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19件中 1件 - 19件  1

THE ADVENTURES OF HARRY PETER Harry Finds Vimana (UFO)【電子書籍】[ Henry Enrix ]

<p>The Adventures of Harry Peter, Harry Peter Finds Vimana by Henry Enrix is a series of books which describe spiritual, and physical deeds, so incredible that defy imagination, and send your mind into chaos, where the Truth, and the Lie are in a constant battle trying to prevail. The story Harry Peter Vs. Acne & Athlete's Foot is mind blowing, it sounds really, really, really stupid, so stupid that is unbelievable. Imagine yourself talking to your foot! That's dumb!!! If you dare to believe the stupidity of this TRUTH, you shall be set FREE indeed, and discover a world that is more TRUE that reality itself!!! Yeshua Himself said: If you do not become like a child, you shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The story of Harry Peter Vs. The Virgin Mary is a slap in the face for the Catholics because the Virgin Mary possesses a higher status than her son the Savior of the World. If you believe the story, you shall understand the secrets of power, and control of the world. The story about the Nephilim colossal tunnels, and the UFOs is tangible, measurable, physical evidence of supreme intelligence of the nephilim, and technology not yet attained to this very day, and age. Henry Enrix shall make fly your imagination going under the crust of the earth, and exploring the unexplored places, unknown by humanity, and live in your own minds the emotions, fears, and sense of adventure that the two boys portrayed in this story experience. Enrix awakens your excitement when the two boys find a vehicle which is capable of trans versing the dimensions of time, and space in the blink of an eye at lightning speeds being controlled by the mind of the pilot. Enrix invites you to join him in the exhilarating adventures of two young boys going under the belly of the earth, and finding incredible objects that only exist in the imagination.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

Vimana: Flying Machines of the Ancients VIMANA [ David Hatcher Childress ]

VIMANA David Hatcher Childress ADVENTURES UNLIMITED2014 Paperback English ISBN:9781939149039 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 3,643円

Hitler's Terror Weapons From VI to Vimana【電子書籍】[ Geoffrey Brooks ]

<p><strong>Hitler’s plan for world dominance through terrifying weaponsーfrom V-1 rockets to alien technologyーis revealed in this WWII history.</strong></p> <p>This is the story of the terror weapons developed by Hitler and Nazi Germany that were intended to be unleashed with devastating effect on the rest of the world. The book begins with a study of the V rockets, from early development to their successes against allied targets. It then goes on to look at the even more sinister “miracle weapons” that Hitler was planning and developing, such as the antigravity Vimanaーa floating death machine using alien technology. <em>Hitler’s Terror Weapons</em> recounts the desperate efforts of the Nazis to produce war?winning weapons, and the measures taken by the Allies at the high levels to frustrate them in their aim.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,936円

Vimana Flying Machines of the Ancients【電子書籍】[ David Hatcher Childress ]

According to early Sanskrit texts the ancients had several types of airships called vimanas. Like aircraft of today, vimanas were used to fly through the air from city to city; to conduct aerial surveys of uncharted lands; and as delivery vehicles for awesome weapons. David Hatcher Childress, popular Lost Cities author and star of the History Channel???s long-running show Ancient Aliens, takes us on an astounding investigation into tales of ancient flying machines. In his new book, packed with photos and diagrams, he consults ancient texts and modern stories and presents astonishing evidence that aircraft, similar to the ones we use today, were used thousands of years ago in India, Sumeria, China and other countries. This means that these ancient civilizations had advanced metal technology, electricity and the engineering knowledge of flight many thousands of years before our own era of flight technology. Childress discusses ancient UFO sightings, the fascinating lore of ancient flight and the technology allegedly used in the flying machines of the ancients.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,132円

Shakuna Vimana Ritrovate le antiche navi spaziali【電子書籍】[ Lucio Tarzariol ]

<p>Gli Eleusini Madre raccontano di una tecnologia antichissima appartenente ai Phykke’sh Tau di cui una colonia, i Phykke'sh Uanhe Tau che giunse sulla Terra nel 92.040 a. C. dal quarto pianeta della Stella Therion Tau 52 Ceti, creando la prima base sulla Terra chiamata da loro Taea. Fu da questo atterraggio che si giunse poi, dopo lunghe guerre galattiche, sperimentazioni genetiche e ibridazioni, alla Civilt? Atlantidea ricordataci da Platone nei suoi scritti e distrutta in un solo giorno, pi? di diecimila anni fa. Non da meno i Testi sacri ind?, riportando cronache antiche che ancora una volta descrivono macchine volanti, i Vimana, protagoniste pi? di diecimila anni fa, di una battaglia feroce sul Pianeta che, oltre a distruggere Atlantide e intere civilt?, avrebbe fatto precipitare l’umanit? in un’era primitiva. Dagli antichi racconti trovati nell’epopea sanscrita il Mah?bh?rata, sappiamo dell'esistenza dei Vimana e che un Vimana misurava dodici cubiti di circonferenza. A parte i suoi “missili fiammeggianti“, il Mah?bh?rata ne riporta pure l’uso delle sue altre armi mortali che operavano tramite un “riflettore” circolare. Nell'Amarangasutradhara si afferma che furono originariamente costruite cinque macchine volanti per gli dei Brahma, Vishnu, Yama, Kuvera e Indra. Successivamente ci furono alcune aggiunte. Vengono descritti quattro tipi principali di Vimana volanti: Rukma, Sundara, Tripura e Sakuna. I Rukma erano di forma conica e tinti di oro, mentre i Sundata erano come razzi e avevano una lucentezza argentea. Il Tripura era a tre piani e i Sakuna sembravano degli uccelli. C'erano 113 suddivisioni di questi quattro tipi principali che differivano solo per dettagli minori. La posizione e il funzionamento dei collettori di energia solare sono descritti nel Vaimanika Shastra. Dice che otto tubi dovevano essere fatti di vetro speciale che assorbisse il raggio del sole. Viene elencata tutta una serie di dettagli, alcuni dei quali non comprendiamo. L'Amaranganasutradhara spiega anche l'azionamento, i comandi e il carburante per la macchina volante. I manoscritti descrivono astronavi interstellari come quelle che erano in possesso dei Phykke'sh Uanhe Tau che colonizzarono parte del nostro pianeta e che successivamente, diedero origine all'Atlantide originata dalle Sette Isole del mar d'Occidente perennemente in guerra con altri popoli conquistatori. Uno dei testi epici indiani, il “Ramayana”, narra proprio di un viaggio sulla Luna a bordo di una di queste fantomatiche astronavi e di come, nel corso di quella straordinaria spedizione, avvenne una battaglia proprio con un veicolo di Atlantide, denominato “Asvin”. All’incirca quindicimila anni fa tra Pakistan e India settentrionale si svilupp? la civilt? di Rama, che diede vita a citt? estremamente sofisticate e accanto ad essa, prendevano vita le dinastie di Atlantide eredi della tecnologia dei Phykke'sh Tau. Pure in Italia, in Val di Susa leggende raccontano della "Citt? di Rama" e di quando Fetonte giunse con "il suo disco d'oro". Andremo alla ricerca su quanto ci ? dato sapere sulla possibile realt? di queste misteriose navi spaziali.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,063円

VIMANA 特別編4【電子書籍】[ 海田陽介 ]

<p>こちらは既にkindleから出版されている『VIMANA』シリーズの11巻と12巻を一冊にまとめ、少しお求めやすくしたものになっています。<br /> 辛くも火星教徒の魔の手から逃れることができた小百合たち四人は、地球に存在する科学研究機関において、自分たちがもといた世界への戻り方を調査してもらっていた。やがて、調査の結果、小百合たち四人には無事もとの世界へ戻れるということが判明する。だが、そのためには、ある厳しい条件をクリアしなければならないということも新たに明らかになった。果たして、その厳しい条件とは?<br />  一方、その頃、エシュナは地球への亡命を希望してきた次期エスタリア帝国皇帝リブクートと、その護衛役であるエルリラを伴って、小百合たちから遅れること一週間ほど経ってから、マルダカンタ要塞から地球へと向かって出立していた。そしてあともう少しでエシュナ達の乗る船が地球へと辿り着きかけた、まさにそのとき、今はなきムー帝国の復活を目論む勢力が、エシュナ達の乗る船へと攻撃をしかけてきた。果たしてエシュナの運命は?<br />  また同時期 、エルーナは、皇太子暗殺計画露見を恐れるオプトラス中将の放った刺客たちに追われていた。斃しても、斃しても、次々から次へと新たに現れる追手。そして遂にエルーナは絶体絶命の窮地を向かえてしまうことなるのだったがーーー。<br /> 『VIMANA 特別編』第4弾?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 880円

VIMANA 超古代文明【電子書籍】[ 海田陽介 ]

<p>宮崎県の日南市で、それまで知られていない、超古代のものと思われる文字が発見される。学会では全く相手にされていなかったが、一説によると、それは古代に海に沈んだとされているレムリア文明のものではないかという話だった。大学でオカルト研究会に入っている、小百合と健一とさやかの三人は、その謎の古代文字を実際に見てみるべく、夏休みを利用して、宮崎県の日南市を訪れる。すると、そこで三人は思いがけない事件に巻き込まれていくことになるのだった……。</p> <p>宮崎県日南市で発見される、超古代の宇宙船。五十万年前の世界から訪れたタイムトラベラー。そして、かつて火星に存在していた超文明と、古代地球文明との戦い。</p> <p>こちらはKindleから既に出版している『VIMANA』シリーズの1〜6を一冊にまとめたものになっています。一冊ずつ購入していくよりも、かなりお得になっています。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 660円

VIMANA2【電子書籍】[ 海田陽介 ]

<p>オプトラス中将率いるエスタリア帝国軍艦隊がルグプット要塞へ向かって殺到してくる。これを向かえ撃つべくルグルプット要塞から出陣していった地球連合軍であったが、思わぬ苦戦にあう。緒戦において敗退を余儀なくされた地球連合軍は一時ルグルプット要塞付近の宙域まで後退し、その宙域においてエスタリア帝国軍を迎え撃つ。そうして激戦の末にどうにかエスタリア帝国軍を退かせることに成功した地球連合軍であったが、しかし、それはオプトラス中将が巧妙仕組んだ罠であった。勝利に酔いしれている地球連合軍の隙をついて、一隻のエスタリア強襲揚陸艦がルグルプット要塞内へと忍び込む。そしてその強襲揚陸艦からまさに化け物としか言いようのない強細胞戦士が解き放たれた! その突如として現れた強細胞戦士の前に成す術もなく次々と倒れていくことになる地球連合軍兵士たち。この化け物を駆逐すべく、歴戦の勇者であるエシュナとダートのふたりが応戦に向うが、しかし、そこに強細胞を埋め込まれて復活を果たしたカスターシャが現れる。強細胞戦士を駆逐するはずが、段違いにパワーアップしたカスターシャに追い詰められることになるエシュナとダートのふたり。一方その頃、敵兵侵入によって地獄絵図と化している要塞内を小百合たち4人は必死の思いで逃げ惑っていた。しかし、そこへ強細胞戦士が現れて……。果たして小百合たち4人の運命は!? 更にエシュナとダートの運命は!?『VIMANA』第二弾!! こちにはKindleで既に発売になっている『VIMANA』シリーズの7巻から8巻を一冊にまとめたものとなっています。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 550円

洋書 Paperback, Dhammapala's Paramattha-Dipani, Part 4: Being The Commentary On The Vimana-Vatthu (1901)

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VIMANA 特別編3【電子書籍】[ 海田陽介 ]

<p>ルグルプット要塞からの脱出に辛うじて成功した小百合たち四人は、その後、自分たちがもといた未来の世界へ戻るため、負傷から回復したエシュナたちの提案を受けて、地球を目指すことになる。小百合たち四人は地球へ向かう貨物船に乗り込むと、地球を目指してマルダカンタ要塞から出発していく。しかし、その行く手には、かつて火星人の攻撃を受けて滅亡した帝国、ムー帝国復活を目論む勢力が、火星人を神と崇める宗教組織と結びついて、罠をはって待ち構えていた……。</p> <p>一方、エシュナたちは、エスタリア軍が地球方面へ向かって艦隊を動かしつつあるという報を受け、そのエスタリア軍を迎え撃つべく再び艦隊に乗り込んでルグルプット要塞方面へ向かって出陣していく。</p> <p>その頃、強細胞戦士を駆使して、見事ルグルプット要塞を奪還してみせたエルーナは、オプトラス中将より、新たな任務を与えられていた。それは次期皇帝を暗殺せよというものであったが……。</p> <p>果たして小百合たち四人は無事地球へ辿り着けるのか? <br /> そしてルグルプット方面へ向かったエシュナたちの戦いの行方は? 更に何故オプトラス中将はエルーナに対して皇帝の息子を殺すように命じたのか? </p> <p>こちらは既にKindleで出版されている『VIMANA』の9巻から10巻までを一冊にまとめたものになっており、一冊ずつ購入していくより少しお得になっています。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 880円

I Vimana e il viaggio astrale【電子書籍】[ Berny Tavanti ]

<p>Questo testo ? un esperimento di ricerca preliminare su un soggetto del tutto inedito.<br /> Viene proposto un particolare utilizzo della metafora immaginale dei Vimana, i veicoli volanti degli Dei presenti nella tradizione vedica, ricchi di formalismi e simbolismi di grande ispirazione.<br /> L'idea nasce dall'intuito di un autore che si ? occupato anche dell'immaginario dell'antica India. Ma la proposta iniziale ? stata elaborata ed espansa con l'utilizzo della IA, la quale ha ampliato i confini della ricerca e ha permesso d'individuare soluzioni inizialmente impensate. Questa amplificazione rappresenta il grosso del libro, dalla corposa introduzione sulla storia della meditazione, alle ricerche sulle analogie tra oriente e occidente.<br /> Nella seconda parte del libro vengono proposte idee per un utilizzo pratico della metafora immaginale del Vimana durante la meditazione trascendentale, sempre attenti ai vantaggi e alle delicatezze di questa pratica spirituale.<br /> Questo percorso di ricerca ? qui solo abbozzato, nel tentativo di creare una consapevolezza utile a procedere. Solo gli esperti di meditazione e di conoscenza delle pratiche di trascendenza potranno convalidare una prospettiva di ricerca del tutto inedita.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 484円

I Vimana e le Guerre degli Dei La riscoperta di una civilt? perduta, di una scienza dimenticata, di un antico sapere custodito tra India e Pakistan【電子書籍】[ Enrico Baccarini ]

<p>Un mondo inesplorato, una viaggio oltre i confini della storia umana. Da oltre cinquemila anni India e Pakistan sembrano gelosamente custodire un passato dimenticato, un segreto racchiuso all'interno delle pi? antiche tradizioni che la storia umana conosca.</p> <p>Il viaggio ha inizio da una civilt? estremamente evoluta ma caduta nell’oblio, una cultura che lasci? ai posteri una imponente quantit? di testi trasmessi in forma orale e confluiti successivamente nell’induismo. Tradizioni in cui si parla di civilt? perdute, guerre combattute tra uomini e dei con tecnologie estremamente avanzate e macchine in grado di volare nell'aria e nello spazio denominate Vimana.</p> <p>All'alba dei tempi, secondo gli antichi testi indiani, gli dei combatterono sulla Terra sanguinose guerre attraverso l'utilizzo di questi velivoli ed impiegando 'armi divine' capaci di distruggere interi popoli. Dietro i miti esiste sempre una realt? storica, questo libro penetra nella loro complessit? per recuperarne elementi tangibili e concreti.</p> <p>Dopo anni di studi ed indagini compiuti in diversi paesi, l'autore presenta la pi? accurata analisi mai effettuata su questi enigmi storici, scoprendo e recuperando antichissime tradizioni e svelando incredibili parallelismi con le pi? moderne scoperte scientifiche.</p> <p>Ripercorrendo le tracce e gli studi condotti negli anni '70 da David William Davenport, viene posta nuova luce sulle vicende che portarono alla distruzione della citt? di Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan) e alla scomparsa della civilt? Harappa legando la loro storia a rovine sommerse scoperte nell'Oceano Indiano e datate ad oltre 10.000 anni fa.</p> <p>Affrontare questa ricerca ha condotto ad un lungo viaggio alle radici della storia umana, della sua essenza, a ricercare il luogo dove ebbe origine e dove la sua grandezza vide la pi? eccelsa fioritura.</p> <p>Il volume ripercorre con taglio analitico e scientifico la riscoperta di remote tradizioni e dei loro contenuti estremamente avanzati presentando al lettore nuove evidenze che potrebbero condurre a riscrivere la storia stessa della nostra civilt? e a vedere con occhi diversi le origini della nostra specie.</p> <p>Gli elementi necessari per comprendere questo enigma storico sono gi? a nostra disposizione, seguendo le parole di Marcel Proust forse “il vero viaggio di scoperta non consiste nel cercare nuove terre ma nell'avere nuovi occhi” per riscoprirle e comprenderle.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 970円

Faro Amico e altre poesie【電子書籍】[ Carla Savi Manarini ]

<p>Raccolta integrale di tutte le poesie pubblicate da Carla Savi Manarini (1933 - 2007)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 363円

Vimanas and the wars of the gods The Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization, of a Forgotten Science and of an Ancient Lore of India and Pakistan【電子書籍】[ Enrico Baccarini ]

<p>An astonishing book that will lead to rewrite the history of mankind. An unexplored world, a journey beyond the boundaries of human history. From over five thousand years India and Pakistan seem to guard jealously a forgotten past, a secret locked inside of the oldest traditions that human history knows. The journey starts from an highly evolved civilization but fall into oblivion, a culture that left to posterity a huge amount of texts transmitted orally and later merged into Hinduism. Traditions that speak of lost civilizations, wars fought between men and gods with highly advanced technologies and machines capable of flying in the air and in space called Vimana. Following the tracks and studies conducted in the ’70s by David William Davenport, has set new light on the events that led to the destruction of the city of Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan) and the disappearance of the Harappan civilization tying their story to submerged ruins discovered in the Indian Ocean and dated back to 10,000 years ago.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 848円

Managing Pediatric Obesity Using Advanced Therapies: Practical Guide for Pediatric Health Care Provi MANAGING PEDIATRIC OBESITY USI [ Claudia K. Fox ]

MANAGING PEDIATRIC OBESITY USI Claudia K. Fox SPRINGER NATURE2023 Paperback 2023 English ISBN:9783031373794 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Medical 23,179円

Reverse Engineering Vedic Vimanas New light on ancient indian heritage【電子書籍】[ Enrico Baccarini and Kavya Vaddadi ]

<p>The book reveals unearthed discoveries explaining scientific and technical details of vimana shasthra. For the first time in history 3D modelling of Vedic Vimanas are done and their CFD analysis revealing the flying abilities of the Vedic space crafts. Greatest thing is that Famous former DRDO, ISRO Indian Scientists encouragement for the works in the book, also a foreign former NASA scientist special chapter on antigravity is in the book. The re- translations of the vimana shasthra shlokas revealing advanced aerial wars, defence systems, along with eco-friendly manufacturing, propulsion, space travel. A fantastic rendition of modern technology, uncover the 3D printing, and 4D printing possibilities of Vimana 3D models.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 727円

UFOs, Antigravity, Vimanas and Mystics【電子書籍】[ John Kettler ]

<p>What do ancient Indian sacred texts and terrified Tibetan mystics have to do with Stealth technology, antigravity projects and a new Indian warfighting strategyーlet alone the ongoing clashes between India and Pakistan in long-disputed Kashmir?</p> <p>What will happen when India’s strategic bluff is revealed to the surprised world, an outraged Indian public and a delighted Pakistan?</p> <p>What 2010 Afghanistan discovery has confirmed that the “mythical” Vedic accounts of aerial battles by the “gods” are realーand that the weaponry involved laid waste to ancient cities and consumed entire armies?</p> <p>Through extensive research and “Deep Throat” insiders’ perspectives, renowned investigative reporter John Kettlerーperhaps the most published author found in the pages of ATLANTIS RISING, with over 50 articles to his creditーuncovers the answers to these compelling mysteries in an easy-to-read, fast-paced, engrossing story.</p> <p>Join himーin a series of worldwide exclusivesーas his investigation leads to one inescapable conclusion after another, and discover hidden truths that are every bit as astounding as they are terrifying. Comprehend matters of "deep politics" so controversial and delicate that complex international relationships could be shatteredーand major governments fallーas a consequence of their exposure!</p> <p>Containing staggering new information available nowhere else, UFOs, ANTIGRAVITY, VIMANAS AND MYSTICS coversーamong other thingsーthe mysterious trek to the hinterlands of Afghanistan taken by world leaders during one strange week in 2010.</p> <p>Did this pilgrimage have anything to do with suppressed news that a recently-unearthed war machineーperfectly preserved, armed to the teeth and still operational after thousands of yearsーis resisting (at great human cost) every effort to seize it?</p> <p>Will you be left to wonder whether humanity’s pride in its modern-day achievements is about to be undone by stunning revelations of what our “backward” ancestors accomplished thousands of years in the distant past? Feats that in many ways rival and even exceed our own?</p> <p>Dare you see for yourself what's not being reported in the evening newsーor anywhere else for that matter? Will you open your eyes and mind to the searing facts carefully concealed by a bodyguard of lies, deceit and propaganda? Can you handle truths the public was never meant to know?</p> <p>If you think you can, don't wait and don't hesitate to read John Kettler's revelatory new E-book, UFOs, ANTIGRAVITY, VIMANAS AND MYSTICS. It may well redefine the way you look at reality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 819円

Etched in Stone: Vimanas II【電子書籍】[ R. Russell Brown ]

<p>An indentured Celt in ancient times steals his master’s boat to sail to the new world in search of trade with rumored Norse colonies on the east coast of the North American continent. Blown off course by a hurricane, the adventurer and his men discover the mouth of the Mississippi River and follow it north. One of its many tributaries leads the Celt and his crew to a cave in western Oklahoma. Juil’s master, Laeg sails after Juil, and after a lengthy search returns him, along with a vast treasure in artifacts, back to Ireland.<br /> In present time, Dan Crandell’s friend Zane, in an attempt to get Dan’s mind off a pressing personal problem, suggests they go inspect the mysterious writings in the rumored cave in Oklahoma. When Dan translates Juil’s stone carvings at the cave site, the two men embark on a mission to follow Juil’s ancient trail, marked in stone. The trail leads them west to areas of the Grand Canyon, which are strangely forbidden to public access. There, they find an old acquaintance, Dr. Julius Deaver, from a national museum in Washington involved in artifact theft and a governmental cover-up of ancient technology found hidden in deep underground caves far beneath the Canyon floor. Deaver and his cohorts capture the pair, and after a desperate escape through a maze of underground tunnels, they end up in an all out battle with Deaver, and elements of several government agencies to expose the dirty dealings of the national museum, and the thieves of a world changing new technology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 598円

Vimanas【電子書籍】[ R. Russell Brown ]

<p>After putting in his minimum twenty years for retirement from the military, Dan Crandell returns to his childhood home located in the Texas panhandle. Dan shares his life with his handy man, Cisco and his golden retriever, Nero. He plans to resume the pursuit of his first love, archaeology. As he embarks on his explorations, he uncovers what he believes to be a run-of-the-mill Native American burial site in Palo Duro Canyon. In the middle of his dig, an attractive woman, Beth Hornsby, literally stumbles into his site. She has been told of Dan's experience in locating lost artifacts and his extensive knowledge of the area and especially the canyons. She begs him for help in finding out what has happened to her lost father, so she and her family can gain closure. Whether gut instinct or the love and bond of a daughter and father, she refuses to give up hope of finding her father alive, even though he has been missing for ten years. Her only clue lies in his last known destination; Palo Duro Canyon. Crandell agrees to help her and gets caught up in the mysterious disappearance of her scholarly father. The strangely hand-marked maps he locates in her father's study her mother refused to pack away, leads them to a hidden cave in the depths of the canyon that holds secrets, not only of her father's disappearance, but of cultures more than twenty-five thousand years old, and half-way across the world. This discovery surrounds them with murder, artifact theft, and ancient flying machines. The Vimanas have been hidden away at remote sites around the world to be carefully used secretly for the progress of man by members of a group called the Protectorate. A friend turns out to be an unlikely villain, and he leads them on a wild, reckless manhunt to the Mexican border, where Crandell locates what he has been searching for.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 421円