GREY グレー  [洋書]
5923件中 91件 - 120件  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Heartward【電子書籍】[ Andrew Grey ]

<p>He doesn’t know that home is where his heart will be….</p> <p>Firefighter Tyler Banik has seen his share of adventure while working disaster relief with the Red Cross. But now that he’s adopted Abey, he’s ready to leave the danger behind and put down roots. That means returning to his hometownーwhere the last thing he anticipates is falling for his high school nemesis.</p> <p>Alan Pettaprin isn’t the boy he used to be. As a business owner and council member, he’s working hard to improve life in Scottville for everyone. Nobody is more surprised than Alan when Tyler returns, but he’s glad. For him, it’s a chance to set things right. Little does he guess he and Tyler will find the missing pieces of themselves in each other. Old rivalries are left in the ashes, passion burns bright, and the possibility for a future together stretches in front of them….</p> <p>But not everyone in town is glad to see Tyler return….</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 934円

Barbie Doll Designs, Girls' Fashions and Mattel, Inc., History【電子書籍】[ Robert Grey Reynolds Jr ]

<p>The dynamic release of Barbie in 1959 was a boon to a Hawthorne, California company that had languished for years previously. The company was founded by two men from Denver, Colorado. One of the partners left Mattel, Inc., before its 1948 incorporation. This left Eliott and Ruth Handler in charge of what eventually became the world's largest toy manufacturer. My e-book examines how Mattel's founders craftily succeeded in transferring doll clothes to fashions worn by girls 5-12 and older. For example, in Fall 1964, the Syracuse area of New York was among the select cities chosen to display "Barbie's Back to School Fashions". Blouses, slacks, pajamas, etc., were offered in such pastel colors as spruce green, flame red, liberty blue and sierra rust.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 323円

Nude Photography Smut Cases【電子書籍】[ Robert Grey Reynolds Jr ]

<p>People have gone to extremes to photograph nude women. In the 1950s a medical doctor in Hatfield, Pennsylvania risked his professional career on a nude modeling business. A chemical plant manager and his wife teamed with him in this risky endeavor. Aside from this incident I have profiled cases of nude photography smut cases from the 1950s into the 1970s. One of the obscenity busts occurred when New York Police detectives were searching an apartment for drugs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 339円

Tales of Fishing Virgin Sea【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>Zane Grey, America's master storyteller of the old West, was a passionate angler. He fished as many as 300 days of the year! This collection, first published in 1925, describes his fishing adventures in exotic locales throughout the Pacific region. Illustrated with more than 100 photographs from the author's private collection. These stories capture the drama and excitement that Grey experienced in being the first person to fish many watersーfrom the Galapagos Islands to Cabo San Lucasーand in being the first to catch and document many new species of fish. No lover of Zane Grey storytelling will want to miss these real life adventures. The <em>Los Angeles Times</em> listed <em>Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas</em> as one of the best nonfiction books of 2000!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,308円

Inside Out【電子書籍】[ Andrew Grey ]

<p><em><strong>Bronco's Boys: Book One</strong></em></p> <p>Former mercenary Bull Krebbs now heads up security at his nightclub in Harrisburg, PA. Working the door night after night, he's seen it all. Though tough on the outside, he's a little hurt that people find him unapproachable. Then he pulls a cute twink out of line to perform a random search, and he's surprised when the guy giggles and squirms.</p> <p>Zach Spencer, graphic artist, twink, and seriously ticklish, isn't intimidated by Bull. He's in awe, and when Bull saves Zach from being trampled on the dance floor, Zach finds his inspiration for the superhero in his graphic novel.</p> <p>Soon Zach wants more and makes his move by asking Bull on a date. Though small, he has a backbone of steel. He'll need itーtheir happily ever after is thwarted at every turn, including by Bull's interloping mother showing up unannounced and enemies from Bull's past threatening to pull him to the other side of the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 934円

The Bront? Sisters - The Complete Novels: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Shirley, Villette, The Professor, Emma, Agnes Grey, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall【電子書籍】[ Charlotte Bront? ]

<p>Spanning the gothic moors of Yorkshire to the intricate societal webs of Victorian England, 'The Bront? Sisters - The Complete Novels' compiles an unprecedented collection that traverses a vast literary landscape. Within these pages, readers will encounter the raw intensity of emotion, intricate psychological depth, and the acute social commentary that characterize the Bront? sisters oeuvre. From the turbulent romance of 'Wuthering Heights' to the groundbreaking narrative of 'Jane Eyre' and the defiant 'The Tenant of Wildfell Hall', this anthology showcases the diversity of themes and narrative styles that have cemented the Bront?s' legacy in the literary canon. The collection serves as a testament to the sisters' collective genius, offering readers a holistic view of their literary evolution and the varied voices that echo through their work. The backgrounds of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bront?, as daughters of a clergyman in a remote Yorkshire village, significantly influenced their writing, imbuing their novels with a unique blend of isolation, moral introspection, and social critique. Their works collectively align with and contribute to the Victorian literary movement, pushing the boundaries of conventional female narratives and exploring complexities of character and social identity rarely voiced so vividly at the time. This anthology encapsulates their shared experiences and individual talents, presenting a rich tableau of mid-19th century life and imagination. 'The Bront? Sisters - The Complete Novels' offers readers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse themselves in the profound literary achievements of three of the most influential women writers of the 19th century. It invites a comprehensive exploration of themes ranging from the struggles of the individual against societal constraints to the tumultuous quests for love and identity. Each novel, resplendent with its unique voice and vision, contributes to a dialogue that spans the complexities of human experience, inviting readers to engage with these timeless narratives anew. This collection is essential for those who seek to understand the depth and diversity of Victorian literature, and for all who cherish the indomitable spirit and the imaginative brilliance of the Bront? sisters.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Upside Down【電子書籍】[ Andrew Grey ]

<p><em><strong>Sequel to Inside Out<br /> Bronco's Boys: Book Two</strong></em></p> <p>Lowell Cartwright’s life as a mercenary problem solver has taken its toll, and after one more difficult job, he wants out. For help, he turns to Bull, a soldier of fortune turned club ownerーnot exactly a friend, but the best chance Lowell has. He visits Bull’s club to scope it out and meets Jeremy Hodgson. The twink captures his attention in a big way. Bull tells Lowell to stay away from the club until he decides whether he can help, so Lowell stays in town. When he spots Jeremy passed out on the floor of a convenience store, he goes to Jeremy’s aid.</p> <p>Lowell piques Jeremy’s interest immediately, pushing all the right buttons. Then, when Jeremy needs help, Lowell’s kindness turns interest into something more.</p> <p>But trouble comes knocking when Jeremy’s place is bugged. Maybe Lowell’s past is catching up to him, or maybe the danger centers on Jeremy’s roommate Tristan’s mysterious boyfriend. Whatever the source of the problem, the future Lowell and Jeremy hope for doesn't stand a chance unless they can find a way to protect themselves.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 934円

ドリアン・グレイの肖像 ワイルド/〔著〕 福田恒存/訳

■ISBN:9784102081013★日時指定・銀行振込をお受けできない商品になりますタイトルドリアン・グレイの肖像 ワイルド/〔著〕 福田恒存/訳ふりがなどりあんぐれいのしようぞうしんちようぶんこ発売日200407出版社新潮社ISBN9784102081013大きさ428P 16cm著者名ワイルド/〔著〕 福田恒存/訳 781円

グレイラットの殺人 M・W・クレイヴン/著 東野さやか/訳

■ISBN:9784151842542★日時指定・銀行振込をお受けできない商品になりますタイトルグレイラットの殺人 M・W・クレイヴン/著 東野さやか/訳ふりがなぐれいらつとのさつじんはやかわみすてりぶんこHM481−4発売日202309出版社早川書房ISBN9784151842542大きさ729P 16cm著者名M・W・クレイヴン/著 東野さやか/訳 1,430円

【グレイシャー・ウォータートン・レイク国立公園 Glacier Waterton Lakes National Parks】

---【商品データ】---------------- [カテゴリ] トレッキング [ 縮 尺 ] 1/100,000 [出版社] National Geographic [ 言 語 ] 英語 [等高線] 100ft間隔----【内容インフォメーション】---------------------  アメリカ・モンタナとカナダ・アルバータ国境にまたがって広がる国立公園をカナダ側までカバーした地形図。公園内の全メイントレイルを、カラーで精密な等高線に乗せている。南北に伸びるエリアを表裏に分割して掲載し、トレイルのキャンプ地や、トレイルヘッド(基点)の施設情報も充実。アメリカでも有数のコンティネンタル・ディバイド・トレイルもカナダ国境まで全掲載。エリア・ガイド、バックカントリーの解説、とりわけクマに焦点を当てた安全対策なども書かれている。防水紙使用。 ----【関連情報】---------------------    アメリカのアドベンチャー系雑誌ナショナル・ジオグラフィックでは世界の自然、冒険、文化の話題を扱い、アウトドアの世界でもステータスが高い。ナショナル・ジオグラフィック社はマップ部門が独立してあり、本国を中心に、世界に及ぶ国立公園のマップや、シティマップを製作、出版。ウォールマップのラインナップは世界のスタンダードとして信頼が篤い。◆ナショナル・ジオグラフィック社や他のウォールマップを見る  本国のTrail Illustrated のシリーズは国立公園や州立の自然公園のエリアマップ。日本の山登りにハイキング・マップを持っていくように、合衆国の魅力のひとつである雄大な自然を訪れる時に持って行きたい。非常によくまとまっており、充実した旅の一助となってくれることは間違いない。 2,100円

洋書 Paperback, Baby Shower Guest Book Twins: God Made Twins: Girls Twin Baby Book for Baby Shower Guest Book Pink Grey Gray Pink and Purple (Baby Book Christian) (Volume 7)

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The Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui【電子書籍】[ Affleck Gray ]

<p><em>I began to think I heard something else than merely the noise of my own of own footsteps . . . the eerie crunch, crunch, sounded behind me, I was seized with terror and took to my heels, staggering blindly among the boulders for four or five miles . . .</em></p> <p>Mountaineer and historian Affleck Grey explores one of Scotland's most chilling unsolved mysteries in this acclaimed account of the terrifying figure said to haunt the desolate passes and summit of Britain's second highest mountain.</p> <p>Over the years countless climbers have either seen or senseed the presence of something extraordinary in the misty wilderness of Ben Macdhui in the Cairngorms. But what have they really experienced? A trick of the light or some Yeti-like monster? This book examines the evidence and also looks at similar stories from elsewhere in the world to try and make sense of this bizarre and spine-chilling phenomenon.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,041円

Tempting Gray (The Untouchables, #2)【電子書籍】[ T. A. Grey ]

<p>From USA TODAY Bestselling Author T. A. Grey comes the second book in the dark romantic romance series: The Untouchables. In these woven novels, the infamous Blackmoore family of royal vampires meet their chosen mates in forbidden ways that will reveal new mysteries and close old wounds.</p> <p>Grayson Blackmoore mated Anita Redenver because his father ordered him to do so. That was 600 years ago. And since then, the tentative relationship between Gray and Anita has soured and grown volatile. Out of duty, he respects his mate, but love is not in the equation. When a ruthless murderer kills Anita, Grayson knows he must find vengeance in her honor.</p> <p>Arabella Donahue is a Were that can't shift--an anomaly among her people--but she excels at tracking down anything that moves. Under the orders of "The Mad Were", Zeke Hunter, Arabella begins working with the dark, brooding vampire Grayson and soon finds that his stoic, stalwart nature touches her and a simmering attraction lingers between them.</p> <p>As Arabella and Grayson join together to fight evil forces, an explosive passion blossoms from within them. But if Arabella wants Grayson, she'll have to battle harder than she ever has for anything in her life. Because before there will be peace, guilt, retribution, and vengeance must be dealt with.</p> <p>Read the whole series today!<br /> Take Me (Book 1)<br /> Tempting Gray (Book 2)<br /> Merely Immortal (Book 3)<br /> Rogue Blood (Book 4)</p> <p>"Ms. Grey’s world is not only magical, but erotic, enchanted, and deadly. In addition to the fiercely passionate female characters, Grey creates a fresh cast of male counterpoints who are seductive, gritty, rugged, and noble." Vampire and Immortal Books on Take Me</p> <p>"I loved it. It is a masterfully crafted tale of heartache, vengeance and passion. One that held me captivated from the beginning to the end." Night Owl Reviews on Tempting Gray, Top Pick!</p> <p>"I literally ripped through all of the pages because I was so excited to see what would happen next! I was that addicted! But, what I should have kept already in mind before waltzing into this book was the tragic losses that occurred along the way..." Kawehi Reviews on Tempting Gray</p> <p>"What a hot sexy read! Jace by T.A. Grey is the first book of her Bodyguards for Hire Series and I have to say I want more! A contemporary romance with some sizzling erotica, lots of witty moments, a dash of danger and a couple you can’t help but love, this book has it all." The Reading Cafe on Jace</p> <p>"This story will yank you in and hold you hostage until the very last word. It's a page turner that has captivating characters, interesting plot lines and danger around every twist." Reviewing Vixens on Jace</p> <p>"Bonds of Fire is ... a wonderful story, moving fast and never stopping for anything." Night Owl Romance</p> <p>"The Bellum Sisters series ... was a revelation! I instantly fell in love with the whole story and particularly with the characters. I found everything I love in a PNR story with the Bellum Sisters series." Proserpine Craving on Chains of Frost</p> <p>"I love how slow their relationship is to build because of Gavin’s insecurities (no insta love), and I love how feisty Alicia is. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Gavin and will definitely pick up the next books." USA TODAY, HEA Blog on The Loneliest Alpha</p> <p>"This girl knows how to write a flawed alpha male..." Close Encounters of the Night Kind on The Loneliest Alpha</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,061円

Perverse Spieleabende【電子書籍】[ Wolf Grey ]

<p>Meine Frau ist h?bsch, Sie legt viel Wert darauf uns unser zu Hause sch?n zu gestalten, bei Besuchen ist Sie die perfekte Gastgeberin. Lediglich im Bett k?nnte Sie etwas aktiver sein. Auf meiner neuen Arbeitsstelle nehme ich an Spieleabende einiger Kollegen teil, anfangs waren es ganz normale Abende, auch wenn die Ehefrauen der Kollegen sich recht freiz?gig kleideten, was nat?rlich nicht ganz ohne Wirkung blieb. Sie hatten nicht mal was dagegen, wenn sich eine Hand an ihren Po verirrte. Dann kam der Abend, wo eine der Frauen mich verf?hrte, mir einen blies, ich erfuhr meine Kollegen fickten alle mit den Frauen der anderen, die Frauen wollten mich, die M?nner meine Frau. Ich war erst etwas geschockt, aber dann reifte der Plan, mit Hilfe der Kollegen meine Frau auch zu so einem sexgeilen Luder, wie die Frauen der anderen zu machen. Wird es mir und meinen Kollegen und deren Frauen gelingen?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

Vom Arbeitskollegen unterworfen【電子書籍】[ Wolf Grey ]

<p>Mein Wochenende war bl?d gelaufen, ich wollte mich mit einem Freund treffen, mit dem ich eine + Beziehung f?hrte, der leider krank wurde. Schlecht gelaunt, trat ich am Montag meine neue Stelle als Abteilungsleiterin in meiner alten Firma an. Einer der M?nner, hatte wegen eines Termins meine Antrittsrede verpasst, in der ich meine Vorstellung wie ich die Abteilung zu leiten gedenke dargestellt habe. Ich erl?uterte dies dann in einem Gespr?ch unter vier Augen. Der Kerl lie? mich feucht werden, als er mitbekam, wo ich wohne, mit dem Bus zur Arbeit fahre, meinte er, er k?nne mich auch mitnehmen, er fahre an meiner Wohnung vorbei. Noch am Abend nimmt er mich mit, ich biete ihm einen Kaffee als Dankesch?n an. Schon im Gespr?ch am Morgen hat er mir auf die Titten geschaut, auch in meiner Wohnung machte er deutlich, er ist interessiert. Ich lasse mich verf?hren, aber der Sex mit ihm ist anders, als alles was ich bisher kannte. Hart, rau, wild, dominierend, ich verfalle ihm total, lasse mich sogar auf einem Parkplatz von einem anderen Mann ficken, erlebe sogar Sex mit einer anderen Frau. Auf der Arbeit bin ich seine Chefin, im Bett beherrscht er mich.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 650円

The Stolen Crown The True Story of Queen Jane Grey【電子書籍】[ Charles Frederic Holgrave ]

<p>The Stolen Crown: The True Story of Queen Jane Grey by Charles Frederic Holgrave Amid the swirl of Tudor England's political intrigue, religious strife, and bloody power struggles, stands the tragic figure of Queen Jane GreyーEngland's Nine Days Queen. In this compelling biography, Charles Frederic Holgrave sheds light on the true story of a young woman thrust into the center of a fierce dynastic crisis. Schooled in the lethal game of politics and declared queen by manipulative forces within the court, Jane's ascension was as rapid as it was doomed. Holgrave delves deep into the life and legacy of a forgotten monarch whose reign, though fleeting, illuminates the complexities of English royalty during one of its most tumultuous periods. From her scholarly pursuits and devout Protestant faith to her coerced claim to the throne and subsequent downfall, Jane's life is a poignant tale of innocence lost amidst the ruthless tides of ambition. The Stolen Crown not only explores Jane's personal trials and tribulations but also the broader socio-political landscapes that defined Tudor England. With meticulous research and evocative narrative, Holgrave brings to life a past filled with palpable tension, heartbreaking decisions, and the ultimate sacrifice of a queen who was never meant to rule. Experience the drama of a forgotten queen whose story echoes the complexities of her timeーa tale of power, faith, and tragedy in Tudor England.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,300円

An?Australian Odyssey Two Grey Goats Go Walkabout【電子書籍】[ Michael Franklin-Harris ]

<p>This book is the story of an epic journey around Australia undertaken by two adventurous British seniors, Michael and Dawn Franklin-Harris. Their inherent love of nature and wildlife, the people, and the vast sweep of natural history, is plainly obvious in this recorded account of travels in this fascinating country. The duration of the tours described in the book covers four months and six months, coinciding with two consecutive English winters. They were to drive close to 20,000 km in the 10 months they were in Australia, covering north to south and east to west, on this large and varied continent. They were told afterwards by many locals that they had seen more of Australia than many Australians would see in their lifetime. Despite their age, their past life and experiences had made them eminently suited to take on and record such a journey. Dawn had left England in late 1963 with her first husband and young family on an assisted passage scheme to arrive in Australia in 1964. They spent eight years moving around following the work, periodically returning to their base in Queensland where they settled for a time before finally returning to the U.K. Her love of the country and its people never left her, and she always longed to return under different circumstances to her first experience. With Michael retired, that opportunity presented itself. Michael had been a Precision Service Engineer, driving on average 35,000 miles per year, both in the U.K. and abroad. Like Dawn, he had a passion for life and new experiences. With his deep interest in literature, he was no stranger to the written word and had published many essays in the U.K., France, and the U.S.A.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 601円

The Border Legion (Western Classic) Wild West Adventure【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>Zane Grey's 'The Border Legion' is a classic Western novel that takes readers on a thrilling adventure through the rough terrain of the American frontier. Grey's immersive writing style and vivid descriptions of the characters and landscapes bring the Wild West to life, making it a captivating read for fans of the genre. Filled with action, romance, and moral dilemmas, the novel explores the themes of loyalty, justice, and redemption against the backdrop of lawless territories. The fast-paced narrative keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eager to discover the fate of the protagonists as they navigate the dangers of the borderlands. 'The Border Legion' showcases Grey's mastery of the Western genre and solidifies his reputation as a prolific storyteller in American literature. Zane Grey, a pioneer in Western fiction, drew inspiration from his own travels and experiences in the American West to create compelling narratives that resonate with readers to this day. His knowledge of the frontier lifestyle and his passion for storytelling shine through in 'The Border Legion,' demonstrating his ability to craft engaging plots and complex characters that capture the spirit of the era. Grey's enduring legacy as a beloved author continues to attract readers seeking escapism and adventure in the vast landscapes of the Wild West. I highly recommend 'The Border Legion' to anyone interested in Western literature, as it offers a gripping tale of love, courage, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Grey's vivid storytelling and evocative descriptions make this novel a timeless classic that will transport readers to a bygone era of cowboys, outlaws, and untamed wilderness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Ohio River Trilogy: Betty Zane, The Spirit of the Border & The Last Trail Western Classics【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>Zane Grey's 'The Ohio River Trilogy: Betty Zane, The Spirit of the Border & The Last Trail' is an iconic collection of historical fiction that transports readers to the wild and untamed American frontier of the 18th century. Grey's vivid descriptions and intricate characterizations bring to life the trials and tribulations faced by settlers along the Ohio River. The trilogy is not only a captivating read but also a valuable historical record of a tumultuous period in American history. Grey's prose will immerse readers in a world of danger, love, and determination, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the early days of settlement on the frontier. Zane Grey, a prolific writer of Western fiction, drew inspiration for these stories from his own experiences exploring the American West. His passion for storytelling and his deep understanding of the rugged landscape and its inhabitants shine through in this timeless trilogy. Through Grey's expert storytelling, readers will gain insight into the challenges faced by those who braved the frontier in search of a better life, making 'The Ohio River Trilogy' an essential addition to any historical fiction collection.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Western Classics: Zane Grey Collection (27 Novels in One Edition) Riders of the Purple Sage, The Last Trail, The Mysterious Rider, The Border Legion and more【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>This unique collection of "Western Classics: Zane Grey Collection (27 Novels in One Edition)" has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards. Table of Contents: Betty Zane The Spirit of the Border: A Romance of the Early Settlers in the Ohio Valley The Last of the Plainsmen The Last Trail The Heritage of the Desert The Young Forester The Young Lion Hunter Riders of the Purple Sage Desert Gold The Light of the Western Stars The Rustlers of Pecos County The Lone Star Ranger: A Romance of the Border Rainbow Trail The Border Legion Wildfire The UP Trail The Desert of Wheat The Man of the Forest The Mysterious Rider To the Last Man The Day of the Beast Wanderer of the Wasteland Tappan's Burro Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon The Code of the West Valley of Wild Horses The Fugitive Trail Tales of Lonely Trails (Author's Account of American Wild West Trails) Zane Grey (1872-1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that were a basis for the Western genre in literature and the arts. With his veracity and emotional intensity, he connected with millions of readers worldwide, during peacetime and war, and inspired many Western writers who followed him. Grey was a major force in shaping the myths of the Old West; his books and stories were adapted into other media, such as film and TV productions. He was the author of more than 90 books, some published posthumously and/or based on serials originally published in magazines.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Sugar and Ice Kitten and Blonde, #1.5【電子書籍】[ Eule Grey ]

<p>Sugar, ice, and bumps in the night…</p> <p>After a thrilling year of ghost-whispering, monster-chasing, and blogging for the Echo, Mave Kitten is keen to abandon her witchy hat for a well-earned break. Snowflakes are drifting in; the office is stuffed with fruit cake. How to win the pub karaoke without cheating (too much) is all that's left to worry about.</p> <p>Aside from fiddling the office's debts and choosing a suitable karaoke costume, Lisa Blonde is also ready for the party season, not forgetting a crate of beer. As long as Mave's happy, Lisa's happy.</p> <p>But best-laid plans can come unstuck for witches and their leather-clad familiars. The ghost of Jacky Frost blows in with the snow, demanding a playmate. How can Mave and Lisa say no to the dancing queen of ice? Even ghosts deserve a Christmas.</p> <p>The playful ice queen goes viral, and the Echo unexpectedly gains hundreds of readers. Only a few gremlins remain: What of the Echo's overdraft? Who'll win the karaoke? Where's Lisa's motorcycle?</p> <p>Kitten and Blonde: Holiday Baking Hijinks Mostly Paranormal. Sometimes alien. Always gentle.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

The Adventures of Ken Ward The Young Forester, The Young Pitcher & The Young Lion Hunter & Ken Ward in the Jungle【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>'The Young Forester' follows Ken Ward in his quest to become a forest ranger. After gaining his father's permission to go west to work with a childhood friend, Ken stumbles on a lumbering operation that's stripping the trees and leaving nothing behind. Throughout the book, Ken struggles against the loggers to save Penetier Forest. 'The Young Pitcher' continues Ken Ward's story as he goes to college. As a freshman he dreams reams of making the baseball team, but he has to prove himself worth. 'The Young Lion Hunter' - After completing his freshman year in college Ken Ward goes West again to find new adventures around the North Rim of Arizona's Grand Canyon. 'Ken Ward in the Jungle' - Looking for a change from Arizona desert, Ken Ward and his friend Hal go canoeing and exploring in the jungle south of Mexico, while new adventure awaits as they chart a river.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 259円

Taliesin: A Bloomsbury Reader Grey Book Band【電子書籍】[ Maggie Pearson ]

<p><strong>Book Band: Grey - Ideal for ages 8+</strong></p> <p><strong>A magical retelling of the story of the legendary Welsh bard Taliesin, perfect for fans of <em>The Wizards of Once</em> and <em>The Firework Maker's Daughter.</em></strong></p> <p>On the most magical day of the year, the unluckiest man in the whole of Wales finds a baby floating in the river. But Taliesin is no ordinary baby ? not only can he talk, but he is also a magician, prophet, poet and trickster. As the years pass, Taliesin transforms the lives of all he meets, for better or worse...</p> <p>This enchanting version of a Welsh myth from Maggie Pearson has intricate black-and-white illustrations by David Wyatt and is perfect for children who are developing as readers.</p> <p><strong>The Bloomsbury Readers series is packed with book-banded stories to get children reading independently in Key Stage 2 by award-winning authors like double Carnegie Medal winner Geraldine McCaughrean and Waterstones Prize winner Patrice Lawrence. With engaging illustrations and online guided reading notes written by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE), this series is ideal for home and school. For more information visit</strong></p> <p><strong>'Any list that brings together such a quality line up of authors is going to be welcomed … Bloomsbury Readers are aimed squarely at children in Key Stage 2 and designed to support them as they start reading independently and while they continue to gain confidence and understanding.'</strong> Books for Keeps</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 765円

Under Grey Clouds The Osprey Series, #2【電子書籍】[ Kaylie Kay ]

<p>Susan Kennedy doesn't need to feel guilty, about anything. Whatever Susan <em>Harrison</em> does when she is away, is absolutely <em>nothing</em> to do with her!</p> <p>Meet Susan Kennedy ? the perfect, model wife to her rich, older husband, and devoted mother to their children. But it's not easy being so perfect all of the time, and sometimes she just needs a little break to recharge her perfect batteries…… so when Susan sets off to work as an International Flight Attendant the one thing that she doesn't pack in her suitcase is her wedding ring!</p> <p><em>Susan Harrison</em> is still young, free, and single … with a string of adoring lovers from Miami to San Francisco just waiting for her plane to touch down. As long as she keeps her two lives separated by at least an ocean, what can possibly go wrong?</p> <p>When the blurring of the lines that she has so carefully drawn threaten Susan Kennedy's perfect life, will she succeed in keeping Susan Harrison a secret? Or will her second life come down around in her in one big crash landing..?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 600円

A Dangerous Man The Complete Collection【電子書籍】[ Serena Grey ]

<p><em>“Isn’t enough that I can’t stop thinking about you Sophie?” he says, his voice low and persuasive. “What else do you want from me?</em></p> <p>Now available in a single volume, Serena Grey's A Dangerous Man series bundle includes:</p> <p>AWAKENING (A Dangerous Man #1)<br /> Sophie Bennett has virtually no experience with men. Orphaned from birth, she's gone from living with her reclusive aunt, to a sheltered education in boarding school. So nothing prepares her for David Preston. The intensely attractive businessman is entirely out of her league. Can she handle such a dangerous man, or is she in over her head?</p> <p>REBELLION (A Dangerous Man #2)<br /> David Preston came into Sophie's life and changed it in ways she could never have anticipated. Now the intensely sexy, exquisitely beautiful man is hers, or is he really?</p> <p>CLAIM (A Dangerous Man #3)<br /> Who is David Preston? The mysterious and sexy businessman claimed Sophie Bennett's heart and then broke it. But is that all there is to him?<br /> David Preston likes to be in control, after being neglected as a child, he has his life exactly where he wants. No relationships, no commitments, just sex, no strings attached. Then a chance encounter with a girl in a gift shop changes everything.</p> <p>SURRENDER (A Dangerous Man #4)<br /> Sophie chose to be alone rather than be with David Preston, the man who has her heart, and yet refuses to share his. Now she's trying to make a life for herself, a life that will not include him.<br /> But how can she get over a man who refuses to let her go, especially when he can still set fire to her blood with just one touch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 826円

Overgrowth【電子書籍】[ Ildico Grey ]

<p>Overgrowth is a poetry collection curated around themes of emotion, thought, and mental health. Nature takes a leading role in the language chosen and the poems written, combining oceans, forests, and gardens into vehicles for the author's expression.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 144円

Grey Eminence【電子書籍】[ Aldous Huxley ]

<p><strong>A gripping biography by the author of <em>Brave New World</em></strong></p> <p>The life of Father Joseph, Cardinal Richelieu's aide, was a shocking paradox. After spending his days directing operations on the battlefield, Father Joseph would pass the night in prayer, or in composing spiritual guidance for the nuns in his care. He was an aspirant to sainthood and a practising mystic, yet his ruthless exercise of power succeeded in prolonging the unspeakable horrors of the Thirty Years' War. In his masterful biography, Huxley explores how an intensely religious man could lead such a life and how he reconciled the seemingly opposing moral systems of religion and politics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,276円

An American Angler in Australia【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>In 1936, the celebrated American author Zane Grey arrived in the sleepy New South Wales town of Bermagui, with the express reason of angling for the world's largest fish - Marlin, sharks and Swordfish. Here is his little classic of the chase.<br /> <em>Four miles out I sighted a long sickle fin cutting through a swell. Did I yell, "Marlin!"? I certainly did. An instant later Peter sighted another farther out, and this tail fin belonged to a large fish. I could not tell whether or not it indicated a black marlin. It stood up three feet or more, and that much would make a tail spread of over six feet. These marlin were riding the swells and they were moving fast. The tails would come up out of the top of a swell and cut the water at more than a ten-knot speed. Then they would vanish. It is always necessary to run the boat in the right direction to head the fish off. The Avalon is fast - she can do eighteen knots when opened up - but we could not catch up with the big fellow.</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 854円

Famous Kidnappings【電子書籍】[ Jasmine Grey ]

<p>An anthology of True Crime investigations into famous kidnappings such as Charles Lindbergh Jr, Bobby Greenlease, and others.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 900円

Grey Wars A Contemporary History of U.S. Special Operations【電子書籍】[ N. W. Collins ]

<p><strong>An analysis of U.S. Special Operations, at the center of America’s twenty-first-century wars</strong></p> <p>This original and accessible book is a comprehensive, authoritative analysis of U.S. Special Operations. U.S. Special Operations Command trains and equips units to undertake select military activities, frequently high-risk missions, often for the purposes of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. Since 9/11, impelled by an attack on U.S. soil, these forces have been a central instrument of America’s military campaignーoperating in about one hundred countries on any given day. This fightーneither hot war nor cold peaceーwas launched and executed as a new type of global war in 2001 and has since splintered into a spectrum of regional conflicts. The result is our nation’s grey wars: hazy and lethal. This contemporary history, incorporating extensive interviews and archival research by security studies expert N. W. Collins, delves deeply into the transformation of these forces since 9/11.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,991円