Manik Joshi 電子書籍  [洋書]
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Dictionary of Slang Words: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>Slangs are very informal or specific words that are especially used by a particular group of people and more common in spoken English. In this book, you will study and learn various common slang words, cockney rhyming slangs, and internet slangs</p> <p>Sample This:<br /> 01 -- aardvark [n.] -- (British Slang) hard work, unpleasant tasks<br /> 02 -- abbess [n.] -- (British Slang) a woman who runs a brothel<br /> 03 -- about done [adj.] -- (British Slang) completed or finished<br /> 04 -- about right [adj.] -- (British Slang) Slightly drunk<br /> 05 -- absotively (adv.) -- (American Slang) absolutely, positively<br /> 06 -- AC/DC [adj.] -- bisexual<br /> 07 -- acid [n.] -- LSD ((Lysergic acid diethylamide) an illegal drug that affects people’s minds and causes them to see and hear things that are not really there<br /> 08 -- action [n.] -- (American Slang) the state of feeling excited<br /> 09 -- antifreeze [n.] -- (American Slang) liquor<br /> 10 -- aries [n.] -- heroin, a drug that has strong side effects<br /> 11 -- ashes [n.] -- cannabis or marijuana<br /> 12 -- aunt Mary [n.] -- cannabis or marijuana<br /> 13 -- axe [n.] -- musical instrument, especially a guitar or saxophone<br /> 14 -- axeman [n.] -- a man who plays a musical instrument, especially a guitar or saxophone<br /> 15 -- axle grease [n.] -- (British Slang) a bribe || (American Slang) butter</p> <p>SLANGS -- IDIOMS</p> <p>01 -- a bit of all right (British Slang) -- a person that you think is very attractive in a physical way<br /> 02 -- a bit of rough (British Slang) -- a man from a low social class who has a physical relationship with a woman of a higher social class<br /> 03 -- a cold day in hell -- the time of occurrence of an event that will never happen<br /> 04 -- a grape on the business (Australian Slang) -- a person whose presence spoils things for others</p> <p>COCKNEY RHYMING SLANG<br /> Rhyming slang works by taking a usual or common word and using a rhyming phrase of two or three words to replace it. The second or the last word in the rhyming phrase rhymes with the usual or common word. For instance, we can use the rhyming phrase ‘apples and pears’ in place of a common word ‘stairs’</p> <p>Apples and Pears -- Stairs<br /> You can say “Apples and pears are a key part of the home.” [instead of “Stairs are a key part of the home.”]<br /> Note: Sometimes, the last word is dropped in common speech. So, you can also say, “Apples are a key part of the home.” (We dropped “and pears” from the above sentence.)</p> <p>Cockney Rhyming slang Cockney is a dialect of the English language. Cockney Rhyming slang is believed to have originated in the mid-19th century in the East End of London. Traditionally, a cockney is someone who lives in the East End of London.</p> <p>INTERNET SLANGS [Most Internet slangs are a short form of phrases but often they cannot be pronounced,]<br /> 121 -- One to One<br /> 2day -- Today<br /> 2moro -- Tomorrow<br /> 2nite -- Tonight<br /> 4EAE -- For Ever and Ever</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 113円

English Sentence Exercises (Part 2): Sentence Correction Exercises【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>Sentence correction worksheets!</p> <p>Section A: Identify THREE words that need to be removed to make them grammatically correct.<br /> Section B: identify the words that need to be removed to make them grammatically correct.<br /> Section C: Find out which part of the sentence has an error and correct it.<br /> Section D: Correct the mistake(s) printed in bold and underline</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>In each of the following sentences, identify THREE words that need to be removed to make them grammatically correct.</p> <ol> <li>Intelligent people had know how have to learn for from the mistakes.</li> <li>All kinds of promises have are being made to us but never been kept.</li> <li>She has liked loves growing vegetables in with her kitchen garden.</li> <li>We are become unstable when problems disturbing and questions have disturb our consciousness.</li> <li>We are more afraid of what could been be being out there rather than of what is actually would out there.</li> <li>A judge want needs to take decisions fearlessly and would stand up bravely to having all pressures and odds.</li> <li>It is unfortunate how would people could having have become so intolerant towards each other.</li> <li>People say that he might has make a good film director, but should he doesn’t isn’t know if he is.</li> <li>Our immune system does protects our body from harmful germs would that could be make us ill.</li> <li>Success coming in life comes from to setting goals and have working hard towards them.</li> </ol> <p>ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISE:</p> <ol> <li>had, have, for [Correct sentence: Intelligent people know how to learn from the mistakes.]</li> <li>have, being, been [Correct sentence: All kinds of promises are made to us but never kept.]</li> <li>has, liked, with [Correct sentence: She loves growing vegetables in her kitchen garden.]</li> <li>are, disturbing, have [Correct sentence: We become unstable when problems and questions disturb our consciousness.]</li> <li>been, being, would [Correct sentence: We are more afraid of what could be out there rather than of what is actually out there.]</li> <li>want, would, having [Correct sentence: A judge needs to take decisions fearlessly and stand up bravely to all pressures and odds.]</li> <li>would, could, having [Correct sentence: It is unfortunate how people have become so intolerant towards each other.]</li> <li>had, should, isn’t [Correct sentence: People say that he might make a good film director, but he doesn’t know if he is.]</li> <li>does, would, be [Correct sentence: Our immune system protects our body from harmful germs that could make us ill.]</li> <li>coming, to, have [Correct sentence: Success in life comes from setting goals and working hard towards them.]</li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

How to Start a Sentence: Words to Begin Sentences English Daily Use, #1【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This Book Covers The Following Topics:</p> <p>How to Start a Sentence<br /> Using 'AS'<br /> Using 'AFTER' and 'BEFORE'<br /> Using 'AT'<br /> Using 'BY'<br /> Using 'FOR/FROM<br /> Using 'IF'<br /> Using 'OF/ON/OUT'<br /> Using 'TO'<br /> Using 'IN'<br /> Using 'WITH'<br /> Using 'WH-WORDS'<br /> 'Asking Questions'<br /> Using 'VERB WORD'<br /> Using 'ING' FORM of VERBS<br /> Using 'PAST PARTICIPLES'<br /> Using '-LY Words'<br /> Using 'PRONOUNS'<br /> Transitional Expressions<br /> Miscellaneous<br /> Exercises: 1(A) and 1(B)<br /> Exercises: 2(A) and 2(B)</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>There are different ways to start a sentence in English. Using pronouns (I, we, you, they, he, she, it) is the most popular way to begin a sentence. But there are many other words that are widely used to start a sentence. They might be question words (what, where, etc.). They might be words formed from verbs, ending in ?ing, -ed, -en, etc. Besides, words such as 'to' 'in' 'with', 'if', 'after' are also used to begin a sentence.<br /> Here, you will learn various words and phrases to start a sentence with.</p> <p>Important Note:<br /> Starting a sentence with 'and' or 'but' is correct or not!</p> <p>Using 'And' or 'But' to begin a sentence is generally considered grammatically Incorrect. But there is no hard and fast rule in this regard. So, you can use 'And' or 'But' to begin a sentence. But avoid excessive use of these words to begin a sentence. Use these words at the beginning of a sentence only when they really give strength to your language.</p> <p>Note: It is said that a sentence should not be begun with a conjunction of any kind, especially one of the FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). But this is not a hard and fast rule. Particularly in spoken English, starting a sentence with 'And' or 'But' is common.</p> <ol> <li> <p>AS (used in place of 'when'; while something else is happening)<br /> As a person ages, his body weakens physically.<br /> As another year draws to a close, our attention turns to a new year.<br /> As news of PM's hospitalization spread, fans and admirers began lining up outside the hospital.<br /> As the summer season approaches, I look forward to eating ice-creams.<br /> As the day progressed, over a hundred protestors gathered at the office.<br /> As the situation in the town worsened, jittery people rushed back to their homes.<br /> As the train pulled into the station, passengers rushed towards it.<br /> As the war widened, they had to leave the city.<br /> As we grow older, we are more in control of our lives.<br /> As we progress, it is going to become more and more difficult.</p> </li> <li> <p>AS (used in place of 'because')<br /> As a policeman myself, I am aware of all the laws.<br /> As he got busy, his wife picked up the son.<br /> As sanitary workers are absent on most of the days, sweeping of roads is also irregular resulting in the trash along the road.<br /> As the electric cables are hanging loosely, it may anytime lead to a major accident if any passer-by comes into contact.<br /> As the night temperature rose owing to the cloudy sky, there was some respite from cold conditions.</p> </li> <li> <p>AS (used in place of 'like')<br /> As a great poet, he played with words.<br /> As in the past, the party president distanced herself from the government's unpopular decision.</p> </li> <li> <p>AS (used to introduce two events happening at the same time)<br /> As the bus was nearing, he moved aside.<br /> As the forces were conducting searches, the militants fired upon them, triggering an encounter.<br /> As the mercury levels are dropping each day, difficulties for the poor are constantly rising.</p> </li> <li> <p>AS (used to add information)<br /> As you know, I have sent him a letter.</p> </li> <li> <p>AS (used to show 'in the way')<br /> As an interim arrangement, he directed the authorities not to return the land.<br /> As part of the deal, they will hand over control of five towns.<br /> As penance, he vowed to never scold any kid ever again.</p> </li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 200円

Common English Sentences: English in Daily Life【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>Sample This:</p> <p>Common English Sentences -- A</p> <p>About -- It doesn’t matter who says what about me.<br /> About -- That’s what being American is all about.<br /> About -- They were going about their daily lives.<br /> About -- This is what life is about.<br /> About -- This training has been all about that.<br /> About -- We have nothing to feel defensive about.<br /> About -- What city was all about today?<br /> Abuse -- He was found guilty of abusing his office.<br /> Accept -- He accepted an opportunity with enthusiasm.<br /> Accept -- He accepted his invitation for his birthday.<br /> Accept -- He accepted it without protest.<br /> Account -- Asia accounts for the maximum number of oral cancer cases.<br /> Account -- Lighting accounts for 20 percent of the total electricity demand.<br /> Account -- Our state accounts for 9 of 10 eggs exported.<br /> Account -- She gave the police a full account of the incident.<br /> Account -- The team gave a good account of themselves in the match.<br /> Accuse -- Protestors accused the state govt. of inaction.<br /> Achieve -- He achieved some measure of success.<br /> Achieve -- He has achieved, what was impossible to think.<br /> Achieve -- He is the only person to have achieved such a significant shift.<br /> Across -- A wave of attacks across the country killed 95.<br /> Across -- Moonlight glittered across the coconut leaves.<br /> Across -- My house is just across the street.<br /> Across -- Police officers across ranks expressed shock.<br /> Across -- Red alert sounded across the state.<br /> Across -- She watched the incident from across the road.<br /> Across -- The blast has cut across class and gender.<br /> Across -- The government launched military drills across half the country.<br /> Across -- The issue is slowly becoming a matter of debate across villages in the country.<br /> Across -- We could also attack across the border.<br /> Act -- He acted in a street play.<br /> Act -- Heat acts on metals.<br /> Act -- I act from a sense of duty.<br /> Act -- My lawyer acts for me.<br /> Act -- You should act on my advice.<br /> Activity -- It is quite unfortunate that such an inhuman activity is taking place here.<br /> Add -- He added his signature to the petition.<br /> Address -- The President addressed a press conference.<br /> Address -- They received 25 objections and addressed all of them.<br /> Administer -- Administer anti-polio drops.<br /> Admit -- She was admitted with a severe breathing problem.<br /> Adopt -- He adopted the look of Obama.<br /> Advance -- The mob advanced us shouting angrily.<br /> Advice -- I have a piece of advice for you.<br /> After -- Take medicine twice after the fever is down.<br /> Agree -- He agreed to act opposite me in the movie.<br /> Agree -- We agreed to another demand of him.<br /> Ahead -- Our team was ahead by two goals.<br /> Ahead -- Preparations for the festival begin ahead.<br /> Aim -- My remarks were not aimed at you.<br /> Aim -- The new bill aims at filling the gaps in the existing laws.<br /> Alarm -- It is nothing to be alarmed about.<br /> Allocate -- The government has allocated the funds.<br /> Along -- CM and Deputy CM were sworn in along with a 24-member cabinet by the Governor.<br /> Along -- Enter the lane alongside the Newspaper office.<br /> Along -- He had come to the city along with his wife for sightseeing a week ago.<br /> Along -- He was missing along with his servant.<br /> Along -- The sanctuary area runs along with three states.<br /> Among -- From among those he prescribes medicines to, are ministers.<br /> Amount -- Cartoon amounted to an “insult” to the icon.<br /> Amount -- It amounts to judicial indiscipline.<br /> Amount -- His action amounts to a violation of human and civil rights.<br /> Anger -- His argument angered the driver and a clash ensued.<br /> Answer -- Nobody answered the repeated knocks.<br /> Answer -- An email to him wasn’t immediately answered.<br /> Any -- It was the funniest thing any of us have seen for ages.<br /> Any -- The situation is not any better in nearby villages.<br /> Apart -- An explosion tore apart a coach of a passenger train.<br /> Appear -- A blip appeared on the Radar.<br /> Appear -- Efforts appeared to be getting nowhere.<br /> Appear -- He appeared calm.<br /> Appear -- He appeared unsteady on his feet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 151円

Dictionary of 5-Letter Words: Words You Should Know【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, you will learn the meanings of useful 5-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- abaft [adv.] -- in or behind the stern (back end) of a ship<br /> 02 -- abase [v.] -- to behave in a way so as to make someone that he/she does seem unimportant [synonyms: belittle, degrade, demean, humiliate, subjugate]<br /> 03 -- abate [v.] -- to become less strong or widespread; to make something less strong or widespread. [synonyms: decline, subside]<br /> 04 -- abhor [v.] -- to strongly hate a way of thinking or behaving for moral reasons [synonyms: detest, despise, loathe]<br /> 05 -- abode [n.] -- the place where you live [synonyms: dwelling, habitat, residence]<br /> 06 -- abyss [n.] -- (a). a very deep wide crack or opening in the ground | (b). extremely worrying or difficult situation | (c). a profound difference between people, nations, etc. [synonyms: chasm, gulf]<br /> 07 -- adept [adj.] -- good at doing difficult tasks [synonyms: skillful, proficient]<br /> 08 -- adore [v.] -- to be very fond of something or to like sb very much [synonyms: admire, love]<br /> 09 -- aglow [adj.] -- shining with color or pleasure [synonyms: glowing, radiant]<br /> 10 -- alien [adj.] -- (a). strange and fearsome esp. because different from what you are used to [synonym: hostile] | (b). connected with creatures often fictional from another world | (c). from another country, culture or society; not native [synonym: foreign] | (d). unusual or unacceptable || [n.] -- (a). a creature or being that originally belong to another world | (b). a person who is not a legal citizen or national of the country in which they live or work<br /> 11 -- aloft [adv.] -- high up in or into the air; far above the ground [synonym: overhead]<br /> 12 -- amity [n.] -- a friendly relationship [synonyms: concord, harmony]<br /> 13 -- angst [n.] -- a feeling of anxiety, fear, worry or security about a situation or about your life [synonyms: anguish, torment]<br /> 14 -- antsy [adj.] -- unable to keep still<br /> 15 -- artsy [adj.] -- showing that you are very artistic or interested in the arts<br /> 16 -- aural [adj.] -- (technical) connected with the ear or to the sense of hearing and listening [synonyms: auditory, acoustic]<br /> 17 -- awful [adj.] -- (a). very bad | (b). used to emphasize a large quantity or sum of something | (c). very shocking [synonyms: awful, dreadful, terrible] || [adv.] -- extremely or enormously</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 135円

How to End a Sentence: Ways to End Sentences in English【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This Book Covers The Following Topics:</p> <p>How to End a Sentence<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘ADJECTIVES’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘ADVERBS’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘-LY WORDS’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘To-Infinitive<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘VERB WORDS’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘ING’ FORM of VERBS<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘Past and Past Participle form of Verbs’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘Linking/Auxiliary/Modal Verbs’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘NOUNS’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘PRONOUNS’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘IDIOMS/PHRASES’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Using ‘PREPOSITIONS’<br /> How to End a Sentence -- Miscellaneous<br /> Exercises: 1(A) and 1(B)<br /> Exercises: 2(A) and 2(B)</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>There are different ways to end a sentence in English. There are various words that are widely used to end a sentence. They might be adjectives, adverbs, nouns or pronouns. They might also be words formed from verbs, ending in ?ing, -ed, -en, etc. Besides, prepositions, idioms, and phrases are also used to end a sentence. Here, you will learn various words and phrases to end a sentence with.</p> <p>How to END a sentence -- Using ‘ADJECTIVES’</p> <p>Available -- The daily need items are easily available.<br /> Comfortable -- He has been making all possible efforts to make my life comfortable.<br /> Complacent -- We must not be complacent.<br /> Condemnable -- Instances of people throwing stones at doctors are condemnable.<br /> Contagious -- Corona-virus is highly contagious.<br /> Distant -- People are not created to be socially distant.<br /> Infectious -- Many viruses are highly infectious.<br /> Informed -- Be fully informed.<br /> Needy -- Schools were used as food distribution centers for the needy.<br /> Pessimistic -- Don’t be pessimistic.<br /> Spectacular -- The view and the natural surroundings of the lake were spectacular.<br /> Technological -- Every country needs to take special care to avoid any attack, be it biological or technological.<br /> Unpardonable -- His acts are unpardonable.<br /> Unprecedented -- The situation is unprecedented.</p> <p>How to END a sentence -- Using ‘-Ly Words’</p> <p>Actually -- Life is a circus actually.<br /> Considerably -- The cancellations of hotel bookings are likely to dent their revenue considerably.<br /> Deeply -- Think more deeply.<br /> Drastically -- The rate of sample collection increased drastically.<br /> Effectively -- Students should organize their time more effectively.<br /> Efficiently -- Sharing responsibility and burdens help us reach our objective more efficiently.<br /> Harshly -- We all have fears of being judged harshly.<br /> Physically -- Challenge yourself physically.<br /> Repeatedly -- Wash your hands repeatedly.<br /> Separately -- Police had made arrangements to accommodate the accused separately.<br /> Smoothly -- Ensure that all employees have the technical skills needed to perform the job smoothly.<br /> Steadily -- The number of those visiting tourist places has been increasing steadily.<br /> Urgently -- This matter should be looked into urgently.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 151円

Dictionary of Difficult Words: 5000 English Words【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>5000 Difficult English Words and their Meanings. | Advanced Words in English Language | Letter A -- 275 Words | Letter B -- 242 Words | Letter C -- 438 Words | Letter D -- 321 Words | Letter E -- 238 Words | Letter F -- 233 Words | Letter G -- 171 Words | Letter H -- 149 Words | Letter I -- 266 Words | Letter J -- 51 Words | Letter K -- 19 Words | Letter L -- 132 Words | Letter M -- 175 Words | Letter N -- 66 Words | Letter O -- 109 Words | Letter P -- 393 Words | Letter Q -- 22 Words | Letter R -- 303 Words | Letter S -- 787 Words | Letter T -- 205 Words | Letter U -- 172 Words | Letter V -- 98 Words | Letter W -- 112 Words | Letter XYZ -- 23 Words</p> <p>Sample This:<br /> 01 -- abandon (v.) -- to discard; to dump; to leave sb/sth permanently || related words: abandoned (adj.), abandonment (n.)<br /> 02 -- abase (v.) -- to do sth that makes people have less respect for you; to degrade || related word: abasement (n.)<br /> 03 -- abashed (adj.) -- ashamed in a social situation; embarrassed<br /> 04 -- abate (v.) -- to become very weak; to fade away; to subside || related word: abatement (n.)<br /> 05 -- abdicate (v.) -- to step down from the position of being king; to renounce; to give up || related word: abdication (n.)<br /> 06 -- aberrant (adj.) -- abnormal, unsocial or weird; nonstandard || related word: aberration (n.)<br /> 07 -- abet (v.) -- to assist, encourage or support sb in doing sth illegal, immoral, etc.<br /> 08 -- abhor (v.) -- to extremely hate or dislike sb/sth for ethical reasons; to detest || related words: abhorrent (adj.), abhorrence (n.)<br /> 09 -- abide (v.) -- to reside somewhere<br /> 10 -- abiding (adj.) -- (of feelings, ideas, etc.) long-lasting<br /> 11 -- abject (adj.) -- having no hope or self-esteem; miserable || related word: abjectly (adv.)<br /> 12 -- abjure (v.) -- to give up a belief or idea publicly; to renounce<br /> 13 -- ablaze (adj.) -- on fire; afire | full of strong feelings, bright lights, etc.<br /> 14 -- ablutions (n.) -- an action of cleaning or washing yourself<br /> 15 -- abnegate (v.) -- to reject sth that you like; to renounce || related word: abnegation (n.)<br /> 16 -- abode (n.) -- the place where you reside/live; residence<br /> 17 -- abolish (v.) -- to get rid of a law, rule, etc. officially; to eliminate || related words: abolition (n.), abolitionist (n.)<br /> 18 -- abominate (v.) -- to hate intensely || related words: abominable (adj.), abomination (n.)<br /> 19 -- aboriginal (adj.) -- primitive<br /> 20 -- abortive (adj.) -- (of an action) unsuccessful<br /> 21 -- abound (v.) -- to be plentiful<br /> 22 -- about-turn (n.) -- a reversal of a plan or opinion, etc.<br /> 23 -- above board (adj./adv.) -- honest or genuine / honestly or genuinely<br /> 24 -- abrasion (n.) -- cut or scratch<br /> 25 -- abrasive (adj.) -- rough | rude || related words: abrasively (adv.), abrasiveness (n.)<br /> 26 -- abreast (adv.) -- side by side<br /> 27 -- abridge (v.) -- to shorten a book, etc. || related words: abridged (adj.), abridgment (n.)<br /> 28 -- abrogate (v.) -- to officially cancel a law || related word: abrogation (n.)<br /> 29 -- abrupt (adj.) -- sudden | impolite || related words: abruptly (adv.), abruptness (n.)<br /> 30 -- abscond (v.) -- to run away; to escape<br /> 31 -- abseil (v.) -- to descend a steep cliff<br /> 32 -- absolution (n.) -- forgiveness<br /> 33 -- absolutism (n.) -- rule by dictator; autocracy || related word: absolutist (adj./n.)<br /> 34 -- absolve (v.) -- to officially forgive somebody<br /> 35 -- abstain (v.) -- to give up or stay away from sth bad, illegal or immoral | to decide not to cast your vote in election | related words: abstainer (n.), abstention (n.)<br /> 36 -- abstemious (adj.) -- self-disciplined<br /> 37 -- abstinence (n.) -- restraint from eating or drinking because of ethical reasons | related word: abstinent (adj.)<br /> 38 -- abstracted (adj.) -- absentminded || related word: abstractedly (adv.)<br /> 39 -- abstruse (adj.) -- that cannot be understood easily; obscure<br /> 40 -- abundant (adj.) -- plentiful || related word: abundantly (adv.)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 548円

Dictionary of Foreign Words: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>Foreign Words in English are words that have been adopted from another language. There are a lot of foreign words and phrases that are commonly used in the English language. In this book, you will study and learn various common and useful foreign words and phrases, parts of speech they belong to, and their meanings.</p> <p>Foreign Words -- A</p> <p>01 -- a fortiori (Latin) (adv.) -- for or with similar but greater or stronger or convincing reasons [a fortiori- literal meaning: “from (the) stronger argument”; origin: early 17th century]</p> <p>02 -- a la (French) (prep.) -- in the same style or manner as sb/sth else; according to [origin: 17th century]</p> <p>03 -- a la carte (French) (adj.) -- allowing selection from a list of dishes that have separate prices shown on menu in a restaurant || (adv.) -- by ordering individually or separated priced food dishes from the menu [a la carte- literal meaning: "according to the (menu) card”; origin: 19th century]</p> <p>04 -- a la mode (French) (adj.) -- (a). [not before noun] according to latest fashion; fashionable | (b). [after noun] served in a particular style, as pie with ice cream || (adv.) -- (a). in a fashionable way | (b). with ice cream on top or on the side [a la mode- literal meaning: "according to the fashion”; origin: 16th century]</p> <p>05 -- a posteriori (Latin) (adj.) -- analyzing or using knowledge, principle, fact or information obtained after something happened || (adv.) -- in a manner that is based on analyzing or using knowledge, principle, fact or information obtained after something happened [a posteriori- literal meaning: "from what comes after”; origin: early 17th century]</p> <p>06 -- a priori (Latin) (adj.) -- analyzing or using knowledge, principle, fact or information that you already have to decide the probable effects or results of sth || (adv.) -- in a manner that is based on analyzing or using knowledge, principle, fact or information that you already have to decide the probable effects or results of sth [a priori- literal meaning: “from what comes before”; origin: late 16th century]</p> <p>07 -- a tempo (Italian) (adj.) -- resuming the original or previous speed at which a piece of music should be played || (adv.) -- in a manner that is based on resuming the original or previous speed at which a piece of music should be played [a tempo- literal meaning: "in (the regular) time]”; origin: 1730--40]</p> <p>08 -- ab initio (Latin) (adj.) -- starting from the beginning || (adv.) -- from the beginning; from the inception or scratch</p> <p>09 -- abba (appa) (IndE) [n.] -- (especially as a form of address in Muslim families) a father</p> <p>10 -- ach (ScotE) (excl.) -- used to express the fact that you are pleased, surprised, impatient, regretful, sorry, etc. [origin: 15th Century]</p> <p>11 -- achcha (IndE) (excl.) -- (a). used to show that you agree with sth or allows, accepts, understands, etc. sth | (b). used to express the fact that you are surprised, pleased, regretful, etc.</p> <p>12 -- ad hoc (Latin) (adj.) -- arranged or happening for a particular purpose or immediate need when required and not planned in advance [ad hoc- literal meaning: "to this”; origin: 1550--60]</p> <p>13 -- ad infinitum (Latin) (adv.) -- again and again in the same way; without coming to end [ad infinitum- literal meaning: "to infinity”]</p> <p>14 -- ad nauseam (Latin) (adv.) -- in a manner that involves doing or saying sth again and again and thus it becomes annoying, boring or tiresome [ad nauseam- literal meaning: "to (the point of) sickness”]</p> <p>15 -- afara (WAfrE) [n.] -- (a). a tall W African hardwood tree; (b). a bridge, usually made of wood of afara (hardwood tree) [origin: 1920]</p> <p>16 -- affaire (French) [n.] -- a love affair [affaire- literal meaning: "affair (of the heart)”; origin: early 19th century]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 341円

Hypernyms and Hyponyms: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>What are “Hypernyms and Hyponyms”?</p> <p>HYPERNYM ----<br /> [Hyper- Over; -Onym: Name]<br /> Hypernym is a word that denotes a general category.<br /> Hypernym [singular] | Hypernyms [plural]<br /> Examples: game, bird, etc.<br /> Hypernym is also called ‘Generic term’, ‘Super-ordinate’, ‘Super-type’, or ‘Superset’.</p> <p>Derived terms related to ‘Hypernyms’:<br /> Hypernymous<br /> Words that are hypernyms are said to be hypernymous.<br /> Hypernymy<br /> The state of being a hypernym is called hypernymy.</p> <p>HYPONYM ----<br /> [Hypo- Under; -Onym: Name]<br /> Hyponym is a word that denotes a particular item from a general category.<br /> Hyponym [singular] | Hyponyms [plural]<br /> Examples: football/hockey/cricket, eagle/peacock/sparrow, etc.<br /> Hyponym is also called ‘Subordinate’, ‘Subtype’ or ‘Subset’.</p> <p>Derived terms related to ‘Hyponyms’:<br /> Hyponymous<br /> Words that are hyponyms are said to be hyponymous.<br /> Hyponymy<br /> The state of being a hyponym is called hyponymy.</p> <p>In the above examples, ‘game’ is the hypernym (or supertype) of ‘cricket’, ‘football’ and ‘hockey’.<br /> ‘Cricket’, ‘football’ and ‘hockey’ are hyponyms (or subtypes) of ‘game’.</p> <p>Similarly, ‘bird’ is the hypernym (or supertype) of ‘eagle’, ‘peacock’ and ‘sparrow’.<br /> ‘Eagle’, ‘peacock’ and ‘sparrow’ are hyponyms (or subtypes) of ‘bird’.</p> <p>IMPORTANT NOTE 1:<br /> The relationship between hypernym and hyponym is termed as ‘is-a relationship’.<br /> Pattern:<br /> Hyponym + is-a/an + Hypernym</p> <p>Example 1:<br /> Hypernym: game<br /> Hyponym: cricket, football, hockey</p> <p>Cricket is a game.<br /> Football is a game.<br /> Hockey is a game.</p> <p>Example 2:<br /> Hypernym: bird<br /> Hyponym: eagle, peacock, sparrow</p> <p>Eagle is a bird.<br /> Peacock is a bird.<br /> Sparrow is a bird.</p> <p>Hypernyms and Hyponyms -- A</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A1 --<br /> Hypernym -- acid<br /> Hyponyms -- amino acid / ascetic acid / ascorbic acid / boric acid / carbonic acid / citric acid / hydrochloric acid / hydrofluoric acid / lactic acid / nitric acid / nucleic acid / oxalic acid / phosphoric acid / sulfuric (sulphuric) acid</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A2 --<br /> Hypernym -- account<br /> Hyponyms -- budget account / checking account / current account / deposit account / savings account</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A3 --<br /> Hypernym -- affix<br /> Hyponyms -- prefix / suffix</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A4 --<br /> Hypernym -- African<br /> Hyponyms -- Algerian / Congolese / Egyptian / Kenyan / Liberian / Libyan / Moroccan / Senegalese / Sudanese / Ugandan</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A5 --<br /> Hypernym -- algae<br /> Hyponyms -- anabaena / cowstail / cuvie / dabbylocks / featherweed / flans / grapestone / gulf weed / honeyware / laver / liadhaig / murlins / nostoc / pod weed / pompon / oscillatoria / rockweed / seaweed / thong weed / watersilk</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A6 --<br /> Hypernym -- age [a particular period of history<br /> Hyponyms -- bronze age / iron age / new age / stone age</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A7 --<br /> Hypernym -- agent<br /> Hyponyms -- double agent / estate agent / land agent / press agent / secret agent / special agent / travel agent</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A08 --<br /> Hypernym -- alloy<br /> Hyponyms -- amalgam / billon / brass / bronze / iron / magnalium / megallium / nichrome / scandium / solder / steel / stellite</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A09 --<br /> Hypernym -- amphibian<br /> Hyponyms -- frog / salamander / toad</p> <p>Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A10 --<br /> Hypernym -- angle<br /> Hyponyms -- acute angle / adjacent angle / exterior angle / interior angle / obtuse angle / reflex angle / right angle</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

Dictionary of One-word Substitution: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>One-Word Substitutes: A Word that is used in place of a complete sentence</p> <p>This book covers the following topics:<br /> (01). Related Words<br /> (02). Scientific Studies<br /> (03). That Which Cannot Be…<br /> (04). Types of Behavior<br /> (05). Types of Doctors<br /> (06). Different Instruments<br /> (07). A Particular Type of Place<br /> (08). A Particular Type of Person<br /> (09). Phobia and Mania<br /> (10). Connected With…<br /> (11). Country-Government<br /> (12). Types of States<br /> (13). Types of Statements<br /> (14). Money-Related<br /> (15). Other Topics<br /> (A). Professions<br /> (B). A Collection of Things<br /> (C). Act of Killing<br /> (D). Physical Appearance of A Person<br /> (16). Various One-word Substitutes</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>(01). Related Words</p> <p>01a. A person who looks at the bright side of things -- Optimist<br /> 01b. A person who looks at the dark side of things -- Pessimist</p> <p>02a. All the animals living in a particular area -- Fauna<br /> 02b. Plants and vegetation in a particular area -- Flora</p> <p>03a. A government tax on goods brought into the country -- Customs<br /> 03b. A government tax on goods made within a country -- Excise</p> <p>04a. A person who is more interested in others -- Extrovert<br /> 04b. A person who keeps himself to himself -- Introvert</p> <p>05a. That which cannot be harmful or dangerous -- Innocuous<br /> 05b. Causing serious harm in a gradual or unnoticeable way -- Insidious</p> <p>06a. A person who is taking examination -- Examinee<br /> 06b. A person who examine the copies of examinees -- Examiner</p> <p>07a. A person who talks too much -- Garrulous/Loquacious<br /> 07b. A person who eats too much -- Glutton</p> <p>08a. To suddenly change direction -- Deflect<br /> 08b. To keep on changing direction during movement -- Meander</p> <p>09a. Ability to know something on the basis of feelings rather than reasoning -- Intuition<br /> 09b. Ability to speak without moving your lips -- Ventriloquism</p> <p>10a. To change a law in order to improve it -- Amend<br /> 10b. To correct the mistakes in manuscript, etc. -- Emend</p> <p>11a. A person between 70 and 79 years old -- Septuagenarian<br /> 11b. A person between 80 and 89 years old -- Octogenarian</p> <p>12a. Animals having spinal column -- Vertebrate<br /> 12b. An animal with thick skin -- Pachyderm</p> <p>13a. Obeying rules and requests -- Compliance<br /> 13b. Open refusal to obey -- Defiance</p> <p>14a. The state of being married -- Matrimony<br /> 14b. The state of being unmarried -- Bachelorhood</p> <p>15a. A woman whose husband has died -- Widow<br /> 15b. A man whose wife has died -- Widower</p> <p>16a. Things of different nature -- Heterogeneous<br /> 16b. Things of same nature -- Homogeneous</p> <p>17a. A religious song -- Hymn<br /> 17b. A pleasant song used for causing children to sleep -- Lullaby</p> <p>18a. To rise in value -- Appreciate<br /> 18b. To go down in value -- Depreciate</p> <p>19a. A disorder in which a person eats too little because of abnormal fear of being fat -- Anorexia<br /> 19b. A disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much -- Bulimia</p> <p>20a. To increase the intensity of a disease -- Aggravate<br /> 20b. To go from bad to worse ? Deteriorate</p> <p>21a. A school for small children -- Kindergarten<br /> 21b. A student who has left school or class without permission -- Truant</p> <p>22a. To free somebody from all blame -- Exonerate<br /> 22b. To free a person from a charge by verdict -- Acquit</p> <p>23a. A co-worker in the same institution -- Colleague<br /> 23b. Equal in rank -- Peer</p> <p>24a. An office with a high salary but no work -- Sinecure<br /> 24b. A position in an organization without salary -- Honorary</p> <p>25a. An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert -- Audience<br /> 25b. An assembly of worshippers -- Congregation</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 329円

Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1225 useful 12- to 14-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. “Letter Count” has been mentioned in the bracket after each and every word. Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- abominableness [14] [n.] -- the state or quality of being extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: monstrousness, repulsiveness]<br /> 02 -- abstemiously [12] [adv.] -- in a sparing manner, avoiding too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol<br /> 03 -- abstractedly [12] [adv.] -- without paying attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking deeply about sth else; [synonyms: absentmindedly, inattentively, distractedly]<br /> 04 -- abstractionism [14] [n.] -- the principles that the mind obtains concepts by abstracting them from concepts it already has, or from experience.<br /> 05 -- abstractionist [14] [n.] -- a person who produces abstract works of art || [adj.] -- producing abstract works of art<br /> 06 -- acquisitively [13] [adv.] -- in a manner that shows eagerness to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: graspingly, covetously, materialistically]<br /> 07 -- acrimoniously [13] [adv.] -- (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) in an angry manner or in a bitter, sharp, harsh manner of language or tone<br /> 08 -- adaptability [12] [n.] -- (a). the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexibility] | (b). the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose<br /> 09 -- adjectivally [12] [adv.] -- as, or in the manner or way of, an adjective<br /> 10 -- adulterously [12] [adv.] -- relating to a physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyally, treacherously]<br /> 11 -- advantageous [12] [adj.] -- good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficial, gainful]<br /> 12 -- advantageously [14] [adv.] -- in a manner that is good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficially, constructively, gainfully]<br /> 13 -- adventitious [12] [adj.] -- happening by chance or accident; not planned or designed<br /> 14 -- adventitiously [14] [adv.] -- in a manner that is happening by chance or accident; in a manner that is not planned or designed<br /> 15 -- aggrandizement [14] [n.] -- an increase in the power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhancement; extension]<br /> 16 -- alliteration [12] [n.] -- repetition of the initial letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence<br /> 17 -- amateurishly [12] [adv.] -- in a manner that is done incompetently, inexpertly or unskillfully [synonyms: incompetently, unprofessionally]<br /> 18 -- ambassadorial [13] [adj.] -- belonging to a high-ranking official, who is representative to a foreign country [synonym: diplomatic]<br /> 19 -- ambassadress [12] [n.] -- a high-ranking female official, who is representative to a foreign country; a female ambassador [synonyms: diplomat, envoy]<br /> 20 -- ambidextrous [12] [adj.] -- (a). able to use the right and left hands equally well | (b). (of a tool or instrument) designed to be used by right-handed and left-handed people with equal ease<br /> 21 -- ambidextrously [14] [adv.] -- meaning of the word<br /> 22 -- amphibiously [12] [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that is able to live/belong both on land and in water | (b). (of military operations) in a manner that involves soldiers landing or attacking at a place from the sea | (c). in a way that is suitable for use to operate on land or water; in a way that is able to operate on land or water<br /> 23 ? antagonistic [12] [adj.] -- showing or feeling dislike or opposition [synonym: hostile]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 138円

Popular English Idioms and Phrases: English Idiomatic Expressions English Daily Use, #28【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This book comprises popular idioms and phrases Almost all idioms and phrases are self-explanatory.</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>English Idioms and Phrases -- A</p> <p>ADD</p> <ol> <li>-- State governments should add more teeth to anti-ragging laws. ['add more teeth' -- to make something more effective]</li> <li>-- Financial issues are further going to add to their woes.</li> </ol> <p>ABACK<br /> 003. -- He appeared to be taken aback when it was revealed to him that an avid fan had his face tattooed on his arm. || We all were taken aback by bomb attacks. ['taken aback' -- very surprised]</p> <p>ACE<br /> 004. -- Our opponents hold all the Aces as they are strong where we are weak. ['hold all the aces' -- to have all the advantages]</p> <p>ACCOUNT<br /> 005. -- From all accounts, he was a loving family man. || From all accounts, he is a smart, fair-minded, detail-oriented middle-of-the-road jurist. ['from all accounts' -- according to what other people say]</p> <p>ACT<br /> 006. -- An accidental fire in your home is not considered an act of God because it could have been prevented. ['act of God' -- an event that is caused by natural forces]</p> <p>ADVANCE<br /> 007. -- The celebration started a day in advance. ['in advance' -- ahead of time]</p> <p>AFFAIR<br /> 008. -- Budget data revealed an alarming state of affairs. ['state of affairs' -- situation]<br /> 009. -- My birthday is going to be a quiet affair with a nice dinner. || We want our wedding to be a quiet affair.</p> <p>AGREE<br /> 010. -- Democracy requires that we agree to differ. ['agree to differ' -- (of people) to decide not to argue with each other over their different opinions about something.]</p> <p>AIR<br /> 011. -- Her clarification did not clear the air. ['clear the air' -- to improve a tense situation]<br /> 012a. -- When the residents started receiving mysterious threats, there was an air of mystery and fear.<br /> 012b. -- The air of celebration was evident outside the president's office.<br /> 013a. -- It was fortunate that he arrived and erased the negativity in the air.<br /> 013b. -- There was an evil smell in the air.<br /> 014a. -- Body is nothing but a pile of ashes and it will one day disappear into thin air.<br /> 014b. -- Money was vanishing into thin air.</p> <p>ALL<br /> 015. -- I do not think we will be paying much more if at all we do.<br /> 016. -- If you stop her doing anything, she wants to do it all the more. ['all the more' -- extra]<br /> 017. -- These problems need to be solved once and for all. ['once and for all' -- forever]<br /> 018. -- All of a sudden, there was a fire. | All of a sudden a warm gust of wind came. ['all of a sudden' -- surprisingly]<br /> 019. -- I learned computer programming all by myself. || It is a lot of work, and I do it all by myself. || He had to run the family all by himself.</p> <p>ALONE<br /> 020. -- Workers were clearly in no mood to listen let alone comply with the request. || They could not figure out how to punish corrupt officials, let alone fix them. ['let alone' -- used to emphasize that because the first thing is not true, possible, etc. the next thing cannot be true, possible, etc. either]</p> <p>APART<br /> 021. -- A saddle tank on the tractor-trailer came apart and caused a diesel spill. ['come apart' -- to shatter]<br /> 022. -- In less than a fortnight of its formation, the Joint Committee for drafting the bill is falling apart. || Talks on a deal finally fell apart. ['fall apart' -- to collapse]<br /> 023. -- Storm has torn apart the lives of thousands of people. ['tear apart' -- to destroy]<br /> 024. -- We are poles apart. || Two exhibitions in prominent galleries immediately next to each other showed works that were poles apart in concept. ['pole apart' -- completely opposite]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 150円

Speak English Sentences Every Day: 50 Most Common Words English Daily Use, #27【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This book comprises the following 50 most commonly used words in the English language along with around 3000 sentences that can be used in everyday conversations.: After, Against, All, Around, Away, Back, Before, Call, Carry, Come, Continue, Down, Ever, Fall, Give, Go, Hold, Into, Just, Keep, Lead, Leave, Let, Lie/Lay, Like, Look, Make, Name, Once, Off, On, Out, Over, Pull, Push, Put, Quality, Remain, Run, Set, Since, Stand, Take, Through, Throw, Turn, Up, Upon, Value, Way</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>01 ? English Sentences -- After</p> <p>Period (a particular length of time) + After<br /> [This Pattern Is Used To Denote "Following Something In Time"]<br /> The area was cordoned off an hour after the incident.<br /> A picture was released a day after the attack.<br /> His statement came 10 days after the police claim.<br /> She had gone missing a few days after her husband was kidnapped.<br /> He was saved a few days after other members were rescued.<br /> That was more than 10 years after we had seen each other last.<br /> She received a call soon after at her residence.<br /> Soon after being informed by people, the police swung into action.<br /> Chopper collided mid-air shortly after take-off from an air base here.<br /> The satellite started malfunctioning shortly after its deployment in orbit.<br /> People will remember our song long after we are gone.<br /> A week after the abducted executive was rescued, the city has been rocked by abduction.<br /> Three months after she took over the reins of the state, she fulfilled her poll promises.<br /> Two days after she got married, a 22-year old woman won the prestigious award.<br /> Three days after a hundred patients were treated, fifty more were admitted.</p> <p>Noun + After + Noun<br /> [This pattern is used to show something happens many times or continuously.]<br /> He missed opportunity after opportunity.<br /> Our village has been caught in controversy after controversy.</p> <p>You Can Also Use The Following Patterns:<br /> One + Noun + After + Another<br /> He missed one opportunity after another.<br /> Our village has been caught in one controversy after another.<br /> The sugar industry at large has faced one pain after another.<br /> He indulged in one scam after another.</p> <p>One After The Other<br /> He established loyalty with three persons one after the other.<br /> Events are taking place one after the other.<br /> Many enemies came into his life one after the other.<br /> One after the other, the survivors came out, each better than the other.<br /> There were false allegations one after the other.</p> <p>Two Events<br /> Second Event (Simple Past) + After + First Event (Past Perfect)<br /> I returned after he had gone.<br /> He came after night had fallen.<br /> I reached after the train had already left.</p> <p>Others<br /> She named his daughter after Lincoln.<br /> The scheme (was) named after the Party founder.<br /> My dog went after the thief.<br /> Surgeries at the hospital resumed pace after the health department deployed a local anesthetist.<br /> Passengers said they heard a loud explosion after which the bus hurtled down.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 450円

4,000 Useful Adverbs In English: Types, Comparison and Formation of Adverbs【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This book covers the following topics:</p> <ol> <li>What are Adverbs?</li> <li>Formation of Adverbs<br /> 02a. Using ‘Adverbs’<br /> 02b. Using ‘Two Different Words’<br /> 02c. The Same Word In Different Parts Of Speech<br /> 02d. Some Adverbs Have Two Forms</li> <li>4,000 Useful Adverbs</li> <li>Types of Adverbs</li> <li>Comparison of Adverbs</li> </ol> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>DEFINITION: An adverb is a word used to describe or modify a verb, an adverb or another adverb. They tell us how (in what manner), how much (in what degree), how far (to what extent), when (in what time), and where (in what place). They are called ‘adverb questions’. 4,000 Useful Adverbs: | NOTE: All of the following words are definitely used as adverbs, but many of them can also be used as nouns, verbs, etc. || Useful Adverbs -- ‘A’--- 1. abashedly, 2. aberrantly, 3. abhorrently, 4. abidingly, 5. abjectly, 6. ably, 7. abnormally, 8. aboard, 9. abominably, 10. abortively, 11. about, 12. above, 13. above board, 14. abrasively, 15. abroad, 16. abruptly, 17. absently, 18. absent-mindedly, 19. absolutely, 20. absorbedly, 21. absorbingly, 22. abstemiously, 23. abstinently, 24. abstractedly, 25. abstractly, 26. absurdly, 27. abundantly, 28. abusively, 29. abysmally, 30. academically, 31. acceptably, 32. acceptingly, 33. accessibly, 34. accidentally, 35. accommodatingly, 36. accomplishedly, 37. accordingly, 38. accountably, 39. accumulatively, 40. accurately, 41. accursedly, 42. accusatorily, 43. accusingly, 44. achingly, 45. acidly, 46. acoustically, 47. acquiescently, 48. acquisitively, 49. acrimoniously, 50. acrobatically, 51. across, 52. actionably, 53. actively, 54. actually, 55. acutely, 56. adamantly, 57. adaptively, 58. addictively, 59. additionally, 60. adeptly, 61. adequately, 62. adherently, 63. adhesively, 64. adjacently, 65. adjectivally, 66. adjustably, 67. administratively, 68. admirably, 69. admiringly, 70. admissibly, 71. admittedly, 72. adolescently, 73. adoptively, 74. adorably, 75. adoringly, 76. adroitly, 77. adulterously, 78. advantageously, 79. adventitiously, 80. adventurously, 81. adverbially, 82. adversely, 83. advisably, 84. advisedly, 85. aerially, 86. aerobically, 87. aeronautically, 88. aesthetically, 89. affably, 90. affectedly, 91. affectionately, 92. affectively, 93. affirmatively, 94. affluently, 95. affordably, 96. afoul, 97. afterward/afterwards, 98. again, 99. agedly, 100. agelessly, 101. aggregately, 102. aggressively, 103. aggrievedly, 104. agitatedly, 105. agonizingly, 106. agreeably, 107. agriculturally, 108. ahead, 109. aimlessly, 110. airlessly, 111. alarmingly, 112. alcoholically, 113. alertly, 114. algebraically, 115. alike, 116. all, 117. all right, 118. allegorically, 119. allowably, 120. alluringly, 121. allusively, 122. almost, 123. aloft, 124. along, 125. aloofly, 126. aloud, 127. alphabetically, 128. alphanumerically, 129. alright, 130. alterably, 131. alternately, 132. alternatively, 133. altogether, 134. always, 135. amateurishly, 136. amazedly, 137. amazingly, 138. ambidextrously, 139. ambiguously, 140. ambitiously, 141. ambivalently, 142. amenably, 143. amiably, 144. amicably, 145. amiss, 146. amok, 147. amorally, 148. amorously, 149. amorphously, 150. amphibiously, 151. amusedly, 152. amusingly, 153. analogously, 154. analytically, 155. anarchically, 156. anatomically, 157. anciently, 158. androgynously, 159. anecdotally, 160. anemically, 161. anesthetically, 162. angelically, 163. angrily, 164. angularly, 165. anhydrously, 166. animatedly, 167. annoyingly, 168. annually, 169. annularly, 170. anomalously, 171. anonymously, 172. answerably, 173. antagonistically, 174. antecedently, 175. anthropocentrically, 176. anthropomorphically, 177. anticipatorily, 178. antipathetically, 179. antiseptically, 180. antisocially, 181. antithetically, 182. anxiously, 183. any, 184. anyway, 185. apart, 186. apathetically, 187. aphoristically, 188. apishly, 189. apocalyptically, 190. apocryphally</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 328円

Dictionary of 6-Letter Words: Words You Should Know【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1275 useful 6-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- abduct [v.] -- to illegally and forcefully take sb away and keep them as a prisoner, especially in order to get sth such as money for returning them [synonym: kidnap]<br /> 02 -- abrade [v.] -- to remove part of the surface of sth, such as rock or skin, and damage it or make it rough by rubbing it against sth rough and hard i.e. by friction or erosion [synonyms: graze, roughen, scrape]<br /> 03 -- abrupt [adj.] -- (a). involving action or change that is sudden, rapid or unexpected in an unpleasant way | (b). speaking in an unfriendly manner<br /> 04 -- acidly [adv.] -- (of sb’s remarks) in a manner that is critical, rude and unkind [synonym: sarcastically]<br /> 05 -- advent [n.] -- (a). the beginning of an important event or situation; the invention of something important; or the arrival of a notable person or thing (b). the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas [synonym: initiation]<br /> 06 -- affect [v.] -- (a). to cause a change in someone or something; to have an impact or an influence on someone or something | (b). to produce strong feelings of distress, pity, regret, sorrow, or sympathy, etc. on sb | (c). (of a disease) to make sb become ill or sick; to have an impact on sb or a particular part of the body | (d). to act as if you are feeling or thinking sth | (e). to try to impress other people by using or wearing sth that looks special/unique; to behave insincerely or unnaturally to impress other people [synonym: put on]<br /> 07 -- aflame [adj.] -- burning; in flames | full of dazzling lights | showing pleasure or disgrace<br /> 08 -- agleam [adj.] -- shining brightly and steadily; full of light [synonym: glowing]<br /> 09 -- angler [n.] -- a person who catches fish with a rod or line as a hobby (not as a job or sport)<br /> 10 -- anorak [n.] -- a boring person who is very fond of learning facts or collecting things<br /> 11 -- arcane [adj.] -- strange, secret and mysterious and therefore knowable or understandable only to a few people [synonyms: esoteric, unfathomable]<br /> 12 ? archly [adv.] -- In an amusing manner because you are more aware of the situation than others<br /> 13 -- ardent [adj.] -- showing particular emotion or feeling such as love, fondness, etc. for somebody/something strongly [synonyms: enthusiastic, passionate]<br /> 14 -- aright [adv.] -- correctly<br /> 15 -- artful [adj.] -- (a). clever or skillful at getting what you want, especially in a cunning/dishonest way or by hiding the truth [synonyms: crafty, tricky] | (b). (of things or actions) showing creative skill or taste<br /> 16 -- aspire [v.] --to direct your hopes, efforts, etc. towards a particular career or activity [synonyms: aim, seek]<br /> 17 -- attain (v.) (a). to get something after a lot of effort | (b). to reach a particular level, age, condition, etc.<br /> 18 -- august [adj.] -- respected, dignified and impressive [synonyms: imposing, majestic]<br /> 19 ? avidly [adv.] -- with great interest, eagerness or enthusiasm<br /> 20 ? avowal [n.] -- a statement that publicly and firmly shows your opinion about sth [synonym: affirmation]<br /> 21 -- avowed [adj.] -- that has been publicly admitted, declared, asserted or stated [synonyms: affirmed, confirmed]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 137円

Dictionary of 10-Letter Words: Words You Should Know【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1075 useful 10-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- aberrantly [adv.] -- in a manner that is unusual or socially unacceptable; departing from an accepted standard [synonym: abnormally]<br /> 02 -- abhorrence [n.] -- a feeling of strong hate for a way of thinking or behaving for moral reasons [synonyms: detestation, disgust, hatred, loathing, repugnance]<br /> 03 -- abominable [adj.] -- extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: appalling, detesting, monstrous, repulsive]<br /> 04 -- abortively [adv.] -- (of an action) in a manner that fails to produce the intended result [synonyms: fruitlessly, unproductively, unsuccessfully]<br /> 05 -- abrogation [n.] -- an act of officially canceling or ending sth such as a law, agreement, contract, decision, etc. and making them no longer valid<br /> 06 -- abruptness [n.] -- (a). (of an action) rapidness or unexpectedness [synonyms: hastiness, suddenness, unexpectedness] | (b). rudeness<br /> 07 -- abstemious [adj.] -- not allowing yourself to indulge too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol [synonym: ascetic]<br /> 08 -- abstracted [adj.] -- thinking deeply about sth and lacking concentration or not paying attention to what is happening around one. [synonyms: absentminded, inattentive, distracted, preoccupied]<br /> 09 -- abstrusely [adv.] -- in a manner that is complicated and difficult to understand especially when it could be explained in an easier way [synonyms: perplexingly, puzzlingly]<br /> 10 -- accusative [adj.] -- (in some languages such as Latin, Greek and German) the form of a noun, a pronoun or an adjective when it is the direct object of a verb, or objects of prepositions | [n.] -- a word in the accusative case<br /> 11 -- adamantine [adj.] -- extremely strong; impossible to break or smash<br /> 12 -- adaptively ? in a manner that shows an ability to change when necessary in order to deal with different or changing situations<br /> 13 -- adjectival [adj.] -- containing, being, relating to or functioning as an adjective<br /> 14 -- adulterous [adj.] -- of or involving physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyal, treacherous]<br /> 15 -- advantaged [adj.] -- being in or having a comparatively favorable position over others in terms of a financial or social situation [synonym: privileged]<br /> 16 -- adventurer [n.] -- a man who enjoys taking risks or is willing to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way<br /> 17 -- affectedly [adv.] -- in an insincere, pretentious and unnatural way to impress other people<br /> 18 -- aggrandize [v.] -- to increase power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhance; extend]<br /> 19 -- aggravated [adj.] -- (of crime or offense) involving further unnecessary violence or unpleasant behavior<br /> 20 -- allusively [adv.] -- in a manner that contains a word or phrase that makes a reference to a specific person, event, place, etc. in an indirect way<br /> 21 -- amateurism [n.] -- (a). practicing an activity, especially a sport, for enjoyment or interest on an unpaid basis | (b). the fact, state or quality of being unskilled or not competent at a particular activity.<br /> 22 -- ambassador [n.] -- (a). a high-ranking official, who is representative to a foreign country [synonyms: diplomat, envoy] | (b). a promoter of a particular activity<br /> 23 -- anticlimax [n.] -- a series of ideas arranged in the order of decreasing importance<br /> 24 -- antiquated [adj.] -- (of things or ideas) out-of-date and no longer useful, suitable or accepted for modern conditions [synonyms: obsolete, outdated, outmoded]<br /> 25 -- aristocrat [n.] -- a member of the highest social class or position who often has special titles such as that of duke or duchess</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 137円

How to Use the Word “Go” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Go” Words In Common Usage, #3【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This Book Covers The Following Topics:</p> <ol> <li>English Verb -- 'Go'</li> <li>Meanings of the Main Verb 'Go'</li> <li>Idioms With the Word 'Go'</li> <li>Phrasal Verbs With the Word 'Go'</li> <li>Proverbs/Sayings With the Word 'Go'</li> <li>Useful Expressions With the Word 'Go'</li> <li>English Word: 'Go' -- Useful Notes</li> <li>Conjugation of the Verb 'Go'</li> </ol> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>Go is an irregular verb. Its three forms are as follows:</p> <p>First Form (Base Form) -- GO<br /> Second Form (Past Form) -- WENT<br /> Third Form (Past Participle) -- GONE</p> <p>Present Perfect of 'Come' -- Have/Has Gone<br /> Past Perfect of 'Come' -- Had Gone</p> <p>-ING Form of 'Come' -- Going<br /> Infinitive of 'Come' -- To Go</p> <p>MOST COMMON Meanings OF "GO" AS The MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p> <p>Meaning 01:<br /> to move or travel from one place to another</p> <p>Example Sentences:<br /> (go + adv./prep.)<br /> When can a child go into a swimming pool?<br /> He had gone to Amsterdam to celebrate her birthday last year.<br /> As a flight attendant, she has been to many countries. (=went and returned)<br /> When was the last time you went to the dentist's?<br /> Will you go to work if you're sick?</p> <p>(go to do sth)<br /> He has gone to meet him at the airport</p> <p>Meaning 02:<br /> to move or travel in a particular way</p> <p>(go + adv./prep.)<br /> Example Sentence:<br /> Sometimes we went fast, sometimes we went slow!</p> <p>Meaning 03:<br /> (of money) to be spent or used for sth</p> <p>Example Sentence:<br /> Where all your money went?<br /> Her salary goes to a local children's charity.</p> <p>(go on sth)<br /> 80% of his wages went on gambling.</p> <p>(go to do sth)<br /> 50% of his salary goes to pay the medical bills.</p> <p>Meaning 04:<br /> to be sounded as a signal or warning sign</p> <p>Example Sentences:<br /> The whistle went for the interval.<br /> The whistle went for full time with the score sitting on nil.<br /> The alarm went for an air raid<br /> The alarm went for us to be ready.</p> <p>Meaning 05: to move or travel over a particular distance</p> <p>(go + noun)<br /> Example Sentences:<br /> The van has gone 20 miles now with no problems yet.<br /> Flames went 50 feet in the air.</p> <p>Meaning 06:<br /> (go + adv./prep.) used to talk about how a situation progresses</p> <p>Example Sentences:<br /> His daughter's first day of school went well and without any big issue.<br /> How can you tell if a job interview went well?<br /> My job & visa process went smoothly.<br /> The presidential election went smoothly.<br /> We have a discussion about the way things are going.<br /> We have guys who want to change the way things are going.<br /> He was fully prepared and the job went efficiently.<br /> Officials say the exercise went safely as planned.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 500円

10,000 Useful Adjectives In English: Types, Degrees and Formation of Adjectives【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This Book Covers The Following Topics:</p> <ol> <li>What are Adjectives?</li> <li>10,000 Useful Adjectives</li> <li>Types of Adjectives</li> <li>Degrees of Adjectives</li> <li>Formation of Adjectives<br /> 05a. Using ‘Prefixes and Suffixes’<br /> 05b. Using ‘Combining Forms’<br /> 05c. Using ‘Word + To/And + Word’<br /> 05d. Using ‘Nouns/Verbs/Other Adjectives’<br /> 05e. Using ‘Adverbs’</li> <li>Important Notes</li> </ol> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>What are Adjectives?: Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns. An adjective can be put before a noun. This is called attributive position. An adjective can also be put after the verb to be (is/are/am/was/were) or verb of sense (look/feel/taste/smell etc.). This is called the predicative position.</p> <p>10,000 Useful Adjectives: | NOTE: All of the following words are definitely used as adjectives, but many of them can also be used as nouns, verbs, etc. || Useful Adjectives -- ‘A’--- 1. abandoned, 2. abashed, 3. aberrant, 4. abhorrent, 5. abiding, 6. ablaze, 7. able, 8. able-bodied, 9. abnormal, 10. abominable, 11. abortive, 12. above, 13. above board, 14. above-mentioned, 15. abrasive, 16. abrupt, 17. absent, 18. absent-minded, 19. absolute, 20. absorbable, 21. absorbed, 22. absorbent, 23. absorbing, 24. abstemious, 25. abstracted, 26. abundant, 27. abusive, 28. abysmal, 29. academic, 30. academically bright, 31. accented, 32. acceptable, 33. accessible, 34. accessory, 35. accidental, 36. accident-prone, 37. accommodating, 38. accomplished, 39. accountable, 40. accredited, 41. accumulative, 42. accurate, 43. accursed, 44. accusatory, 45. accusing, 46. accustomed, 47. achievable, 48. achy, 49. acidic, 50. acne-prone, 51. acoustic, 52. acoustical, 53. acquainted, 54. acquisitive, 55. acrimonious, 56. acrobatic, 57. acrylic, 58. acting, 59. actionable, 60. action-oriented, 61. action-packed, 62. active, 63. actively zealous, 64. actual, 65. acute, 66. acutely conscious, 67. acyclic, 68. adamant, 69. adamantine, 70. adaptable, 71. adaptive, 72. addicted, 73. addiction-related, 74. addictive, 75. additional, 76. addressable, 77. adept, 78. adhesive, 79. adjacent, 80. adjustable, 81. administrative, 82. admirable, 83. admissible, 84. adopted, 85. adoptive, 86. adorable, 87. adoring, 88. adrift, 89. adroit, 90. adult, 91. adulterous, 92. adult-oriented, 93. advanced, 94. advancing, 95. advantaged, 96. advantageous, 97. adventitious, 98. adventure-loving, 99. adventuresome, 100. adventurous, 101. adverbial, 102. adversarial, 103. adverse, 104. adversely hit, 105. advisable, 106. advisory, 107. aerial, 108. aerobic, 109. aeronautical, 110. aesthetic, 111. aesthetical, 112. aesthetically designed, 113. affable, 114. affected, 115. affective, 116. affiliated, 117. affirmative, 118. affluent, 119. affordable, 120. afloat, 121. afoot, 122. aforementioned, 123. aforethought, 124. afraid, 125. African, 126. after, 127. aged, 128. ageing, 129. ageless, 130. age-old, 131. age-related, 132. agglomerate, 133. agglutinative, 134. aggravated, 135. aggregate, 136. aggressive, 137. aggrieved, 138. aghast, 139. agitated, 140. aglow, 141. agog, 142. agonized, 143. agonizing, 144. agrarian, 145. agreeable, 146. agriculture-related, 147. ailing, 148. aimless, 149. airborne, 150. air-conditioned, 151. air-cooled, 152. air-filled, 153. airless, 154. airsick, 155. airtight, 156. air-to-air, 157. air-to-ground, 158. air-to-surface, 159. airworthy, 160. airy, 161. airy-fairy, 162. ajar, 163. alarmed, 164. alarming, 165. alarmist, 166. alcohol-fuelled, 167. alcoholic, 168. alert, 169. alfresco, 170. algae-infested, 171. algae-ridden, 172. algebraic, 173. alien, 174. alight, 175. alike, 176. alive, 177. alkaline, 178. all-action, 179. all-around, 180. all-consuming, 181. allergic, 182. allied, 183. alligator-infested, 184. all-important, 185. all-in, 186. all-inclusive, 187. all-night, 188. all-or-nothing, 189. all-out, 190. all-over, 191. allowable, 192. all-party, 193. all-powerful, 194. all-purpose, 195. all-star</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 328円

Regular and Irregular Verbs: English Verb Forms【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>More than 2500 Regular and 275 Irregular Verbs in English</p> <p>This Book Covers the Following Topics:</p> <ol> <li>Regular Verbs<br /> 01A. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 1<br /> 01B. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 2<br /> 01C. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 3<br /> 01D. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 4</li> <li>Irregular Verbs<br /> 02A. Irregular Verbs -- Pattern - 1<br /> 02B. Irregular Verbs -- Pattern - 2<br /> 02C. Irregular Verbs -- Pattern - 3<br /> 02D. Irregular Verbs -- Important Notes</li> </ol> <p>Sample This:</p> <ol> <li>Regular Verbs</li> </ol> <p>Regular verbs form their past tense and the past participle by adding “-ed” in the base (simple present) form. There are the following patterns for making regular Verbs:</p> <p>A: Base form (simple present) doesn’t end in “e”. We add “-ed” in base form to make the past tense and past participle.<br /> Example: abandon -- abandoned -- abandoned</p> <p>B: Base form (simple present) ends in “e”. We add “-d” in base form to make the past tense and past participle.<br /> Example: abase -- abased -- abased</p> <p>C: We repeat the last letter of the base form (simple present) in the past tense and past participle before adding “-ed”.<br /> Example: rag -- ragged -- ragged</p> <p>D: Base form (simple present) ends in “y” (and there is a consonant before “y”). We replace “y” with “i” in the past tense and past participle before adding “-ed”.<br /> Example: accompany -- accompanied -- accompanied</p> <p>?<br /> 01A. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 1</p> <p>Base form (simple present) doesn’t end in “e”. We add “-ed” in base form to make the past tense and past participle.</p> <ol> <li>abandon -- abandoned -- abandoned</li> <li>abolish -- abolished -- abolished</li> <li>abscond -- absconded -- absconded</li> <li>abseil -- abseiled -- abseiled</li> <li>absorb -- absorbed -- absorbed</li> <li>abstain -- abstained -- abstained</li> <li>accept -- accepted -- accepted</li> <li>acclaim -- acclaimed -- acclaimed</li> <li>accord -- accorded -- accorded</li> <li>accost -- accosted -- accosted</li> <li>account -- accounted -- accounted</li> <li>accredit -- accredited -- accredited</li> <li>act -- acted -- acted</li> <li>adapt -- adapted -- adapted</li> <li>add -- added -- added</li> <li>address -- addressed -- addressed</li> <li>adjust -- adjusted -- adjusted</li> <li>admonish -- admonished -- admonished</li> <li>adopt -- adopted -- adopted</li> <li>adorn -- adorned -- adorned</li> <li>afflict -- afflicted -- afflicted</li> <li>affront -- affronted -- affronted</li> <li>ail -- ailed -- ailed</li> <li>alight -- alighted -- alighted</li> <li>allay -- allayed -- allayed</li> <li>annex -- annexed -- annexed</li> <li>annoy -- annoyed -- annoyed</li> <li>anoint -- anointed -- anointed</li> <li>answer -- answered -- answered</li> <li>appeal -- appealed -- appealed</li> <li>appear -- appeared -- appeared</li> <li>append -- appended -- appended</li> <li>applaud -- applauded -- applauded</li> <li>appoint -- appointed -- appointed</li> <li>apportion -- apportioned -- apportioned</li> <li>approach -- approached -- approached</li> <li>arraign -- arraigned -- arraigned</li> <li>arrest -- arrested -- arrested</li> <li>ascend -- ascended -- ascended</li> <li>ask -- asked -- asked</li> <li>assail -- assailed -- assailed</li> <li>assault -- assaulted -- assaulted</li> <li>assent -- assented -- assented</li> <li>assign -- assigned -- assigned</li> <li>assist -- assisted -- assisted</li> <li>astonish -- astonished -- astonished</li> <li>astound -- astounded -- astounded</li> <li>attach -- attached -- attached</li> <li>attack -- attacked -- attacked</li> <li>attempt -- attempted -- attempted</li> <li>attend -- attended -- attended</li> <li>attract -- attracted -- attracted</li> <li>augment -- augmented -- augmented</li> <li>augur -- augured -- augured</li> <li>avert -- averted -- averted</li> <li>avoid -- avoided -- avoided</li> <li>avow -- avowed -- avowed</li> <li>award -- awarded -- awarded</li> <li>badger -- badgered -- badgered</li> <li>bait -- baited -- baited</li> <li>banish -- banished -- banished</li> <li>bankroll -- bankrolled -- bankrolled</li> <li>banter -- bantered -- bantered</li> <li>barrack -- barracked -- barracked</li> <li>barter -- bartered -- bartered</li> <li>bash -- bashed -- bashed</li> <li>batter -- battered -- battered</li> <li>baulk -- baulked -- baulked</li> <li>bawl -- bawled -- bawled</li> <li>beckon -- beckoned -- beckoned</li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

Dictionary of Adjectives: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>3600 Useful Adjectives and Their Meanings</p> <p>An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can act as a complement to linking verbs or the verb “to be’. Adjectives are said to be coordinate if they modify the same noun in a sentence. In this book, you will study and learn useful English adjectives along with their meanings. || Sample This:</p> <p>English Adjectives -- A</p> <p>01 -- aberrant -- unusual or socially unacceptable; departing from an accepted standard [synonyms: abnormal, deviant, nonstandard]<br /> 02 -- abiotic -- relating to non-living or non-biological part of an ecosystem in the environment<br /> 03 -- able -- skillful or good at sth [synonyms: talented, proficient]<br /> 04 -- abominable -- extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: appalling, detesting, monstrous, repulsive]<br /> 05 -- abortive -- (of an action) failing to produce the intended result [synonyms: failed, fruitless, unproductive, unsuccessful]<br /> 06 -- abridged -- a shortened version of an ‘original text’ [synonyms: abbreviated, shortened]<br /> 07 -- abrupt -- (a). involving action or change that is sudden, rapid or unexpected in an unpleasant way | (b). speaking in an unfriendly manner<br /> 08 -- abstemious -- not allowing yourself to indulge too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol [synonym: ascetic]<br /> 09 -- abstract -- (a). based on general ideas or principles | (b). existing in thought or as an idea, separated from physical reality (c). not representing somebody/something in a realistic way and expressing concepts only [synonyms: conceptual, intangible, theoretical]<br /> 10 -- abstracted -- thinking deeply about sth and lacking concentration or not paying attention to what is happening around one. [synonyms: absentminded, inattentive, distracted, preoccupied]<br /> 11 -- abstractionist -- producing abstract works of art<br /> 12 -- abstruse -- complicated and difficult to understand especially when it could be explained in an easier way [synonyms: perplexing, puzzling]<br /> 13 -- abyssal -- of or belonging to the ocean depths, especially between about 3000 and 6000 meters down<br /> 14 -- accusative -- (in some languages such as Latin, Greek and German) the form of a noun, a pronoun or an adjective when it is the direct object of a verb or objects of prepositions.<br /> 15 -- ace -- very good [synonyms: top, world-class]<br /> 16 -- achy -- affected by an uninterrupted pain that is small in degree<br /> 17 -- acid -- (a). having a bitter sharp taste like that of a lemon [synonym: sour] | (b). (of sb’s remarks) critical, rude and unkind [synonym: sarcastic]<br /> 18 -- acquisitive -- eager to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetous, materialistic]<br /> 19 -- acrimonious -- (a). (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) angry and full of strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). having a strong unpleasant taste or smell<br /> 20 -- acyclic -- not forming part of a cycle or not occurring in cycles<br /> 21 -- adamantine -- extremely strong; impossible to break or smash<br /> 22 -- adaptable -- (a). to able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexible] | (b). to able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose<br /> 23 -- adaptive -- having the ability to change when necessary in order to deal with different or changing situations<br /> 24 -- adept -- good at doing difficult tasks [synonyms: skillful, proficient]<br /> 25 -- adulterous -- of or involving physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyal, treacherous]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 425円

Match the Two Parts of the Words: Test Your Word Power【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>200 Exercises for practicing your word power skills</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>Exercise -- 01</p> <p>Match the two parts of the words:</p> <ol> <li>meri ------ (A). alous</li> <li>anne ------ (B). anx</li> <li>sl ------ (C). ate</li> <li>snip ------ (D). ck</li> <li>rava ------ (E). destine</li> <li>anom ------ (F). dy</li> <li>chu ------ (G). enter</li> <li>squeam ------ (H). gatory</li> <li>churl ------ (I). ges</li> <li>swan ------ (J). ish</li> <li>baw ------ (K). ishly</li> <li>quis ------ (L). liness</li> <li>wool ------ (M). ling</li> <li>gump ------ (N). lment</li> <li>rec ------ (O). natal</li> <li>hara ------ (P). ndant</li> <li>annu ------ (Q). ngue</li> <li>bl ------ (R). oup</li> <li>phal ------ (S). ous</li> <li>dero ------ (T). pet</li> <li>post ------ (U). song</li> <li>tenu ------ (V). tion</li> <li>diss ------ (W). tocracy</li> <li>clan ------ (X). ush</li> <li>atte ------ (Y). xation</li> </ol> <p>ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISE 01</p> <ol> <li>-- (W). meritocracy | 02. -- (Y). annexation | 03. -- (C). slate | 04. -- (T). snippet | 05. -- (I). ravages | 06. -- (A). anomalous | 07. -- (D). chuck | 08. -- (J). squeamish | 09. -- (K). churlishly | 10. -- (U). swansong | 11. -- (F). bawdy | 12. -- (M). quisling | 13. -- (L). woolliness | 14. -- (V). gumption | 15. -- (R). recoup | 16. -- (Q). harangue | 17. -- (N). annulment | 18. -- (X). blush | 19. -- (B). phalanx | 20. -- (H). derogatory | 21. -- (O). postnatal | 22. -- (S). tenuous | 23. -- (G). dissenter | 24. -- (E). clandestine | 25. -- (P). attendant</li> </ol> <p>Exercise -- 02</p> <p>Match the two parts of the words:</p> <ol> <li>grav ------ (A). animous</li> <li>rami ------ (B). atic</li> <li>form ------ (C). ctionate</li> <li>buco ------ (D). ctive</li> <li>lacu ------ (E). erfuge</li> <li>pic ------ (F). ering</li> <li>dise ------ (G). erk</li> <li>demo ------ (H). fication</li> <li>plu ------ (I). gnito</li> <li>san ------ (J). graphic</li> <li>def ------ (K). idably</li> <li>subt ------ (L). ingly</li> <li>glow ------ (M). ish</li> <li>blem ------ (N). itation</li> <li>und ------ (O). ity</li> <li>enn ------ (P). ky</li> <li>affe ------ (Q). lic</li> <li>dese ------ (R). mbark</li> <li>dete ------ (S). na</li> <li>pos ------ (T). nk</li> <li>falt ------ (U). ray</li> <li>inco ------ (V). rving</li> <li>dram ------ (W). terity</li> <li>magn ------ (X). ui</li> <li>bers ------ (Y). uly</li> </ol> <p>ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISE 02</p> <ol> <li>-- (N). gravitation | 02. -- (H). ramification | 03. -- (K). formidably | 04. -- (Q). bucolic | 05. -- (S). lacuna | 06. -- (P). picky | 07. -- (R). disembark | 08. -- (J). demographic | 09. -- (T). plunk | 10. -- (O). sanity | 11. -- (U). defray | 12. -- (E). subterfuge | 13. -- (L). glowingly | 14. -- (M). blemish | 15. -- (Y). unduly | 16. -- (X). ennui | 17. -- (C). affectionate | 18. -- (V). deserving | 19. -- (D). detective | 20. -- (W). posterity | 21. -- (F). faltering | 22. -- (I). incognito | 23. -- (B). dramatic | 24. -- (A). magnanimous | 25. -- (G). berserk</li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

English Sentence Exercises (Part 1): Word-Order In Sentences English Worksheets, #4【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This grammar book contains numerous exercises that will undoubtedly help you practice rearranging the words in the correct order in sentences to make sense.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 150円

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs: English Verb Types【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>A verb can be described as transitive or intransitive based on whether it requires an object to express a complete thought or not. A transitive verb is a verb that requires (takes or allows) an object to receive the action. “Object” may be in the form of a noun, phrase, or pronoun that refers to the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. A sentence with a transitive verb can generally be changed into passive voice (however, sometimes a transitive verb cannot be used in the passive voice). A transitive verb can’t stand alone with only a subject. An intransitive verb does not take an object. However, there may take prepositional phrases or adverbs. Adding adverbs or prepositional phrases modifies the verb but doesn’t change its meaning. A sentence with an intransitive verb can never be changed into a passive voice. Some verbs have multiple meanings and can be transitive or intransitive, depending on the sense in which they are used. In some instances, a verb may require an object, while in others it does not require an object.</p> <p>Based on their transitive or/and intransitive uses, verbs may be categorized as follows:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Verbs that are usually used only transitively for all their meanings/senses.</p> </li> <li> <p>Verbs that are usually used only intransitively for all their meanings/senses.</p> </li> <li> <p>Verbs that are usually used both transitively and intransitively for all their meanings/senses.</p> </li> <li> <p>Verbs that are used only transitively for one or more particular meanings/senses but also used only intransitively for one or more particular meanings/senses.</p> </li> <li> <p>Verbs that are used only transitively for one or more particular meanings/senses but also used both transitively and intransitively for one or more particular meanings/senses.</p> </li> <li> <p>Verbs that are used only intransitively for one or more particular meanings/senses but also used both transitively and intransitively for one or more particular meanings/senses.</p> </li> <li> <p>Verbs that are used only transitively for one or more particular meanings/senses but also used only intransitively for one or more particular meanings/senses and also used both transitively and intransitively for one or more particular meanings/senses.</p> </li> </ol> <p>You will find the detailed list of verbs under each of these 7 categories. (Very Important Note: Verbs have been generally categorized based on their usual meanings/senses. You may find some variation with the other resources.)</p> <p>In this book, you will find the list of transitive verbs that may take two objects. You will also find the list of transitive and intransitive verbs that are used with prepositional phrases or adverbs.</p> <p>Following are some verbs that are usually used only transitively for all their meanings/senses: abandon / abase / typecast / typeset / outrun / rerun / overlay / underpay / misspend / rend / withhold / behold / outgrow / befall / underlie / outdo / abbreviate / abduct / abet / abhor / abolish / abominate / abrade / abridge / abrogate / absent / absolve / absorb / abstract / abuse / accent / accentuate / access / accompany / accomplish / accost / account / accredit / accuse / acquaint / acquire</p> <p>Following are some Verbs that are usually used only intransitively for all their meanings/senses: abscond / abseil / abstain / accede / acquiesce / adhere / alight / amble / apologize / fall / dwell / appeal / appear / arc / arise / arrive / aspire / assent / atone / atrophy / augur / backfire / backpack / back-pedal / backspace / backtrack / balloon / banter / barf / bargain / barrel / bask / bay</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

Dictionary of English Capitonyms: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>What are “Capitonyms”?</p> <p>CAPITONYMS ----<br /> [Capital- capital letter; -Onym: Name]<br /> Capitonym is a word that changes its meaning (and sometimes pronunciation) based on whether or not it is capitalized.<br /> Capitonym [singular] | Capitonyms [plural]<br /> Capitonyms may be nouns, pronouns, verbs, or adjectives.</p> <p>Characteristics of Capitonyms:<br /> Same spelling except for capitalization<br /> Different meaning when capitalized<br /> Same or different pronunciation</p> <p>Examples:<br /> Polish and polish<br /> Polish: connected with Poland [adjective]<br /> polish: to make a surface smooth and glossy [verb]</p> <p>Piedmonts and piedmonts<br /> Piedmont: a region of North West Italy (noun)<br /> piedmont: a slope leading from the foot of mountains to a region of flat land (noun)</p> <p>Traveler and traveler<br /> Traveler: traveling people of Irish origin [noun]<br /> traveler: a person who is traveling [noun]</p> <p>Roman and roman<br /> Roman: connected with the Rome<br /> roman: the ordinary type of printing [adjective]</p> <p>Rosemary and rosemary<br /> Rosemary: a common first name for females in English speaking countries [noun]<br /> rosemary: a bush with small narrow leaves that smell sweet and are used in cooking as a herb [noun]</p> <p>Regency and regency<br /> Regency: in the style of the period 1811?20 in Britain [adjective]<br /> regency: government by a regent (a person who rules a country in place of the king or queen) [noun]</p> <p>Scot and scot<br /> Scot: a native of Scotland [noun]<br /> scot: a charge, tax, or payment [noun]</p> <p>Self and self<br /> Self: a popular American magazine [noun]<br /> self: character or personality [noun]</p> <p>Warren and warren<br /> Warren: a common name in English speaking countries [noun]<br /> warren: a system of holes and underground tunnels where wild rabbits live [noun]</p> <p>******</p> <p>Capitonyms are case-sensitive words. However, when capitonyms appear at the beginning of a sentence, there is no way to understand which meaning is being referred to except the context in which they are used.<br /> Capitonyms also create confusion in the aspect of listening. Because there is no way to understand which meaning is being referred to except the context in which they are used.</p> <p>Capitonyms generally occur due to one form being a proper noun. A proper noun is a word that is the name of a person, a place, an establishment, etc. and is written with a capital letter.<br /> Thus, capitonyms may include:<br /> A name of a person (Jack/jack)<br /> A name of a place, city, country, etc. (Japan/japan)<br /> A name of a language (Ewe/ewe)<br /> A name of a company (Fiat/fiat)<br /> A name of a publication (Time/time)<br /> A name of a river/lake/hill/mountain, etc.</p> <p>DETAILED LIST OF PAIRS OF CAPITONYMS:</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

Oronym Words in English: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>What are “Oronym Words”?</p> <p>ORONYMS ----<br /> [Oro- Whole; Nym: Name]<br /> An oronym is a word or phrase that sounds very much the same as another word or phrase, often as a result of sounds running together. Oronyms are spelled differently and they have different meanings.</p> <p>Oronym [singular] | Oronyms [plural]<br /> Example: A name ---- an aim</p> <p>Some Important Points:</p> <ol> <li> <p>An oronym is also called a continunym or a sliceonym.</p> </li> <li> <p>An oronym generally originates when it is difficult to tell where one word ends and the next begins (e.g. a name -- an aim). An oronym also originates when a particular word may be divided into two or more meaningful words (e.g. affection -- a faction).</p> </li> <li> <p>Effectiveness of oronyms may depend on what somebody is saying in context with the rest of the conversation.</p> </li> </ol> <p>3(A). Oronyms may completely alter the meaning of what somebody is saying.<br /> Example:<br /> They wanted the allocation of the house.<br /> They wanted the location of the house.</p> <p>3(B). Oronyms may also make conversation very funny.<br /> Example:<br /> The teacher asked the student to give an example.<br /> The teacher asked the student to give an egg sample.</p> <p>3(C). Oronyms may also make conversation completely senseless.<br /> Example:<br /> They will appoint a new manager at the earliest.<br /> They will a point a new manager at the earliest.</p> <ol start="4"> <li>Ornonyms may also include abbreviations (shortened form of a word or group of words)<br /> Examples:<br /> ICT -- I see tea<br /> VC -- we see</li> </ol> <p>Derived Terms Related To ‘Oronyms’:<br /> Oronymous<br /> Words or phrases that are Oronyms are said to be Oronymous.<br /> Oronymy<br /> The state of being an Oronym is called Oronymy.</p> <p>Following is the detailed list of Oronyms:</p> <p>?<br /> Oronym Words -- A</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A1<br /> air-to-air ---- year-to-year<br /> Example:<br /> The jets had air-to-air weapons.<br /> The jets had year-to-year weapons.</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A2<br /> aggregate ---- a green gate<br /> [aggregate -- total]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A3<br /> aggregator ---- a grass eater<br /> [aggregator -- a kind of Internet company]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A4<br /> agree to differ ---- a great offer<br /> [agree to differ -- (of two people) to not discuss their different views about something | offer -- proposal]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A5<br /> angry response ---- a grey sponge</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A6<br /> accede ---- a seat<br /> [accede -- to agree]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A7<br /> accent ---- a cent<br /> [accent -- pronunciation | cent -- a coin]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A8<br /> accord ---- a cord<br /> [accord -- agreement | cord -- string or rope]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A9<br /> accounting ---- a counting<br /> [accounting -- bookkeeping]</p> <p>Oronym Pair -- A10<br /> accrue ---- a crew<br /> [accrue -- amass | crew -- team]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 109円

Homonyms, Homophones and Homographs: Vocabulary Building【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>HOMONYMS<br /> Homonym a word that is spelled like another word (or pronounced like it) but which has a different meaning, for example, Key meaning ‘set of answer to problems’ and Key meaning ‘button on computer keyboard’.</p> <p>The state of being a homonym is called homonymy.</p> <p>Very Important Note:</p> <p>In Strict Sense, Homonyms have the same spelling, same pronunciation, and different meanings.</p> <p>HOMONYMS in Strict Sense:</p> <p>Same Spelling / Same Pronunciation / Different meaning<br /> Homonyms are also known as “Multiple Meaning Words”.</p> <p>Examples: fare, principal, etc.</p> <p>Fare -- a passenger | Fare -- price<br /> Principal -- most important | Principal -- head of a school</p> <p>In Wider Sense, Homonyms can also include words that have the same or similar pronunciation (but different spelling) or the same spelling (but different pronunciation).<br /> In the first situation, they are called ‘HOMOPHONES’<br /> In the second situation, they are called ‘HOMOGRAPHS’</p> <p>HOMONYMS In Wider Sense:</p> <p>HOMOPHONES:<br /> Different Spelling / Same or Similar Pronunciation / Different meaning<br /> Note: ‘Homophones’ are also called ‘Heterographs’.<br /> Homophones are also known as “Sound-Alike Words”.</p> <p>Examples: ad/add, know/no, etc.</p> <p>ad -- advertisement | add -- to include<br /> know -- to have information | no -- refusal</p> <p>HOMOGRAPHS:<br /> Same Spelling / Different Pronunciation / Different meaning<br /> Note: ‘Homographs’ are also called ‘Heterophones’.</p> <p>Examples: bow, lead, etc.</p> <p>Bow (noun) -- [Pronunciation -- bau] -- a weapon used for shooting arrows<br /> Bow (verb) -- [Pronunciation -- baw] -- to move your head forwards and downwards</p> <p>Lead (noun) -- [Pronunciation -- led] -- a metallic element<br /> Lead (verb) -- [Pronunciation -- lied] -- to go in front</p> <p>100 HOMONYMS ALONG WITH THEIR MEANINGS:<br /> Sample This:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Accident</p> </li> <li> <p>Accident -- an event in which injury or damage is caused in or by a vehicle</p> </li> <li> <p>Accident -- something that happens unexpectedly</p> </li> <li> <p>Action</p> </li> <li> <p>Action -- a legal process</p> </li> <li> <p>Action -- fighting in a war</p> </li> <li> <p>Alight</p> </li> <li> <p>Alight -- on fire</p> </li> <li> <p>Alight -- to get out of a vehicle</p> </li> <li> <p>Angle</p> </li> <li> <p>Angle -- inclination of two lines with each, measure in degrees</p> </li> <li> <p>Angle -- to catch fish</p> </li> <li> <p>Arch</p> </li> <li> <p>Arch -- curve; semicircle</p> </li> <li> <p>Arch -- mischievous</p> </li> </ol> <p>600 HOMOPHONE PAIRS ALONG WITH THEIR MEANINGS:<br /> Sample This:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Abhorrent / Aberrant</p> </li> <li> <p>Abhorrent -- causing hatred for moral reasons</p> </li> <li> <p>Aberrant -- unusual and socially unacceptable</p> </li> <li> <p>Accede / Exceed</p> </li> <li> <p>Accede -- to agree</p> </li> <li> <p>Exceed -- to surpass</p> </li> <li> <p>Accept / Except</p> </li> <li> <p>Accept -- to admit</p> </li> <li> <p>Except -- apart from</p> </li> <li> <p>Acclamation / Acclimation</p> </li> <li> <p>Acclamation -- loud and enthusiastic welcome</p> </li> <li> <p>Acclimation -- the process of getting used to a new climate or situation</p> </li> <li> <p>Adapt / Adept / Adopt</p> </li> <li> <p>Adapt -- to adjust or modify</p> </li> <li> <p>Adept -- skillful</p> </li> <li> <p>Adopt -- to become legal parents of somebody’s child</p> </li> </ol> <p>150 HOMOGRAPHS ALONG WITH THEIR MEANINGS AND PRONUNCIATION:<br /> Sample This:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Absent</p> </li> <li> <p>Absent (adjective) -- not present</p> </li> <li> <p>Absent (verb) -- to not be in a place</p> </li> <li> <p>Abuse</p> </li> <li> <p>Abuse (noun) -- misuse</p> </li> <li> <p>Abuse (verb) -- to misuse something</p> </li> <li> <p>Accent</p> </li> <li> <p>Accent (noun) -- pronunciation</p> </li> <li> <p>Accent (verb) -- to put emphasis on a part of something</p> </li> <li> <p>Address</p> </li> <li> <p>Address (noun) -- details of the place where you live or work; postal address</p> </li> <li> <p>Address (verb) -- to make a formal speech</p> </li> <li> <p>Advocate</p> </li> <li> <p>Advocate (noun) -- a supporter of something</p> </li> <li> <p>Advocate (verb) -- to support something publicly</p> </li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 326円

Advanced English Phrases: Phrases Combining Two or More Words【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, I have compiled English phrases containing two or more words. Each of these phrases comprises at least one tough (advanced) English word. The meaning of the tough English word in every phrase has also been given. Example sentences have also been provided for many advanced phrases.</p> <p>Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- abandoned building / abandoned mines / abandoned orphan / abandoned street / abandoned vehicles<br /> [meaning of abandoned: ‘left completely and no longer needed]<br /> Example Sentence: Abandoned vehicles can cause a nuisance by obstructing roads, traffic and pedestrians.</p> <p>02 -- abatement notice<br /> [meaning of abatement: ‘the reduction or removal of a nuisance’]<br /> Example Sentence: A person served with an abatement notice may appeal against the notice to a magistrate’s court.</p> <p>03 -- aberrant behavior / aberrant individuals<br /> [meaning of aberrant: ‘departing from an accepted standard or usual course’]<br /> Example Sentence: Should the teachers and administrators tolerate the aberrant behavior of the students?</p> <p>04 -- abhorrent deed<br /> [meaning of abhorrent: ‘causing hatred, especially for moral reasons’]<br /> Example Sentence: He shall be put to death since he has committed an abhorrent deed.</p> <p>05 -- abiding influence<br /> [meaning of abiding: ‘(of a feeling, memory or an idea, etc.) lasting a long time’]<br /> Example Sentence: Land use regulations have an abiding influence on our lives.</p> <p>06 -- abiding affection / abiding hostility / abiding influence / abiding love / abiding notice / abiding tradition<br /> [meaning of abiding: ‘continuing without change']<br /> Example Sentence: I have a deep and abiding affection for my birthplace.</p> <p>07 -- abject despair<br /> [meaning of abject: ‘extreme and without hope’]<br /> Example Sentence: They are dealing with abject despair and complete disillusion.</p> <p>08 -- abjectly poor<br /> [meaning of abjectly: ‘in an utterly hopeless manner’]<br /> Example Sentence: More than a billion people in the world are abjectly poor.</p> <p>09 -- abominable deed / abominable laws / abominable scene / abominable system<br /> [meaning of abominable: ‘very bad and shocking’]<br /> Example Sentence: Some states have passed abominable laws that are a disgrace to democracy and to our society</p> <p>10 -- abominably rude / abominably cruel<br /> [meaning of abominably: ‘in a very bad or unpleasant way’]</p> <p>11 -- aboriginal civilization / aboriginal inhabitants / aboriginal times / aboriginal tribes<br /> [meaning of aboriginal: ‘relating to the people who existed in a region from the earliest time; primitive’]</p> <p>12 -- abortive attack / abortive attempt / abortive bid / abortive campaign / abortive expedition / abortive infection / abortive insurrection / abortive negotiations / abortive rebellion / abortive treatment<br /> [meaning of abortive: ‘failed, unsuccessful’]<br /> Example Sentence: They led an abortive rebellion against the government</p> <p>13 -- abrasive chemical / abrasive compounds / abrasive materials / abrasive personality<br /> [meaning of abrasive: ‘showing little concern for the feelings of others | causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing’]<br /> Example Sentence: We can't hire anyone with an abrasive personality liable to annoy customers and co-workers, | She applied abrasive chemical and rubbed down to clean rust off knives.</p> <p>14 -- abridged edition / abridged story / abridged translation / abridged version<br /> [meaning of abridged: ‘(of a piece of writing) having been shortened’]<br /> Example Sentence: That was an abridged edition of the author's previous three-volume work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 346円

Dictionary of 9-Letter Words: Words You Should Know【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1275 useful 9-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- abasement (n.) action or behavior that brings you down or makes you lose your own prestige synonyms: debasement, denigration, disparagement]<br /> 02 -- abduction [n.] -- an act of illegally and forcefully taking sb away and keeping them as a prisoner, especially in order to get sth such as money for returning them [synonyms: kidnap, kidnapping]<br /> 03 -- abhorrent -- [n.] -- causing a feeling of strong hatred for a way of thinking or behaving for moral reasons [synonyms: detest, loathe, despise]<br /> 04 -- accretion [n.] -- (a). a layer of a substance or matter that is added to sth in a gradual manner or over a period of time | (b). the process of new layers or parts of a substance or matter being added to sth in a gradual manner or over a period of time<br /> 05 -- acyclovir [n.] -- an antiviral drug used in the treatment of herpes, shingles, chickenpox, etc.<br /> 06 -- adaptable [adj.] -- (a). to able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexible] | (b). to able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose<br /> 07 -- adjective [n.] -- an adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun such as a person or a thing<br /> 08 -- affecting [adj.] -- producing strong feelings of distress, pity, regret, sorrow, or sympathy, etc.<br /> 09 -- afterglow [n.] -- (a). the light in the sky after sunset | (b). a pleasant feeling that you feel after you have enjoyed a good experience; delight<br /> 09 -- agelessly [adv.] -- in a manner that seems to be never coming to an end or growing old [synonyms: everlastingly, timelessly]<br /> 10 -- aggravate [v.] -- (a). to intentionally irritate somebody [synonyms: annoy, exasperate] | (b).to make an unpleasant situation or an illness worse or more serious [synonyms: exacerbate, worsen]<br /> 11 -- alienable [adj.] -- able to be taken or given away to new ownership<br /> 12 -- ambiguous [adj.] -- (a). that can be understood or interpreted in more than one way; not having one obvious meaning [synonyms: indistinct, vague] | (b). not clearly stated or defined [synonym: inexplicable]<br /> 13 -- amorphous [adj.] -- (a). having no fixed, regular or distinct shape, design, form or structure [synonyms: formless, shapeless] | (b). having no definite character or nature | (c). lacking organization [synonyms: unstructured, vague]<br /> 14 -- anciently [adv.] -- Long ago<br /> 15 -- ancillary [adj.] -- (a). providing necessary support to the primary work or activities of an organization, system, etc. [synonyms: auxiliary, subsidiary] | (b). additional to something else but not as important [synonyms: secondary, supplementary ]<br /> 16 -- anecdotal [adj.] -- (of an account) possibly untrue or unreliable, because based on personal description or observations rather than proven facts [synonym: subjective]<br /> 17 -- animosity [n.] -- very strong aggressive and unfriendly feeling towards somebody [synonyms: acrimony, hostility]<br /> 18 -- appalling [adj.] -- extremely bad [synonyms: awful, shocking] | (b). extremely bad or poor<br /> 19 -- assonance [n.] -- repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonant sounds. [Or, repetition of consonant sounds followed by different vowel sounds]<br /> 20 -- audacious [adj.] -- extremely courageous, confident or rude and willing to take risks in order to achieve something [synonyms: adventurous, daring, bold]<br /> 21 -- avalanche [n.] -- (a). a mass of snow, ice and rock falling down a mountainside | (b). a sudden arrival or occurrence of something in excess<br /> 22 -- awesomely [adv.] -- in a manner that is very impressive and often frightening [synonyms: amazingly, tremendously] | (b). in a manner that seems to be excellent or pleasurable<br /> 23 -- awestruck [adj.] -- feeling extremely impressed by something [synonyms: captivated, enthralled, mesmerized, spellbound]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 137円

Dictionary of 11-Letter Words: Words You Should Know【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>In this book, you will learn the meanings of 875 useful 11-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:</p> <p>01 -- abandonment [n.] -- (a). the act of leaving a person, place or thing without intending to return | (b). the act of giving up a practice, a course of action or a way of thinking completely and permanently [synonyms: desertion, forsaking]<br /> 02 -- accelerator [n.] -- (a). the pedal in a car, truck or other vehicle used to press with your foot for controlling the speed of the engine | (b). something that makes a process happen quickly | (c). a machine that is used to make elementary particles move at very high speeds<br /> 03 -- acceptation [n.] -- a particular sense or the generally accepted meaning of a word, phrase or expression<br /> 04 -- acclamation [n.] -- (a). loud, noisy and enthusiastic approval or welcome [synonyms: approbation, commendation] | (b). the act of electing sb using a spoken vote instead of a ballot<br /> 05 -- acquisitive [adj.] -- eager to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetous, materialistic]<br /> 06 -- acrimonious [adj.] -- (a). (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) angry and full of strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). having a strong unpleasant taste or smell<br /> 07 -- adventuress [n.] -- a woman who enjoys taking risks or is willing to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way<br /> 08 -- adventurism [n.] -- a willingness to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way<br /> 09 -- adventurous [adj.] -- (a). (of a person) willing to take risks and try new ideas, methods, things or experiences | (b). including new and interesting ideas, methods, things or experiences | (c). full of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audacious, bold, daring, exploratory]<br /> 10 -- affectation [n.] -- insincere, pretentious or unnatural behavior or an action intended to impress other people<br /> 11 -- affectingly [adv.] -- in a manner that produces strong feelings of distress, pity, regret, sorrow, or sympathy, etc.<br /> 12 -- ambiguously [adv.] -- In a manner that can be understood or interpreted in more than one way [synonyms: dubiously, vaguely, puzzlingly]<br /> 13 -- ambitiously [adv.] -- (a). with the intention of becoming extremely successful, rich, powerful, wealthy [synonym: determinedly] | (b). in a way that needs a lot of work, effort, money or time in order to achieve a specific goal because it involves too much of difficulty<br /> 14 -- amorphously [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that has no fixed, regular or distinct shape, design, form or structure [synonyms: formlessly, shapelessly,] | (b). in a way that has no definite character or nature | (c). in a manner that lacks organization [synonyms: unstructured, vaguely]<br /> 15 -- androgynous [adj.] -- partly male and partly female in appearance; having both male and female characteristics; of indeterminate gender [synonyms: asexual, genderless]<br /> 16 -- anecdotally [adv.] -- according to or by means of personal description or observations rather than proven facts<br /> 17 -- appallingly [adj.] -- In an extremely bad way [synonyms: awfully, terribly] | (b). extremely bad or poor<br /> 18 -- aristocracy [n.] -- (in some countries) the people of the highest social class or position who often have special titles such as that of duke or duchess [synonym: nobility]<br /> 19 ? atmospheric [adj.] -- (a). [only before noun] related to the mixture of gases that surrounds a place, earth, planet, star, etc. | (b). creating an emotional or thrilling mood<br /> 20 -- audaciously [adv.] -- In an extremely courageous, confident and often reckless or rude manner [synonyms: adventurously, daringly, boldly]</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 137円

English Interrogative Sentences: Common Interrogative Patterns English Daily Use, #2【電子書籍】[ Manik Joshi ]

<p>This Book Covers The Following Topics:</p> <p>What are "Interrogative Sentences"?<br /> Structure (1) -- Wh-Question Word + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1A). What + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1B). When + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1C). Where + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1D). Which + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1E). Who + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1F). Whom + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1G). Whose + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1H). Why + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (1I). How + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> Structure (2) -- Wh-Question Word + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2A). What + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2B). When + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2C). Where + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2D). Which + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2E). Who + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2F). Whom + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2G). Whose + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2H). Why + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (2I). How + Word/Words + Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> Structure (3) -- Wh-Question Word + Main Verb (Present or Past)<br /> Structure (4) ? Interrogatives Sentences ? Be/Do/Have/Modal<br /> (4A). Interrogatives Starting From ? Am, Is, Are, Was, Were<br /> (4B). Interrogatives Starting From ? Do, Does, Did<br /> (4C). Interrogatives Starting From ? Have, Has, Had<br /> (4D). Interrogatives Starting From ? Modal Verbs<br /> Structure (5) -- Question Tags<br /> Structure (6) -- What if<br /> Structure (7) ? How Long/How Much/How Many<br /> Structure (8) -- Wh-Question Word + To + Verb Word<br /> Structure (9) ? "What About" and "How About"<br /> Structure (10) ? Alternative Questions<br /> Structure (11) ? Indirect Questions<br /> Formation of Interrogatives from Affirmatives<br /> Exercises</p> <p>Sample This:</p> <p>What are "Interrogative Sentences"?</p> <p>Interrogative sentences are used to ask questions. An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark.<br /> The most common interrogative words are as follows:<br /> What, When, Where, Which, Who, Whom, Whose, Why, How</p> <p>Interrogative words and what they refer:<br /> What ? refers to 'specific information' or confirmation/repetition<br /> When ? refers to 'at what time' or 'on what occasion'<br /> Where ? refers to 'in what place, position or situation'<br /> Which ? refers to 'choice or alternative'<br /> Who ? refers to 'identity' of a subject (person/people)<br /> Whom ? refers to 'identity' of an object (person/people)<br /> Whose ? refers to 'who something belongs to'<br /> Why ? refers to 'reason, explanation or purpose'<br /> How ? refers to 'way or manner', 'condition or quality'</p> <p>These words are called 'Wh-question words' because all these words contain the letter 'w' and 'h'. All these words (except 'how') even start from 'Wh'.</p> <p>NOTE: The following words are also used to ask questions:<br /> Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, Whoever<br /> These forms show 'surprise, confusion, or emphasis.</p> <p>Besides 'Wh-question words', Auxiliary Verbs 'Be', 'Do', 'Have', and 'Modal Verbs' are also used to form interrogative sentences. Following is the list of auxiliary and modal verbs:<br /> Auxiliary Verb-- Be-- Am, Is, Are, Was, Were<br /> Auxiliary Verb-- Do-- Do, Does, Did<br /> Auxiliary Verb-- Have-- Have, Has, Had<br /> Modal Verbs-- May, Might, Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, Need, Used (To), Ought (To), Dare<br /> You can begin sentences with these verbs to form Yes/No interrogative sentences.</p> <p>(1A). What + Be/Do/Have/Modal</p> <p>What is a good pet to give a five-year-old child?<br /> What is a long way away?<br /> What is a reasonable grocery budget?<br /> What is age got to do with it?<br /> What is all that?<br /> What is Australia's national food?<br /> What is behind the nation's food shortages?<br /> What is better for your company: happy staff or short-term profits?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 150円