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The Science of Getting Rich, Illustrated & Annotated with Summary and Quotes【電子書籍】[ Wallace D. Wattles ]
<p>Struggling to get ahead? Wallace Wattles' "The Science of Getting Rich" argues wealth isn't accidental - it's a learnable skill. Wattles compares it to math, with clear laws to follow. Forget competition and scarcity thinking! This book focuses on the power of your mind. By cultivating a burning desire and a clear vision of your rich life, you'll attract prosperity. Learn how to banish poverty consciousness and unlock the secrets to financial abundance. "The Science of Getting Rich" promises a revolutionary path to a life of freedom and fulfillment, built on the foundation of your own beliefs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Just Another Gulliver and His Travels【電子書籍】[ Patrick Callaghan ]
<p>This book tells the story of a young Englishmans voyage through life. He never experienced love from his mother. As he grew up, he discovered so many lies and deceit. He was denied the opportunity to hold his paternal father. A hug would have fulfilled a dream. He was also cheated from the dream by his aunt. He discovered a half sister in America when he was thirty-three and never connected with his brother; they drifted apart. He was hit by an angry uncle who was his mentor. He was cheated and lost a business that had the makings of a huge success. Foolishly, he allowed good times to override the serious side of life. Thus, he lost his wife, his children, and his beautiful home. A caravan on a farm became his sanctuary, stealing vegetables to survive. He rose from the wilderness and ran with the wind, breaking hearts as he traveled over and through other countries. Later, he married for a bet in a foreign country and soon divorced, only to marry again to an American Christian who emptied his bank account. She left him homeless and penniless. His family and friends discovered he would rise from the ashes and run again. He enjoyed many women; they enjoyed him. Working hard all his life gave him some lovely rewards. He endeavored to enjoy life to the fullest and make friends wherever he went. Finally, at age fifty-eight, he settled down, having found happiness in the Midwest of America. This is the story of how I transformed from a wild young lad to a very content older man.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Notes on the Life and Works of Bernard Romans【電子書籍】[ P. Lee Phillips ]
<p>The books in the Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series demonstrate the University Press of Florida’s long history of publishing Latin American and Caribbean studies titles that connect in and through Florida, highlighting the connections between the Sunshine State and its neighboring islands. Books in this series show how early explorers found and settled Florida and the Caribbean. They tell the tales of early pioneers, both foreign and domestic. They examine topics critical to the area such as travel, migration, economic opportunity, and tourism. They look at the growth of Florida and the Caribbean and the attendant pressures on the environment, culture, urban development, and the movement of peoples, both forced and voluntary.</p> <p>The Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series gathers the rich data available in these architectural, archaeological, cultural, and historical works, as well as the travelogues and naturalists’ sketches of the area in prior to the twentieth century, making it accessible for scholars and the general public alike.</p> <p>The Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series is made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, under the Humanities Open Books program.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
El viajero m?s lento El arte de no terminar nada【電子書籍】[ Enrique Vila-Matas ]
<p><strong>Una nueva lectura de los ensayos fundacionales de Enrique Vila-Matas, con dos piezas in?ditas. Una hoja de ruta para identificar aquello que se convertir?a en cap?tulos, historias y personajes de sus libros posteriores.</strong></p> <p>Enrique Vila-Matas recupera uno de sus vol?menes m?s emblem?ticos, con m?s de treinta ensayos que configuraron su paisaje narrativo posterior. <em>El viajero m?s lento</em> recoge un macrocosmos fundacional vilamatianode ciudades, personajes, lecturas, conversaciones, situaciones reales, invenciones y escenarios. Con dos piezas in?ditas, constituye, adem?s, una hoja de ruta con las claves imprescindibles para identificar aquello que se convertir?a en cap?tulos, historias y personajes de sus libros posteriores.<br /> Un alegato a favor de la libertad creadora del escritor, del lector como continuador del viaje, de los libros como objetos vivos y del valor literario de las ideas en proceso como germen latente de obras que se disparan, como hizo ?sta, en m?ltiples direcciones.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Inganno tentatore Harmony Destiny【電子書籍】[ Day Leclaire ]
<p>Rafe Dante non si convincer? mai che al mondo esista un'unica donna destinata a lui e che l'Inferno, il desiderio che divampa improvviso nello sfiorare l'anima gemella, ne suggelli la scoperta. Sfortunatamente la sua famiglia non la pensa allo stesso modo e continua a proporgli candidate tra cui scegliere. A un passo dall'esasperazione Rafe ha un'idea: ingagger? una fidanzata e finger? con tutti di aver trovato il vero amore, almeno per un po'. La dolce Larkin Thatcher ? perfetta per quel ruolo e accetta il fidanzamento temporaneo. Proprio quando ogni cosa sembra andare per il verso giusto, per?, Rafe sente un calore sconosciuto travolgerlo...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Mommy Tell Me Another "I Love You More Than Story"!【電子書籍】[ Rhonda F Butler ]
<p>A mom reads her children a bedtime story,</p> <p>She reminds them of her love and of the objects that they see.</p> <p>They have fun with the language by using words that rhyme</p> <p>They enjoy this nightly ritual all of the time!</p> <p>My children were the inspiration for this book</p> <p>We hope you enjoy this book after you take a look.</p> <p>I read a lot of books to my children over the years</p> <p>We hope this story is pleasing to your ears!</p> <p>"I love you more than."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Oeuvres De Napol?on Bonaparte ( Edition int?grale ) 5 Tomes - annot?【電子書籍】[ Napol?on Bonaparte ]
<p>Napol?on Ier, n? le 15 ao?t 1769 ? Ajaccio et mort le 5 mai 1821 sur l’?le Sainte-H?l?ne, est le premier empereur des Fran?ais, du 18 mai 1804 au 6 avril 1814 et du 20 mars 1815 au 22 juin 1815. Second enfant de Charles Bonaparte et Letizia Ramolino, Napol?on Bonaparte est un militaire, g?n?ral dans les arm?es de la Premi?re R?publique fran?aise, n?e de la R?volution, commandant en chef de l’arm?e d’Italie puis de l’arm?e d’Orient. Arriv? au pouvoir en 1799 par le coup d’?tat du 18 Brumaire, il est Premier consul jusqu’au 2 ao?t 1802, puis consul ? vie jusqu’au 18 mai 1804, date ? laquelle il est proclam? empereur par un s?natus-consulte suivi d’un pl?biscite. Il est sacr? empereur, en la cath?drale Notre-Dame de Paris, le 2 d?cembre 1804, par le pape Pie VII.</p> <p>En tant que g?n?ral en chef et chef d’?tat, Napol?on tente de briser les coalitions mont?es et financ?es par le royaume de Grande-Bretagne et qui rassemblent, depuis 1792, les monarchies europ?ennes contre la France et son r?gime n? de la R?volution. Il conduit pour cela les arm?es fran?aises d’Italie au Nil et d’Autriche ? la Prusse et ? la Pologne : ses nombreuses et brillantes victoires (Arcole, Rivoli, Pyramides, Marengo, Austerlitz, I?na, Friedland), dans des campagnes militaires rapides, disloquent les quatre premi?res coalitions. Les paix successives, qui mettent un terme ? chacune de ces coalitions, renforcent la France et donnent ? son chef, Napol?on, un degr? de puissance jusqu’alors rarement ?gal? en Europe, lors de la paix de Tilsit (1807)</p> <p>Il r?organise et r?forme durablement l’?tat et la soci?t?. Il porte le territoire fran?ais ? son extension maximale avec 134 d?partements en 1812, transformant Rome, Hambourg, Barcelone ou Amsterdam en chefs-lieux de d?partements fran?ais. Il est aussi pr?sident de la R?publique italienne de 1802 ? 1805, puis roi d’Italie de 1805 ? 1814, mais ?galement m?diateur de la Conf?d?ration suisse de 1803 ? 1813 et protecteur de la Conf?d?ration du Rhin de 1806 ? 1813. Ses victoires lui permettent d’annexer ? la France de vastes territoires et de gouverner la majeure partie de l’Europe continentale en pla?ant les membres de sa famille sur les tr?nes de plusieurs royaumes : Joseph sur celui de Naples puis d’Espagne, Louis sur celui de Hollande, J?r?me sur celui de Westphalie et son beau-fr?re Joachim Murat ? Naples. Il cr?e ?galement un duch? de Varsovie, sans oser restaurer formellement l’ind?pendance polonaise, et soumet temporairement ? son influence des puissances vaincues telles que le royaume de Prusse et l’empire d’Autriche.</p> <p>Objet, d?s son vivant, d’une l?gende dor?e comme d’une l?gende noire, il doit sa tr?s grande notori?t? ? son habilet? militaire, r?compens?e par de nombreuses victoires, et ? sa trajectoire politique ?tonnante, mais aussi ? son r?gime despotique et tr?s centralis? ainsi qu’? son ambition qui se traduit par des guerres d’agression tr?s meurtri?res (au Portugal, en Espagne et en Russie) avec des centaines de milliers de morts et bless?s, militaires et civils pour l’ensemble de l’Europe. Il tente ?galement de renforcer le r?gime colonial fran?ais d’Ancien R?gime en outre-mer, en particulier avec le r?tablissement de l’esclavage en 1802, ce qui provoque la guerre de Saint-Domingue (1802-1803) et la perte d?finitive de cette colonie, tandis que les Britanniques s’assurent le contr?le de toutes les autres colonies entre 1803 et 1810. Cet ennemi britannique toujours invaincu s’obstinant ? financer des coalitions de plus en plus g?n?rales, les Alli?s finissent par remporter des succ?s d?cisifs en Espagne (bataille de Vitoria) et en Allemagne (bataille de Leipzig) en 1813. L’intransigeance de Napol?on devant ces sanglants revers lui fait perdre le soutien de pans entiers de la nation fran?aise, tandis que ses anciens alli?s ou vassaux se retournent contre lui. Amen? ? abdiquer en 1814 apr?s la prise de Paris, capitale de l’Empire fran?ais, et ? se retirer ? l’?le d’Elbe, il tente de reprendre le pouvoir en France, lors de l’?pisode des Cent-Jours en 1815. Capable de reconqu?rir la France et d’y r?tablir le r?gime imp?rial sans coup f?rir, il am?ne pourtant, du fait de sa mise au ban de l’Europe, le pays dans une impasse avec la lourde d?faite de Waterloo qui met fin ? l’Empire napol?onien et assure la restauration de la dynastie des Bourbons. Sa mort en exil, ? Sainte-H?l?ne, sous la garde des Anglais, fait l’objet de nombreuses controverses.</p> <p>Une tradition romantique fait de Napol?on l’arch?type du grand homme appel? ? bouleverser le monde. C’est ainsi que le comte de Las Cases, auteur du M?morial de Sainte-H?l?ne, tente de pr?senter Napol?on au Parlement britannique dans une p?tition r?dig?e en 18182. ?lie Faure, dans son ouvrage Napol?on, qui a inspir? Abel Gance, le compare ? un ≪ proph?te des temps modernes ≫. D’autres auteurs, tel Victor Hugo, font du vaincu de Sainte-H?l?ne le ≪ Prom?th?e moderne ≫. L’ombre de ≪ Napol?on le Grand ≫ plane sur de nombreux ouvrages de Balzac, Stendhal, Musset, mais aussi de Dosto?evski, de Tolsto? et de bien d’autres encore. Par ailleurs, un courant politique fran?ais ?merge au xixe si?cle, le bonapartisme, se r?clamant de l’action et du mode de gouvernement de Napol?on.</p> <p><strong><em>Oeuvres de Napol?on Bonaparte, Tome I.</em><br /> BONAPARTE<br /> LETTRE<br /> DE M. BUONAPARTE<br /> A M. MATTEO BUTTAFOCO,<br /> TRADUCTION<br /> De la lettre du Pr?sident du Club patriotique d'Ajaccio.<br /> LE SOUPER<br /> DE BEAUCAIRE<br /> G?N?ALOGIE<br /> DE NAPOL?ON<br /> BONAPARTE.<br /> PR?CIS<br /> CHRONOLOGIQUE ET HISTORIQUE<br /> DE NAPOL?ON<br /> BONAPARTE<br /> 1769<br /> 1777.<br /> 1784.<br /> 1787.<br /> 1788.<br /> 1789.<br /> 1792.<br /> 1793 (an 1er de la r?publique.)<br /> 1794 (an II.)<br /> 1795(an III.)<br /> 1796 (an IV.)<br /> 1797 (an V.)<br /> 1797 (an VI.)<br /> 1798 (an VI.)<br /> 1798 (an VII.)<br /> 1799 (an VII.)<br /> 1799 (an VIII.)<br /> 1800 (an VIII.)<br /> 1801 (an IX.)<br /> 1802 (an X.)<br /> 1802 (an XI.)<br /> 1803 (an XI.)<br /> 1803 (au XII.)<br /> 1804 (an XII.)<br /> 1805 (an XIII.)<br /> 1806.6<br /> 1807.<br /> 1808.<br /> 1809.<br /> 1810.<br /> 1811.<br /> 1812.<br /> 1813.<br /> 1814.<br /> 1815.<br /> 1816.<br /> 1818.<br /> 1821.<br /> OEUVRES<br /> DE NAPOL?ON<br /> BONAPARTE.<br /> PREMI?RE CAMPAGNE D'ITALIE.<br /> <em>Oeuvres de Napol?on Bonaparte, Tome II.</em><br /> TOME DEUXI?ME.<br /> PREMI?RE CAMPAGNE D'ITALIE.<br /> EXP?DITION D'?GYPTE.<br /> LIVRE DEUXI?ME.<br /> <em>Oeuvres de Napol?on Bonaparte, Tome III.</em><br /> TOME TROISI?ME.<br /> PREMI?RE CAMPAGNE D'ITALIE.<br /> FIN DU DEUXI?ME LIVRE.<br /> LIVRE TROISI?ME.<br /> CONSULAT.<br /> FIN DU TROISI?ME LIVRE.<br /> LIVRE QUATRI?ME.<br /> EMPIRE.<br /> 1804.<br /> <em>Oeuvres de Napol?on Bonaparte, Tome IV.</em><br /> TOME QUATRI?ME.<br /> MDCCCXXI.<br /> EMPIRE. 1806.<br /> LIVRE SIXI?ME.<br /> EMPIRE.<br /> 1808.<br /> GUERRE D'AUTRICHE<br /> <em>Oeuvres de Napol?on Bonaparte, Tome V.</em><br /> TOME CINQUI?ME.<br /> MDCCCXXI.<br /> CAMPAGNE DE RUSSIE.<br /> LIVRE SEPTI?ME.<br /> CAMPAGNE DE SAXE.<br /> LIVRE HUITI?ME.<br /> CAMPAGNE DE FRANCE.<br /> LIVRE NEUVI?ME.<br /> LIVRE DIXI?ME.<br /> 1815.<br /> DIVERSES PI?CES COMMUNIQU?ES APR?S L'IMPRESSION.<br /> GALERIE MILITAIRE<br /> DE NAPOL?ON BONAPARTE<br /> RECUEIL DE TOUS LES TABLEAUX ET MONUMENS<br /> OU SONT REPR?SENT?S<br /> LES PRINCIPAUX ?V?NEMENS DE SA CARRI?RE MILITAIRE;<br /> PAR DAVID, G?RARD, GIRODET, GROS, GU?RIN, LBJEUNE, LETHIERS, GAUTHEROT, TAUNAY, (Carle et Horace) VERNET, VINCENT, BACLER D'ALBE, BERTBON, BOURGEOIS, CALLET, CARTELLIER, CLODION, DEBRET, DESEVE, ESPERCIEUX, MEYNIER, MONGIN, PAJOU, PONCE CAMUS, RHOEN, TH?VENIN, etc., etc.<br /> (FAISANT SUITE AUX OEUVRES DE NAPOL?ON.)</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The subject notion and Functional Ways of Structuring Language【電子書籍】[ Eric Weidner ]
<p>Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, grade: 2,3, University of Heidelberg (Institut f?r Anglistik), course: Hauptseminar Functional Syntax, language: English, abstract: In this term paper I will investigate the structure of English sentences with the subject notion as a starting point. It presents a classical notion to analyse clauses and sentences but how exactly can a subject be defined? For this purpose, I will show that the notion is not detailed enough and suggest a distinction into grammatical, logical and psychological subject. This proves useful to analyse sentences which at first glance do not appear to have any subject at all. In a next step I will focus on features of the grammatical subject according to the Cambridge Grammar of the English language (2005). The discussion will prove that the properties given for grammatical subjects do not constitute a fixed frame which sharply distinguishes between elements eligible to be subjects and others that are not. Instead I will argue that the subject category is best analysed as a prototype category and that its features have prototypical character. The second section is concerned with different ways of accounting for particular structures of language. If various syntactic functions can appear at the beginning of sentences then why does a speaker choose a particular construction instead of another? I will argue that this question is closely related to analyses of clauses, sentences and utterances going beyond a mere subject vs. predicate dichotomy. I will start with a discussion of the thematic structure of sentences and clauses and introduce the distinction of topic and comment. The second step complements the thematic structure of language with the information structure, in which constituents can be labelled 'given' and 'new'. This analysis also considers the intra- and extra-linguistic context of clauses and sentences and can thereby account for a fair share of speaker-choices between differing constructions. Since there are still some cases that cannot be explained by looking at the information structure, I will then present the notion of perspective as very helpful. Taking together these different levels of analysis one is enabled to account for a large quantity of possible constructions in the English language.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Jeannot et Colin Analyse compl?te de l'oeuvre【電子書籍】[ fichesdelecture.com ]
<p>Cette fiche de lecture sur <strong>Jeannot et Colin</strong> de <strong>Voltaire</strong> propose une analyse compl?te de l'oeuvre :</p> <p>? un r?sum? de Jeannot et Colin<br /> ? une analyse des personnages<br /> ? une pr?sentation des axes d'analyse de Jeannot et Colin de Voltaire</p> <p><strong>? propos de FichesDeLecture.com :</strong></p> <p>FichesdeLecture.com propose plus 2500 analyses compl?tes de livres sur toute la litt?rature classique et contemporaine : des r?sum?s, des analyses de livres, des questionnaires et des commentaires compos?s, etc. Nos analyses sont pl?biscit?es par les lyc?ens et les enseignants. Toutes nos analyses sont t?l?chargeables directement en ligne. FichesdeLecture est partenaire du Minist?re de l'Education.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Notte sarda【電子書籍】[ Pietro Casu ]
<p>"Vecchia storia di Gallura" intrisa di efferate violenze e rovinose passioni, Notte sarda segna l'ingresso del Casu nel tempio della letteratura nazionale. Accolto assai favorevolmente dalla critica, nonostante i forti dissensi suscitati nell'ambiente ecclesiastico a cui apparteneva lo stesso autore, resta un'opera ≪che non si esita a classificare in cima ai valori artistici e letterari della cultura isolana del Novecento≫.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
You Never Can Tell (Annotated)【電子書籍】[ George Bernard Shaw ]
<p>*This Book is annotated (it contains a detailed biography of the author).<br /> *An active Table of Contents has been added by the publisher for a better customer experience.<br /> *This book has been checked and corrected for spelling errors.</p> <p>You Never Can Tell is an 1897 four-act play by George Bernard Shaw that debuted at the Royalty Theatre. In June 2011, the play was revived at the Coliseum Theatre in Aberystwyth, Wales, where it had been performed exactly one century earlier.</p> <p>The play is set in a seaside town and tells the story of Mrs Clandon and her three children, Dolly, Phillip and Gloria, who have just returned to England after an eighteen-year stay in Madeira.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore【電子書籍】[ AA. VV ]
<p>I viaggi migliori non ci mostrano solo ci? che non ? familiare, ma ci aiutano a capirlo. Immergersi profondamente nella cultura locale alla ricerca delle credenze, dei desideri e della storia dietro le usanze dovrebbe essere lo scopo di ogni viaggio. ? allora che in una citt? sconosciuta, all’improvviso, ci sembra di essere a casa.<br /> Scrivere ? come viaggiare e leggere ? la stessa identica cosa. Un viaggio in solitaria, a tu per tu con emozioni, con fantasie, paure, incertezze; poi con i personaggi e gli scenari che sono l? che aspettano.<br /> E il protagonista, proprio come nel romanzo di Calvino da cui abbiamo “preso in prestito” il titolo, diventa il lettore, che deve essere pronto a cambiare scenario e protagonisti ogni volta. Non ? obbligato a seguire una trama, ma si pu? senz’altro centellinare ogni racconto, scelto a caso o seguendo l’ordine, e da ognuno trarre qualcosa. Di sicuro un’emozione.<br /> E dunque… buona lettura.<br /> <em>Rita Angelelli</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
A Son of the Sun (Annotated)【電子書籍】[ Jack London ]
<ul> <li>This edition includes the following editor's introduction:<em>Jack London, an infinite passion for adventure that drove all his work</em></li> </ul> <p>First published in 1912, "A Son of the Sun” (AKA <em>A Son of the Sun: The Adventures of Captain David Grief</em>) ia an adventure novel by American author Jack London.</p> <p>"A Son of the Sun” consists of eight separate stories, all of which feature the adventures of Captain David Grief, a self-made fleet and plantation owner plying his trade in the South Pacific at the beginning of the 20th century. Grief owns a number of sailing vessels and each story features a different one so we meet a motley collection of crew members as they experience thrilling and daring do exploits whilst trading around the islands.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Jeannot et collin【電子書籍】[ VOLTAIRE ]
<p>Plusieurs personnes dignes de foi ont vu Jeannot et Colin ? l’?cole dans la ville d’Issoire, en Auvergne, ville fameuse dans tout l’univers par son coll?ge et par ses chaudrons. Jeannot ?tait fils d’un marchand de mulets tr?s renomm? ; Colin devait le jour ? un brave laboureur des environs, qui cultivait la terre avec quatre mulets, et qui, apr?s avoir pay? la taille, le taillon, les aides et gabelles, le sou pour livre, la capitation, et les vingti?mes, ne se trouvait pas puissamment riche au bout de l’ann?e.</p> <p>Jeannot et Colin ?taient fort jolis pour des Auvergnats ; ils s’aimaient beaucoup ; et ils avaient ensemble de petites privaut?s, de petites familiarit?s, dont on se ressouvient toujours avec agr?ment quand on se rencontre ensuite dans le monde.</p> <p>Le temps de leurs ?tudes ?tait sur le point de finir, quand un tailleur apporta ? Jeannot un habit de velours ? trois couleurs, avec une veste de Lyon de fort bon go?t ; le tout ?tait accompagn? d’une lettre ? M. de La Jeannoti?re. Colin admira l’habit, et ne fut point jaloux ; mais Jeannot prit un air de sup?riorit? qui affligea Colin. D?s ce moment Jeannot n’?tudia plus, se regarda au miroir, et m?prisa tout le monde. Quelque temps apr?s un valet de chambre arrive en poste, et apporte une seconde lettre ? monsieur le marquis de La Jeannoti?re ; c’?tait un ordre de monsieur son p?re de faire venir monsieur son fils ? Paris. Jeannot monta en chaise en tendant la main</p> <p>Colin avec un sourire de protection assez noble. Colin sentit son n?ant, et pleura. Jeannot partit dans toute la pompe de sa gloire.</p> <p>Les lecteurs qui aiment ? s’instruire doivent savoir que M. Jeannot, le p?re, avait acquis assez rapidement des biens immenses...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Notes From The Underground or Letters from the Underworld【電子書籍】[ Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky ]
<p><strong>Notes From The Underground by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky</strong> also translated as <em><strong>Notes from the Underground</strong></em> or <em><strong>Letters from the Underworld</strong></em>) is a novella written in 1864 by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and is considered by many to be one of the first existentialist novels.</p> <p>The novella presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator (generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man), who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. The first part of the story is told in monologue form through the Underground Man's diary, and attacks contemporary Russian philosophy, especially Nikolay Chernyshevsky's <em>What Is to Be Done?</em>.</p> <p>The second part of the book, called "Apropos of the Wet Snow", describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero.</p> <p>The narrator observes that utopian society removes suffering and pain, but man desires both things and needs them in order to be happy. He argues that removing pain and suffering in society takes away a man's freedom. He says that the cruelty of society makes human beings moan about pain only to spread their suffering to others.</p> <p>Unlike most people, who typically act out of revenge because they believe justice is the end, the Underground Man is conscious of his problems and feels the desire for revenge, but he does not find it virtuous; the incongruity leads to spite towards the act itself with its concomitant circumstances.</p> <p>He feels that others like him exist, but he continuously concentrates on his spitefulness instead of on actions that would help him avoid the problems that torment him. The main issue for the Underground Man is that he has reached a point of ennui[4] and inactivity.[5] He even admits that he would rather be inactive out of laziness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Manca poco a mezzanotte【電子書籍】[ Roberto Fedi ]
<p>Un uomo, la notte, una citt? semideserta. L’uomo sta tornando a casa a piedi. Come tutte le sere da anni, sempre uguale. Una macchina ogni tanto. Fa freddo.<br /> Lo aspetta il suo appartamento anonimo, dove abita da solo da vent’anni. ? un abitudinario, per stanchezza pi? che per scelta. Ma quella sera le cose vanno diversamente: un riesso di luce in una vetrina, un rumore, qualcuno che forse lo segue. Un’ombra proiettata dai fari di una macchina, una scarpa pesante in una pozzanghera, proprio dietro di lui.<br /> L’uomo allunga il passo, poi quasi corre, cambia strada, si gira di scatto, lo assale l’ansia, poi la paura, poi il terrore. ? inseguito. I passi continuano, la piazza ? deserta, ora quasi pu? sentire un respiro dietro di s?. Conta i metri che mancano a casa, ? madido di sudore, inizia a correre…<br /> Quella sera del 27 ottobre, quasi a mezzanotte, non sar? la solita sera banale e squallida. Dietro di lui, nel buio, non c’? solo l’ombra lunga di uno sconosciuto.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Virgen de los Desamparados【電子書籍】[ Baltasar Bueno T?rrega ]
<p>Un viaje a trav?s del tiempo que nos lleva a descubrir la profunda devoci?n del pueblo valenciano hacia su patrona, la Virgen de los Desamparados. Baltasar Bueno T?rrega nos ofrece una historia fascinante que mezcla el fervor religioso con la riqueza cultural y social de Valencia.</p> <p>Conocer?s la emocionante historia de c?mo surgi? la advocaci?n de la Virgen, c?mo ha sido venerada y protegida por los valencianos a lo largo de los siglos, y c?mo su figura ha sido un faro de esperanza en tiempos de necesidad y tribulaci?n. Desde el esplendor del Siglo de Oro valenciano hasta los desaf?os contempor?neos, revelando los misterios y milagros asociados a la Virgen y su inquebrantable v?nculo con la ciudad de Valencia.</p> <p>Este libro es el homenaje a una tradici?n viva que sigue resonando en el coraz?n de cada valenciano.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Still, I Cannot Save You A Memoir of Sisterhood, Love, and Letting Go【電子書籍】[ Kelly S. Thompson ]
<p>**Shortlisted for the 2024 Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction Award<br /> Nominated for the Inaugural Reader's Choice Award</p> <p>With honesty, love, and humour, in this moving memoir, Kelly S. Thompson explores her relationship with her older sister, Meghan. Tested by addiction, abuse, and illness, the sisters’ relationship crumbles, only to be rebuilt into an everlasting bond.**</p> <p>Kelly Thompson and her older sister, Meghan, are proof that sisterhood doesn’t always equate to friendship.<br /> Growing up within a military family, the girls were close despite being temperamental oppositesーKelly, anxious and studious, looked to her big sister for comfort, and Meghan, who battled kidney cancer as a toddler, was gregarious and protective. But as she approached adulthood, Meghan spiralled into a cocaine and opioid addiction, and Kelly’s relationship with her sister was torn apart.<br /> Their paths diverge as they live their own lives, and it is only when Meghan becomes a mother that she and Kelly tentatively face past hurts and reexamine what sisterhood really means. But their reunion is threatened when Meghan receives a shocking new diagnosis on a day that should be one for celebration. Now, as the family reels at the prospect of the biggest loss imaginable, Kelly and Meghan must share all that they can in the time that they have, using their mutual sense of humour to chart a course through the darkest of days.<br /> At once funny and heartbreaking, <em>Still, I Cannot Save You</em> is a story about addiction, abuse, and tragedy, but above all, it is a powerful portrait of an enduring love between sisters.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Mop and Broom: Unnoticed Voyeurs of the Eighth Precinct【電子書籍】[ Sally Ramsey ]
<p>Mop and Broom and other cleaning implements live in the Janitor's Closet of the Eighth Precinct and observe both the solving of cases and the private recreations of the Eighth's denizens. Their attempts to understand human behavior are fanciful and slightly salacious.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Village of Stepanchikovo And its Inhabitants: from the Notes of an Unknown【電子書籍】[ Fyodor Dostoyevsky ]
<p>Summoned to the country estate of his wealthy uncle Colonel Yegor Rostanev, the young student Sergey Aleksandrovich finds himself thrown into a startling bedlam. For as he soon sees, his meek and kind-hearted uncle is wholly dominated by a pretentious and despotic pseudo-intellectual named Opiskin, a charlatan who has ingratiated himself with Yegor’s mother and now holds the entire household under his thumb. Watching the absurd theatrics of this domestic tyrant over forty-eight explosive hours, Sergey grows increasingly furious - until at last, he feels compelled to act. A compelling comic exploration of petty tyranny, The Village of Stepanchikovo reveals a delight in life’s wild absurdities that rivals even Gogol’s. It also offers a fascinating insight into the genesis of the characters and situations of many of Dostoyevsky’s great later novels, including The Idiot, Devils and The Brothers Karamazov.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Notebooks of Madame B: Ecstasy【電子書籍】[ Madame B ]
<p><strong>Introducing a scintillating new erotica series: Tarcher Sensual Awakenings</strong></p> <p>Meet Madame B, the extraordinary hostess of an exciting new line of erotica. In these delightful collections of sensuous and, at times, scandalous tales, the mysterious Madame B shares with readers the many wild and sexy escapades women have shared with her. For some reason, women gravitate to Madame B, confiding their innermost feelings-and their most shocking erotic exploits. To protect their privacy (as well as her own), the mysterious Madame prefers to remain anonymous.</p> <p>In the third book in the series, <em>The Notebooks of Madame B: Ecstasy</em>, ten women reveal how their darkest (and dirtiest) fantasies became true, including:</p> <p>*<strong>"Car-ma Sutra"</strong>: Fantasies about sex in public lead a young married couple to an unexpected midnight encounter.</p> <p>In <em>The Notebooks of Madame B</em>, private indulgences are stripped bare for all to see, proving that the best erotic stories can't remain secret for very long.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Minotaur's Lair (Servant of the Gods, #3)【電子書籍】[ Luciana Cavallaro ]
<p>Evan and his companions are entrapped by the Amazon Queen Antioche and her warriors. Memories and allegiances are tested. The Dark Master’s victorious revenge over the gods is almost complete. The plight of the High Priestess is precarious, her health ailing, and unable to rescue her brother and fellow Atlanteans.</p> <p>The last sacred relic, secreted in the lair of the Minotaur, must be recovered or the Dark Master’s succession plans of a new god are complete. The mystical lands of Krete, the final stage of Evan’s journey, are within his grasp. He must succeed so his father, Zeus, fulfills his promise. Then there is Queen Antioche, and the precious gifts she presents him.<br /> Will Evan return home, and what will become of his future?</p> <p>Minotaur’s Lair is the third and final book in the action-packed Servant of the Gods historical fiction series. If you enjoy well-researched landscapes, historic characters, excitement, mythical creatures and unique settings, then you’ll love Luciana Cavallaro’s heroic odyssey.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Little Women (Annotated)【電子書籍】[ Louisa May Alcott ]
<p>This is the annotated version of the main book. we had added a summary of approximately 36000 words at the end of the book.</p> <p>we had inserted links to every chapter and summary in the index. you can visit and read any chapter or you can visit or read the summary at starting or at any point of the book.</p> <p>Genres of the Book<br /> Novel<br /> Children's Literature<br /> Comedy<br /> Coming of Age Story<br /> Domestic Fiction<br /> Bildungsroman</p> <p>About the Book<br /> Little Women is a coming-of-age story by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832?1888).</p> <p>Alcott composed the book over several months at the request of her publisher and had it published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. The plot follows the four March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, as they grow from childhood to womanhood. Based on the author's and her three sisters' lives, 202 is described as an autobiographical or semi-autobiographical work.</p> <p>Little Women was a financial and critical success right away, with readers wanting to learn more about the characters. Alcott swiftly finished the second volume (titled Good Wives in the United Kingdom, though the name originated with the publisher and not Alcott). It was also well received. In 1880, the two volumes were combined into a single novel named Little Women. Alcott went on to write two sequels to her hit work, both of which included the March sisters: Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1873). (1886).</p> <p>The novel is stated to handle three primary themes: "domesticity, work, and real love, all of which are interdependent and each of which is important to the achievement of its heroine's own identity.": 200 According to Sarah Elbert, Alcott invented a new genre of literature by combining components from romantic children's fiction with others from sentimental novels, resulting in a completely new genre. Elbert contends that Little Women has the earliest vision of the "All-American girl," and that the March sisters represent her varied aspects.: 199</p> <p>The novel has been translated into various languages and has been adapted for theatre and screen on countless occasions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Il mestiere del ciclista. Una vita in bicicletta, curiosit?, esperienze e consigli【電子書籍】[ Marco Pinotti ]
<p>Marco Pinotti ci porta in sella con lui, sui pedali nella salita dello Stelvio, sotto la pioggia sulle c?tes della Liegi-Bastogne-Liegi, a perdicollo lungo le strade bianche toscane, in perfetto assetto da cronoman per sfidare il decimo di secondo, nell'atmosfera rarefatta del Villaggio Olimpico o lungo le strade bergamasche, mete dei suoi allenamenti "casalinghi". Ci racconta il mondo del ciclismo dall'interno, dalla pancia del gruppo. Ne esce la descrizione di un universo multicolore, una sorta di circo itinerante che si sposta in vari luoghi del mondo - dal Qatar a Maiorca, dalla Malesia alla California, dalle Fiandre all'Australia - con uno stuolo di addetti ai lavori: dai direttori sportivi ai meccanici, dagli organizzatori ai giornalisti agli sponsor ai massaggiatori... Uscendo da questa sorta di internazionale viaggiante il ciclista prova tutta la fatica di uno sport individuale e collettivo al contempo dove le cadute sono messe a contratto, il cibo ? carburante e spauracchio, la precariet? ? garantita, il doping ? una tentazione da evitare e a ogni colpo di pedale si accende la passione per una disciplina popolare, vicina alla gente, ancora ad altezza uomo.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Another Generation Almost Forgotten【電子書籍】[ Jefferson Wiggins ]
<p>The principle that no child should be left behind is now codified in the laws of the United States, but Jefferson Wiggins grew up in a different United States, under a very different set of laws.</p> <p>From the night the Ku Klux Klan came to hang his father to the afternoon he received an honorary doctorate in recognition of his lifes work, Jeffs memoir is a story of human triumph over adversity, a story of individuals who can and do make a difference in the lives of others. Most of all, his memoir reminds us of the extraordinary stories that often lie below the surface of seemingly ordinary lives. No reader can help but be moved to tears by this compelling, inspirational work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Nothing To Eat (Illustrated)【電子書籍】[ Horatio Alger ]
<p>Nothing To Eat.<br /> Not by the Author of "Nothing to Wear."<br /> The Argument<br /> THOUGH famine prevails not at all in the city;<br /> Though none of starvation have died in the street;<br /> Yet many there are now exciting our pity,<br /> Who're daily complaining of nothing to eat.<br /> The every-day cry and the every-day fare,<br /> That's every day heard where the Livewells are dining,<br /> Is nothing to eat, or else nothing to wear,<br /> Which naked and starving rich Merdles are whining.<br /> There's Kitty Malone-Mrs. Merdle 'tis now-<br /> Was ever on earth here before such a sinner;<br /> Protesting, excusing and swearing a vow,<br /> She'd nothing worth eating to give us for dinner.<br /> Why Kitty, if starving for want of a meal,<br /> And had'nt a cent in the world to buy meat,<br /> You wouldn't exclaim with a more pious zeal,<br /> "I'm dying of hunger-we've nothing to eat!!"<br /> The Proof-the Queen of Fashion</p> <p>Horatio Alger, Jr. (January 13, 1832 ? July 18, 1899) was a prolific 19th-century American author, best known for his many juvenile novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. His writings were characterized by the "rags-to-riches" narrative, which had a formative effect on America during the Gilded Age. Alger's name is often invoked incorrectly as though he himself rose from rags to riches, but that arc applied to his characters, not to the author. Essentially, all of Alger's novels share the same theme: a young boy struggles through hard work to escape poverty. Critics, however, are quick to point out that it is not the hard work itself that rescues the boy from his fate, but rather some extraordinary act of bravery or honesty, which brings him into contact with a wealthy elder gentleman, who takes the boy in as a ward. The boy might return a large sum of money that was lost or rescue someone from an overturned carriage, bringing the boyーand his plightーto the attention of some wealthy individual. It has been suggested that this reflects Alger's own patronizing attitude to the boys he tried to help.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Die beliebtesten Klassiker der franz?sischen Literatur Der Graf von Monte Christo, Der Gl?ckner von Notre-Dame, Madame Bovary, Bel Ami…【電子書籍】[ Stendhal ]
<p>Diese Ausgabe wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgf?ltig formatiert. Inhalt: Der Graf von Monte Christo (Alexandre Dumas) Die drei Musketiere (Alexandre Dumas) Der Gl?ckner von Notre-Dame (Victor Hugo) Die Elenden (Victor Hugo) Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen (Jules Verne) 20.000 Meilen unter den Meeren (Jules Verne) Reise nach dem Mittelpunkt der Erde (Jules Verne) Vater Goriot (Balzac) Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert) Germinal (Emile Zola) Nana (Emile Zola) Das Gedicht von der Rose (Guillaume de Lorris) Auf der Suche nach der verlorenene Zeit (Marcel Proust) Rot und Schwarz (Stendhal) Die Kartause von Parma (Stendhal) Gargantua und Pantagruel (Fran?ois Rabelais) Die Prinzessin von Cl?ves (Marie-Madeleine de La Fayette) Kandid (Voltaire) Eug?nie Grandet (Balzac) Die Nonne (Denis Diderot) Jakob und sein Herr (Denis Diderot) Die Bekenntnisse (Jean Jacques Rousseau) Emile oder ?ber die Erziehung (Jean Jacques Rousseau) Gef?hrliche Liebschaften (Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos) Manon Lescaut (Antoine-Fran?ois Pr?vost) Die 120 Tage von Sodom (Marquis de Sade) Atala & Ren? (Chateaubriand) Die kleine Fadette (George Sand) Gamiani oder Zwei N?chte der Ausschweifung (Alfred de Musset) Die Kameliendame (Alexandre Dumas der J?ngere) Bel Ami (Guy de Maupassant) Briefe aus meiner M?hle (Alphonse Daudet) Gegen den Strich (Joris-Karl Huysmans) Tableaux parisiens (Charles Baudelaire) Die G?tter d?rsten (Anatole France) Eglantine (Jean Giraudoux) Der Cid (Pierre Corneille) Der Misanthrop (Moliere) Tartuffe (Moliere) Ph?dra (Jean Baptiste Racine) Figaro's Hochzeit (Pierre de Beaumarchais) Die franz?sische Literatur im engeren Sinne ist die auf franz?sisch geschriebene Literatur des Mutterlandes Frankreich. Besonders wichtige Werke entstanden im Hochmittelalter, im Absolutismus, im Zeitalter von Aufkl?rung und Moderne.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Der Gl?ckner von Notre-Dame von Victor Hugo【電子書籍】[ Alessandro Dallmann ]
<p>Charles Laughton hat ihm ein h?ssliches Gesicht gegeben, Zeichentrickfiguren stilisieren seine Gestalt zu etwas ?bernat?rlichem, das sie in Wirklichkeit nicht ist. Quasimodo hat schon ?hnlichkeit mit einem Gespenst, so wie man es sich landl?ufig vorstellen mag, stellt tats?chlich jedoch nichts anderes dar als einen Menschen mit ?u?erlich erkennbaren Defekten. Das macht es schwer f?r ihn, Bekanntschaft mit einer jungen Frau zu schlie?en, die beiden sind eine Art Urform von der Sch?nen mit dem Biest. Seit 1831 ist die Geschichte von Victor Hugo abermals variiert und des ?fteren verfilmt worden, im Mittelpunkt des umfangreichen Romans steht jedoch zun?chst die m?chtige Kathedrale. Erst an der detaillierten Schilderung ihrer Ausma?e l?sst sich erkennen, welche Strecken darin zur?ckzulegen sind, bis der Glockenturm erreicht ist. Von oben aus gewinnt man den besten ?berblick und kann manches beobachten, das der Aufmerksamkeit anderer entgeht. Ganz Paris liegt einem da zu F??en, unerreichbar ist man f?r alle, die eine ungeheure Distanz erst noch ?berwinden m?ssen. Dr?ngen sie jedoch zu sehr nach, bleibt zum Ausweichen nur der direkte Weg nach unten, wenn man keinen Seitenausgang w?hlen will. Das bietet sich nur an, um einen Aufschub zu erwirken oder den neugierigen Blicken ungebetener Besucher zu entgehen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
L’ami du village Ma?tre Guillaume ( Edition int?grale ) annot?【電子書籍】[ Charles Deslys ]
<p>Dans un village, l’arriv?e d’un nouvel instituteur, un ma?tre comme on disait antan, va bouleverser les habitudes des gens. Un livre empreint de social, avec en toile de fond romanesque, la substitution d’un enfant ? la naissance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Book of Bulbs【電子書籍】[ Samuel Arnot ]
<p>This edition features<br /> ? illustrations<br /> ? a linked Table of Contents</p> <p>CONTENTS<br /> Editor's Note<br /> Concerning Bulbs<br /> Introductory<br /> Value of Bulbs ー Bulbs in Grass ー Arrangement in Borders ー Bulbs for Cutting ー Propagating Bulbs ー Diseases of Bulbs.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Aconitums ー Alliums ー Alstr?merias ー Anemones.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Amaryllises ー Anthericums ー Antholyzas ー Apios ー Aris? ー Arums ー Asphodelines ー Asphodeluses ー Belamcanda ー Bloomerias ー Brodi?as ー Bulbocodiums.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Calochorti and Cyclobothras ー Camassias ー Colchicums ー Convallarias ー Forcing Lily of the Valley ー Corydalises ー Crinums ー Crocosmias and Montbretias ー Crocuses.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Cyclamens ー Dicentras ー Dieramas? ー?Eranthis ー Eremuruses ー Erythroniums ー Eucomises.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Fritillarias ー Funkias ー Galanthuses? ー?Galtonias ー Gladioli ー Hemerocallises.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Hyacinths ー Hyacinths in Pots ー Scillas ー Puschkinias?ー ? Chionodoxas ー Chionoscillas ー Muscaris.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Irises ー Kniphofias ー Lapeyrousias? ー?Leucojums.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Liliums ー Liliums in Pots ー Malvastrum ー Merenderas ー Millas ー Narcissi ー Narcissi in Pots.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Ornithogalums ー Oxalises ー P?onias? ー?Ranunculuses ー Romuleas ー Sanguinarias ー Sternbergias ー Schizostylis ー Tecophil?as ー Trilliums.<br /> Hardy Bulbs<br /> Tulips ー Zephyranthes.<br /> Half-hardy Bulbs<br /> Acidantheras ー Albucas ー Alstr?merias ー Androstephiums ー Besseras ー Boussingaultias ー Bravoas? ー?Cypellas ー Dahlias ー Galaxias ー Geissorhizas and Hesperanthas.<br /> Half-hardy Bulbs<br /> Gladioli ー Ixias ー Sparaxises?ー ?Babianas ー Morphixias ー Tritonias.<br /> Half-hardy Bulbs<br /> Ixiolirions ー Mor?as ー Ornithogalums? ー?Oxalises ー Ph?dranassas ー Pancratiums ー Tigridias?ー ?Zephyranthes ー Cooperias.<br /> Greenhouse and Stove Bulbs<br /> Achimenes ー Alocasias ー Amorphophalluses ー Aris?mas ー Arums ー Begonias ー Bomareas ー Caladiums.<br /> Greenhouse and Stove Bulbs<br /> Clivias ー Colocasias ー Crinums ー Cyclamens ー Cyrtanthuses ー Eucharises and Urceocharis ー Eurycles.<br /> Greenhouse and Stove Bulbs<br /> Freesias ー Gloxinias ー H?manthuses ー Hippeastrums.<br /> Greenhouse and Stove Bulbs<br /> Lachenalias ー Nerines and Lycorises ー Pancratiums and Hymenocallises ー Richardias ー Sprekelias ー Tuberoses ー Vallotas ー Watsonias ー Zephyranthes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。