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429件中 151件 - 180件  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Das Schwert des Viskur Der Eremit der Steppe【電子書籍】[ Johannes Sch?tte ]

<p>Eine kurze Geschichte aus der Zeit der Zeitenwende auf der Erde. Ein Eremit soll der Erl?ser der Amazonen sein. Aber die Amazone wird von der Affenhorde gefangen genommen. Der Eremit fliegt jedoch sp?ter mit der Amazone fort zur Stadt Hovir. Dort trifft er den Prinzen und sp?ter den Viskur.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 470円

Eine Liebe in der Steppe Novelle【電子書籍】[ J?rg-Uwe Albig ]

<p>J?rg-Uwe Albig ist ein Meister der spektakul?ren literarischen Volte. In seiner Novelle erz?hlt er die Geschichte einer Liebe, die man mit Fug und Recht ungew?hnlich nennen kann ? der Liebe zwischen einem Mann und einem Geb?ude. Gregor Steinitz lebt als Pal?ontologe in einer ostdeutschen Kleinstadt. Gemeinsam mit einer kleinen Gruppe von Aktivisten k?mpft er f?r den Erhalt der vom "R?ckbau" bedrohten Bausubstanz der Stadt. Auf einem seiner Streifz?ge durch Brachen und Plattenbausiedlungen trifft er Maria Magdalena. Sie ist klein und auf den ersten Blick unscheinbar, aber in Gregors Augen eine Sch?nheit ? sie ist eine evangelische Kapelle. Greogor zieht es immer wieder zu ihr, er versucht m?glichst viel Zeit mit ihr zu verbringen, mit ihr zu sprechen, sie zu ber?hren. Aber ihre Liebe ist bedroht ? von Gregors Nebenbuhler, dem Pfarrer Dornkamp, und von einer Horde heidnischer Naturanbeter, die in den neuen Steppen des Ostens ihr Revier errichtet haben.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,200円

Lederstrumpf: Der Wildt?ter + Der letzte Mohikaner + Der Pfadfinder + Die Ansiedler + Die Steppe【電子書籍】[ James Fenimore Cooper ]

<p>Dieses eBook: "Lederstrumpf: Der Wildt?ter + Der letzte Mohikaner + Der Pfadfinder + Die Ansiedler + Die Steppe" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgf?ltig korrekturgelesen. Lederstrumpf ist ein Romanzyklus des amerikanischen Schriftstellers James Fenimore Cooper. Seine f?nf "Lederstrumpf"-Romane thematisieren die Erschlie?ung des amerikanischen Westens durch wei?e Scouts, Trapper und Siedler, aber auch die allm?hliche Zur?ckdr?ngung und Vernichtung der indianischen Kultur. Lederstrumpf-Romanen enthalten alle wichtigen Leitmotive des Western-Genres: einerseits das nach Freiheit strebende Individuum, das nur auf die eigenen Kr?fte baut, neue Wege in die unentdeckte Wildnis sucht und dabei im Einklang mit der Natur lebt. Andererseits bahnen diese Einzelg?nger mit ihrem Vordringen genau jener Zivilisation mit ihren Regeln und Gesetzen den Weg, der sie sich entziehen wollen. Immer wieder geht es auch um die Frage, wem das Land geh?rt - den Indianern, die keinen Landbesitz kennen, oder den Siedlern, die es urbar machen. Inhalt: Der Wildt?ter Der letzte Mohikaner Der Pfadfinder Die Ansiedler Die Steppe</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

[楽譜] ボロディン/だったん人の踊り & 中央アジアの草原にて《輸入オーケストラ・スタディスコア》【10,000円以上送料無料】(Polovtsian Dances and "In the Steppes of Central Asia")《輸入楽譜》

ロケットミュージック 楽譜EXPRESS
ジャンル:スコア(輸入)出版社:Dover弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:4日〜12日作曲者:Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin/アレクサンドル・ボロディン編成:スコア解説:Dover Editionとは...1941年設立のアメリカの出版社。オーケストラのスタディスコアを多く取り扱っています。大判サイズのものが多く、とても見やすく製本されているのにも関わらず非常にお手頃な値段設定となっており、楽曲分析の際にはとても重宝するものばかりです。こちらの商品は他店舗同時販売しているため在庫数は変動する場合がございます。9,091円以上お買い上げで送料無料です。 3,168円

The Horse, the Wheel, and Language How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World【電子書籍】[ David W. Anthony ]

<p>Roughly half the world's population speaks languages derived from a shared linguistic source known as Proto-Indo-European. But who were the early speakers of this ancient mother tongue, and how did they manage to spread it around the globe? Until now their identity has remained a tantalizing mystery to linguists, archaeologists, and even Nazis seeking the roots of the Aryan race. <em>The Horse, the Wheel, and Language</em> lifts the veil that has long shrouded these original Indo-European speakers, and reveals how their domestication of horses and use of the wheel spread language and transformed civilization.</p> <p>Linking prehistoric archaeological remains with the development of language, David Anthony identifies the prehistoric peoples of central Eurasia's steppe grasslands as the original speakers of Proto-Indo-European, and shows how their innovative use of the ox wagon, horseback riding, and the warrior's chariot turned the Eurasian steppes into a thriving transcontinental corridor of communication, commerce, and cultural exchange. He explains how they spread their traditions and gave rise to important advances in copper mining, warfare, and patron-client political institutions, thereby ushering in an era of vibrant social change. Anthony also describes his fascinating discovery of how the wear from bits on ancient horse teeth reveals the origins of horseback riding.</p> <p><em>The Horse, the Wheel, and Language</em> solves a puzzle that has vexed scholars for two centuries--the source of the Indo-European languages and English--and recovers a magnificent and influential civilization from the past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,200円

Der Steppenwolf【電子書籍】[ Hermann Hesse ]

<p>Der Steppenwolf ist ein 1927 erschienener Roman von Hermann Hesse. Er schildert die Erlebnisse der Hauptfigur Harry Haller, eines Alter Egos des Verfassers. ?hnlichkeiten der Figur Hallers zu Hermann Hesse sowie etwa zum Faust von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe werden im Text mehrfach angedeutet oder sind offensichtlich, zum Beispiel stimmen die Initialen von Harry Haller und Hermann Hesse ?berein.</p> <p>Haller leidet an der Zerrissenheit seiner Pers?nlichkeit: Seine menschliche, b?rgerlich-angepasste Seite und seine steppenw?lfische, einsame, sozial- und kulturkritische Seite bek?mpfen sich und blockieren Hallers k?nstlerische Entwicklung. Der Weg der Heilung ist die Vers?hnung beider Seiten im Humor, im Lachen ?ber sich selbst und das Ungen?gen in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Erst mit der Betrachtung der Wirklichkeit vom Standpunkt des Humors werden Hallers weitere, im Roman nicht mehr beschriebenen Schritte auf dem Weg seiner k?nstlerischen Vollendung m?glich.</p> <p>Der Steppenwolf, eine Kritik der Gesellschaft und eine Pers?nlichkeitsanalyse gleicherma?en, hatte einen wesentlichen Anteil am Welterfolg Hesses und an der Verleihung des Nobelpreises f?r Literatur an ihn. Das Werk l?ste die internationale Hesse-Renaissance in den 1960er Jahren aus.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 132円

WOL大聲工作法:最新透明工作術,開放個人經驗,創造共享連結的12週行動指南【隨書贈:WOL大聲工作法12週練習隨身本】【電子書籍】[ 約翰?史徳普(John Stepper) ]

<p><strong>唐鳳大聲推崇的工作法</strong></p> <p><strong>知名企業博世(Bosch)、徳鐵、西門子、BMW活化再造</strong></p> <p><strong>21****世紀最具影響力、最適合數位世代的新工作術</strong></p> <p><strong>一種開放、透明、互連的工作方式,協助個人建立有效人脈、開拓新領域</strong></p> <p><strong>面對職涯或人生,?是否有以下煩惱:</strong></p> <ul> <li>現在的工作不是自己的志業,提不起勁</li> <li>想要發展新事業,不知從何開始</li> <li>?望培養第二專長,卻沒有時間</li> <li>感覺自己的人生?住了,但好像別無選擇</li> <li>面對工作環境感到窒息,希望改變</li> <li>不知道自己想做什麼,該如何是好</li> </ul> <p><strong>試試WOL大聲工作法!</strong></p> <p><strong>將改變?對工作的看法,重新定義自己的職涯與人生</strong></p> <p><strong>【什麼是WOL</strong>**?】**</p> <p>Working Out Loud(WOL)工作法是由約翰・史徳普提出,藉由主動公開自己的工作?容、正在做或學習的事,建立人脈圈,並讓同個人脈圈的所有人都能互相分享及回饋,形成正向循環,將會累積信任、建立與他人的關連,可以??實現目標、發展技能、探索新議題、或展開職涯的下一?。如果WOL在組織?推行,也能達到文化變革等正面效益。</p> <p><strong>【WOL****運動正在全世界發酵】</strong></p> <p>WOL已席捲超過數十個國家的企業,全球有成千上萬個團隊及個人採用這個方法(現已譯成十幾種語言),世界各地的WOL信徒更自動自發組成「同儕團體」(peer group),成立WOL圈,互助分享並發起WOL大會(WOLCONs)。知名企業如博世(Bosch)、徳鐵、西門子、BMW皆引進WOL,在組織?推行。行政院政務委員唐鳳更多次提及自己推崇WOL工作法。</p> <p><strong>【運用WOL能帶來什麼好處?】</strong></p> <ul> <li>更深入瞭解我關心的事情</li> <li>探索新領域的可能性</li> <li>認識志同道合的人</li> <li>精進謀生方式</li> <li>找到新的角色</li> <li>在目前的工作中獲得更多的認可</li> </ul> <p><strong>【WOL的五大要素】</strong></p> <p>**#**<strong>有意義的探索</strong></p> <p>針對想做的事、想過的生活,找到連結並開始實驗。</p> <p>**#**<strong>人脈關係</strong></p> <p>建立有人情味的人脈及找到新關係。</p> <p>**#**<strong>大方分享</strong></p> <p>樂於分享、不吝給予,秀出自己的價?。</p> <p>**#**<strong>工作能見度</strong></p> <p>讓大家知道自己正在做什麼,或任何有助於他人的回饋。</p> <p>**#**<strong>成長心態</strong></p> <p>允許犯錯、困難時求助,一種想要變得更好的心態。</p> <p><strong>【這些人因為WOL而改變……】</strong></p> <p>?莎賓在徳國西門子人力資源部工作二十幾年後,透過WOL展現自己的專長,向外建立新人脈,而成為歐洲最具影響力的人力資源專家之一。</p> <p>?二十多?的安雅原本是小公司的秘書,順應公司的數位轉型,運用WOL讓老?看見自己的能力,不僅被拔擢為社群經理,還主導跨公司的數位交流。</p> <p>?來自墨西哥、不諳英語且沒有大學學?的霍迪,因為WOL分享自己的發明與創見,順利成為一家機器人公司的執行長。</p> <p>?布蘭登是一位失業的債券交易員,藉由WOL持續發展自己的攝影興趣,並回饋他人,三年後成為美國廣受喜愛的攝影師、作家、慈善家。</p> <p><strong>【12週找回工作與生活的主導權】</strong></p> <p>本書除了介紹WOL的?起,也會分章詳細?明WOL的五大要素,並為讀者規劃十二週「WOL實踐計畫」,藉由三個關鍵問題,引領?跨出第一?:</p> <p>1.我想完成什麼?</p> <p>2.誰能?我實現目標?</p> <p>3.我如何對他們貢獻一己之長,以加深我們的關係?</p> <p>依循書中詳細的指引、故事和練習,一??將WOL工作法引進生活,讓?克服不會成功、抗拒改變的想法。協助?完成WOL探索之旅,獲得更多的自主感、自信與共鳴,將會改變?做的事情,也會改變?對工作的感受,開創更好職涯與新機。</p> <p><strong>★隨書附上【中文版獨家】《WOL大聲工作法12週練習隨身本》,馬上執行專屬於?的WOL工作法!</strong></p> <p><strong>【本書特色】</strong></p> <ul> <li>豐富的練習題及思考指引,?助?找到職涯定位及人生方向。</li> <li>多元的案例故事,具體了解理論如何落實生活之中。</li> <li>12週WOL訓練,step by step帶?重塑工作、改變習慣、開拓人脈。</li> </ul> <p><strong>【各界好評推薦】</strong></p> <p>瓦基/?讀前哨站 站長</p> <p>唐鳳/RadicalxChange基金會理事</p> <p>張國洋/大人學共同創?人</p> <p>劉奕酉/職人簡報與商業思維專家</p> <p>鄭俊徳/?讀人主編或?讀人</p> <p>蘇書平/為?而讀執行長</p> <p>──共同推薦(依姓名筆畫順序排列)</p> <p>「一本精簡、有力、重要的好書。它可以??看到,讓?個人把種種機會交織在一起以力行大方原則的無形連結。」──賽斯?高汀(Seth Godin),暢銷書《這才是行銷》(This is Marketing)的作者</p> <p>「這本書使工作變得更人性化。」──麥克?布?希特(Michael Brecht),戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)勞資總會的會長</p> <p>「WOL在博世?傳播的速度與好評令我刮目相看。WOL是這個緊密相連的世界迫切需要的一種思維。」──克里斯多夫?庫貝爾(Christoph Kubel),博世(Bosch)的人力資源長兼董事</p> <p>「WOL的簡單與人性化令人?胎換骨。」──費??戴爾(Vivien Dale),?人類開?超能力(Helping humans unlock their individual superpowers)</p> <p><strong>作者</strong>**/**<strong>譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>◎****作者簡介:</strong></p> <p><strong>約翰?史徳普(John Stepper)</strong></p> <p>藉由推廣Working Out Loud(WOL)工作法,?組織營造更開放、協作的文化,也協助個人開創更好的職涯與人生。WOL是一種為工作重新?注人性的同儕互助方法。個人可以藉此培養人脈,讓自己做起事來更得心應手,並接觸到更多的機會。公司可以藉此從根本激勵大家改變行為ーー獲得新技能、習慣、思維。WOL運動已推廣到六十幾國,遍布各行各業。史徳普在TEDx上談過這項運動,並在workingoutloud.com上撰寫如何改善工作的文章,現居紐約市。</p> <p>◆作者Ted演講:<a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>◎<strong><strong>譯</strong></strong>者簡介:</strong></p> <p><strong>洪慧芳</strong></p> <p>國立台灣大學國際企業學系畢業,美國伊利諾大學香檳分校管理碩士,現為專職譯者,從事書籍、雜誌、電腦與遊戲軟體的翻譯工作。</p> <p>Blog:</p> <p><strong>目次</strong></p> <p><strong>前言</strong><br /> <strong>簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>Part I</strong>**:為了更好的職涯與生活**</p> <p>1-1. 四個故事<br /> 1-2. 改善機運</p> <p><strong>Part II</strong>**: WOL****的五大要素**</p> <p>2-1. WOL的演變<br /> 2-2. 要素1 有意義的探索<br /> 2-3. 要素2 人脈關係<br /> 2-4. 要素3 大方分享<br /> 2-5. 要素4 工作能見度<br /> 2-6. 要素5 成長心態</p> <p><strong>Part III</strong>**:?專屬的WOL****引導式精熟法**</p> <p>3-1. 十二週?養成新技能、新習慣、新思維</p> <p><strong>階段一、開始</strong></p> <p>從制定一個可實現的目標開始,分享自己所知的、正在做的(即工作能見度),與相關社群?生互動,即使自己只有小幅度的進?也是進?。</p> <p>3-2. 務實目標及第一?人脈清單<br /> 3-3. 第一個貢獻<br /> 3-4. 邁出三小?</p> <p><strong>階段二、連結</strong></p> <p>以同理心及真誠分享來贏得他人關注,找到自己與他人的連結點,並給予關注與真誠的欣賞,即使對方毫無回應,自己依然保持學習、開放、好奇的成長心態。</p> <p>3-5. 如何接近他人<br /> 3-6. 以貢獻來深化關係<br /> 3-7. 更大的目的</p> <p><strong>階段三、創造</strong></p> <p>描繪?所嚮往的生活,持續分享及提高工作能見度,讓WOL成為習慣,將會建立信心、發掘自己的更多貢獻,也更勇敢面對瓶頸或挫折。</p> <p>3-8. ?動美好大事<br /> 3-9. 嘗試與改進<br /> 3-10. 事與願違時<br /> 3-11. 養成習慣</p> <p><strong>階段四、領導</strong></p> <p>開始思考?與?的人脈網可以一起完成什麼的可能性。當?盡量促使他人往共同的目標努力,可能就是影響社會的過程画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,333円

The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg Through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary【電子書籍】[ Alexander Michie ]

<p>The charming narrative of John Bell, of Antermony, who, in the reign of Peter the Great, travelled from Petersburg to Peking in the suite of a Russian ambassador, inspired me with a longing desire to visit Siberia and other little-known regions through which he passed. Having occasion to return to England, after a somewhat protracted residence on the coast of China, an opportunity presented itself of travelling through the north of China, Mongolia, and Siberia, on my homeward journey. This is, indeed, the real "overland route" from China, and it may as properly be styled "maritime," as the mail route per P. & O. steamers "overland." The so-called overland route has, however, strong temptations for a person eager to get home. There is a pleasing simplicity about the manner of it which is a powerful attraction to one who is worn out with sleepless nights in a hot climate. It is but to embark on a steamer; attend as regularly at meal times as your constitution will permit; sleep, or what is the same thing, read, during the intervals; and fill up the blanks by counting the passing hours and surveying your fellow passengers steeped in apoplectic slumbers under the enervating influence of the tropics. The sea route has, moreover, a decided advantage in point of time. In forty-five or fifty days I could have reached England from Shanghae by steamer: the land journey vi? Siberia I could not hope to accomplish in less than ninety days. But the northern route had strong attractions for me in the kind of vague mystery that invests the geography of strange countries, and the character, manners, and customs of their inhabitants. Ever-recurring novelties might be expected to keep the mind alive; and active travelling would in a great measure relieve the tedium of a long and arduous journey. Of the two, therefore, I preferred the prospect of being frozen in Siberia to being stewed in the Red Sea. The heat of Shanghae in the summer was intense and almost unprecedented, the supply of ice was fast undergoing dissolution, and an escape into colder regions at such a time was more than usually desirable. A few years ago it would have been about as feasible to travel from China to England by way of the moon as through Peking and Mongolia. Peking was a sealed book, jealously guarded by an arrogant, because an ignorant, government. Little was known of the city of the khans except what the Jesuits had communicated in the last century, and what that prince of travellers, Marco Polo, had handed down from the middle ages. No foreigner dared show his face there, except in the guise of a native, and even then at the risk of being detected and subjected to the greatest indignities. The Jesuits, it is true, in the face of the prohibition, continued to smuggle themselves into China, and even into Peking itself, and their perseverance and tenacity of purpose are entitled to all praise. But theyoccasionally paid dearly for their temerity, and not unfrequently got themselves and their "Christians" into hot water with the authorities. This received the high-sounding name of "persecution;" and if any one lost his life for meddling in other people's affairs, or interfering with the prerogative of the government, he was honoured with the name of a "martyr." The Jesuits had their day of power in China, and if they had but used it modestly they might still have stood at the elbow of the Emperor. They were tried and found wanting, expelled from Peking, and China was closed against foreigners, not, it must be confessed, without some reason.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 640円

A Lear of the Steppes, etc【電子書籍】[ Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev ]

<p>Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's book 'A Lear of the Steppes, etc,' is a poignant exploration of the complexities of human nature set against the backdrop of the Russian countryside. Turgenev's literary style captures the soul of his characters with vivid descriptions and emotional depth, making the reader reflect on love, betrayal, and redemption. The book is a classic example of Russian realist literature, delving into the psychological depths of its characters with precision and nuance. Turgenev's sharp insights into the human condition make this book a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers today. As a prominent Russian writer and thinker, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev drew inspiration from his country's social and political landscape to create profound works of literature that captured the essence of 19th-century Russia. His own experiences and observations of society influenced his writing, giving his work a sense of authenticity and depth. Turgenev's keen eye for detail and his ability to explore universal themes through the lens of Russian society set him apart as a literary giant of his time. I highly recommend 'A Lear of the Steppes, etc' to readers who appreciate thought-provoking literature that delves into the complexities of human relationships and emotions. Turgenev's masterful storytelling and profound insights make this book a must-read for anyone interested in Russian literature or the human experience in general.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The JS Fletcher Collection【電子書籍】[ Steppenwolf Press ]

<p>J.S. Fletcher was an English journalist and author. He wrote more than 230 books on a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction, and was one of the most prolific English writers of detective fiction.</p> <p>The J.S. Fletcher Collection brings together his finest works:</p> <p>Dead Men's Money<br /> In The Mayor's Parlour<br /> Paul Campenhaye ? Specialist in Criminology<br /> Perris of the Cherry Trees<br /> Ravensdene Court<br /> Scarhaven Keep<br /> The Borough Treasurer<br /> The Chestermarke Instinct<br /> The Herapath Property<br /> The Middle of Things<br /> The Middle Temple Murder<br /> The Orange-Yellow Diamond<br /> The Paradise Mystery<br /> The Rayner-Slade Amalgamation<br /> The Root of All Evil<br /> and<br /> The Talleyrand Maxim</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 120円

A DARK DAY IN MARCH The truth is a land no one has stepped on before.【電子書籍】[ Zeynep Wilson ]

<p>Ari is a man in his mid-thirties. One day, he finds himself descending the stairs of an abandoned apartment building. He begins to recount the events that brought him there.</p> <p>Having lost his mother and father at a very young age, Ari always felt great dissatisfaction with his life. As an adult struggling to maintain his professional and personal relationships, receives an unexpected invitation one day. He is unaware of how an ordinary decision can have consequences. Does Ari know himself well enough?</p> <p>As Ari's mind becomes lost in the world between dream and reality, the truth about a death that took place long ago begins to reveal itself.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,180円

The Steppes and Tundras of prehistoric Europe【電子書籍】[ James Geikie ]

<p>We are all familiar with the general conclusion arrived at by geologists that our earth has experienced many climatic changes. There have been times when genial conditions ranged up to the highest latitudes, and times also when the cold of the arctic regions descended to what is now our temperate zone. The cause or causes of those remarkable vicissitudes still baffle research. Many explanations have been advanced, some highly improbable, others perhaps more likely, while of yet others it may be said that possibly they contain a certain amount of truth. But no one theory or hypothesis has succeeded in gaining general assent, and we shall not therefore at present concern ourselves with any. In place of reviewing hypotheses and speculations, I shall limit myself to a survey of certain facts connected with the later geological history of our continent, the meaning of which is more or less apparent. The evidence referred to leads to the conclusion that Middle Europe has within the human period experienced conditions such, as now obtain in the tundras and barren grounds of circumpolar regions. When these conditions passed away, the central and west-central areas of our continent became steppe lands, comparable as regards climate to the subarctic steppes of southeast Russia and southwest Siberia.<br /> As geologists reason from the present to the past, it will be well to take first a brief glance at those regions of the globe where at present tundra and steppe conditions respectively prevail. When we have realized the salient characters of those regions, and the nature of their floras and faunas, we shall be in a better position to understand the bearing of the geological evidence.</p> <p>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</p> <p><strong>James Geikie</strong> (1839?1915) was a Scottish geologist and younger brother of Sir Archibald Geikie. He also made significant contributions to the field of geology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 450円

Steppenwolf【電子書籍】[ Hermann Hesse ]

<p>Hermann Hesse's "Steppenwolf" is a thrilling trip into the human soul. Readers are immersed into a world of psychological distress and emotional suffering via the protagonist, Harry Haller. Harry, a sophisticated and contemplative character, struggles with his dual identity as a cultured intellectual and a wild, untamed 'Steppenwolf.' As he navigates his conflicts, he meets Hermine, a mysterious young woman who takes him on a journey of self-discovery and tender pleasures. However, as Harry dives deeper into this new world, he must confront the worst aspects of his soul.</p> <p>??"Steppenwolf" has been recognized as a literary classic, exploring themes of identity, alienation, and the search for meaning in an indifferent world. With its beautiful style and profound insights, Hesse's work is a timeless investigation of the human condition, allowing readers to reflect on the intricacies of existence and the pursuit of honest self-expression.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 132円

Living in a Step-Family without Getting Stepped On Helping Your Children Survive the Birth Order Blender【電子書籍】[ Kevin Leman ]

<p>"When two families unite, they don't blend, they collide," says Dr. Kevin Leman, bestselling author of <em>The New Birth Order Book</em>. But he also believes, "You can blend a family without breaking it. The principles in this book will help you wage the battle of blending your family-and come up not only a survivor but a winner!"</p> <p>By understanding the impact that birth order has on each family member, parents are better equipped to ease the transition into a new, different but functional family unit. Using his signature humor and real life examples, Dr. Leman provides both insight and practical advice about discipline, self-respect, parental authority, and the importance of the marriage relationship.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,584円

Auf den Spuren der Indoeurop?er Von den neolithischen Steppennomaden bis zu den fr?hen Hochkulturen【電子書籍】[ Harald Haarmann ]

<p>Seit mehr als 3000 Jahren werden von Indien ?ber Persien bis nach Europa indoeurop?ische Sprachen gesprochen. Wo liegen die Urspr?nge dieser Sprachfamilie? Wie und wann sind die unterschiedlichen Sprachzweige entstanden?</p> <p>Der renommierte Indogermanist Harald Haarmann schildert anschaulich, was wir heute ?ber die Entstehung der indoeurop?ischen Sprachen und Kulturen und ihre fr?hen Verbreitungswege wissen. Dabei gelingt es ihm eindrucksvoll, linguistische Befunde mit arch?ologischen Erkenntnissen und neuesten humangenetischen und klimageschichtlichen Forschungen in Beziehung zu setzen. ?ber sprachliche Verwandtschaften hinaus zeigt er, welche Wirtschaftsweisen, Gesellschaftsformen und religi?sen Vorstellungen die fr?hen Sprecher indoeurop?ischer Sprachen vom ?stlichen Mittelmeer bis zum Indus gemeinsam hatten. Besondere Beachtung finden dabei die Verschmelzungsprozesse mit vorindoeurop?ischen Sprachen und Zivilisationen. So entsteht ein faszinierendes Panorama der fr?hen ?indoeurop?ischen Globalisierung“ vom Ende der letzten Eiszeit bis zu den fr?hen Hochkulturen in Griechenland, Kleinasien, Persien und Indien.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,800円

Silk Roads and Steppes: A Journey through Central Asia【電子書籍】[ Oriental Publishing ]

<p>The Silk Road, a historical network of trade routes that connected the East and West, stands as a testament to the ingenuity, enterprise, and cultural exchange that defined ancient civilizations. Its origins can be traced back to the dawn of organized trade, where a labyrinth of routes crisscrossed the vast landscapes, fostering connections between China and the Mediterranean. Exploring the origins of the Silk Road unveils a narrative that spans centuries, revealing the intricate web of economic, cultural, and technological exchanges that shaped the ancient world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,000円

Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c【電子書籍】[ Ad?le Hommaire de Hell ]

<p>Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c is an enthralling collection that sweeps across varied landscapes both literal and literary. The anthology stands as a significant contribution to travel literature, offering readers a rich tapestry of experiences and observations from the Steppes of the Caspian Sea to the enigmatic regions of the Crimea and Caucasus. Through a range of literary styles, from the descriptive to the reflective, the collection showcases the diversity of the region's geography, culture, and people, making it an indispensable piece to understanding these less-trodden paths of the 19th century. The anthology is unique in its ability to blend scientific inquiry with poetic narration, revealing the depth of its subjects through keen observations and vivid detail. The contributing authors, Ad?le Hommaire de Hell and Xavier Hommaire de Hell, bring to the anthology a wealth of knowledge and personal experience. Their backgrounds, one as a distinguished engineer and the other as an insightful companion, provide a compelling dual perspective on the regions explored. Their collective contributions not only highlight the scientific and romantic movements of their time but also offer a cross-cultural lens through which the complex fabric of these territories is unveiled. This collection is a must-read for those who seek to dive deep into the narratives of exploration and discovery. Beyond its educational value, it serves as a bridge connecting disparate cultures and histories through the shared experience of travel. The anthology invites readers not just to read, but to journey alongside its authors, fostering a dialogue that transcends time and geography. For scholars, adventurers, and the culturally curious, this book promises an unparalleled exploration of the Steppes, the Crimea, and the Caucasus, making it a timeless addition to any collection.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Drones, Tones, and Timbres Sounding Place among Nomads of the Inner Asian Mountain-Steppes【電子書籍】[ Carole Pegg ]

<p><strong>An indispensable study of the music of Altai-Sayan peoples</strong></p> <p>Based on more than twenty years of collaborative research, Carole Pegg’s long-awaited participatory ethnography explores how Indigenous nomadic peoples of Russia’s southern Siberian republics (Altai, Khakassia, Tyva) sound multiphonies of place in a post-Soviet global world. Inspired by the mountain-steppe ecology and pathways of nomadism, soundscapes created in performative ritual events cross political and multiple-world boundaries in a shamanic-animist universe, enabling human and spirit actor interactions in a series of sensuous worlds. As with the “throat-singing” for which Indigenous Altai-Sayan peoples are famous, senses of place involve sonic relations, rootedness, movement, and plurality. Pegg echoes their drone-partials musical and ontological models in an innovative theoretical entwinement. Three strands form the book’s multivocal drone, the partials of which sound in each chapter: ontological sonicality and musicality that enables emplacement and movement; the importance of shamanism-animism--at the core of Indigenous spiritual practices--for personhood and community; and the agency of sonic performances. Sounding place, Pegg demonstrates, is essential to the identities, ways of life, and very senses of being of Indigenous Altai-Sayan peoples.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,132円

Lactose Free Mongolia Delights from the Mongolian Steppes Without Lactose!【電子書籍】[ Altan Nergui ]

<p>Mongolian cuisine has long been revered for its hearty and wholesome dishes, often featuring dairy products as a central element. Each recipe in this collection has been thoughtfully crafted to capture the essence of Mongolian cuisine while embracing lactose-free alternatives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 794円

The Khazars A Judeo-Turkish Empire on the Steppes, 7th?11th Centuries AD【電子書籍】[ Mikhail Zhirohov ]

<p>The Khazars were one of the most important Turkic peoples in European history, dominating vast areas of southeastern Europe and the western reaches of the Central Asian steppes from the 4th to the 11th centuries AD. They were also unique in that their aristocratic and military elites converted to Judaism, creating what would be territorially the largest Jewish-ruled state in world history. They became significant allies of the Byzantine Empire, blocking the advance of Islam north of the Caucasus Mountains for several hundred years.</p> <p>They also achieved a remarkable level of metal-working technology, and their military elite wore forms of iron plate armour that would not be seen in Western Europe until the 14th century. The Khazar state provided the foundations upon which medieval Russia and modern Ukraine were built. Fully illustrated with detailed colour plates, this is a fascinating study into the armies, organisation, armour, weapons and fortifications of the Khazars.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,816円

Steppenwind - Die gro?e Saga in einem Band Historischer Roman【電子書籍】[ Wolfgang Jaedtke ]

<p>Entdecken Sie eine faszinierende Epoche: ≫Steppenwind≪, die gro?e historische Saga von Wolfgang Jaedtke, jetzt als eBook-Sammelband bei dotbooks. Ein Sturm zieht auf ?ber den schier unendlichen Steppen des Ostens im siebten Jahrhundert vor Christus ... Kann man die Gunst der G?tter erkaufen? Der junge Artan soll als Opferlamm sterben, doch er entkommt und w?chst zu einem gef?rchteten Krieger heran. Als er die M?glichkeit bekommt, Rache zu nehmen, will er keine Sekunde z?gern - und muss erkennen, dass es ein Gef?hl gibt, das st?rker ist als Hass ... Viele Jahre sp?ter kann die sch?ne Manja im letzten Moment vor Angreifern fliehen, die ihr friedliches Volk vernichten wollen - und findet in der Fremde eine Freiheit, von der sie vorher nicht einmal zu tr?umen wagte. Aber wird Manja stark genug sein, sie zu verteidigen? Auf ihrer Suche nach Antworten trifft sie auf einen Einsiedler, mit dem sie mehr verbindet, als sie zun?chst ahnt ... In Wolfgang Jaedtkes gro?er Trilogie erwachen die antiken V?lker der Skythen und Sarmaten auf ?ber 1.300 Seiten zu neuem Leben - ein fesselndes Lesevergn?gen ?ber den Zusammenprall von Patriarchat und Matriarchat, voller Abenteuer, Sitten und Br?uche, die uns heute ebenso schaudern lassen wie faszinieren. Jetzt als eBook kaufen und genie?en: ≫Steppenwind≪, die gro?e historische Saga von Wolfgang Jaedtke - ein kraftvolles Epos ?ber jene Volksst?mme, die als Amazonen und Zentauren zum Mythos wurden, f?r alle Fans der Uhtred-Serie von Bernard Cornwell. Wer liest, hat mehr vom Leben: dotbooks - der eBook-Verlag.</p> <p>Wolfgang Jaedtke, geboren 1967 in L?neburg, studierte Historische Musikwissenschaft und promovierte mit einer Arbeit ?ber Beethoven. Danach arbeitete er f?r ein Theater, bevor er sich als Schriftsteller selbstst?ndig machte und seitdem unter seinem eigenen Namen und einem Pseudonym historische Romane und Thriller ver?ffentlicht. Bei dotbooks ver?ffentliche Wolfgang Jaedtke bereits den historischen Roman 'Die Tr?nen der Vila' und die Steppenwind-Trilogie mit den Einzelb?nden 'Sohn der Steppe', 'Tochter der Steppe' und 'Herrin der Steppe'.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 571円

Becoming Tara How I Found Myself and Stepped Into My Greatness【電子書籍】[ Tara Davis ]

<p><strong>How do you let go of everything you've labeled yourself as, or identified yourself as, to become you?</strong></p> <p>In a world where a million distractions often overshadow the essence of self, Tara Davis takes readers on an inward journey of awakening. As a dedicated people pleaser, Tara always put everyone's needs before her own until denying herself was no longer an option.</p> <p>When Tara decided to step away from her business and explore the uncharted territories of her soul, she uncovered a labyrinth of emotions hidden beneath the surface-shame, guilt, and the haunting echoes of abuse. Instead of turning away from these painful truths, Tara chose to confront them head-on, diving deep into the darkness to unearth her light within.</p> <p>In this courageous memoir, Tara shares her profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Through the raw and unfiltered exploration of her wounds, she finds a path to reclamation, one that ultimately allows her to step into her true purpose. With vulnerability as her compass, Tara emerged from the shadows, transformed and ready to embrace a life of authenticity and service.</p> <p><em>Becoming Tara</em> is a compelling narrative of resilience, reclamation, and the unwavering human spirit. It reminds us that, oftentimes, by confronting our deepest pain and shame, we can discover our greatest purpose and awaken to who we are meant to be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,134円

Stepped Care 2.0: The Power of Conundrums【電子書籍】

<p><em>Stepped Care 2.0: A Paradigm Shift in Mental Health</em>, by Dr Peter Cornish, made a compelling argument for why the existing mental health care system has consistently struggled to meet the needs of clients from all walks of life, and laid out key principles and guidelines for how the system could be changed. But what challenges are involved in putting these ideas into practice? <em>Stepped Care 2.0: The Power of Conundrums</em> features essays, interviews, and arguments from a wide range of contributors who have tried to do just that.</p> <p><em>The Power of Conundrums</em> dives deep into the practical application of the Stepped Care 2.0 model (SC2.0), looking at the ways SC2.0 has succeeded, the difficulties administrators face when implementing it, and how it could be improved. Chapters touch on topics including: the evidence for stepped care, the way SC2.0 can be stymied by the Western cultural values that dominate mental healthcare, implementation science and SC2.0, the riskparadigm and SC2.0, the model’s one-at-a-time approach to therapy, what co-design means in an SC2.0 context, a case study on how implementing SC2.0 can go wrong, the understanding of recovery put forward by the model, and how SC2.0 can work for clients experiencing complex, persistent, or chronic mental health issues. Each chapter is followed by a reflection from Cornish, and the book concludes with a roundtable discussion about how SC2.0 can evolve to meet the challenges it faces.</p> <p>This text brings theory and practice together by including an updated version of <em>Stepped Care 2.0: A Paradigm Shift in Mental Health</em>, as well as the full text of <em>Stepped Care 2.0: The Power of Conundrums</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 10,938円

Dimmy【電子書籍】[ Sue Steppelman ]

<p>Dimmy is a star that does not shine. He is belittled by other stars and finds his own shine through the magic of Christmas.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,134円

荒野之狼(徳文新譯本) Der Steppenwolf【電子書籍】[ 赫曼.赫塞 ]

<p>#日本暢銷作家白取春?專文導讀</p> <p>#風華再現──六、七○年代全球赫塞潮!</p> <p>#大文豪雨果盛讚「徳國浪漫派最後一位騎士」</p> <p>#一九四六年諾貝爾文學獎得主最重要的作品。</p> <p>#他代表了一個古老的、真正的、純粹的、精神上的徳國。</p> <p>「能為我們帶來?變與勇氣,能徹底改變我們人生的書少之又少。但《荒野之狼》就是這樣的一本書。」──法國當代知名作家費徳利克?貝松岱(Frederic Beigbeder)</p> <p>「從前有個人名為哈利,大家管他叫荒野之狼。他以兩?行走,身穿衣服,是個人,但骨子裡卻是匹不折不扣的荒野之狼。」這本一九二七年出版的小?《荒野之狼》奠定了赫塞享譽國際的文豪地位。二十世紀六○年代和七○年代這本書又再次掀起全球性的赫塞熱。</p> <p>  </p> <p>「哈勒是一個承受痛苦的天才,哈勒,一如尼采曾精闢闡述過的那樣,將自己鍛?成了一個極能忍受痛苦的人,他所具有的是一種超凡的、沒有極限,且可怕的承受痛苦的能力。」這本書敘述的是一位無政府主義者在義憤填膺之餘恨不得徹底殲滅百貨公司和大教堂這類錯誤的存在,恨不得給市民階級之世界秩序一記狠狠的迎頭痛?。這是一個自我革命者的故事……《荒野之狼》是一部勇於挺身而出對抗市民階級的文學巨作。」──徳國詩人、劇作家阿爾弗雷徳?沃芬斯坦(Alfred Wolfenstein)</p> <p>請與我們一同進入這狼性與人性交織出的多彩奔放的鏡像故事中──「他自稱為荒野之狼,這稱呼當時讓我覺得有點奇怪又困擾。天?,這是?門子的稱法?可是後來連我自己都這麼稱呼他。不僅僅是因為習慣,還因為我在心裡確實一下子就認同了這樣的稱呼,除了荒野之狼,至今我想不出其他更符合他形象的?法。一隻誤闖我們家,誤入城市,誤入群體生活的荒野之狼──就他的形象而言,這名稱真是再貼切不過:他那略帶羞澀的孤獨模樣,他的野性,他的不安,他的?愁,他那無所依歸、沒有故?的模樣。」</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,245円

Steppenwolf【電子書籍】[ Hermann Hesse ]

<p>"Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse is a profound and thought-provoking novel that delves into the inner struggles of a man named Harry Haller. Harry is a solitary and intellectual man who feels out of place in the world and struggles to reconcile his dual nature of being both a refined, cultured individual and a wild, untamed steppenwolf. As he navigates his existential crisis, Harry encounters a young woman named Hermine who introduces him to a world of sensual pleasures and teaches him to embrace his inner desires. But as he becomes more deeply involved in this new world, Harry's internal struggles only intensify, and he must confront the dark side of his own nature. Hailed as a masterpiece of modern literature, "Steppenwolf" is a haunting and powerful exploration of identity, sexuality, and the human condition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 132円

Playing ACCORDION Simplified Quick Beginners Stepped Guide From Basics To Advanced Techniques To Learn, Master, Perfect Your Ability and Play Like A Pro【電子書籍】[ Ansel stellan ]

<p>"Accordion Mastery Made Simple: Your Ultimate Guide to Playing the Accordion with Ease"</p> <p>Welcome to the world of effortless accordion playing! "Accordion Mastery Made Simple" is your one-stop guide to mastering the art of playing the accordion with ease and confidence. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an intermediate player looking to take your skills to the next level, this book is your essential companion on your musical journey.</p> <p>Why You Can't Afford to Miss This Book:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Unlock Your Musical Potential: If you've ever dreamed of playing the accordion and creating beautiful music, this book is your key to realizing that dream. We break down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps that anyone can follow, making the accordion accessible to all.</p> </li> <li> <p>Comprehensive and Easy to Follow: This book covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques, ensuring that you have a solid foundation and can progress at your own pace. With clear, step-by-step instructions, you'll never feel lost or overwhelmed.</p> </li> <li> <p>Master the Art of Expression: The accordion is a versatile instrument that can convey a wide range of emotions and styles. "Accordion Mastery Made Simple" provides you with the tools to express yourself fully through your music, whether you love classical, folk, jazz, or contemporary genres.</p> </li> <li> <p>Save Time and Money: Learning the accordion can be expensive and time-consuming. This book offers a cost-effective alternative to private lessons and provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to become a proficient accordion player in no time.</p> </li> <li> <p>Build Confidence: We understand that starting a new instrument can be intimidating. This book is designed to boost your confidence by offering clear guidance, practical exercises, and expert tips that will have you playing like a pro in no time.</p> </li> <li> <p>Join a Community: When you purchase "Accordion Mastery Made Simple," you're not just buying a book; you're joining a community of passionate accordion enthusiasts. Connect with fellow learners, share your progress, and get ongoing support on your musical journey.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your passion for the accordion into a lifelong skill and a source of joy. Order "Accordion Mastery Made Simple" now and start playing the accordion like you've always dreamed. Embrace the music within you, and let your accordion sing your story!</p> <p>Act Now! Click the "Buy Now" button and embark on your journey to becoming an accordion virtuoso. Don't delay ? your musical destiny awaits!**</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 701円

Playing ROULETTE Simplified Quick Beginners Stepped Guide From Basics To Advanced Techniques To Learn, Master, Perfect Your Ability and Play Like A Pro【電子書籍】[ Ansel stellan ]

<p>"Roulette Simplified: Your Essential Guide to Winning Big"</p> <p>Description:</p> <p>Welcome to the ultimate resource for mastering the art of playing Roulette and unlocking your winning potential! If you're seeking a concise yet comprehensive guide that will set you on the path to Roulette success, then you've arrived at the right place.</p> <p>Why You Need "Roulette Simplified" Now:</p> <p>Unlock the Secrets of Winning: In "Roulette Simplified," we demystify the game, providing you with proven strategies, tips, and techniques to increase your odds of winning. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to confidence at the Roulette table.</p> <p>Maximize Your Fun: Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player aiming to sharpen your skills, this book offers something for everyone. It's not just about winning; it's about enjoying the thrill of the game to the fullest.</p> <p>Avoid Costly Mistakes: Don't let your hard-earned money go to waste by making common Roulette blunders. Our guide helps you steer clear of pitfalls and ensures you make informed, strategic bets.</p> <p>Become a Casino Pro: Imagine walking into a casino armed with the knowledge and strategies to outplay the house. "Roulette Simplified" equips you with the tools to impress your friends and dominate the Roulette wheel.</p> <p>Why Wait? Act Now!</p> <p>Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your Roulette game and potentially win big. The decision to invest in "Roulette Simplified" is a decision to take control of your destiny at the casino. The thrill of victory is within your reach, and every moment you delay is a missed opportunity.</p> <p>Get your copy today and embark on a journey towards Roulette mastery. Join the ranks of successful players who have harnessed the power of knowledge and strategy to beat the odds. Take action now, and let the wheel of fortune spin in your favor!</p> <p>Act swiftly, place your bet on "Roulette Simplified," and watch as your Roulette fortunes change for the better. Your winning streak starts here. Buy now!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 701円

Playing SUDOKU Simplified Quick Beginners Stepped Guide From Basics To Advanced Techniques To Learn, Master, Perfect Your Ability and Play Like A Pro【電子書籍】[ Ansel stellan ]

<p>"Sudoku Simplified: Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Puzzle"</p> <p>Description: Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Sudoku and become a true puzzle-solving pro? Look no further! "Sudoku Simplified" is your essential companion on the journey to Sudoku mastery.</p> <p>In this concise yet comprehensive guide, we demystify the art of Sudoku, ensuring that whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, you'll find something valuable within these pages.</p> <p>Why You Must Have "Sudoku Simplified":</p> <p>Solve Puzzles with Ease: Discover simplified strategies and techniques that will have you conquering even the most challenging Sudoku puzzles effortlessly.</p> <p>Boost Your Mental Acuity: Sudoku isn't just a game; it's a brain-boosting exercise that enhances your problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and memory retention. Your cognitive abilities will thank you!</p> <p>Never Get Stuck Again: Bid farewell to frustrating moments of being stuck on a single number or cell. Our step-by-step guidance will keep you moving forward smoothly.</p> <p>Enjoy Stress Relief: Sudoku is a fantastic stress-reliever, and with our simplified approach, you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of puzzle-solving without the added stress.</p> <p>Impress Your Friends: Imagine the awe in your friends' eyes as you effortlessly solve Sudoku puzzles that used to baffle them. You'll become the Sudoku guru among your peers.</p> <p>Don't Miss Out! Every moment you hesitate is a puzzle unsolved, an opportunity missed, and a chance for personal growth postponed. "Sudoku Simplified" is your ticket to becoming a Sudoku superstar.</p> <p>Act Now! Click the "Buy Now" button and start your Sudoku journey today. With this book in your hands, you'll be well on your way to conquering puzzles, sharpening your mind, and experiencing the pure joy of Sudoku mastery. Don't delayーtransform your puzzle-solving skills and elevate your cognitive abilities now!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 701円

Playing RUGBY Simplified Quick Beginners Stepped Guide From Basics To Advanced Techniques To Learn, Master, Perfect Your Ability and Play Like A Pro【電子書籍】[ Ansel stellan ]

<p>"RUGBY Simplified: Your Ultimate Playbook for Success"</p> <p>Welcome to the definitive guide to mastering the exhilarating sport of rugby! "RUGBY Simplified" is your key to unlocking the secrets of this thrilling game. If you're a beginner looking to dive headfirst into rugby or an experienced player aiming to sharpen your skills, this book is your essential companion.</p> <p>Why You Need This Book:</p> <p>Unlock the Game: Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, "RUGBY Simplified" breaks down the complexities of rugby into easy-to-understand, actionable insights. You'll grasp the rules, strategies, and tactics, making rugby accessible and enjoyable.</p> <p>Master the Fundamentals: Discover the core skills and techniques that will set you apart on the rugby field. From tackling to passing, scrummaging to kicking, this book offers step-by-step instructions and pro tips.</p> <p>Tactics for Success: Gain a competitive edge with in-depth strategies and game plans. Learn how to read the game, anticipate your opponents' moves, and make split-second decisions that lead to victory.</p> <p>Injury Prevention: Safety first! "RUGBY Simplified" provides valuable guidance on injury prevention, conditioning, and recovery techniques, ensuring you stay on the field and out of the physio's office.</p> <p>Become a Rugby Star: Whether you dream of representing your country or just having a blast with your local club, this book will help you achieve your rugby aspirations.</p> <p>Don't Miss Out! By passing up on "RUGBY Simplified," you're missing out on an opportunity to elevate your rugby game to new heights. Join the ranks of successful players who have turned to this book to improve their skills, knowledge, and confidence on the pitch.</p> <p>Don't delay your journey to rugby excellence any longer. Click the "Buy Now" button and dive into "RUGBY Simplified" today. Start playing with confidence, tackle challenges head-on, and watch your rugby skills soar to incredible new heights. The rugby world is waiting for you ? seize your opportunity now!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 701円