D-076  [洋書]
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Tangled【電子書籍】[ Disney Book Group ]

<p>Get ready for lots of fun and adventure when the swashbuckling thief Flynn Rider meets Rapunzel--the girl with seventy feet of magical hair. Together they go on wild, hilarious, and heartfelt adventures when Rapunzel leaves her isolated tower for the firs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 674円

Love That Dog A Novel【電子書籍】[ Sharon Creech ]

<p><em><em>The Newbery Medal-winning author of <em>Walk Two Moons,</em> Sharon Creech</em>,</em> brings readers a story with enormous heart.**</p> <p><em>Love That Dog</em> shows how one boy named Jack finds his voice with the help of a teacher, a pencil, some yellow paper, and of course, a dog. Written as a series of free-verse poems from Jack's point of view, this novel is perfect for kids and teachers, too.</p> <p>Jack hates poetry. Only girls write it and every time he tries to, his brain feels empty. But his teacher, Miss Stretchberry, won't stop giving her class poetry assignmentsーand Jack can't avoid them. But then something amazing happens. The more he writes, the more he learns that he does have something to say.</p> <p><em>"I guess it does<br /> look like a poem<br /> when you see it<br /> typed up<br /> like that."</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,013円

The Bearded Lady From The Archer Files【電子書籍】[ Ross Macdonald ]

<p>In this short story from Ross Macdonald’s <em>The Archer Files</em>, detective Lew Archer stops in town to look in on an old army buddy, an artist, only to find that he has mysteriously disappeared. Seemingly the only clue is a disturbing charcoal sketch of a woman with a thick beard sitting in his studio. As Archer finds himself drawn into the investigation, it soon becomes clear that things are not what they seem. And that no one is above suspicion.</p> <p>A Vintage Short.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 196円

親愛的共犯【電子書籍】[ 陳雪 ]

<p>──本書榮獲2022年──</p> <p>【台北國際書展大獎小?組首獎】</p> <p><strong>當摯愛雙手染血,?是否願意奮不顧身成為共犯?</strong></p> <p>  我覺得悲傷也覺得幸福,</p> <p>  世上還有人願意陪我走進地獄裡,</p> <p>  地獄成了我們可以重逢的地方……</p> <p>  豪宅裡、山?下,時隔多年的兩個黒夜,</p> <p>  怎麼改變了兩個「家」?</p> <p>  <strong>一棟純白無瑕的豪宅,卻有著黒不見底的苦難?</strong></p> <p>  知名財團二公子、名餐廳老?張鎮東遭?架,重案組女刑警周小詠在各界壓力下,必須儘快偵破案子救回肉票。隨著深入調?,發現豪宅「白樓」裡外藏匿重重?穢:張家商場對手心有怨?、餐廳合夥人行跡可疑、張家大哥大嫂因爭奪接班心生忌憚、傭人們各懷心事,張鎮東的妻子崔牧芸則心神恍惚……</p> <p>  <strong>一間山?下的育幼院,竟成破案的關鍵?</strong></p> <p>  蒐證途中,多年前一?見不得天日的虐童案件赫然曝光,然而當是非與證據漸漸浮現,周小詠卻無法突破?人心防、也?服不了自己的心。難題接踵而來,周小詠只能依靠直覺與夢境,摸索案件輪廓──</p> <p>  當一個靠夢境解案的刑警,面對一群在惡夢中找光的同謀,</p> <p>  為什麼刑與罰擺在眼前,卻仍暗自希望他們無罪?</p> <p><strong>本書特色</strong></p> <p>  ★未出版即售出影視版權</p> <p>  ★陳雪又一懸疑長篇力作,探究「家」的定義、犯罪本質</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong><br /> <strong>陳雪</strong></p> <p>  小?家。</p> <p>  著有小?:《無父之城》(鏡文學出版)、《摩天大樓》、《迷宮中的戀人》、《附魔者》、《無人知曉的我》、《陳春天》、《橋上的孩子》、《愛情酒店》、《惡魔的女兒》、《蝴蝶》、《惡女書》等;?有散文集:《不是所有親密關係都叫做愛情》、《同婚十年:我們靜靜的生活》、《當我成為我們:愛與關係的三十六種可能》、《像我這樣的一個拉子》、《我們都是千瘡百孔的戀人》、《戀愛課》、《台妹時光》、《人妻日記》等。</p> <p>  陳雪臉書粉絲專頁|www.facebook.com/chenxue1970</p> <p>  陳雪臉書|www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1660030768</p> <p>  陳雪IG|chenxue1970</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,406円

The Big Bang Theory The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series【電子書籍】[ Jessica Radloff ]

<p><strong>The definitive, behind-the-scenes look at the most popular sitcom of the last decade, <em>The Big Bang Theory,</em> packed with all-new, exclusive interviews with the producers and the entire cast.</strong></p> <p><em>The Big Bang Theory</em> is a television phenomenon. To the casual viewer, it’s a seemingly effortless comedy, with relatable characters tackling real-life issues, offering a kind of visual comfort food to its millions of dedicated fans. But the behind-the-scenes journey of the show from a failed pilot to a global sensation is a fascinating story that even the most die-hard fans don’t know in its entirety.</p> <p>*The Big Bang Theory:*<em>The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series</em> is a riveting, entertaining look at the sitcom sensation, with the blessing and participation of co-creators Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, executive producers Steve Molaro and Steve Holland, as well as Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, Melissa Rauch, Mayim Bialik, and more. <em>Glamour</em> senior editor Jessica Radloff, who has written over 150 articles on the series (and even had a cameo in the finale!), gives readers an all-access pass to its intrepid producing and writing team and beloved cast. It’s a story of on-and-off screen romance told in hilarious and emotional detail, of casting choices that nearly changed everything (which even some of the actors didn’t know until now), of cast members bravely powering through personal tragedies, and when it came time to announce the 12th season would be its last, the complicated reasons why it was more difficult than anyone ever led on. Through hundreds of hours of interviews with the sitcom’s major players, Radloff dives into all this and much more. The book is the ultimate celebration of this once-in-a-generation show and a must-have for all fans.</p> <p>AN INSTANT <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER</p> <p>A <em>USA TODAY</em> BESTSELLER</p> <p>NAMED A BEST BOOK OF 2022 BY <em>GLAMOUR</em></p> <p>"Talking with Jessica, I realized how easy it had been for me to kind of put all 12 years of my time on Big Bang Theory under one general umbrella, as it were. The questions she asked and the information she’d reveal to me from someone else she’d interviewed forced me into a frame of mind where each season - and sometimes each episode - became it’s own, separate entity again. . . Frankly, it turned into a version of therapy I hadn’t realized I’d needed and couldn’t have known how much I’d enjoy." ーJim Parsons</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,621円

撲克命牌・我的愛情:從生日,找到我的天作之合【電子書籍】[ 羅伯特・坎普(Robert Camp) ]

<p>為什麼愛我的人我不愛,我愛的人不愛我?</p> <p>我的真命天子在?裡?戀情有何挑戰?「適婚指數」多高?</p> <p>從生日,解讀?的親密關係</p> <p>★看性格!52張「本命牌」人格特質深度解析</p> <p>★看關係!?與特定對象最重要的5個關係連結</p> <p>★看相合度!3大指數:吸引力指數、強度指數、相容性指數</p> <p>★一覽自己與對方的愛情性格及親密關係課題</p> <p><strong>用本命牌,看?與伴侶是?種關係連結:</strong></p> <p>【月亮連結】</p> <p>?們是天造地設的一對。相處舒服自在,無話不談,幾乎從不爭?。?這輩子從未感覺與別人這麼親近過。因為?們前世就曾?鰈情深,今生還要一起共度。</p> <p>【金星連結】</p> <p>?們是伴侶,也是彼此最好的朋友。相處充滿歡樂,在一起的時間都是開心的。?們有許多共同的喜好:同樣的藝術品味、旅行方式、美食、音樂、電影。</p> <p>【火星連結】</p> <p>?們一開始是天雷勾動地火,但日子久了卻爭?不斷。某一方會刺激?一方動起來,拉著對方一起去運動、健身、騎自行車、慢?等等。這段關係,讓?的身體比以前更健康。</p> <p>【木星連結】</p> <p>這是愛和照顧的關係,某一方心甘情願為?一方慷慨付出,教導對方許多事,一點也不期待回報。慣性接受的一方常感到困惑:我到底只是依頼,還是真正的愛?</p> <p>【土星連結】</p> <p>這是壓力很大的關係,某一方會出於善意,不斷批評?一方所做的?件事,希望對方能更進?、更成熟。若被要求的一方願意接受改造,將獲得很大的個人成長。</p> <p>【天王星連結】</p> <p>這種關係的核心是自由主義,?們尊重彼此是獨立的個體,不會干?或操控對方。允許彼此去完成自己的夢想,不依頼,也不期望對方做些什麼。</p> <p>【海王星連結】</p> <p>這種關係帶有夢幻與自欺的特質,某一方把?一方視為偶像、夢中情人,自以為找到了靈魂伴侶,拒?去察覺對方的缺點和本性,不計一切代價都想跟對方在一起。</p> <p>【冥王星連結】</p> <p>一段充滿挑戰的關係,兩人之間常出現權力的拉鋸戰,某一方總試圖操控?一方。雖然難受又難分難捨,但卻可以?助?克服自己的恐懼,蛻變成更好的人。</p> <p>【業力關係連結】</p> <p>?們是彼此的鏡映,不論是否覺察到,?們兩人個性非常相似。?喜歡和討厭對方的地方,自己身上也都有。關係的成功,取決於?能愛自己和接納自己多少。</p> <p>【宇宙回報連結】</p> <p>宇宙回報牌,往往代表命中注定臨終時陪伴我們的人。許多時候,這意味著婚姻的歸宿。一個人往往在經?過許多戀情之後,和自己的宇宙回報牌結婚。</p> <p>【三大關係指數】</p> <p>**・**吸引力指數(從-4到9):?有多?求和對方在一起</p> <p>・強度指數(從0到9):這段關係的戲劇性、挑戰與激烈程度</p> <p>・相容性指數(從-9到9):舒適自在的程度,長時間生活在一起的契合度</p> <p>「撲克命牌」賦予?獨特的洞察力,?助?解讀親密關係,看出兩人之間的能量連結與業力關係。?一張「本命牌」都有自己建立關係的特定方法,及可預測的行為模式。研究兩人的本命牌和守護星牌,就能看出兩人在關係課題、吸引力強度,以及相合或不合的程度。</p> <p>知道一個人的「本命牌」為何,大抵上讓?有個概念,知道彼此要如何相處。本命牌?露出這人的性格和業命。從某個觀點來看,所有的關係本質上都是業力牽引。?一張本命牌,受到兩張「業力牌」的影響(七張特殊牌除外),第一張代表?的債主,第二張代表來償還?的人。</p> <p>本書除了對五十二張「本命牌」做詳盡?明,更區分出五十六種「關係連結」對應,分別代表?與?一人之間特殊的能量連結。不論?與任何人交往,書中都已列出?們之間最重要的五個關係連結。有些和諧舒適而自在,有些則伴隨大量壓力及情緒張力。?可以把它當作重點參考指標,據此來追尋自己的幸福,或經營好自己的親密關係。</p> <p>作者/譯者簡介</p> <p>【作者簡介】</p> <p>羅伯特・坎普(Robert Camp)</p> <p>資深占星師及撲克命牌解讀師。1988年時,發現了此一古老而神祕的撲克命牌系統,可以推算出我們?個人的人生軌跡,而立志將其傳承於後世。著有《撲克命牌・我的流年》、《撲克命牌・我的愛情》,現居美國北?羅來納州。</p> <p>【譯者簡介】</p> <p>星光餘輝</p> <p>喜好紫微、八字、占星的專職翻譯人,譯有《行運占星全書》、《?的身體就是12星座》。</p> <p>目次</p> <p>【作者序】遠古先民的神聖系統</p> <p>一、性格篇:52張牌深度解析</p> <p>1.太初有牌</p> <p>2.如何解讀兩人的親密關係</p> <p>3.本命牌的性格解析</p> <p>〔王牌A:開始與自我〕</p> <p>紅心A:?求愛/梅花A:?求知識/方塊A:?求愛與金錢/黒桃A:野心與祕密</p> <p>〔數字2:關係與平衡〕</p> <p>紅心2:戀愛牌/梅花2:對話牌/方塊2:老謀深算的生意人/黒桃2:友誼牌</p> <p>〔數字3:表達與創意〕</p> <p>紅心3:多樣化的愛情/梅花3:作家牌/方塊3:財務上的創意/黒桃3:藝術家牌</p> <p>〔數字4:穩定與秩序〕</p> <p>紅心4:婚姻和家庭/梅花4:心智的滿足/方塊4:財務的穩定/黒桃4:工作中求滿足</p> <p>〔數字5:探索與旅行〕</p> <p>紅心5:情感的探險家/梅花5:追求真理/方塊5:價?的追求者/黒桃5:漫遊客</p> <p>〔數字6:責任與業力〕</p> <p>紅心6:和平使者/梅花6:傳教士/方塊6:財務上的責任/黒桃6:命運牌</p> <p>〔數字7:物質與靈性〕</p> <p>紅心7:靈性的愛/梅花7:靈性知識/方塊7:靈性的價?/黒桃7:信心牌</p> <p>〔數字8:權力與蛻變〕</p> <p>紅心8:情感的力量/梅花8:心智的力量/方塊8:太陽牌/黒桃8:勞動的力量</p> <p>〔數字9:結束與奉獻〕</p> <p>紅心9:普世的愛/梅花9:普世的知識/方塊9:付出奉獻的人/黒桃9:普世的人生</p> <p>〔數字10:成就與沈溺〕</p> <p>紅心10:因群體而成功/梅花10:心智上的成就/方塊10:福佑之牌/黒桃10:工作成就牌</p> <p>〔騎士牌:孩子氣與創造力〕</p> <p>紅心J:透過愛犧牲/梅花J:心智創意十足/方塊J:業務牌/黒桃J:演員牌</p> <p>〔皇后牌:慈悲與母愛〕</p> <p>紅心Q:慈愛的母親/梅花Q:直覺之母/方塊Q:樂善好施/黒桃Q:自我掌控牌</p> <p>〔國王牌:智慧與父愛〕</p> <p>紅心K:慈愛的父親/梅花K:知識大師/方塊K:成功的生意人/黒桃K:大師牌</p> <p>〔小丑牌:無特定命格〕</p> <p>4.守護星牌的性格解析</p> <p>二、關係篇:56種連結?明</p> <p>5.關係連結釋義</p> <p>〔月亮連結〕</p> <p>MOF(對方是?人生牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>MOFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>MOR(?是對方人生牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>MORS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>〔金星連結〕</p> <p>VEF(對方是?人生牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VEFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VER(?是對方人生牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VERS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VEM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VEMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>〔火星連結〕</p> <p>MAF(對方是?人生牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAR(?是對方人生牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MARS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>〔木星連結〕</p> <p>JUF(對方是?人生牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUR(?是對方人生牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JURS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>〔土星連結〕</p> <p>SAF(對方是?人生牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAR(?是對方人生牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SARS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>〔天王星連結〕</p> <p>URF(對方是?人生牌陣中的天王星)</p> <p>URFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的天王星)</p> <p>URR(?是對方人生牌陣中的天王星)</p> <p>URRS(画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,527円

Religious Experience Reconsidered A Building-Block Approach to the Study of Religion and Other Special Things【電子書籍】[ Ann Taves ]

<p><strong>How the sciences of the mind can advance the study of religion</strong></p> <p>The essence of religion was once widely thought to be a unique form of experience that could not be explained in neurological, psychological, or sociological terms. In recent decades scholars have questioned the privileging of the idea of religious experience in the study of religion, an approach that effectively isolated the study of religion from the social and natural sciences. <em>Religious Experience Reconsidered</em> lays out a framework for research into religious phenomena that reclaims experience as a central concept while bridging the divide between religious studies and the sciences.</p> <p>Ann Taves shifts the focus from "religious experience," conceived as a fixed and stable thing, to an examination of the processes by which people attribute meaning to their experiences. She proposes a new approach that unites the study of religion with fields as diverse as neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, and psychology to better understand how these processes are incorporated into the broader cultural formations we think of as religious or spiritual. Taves addresses a series of key questions: how can we set up studies without obscuring contestations over meaning and value? What is the relationship between experience and consciousness? How can research into consciousness help us access and interpret the experiences of others? Why do people individually or collectively explain their experiences in religious terms? How can we set up studies that allow us to compare experiences across times and cultures?</p> <p><em>Religious Experience Reconsidered</em> demonstrates how methods from the sciences can be combined with those from the humanities to advance a naturalistic understanding of the experiences that people deem religious.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,457円

Ready for the Rancher【電子書籍】[ Zuri Day ]

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Death's Dark Valley (Hugh Corbett 20)【電子書籍】[ Paul Doherty ]

<p><strong>1311. Murder and mayhem prowl the highways and coffin paths of Medieval England . . .</strong></p> <p><strong>Hugh Corbett returns in the twentieth gripping mystery in Paul Doherty's ever-popular series.</strong> <strong>If you love the historical mysteries of C. J. Sansom, E. M. Powell and Bernard Cornwell you will love this.</strong></p> <p>It is four years since the death of King Edward I, but his reign of terror has cast long shadows over the kingdom.</p> <p>At Holyrood Abbey, sheltered in the depths of the Welsh march, the old king's former bodyguards protect his secret relics and watch over a mysterious prisoner who is kept in the abbey's dungeon. But their peaceful existence is shattered when Abbot Henry is poisoned.</p> <p>Summoned to Holyrood, Sir Hugh Corbett, Keeper of the Secret Seal, finds the fortress in chaos. Brothers Anselm and Richard have been brutally slain by nails driven deep into their skulls. No one knows who could be behind the gruesome killings and the news attracts the attention of two unwanted guests: the sinister Marcher Lord Mortimer and King Philip of France's devious envoy De Craon.</p> <p>As more mysterious deaths occur, and a violent snow storm sweeps through the valley, Corbett must act quickly to identify the malevolent demon who has risen from hell to turn the abbey into a house of murder . . .</p> <p>Praise for Paul Doherty's dark and suspenseful novels:</p> <p>'His fascination for history comes off the page' <em>Daily Express</em></p> <p>'An opulent banquet to satisfy the most murderous appetite' <em>Northern Echo</em></p> <p>'Deliciously suspenseful, gorgeously written and atmospheric' <em>Historical Novels Review</em></p> <p>'Paul Doherty has a lively sense of history . . . evocative and lyrical descriptions' <em>New Statesmen</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,645円

The Smithy & Nobby Collection: 6 Novels & 90+ Stories in One Edition【電子書籍】[ Edgar Wallace ]

<p>Edgar Wallace's work 'The Smithy & Nobby Collection: 6 Novels & 90+ Stories in One Edition' is a comprehensive collection of thrilling and engaging stories that showcase Wallace's mastery of the crime and mystery genre. With a literary style characterized by fast-paced plots, unexpected twists, and intricate characters, Wallace's writing captivates readers from the first page to the last. This collection is a valuable insight into the popular literature of the early 20th century, where Wallace was a prominent figure in British fiction. Edgar Wallace, known as the 'King of Thrillers', had a successful career as a journalist and playwright before turning to fiction writing. His experiences in reporting and observing society provided him with the inspiration to craft gripping tales that resonate with readers even today. This collection reflects Wallace's remarkable storytelling abilities and his keen understanding of human nature and the criminal mind. I highly recommend 'The Smithy & Nobby Collection' to readers who enjoy classic crime fiction and are looking for a riveting and immersive reading experience. Wallace's timeless stories continue to entertain and captivate audiences, making this collection a must-read for fans of the mystery genre.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Contesting Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education Discourse and Responses in the Asia Pacific Region【電子書籍】

<p>This edited volume brings together exciting new research and ideas related to the ongoing internationalization of higher education, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, where this phenomenon has been rapidly developing in recent years. It also specifically focuses on analyzing the extent to which resurgent nationalisms from around the world effect the growth and direction of this sector of education. As cultural and political tensions rise globally, many are turning to educators and education researchers for suggestions on how to respond to this trend. This volume seeks to answer that call. Moreover, as authors share perspectives and data from a wide range of national and institutional contexts, the applicability of this volume extends beyond national or regional boundaries, offering questions, challenges, and lessons for educators worldwide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 18,231円

Global Matters The Transnational Turn in Literary Studies【電子書籍】[ Paul Jay ]

<p><strong>As the pace of cultural globalization accelerates, the discipline of literary studies is undergoing dramatic transformation.</strong> Scholars and critics focus increasingly on theorizing difference and complicating the geographical framework defining their approaches. At the same time, Anglophone literature is being created by a remarkably transnational, multicultural group of writers exploring many of the same concerns, including the intersecting effects of colonialism, decolonization, migration, and globalization.</p> <p>Paul Jay surveys these developments, highlighting key debates within literary and cultural studies about the impact of globalization over the past two decades. Global Matters provides a concise, informative overview of theoretical, critical, and curricular issues driving the transnational turn in literary studies and how these issues have come to dominate contemporary global fiction as well. Through close, imaginative readings Jay analyzes the intersecting histories of colonialism, decolonization, and globalization engaged by an array of texts from Africa, Europe, South Asia, and the Americas, including Zadie Smith's White Teeth, Junot D?az's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss, Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, Vikram Chandra's Red Earth and Pouring Rain, Mohsin Hamid's Moth Smoke, and Zakes Mda's The Heart of Redness. A timely intervention in the most exciting debates within literary studies, Global Matters is a comprehensive guide to the transnational nature of Anglophone literature today and its relationship to the globalization of Western culture.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,726円

Training Mark【電子書籍】[ Colin Milton ]

<p>Laura and Mark have been married for several years and are still much in love with one another.</p> <p>However, one evening Laura discovers another level to Mark's personality.</p> <p>Although she's always known of his submissive nature, she is more than pleasantly surprised when he willingly accepts her Domestic Discipline principles which lead him steadily towards the lifestyle of a toddler.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 796円

Pink Sand【電子書籍】[ Maz Johnrose ]

<p>The quintessential anthology of romantic poetry, each poem paired with original photographs by one of the great up-and-coming artists of the new generation of Caribbean writers. Inspired by the intoxicating island air and glimmering sand, the words and images will take you on a journey that will be impossible to forget.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,100円

Global Business Positioning Ventures Ahead【電子書籍】[ Michael R. Czinkota ]

<p><em>Global Business: Positioning Ventures Ahead</em> alerts every business to the new windows of opportunity open to those willing to explore global markets. Authors Czinkota and Ronkainen bring readers quickly up to speed on the essentials of international marketing, explaining all the strategic alternatives for going globalーfrom exporting and licensing to distributorships and joint ventures. They illustrate how to present, promote, and price products and services to appeal to multiple world markets and how to strike back when world competitors move into one’s territory.</p> <p>Each chapter concludes with "<strong>Food for Thought</strong>" questions that challenge the reader to think more deeply about entry into the global market, as well as <strong>further readings</strong> and <strong>online resources</strong> that provide useful references for continuing investigation.</p> <p><em>Global Business: Positioning Ventures Ahead</em> equips readers with the skills to ride out the risks and reap the rewards of world-class engagement.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 23,639円

Unter wehender Flagge【電子書籍】[ C. S. Forester ]

<p>Der Klassiker unter den Seefahrerepen: Horatio Hornblowers siebtes Abenteuer.<br /> Hornblower ist in die H?nde der Franzosen geraten, die ihn schwer bewacht nach Paris bringen wollen, wo ihm der Tod durch die Salven der napoleonischen Garden droht. Doch zuvor gelingt ihm die Flucht, auf der er sich zur englischen Flotte durchzuschlagen versucht. Doch der Weg in die Freiheit ist gespickt mit Gefahren.<br /> Der siebte Band der ber?hmten Romanserie um Horatio Hornblower, einem Meilenstein der maritimen Literatur, ist ein gro?es Seeabenteuer und ein Lesevergn?gen, das bereits Generationen von Lesern begeistert hat.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,300円

治史經驗談 - 重編本【電子書籍】[ 嚴耕望 ]

<p>  本書為作者就其四十餘年研究中國?史的實際經驗現身?法,以供青年史學工作者之參考。全書分為九篇,?容?及基本方法、具體規律、論題選擇、論著標準及論文寫作諸問題,最後兩篇談努力途徑與生活修養,尤為作者特所致意,以為欲求在學術上有真實成就之最基本功夫。綜觀全書大意:研究工作要堅持原則,而適應靈活,問題從廣面探討,不作孤立一點之研究,功夫自基本處做起,以拙慢為巧捷,著作以充實為基礎,以光輝為指歸。是故,本書乃一部與史學方法有關之書,然其蹊徑與一般講史方法論者完全不同。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 605円

Loser【電子書籍】[ Jerry Spinelli ]

<p><strong>From renowned Newbery-winning author Jerry Spinelli comes a powerful story about how not fitting in just might lead to an incredible life. This classic book is perfect for fans of Gordon Korman and Carl Hiaasen.</strong></p> <p>Just like other kids, Zinkoff rides his bike, hopes for snow days, and wants to be like his dad when he grows up. But Zinkoff also raises his hand with all the wrong answers, trips over his own feet, and falls down with laughter over a word like "Jabip."</p> <p>Other kids have their own word to describe him, but Zinkoff is too busy to hear it. He doesn't know he's not like everyone else. And one winter night, Zinkoff's differences show that any name can someday become "hero."</p> <p>With some of his finest writing to date and great wit and humor, Jerry Spinelli creates a story about a boy's individuality surpassing the need to fit in and the genuine importance of failure. As readers follow Zinkoff from first through sixth grade, it becomes impossible not to identify with and root for him through failures and triumphs. The perfect classroom read.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,013円

Annapolis Harbor - Nur mit dir Small-Town-Romance【電子書籍】[ Lea Coll ]

<p><em><strong>Kann ich meine Zukunft f?r einen Witwer mit einem Werkzeugg?rtel, einem K?rper zum Sterben sch?n und einem Herz, das absolut tabu ist, riskieren?</strong></em></p> <p>Erst lehnte ich einen Heiratsantrag ab, dann zog ich nach Annapolis, um eine Anwaltskanzlei zu er?ffnen. Ich dachte, meine Welt k?nnte sich nicht mehr ?ndern ...</p> <p>Bis Cade in mein B?ro kam, nach S?gemehl roch und das T-Shirt seiner Firma straff ?ber seiner Brust und seinem Bizeps spannte. Alles an ihm war so sexy wie die S?nde und v?llig tabu.</p> <p>Aber ich kann das Gesch?ft, in das ich meine Ersparnisse gesteckt habe, nicht riskieren, indem ich mit einem Kunden ausgehe, und er wird sein Herz nicht riskieren.</p> <p>Je mehr Zeit wir miteinander verbringen, desto mehr will ich ihn. Selbst wenn eine Beziehung zwischen uns m?glich w?re, wie kann er mir alles von sich geben?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,349円

Stocking Stuffer【電子書籍】[ Lauren Smith ]

<p>When Bailey Willis plays Santa's elf for her company's Christmas party, she never expects the man playing the role of Santa to be the childhood crush who broke her heart at sixteen.</p> <p>Montgomery "Mack" Macholan realizes he made a mistake when he let Bailey go home on prom night without kissing her. Now ten years later he's playing Santa to her sexy elf and he can't keep his hands off her.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 500円

The Tree of Life An Expose of Physical Regenesis on the Three-Fold Plane of Bodily, Chemical and Spiritual Operation【電子書籍】[ George W. Carey ]

<p>The human race has been asleep, and has dreamed that property and money are the true wealth of a nation, sacrificing men, women and children to the chimerical idea that danced in visionary splendor through their brains. The result of this is to be seen in the uneasiness that prevails everywhere. But humanity is waking up, slowly but surely and beginning to realize that it, itself, is the most precious thing on earth. In this book the author thoroughly explains the process of physical regenesis by applying the principles of bodilychemistry and spiritual operation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Bank of Japan Act Unveiling the Financial Framework: A Deep Dive into Japan's Banking Legislation【電子書籍】[ The Government of Japan ]

<p>The 'Bank of Japan Act' stands as a pivotal document in the realm of economic governance and monetary policy in Japan. Rooted in the traditions of post-war legislative frameworks, it delineates the structure, functions, and autonomous operation of Japan's central bank. Written in a clear yet technical style, the Act serves not only as a legal instrument but also as a historical account of Japan's commitment to robust monetary stability and fiscal prudence. Its provisions reflect the intricate balance between governmental oversight and the necessity for central bank independence amid fluctuating economic conditions. The Government of Japan, as the author of this legislative act, encapsulates decades of economic experience and institutional evolution. Japan's unique socio-economic landscape, marked by its post-war recovery and the challenges posed by the '??Lost Decade,'?? influenced the crafting of this Act, ensuring its relevance in navigating contemporary economic issues. The intent behind the legislation was not just regulatory compliance but fostering an environment conducive to economic growth while maintaining stability. The 'Bank of Japan Act' is essential reading for economists, policymakers, and students alike, providing a comprehensive perspective on the mechanics of Japan's monetary system. It is a must-have resource for understanding Japan's proactive measures in ensuring economic resilience and offers invaluable insights for those interested in the broader implications of central banking on national and global scales.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

Sergei and Hans【電子書籍】[ Dennis Santaniello ]

<p>In 'Sergei and Hans' by Dennis Santaniello, brace yourself for a suspenseful journey through the trenches of World War I. This isn't just historical fiction; it's a thrilling ride that captures the essence of a time rife with conflict and intrigue. The story follows Sergei, a Russian soldier, and Hans, a German officer, whose paths intertwine in a gripping narrative filled with tension and unexpected turns.</p> <p>Set against the backdrop of war's chaos, this novel masterfully crafts a tale of suspense and clandestine empathy. As Sergei and Hans navigate a landscape marked by danger and betrayal, their silent understanding becomes a subtle game of survival and strategy. With each chapter, the stakes get higher, and the suspense tightens, pulling you into the heart of their perilous journey.</p> <p>'Sergei and Hans' is a heart-pounding historical fiction thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It's a story of resilience, cunning, and the unspoken bonds that defy the ravages of war. Prepare for a read that's as thrilling as it is thought-provoking, where every page crackles with suspense and historical depth.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 200円

Cryptocurrencies and Cryptoassets Regulatory and Legal Issues【電子書籍】[ Andrew Haynes ]

<p>This book examines the legal and regulatory aspects of cryptocurrency and blockchain and the emerging practical issues that these issues involve.</p> <p>The analysis covers a range of advanced economies across the world, in America, Europe and Asia. The book describes, explains and analyses the nature of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain systems they are constructed on in these major world economies and considers relevant law and regulation and their shortcomings.</p> <p>It will be of use and interest to academics, lawyers, regulators and anyone involved with cryptocurrencies and blockchain.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,440円

English Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil Exploring England's Literary Tapestry and Cultural Heritage【電子書籍】[ Samuel Manning ]

<p>English Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil offers readers a multifaceted exploration of England through richly detailed prose and evocative illustrations. This anthology traverses a wide range of literary styles, from vivid narratives to introspective musings, capturing the essence of English landscapes, cities, and cultural landmarks. The collection skillfully weaves these diverse elements to paint a comprehensive portrait of English life and heritage. As readers journey through its pages, they encounter standout pieces that poignantly draw on England's natural beauty and historic depth, showcasing the country's picturesque allure and the literary tradition of capturing it. Authors Samuel Manning and Samuel G. Green bring together their distinct yet complementary perspectives, anchoring this anthology in an insightful examination of England's varied landscape. Both authors have made significant contributions to the cultural and literary landscapes of their time, harnessing the power of travel writing to shed light on social and historical contexts. This collection aligns with the flourishing trends of the Victorian era'??s literary movement, which emphasized realism and the celebration of nature, blending these influences to offer a nuanced perspective on England. For those seeking to immerse themselves in the diverse tapestry of English culture and landscapes, English Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil presents a unique convergence of perspectives. It invites readers to explore the richness of England through the complementary lenses of Manning and Green, prompting reflection and dialogue. This anthology is an indispensable resource for enthusiasts of travel literature and those eager to gain a deeper understanding of England'??s literary and cultural heritage, providing a varied and enriching reading experience par excellence.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

The Man Who Was Victor Hugo: Memoirs, Essays, Letters & Speeches With Accompanied Biography【電子書籍】[ Victor Hugo ]

<p>Victor Hugo was a poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic Movement. And he is also considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. This meticulously edited collection will bring you closer to his true persona. You will find out the amazing circumstances and true events in his incredible life full of turmoil, great success as well as great defeats. Contents: Biography Victor Hugo: His Life and Work Autobiography The Memoirs of Victor Hugo Essays Medley of Philosophy and Literature Napoleon the Little William Shakespeare The History of a Crime Speeches: "In Defense of His Son" Address to the Workman's Congress at Marseille Oration on Voltaire Letters: Juliette Drouet's Love-Letters to Victor Hugo Letter to the London News Regarding John Brown Letter to Mrs. Maria Weston Chapman on American Slavery</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Siege of Troy A Novel【電子書籍】[ Theodor Kallifatides ]

<p><strong>In this perceptive retelling of <em>The Iliad</em>, a young Greek teacher draws on the enduring power of myth to help her students cope with the terrors of Nazi occupation.</strong></p> <p>Bombs fall over a Greek village during World War II, and a teacher takes her students to a cave for shelter. There she tells them about another warーwhen the Greeks besieged Troy. Day after day, she recounts how the Greeks suffer from thirst, heat, and homesickness, and how the opponents meetーarmy against army, man against man. Helmets are cleaved, heads fly, blood flows. And everything had begun when Prince Paris of Troy fell in love with King Menelaus of Sparta's wife, the beautiful Helen, and escaped with her to his homeland. Now Helen stands atop the city walls to witness the horrors set in motion by her flight. When her current and former loves face each other in battle, she knows that, whatever happens, she will be losing.</p> <p>Theodor Kallifatides provides remarkable psychological insight in his version of <em>The Iliad</em>, downplaying the role of the gods and delving into the mindsets of its mortal heroes. Homer's epic comes to life with a renewed urgency that allows us to experience events as though firsthand, and reveals timeless truths about the senselessness of war and what it means to be human.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,890円

The Greatest Works of Baroness Emma Orczy Thriller, Adventure & Mystery Classics, Including The Complete Scarlet Pimpernel Series, Beau Brocade, The Heart of a Woman, The Bronze Eagle, The Old Man in the Corner, Lady Molly of Scotland Ya【電子書籍】

<p>This meticulously edited Emma Orczy collection includes over 3o novels and 100 short stories, including the complete Scarlet Pimpernel series and other historical, adventure and romance classics. Contents: The Scarlet Pimpernel Series: The Laughing Cavalier The First Sir Percy The Scarlet Pimpernel Sir Percy Leads the Band The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel I Will Repay The Elusive Pimpernel Lord Tony's Wife The Way of the Scarlet Pimpernel Eldorado Mam'zelle Guillotine Sir Percy Hits Back Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel A Child of the Revolution In the Rue Monge Pimpernel and Rosemary The Scarlet Pimpernel Looks at the World Other Novels: The Emperor's Candlesticks The Tangled Skein (In Mary's Reign) Beau Brocade The Nest of the Sparrowhawk Petticoat Rule (Petticoat Government) The Heart of a Woman (A True Woman) Unto Caesar A Bride of the Plains The Bronze Eagle Leatherface His Majesty's Well-Beloved The Honourable Jim The Celestial City Marivosa A Joyous Adventure The Uncrowned King Short Stories: The Old Man in the Corner Unravelled Knots The Khaki Tunic The Ingres Masterpiece The Pearl Necklace The Russian Prince The Mysterious Tragedy in Bishop'S Road The Dog'S Tooth Cliff The Tytherton Case The Brudenell Court The White Carnation The Montmartre Hat The Miser of Maida Vale The Fulton Gardens Mystery A Moorland Tragedy Lady Molly of Scotland Yard The Ninescore Mystery The Frewin Miniatures The Irish-Tweed Coat The Fordwych Castle Mystery A Day's Folly A Castle in Brittany A Christmas Tragedy The Bag of Sand The Man in the Inverness Cape The Woman in the Big Hat Sir Jeremiah's Will The End The Man in Grey Silver-leg The Spaniard The Mystery of Marie Vaillant The Emeralds of Mademoiselle Philipa The Bourbon Prince The Mystery of a Woman's Heart The League of Knaves The Arrow Poison The Last Adventure Castles in the Air A Roland For His Oliver A Fool's Paradise On The Brink Carissimo The Toys Honour Among ?? An Over-Sensitive Heart Skin o' My Tooth</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Tarot Disassembled Guidebook Deconstructing the Symbols of the Major and Minor Arcana【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Cooper Steidley ]

<p><strong>This guide shows the traditional symbolism of the tarot in bold graphics, allowing readers to connect intuitively to the deeper aspects of the cards.</strong></p> <p>The <em>Tarot Disassembled Guidebook</em> provides fresh insight into interpreting the traditional symbolism found in the tarot. In this companion book to the <em>Tarot Disassembled</em> card deck, author and creator Jennifer Cooper Steidley has deconstructed the symbolism, presenting it in bold graphics, allowing the user to connect with the tarot in a completely intuitive wayーfree from any pictorial narrative around gender, skin color, age, size, ability, or any other human constructs.</p> <p>Sometimes we need to take something apart in order to appreciate what’s in it. The same is true for the ingredients of the tarot: the individual symbols that make up the complex picture of a tarot card. There is potential for deep understanding that comes with the act of disassembling, and this guidebook deconstructs each of the seventy-eight cards. The Fool card is shown as a satchel, a dog, the sun, a feather, a flower, a mountain. Each card remains undeniably recognizable. The deconstructed simplicity allows tarot’s rich symbolism to become clear, and readers can see how the symbols wind their way through each card in the deck.</p> <p><em>Tarot Disassembled</em> is based on the symbology of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarotーarguably the most iconic and widely used deck in the world. Once the disassembling of tarot symbols is fully understood, you can begin to apply this deconstructing technique to other decks to find the inner patterns. This unique and innovative guidebook includes keywords, astrological and planetary associations, and elemental associations for each tarot card. It can be used with any deck based on the Rider-Waite system or as a companion to the <em>Tarot Disassembled</em> card deck, sold separately.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,024円

Wolfville Nights【電子書籍】[ Alfred Henry Lewis ]

<p>Wolfville Nights by Alfred Henry Lewis explores the dynamic and often chaotic life in a frontier town, reflecting the lawlessness and moral complexity of the American Southwest. The narrative captures the interactions and conflicts among the town’s residents, who must navigate a world where survival and personal honor are paramount. The story delves into the harsh realities of living in a rugged, unsettled environment, where individuals confront violence, betrayal, and the constant struggle between right and wrong. Themes of loyalty, justice, and the consequences of one’s actions emerge as characters form relationships based on mutual trust or rivalry. The novel highlights the camaraderie and tension that arise in a community where social order is fragile, and survival often depends on wit and strength. Through its vivid portrayal of the frontier, the book explores the tensions between personal codes of conduct and the disorder that surrounds them, offering a glimpse into the challenges faced by those who lived on the edge of civilization.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 167円