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Internship report Fujitsu Siemens Computers【電子書籍】[ Veronika Minkova ]

<p>Internship Report from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,0, Furtwangen University; Villingen-Schwenningen, language: English, abstract: The following report outlines my internship in the sales department at Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH located in Stuttgart. The first part gives overall information about the FSC foundation and company data; product portfolio; sales organization; marketing, while in the second part the focus is on the sales team I had the opportunity to work in and the activities and projects I have been involved in, on strategic and operative basis.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,125円

Podcasting Secrets Unleashed【電子書籍】[ Albert Fujitsu ]

<p>Podcasting has become a common term nowadays, though there is actually only a selected number of people who are aware of its sense and function. The meaning of podcast is still unknown to a large number of people. The word ?podcast, has been coined by juxtaposing broadcast and ipod. These specially designed broadcasts were initially formed exclusively for the ipod. However, later they were made accessible for people who did not own an ipod because of the increasing fame of the podcasts. Thus, an ipod is not essential anymore to know about a podcast- you can hear it on your computer or in your music player. Podcasting is a method by which media files such as audio or video are advertised and circulated over the internet. Podcasting as well as advertising are gradually turning into successful methods of commodity promotion for the various corporations. Podcasting costs less and is also a proficient way to attract attention. The media files mentioned before can be in mp3 format and the videos can be movies, music videos or even promotional videos that advertise some products for the corporations. The podcast extends through either the RSS feed or an atom syndication on the Internet. People can download the podcasts and then use their music players or their computers or ipods to play them. The podcasts will upload on the internet in a short while right after they are made public much like the T.V. soaps. People all over the world can exchange their ideas and opinions in the form of audio files via this brilliant system. Also, all those people who have registered to a particular podcast can hear the opinions and then send in their reviews via emails in the sites for podcast discussions. Thus, podcasts facilitate a 2 way communication. The podcasts can also be just heard on the internet and it’s not compulsory to save the file into your hard disk. This saves both time and bandwidth of the person who is interested in listening to the podcast.The components essential for the recording of a podcast are: 1. A microphone with high sound clarity 2. A computer which has the software necessary for editing and completing the podcast. Once the podcast is complete, it can be put on the internet such that people get to hear it and mail their opinions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 330円

Podcasting - Segredo Revelado【電子書籍】[ Albert Fujitsu ]

<p>Podcasting se tornou um termo comum hoje em dia, embora na verdade exista apenas um n?mero selecionado de pessoas que est?o cientes de seu sentido e fun??o. O significado do podcast ainda ? desconhecido para um grande n?mero de pessoas. A palavra - podcast, tem sido cunhada pela justaposi??o de broadcast e ipod. Estas transmiss?es especialmente projetadas foram inicialmente formadas exclusivamente para o ipod. Entretanto, mais tarde foram tornadas acess?veis para pessoas que n?o possu?am um ipod por causa da crescente fama dos podcasts. Assim, um ipod n?o ? mais essencial para saber sobre um podcast - voc? pode ouvi-lo em seu computador ou em seu reprodutor de m?sica. Podcasting ? um m?todo pelo qual arquivos de m?dia, como ?udio ou v?deo, s?o anunciados e circulados pela Internet. A podcasting, assim como a publicidade, est?o gradualmente se transformando em m?todos de sucesso de promo??o de mercadorias para as diversas empresas. A podcasting custa menos e ? tamb?m uma forma proficiente de atrair a aten??o. Os arquivos de m?dia mencionados anteriormente podem estar no formato mp3 e os v?deos podem ser filmes, v?deos musicais ou mesmo v?deos promocionais que anunciam alguns produtos para as corpora??es. O podcast se estende atrav?s do feed RSS ou atrav?s de uma sindica??o de ?tomos na Internet. As pessoas podem baixar os podcasts e depois usar seus reprodutores de m?sica ou seus computadores ou ipods para toc?-los. Os podcasts ser?o carregados na internet em pouco tempo logo ap?s serem tornados p?blicos, como os sabonetes de televis?o. Pessoas em todo o mundo podem trocar suas ideias e opini?es na forma de arquivos de ?udio atrav?s deste brilhante sistema. Al?m disso, todas aquelas pessoas que se registraram em um determinado podcast podem ouvir as opini?es e depois enviar suas opini?es atrav?s de e-mails nos sites para discuss?es em podcast. Assim, os podcasts facilitam uma comunica??o de duas formas. Os podcasts tamb?m podem ser ouvidos apenas na Internet e n?o ? obrigat?rio salvar o arquivo em seu disco r?gido. Isto economiza tempo e largura de banda da pessoa que est? interessada em ouvir o podcast. Os componentes essenciais para a grava??o de um podcast s?o 1. Um microfone com alta clareza sonora2. Um computador que possui o software necess?rio para editar e completar o podcast. Uma vez conclu?do o podcast, ele pode ser colocado na Internet de modo que as pessoas possam ouvi-lo e enviar suas opini?es pelo correio.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 330円

Minding Your Japanese Business Manners【電子書籍】[ 富士通エフ・オー・エム株式会社 ]

<p>For a Better Understanding of Japanese Business Etiquette and Ethics</p> <p>Minding Your Japanese Business Manners is the definitive guide to business etiquette in Japan. Originally written in Japanese for businesspeople in Japan, this first English edition is a unique look into Japanese business culture filled with insights previously unavailable to the English-speaking world. This is not a Westerner's interpretation of how to act within corporate society, but rather an accurate and genuinely Japanese handbook containing essential information not available in any other English language book. Entertaining and informative, this is a guide filled with practical advice on how to successfully navigate the complex social currents of the Japanese corporate world. Some of the topics covered include: bowing, greetings, respectful and polite language, meetings, exchanging business cards, phone manners, e-mail manners, business documents, seating hierarchy, and serving and receiving tea. Also covered are "beyond business hours" topics, such as: attending weddings, table manners according to cuisine, and etiquette while drinking alcohol. Truly impress and gain the confidence of your Japanese business colleagues with the detailed knowledge you'll gain from this guide. If you're doing business in Japan, working for a Japanese company, traveling to Japan, a student of Japanese language, or have a keen interest in the intricacies of Japanese culture, you'll find Minding Your Japanese Business Manners exceedingly useful, fun, and fascinating.</p> <p>知っておきたいビジネスマナーから、ビジネスメールや文書の書き方まで、この一冊で学べます!<br /> これから社会人になる方や再就職する方、社会人としてのマナーを再確認したい方を対象に、一般的なビジネスマナーやビジネス文書の書き方についてご紹介します。</p> <p>■事例から実際のビジネスシーンを学べる!<br /> 社会人としてのビジネスマナーや常識を紹介する「事例」を随所に盛り込んでいます。こんなシチュエーションのときはどうしたらよい? 具体的な場面を想定しながら、ケーススタディーでさまざまな疑問を解決できます。</p> <p>■ビジネスメールやビジネス文書の書き方もご紹介!<br /> ビジネスマナーだけでなく、ビジネスと密接に関わりのあるビジネスメールやビジネス文書の書き方も習得できます。</p> <p>★日本語版書籍「よくわかる 自信がつくビジネスマナー」も発売中!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,100円