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318件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

SUPER REAL JAPANESE [ Valiant Japanese Language School ]

Valiant Japanese Language School KADOKAWAスーパーリアルジャパニーズ ヴァリアントジャパニーズランゲージスクール 発行年月:2023年03月10日 ページ数:208p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784046044136 1 Real emotions/2 Real conversations/3 Real life routine/4 Real dining/5 Being in love/6 Sightseeing in Japan 日本語の教科書に載っていなくても、日本の若い人達に使われている表現はたくさんあります。本書では、そうした表現をあますことなく紹介しています。(プロローグより) 本 語学・学習参考書 語学学習 日本語 1,650円

A Valiant Ignorance (Vol. 1-3) Victorian Romance【電子書籍】[ Victorian Romance ]

<p>William Romayne had been widely known and respected throughout Europe as a successful and distinguished financier. However, he turned out to be a swindler and a mastermind behind a banking fraud and when it was detected he committed suicide, leaving behind his wife and his son Julian. Mrs. Romayne has been hiding this secret from Julian for years, keeping him in a valiant ignorance, but as he grows and matures his true nature inevitably starts to appear.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Lost Fleet: Valiant【電子書籍】[ Jack Campbell ]

<p><strong>Legendary war hero Captain “Black Jack” Geary fights to stay ahead of his enemies in the fourth novel in Jack Campbell’s <em>New York Times</em> bestselling military science fiction series.</strong></p> <p>Deep within Syndicate World space, the Alliance fleet continues its dangerous journey home under the command of Captain John “Black Jack” Gearyーrevived after a century spent in suspended animation. Geary’s victories over the enemy have earned both the respectーand the envyーof his fellow officers...</p> <p>Geary has made many risky decisions as commander of the Alliance fleet, but ordering them back to the Lakota Star System where the Syndics nearly destroyed them has his officers questioning his sanity. It’s a desperate gamble that may buy the fleet just enough time to prepare for the Syndics’ inevitable return.</p> <p>Even as he struggles to give the fleet a fighting chance at survival, Geary faces dissent from within. An unknown number of officers want a change of command, but Geary knows that the Alliance fleet must stand together, or else the Syndic forces will tear them apart...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 854円

【中古】クァンタム&ウッディ:世界最悪のス-パ-ヒ-ロ- VALIANT /小学館集英社プロダクション/ジェ-ムズ・アスムス(単行本)

◆◆◆非常にきれいな状態です。中古商品のため使用感等ある場合がございますが、品質には十分注意して発送いたします。 【毎日発送】 商品状態 著者名 ジェ−ムズ・アスムス、トム・ファウラ− 出版社名 小学館集英社プロダクション 発売日 2015年02月 ISBN 9784796875387 769円

【中古】 The Lost Fleet: Valiant / Jack Campbell / Ace [その他]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】

もったいない本舗 楽天市場店
著者:Jack Campbell出版社:Aceサイズ:その他ISBN-10:0441016197ISBN-13:9780441016198■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※あす楽ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  使用されてはいますが、  非常にきれいな状態です。  書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い:  比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。  ページやカバーに欠品はありません。  文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可:  文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。  マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。  商品の痛みがある場合があります。 954円

Rogue The Valiant Series, #5【電子書籍】[ Joanna White ]

<p>Lynia has always dreamed of being a Conclave Mage. To join them, she goes on dangerous jobs with constructs she summons using magical keys.</p> <p>Lynessa is nothing like her sister. All she wants is a normal life, but she keeps getting dragged into Lynia's schemes. It doesn't help that she finds herself attracted to one of the constructsーa being of magic, not flesh.</p> <p>Along the way, Lynia discovers a mysterious black key, one that summons a rogue mage who is powerful enough to disobey her commands. He also makes her laugh and experience feelings she's never had before.</p> <p>But the rogue mage knows more than he's letting on, and the sisters discover dark secrets that threaten to destroy life as they know it.</p> <p>Together, they must work to save their world... or watch it be destroyed by darkness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

Prins Valiant och Konsum【電子書籍】[ P. C. Jersild ]

<p>En hemlig ledare har man i det pojkg?ng som presenteras i P.C. Jersilds kvicka och t?nkv?rda roman. Till namnet ?r det Lena, en flicka p? tio, elva ?r, som leder ?ventyren. Men bakom henne finns (kanske) Prins Valiant, riddaren som man l?ste om i serier p? fyrtiotalet. Ingen mer ?n hon f?r tr?ffa honom, d?r han kommer ridande genom skogen bakom villastaden p? sin vita hingst, och det ?r henne han ger sina instruktioner om strider och str?vt?g.</p> <p>Prins Valiant ?r en hemlighetsfull f?retr?dare f?r ?ventyret, fantasien och idealiteten. Den gr? svenska vardagen kan s?gas ha sin symbol i Konsumbutiken som ligger i skogskanten och som ocks? spelar en viss roll i historien.</p> <p>Lena blir ?ldre och f?rs?ker f? kontakt med den vuxna v?rlden, medan Prins Valiant sjunker undan. men han finns ?nd? i bakgrunden och i de absurda ?ventyr i G?vle som bildar slutavsnittet r?kar Lena ?n en g?ng sin barndoms hj?lte i verkligheten (kanske), fast i n?got annorlunda skick ?n f?rr.</p> <p>Prins Valiant och Konsum blandar dj?rvt men lugnt det fantastiska med en svensk vardagsverklighet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,041円

Summary of Valiant Ambition by Nathaniel Philbrick | Includes Analysis【電子書籍】[ Instaread Summaries ]

<p><strong>Summary of Valiant Ambition: by Nathaniel Philbrick | Includes Analysis</strong></p> <p>Preview:</p> <p>Nathaniel Philbrick’s <em>Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution</em> focuses on the treachery of Benedict Arnold as it plays out against the wider panorama of the American Revolution.</p> <p>Benedict Arnold was a courageous officer who was responsible for a number of crucial American victories during the Revolution. His brilliant conduct of the Battle of Valcour Island at Lake Champlain in 1776 delayed British forces and prevented them from reaching the Hudson River valley. Had the British succeeded, they might have separated New England from the rest of the colonies and quickly ended the war. Arnold also managed the American victory at the Battle of Freeman’s Farm, which helped ensure the defeat of British General John Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga in upstate New York. That battle, in turn, encouraged the French to enter the war, which made the ultimate American victory possible…</p> <p><strong>PLEASE NOTE: This is <em>key takeaways and analysis</em> of the book and NOT the original book.</strong></p> <p>Inside this Instaread Summary of Valiant Ambition:</p> <ul> <li>Overview of the Book</li> <li>Important People</li> <li>Key Takeaways</li> <li>Analysis of Key Takeaways</li> </ul> <p>About the Author</p> <p>With Instaread, you can get the key takeaways, summary and analysis of a book in 15 minutes. We read every chapter, identify the key takeaways and analyze them for your convenience.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 567円

【中古】 The Lost Fleet: Valiant / Jack Campbell / Ace [その他]【宅配便出荷】

もったいない本舗 おまとめ店
著者:Jack Campbell出版社:Aceサイズ:その他ISBN-10:0441016197ISBN-13:9780441016198■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで72時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。■宅配便(送料398円)にて出荷致します。合計3980円以上は送料無料。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■送料無料の「もったいない本舗本店」もご利用ください。メール便送料無料です。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済はクレジットカード等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  使用されてはいますが、  非常にきれいな状態です。  書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い:  比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。  ページやカバーに欠品はありません。  文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可:  文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。  マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。  商品の痛みがある場合があります。 904円

洋書 Paperback, Valiant Light: A Demon Trappers Novel (Volume 6)

*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個人輸入」としての取り扱いになり、すべてニュージャージからお客様のもとへ直送されます。 ・ご注文後、30営業日以内(通常2~3週間)に配送手続きをいたします。配送作業完了後、2週間程度でのお届けとなります。 ・まれに商品入荷状況や国際情勢、運送、通関事情により、お届けが2ヶ月までかかる場合がありますのでお急ぎの場合は注文をお控えください。 ・個人輸入される商品は、すべてご注文者自身の「個人使用・個人消費」が前提となりますので、ご注文された商品を第三者へ譲渡・転売することは法律で禁止されております。 ・関税・消費税が課税される場合があります。詳細はこちらをご確認下さい。PC販売説明文 3,625円

The Valiant【電子書籍】[ J.J. Green ]

<p><strong>King Arthur in outer space?</strong></p> <p>Endless warfare has ravaged Earth. Billions are desperate to escape.</p> <p>Driven from her home and severed from her children, Taylan Ellis enlists with the Britannic Alliance, hoping she can help regain her homeland and find her kids.</p> <p>Her ship, the <em>Valiant</em>, picks up a distress signal that leads to the mummified remains of a Dark Ages warrior chieftain.</p> <p>Then her commanding officer discovers the ‘mummy’ has a pulse.</p> <p>Taylan suspects she knows who the mystery man is, but can she convince her superiors in time to save the BA, her country, and her children?</p> <p><em>The Valiant</em> is book one in the epic space fantasy adventure, Star Legend.</p> <p>Download your copy today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 877円

The Valiant Wolf's Diaries Book 6 An Unknown Enemy【電子書籍】[ Mark Mulle ]

<h2><em>Steve and his loyal wolf Boris are about to face their biggest threat in Minecraft.</em></h2> <p>The night monsters are spawning in great numbers and Steve learned that each mob has their own leader that control their spawner. There is a Skeleton Leader, a Creeper Leader, a Spider Leader and a brand new Zombie leader.</p> <p>Terrified with this bad news, the village leader Hori works really hard to figure out where the Monster Leaders are hiding. Despite his efforts, Hori does not find any real evidence of where they might be.</p> <p>In the meantime, Steve puts his plan in action: to connect the four villages with a long tunnel, and build a cart system where they can safely travel from one village to the other in case of an imminent attack.</p> <p>As Steve works on his project, the other Village Leaders continue trying to discover more about the Monsters and who could be the creature controlling them. Everyone suspects the Monster Leaders have a Boss, someone who entered The End and stole the Ender's egg. Could that mean there is another human like Steve who is also living in this world? Can the pack of Wolves and Steve find those powerful monsters and defeat them in time?</p> <p>An Unofficial Minecraft Diary Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen / Thrilling Minecraft Adventure / Minecraft Novel</p> <p>THIS MINECRAFT ADVENTURE STORY IS A MUST READ FOR MINECRAFT FANS ESPECIALLY FOR KIDS AGE 5-7 , 6-8 , 8-10 , 9-12 , THIS EXCITING MINECRAFT BOOK IS MADE for ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and older.</p> <h3>MOTIVATE YOUR 8 YEAR OLD BOYS AND GIRLS OR MINECRAFT KIDS AGES 9-12 TO READ WITH THIS EXCITING STORY.</h3> <p>THE PERFECT GIFT IDEA FOR MINECRAFT FANS!</p> <h2>GET YOUR COPY NOW!!!</h2> <p>This unofficial Minecraft book is not authorized, endorsed or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or any other person or entity owning or controlling the rights of the Minecraft name, trademark or copyrights. All characters, names, places and other aspects of the game described herein are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. Minecraft?/ /TM & ?2009-2016 Mojang/Notch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 794円

マンパワーの管理論 (Valiant value book series) [ 樋口晴彦 ]

Valiant value book series 樋口晴彦 東京法令出版マンパワー ノ カンリロン ヒグチ,ハルヒコ 発行年月:2000年12月 ページ数:209p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784809010224 本 ビジネス・経済・就職 その他 人文・思想・社会 その他 1,540円

洋書 Paperback, The Valiant Viola Christmas Bonanza: A merry selection of 19 original and traditional Christmas pieces for Violas. For beginners and improvers who like a challenge!

*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個人輸入」としての取り扱いになり、すべてニュージャージからお客様のもとへ直送されます。 ・ご注文後、30営業日以内(通常2~3週間)に配送手続きをいたします。配送作業完了後、2週間程度でのお届けとなります。 ・まれに商品入荷状況や国際情勢、運送、通関事情により、お届けが2ヶ月までかかる場合がありますのでお急ぎの場合は注文をお控えください。 ・個人輸入される商品は、すべてご注文者自身の「個人使用・個人消費」が前提となりますので、ご注文された商品を第三者へ譲渡・転売することは法律で禁止されております。 ・関税・消費税が課税される場合があります。詳細はこちらをご確認下さい。 2,757円

My Valiant Knight【電子書籍】[ Hannah Howell ]

<p>In the hands of <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Hannah Howell, the Scottish Highlands come alive with treachery, intrigue, and unforgettable love. . .</p> <p>Able to ride, wield a sword, and throw a dagger as well as any man, flame-haired Ainslee of Kengarvey is more warrior than lady. Yet even her awesome skill as a horsewoman won't help her outrace the knight who pursues her.</p> <p>An Anglo-Norman who has won favor with the King, Sir Gabel de Amalville must prove his loyalty by crushing the rebellious MacNairn clan. Seizing the youngest daughter of the chief gives him a necessary advantage. But having sequestered Ainslee in his isolated castle keep, he soon finds himself the prisoner of a passion he never could have foreseen. Now, as the shadow of war descends upon the Highlands, Gabel will follow his heart into battle--for the love of the sensual woman who has captured him, mind, body and soul. . .</p> <p><strong>Praise for Hannah Howell and her Highland novels</strong></p> <p>"The pages fly. . .escapades and sizzling love scenes to keep every reader satisfied." --<em>Romantic Times</em></p> <p>"Few authors portray the Scottish highlands as lovingly or colorfully." --<em>Publishers Weekly</em></p> <p>"Another classic." --<em>Romantic Times</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 531円

The Valiant Wolf's Diaries Book 9 Conspiracy【電子書籍】[ Mark Mulle ]

<h2><em>Steve and his loyal pack of four wolves went to the city of Epheral to investigate its leader, Mozeib. He is clearly hiding something, and Steve knows that Mozeib must be the reason for the animals' disappearance.</em></h2> <p>While in the city of Epheral, Steve receives a new lead from the citizens: all of the wild animals are kept in a high-security prison known as the Dump, where guards keep them on watch 24/7.</p> <p>It seems that Mozeib has a boss of some sort, and he lives in the neighboring city of Morvarth. If Mozeib has a boss, does it mean his boss is the one behind everything? What are the citizens of Morvarth doing? And what is the relation between Morvarth and Epheral?</p> <p>Now Steve and his wolves have three different leads: they can stay at Epheral to investigate more, go to Morvarth or to the Dump. Where should they go first? And what should they do to restore everything to normal?</p> <p>An Unofficial Minecraft Diary Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen / Thrilling Minecraft Adventure / Minecraft Novel</p> <p>THIS MINECRAFT ADVENTURE STORY IS A MUST READ FOR MINECRAFT FANS ESPECIALLY FOR KIDS AGE 5-7 , 6-8 , 8-10 , 9-12 , THIS EXCITING MINECRAFT BOOK IS MADE for ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and older.</p> <h3>MOTIVATE YOUR 8 YEAR OLD BOYS AND GIRLS OR MINECRAFT KIDS AGES 9-12 TO READ WITH THIS EXCITING STORY.</h3> <p>GET YOUR COPY NOW!!!</p> <p>This unofficial Minecraft book is not authorized, endorsed or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or any other person or entity owning or controlling the rights of the Minecraft name, trademark or copyrights. All characters, names, places and other aspects of the game described herein are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. Minecraft?/ /TM & ?2009-2016 Mojang/Notch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 794円

A Valiant Prince The Poisoned Pawn Duet Part II【電子書籍】[ S.E. Rose ]

<p><strong>Some princes are born into royalty. And some princes are made into royalty.</strong></p> <p>Logan Winters just discovered that he's a prince, a prince that someone wants dead.</p> <p>When Princess Susanna came waltzing into his world, she took his breath away with her beauty and charm and also with the truth about his life.</p> <p>Now they are racing against time to find out who wants to kill him.</p> <p><em>Will they be able to stop a killer? Or will their discovery bring down not one throne but two?</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 667円

Valiant Charlie Defeats the Sleep Monster【電子書籍】[ Tammy Lynn Laird ]

<p>A family seeks answers for their son’s change in behavior and almost by accident discovers the core reasons while at the dentist. This is the story of their journey to help their son find solutions for his obstructive sleep apnea/sleep disordered breathing. Charlie makes new friends along the way and picks up tools to ultimately defeat his sleep monster. It is this family’s hope to help other families who may have sleep monsters to defeat them while their child is still in that viable growth window. The story is told through the eyes of many observers including the stuffed animals who try to ease their boy’s pain by just being there.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 452円

Dread of The Earl (The Valiant Love Regency Romance #6) (A Historical Romance Book) Valiant Love, #6【電子書籍】[ Deborah Wilson ]

<p><em>What happens when an earl weds a lady so that he can seek his revenge though marriage?</em></p> <p>Lady Lucy Newpark has been living the life of a servant in order to save her nephew.</p> <p><em>She'll do anything to protect the innocent boy…</em></p> <p><em><strong>Even engage in an ugly plot to cage and keep wealthy lords.</strong></em></p> <p>But one imprisoned lord in particular, with just a look, makes it hard for Lucy to remember why she is in this mess, much less how to take her next breath.</p> <p><strong>The Earl of Ganden.</strong></p> <p>Kent Harris has always been sure of two things:</p> <p><em>1- His title as the Earl of Ganden.</em></p> <p><em><strong>2- He can never trust anyone ? especially women.</strong></em></p> <p>After suffering at the hands of his parents, the men Lucy work for are but a walk in the park.</p> <p>But it's the woman who's given him a hope for the future.</p> <p><em>Until she betrays him.</em></p> <p>Now free to do as he pleases, Ganden will stop at nothing to get his revenge.</p> <p>But revenge is quickly set aside when the feeling Ganden tries to fight off returns.</p> <p><strong>Hope.</strong></p> <p>But is hope enough to change his heart of stone?</p> <p>What about love?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 450円

Valiant Defender【電子書籍】[ Shirlee McCoy ]

<p><strong>His daughter’s been taken…</strong></p> <p>After relentless searching, Captain Justin Blackwood’s closing in on the Red Rose Killer. But when his daughter becomes a target, the hunt turns personal. With the help of his new partner, Captain Gretchen Hill, and his K-9, Quinn, Justin will race to save his daughter and bring down his nemesis once and for all…or die trying.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 854円

The Valiant Adventure【電子書籍】[ Kanyanta Mwansa ]

<p>There is no available information at this time. This will be updated once author provided this information</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 452円

Valiant Warrior Strength and Hope for Battle-Weary Sufferers of Depression and Chronic Illness【電子書籍】[ Anne Saxe ]

<p>Christians are sometimes ashamed to admit when they are hurting due to depression and/or chronic illness. It may be suggested that a person suffering these maladies is not praying enough, serving enough, or trusting God enough. These beliefs only serve to further isolate a fellow believer who is in pain. This book was written to encourage battle-weary sufferers of depression and chronic illness, to let them know that they are not as alone as they may fear, and to assure them that God will see them through their struggles.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 660円

Cos? affondammo la Valiant La pi? grande impresa navale italiana della seconda guerra mondiale【電子書籍】[ Luciano Garibaldi ]

<p>La seconda guerra mondiale ha portato all’Italia sconfitte e umiliazioni. Il Paese non era preparato al conflitto, gli italiani non lo volevano. I vertici militari, spesso incompetenti, erano divisi da rivalit? e gelosie. Una cosa per? ? certa: moltissime volte i nostri soldati si sono comportati con coraggio, valore e grande dignit?, tanto da meritare il rispetto e anche l’ammirazione dei nemici. ? il caso degli uomini della Decima MAS, guidati da un ufficiale d’eccezione, il principe romano Junio Valerio Borghese. Fra le tante imprese di questa piccola unit? nel Mediterraneo, la pi? notevole fu l’attacco al porto di Alessandria d’Egitto, il 18 dicembre 1941. L’azione fu portata a termine da sei intrepidi che, letteralmente ≪cavalcando≫ tre siluri, affondarono due corazzate inglesi, la Valiant e la Queen Elizabeth. Quegli uomini erano il tenente di Vascello Luigi Durand de la Penne, il capitano del Genio Navale Antonio Marceglia, il capitano delle Armi Navali Vincenzo Martellotta, e i sottufficiali Emilio Bianchi, Spartaco Schergat e Mario Marino. Ma come si svolse esattamente l’operazione? Come fu progettata? Quali rischi corsero i nostri soldati? E, ancora, cosa voleva dire far parte della Decima MAS e operare agli ordini del comandante Junio Valerio Borghese?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,300円

The No Hitting Books For Kids Ages 2-5: A Book for Toddlers to Control Anger and Stop Hitting Others【電子書籍】[ Craig Valiant ]

<p><strong>Discover a must-have guide for toddlers and their caregivers aimed at navigating the challenges of emotional regulation and appropriate behavior.</strong></p> <p>This insightful book is designed for children aged 2-5 and provides valuable lessons on how to express feelings, especially anger, without resorting to hitting or other harmful actions. Through engaging stories, practical activities, and easy-to-understand language, it teaches young readers the importance of using words instead of physical force to convey emotions. Caregivers will find helpful tips on reinforcing these teachings, ensuring a nurturing and supportive environment. This resource is not only educational but also an enjoyable read, perfect for fostering empathy, understanding, and positive emotional growth in young children.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

How To Rope A Valiant Cowboy【電子書籍】[ Anya Summers ]

<p>Retired Navy Seal Duncan has a stellar set up. After years of covert operations dodging bullets, he’s living the high life, teaching tourists basic outdoor survival skills at Silver Springs Ranch. The only thing he is evading these days are the countless women trying to trap him into a relationship. He enjoys women and their company immensely, but the institute of marriage and committed relationships are not for him.</p> <p>And yet the newest maid, Eve, leaves him stymied. She’s heart-stoppingly gorgeous, one of the worst maids he has ever encountered, and is holding on to dark secretsーones that engage his every need to protect and shield her from whatever darkness eats at her.</p> <p>She’s a total thorn in his side, turning him inside out and tying him up in knots with unquenchable desire. Due to the severity of his fascination, he cuts a wide berth around her, figuring it’s best to stay as far away from her as possible…</p> <p>Until she comes to him one night and begs him to teach her self-defense. Duncan discovers he can’t contain his need any longer, not when she is looking to him for guidanceーand like his every fantasy come to life. He yearns to have her on her knees, begging for his dominance.</p> <p>And when she becomes a target, he will do whatever it takes to save her.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 556円

The Valiant Chronicles【電子書籍】[ Val Tobin ]

<p><strong>Three Exciting Novels from Award-Winning Author Val Tobin: <em>The Experiencers</em> and <em>A Ring of Truth</em> plus, as a bonus, prequel novel <em>Earthbound</em></strong></p> <p><em>The Experiencers</em></p> <p><strong>Not killing her might be the death of him.</strong></p> <p>Black-ops Assassin Michael Valiant questions his agency's motives when he's ordered to silence a group of UFO enthusiasts who look less like terrorists than they do housewives and nerds. Michael finds himself running for his life and dragging his intended target along with him.</p> <p>Can he save them both, or will the Agency and the aliens find them first?</p> <p><em>A Ring of Truth</em></p> <p><strong>Some heroes come disguised as monsters.</strong></p> <p>To ensure her daughter’s safety, Carolyn Fairchild has surrendered to the Agency and the aliens. In retaliation, Michael Valiant, Agency assassin, has gone rogue. He’s made his way to the Northwest Territories to find the alien base in The Valley of the Headless Men. But time is running out, and the abductees might be executed before he can save them.</p> <p><em>Earthbound</em></p> <p><strong>Nothing says bad day like waking up dead.</strong></p> <p>Who killed Jayden McQueen? Why? How?</p> <p>In her quest to find answers, Jayden sets in motion events that propel humanity towards a future already written. But just because events appear inevitable doesn't mean you shouldn't fight them. Does it?</p> <p><em>Earthbound</em> achieved #23 position in the <strong>50 Best Indie Books of 2017 Awards</strong> list from ReadFreely.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 585円

The Will To Live A Young Woman's Valiant Effort to Regain Her Life After a Hit-And-Run Driver Almost Took It from Her.【電子書籍】[ Kimberly A Freeman ]

<p>The Will To Live: A young woman's valiant effort to regain her life after a hit-and-run driver almost took it from her</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

Stay the Rising Sun The True Story of USS Lexington, Her Valiant Crew, and Changing the Course of WWII【電子書籍】[ Phil Keith ]

<p><strong>A “well-written, superbly researched” account of a WWII aircraft carrier’s demise in the Pacificーand the legacy left by the “Lady Lex” (CPL Vincent L. Anderson, USMC, Marine Detachment, USS Lexington, survivor of the Battle of the Coral Sea).</strong></p> <p>In May 1942, the United States’ first naval victory against the Japanese in the Coral Sea was marred by the loss of the aircraft carrier USS <em>Lexington</em>. Another carrier was nearly ready for launch when the news arrived, so the navy changed her name to Lexington, confusing the Japanese.</p> <p>The men of the original “Lady Lex” loved their ship and fought hard to protect her. They were also seeking revenge for the losses sustained at Pearl Harbor. Crippling attacks by the Japanese left her on fire and dead in the water. But a remarkable ninety percent of the crew made it off the burning decks before Lexington had to be abandoned. In all the annals of the Second World War, there is hardly a battle story more compelling.</p> <p>The ship’s legacy did not end with her demise, however. Although the battle was deemed a tactical success for the Japanese, it turned out to be a strategic loss: For the first time in the war, a Japanese invasion force was forced to retreat. The lessons learned by losing the Lexington at Coral Sea impacted tactics, air wing operations, damage control, and ship construction. Altogether, they forged a critical, positive turning point in the war. The ship that ushered in a new era in naval warfare might be gone, but fate decreed that her important legacy would live on.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,816円

Valiant Choices【電子書籍】[ Susan Doris Gold ]

<p>This unique family saga, structured as a fictional memoir, chronicles the fascinating life experiences of Ellen Greene from</p> <p>childhood to her senior years. Ellen grows up in a dysfunctional environment with a mean, angry father, and a passive mother</p> <p>who compensates by giggling and laughing at everything. Ellen's dream, besides escaping from her family chaos is to become a veterinarian. At the local college, she meets unassuming Mark Lorrey, who wants to become a doctor. Their mutual attraction leads to dating, and she is shocked to find out that he is the heir to the largest trucking company in the nation. His father, by threatening his inheritance, forces him into a career in the business. They marry, and Ellen sees things that lead her to believe that the company is a front for organized crime. She realizes that Marks' denials are lies and that he is now running the organization. When his father suddenly dies, she finds out other dirty secrets and can no longer stomach the deceit. She finally goes to the FBI and reveals all, but as they are closing in on the criminal activity, Ellen is threatened by the mob and must grab her child and run for their lives. Ellen's engrossing story continues on with many twists and turns. Will she ever get her happily ever after?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 360円

Toils of the Valiant【電子書籍】[ Julius Bailey ]

<p>The epic conclusion to the widely-loved adventure of Strife of the Mighty!</p> <p>DOOM COMES. FAITH WAVERS. HOPE HANGS IN THE BALANCE.</p> <p>The battle for Darfrandor is over, but there is neither time nor mood for celebration. Having received word of the approaching power of the Dread Palace, time is yet again in short supply for Brandegan, Allon, and Merchーand all of Vrandalin with them.</p> <p>Heeding lessons learned from before and during the battle with the Morkathleam, Brandegan decides to leave Darfrandor without delay. Though he renders a stark warning to the people of the capital that there can be no victory in the fight against Ezirg Haur without the intervention of the Ayest?r?, he begins to feel in his heart that the Vellneranians will never again have faith. Urging them to flee south on a desperate journey to Krandarmain Ilse, he leaves them to their choice. Yet the journey south will present Brandegan himself with hard choices to grapple, and force the silver-haired man to confront not only perils of the future, but burdens of the past.</p> <p>For Allon Bracken, the way forward seems both clear and clouded. His will knows that he is not the same man that fled Varalel, yet his heart will soon discover that some wounds remain tender long. He must come to terms with both shortly, for in this time of final deeds, the hurting and the lost, the fearful and the hopeless, commoner and noble alike, will need someone to lead them.</p> <p>As for Merch Provender, his difficulties come in many forms. From the worry over his home village, to the increasingly constant necessity to kill or be killed…to the often withheld thoughts and feelings of a new traveling companion. Yet all these difficulties must be overcome, for the clock is counting, and ale won’t last forever.</p> <p>But for Parma the healer, leagues to the south in the proud city of Mariz, darkness has already arrived. Only newly loosening the grip of cold policies enacted against the southeasterners by Governor Parfidy, she is forced to push back against the malice of mysterious bandits who threaten the lives of those she protects. But in doing so she discovers a sinister plot against Mariz itself, and soon finds herself fighting the ghosts and foes from a past wrought with heartache. It will cost her bitterly.</p> <p>Sacrifices are made, bonds are broken, and the powers of the realm are shaken in this kingdom-rending conclusion to the tale that began in Strife of the Mighty. Let the faithful keep strong.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 416円