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359件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

Die 50 besten Spiele zu den Kinderrechten - eBook【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Portmann ]

<p>"50 wert-volle Spiele, mit denen Kinder lernen, sich f?r ihre eigenen Rechte und die der anderen einzusetzen. So ?ben die Kinder z.B. Halt! zu sagen, wenn ihnen eine Ber?hrung unangenehm ist. Und im Kinderrat erfahren sie, dass niemand gerne ausgelacht wird. Die Spiele sind in 5 Rubriken unterteilt: 1) Alle Kinder haben die gleichen Rechte. Kein Kind darf benachteiligt werden. 2) Kinder haben das Recht gesund zu leben, Geborgenheit zu finden und keine Not zu leiden. 3) Kinder haben das Recht zu lernen und eine Ausbildung zu machen, die ihren Bed?rfnissen und F?higkeiten entspricht. 4) Kinder haben das Recht zu spielen, sich zu erholen und k?nstlerisch t?tig zu sein. 5) Kinder haben das Recht, sich alle Informationen zu beschaffen, die sie brauchen, um ihre eigene Meinung zu verbreiten. Altersstufe: 4 bis 8 Jahre"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 630円

Gateway to Singapore Culture【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Somaiah ]

<p>Here in the beautiful Singapore, we live in harmony. Regardless of the different races, religions and customs, we are able to grow and prosper in peace. But, how much do you know about your classmates and neighbours? What do you know about the traditions of your own community?</p> <p>Find out more about yourself and your friends as you open the Gateway to Singapore Culture - a superb introductory read for locals and visitors alike!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,291円

Schizogenesis The Art of Rosemarie Trockel【電子書籍】[ Katherine Guinness ]

<p><strong>A deep analysis of an enigmatic artist whose oeuvre opens new spaces for understanding feminism, the body, and identity</strong></p> <p>Popular and pioneering as a conceptual artist, Rosemarie Trockel has never before been examined at length in a dedicated book. This volume fills that gap while articulating a new interpretation of feminist theory and bodily identity based around the idea of schizogenesis central to Trockel’s work.</p> <p>Schizogenesis is a fission-like form of asexual reproduction in which new organisms are created but no original is left behind. Author Katherine Guinness applies it in surprising and insightful ways to the career of an artist who has continually reimagined herself and her artistic vision. Drawing on the philosophies of feminists such as Simone de Beauvoir, Shulamith Firestone, and Monique Wittig, Guinness argues that Trockel’s varied output of painting, fabric, sculpture, film, and performance is best seen as opening a space that is peculiarly feminist yet not contained by dominant articulations of feminism.</p> <p>Utilizing a wide range of historical and popular knowledgeーfrom Baader Meinhof to Pinocchio, poodles, NASA, and BrechtーKatherine Guinness gives us the associative and ever-branching readings that Trockel’s art requires. With a spirit for pursuing the surprising and the obscure, Guinness delves deep into a creator who is largely seen as an enigma, revealing Trockel as a thinker who challenges and transforms the possibilities of bodily representation and identity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,205円

SharePoint for Dummies SHAREPOINT FOR DUMMIES 2/E [ Rosemarie Withee ]

SHAREPOINT FOR DUMMIES 2/E Rosemarie Withee Ken Withee FOR DUMMIES2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781119842989 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers 5,068円

【中古】 Ein Herz Fur Dich / Rosemarie Becker 【本】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
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Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Culture and Literature EXTRAORDINARY BODIES TWENTIETH [ Rosemarie Garland Thomson ]

EXTRAORDINARY BODIES TWENTIETH Rosemarie Garland Thomson COLUMBIA UNIV PR2017 Hardcover Twentieth Anniv English ISBN:9780231183161 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Literary Criticism 31,416円

Rosemarie【電子書籍】[ Jos van Manen - Pieters ]

<p>Jos van Manen Pieters, een van de populairste auteurs van Nederland, schreef de klassieke, ontroerende Rosemarie-trilogie, over de belevenissen van de jonge Rosemarie en haar familie, tijdens een woelige periode in hun leven. Na de Tuinfluiter-trilogie is dit Jos van Manen Pieters' meest geliefde boek. Rosemarie heeft geen gemakkelijke jeugd gehad, als gevolg van een lichte lichamelijke handicap. De liefde die zij opvat voor Menno Colenbrander betekent een ommekeer ten goede. Achter zijn schijnbare zorgeloosheid gaat een grote innerlijke kracht schuil, waardoor hij in staat is Rosemarie door een zware crisis heen te slepen. Met Menno leert zij het geluk kennen, dat zij nooit meer zal verliezen. De Rosemarie-trilogie bestaat uit de boeken: - 'Rosemarie' - 'Dat lieve, gevaarlijke leven' - 'Tot overmaat van geluk'</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,076円

Breaking the Silence Exploring Men's Mental Health Stigma and Stereotypes【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Lee ]

<p>In this engaging book, the author delves into a thought-provoking journey that sheds light on the complex and often overlooked topic of men's mental health. This compelling book tackles the stigma and stereotypes that prevent men from seeking help and understanding, offering a fresh perspective that challenges societal norms. With empathy, compassion and thorough research, the author unveils the layers of silence surrounding men's mental health struggles. By examining the cultural, societal, and personal factors that contribute to the perpetuation of stigma, this book encourages an open and honest dialogue about men’s emotional wellbeing. “Breaking the Silence” provides a comprehensive exploration of the challenges faced by men who grapple with mental health issues. The author skilfully analyses the impact of traditional gender roles, societal expectations, and the intersectionality of identities on men's mental health, creating a compelling narrative that fosters understanding and empathy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 568円

Die 50 besten Spiele f?r ein faires Miteinander - eBook【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Portmann ]

<p>Fairplay hei?t, Menschen, die gegenteilige Interessen verfolgen, dennoch als Partner zu akzeptieren und Regeln auch dann zu befolgen, wenn einem selbst daraus Nachteile erwachsen. Mit diesen 50 besten Spielen zum Thema "Fairness" ?ben die Kinder, Regeln gemeinsam zu formulieren, sie anzuerkennen, die Sichtweisen anderer einzunehmen, R?cksicht zu ?ben, siegen und verlieren zu k?nnen und zugunsten des Zusammenhalts der Gruppe auch mal auf den eigenen Vorteil zu verzichten. Altersstufe: 5 bis 10 Jahre</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 630円

Wandern mit Kinderwagen im Allg?u Wanderf?hrer f?r familiengerechte Wanderungen mit Kinderwagen inkl. Kempten und Umgebung【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie St?ffel ]

<p>Wo finden Eltern kinderwagentaugliche Wanderungen durch das Allg?u, die zu einer traumhaften Alph?tte, einem malerisch gelegenen See oder auf Erlebniswege f?hren? In diesem Wanderf?hrer aus dem J. Berg Verlag sind tolle Inspirationen f?r Touren mit dem Nachwuchs perfekt zusammengestellt. Touren mit unterschiedlicher Streckenl?nge durch wundersch?ne, teilweise unber?hrte Natur - aber immer mit einem kindgerechten Wanderziel. Inhaltsverzeichnis - Rund um das Glasmacherdorf Schmidsfelden - Zur Burgruine Alttrauchburg - Zur Wachters Alpe - Am Niedersonthofener See - Um das Werdensteiner Moos - Von Eckarts nach Werdenstein - Zur H?fle-Alpe - K?nigsalpe oder Sennalpe Hompessen - Pfarralpe, Juget- und Siedelalpe - Zur Alpe Sch?nesreut - Alpe Hochberg und Alpe Gschwenderberg - Winterwandern in Hellengerst - Zur Sennalpe Sonnhalde - Zur Hochbichlh?tte - Wandern rund um Balderschwang - Alpe H?rnle und Obere Mittelalpe - Alpe Aibele oder Neue Piesenalpe - Rund um den Engenkopf - Zur Strausbergalpe - Rund um Bad Hindelang - Oberjoch und Alpe Kematsried - Wanderung um Sonthofen - Burgberger Wanderung - Knappenhock und Dreiangelh?tte - Zur Buchelalpe - Zur Alpe Kalkh?f - Rund um Wertach - Panoramaweg in Mittelberg - Am Rottachsee - Am Bachtelweiher - Zur Schlossm?hle Liebenthann - Am Elbsee - Am Naturpfad Senkele - Vom Neuweiher zum Schwaltenweiher - Vom Attlesee zum K?gelweiher - Zur Kappeler Alp - Zur Vilser Alm - Rund um den Schwansee - Orts- und Sachregister</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,900円

Aussichten sind ?bersch?tzt【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Poiarkov ]

<p>Mit Klugheit und Z?rtlichkeit spinnt Poiarkov ihre Erz?hlf?den und verbindet Alltag und Geheimnis, Erinnerung und Gegenwart zu einem wunderbar zeitgen?ssischen Roman. Auf einem Flohmarkt findet Luise einen Wachszylinder, mit dem vor ?ber 100 Jahren Ton aufgezeichnet wurde. Die Beschriftung nennt ein Datum: 1903, und den 2. Bezirk in Wien, wo auch Luise wohnt. Was sagt die ferne Stimme? Wie h?ren wir zu und was sind wir bereit zu verstehen? Diese Fragen begleiten alle Figuren: Luises Lebensgef?hrten, den Tonarchivar Emil, der es liebt, das Knacken des Eises und das Rauschen der Stra?en aufzunehmen; ihren Freund Milan, der sich in Sehnsucht zur sch?nen Zorica aus Novi Sad verzehrt; ihre Freundin Julia, die sich mit ihrer alkoholkranken Mutter konfrontieren muss; und den alten Josef Grasl, Luises Vater, der die Stadt auf der Suche nach den Gespenstern der Vergangenheit durchstreift.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,600円

Good God? God-Poisoning and God-Images【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Kohn ]

<p>The Image of GOD we have in our soul has the potential of enhancing our life. This happens when the image of GOD is one of goodness, justice, and encouragement. The opposite is also true. A GOD image can be destructive, inflict guilt, cause insecurity, and foster condemnation of self and others. In a refreshing and life-giving way the two authors, Rosemarie Kohn and Susanne Sonderbo, present a slideshow of insights: Kohn as the Biblical theologian, Sonderbo using developmental psychology. They address how a "Toxic Faith" can poison and writhe a person's life into absolutism. This happens, they note, when one image of GOD becomes dominant and exclusive of all other images. A section of the book is devoted to an analysis of the homosexuality debate inside and outside the Norwegian church. Using over 1400 letters from the "Sunde Case" in 1999 they uncover a variety of GOD images: rigid and judgmental, warm and comforting, some based on Scripture and others on a broad range of human experiences hoping in a gentle and loving GOD. Kohn and Sonderbo have through their work met many people with a GOD image causing much hurt and pain. It is the authors' hope that the book will be a helpful tool in reflection on and perhaps reconstruction of the GOD image to which the reader has grown accustomed. They advocate lifelong growth in faith. The book also provides pastors and therapists with a key to understanding. Both authors plead a case for images of GOD that focus on inclusivity, love, and friendship--offering inner strength and hopeful living. They also make a strong case for how our image of GOD is not so much about theology but rather about growth and development in our personal lives. How we imagine GOD says a great deal about how we look at ourselves and others.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,351円

Tame Me Now【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Rinehart ]

[Siren Classic: Erotic Historical Romance, light bondage, spanking, HEA] Cristabelle Howard left the glittering world of her birth long ago. Life on the road with her sister, beloved animals, and the circus was her haven. However, there was one face from her past which never left her, one who would always find her no matter how far she traveled. Henry Wakefield, her first love, handsome as he is wealthy, forever seeks her hand. But just as her walls begin to crack, a note of ransom is left on her doorstep. As their liaisons are threatened to be revealed, Henry and Cristabelle are forced to confront their tumultuous relationship and save one another from ruin. A struggle for dominance, an old struggle never settled between them, turns on its head as they journey to find the culprit. As they run, the lovers learn the delight of letting go to the pleasure of submission, all the while indulging in their power over one another, both in the bedroom, and in their hearts. ** A Siren Erotic Romance画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 452円

Ein kleiner Vogel auf der Suche nach dem Gl?ck Eine zauberhafte Vogelgeschichte f?r Kinder und Erwachsene【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Weish?upl ]

<p>Hansi, ein kleiner Kanarienvogel mit gelbem B?uchlein, lebt gl?cklich und zufrieden in seinem K?fig, bis zu dem Moment, als ihn eines Tages ein Spatz besucht und ihm allerlei spannende Geschichten ?ber sein Leben drau?en in der gro?en, weiten Welt erz?hlt. Hansi kommt ins Gr?beln, ob er in seinem kleinen K?fig wirklich zufrieden ist. Er will wissen, wie sich Freiheit anf?hlt. Und so beschlie?en die beiden V?glein, ihr Zuhause zu tauschen. Ein gro?es Abenteuer beginnt f?r Hansi, in dem er viele Pr?fungen bestehen muss, wertvolle Freundschaften schlie?t und das Gl?ck hat, die wahren Werte des Lebens erkennen zu d?rfen. Im Anhang findet der Leser zwei kleine Lexika, die die in der Geschichte vorkommenden V?gel und Pflanzen auf unterhaltsame Weise erkl?ren.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,300円

Wiener B?uerinnen kochen Einfach gute Rezepte【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Wallner ]

<p>GESUND ERN?HREN MIT KREATIVER VOLLWERTK?CHE! Kochen Sie sich quer durch die original Wiener K?che! Knuspriges Backhendl, saftiger Esterh?zy-Rostbraten oder feine Dobostorte - die Wiener B?uerinnen, G?rtnerinnen und Weinhauerinnen verstehen es, die Spezialit?ten ihrer Region in allseits beliebte K?stlichkeiten zu verwandeln. Rosemarie Wallner hat diesen reichen Erfahrungsschatz gesammelt und ?ber 350 der besten Rezepte aus Wien zusammengestellt. F?r Abwechslung sorgt die Mischung aus altbekannten Klassikern wie Altwiener Gulasch oder Sachertorte und modernen Ideen wie Rote-R?ben-Salat mit Ziegenfrischk?se, Karotten-Sellerie-Strudel oder Soja-Rehr?cken - mit den erprobten und leicht nachzukochenden Rezepten ist das Gelingen garantiert! - ?ber 350 traditionelle und moderne Rezepte - die K?che der Wiener B?uerinnen, G?rtnerinnen und Weinhauerinnen - saisonal, heimisch und genussvoll! - mit vielen neuen Rezepten - einfache Zubereitung mit leistbaren Zutaten aus regionaler Aufzucht - praktische Tipps und Tricks der Wiener Landfrauen - appetitanregende Fotos</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,600円

【中古】 Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body / Rosemarie Garland Thomson / NYU Press [ペーパーバック]【メール便送料無料】

古本倶楽部 楽天市場店
著者: Rosemarie Garland Thomson出版社:NYU Pressサイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:0814782221ISBN-13:9780814782224■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 出荷まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■1冊から送料無料です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  使用されてはいますが、  非常にきれいな状態です。  書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い:  比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。  ページやカバーに欠品はありません。  文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可:  文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。  マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。  商品の傷みがある場合があります。基本的に付録・付属品等付いていない状態です。 3,921円

Celtic Healing Oracle: 64 Cards and Guidebook FLSH CARD-CELTIC HEALING ORACL [ Rosemarie Anderson ]

FLSH CARDーCELTIC HEALING ORACL Rosemarie Anderson Susan Dorf DESTINY BOOKS2023 Other English ISBN:9781644114964 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 3,168円

A Matter of Conscience See Short Description【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie E. Bishop ]

<p>After more than 500 years, Christian Desmonde is finally going to be reunited with Diana, his sister whom he never knew had joined the immortal world of the vampire. But Diana, who had also been deceived into believing her brother was killed in a bar brawl, discovers the truth by accident when Samuel, her companion, leads her right into his path. Immediately, Diana sees the lie for what it was. In an angry tantrum she disappears and runs to Niagar Falls where she believes no one will think to look for her. But she is discovered by the oldest, most vicious vampire in existence . . . . . . .Gaetano Minotti, who is also the head of the MAFIA. Only Jesse, an angel and friend of the vampires, has a chance to save her. But, what will Minotti do once Diana is found missing? A Matter Of Conscience is a tantalizing novel that deals with the poer of love and the destructive potential of even the simplest lie. Human nature causes us to lie to avoid conflict, but we never see how devastating a lie will become if left unsettled in truth.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,144円

Frauen im Krieg Zehn Schicksale im Zweiten Weltkrieg【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Killius ]

<p>Unser Bild vom Krieg ist m?nnlich besetzt. In anderen L?ndern war und ist das anders. So k?mpften Frauen in der Sowjetunion im Zweiten Weltkrieg auch an der Front. Die Historikerin Rosemarie Killius l?sst Frauen aus Russland, Frankreich und Deutschland berichten: So verschieden wie die soziale und geografische Herkunft, so unterschiedlich sind die Zusammenh?nge, in denen sie den Zweiten Weltkrieg erlebt haben. Neben der sowjetischen Scharfsch?tzin kommen Wehrmachtsangestellte zu Wort. Die Erinnerungen einer Frau aus der franz?sischen R?sistance und zweier Schwestern von Hitler-Attent?tern stehen neben jenen einer russischen Zwangsarbeiterin und jenen j?discher Frauen. Nicht weniger eindrucksvoll sind die Zeugnisse einer US-amerikanischen ?bersetzerin und einer russischen Simultandolmetscherin beim Internationalen Milit?rtribunal in N?rnberg, die den Band beschlie?en.</p> <p>Dr. Rosemarie Killius hat u. a. in Madrid und Paris Geschichte sowie franz?sische und spanische Philologie studiert und in Biografieforschung promoviert. Sie publiziert zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und der Weltkriege. Ihr Engagement in Russland wurde mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz gew?rdigt. Als Expertin f?r die Filmgeschichte der 1930er bis 1950er Jahre ist sie freie Mitarbeiterin bei der Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung und am Deutschen Filminstitut/Filmmuseum (DFF).</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,716円

Jumping from the Ivory Tower Weaving Environmental Leadership and Sustainable Communities【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Russo ]

<p>Jumping from the Ivory Tower demonstrates the positive results that occur when colleges work with communities to develop students with a sense of place. The book examines the role of colleges and communities in addressing today's environmental problems, including climate change and biodiversity loss, and shows how service learning changes both minds and behavior. Russo's work is based on two case studies of creating sustainable communities in Colorado and New Jersey. The book also examines the politics of environmental science through a careful consideration of traditional ecological knowledge, environmental justice, and eco-exclusions on a local and global level. It suggests methods to inspire leaders and assist communities in addressing environmental justice issues. Lastly, the book suggests ways to increase the number of women and minorities in the science field.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,720円

The Window That Showed God's Glory【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Davis ]

<p>Rosetta, the same character in the book The Truck That Could Not Move, was asking her pawpaw what it meant to see God's glory. She didn't understand what Mrs. Richey, her Sunday school teacher, was trying to teach her. Rosetta's pawpaw took it upon himself to share with Rosetta several ways that God, through his glory, demonstrates his existence, that he is real, and that he truly loves.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,134円

Baring Unbearable Sensualities Hip Hop Dance, Bodies, Race, and Power【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie A. Roberts ]

<p><em>Baring Unbearable Sensualities</em> brings together a bold methodology, an interdisciplinary perspective and a rich array of primary sources to deepen and complicate mainstream understandings of Hip Hop dance, an Afro-diasporic dance form, which have generally reduced the style to a set of techniques divorced from social contexts. Drawing on close observation and interviews with Hip Hop pioneers and their students, Rosemarie A. Roberts proposes that Hip Hop dance is a collective and sentient process of resisting oppressive manifestations of race and power. Roberts argues that the experiences of marginalized Black and Brown bodies materialize in and through Hip Hop dance from the streets of urban centers to contemporary worldwide expressions. A companion web site contains over 30 video clips referenced in the text.</p> <p>Publication of this book is funded by the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,136円

Knowing Dickens【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Bodenheimer ]

<p>"A revealing and concealing intelligence lurks somewhereーbut where, exactly?ーin Dickens's writing. To capture something of that knowing Dickens who eludes us, I follow some representative clusters of thought and feeling that link Dickens's ways of talking in letters with his concerns in fiction and journalism. What are the internal plots this writer carried around throughout his life, his characteristic patterns of experience, response, and counterresponse? What shapes recur in the various forms of writing and acting that make up this life?"ーfrom Knowing Dickens</p> <p>In this compelling and accessible book Rosemarie Bodenheimer explores the thoughtworld of the Victorian novelist who was most deeply intrigued by nineteenth-century ideas about the unconscious mind. Dickens found many ways to dramatize in his characters both unconscious processes and acts of self-projectionーnotions that are sometimes applied to him as if he were an unwitting patient. Bodenheimer explains how the novelist used such techniques to negotiate the ground between knowing and telling, revealing and concealing. She asks how well Dickens knew himselfーthe extent to which he understood his own nature and the ways he projected himself in his fictionsーand how well we can know him.</p> <p>Knowing Dickens is the first book to systematically explore Dickens's abundant correspondence in relation to his published writings. Gathering evidence from letters, journalistic essays, stories, and novels that bear on a major issue or pattern of response in Dickens's life and work, Bodenheimer cuts across familiar storylines in Dickens biography and criticism in chapters that take up topics including self-defensive language, models of memory, relations of identification and rivalry among men, houses and household management, and walking and writing.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,837円

Straight from the Heart Emotions【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Richards ]

<p>The book is, in a way, a biography of my life's experiences. I always had trouble expressing my feelings verbally about good times and bad, so I started to write them down on paper. I found that it was easier to express how I felt about things that had happened to me when I wrote them down. Life has a way of throwing you a lot of cures on your journey through it, good ones and bad, and my poetry was a way of me excepting them. I found with every curve life threw at me, there was a lesson to be learned. When you deal with the experience, you can move on with your life and become a better person. Life is too short to dwell in the past and let things get you down. You should enjoy life to the fullest, and with every feeling and emotion you handle through, your experiences makes you a better person. This was my way of moving on with my life and looking for a brighter future.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 468円

The Signs That God Speaks And, the Mysteries of the Universe【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie ]

<p>Prophetic Visions and, Bibical Prophecy We all become aware of many things of this world. We are brought forth to act out as true Christians but, we fall in between evilness and, shame. Prophecy is a system of a true meaning of serving God to the fullest. When we ignore all things of God we are not wanting to be a part of his true existence. This tells us we must pay attention on how we live our lives. I've had many visions of the spiritual world that has allowed me to become a better judgement of character and, a true meaning of my life. The Bibical days were brought forth to us to be aware and, in tune to the many obstacles that God has brought forth. My visions of the prophet times have been so real to me to understand that what we become is what we shall recieve. Let's begin by paying attention to all of the signs that God is putting right in front of us. My words of truth have made me who I'am today. Let's be open to all the good things in life and,we shall go a long way.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 774円

Words from the Wise: Over 6,000 of the Smartest Things Ever Said WORDS FROM THE WISE [ Rosemarie Jarski ]

WORDS FROM THE WISE Rosemarie Jarski SKYHORSE PUB2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781510767683 洋書 Reference & Language(辞典&語学) Reference 3,168円

Bakin' Without Eggs Delicious Egg-Free Dessert Recipes from the Heart and Kitchen of a Food-Allergic Family【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Emro ]

<p>Finally, delicious recipes for cookies, cakes, and other baked goods that use no eggs!</p> <p>Millions of people-- including 5 percent of all American children-- have a food allergy, and eggs are one of the most common culprits. In this easy-to-use collection of recipes, Rosemarie Emro presents more than one hundred crowd-pleasing desserts and other treats that contain no eggs, in addition to many vegan recipes. These are delicious cakes, cookies, breads, muffins, brownies, bars, pies, and cobblers with all the flavor, texture, and delights egg-allergic families have been longing for. Everyone who wants to avoid eggs can now rediscover the joys of baking.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,643円

Der L?gner aus dem Orient Eine wahre Geschichte【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie M. ]

<p>Ein Jahr nach dem viel zu fr?hen Tod ihres geliebten Mannes reist Rosemarie noch einmal nach Tunesien in das Hotel, in dem sie mit ihrem Mann immer sehr gl?cklich war. Mit einem Taxi f?hrt sie t?glich zu all den Orten, die sie in sch?ner Erinnerung hat. Es entwickelt sich eine Freundschaft mit dem Taxifahrer, der ihr erz?hlt, dass auch er seine geliebte Frau verloren hat, die im Kindbett gestorben war. Rosemarie fasst Vertrauen zu dem Mann und schlie?lich verliebt sich in ihn. Doch Mohamed spielt ein grausames Spiel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 500円

Revolutionary Backlash Women and Politics in the Early American Republic【電子書籍】[ Rosemarie Zagarri ]

<p>The Seneca Falls Convention is typically seen as the beginning of the first women's rights movement in the United States. <em>Revolutionary Backlash</em> argues otherwise. According to Rosemarie Zagarri, the debate over women's rights began not in the decades prior to 1848 but during the American Revolution itself. Integrating the approaches of women's historians and political historians, this book explores changes in women's status that occurred from the time of the American Revolution until the election of Andrew Jackson.</p> <p>Although the period after the Revolution produced no collective movement for women's rights, women built on precedents established during the Revolution and gained an informal foothold in party politics and male electoral activities. Federalists and Jeffersonians vied for women's allegiance and sought their support in times of national crisis. Women, in turn, attended rallies, organized political activities, and voiced their opinions on the issues of the day. After the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's <em>A Vindication of the Rights of Woman</em>, a widespread debate about the nature of women's rights ensued. The state of New Jersey attempted a bold experiment: for a brief time, women there voted on the same terms as men.</p> <p>Yet as Rosemarie Zagarri argues in <em>Revolutionary Backlash</em>, this opening for women soon closed. By 1828, women's politicization was seen more as a liability than as a strength, contributing to a divisive political climate that repeatedly brought the country to the brink of civil war. The increasing sophistication of party organizations and triumph of universal suffrage for white males marginalized those who could not vote, especially women. Yet all was not lost. Women had already begun to participate in charitable movements, benevolent societies, and social reform organizations. Through these organizations, women found another way to practice politics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,040円

La justicia penal negociada - Un an?lisis comparativo entre los procesos penales espa?ol y peruano Un an?lisis comparativo entre los procesos penales espa?ol y peruano【電子書籍】[ Mercedes Rosemarie Herrera Guerrero ]

<p>Tesis del a?o 2010 en eltema Derecho - Otros sistemas jur?dicos, derecho comparado, Nota: Matricula de honor, Universidad de Alcal?, Materia: 2009-2010, Idioma: Espa?ol, Resumen: El tema de la justicia penal negociada, es hoy por hoy uno de los temas m?s importantes en la ciencia del Derecho procesal penal. En Per?, y en varios pa?ses de Latinoam?rica, los cambios que han supuesto la reforma procesal han sido acogidos con entusiasmo, y en algunos casos, como en el peruano, sin el tamiz cr?tico necesario. Es cierto, que los mecanismos de simplificaci?n procesal pueden servir de medio para lograr la eficacia del proceso; pero tambi?n lo es, que su aplicaci?n afecta al modelo procesal hasta ahora asumido: al juicio oral, y p?blico, con todas las garant?as que le son inherentes; y la obligatoriedad de la aplicaci?n del Derecho penal, al introducir aut?nticas v?as de 'descriminalizaci?n procesal'. Como se ver? a lo largo del presente trabajo, la importaci?n de principios propios del proceso civil al penal ata?e a la propia configuraci?n del proceso; esto es, al proceso penal tal como hoy en d?a es concebido en los sistemas continentales, a tal punto que pone de manifiesto la contradicci?n que supone defender 'a capa y espada' un proceso con todas las garant?as (incluida la del juicio oral, p?blico y contradictorio) al tiempo que fomenta otros medios de poner fin al proceso. Unas veces se trata de procedimientos simplificados que restringen en mayor o menor medida determinadas garant?as procesales, y otras de aut?nticas alternativas al procedimiento.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,662円