GITANE  [洋書]
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Une si jolie gitane【電子書籍】[ Barbara Cartland ]

<p>Dela est heureuse, chez son oncle. Ils habitent un ravissant manoir, que met ? leur disposition leur voisin et ami, le duc de Marchwood. Le duc consid?re Dela comme sa fille, lui permet de monter ses chevaux... Oui, la vie est belle. Jusqu'? l'arriv?e de Jason, le fils du duc. Apr?s une vie de d?bauche ? Paris, il revient au bercail. Son p?re estime qu'un mariage avec une jeune femme ?quilibr?e serait le meilleur moyen de le remettre sur le droit chemin. Et pourquoi chercher ailleurs ce qu'on a sous la main ? L'?pouse id?ale ? Dela, bien s?r ! Horrifi?e, Dela s'enfuit et trouve refuge aupr?s des gitans qui campent sur le domaine. Mais ne va-t-on pas la d?masquer ? Est-elle cr?dible en diseuse de bonne aventure ? Ah ! si seulement elle pouvait pr?dire son propre avenir !-</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

La Gitane Roxane Courte histoire【電子書籍】[ Claudette Duchesne (Czara) ]

<p>Explications ? Les H?ros du quotidien ? Conte No 728 ? La Gitane Roxane ? 2 d?cembre 2015.</p> <p>Il s’agit d’une tribu de gitans.<br /> Leurs femmes ?taient belles et les femmes du village avaient peur que les gitans donnent des sorts aux hommes et leur fassent d?laisser leurs femmes et leurs familles.<br /> Pourtant, ce n’?tait pas le cas.<br /> Ils esp?raient se trouver un travail honn?te et ramener quelques ?cus pour vivre dignement.</p> <p>H?las, un jeune homme s’?prit d’une belle gitane et les villageois d?cid?rent de se venger.<br /> Les roulottes furent mises ? sac ? les gens ne furent pas tu?s, juste bless?s.<br /> Mais, ils comprirent qu’il fallait partir.</p> <p>La jeune gitane avait eu sa le?on. Elle avait promis de ne plus s’introduire dans les villes et villages. Mais, elle devint amoureuse de quelqu’un de bien et l’?pousa.</p> <p>Quant ? la tribu de Roxanne, ils ?taient maintenant au bord d’une rive espagnole.<br /> Roxanne grandissait avec sa grand-m?re.<br /> Ses parents avaient d?j? ?t? tu?s lors d’une bataille.</p> <p>C’est sa grand-m?re qui l’?levait. Mais, dans les faits, c’?tait Amanda la tireuse de cartes qui lui a appris tous ses secrets. Elle lui apprit aussi ? lire dans une boule de cristal et ? dire des choses positives selon ce que l’institutrice du village lui avait appris.</p> <p>Ainsi, Amanda donnait une ?ducation qui unissait le mat?riel au spirituel.</p> <p>D?j?, ? 14 ans, on commen?ait ? la remarquer. ? 17 ans, cela devenait s?rieux.</p> <p>Elle avait deux admirateurs solides.</p> <p>Di?go ?tait le plus bel homme de la tribu et il d?sirait la prendre pour femme.</p> <p>Sergio ?tait un h?ros timide.</p> <p>Qui fera quoi pour gagner le c?ur de la belle?</p> <p>Claudette Duchesne (Czara)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,069円

C?ur de gitane - Livre 11【電子書籍】[ Gustave Le Rouge ]

<p>Les aventures du ≪ Myst?rieux Docteur Corn?lius ≫ sont sans conteste un des chefs-d'?uvre du roman policier populaire de la ≪ Belle ?poque ≫. <strong>Le Rouge</strong> y m?le intrigue et vision scientifique dans un univers romanesque tr?s singulier. De New York ? la Bretagne, du Grand Ouest am?ricain ? l'?le des Pendus, la plume de Le Rouge entra?nera le lecteur dans des lieux ?tonnants, myst?rieux et ?nigmatiques, o? s'affrontent deux conceptions antagonistes du monde ; l'une, incarn?e par le savant fran?ais Prosper Bondonnat dont les recherches sont orient?es dans le seul but d'ajouter une pierre ? ≪ l'?difice radieux de la modernit? ≫ , l'autre, par le mal?fique docteur ≪ Corn?lius Kramm ≫, chirurgien esth?tique am?ricain, ≪ sculpteur de chair humaine ≫, inventeur de la ≪ carnoplastie ≫ ; et dont l’obsession se tourne essentiellement vers le pouvoir et l'argent.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 558円

Un Mariage Gitan et des Fun?railles ?cossaises【電子書籍】[ Francisco Angulo de Lafuente ]

<p>Lorsque j'ai re?u le manuscrit de ce roman picaresque intitul? "Una boda gitana y un funeral escoc?s", je n'avais aucune id?e de l'odyss?e litt?raire qui m'attendait. D?s les premi?res pages, j'ai ?t? happ? dans l'univers fantasque et attachant des personnages hauts en couleur imagin?s par Francisco Angulo.</p> <p>Cet auteur espagnol au style inimitable excelle dans l'art de captiver son lecteur d?s l'ouverture de son r?cit, pour ne plus le l?cher jusqu'au d?nouement final. Ses phrases cisel?es t?moignent d'une plume experte qui dose avec virtuosit? narration et dialogue. Les descriptions foisonnantes de lieux et de personnages sont d'une justesse qui confine au g?nie litt?raire.</p> <p>D?s le premier chapitre situ? dans un a?roport de Madrid en 1988, le lecteur est plong? dans une intrigue ? tiroirs pleine de quiproquos et de rebondissements. Le h?ros Agust?n se rend ? l'a?roport pour ?pouser une femme qu'il n'a jamais vue, Marilyn, dans le cadre d'un mariage blanc destin? ? r?gulariser la situation d'une immigr?e. Rien ne va se passer comme pr?vu et cette union de convenance va se transformer en une folle ?pop?e.</p> <p>Tout au long du roman, les personnages hauts en couleur se succ?dent, depuis Don Raimundo le pr?tre fac?tieux jusqu'aux redoutables fr?res Silvestri, en passant par le myst?rieux professeur Marilyn. Le talent de conteur de Francisco Angulo op?re ? merveille pour donner vie ? cette galerie de personnages pittoresques.</p> <p>L'intrigue principale est constell?e de sous-intrigues savoureuses, comme les plans rocambolesques de Luisito pour s'enrichir ou les tribulations d'Agust?n pour survivre et percer dans l'?criture. L'action ne faiblit jamais, port?e par une plume alerte qui entrem?le situations cocasses, quiproquos et rebondissements avec brio.</p> <p>J'ai particuli?rement appr?ci? l'humour corrosif de l'auteur et sa peinture sans concessions du milieu populaire de Madrid. Derri?re les aventures de ses personnages transpara?t une chronique sociale pleine d'acuit?. Le roman est parsem? de trouvailles verbales qui m'ont arrach? plus d'un sourire.</p> <p>En bref, "Una boda gitana y un funeral escoc?s" est un roman picaresque jubilatoire, truff? de sc?nes burlesques et de personnages hauts en couleur. L'intrigue principale habilement ficel?e est enrichie de nombreuses anecdotes savoureuses. Le talent narratif de Francisco Angulo fait merveille pour donner vie ? cette farandole bigarr?e sans jamais perdre le fil de l'histoire.</p> <p>J'ai ?t? conquis par l'humour caustique et les portraits au vitriol de la soci?t? espagnole des ann?es 1980. La plume ac?r?e de l'auteur n'?pargne personne, des politiciens aux businessmen en passant par l'Eglise et les forces de l'ordre.</p> <p>Le roman fourmille de sc?nes d'anthologie, comme la tentative des fr?res Silvestri d'assassiner le professeur Marilyn ou l'inondation provoqu?e par Agust?n et Luisito lors d'un d?pannage improvis?. Chaque chapitre r?serve son lot de situations rocambolesques et de quiproquos qui conf?rent ? ce roman un rythme endiabl?.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 450円

Montpellier e la sua regione Gita nel sud della Francia【電子書籍】[ Cristina Rebiere ]

<p>Montpellier e la sua regione</p> <p>Gita nel sud della Francia</p> <p>Viaggiare deve prima di tutto essere un vero piacere: quello della scoperta e del tempo ritrovato. Prendersi il tempo di passeggiare, contemplare i monumenti e i paesaggi significa connettere i luoghi visitati e la loro storia con le nostre emozioni personali. In poche parole: viaggiare significa impegnarsi a vivere un’Esperienza autentica e arricchente.</p> <p>Tuttavia, preparare da soli un viaggio di successo ? diventato una prova difficile, poich? ci sono ora:</p> <p>troppi informazioni disponibili: tra siti web, guide enciclopediche e brochure specializzatetroppe opzioni possibili: tra applicazioni dedicate, pubblicit?, promozioni e opinioni avvedutee soprattutto: non abbastanza tempo per cercare, scegliere e infine viaggiare e scoprire con calma!</p> <p>Insomma, ci si pu? trovare rapidamente in una situazione in cui non si sa dove andare quando si sta pensando di partire per una destinazione, vero?</p> <p>Da quando giriamo il mondo e scriviamo le nostre guide, siamo convinti che avere successo in un viaggio futuro comporti:</p> <p>fare ricerche: quando il tempo ? limitato, le visite improvvisate spesso ci fanno perdere l’opportunit? di vedere cose meravigliosefare scelte: non si pu? visitare tutto in una volta a meno di vivere sul posto per un periodo pi? lungo!essere chiari e semplici: non caricare la tua mente con troppe informazioni o un ≪ catalogo di descrizioni ≫proporre scoperte senza imporre un itinerario preciso: la nostra guida ? flessibile, con icone tematiche, foto, solo le giuste quantit? di mappe e piani e talvolta degli itinerarisemplificarti davvero la preparazione del tuo viaggio alleggerendo la tua mente per poter esplorare sul posto secondo i tuoi desideri del momento</p> <p>Ecco perch? le guide Voyage Experience sono compagni utili per preparare il tuo viaggio.</p> <p>Ti diamo il benvenuto nella tua guida Voyage Experience: ≪ Montpellier e la sua regione≪ ! Speriamo che ti faccia scoprire questa affascinante citt? nel sud della Francia, ma anche la sua regione con i suoi villaggi pittoreschi, i magnifici paesaggi, le belle spiagge, un ricco patrimonio e il sole che splende quasi tutto l’anno. Quando siamo venuti a stabilirci nel sud della Francia sette anni fa, l’abbiamo scelto in gran parte per le temperature miti durante tutto l’anno e per il sole onnipresente.</p> <p>Gli autori</p> <p>Da alcuni anni, Cristina e Olivier sono diginomadi e girano il mondo. Le loro guide liberano la mente per la preparazione del tuo futuro viaggio. Senza fronzoli o cataloghi di informazioni enciclopediche, saprai rapidamente fare le tue scelte di Viaggio per goderti davvero la gioia dell’Esperienza, una volta sul posto.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,010円

The Secret Esoteric Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita New Revised Edition【電子書籍】[ Yogi Ramacharaka ]

<p><strong>Finally The New Revised Edition is Available!</strong></p> <p>The “<em>Bhagavad Gita</em>,” sometimes called “<em>The Lord’s Lay</em>,” or the “<em>Message of the Master,</em>” is an episode of the great Hindu epic, the <em>Mahabharata</em>, in the <em>Sixth</em> (or “<em>Bhishma</em>”) <em>Parva</em>. It enjoys the highest esteem among the Hindu people, and is constantly quoted there as a great authority regarding doctrine. Its philosophy embodies the prevailing Hindu beliefs, as expounded by the Brahmans, and in its teachings it subtly blends into a harmonious whole the varying points of doctrine of <em>Patanjali</em>, <em>Kapila</em> and of the <em>Vedas</em>. It is supposed to have been written by <em>Vyasa</em> whose personality is veiled in doubt for of the time of his existence in the world no record seems to have been kept.<br /> To the reader who finds in this marvelous dialogue merely the record of a literal conversation dressed up in fancy by the Oriental imagination, the real beauty and purpose of the teaching is lost. But to him who is able to pierce the outer covering, which surrounds all of the great Oriental writings, and find beyond that the esoteric teachings, this poem is one of the grandest that has ever been given the race. One must needs read behind the coveringーand between the lines, in order to understand the <em>Bhagavad Gita</em>. No attempt has been made by the compiler of this publication to interpret the inner teachings of the <em>Gita</em>. It has, as the Hindu teachers instruct their pupils, seven texts, each superimposed upon the other, so that each man may read his own lesson from it, according to his plane of unfoldment. Each will get from it that which is fitted to his stage of unfoldment. And each reading will bring to light new beauties, for the mind of the reader will grow with each perusal and soon be prepared for the understanding of higher phases of thought.<br /> There have been a number of English translations of the <em>Gita</em>, from the first effort of Charles Wilkins, in India, in 1785, up to the present time. Some are very good, others indifferent, and others actually misleading and causing confusion. Some of these translations have evidently been made by persons inclining to certain schools of philosophy; and the meaning, as colored by their own philosophical glasses, while most satisfactory to them and their followers, is distracting to those outside the pale, who have had the opportunity of comparing the various editions.<br /> This particular edition, issued by us, is not a new translation, but rather a compilation from the best of the various good translations of Hindu and English translators, some of which are now out of print, or inaccessible to the general public. The compiler has endeavored to give the <em>spirit</em> of the teachings, in a plain, practical, understandable form, adapted to the requirements and needs of the English speaking reader, although such a presentation has often necessitated the sacrifice of any attempt at literary merit. In fact this book makes no claim whatsoever to literary style. It merely seeks to carry the Message contained within its pages, in plain words and simple form, to those who are ready for it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 484円

New Patterns of Power and Profit: A Strategist's Guide to Competitive Advantage in the Age of Digita NEW PATTERNS OF POWER & PROFIT [ Eric K. Clemons ]

NEW PATTERNS OF POWER & PROFIT Eric K. Clemons PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD2018 Hardcover 2019 English ISBN:9783030004422 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 6,019円

Pimpa e la gita nella foresta【電子書籍】[ Francesco Tullio-Altan ]

<p>Oggi Pimpa viene svegliata da un tucano di nome Zez? che le racconta la sua strana storia: ≪Mi sono addormentato su una canoa, e quando mi sono svegliato ero qua.≫ Pimpa allora decide di riportare Zez? a casa, nella foresta amazzonica, dove incontra animali curiosi dai nomi molto buffi.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 727円

Louis Gitanes e il Signore dei Sogni【電子書籍】[ Andrea Marinucci Foa ]

<p>Nella Parigi degli anni Trenta un rapimento, una serie di fenomeni paranormali e l'odioso ricatto di una famigerata spia russa obbligano l'investigatore Louis Gitanes a mettere in gioco tutte le sue risorse. Comincia cos? la caccia al Signore dei Sogni, tra inseguimenti, esplosioni, improbabili marchingegni scintillanti e creature da incubo.<br /> Un breve giallo avventuroso e fantastico, decisamente fuori di testa.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 242円

Gitanes Senza Filtro【電子書籍】[ Alessandro Ernandez ]

<p>Alessandro Ernandez. Senza Filtri.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 242円

Giulio Coniglio in gita nel bosco【電子書籍】[ Nicoletta Costa ]

<p>Il bosco di notte ? pieno di rumori... "hu-hu" canta il gufo. Mamma mia che spavento!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 727円

Killing It An Education【電子書籍】[ Camas Davis ]

<p>Camas Davis was at an unhappy crossroads. A longtime magazine editor, she had left New York City to pursue a simpler life in her home state of Oregon, with the man she wanted to marry, and taken an appealing job at a Portland magazine. But neither job nor man delivered on her dreams, and in the span of a year, Camas was unemployed, on her own, with nothing to fall back on. Disillusioned by the decade she had spent as a lifestyle journalist, advising other people how to live their best lives, she had little idea how best to live her own life. She did know one thing: She no longer wanted to write about the genuine article, she wanted to <em>be</em> it.</p> <p>So when a friend told her about Kate Hill, an American woman living in Gascony, France who ran a cooking school and took in strays in exchange for painting fences and making beds, it sounded like just what she needed. She discovered a forgotten credit card that had just enough credit on it to buy a plane ticket and took it as kismet. Upon her arrival, Kate introduced her to the Chapolard brothers, a family of Gascon pig farmers and butchers, who were willing to take Camas under their wing, inviting her to work alongside them in their slaughterhouse and cutting room. In the process, the Chapolards inducted her into their way of life, which prizes pleasure, compassion, community, and authenticity above all else, forcing Camas to question everything she'd believed about life, death, and dinner.</p> <p>So begins Camas Davis's funny, heartfelt, searching memoir of her unexpected journey from knowing magazine editor to humble butcher. It's a story that takes her from an eye-opening stint in rural France where deep artisanal craft and whole-animal gastronomy thrive despite the rise of mass-scale agribusiness, back to a Portland in the throes of a food revolution, where Camas attempts--sometimes successfully, sometimes not--to translate much of this old-world craft and way of life into a new world setting. Along the way, Camas learns what it really means to pursue the real thing and dedicate your life to it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 623円

Killing It An Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Head Without Losing Your Heart【電子書籍】[ Sheryl O'Loughlin ]

<p>The former CEO of Clif Bar, Co-founder of Plum, and serial entrepreneur offers insights about launching and growing a business while maintaining a fulfilled life in this practical guide filled with hard-won advice culled from the author’s own sometimes dark, raw experiences. With a foreword by Steve Blank.</p> <p>Aspiring entrepreneurs are told that to launch a business, you must go all in, devoting every resource and moment to making it work. But following this advice comes at an enormous personal cost: divorce, addiction, even suicide. It means sacrificing the intangibles that make life worth living.</p> <p>Sheryl O’Loughlin knows there is a better way. In <em>Killing It,</em> she shares the wisdom she’s gained from her successful experiences launching a company from the ground up (Plum), running two fast-growing companies (Clif Bar and REBBL), and mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs (Stanford University). She tells it like it is: If you don’t invest in your wellbeing, your business will not succeed, nor will you.</p> <p>Sheryl knows firsthand the difficulty of balancing the needs of her growing family with her physical and mental health, while managing other work and life challenges. In this warm, honest, and wise handbook, she gives you the essentials for killing it in businessーwithout killing the rest of your life.</p> <p>Filled with real-life examples and anecdotes, <em>Killing It</em> addresses common questions including:</p> <ul> <li>How do you prepare your significant other for your business venture?</li> <li>How do you time launching and growing your business with the ebb and flow of family life?</li> <li>How do you find joy in the day-to-day?</li> <li>How do you maintain meaningful, supportive friendships?</li> <li>How do you walk away and start again?</li> </ul> <p>The ultimate life and business course, <em>Killing It</em> gives entrepreneurs the tools they need to start their enterprise and thriveーboth in the office and at home.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,246円

Serge Gainsbourg Pour une poign?e de Gitanes【電子書籍】[ Sylvie Simmons ]

Quand Serge Gainsbourg a ?t? trouv? mort dans son lit en mars 1991, la France est entr?e en deuil. Il ?tait ≪ notre Baudelaire, notre Apollinaire ≫ a d?clar? le chef de l’?tat fran?ais. ≪ Il a ?lev? la chanson au rang d’art. ≫ Les drapeaux flottaient ? mi-m?t un symbole moins appropri? au g?nie pop atteint de priapisme que les bouteilles de Pastis et les paquets de Gitanes laiss?s par les foules qui sont pass?es devant sa maison. En se basant sur des heures d’entretiens avec des proches de Gainsbourg, Sylvie Simmons nous raconte l’histoire du repr?sentant gaulois provocant, classieux, obsc?ne, marrant, gros buveur, fumeur inv?t?r?, qui a r?invent? la pop fran?aise et a inspir? une nouvelle g?n?ration. Elle examine son riche h?ritage musical depuis ses d?buts comme chanteur de night-club jusqu’? sa transformation en une star reggae et rap, de son duo controvers? avec Jane Birkin ≪ Je t’aime, moi non plus ≫ ? des ?uvres conceptuelles comme Histoire de Melody Nelson.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,694円