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第一次拍電影就上手:從前製、編劇、拍攝、剪輯到發行,專家手把手帶?從0開始的60堂課 映画制作の教科書 プロが教える60のコツ〜企画?撮影?編集?上映〜【電子書籍】[ 衣笠竜屯 ]
<p><strong>日本超好評的拍片教科書</strong></p> <p><strong>拍電影不難,只怕沒人教!</strong></p> <p><strong>這本有?敲碗跪求的所有環節</strong></p> <p><strong>導演、編劇、製片、攝影、音效、配樂、選角、表演、剪輯、後製</strong></p> <p><strong>企劃編劇</strong>**、<strong><strong>組織團隊</strong></strong>、<strong><strong>器材選擇</strong></strong>、<strong><strong>拍攝剪輯</strong></strong>、<strong><strong>行銷宣傳</strong></strong>、上映****發行**</p> <p><strong>整個劇組必讀的拍片聖經!</strong></p> <p><strong>拍電影,不求人──</strong></p> <p><strong>微電影、Vlog、Youtube影片、紀?片、劇情片,全教會?</strong></p> <p><strong>60****個擺?菜鳥、晉升專業,一定要?的事!</strong></p> <p><strong>更有千金難買早知道的電影人經驗談</strong></p> <p>「我正在努力拍電影,可是處處?壁……」</p> <p>「教科書都太專業了,找不到簡單易?的入門教學書。」</p> <p>「從企劃、編劇、拍攝、剪輯到發行……沒?法全部自己獨立完成??!」</p> <p>「校慶、社團、政府的?片比賽……不想放過這些機會……」</p> <p><strong>專業好評推薦:</strong></p> <p>用最容易了解的方式教導學生如何上手,成為一個全方位的電影新手。</p> <p>──小野/臺北市影視音實驗教育機構校長</p> <p>如果?有一個電影夢,先讀完,就離夢想成真更近一?了。</p> <p>──?洛纓/金鐘編劇</p> <p>總覺得拍片是很遙遠夢幻的事?其實?少的,只是一本提供指南的?明書。</p> <p>──東默農/知名編劇講師</p> <p>高度濃縮的一本影片製作課指南。</p> <p>──張道平/世新大學廣播電視電影學系助理教授</p> <p>?<strong>新手不必怕,從0開始,給所有人的教科書</strong></p> <p>這世界早就以視覺影像為主流,但市面上的拍片教科書,多半只介紹攝影或剪輯等專業技術。缺乏從零開始,講述所有流程,鉅細靡遺給所有人的教科書。這一本手把手,從前製/拍攝/後製/發行,帶?從頭到尾認識完成一部電影該知道的大小事!</p> <ol> <li><strong>前製這樣想,開拍GO!</strong></li> </ol> <p>?Tagline超重要,想對了,一句話就能引發好奇心,獲得金主贊助</p> <p>?先從結局開始寫,更能創作出精彩故事</p> <p>?編劇鐵則:只寫鏡頭會拍到的部分就好</p> <p>?開拍前一定要先算出拍這部片要花多少金錢和時間</p> <p>?挑器材時,不必一網打盡,要根據目的來選擇拍攝手段</p> <p>?剪輯用電腦,選擇可替換零件的?機,優於型號易被淘汰的筆電</p> <ol> <li><strong>拍攝這樣做,才會順!</strong></li> </ol> <p>?服裝、行李和報到,要預設為?外行程</p> <p>?先決定好演員位置和動作,再考慮構圖,不然會很花時間</p> <p>?導演喊?之前,不管出錯或有突發?況,都不能停止表演</p> <p>?構圖技巧:重心一變,劇情片變恐怖片</p> <p>?攝影機位置鐵則?如何跨越180度線</p> <p>?在拍攝現場?忙,避免「不?裝?」,才能讓劇組認同?也是專業的</p> <ol> <li><strong>後製這樣調,才精彩!</strong></li> </ol> <p>?省略劇情的剪輯法,故事更簡明易?</p> <p>?膠捲時代在拍攝時就得調好光;數位化之後,盡量多拍點,其他留到後製再處理</p> <p>?視覺特效要搭配目的性,特殊轉場和特效很有趣,但千萬別忘了原先的目的</p> <p>?「無聲」也是一種音效</p> <p>??音室補?對白,演技力也要點到滿</p> <p>?想不出片名時,盡量列出天馬行空的奇想</p> <ol> <li><strong>發行這樣做,會成功!</strong></li> </ol> <p>?推銷自己的作品時,對目標客群和行銷?容有具體方向,一切會比較好談</p> <p>?海報用紅色,比?色更能招攬觀?</p> <p>?先了解媒體特性,做出雙贏效果的宣傳</p> <p>?映後座談好緊張,卻正是與觀?相遇的最佳瞬間</p> <p>?<strong>認識拍電影的殘酷現實,發揮日本人的不厭其煩,終於等到這一本</strong></p> <p>作者從過往培育過許多影壇新手導演,以他豐富的經驗出發,告訴?技術之外,更需要知道的現實。</p> <p>?拍一部電影要花多少錢?「電影分析表」和「劇情表」有何不同、有多好用?</p> <p>?怎麼買器材?如何拉通告表,才能減少各組人員的等待時間?</p> <p>?開鏡前的失眠夜?,就靠反覆check確認表當安眠藥?</p> <p>?如何在片場做出?真太陽光、月光、汽車大燈?</p> <p>??幾軌才能確保台詞準確收音?</p> <p>?數位化時代,就靠後製調光,定調影像風格?</p> <p>?上字幕時要距離外框10%留白,字才不會被?掉?</p> <p>?素人如何將電影送進影展與競賽?……發揮日本人不厭其煩、鉅細靡遺的特質,耐心解?所有過程的實務訣竅,讓人直呼,終於等到這一本。</p> <p><strong>?告訴?千金難買早知道的電影人經驗談</strong></p> <p>?如果電影是商品,那電影在賣什麼?觀?要買什麼?若只是為拍而拍,舉?邀請親朋好友觀賞的放映會就好了;若要作為提供一般觀?買票進戲院的?樂,就必須認真考慮拍片的供需目的。**不管是獨立製片或商業電影,先設想觀?所需再去開發企劃案是很重要的。**──辻岡正人 導演?演員 / 代表作《JUDGEMENT》</p> <p>?大家應該都有『看了這部片,自己也想拍電影』的口袋片單??或是「最喜歡的電影」也行,請把那部片當作目標,用自己的方式重現對那部片有共鳴的部分。實際嘗試後,?會發現那**『目標作品』和『自己嘗試重現』之間的距離,當中缺乏的就是「技術」。**請好好思考如何填補差距,思索和挑戰的過程中,?會漸漸找到各種需要的『技術』。──田中健詞 導演 / 代表作《PUNCHMEN》(パンチメン)</p> <p>?我本身沒有就讀過影像相關的學校或科系。在高中電影社開始接觸8mm電影,出社會後經常加班、出差,要兼顧拍片很不容易,但為了將來能把拍片當本業,我定下四個守則:</p> <p>**(1)**<strong>?年至少拍一部作品</strong>(即使不是科班出身,持續拍攝也會變レイ害??)</p> <p>**(2)**<strong>使用現有的資源</strong>(因為沒時間,想到題材就立刻寫成劇本,速速拍出來)</p> <p>**(3)**<strong>找出循環的模式</strong>(拍攝、上映、分析檢討、經驗運用在下次拍片。向工作人員和演員分享後續的回饋,願意?助的人也會越來越多)</p> <p>**(4)**<strong>自我推銷</strong>(主動找在影展認識的製片聊天,分享自己想拍怎樣的電影,擅長?種類型,拓展今後合作的可能性)──安田真奈 導演?編劇 / 代表作《幸福的開關》(幸福?しあわせ?のスイッチ)</p> <p>?**近年攝影機的性能越來越強大,這是一個陷?。**一旦安於「再暗也能拍得清楚」的器材,便容易忽略燈光的設計,拍出?好聽是「寫實」,實際上只是沒打光、暗成一團的影像。<strong>不打光使用一千萬圓的專業攝影機,好好打光使用十萬圓的單眼數位相機,不用比也知道後者的影像會大勝。</strong></p> <p>?低成本獨立製片若想比照商業電影的水準,導演必須對各個要素具有一定程度的知識和見識,<strong>然而現場的工作人員不用找專業級的</strong>,這是低成本獨立製片的第一?。**節省下的人事費,轉用到演員酬勞、服裝和外景場地費用,任誰都看得出影像質感因此而大幅提升。**──安田淳一 導演 / 代表作《吃飯》(ごはん)</p> <p>?本戲院算是上映較多獨立製片的電影院之一,**排片時,**一定會看作品本身的水準,**?外製作方的「宣傳」和「集客」策略也是參考的重點。**傳單和海報等文宣、社群網站等網路上的資訊擴散是基本動作。電影院永遠都需要吸引大?興趣、讓觀?願意進戲院的奇招策略。?外,在有限的宣傳費之下,導演、劇組和演員較能自由配合宣傳活動也是獨立製片的魅力之一。──菅野健太 Theater seven(シアターセブン)劇院經理</p> <p>??的作品只要?好,一定會有機會和外國人交流或合作,<strong>所以我奉勸大家從現在開始學習外文</strong>,年輕時沒學好外文的大叔我在語言上吃了很大的苦頭;在剛起?時,最好先從拍攝日期和預算都比較充裕的短片拍起。──星野零式 製片?演員</p> <p>?拍了第一部作品後,我開始學習關於器材的知識,也漸漸認識了當演員的朋友。**就算不?電影也沒有人脈,總之先拍一部作品後,誰都能自稱創作者,接下來要認識其他同好就順利得多。**別害怕、別想太多,?去河邊拍也画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

マインドハンター FBI連続殺人プロファイリング班 ジョン・ダグラス/著 マーク・オルシェイカー/著 井坂清/訳 早川書房 ジョン・ダグラス/著 マーク・オルシェイカー/著 井坂清/訳
■タイトルヨミ:マインドハンターエフビーアイマインドハンターエフビーアイレンゾクサツジンプロフアイリングハンFBIレンゾクサツジンプロフアイリングハンハヤカワブンコエヌエフ508ハヤカワブンコNF508■著者:ジョン・ダグラス/著 マーク・オルシェイカー/著 井坂清/訳■著者ヨミ:ダグラスジヨンDOUGLASJOHNオルシエイカーマークOLSHAKERMARKイサカキヨシ■出版社:早川書房 ハヤカワ文庫■ジャンル:文庫 海外文学 ハヤカワ文庫■シリーズ名:0■コメント:■発売日:2017/9/1→中古はこちらタイトル【新品】【本】マインドハンター FBI連続殺人プロファイリング班 ジョン・ダグラス/著 マーク・オルシェイカー/著 井坂清/訳フリガナマインド ハンタ− エフビ−アイ マインド ハンタ− エフビ−アイ レンゾク サツジン プロフアイリングハン FBI/レンゾク/サツジン/プロフアイリングハン ハヤカワ ブンコ エヌエフ 508 ハヤカワ/ブンコ/NF 508発売日201709出版社早川書房ISBN9784150505080大きさ375P 16cm著者名ジョン・ダグラス/著 マーク・オルシェイカー/著 井坂清/訳

提升繪畫實力!齋藤直葵插畫完稿技巧大補帖 あなたはもっと上手くなる! さいとうなおき式イラスト仕上げプロ技事典【電子書籍】[ 齋藤直葵 ]
<p>《不准畫太好》等一系列的好評續作!!<br /> 不對勁的感覺才是?成長的契機,<br /> 用專業繪師的122招,讓?畫好的圖稿大幅升級!</p> <p>【本書特色】<br /> ◎點出作品不?完美的常見關鍵問題,培養自己修稿的專業能力!<br /> ◎由齋藤直葵老師親繪大量範例,從人物到背景、特效,一次掌握讓作品更亮眼的技巧!<br /> ◎1〜2頁一個單元,?容簡短紮實,學習起來快速又全面!</p> <p>「完稿」究竟是什麼?將插畫加工得超華麗就好了??<br /> NoNoNo!大錯特錯!<br /> ?在畫完一件作品的時候,是不是總會覺得?裡不對勁?<br /> 好像人物太小了、頭髮不?蓬鬆、人物像是硬P上去的一樣??<br /> 這時只要消除怪異點,?的作品完成度就會從99%→100%!<br /> 這種稍微修改就讓作品變得更吸引人的方法,就是【完稿作業】!</p> <p>然而,這些不?完美的地方,常常正是畫圖者的「瓶頸」;<br /> 如果這時選擇視而不見,就會錯失成長的大好機會,<br /> 甚至在別人眼中變得「愈畫愈敷衍」、「畫功都沒進?」!</p> <p>◆◆日本超高人氣YouTuber・齋藤直葵,集結了122招精華完稿技巧!◆◆<br /> 《提升繪畫實力!齋藤直葵插畫完稿技巧大補帖》共分7大章節,<br /> 從人物的臉、身型,整體的景深、立體感,背景的布局、特效,到色彩和光影??<br /> 不藏私地傳授專業繪師眼中需要改進的關鍵,以及如何改進的技巧;<br /> ?1〜2頁就是一招改進法,還會教?如何運用這招「順便」解決其他問題;<br /> 以大量齋藤直葵老師的作品作為範例,還能讓讀者更好地觀摩學習。<br /> 就算不請教專業老師,?也可以自行修改、精進作品,一次次突破自己的上限!</p> <p>\想突破繪圖困境,千萬不能錯過/<br /> 快來跟著齋藤直葵老師一起快速精進自己的圖稿?!</p> <p>【作者簡介】</p> <p>齋藤直葵<br /> 日本山形縣出身。多摩美術大學平面設計系畢業。曾任職於科樂美數位?樂公司,現為自由插畫家。?外也以YouTuber的身分從事創作活動,傳播繪製插畫的實用知識。著有《這樣畫太可惜!齋藤直葵一筆強化?的圖稿》(瑞昇)、《7天見效!齋藤直葵式繪畫練習法》(楓書坊)等書。<br /> YouTube:youtube.com/@saitonaoki2<br /> X(原Twitter):@_NaokiSaito</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Staad Pro v8i for beginners【電子書籍】[ T.S.Sarma ]
<p>This book is intended to give a basic knowledge of Staad Pro V8i to those who do not have previous exposure to this software. This is highly useful for students of civil engineering who want to develop design skills by using this software. Concrete and steel modelling and design examples have been given to increase the readers’ knowledge about both steel and concrete structures. Any civil engineer can learn Staad Pro by following the step by step procedures explained in this book. This book is highly suitable for Indian Engineers, as in all examples Indian code methods have been followed. This will greatly benefit practising engineers and students in India as this is the first book on Staad Pro V8i with Indian examples.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Copywriting For Beginners! How To Write, Persuade & Sell Anything To Anyone Like A pro With Copy【電子書籍】[ Richard Halbread ]
<p>Copywriting For Beginners (No Experience Required!)</p> <p><strong>Are You Ready To Master The Art Of Copywriting? If So You’ve Come To The Right Place!</strong></p> <p>Copywriting in my eyes is literally an art, and the ‘Picassos’ of the copywriting world are making a pretty penny doing it too! The purpose of this book is to explain the styles and basics of copywriting for you, the beginner. When I started out copywriting I was extremely overwhelmed as I read about many, many complicated techniques and tricks that were definitely not beginner friendly!</p> <p>In this easy to read, straightforward book my mission is to explain to you exactly what copywriting is, along with the style of copywriting you’re best suited in along with the key principles, creativity techniques & more that I have personally utilized to become a successful copywriter, working from wherever I please, whenever.</p> <p>Here’s A Preview Of What Copywriting For Beginners Contains…</p> <p>What It Takes To Become A Copywriter<br /> Determining Which Style Of Copywriting You Are Best Suited To (Work From A Position Of Strength!)<br /> Getting Creative As A Copywriter ? The Power Of Persuasion!<br /> The Key Elements Of Copywriting That YOU Need To Know<br /> Common Copywriting Mistakes And How To Avoid Them<br /> The Elements Of Successful Copy<br /> And Much, Much More!</p> <p>Ready to get started on your lucrative copywriting venture?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Oh!原來閃燈是這樣打的[第二版]:小閃燈也能拍出Pro級專業感 This is strobist info : your setup guide to flash photography【電子書籍】[ 達斯汀.迪亞茲(Dustin Diaz) ]
<p>100張圖解範例,魔鬼就藏在細節裡。</p> <p>破解閃燈鏡位,用最直白的打光圖示,</p> <p>讓?左右對照,抓對方向,一學就會!</p> <p>Flickr年度最佳攝影師ーーMashable Web Awards</p> <p>簡單幽默一看就?! 讓?用最快的方式學會打閃燈</p> <p>其實閃燈沒有?像中的難!</p> <p>《Oh!原來閃燈是這樣打的》原本只是攝影師達斯汀.迪亞茲在flickr上的一項攝影計劃,但他無私地將自己所學所知的一切開誠?公地分享,在網路上吸引了數以萬計的追隨者。他利用書本排版的特性,讓左邊是成品照片,右邊則是圖解範例,透過這裡面的五十張攝影作品與?光設定的資訊,?將可學到閃燈攝影的基礎與進階知識,包括最基本的單燈攝影,到使用五支閃燈搭配各種色片、燈夾、反光傘、柔光罩和蜂?所變化出來的照片,一應?全。</p> <p>此外,他還告訴?如何從最基本開始,一??找到屬於自己的閃燈組合,並清楚?明「反平方定律」這個非常重要,卻經常被誤解的攝影原理。拿起這本書,?要做的是左右對照,抓對方向直接套用,搭上自己的創意加以變化,照片自會?明一切。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Capture One Pro 10 Mastering Raw Development, Image Processing, and Asset Management【電子書籍】[ Erni Sascha ]
<p><strong>In <em>Capture One Pro 10: Mastering RAW Development, Image Processing, and Asset Management</em>, photographer Sascha Erni teaches readers everything they need to know in order to quickly get up and running with Capture One Pro.</strong></p> <p>Historically, Capture One Pro software has been regarded primarily as an amazing RAW file converter for high-end cameras. With its newest release, Capture One Pro 10 goes well beyond its storied RAW conversions to become one of the most powerful image-processing applications on the market, addressing the imaging workflow from capture to print. Version 10 has also been optimized to support many of the most popular cameras being used today.</p> <p>With an abundance of new features and the promise of producing vastly superior images, photographers of all skill levels are giving Capture One Pro a try. Of course, along with expanded functionality and improved performance, the software has become a challenge to learn efficiently on one’s own. Users need a helping hand in order to get up to speed and make sure they are taking full advantage of this powerful software.</p> <p>In <em>Capture One Pro 10: Mastering RAW Development, Image Processing, and Asset Management</em>, photographer Sascha Erni teaches readers everything they need to know in order to quickly get up and running with Capture One Pro. He also dives deeply into its extensive feature list to allow users to fully explore the capabilities of the software.</p> <p>Whether you’re moving to Capture One Pro from Aperture or Lightroom, or just beginning to learn image-editing with Capture One Pro 10, this book will teach you how to get amazing results while avoiding frustration and wasted time along the way.</p> <p>Topics include:</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Dragon Pet (Diary of a Roblox Pro #2: An Afk Book) DRAGON PET (DIARY OF A ROBLOX (Diary of a Roblox Pro) [ Ari Avatar ]
DRAGON PET (DIARY OF A ROBLOX Diary of a Roblox Pro Ari Avatar SCHOLASTIC2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781338863475 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction

Palmistry: From Apprentice To Pro In 24【電子書籍】[ Johnny Fincham ]
<p>Ever wanted to learn palmistry but been confused by the mumbo-jumbo? This no-nonsense book is for everyone and the most innovative approach to the subject in the last two hundred years. It draws on ground-breaking scientific research into individual fingerprint patterns, and is illustrated with images of actual hands, including those of Einstein, ex-UK prime minister Tony Blair and the hands of various celebrities. After only 24 hours of study, this book will enable you to see into the deepest realms of the human condition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

FileMaker Pro 14 ? die Neuerungen / Automatisierung, Gestaltung, Mobilit?t Erg?nzungsband (siehe kommendes Grundlagenbuch zu FileMaker Pro 15 Mitte 2016)【電子書籍】[ Horst Grossmann ]
<p>Vom kleinen mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen bis hin zum Gro?konzern: Wer eine Datenbank sucht, die auf unterschiedlichen Plattformen vor allem zuverl?ssig laufen soll, der st??t unweigerlich auf "FileMaker Pro". Nach seinem Grundlagenbuch zu FileMaker Pro 12 und dem Erg?nzungsband zu Version 13 ver?ffentlicht Fachbuch-Autor Horst Grossmann nun die logische Fortsetzung: In diesem zweiten Erg?nzungsband als rein digitales eBook zeigt er, welche Vorteile die aktuelle 14er-Version bringt ? und auch welche H?rden bei der Datenbank-Anwendung zu meistern sind. - Flexible Datenbanken f?r Unternehmen via iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac und Internet - Neuerungen sind der Script-Bereich inklusive automatischer Vervollst?ndigung und die Syntax-Einf?rbung. Der Autor f?hrt in Beispielen vor, wie sich der Arbeitsalltag an der Datenbank ?bersichtlich und effizient gestalten l?sst. Dar?ber hinaus zeigt Horst Grossmann, wie Sie Ihre Datenbank mittels WebDirect noch besser u.a. in mobile iOS- und Android-Umgebungen integrieren. Und damit der mobile Einsatz noch bedienerfreundlicher wird, schildert er auch die Praxis mit den neuen Designwerkzeugen. Nach der Lekt?re k?nnen Sie via iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac und Internet beispielsweise Kundendaten gemeinsam verwalten, Projekte im Team organisieren und Ihre Lagerbest?nde kontrollieren. Fazit: Das eBook zu FileMaker Pro 14 ersetzt nicht das Grundlagenbuch zu Version 12, welches das Basis-Know how zur Datenbank-Anwendung erl?utert. In Kombination der B?cher zu den FileMaker Pro 12 und 13 sowie des eBooks zu 14 ergibt sich eine umfassende Anleitung.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Pro .NET Memory Management For Better Code, Performance, and Scalability【電子書籍】[ Konrad Kokosa ]
<p>Understand .NET memory management internal workings, pitfalls, and techniques in order to effectively avoid a wide range of performance and scalability problems in your software. Despite automatic memory management in .NET, there are many advantages to be found in understanding how .NET memory works and how you can best write software that interacts with it efficiently and effectively. <em>Pro .NET Memory Management</em> is your comprehensive guide to writing better software by understanding and working with memory management in .NET.</p> <p>Thoroughly vetted by the .NET Team at Microsoft, this book contains 25 valuable troubleshooting scenarios designed to help diagnose challenging memory problems. Readers will also benefit from a multitude of .NET memory management “rules” to live by that introduce methods for writing memory-aware code and the means for avoiding common, destructive pitfalls.</p> <p><strong>What You'll Learn</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Understand the theoretical underpinnings of automatic memory management</p> </li> <li> <p>Take a deep dive into every aspect of .NET memory management, including detailed coverage of garbage collection (GC) implementation, that would otherwise take years of experience to acquire</p> </li> <li> <p>Get practical advice on how this knowledge can be applied in real-world software development</p> </li> <li> <p>Use practical knowledge of tools related to .NET memory management to diagnose various memory-related issues</p> </li> <li> <p>Explore various aspects of advanced memory management, including use of Span and Memory types</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Who This Book Is For</strong></p> <p>.NET developers, solution architects, and performance engineers</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Hikaru no Go, Vol. 8 The Pro Test Preliminaries: Day Four【電子書籍】[ Yumi Hotta ]
<p>Hikaru faces the preliminary rounds of the pro test, during which he must eliminate not only his classmates at the insei school but also any outsiders who want to take the test. One of them in particular appears to know how to exploit Hikaru's weaknesses, and poor Hikaru seems powerless to stop him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, 2nd Edition【電子書籍】[ Thom Taylor,Lisa Hallett ]
<p>In this long-awaited follow-up to the best-selling first edition of How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, renowned car designer Thom Taylor goes back to the drawing board to update his classic with all-new illustrations and to expand on such topics as the use of computers in design today. Taylor begins with advice on selecting the proper tools and equipment, then moves on to perspective and proportion, sketching and cartooning, various media, and light, shadow, reflection, color, and even interiors. Written to help enthusiasts at all artistic levels, his book also features more than 200 examples from many of today's top artists in the automotive field. Updated to include computerized illustration techniques.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

How to Design Cars Like a Pro【電子書籍】[ Tony Lewin ]
<p>This comprehensive new edition of <em>How to Design Cars Like a Pro</em> provides an in-depth look at modern automotive design. Interviews with leading automobile designers from Ford, BMW, GM Jaguar, Nissan and others, analyses of past and present trends, studies of individual models and concepts, and much more combine to reveal the fascinating mix of art and science that goes into creating automobiles. This book is a must-have for professional designers, as well as for automotive enthusiasts.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Zombie Invasion (Diary of a Roblox Pro #5: An Afk Book) ZOMBIE INVASION (DIARY OF A RO (Diary of a Roblox Pro) [ Ari Avatar ]
ZOMBIE INVASION (DIARY OF A RO Diary of a Roblox Pro Ari Avatar SCHOLASTIC2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781339008615 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction

Essential TypeScript 4 From Beginner to Pro【電子書籍】[ Adam Freeman ]
<p>Learn the essentials and more of TypeScript, a popular superset of the JavaScript language that adds support for static typing. TypeScript combines the typing features of C# or Java with the flexibility of JavaScript, reducing typing errors and providing an easier path to JavaScript development.</p> <p>Author <strong>Adam Freeman</strong> explains how to get the most from TypeScript 4 in this second edition of his best-selling book.</p> <p>He begins by describing the TypeScript language and the benefits it offers and then shows you how to use TypeScript in real-world scenarios, including development with the DOM API, and popular frameworks such as Angular and React. He starts from the nuts-and-bolts and builds up to the most advanced and sophisticated features.</p> <p>Each topic is covered clearly and concisely, and is packed with the details you need to be effective. The most important features are given a no-nonsense, in-depth treatment and chapters include common problems and teach you how to avoid them.</p> <p><strong>What You Will Learn</strong></p> <ul> <li>Gain a solid understanding of the TypeScript language and tools</li> <li>Use TypeScript for client- and server-side development</li> <li>Extend and customize TypeScript</li> <li>Test your TypeScript code</li> <li>Apply TypeScript with the DOM API, Angular, React, and Vue.js</li> </ul> <p><strong>Who This Book Is For</strong></p> <p>JavaScript developers who want to use TypeScript to create client-side or server-side applications</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Digital Audio Editing Correcting and Enhancing Audio in Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Cubase, and Studio One【電子書籍】[ Simon Langford ]
<p>Whether you’re comping a vocal track, restoring an old recording, working with dialogue or sound effects for film, or imposing your own vision with mash-ups or remixes, audio editing is a key skill to successful sound production. <em>Digital Audio Editing</em> gives you the techniques, from the simplest corrective editing like cutting, copying, and pasting to more complex creative editing, such as beat mapping and time-stretching. You’ll be able to avoid unnatural-sounding pitch correction and understand the potential pitfalls you face when restoring classic tracks. Author Simon Langford invites you to see editing with his wide-angle view, putting this skill into a broad context that will inform your choices even as you more skillfully manipulate sound. Focusing on techniques applicable to any digital audio workstation, it includes break-outs giving specific keystrokes and instruction in Avid’s Pro Tools, Apple’s Logic Pro, Steinberg’s Cubase, and PreSonus’s Studio One. The companion websites includes tutorials in all four software packages to help you immediately apply the broad skills from the book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Fran?ais langue ?trang?re. Le FLE c?t? Pro ! B2-C1【電子書籍】[ Lily Chaar ]
<p>Cet ouvrage s’adresse ? toute personne <strong>ayant d?j? un niveau interm?diaire en fran?ais langue ?trang?re mais souhaitant ?tre plus ? l’aise pour mieux comprendre et s’exprimer en fran?ais dans son milieu professionnel.</strong></p> <p>Il permet de fa?on syst?matique via des th?matiques actuelles li?es au monde de l’entreprise, des situations du quotidien et des documents concrets :</p> <p>- de travailler ? la fois la compr?hension et la production ?crite</p> <p>- d’am?liorer ses connaissances lexicales</p> <p>- de renforcer son niveau en grammaire</p> <p><strong>Les plus :</strong></p> <p><strong>-</strong> deux fichiers audio ? t?l?charger gratuitement sur le site des ?ditions Ellipses</p> <p>- Site internet de l’auteur permettant d’acc?der ? davantage de ressources</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

超高效學習:超級學霸X跨界學習權威的35個PRO考試秘技【電子書籍】[ 芭芭拉・歐克莉 (Barbara Oakley) ]
<p><strong>國際跨界學習權威(《大腦喜歡這樣學》、《學習如何學習》作者)<br /> X<br /> 牛津.劍橋超級學霸(《超級學習》作者)<br /> 聯手出?</strong></p> <p><strong>學力也要斜槓!大腦升級非難事!<br /> 跨領域/跨學門學習必備</strong></p> <p><strong>★國立陽明交通大學線上課程「學會學:學習之道」系列 學習策略總彙整★</strong></p> <p><strong>★【教育界/醫學界專家權威】宋怡慧.林怡辰.陳鏗任.?馨弘.蔡依橙.鄭淳予........................齊聲共讚★</strong><br /> <strong>●「教師帶領學生,或是孩子自己?讀自學,都具體接地可行!」ーー林怡辰(資深國小教師、2016未來大人物教育類得主)</strong><br /> <strong>●「《超高效學習》完全抓住重點,請一定要抓一兩個技巧實際用用看!」ーー陳鏗任 (國立陽明交通大學教育研究所副教授、國立陽明交通大學高等教育開放資源研究中心 副中心主任)</strong><br /> <strong>●「要考到第一名,其實真的跟聰明無關!『超高效學習』完全是一種後天可以練習的技術!」ーー?馨弘(《大腦百科》醫學譯者、《適腦學習》醫學審訂)</strong><br /> <strong>●「很容易?讀並照做的實用小書,對大人或學齡青少年,都是很好的學習模式指引。」ーー蔡依橙(素養教育工作坊 核心講師)</strong></p> <p>【國外暢銷佳績/得獎紀?】<br /> 美國Amazon 書店 5 星超好評<br /> 美國Amazon 書店 綜合榜長銷書?學習與成長類分類榜長銷書</p> <p>【?容簡介】</p> <p><strong>科學原理X認知心理學X 35個高效學習秘方</strong></p> <p><strong>學習用「方法」,不須「天賦聰明才智」也能高分<br /> 升學,檢定,證照,公職........................全面制霸考場!</strong></p> <p>「跨界學習權威」芭芭拉?歐克莉博士(Barbara Oakley PhD)和「超級學霸」歐拉夫.修威(Olav Schewe),<br /> 一位曾經是完全的「數學白癡」;一位曾經是苦於學習障礙的B段學生。<br /> 為什麼他們能有如此驚人的轉變?</p> <p>答案很簡單:當他們終於理解大腦的正確使用方法,從那天起,一切從此改變。</p> <p>PRO是專家(Professionalist)的簡稱,<br /> 學習、考試的方法是門「專業的技術」,<br /> 75%的學習無關天生智力,而是關乎「?怎麼使用大腦」。</p> <p>如果?是生存而戰的「入學考/國考/各項資格證照考生」:<br /> ?可能正在苦背數學公式和英文單字。</p> <p>又或者?是「上班族」:<br /> ?可能正在跨界學習陌生的外語、金融知識、程式概念等各種新知。</p> <p>無論?正在苦讀什麼,<br /> 這本書都能讓?快速掌握「學習的關鍵」,確實+有效吸收知識。</p> <p>35個PRO考試秘技,助?考試拿高分,<br /> 親身實證「從0分變100分」的神奇過程!</p> <p>【本書特色】</p> <p>**〈1〉**11 大階段,達成超有感!<br /> 練習專心並戰勝?延→突破?關→深入學習→善用工作記憶,加強筆記技巧→強化記憶力→把學習?容?化為直覺,想得更快→從零開始打造自律能力→激勵自己,提升動力→提升?讀效率→戰勝考試→成為學習的專家</p> <p><strong>〈2〉</strong>「腦神經科學X認知心理學」衍伸的35個超實用學習秘技(附:自我檢視打勾表)<br /> 例:番茄鐘工作法/專注模式與發散模式來回切換法/「起頭難」策略/交錯學習法/間隔學習法/學習材料拆解法?? ETC.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Turning Pro Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work【電子書籍】[ Steven Pressfield ]
<p>The Follow-up to Steven Pressfield's bestselling THE WAR OF ART</p> <p>"You don't need to take a course or buy a product. All you have to do is change your mind." -- Steven Pressfield</p> <p>TURNING PRO IS FREE, BUT IT'S NOT EASY</p> <p>When we turn pro, we give up a life that we may have become extremely comfortable with. WE give up a self that we have come to identify with and to call our own.</p> <p>TURNING PRO IS FREE, BUT IT DEMANDS SACRIFICE</p> <p>The passage from amateur to professional is often achieved via an interior odyssey whose trials are survived only at great cost, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. We pass through a membrane when we turn pro. It's messy and it's scary. We tread blood when we turn pro.</p> <p>WHAT WE GET WHEN WE TURN PRO</p> <p>What we get when we turn pro is we find our power. We find our will and our voice and we find our self-respect. We become who we always were but had, until then, been afraid to embrace and to live out.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

BRAID LIKE A PRO: A Beginner's Guide to Beautiful Hair Braiding【電子書籍】[ Brent Holly ]
<p>"Plait Like an Ace: A Fledgling's Manual for Wonderful Hair Interlacing" is your pass to opening the masterfulness of staggering hair meshes, regardless of whether you've never attempted. This far reaching guide is custom-made for novices, offering bit by bit directions and insider tips to assist you with making a wide assortment of unpredictable and snazzy plaited haircuts. Inside, you'll see as simple to-follow instructional exercises that cover everything from exemplary three-strand interlaces to additional mind boggling styles like fishtails, Dutch meshes, and crown twists. Each step is joined by clear outlines, guaranteeing you can dominate these strategies with certainty. Whether you need to hoist your regular look, plan for a unique event, or just partake in the helpful course of meshing, "Twist Like a Star" enables you to do as such with style and artfulness. Find how to function with various hair types, add embellishments, and modify your plaits to suit your remarkable style. With this aide close by, you'll transform your hair into a material for innovativeness and articulation. Express farewell to awful hair days and hi to flawlessly twisted braids. "Mesh Like a Star" welcomes you to embrace the specialty of hair twisting and open a universe of staggering potential outcomes right readily available.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide OFF GOOGLE CLOUD CERTIFIED PRO [ Dan Sullivan ]
OFF GOOGLE CLOUD CERTIFIED PRO Dan Sullivan SYBEX INC2020 Paperback English ISBN:9781119618430 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers

Monster Escape (Diary of a Roblox Pro #1: An Afk Book) MONSTER ESCAPE (DIARY OF A ROB (Diary of a Roblox Pro) [ Ari Avatar ]
MONSTER ESCAPE (DIARY OF A ROB Diary of a Roblox Pro Ari Avatar SCHOLASTIC2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781338863468 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction

Pro Pinstripe Techniques【電子書籍】[ East Coast Artie ]
In more than forty years of pinstriping and making signs there isn't much that East Coast Artie hasn't done.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Crochet Granny Squares Beginner to Pro Awesome color schemes and patterns for fantastic crochet blocks【電子書籍】[ Domingo Johnston ]
<p>Unlock the enchanting world of crochet with "Crochet Granny Squares from Beginner to Pro." Dive into a captivating journey that takes you from novice to master, one stitch at a time.</p> <p>Discover the joy of creating timeless heirlooms, cozy blankets, and charming accessories with this comprehensive guide. Delve into the artistry of crochet as you seamlessly progress through the intricacies of granny square patterns.</p> <p>From the simplest stitches to the most intricate designs, this book is your faithful companion every step of the way. With clear, concise instructions and vibrant illustrations, mastering crochet has never been more accessible.</p> <p>Immerse yourself in a medley of colors and textures, as you bring your imagination to life with each square. Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, this book offers something for everyone.</p> <p>Unleash your creativity and elevate your crafting skills as you embark on a journey filled with endless possibilities. Transform yarn into works of art that reflect your unique style and personality.</p> <p>Don't just dream about creating stunning crochet pieces; make it a reality with "Crochet Granny Squares from Beginner to Pro." Elevate your craft, inspire others, and embrace the joy of handmade creations.</p> <p>Start your crochet adventure today and craft your way to mastery. Let your fingers dance with the hook and yarn, and watch as each stitch weaves a tale of beauty and skill.</p> <p>Seize the opportunity to embark on this enriching journey. Order your copy now and unleash the artist within!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life 4-HOUR CHEF [ Timothy Ferriss ]
4ーHOUR CHEF Timothy Ferriss HOUGHTON MIFFLIN2012 Hardcover English ISBN:9781328519160 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Cooking

Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything LEARN LIKE A PRO [ Barbara Oakley Phd ]
LEARN LIKE A PRO Barbara Oakley Phd Olav Schewe ST MARTINS PR2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781250799371 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education

Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy: A Graphic Novel (Wings of Fire Graphic Novel #1): Volume 1 WINGS OF FIRE THE DRAGONET PRO (Wings of Fire Graphix) [ Tui T. Sutherland ]
WINGS OF FIRE THE DRAGONET PRO Wings of Fire Graphix Tui T. Sutherland Mike Holmes GRAPHIX2018 Paperback English ISBN:9780545942157 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction

HANDPAN DRUMMING FOR BEGINNERS From Basics To Brilliance: Learn, Practice, Master, And Perfect Your Ability To Play Like A Pro From Scratch ? A Step By Step Guide For Novices And Beyond【電子書籍】[ MALCOLM DAXTON ]
<p>ABOUT THIS BOOK</p> <p>"Handpan Drumming for Beginners" serves as a seminal resource for those who are interested in delving into the enthralling domain of handpan percussion. This all-encompassing resource commences by establishing a solid groundwork through a perceptive introduction to handpan percussion, which clarifies its artistic significance and cultural origins. With the objective of elucidating the instrument, this book thoroughly examines the complexities associated with comprehending the handpan. It offers an exhaustive analysis of its construction, constituent parts, and the fundamental principles that govern the selection of an appropriate handpan.</p> <p>This guide adeptly shifts its focus to pragmatic elements, providing instruction on essential methodologies including correct hand positioning and reclining posture. This guarantees that novices establish a sturdy groundwork for their musical investigation. This book proceeds methodically to more complex subjects, including the development of hand coordination, warm-up exercises, and a comprehensive comprehension of handpan scales. Proficient musicians are assisted in honing their handpan performance abilities by constructing rhythmic skills and performing basic melodies.</p> <p>In addition, the author's dedication to ensuring the instrument's optimal functionality and longevity is underscored by the incorporation of a dedicated section on handpan maintenance and care. This guide delves into an assortment of handpan styles and assists readers in establishing connections with the dynamic handpan community, surpassing the scope of individual practice. Through the integration of theoretical concepts and hands-on practice, "Handpan Drumming for Beginners" not only imparts the rudimentary abilities to play the handpan to novices but also cultivates within them a more profound admiration for the expressive and multifaceted attributes of the instrument. This book serves as an essential resource for individuals who are enthusiastic about commencing a rewarding handpan drumming voyage. It accommodates both novices and fervors.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

How (Not) to Read the Bible Making Sense of the Anti-women, Anti-science, Pro-violence, Pro-slavery and Other Crazy-Sounding Parts of Scripture【電子書籍】[ Dan Kimball ]
<p><strong>Is Reading the Bible the Fastest Way to Lose Your Faith?</strong></p> <p>For centuries, the Bible was called "the Good Book," a moral and religious text that guides us into a relationship with God and shows us the right way to live. Today, however, some people argue the Bible is outdated and harmful, with many Christians unaware of some of the odd and disturbing things the Bible says.</p> <p><em>How (Not) to Read the Bible</em> tackles big questions like:</p> <ul> <li>Does the Bible degrade women?</li> <li>Is the Bible anti-science?</li> <li>How could a loving God command such violence in the Old Testament?</li> <li>Does the Bible endorse slavery?</li> </ul> <p>Bestselling author Dan Kimball guides you step-by-step in how to tackle many of the real questions that people wrestle with when reading the Bible and how to make sense of many of the more difficult and disturbing Bible passages.</p> <p>Filled with fun stories, visual illustrations, and memes reflecting popular cultural objections, <em>How (Not) to Read the Bible</em> is a lifeline for anyoneーChristians and doubters alikeーwho are confused or discouraged with questions about the Bible.</p> <p><strong>Yes, there are puzzling and disturbing Bible passages. . . But there are explanations!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。