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437件中 31件 - 60件  1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Tunisia in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Tunisian Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Bourguiba, Ben Ali, Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Bizerte, Berbers, Wadi Medjerda, Ottoman【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Tunisia, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Geographic Divisions and Topographic Features * Mountainous North * High Central Plains * Low Central Plains * Desert South * Climate * Bodies of Water * Wadi Medjerda * Ground Aquifers * Major Cities * Tunis * Sfax * Sousse * Kairouan * Bizerte * Environmental Concerns * Natural Hazards * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Prehistory (Early Stone Age to 1100 B.C.E.) * Phoenician Period (1100 B.C.E.-146 B.C.E) * Roman Era (146 B.C.E.-439 C.E.) * Islamic Rule * Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties * Successor Dynasties * Ottoman Rule * French Protectorate (1881-1956) * French Colonization * Nationalist Resistance * Toward Independence * President Bourguiba (1957-1987) * President Ben Ali (1987-2010) * Revolution and Recent Events * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry * Energy * Natural Resources * Trade * Transportation * Tourism * Banking and Finance * Investment * Standard of Living * Employment * Public and Private Sectors * Outlook * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Religion * Gender Issues * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Arts * Sports and Recreation * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * U.S.-Tunisia Relations * Tunisian Relations with Neighboring Countries * Algeria * Libya * European Union (EU) * Military and Defense Forces * Police and Internal Security Forces * Issues Affecting Stability * Poverty * Religious Extremism * Refugees * Border Security * Water Security * CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Geography and Climate * Major Cities * Tunis * Sfax * Sousse * Kairouan * Bizerte * History * Berbers * Ancient Empires * Islamic Rule * The Ottoman Empire * The French Protectorate * Independence * Revolution and Its Aftermath * Government * Media * Economy * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Chapter 1Assessment * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Introduction * Islam * Forms of Islam * Religion and Government * Religion and Daily Life * Religion and Gender * Religious Events and Holidays * Ras al-Am al-Hijri * Mawlid al-Nabi * Ramadan * Eid Al-Fitr * Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Kabir) * Places of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Values * Greetings * Social Interaction * Hospitality * Traditional Foods * Dining Etiquette * Dress Codes * Holidays * Dos and Don'ts * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * Introduction * Urbanization * Work Problems in Urban Areas * Healthcare * Education * Telecommunications * Street Crime and Solicitation * Street Vendors * Marketplace * Food and Dining * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE * Introduction * Tribal Distribution * Land Distribution * Rural Economy * Rural Healthcare * Education * Village Life * Rural Leadership * Different Regions and Ways of Life * Rural Travel * Checkpoints * Land Mines * Chapter 5 Assessment * CHAPTER 6: FAMILY LIFE * Introduction * Typical Household and Family Structure * Family Roles and Responsibilities * Men and Women * Elders and Children * Marriage and Divorce</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Niger in Perspective: Orientation Guide: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Tuareg, Talak, Sahel, Tenere, Niamey, Zinder, Maradi, Agadez, Tahoua, Arlit, Kanem-Bornu, Songhai, Coup, Djerma, Sonrai【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Niger, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Geographic Divisions and Topographic Features * Talak Region * High Plateaus * Sahel * Niger River Basin * Air Mountains * Tenere Desert * Climate * Bodies of Water * Major Cities * Niamey * Zinder * Maradi * Agadez * Tahoua * Arlit * Environmental Concerns and Natural Hazards * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Ancient History * Medieval History * Kanem-Bornu Empire * A Tuareg Sultanate * Early Modern History * Mali Empire * Songhai Empire * Modern History * Sultanate of Damagaram * French Colonial Era * Afrique Occidentale Francaise (French West Africa) * Later 20th Century * Toward Independence * Independence * Military Rule * Return to Civilian Rule * Return to Military Rule * Twenty-First Century * 2010 Coup * Recent Events * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry * Services * Energy * Natural Resources * Trade * Banking and Finance * Standard of Living * Public vs. Private Sector * Future Outlook * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnic and Linguistic Groups * Djerma * Sonrai * Gurma * Hausa * Kanouri Manga * Peuhl (Fulani) * Tagdal (Igdalen) * Toubou * Tuareg * Religion * Islam * Christianity * Baha'ism * Indigenous Practices * Cuisine and Traditional Dress * Arts and Music * Instruments * Crafts * Sports and Recreation * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * U.S. - Niger Relations * Relations with Neighboring Countries * Algeria * Benin * Burkina Faso * Chad * Libya * Mali * Nigeria * Police Force * Nigerien Armed Forces (Forces Armees Nigeriennes) * Army * Air Force (Armee de l'Air du Niger) * Militant and Terrorist Groups * Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) * Boko Haram * National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad - MNLA * Mouvement des Nigeriens pour la Justice (Movement of Nigeriens for Justice - MNJ) * Harakat Ansar al-Din * Issues Affecting Stability * Weapons Smuggling * Corruption * Refugees * Food and Water Security</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Czech Republic in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Religion, Prague, Praha, Brno, Communism, Velvet Revolution, Elbe River【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>These two unique guides produced by the Department of Defense provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in the Czech Republic, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Topographical Features * Krusne Hory (Ore Mountains) * Luzicke Hory (Elbe Sandstone Area) * Sudety Mountain Chain * Sumava Mountains * Ceskomoravska Vysocina (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands) * Outer Western Carpathians (Beskids) * Bodies of Water * Vltava River * Elbe River (Labe River) * Morava River * Oder (Odra) * Climate * Major Cities * Prague (Praha) * Brno * Ostrava * Plzen (Pilsen) * Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) * Environmental Issues * Natural Hazards * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Early History * Holy Roman Empire * Bohemia's Golden Age * The Hussite Wars * The Habsburg Ascension * Reformation and Counter-Reformation * The Thirty Years' War and Absolute Rule * The Enlightened Despot, Industrialization, and the End of Empire * The Czech Nationalist Movement * Roots of Ethnic Strife * End of Empire, Birth of a Nation * The First Republic * The Sudeten Germans * The Munich Agreement * Death of a Nation * Nazi Occupation, 1939-1945 * Reconstruction * Communist Coup * Under Communism * Adjusting to Communist Rule * Reform Movement * Prague Spring of 1968 * Growing Discontent * Velvet Revolution * Velvet Divorce * Moving Forward * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry * Tourism and Service Sectors * Energy and Natural Resources * Trade * Banking and Finance * Standard of Living * Employment Trends * Public vs. Private Sector * Future Outlook * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Roma * Languages * Religion * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Gender Issues * Arts and Letters * Music * Literature * Theater * Film * Pop Culture * Architecture * Visual Arts * Folk Traditions * Sports and Recreation * National Sports * Recreation * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * Military * Police * Foreign Relations * The Visegrad Group * Germany and Austria * U.S.-Czech Relations * Recent Relations * Issues Affecting Stability * Water and Food Security * CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Geography * Area and Climate * Mountains * Bodies of Water * Major Cities * History * Early Slavic Nations * Holy Roman Empire * Religious Strife * Nationalism * The First Republic * World War II * Communist Takeover * Communist Reforms * Velvet Revolution and Velvet Divorce * Government * Executive Branch * Legislative Branch * Judicial Branch * Local Administration * There are 14 regions (kraje) in the Czech Republic, which form a level of administration between towns and local councils and the national government * Media * Print Media * Broadcast Media * Basic Economic Structure * Main Industries * Currency and Trade * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Other Minorities * Roma * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Introduction * Religion in Czech History * Early Christianity * Jan Hus * The Habsburgs and the Counter-Reformation * Religion and Nationalism * Religion under Communism * Major Religions * Roman Catholicism * Protestantism * Judaism * Influence of Religion on Daily Life * Religion and Government * Religious Holidays * Christmas * Easter * Buildings of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Values and Characteristics * Values * Codes of Politeness * Communication Styles * Greetings and Polite Expressions * Male and Female Interactions * Hospitality and Gift-Giving * Special Occasions * Eating Habits * The Drinking Culture * Pubs * Dress Codes * Nonreligious Celebrations * Fairs and Festivals * National Holidays * Dos and Don'ts * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Venezuela in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Society, Rural and Urban Life, Security, Religion, Hugo Chavez, Simon Bolivar, Traditions【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>These two unique guides produced by the Department of Defense provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Venezuela, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>Orientation Guide 2012 - GEOGRAPHY * Climate * Bodies of Water * Lake Maracaibo * Lake Valencia * Orinoco River * Caroni River * Apure River * Major Cities * Caracas * Maracaibo * Valencia * Barquisimeto * Maracay * Environmental Concerns * Natural Hazards * HISTORY Conquest * The Colonial Era Independence * Simon Bolivar * Boundary Dispute * The Caudillos (1830-1935) * 20th and 21st Centuries * The Transition to Democracy * Period of Stability * Economic Difficulties * Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela * ECONOMY * Agriculture * Industry * Natural Resources * Trade * Tourism * Banking and Finance * Standard of Living * Employment Trends * Public Versus Private Sector * SOCIETY * Ethnic Groups * Religion * Catholicism * Protestantism * The Cult of Maria Lionza * Gender Issues * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * The Arts * Music * Visual Arts * Sports and Recreation * SECURITY * U.S.-Venezuela Relations * Relations with Neighbors * Brazil * Colombia * Guyana * Cuba * Venezuela-Iran Relations * Police * Military * Issues Affecting Stability * Governance * Economic Concerns * Crime and Corruption * Smuggling * Terrorism and Separatist Movements * Water and Electricity Problems</p> <p>Cultural Orientation 2012 * Climate * Geographic Divisions * Coasts * Plains and River Delta * Mountains * Highlands * Bodies of Water * Lake Maracaibo * Lake Valencia * Orinoco River * Caroni River * Apure River * Major Cities * Caracas * Maracaibo * Valencia * Barquisimeto * Maracay * History * Pre-Columbian History * Conquest * Colonial Era * Independence * The Caudillos (1830-1935) * The Transition to Democracy * Repression and Democracy * Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela * Government * Media * Economy * Ethnic Groups and Languages * RELIGION * Religious Conventions and Gender Roles * Religious Holidays and Festivals * Carnival (Carnaval) * La Semana Santa (Holy Week) * Corpus Christi * Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria * San Jose * Velorios de la Cruz de Mayo * Christmas * Places of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * TRADITIONS * Codes of Politeness * Male/Female Interaction * Hospitality and Gift Giving * Eating Habits * Dress Codes * Non-Religious Holidays * New Year's Day * Independence Declaration Day * Labor Day * Battle of Carabobo Day * Independence Day * Birthday of Simon Bolivar * Columbus Day * Dos and Don'ts * URBAN LIFE * The Urban Condition * Poverty and the Slums * Healthcare * Education * Restaurants * Marketplaces and Street Vendors * Money and Credit Cards * Transportation and Traffic * Automobiles * Buses * Taxis * Metros * Airplanes * Street Crime and Solicitations * RURAL LIFE * Land Ownership and the Rural Economy * History * Consequences * Agriculture * Rural Transportation * Cars * Buses * River Travel * Rural Health * Rural Government * Indigenous Groups * Border Crossings and Checkpoints * Landmines * FAMILY LIFE * Typical Household and Family Structure * Status of Women * Marriages, Consensual Unions, and Divorce * Family Social Events * Weddings * Funerals * Rites of Passage * Naming Conventions</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 954円

洋書 Information Age Publishing Paperback, The Blind Need Not Apply: A History of Overcoming Prejudice in the Orientation and Mobility Profession (Critical Concerns in Blindness)

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Turkey in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Turkish Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Kurds, Laz, Alevi, Sufism, Cemevis, Tigris, Euphrates【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Turkey, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Area * Climate * Rivers * Major Cities * Istanbul * Ankara * Izmir * Bursa * Adana * History * The Early Ottoman Empire * The Demise of the Ottoman Empire * The Republic of Turkey * Recent Events * Government * The Executive Branch * The Legislative Branch * The Judicial Branch * Media * Print and Broadcast Media * Internet Control * Economy * Agriculture * Industry and Manufacturing * Service Sector * Ethnic Groups * Turks * Kurds * Laz * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Introduction * Major Religions * Islam (The Sunnis) * Sufism * The Shi'ites and Alevi * Religion in Government * Religion in Daily Life * Religious Holidays and Celebrations * Places of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * Mosques * Cemevis * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Honor and Values * Greetings * Male-Female Relationships * Hospitality and Gift-Giving * Eating Habits and Types of Food * Eating Customs * Turkish Food * Dress Codes * Nonreligious Celebrations (Holidays) * New Year's Day * National Sovereignty and Children's Day * Labor and Solidarity Day * Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day * Victory Day * Republic Day * Dos and Don'ts * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * Introduction * Urbanization Issues * Work Problems in Urban Areas * Education and Schools * Health Issues * Healthcare and Hospitals * Pharmacies * Transportation * Buses and Trams * Dolmus * Taxis * Trains * Ferries * Cars * Air * Restaurants * The Marketplace * Markets and Shopping * Money and Bargaining * Street Crime and Safety * Street Vendors and Beggars * Street Vendors * Beggars * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE * Introduction * Land Distribution and Ownership * Rural Economy * Rural Transportation * Cars * Buses * Health Issues * Education * Village Life * Community Leaders and Law Enforcement * Checkpoints * Landmines * Chapter 5 Assessment * CHAPTER 6: FAMILY LIFE * Introduction * Typical Household * Male-Female Interactions in the Family * Status of the Elderly * Social Customs * Marriage * Children * Naming Conventions * Divorce * Funerals * CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Geographical Divisions * Black Sea Region * Aegean Region * Mediterranean Region * Central Region * Anatolian Plateau * The Eastern Highlands (Anti-Taurus Mountains) * Arabian Platform * Climate * Bodies of Water * Lake Van (Van Golii) * Lake Tuz (Tuz Golii) * Lake Beysehir * Euphrates River (Firat Nehri) * Tigris River (Dicle) * Kizil River (Kizil Irmak) * Others * Major Cities * Istanbul * Ankara * Izmir * Bursa * Adana * Environmental Concerns * Natural Hazards * CHAPTER 1 ASSESSMENT * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Origins of the Turkish People * The Seljuk State * The Ottoman Era * Founding of the Empire * An Empire in Decline * Nationalism and World War I * The Founding of the Turkish Republic * Post-Ataturk Governance * The Country in Crisis * The Reemergence of Islam in Politics * Recent Developments * CHAPTER 2 ASSESSMENT * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry and Manufacturing * Natural Resources * Energy * Pipelines * Free Trade * Foreign Investment * Banking * Tourism * Standard of Living * Outlook * CHAPTER 3 ASSESSMENT * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnic Groups * Kurds * Laz * Hemsin * Armenians * Religion * Islam * The Shi'ite and the Alevis * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Gender Issues * Music * Literature * Dance * Whirling Dervishes * Oriental Dance * Turkish Belly Dance</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Saudi Arabia in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Saudi Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Riyadh, Jeddah, Mecca, Medina, Wahhabism, Terrorism, Wadis, Persian Gulf, Oil【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Area and Borders * Geography and Topography * Hejaz and Asir * Nejd * Al-Hasa * Rub al-Khali * Climate * Bodies of Water * Wadis * Red Sea * Persian Gulf * Major Cities * Riyadh * Jeddah * Dhahran-Dammam-al-Khobar * Mecca (Makkah) * Medina * History * Early History * Origins of the Saud Family (1450-1765) * Rise of Wahhabism * Founding of the Modern State (1900-1953) * King Saud and King Faisal (1953-1975) * Recent Events * Government * Media * Economy * Ethnic Groups * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Introduction * Overview of Islam * Sunni and Shi'a Islam * Islam in Saudi Arabia * Religion and Government * Influence of Religion on Daily Life * Religious Holidays and Events * Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha * Ramadan * Hajj * Places of Worship * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Honor and Values * Greetings and Introductions * Male/Female Interaction * Hospitality and Gifts * Eating and Types of Food * Cuisine * Dining Etiquette * Dress Code * Non-Religious Holidays and Celebrations * Al-Yaom al-Watany * Ras al-Sana al-Hijra * Jinadriyah Camel Races and National Festival of Folklore and Culture * Do's and Don'ts * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * Introduction * Urban Problems * Employment * Healthcare * Education * Restaurants * Marketplace and Shopping * Money and Credit Cards * Transportation * Cars * Public Transportation * Crime and Solicitation * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE * Introduction * Tribal Distribution * Land Distribution * Rural Economy * Rural Transportation * Education * Healthcare * Who's in Charge? * Nomadic Pastoralism on the Arabian Peninsula * Border Crossings and Checkpoints * Chapter 5 Assessment * CHAPTER 6: FAMILY LIFE * Introduction * Typical Household * Status of Women * Status of Elderly and Children * Marriage and Divorce * CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Geographical Regions and Topography * The Western Region * The Southern Region * The Central Region (Nejd) * The Eastern Region * The Rub al-Khali * Deserts and Mountains * Climate * Bodies of Water * Major Cities * Riyadh * Jeddah * Mecca * Medina * Dhahran-Dammam-al-Khobar * Environmental Issues * Natural Hazards * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Early History * The Origins of the Saud Family (1450-1765) * The Rise of Wahhabism and the First Saudi State (1744-1823) * The Second Saudi State (1824-1891) * The Third Saudi State * The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia * Kings Saud and Faisal 1953-1975 * Saudi Arabia (1975-2000) * Recent Developments * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry * Energy and Trade * Transportation * Standard of Living * Employment * Tourism * Banking * Outlook * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnicity * Religion * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Status of Women * Arts * Music and Dance * Calligraphy * Poetry and Folktales * Recreation * Camel Racing * Falconry * Horseracing * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * United States-Saudi Relations * Relations with Neighbors * Iraq * Jordan * Kuwait * Oman * Qatar * United Arab Emirates (UAE) * Yemen * Police * The Saudi Armed Forces * Issues Affecting Stability * Terrorist Groups * Political Reform * Relations with the Clergy * Economic Issues * Water Security</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Turkmenistan in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Turkmen Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Customs, Rural and Urban Life, Ashgabat, Turkmenbashi, Atrek River, Soviet Era【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>These unique guides produced by the Department of Defense provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Turkmenistan, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Area * Climate * Geographical Divisions * Bodies of Water * Karakum Canal * Atrek River * Amu Darya River * Tejen River * Murghab River * Caspian Sea * Major Cities * Ashgabat * Turkmenbashi * Mary * Dashoguz (Dashowuz) * Environmental Hazards * Natural Hazards * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Early History * Turkmen Expansion * Russian Colonial Rule * Soviet Turkmenistan * Independence * Recent Developments * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry * Energy Resources * Natural Gas * Petroleum * Banking * Foreign Investment * Standard of Living * Public vs. Private Sector * Outlook * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnic Groups * Language * Religion * Islam * Eastern (Russian) Orthodox Church * Judaism * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Gender Issues * Arts * Carpets * Jewelry * Literature * Music * Sports and Recreation * Horses * Other Games * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * Turkmenistan's Foreign Policy * United States-Turkmenistan Relations * Relations with Other Countries * Afghanistan * Azerbaijan * Iran * Kazakhstan * Uzbekistan * Russia * China * Police * Military * Issues Affecting Stability * Poverty * Drugs and Trafficking * Dissident Groups * Water Security * Outlook * CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Area * Climate * Bodies of Water * Amu Darya River * Tejen River * Murgab River * Atrek * Karakum Canal * Caspian Sea * Major Cities * Ashgabat * Turkmenbashi * Dashoguz (Dashowuz) * Mary * History * Early History * The Russians and Czarist Colonial Rule * The Soviet Era * Independence * Recent Events * Government * Media * Economy * Traditional Economy * The Current Economy * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Turkmen * Russians * Kazaks * Uzbeks * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Introduction * Pre-Islamic Religion * Sunni Islam * Islam in Turkmenistan * Other Religions * Religion and Government * Religion in Daily Life * Interactions Between Males and Females * Religious Events and Holidays * Places of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Greetings * Hospitality and Gift Giving * Eating Habits * Types of Food * Dress Code * Non-Religious Holidays * New Year's Day * Novruz * Victory Day * Independence Day * Neutrality Day * Other Holidays * Dos and Don'ts * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * Introduction * Urban Issues * Healthcare * Education * Restaurants * The Market Place * Shops and Bazaars * Money and Credit Cards * Transportation * Trolleys and Buses * Taxis * Cars * Trains * Airplanes * Street Crimes and Solicitations * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE * Introduction * Land Ownership * Rural Economy * Gender Issues * Transportation * Trains * Ferries * Taxis * Bus * Cars * Health Issues * Education * Who Is in Charge? * Border Crossings and Checkpoints * Border Crossings * Checkpoints * Land Mines * Chapter 5 Assessment * CHAPTER 6: FAMILY LIFE * Introduction * The Typical Household * Gender Issues * Marriage * Divorce * Status of the Elderly and Children * Social Events * Weddings * Funerals * Family Celebrations</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Fast Facts for the ER Nurse, Second Edition Emergency Room Orientation in a Nutshell【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Buettner, RN, CEN ]

<p><strong>Because ER nurses need to think fast and act fast . . .</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Fast Facts for the ER Nurse</em> is the only orientation guide and reference designed specifically for new ER nurses and the preceptors responsible for their orientation. The chapters provide a brief overview of equipment, treatments, and drugs used to manage common disorders and conditions frequently seen in the ER. The book includes disorder definitions, signs and symptoms, interventions, drugs, and critical thinking questions.</strong></p> <p><strong>Using a bullet-point format, each chapter is conveniently organized alphabetically by disease and disorder within each body system for quick access. The book serves as an organized, reliable, and thorough ER guide, ensuring a structured approach to orientation.</strong></p> <p>The book's "Fast Facts in a Nutshell" feature provides quick summaries of important points, questions, and answers at regular intervals throughout. Other useful features include a skills checklist, coverage of common lab values and medications, and EKG rhythms.</p> <p><strong>Key Topics Include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Cardiovascular Emergencies</li> <li>Disaster Response Emergencies</li> <li>Infectious Disease Emergencies</li> <li>Mental Health Emergencies</li> <li>Shock and Multisystem Trauma Emergencies</li> <li>Substance Abuse and Toxicologic Emergencies</li> </ul> <p><strong>New to this Edition:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Endocrine Emergencies</li> <li>Environmental Emergencies</li> <li>Dental Emergencies</li> <li>Rapid Sequence Intubation</li> <li>Triage</li> <li>Acute Stroke Management Guidelines</li> <li>Sexual Assault-Intimate Partner Abuse</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,179円

Fast Facts for the ER Nurse Emergency Department Orientation in a Nutshell【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Buettner, RN, BSN, CEN, HHP ]

<p><em><strong>The Second Edition received 21 five-star reviews on Amazon!</strong></em></p> <p>The newly revised third edition of the bestselling orientation guide for novice ER nurses delivers important clinical updates across body systems in an easy-to-read on the move bullet-point format. Including a new chapter on hematologic emergencies with evidence-based practice for sickle cell care management, all sections of this new edition have been thoroughly updated to supplement the ER nurse's busy day-to-day orientation process.</p> <p>The only book of its kind, this quick-access guide prepares ER nurses for the most common illnesses they will encounter by alphabetically organizing diseases and disorders within each body system. All chapters, written in short paragraphs with at-a-glance bulleted information, list relevant materials, equipment, and drugs. Each possible diagnosis comes with a definition, causes, signs and symptoms, and interventions.</p> <p>The popular "Fast Facts in a Nutshell" feature consists of succinct key points and questions and answers for review. Culminating in appendices that include a list of abbreviations, common lab values, EKG rhythms, and frequently used ER medications, this quick reference addresses the ER nurse’s needs at a glance. Skills check-off sheets provide crucial self-checks for efficient and confident care in the ER.</p> <p>New to the Third Edition:</p> <ul> <li>New documentation tips throughout and updated illustrations</li> <li>Updated American Heart Association Guidelines included</li> <li>Stroke updates with TPA inclusion and exclusion criteria and administration tips</li> <li>Disaster response updates including highly infectious diseases and mass casualties</li> <li>Updates on increased opioid-induced cardiac arrests, toxicological emergencies, and substance abuse (includes synthetic and designer drugs)</li> <li>Updated information on respiratory emergencies</li> <li>Reorganized shock information</li> </ul> <p>Key Features:</p> <ul> <li>Written by an expert ER nurse for novice ER nurses and preceptors</li> <li>Handy pocket size</li> <li>Provides easy referral to equipment, medications, procedures, and specialty care</li> <li>Includes practical tips, tricks of the trade, and critical thinking questions</li> <li>Audio book format available for the ER nurse on the go</li> <li>Instructor's resources available</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,074円

Outlander's Sassenachs Essays on Gender, Race, Orientation and the Other in the Novels and Television Series【電子書籍】

<p>A time travel epic featuring history and romance, <em>Outlander</em>--unlike most adventure series--is aimed at women audiences. The kilted male characters, the female narrator, the fantastic period costumes are atypical of male-gendered television. Both the show and the novels on which it is based address issues most series shy away from, like breast feeding, abortion and birth control. Role reversals are common--the powerful Claire rescues her virginal husband Jamie from sexual abuse. When the villainous Black Jack Randall displays his genitals to the heroine Jenny, she laughs.</p> <p>This collection of new essays examines <em>Outlander</em> as an exploration of what it means to be a capable 18th century woman and what it means in the modern world. As Claire explores different models of strength in both periods, Jamie comes to understand the nuances of male honor, power and alternative sexuality through the contrasting figures of Black Jack and Lord John. As the heroes negotiate the complications of marriage and life, they make discoveries about gender that resonate with modern audiences.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,808円

Libya in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Libyan Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Tripoli, Benghazi, Gaddafi, Qadhafi, Tuareg, Fezzan, Al-Khufrah, Sanusi, Pariah State【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Libya, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Geography * Tripolitania (Western Region) * Fezzan * Cyrenaica * Climate * Bodies of Water * Major Cities * Tripoli * Benghazi * Misratah * Sabha * Al-Khufrah * History * Early History * Ottoman Rule * Italian Colonization * Independence * Qadhafi's Libya * Qadhafi's Overthrow * Government * Media * Economy * Ethnic Groups * Languages * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Islam * Islamic Sects * The Quran * Religion and Government * Religion in Daily Life * Religion and Gender * Religious Holidays * Al-Hijra (New Year's Day) * Mawlid al-Nabi (Prophet's Birthday) * Ramadan * Eid al-Fitr * Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) * Places of Worship * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Honor and Values * Greetings * Male-Female Interaction * Hospitality and Gift-Giving * Food and Eating Habits * Dress Codes * Social Events * Weddings * Funerals * Non-Religious Holidays and Festivals * National Holidays * Festivals * Dos and Don'ts * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * Urbanization Issues * Work Problems in Urban Areas * Healthcare * Education * Restaurants and Dining * Marketplace and Street Vendors * Transportation * Street Crime and Solicitation * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE * Tribal Distribution * Land Distribution * Rural Economy * Transportation and Lodging * Healthcare * Education * Different Regions and Ways of Life * Road Checkpoints * Land Mines * CHAPTER 6: FAMILY LIFE * Typical Household and Family Structure * Gender Relations within the Family * Family and Peer Relationships * Children and Adolescents * The Elderly * Marriage & Divorce * Marriage * Divorce * Naming Conventions * CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Geographical Divisions and Topographical Features * Tripolitania (Western Region) * Fezzan * Cyrenaica * Climate * Bodies of Water * Major Cities * Tripoli * Benghazi * Misratah * Tobruk * Sabha * Al Khufrah Oasis * Environmental Issues * Natural Hazards * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Early History and Peoples * Berbers * Phoenicians * Garamantes * Ancient Empires * Carthage * The Greeks * Romans * Vandals and Byzantines * Muslim Dynasties * The Ottoman Era * The Sanusi Brotherhood * The Italian Colonial Era * World War II * Independent Libya (United Kingdom of Libya) * Revolution * Consolidation of Power * The Pariah State * Fall of Qadhafi * Recent Developments * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Agriculture * Industry * Energy and Natural Resources * Trade and Transportation * Tourism * Banking and Finance * Standard of Living * Employment * Public vs. Private Sector * Outlook * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Ethnic Groups * Languages * Religion * Gender Issues * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * The Arts * Dance and Music * Sports and Recreation * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * U.S.-Libyan Relations * Relations with Neighboring Countries * Egypt * Sudan * Chad * Niger * Algeria * Tunisia * Europe * Police (Internal Security) * Military * Issues Affecting Stability * Internal Conflict and Control * Nearby Unrest * Terrorism (and Organized Crime) * Water Security</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

A Manager's Guide to Sexual Orientation in the Workplace【電子書籍】[ Bob Powers ]

<p>For the first time ever, managers will have a tool that will enable them to effectively grapple with the controversial, and sometimes explosive issues surrounding sexual orientation. Cultivated from Bob Power's 25 years business experience with some of the world's finest organizations, <em><strong>A Manager's Guide to Sexual Orientation in******the Workplace</strong></em> provides managers with the knowledge, skills and resources to foster higher productivity and performance through an all-inclusive work environment.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 10,823円

Fast Facts for the L & D Nurse Labor & Delivery Orientation in a Nutshell【電子書籍】[ Cassie Giles Groll, DNP, RN, CNM ]

<p>"</p> <p>Nurses who are new to the labor and delivery (L&D) environment will welcome this succinct, easy-to-use orientation guide for everyday labor and birth management practices. It is designed for speedy access to fundamental information about the most common practices in the L&D unit and encourages the development of independence and confidence for new RNs orienting to this practice environment.</p> <p>This well-formatted reference covers the more commonly occurring L&D situations, terminology, equipment, labs, medications, complications, and algorithms to help foster critical thinking and establish a concrete obstetric knowledge base. A wealth of clearly rendered illustrations are included to aid learning. The book also provides space for nurses to enter personal notes and protocol observed in their particular hospital.</p> <p><strong>Key Features:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Provides an easy-access reference to everyday labor and birth management practices</li> <li>Includes common obstetrical abbreviations, terminology, equipment needed, labs, and algorithms</li> <li>Highlights potential complications in red to indicate emergent topic</li> <li>Integrates multiple illustrations to enhance learning</li> <li>Answers basic questions so new nurses can pursue higher-level learning</li> </ul> <p>"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,566円

Georgia in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Religion, Customs, Urban and Rural Life, Black Sea, Sakartvelo, Caucasus, T'bilisi, Supra, Stalin【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This unique guide produced by the Department of Defense provides comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Georgia, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Climate * Rivers/Bodies of Water * Autonomous Republics and Disputed Regions * Major Cities (& Population) * Environmental Issues * Natural Hazards * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * 20th Century * Recent Events * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Industry and Service Sectors * Natural Resources * Banking and Finance * Standard of Living * Employment Trends * Public vs. Private Sector * Outlook * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Languages * Religion * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Gender Issues * Arts * Sports and Recreation * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * U.S.-Georgia Relations * Relations with Neighboring Countries * Military * Issues Affecting Stability * Looking Forward * CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Geography * History * Government * Media * Economy * Ethnic Groups and Languages * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Overview * Major Religions * Role of Religion in Government * Religion in Daily Life * Religious Holidays * Buildings of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Formulaic Codes of Politeness * Hospitality and Gift Giving * Eating Customs * Dress Codes * Non-religious Celebrations * Dos and Don'ts * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * Urbanization * Urban Work Issues * Daily Urban Life * Urban Health Care * Education * Public Places * Urban Traffic and Transportation * Street Crime * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE * Introduction * Land Ownership * Ethnic Distribution * Rural Economy * Rural Transportation * Health and Education * Daily Life in the Countryside * Who's in Charge * Border Crossings and Checkpoints * Landmines * CHAPTER 6: FAMILY LIFE * Typical Household and Family Structure * Family Responsibilities and the Status of Women * Marriage, Divorce, and Birth * Family Events * Naming Conventions * FINAL ASSESSMENTS * FURTHER READING * FOOTNOTES</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Moral Orientation of Senior Leadership in a Fortune 100 Corporation【電子書籍】[ Dr. Susan Harwood ]

<p>Rules and Relationships---the basics of Leadership framed in a comprehensive comparative gender research study examining the moral orientation of college presidents and senior industrial leaders of a Fortune 100 company. Knowledge worker expectation, designing effective leadership development, and the impact organizational initiatives have on both are part of the results discovered by clarifying the moral orientation of an organization's leaders.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 968円

Marriage and Fertility Behaviour in Japan Economic Status and Value-Orientation【電子書籍】[ Nobutaka Fukuda ]

<p>This monograph examines the influence of ideational and socio-economic factors on Japanese marriage and fertility behaviour. It also investigates the historical change in attitudes toward partnership and family in Japan, which, if current trends continue, can lead to population shrinkage and an asymmetrical age structure.</p> <p>The author first details the differences between ideational and economic approaches. He examines these two behavioural models from a viewpoint of rational choice theory, which he then follows with a discussion on the influence of institutional contexts on matrimony and childbirth.</p> <p>Next, the book considers salient features of Japanese marriage behaviour, including the relation between these patterns and changes in society and the influence of marriage on attitudes toward partnership and family relations. Coverage then goes on to explore the influence of ideational factors on fertility and analyse the impact of childbirth on couples' attitudes.</p> <p>The author also investigates attitudinal changes between generations in Japan. He provides a theoretical review on the relation between socio-economic development and value-orientation as well as looks at the difference in attitudes from a viewpoint of cohorts and periods.</p> <p>Overall, the book presents an authoritative, theoretical and empirical analysis using data from panel and repeated cross-sectional surveys. Throughout, the author clearly identifies the sources of his data as well as the methods used in his analysis.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 13,369円

U.S. Army Correspondence Course Instruction - Introduction to the Operating Room (OR) - Orientation, Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature, Safety, Specially Trained Personnel Working in a Highly Specialized Hospital Area【電子書籍】

<p>Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this is a reproduction of a U.S. Army Correspondence Course Instruction: U.S. Army Correspondence Course Instruction - Introduction to the Operating Room (OR).</p> <p>A patient scheduled for surgery will have his operation performed by specially trained personnel working in a highly specialized area of the hospital. This area--the operating room (OR) suite-has an environment suited to its needs, but one quite different from that in the rest of the hospital. All activities in the OR suite are centered around the best possible care of the patient.<br /> The purpose of this subcourse is to familiarize you with certain aspects of the OR environment that will provide you with a basis for understanding your role as an OR specialist and enable you to enhance the performance of duties assigned to you in the care of the patient.</p> <p>Contents: Introduction * Lesson 1 - Orientation * Section I. Introduction * Section II. The Operating Room Suite * Section III. Furniture and Equipment * Section IV. Aseptic Technique/Infection Control * Section V. Orientation to an Individual Operating Room * Section VI. Housekeeping * Exercises * Lesson 2 - Operating Room Personnel, Policies, And Nomenclature * Section I. Surgical Nomenclature * Section II. The Operating Room Team * Section III. Attributes Necessary in Team Members * Section IV. Policies and Information on File * Section V. Selected Forms Used in the Operating Room * Exercises * Lesson 3 - Safety In The Operating Room * Section I. Introduction * Section II. Explosion and Fire Hazards * Section III. Hazards Other Than Fires and Explosions * Exercises</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 755円

Pakistan in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Baluchi, Pashto, Punjabi, Sindhi, and Urdu Cultural Orientation: Balochistan, Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Saraikis, Kashmiri, Terrorism【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Pakistan, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>Chapter 1: Geography * Northern Mountains * Submontane Plateaus * Indus River Plain * Western Mountains * Balochistan Plateau * Deserts * Makran Coast * Indus River Delta and Sindh Coast * Climate * Arabian Sea * Indus River * Jhelum River * Chenab River * Ravi River * Sutlej River * Kabul River * Karachi * Lahore * Islamabad and Rawalpindi * Faisalabad * Peshawar * Multan * Environmental Concerns * Natural Hazards * Earthquakes * Flood * Drought * Chapter 2: History * The Indus Valley Civilizations * Crossroads of Empires * Islamic Empires * The Early Islamic Empires * The Mughal Period * Colonial Era * The British Enter the Indus River Plain * Colonial Rule * The Beginnings of the Hindu-Muslim Split * Independence and Partition * The Nation of Pakistan * Post-Independence * A Country Divided * The Bangladesh Independence War * Bhutto and ul-Haq * Recent History * Return to Democracy * Back to Military Control * The Aftermath of 9/11 * Recent Events * Chapter 3: Economy * Agriculture * Industry * Services * Transportation * Natural Resources * Energy * Mineral Resources * Trade * Exports * Imports * Tourism * Banking and Finance * Investment * Standard of Living * Employment Trends * Public versus Private Sector * Business Outlook * Chapter 4: Society * Ethnic Groups * Punjabis * Sindhis * Muhajirs * Pashtuns * Baluchis * Saraikis * Kashmiri * Languages * Urdu * Punjabi * Pashto * Sindhi * Saraiki * Religion * Islam * Sunni and Shi'a Islam * Islam in Pakistan * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Women * Men * Gender Issues * Patriarchal Culture * Violence toward Women * Bills of Protection for Women * Arts * Ghazals * Storytelling * Folklore * Sports and Recreation * Cricket * Field Hockey * Gulli Danda * Rugby * Chapter 5: Security Introduction * United States-Pakistan Relations * Relations with Neighboring Countries * India * Iran * Afghanistan * China * Tajikistan * Law and Order * Army * Air Force * Navy * Police * Frontier Corps (FC) * Intelligence Agencies * Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) * Military Intelligence (MI) * Intelligence Bureau (IB) * Issues Affecting Internal Stability * Militant Groups * Islamist Groups * Sectarian Groups * Ethnic Nationalist Groups * Chapter 1: Profile * Topography * Bodies of Water * Helmand River * Arabian Sea * Lashkar Gah (Afghanistan) * Zaranj (Afghanistan) * Quetta (Pakistan) * Zahedan (Iran) * History * Early History * British India and Its Aftermath * Recent History * Government * Media * Economy * Language and Ethnic Groups * Chapter 2: Religion * Introduction * Role of Religion in Government * Pakistan * Iran * Afghanistan * Influence of Religion on Daily Life * Religious Conventions and Gender Roles * Religious Events and Holidays * Buildings of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * Chapter 2 Assessment * Chapter 3: Traditions * Introduction * Honors and Values * Codes of Politeness * Male/Female Interaction * Hospitality and Gifts * Eating Habits and Types of Food * Dress Codes * Men's Dress * Women's Dress * Non-Religious Holidays * Sibi Mela * Baloch Culture Day * Dos and Don'ts * Chapter 4: Urban Life * Introduction * Urbanization Issues * Water * Sanitation and Waste Disposal * Air and Water Pollution * Societal and Cultural Problems * Work Problems in Urban Areas * Health Issues * Education * Market Place and Street Vendors * Bazaars * Money, Credit Cards, and ATMs * Transportation * Cars * Buses * Taxis * Auto-Rickshaws and Two-Wheeled Horse-Drawn Tongas * Trains * Planes * Crime * Pakistan</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Sustainable Action in Economy and Society Orientation for Change【電子書籍】[ Malte Faber ]

<p>Climate change, species extinction, energy and raw material shortages are global challenges that are directly linked to our economic activity. They affect our very existence and jeopardize our ability to lead a good life today and in the future, both as a society and as individuals.</p> <p>The range of questions for which we need answers seems limitless and finding the "right" path for global change increasingly utopian. How do we maintain an overview in the face of highly complex interrelationships and interactions? How can we distinguish the essential from the non-essential? What fundamental relationships in nature do we need to take into account? What kind of economy is appropriate? What is just? And under what conditions are people willing to change?</p> <p>This book offers orientation. It deals with concepts from the natural sciences, economics and philosophy - including time, thermodynamics, scarcity, responsibility and justice - which enable an understanding of the upcoming transformation to sustainability from different perspectives. Ideally, they serve as guidelines for effective decisions and show how change is possible despite immense challenges.</p> <p>The book is aimed at anyone who wants to contribute to the transformation towards sustainability - whether in politics, business, administration or civil society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 10,331円

Bangladesh in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Bengali Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Security, Customs, Islam, Hinduism, Textiles, Ganges, Jamuna River, Chittagong, Keokradang【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>These unique guides produced by the Department of Defense provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Bangladesh, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>Profile * Introduction * Geography * History * Economy * Ethnic Groups and Languages * Religion * Overview * Islam * Hinduism * The Role of Religion in the Government * Influence of Religion in Daily Life * Religious Events and Holidays * Buildings of Worship * Behavior in Places of Worship * Traditions * Traditional Economy and Jobs * Textiles * Greetings * Communication, Hospitality, and Gift-Giving * Dress Codes * Cuisine * Non-Religious Celebrations and Holidays * Social Events * MUSLIM FUNERALS * Do's and Don'ts * URBAN LIFE * Urban Jobs and Workforce * Daily Urban Life and Living Conditions * Education * Health Issues * Transportation and Traffic * Restaurants and Marketplace * RURAL LIFE * Rural Economy * Rural Health Issues * Education * Transportation * Tribal Distribution * Village Life and Gender Roles * Who's in Charge * Border Crossings and Checkpoints * Landmines * FAMILY LIFE * Family Roles and Responsibilities * Status of Women, Elderly, and Children * Marriage, Divorce, and Birth * Naming Conventions</p> <p>Bangladesh, meaning "Bengal country," is home to the Bengali people who have their ancestral roots in eastern India. They remain linked to Indian Bengalis through their language, Bangla (or Bengali), which is related to Sanskrit. Although Bengalis in both countries are also connected by deep cultural traditions, this report will focus on those in Bangladesh. Here, they form 98% of the population and are nationally referred to as Bangladeshis. Most support themselves through agricultural work, yet they must contend with annual cycles of drought or flooding which disrupt their lives and livelihoods. In addition, Bangladesh is severely overcrowded, with 150 million people living in an area slightly smaller than the state of Iowa. These problems exist alongside weak governance and political tensions over suspended elections and ongoing extremist militancy. In spite of all the problems, the people of Bangladesh continue to support a democratic political system as the best way to build their future.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Iraq in Perspective: Orientation Guide, Iraqi, Kurmanji, Sorani Cultural Orientation: Baghdad, Mosul, Geography, History, Military, Islam, Traditions, Cultures, Kurds, Yazidis, Hussein, Wars【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of four unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Iraq, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more. Separate guides cover Iraq in Perspective - An Orientation Guide, Iraqi Cultural Orientation, Kurmanji Cultural Orientation, Sorani Cultural Orientation.</p> <p>Iraq in Perspective - An Orientation Guide - Chapter 1 - Geography * Introduction * Geographic Divisions * Desert * Upper Tigris and Euphrates Upland * Northeast Highlands * Alluvial Plains * Climate * Major Rivers * Tigris River * Euphrates River * Shatt al-Arab * Major Cities * Baghdad * Basrah * Mosul (Al-Mawsil) * Kirkuk * Arbil * Natural Hazards * Environmental Concerns * Chapter 2 - History * Introduction * Ancient Cultures of Mesopotamia * Spread of Islam * Ottoman and Safavid Conflict * The Ottoman Era * World War I and the British Mandate * Faisal I and the Hashemite Kingdom * Independence and World War II * Post-World War II * The Fall of the Hashemite Monarchy * The Qasim Regime * The Arif Brothers and the Ba'athists * The Rise of Saddam Hussein * Kurdish Push for Autonomy * The Iran-Iraq War * The First Persian Gulf War * Sanctions * Weapons Inspections * Invasion and Subsequent Iraqi Governance * Security Efforts * Recent Events * Chapter 3 - Economy * Introduction * The Development of Iraq's Economy * Agriculture * Industry * Services * Banking * Tourism * Energy * Oil * Natural Gas * Electricity * Trade * Standard of Living * Transportation * Investment Climate * Business Outlook * Chapter 4 - Society * Introduction * Religion and Ethnicity * Religion * Ethnicity * Languages * Gender Issues * Honor Killings * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * The Arts * Sports * Chapter 5 - Security * Introduction * United States-Iraq Relations * Relations with Neighboring Countries * Iran * Syria * Jordan * Saudi Arabia * Kuwait * Turkey * Geopolitics of Water Resources * Issues Affecting Security * Poverty * Displaced Persons and Refugees * Corruption * Military and Police Structure * Terrorist Groups * Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) * Other Insurgent Groups</p> <p>Chapter 1 - Profile * Introduction * Geography * Area * Geographic Divisions * Topographic Features * Climate * Rivers * Draining of the Marshlands * Environment * Damage to Biodiversity and Environment from War * Major Cities * Baghdad * Mosul * Basrah * Karbala * Kirkuk * Erbil * Pre-Modern History * Ancient History * Islamic Empires * The Ottoman Empire and the British * Recent History * Operation Iraqi Freedom * Post-Saddam Iraq * Economy * Overview * The Oil Sector * The Agricultural Sector * The Services Sector * Rebuilding the Infrastructure * Telecommunications * Mass Media * Electricity * Ethnic and Other Minority Groups * Kurds * Marsh Arabs (Ma'dan) * Turkmen and Other Minority Groups * Chapter 1 Assessment * Chapter 2 - Religion * Introduction * History of Islam * Under Muhammad's Leadership * Under Muhammad's Immediate Successors * Schism * Sunni and Shi'a Islam * Sunnis * Sunni Iraqi Kurds * Shi'ites * Shi'a Iraqi Political Affiliations * Sufism * The Pillars of Islam * Non-Islamic Religions * Christianity * Yazidis * Mandaeism * Role of Religion in the Government * Baathism * Religious Laws * Influence of Religion on Daily Life * Buildings of Worship * Mosques * Mosque Etiquette * Shrines * Churches * Religious Events * Ramadan * Ashura * Chapter 2 Assessment * Chapter 3 - Traditions * Greeting and Interacting * Hospitality * Exchanging Gifts * Sharing * Honor and Offenses * Vendettas and Honor Killings * Male-Female Relationships * Interaction with Iraqi Women</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 954円

Iran in Perspective: Orientation Guide, Farsi and Baluchi Cultural Orientation: Islamic Revolution, Post-Khomeini, Nucear Weapons Stand-off, Geography, History, Military, Religion, Holy Sites, Qom【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>This is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of three unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Iran, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more. Separate guides cover Iran in Perspective - An Orientation Guide, Farsi Cultural Orientation, and Baluchi Cultural Orientation.</p> <p>Iran in Perspective: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Topography * Mountains * Central Plateau and Deserts * Lowlands * Climate * Bodies of Water * Lakes * Rivers * Major Cities * Tehran * Mashhad * Tabriz * Bandar-e Abbas * Esfahan * Shiraz * Qom * Natural Disasters * Environmental Problems * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Early History * Pre-Iranians: Akkadians and Elamites * The First Iranian Dynasties * The Medes * The Achaemenids * Zoroastrianism * Waves of Invaders * Alexander the Great, the Seleucids, and the Parthians * The Sassanid Era * Advent of Islam * The Muslim Conquest * Islam: The Early Centuries * The Abbasid Dynasty * Persian Influence and the Seljuk Empire * The Mongol Invasions * The Safavid Dynasty (1501-1722) * Nadir Shah and the Zands * European Influence * The Qajar Dynasty (1796-1925): Conquest and Defeat * Introduction to the World Economy * The Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1907 * The Anglo-Russian Convention * The Pahlavi Dynasty * The First Shah * The Last Shah * A Failed Attempt to Nationalize Oil * The White Revolution * Islamic Revolution * The Rise of Ayatollah Khomeini * Establishment of the Islamic Republic * Iranian Hostage Crisis * Intimidation and Repression * A New Constitution * The Iran-Iraq War * The Early Years * The End of the War * Post-Khomeini Iran * The "Tehran Spring" * Reform Movement Weakened * Conservative Consolidation of Power * The Green Movement * Recent Events * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Agriculture * Farming * Other Subsectors * Industry * Energy Resources * Oil * Natural Gas * Mineral Resources * Trade * Banking * Investment * Standard of Living * Transportation * Tourism * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Introduction * Ethnic Groups/Languages * Western and Northern Indo-Iranian Groups * Other Indo-Iranian Groups * Turkic Groups * Semitic Groups * Religion * Cuisine * Gender Issues * Historical Status of Women * Status of Women Today * The Arts * Visual Arts * Textiles * Literature * Poetry * Film * Sports and Recreation * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * U.S.-Iranian Relations * Foreign Relations with Neighbors * Israel * Armenia * Iraq * Afghanistan * Pakistan * Turkey * Turkmenistan * Azerbaijan * Iranian Armed Forces and Police * Domestic Dissident Groups * The Emergence of Shi'a Power * Sponsorship of Terrorism * The Nuclear Weapons Development Stand-Off * Chapter 5 Assessment * FINAL ASSESSMENT * FURTHER READING * FOOTNOTES * Farsi Cultural Orientation - CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Geography and Climate * Area * Climate * Mountainous Highlands * Major Water Systems * Rivers * Lakes * Plains * Cities * Tehran * Mashhad * Tabriz * Shiraz * Esfahan * Qom * History * Rule of the Shah * Islamic Revolution * Iran-Iraq War * Post-Revolution Leadership and Recent History * Government * Media * Economy * Ethnic Groups * Azeris * Turks * Kurds * Baluchis * Turkmen * Arabs * CHAPTER 1: ASSESSMENT * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Introduction * Origins and Doctrine of Shi'a Islam * Religion and Government * Religious War Martyrs</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 954円

Asking the Right Questions 2 Talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in mental health, counselling and addiction settings【電子書籍】[ Angela M. Barbara, PhD ]

<p>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, two-spirited, intersex and queer (LGBTTTIQ) people have specific life factors that relate to substance use and/or mental health problems. These factors include coming out, gender transition, societal oppression, loss of family support, isolation, and the prominence of bar culture in their communities.</p> <p>This manual will help counsellors create an environment where LGBTTTIQ clients feel comfortable talking about their sexual orientation and gender identity. This will allow the counsellor to:</p> <ul> <li>best assess the needs of LGBTTTIQ clients</li> <li>engage clients in a positive treatment process</li> <li>develop tailored treatment plans</li> <li>make appropriate referrals.</li> </ul> <p><em>Asking the Right Questions 2</em> includes:</p> <ul> <li>interviewing items to facilitate discussion during assessment or early treatment</li> <li>an assessment form and specialized questions to integrate into your organization’s standard assessment</li> <li>a glossary of concepts and terms.</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,679円

洋書 Paperback, A Pragmatist Orientation for the Social Sciences in Climate Policy: How to Make Integrated Economic Assessments Serve Society (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science)

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The Right to Be Out Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in America's Public Schools, Second Edition【電子書籍】[ Stuart Biegel ]

<p><strong>An updated edition of this measured, practical, and timely guide to LGBT rights and issues for educators and school officials</strong></p> <p>With ongoing battles over transgender rights, bullying cases in the news almost daily, and marriage equality only recently the law of the land, the information in <em>The Right to Be Out</em> could not be more timely or welcome. In an updated second edition that explores the altered legal terrain of LGBT rights for students and educators, Stuart Biegel offers expert guidance on the most challenging concerns in this fraught context.</p> <p>Taking up the pertinent questions likely to arise regarding curriculum and pedagogy in the classroom, school sports, and transgender issues, Biegel reviews the dramatic legal developments of the past decades, identifies the principles at work, and analyzes the policy considerations that result from these changes. Central to his work is an understanding of the social, political, and personal tensions regarding the nature and extent of the right to be out, which includes both the First Amendment right to express an identity and the Fourteenth Amendment right to be treated equally. Acknowledging that LGBT issues affect people of every sexual orientation and gender identity, Biegel provides a road map of viable strategies for school officials and educators.</p> <p><em>The Right to Be Out</em>, informed by the latest research-based findings, advances the proposition that a safe and supportive educational environment, built upon shared values and geared toward a greater appreciation of our pluralistic society, can lead to a better world for everyone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,967円

Wilderness Survival: Essential Survival Skills and Strategies, from Orientation and Fire, to Fishing and Foraging, that Will Save Your Life in the Woods Survival Guide【電子書籍】[ Ross Newman ]

<p>Have you ever wanted to on a backpacking trip in the woods but found yourself to afraid of the unknown? As fun as it sounds, your mind can’t help but contemplate all of the unknown variables such a trip could bring. Many would love to embark on such an experience but find they just can’t stop thinking about all of the things that they <em>don’t know</em> about wilderness technique. They find themselves completely unconfident in making the leap without the right of knowledge to lead them along.</p> <p>Well look no further, because this book is that guide. Right here, in just 8 chapters, we answer all of those lingering questions that may have held you back from your wilderness adventure. If you’ve ever wondered what to do if you get lost, this book provides you with proven methods of wilderness navigation to get you back on track. If you have ever wondered what you were going to eat, this book gives you the rundown of the best hunting, cooking and preparing methods for a wilderness meal. In great detail, this book demonstrates how with quick thinking and just a few supplies, anyone can survive the woods.</p> <ul> <li>Here are just a few of the things we learn:</li> <li>Chart a course with a compass and a map.</li> <li>Find food, water and shelter.</li> <li>Build and maintain a campfire.</li> <li>Pack a First Aid Kit.</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 733円

Religious Orientation and Authoritarianism in Cross-cultural Perspective A Special Issue of the international Journal for the Psychology of Religion【電子書籍】

<p>This is a special thematic edition of the International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Volume 9, Number 9 from 1999. The main topic is the religious orientation and authoritarianism in a cross-cultural perspective. If research such as that published in this journal issue were extended to other cultures and peoples, it would facilitate international dialogue about the research on religious orientation, which has been a cornerstone of Western, empirical psychology of religion for the past 30 years. The articles assembled in this issue of the journal present data from non-Western populations and the results of a translation of religious orientation measures into a language other than English. Data sets in the four articles in this issue come from Canada, Ghana, The United States, and Poland.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,603円

Haiti in Perspective - Orientation Guide and Cultural Orientation: Geography, History, Economy, Religion, Customs, Duvalier, Vodou (Voodoo), Aristide, Catholicism, Port-au-Prince, Windward Passage【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ]

<p>These two unique guides produced by the Department of Defense provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Haiti, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more.</p> <p>CHAPTER 1: GEOGRAPHY * Introduction * Geographic Regions and Topographical Features * Mountains * Plains * Islands * Bodies of Water * Climate * Major Cities * Port-au-Prince * Cap-Haitien * Gonaives * Les Cayes * Jeremie * Environmental Issues * Natural Hazards * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: HISTORY * Introduction * Early History * Columbus Arrives in the Caribbean * The French Gain a Foothold * Pearl of the Antilles * The Slaves Revolt * Toussaint Louverture and the End of Slavery * The Fight for Independence * Post-independence Struggles * Haiti in the 19th Century * Haiti and the United States * "Papa Doc" Duvalier * "Baby Doc" Duvalier * Jean-Bertrand Aristide * Aristide's Second Presidency * Preval's Second Presidency * The 2010 Earthquake * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: ECONOMY * Introduction * Industry * Agriculture * Cash Crops * Food Crops * Forestry, Fishing, and Livestock * Energy and Natural Resources * Trade * Services and Tourism * Banking and Finance * Standard of Living * Employment Trends * Future Outlook * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY * Ethnicity and Social Order * The Haitian Upper Class * The Haitian Middle Class * The Haitian Lower Class * Languages * Haitian Creole * French * Religion * Catholicism and Protestantism * Vodou * Cuisine * Traditional Dress * Gender Issues * Arts * Literature * Oral Traditions * Music * Dance * Visual Arts * Sports and Recreation * Chapter 4 Assessment * CHAPTER 5: SECURITY * Introduction * U.S.-Haiti Relations * Relations with Neighboring Countries * Dominican Republic * Cuba * The Bahamas * Military * Police Force * Issues Affecting Stability * International Presence * Drug Trafficking * Politics * Crime Rates and Rule of Law * Water and Food Security * Environment and Natural Disasters * HIV/AIDS * CHAPTER 1: PROFILE * Introduction * Geography * Major Cities * Port-au-Prince * Cap-Haitien * Gonaives * Les Cayes * Jeremie * Bodies of Water * Windward Passage * Golfe de la Gonave * Rivers * Lakes * Topographical Features * Mountains * Islands * Regions * Important Elements of History * Arrival of Columbus * The French Move In * Struggle for Freedom and Independence * Post-independence Slump * The United States Takes Control * The Duvalier Years * Ongoing Challenges * Government * Executive Branch * Legislative Branch * Judicial Branch * Media and Communications * Economy * Ethnicity and Language * Chapter 1 Assessment * CHAPTER 2: RELIGION * Overview * Religions * Roman Catholicism * Vodou * Vodou and Catholicism * Religion and Government * Places of Worship * Vodou Practices * Behavior in Places of Worship * Catholic Celebrations * Vodou Celebrations * Rara * Pilgrimages * All Souls' Day * Chapter 2 Assessment * CHAPTER 3: TRADITIONS * Introduction * Values and Communication Styles * Politeness and Etiquette * Male/Female Interactions * Dress Codes and Grooming * Gift Giving and Social Etiquette * Food and Drink * Public Holidays * Dos and Don'ts * Chapter 3 Assessment * CHAPTER 4: URBAN LIFE * CHAPTER 5: RURAL LIFE</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Finalization in Science The Social Orientation of Scientific Progress【電子書籍】[ Wolf Sch?fer ]

<p>These essays on Finalization in Science - The Social Orientation of Scientific Progress comprise a remarkable, problematic and controversial book. The authors propose a thesis about the social direction of scientific research which was the occasion of a lively and often bitter debate in Germany from 1976 to 1982. Their provocative thesis, briefly, is this: that modern science converges, historically, to the development of a number of 'closed theories', i. e. stable and relatively completed sciences, no longer to be improved by small changes but only by major changes in an entire theoretical structure. Further: that at such a stage of 'mature theory', the formerly viable norm of intra-scientific autonomy may appropriately be replaced by the social direction' of further scientific research (within such a 'mature' field) for socially relevant or, we may bluntly say, 'task-oriented' purposes. This is nothing less than a theory for the planning and social directing of science, under certain specific conditions. Understandably, it raised the sharp objections that such an approach would subordinate scientific inquiry as a free and untrammeled search for truth to the dictates of social relevance and dominant interests, even possibly to dictation and control for particularistic social and political interests.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 27,955円