29発売  [フォーク・カントリー]
183件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sammi Smith / Help Me Make It Through The Night (On Demand CD)【K2023/9/29発売】(サミー・スミス)

2023/9/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: GOOD TIME収録曲:(サミースミス) 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Anne Murray / Ultimate Collection【K2017/9/29発売】(アン・マレー)

2017/9/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:UME収録曲:1. Snowbird - 2:082. Danny's Song - 3:063. He Thinks I Still Care - 2:514. You Won't See Me - 4:045. A Love Song - 2:466. You Needed Me - 3:337. I Just Fall in Love Again - 2:478. Shadows in the Moonlight - 3:299. Daydream Believer - 2:2910. Broken Hearted Me - 3:5611. Could I Have This Dance - 3:1612. Blessed Are the Believers - 2:4113. Another Sleepless Night - 3:0614. Somebody's Always Saying Goodbye - 3:2515. Song for the Mira - 4:0216. A Little Good News - 3:0617. Just Another Woman in Love - 2:5518. Nobody Loves Me Like You Do (w/Dave Loggins) - 3:5219. Time Don't Run Out on Me - 3:4120. Now and Forever (You and Me) - 4:14(アンマレー)2017 collection. Anne Murray, a Canadian singer of pop, country, and adult contemporary music has sold over 55 million album copies worldwide. The Ultimate Collection features tracks handpicked by Anne herself. Her songs and unique voice have made her a household name. The Ultimate Collection features top hits from her career including 'Snowbird', 'You Needed Me', 'Danny's Song', 'Daydream Believer', 'A Love Song', 'Broken Hearted Me' and more. 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Dustin Lynch / Killed The Cowboy【K2023/9/29発売】(ダスティン・リンチ)

発売日: 2023/9/29輸入盤USレーベル: Broken Bow収録曲: 1.1 Killed the Cowboy1.2 Honky Tonk Heartbreaker1.3 George Strait JR1.4 Chevrolet (Feat. Jelly Roll)1.5 If I Stop Drinkin'1.6 Only Girl in This Town1.7 Breakin' Up Down1.8 Trouble with This Truck1.9 Blue Lights1.10 Lone Star1.11 Listen to the Radio1.12 Long Way Homeコメント:Killed The Cowboy - Dustin Lynch / FORMAT: CD FILE UNDER: COUNTRY PACKAGING: JEWEL CASEKilled The Cowboy - Dustin Lynch / FORMAT: CD FILE UNDER: COUNTRY PACKAGING: JEWEL CASE 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Mary Hopkin / Now & Then 【K2017/9/29発売】( メリー・ホプキン )

2017/9/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:MARY HOPKIN MUSIC収録曲:(メリーホプキン)Mary Hopkin has one of those voices that perfectly combines clarity with a lilting and unclouded sweetness. It is pure and strong and has remained so ever since the days of her early classic 'Those Were The Days'. In recent months she has been exploring her archives, dusting off some long-forgotten recordings and sending them out to see the light of day. Original recordings have now been digitally remixed and remastered at Space Studios in Cardiff, where she bases her recording work and record label, Mary Hopkin Music. Mary Hopkin shot to fame in 1968 with 'Those Were the Days', recorded on the Beatles' Apple label. Live at the Royal Festival Hall 1972, the first release on Mary Hopkin Music, is a recording of her farewell concert which marked her retirement from the public eye to concentrate on her family. Now And Then comprises 14 gems recorded between 1970 and 1988 and follows the release of Valentine in May 2007 and Recollections in January this year, both also collections from the archives. Valentine saw 12 previously unreleased tracks, including three of Mary's own compositions while Recollections featured two of Mary's own, 'Another Day' and 'Who's the One?' with a cluster of other fabulous songs. Both albums were produced by her then husband Tony Visconti. Now And Then due out in late May, features a Mary original as well as songs from other legendary names including Bert Jansch, Tom Paxton, Jim Croce, John Kongos and Patti Hill. Some of the tracks have been brought bang up to date with the use of modern technology - notwithstanding being classics such as 'Happy Birthday'. 3,590円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Derek Ryan / Fire: Deluxe Edition【K2017/9/29発売】

2017/9/29 発売UK盤レーベル:IMPORTS収録曲: 3,790円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Willie Nelson / Beautiful Time【K2022/4/29発売】(ウィリー・ネルソン)

2022/4/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: SONY LEGACY収録曲:(ウィリーネルソン)WILLIE NELSON / BEAUTIFUL TIME Willie is back with his 72ND solo studio album. A full-fledged album of new studio material produced with long-time collaborator Buddy Cannon, it will come on Willie's 89th birthday and shows off just how prolific he continues to be as the album includes some of his finest songwriting and performances in years! The 14 tracks include 5 amazing new Willie Nelson/Buddy Cannon compositions, new songs from Chris Stapleton & Rodney Crowell (the first single "I'll Love You Till The End Of Time") and a cadre of top Nashville songwriters, plus a couple of plum covers by Leonard Cohen ("Tower Of Song") and The Beatles ("With A Little Help From My Friends") given expert interpretation by Willie. 2,290円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】George Strait / Honky Tonk Time Machine 【K2019/3/29発売】(ジョージ・ストレイト)
2019/3/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:MCA NASHVILLE収録曲: 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Andy Hall / Squareneck Soul【K2023/9/29発売】

発売日: 2023/9/29輸入盤USレーベル: Americana Vibes収録曲:1 Up in Bigfoot Country2 Skunk Weed3 Muscle Car Feat. Billy Strings4 Ancient Footsteps5 Red Road Station6 Event Horizon7 Seriously, It's Gonna Be Fine8 Amuse a Muse9 Squareneck Soul10 Crooked Mountain Topコメント:Produced By Andy Hall. Recorded and mixed by Sean Sullivan at The Tractor Shed in Goodlettsville, TN. Mastered by David Glasser at Airshow Mastering in Boulder, CO. Andy Hall plays Beard Guitars and D'addario strings. 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Chris Janson / All In【K2022/4/29発売】

2022/4/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: WARNER NASHVILLE収録曲:1 Keys to the Country2 We Did It Anyway3 Cold Beer Truth4 You, Me & the River (With Eric Church)5 Halfway to Crazy (Feat. Rhett Akins)6 Bye Mom7 Love Don't Sleep8 The Reel Bass Pro9 Too Far Gone10 Flag on the Wall11 All in12 Here and Gone13 Things You Can't Live Without (With Travis Tritt)14 Small Town Big Time15 You Never Did16 My American World 2,890円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Derek Ryan / Hits【K2019/11/29発売】
2019/11/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: IMPORTS 収録曲: 3,940円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Ronnie Milsap / Best Of Ronnie Milsap【K2020/5/29発売】(ロニー・ミルサップ)

2020/5/29発売輸入盤レーベル: CRAFT RECORDINGS収録曲:(ロニーミルサップ)The Best Of Ronnie Milsap is a 12-track collection of chart-topping favorites from the country legend's extensive catalog. The album, which primarily spotlights Milsap's crossover hits of the late '70s-'80s, features 12 of his 35 #1 Billboard Country hits. In his liner notes, Joe Marchese writes that this collection of songs "Celebrates Ronnie Milsap's rich legacy as both an interpretive singer and a musician," adding that the selections, "Are imbued with indomitable spirit and abundant heart. Elegant, emotional, and expressive: This is the sound of Ronnie Milsap. His life is almost like a song... but not one that's much too sad to write. Rather, it's one of pure triumph." Remastered by the Grammy Award-winning engineer Paul Blakemore and new liner notes from music journalist Joe Marchese round out the collection. 2,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Nate Smith / Nate Smith (Deluxe Edition)【K2023/9/29発売】(ネイト・スミス)

発売日: 2023/9/29輸入盤USレーベル: Sme Nashville収録曲: 1.1 If I Could Stop Loving You1.2 Alright, Alright, Alright1.3 One Good Girl1.4 Back at It Again1.5 You Ain't Been in Love1.6 Better Boy1.7 You Only Want Me When You're Drunk1.8 Bad Memory1.9 Oil Spot1.10 Wreckage1.11 LFG1.12 Whiskey on You1.13 You Shouldn't Have to1.14 Sleeve1.15 I Found You1.16 Backseat1.17 Name Storms After1.18 Raised Up1.19 Under My Skin1.20 I Don't Wanna Go to Heaven1.21 World on Fire1.22 I Don't Miss You1.23 Good By Now1.24 What An Angel Ain't1.25 Dear Heart1.26 Love Is Blindコメント: Nate Smith - Sony Music Nashville has signed country singer-songwriter Nate Smith. The powerful vocalist first earned acclaim soon after releasing the poignant "One of These Days," which he wrote after a wildfire devastated his hometown of Paradise, California. The reaction to the track inspired Smith to move to Nashville.Nate Smith - Sony Music Nashville has signed country singer-songwriter Nate Smith. The powerful vocalist first earned acclaim soon after releasing the poignant "One of These Days," which he wrote after a wildfire devastated his hometown of Paradise, California. The reaction to the track inspired Smith to move to Nashville. 3,390円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Parmalee / For You【K2021/10/29発売】

発売日: 2021/10/29輸入盤USレーベル: BMG Rights Managemen収録曲: 1.1 Only You1.2 Just the Way - By Parmalee ; Blanco Brown1.3 Backroad Girl1.4 Take My Name1.5 I Do1.6 Miss You Now1.7 Greatest Hits (Feat. Fitz)1.8 Better with You1.9 Forget You (Feat. Avery Anna)1.10 Alone Like That1.11 I See You1.12 I'll Take the Chevy1.13 For Youコメント:2021 album from the country music group. For You is latest chapter in the groups' journey to expand their unique sound of country music. Produced by David Fanning, the album mixes a contemporary sound with classic ingredients and is filled with pop hooks, southern storytelling, and the amplified attitude of rock 'n roll. Primarily written by lead singer Matt Thomas, the album draws from personal experiences to speak directly to the heart of fans.2021 album from the country music group. For You is latest chapter in the groups' journey to expand their unique sound of country music. Produced by David Fanning, the album mixes a contemporary sound with classic ingredients and is filled with pop hooks, southern storytelling, and the amplified attitude of rock 'n roll. Primarily written by lead singer Matt Thomas, the album draws from personal experiences to speak directly to the heart of fans. 2,990円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Emily Barker / Shadow Box【K2019/11/29発売】(エミリー・バーカー)
2019/11/29 発売UK盤レーベル: IMPORTS 収録曲: 3,940円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】George Benson Quartet / After Hours - Live At Casa Caribe Club (On Demand CD)【K2023/9/29発売】(ジョージ・ベンソン)

2023/9/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: GOOD TIME収録曲:(ジョージベンソン) 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sheryl Crow / Evolution【K2024/3/29発売】(シェリル・クロウ)

発売日: 2024/3/29輸入盤レーベル: Valoryグラミー賞を9度受賞し、2023年にロックの殿堂入りを果たしたSheryl Crowが、11枚目のアルバムのリリースを発表した。『Threads』(2018年)以降は「フル・アルバムをリリースしない」と公言した後の歓迎すべきサプライズであり、「Soak Up The Sun」以来最もラジオ・フレンドリーなポップ・ソングであるリード・シングル「Alarm Clock」で幕を開ける。収録曲: 1.1 Alarm Clock1.2 Do It Again1.3 Love Life1.4 You Can’t Change The Weather1.5 Evolution1.6 Where?1.7 Don’t Walk Away1.8 Broken Record1.9 Waiting In The Wingsコメント:SHERYL CROW / EVOLUTION / Nine-time Grammy Award winner and 2023 Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Inductee, Sheryl Crow, will release her 11th full length studio album, Evolution. The album comes as a welcomed surprise after Crow publicly stated that she would not release another full-length album after Threads (2018) and kicks off with her lead single "Alarm Clock," which is perhaps Sheryl Crow's most radio-friendly pop song since "Soak Up The Sun."SHERYL CROW / EVOLUTION / Nine-time Grammy Award winner and 2023 Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Inductee, Sheryl Crow, will release her 11th full length studio album, Evolution. The album comes as a welcomed surprise after Crow publicly stated that she would not release another full-length album after Threads (2018) and kicks off with her lead single "Alarm Clock," which is perhaps Sheryl Crow's most radio-friendly pop song since "Soak Up The Sun." 2,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Carole King/James Taylor / Live At The Troubadour【K2021/10/29発売】(キャロル・キング/ジェームス・テイラー)

2021/10/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:CRAFT RECORDINGS収録曲:1 Blossom2 So Far Away3 Machine Gun Kelly4 Carolina in My Mind5 It's Too Late6 Smackwater Jack7 Something in the Way She Moves8 Will You Love Me Tomorrow9 Country Road10 Fire and Rain Sweet11 Baby James12 I Feel the Earth Move13 You've Got a Friend14 Up on the Roof15 You Can Close Your Eyes(キャロルキング/ジェームステイラー)Carole King & James Taylor - "Live At The Troubadour" - In November of 1970, James Taylor and Carole King first performed together at The Troubadour in West Hollywood, California. Thirty-six years later, they returned for a three-night, six-show run to celebrate the venue's 50th anniversary. This remarkable recording features 15 songs and 75 minutes of stunning performances of their collective biggest hits including "You've Got A Friend," "Fire and Rain," "I Feel The Earth Move" and more. RIAA Certified Gold. CD Softpak. 2,890円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Cody Johnson / Human The Double Album【K2021/10/29発売】(コーディ・ジョンソン)

2021/10/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: WARNER NASHVILLE収録曲:Two CDs. 2021 release from platinum recording artist Cody Johnson. The massive endeavor is stacked top to bottom with songs that were originally rejected by other Nashville artists, for what Johnson considers as being too country for country. "It's so hard to watch the fight to get the cowboy back on the radio, so I told them to bring those songs to me," Johnson explains. "Because that's who I am and the lifestyle I live." Johnson continued: "There was too much good out there to let go of, so I just said, 'We're going to cut all of them.' There are ones I wrote on, there are ones I didn't write on, and there are ones that I wish I'd written. I addressed things personally with this music and when people listen to Human, they are going to hear a lot more of me being me. I am finally comfortable with myself and able to share that with my fans." 3,790円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Nitty Gritty Dirt Band / Anthology 【K2017/9/29発売】(ニッティ・グリッティ・ダート・バンド)

2017/9/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:CAPITOL収録曲:(ニッティグリッティダートバンド) 3,790円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Thomas Rhett / 20 Number Ones【K2023/9/29発売】(トーマス・レット)

発売日: 2023/9/29輸入盤USレーベル: Valory収録曲: 1.1 It Goes Like This1.2 Get Me Some of That1.3 Make Me Wanna1.4 Crash and Burn1.5 Die a Happy Man1.6 T-Shirt1.7 Star of the Show1.8 Craving You (Featuring Maren Morris)1.9 Unforgettable1.10 Marry Me1.11 Life Changes (Radio Edit)1.12 Sixteen1.13 Look What God Gave Her1.14 Remember You Young1.15 Beer Can't Fix (Featuring Jon Pardi)1.16 Be a Light (Featuring Reba McEntire, Hillary Scott, Chris Tomlin, Keith Urban)1.17 What's Your Country Song1.18 Country Again1.19 Slow Down Summer1.20 Half of Me (Featuring Riley Green)1.21 Angels (Don't Always Have Wings) - Bonus Trackコメント: 2023 collection. Multi-platinum artist Thomas Rhett is no stranger to success, having been honored with eight ACM Awards, two CMA Awards, five Grammy nominations, plus trophies from the CMT Music Awards, Billboard Awards and iHeartRadio Awards. The hitmaker recently added a new achievement to his growing resume, earning 20 number ones in a matter of just ten years. 20 Number Ones celebrates this career milestone and features his earliest hits as well as more recent chart-topping songs.2023 collection. Multi-platinum artist Thomas Rhett is no stranger to success, having been honored with eight ACM Awards, two CMA Awards, five Grammy nominations, plus trophies from the CMT Music Awards, Billboard Awards and iHeartRadio Awards. The hitmaker recently added a new achievement to his growing resume, earning 20 number ones in a matter of just ten years. 20 Number Ones celebrates this career milestone and features his earliest hits as well as more recent chart-topping songs. 2,790円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Miranda Lambert / Palomino【K2022/4/29発売】(ミランダ・ランバート)

2022/4/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: SME NASHVILLE収録曲:(ミランダランバート)Hot on the heels of her recent 2022 Academy of Country Music Awards win for Entertainer of the Year, Miranda Lambert is set to release "Palomino," her ninth solo album, on April 29, 2022. 2,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Martina McBride / Reckless 【K2016/4/29発売】(マルティナ・マクブライド)

2016/4/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:NASH ICON収録曲:(マルティナマクブライド) 2,090円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Keston Cobblers Club / Alchemy【K2022/4/29発売】
2022/4/29 発売UK盤レーベル: IMPORTS収録曲: 4,690円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Woljager / Van't Liewen Un Stiawen 【K2016/4/29発売】
2016/4/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:PROPHECY (KOCH)収録曲: 6,490円

【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Sheryl Crow / Evolution (Colored Vinyl) (Gatefold LP Jacket)【LP2024/3/29発売】(シェリル・クロウ)

こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2024/3/29 発売輸入盤レーベル:VALORY収録曲:(シェリルクロウ) 6,590円

【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Sarah Shook & The Disarmers / Revelations【LP2024/3/29発売】

こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2024/3/29発売輸入盤レーベル:ABEYANCE RECORDS収録曲: 5,390円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Heron / Twice As Nice【K2022/4/29発売】
2022/4/29 発売UK盤レーベル: TALKING ELEPHANT収録曲: 3,940円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】VA / Golden Age: 25 Years Of Signature Sounds【K2021/1/29発売】
2021/1/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: SIGNATURE SOUNDS収録曲: 3,940円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Fair Rain / Behind The Glass【K2016/4/29発売】
2016/4/29 発売UK盤レーベル:IMPORTS収録曲: 5,590円
【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Charley Crockett / Live From The Ryman【LP2023/9/29発売】
こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2023/9/29 発売輸入盤レーベル: SON OF DAVY収録曲: 6,590円