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The 120 Days of Sodom (1785) erotic【電子書籍】[ Marquis de Sade ]
<p>The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinism, (Les 120 journ?es de Sodome ou l'?cole du libertinage) is a novel by the French writer and nobleman Donatien Alphonse Fran?ois, Marquis de Sade. Described as both pornographic[and erotic, it was written in 1785.[ It tells the story of four wealthy male libertines who resolve to experience the ultimate sexual gratification in orgies. To do this, they seal themselves away for four months in an inaccessible castle in Saint-Martin-de-Belleville, France, with a harem of 46 victims, mostly young male and female teenagers, and engage four female brothel keepers to tell the stories of their lives and adventures. The women's narratives form an inspiration for the sexual abuse and torture of the victims, which gradually mounts in intensity and ends in their slaughter.</p> <p>Sade wrote The 120 Days of Sodom in the space of thirty-seven days in 1785 while he was imprisoned in the Bastille. Being short of writing materials and fearing confiscation, he wrote it in tiny writing on a continuous, twelve-metre-long (39.37 feet) roll of paper, made up of individual small pieces of paper smuggled into the prison and glued together. When the Bastille was stormed and looted on July 14, 1789, at the beginning of the French Revolution, Sade believed the work was lost forever and later wrote that he "wept tears of blood" over its loss.</p> <p>However, the long roll of paper on which it was written was found hidden in walls of his cell, having escaped the attentions of the looters. It was first published in 1904] by the Berlin psychiatrist Iwan Bloch (who used a pseudonym, "Dr. Eugen D?hren", to avoid controversy). It was not until the latter half of the 20th century that it became more widely available in countries such as United Kingdom, the United States and France. The original is located in the Mus?e des Lettres et Manuscrits, Paris, France. It was purchased from a Swiss collector for ?7 Million.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Gastritis Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Gastritis - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Gastritis recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>BREAKFAST</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>PUMPKIN FRENCH TOAST</p> <p>COCONUT CHAI OATMEAL</p> <p>ZUCCHINI OMELETTE</p> <p><em><strong>SMOOTHIE</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>BANANA BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE</p> <p>MACA SMOOTHIE</p> <p>BABY SPINACH SMOOTHIE</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Gastritis Cookbook! Click the orange BUY button at the top of this page!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Gastritis Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Gastritis - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Lupus Diet 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Lupus - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Lupus recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>Breakfast</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Apple Cinnamon Quinoa Bowl</p> <p>- Spinach and Tomato Breakfast Wrap</p> <p>- Mango Coconut Chia Pudding</p> <p>***Side Dish***recipes like:</p> <p>- Quinoa Salad with Roasted Vegetables</p> <p>- Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts</p> <p>- Garlic Mashed Cauliflower</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Lupus Diet!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Lupus Diet: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Lupus - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet</strong>on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
離開時,以我喜歡的樣子:日本個性派俳優,是枝裕和電影靈魂演員,樹木希林120則人生語?【電子書籍】[ 樹木希林 ]
<p><strong>日本個性派??、是枝裕和電影靈魂演員</strong></p> <p><strong>樹木希林 最真摯人生之書</strong></p> <p><strong>首度在台出版</strong></p> <p>★ 横掃日本全國書店排行榜No.1,發行突破500,000冊!</p> <p>★ 引發跨界、跨世代共鳴,讀者好評無數!</p> <p>★ 集結樹木希林畢生訪談精華, 120則人生回答完整呈現</p> <p>★ 獨家收?樹木希林珍貴照片、藝術攝影作品</p> <p><strong>《小?家族》、《比海還深》、《横山家之味》、《東京鐵塔:老媽和我,有時還有老?》</strong></p> <p><strong>被譽為日本國民??的女演員樹木希林,演活無數細膩幽微的母親角色;</strong></p> <p><strong>在現實中,更痛快而從容地活出自在人生。</strong></p> <p>?曉樂、阿?、徐譽庭、?譽翔、馬欣、許皓宜、連?涵、隋棠、萬芳、龍?大王通信</p> <p>──療癒推薦</p> <p><strong>◆ 從電視劇、廣告到電影,自然散發的個人魅力風靡全球影迷</strong></p> <p>做為演員的樹木希林,曾演出向田邦子編劇的電視劇,以《東京鐵塔:老媽和我,有時還有老?》獲日本電影金像獎最佳女主角,更從接拍是枝裕和電影《横山家之味》開始,成為其創作核心。在藝能界玉女當道的年代,?表現個性;但若?叛逆,又難忘其大銀幕上?斂優雅的身影。在日本電視劇與廣告中,?是家??曉的親切鄰家大?;也??驚?國際影壇,在平淡中爆發的演技,更是令全球無數影評人、媒體、影迷為之動容。</p> <p>「我對任何事都能感到有趣。」──樹木希林</p> <p>銀幕下的樹木希林,一生曾有過兩段婚姻,與搖滾歌手?田裕也婚後分居逾四十年,?卻認為「唯有讓彼此去過應該有的生活,才是玩搖滾的人該做的事」;當一眼視力逐日衰退、癌症漸漸侵蝕身體,?仍表示「生病也是有好處的……漸漸沒力氣?架了,變得十分謙和」。樹木希林自認普通,因為有著同一般人的困擾,然而面對工作、婚姻、社會、高齡等生命課題,?以「真」做為看待所有事物的觀點,率直?出自己的看法。我們透過其簡單凝練的語句,更發現這個世界原來如此耐人尋味,如此有意思。</p> <p><strong>◆</strong> <strong>120****則訪談精華,跨越時代藩籬,引發各世代讀者共鳴</strong></p> <p>本書集結樹木希畢生訪談精華,以生、老、病、死等人生普遍會經?的課題為中心,編纂而成。在書裡,樹木希林以直白的口吻,回應「何謂幸福」、「演員之道」、「對婚姻的看法」、「與子女的相處」等種種關於生命日常的提問,一如?在電影裡看似不經意卻直指人心的台詞。「不需要太努力,但也別太消極」,這本書不只是記?樹木希林一生言語的精湛之作,更能在?一個人的生命轉角,或是跨越高牆之際,帶來?發,甚或輕盈而深重的陪伴。</p> <p><strong>◆</strong> <strong>獨家收?精彩寫真,一窺樹木希林的日常生活片段</strong></p> <p>活躍於電影、電視劇、廣告、紀?片等各樣領域,樹木希林生前接受過諸多電視、報紙、雜誌的訪談,並留下許多珍貴的攝影記?。書封的全幅照片為日本寶島社年度形象廣告,以英國畫家米雷的名作《奧菲莉亞》為概念拍攝。不僅引發廣大迴響,亦獲得日本平面設計師協會大獎(JAGDA賞)、藝術總監?樂部大獎(ADC賞)、日本廣告主協會大獎(JAA賞)等知名廣告獎項。書中則獨家收?樹木希林年輕時期照片、結婚照、全家福、工作側拍等,亦包含愛車、愛?等多幀生活寫真,深具紀念與收藏意義。</p> <p><strong>對於幸福,??──</strong></p> <p>所謂的幸福,並非「時常在那裡」,而是「要靠自己去發覺」。</p> <p><strong>對於結婚,??──</strong></p> <p>結婚還是得趁還不?事時?緊結一結好。</p> <p><strong>對於工作,??──</strong></p> <p>不被期待,才能做出最好的東西。</p> <p><strong>對於夫妻,??──</strong></p> <p>我可以感覺到自己與?田是看向同一個方向。我們共同擁有一種反叛?子式的、想破壞一切的衝動,彼此像是同志。</p> <p><strong>對於家人,??──</strong></p> <p>感覺上?個人先是獨立的個體,然後才一起組成這個家庭。</p> <p><strong>對於人際,??──</strong></p> <p>我喜歡狠狠跌過一?的人。</p> <p><strong>對於癌症,??──</strong></p> <p>生病也是有好處的。即使得獎,也不會引來嫉?;稍微失言,也不會有人責怪?;漸漸沒力氣?架了,變得十分謙和。</p> <p><strong>對於老去,??──</strong></p> <p>變老?對是一件有趣的事。年輕時覺得理所當然的事情漸漸?不到了,但我並不認為這樣是不幸的,反而覺得有趣?。</p> <p>各界推薦</p> <p><strong>療癒推薦</strong></p> <p>?曉樂/作家</p> <p>阿?/文字工作者</p> <p>徐譽庭/編劇、導演</p> <p>?譽翔/作家</p> <p>馬欣/作家、影評人</p> <p>許皓宜/心理諮商師</p> <p>連?涵/演員</p> <p>隋棠/演員</p> <p>萬芳/歌手</p> <p>龍?大王通信</p> <p>許多我們只敢迂迴在心底的話,樹木希林?出來了;也由於?搶先一??出來了,與?共事的人,或包括讀者,彷彿得到逃生梯,在人生進退無據時,有路可退。──?曉樂(作家)</p> <p>那些哲理名句被完整收?在一本書裡,覺得很是感恩。搭捷運公車,或睡前翻一翻這本書……總會莫名得到些指引或者一點療癒。──阿?(文字工作者)</p> <p>原來這個讓人舒坦的長者畢生?過非常多有趣的話,對我這個修佛的幼兒園生來?,簡直是佛經的白話文版。──徐譽庭(編劇、導演)</p> <p>我一向不信人生格言,但樹木希林這本書所留下的這些人生訊息是不一樣的……看似無關於愛,卻是愛的本質。──馬欣(作家、影評人)</p> <p>我很喜歡這本書。一方面是?個篇章都短短的,讓人很好消化;但這些短短文字又帶有很重的分量……我們只是透過??的話來「為自己原有的心智找到出路」。──許皓宜(心理諮商師)</p> <p>即使才剛被這些灑?又帥氣的箴言觸動得?心激動,下一秒卻又被?的明朗直白帶回當下,不自覺地??笑出聲。──連?涵(演員) </p> <p>樹木希林只是回到外星球了,沒事的。活?自己的人生?,記得活得有點滋味。──龍?大王通信</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Dialysis Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Dialysis - friendly recipes including pizza, salad, and casseroles for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Dialysis recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>Side dish</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Roasted Brussels Sprouts</p> <p>- Mashed Cauliflower</p> <p>- Lemon Garlic Green Beans</p> <p><em><strong>Casserole</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Chicken and Broccoli Casserole</p> <p>- Eggplant and Tomato Casserole</p> <p>- Tuna and Noodle Casserole</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Dialysis Cookbook!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Dialysis Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Dialysis - friendly recipes including pizza, salad, and casseroles for a delicious and tasty diet</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS COOKBOOK 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Rheumatoid Arthritis - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Rheumatoid Arthritis recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet? This cookbook is your answer!</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>SIDE DISH</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Quinoa Salad with Cucumber and Mint</p> <p>- Cilantro Lime Rice</p> <p>- Lemon Herb Quinoa</p> <p><em><strong>BREAKFAST</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Veggie Breakfast Burrito</p> <p>- Rice Pudding with Almonds</p> <p>- Mediterranean Breakfast Wrap</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Rheumatoid Arthritis Cookbook!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Rheumatoid Arthritis Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Rheumatoid Arthritis - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Forever Dog Life 120+ Recipes, Longevity Tips, and New Science for Better Bowls and Healthier Homes【電子書籍】[ Rodney Habib ]
<p><strong>In this beautifully illustrated guide, the authors of the #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestseller <em>The Forever Dog</em> show how to create a thriving, sustainable lifestyle and environment to help your dog live a longer, happier, and healthier life</strong></p> <p>In <em>The Forever Dog</em>, Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Becker explained that your dog’s longevity starts with proper nourishment. In <em>The Forever Dog Life</em>, they offer simple ways you can help your dog live longer and better from the inside-out and outside-in, including easy-to-follow tools, recipes, and tips.</p> <p>Learn to prepare healthy, homemade meals your dog will love, with more than 120 nutritionally packed recipes for delicious food bowls, fresh food toppers that supercharge any type of pet food, and nourishing broths and stews that entice the pickiest of eaters. And don’t forget DIY training treats, cookies, jerkies, and chews. Accompanying the recipes are science-rich tips for the best ingredients, food hacks, and tools to use in the kitchen.</p> <p>But food is only one aspect of a dog’s good health. <em>The</em> <em>Forever Dog Life</em> teaches you how to make your home as healthy as possible, with practical instructions for creating your own non-toxic DIY cleaners, natural disinfectants, and lawn care solutions that can easily replace hazardous chemical-based products that negatively impact our pet’s health. Also included are all-natural recipes for body care, including shampoos and conditioners, skin rinses, oral and ear care, and chemical-free flea and tick solutions. Habib and Becker make it easy to incorporate their science-backed tips into your home, so your dog (and cat!) can live a long, happy, and healthy life.</p> <p>Filled with wonderful stories and fantastic canines, <em>The Forever Dog Life</em> makes the world a safer, healthier, and happier place for animals. Backed by science and filled with photographs and four-color instructions, it is the ultimate handbook to help your dogs and cats live their best life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Pre-diabetes Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Pre-Diabetes - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Pre-Diabetes recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>Breakfast</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Banana Walnut Pancakes</p> <p>- Zucchini and Cheese Muffins</p> <p>- Cucumber and Smoked Salmon Bagel</p> <p><em><strong>Side dish</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Balsamic Roasted Carrots</p> <p>- Roasted Cauliflower with Turmeric</p> <p>- Zucchini Noodles with Pesto</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Pre-Diabetes Cookbook!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Pre-Diabetes Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Pre-Diabetes - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
IC Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ IC - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Interstitial Cystitis recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>SIDE DISH</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Coconut Lime Rice</p> <p>- Baked Sweet Potato Fries</p> <p>- Garlic Mashed Cauliflower</p> <p><em><strong>DESSERT</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Coconut Macaroons</p> <p>- Lemon Coconut Cookies</p> <p>- Vanilla Berry Thumbprint Cookies</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on IC Cookbook!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>IC Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ IC - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet</strong>on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Endometriosis Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Endometriosis - friendly recipes including Breakfast, Side dishes, and desserts【電子書籍】[ Noah Jerris ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Endometriosis recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>SIDE DISHES</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Roasted Garlic Mashed Cauliflower</p> <p>- Grilled Asparagus with Lemon Zest</p> <p>- Baked Stuffed Tomatoes</p> <p><em><strong>DESSERT</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies</p> <p>- Coconut Date Cookies</p> <p>- Ginger Turmeric Cookies</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on the Endometriosis Diet!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Endometriosis Diet: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Endometriosis - friendly recipes including Breakfast, Side dishes, and desserts</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Felt Wee Folk: New Adventures 120 Enchanting Dolls【電子書籍】[ Salley Mavor ]
<p><strong>“A fabulous book! . . . If you enjoy tiny, detailed projects that allow for lots of creativity and personal handiwork, I cannot recommend this book enough!” ー<em>Feeling Stitchy</em></strong></p> <p>Salley Mavor’s book <em>Felt Wee Folk</em> inspired tens of thousands to handcraft dolls from simple materials. Now, she invites you to return to the wee world with <em>Felt Wee FolkーNew Adventures</em>, starring 120 dolls to spark smiles and creativity. As requested by fans, this long-awaited follow-up shares more challenging projects. Explore fresh scenes and an array of new outfits, hairstyles, and accessories, with full-sized patterns. Make bendable dolls that resemble you, your family, or your favorite fairy-tale characters with wool felt, chenille stems, and decorative stitching. Display the figures in a dollhouse, atop a wedding cake, or in a holiday scene to be cherished year after year. From the pages of Mavor’s award-winning children’s books to your home, the enchanting wee folk dolls appeal to crafters of all ages and skill levels.</p> <ul> <li>More dolls, more scenes, and more outfits</li> <li>Use your stashーwool felt, chenille stems, and simple embellishments</li> <li>Delightful, challenging projects, as requested by fans</li> <li><em>Felt Wee Folk</em> was a <em>Foreword Reviews</em>’ GOLD WINNER for Crafts & Hobbies</li> </ul> <p><strong>“While the original book included projects beyond Wee Folk dolls, the new volume focuses on the dolls themselves. Fairies and families, kings and knights, and even some not-too-scary pirates all grace the pages of the book, beckoning readers to at least admire, if not try to create, Wee Folk of their own.” ー<em>The Enterprise</em> (Cape Cod)</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Hemochromatosis Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Hemochromatosis - friendly recipes including casseroles, side dishes and pizza【電子書籍】[ Noah Jerris ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about HEMOCHROMATOSIS recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>PIZZA</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- SPINACH AND FETA PIZZA</p> <p>- BBQ CHICKEN PIZZA</p> <p>- PESTO AND SUN-DRIED TOMATO PIZZA</p> <p><em><strong>CASSEROLE</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- CHICKEN AND RICE CASSEROLE</p> <p>- SPINACH AND MUSHROOM QUINOA CASSEROLE</p> <p>- TURKEY AND SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on HEMOCHROMATOSIS Diet! Click the orange BUY button at the top of this page!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>HEMOCHROMATOSIS COOKBOOK: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Hemochromatosis - friendly recipes including casseroles, side dishes and pizza</strong>on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Last Minute Dinner Party: Over 120 Inspiring Dishes to Feed Family and Friends at a Moment's Notice LAST MIN DINNER PARTY [ Frankie Unsworth ]
LAST MIN DINNER PARTY Frankie Unsworth HARDIE GRANT BOOKS2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781958417454 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Cooking
IBS Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ IBS - friendly recipes including Breakfast, Side dishes, and desserts【電子書籍】[ Noah Jerris ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about IBS recipes and how to treat digestive problems? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet? This cookbook is your answer!</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>Breakfast</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Quinoa Breakfast Bowl with Berries</p> <p>- Sweet Potato Hash with Eggs</p> <p>- Rice Cake with Cottage Cheese and Pineapple</p> <p><em><strong>Breakfast</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Simple Oat Banana Pancakes</p> <p>- Blueberry Almond Pancakes</p> <p>- Zucchini and Carrot Pancakes</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on IBS Cookbook! Click the orange BUY button at the top of this page!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>IBS Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ IBS - friendly recipes including Breakfast, Side dishes, and desserts</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Warwick Deeping - Ultimate Collection 120 Novels & Short Stories (Sorrell and Son, Doomsday, Kitty, Sincerity, Uther and Igraine, Roper's Row, The Pride of Eve…)【電子書籍】[ Warwick Deeping ]
<p>The Warwick Deeping - Ultimate Collection is a compilation of works by the prolific British author Warwick Deeping. Known for his vivid storytelling and engaging narratives, Deeping's collection includes a diverse range of genres such as historical fiction, romance, and adventure. His literary style is characterized by detailed character development, rich historical settings, and poignant themes that resonate with readers of all ages. The Ultimate Collection showcases the depth and breadth of Deeping's literary talent, making it a must-read for fans of classic literature and historical fiction. Warwick Deeping's works are a reflection of his deep understanding of human nature and his ability to craft compelling narratives that transport readers to different time periods and settings. His unique perspective on love, loss, and the human experience sets him apart as a master storyteller. The Warwick Deeping - Ultimate Collection is highly recommended for readers looking to immerse themselves in captivating stories that stand the test of time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
LEARN THAI 120 Lessons + Notebook【電子書籍】[ Christophe Philippon ]
<p>How to learn to speak, read and write Thai easily?</p> <p>From beginner to advanced level, this book of 120 lessons organized by topic and level will help you better understand how Thai works.<br /> To familiarize you with the 5 different tones, this book uses a color code.<br /> The full color Thai script transcription is ideal for taking your first steps with reading.<br /> For writing, all the letters of the Thai alphabet are present as dotted lines.</p> <p>The 120 lessons have a phonetic transcription adapted to the French speaker, and a translation from Thai to English.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Hemochromatosis Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Hemochromatosis - friendly recipes including Salad, Casseroles and pizza【電子書籍】[ Noah Jerris ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about HEMOCHROMATOSIS recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>PIZZA</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- SALMON AND DILL PIZZA</p> <p>- MUSHROOM AND TRUFFLE OIL PIZZA</p> <p>- GREEK CHICKEN PIZZA</p> <p><em><strong>SALAD</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- CAPRESE SALAD</p> <p>- THAI BEEF SALAD</p> <p>- WALDORF SALAD</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on HEMOCHROMATOSIS Diet! Click the orange BUY button at the top of this page!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>HEMOCHROMATOSIS COOKBOOK: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Hemochromatosis - friendly recipes including Salad, Casseroles and pizza</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
IBS Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ IBS - friendly recipes including casseroles, side dishes and pizza【電子書籍】[ Noah Jerris ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about IBS recipes and how to treat digestive problems? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet? This cookbook is your answer!</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>Casserole</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Quinoa and Vegetable Casserole</p> <p>- Baked Turkey and Sweet Potato Casserole</p> <p>- Chicken and Rice Casserole</p> <p><em><strong>Pizza</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>- Polenta Crust BBQ Chicken Pizza</p> <p>- Spinach and Feta Portobello Mushroom Pizza</p> <p>- Pesto Zucchini Pizza</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on IBS Cookbook!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>IBS Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ IBS - friendly recipes including casseroles, side dishes and pizza</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Gesammelte Werke: Romane, Erz?hlungen, Essays & Memoiren (120 Titel in einem Band)【電子書籍】[ Ernst Wei? ]
<p>In 'Gesammelte Werke: Romane, Erz?hlungen, Essays & Memoiren' von Ernst Wei? taucht der Leser in ein umfangreiches Werk ein, das eine Vielzahl literarischer Genres und Stile umfasst. Die Sammlung von 120 verschiedenen Werken zeigt die Vielseitigkeit und Tiefe von Wei?' Schreiben, das sowohl erz?hlerische als auch essayistische Elemente enth?lt. Von packenden Romanen bis zu einf?hlsamen Erz?hlungen erstreckt sich dieser Band ?ber das gesamte literarische Spektrum und spiegelt den k?nstlerischen Anspruch Wei?' wider. Mit einer klaren Sprache und einem tiefen Einblick in die menschliche Psyche setzt sich der Autor in seinen Werken mit existenziellen Themen und moralischen Dilemmata auseinander. Ernst Wei?, selbst Arzt und Schriftsteller, verbindet in seinen Texten medizinisches Wissen mit literarischer Sensibilit?t. Seine Erfahrungen aus der Medizin flie?en in seine Werke ein und bereichern sie mit einer tiefgr?ndigen Perspektive auf menschliches Leiden und Hoffnung. 'Gesammelte Werke' bietet eine faszinierende Lekt?re f?r Leser, die an literarischer Vielfalt interessiert sind und die Werke eines bedeutenden Autors des 20. Jahrhunderts kennenlernen m?chten. Durch die facettenreiche Sammlung wird der Leser durch ein breites Spektrum von Themen und Stilen gef?hrt, die sowohl unterhalten als auch zum Nachdenken anregen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Lymphedema Diet 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Lymphedema - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Lymphedema recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet?</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><em><strong>Side dish</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Glaze</p> <p>Lemon Garlic Quinoa</p> <p>Grilled Asparagus with Parmesan</p> <p><em><strong>Dessert</strong></em> recipes like:</p> <p>Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies</p> <p>Cranberry Walnut Cookies</p> <p>Coconut Lime Zest Ice Cream</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Lymphedema Diet!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Lymphedema diet: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Lymphedema - friendly recipes including Side Dishes, Breakfast, and desserts for a delicious and tasty diet</strong>on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
120 Studies for Right Hand Development 120 STUDIES FOR RIGHT HAND DEV (Classical Guitar Study) [ Mauro Giuliani ]
120 STUDIES FOR RIGHT HAND DEV Classical Guitar Study Mauro Giuliani Paul Brelinsky WARNER BROTHERS PUBN1983 Paperback English ISBN:9780898981902 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Music
雄合味:横跨百年,包山藏海,高雄120家以人情和手藝慢燉的食飲私味【電子書籍】[ 郭銘哲 ]
<p>**吃進高雄,從食物發現?情與手藝的五星級!</p> <p>全新120家的探索?掘<br /> 「遇見」更深、更廣、更多元的高雄</p> <p>★繼日本觀光客指定必備寶典《雄好呷》後再一力作★<br /> 一本有故事、有美味、有感動的飲食書<br /> 2023年全新全區高雄美食紀?<br /> 耗費10年,踏?大高雄120家店的味蕾地圖</p> <p>*隨書附贈|10條最貼地的尋味/行旅路線&手繪高雄區域地圖*</p> <p>横跨百年,從雄「好」呷到雄「合」味,<br /> 是專屬於高雄人的百年好合</p> <p>「合味」一詞,已超?美味與否的層次,屬於一種精神性的療癒,<br /> 是「這是我愛的生活,貼合我自己口味最重要」的完整意念。**</p> <p>** ◆合味,不僅好味,更是精神滿足**<br /> 流連在高雄小吃攤頭,仔細拉長耳?,<br /> 若料理可口,老高雄們泰半不會用「好食」(h?-tsia?h)二字,<br /> 而是用傳神的「合味」(ha?h-b?)來形容。</p> <p> 「合」,?白了,是一種長久以來,藉由集體意識所匯聚出的在地認同感,<br /> 在土親的鮮味裡,生活的況味裡,人情的滋味裡,長出自信。<br /> 東西好吃是必然的但重要的是「做自己」<br /> ──不迎合,要迎要合,也是?來,不是我改。</p> <p> 《雄合味》以「契合度」為定錨,在《雄好呷》之後,講述120篇全新高雄店家的飲食故事,從起源、遷徙到落地,串聯出更錯綜複雜的高雄身世;從深山寫到大海,擁抱著不同的族群與時代。看看百年以來,人如何對土地持續有愛,在食材面前始終?得身段柔軟。</p> <p> 這不只是一本精準的在地飲食指南,更以味為引,找出時代、山海、區域、手藝與人情之間的最大交集。在貼地的滋味裡,「遇見」更深、更廣、更多元的高雄,看見隱身各處的傳家手藝與食飲私味。</p> <p> 邀請?近(進)來高雄,驚?於120個頭家的精湛手藝,<br /> 在動人的飲食故事裡流連忘返──要不要,就直接住下來?</p> <p>** ◆高雄合味風景**<br /> #本分飽滿<br /> 肉粽之所以好吃,關鍵就在用料本本分分,紮實飽滿,是很傳統的南部風味,現場直接?,要的是一種到手後的滿足,如果是回家放涼個幾小時再吃,那立體鮮明的Q彈口感就會變成人耐性等待後最好的賞賜。</p> <p> #甘酸百味<br /> 喝下肚的都會變成人生,當千帆過盡,塵埃落定前回頭再看,可能才會明白何以那句「??酸還是不酸」會如此動人,入了喉,百味交纏,如果因此能領悟出那些酸裡藏著的甘味,我想人生也就不枉走過這遭了。</p> <p> #熱酥撩人<br /> ?在?子上的紅糟肉幾乎都是以熱酥撩人的姿態在引誘著?,?輪一炸好,先不?要好整以暇地送進小?子裡去這件事了,常常是根本還來不及吹涼,就被擠在店門口的簇簇人頭全部掃空。</p> <p> #反璞歸真<br /> 同時在法餐ゲン麗技法裡領悟到能反璞歸真是更加珍貴的能力,食材?好,技法適度收斂,依然錦上添花。輔以用餐過程空間隨意穿插的台式情調,他用料理堅定地告訴?,料理不僅吃得?,那些自命不凡的階級觀也都會被推倒。</p> <p> #開懷魔力<br /> 在這開懷的不只酒客,社區裡的老老少少也都能吃得眉開眼笑,許多孩子?都是看著長大,這個切仔擔有魔力,總是不自覺想一來再來,酒食總能和情意一同暢快下肚,那感覺,特別暖,特別熱。</p> <p><strong>本書特色</strong></p> <p> *美食偵探地毯式探?,耗費十年的深度高雄文化美食紀?。<br /> *貼身採訪,?掘店家的甘苦談,吃進有著滿滿故事的美味。<br /> *分食介紹,方便讀者選擇;附?分區QR code,在地導覽。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Your Short Game Solution Mastering the Finesse Game from 120 Yards and In【電子書籍】[ James Sieckmann ]
<p><strong>Supported by state-of-the-art motion analysis research, "short game guru to the pros" James Sieckmann unveils his "finesse wedge" swing -- a proven and pragmatic way to learn, practice, and perform with each wedge in the bag in every situation -- and shows players that upgrading their short game is possible.</strong></p> <p>Since James Sieckmann first revealed his short-game methods two decades ago, he has amassed a cultlike following of more than seventy PGA and LPGA Tour disciples and has been dubbed the “short-game guru to the pros” (GOLF Magazine). Using his system, several of Sieckmann’s students have become some of the best short-game players of the modern era. A two-time winner on the PGA Tour jumped 117 spots in the Sand Save rankings in one season; another client quickly jumped 81 spots in Scrambling percentage.</p> <p>The benefits of a good short game are undisputed. Unfortunately, players at all levels fail to develop effective short-game skills because instructors teach the exact opposite of the correct technique. Sieckmann studied the greatest short-game players in recent memoryーincluding Seve Ballesteros, Corey Pavin, and Raymond Floydーto develop a proven and pragmatic way to learn, practice, and perform with each wedge in every situation. His unique observations, which were later verified by motion capture technology, work equally well for amateurs and pros.</p> <p>In his long-awaited first book, Sieckmann opens up his vault of secrets for all golfers. After breaking down the basics, he presents a session-by-session training and practice guideーthe same one he creates for his tour clientsーto help the reader develop and sustain correct habits, avoid common flaws, and master essential skills. Next, Sieckmann explains how to optimize a player’s wedge swing for every scenario. An easy-to-learn and easy-to-use system, Your Short Game Solution will be the go-to guide anywhere golf is played.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Wild und Gefl?gel ?ber 120 Rezepte【電子書籍】[ Red. Serges Verlag ]
<p>Wildbrett war der erste bekannte Lieblingsbraten der Menschheit. Das Fleisch ist zart und aromatisch wie kein anderes. Ein wahrhaft kulinarischer Genuss der Luxusklasse: nahrhaft und von h?chster K?stlichkeit. Die mehr als 120 erprobten Rezepte in diesem Buch sind ebenso vielseitig wie ausf?hrlich, bieten eine F?lle von Anregungen und helfen bei der Zubereitung traditioneller Lieblingsgerichte und neue zu entdecken. Eine umfassende Warenkunde sowie ausf?hrliche Schritt-f?r-Schritt-Anleitungen ?ber das Vorbereiten, Ausl?sen und Zubereiten, die dieser digitale Ratgeber bereith?lt, machen den Umgang mit der reichhaltigen Vielfalt von Wild & Gefl?gel zu einem echten Kocherlebnis. "Kochen interaktiv" ! - Rezepte und Zubereitung einfach per Mausklick ! Dieses E-Book ist programmiert wie eine App: Inhaltsangabe, Rezeptverzeichnis und Zubereitung sind untereinander verlinkt. Durch Anklicken wird man automatisch zum jeweiligen Artikel gef?hrt - und direkt zu allen gew?nschten Anleitungen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Erz?hlungen + Gedichte 120 Titel in einem Buch: Der Unschuldige + Staatsanwalt Sierlin + Der Freiheitssucher + Die Anarchisten + Zwischen den Zielen + Der Schwimmer + B?cher der namenlosen Liebe und mehr【電子書籍】
<p>Dieses eBook: "Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Erz?hlungen + Gedichte" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgf?ltig korrekturgelesen. John Henry Mackay (1864-1933) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Im Jahre 1885 trat Mackay erstmals mit literarischen Werken an die ?ffentlichkeit. In Berlin verkehrte er im Umfeld des Friedrichshagener Dichterkreises. Mit Hilfe von Krafft-Ebings Psychopathia sexualis wurde er sich seiner homosexuell-p?derastischen Neigung bewusst. W?hrend eines einj?hrigen London-Aufenthalts (1887/88) entdeckte er f?r sich Max Stirner, dessen 1844 erschienenes Buch Der Einzige und sein Eigentum infolge der Restauration nach 1848 in Vergessenheit geraten war. Stirner wurde bald sein Lebensthema. Mackay pr?sentierte seine Konzeption des individualistischen Anarchismus in den "B?chern der Freiheit" (Die Anarchisten, Der Freiheitsucher). Inhaltlich stimmt sie weit besser mit dem in Nordamerika - in der Tradition von Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau und anderen - entstandenen radikalen Liberalismus seines Freundes Benjamin R. Tucker ?berein. Inhalt: Romane und Erz?hlungen: B?chern der Freiheit: Der Freiheitsucher Die Anarchisten Der Schwimmer Der Unschuldige Die Menschen der Ehe Staatsanwalt Sierlin Zwischen den Zielen Der kleine Finger Die Hand Der Ungl?cklichste Hans, mein Freund Die Blinden Da erinnerte er sich pl?tzlich... Ekel Der Sybarit Die Wasserratte Ein Abschied Das weisse Haus Das graue Meer Zwei Dichter 13 BIS, Rue Charbonnel Herkulische T?ndeleien Gedichte: Am Rande des Lebens: Die namenlose Liebe Einzige Antwort Der Fremde Tr?ume Einmal gesehen nur Die Insel Der Tertianer Heimliche Fahrt Pfingsten Da ging auch er auf die Stra?en Vertheidigung Einladung Die Thuere Heute! Rath Einsamer Abschied Auf dem eise Mit welchem Wort noch B?cher der namenlosen Liebe - Wer sind wir? und mehr ..</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Rheumatoid Arthritis Cookbook 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Rheumatoid Arthritis - friendly recipes including Pizza, Side dishes, and Casseroles for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p><strong>Do you want to learn about Rheumatoid Arthritis recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet? This cookbook is your answer!</strong></p> <p>In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p>CASSEROLE recipes like:</p> <p>- Mediterranean Quinoa Casserole</p> <p>- Mexican Tortilla Casserole</p> <p>- Creamy Broccoli and Rice Casserole</p> <p>PIZZA recipes like:</p> <p>- Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo Pizza</p> <p>- BBQ Chicken Pizza</p> <p>- Eggplant and Red Pepper Pizza</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Rheumatoid Arthritis Cookbook!</p> <p>Then you can begin reading <strong>Rheumatoid Arthritis Cookbook: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Rheumatoid Arthritis - friendly recipes including Pizza, Side dishes, and Casseroles for a delicious and tasty diet</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
一個都不留ー克莉絲蒂120誕辰紀念版1 And Then There Were None【電子書籍】[ 阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂 (Agatha Christie) ]
<p><strong>全球暢銷TOP1,克莉絲蒂的推理?鋒之作,李家同、セン宏志推薦首選</strong></p> <p>一首純真的童謠竟被當作恐怖的殺人暗示,十個可愛的人偶如何?動它們的詛咒??</p> <p>十個素不相識、特質相異的陌生人,受到神秘歐文先生的邀請,前往著名的戰士島度假。?</p> <p>?宴期間,神祕主人始終未曾現身,直至用餐結束,竟從空中傳出一陣詭異的人聲,指控在場?個人都隱藏著一?深惡的罪?。?</p> <p>一個隱形殺手置身其中,隨時準備出?;一首可愛童謠更預知其死亡紀事ーー「一個都不留」!?</p> <p>十位佳賓一個接一個死亡,倖存者人人自危,?如驚弓之鳥,有誰能來這個荒郊野地拯救他們??</p> <p>或者,他們通通都該死……?</p> <p>克莉絲蒂的推理?鋒之作,經典排行榜永恆的冠軍首選,千萬不可錯過!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
East: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes from Bangalore to Beijing [American Measurements] EAST [ Meera Sodha ]
EAST Meera Sodha FLATIRON BOOKS2020 Hardcover English ISBN:9781250750730 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Cooking
Gesammelte Werke: Gedichte + Erz?hlungen + Essays ?ber 120 Titel in einem Buch【電子書籍】[ Richard von Schaukal ]
<p>Dieses eBook: "Gesammelte Werke: Gedichte + Erz?hlungen + Essays" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgf?ltig korrekturgelesen. Richard von Schaukal (1874-1942) war ein ?sterreichischer Dichter, Kritiker und ?bersetzer. Da er die verschiedensten Einfl?sse seiner Zeit sensibel registrierte und produktiv umsetzte, stellte er eine gleichsam seismographische Figur nicht nur der Wiener Jahrhundertwende, sondern der europ?ischen Kultur um 1900 dar. Inhalt: Erz?hlungen: Eros Thanatos Eros Das Stelldichein Die S?ngerin Mathias Siebenlist Elisa Hu?feldt Dionys-b?csi Die Kr?cke Vom unsichtbaren K?nigreich Der Sinn Das Gesch?pf Der Mensch in seiner Welt Denken Das Wort Das Gleichnis M?rchen: Der alte Garten Von der versto?enen Sch?nheit Ananas Von dem Erwachen der Seele Die Witwe Der Stadth?gel Der Liebling Vom Fr?hling und seiner Trauer Vom Friedhof Tanzstunde Gro?mutters Bibliothek B?cher Das Theater Der Geburtstag des Einunddrei?igj?hrigen Von der Gnade Der Glaskasten Von den Dichtern Von den armen Reichen Fronleichnam Der Jahrestag Von wilden Tieren und Menschen Von der Heimat des Toten Vom Sterben Der Sonntag Meine Kindheit Mama Eine Nachmittagsstunde Lotte Dick Mein erster "Schilling" Lederstrumpf Eine Kindererinnerung Meine Helden Unterm Nu?baum Das gelbe Zimmer Allerseelen Christkindlmarkt Noch einmal Weihnachten Vom Leben und vom Sterben Sylvester Der Leser Axos Tod Der Tatzelwurm Auf einer Bank Der Handschuh Ein Ereignis im Alltag Ursula Semmering Eine stille Feier Annibas Rolf Bildnis eines Hundes Kleine Trag?die Der Anstreicher Abschied vom Sommer Der Christbaum... Gedichte: Fr?hling Wie schade Rokoko Nach Paul Verlaine Herrscher Chronica Ein M?dchen Das Ohr Colombine Pierrot Wir Nacht Gartenzimmer Sir Edward Grey Um die Morgenr?te Hinterm Garten Fr?hlingsabend Geduldspiel Mittag Fr?hlingsweh Fr?hlingsgewitter Sommerabend Hochsommerabend Die Grille...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Low Purine Diet 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Low Purine - friendly recipes including smoothies, pies, and pancakes for a delicious and tasty diet【電子書籍】[ Sussane Davis ]
<p>LOW PURINE DIET: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Low Purine - friendly recipes including smoothies, pies, and pancakes for a delicious and tasty diet</p> <p><strong>Do you want to learn about low purine recipes? Do you want to know how to prepare the most delicious meals that fit your diet? This book is the answer to your questions!</strong><br /> In this cookbook, you will find:</p> <p><strong>Pancake</strong> recipes like:</p> <p>Banana Oat Pancakes</p> <p>Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes</p> <p>Spinach and Feta Pancakes</p> <p><strong>Pie</strong> recipes like:</p> <p>Apple Pie</p> <p>Feta Pie</p> <p>Pumpkin Pie</p> <p><strong>Smoothie</strong> recipes like:</p> <p>Strawberry Smoothie</p> <p>Pineapple Coconut Smoothie</p> <p>Green Smoothie Bowl</p> <p>And many other recipes!</p> <p>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...</p> <p>How to cook healthy meals</p> <p>Comprehensive Dietary Advice & Guidance</p> <p>Recipes with detailed instructions</p> <p>Each recipe contains the exact amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat</p> <p>Fast and easy prep that requires no additional steps to prepare your meal</p> <p>Tips and Tricks</p> <p>Much,much more!</p> <p>Don’t miss out on Low Purine Cookbook! Click the orange BUY button at the top of this page!<br /> Then you can begin reading <strong>LOW PURINE DIET: 3 Manuscripts in 1 ? 120+ Low Purine - friendly recipes including smoothies, pies, and pancakes for a delicious and tasty diet</strong> on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。