the bomb groups the Tuskegee Airmen escorted (which indicates if bombers were shot down by enemy aircraft at the times and places the 332d Fighter Group was escorting them), and the missing air crew reports, which show which aircraft were lost, including the type of aircraft, the unit to which it belonged, when and where it went down, and whether it went down by enemy aircraft fire. By piecing together these documents, the author not only proves that sometimes bombers under the escort of the Tuskegee Airmen were shot down by enemy aircraft, but when and where those losses occurred, and to which groups they belonged.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,130円

【中古】しあわせさがし—You Are Never Lost.

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Excellence You Never Lost It, You Forgot It【電子書籍】[ Derek O'Neill ]

<p>What is keeping you from reaching your highest potential in life? Are obstacles to excellence rooted in the situations you find yourself in, or are they a reflection of how your mind works? <strong>EXCELLENCE: You Never Lost It, You Forgot It</strong>, part of Derek O’Neill’s GET A GRIP series, takes you on a journey to understand why your subconscious plays a major role in creating your reality and how you can let go of the triggers and patterns that are holding you back.</p> <p>Based on Derek’s ground breaking, dynamic workshop, FINDING YOUR EXCELLENCE, this concise and powerful little book places a rewarding life within the reach of everyone. Excellence is the knowledge and satisfaction that you are living life fully and that every experience adds to the joy and grace of being human.</p> <p>Excellence is not elusive; it is within you, right here and right now. Let EXCELLENCE be your guide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 360円

How I Made a Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime HOW I MADE A HUNDRED MOVIES IN [ Roger Corman ]

HOW I MADE A HUNDRED MOVIES IN Roger Corman DA CAPO PR INC1998 Paperback English ISBN:9780306808746 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Biography & Autobiography 2,692円

洋書 Paperback, Practice Like You've Never Won But Play As If You Have Never Lost: Motivational Notebook For All Volleyball Players

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Still Got It, Never Lost It!【電子書籍】[ Louie Spence ]

<p>Still Got It, Never Lost It! tells the story of Louie Spence, star of Pineapple Dance Studios and ruthless judge on Dancing on Ice.</p> <p>‘I did everything my sisters did, that’s how my dancing days started ? they went dancing, I went dancing and I just kept on dancing.’ ? Louie Spence</p> <p>From a very early age Louie was a little boy who loved to dance and had high ambitions. He attended every disco dance class he could and excelled each time, with the constant support of his Mum and Dad. Before long Louie’s blue leotard had become a mainstay of the family home, and soon enough he was accepted into the Italia Conti School of Theatre Arts. And he never looked back.</p> <p>From dancing on the Spice Girls World Tour to becoming BFFs with Emma Bunton and hanging out with Take That (not to mention his performances in Cats and Miss Saigon), Louie lived out his dreams. Now a TV personality in his own right, a judge on Dancing on Ice, the star of Pineapple Dance Studios and his own series Showbusiness, he has become a much-loved household name.</p> <p>This hilarious, warm and compellingly-written autobiography takes us back to Louie’s early days in Essex, with a cast of characters that includes Nanny Lock (who lived down the Enfield lock), Nanny Twinkle and Nanny Downer (with whom Louie, as a kid, would swipe cans of Special Brew). Still Got It, Never Lost It! is the story of the real-life Billy Elliot ? a tale that proves nothing can stop you when you think big and hold on to your dreams.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 782円

Fight Like You've Never Lost【電子書籍】[ SJ McCoy ]

<p>Ryan and Leanne.</p> <p>Once upon a time they had it all.</p> <p>Two strong personalities.</p> <p>The power couple.</p> <p>Fire and ice.</p> <p>Love and passion.</p> <p>They had a lifetime of love ahead of them and the world at their feet.</p> <p>Until it all went wrong.</p> <p>Her heart froze over, and he went out to burn the whole world down.</p> <p>There's only one place to go to get over a past like that ...</p> <p>It's time to go back to the lake!</p> <p>This book is intended for adult readers 18+<br /> **************************</p> <p>Each Summer Lake Romance can be read as a stand alone book ? no cliff hangers here! Each book contains one couple's story. However, they are best read in order to get full enjoyment of the underlying story and friendships.</p> <p>Love Like You've Never Been Hurt - Emma and Jack<br /> Work Like You Don't Need the Money - Pete and Holly<br /> Dance Like Nobody's Watching - Missy and Dan<br /> Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded - Smoke and Laura<br /> Laugh Like You've Never Cried - Michael and Megan<br /> Sing Like Nobody's Listening - Kenzie and Chase<br /> Smile Like You Mean It - Gabe and Ren?e<br /> The Wedding Dance - Missy and Dan's Wedding<br /> Chasing Tomorrow - Ben's backstory with Charlotte<br /> Dream Like Nothing's Impossible - April and Eddie<br /> Ride Like You've Never Fallen - Nate and Lily<br /> Live Like There's No Tomorrow - Ben's story<br /> The Wedding Flight ? Smoke and Laura’s Wedding<br /> Fight Like You've Never Lost - Leanne and Ryan</p> <p><strong>Remington Ranch series</strong><br /> Meet the sexy brothers of Remington Ranch! Just like in SJ's Summer Lake Romance series you can expect a story that is both sweet and steamy!<br /> Mason<br /> Shane<br /> Carter<br /> Beau<br /> Four Weddings and a Vendetta</p> <p><strong>A Chance and a Hope trilogy</strong><br /> These are NOT meant to be read as standalone stories and need to be read in order.<br /> Chance Encounter<br /> Finding Hope<br /> Give Hope a Chance</p> <p><strong>The Hamiltons Series</strong><br /> This series follows the Hamilton family in California wine country. If you recognize the name Hamilton it’s because this is Smoke’s family who own one of the largest wine growing and distribution businesses in the country.</p> <p>Red Wine and Roses<br /> Champagne and daisies<br /> Marsala and Magnolias<br /> Prosecco and Peonies<br /> Milkshakes and Mistletoe<br /> Cognac and Cornflowers<br /> Bourbon and Bluebells<br /> Whiskey and Willow</p> <p><strong>The Davenports Series</strong><br /> This series featuring Hope’s cousins, the sexy brothers, of the Billionaire Davenport family.<br /> Oscar<br /> TJ<br /> Reid<br /> Spider</p> <p><strong>Summer Lake Seasons</strong><br /> Angel and Luke in Take These Broken Wings<br /> Maria and Zack in Too Much Love to Hide<br /> Logan and Roxy in Sunshine Over Snow<br /> Ivan and Abbie in Chase the Blues Away<br /> Colt and Cassie in Forever Takes a While<br /> Austin and Amber in Tell the Stars to Shine<br /> Donovan and Elle in Please Don’t Say Goodbye</p> <p><strong>Summer Lake Silver</strong></p> <p>Just because a few decades - or more - have skipped by since you were in your twenties it doesn't mean you can't find love, does it? Summer Lake Silver stories find happily ever afters for those who remember being thirty-something - vaguely.</p> <p>Like Some Old Country Song - Clay and Marianne<br /> A Dream too Far - Seymour and Chris<br /> A Little Rain Must Fall - Ted and Audrey<br /> Where the Rainbow Ends - Diego and Izzy<br /> Silhouettes Shadows and Sunsets - Manny and Nina</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 800円

Never Lost【電子書籍】[ Rai-Anne Griffin ]

<p> </p> <p> </p> <p>It should have been easy to grow up. To move on. The memories that were what kept her away. There were things she wasn't ready to deal with, things she was happy to leave in the past. The past she never visited. </p> <p>Until he showed up. </p> <p>Now Miranda's mind is all over the place up and her heart is trying to get in on the mix. Sometimes, your memories cling to you and there's no more avoiding them. What she isn't prepared for though, is the carnage those memories leave in their wake as they resurface.</p> <p>How will she work herself back into his life when she pushed him directly into the open arms of someone else?</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 281円

Hope Is Never Lost Our Journey Through Childhood Cancer【電子書籍】[ Jaimi V. Aburto ]

<p>Hope is Never Lost is written by the mother of a leukemia warrior named Mikey, who was diagnosed at 3 years old with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Her mission in writing this book is to share her families journey with others going through similar situations in hopes to connect and inspire hope. Each and every moment from the first day of diagnosis is recounted, through the eyes of Mikey’s mom. Just when you think cancer is the worst it can get, the pandemic hit and her faith was tested over and over again. As you read and witness the strength of a child, the book also touches on anxiety and depression, struggles and losses, the importance of gratitude and everything in between.</p> <p>“Adversity is a guaranteed part of our human experience, and Jaimi shares her story to help others thrive through it. Her perspective will truly make an impact on your life.”<br /> ーDr. Ellen Reed<br /> Best-selling author and performance coach</p> <p>“Every parent and grandparent should read Hope Is Never Lost and pray that it doesn’t happen to your family”<br /> ーTom Bartow<br /> Best-Selling Author and Speaker</p> <p>“A binge-worthy read that’s very relate-able to so many people.”<br /> ーThomas Hinkel<br /> MA</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 452円

Trading Places A Story of Two Best Friends Who Never Lost Hope【電子書籍】[ Shanae Williams ]

<p>Trading Places is a short story of a twin brother and sisters unbreakable bond. Although time and choices caused them to part ways for a season, they never lost sight of the LOVE that kept them bonded since their journey together in their mother's womb. This book encourages readers to always choose love over differences. Trading Places is a short story of a twin brother and sisters unbreakable bond. Although time and choices caused them to part ways for a season, they never lost sight of the LOVE that kept them bonded since their journey together in their mother's womb. This book encourages readers to always choose love over differences.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 675円

Excellence: You Never Lost It, You Forgot It【電子書籍】[ Derek O'Neill ]

<p>What is keeping you from reaching your highest potential in life? Are obstacles to excellence rooted in the situations you find yourself in, or are they a reflection of how your mind works? Excellence - You Never Lost It, You Forgot It, part of Derek O’Neill’s GET A GRIP series, takes you on a journey to understand why your subconscious plays a major role in creating your reality and how you can let go of the triggers and patterns that are holding you back.</p> <p>Based on Derek’s ground breaking, dynamic workshop, Finding Your Excellence, this concise and powerful little book places a rewarding life within the reach of everyone. Excellence is the knowledge and satisfaction that you are living life fully and that every experience adds to the joy and grace of being human.</p> <p>Excellence is not elusive; it is within you, right here and right now. Let excellence be your guide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円