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Modern Computer Vision with PyTorch A practical roadmap from deep learning fundamentals to advanced applications and Generative AI【電子書籍】[ V Kishore Ayyadevara ]

<p><b>The definitive computer vision book is back, featuring the latest neural network architectures and an exploration of foundation and diffusion models Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Understand the inner workings of various neural network architectures and their implementation, including image classification, object detection, segmentation, generative adversarial networks, transformers, and diffusion models</li><li>Build solutions for real-world computer vision problems using PyTorch</li><li>All the code files are available on GitHub and can be run on Google Colab</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Whether you are a beginner or are looking to progress in your computer vision career, this book guides you through the fundamentals of neural networks (NNs) and PyTorch and how to implement state-of-the-art architectures for real-world tasks. The second edition of Modern Computer Vision with PyTorch is fully updated to explain and provide practical examples of the latest multimodal models, CLIP, and Stable Diffusion. You’ll discover best practices for working with images, tweaking hyperparameters, and moving models into production. As you progress, you'll implement various use cases for facial keypoint recognition, multi-object detection, segmentation, and human pose detection. This book provides a solid foundation in image generation as you explore different GAN architectures. You’ll leverage transformer-based architectures like ViT, TrOCR, BLIP2, and LayoutLM to perform various real-world tasks and build a diffusion model from scratch. Additionally, you’ll utilize foundation models' capabilities to perform zero-shot object detection and image segmentation. Finally, you’ll learn best practices for deploying a model to production. By the end of this deep learning book, you'll confidently leverage modern NN architectures to solve real-world computer vision problems.<h2>What you will learn</h2><ul><li>Get to grips with various transformer-based architectures for computer vision, CLIP, Segment-Anything, and Stable Diffusion, and test their applications, such as in-painting and pose transfer</li><li>Combine CV with NLP to perform OCR, key-value extraction from document images, visual question-answering, and generative AI tasks</li><li>Implement multi-object detection and segmentation</li><li>Leverage foundation models to perform object detection and segmentation without any training data points</li><li>Learn best practices for moving a model to production</li></ul><h2>Who this book is for</h2><p>This book is for beginners to PyTorch and intermediate-level machine learning practitioners who want to learn computer vision techniques using deep learning and PyTorch. It's useful for those just getting started with neural networks, as it will enable readers to learn from real-world use cases accompanied by notebooks on GitHub. Basic knowledge of the Python programming language and ML is all you need to get started with this book. For more experienced computer vision scientists, this book takes you through more advanced models in the latter part of the book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,251円

The Otome Heroine's Fight for Survival (Manga): Volume 2【電子書籍】[ Harunohi Biyori ]

<p>Aliciaーnow going by the name Aliaーdecides to continue her training in the woods, isolated from others. Through ingenious use of the resources available to her and despite the growing pains associated with her increasing aether, she continues to hone her combat skills and begins her forays into the world of sorcery. One day, on her way out of town after stocking up on supplies, she senses a distinct presenceーor lack thereofーand realizes she’s being watched. It’s a dangerous encounter, one with life-changing consequences she couldn’t have anticipated.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,399円

The Backyard Bird Chronicles【電子書籍】[ Amy Tan ]

<p><strong>#1 <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? A gorgeous, witty account of birding, nature, and the beauty around us that hides in plain sight, written and illustrated by the best-selling author of <em>The Joy Luck Club</em> ? With a foreword by David Allen Sibley</strong></p> <p><strong>“Unexpected and spectacular” ーAnn Patchett, best-selling author of <em>These Precious Days</em></strong></p> <p><strong>"The drawings and essays in this book do a lot more than just describe the birds. They carry a sense of discovery through observation and drawing, suggest the layers of patterns in the natural world, and emphasize a deep personal connection between the watcher and the watched. The birds that inhabit Amy Tan’s backyard seem a lot like the characters in her novels.” ーDavid Allen Sibley, from the foreword</strong></p> <p>Tracking the natural beauty that surrounds us, <em>The Backyard Bird Chronicles</em> maps the passage of time through daily entries, thoughtful questions, and beautiful original sketches. With boundless charm and wit, author Amy Tan charts her foray into birding and the natural wonders of the world.</p> <p>In 2016, Amy Tan grew overwhelmed by the state of the world: Hatred and misinformation became a daily presence on social media, and the country felt more divisive than ever. In search of peace, Tan turned toward the natural world just beyond her window and, specifically, the birds visiting her yard. But what began as an attempt to find solace turned into something far greaterーan opportunity to savor quiet moments during a volatile time, connect to nature in a meaningful way, and imagine the intricate lives of the birds she admired.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,189円

純真博物館(諾貝爾文學獎得主?慕克探究愛與執迷的經典作品) Masumiyet Muzesi【電子書籍】[ 奧罕.?慕克 ]

<p>諾貝爾文學獎得主、土耳其文學大師?慕克<br /> 最深入愛情之痛的小?創作<br /> 獻給所有曾被愛情撕?得體無完膚的凡夫俗子</p> <p>那些厚顏無恥的?頼不走<br /> 那些竊取?切身之物的病態行徑<br /> 那些百般把玩也不厭倦的戀物之癖<br /> 那些收藏與展示的必須<br /> ?的都是──<br /> 我怎麼能?不愛?!<br />   </p> <p>  「有時我會一動不動地站在一個角落,傾聽?心痛苦的漣?,努力要讓自己那喊著芙頌、芙頌、芙頌的心臟平靜下來……」<br />   其實,凱末爾曾經擁有芙頌,並且是最純真而完整的芙頌。然而,如同凱末爾的自白:任何人在當下都不會知道自己正在經?一生中最幸福的時刻。或許正因如此,本想「永遠把?捧在手心裡」的凱末爾,竟讓芙頌從他手中溜走,甚至是從他手中?落。<br />   從此以後,為了不斷回到那「一生中最幸福的時刻」,凱末爾在遠遠思念芙頌的痛苦以及放下自尊去靠近芙頌的難堪間撕?,並陷入了不斷竊取芙頌身邊物品的惡癖。從做愛時掉落的耳墜,到電視機上一個又一個的小狗擺飾,從?的鏡子、?的梳子、?的髮夾,到?經八年蒐集來的4,213個?頭。在凱末爾眼中,?一個物品都象?了與芙頌共處的某一個當下,?一個物品都自有芙頌賦予的靈魂與意義。<br />   日積月累之下,芙頌的物品組成了一座凱末爾的博物館。凱末爾的博物館是?的純真,是他的病態,是一座收藏愛之徒勞的博物館。博物館裡?一個切切訴?著愛情身世的日常小物件,都銘記著那段伊斯坦堡的傾城之戀。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,753円

當代中文課程 課本1-3(二版) A Course in Contemporary Chinese, Textbook 1-3 (2nd Edition)【電子書籍】[ 國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心 ]

<p><strong>華語教學權威──國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心編寫開發</strong><br /> <strong>集結?多華語教師及學生使用經驗回饋,全新改版,正是「當代」</strong></p> <p><strong>【新版特色】</strong><br /> ■ 紮實題材:新版保有臺灣師範大學國語教學中心一貫的豐富教學資源及與時?進的學習主題,再彙集海?外華語教師及使用者第一線回饋,進行?容更新,教學應用更加順利。</p> <p>■ 輕量分冊:新版第一冊課本以5課為單位,分為1-1、1-2、1-3共3本。可合買也可單購,提供學生更多選擇。</p> <p>■ 有效學習:整合作業本及漢字簿,作業L1-5+漢字L1-5為1-1,以此類推同樣分為3本,協助學生對應上課進度,追蹤學習成效。</p> <p>■ AR加持:新版?課皆製作課文對話的AR動畫,下載免費AR軟體即可掃?課文圖片,呈現生動的角色與對話畫面。</p> <p>■ 影音加分:?將各課音?整合為Youtube播放清單,只要掃描教材封面折口QRcode,即可直接播放全冊音?。搭配各課動畫,倍増學習樂趣。</p> <p><strong>【系列規劃】</strong><br /> 全系列教材共六冊,為全方位訓練學生華語能力的教材。前三冊以口語訓練為主,後三冊開始進入書面語訓練。</p> <p>第一冊(新版分3本)著重在實際日常生活對話運用,第二冊開始輔以短文?讀,第三冊則從長篇對話進入書面語及篇章的訓練,第四冊維持長篇對話與篇章兩種形式,擴展談論話題能力。第五冊選擇具爭議性的主題;第六冊則選材自真實語篇;兩冊均涵蓋社會、科技、經濟、政治、文化、環境等多元主題,拓展學生對不同語體、領域的語言認知與運用。</p> <p>各冊教材分別包含課本、作業本、教師手冊及漢字練習(第一、二冊)。</p> <p><strong>【程度規劃】</strong><br /> 本系列教材適合來台學習華語學生,並適用於海外高中或大學學習華語的學生。一〜六冊的程度規劃相當於 CEFR 的 A1-C1等級或 ACTFL 的 Novice-Superior等級。</p> <p><strong>【特色】</strong><br /> ● 符合現代教學潮流,結合溝通式教學和任務導向學習,培養學生使用華語的能力。<br /> ● ?課開始的學習目標和課末的學習自評表,?助學習者了解自己是否達成學習目標。<br /> ● 課文緊貼日常生活真實情況,使學生在自然的語境下學習華語。<br /> ● 採用新思維漢語教學詞類架構及語法?明,有效防堵學習者偏誤?生。<br /> ● 語法?明包括語法功能、結構、語用、練習四個部分,輔助學習者正確地使用語言。<br /> ● 課室活動提供明確的學習目標、活動或任務,透過有趣的活動練習鞏固學習。<br /> ● 「文化」單元輔以真實的照片,使學習者能深入瞭解臺灣當地社會文化。<br /> ● 提供線上輔助工具,協助教師課堂教學輔助及學習者之課後練習。</p> <p><strong>【Introduction】</strong><br /> This six-volume series is a comprehensive learning material that focuses on spoken language in the first three volumes and written language in the latter three volumes. Volume One aims to strengthen daily conversation and applications; Volume Two contains short essays as supplementary readings; Volume Three introduces beginning-level written language and discourse, in addition to extended dialogues. Volume Four uses discourse to solidify the learner’s written language and ability in reading authentic materials; Volumes Five and Six are arranged in topics such as society, technology, economics, politics, culture, and environment to help the learner expand their language utilisations in different domains.</p> <p>Each volume includes a textbook, a student workbook, and a teacher’s manual. In addition, Volume One and Two include practices for characters.</p> <p><strong>【Level of Students】</strong><br /> A Course in Contemporary Chinese 《當代中文課程》 is suitable for learners of Chinese in Taiwan, as well as for high school or college level Chinese language courses overseas. Volumes One to Six cover levels A1 to B2 in the CEFR, or Novice to Advanced levels in ACTFL Guidelines</p> <p><strong>【Overview】</strong><br /> ● The series adopts communicative language teaching and task-based learning to boost the learner’s Chinese ability.<br /> ● Each lesson has learning objectives and self-evaluation to give the learner a clear record of tasks completed.<br /> ● Lessons are authentic daily situations to help the learner learn in natural contexts.<br /> ● Lexical items and syntactic structures are presented and explained in functional, not structural, perspectives.<br /> ● Syntactic, i.e. grammatical, explanation includes functions, structures, pragmatics, and drills to guide the learner to proper usage.<br /> ● Classroom activities have specific learning objectives, activities, or tasks to help fortify learning while having fun.<br /> ● The “Bits of Chinese Culture” section of the lesson has authentic photographs to give the learner a deeper look at local Taiwanese culture.<br /> ● Online access provides supplementary materials for teachers & students.</p> <p><strong>?編寫/主編/策劃簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>編寫:王佩卿</strong></p> <p><strong>編寫:?桂英</strong></p> <p><strong>編寫:陳慶華</strong><br /> 國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心資深華語教師,合著有《當代中文課程》</p> <p><strong>主編:トウ守信</strong><br /> Shou-hsin Teng, PhD<br /> Professor of Chinese Linguistics<br /> University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass, USA (retired)<br /> National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (retired)<br /> Maa Fa Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand<br /> Dept. of Chinese as a Second Language, Chungyuan Christian University, Chungli, Taiwan (current)</p> <p><strong>策劃:國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中</strong><br /> 心國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心成立於 1956 年,隸屬於國立臺灣師範大學,是臺灣?史最悠久、規模最完備、教學最有成效的華語文教學機構。學員來自全世界各地,許多漢學界知名學者及政經界名人都曾在此就讀,在國際間享譽盛名。<br /> The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) at NTNUThe Mandarin Training Center (MTC) is a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University<br /> (NTNU) and was founded in the autumn of 1956 for teaching Chinese as a second language. Currently, the MTC is the largest and the most renowned Chinese language center, with around 1,700 students from more than 70 countries enrolled each academic quarter (three months).</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,183円

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving【電子書籍】[ Eugene S. Bardach ]

<p>Drawing on more than 40 years of experience with policy analysis, best-selling authors Eugene Bardach and Eric M. Patashnik use practical tips and real-world examples to equip effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. The <strong>Seventh Edition</strong> of <strong>A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis</strong> offers new case studies, expanded discussion, new guidance for policy analysis in a polarized age, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,322円

The Book of Why The New Science of Cause and Effect【電子書籍】[ Judea Pearl ]

<p><strong>The hugely influential book on how the understanding of causality revolutionized science and the world, by the pioneer of artificial intelligence</strong></p> <p><strong>'Wonderful ... illuminating and fun to read'</strong> <strong>Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize-winner and author of <em>Thinking, Fast and Slow</em></strong></p> <p>'Correlation does not imply causation.' For decades, this mantra was invoked by scientists in order to avoid taking positions as to whether one thing caused another, such as smoking and cancer, or carbon dioxide and global warming. But today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, sparked by <strong>world-renowned computer scientist Judea Pearl</strong> and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and placed cause and effect on a firm scientific basis. Now, Pearl and science journalist Dana Mackenzie explain causal thinking to general readers for the first time, showing how it allows us to explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. <strong>It is the essence of human and artificial intelligence. And just as Pearl's discoveries have enabled machines to think better, <em>The Book of Why</em> explains how we too can think better.</strong></p> <p><strong>'Pearl's accomplishments over the last 30 years have provided the theoretical basis for progress in artificial intelligence and have redefined the term "thinking machine"'</strong> <strong>Vint Cerf</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,660円

Cien a?os de soledad【電子書籍】[ Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez ]

<p><strong>Se?alada como ≪catedral g?tica del lenguaje≫, este cl?sico del siglo XX es el enorme y espl?ndido tapiz de la saga de la familia Buend?a, en la m?tica aldea de Macondo.</strong></p> <p>UNO DE LOS 5 LIBROS M?S IMPORTANTES DE LOS ?LTIMOS 125 A?OS SEG?N <em>THE NEW YORK TIMES</em></p> <p><strong>Un referente imprescindible de la vida y la narrativa latinoamericana.</strong></p> <p><em>≪Muchos a?os despu?s, frente al pelot?n de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buend?a hab?a de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llev? a conocer el hielo. Macondo era entonces una aldea de veinte casas de barro y ca?abrava construidas a la orilla de un r?o de aguas di?fanas que se precipitaban por un lecho de piedras pulidas, blancas y enormes como huevos prehist?ricos. El mundo era tan reciente, que muchas cosas carec?an de nombre, y para mencionarlas hab?a que se?alarlas con el dedo≫.</em></p> <p>Con estas palabras empieza la novela ya legendaria en los anales de la literatura universal, una de las aventuras literarias m?s fascinantes de nuestro siglo. Millones de ejemplares de <em>Cien a?os de soledad</em> le?dos en todas las lenguas y el Premio Nobel de Literatura coronando una obra que se hab?a abierto paso ≪boca a boca≫ -como gusta decir al escritor- son la m?s palpable demostraci?n de que la aventura fabulosa de la familia Buend?a-Iguar?n, con sus milagros, fantas?as, obsesiones, tragedias, incestos, adulterios, rebeld?as, descubrimientos y condenas, representaba al mismo tiempo el mito y la historia, la tragedia y el amor del mundo entero.</p> <p><strong>Pablo Neruda dijo...</strong><br /> ≪El Quijote de nuestro tiempo.≫</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

Een Nieuw sociaal contract【電子書籍】[ Pieter Omtzigt ]

<p>Heel lang geloofden we dat Nederland af was. Maar schijn bedriegt. Pieter Omtzigt laat zien dat er in Nederland grote problemen zijn met macht en tegenmacht. De mechanismen van de rechtsstaat functioneren niet goed meer, zoals uit het kinderopvangtoeslagenschandaal is gebleken. Omtzigt pleit vanuit zijn eigen ervaringen in de politiek voor een nieuw sociaal contract.</p> <p>Het is nodig om het vertrouwen tussen overheid en burgers te herstellen. Dat is zeker niet eenvoudig. We moeten instituties herbouwen door checks-and-balances te hernieuwen. Het vraagt ook om een andere mentaliteit van de overheid ?n van de burgers zelf. Er is geen simpele oplossing. Het hele weefsel van de rechtsstaat moet worden onderzocht en gerepareerd. In dit boek doet Omtzigt een aantal voorstellen daartoe.</p> <p><strong>Pieter Omtzigt</strong> (1974) is sinds 2003 Kamerlid voor het CDA, en zit sinds 2004 in de Parlementaire Assemblee van de Raad van Europa.<br /> Dit boek is tot stand gekomen met medewerking van Welmoed Vlieger (1976), filosoof en columnist.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,942円

Lonely Planet Tokyo【電子書籍】[ Winnie Tan ]

<p><strong>Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal</strong> <em><strong>all</strong></em> <strong>you need to know to plan the trip of a lifetime to Tokyo.</strong></p> <p>Discover Tokyo's most popular experiences and best kept secrets - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - from chowing down sushi at Toyosu Market to visiting Tokyo's oldest temple, Sens?-ji, and hiking up picturesque Takao-san on the outskirts of the metropolis.</p> <p><strong>Build a trip to remember</strong> with <strong>Lonely Planet's</strong> <em><strong>Tokyo</strong></em> travel guide:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Our classic guidebook format</strong> provides you with the most comprehensive level of information for planning trips of 1-2 weeks or more</li> <li><strong>Updated with an all new structure and design</strong> so you can navigate Tokyo and connect experiences together with ease</li> <li><strong>Create your ideal trip with exciting</strong> <em><strong>Perfect Day</strong></em> <strong>itineraries</strong> with suggestions of unmissable attractions and activities to match your passions, plus day trips from Tokyo so you can explore the surrounding areas</li> <li><strong>Get fresh takes on must-visit sights</strong> including Tokyo National Museum and the extravagant shrine of T?sh?-g?</li> <li><strong>Special features</strong> on Japanese food guide, onsen explained, day trip to Mt Fuji</li> <li><strong>Expert local recommendations</strong> on when to go, eating, drinking, nightlife, shopping, accommodation, adventure activities, festivals, and more</li> <li><strong>Essential information toolkit</strong> containing tips on arriving; transport; making the most of your time and money; LGBTIQ+ travel advice; useful words and phrases; accessibility; and responsible travel</li> <li><strong>Connect with Tokyo culture through stories</strong> that delve deep into local life, history, and traditions</li> <li><strong>Inspiring full-colour travel photography and maps</strong> including a <strong>pull out map of Tokyo</strong></li> <li><strong>Covers</strong> Marunouchi & Nihombashi, Ginza & Tsukiji, Roppongi & Around, Ebisu, Meguro & Around, Shibuya & Setagaya, Harajuku & Aoyama, West Tokyo & Around, Shinjuku & Northwest Tokyo, K?rakuen & Akihabara, Ueno & Yanesen, Asakusa & Sumida River, Odaiba & Tokyo Bay <strong>plus day trips</strong> to Mt Fuji, Hakone, Kamakura, T?sh?-g?, Takao-san, Shira-hama, Yokohama, Narita</li> </ul> <p>Create a trip that's uniquely yours and get to the <em>heart</em> of this extraordinary city with <strong>Lonely Planet's</strong> <em><strong>Tokyo.</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,230円

Crazy Rich Asians【電子書籍】[ Kevin Kwan ]

<p><strong>#1 <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? The international sensation and blockbuster Hollywood rom com. ? "A <em>Pride and Prejudice</em>-like send-up about an heir bringing his Chinese-American girlfriend home to meet his ancestor-obsessed family.” ー<em>People</em></strong></p> <p><strong>“Deliciously decadent.... This 48-karat beach read is crazy fun.” ー<em>Entertainment Weekly</em></strong></p> <p>When New Yorker Rachel Chu agrees to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, she envisions a humble family home and quality time with the man she hopes to marry. But Nick has failed to give his girlfriend a few key details. One, that his childhood home looks like a palace; two, that he grew up riding in more private planes than cars; and three, that he just happens to be the country’s most eligible bachelor.</p> <p>On Nick’s arm, Rachel may as well have a target on her back the second she steps off the plane, and soon, her relaxed vacation turns into an obstacle course of old money, new money, nosy relatives, and scheming social climbers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,459円

Bakuman。, Vol. 19 Decision and Joy【電子書籍】[ Tsugumi Ohba ]

<p>With their new series, Moritaka and Akito start beating Eiji Nizuma in the <em>Shonen Jump</em> rankings for the first time. But in the actual book sales, Eiji is somehow still on top. The duo is as determined as ever to achieve their dreams, but a new scandal threatens to destroy everything!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 748円

Self-help for Trauma Therapists A Practitioner's Guide【電子書籍】[ Margaret Pack ]

<p>For those offering trauma-informed care, it can be difficult to maintain wellbeing and a balanced, positive outlook when the nature of their job requires frequent engagement with traumatic disclosures. Self-help for Trauma Therapists: A Practitioner’s Guide intends to assist human service workers- such as those working as therapists, social workers and counsellors- to maintain their self- care and professional effectiveness when working in fields where stress and trauma play a key factor in their everyday working lives.</p> <p>Adopting a comprehensive, multi-layered approach to self-care based, the book grounds its exploration of practice through researched accounts with experience professionals. Including accounts from clinical psychologists, therapists, counsellors, social workers and the friends and family of people in these professions, this book creates a narrative on stress and trauma from the human service worker perspective. Interwoven with these stories of practice, the author includes reflections on her own experiences in practice over the past 25 years with trauma survivors. With discussions on risk and resilience, compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatisation, readers are introduced to the theories and practical applications of developing a professional model for maintaining wellbeing and self-care in their work.</p> <p><em>Self-help for Trauma Therapists: A Practitioner’s Guide</em> is the first book of its kind to be written solely for human service workers. It is essential reading for beginning and more advanced practitioners who are involved in working with trauma and recovery and will also be of interest to supporters of those working in the helping professions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,915円

Haikyu!!, Vol. 11 Above【電子書籍】[ Haruichi Furudate ]

<p>The Tokyo training camp is halfway done, and Karasuno is starting to see some results from all their extra practice. The new version of the Freak Quick just isn’t working out, however. Looking for new ways to fight in the air, Hinata goes to Fukurodani’s ace, Kotaro Bokuto, for some help.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 748円

Marketing 5.0 Technology for Humanity【電子書籍】[ Philip Kotler ]

<p><strong>Rediscover the fundamentals of marketing from the best in the business</strong></p> <p>In <em>Marketing 5.0,</em> the celebrated promoter of the “Four P’s of Marketing,” Philip Kotler, explains how marketers can use technology to address customers’ needs and make a difference in the world.</p> <p>In a new age when marketers are struggling with the digital transformation of business and the changing behavior of customers, this book provides marketers with a way to integrate technological and business model evolution with the dramatic shifts in consumer behavior that have happened in the last decade.</p> <p>Following the pattern presented in his bestselling <em>Marketing X.0</em> series, Philip Kotler covers the crucial topics necessary to understand modern marketing, including:</p> <p>・ Artificial Intelligence for marketing automation</p> <p>・ Agile marketing</p> <p>・ “Segments of one” marketing</p> <p>・ Contextual technology</p> <p>・ Facial recognition and voice tech for marketing</p> <p>・ The future of Customer Experience (CX)</p> <p>・ Transmedia storytelling</p> <p>・ The “Whatever-Whenever-Wherever” service delivery</p> <p>・ “Everything-As-A-Service” business model</p> <p>・ Internet of Things and blockchain for marketing</p> <p>・ Virtual and augmented reality marketing</p> <p>・ Corporate activism</p> <p>Perfect for traditional and digital marketers, as well as students and teachers of marketing and business, <em>Marketing 5.0</em> reinvigorates the field of marketing with actionable recommendations and unique insights.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,395円

5-Minute Sleepy Time Stories 4 Stories in 1【電子書籍】[ Disney Books ]

<p>Read along with Disney! Get ready for bed with these enchanting adventures featuring your favorite Disney and Pixar characters. Have a game night with Anna and Elsa, watch Minnie's kitten with Mickey and nephews, go on an adventure with Scamp, and more. Each of these stories is an ideal length for reading aloud in about five minutesーperfect for a sleepy storytime!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 645円

The Apothecary Diaries: Volume 10 (Light Novel)【電子書籍】[ Natsu Hyuuga ]

<p>I-sei Province is still reeling in the aftermath of the insect plague. Jinshi resolves to do everything in his power to help the people of this landーbut how far does his power really go in the western capital? And will he regret his efforts when all the credit seems to go to Gyoku-ou? The local lord seems to have an agenda of his own, but Jinshi still doesn’t know what it might be. Meanwhile Maomao must deal with problems of her own, from finding relief for a sick child to unraveling the mystery around the freak strategist’s favorite Shogi opponent. Somehow, each answer only seems to lead her to a bigger question...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,291円

習慣致富:成為有錢人,?不需要富??,只需要富習慣 Rich Habits, Poor Habits【電子書籍】[ 湯姆?柯利(Tom Corley)、麥可?雅徳尼(Michael Yardney) ]

<p><strong>是否常覺得自己總是兩袋空空,活得很恐懼?</strong></p> <p><strong>總是納悶有錢人為什麼愈來愈有錢?</strong></p> <p><strong>該怎麼做,才能讓自己晉身有錢人和成功人士的行列?</strong></p> <p><strong>只要養成30個富習慣,</strong></p> <p><strong>富有人生coming soon!</strong></p> <p>★ 有錢人對金錢的想法和一般人有何不同?</p> <p> 有錢人想著拿錢去投資/一般人想著如何花錢</p> <p> 有錢人想著用錢賺更多錢/一般人擔心錢會花光</p> <p> 有錢人工作是為了滿足自我/一般人工作是為了賺錢</p> <p> 有錢人擁抱改變/一般人害怕改變</p> <p> 有錢人相信富有是他們應得的/一般人相信有錢人運氣好</p> <p> 有錢人知道智商和致富無關/一般人認為好的教育和聰明能?致富</p> <p> 有錢人知道可以利用別人的錢致富/一般人相信有錢才能賺錢</p> <p> 有錢人教子女如何富有/一般人教子女如何存活</p> <p>如果,?的想法和一般人相同,是時候改變了!</p> <p>就從培養邁向成功的好習慣開始:</p> <p> →?天?讀30分鐘</p> <p> →?天運動30分鐘</p> <p> →?天專注於夢想和目標</p> <p> →收入的10%先存起來</p> <p> →永不放棄自己的夢想</p> <p>......翻開書,還有更多富習慣,一起學起來!</p> <p><strong>【?讀焦點】</strong></p> <p>★ 30個擺?終身窮忙的富習慣</p> <p>★ 39則讓??穎而出的富思維</p> <p>★ 財富象限vs.財富金字塔,打造邁向財富自由之路</p> <p>◎ 這本書為?而寫──</p> <p>. 想要?離月光族「口袋空空」的宿命</p> <p>. 想要魯蛇翻身,創造夢想中的財富自由</p> <p>. 想要擁抱資?翻倍的富足人生</p> <p>. 想要教導子女如何致富</p> <p><strong>【致富推薦】</strong></p> <p>觀念,才是力量的真正根源。而如果?想知道富人到底有什麼想法與思維,這本書將給?一個相當清楚的指南。 ──Miula(M觀點創?人)</p> <p>兩位作者分享了他們發現致富的最大祕密:如果?想變有錢,就必須像有錢人一樣思考,養成有錢人的富習慣……像個有錢人一樣行動?!</p> <p>──柴鼠兄弟(斜槓型YouTuber)</p> <p>本書不談錢、投資、房地?或股票,本書分享富人的感受、思考和行動。……?些習慣會致富,我們做中學;?些習慣會致貧,我們就不要再愚蠢地堅持下去了。</p> <p>──楊斯?(方寸管顧首席顧問、醫師)</p> <p>書中羅列了一般人與有錢人對於金錢的想法差異,以及三十個富習慣,讀者可以從中得知自己對金錢的想法與有錢人是否相同……養成富習慣,戒除阻礙致富的壞習慣。 ──謝劍平 (台灣科技大學財務金融所教授)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,368円

Care Aesthetics For artful care and careful art【電子書籍】[ James Thompson ]

<p>What if the work of a nurse, physio, or homecare worker was designated an art, so that the qualities of the experiences they create became understood as aesthetic qualities? What if the interactions created by artists, directors, dancers, or workshop facilitators were understood as works of care? <em>Care Aesthetics</em> is the first full-length book to explore these questions and examine the work of carer artists and artist carers to make the case for the importance of valuing and supporting aesthetically caring relations across multiple aspects of our lives.</p> <p>Theoretically and practically, the book outlines the implications of care aesthetics for the socially engaged arts field and health and social care, and for acts of aesthetic care in the everyday. Part 1 of the book outlines the approaches to aesthetics and to care theory that are necessary to make and defend the concept of care aesthetics. Part 2 then tests this through practice, examining socially engaged arts and health and social care through its lens. It makes the case for careful art exploring the implications of care aesthetics for participatory or applied arts. Then it argues for artful care and how an aesthetic orientation to care practices might challenge some of the inadequacies of contemporary care.</p> <p>This is a vital, paradigm-shifting book for anyone engaged with socially engaged arts or social and health care practices on an academic or professional level.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,915円

As Good As Dead (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, Book 3)【電子書籍】[ Holly Jackson ]

<p><strong>THE THIRD AND FINAL THRILLING BOOK IN THE BESTSELLING AND AWARD-WINNING <em>A GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER</em> TRILOGY. Soon to be a major BBC series!</strong></p> <p><strong>A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is The <em>New York Times</em> No.1 bestselling YA crime thriller</strong></p> <p>Pip Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the way her last investigation ended. Soon she’ll be leaving for Cambridge University but then another case finds her … and this time it’s all about Pip.</p> <p>Pip is used to online death threats, but there’s one that catches her eye, someone who keeps asking: <em>who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears?</em> And it’s not just online. Pip has a stalker who knows where she lives. The police refuse to act and then Pip finds connections between her stalker and a local serial killer. The killer has been in prison for six years, but Pip suspects that the wrong man is behind bars. As the deadly game plays out, Pip realises that everything in Little Kilton is finally coming full circle. If Pip doesn’t find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears …</p> <p><strong>A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is The New York Times No.1 bestselling YA crime thriller and WINNER of The British Book Awards' Children's Book of the Year 2020.</strong></p> <p>Perfect for fans of <em>One of Us Is Lying</em>,Eva Dolan, C L Taylor, <em>We Were Liars</em> and <em>Riverdale</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 829円

One Piece, Vol. 22 Hope!!【電子書籍】[ Eiichiro Oda ]

<p>When Crocodile's evildoing is revealed, the rebellion that will destroy Alabasta just might be averted... But the Baroque Works will do everything in their power to make sure that doesn't happen--even if they have to kill Princess Vivi! The Straw Hats will have the fight of their lives to keep this evil Croc from getting his way!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 748円

Gifted Hands 20th Anniversary Edition The Ben Carson Story【電子書籍】[ Ben Carson, M.D. ]

<p><em><strong>Gifted Hands</strong></em> <strong>reveals the remarkable journey of Dr. Ben Carson from an angry, struggling young boy with everything stacked against him to the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center.</strong></p> <p>As a boy, he did poorly in school and struggled with anger. If it were not for the persistence of his mother, a single parent who worked three jobs and pushed her sons to do their best, his story may have ended tragically.</p> <p>Join Dr. Carson on his journey from a struggling inner-city student to the pinnacle of his career as a world-renowned neurosurgeon. A man of humility, decency, compassion, courage, and sensitivity, he now serves as a role model for everyone who wants to achieve their God-given potential.</p> <p>As you learn more about Dr. Carson's amazing story, you'll be inspired to:</p> <ul> <li>Take charge of your own destiny</li> <li>Hone your God-given gifts</li> <li>Face adversity head on</li> </ul> <p>Filled with fascinating stories, <em>Gifted Hands</em> will transport you into the operating room to witness surgeries that made headlines around the world, and into the private mind of a compassionate, God-fearing physician who lives to help others.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,940円

東京櫻花自由行【電子書籍】[ 瓶顆 ]

<p>  告別日本許久,首發就用滿開的「櫻花」迎接久違的東京?!</p> <p>  </p> <p>  東京人氣部落客瓶顆,網羅東京大街小巷的人氣、在地賞櫻景點;</p> <p>  提供除了熱門時期的賞櫻選擇,讓?不再為了錯過櫻花季而懊惱。</p> <p>  本書介紹的東京櫻花多達 12 種,前進在地人才知道的賞櫻秘境、一起深度追櫻;</p> <p>  拍下櫻花與東京鐵塔的奇蹟美照,那些網路沒記載的私房取景角度,只有告訴?!</p> <p>  讓?的疫後旅遊第一站,妝點一些粉嫩色彩?!</p> <p><strong>本書特色</strong></p> <p>**  ◎不只熱門花季能追櫻,提供最全面的賞櫻情報**</p> <p>  本書打破「到東京賞櫻就要買 3 月底到 4 月初機票」的既定印象,提供更多非熱門時期的東京賞櫻景點選擇,増加看到滿開櫻花的機會!看來看去都是同一種「染井吉野櫻」,覺得很膩??在地作者瓶顆介紹東京可見、多達 12 種不同品種的櫻花,讓?的櫻花之旅收穫滿滿。這本書就是?的「追櫻秘笈」!</p> <p>**  ◎最完善的「追櫻工具」,搶先得知滿開情況**</p> <p>  本書介紹 5 個線上工具,例如「花況網站」?詢或是「社群媒體」使用Hashtag觀察當地情況,在安排行程時、抵達日本後都可以派上用場。?外,也附上 2 月初到 4 月底的櫻花開花表,與線上工具相輔相成,全面掌握滿開資訊,不怕看不到只怕?不來!</p> <p>**  ◎人氣及日常賞櫻景點,追櫻新手、老鳥都滿足!**</p> <p>  第一次追櫻??本書為?準備東京追櫻 TOP10必訪景點,例如有1千顆櫻花綿延的「隅田公園」,或是可以在星巴克享受限定櫻花餐點的「目黒川」等等。已經是追櫻PRO級達人?相信本書可以提供更多?不知道的追櫻景點!例如居民才會造訪的「汐入公園」擁有多種櫻花,或是秘密景點「尾久之原公園」,享受被櫻花包圍的浪漫風情,更棒的是還看得到遠方的東京晴空塔!</p> <p>**  ◎最詳盡的櫻花景點書!「建議順遊」安排行程更方便**</p> <p>  本書涵蓋上野、淺草、池袋、原宿、東京鐵塔及近郊等多區,蒐集超過50個櫻花景點!河川、公園、神社、散?道......花謝花落屬自然現象,但本書提供該景點撲空時的替代方案,増加?看到櫻花的機率!?外,同時可以滿足賞櫻與購物很誘人??本書所有櫻花景點附上「建議順遊」地區,解決安排行程的困擾,就是要?玩得盡興!</p> <p> ** ◎獨家!推薦拍照時間或角度,打?上傳超搶眼**</p> <p>  作者瓶顆不僅追櫻花也愛拍櫻花,只要有支手機,透過?的指點就能拍出奇蹟美照。特地來到景點卻只有疏落的櫻花?沒關係!書中提供?佳的拍攝角度,跟著拍就有花團錦簇的氛圍;煩惱上午、下午何時去才好?本書告訴?造訪時機,拍照就會是美美的順光;如何將櫻花與人氣地標一起拍下?書中提供Google Map精準定位,打?上傳Instagram,?就是社群最搶眼的追櫻達人。"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,278円

Nonlinear Functional Analysis【電子書籍】[ Klaus Deimling ]

<p>Hailed as "eminently suitable as a text for a graduate course" by the <em>Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society,</em> this volume offers a survey of the main ideas, concepts, and methods that constitute nonlinear functional analysis. It offers extensive commentary and many examples in addition to an abundance of interesting, challenging exercises.<br /> Starting with coverage of the development of the Brower degree and its applications, the text proceeds to examinations of degree mappings for infinite dimensional spaces and surveys of monotone and accretive mappings. Subsequent chapters explore the inverse function theory, the implicit function theory, and Newton's methods as well as fixed-point theory, solutions to cones, and the Galerkin method of studying nonlinear equations. The final chapters address extremal problemsーincluding convexity, Lagrange multipliers, and mini-max theoremsーand offer an introduction into bifurcation theory. Suitable for graduate-level mathematics courses, this volume also serves as a reference for professionals.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,070円

Think Big Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence【電子書籍】[ Ben Carson, M.D. ]

<p><strong>Do you feel like your life is a series of shattered dreams? Have you bought into the lie that you'll never amount to anything? In <em>Think Big</em>, Dr. Ben Carson is here to tell you some good news: none of that is true.</strong></p> <p>By learning to think big, Ben rose from his humble beginnings to create a life full of amazing accomplishments and international renown. He climbed from the academic bottom of his fifth-grade class to become--at age thirty-three--head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.</p> <p>He learned that he had potential, but more importantly, he learned how to unleash it--and you can too. If you put the principles in this book in motion, you can transform your life into one you'll love.</p> <p>As Dr. Carson teaches you how to unlock your own potential, you'll also learn:</p> <ul> <li>The importance of surrounding yourself with a supportive community</li> <li>How to look for God's gifts in your daily life</li> <li>The key to shifting your perspective and thinking big</li> </ul> <p>Your life is big--far bigger than you've ever imagined. Inside these pages lie the keys to recognizing your full potential. If you're ready to build a life that is rewarding, significant, and abundantly fruitful, let <em>Think Big</em> be your guide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,940円

Gifted Hands, Revised Kids Edition The Ben Carson Story【電子書籍】[ Gregg Lewis ]

<p><strong>From Inner-City Nobody to Brilliant Neurosurgeon</strong></p> <p>When Ben Carson was in school, his classmates called him the class dummy. Manyーincluding Ben himselfーdoubted that he would ever amount to anything. But his mother never let him quit. She encouraged Ben to do better and reach higher for his dreams, and eventually he discovered a deep love of learning. Today this young boy from the inner-city is one of the world’s greatest pediatric neurosurgeons. Through determination and lot of hard work, Ben overcame his many obstacles and is now dedicated to saving the lives of critically ill children around the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 776円

Mongolian-English Dictionary【電子書籍】[ Ferdinand D Lessing ]

<p>Lessing's monumental dictionary is now back in print in its original 1960 format.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,340円

Swimming in the Dark A Novel【電子書籍】[ Tomasz Jedrowski ]

<p><strong>NAMED A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR BY NPR</strong> ? <strong>A DUA LIPA BOOK CLUB PICK</strong></p> <p><strong>“Imagine <em>Call Me By Your Name</em> set in Communist Poland and you'll get a sense of Jedrowski's moving debut about a consuming love affair amidst a country being torn apart.” ー <em>O, The Oprah Magazine</em></strong></p> <p><strong>“Captivating both for its shimmering surfaces and its terrifying depths. Tomasz Jedrowski is a remarkable writer.” ー Justin Torres, bestselling author of <em>We the Animals</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Set in early 1980s Poland against the violent decline of Communism, a tender and passionate story of first love between two young men who eventually find themselves on opposite sides of the political divideーa stunningly poetic and heartrending literary debut for fans of Andr? Aciman, Garth Greenwell, and Alan Hollinghurst.</strong></p> <p>When university student Ludwik meets Janusz at a summer agricultural camp, he is fascinated yet wary of this handsome, carefree stranger. But a chance meeting by the river soon becomes an intense, exhilarating, and all-consuming affair. After their camp duties are fulfilled, the pair spend a dreamlike few weeks in the countryside, bonding over an illicit copy of James Baldwin’s <em>Giovanni’s Room</em>. Inhabiting a beautiful, natural world removed from society and its constraints, Ludwik and Janusz fall deeply in love. But in their repressive Communist and Catholic society, the passion they share is utterly unthinkable.</p> <p>Once they return to Warsaw, the charismatic Janusz quickly rises in the political ranks of the party and is rewarded with a highly coveted government position. Ludwik is drawn toward impulsive acts of protest, unable to ignore rising food prices and the stark economic disparity around them. Their secret love and personal and political differences slowly begin to tear them apart as both men struggle to survive in a regime on the brink of collapse.</p> <p>Shifting from the intoxication of first love to the quiet melancholy of growing up and growing apart, <em>Swimming in the Dark</em> is a potent blend of romance, postwar politics, intrigue, and history. Lyrical and sensual, immersive and intense, Tomasz Jedrowski’s indelible and thought-provoking literary debut explores freedom and love in all its incarnations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,843円

Fist of the North Star, Vol. 4【電子書籍】[ Buronson ,Tetsuo Hara ]

<p>Ken, the wielder of the legendary Hokuto Shinken martial arts style, once trained with three other students of the technique. One of them, Jagi, could never accept their master’s choice of Ken as the successor. Now Jagi has become a murderous wasteland warlord, terrorizing the innocent…in Ken’s name! Ken must face off with Jagi to clear his reputation and restore the honor of Hokuto Shinken. But Jagi is not the only one of Ken’s former brothers who may be using Hokuto Shinken for evil deeds…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,760円

Bleach, Vol. 34 King of the Kill【電子書籍】[ Tite Kubo ]

<p>To Ichigo's surprise, his childlike friend Nel Tu reverts to her true form to shield her human protectors. And yet, an unforeseen turn of events leaves Nel and everyone at the mercy of the enemy, who is a heartbeat away from exterminating them. What hope is there for Ichigo and his friends now?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 748円