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4035件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

【POD】The Quiet Comeback 20 Startup Founders Leading Japan’s Next Tech Boom (NextPublishing) [ CaseyWahl ]

20 Startup Founders Leading Japan’s Next Tech Boom NextPublishing CaseyWahl クロスメディア・パブリッシングEntrepreneur Startup Success IT founder angel investment CEO Joi Ito MediaLab ザクワイエットカムバック ケイシー ウォール 発行年月:2015年10月 サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784802027267 本 ビジネス・経済・就職 経営 起業・開業 3,058円

Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery CONTAGIOUS DISCIPLE MAKING [ David Watson ]

CONTAGIOUS DISCIPLE MAKING David Watson Paul Watson THOMAS NELSON PUB2014 Paperback English ISBN:9780529112200 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 2,059円

How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor: One of America's Leading Pediatricians Puts Pa HT RAISE A HEALTHY CHILD IN SP [ Robert S. Mendelsohn ]

HT RAISE A HEALTHY CHILD IN SP Robert S. Mendelsohn BALLANTINE BOOKS1987 Mass Market Paperbound English ISBN:9780345342768 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Family & Relationships 1,485円

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? Leading a Great Enterprise Through Dramatic Change【電子書籍】[ Louis V. Gerstner Jr. ]

<p>In 1990, IBM had its most profitable year ever. By 1993, the computer industry had changed so rapidly the company was on its way to losing $16 billion and IBM was on a watch list for extinction -- victimized by its own lumbering size, an insular corporate culture, and the PC era IBM had itself helped invent.</p> <p>Then Lou Gerstner was brought in to run IBM. Almost everyone watching the rapid demise of this American icon presumed Gerstner had joined IBM to preside over its continued dissolution into a confederation of autonomous business units. This strategy, well underway when he arrived, would have effectively eliminated the corporation that had invented many of the industry's most important technologies.</p> <p>Instead, Gerstner took hold of the company and demanded the managers work together to re-establish IBM's mission as a customer-focused provider of computing solutions. Moving ahead of his critics, Gerstner made the hold decision to keep the company together, slash prices on his core product to keep the company competitive, and almost defiantly announced, "The last thing IBM needs right now is a vision."</p> <p><em>Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?</em> tells the story of IBM's competitive and cultural transformation. In his own words, Gerstner offers a blow-by-blow account of his arrival at the company and his campaign to rebuild the leadership team and give the workforce a renewed sense of purpose. In the process, Gerstner defined a strategy for the computing giant and remade the ossified culture bred by the company's own success.</p> <p>The first-hand story of an extraordinary turnaround, a unique case study in managing a crisis, and a thoughtful reflection on the computer industry and the principles of leadership, <em>Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?</em> sums up Lou Gerstner's historic business achievement. Taking readers deep into the world of IBM's CEO, Gerstner recounts the high-level meetings and explains the pressure-filled, no-turning-back decisions that had to be made. He also offers his hard-won conclusions about the essence of what makes a great company run.</p> <p>In the history of modern business, many companies have gone from being industry leaders to the verge of extinction. Through the heroic efforts of a new management team, some of those companies have even succeeded in resuscitating themselves and living on in the shadow of their former stature. But only one company has been at the pinnacle of an industry, fallen to near collapse, and then, beyond anyone's expectations, returned to set the agenda. That company is IBM.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,524円

Beyond Performance 2.0 A Proven Approach to Leading Large-Scale Change【電子書籍】[ Scott Keller ]

<p><strong>Double your odds of leading successful, sustainable change</strong></p> <p>Leaders aren’t short on access to change management advice, but the jury has long been out as to which approach is the best one to follow. With the publication of <em>Beyond Performance 2.0</em>, the verdict is well and truly in. By applying the approach detailed by authors, Scott Keller and Bill Schaninger, the evidence shows that leaders can more than double their odds of successーfrom thirty percent to almost eighty.</p> <p>Whereas the first edition of <em>Beyond Performance</em> introduced the authors’ “Five Frames of Performance and Health” approach to change management, the fully revised and updated <em>Beyond Performance 2.0</em> has been transformed into a truly practical “how to” guide for leaders. Every aspect of how to lead change at scale is covered in a step-by-step manner, always accompanied by practical tools and real-life examples.</p> <p>Keller and Schaninger’s work is distinguished in many ways, one of which is the rigor behind the recommendations. The underpinning research is the most comprehensive of its kindーbased on over 5 million data points drawn from 2,000 companies globally over a 15-year period. This data is overlaid with the authors’ combined more than 40 years of experience in helping companies successfully achieve large-scale change. As senior partners in McKinsey & Company, consistently named the world’s most prestigious management consulting firm, Keller and Schaninger also draw on the shared experience of their colleagues from offices in over 60 countries with unrivaled access to CEOs and senior teams.</p> <p><em>Beyond Performance 2.0</em> also dares to go against the grainーeschewing the notion of copying best practices and instead guiding leaders to make choices specific to their unique context and organization. It does this with meticulously balance of focus on short- and long-term considerations, and on fully addressing the hard technical and oft cultural elements of making change happen. Further, the approach doesn’t just focus on delivering change; it builds an organization’s muscle to continuously change, making it healthier so that it can act with increased speed and agility to stay perpetually ahead of its competition.</p> <p>Leaders looking for a proven approach to leading large-scale change from a trusted source have found what they are looking for in <em>Beyond Performance 2.0</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,180円

我在CIA學到的MBA實戰:12堂中情局思考法與特務工作術 From CIA to CEO: Unconventional Life Lessons for Thinking Bigger, Leading Better and Being Bolder【電子書籍】[ 露波兒.?特爾 Rupal Patel ]

<p><strong>商戰詭譎多變,既有商業知識?不上、不?用!<br /> 戰場建功的中央情報局分析師兼探員,<br /> 轉戰商場兩次成功創業,獲得「超級策略家」之譽。</strong></p> <p><strong>?淬煉出的CIA心態技巧&訓練密招,<br /> 已被倫敦商學院等學校列入MBA課程!<br /> 本書獲《Harper's Bazaar》評為「最好的商業書籍之一!」</strong></p> <p>擁有哥倫比亞大學、芝加哥大學?金名校學?的露波兒??特爾在畢業後,毅然決然加入美國中央情報局擔任情報分析師兼探員,接受持槍、射?等戰鬥訓練、以及心理戰訓練。?曾造訪雨林、沙漠,為反恐任務走遍天涯海角、收集祕密情報,也為四星將軍撰寫軍情報告,在指揮?上為美國總統分析戰況。</p> <p>?退役後轉戰商場,將中情局思維、邏輯模式、實務技巧、危機管理等訓練方法融入商業管理之道,兩次成功創業,獲得「超級策略家」之譽,?次受邀至財星五百強大企業演講及擔任顧問,以幽默風趣的口吻傳遞極有價?的實務經驗。反應熱烈之下,?將CIA所淬煉的思考法與工作術整理成十二堂課,廣受業界好評,更獲倫敦商學院等多所學校列入MBA 課程,進而集結為本書。</p> <p>本書將教?在創業、管理經營、個人職場中,在混亂局勢中,快速掌握重點,在人生所有情境裡,計算風險、從大處著眼、提升領導力、更膽大無畏!</p> <p><strong>ー本書重點ー</strong></p> <p><strong>★中情局教我的表達力──對權力?真話</strong>(見第7章)<br /> 情報員才不管對方是將軍還是總統,永遠只?對事實有?助的真話,3個?話的藝術教?如何在深思熟慮之後,一針見血地指出問題所在。幕僚等顧問者必看!</p> <p><strong>★中情局教我突破自我──沒前例可循時,?就做給人看</strong>(見第10章)<br /> 臥底的情勢千變萬化,特務若被動等待指示,就準備完蛋。探員不會自我設限,永遠在尋找完成任務的可能,無論如何,就是放手去做。</p> <p><strong>★中情局教我的領導力:?柔地提出明確要求</strong>(見第5章)<br /> 如果?希望部屬如何完成工作,就明確地提出要求;這樣一來他們再也不必猜來猜去、小心翼翼,不斷猜想自己有沒有?到地雷。工作上沒有地雷區,是因為?提供了地圖。</p> <p><strong>★中情局教我在雜訊中專注──有計畫的無知</strong>(見第11章)<br /> 面對海嘯襲來的?大資訊量,?可以有計畫的無知;如果知道對方的答案是「不行」,?可以選擇「不問」,讓自己決定結果,把權力拿回來。因為一旦發問,決定權就是交給對方。</p> <p><strong>★中情局教我串連資源──打造個人兵工廠</strong>(見第10章)<br /> 有時候,?不是沒有資源,?只是還沒有發現它。本書教?盤點個人武器配備,善用自己擁有的工具來獲得應得的成績,巧妙結合現有兵力、交換、甚至打造出全新武器。</p> <p><strong>★中情局教我的風險課──永遠要預演災難</strong>(見第5章)<br /> 如果發現自己陷入焦慮或擔憂,可以事先演練所有?能想像得到的災難,把精力集中在研究如何減輕或處理特定問題。</p> <p><strong>ー本書名言佳句ー</strong></p> <p><strong>「我沒有選擇聰明,而是選擇了冒險。」</strong><br /> →?次面對人生重大選擇,都優先選擇最令人想像不到的那條路走,與其選擇最沒有風險、最睿智的選擇,我反而選擇了一?精彩的冒險旅程,再運用在中情局學到的思維與方法,完成它!</p> <p><strong>「人生是一場數字遊戲。」</strong><br /> →得不到想要的成果、達不到想要的成就???只是還不?努力</p> <p><strong>「我們無法擁有成功與發揮潛能,只能暫時租用,而且租金?天都要?。」</strong><br /> →請保持努力跟?命,?天都要持續。做到這點並不容易,不過真正?得擁有的事物從來就不容易。</p> <p><strong>「一切皆有可能」</strong><br /> 如果?必須籌到一千五百萬元才能支付拯救家人性命的手術,?會開始問自己「我該如何做到?」;停止為自己找失敗的藉口,把「這是不可能的」轉變為「我如何把它變成可能?」</p> <p><strong>ー本書特色ー</strong></p> <p>**1.未曾公開的CIA特務思維:**本書以諸多CIA情報員訓練方法為綱要,並提供應用在實際生活、職場、創業的具體做法,例如:如何建立個人操作手冊:個人能量地圖、危機管理、建立情報循環、籌組自己的行動團隊等等,為讀者提供從所未見的嶄新做法。</p> <p>**2.最新、最靈活應變的MBA實戰課程:**作者將稱霸戰場的訓練方式與思維帶到商場,以新穎靈活的角度看待職場種種困境並提出解方,已列入多所MBA課程。</p> <p>**3.逆境下、危機中也能致勝:**?特爾是第二代印度移民,又在中央情報局男性主導的職場環境站穩??,並在之後轉職倫敦商場創業成功。在?一個不看好?的環境中,運用CIA訓練?的獨到做法,為自己拿下一席之地,也贏得他人尊敬。</p> <p><strong>ー激賞推薦ー</strong></p> <p><strong>依姓名筆劃排序</strong></p> <p>NeKo嗚?(?書YouTuber)<br /> ?谷阿雅 (?谷創業家)<br /> 周品均 (唯品風尚集團執行長)</p> <p><strong>ー作者簡介ー</strong></p> <p><strong>露波兒.?特爾(Rupal Patel)</strong></p> <p><strong>前CIA探員.執行長.企業顧問.倫敦商學院創業導師</strong></p> <p>?特爾擁有哥倫比亞大學政治系、芝加哥大學國際關係碩士、倫敦商學院行銷與創業碩士等常春藤名校學?。?同時也是印度移民第二代,從小在紐約長大,是標準的紐約客。曾在中央情報局擔任情報分析師,為了反恐走遍世界各國,執行祕密任務,並獲功勳獎章。後來轉戰倫敦攻讀MBA。</p> <p>?已創立兩間公司,在白人男性的倫敦商業世界裡成功立足,僅花一年半時間即開始獲利。現與英國丈夫長居倫敦,育有2名可愛女兒。?亦是印度移民/紐約客/特務情報員/創業家/職業婦女/領導者……,身上帶有多種標籤,?特爾非常習慣身處混亂之中,擅長從周遭環境分析數據、歸納情報,找出施力重點,成功達成任務。</p> <p>?在CIA的非凡職涯經驗,將?從叢林和戰區的軍事簡報室帶到董事會和國際舞台。現在的?,身兼總裁、領導力企管顧問、教練和創業家導師等多種身?,樂於向大?分享?在中情局學到的獨特思考模式及解決問題方法。?特爾也被雜誌《Harper’s Bazaar》評為「女力代表」。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,129円

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life ONLY CONSTANT [ Najwa Zebian ]

ONLY CONSTANT Najwa Zebian HARMONY BOOK2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9780593580561 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp 3,960円

Leading with Cultural Intelligence 3rd Edition The Real Secret to Success【電子書籍】[ David Livermore ]

<p><strong>Succeeding in today’s global market requires a new set of skills than it did when the pioneers of the twentieth century were making their mark but don’t let that intimidate you from expanding your business beyond our borders.</strong></p> <p>In order to negotiate with vendors from other countries, it is not necessary to immerse yourself in the culture for an extended period of time, or take a month-long trip to learn what people are like. As cross-cultural interactions become increasingly virtual, cultural intelligenceーor CQーbecomes the key to taking your business global, and doing so effectively.</p> <p>Having done training and consulting for leaders in more than 100 countries, David Livermore, president and partner at the Cultural Intelligence Center, has detailed a four-step model for improving your CQ and maximizing your impact in managing across cultures.</p> <p>In <em>Leading with Cultural Intelligence</em>, Livermore will help you learn about:</p> <ul> <li>Drive--boost your motivation for and confidence in interacting with other cultures</li> <li>Knowledge--understand the relevance of differences in religion, values, norms, and languages</li> <li>Strategy--plan ahead for unfamiliar cultural settings, but remain flexible if actual experience differs from expectations</li> <li>Action--successfully adapt your behavior to each situation</li> </ul> <p>Featuring fresh research, case studies, and statistics on the ROI of improving your CQ, this new edition of <em>Leading with Cultural Intelligence</em> with help you thrive in any business environment--whether it’s across the world or in your own backyard.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,763円

The Gift of Struggle Life-Changing Lessons About Leading【電子書籍】[ Bobby Herrera ]

<p>Every leader has stories about the challenges they have faced and struggles they have overcome. In the moment, those situations require strength, patience, perseverance and courage. With time, those struggles provide us lessons for how to be better leaders. Bobby Herrera learned to see those struggles as gifts.</p> <p>As the co-founder and CEO of Populus Group, Bobby never imagined the challenges of building a $500 million organization that serves tens of thousands of people. Throughout his life, he experienced the divergence between the intentional leader he wanted to be, and the less engaged version of him that showed up at the office every day. One day at a company meeting, he decided to share a story about one of his first struggles as a young adult. That story, a pivotal experience that had transformed Bobby's life, inspired his employees with its radical transparency, humility and the idealism of Bobby's dreams for the company.</p> <p>In <em>The Gift of Struggle</em>, Bobby shares twelve of those stories from his leadership journey. Each chapter shares the details of the story, the broader lesson any leader can apply, a set of questions to reflect on, and an afterword for how the story later unfolded in Bobby's life. Building on Bobby's efforts, this book inspires readers to find their own stories, share their gifts of struggle with others, and become the leader they imagine they can be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

The Art of Worship A Musician's Guide to Leading Modern Worship【電子書籍】[ Greg Scheer ]

<p>Contemporary worship continues to gain strength as the form of worship of choice for many churches across the country. <em>The Art of Worship</em> is a complete resource to which a musician or pastor can turn when asked to lead contemporary music. It provides in-depth instruction to every aspect of contemporary worship leadership--from assembling the team to choosing the music to conducting rehearsals. Author Greg Scheer takes a balanced, holistic approach, embracing the contemporary style without denying older traditions and encouraging excellence without ignoring the realities of the local church context. Worship team leaders, musicians, and pastors looking for a quality, comprehensive resource need look no further.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,549円

Leading Public Sector Innovation (Second Edition) Co-creating for a Better Society【電子書籍】[ Bason, Christian ]

<p>The second edition of this significant text has been thoroughly revised to take account of the latest literature, case studies and international developments in the field. Drawing on global research and practical examples, Bason illustrates the key triggers and practices of public sector innovation. Each chapter includes a refined ‘how to do it’ toolkit, and two new chapters have been added, one which discusses the rise of innovation labs in the public sector, and a practical chapter focused on change leadership, to complement the existing chapter on leadership roles. The book will be a valuable resource for researchers and students in public administration, management and policy, as well as managers, project managers and staff in public sector organisations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,720円

這一生,?想留下什麼?:史丹佛的10堂領導課 Leading Matters:Lessons from My Journey【電子書籍】[ 約翰.漢尼斯John L. Hennessy ]

<p><strong>史丹佛校長漢尼斯寫給數位世界下的?,未來的處世指引<br /> 先?得管理自己的人生,才能領導別人;<br /> 面對21世紀的挑戰,只要秉持10項原則,勇氣就會油然而生</strong></p> <p>漢尼斯擔任校長長達16年,是美國大學校長平均任期的兩倍。帶領史丹佛名列大學排名Top 10,並被《富比士》評為「全美頂尖大學第一名」。他三度進出?谷,對學術與?業的貢獻甚巨,不只是圖靈獎得主,更有「?谷教父」的讚譽。</p> <p>曾受美國前總統歐巴馬邀請,參與科技領袖?宴,與賈伯斯、祖克柏、施密特同為座上嘉賓。本書分享的10項原則,是他職涯40多年的精髓,旨在建議現在與未來的領導人,發揮影響力,留下長遠的貢獻,造福世界。</p> <p><strong>真正的自信來自謙卑</strong></p> <p>有自信才會為人所信,但不是放大自己,而是放低身段。遭逢挫折時要謙卑,姿態?低、?心接受,才有機會從錯誤中學習,洗心革面。成功時更要謙卑,因為成功大抵來自運氣,?生在這個家庭、這個地方、這個時代,純粹是運氣,不是?努力?來的。</p> <p><strong>勇敢做對的事</strong></p> <p>除了具備謙卑、真誠、同理心以及服務的心,好的領導人更需要培養勇氣。採取正確的行動時,必須與恐懼共處,以中心思想支?勇氣:牢記核心使命、挺身而出、堅定立場,以及不要害怕冒險。</p> <p><strong>領導人的敏?學習力</strong></p> <p>除了増強技能,也該追求新知,與時?進。一方面學習足?的知識,一方面向專家提出精巧的問題,重新塑造世界觀與視野。學習不只是學知識,還要從別人的經驗汲取知識,看他們如何因應危機、面對成功,還有更重要的是,學會處理失敗。</p> <p><strong>做比生命更長久的志業</strong></p> <p>職涯早期,應該努力培養技能、累積經驗、學習獨立作業與團隊合作。太在意最後的成就,就可能不願冒險。?真正該做的,是思考如何善用有限的時間、精力、資源以及地位,聚焦在最重要的事情上。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,432円

The Visions of England Lyrics on leading men and events in English History【電子書籍】[ Francis Turner Palgrave ]

<p>In his book 'The Visions of England,' Francis Turner Palgrave delves into English poetry, offering a comprehensive exploration of the diverse range of literary voices that have captured the essence of England. The book provides in-depth analysis of various poetic works, highlighting the themes of nostalgia, nature, and national identity that are prevalent throughout English literature. Palgrave's scholarly approach and keen insights provide readers with a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of these poems, making this book a valuable resource for students and enthusiasts of English literature. Written in a clear and accessible style, 'The Visions of England' offers a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of English poetic tradition. Francis Turner Palgrave, a renowned poet and literary critic, brings his expertise to bear in 'The Visions of England.' His passion for English literature is evident in the meticulous research and thoughtful analysis that permeate the book. As a highly respected authority in the field, Palgrave's perspective sheds new light on the enduring impact of English poetry on the national psyche. I highly recommend 'The Visions of England' to anyone interested in delving into the essence of English poetry and gaining a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage of England. Palgrave's insightful commentary and scholarly approach make this book a must-read for those seeking to unravel the complexities of English literature.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Men of Our Times; Or, Leading Patriots of the Day【電子書籍】[ Harriet Beecher Stowe ]

<p>This is a biographical collection of prominent statesmen, generals, and orators, written by renowned American author and abolitionist, Harriet Beecher Stowe. In this book, Stowe provides insight into the lives and deeds of influential figures such as Lincoln, Grant, Garrison, Sumner, and many others, highlighting their impact on American history and society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Winning from Within A Breakthrough Method for Leading, Living, and Lasting Change【電子書籍】[ Erica Ariel Fox ]

<p><em>Winning from Within</em> by leadership and negotiation expert Erica Ariel Fox presents a contemporary approach for getting more of what you want, improving relationships, and enjoying life’s deeper rewards.</p> <p>With principles developed while teaching negotiation at Harvard Law School and coaching executives around the world, Fox provides a map for understanding your inner world and a method for sorting yourself out.</p> <p>Fox uses insights from Western psychology and Eastern philosophy to resolve the gap between what people know they should say and what they actually do. She explains how to master your “inner negotiators,” whether working with a difficult client, struggling with a stubborn spouse, or developing your highest leadership potential.</p> <p>With a Foreword by William Ury, coauthor of the classic bestseller <em>Getting to Yes</em>, <em>Winning from Within: A Breakthrough Method for Leading, Living, and Lasting Change</em> is your guide to greatness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,607円

Amp It Up Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity【電子書籍】[ Frank Slootman ]

<p>**<em>Wall Street Journal</em>, <em>USA Today</em>, and <em>Publishers Weekly</em> Bestseller</p> <p>The secret to leading growth is your mindset**</p> <p>Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman is one of the tech world's most accomplished executives in enterprise growth, having led Snowflake to the largest software IPO ever after leading ServiceNow and Data Domain to exponential growth and the public market before that. In <em>Amp It Up</em>: <em>Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity</em>, he shares his leadership approach for the first time.</p> <p><em>Amp It Up</em> delivers an authoritative look at what it takes to transform an organization for maximum growth and scale. Slootman shows that most leaders have significant room to improve their organization's performance without making expensive changes to their talent, structure, or fundamental business modelーand they don’t need to bring in an army of consultants to do it. What they do need is to align people around what matters and execute with urgency and intensity every day.</p> <p>Leading for unprecedented growth means declaring war on mediocrity, breaking the status quo, and making conflicted choices daily, all with a relentless focus on the mission. <em>Amp It Up</em> provides the first principles to guide that change, and the tactical advice for organizing a company around them.</p> <p>Perfect for executives, entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and leaders of all kinds, <em>Amp It Up</em> is a must-read resource for anyone who seeks to unleash the growth potential of a company and scale it to heights they never thought possible.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,691円

Startup Boards: A Field Guide to Building and Leading an Effective Board of Directors STARTUP BOARDS 2/E [ Brad Feld ]

STARTUP BOARDS 2/E Brad Feld Matt Blumberg Mahendra Ramsinghani WILEY2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781119859284 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 4,752円

100 Great Cost-Cutting Ideas From leading companies around the world【電子書籍】[ Anne Hawkins ]

<p>Every company is now in the business of reducing costs wherever and whenever they can. No business owner or manager can avoid cost-cutting if they are to succeed, or indeed survive. This book contains 100 great ideas to reduce and save costs in business organisations. Researched from leading companies around the world, each idea is described in a succinct way. You are then shown how to apply that idea to your own business situation. A simple formula which has the potential to reap great rewards.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,708円

True North, Emerging Leader Edition: Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace TRUE NORTH EMERGING LEADER /E [ Bill George ]

TRUE NORTH EMERGING LEADER /E Bill George Zach Clayton David Gergen JOSSEY BASS2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781119886105 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 5,068円

True North Fieldbook, Emerging Leader Edition: The Emerging Leader's Guide to Leading Authentically TRUE NORTH FIELDBOOK EMERGING (J-B Warren Bennis) [ Bill George ]

TRUE NORTH FIELDBOOK EMERGING JーB Warren Bennis Bill George Lauren Schwenk Josh Hall JOSSEY BASS2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781119886266 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 4,276円

The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control CULT OF TRUMP [ Steven Hassan ]

CULT OF TRUMP Steven Hassan FREE PR2019 Hardcover English ISBN:9781982127336 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Political Science 4,593円

The Emotional Lives of Animals (revised) A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy ー and Why They Matter【電子書籍】[ Marc Bekoff ]

<p>The original (2007) edition of this book presaged the dramatic growth in research on animal minds, going on to sell more than 55,000 copies</p> <p>This revised edition packs in more than 15 years of new science that bolsters Bekoff’s original claims about animal emotions</p> <p>Bekoff is recognized as a preeminent voice in the media for animal sentience and dog behavior, with high-profile appearances in <em>Time</em>, <em>Life</em>, the <em>New York Times</em>, <em>New Scientist</em>, and <em>BBC Wildlife</em> and on <em>Good Morning America</em>, <em>60 Minutes</em>, and <em>20/20</em>, among others</p> <p>Includes an updated foreword by renowned primatologist Jane Goodall</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,602円

True North, Emerging Leader Edition Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace【電子書籍】[ Zach Clayton ]

<p><strong>A Clarion Call to Emerging Leaders: Step Up and Lead Now!</strong></p> <p>In <strong>True North: Emerging Leaders Edition</strong>, renowned leadership expert Bill George and Millennial tech entrepreneur Zach Clayton issue the challenge to emerging leadersーfrom Gen X to Millennials and Gen Zーto lead their organizations authentically through never-ending crises to make this world a better place for everyone.</p> <p>Emerging leaders do so by discovering their “True North”ーwho they areーand then finding their “North Star”ーtheir leadership purpose. To navigate today’s complexities, George and Clayton show emerging leaders how to lead with their hearts, not just their heads, with passion, compassion, and moral courage by being true to their values to reach their full potential as they take on great challenges and navigate complex issues.</p> <p>Harvard professor Bill George, with four best-selling books to his credit including the timeless classic <strong>True North</strong>, is the former CEO of Medtronic who established authentic leadership in 2003. He teams up with Zach Clayton, an emerging leader still amid his own leadership development journey, to give emerging leaders the definitive guide for leading in today’s complex world.</p> <p>The <strong>Emerging Leader Edition</strong> is filled with dramatic stories from successful leaders such as Microsoft’s Satya Nadella and Merck’s Ken Frazier to PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi and General Motors’ Mary Barra, and emerging leaders like OneTrust’s Kabir Barday and Kanbrick’s Tracy Britt Cool of how they overcame great challenges to build highly successful organizations.</p> <p>The book offers concrete suggestions for:</p> <ul> <li>Becoming an authentic leader, equipped to lead inclusively with moral clarity through challenges and crises</li> <li>Cultivating regular introspection to ground yourself with self-awareness, live your values, and use your unique strengths</li> <li>Integrating all aspects of your lifeーincluding who you are at home, at work, and in the community</li> <li>Understanding how Millennials are leading more effectively in today’s world</li> <li>Being an inclusive leader prepared to take on fraught issues like stakeholder challenges, racial and sexual equality, and sexual misconduct</li> <li>Knowing whenーand howーleaders should speak out on today’s complex public issues</li> </ul> <p>The <strong>Emerging Leader Edition of True North</strong> is the classic guide for every current and aspiring leader to reach their full, authentic potential.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,841円

Leading Intelligence Analysis Lessons from the CIA’s Analytic Front Lines【電子書籍】[ Bruce E. Pease ]

<p>"Bruce Pease has written a much needed book on a long ignored topic: how does one lead analysts? Most analysis is at some level a group activity, whether in government or the private sector. Much has been written about good versus bad analysis and how to train analysts, but Pease, himself a veteran senior CIA analyst and manager, focuses on what the leaders of these analysts need to know and should be thinking about. Leadership matters in analysis as in all other endeavors, and Pease offers invaluable guidance on how to lead effectively. This book is a must for anyone in a leadership role in an analytic enterprise."<br /> ーMark M. Lowenthal, PhD, <em>Intelligence & Security Academy, LLC</em></p> <p>Written by an experienced professional who has led Navy Intelligence and CIA analysts in high-stakes situations, Leading Intelligence Analysis introduces the fundamental managerial skills and practical tools needed to lead analysis projects conducted by individuals and teams. Author Bruce Pease provides insights into key questions such as <em>What kind of environment draws out a team’s best work? What brings out their creativity? When does pressure bring out their best insights? When does pressure sap their intellectual energy?</em> and <em>What kind of team builds new knowledge rather than engaging in group-think?</em></p> <p>This book draws on the author’s perspective from decades of leading intelligence analysts on critical issues, including war in the Middle East, terrorism after 9/11, and nuclear threats.</p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Practical advice</strong> helps leaders of analytic units nurture insight with the understanding that it can be enabled but not manufactured.</li> <li><strong>Discussion of a range of different types of analysis</strong> serves leaders conducting research in areas including data analysis, security analysis, geopolitical analysis, threat warning, counterterrorism, and business climate analysis.</li> <li><strong>Practical advice on judging IT tools</strong> guides leaders to the correct data science approach for various situations.</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,902円

From Smart to Wise Acting and Leading with Wisdom【電子書籍】[ Prasad Kaipa ]

<p><strong>A fresh and timely approach to nurturing wise, resilient, and flexible leadership in a world of growing complexity</strong></p> <p>Leaders tend to obstinately stick to the leadership style that brought them most success in the past, usually one of two extreme styles: functional leadership that focuses on operational excellence or smart leadership that focuses on growth. When a leader's focus is too functional, the organization becomes introverted and can focus too much on bottom-line profitability while missing out on top-line growth opportunities. But when leaders focus too much on smart leadership, the organization may experience quick growth but lose its effectiveness quickly.</p> <p><em>From Smart to Wise</em> offers a new approach that balances the two styles to achieve a form of wise leadership that is both functional and smart. Drawing on inspiring real-life stories of historical and contemporary wise leaders such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and even Mahatma Gandhi, the authors identify six characteristics of wise leaders and offer a practical framework to help readers develop their own style of wise leadership.</p> <ul> <li>A timely and innovative approach to leadership</li> <li>Written by noted speakers who conduct dozens of keynote speeches and workshops, training thousands of people annually</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,408円

リーディングクオリティ / 原タイトル:LEADING QUALITY[本/雑誌] / RONALDCUMMINGS‐JOHN/著 OWAISPEER/著 河原田政典/訳

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ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><収録内容>1 品質リーダーになるには(品質と価値3つの品質ナラティブ品質文化醸成)2 戦略的に品質の意思決定を下す(手動テストと自動テストプロダクトの成熟度と品質継続的テストとフィードバックループテストインフラへの投資)3 成長を加速させるチームにする(チームと会社の成長指標ローカルペルソナ品質戦略のリード)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2918940RONALDCUMMINGS JOHN / Cho OWAISPEER / Cho Kawarada Masanori / Yaku / Ri DIN Gukuoritei / Original Title: LEADING QUALITYメディア:本/雑誌重量:249g発売日:2023/11JAN:9784048931120リーディングクオリティ / 原タイトル:LEADING QUALITY[本/雑誌] / RONALDCUMMINGS‐JOHN/著 OWAISPEER/著 河原田政典/訳2023/11発売 2,860円

Practicing Organization Development Leading Transformation and Change【電子書籍】

<p><strong>Get on the cutting edge of organization development</strong></p> <p><em>Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition</em> is your newly revised guide to successful organization development. This edition has been updated to explore the cutting edge of change management, leadership development, organizational transformation, and society benefit. These concepts are explored through emerging and increasingly accepted strengths-based approaches such as: appreciative inquiry, emotionally and socially intelligent leadership, positive organization development, and sustainable enterprises. This edition offers both theoretical concepts and guides to practical applications, providing you with the knowledge, techniques, and tools to put organizational development to effective use in the workplace.</p> <p>Organization development is an evolving field focused on understanding and positively impacting the human system processes of groups, teams, organizations, and individual leaders. Thorough organization development results in increased effectiveness, improved health, and overall success. This book shows how to attain positive change by: identifying contemporary themes in organization development, executing organization development approaches, as well as elevating and extending research agenda. This book also illustrates how to influence organizational stakeholders, and how to use this influence to enact key organization development practices. This new edition is enhanced by:</p> <ul> <li>Updated chapter-by-chapter lesson plans, sample syllabi, and workshop agendas</li> <li>Revised sample exercises, a test bank, and additional case studies</li> <li>Expanded online appendices that cover regional organization development concepts from around the globe, as well as overviews of additional special issues</li> </ul> <p>Organization development is quickly becoming an important aspect of MBA curricula. <em>Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition</em> gives graduate and doctorate program participants a comprehensive overview of organization development, the resources to learn the field, and the tools to apply their knowledge.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,783円

Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, Second Edition (Paperback)【電子書籍】[ Joseph Grenny ]

<h4>CHANGE YOUR COMPANY. CHANGE THE LIVES OF OTHERS. CHANGE THE WORLD.</h4> <p><strong>An INFLUENCER leads change.<br /> An INFLUENCER replaces bad behaviors with powerful new skills.<br /> An INFLUENCER makes things happen.<br /> This is what it takes to be an INFLUENCER.</strong></p> <p>Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. But most of us stop trying to make change happen because we believe it is too difficult, if not impossible. We learn to cope rather than learning to influence.</p> <p>From the bestselling authors who taught the world how to have <em>Crucial Conversations</em> comes the new edition of <em>Influencer</em>, a thought-provoking book that combines the remarkable insights of behavioral scientists and business leaders with the astonishing stories of high-powered influencers from all walks of life. You'll be taught each and every step of the influence process--including robust strategies for making change inevitable in your personal life, your business, and your world. You'll learn how to:</p> <ul> <li>Identify high-leverage behaviors that lead to rapid and profound change</li> <li>Apply strategies for changing both thoughts and actions</li> <li>Marshal six sources of influence to make change inevitable</li> </ul> <p><em>Influencer</em> takes you on a fascinating journey from San Francisco to Thailand to South Africa, where you'll see how seemingly "insignificant" people are making incredibly significant improvements in solving problems others would think impossible. You'll learn how savvy folks make change not only achievable and sustainable, but inevitable. You'll discover breakthrough ways of changing the key behaviors that lead to greater safety, productivity, quality, and customer service.</p> <p>No matter who you are or what you do, you'll never learn a more valuable or important set of principles and skills. Once you tap into the power of influence, you can reach out and help others work smarter, grow faster, live, look, and feel better--and even save lives. The sky is the limit . . . for an <em>Influencer</em>.</p> <p><strong>PRAISE FOR <em>INFLUENCER</em>:</strong></p> <p><em>"AN INSTANT CLASSIC! Whether you're leading change or changing your life, this book delivers."</em> -- Stephen R. Covey, author of <strong>The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People</strong></p> <p><em>"Ideas can change the worldーbut only when coupled with influence--the ability to change hearts, minds, and behavior. This book provides a practical approach to lead change and empower us all to make a difference."</em> -- Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner</p> <p><em>"Influencing human behavior is one of the most difficult challenges faced by leaders. This book provides powerful insight into how to make behavior change that will last."</em> -- Sidney Taurel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eli Lilly and Company</p> <p><em>"If you are truly motivated to make productive changes in your life, don't put down this book until you reach the last page. Whether dealing with a recalcitrant teen, doggedly resistant coworkers, or a personal frustration that 'no one ever wants to hear my view,' <strong>Influencer</strong> can help guide you in making the changes that put you in the driver's seat."</em> -- Deborah Norville, anchor of Inside Edition and bestselling author</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,923円


J. RICHARD HACKMAN OTHERS2012 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781422186435 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 5,068円

The Three-Box Solution A Strategy for Leading Innovation【電子書籍】[ Vijay Govindarajan ]

<p><strong>How to Innovate <em>and</em> Execute</strong></p> <p>Leaders already know that innovation calls for a different set of activities, skills, methods, metrics, mind-sets, and leadership approaches. And it is well understood that creating a new business and optimizing an already existing one are two fundamentally different management challenges. The real problem for leaders is doing both, simultaneously. How do you meet the performance requirements of the existing business-one that is still thriving-while dramatically reinventing it? How do you envision a change in your current business model before a crisis forces you to abandon it?</p> <p>Innovation guru Vijay Govindarajan expands the leader’s innovation tool kit with a simple and proven method for allocating the organization’s energy, time, and resources-in balanced measure-across what he calls the three boxes”:</p> <p> Box 1: The present-Manage the core business at peak profitability<br /> Box 2: The past-Abandon ideas, practices, and attitudes that could inhibit innovation<br /> Box 3: The future-Convert breakthrough ideas into new products and businesses</p> <p>The three-box framework makes leading innovation easier because it gives leaders a simple vocabulary and set of tools for managing and measuring these different sets of behaviors and activities across all levels of the organization. Supported with rich company examples-GE, Mahindra & Mahindra, Hasbro, IBM, United Rentals, and Tata Consultancy Services-and testimonies of leaders who have successfully used this framework, this book solves once and for all the practical dilemma of how to align an organization on the critical but competing demands of innovation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,419円